Georgia weekly telegraph, journal & messenger. (Macon, Ga.) 1880-188?, March 31, 1882, Image 7
(jigggjguT Ulgftklg attbt 3fmmml & JHes^tTgieie. I BUDDutp death. (r. Jew Biin-ti Dies kuildealjr While M•**■»» la Bis Chair. The cjt- win surprised end shocked to lam Tftonfer of the death of Mr. Jere jaaeh, «no of the oldest and best known ptizens of Macon. Jlr. Janeh has been ailing for somo gate from n complication of disorders, £>ef aaong which was catarrh of the blad- er. 1U was on the streets as nsnal up to a t* ' esterday ho ate dinner and *! *P “* to rest, but in a few .**• Hie remains will be 25jP™W? th }» morning in charge of M ^rionS rpln ’ Wt ° WaS nm0B - his Tnnch was bom in Augnatn, came to n in his early manhood, and was t tty-four years old. Ho had fewer .» than most men, and his big heart »- _w al nature won for him a large cir- ie off ends. As was said of him yester- 1 Mr * * wss as square and upright in his jsalim: as was any man.” His fnmily rro ai png the first of Augusta, tho stone brother is left, now living in anbia onnty. Ho wi 1 be buried by the side of his wife l the c mclery in Augusta. On a Boom. Owing to tho addition of a sash, door ad bliad department, with builders’ hard- ore and building material, to their paint ad oil house, Messrs. C. Burke & Son »ve found their pre-ent quarters (their *• and elegant three-story, with base- tsnt, strrehon>e) inadequate to accommo- Umth. largo ctockTlhry will have on band, ed hare been compelled to seek nddition- .D-riOR nothing by halves, and (tlieving in tho bright fnturo before our stfi thry hare purchased the property known as the Goodall lot, on Fourth street, ( war Cherry, with a frontago of seventy bet, npon which they will erect a brick s/iomgo at once. We were shown ■Brough their extensive stock by Tom, the Irloverest o. oar young business men, who f has already built np, in a short time, the most trade in their line south of Baltimore. In their stock we noticed a large varietj of everything in the painters’ and bui'ders ; supply liie, which embraces p -into, paint- oils, glass, sash, doors, blinds anil builders' hardware. The prompt end courteous treatment received ty all who intrust their orders to this reliable firm has already made their name famous. Readv nt all times to meet honorable com panion in strictly tho best nrtides in their line, Uiey invite from those who have not alri udy given them a trial order to call and inspect their extensive stock, promising to convince the n that they will make it to their interest to give them their orders for future purchases. To-night. The play to-night, has reo.ived some of the best notiooa of the press. The Hous ton (Texas) Pott, of March 18tb, says: A large audience greeted the appearance of the Alvin Joslyn Comedy Company at Grayta opera honse last night- The com edy is written by Mr. Charles L. Davis, who appears in the title role, and it is a play somewhat on the “Joshua Whitcomb” and “Messenger from Jarvis Section” order, ers of New York city, among whom he proves the sharpest of the lot, always com ing out op tup and right sido up. The play has little, if any, literary merit, tad depends for its success npon well- n dramatic situation, which, though exaggerated in some instances, aro telling in tneir effect, and never foil to capture the spplense of the honse, forming thrilling tableaux for the finale of every act. “Alvin Joalin’s" visit to rich relrtions in New York is the ground-work of the play, which has bnt a sufficient plot to connect the dif ferent incidents and situations of which he becomes the heio, in trusting blindly to his unsophisticated impulses in mastering the rough situations that present themselves. The trials and misfortunes of “Jnlia Foid,” whoso cause * Joslin,” in his kindness of heart,'* champions at the repeated risk < his own life against the tyranny of n heav. villain, gives the pithos to the play, and famished tho materials for a happy inter weaving of tragedy and comedy, in jnst that proportion to keep the spirit of the audience noil balanced. “Joslin" is the leading attraction of the play, and the d oratter to which all othe-s are subser vient, and Mr. Davis’ conception of tho role ns the quaint New Eng’and farmer, ns shrewd ns hs is peculiar, is nn original piem of work both in acting and make-up, and for which he deserves the continuous npplaurc accorded him. in its execution. Most or the scenery need is the property of the comp ny, and the scene representing piur IS) East river, with the moon and stars altove- reflecting in the water, and hew York city illustrated in the distance, is very realistic. Well-Hcnted Mucccim. A gentleman once asked a distinguished dls- . musing druggist to explain the secret 1 the almost universal demand for Hr. itlchmnnd'l Samaritan Nervine. He said that :t was in fart a genuine medicine—such a eom- M>und as every good physician would prescribe lor the disease which it U advertised to cure. <>( course It costs less than any druggist would charge for the same article supplied on a physi cian', prescription, and. besides, there was a laving of the doctor's fee lu addition. More- r.lw.buylng the drugs in such enormous i.Ufies. anubavfng a perfect apparatus for -iKiundtng the mixture, he was r.ot only en- cd In get better articles iifthc first place, but ■ to present the medicine fn better form aud low twice tlian the same preparation could k'vdbly obtained from any other source. Ur. <1 has devoted all his energies to the m of human suffering. With this end ami with his whole heart In bor for tho benefit of the has achieved marked There can tie no merit. That his suc- by the fact that his and a phyilctkn does not Trnrltr— and the fact that there to a steadily rca'ing demand for the Samaritan Nervine , ,oves that It Is no nostrum, bnt a reliable remedy. He has repeatedly informed the pub lic that It to no {latent medicine, and no patent haseverbeen asked for or attained. Neither does be advertise it as a cure-all. ftere are hundreds of diseases that he acknowledges It win »ol cure. It may t« urged that some of Diesedhcn-esare so widely different that it f- ems absurd to prescribe the same remedy. Tiiey uuty differ In symptom*, yet in character tie lireeSely the same; and then wc must take into consideration the fact that remedies may neesMrarious properties. Thus, some medi cines are both tonic and alterative; others may i be tonic and laxative, the properties differing ■recordIng tr the quantity administered and Lthc time und circumstances ffblcb demand its nsed and the requisite mai h’liery tobe ired, are among the chief essentials. The ....1!,’Insured by purchasing the ingredlenU In targe anautltles. whereby the exercise of grredcr rare In selecting the materials can be afforded, and the second can only be accom plished Whare the business ?■ snfllelenily exten sive to warrant a Urge outlay of capital f n pro curing chemical apparatus. These U-tU apply with especial Interest to the manufacture of our medicines, their quality having been vastly improved sluce the demand has become so net as to require Ibrir manufacture Hi very Are not mere speculative marks tomblcad the reader, oru> imbue him v ilh false views of the superiority of onrmed- IrlaM. While inspecting Dr. Richmond s es tablishment you would be surprised to see the u iuiirable facilities, both chemical and me chanical, which he employs In the prosecution of his business. Everything Is arranged in the luoat-perfcctly systematic order, and while to tho general observer there appears to bo no room for Improvement, yet new apparatus and mechanical appliance are constantly being procnretl for too establishment. t J;nt»r IHsunAwHr-Sm . | t FINANCIAL. STOCKS AND BONDS IN MACON. OOBBSCIED DAILY BT LOCKETT & BOND, BROKERS. MACON, March 29,1882. Georgia 6 per cent bonds, dno lS->9-10S%r,*no% Georgia 6 per cent, bonds, (ohl) “ .„100 ftio; Georgia 7bcr cent, bonds (mortgage 108%ftiioj Georgia 7 per cent, bonds (gold quarter coupons).. 116543 Georgia 7 per cent, bonds, doe I896u 121 «126 Georgia 8 per cent, bonds.. —112 ftU5 Northeastern railroad bonds (Hid’d) 116 ft 118 ltraiwii n. it. oi Ain., isi ioongagc 114 Mill) Western R. K. of Ala., 2d mortgage lit (*115 Mobile and Girard railroad, (more.) 117 (ills Montgomery and EufauU 1st mort gage, lud's'd by & and 8. \V. R.R105 @107 Atlantic and Golf railroad, consoli dated mortgage HO tans City of Macon bonds 101 City of Savannah bonds 87 City of Atlanta 6 per cent, bonds. 100 City of Augusta G per cent, bonds- 1(0 Southwestern railroad stock 118 Central railroad stock.— 115 Central railroad scrip 90 Auguste and Savannah H. R. stock 118 Georgia railroad stock 166 Cotton Markets by Telegraph. LIVERPOOL, March 29.—Noon-Cotton In moderate demand and freely supplied; mid dling uplands 654: middling Orleans 613-16; sales 10,000; sjicculatioti and export 2,000; re ceipts if,,sort; American 3,950. Fntnres—Market dull; uplands low mid dling clause, March 6 40-61; March and April 6 40411; April and May 6 41-64Q6 40 Cl: May and June 6 47-6136 46-61; June aud JnlyC >7-6tft 650-64; July and August 655-61; Augn-t and September 65061; September unit u.-tober LIVERPOOL—5:00 p. m —Uplands low mid dling clause, April and May 63J-6I. Futures dull and easier. NEW YORK. March 29.-Noon -Cotton dull; sales 451; middling uplands! Orleans 127-16. Futures steady; March 12.12; April 12.15; May 12.33; June 12.52; July 12.67; August 'NEW YORK—Evening—Net receipts 460; gross 7,531. Futures closed weak; sales 141,000, ss follows: March— 12.05312.07 September -1231 April- ..12.07ft October ll.6W4ll.67 May .......12.21(412.22 November.-llA0ftU.52 June. 12:wftl2l0 December—ll.-ViftlI..'A July. .—12.55ftI2.56 January ft SAVANNAH, March ‘AMximi steady; mid dling US; low middling US: good ordl- tiary Injunct receipts 523; gross —; soles3000; AUGUSTA. March 29.—Cotton market quiet; nil nary ifo!; THE NYOilivfc> „ OF THE COLLIER CQMP’Y OF ST. LOUIS, MO.» ■Which were totally destroyed by fire on ^th S^pUiubsr 21, lobl. Are Rebuilt ! Orders are solicited for Strictly Pure White Lead and Red Lead. Cold-Pre«»ed and Pure Dark Caator Oil, Raw and Doable Boiled Linseed QiL lanSOeodUiia I __ and easy; middling 12; low middling 115^: good ordinary 11%: net receipts 1010 gross —; sales 300; stock 37,009. MACON MARKET. l'Bovtsioxs.—The marxet u active. Bacon— C. K. sides, 11. Bacon—shonlders none. D. S sides, 10%: D. 8. shoulders 8. Boston bellies, 11. Plain Western hams, 13% New York pig hams, 14. Lard.—Market very firm. Choice leaf, .In tierces, l?%ftl3; tubs, 13% N. Y. Refined, In tierce, 13; tufis, 13% Flour.—Market very firm: finest patent, *9.50; fancy, 18.56; choice family, $8.00; extra family, (7.75; family, *7.00; buckwheat, (10.50. Wheat bran, per cwt ( Comte—Market quiet with good demand; Choice Rfo, 15; prime, 14; good. 13; folr.12; ordi nary, 10; O. G. Java, 30; Mocha. 30. Grain and Hay.—Market very firm. White com, -1.01; mixed corn, 96. Feed oats, 65; rust K roof oats, Rye, (1.75. Western timothy ay, -corgla hay, (1.10. Com meal, plain (1.(6; boltol, (1.10. Hardware— Market good. Horseshoes (6.00 per keg; mule shoes (7.00. Iron bound homes Jt.50ft5.00. Tnu-e chains 4535Oe. per pair Ames' shoveU|12.00pcrdoicn. Plow hoes Ch7c. perDi. Haiman's plow stocks *1.75. Axes Si.u0 (*10.00 p*-r dozen. Cotton cards (5.00. Well buckets (1.50. Cotton rope IKc. pertb. Swede iron SA5Mc. per t:•: refine 3%ft4c. per lb. Plow steel 5%e per h Nails (3.65—base of 10-p. Pow der (6.40 |ier keg. Blast lug powder 14.00. Lead 8c. per lb. Drop Shot (2.00 per bag. Bagging andT.-ks— Pair demand; stock II 2% bogging, all Jute, none; 2 do., none; 1% 9%ftloe: arrow ties. (1.65: pieced ties. (1.25. Molakhem and 8ykui\—Cuba mclasses, 50; do, good, 55; honey drips, 50; Georgia syrup, 55. 8aI.T.—Liverpool, (l.lO: Virginia (1.25ftl.50. Knurrs—Apples. (5.00. Oranges, per 100 2(*5C. Lemons, i«r bex, (1.00 London layer raisins. (1.50. Irish Potatoei—Eastern seedling—Market active: demand good. Early Rose (4.75; Good- ich (1.75; Peerless (1.50; Snow Flake (4.75; Peach Rlow (4.75: Burbanks (4.75; Pink Eye (5.00; White Rose (1.75. Day Goods.—Market firm. Prints—standard 6ft6%!,lower grades 4%Sjt->%% solids 5%c. Tick ings 6%ftI8c. Hickory stripes 7%ft!0c, do. ' wn OJ^ftlOc. Wigans 6%ft7% Osuabiirgs— — “" T. eight oz. 10%c. ahectlngi—standard ;hter weights 7ft7% Sliirtlngs— ift6.% Checks—standard S% Ker- seys 12%S|ti. Kentucky jeans 8ft20; Western do. 2>ft40. Kwh.—No. 1 mackerel, "half bbls. , *7.00; do kits, (1.00; No. 2 do., hall bbls., ('>.75; kits, 65c.; No. 3. half barrels, (5.50; kits. 60c. Sugars— Market firm with good demand. Granulated. 10% standard A. 10%; white extra C, 10; extra C, 9% golden C, 8% N. O. white 10%. N. O. yellow- clarified, 9% Provision Markets by Telegraph BALTIMORE, March 29.—Floor quiet and steady; Howard street and Western superfine SI.50o4.7i: extra S5.00aC.00; family h6.2Tm6.75; City mills superfine S3.50a4.75; extra j|5.u0a5.a0; Uto brands s7.00n7.2i; Baltimore high grade family winter wheat patent 5.80. Wheatr-aouthom steady: Western lower but closed a shade better. Western red sjtot s 1.35a!.40: amber $1.4inl.4S; No. 2 Wes tern winter red spot t-1.3aalAS^/ Com—South ern sternly and Western strong and quiet. Southern white SO; yellow 76. Oats scan-e but firm: Southern 53a.»•,; Western white 5ta/s*o mixol 52o5l; Pennsylvania .i:'4>ifi. l*rovisions steady and in fair demand. "Mess |Hirk >17.|7.'uil3.50; bulk meats—shoul ders. and clear rib sides packed *7.75 and 810.62% ; Bacon—shonlders > 8.62% clear rib sines ■ 11.50. Ilatns 13.(J0n nl;i..50. Ijtnl retincil -1200. Cof fee quiet; Kio (cargoes) ordinary to fair 9al0. Sugar firm; A soft 9% Whisky steady at 1.19. Freights dull. CHICAGO, March 29.—Flour steady and un changed. Wheat unsettled and lower; No. 2 Chicago spring (l—5al.3i%cash; 135% April. Com steady with fair demand and firmer at cash; 63% March and April. Oats dull and prices a shade lower at 44%a45% cash; 42%M3% Starch knd April. Harley firmer at (L<t:aL03% forJc unsetf.’cd but generally liighcr nt (I7.05ql7.10 cosh and Ai«ril. Ijiril steady with fair! demand slo.!M cash; • 10.!>0 10.82% April. Bulk meats easier; shoulders (6.6^ short 9.70; clear 9.05. Whisky steady and unchanged at SlJlK. CINCINNATI, ; March 20.—Flour steady and unchanged. Wheat cosier; No. 2 red win ter (1.3lal.35. Cf-ra easier. No 2 mixed 72% Oats dull; No. 2 mixed 50%>50% Pork quiet at - 1S.CO. Lard firm at -10.90. Bulk meats quiet but-firm; shoulders ■ 6.87% rib *9.70: clear (11.00. Whisky steady nt (1.16. Combination soles of finished goods, 50UO bbls. on a basis of 1.16. Butter caster but not uotably lower. (Sugar firmer; hards 9%al0% tew Orleans 7,%68% Itogs steady and firm: common and bglit (5.5ua7.uo; packing and butchers' S6.60a7.po _ LOUISVILLE. March 29.—Provisions rtcady but not quotebly higher. Mess jmrk ? 18.50. Bulk meats nominally unchanged: shoulders *6.7306.87%' rib -9.70; clear *10.20. Bacon- demand fair anil firm; shoulders 47.50: rib 110.00; clear 110.J5. Sugar-cured hams (1225a $250. Grain market steady but firm; Wheat. No. 2 amber r 1 28al.S0; No. 2 red winter *1.28 al.30, Com—No. white 79: No. mixed 70a72 Oats, mixed 49. Ryo No. 2 so. Flour nomi nally _unchangcd; patent (8.57; extra family 8T. ''LOUIS, Jfarch 29.—Flour quiet and unchanged. Wheat lower and slow, closing at inside figures; Nh. 2 rod fall *1.29 cash; 1.29% April Com lower, but closed at inside figures at 68% cash; 67% April. Oat* higher at 49% bid cash; 46% bid April. Pork slow; jobbing 617.65al7.73. BuSk meats slow and unchanged. Lard firm for sme ll lots at . 10.65al0.75. W his ky steady at 1.17. NEW ORLEANS, March 29.—Flour quiet but steady; XX nominal; XXX $5.7:«6.25. Corn firmer, mixed | 82; white 105. Oats In fair demand ar,d higher; seed 5S; prime 60; choice’ 65. Pork scarce at (I8.12%a18.25; Lord fltm it Sjl35*U.£. Bulk Keats scarce and film; shMlfitrs '-7.C0; rib 02'1 long e.ear (10; dear -11.25.1 Hams—sugar cured dull;can- vassed ll..'4ial2i<i. Whisky steady; Western rectified (125. Cbffeeflrm; Rio (cargoes) ordi nary to prime 8%tll% Sugar steady; common to good commt'n 6%a0% yellow clear!fled 6‘iMK. Molasses dull; centrifugal 40afi0; rime 5Ca.i8. Rice strong and higher at 5J>7% ran dull at (1.20. Naval Stores WILMINGTON, March 29.-t.tmIts mrpenrine ..rm at 55. Rosin firm at (1.90 for strained: 1.95 for good ditto. Tar firm at (1.75. Crude tumcn- tlne firm at 225 for hard; *3.50 tor yellow dip. and (280 tor virgin inferior. Com firm: prime whltoOO: mixed 82%. ^ Great Germ Destroyer. DARBY’S PROPHYLAGi’IG FLUID. Pitting of Small Pox Prevented. DIoeni purified and healed. Gangrene prevented id cored. SmallsPox Eradicated Contagion destro: Sick rooms ontuftion dea troy ed. nj cored, ick rooms ponfied Dysentery cored, and made pleasaot. VYocrada healed > Fevered and eick per- eons relieved and refreshed by bath ing with Prophy lactic Fluid added IcAhe water. £oft ’ Yhits Complex* Ions —cured by its oie in bathing, fmpare Air made harmless and pari- -riuklint FI nit rap idly. Scorvey cored in a Bbort time. Tetter dried np. It is perfectly harm- For Sore Throat it ts a sore cure. fled by spr Darby's I aboot. To Porify the Breath, Cleanse the Teeth, it can’t bo anrpass ed. Catarrh rclievod and cured. Erysipelas wrad. Bums relittWl in- ' stantly. Scan prevented. Removes all unpleas ant odors. r— SCARLET FEVER CURE DIPHTHERIA PREVENTED. 3 Cholera dissipated. Ship Fever prevented b7 its ose. In cases c t death In the hoc #, it should always 06 used ahootthe corpse—it willprcvent any on. pleae 'ut smell. An Antidote for AdI. mat or Vegetable Fcisons, Stings,eta> Dangerous effluvia* of sick rooms aud hospitals removed by its n«e. Yellow Fever Eradicated. » Darby's Prophylactic Fluid is the only medicine in my family. We can use it for almost everything—horns, braises, stings, earache, sonr stomach, etc. My children when hart or bruised always call at once for Darby’s Fluid. We cannot get along well without it. Bav. John Mathews, Montgomery, Ala. Vandebott.t Cniveositt, Nasbville, Tens. It affords me great pleasure to testify to the most excellent qualities of Prof. Dar- by’s Prophylactic Fluid. Asa •Msinfectmit and detergent it ia both theoretically and practically superior to any preparation with which I am acquainted. N. T. Lupton, Prof, of Chemistry. From the eminent physician J. Marion Sims,M. D., New York: I am convinced that Prof. Darby’s Prophylactio Fluid is a most vulnuble disinfectant. In fact it is the great Disinfectant and Purifier rnwARED m •X. II. SCcilin Ss> Co„ Man factoring Chemists. Sole Puopnnrrons SEND FOR Illustrated Catalogue And Prices of DIAMONDS, WATCHES and JEWELRY —TO— d. P. STEVENS & CO., 34Wbiteliall St Atlanta,Ga, BLESSING Tu WOXAHKIHn. Off. tlsrksl Periodical Pills. Hellers all flliesits of collsr to the srpesrsnee sod cess*. Uon of the meases, alerine utitarN hteterU. else in meiasenous sod other mentsl dsrsnxsmeats. At ford prompt relief to tkoisdlitres*. in* beset a * down pslas so peeallsr women. Brice (3 per twx. Baa fro. York City. OR scrofala or any Blood Disorder, Dr F Dr ito either stage, whether prlmsrr, . , secoodsry or tertiary, sr. sn laru- riark O R ;u*ble remedy. They neTer fell to , n :.are when directloi-s sre followei AnliSyphiliUt ^ce^^r^nu| Ve >lv« Boxes A : rm« N invaluable behest Gonorrhoea rcr weakness of the Kidneys and Bladder. A quick and complete cere lot tv (days of all dinar/af feet Ion., snisitlc*. frequent crdlf Ecult urlnstioa, uioeous disel-aigei ana sedtmsnt la tbe urine from whaler,-r ceof. induced whether of recen* oi ltie sundlo*. to three boxes asuslly .aMeieat. fries I I ,terbo». S boxes toi 17. Zlsi.ed free on receipt of price. Aildiss. Dr. Clsrke Mediclae Louipsuy, Nsw York City, ciMARITAji 9"CURES FITS. ^1 Supporters kw NEVER FAILS. ^ WErviKp SAMARITAN NERVINE Cared my little girl of fits. She was also deaf ana* dumb, but It cured her. She can now talk and bear at well u anybody. Petek Boss. Sprlngwaicr, Wi*. SAMARITAN NERVINE Use been tbe means of curing my wife of rhrnmst Inn. J. It. Flktcuee. Fort Collins, Cob SAMARITAN NERVINE Made a tun: cure of .case of Bu for ray soil. _ E. B. Ralls, tllattivlllc, Ena. > SAMARITAN NERVINE Cured me of vertigo, neuralgia and atek headache. Mas. Wx. ItExaox. Aurora, III. SAMARITAN NERVINE Was the roc ana of caring my wife of spasms. Ret, J. A. Edie. Bearer, Pa. SAMARITAN NERVINE Cnrcd me of asthma, after spending over «3 000 wlt2 other doctors. S. R. llonao.v. New Albasy. Io2 SAMARITAN NERVINE Effectnally cured me of spasms. Miss Jexxie Wakrex. 740 West Van Buren SL Chicago, tlh SAMARITAN NERVINE Cenvl onr chttd of fits after given np to die by oar family physician, it having over imln 31 hoars. ilE.NRV Kxee. Vervilla, Warren Co.. Tcirn. SAMARITAN NERVINE Cured me of scrofula after suffering for eight years. AL3EET SDIFSOX, Peoria, 1U. SAMARITAN NERVINE Cured my son of Bta, after spending S240Q with other doctors. J. W. Tuobstox. Clalbora, Mias. SAMARITAN NBKVINE Cnted me permanently of epileptic fits of a stubborn character. Ret. Wx. Mabtix. Mechanic-down.Ud. . SAMARITAN NERVINE Cured my son of fits, after having had 236 in eighteen month*. Mrs. E. Fossa. West Potsdam, N. Y. SAMARITAN NERVINE Cared me of epilepsy of nine yean' standing. Mias Oslexa Mat-hall. Granby. Newton Co.. Mo. SAMARITAN NERVINE Has permanently cured me of epilepsy of many years duration. JaoobSctxe. St. Joseph, Mo. SAMARITAN NERVINE CuNdmeo.bronchitis, asthma and general debility. Oliver Myers, fronton, Ohio* _ SAMARITAN NERVINE Rss enred me of asthma; a!«> scrofala of many years standing. Isaac Jewell. Covington, Ky. _ . SAMARITAN NERVINE Cared me of Hie litre been well for over four years. Charles E. Cubtis. OsaUs.Donglass Co.. Minn. SAMARITAN NERVINE Cared a frit-ad of mine who had dyspepsia very badly. Michael O’Coxxoa. Rlilgway, Pa. SAMARITAN NERVINE Has permanently cared me of epileptic tits David Tbexdlt, Dcs Moines, Iowa. . _ SAMARITAN NERVINE Cured my wife or epilepsy of as year* standing. UexcvClaee Fatrtlcld, Mich. „ SAMARITAN NERVINE Cured my wife of a nerrons disease „r thehred. E. Geahax. North Hope, Pa. „ , SAMARITAN NERVINE Cam] my son of fits. He has not hid a fit for about four jean. joax Davis. Woodburn. Uaconota Co., Ill. SAMARITAN NERVINE IS FOR SALE BY ALL DRUGGISTS IUIERE (S A BiLtl IX GILEAD Tor an ,**»s of Spermstorrhessa/ imp-.eitcy, a. the resnlt of sell abas- i, yo u. sexual exetsses it yc.i*.or othei causes, s' d pro* tclrg i-u. of tho following rffee* baivontjest. Sen-lna] i.iM/sois tilaul emissions by d reams) i> n.a-.-*» of Sight, lief sc. .live M—ro-y, I’l.ys.ea' Decay. Pim ples o' 8«'C. Aversion no Society of Ken.-t-... Coo'us'.oo of Ideas. Lots o* wesoal l ower, etc. reodsr- liiYigoraliog Pltlt. df'**'* 'a^oi-cr or ,VWi botee 13 heat t>y nisi,. rrrp«i-L c* rweif* »f Ald/ets Dr curt, u.cit'.ae Company, hots tTar* f Att A Lending London Phytt felon establishes an OMlcaia Ktwlstki far tko Care of v. EPILEPTIC FITS. From A m .Journal ofXedicint. has simply been ostoaiabing; wsbanhsud of ossas of anrWntnf standing,sunuitsmlly cured hyhnn rte has pnblislied a work on this dissaas, which be sands vnthaUrgabottlsof his wonderful enre frso to any sufferer who may send their express and P.O. Eddrssa. zz42nd~ Popular Monthly Drawing of the ATTENTNON ! PLANTERS! FARMERS. INSURE YOUR DWELLINGS IN GOOD COMPANIES LOW RATES. At REES’ INSURANCE AGENCY, 84 MULBERRY STREET, MACON, GA. Eftl) CtlR TE * TONS Equitable Ammontntcd Soluble Tone Pho phate of Lime. Ten-tons rUll u.vliu ptsolvc*! South Carolina Dissolved Boue, by HENRY E. REES, 84 Mulberry St., Macon, Ca. THE FOSS & PEVEY COTTON CARO ! / JOHN M. PEVEY, Proprietor, Lowell, Mass. Agent Bibb Manufacturing Company, Macon, mar24wly 07-Reference: J. F. HANSOM, Georgia. The Uni tod’s tatce Circuit Court, on March 31, rendered the following decisions: 1st—That the Commonwealth Distribu tion Company is legal. 2d—Its drawings aro fair. N. B.—The company has now on hand a large reserve fund. Bead carefully the list of orizes for the MARCH DRAWING. 1 Prize $ 30,000 1 Prize 10,VO 1 Prize. 6,0C0 10 Frizes $1,000 each 10.0CJ 20 Frizes 000 each 10,000 100 Prizca ICO each 10,000 290 Prizes 60 each 10,900 GOO Prizes 20 each 12,0(0 1,000 Prizes 10 each 10,000 9 Prizes 300 each, ap’rox prizes 2,7CC 9 Frizes 200 each do do I/GO 9 Prizca 1G0 each do do 9C0 1,9G0 Prizes $112,406 Whole Ticket*, $2. Half Tickets, $1. 27 Tickets, $60. 65 Tickets. $100. Remit Money or Bank Draft in Letter, or eoud by Express. DON’T SEND P t REGISTERED LETTER OR POST-OF FICE ORDER. Orders of $5 and upward, by Express, can be sent at our expense. Address all orders to R. M. BOARDMAN, Courier-Journal, Louisville, K or same person 309 Hroadway. N Y. WILBOR’S COMPOUND OP IPURE COD LIVER OIL AND LIME. GUANO! Baker’s Standard, Sea Fowl, St. Goorffo, B Zell’s. Tho above are nil first clnxs brands. Baker’s Standard han the highest commercial value of any guano analyzed in Atlanta, tin., this year. Apply to CUBBEOGE Sc ESTES, 157 Second street, Macon, On. marl 7w4t WHITE & MILLER, Corner Broad and Hnnter Street*, Atlanta, Ge >rgza. G EKEBAL AGENTS FOR THE Mitchell Wagon -IN- North and South Carolina Gcor^in, Alabama and Florida. The attention of dea’ers is called to the fact that we are prepared »o ship ct rbortno- S3 SSurTKSto'” AND STATIONARY ENGINES. iliinii t nifitl fin tali in iii k _ Wf ACTION Don’t purchase until jou confer with us. Send for mar5eod&w3m ffi Or may be hsj direct from tw. For further lntorma- tlqn inclose stamp fur our Illustrated Jourtul giving evidences of cures. Address i>u. s. a. iticn>rovir<fc co., World's Epileptic Iuslllute. ST. JOSEPH, MO. FOR SALE BY LAMAR. RANKIN & LAMAR S TARTLINQ -. DISCOVERY! LOST MANHOOD RESTORED. ■ A victim of youthful imprudence causing Premature Decay, If errata Debility, Lost Min- hood, etc .-having tried in vain every known remedy,his discovered a simple scUcurc.whlch he wilt send FREE to his feiiow-sufferers, ad dress J. H. BEEVES. 43 Chatham fcUN.Y. -W To Onr rind All.—Aye yon unffcy- ing from a Cough, Cold, Asthma, Bronchitis, or any of the various pulmonsry troubles that so often end in Consumption 7 If so. use" Wil bur's Pure Cod-Liver Oil and Lime,” a safe and sure remedy. This is no quack preparation, but is regularly prescribed by tho medical fac ulty. Manufactured only by A. B. Wilbob, Chemist. Boston. Sold by all druggiita cod Aw EORGIA, TWIGG3 COUNTY.—By virtue of _ ' the power vested In me by & deed executed byW. A. Wlglns of said county, on the 29th day of Marcli, 1878, and reeortled In the office of the clerk of the Superior Court ot said county, in Book P. folio 375, on the 2d of April, 1878,1 will on the first Tuesday In April next, during the legal hours of sale, before the court house door in Iho town of Jeffersonville, In said county, sell to the highest bidder for cash, the following land: That parcel of land in the twcnty-flftn (25th) district of origi nally Wilkinson, now Twiggs county, known os the AUcn Beekora plantation, being the S ince w hereon said IV. A. Wlglns resided at tbe ate of said deed, and now resides, containing one thousand (1.000) acne* more or less, and bounded br the lands of J. It. Cook on the north, nnd lands of Thomas Lowe on the east; and lands of G. W. Faulk on the southeast, and lands of A. F. Beckoci on tbe south, and lands ot H. M. Loylesson the west. it being the place bequeathed to sold W. A. Wlglns by his moth er, Mary A. Faulk, or a sufficiency thereof to pay this debt, nnd Interest and attorney’s fees nnd costs, as per terms of said deed; to-wit: two thousund six hundred and eight dollars and ninety-two cents ((2608.92) for principal and interestdue up to said day of sale (April 4, 1882); and two hundred and ilxty dollars and eighty-nine cents ( 260.89). ns attorney's fees nnd the cost oi this advertisement, to-wit, twenty-live dollars. Good nnd sufficient titles will he made to the purchaser or pur chasers as specified in said deed. There is a contingent remainder in one-half the land nnd the sale will he subject to this tfaid land fa told for tho benefit of the undersigned, the f'\ EORGIA, BIBB COUNTY.—Whereas Sld- tXney II. Boynton has applied for exemption oTpcnonaltvand setting apart and valuation mnrlitwtd’ GEORGIA, BIBB COUNTY.—Whereas, Ben jamin M. Tarver has applied tor exemption of r<nKv nnd setting apart nnd valuation ol Homestead, and I will pass upon the same at 10 o’clock a. m. on tho 24th day of April, 1882, at my office. J. A. McMANUS, Ordinary, mcn28owtd.* ness,... Wi Marcl tilth. 1882 ... if any,. DANIEL BULLARD. d30d tds. Macon 4r© the easiest, safest and best in tha world. For sale hero. A radical cur# for •“,f5K fh^ora of I 'MAR, RANKIN A LAMAR.'or by any pb - idan in tha city at their offices, if preferred. Tbs True 8lory ora Mutter’s (tele. He was a halter living at No. 319 Kent Ave., Brooklyn, N. Y. He woe out of work for tho nonce, having been with D-m- lan, the Broadway hatter, for resrs. Hts name was Michael Doyle. He had afrisnd who Bought for him half of a ticket No. . 95,785 in the February drawing of the Lou- i-.ann. Siato_, Lottery by communicating withM. A. Dauphin, New Orleans, La., and he received $15,000 cash. He had bought tickets for four years before. At last luck enmeto bis door. He was at home Who is the next to «3o likewise be- foro April llth, tho day of the next draw ing. [ Mohawk. Feb. 25,1879. W». M. Giles <t Co., 120 West Broadway Now Y’ork: ... De A b Stas—Enclosed please und a check for one quart of your Liniment. I nee it for almost everything, nnd I know it to be the boot I kuow of or have seen tried. It prevents all discolorations from bruise-*, nnd in neuralgia, headaches,etc., it is king. When you struck Iodide Ammonia, you struck a bonanza, and a big one, too. Send the Liniment to the address of H. H. Basket. Mohawk, N. Y. Trial bottles 25 cents. mark islr offices, if preferred. • LAMAR, BAKKJN * LAMAJL tt Kola Agent* for Macon. Ga. Am enricher of the blood nnd purifier of the system: cures lassitude and lack of en ergy; such is Brown’s Iron Bitters. lw CANTATAS, OPERETTAS! Now wind up the mttsiral season with the performance of one of our popular Cantatas. S]>cclmen copies promptly milled for the prico here mentioned. Joseph's Bondage ( 1.00), Rntli and MCrCQ Nnomt tel.00). Uelshnzxer ( 1.00). 1‘rodl- cal Son (75 cents), or the easy Daniel (50 cts.), or father (30 cts.) renin* Dennett’s Stay Queen ( lh Root's nay- CCultir makers (-1), or New Flower Queen 75 cents). fln*Pt>ll«a Barber of Bath (50 cents). Falomite UptluUlS ( 1.25), Rohlnsonade (50 cts.). Bleep ing Queen (80 cts.). Caps and Saucers (25 cts.T, Diamond Cut Diamond (31.00). For nt Guardian Angel (50 eenU). Home ln Fairy Land (60 cento), Lesson in Charity (60 rents). Little Bo-I’ccp (60 cento). Quarrel Among Flow- “Tcento). Spring Holiday (00 cents), Threo Kittens (* celt*., Twin Sisters (50 cento), a Patience (-1), Mascot (50 rents). - ‘ ' - — -~nts>. WM MP ! (60 cento), 1 > Bo-Peep (« era (35 cento). Sprin Little Kittens (-50 re Ideht Operas T?;uV by Jury (30 rents). BiUee Taylor (50 cento). Little Duke(rl.CO), ifinaforo •5u <> i '--- 1'irate* i l.'» ■ ■ GLIYEB. riTSON & CO.. Bo»ton. O. H. DTTftON A CO. M3 Broadwav N. Y. Sitter 5 Hostetteb's Stomach Bitters Is the great household medlcina of the American people and Is taken everywhenya a sale- guard against epidemics and cnacmics, as a remedy for dy5pcpsia, biliousness and Irregularities •( the bowels, as a cure ior chills and fever and rheumatic ailments, as a sedative in nervous cases, aud as a genera! invigorant and restorative. For alo by all druagists and dealers gener ally, lw JULES MOMM & CO. CHAMPAGNES. BEWARE OF IMITATIONS. Seo that the corks are branded Jules Musi.m & Co. I offer to my customers, and Jho public in general, these really superior Dry and Extra Dry Hines at lowest prices, these reliaolo champagnes need only a trial from connoisseurs to be appreciated. Drink (tie Win* nnd not tbe susbelll W. R. COX, Sole Agent, For MACON, GEORGIA. mar2Seodlm. W. IWcKAY, Principal. A First-Class Institute f»r Practioal Business Instruction. Bcok- keeping, Etc. C7”Fine Penmanship a Specialty-^31 Taught by one of the best Artists in the South. LOCAL ENDORSEMENT. We, tho undersigned, merchants, bankers, professional men and others of tho city of Ma- con, recommend the '‘Macon Commercial Col- lege.” Professor W. McKay, Principal, as an In stitution worthy of public patronage, ana It thtrearcof a gentleman fully competent for the position, ami who has the confidence of this community: Felix Corpvt, mayor of tbe city of Macon. 8. T. Colkmas & Co., wholesale dry goods. Cuffoud ANDEnsost, Att'y-UciicrnI Suite ol Ga Georgs T. Kooehs' boss, wholesale grqrex*. Jons C. Cuki>, President Exchange Bank. M. Ncsseaum A Co., wholesale do - goods. Jaques St Jonsson. wholesale grw.ra. Camiaut A Curd, hardware merchants. I.C. Plant* Sox. bankers, . S. Waxkijiaum & Son, wholesale dry good*. Geo. S. tiDEAB, merchant, and patron of th» ICollege. I. C. r LAST, Pres. First National Bank of Mncon, J. W. Bubke & Co., printers and publishers. Henby l. Jewett, Pres. Capital Bank of Maeor. I). L. St C. B. Willingham & Co., cotton ware housemen. R. F. Lawtos. banker. J? E- Jones, President Central Georela Bank. J. F. Hanson, Agent Bibb Manufacturing Co. R. K. Hines, attorney at taw. Singleton, Hunt St Co., wholesale shoes St hats. Lamar, Rankin Si Lamail wholesale-’ Crawford County Sheriffs Gales. ft EORGIA, CRAWFORD COUNTY.—Will bo vTsold before the court house door In the town of Knoxvtlle, In said county, on the first Tues day In April next, within tho legal hours of ssle. the following described property, viz: One hundred one and one-fourth (101%) acres of land, the same being the south halt of lot number fifty-seven (57). in the first district of origtnnlly Houston now Crawford county, and known as the Simon Johnson place. Levied on as the property of Simon Johnson to satisfy a justice court fl. fi. issued from the Justice court of 491tli district G. M. In favor of Me. D. Dnntelly vs. said Simon Johnson. Levy made nnd returned to me by Wm. Reeves, constable. Tenant In |iossesslon notified. Property point ed out by plaintiff's attorney. Also, at the same time and place, one two- horse wagon. Levied on us the nrojicrty of Co lumbus Jefferson to satisfy a fl. fa. Issued from the county court of said county, in favor of 8. B. Brown vs. Columbus Jefferson. Also, at the same time and jilace, one buggy and hnmess. Levied on as the property of J. P. Taylor to satisfy a fi. fa. issued from the county eourt ot sum county in favor Coleman ,fc Newsom vs. J. F. Taylor, principal, and J. L. Parsons, security. . , Also, at the same time and place lot cf land number fifty-five, In the seventh district ol Crawford county. levied on as the property ol Snmuol It. Hawkins to satisfy t tax n. fa. vs. Samuel II. Hawkins. levy made by W. B. Da vis, B.C-.iind returned to me. Also, at the same time and place lot of land nmnt(er 68, in. the second district of Crawford county. Levied on ns the property of Matilda Omtcnouso to satisfy a tax fl. fa. vs. Matilda Gmtchnuso. Levy made and returned tome by W. C. Wilder, constable. March 1.1882 M. P. RIVIERE, Sheriff^ H. L. COOK, (HUM. COMMISSION MERCHANT Dealer in Produce and Staple Groceries, Cigars, Tobacco, etc., No. C8 Poplar street. Patronage solicited and satisfaction guox- liteeri feb!2 dnwly .utiiti am wm:sw> > CATARRH Bronchitis* AithwA anti Ileafucan « I your home. Ore«tixnpro^« — a a a .......——Jjnenttmade in turo PRYOR’S OINTMENT is A SPF.EDY AND SURE CURE FOR Blind or Bleedlnrj Files, Hemorrhoids, Sores, Ulcers, Tumors. Itching of the Farts, Fistulas and all Kindred Dis eases; alto of Burns, Corns. Felons, Ferer Sores, Scald Head, Tetter, Sore Ktpples, etc. Atlanta, Ca„ Aug. 25,1877. After an experience of twenty-five years In selling this ointment, and during that time having closely watched it* cflccto, and haring the testimony of my friends and neighbors to confirm my confidence In Its merits, I became ttoy etalr Wonderful Cures Effected —mrthe— ELECTRO-THERAPEUTIC BATIl. Dry Seat, Medical Vapors and Eleo- tro-Magnetism, Rationally Com bined to Meet the Indications of Various Chronio Diseases. J. W. MIGRATE, Late of Philadelpbia Ui y, With on experience of 16 years treating chronic disease by tho old system, will in- trodnee this new method of ti eating chron ic diseases by giving Trial Baths Free r That the afflicted may test its merits. Pa tients needing a course of treatment will require from one to threo weeks' time, ac cording to natare of disease Dr. Migrath uses bnt little medicine with this treatmsnt. The Electro-Therapeutic B&l* and Electricity does what heretofore was claimed for medicine alone. A competent lady matron will attend female patients. Office houn. from 8 a- m. to 9 p. m. Con sultation free and strictly confidential. ROOM ^7, convenient to parlor. Brown’s S * x b? 1 Hotel, Macon, Ga THE GEE A THEALING AGENT Is especially adapted to and is a positive cure for Rheumatism. Neuralgic, Sciatica. Paralysis, Incipient Consumption, and all The following diseases have been cured by this Bath with a few treatments—in many cases one course is nil that is roquir- Dropsy, Liver and Kidney'Ccmplmm eryr Spasms, Plies, Fever Soro-, Pams, Aches, Asthma, Pleurisy, Congestive < hills. Dumb Ague, Catarrh, Spinal Affections, Female Diseases, -«minalWoskners Throat.Lung and Heatt Diseases, titrictaro, Gravel, Gont, etc. Patients from tbe Bot Springs are especially adapted to this treatment No Shock, bat a Fleasant Vitalizine Sensation Imparted to tbe Patient For a weak Mid debilitated constitution its vitalizing and tonic effect is wonderful. It improves the complexion, promotes Nu trition and Digestion, removes Constirn- tion, and wbilo removing Ml Oppression of the system, o vercotnes Depression and Ex haustion. It purifies the blood, removes malaria aud prevents Typhoid conditions. It is a tonic sweat, cleansing the system intern «l!yand exlerally. , iebIGw3m Ludden & Bates’ Southern Music XI*- who. H b o to H S C3 - ft The Music House r ^f E South Wholooale Southern Distributing Depot —FOB HIE— (McriDg, Kranich & Bach, Mathushck, Arion and Southern Gem Pianos, Mason & Hamlin and Shontoger Organs. Seven I-eadinar Makers of tbe World. 200 Finest Instruments in Stock. BedBock Prices for cask or on Time. One Uniform Priie, and that the Lowest. The Only Piano and Organ Bouse in America Selling on»ihe One Price Plan. Lowest prices printed in plain figures. One price to all. No deviation. No over charging. Prices fixed nt the smallest per centage above cost that will eive a living profit. The poor negro in Texas buys as low by letter as the Savanoah millionaire who comes in person. No misret resenta lion. No exaggeration. No deception or trickery. No pretensions tobe manufac turers when we tire not. No competition with cheap makers. Non-} but standard instruments, from reliable makers, sold. This, our policy for ten years past, will be adhered to m the fature. Square trade for Best instruments for Least ivlonev Ihtre are cheaper instruments than oats, bnt none as good for the monoy. Boyers in any part of tbe South will save rnpney by ordering from ns. We are Manufactur ers’ Distributing Agents for the South, and placo more instruments yearly than all otbqr Southern Dealers combined. Baying from ns is buying direct from tho Manu facturers, and secures Facto*y Rates to the onrchsiter, 5000 Instrument* for 8 882 I'J' tender con t tact. nnOrnnstbesuld. New Catalogues and Price Lists ready. Special freight rates secured. Fifteen days Test Trinl. Every concession, every inducement that con be offered by honest dealers who intend to keep their promises. Ludden & Bases are right np with the times, and in the front rank. None can nnderbny them; none can undersell them. White us iv you want an Isstbumsnt. LUDDEN & BATES, Savannah, Ga. marSwly James H. Campbell, t dnifgfatc. and merchant. Students Can Enter at any Time. HlTCircnlara sent free. Address Foxt-offlcc Box 422, Macon. Ga. tnarltlAvvlm O PIUM I BYB. M. WOOLLEY, At- i lUlfl j lantn, Ga. Reliable evt- HABir I deuce given, nnd references Cure. 11° cured patients and phyei- cinns. Bend for my book on The Habit and its Cure. Free. doclOdawc-nmly imrrar’Q business ULUUIUj o UNIVERSITY, Atlanta, Os. One of the *lx^t . practical •rhofibin Urn ountrv (Srnitani mailmFRRfc S WRISKERINE^!'-*; A ht. to IUI M rmd WU> I||H CL iafi tW* nfis NEW FIRM. X$TE have opened in Forsyth, a genera if Grocery and Provision business. Odt friends and the friends of Capt- J, *V. Du mas, who is with us. will find us at tbe old stand of Dumas ft Alien, where we will be glad to see them. _ , nrarl7w3ro* W. T. MAYNARD & SON. especially for all term* oi Fites. BEAD THE TESTIMONIALS: This is to certify that I have Irlcn Pryor's Pile Ointment in a case of piles, and state that It gave more relief than anything I bnve ever tried. I further state that os a remedy for hunt* it is unparalleled. I also used it tor a case of tetter In my feet, of twenty years’ stand ing. aud ray that ft to the first thing that 1 have over tried that gave me more than momentary relief. I consider now that I am entirely re lieved from that distressing disease. JOHN D. NEWSOM, Troup County, Go. Having been afflicted for ten years, at Inter vals, with that distressing malady, the piles, and after many ineffectual trials oT the rcm- dlcs in common use, I commenced a short time ago to use your Pile Ointment. 1 experienced immediate relief. From the relief experienced In my case, as well as from the reputation so nipldly acquired by vour Ointment iu this vi cinity, I have no hcsltatioL In expressing tho opinion that It fa the most efficient remedy fo plies ever invented. O A. BULL, •LaGrange, Gr 7 his fa to certify that I used Pryor's Ointment in a ease of severe hum. and that In a few days it was entirely .relieved of all tnlhumnationteiid healed rapidfy. After the first application of tbe Olutment, the patient suffered no pain whatever. It. J. MORGAN! LaGrange, Go. By the advice of Mr. Wynn. I used your Pile Ointment on nservant girl who had been suf fering for eight years with a most aggravated cose of piles. 8no Improved frqin the very first day's use of yonr Ointment, and before using tho box she was entirely recovered. G. W. FOSTER. Cusieta, Ain. This is to certify that I hove used Pryor's Pile Ointment, and say that it is. in my opinion, the best remedy for piles ever presented to the pub lic. I feay this from a positive application of the remedy on nr own pertfin. THUS. 1*. MOKGAX Troop County, Ga. For sale by all dealer* in medicine. Price, FIFTY CENTS i*KK BOX. Sent my mail on re ceipt of price. l>r. J. BR.Vl)FlELI>, Atlanta. Ga. For pale everywhere by Druggists and rounr try mrcehants. mar5iri«S:w TO DENT8STS. * rnHE Georgia State Dental Society will A meet in Maeo-', May 9th, 1882, and re main in sessior. three or fonr days. The State Board of Dental Examiners will meet nt the samo time and place to consider ap plications to practice Denli»tr~. Tho law prohibits any one from beginning the prao- tice of Dentistry subsequent to the 24th of Angust, T82, without a license from the t-tato Board. AH temporary license ex pire at this mt-eting. Persons holding a Diploma will be granted license with fee or examination. 6TA5K HOARD OF EXAMINEES t Drs. J. H. COYLF. Ch’m. G. Wi McELHANY, A. <•>. BOLTON. R. B. BARFIELD, - L. D- CAREEN TER, Ees. Atlanta, Ga., March 2Sth, 1882. ditwlt. THE BINGES & CONAJtr. BKAfTITO, FVFR.IU.OOW.: -. ROSES The only ratabh-hment trtr.k;oK n 6V ,J BUSINESS of ROSES. o<J LAfiCt v* . for ROSES alone. WeCIVE AWAV. • c mrt- umt and Extras- men- POcES t' > - - *- liahiaentg frr BtrcowPet Plant- rattehlMw-Lxiam « to wm.!.p.-.-n--:«af-l;-.t.V.p-nAt C srleadul\ .ir i-;:,-:. yo ir <-‘io ce, -- ' 'W i2 f.irS2: IJf->-S?t 2-.: rfp .13 1 r 41; ?Jle 6ICS I00fur*i3. ber HEW QUID-. - THE DlMCEE & COWARD C L Bass am»-er», Wc»* Gror. Ctew r - m. teataTictuuCa. * MILL & FAGTORY SUPPuE* OF ALL KINDS. BELTING. f and PACKING, OILS, PUMP* AaX KINDS, IRON PIPE, FlTtKtii* BRASS GOODS. STEAM GAL«3S, ENGINE GOVERNORS. Ac. Stina* Price-Hit. W. H. DILLINGHAM A CSi 421 Main Street, LOUISVILLE,'Kt. iGoId, Silver ami Nickel Plagfg. Itnda eerily tc*c Iii:bu>m4rt,*»Zjqr*y*£ Tmm WKtro-n ik o* i c-.y, a oj*t 8llrt*r,p«1 ll« iv to Viakr I».a H p;». I*m« K i *mrff— [orb ubu «>iam|^, Kvrry lnducvr.ioat d«ur '©per* «rl*o dt»itv to »uu% in Uu» ‘ — W-' B _ Fourteen dlfitrent rizc* and kiuda. !--"t with enaniclc*. n- crvolra. Aitnirafl tt-ff requirements, und priced to miultuim LEADING FEATURES: Double Wood Doors Patent Wooddiatg. In-table Damper, Interchangeable taii ifil -shelf. Broiling Doer, .*.winiring lUsttblM^ swinging Flue-Stop, Revcndblo Ctofa ifir Long Cross Piece, Double Short Otnteatifiaqw Itin*- Crvers. Illuminated Fire Deal SLataS Knout, Nickel Itmeta, etc. - Uncounted In Material, In Finish, oft ta operation. Mauuf-.cturcd by ISAAC A. SHEPPARD & CC.BaMnwxiJBB And for rale by 9SQ. I. OBEAK, 92 Cherry Street. Mwm.’Oa. U malM nutt V> •1* «M>lUrant(, nr V r. (fiUrUfflt. |l AfiiUlNi roiftH )-!:! fitoatMImf —- - - ® pfM. lull t antic* lftui* TtaiWtkr* .fV»jri»Wtfi>. .-K < In.ttTM(,»ic. luTtalBnU* ta at!. 2m-1 will W foiiT.4 won irllfiLfa fat ••br'Juc v.* “ -in(iiTH(ii frwwa ia a wanacr ajlnuu* \V» atakaa v I-Utairr*, Trwrtmm m*.A VirM Qm*to*ri. A i qx B- H. FEEBif fcCO.. ON 30 DAYS’ TRIAL 1 We Wilt. Sesd os THIRTY Dan* Tee a* Sr. Dye’s Electro Voltaic BsSar, Su«penaories, and other Electrics Iggfi ancas TO MEN suffering Irocx Kuons Debility, Lost Vitality, etc, ppeed^jr sm- ntoring Health and Manhood. A-r. fie Rheumatistp, Paralysis, Li * er and Xxtaqp Troubles and irony other dif.-'Viea. Ite tratod pan pblot free. Address VOLTAIC BELT CO.. MvshtU. 1 CORRECT If you want theBcst Time KccperfovtfcaMittrptara can he bought anywhere in the WoriAgtaaow Lancaster Watch QUICK-' HIRM SIBLEYS m Will mall FREE tlirir Cate, logue tor 1882, containing •> Am descriptive Price - Unef Flower, Field and Garden SEEDS Bulbs. Ornamental Gnumt and Immortelles, Gladiolus, Lilies, ltoses, Plants. Oarfsa Impleincnls. lteanttf- Jlyilina- tratcd.OvcrlOOpagei>. Addreas ROCHESTER,N.Y. * CHICAGO,ILL 179-183 East Kiln St 200-208 f PartietUar Kctioe. All the Drawings (tail hereafter taft under the exelcsh 3 supervision end eft» trol of Gedcrala G. T. BDAUBBOM» and JURAL A. EARLY. ASPLENDID UFFORTUNITYTOWnt a FORTUNE. FOURTH GRAND KS- TRIBUTION, CLASS D. AT NEW/OR LEANS, TUEsrAY, ai'pil use, mu 113d monthly drawing. Lcuitmca Statfl lotteiv OWBfWW Incorporated in 1868 for 25 year# by Legislature for Educational mid O s'taa bio purposes—with a capital ot (UOM —to which a reservo tami at oner ha* since been added. By an overwhelming' popular xfc Ma franchise wm made a part of tbo/eismt State Constitution adopted DeocmUrJfc. GRAND SINGLE NUMBER Dnmm ings will take place monthly. . It never scales or postpones. Lock ft: the follawm^Diat^taiUii^oQ^ 100,000 TICKETS AT T’.vO EACH, HALF TIOKETP,ONEDUE~ LAR. 1JST OF FRIZES. 1 Capital Prize 1 Capital Prize 1 Capital Prize... _ 2 Frizes of $2^00 VJ 6 Prizes of 1,000 JR 29 Prizes of 600 ft: 100 Piizes of 100... 200 Prises of 60. lg 600 Prizes of 20 ft- 1000 Prizes of 10 K*- APPROXIMATION PRIZES. 9 Approximation Prizes of $300-. .1 • 9 Approximation Prizes of 4-- 1 ’ L 9 Approximation Prizo3 of $100. 1,857 Prizes, amounting to.. Ren AV. I*. BURT, Dentist! AMERICUS, GA. JJLEVEN years residence in Americas. Continues to offer his services to the peo ple Southwest Georgia. Correspondence solicited. mar2ddAwtf NOTICE. Ti lxE undersigned will, thirty days after date, apply on behalf of the South Macon Baptist Church, to the city council of Macon, for titles to the vacant lot nnd encroachment located in the upper part of the city and bounded by Orange, Columbus and Spring streets. A. V. LAMAR, O. C. SMITH. WESLEY LEWIS, mnr?81awfw Committee. ROOK CRYSTAL Spectacles CHARLES If. SOLOMON, ftolt; Agent. Besponsible corresiording age: ed at ail points, to mum liberal salion will be paid. „ . _ For further information, wr.ta wrAi giving full address. Send orders i-p' <*■- iresa or Registered letter or Mcw/txa*- iy mail; addressed only to ' M. A. DAUPHIN New Orieaotv or M. A. DAUPHIN, 127 La Salle Street, Chicago,11. or M. A. DAUPHIN, 607 Seventh St., Washington. 5>- C- The New York office is removud to te N. B.—Orders addrcajod to New C * ! 1 •** will receive prompt attention. 1 he particular atteutioa of the rztVi: - called ro the tact Fiat tho entire of tbe Tickets for each Vonthlv Dte- A4 ii sold, and conseqnfcntiy all the each drawins are sold and drawn sra to* From Professor A. JackBou, Lsv-ff t’s varsity, Quebec : ’T lutve u.ed a *- of Colden’s Liebig’s Liquid Exlracd Beef end Tonis Invigocator, in n.y practice, nnd can recommend it tremoly useful in cr.-et of debi.ity wexk digestion, retiniriog streaj:k»!t nourishment. Ask,t< ■' < 'olden'r, r -<vrr other. Oi druggists g.--'eral ly- Bold and Silver S Howta Sait*. asssc rxi S3 Care Dsiiitliiril. r.**t *t.hq Joe KiOk fifii. fie