Newspaper Page Text
ID?* dteocgfa Slftatltlg? ant* 3f««im«i£ & 3®s^$£«gj£K
Some day, »oiiio day of day*, threading the
With idle, heedless pace
Cnlooklng for roch grace,
1 rhall behold four face!
Some dey, kome day ofdaja, thtu may we meet
Perchance the »un may ahlne from akleaof May,
«r winter’* Icy chill
Touch whtlely vale and bill.
What matter? I shall thrill
Through cvwy'vcln witli summer on that day.
Once more life’* perfect youth will all cqmo
And for a moment there
I >hall rand fresh and fair.
Decisions Rendered April -4th, 1882
the matter to the grand jnry of tlio United I suitable place tor the erection of a Jorge | BUPItJQJIE COURT OF UEOUOfA
States Court, or in all probability, under the I ginning establishment. They have visited
orderof that coart already issued, HieSupc- | Atlanta, Selma, Montgomery and Hcnts-
rior Court of Gwinnett connty w ll find nn ville, nnd are now in the Hill City on the
ndictraent which willthenbeforwarded to I same business, they propose to ran the
the United States Court, where it will be | business on a new system, and while it
prosecuted. This coarse is to obviate the would be a revolution of the old manner,
difficulties in the way of n grand jury of we think it practicable. Their idea is to
a Federal Court finding an indictment for I erect very extensive works, large enough
an offense which is against a State law. to gin a hundred bales of cotton per day if
Darien Gazette: Mr. Jameo Hunter dear- necessary, and a' ter it is ginned to press i t in
ed on Saturday, the 25th, the German bark small bales, each one being exaotly the
Htnricb Rodbertns, Captain Leppier, for same weight, something after the xnarner
Waterford, fix-land, with a cargo of 118,- I in which the Dederick press which was ex-
177feetofhewntimD‘-r,valnedat$l,18l77; 1 hibitedatthe exposition tamed ont tho
14^835 feet of sawn timber, valued at *1,- I small compact tales. The cotton in tbeso
6-26.81*nnd 10,012 feet of deals; valued at I bales will be classed at the gin, and cov-
$110.46; on Monday, the 27th, the N'orwe- | ered entirely, and on this cover the grade
Once more'myperfect^ouafwUl'noUilng lack, j gian bark Nina, Captain Mitchelson, for I of cotton and’weight of bAle wiIlbestamp-
Dnec more my i>cricci youm w... uomms Sioucestei. England, with a cargo of 873,- ed, ready for shipment direct to the. spin-
my eyes. now thinking li
How, face lo face, each soul
Will slip its long control.
Forget the dlimal dole
Of dreary Fate’s dark, separating tea;
And glance to glance, and hand to hand In
Tbepaat, t&h all lu fears,
Itsstlcnre and tears.
Shall vaaUbtafth JraSmemfSTthat meeUng.
UIQUvCHOIt I.Ukiilllu, nlUl «» WU W* w”} w . _
246 feet of hewn timber, valued at $4,105.- I ners. The proprietor»of the establishment
10: and 18, C C8 feet of deals, valued at I will buy the cotton in the seed from the
- - - ,—-The Hi" ~ ' ’* 1 ‘ ■ ‘ * “
Hilton Timber and Lum- [ planters if they can convince them that it
her Com puny cleared on Tlmssday, the
:#lh, tho Hritish bsrk Joe Reed, Captain
Edwards, for Montivedeo, South America,
with a cargo of 408,828 feet of sawn timber,
i valued at $6,318.07; on Friday, the 31st,
; tho American schooner Henry R. Congden,
Captain Dir, for New York, with a cargo
of 240,000 feet of boards, valued at $£800;
on yesterday the American schooner Etta
will ba to their advantage to sell in that
Fbank Madden, Frank Miller, Jim Fel
ton. George Bonner, Bob Givens, John
Smith, Ed Redd. John Adkins, Dick Law
rence and W. N. Littlefield escaped from
tho Muscogee county jail Saturday night.
The latter tbreo returned to jail a few boars
later, and one of them informed the jailer
Bore’s new Ice-works will be ready by
A. Stimpeop, Captain Martin, for’New of w ^ at had transpired. Says the Sun:
1 ork, mth acargo of 246.000 feet of lnm-I *ip}, 0 escaped prisoners were among the
ber and_4^000 feet ef boards, valued at I occn pant* 0 f three different cells. The
$4,800.- Mcffiff. James K. Clarke ^ Co. | on side of the jail are all fastened
ay. , 1 V* i 4U *ruu tZX*' 06113 on Piae of the jail aroall lastenei
Fo.,v. U x,i. P ™p.rt W (o, ^
-5Wn t. d SfSsfTik?After they have closed the doors the jailer
Tnz Atlanta Gazette is for Henry Grady JarkElwin Kreplln, Captain Fisher,, for ThT^e Hme.^atarfay irantagthepri^
for congressman at large. Igeer. Engl,^^amt af$3,0C^iv ' ^ era “ «^ ee « IIs managed to keep ££
Richmond county will vote on tho fence I sat feet of deals, valued at $300,
question on the first Monday in July. I day, the Slat, the German bark CharloWB
A Columbus gentleman reports tho grain
crop of Harris county larger than any since
the war.
Mb. 0. M. Bethune, now postmaster at
Talbotton, is an applicant for theposition
of postmaster at Columbus.
It is reported thnt Col. Bill Harris send*
the editor of the IForfA Star a fresh bon
qnet every day.
Petek Johnson, a colored man, has been
jailed for attempting an unmentionable
crime upon a little col ired girl at Darien.
A gentleman who has been over half a
day, the 31st, the German bark Chariot
Capt. Wallis, Hadingen, Holland, with a
cargo of 106.858 feet of hewn timber, val
ued at $1,500; 150,169 feet of sawn timber,
valued at $2,000.
doors snfficently open to allow the bar
which locks them to miss the catch, and in
this manner they were able to communi
cate with each other after the jailer had re
tired. Daring tho night they succeeded in
wrenching n bar of iron from the railing
in tho hall of the jail. With this they sac-
TMcriatahaebeenr-died ^ Savan- c “ cUe(1 £ panching a hole through thefloor
? a j.rv? stock brokera have undertaken j j j ie j n j] ie southeast comer of the
stnfiV* 6 ,b ° * tOCk mnr ^ et Wlt ^ ^ sts ani * I jail, and it was an easy matter to make
BKQiu* I through the brick wall in the
Ir is rumored in Angnsta that Fleas rear. Tho floor of the cell is of sheet iroo,
Stovall is going on to Washington as cor- ( but being thin and quite old, it wa9 not
respondent of the Chronicle and Conslitu- I difficult to effect a hole through it.
tionalist. . I Union and Recorder: We Had the pleas
Banner-Watchman : Arixteen-monihs ure of meeting, last Wednesday, Maj. H.
old Jersey caw, the property of Mr. Sid C. Hanson, representative of that excellent
Hughes, yesterday gave birth to a fine calf. I paper, tin Telegraph and Messenger.
dozen counties near Rome, says the grain ( Mr. Cox. of Atlnnta, ha* a Jersey cow only Mb. Geobge O. Bebbx has resignel his
crop is fifty per cent, larger than has peen j 13 month old with a calf. I position as pur-er of the Central’s line of
produced sitce the war. j Dublin Gazette: Judge Wolfe has re- I boats on tho Chattahoochee, and Mr. H.
A colobed man employed at Darieu to I ceived a letter from CoL Cole, in which he 11* Palmer lias been appointed to fill the
repair broken telegraph wire*, wo* caught | states that he will probably consider the vacancy.
cutting them to make business for him- I bnildin-fof n railroad lo Dublin, as soon as I Uhmaelite: A wagon load of gennine
seif, and has been failed. • I the extension from Macon to Atlanta is ----
A collection of five hundred dollars for | completed. He thinks that it may be done.
Banner-Watchman: Richard Tiller,
a farmer living in this county, says he
killed at one shot by shooting on the water
with n rifle, 113 fish, and says that he killed
three bqsheta of fish by strikin# a large
tho cyclone sufferers has been taken np in
Americas. The county commissioners have
added one hundred dollars to this amount.
A Rome boy who had a bull calf at each
end of a repo and bad hold of the middle,
came near being sawed in half by a sud-
old-fashioncd (odder passed through town
last week. It was real fodder, for we no
ticed it closely. From our recollection of
tho way fodder used to look wo know we
were not mistaken.
Dublin Post: Mr. Edward Perry killed
two wild turkeys ot cne shot last week, but
Post Appeal: The convict bulletin in
the office of the principal keeper for the
month of March shows thirty-seven re
ceived, three pardoned, one death, two es
liRht to tile city ®&Jnu£
fall. SSaSL 1 *®” I'm £2? heron hand April 1st, 1,217, being nn in-
_ „ . I °.? now there will plenty of fruit. crea?e of fifteen 'XinrWthe month.
src&rn^moronthr^oV^ &XI
den change in position on the part oc the I tOD<s . otWM lhirt ^ en- Come o^ with ingout one of Mr. Perrj’s teeth; gashing
V, — rx. • e «. y° nr sn ^ ke his lip and braising hi* chest badly.
Ty for furnishing tho electric lieht to the Araws ^nner. A gent emw who ye*
factories has arrived and nn experienced | €x . nm,ne< * crop, tells na
workman will bo here in a few days for the imWd **S[
purpose of putting it into operation. The I blooming peaches are badly injured. Ap-
machinery for furnishing If -1 * “
Will not arrive ’intil next fi noias op now mere wm do piemy oi xrau. | crea?6 of fifteen daring’the month
Coffee Count j Xe,cs: Mr. Thoma* Cady, It i* rather nnnsnal tor the i>each crop to creaP ® of fifteen dnnn * 11,0 montb -
tho man who catches so many fish in his I bo killed in March. AmebicU3 Reconler: “ Why don’t yon
basket in the Alapalm river, was in town j Chronicle and Constitutionalist • We nn- I trade with me ?” said a close-fisted trades-
Wednesday. Mr. Cady caught forty-nine I derstand that the lessees of the Georgia I man or our town to a friend tho other day.
pounds and fifteen ounces at one haul, j ra ii r0 ad paid over to the directors, on Ths reply was characteristic: ‘’Yon have
and if he had been a little moro caiefnl he I March 31st, the semi-annnal rental ot I neier askc^l me, sir. I have looked all
- might have eanght the other ounce. { $309,000. doe April 1st. IVe also team thnt I through toe papers for an invitation ic the
Lumpkin Independent -> Mr B B Rynu statement o’? the Georgiarsilro^dbank «’f an udvertisemenf, and found
and™Henry Brown killed two alliga » “ ver V fine one-better than for years none- I never go where I ain not invited,
tors in Voros pond on Thursday evening I P® 8 *- A sale of a large block of Georgia | Spauta Ishmaelite: The TELEOBAPn has
last One of them was about six feet long I r a i,roa<t stock, two hundred ehar.s, was I become one of the very foremost papers
find the other four. They saw several more m * de « IC0 - the country. We have been reading
bnt could not get to shoot them. We ad- j Dublin Gazette: Monday about two or I about ten j earp, and, while it never has
vise the biya to go to some other pond I three o’clock a heavy c’ond passed over a I been a weak paper, it is now abont 1649.4
when they want to go in swimming. I portion of this comity abont six or eight I P*f of nt - “otter tlian we have ever known
„ „ . I miles from Dublin. The greatest signs of I lt before. Under its present management
Contebs Trammer: Mr. 8. H. Anderson I the terrible wind was on the Valdosta place the Telegbaph will make its way into ev-
showed ns a tew MrUdas of gold one day the residence of ex-Governor George M. ory community in the State,
this week, taken from his jnine .about six I Troupe. Here, houses were blown down, I Southerner and Appeal: Dr. W.C. Gib-
and the roads packed hslter skelter, with I son. residing nearGordon, paid ns a plens-
trees. The wind was accompanied with I ant call yesterday, and showed us a species
I some hailstones. I of coal or combustible substance found
, Atlanta Constitution: On the 20th of eighty feet below the earth’s surface in
metal Wc hoive he has -track n bonanza. April the physicians of the State, who will quantities, while they were digging a well
tT' x, ^ then ^ a*sembled here, wiU receive an ele- “n the Doctor’s place.. It burns like p-nk,
Daeien Gazette: Mr. George U. Hay- I „ ant bnnoaat at (he Markham Hon«e. ThLs I a “d emils nn odor similar to gas. The
“*— * “ ”—* ~— 1 “ 1 enteriainment is expected to exceed in ele- I Doctor will have it nnnlyzcd in the mineral-
grace any ever givVn here. A romplete I ogical department at Atlanta. We hope tie
miles from this plaoe, in DeKnlb county.
He informs na that he has commanced
working the mine in earnest, having sunk
a shaft some twenty-five feet deep, and I
expects to find a rich vein of the precious
man* made a shipment of naval stores on
Thursday of this week, this being the first
shipment of stores from this comity since Ke w set of maroon and gold-banded crock-1 “as discovered a coal mine,
the war, nnd well illustrated the cu^rR^ j ery^markedjdarkham Hbuse, has been or- —
and indnstry of Mr. II., who is an old <
successful manufacturer of naval stores, j
aa be was the last of tho several who have
located in this county to commence his
. - „ „ . -. ... -g- - L . , Wabbenton Clipper: Mr. H. C. Hanson,
dered from New York specially for this oc- of the Mscou Te££orato, made us a pleas!
casion. Mr. Huff proposes to give on this 1 — - - -- - - - -
occasion the best banquet ever held here,
ant call Friday. He is a brother of the able
I manager of that brilliant daily. The Tel-
Ameeicus Recorder: Rev. Jeese Stallings, I eoeaph is soon to be enlarged until it
J of the fifth district, has a field of o*ts that I sweeps by in size mostof the Southern dni
A special dispatch to the Savannah j were raised in a very peculiar manner. I ties. The material has been l ought, and so
News, dated fiom Wnycross, says toot Jo ] Winter before lost he sowed the field in | pressed with increased business is the
B >h M. Lee killed Augnstus IL Long I oats and after harvesting his grain, turned I present size that the proprietors are impn.
ursday morning between seven and eight I his land under and planted it in cotttra. In | tient for their new outfit to arrive. Well
O’clock, at Blarkshear, Ga. t by stabbing I alt tho gronnd was ydowed under four times, | that is a booming success,
him with a pair of sheep shears. They be- besides hoeing and tramping by cotton I Griffin Netcs - We were shown vester-
ShtaVtadtta^ fMSSStSSSS Pickers, and yet, with allThls, the oats day aKd^erho^taat ^me'Trom
wnich led to blows. Lee happened to have kept coming. In Jannary he cu. the cot-1 Toxa» before it Admitted a*w a State
Ufe rhems in his hand, and, in the excite- ton stalks off, and now he has a fair field It was wnt to Jo£ph Ctanntagh^m Sd
ment of the moment, plunged them into and the bes: oats he has, and heba* about fro m a Texas cow twelve montksohi.H
’T>«Vrnne n r ? « l^ ,rty ; fi ?f 8 u W TM K °°1 °*’ 8 that ^ crc bm ’ 8 aounted, about twenty one incl.c-
lew second*. The coroner s jury brought I sown last fall. It is surely a very canons I long (two inches having been broken off»
in. verdict of voluntary manslaughter. crop of oats. ^ ISSSl tacteJ^ dhSet”^ ntU&
Columbus Enquirer: The curiosity of a Savannah AVirs: The decline in Central I month, and con be easily heard for a dia-
grest many was very much exercised yes-1 of late has caused considerable excitement I tanee of three mile*.
man .! < ”F fro ? to ?. 1 .r 11 1 ttyinvestorsta “fatures,”»pnts,’» | Constitution: Night before last one of
stop to the oarth beneath. At the “wlls” and ••spots.’’ Yesterday afternoon the express hands found a bnndloonan
appointed hour a large number had con- I at 4 o’clock a discussion arose between two express track at tho car shed and aftera
gragate j n >ar the tower and upon tlio four prominent parties id front of the Cotton casual observation of the «amo began nn
eorneis of the iotorsecting street*. The bxchange, about the Central,which r. ached SSminattoS^^hiTdtadwedt^dead U
mayor of the city entered no protest against fever heat, when one of the parties stated The discovery-was mado known to Officer
a * np P°**titi o na ca«e to point a moral nnd Farter, who caused the body to be removed
wewjled to prevent it. Two mya went np | adorn a talc, which elicited an angry re- to tin calaboose where Coroner Hillburn
looMtht iQlh 6 preparation for tho leiip, J tort, and there wa* a passaRO of bwvi, I yesterday morning held an inqne*t* The
which alas! Professor Loof Lirpa, proved I Before a second lick could bo given by I child was n male mid bad ivid ntly be"n
ittaTn; ^ ,ther ‘l“* r i! y “ ve ; al , rne “, d * in -f7 elie d and killed, from tha marks found upon it^bot
b t I it °Pl‘ eJ tbu comhnt, and smiled upon the I no evidence whereby tho guilty parties
when a few feet of the descent had been j scene. . 1 conld he rm/*prtnnin/l Tim im-v
gade, thoeorda that had bonud thenm-j Savannah Recorder: The water in the
ho came canal was drawn ofl to-day for the purpose
AataeLSShS^wh.>h toe taa*? waVta - ! °? facilitating operations inlaying the
kauiSiStiSS? ifmnu I P'P® to tbe uew wu'er works. The canal
ken is aboot ninely feet, the consequence | hanks were thronged with persons, both
conld be ascertained. Tho jnry recom
mended in the verdict a diligent search for
| the murderer..
IVaicboss Rejiorter: The remains of a
dead man was fonnd last’Wednesday in
may be very readily imagined. Both arms, I w ' h ji e an( j colored who anximista nwnited I ?°° of tho dirt shanties, about one m le
botf. leg. and his neck were broken-byTho J toe “ wt’Moh I from town .hat was used during the con
struction of the Maycross Short Line by
the employes. From all appearance* he
^ _ Iwd bee i dead for some time. It is be-
Philadelphia;' who is a KOMtof ofeof* oar I ^rdSiiiiroMheaww^ni^in'^.mlBih 1
hotels, went into the pork Friday uiaht, I and the capture of the finniea, oonsistioK | Jjj tn
and Mt down on one of the benches. Frest- | of jierch, catties, eels and mudfish, were I which crashed him. The sup
ently to laid himself full length on the | too numerous to mention. The s|K»rt wqs
•by the
email boys who made acliargeon the dum
my as soon os it (track the ground.
^Savannah Recorder: A stranger from
the turning off, which was effectually ac
complished through the gatee ot the river
lock. As soon as it wa» dry enough to en-
' able those on the banks to venture in erith-
■eat and stretched off for a sleep. Police- I highly enlivening, and many a young coon
mon Jones approached the recumbent man I and damsel were douse J in the race for the
and requested him to sit upright. This he I different “drops.”
mused to do, claiming that any rale pre- I Union and Recorder: It ia one of the
scribing how a man should use one of the I strangest things in this strange world that
public benches was arbitrary and ronsen- I the immense water jiowcr opposite this ci-
noaL This soiihistry hod some effect on I ty, and np at Carter’s Shoals, three milee
the policeman; ns he walked off. He 10-1 above, hns not betn long ago utilized by
tamed shortly afterward* and foend the I Northern eapitalists for cotton mills.
in a reclming position again, nnd re- I There is not in the State of Georgia, finer
peated hi* request. The man got indig-1 fails than those at Carter's old mill '
position i* that he wa* a tramp, there be
ing nothing to identii^him or give any
| clew as to who he was “from whence he
came. His remnins were taken in charge
by the coroner and buried,
Union anil Recorder: On reading and
hearing about tbo terrible cyclouo which
passed through Jones Wilkinson and
Washington, on tho 27th nit., I am remind
ed of an iucident of tho famons one that
pa«sed through the sooth commons of this
_ _ _ „„ city on the 20th of Mnrcb, 1875. A certain
nant, and positively refused to obey him, | the Oconee. The land could be bought | mtiable gentleman of my acquaintance
•md for his indiscretion he was locked np I cheap, nnd the short distance to ihe An- I **“* lie saw the cyclone oonrng towards
m the barracks where he bad nn dpiiortu-1 gn*ta depot, only two miles, gives every I N m > and his only hope of safety was to
nity to Jay at fall length on the cell floor, | ndvnntnge in the way of trousiiortAtion. If I l am P down mt t a well which was near by,
hold communion with tho roaches, fleas I Northern capitalists w'll come to Milledge- I w, 'ich he did instantly, auJ when the cy
an d bogs, and Watch the star* through the I ville and examine the wnter power here. I c * ono Phased over Ihe well it twisted the
oars on his wmdow. Mayor Whextou fined | there will be heard the music of ina-1 f nrb otd ®f tho well, and left itim at the
wm one dollar tlilc morning. I cliinerj- in our waters in less than twelve I bottom and unhurt. It wa* a wonderful
Savannah News: Mr. «V. W. Sta r Jr I m »nths. We invite them to come and lcok I und “> ir aculous escape, for the gentleman
who hsa for some time been agent of the I aronnd. TJiey will bo treated well. I who told the story is entirely reliable.
Ceptial railroad at Augusta, ha* been np- I Post-Appeal: A meeting of the mem- I „ Post-Appeal: Yesterday afternoon the
pmt to< master of transportation of the I bars of the Atlanta bar was held in the I Bepublican politi.-al syndicate met at
lentrurauroaJ, with toadquart-r* in 8a- 18opreme Court roc in this morning to *e- I Oaintsville, inasmuch a* General Long-
vannah. uapt. J. M. Boss, superiutendent (lect a candidate foe the new dis-I S‘. r ® et * tte boss, could not come down here,
oftbe Port Kovel and Augusta railway, has | trict judgeship. Judge Collier wa* I T bey keep their action very secret, at least
ta en appointed agent of the Central and I called to the chair, Mr. B. H.Hil), I as far ns possible. It is thought that ih*>
1 .i 0I A rwlways, both roads being I secretary. After full discussion of the I faded to compromise about the Columbus
wortced under one general management. | matter, the name of ex-Judge II. K. McCav I Poetmaatowmp; General Longrireet hold-
l “« e ’ , ®h o has also been for some | wai selected unanimously. A coma ittee. I I r ff out against the appointment of Mr.
r 8 * e ®}!*oy of tbo oompany, tins { consisting of Judge Bleckly, Judge Collier, I Docke, and still refuses to withdraw his
been made assistant agent of the two {Colonel Myuatt, W. T. Newman. 8. A. Protest against Locke’s appointment. The
P„ u J r ’ Rho i* well and favor- I Darnell, aud one other was appointed to P*»a^mme of the syndicate as outlined, is
tenisf moratagrt^sj^^rh^bf' “ favor of | ^‘^bins^ip to ap^inted,Judge of
«n*’ 13 Tit. *1^™?#*^!,*** ,,r ?7® ptow- I ?nd would be endorsed by every citizen, Brenswiek, will be appointed to succeed
tiSSFiiirrospectire ot pnrty, wore the i>ositionone f. nJ 8 8 Erskiue wnen he is retired this fall-
Untettr, Bare: “Be is fart { for popular cbcSee. It seems that the sydicato have also dis-
becoming one of the most experienced aud I
oompetant railroad men in the State, acd I State TreiunulV
in &rit e v°L b t“ n , e “; terdajV’ttottife uestern and Atlantic rail- I r’V7S“' ““ — —i——
tim . U I roadjpaiclm« tho monthly rental vestcr I i er ; 9 iov t er > as ^ r - frown’s encce^or.
tjim, Imt v ill inyc Wry PolistRction at his i day.” ‘‘Twenty five thnn an»iv» v I IufomuiioQ Iiab been received from Wash-
new P2*t, nnd will to ably assisted by Mr. tat to 1°^°“ regard tag tac^Ste tto” we are
Letltlee ’ J way they alwaVsdo.^ They^niw-ifa ouinS ,oalh ® to botievo and to publish.
Puit-Aj,j>cal s This morning United I np on the last dny of the month.”* “How -
States Comtni-<ion W. B. Smith recdered | ranch has the State received fr-<m the rond I For aged mon, women, weak and sickly
^-‘^“‘“‘ha^aajfalMtB D. Boi- Unceitwnsleased?” “ , nc , udiiigthepay. fWIdren,withontnriral. Will net. cau.4
ton, \\. B. 1 reelMid Mid Chas. A. Miller, ®«nt of yesterday, the lessee* have paid beadnehe. Brown’s Iron Bitters,
who Ivr if,i- pii<t two days have been nn-1 the Stats tbreo million, three Immlinl
dergoinga preliminary trial before him I and fifty tl.oasand dollnr? Tto
for the Alleged nyirder ot Jackson J. I lea-o has about nine ream vet to ran
Hick*, ot Gwinnett connty, on tto 14th of I and daring tto time of tto leess the Stato ■
ast month. Tho Commissioner decided I “‘II reoeive an even six million dollar*. I Kew York;
that the evidence did not warrant him I *$ ta a good showing when, as regular a* I DeahHibs—Enclosed please fluil a check
in holding Bolton, and, therefore, ordered I clock work, the leneee* come npar.d nr v I for ono quart of your Liniment. I u-o it
hi* Uisciiiirgo. Miller was heldto bail in I ( ':e money.” “You may say nlso ” con I tar a!™ 0 * 1 everylhing, and I know it to to
the snm c f nml Freeland was requir- I tinned Mr. Sj>eer, “that thereceivora of tlia I ,h ® boat Iknow of or have seen tried. It
• * Rl — * * *• ■ l !<flTAn&I kanlr kaor. 7- a ! i . n lJ I lirftvnn I a rail <1 iannl/vcni inna 41 MSm 11 cn •
Reported for the Telegraph and Messenger bg
* H. C. Peeples, of the Atlanta Bar.
Summerville Macadamized, Graded
Flank Road Company vs. Baker. Com
plaint for land, from Richmond.
Jackson, C. J.—1. Tenants in common
by agreement divided the property-held in
cominpn, and after the lapse of a number
of years one of said tenants entered on Rn
unenclosed strip which is claimed by each
of said tenants to be a part of the territory
allotted to him. The verdict uf the jury
established the tine between the tenants as
beginning at the centre ot the road-bed of
plaintiff in error;
Held: Such a verdict was manifestly er
roneous, as plaintiff in error was
in peaceable po;se>eion ot said
road-bed many year* before it became
a tenant in common witb defendant in
error. No part of said road-bed was ever
partitioned between them, and no part of
it was ever owned by them in common. It
i* immaterial whether the fee tosnid road
bed be in tho plaintiff in error or not. No
other person can dispossess it so long as
its possession and use of the road-bed con
tinues in accordance with its charter and
2. The judgment of the court below ta
therefore reversed, unless the line estab
lished by the jury be so changed ns not to
encroach on said road-bed, but to begin at
the southern edge of said road-bed. Judg
ment reversed on terms.
Sandeford vs. Lewis etal. Equity, from
Jackson,C. J.—L Noanchthingas a non
suit is known in equity practice,but if there
be no equity in the bill and facts made
by the proof on the hearing, the chancel
lor mny dismiss the whole case for want of
eqnity,orwantof sufficient proof to sustain
the proceedings and justify a recovery in
equity, and though the judgment of dis
missal be called a - non-suit, yet a review
ing court, looklhg to the thiDg itself and
not the misdemeanor of that thing, will af-
firm the deed.
2. Ho that seeks relief in a court of
equity mu3t come with clean hand* and
without unfair conduct himself. Hence
where ono has leased land for a term of
years, and prirateIy,withonttho knowledge
and consent of his landlord, before any
attempt has been made to disturb his pos
session as teuaut, boys up a B fa. against
the Iandlqrd, ha* it levied on the land,pur
chases tho land himself, nnd by judgment
under rale against the sheriff tho money
arising from the salo ta distributed partly
tohisii fa., partly to other fi fas and partly
to hta landlord, the tenant cannot main
tain a bill in eqnity to set aside the judg
ment of distribution and ro lover the money
pnid to his landlord and other distributees
of the fund. Judgment affirmed.
Collins vs. Myers & Marcus. Equity, from
Jackson, C. J.—1. To sustain a bill in
equity, filed under the net of 1881 p. 124, it
ta absolutely Decowary to show the insol
vency of the defendant. It ta a non seqni-
tur that because a trader foils to psy a
note at maturity, that, therefore, such tra
der is insolvent.
2. Before a chancellor should enjoin
trader and put hta assets in ttu hands of a
receiver, it mast appear clearly that such
trader is insolvent, and that from such
saizure by means ot a receiver the com
plainant in the bill realize on hta debt.
Judgment reversed.
Watkins vs. the State. Assault with intent
to rape, from Baldwin.
Jackson, C. J.—2. If a criminal be ar
rested, and before indictment escape* and
conceals himself so that he cannot be re-
arrested, tlio time of such concealment and
freedom from arrest esnnot be counted in
his favor nnder the statute of limitations
as to indictments.
2. Tto evidence sustains tho verdict.
Judgment affirmed.
Dixon vs. Mason. Motion to smend judg
ment, from Wilkinson.
Jackson, O. J.—
1. The rale that a judgment may bo
amended so as to conform to tho verdict
will not bo extended to permit amendment
by parol proof. Only tho record will be
insfiected to see whether the verdict and
judgment do or do not conform; that i< to
say, tho courts should not look bejond the
verdict and the pleadings.
2. From an inspection of the record it
did not appear to the court below, and it
doe* not to this court, that the judgment
does not conform to the verdict in its trao
intent snd meaning nnder the statutes.
Judgment affirmed.
Langston vs. Roby et al. Motion to set
off judgmen*. from Jasper.
Jackson, C. J.—1. A judgment on an ac
tion ex contractu can be set off to n jndg-
ment on an action ex delicto, either
a* between the parties to the judg
ments or their assignees, and this
ta true, though the judgment cooght to be
set off is prior to the other.
2. A lien of nttorayes tor tees upon n
judgment is not worth more tlian the
judgment itself, so ns to defeat the right of
set off above mentioned. Judgment re
Lewis, executor, vs. Allen, administrator.
Complaint, from Jasper.
Ouawfobd, Jr—1. That the luw requires
a verdict to specify principal and interest
separately ta undoubted, but when tto
debt sued for ta on opon account and for a
larger nmount than ta fonnd by the jury,
nnd tho matters in controversy in the suit
involve confederate transactions, and mi al
leged settlement nnder nn eqnitable plea,
tlio presumption is that there was no inter
est included in the finding.
2. Tins being a suit to recover of a
guardian for the board of hta wards, the
executor of tho decensed guardian conld
properly be' made a party there
to. Thnt hta testator was described
ns guardian did not make it a suit against
the wards to recover of them this debt, but
it was a mere descriptio pcr.iome ot the
defendant, and the suit was really to re
cover of him tiersonnlly a debt which he
owed nnder nn implied contract. Bat if
this were not ro, and the executor was not
a proper party, he should have made his
defense to the scire facias calling on him
to show cause why he should not be made
a party.
3. Tho returns of a guardian arc only
prima facie evidence for him, and have
never been hold conclasive.
4. The evidence sustain* tho verdict.
Judgment affirm- d.
The Personal Habits or Leo XIII., snd
How lie Passes His Time.
Letter to Us Boston Journal.
Gives the Fire Department Momexblns
More to Do*
At half past eleven o’clock last night
Now, that, there is -> much cvineerning : watchman Lowenthnl, standing at the cor-
ner of Second and Cherry street, espied a
use of ordinary diligence bef Jre the trial.
Uf the balance, a part was cumulative on
ly, and the remainder would not have been
admissible had it been sooner discovered.
A now trial was therefore properly refused.
Judgment affirmed.
Mitchell vs. Georgia railroad. Case, from
Speer, J.—1. An notion against n rail
road company on a contract for the ship
ment of live stock, cannot be amende 4
by alleging fraud and deciot
on the pnrt of the agents of the company in
connection with the enr famished for such
transportation, its capacity and const mo
tion, and thnt ns a result thereof the con
tract was made, the stock overcrowded,
and damage resulted. Such a l-eitioi s
would add a new cause of action founded
on a tort, to one founded on a contract
partnre of tho Fopo from the Vatican and
from that Rome in which ho ta no longer
mseter^ it may bo interesting to know
something of the way in which he live*,
and how Ids time is divided in what he is
pleased to call his prison. The present
Fope is of ralhor austere habits, and his
elevation to the highest office in the church
has not led him in any way to relax tho
rather rigid charact *r of his personal con
duct. He always rise* between Cand 0:30
in the morning, which ’n the soft Italian
climate is cot so great a sacrifice a* in
red light in the direction of the college.
The tight blazed up and he gave the alarm,
which was soon caught np by the bells.
Our reporter hurried to the scone ana
found the stable of Mr. W. Vf. Collins
wrapped in a sheet of flame. A smalt
outhouse adjacent was first to
catch, and communicated tlio fire to
the stable, which was filled with hay, bran
and wood. These materials fed the fire
aud made it one of unusual heat. A kitchen
on the promises, and in close proximity,
cumate is not so great a sacrifice a* in rr r--— N tor-mr-
harsher climes, aim at 6:30 is dressed by , ^ as n 7f°paroy,bnt No. 3 s men nere nr
i “J * /Jir, ,if’ X, r ' rived with water, and it wa* saved. No. _
rd fSntra W with i fira - to arrive on tho ground, aDd
Ji—Sliffj* ; n b £f* nriMto quickly attached hose to the plug near Mr.
b t m ‘ . 1 H?«n£ P . IS. Collins’ residence on Cherry street, and
he nf n is nn soon thereafter No. 8 came along and
dSto reri learla 1 takes coupled on 2’s hose. The water was direct-
a J*' itehifflfSk?? nfta^whiiiV ho look* ed to the kitchen, and when the roof was
nxvr^hn the wel1 saturated thrown on the burning house.
*?2S&nl Jho J? n„ Tho colored occupants of tho kitchen ^ere
secretary of stata. aud who uove^ fails to P ot 6!ow .'“ ‘ bftir . cff ?. c .‘ 8 ’ but
§533-&■&«•*>«■£;• iKKJteS^^rSSBSSil
to?together mi* ati D tho foreign affairs that «>?*. o^tto^le/toTw^n
have any reference to the Holy See. and in g> gitecOt«tto ‘tfto^tototoh
tho intervals of their conversation tho P>»ry«tre«tandWlahingtim^^^5?
of’^Ie^lfo^to membeta Tttod? «S5ftfSS “a torch of an g incendiary
ufon?ni7e'!wVw n n , nii 0 tn 1 Knrh 0 .i;«tintrnUhpd I There was no insurance on tho stable, and
ptanatie porpe, and to suoh_dtatinflUtatod Mr> Co]lina cou! j „ ot place hi* loss in fig-
strangers a* he pleases to receive. Toward
noon, by tho formal order of his physi
cians, but somewhat against hi* will, the
Fopo goes down into the reserved gardeos
of the Vatican, borne in a sedan chair.
Ho gets into a carrlogi.
by two ot the “Noble Guards” on
2. The veidence does not mike out a
case of rape, but of incestuous fornication.
Criminal connection wa* repeated during
a number of months previous to tbo prose
cution. Judgment affirmed.
Jesting vs. ihe State. AFsanlt with intent
to rape, from Washington.
Speer, J.—L Sayings of tho person out
raged made in the presenoo of the accused
in part, and admitted by him at the time
to be true, by which sayings be was charg
ed with the crime, were admissible in evi
2. The evidence makes ont a case of as
sault with intent tarape, and it does not
appear that the attempted outrage was ac
tually committed. Judgment affirmed.
Merchants and Traders Bank of Rome et
•L vs. W. H. Harrison, ex’r. Equity,
from Richmond.
Speer, J.—1. The interlocutory excep
tions filed in this case are not now proper
ly before this court for review, btC3use the
final hearing of tbo case has not been had.
Code 4250. If the interlocutory excep
tions have not bean fi’ed as interlocutory,
but have been embodied in the bill of ex
ceptions brought to this court, they may
still be filed in the court below and be
mide of record, so as to be brought up for
review on the final termination'of the
cause. 64 Ga., 740; 8tandford vs. Tread-
well, present term* *
2. On application for iujmction at
chambers the sole question is the grant or
refusal ot thit writ,
3. The bill filed in this cose, being a
bill by an executor for direction
to the management of an estate
to which there were many conflicting
claim*, and praying that tho prosecution
of such claims to enjoined until their
priorities, rights, ele., were settled nnder
the bill, was not without equity.
4. A foreign executor may maintain the
courts of this State a bill in equity for
direction, etc., ns to tho estate which ho
represents, said estate bring situate in
-Georgia, nnd ho having complied with the
provisions or the code as to suits by foreign
administrators, executors, etc,
fi. Where a testator, who died in New
Jersey and who* e will W03 thoro admitted
to probate, disposes by such will ot real
estate in Georgia, said disposition as to
realty 1s to be construed nnd governed by
tho laws of this State. Judgment affirmed.
Wilson vs. tho State. Obstructing legal
process, from Morgan.
SrzEB, J.—1. A plea of nntrefoi* convict
should set out the former record including
the former indictment, so that it may ap
pear to tho court therefrom and by proper
averment in hta plea that his former con
viction was for the same offense as the ono
for which he is now indicted. Judgment'
White vs. Folton. Complaint, from Mc
Speer, J.—1. In a suit to snbjcct a treat
estate, there being a conflict ns to whether
Ilia money borrowed was borrowed for tho
benefit of the trust estate, there was no er
ror in allowing the introduction of the
trust desd, showing the natnre of tho e3tato
and showing that there was not a necessity
for tho borrowing-
2. The court should abstain from mak
ing any remarks to a jnry that wonld bear,
even the semblance of coercion to secure a
verdict. In tbta case, however, no sub
stantial error, or ono likely to affect the re
sult, appears to been committed by the
judge. Judgment affirmed.
Lsvcrett vs. Cook, administrator. Com
plaint for land, from Jasper.
Speer, J.—1. Tho verdict is amply sus
tained by the evidence.
2. Fart of the newly discovered evidenre _ _
on account of which n new trial is asked in are usually supposed to be guided, in I possible for a whale to travel on land, but
this case could have been discovered by the fact, he ta a highly intellectual, spirited I a visit to the tent at tho foot of
‘ nnd original man, and sorely feel* tho op- Hunter street proved that the real ecriptn-
nressinn of the papal crown. Ferhaps if ml leviathan ta really to to seen in At-
he had remained in a lo» er place tis ong- I tanta. Yesterday was the first appearanoo
inality would have won for him a greater 1 ■** * - -■*
reputation than he now seems likely ever
to achieve.
ures last night, though it will not to large,
The firem-n were very prompt in re
sponding to tho call. After Nos. 2 end 3
had been to work, No. 4 rolled np, nnd be-
wtwvB’f.ig** i MSSjwrsBSrJSK!®
lick, take, . lone riOo il tW, m.ther to «■».*..■*» “ft H-'S
pleasant; after which returning to the pal- JPW}®®*, * 6tcan:er was on I,aua
aoe. At two o’clock he dine*, as all ,h
man* do at that hour. Hta favorite dish I... aothorlttae t wrtH g,
is boiled beef. Ouly a few privileged per- active
eons are admitted to this repast none of J ** £*”*” °*
them taking part in it, as according to tho
tradition no one is even allowed to tako a l 1 ' 1 ,? ilk . 0 a ®um sufficient to compensate
seat at the Holy Father’s table. All that g®**** 0
burner’s whim will burn np the whole
We have received from J. M. Boardman
E-q., the usual meteofclogical report for
tiie month of March, which is as fol-
below that at which tho Fopo has Ids place.
One of the Fope’s nephews, tho Count Ca
mille Pecci, is Leo Xul.’s especial favor
ite, and lives in an apartment graciously
placed at hta disposition in tho
Vatican. It is said that when
the Count Camille was doing
hta volunteer duty of a year, ns obliged
to do by the civil laws of lus country, he
nsed frequently to visit the Vatican in Ins
uniform of a simple soldier of the Italian
nrmy, aud strangers wandering in tho cor
ridors were not a little surprised to so* the
Fontiflcial guards bowing low with res
pect, aud before a young man whose uni
form represented the supposed tyranny
over the temporal power. After dinner the
pope usually retires to hta private apart
ments to work, to give Audiences, and to
E rny. Abont nn hour before tho Angelas
e takes a little nap, and then a Abort
walk in the Loggio of Raphnel. I The Great Sea Monster.
At nine o’clock in the evening, Tho “Prince of Whales,” who ta to hold
tike all the rfl8t of the Ro- I hta royal reacntions it this city every day
mans, lie sups, takes nothing to' I next week in his mouster pavilion, which
tween dinner and supper except a small i, to to pitched near the Central freight
glass of Borfeaux wine, in which ho dips J depot, is attracting great numbers of peo-
a biscuit. At 11 o clock he goes to tied. It I pie in Atlanta this woek. The Constitution
is alter dinner that most of hut real work I of yesterday has tho following regarding
is done, either with one cf hta private sec-1 the sea monster:
retaries or alone. Ho sometimes greatly The monster whale arrived yesterday,
surprises the ecclesiastics who surround I and if everybody did not see it, it was
him by bringing ont in the morning some I everybody’s fault. Fretty nearly every one
document that he has written in the pie- I W os there, thongb. There was a kind of
vions afternoon, qnite independent of the | impression abroad that the whale was a
traditions or the advice by which pope* humbug; some wiseacres said itwnsim-
. bo guided.. In possible for aw' ' ‘
Itio mean temperature for tho month
just passed was G2degs.
Maximum 88 degs.
Minimum 36 degs.
Rainfall for the month 7.26 in.
f ho mean temperature for March
1881 was 52 degs.
Maximum 76degs.
Minimum 29 degs.
Rainfall for that month 7.16 in.
Connell Meetiuer.
Council Chamber, Macon, April 4.
Rogular meeting. Present—Hon. Felix
Corpnt, mayor; Aldermen Masterson, i luguiuer. xnji.aicngo ino wnaie was vis-
Oromeline, Dana, Hendrix, Cutter. Brown, b J’. PW>, a 0 * 1 . ev8r ywhere
Hudgins nnd Dunlap. Absent—Aldermen | admired literally by mnltitade?forho ta a
of hta tojal highness, the prince, acd bis
levee was well attended. Those who went
to see the whale wero of the best of our cit
izens. The whale i« a sight, and the lec
ture which is read over him, so to (peak, a
fighter. It contains more information
about the w hale than ta to to found in all
the cyclopedias and natural historic* pui
together. In Chicago tho whale was vis-
Connon, Kennedy, Dannentorg, Johnson. | sight of a life time.’
The minutes of previous meeting read and
confirmed. The following petitions were
read and disposed of as follows: A com
munication from James Noble, Jr., re-
—Among tho applicants for druggists
and pharmacists, wo find the name of that
well known nnd universally esteemed
on a tort, to one founded on a contract. I mnmcaiiou irom James Nome, Jr., re-1 young man. Mr. IV. E. Shelverton He
Especially is this true where tho tort oc-J ceived; from Peter Williamson, granted; I atood the examination successfully, and
curredinone oannty, and the suit was I from r. L. Brown, not granted; from j .received yesterday hta dinloma as a char
brought in another where the coalract was J Thomas Alexander, through his attorney, I niacist. Willie has *
to be performed. | motion was on tabled; from J. J. G ar
diploma as a phar
. been for four years in
,oiu V* Vs * i iijy i WOOCaOIX y fitOfO if {Lixcl Jd . ^^
2. A"railroad company for a considcra- I referred to committee on street encroach- y,at time has apnlicd'himself most oxida
tion make a contract with a shipper of live I inents; from J. A\. Blount and A. B. Ross, ■
stock, to release the company from all | administrator, was read. Alderman Dun-
damage* to the Rtock disconnected with I tap moved that the clerk be instructed to
and apart from tho running of its trains; I notify Mr. Clay to open said alley as per
a* from overloading, suffocation, heat or I resot ati' n pas»cd in council February 14th,
“ ’ 1882. From Ihos. C. Dempsey. Aldermau
Dunlap moved thnt Mr. Dempsey be re
affidavit as to
will cure dyspepsia,heartburn, mala
ria, kidney disease, liver complaint,
and other wasting diseases.
enriches the blood and purifies the
system; cures weakness, Jack of
energy, etc. Try a bottle.
Is the only Iron preparation that
does not color the teeth, and will not
cause headache or constipation, as
other Iron preparations will.
Ladies and all sufferers from neu
ralgia, hysteria, and kindred com
plaints, will find it without an equal.
tho tike. Judgment affirmed.
platixo enters.
qaired to make the usnal
applied himself most asaida*
oaslyto his chosen profession. He is to
to congratulated on passing so severe and
thorough an examination.
—The special agent for emigration for
(the E. T., Va. £ Ua. railroad system is in
the city. Ho ta sending out circulars all
over the territory tributary to the roads
Fatal Termination or n Hoy’s Prank
Willi a Rope.
Yerterdiy afternoon, nbout 8 o’clock, an
old colored woman named Lutetia Per
kins, desirous of ntteuding the funeral of
Mike Napier, locked up her two grandchil-
droo, one a boy nbout ten and a tittle girl
about three years of age. Tho house is
one of the miny small houses in the local!
ty, nnd is rituated on Calhoun street, near
The children Were locked up in the
house, bnt the window was opened, out of
statement in petition; from R. W
stein, referred to committee on pu!
property; from Gas Thomas, janitor, ask
ing council to increase bis wages; Alder,
man Dunlap moved that his pay to raised
to $20.00per mouth. Adopted. Alderman
Hendrix moved thnt he be allowed 30cts.
>or day for feeding prisoners. Adopted,
from Mrs. A. Damour, referred to commit
tee on fire department; from Geo. C.
Brown, referred to committee on finance;
from M. R. Rogers, refirred to committee
on finacce; from Wm. B. Jobson, referred
to committee on finance; from C. P. Rob
erts, referred to camiuiltee on finance;
from D. Daly & Bro., referred to commit
tee on finance.
The report of Dr. J. E. Bhcksliear, oily
physician, tir the mouths of January,
aucen-1 the system, inquiring for quantity
public I P ric ® °f lands suitable for farming
and grain
placed on ti
purposes. These lands are
the market in New York and
London free of all expense to tho land-
owner, and is done to increase emigration
to the South. They want from ono hun
dred thousand to fivo hundred thousand
—Prof. Guttenberger has composed the
Longfellow Requiem, and ran it over yes
terday fir the benefit of a few musical
friend*. Without any intention of flatter
ing the professor, we must say that it ta un
doubtedly his masterpiece. We thought
heretofore that his peculiar forte in com
position lay in waltzes, galops nn i other
dance strains, bnt ho has csrteinly ex
celled himself in this requiem. It is soft
which ttoy looked upon .. tearful sight ^braao-’and M«ch ZEZ'SgZStli ^d ptaintire,* wUh a Ky i^ntag
wlf^a*ro colored? 1 SM’s wifcttftmdmltiif I fo °M n 8 s orjwed apread on theminotes. | through it that Founds a_ mournful s-rain
funeral. In this yard from the limb of a
tree ta suspended a singlo rope, at the end
ihe alleged lqprder of Jaekson J. I lea-e has about nine years yet to run I Monaws, Feb. 25,1879. rich payment of oosts, nnd such
of Gwinnett county, on tLelUh of | and during the timeof theiernslhe State’ I M.^GimmACo., 120 West Broadway- 1‘reywion i* neceisary to enable a pauper
ed to give a bond of $400, the toads condi-
tioneu on the n)»i>6Ar&nc6 0/ tho elefee-
dants at the next term of the t United
btau-. District Court. Mil’er was not
srre-ted until after the ar
rest ot Bolton and Freeland, and the
warrAut »^hin?t him wastasned by Justice
MUta. of Gwinnott ooun'y. lh» warrant*
sgainst Holton and Freeland were l-i-aoti,
it will ti r;collected, by Justice 1- '\niker
Naah, of the same ennuty. The act ton ot
the COOimtbis morning rtlegater
Citizens’ bank have just paid me fivo than I Pfevents nil discolorations from bruise*,
Mnd dollars more of the inoxry due the I nnd > u neuralgia, fit ndaclics, etc., it is king.
State from the bank. There ere promeistK I " ,ien > oa struch Iodide Ammonia, yon
that we will get n considerable^ amount I 8trn ck a bonanza, and a big one, too. Sand
•oon.” “Is there anything elro mw (!l ° liniment to the addresS of
“Nothing, I believe. I have just lurid the H.H.Rannet,
rnnnal approprUtlon of eiirikt thotuand I . Mohnwk, N* Y.
dollars to the University of Georgia ” ' I Trial bottle* 25 cents.
Die pleasuro of _ “Rough ou Rats.”
Ivey and At-, Clear* out rats, mice, roachoi, Hies, ants,
ton who nra m > ?h^B« n /u e i ino ,“ "° m Bo»- < bed-bugs, skunks, chipmunks, gophers.
^ ton. wno are in tho South looking ont for a 1 c. Druggists. lw
Hancock vs. Ferkins & Bro. Case, from
Crawford, J.—1. To to considered by
this court, testimony brought op in fits
bill of exceptions must bo identified and
verifiod by the judge of the court below.
Writ of error dtamtasei.
Wilson vs. Rogers. Illegality, from Mor
Crawfobd, J.—1. Ia tho suit, the judg
ment on which ta attacked by this affidavit
of illegality, tho grounds of tho claim are
set out; tho particular work nnd labor done
on the homestead property is specified, and
tho name of tho wife ta given as the cestui
qne trust;
Held: Tho pleadings aro sufficient to
warrant a judgment against the homestead
estate. After judgment, tho legal presump
tion is that tho cestui quo trust named was
the on’y cestui que trust. Judgment af
Wiggins vs. Henson. Certiorari, from
Crawford, J.—1. The identification by n
witness of a i>erson or thing, is necessari
ly a matter of judgment or opinion, and ta
always ndcnta-ible when accompanied with
the fact* on which it is founded. Judg
ment reversed.
Langston, executor, vs. Marks. Appeal
from Court of Ordinary, from Jasper.
Crawford, J.—1. A pe'ition to tho
of ordinary, to have that offl :nr cite an ex
ecutor to a settlement of his accounts,
neodsetont no more than enough to give
tho court jurisdiction of the person nnd
subject matter, nad when this ta done the
petition ta not demurrable.
2. Under section 3116 ot tho coJo, a suit
mny be recommenced, where there hn*
been n non-suit, dismissal or d.aionliuu-
nnce, on payment of coet*. There i* no
provision of law by which a pauper
affidavit can be substituted for
ot which ta a large knot, and the boys use |
this to swing upon.
Aunt Lutetia had in her employ a boy
Tie following bill* were read and referr
ed : C. Burke & Son $5.00; 8. S. Dunlap,
(2) $4.45, $9.05; R. B. Hall, $55.43; Macon
posl-offlce, $1.00; B. Sanderline, $16.00;
W. T. Johnston & Co., $19,20; W. & E. P.
nnmAl iSShJSS PsWin Zn at Peter T »f Ior > *»¥» = T. U. Conner, $150.00; J,
JS58? 0. Wnesler an 1 Geo. A. Dear, $X50.’X>.
en.l Fn uZSmu Alderman Duntap moved that the treas-
and other washing to Braswell s barber | urer be infracted to pay the assessors.
or a sweet pathos in music. It ta destined
t > havo a largo sale, not only bccanso or
it* commemoration of tho d?ath of u la
men’ed poet, but because oi its gecnine
merit. The piece will bo published soon,
when the public will htve an opportunity
of listening to its pure and touching mclo-
f .tr.v . i uu uuiruvmi w pay me bbwbbuib. ■ —Mexican John is a gardener, but he
did P ’o(her duties nton^he hone’ Yes I j^^and ^ I
The committee oo records nnd accounts
presented the different amounts collected . , ,
tor encroachments for 1881 and 1882 to I again. As ho had made this promise some
date. On motion, the report was ordered I twenty times before, tho Reoorder thought
spread on tho minutes. | ho d be on the safe side, and fined mm
Alderman Mosterson, chairman of the | two dollars and a half,
committee ou streets, stated that ho had I —From on advertisement olsewhore, it
. ..... . teen Mr. Collins, ot tlio Collins Mnnufsctu-1 will be seen that Mr. E. H. Engel ha* sold
, V" I riog Company, and that Mr. Co’lius wonld I put hta establishment, known as the “Bril-
ui° awnnS I lna ko such n cert ns wa* wanted for $60. {'taut Saloon,” to. Messrs. J. P. Buckalew <fc
t >u motion, tho committee was instructed I Co. John is universally known aa the
.... .. , . .to look further into the matter and see if I cleverest of men, with a host of friends,
The children fnw his convulsions, bat | they could not do bettor. • | and each and all of them will bo glad to
Ihe committee on fire department rec- J hear of the boy’s prosperity. Hta grand
did other duties abont the home. Yes
terday afternoon he went to the hoisc, mil
then into the next lot where hung the
swing, and told tbo children who were
watching him from the window that he
wus going to play circus. After swinging
awhile in the usnnl way, lie got upon a
piece of scantling that wa* laid upon the
fgnee and the tree, snd then put tile rope
around hi* neck. Having aono this tie
told tho children that he wa* going to
play circus aud hang himself, and swnng
could not get to him, but could not have
hcltied him in any way, an they were too
small, though they might have cai'ed for
Aunt Litotia returned from the funeral
nbout half-rnit 4 o’clock, As soon as tho
children saw hor from tho window, they
ornmeud that the city pay for a new reel
for Defiance Company No. 5. the amount to
to tetornod to tho city out of their propor
tion of the sale of their engine. Cose of
reel not to exceed $250. Adopted.
Tho ordinanci offered by Alderman ]
affidavit to to so used.
3. Judgments of courts of ordinary in
this 8tato in mattera appertaining to wills,
are judgment* of courts of genet nl juris,
diction, and must be recoguized as legal
and binding until se^aside or reversed.
4. Tho pica of re* adjudicate was not
Fustainod by (.roof.
5. Where a legal request to charge ta
made, the charge requested should he
giveD, unless covered by the charge of the
court as given. Judgment reversed.
Raiford vs. th* State. Incest, from Jeffer
Chav,turd. J.—1. There was sufficient
evidence to- corroborate loo testimony of
the accomplice in I his oase.
opening will be announced in a few day*.
—Mr. Joe Barnes, of Houston, brought
to tho city last night a man giving his name
os Ferry J. Cooley, sipposed to bo an es
caped murderer from South Carolina. Ho
. - , — was turned over to Lieutenant Wiley, and
called to her to hurry, as John had hung Cromeline ou March 28Ul 1882, relative to was taken to the 1 ck op by officer Kim-
bimself. She repaired at once to the } veliicle* passing over the hose belonging I brow. He ta said to have been committing
swing, but the boy had boen dead so ne | to the firo department was read the second numerous petty crimes in Hou*ton, and
time. She alarmed the neighborhood and I time. Passed auil ordered published. 1 *—*—*- * ~ • - -
brought a colored man nnmed Ronton | The ordinance offered by Alderman Dun-
BonOet and a woman named Mary Ste- lap March 28, relative to traruieut or
phons to tne scone. Tho boy wes taken up itiaeraut traders in goads, ware* or mer~
and Dr. Hammond sent for. Tho Doctor, I chandise, articles by (ample or otherwise,
‘ ‘ second f
A NcTcr-T’alllnK Curo fop Itnrns,
Scalds, Braises, Cuts, Sores, etc. t
After forty years of trial. Perry’
Davis’Pain Killer stands unrivaled.
It Is safe! It acts immediately t id
never fails t
Editor of the St. John (N.B.j News, says: J
In flesh wounds, aches, pa! rk. s. .rrs, etc.,
It !-j tho met'! ruin, .ly c Know oq
No family sliouM bo without a bottle of iff
for a single hour.
From the Cincinnati Dispatch:
We have seen its magic effects, and know
lt to be a gooAortlcle.
From I. S. yotteSSJ. S. Consul at Crefeld,
Hhenish Prussia:
After long years of use, I nm (.illsded It
is positively efficient ns a healing remedy
for wound* bruises, and sprains.
W.W.SUarper,Valdosta. Ga.,says: 1
It Isa panacea, for nil bruises and bums.
From B.W. Adams, Saqo.Me.:
It gave me immediate relic
R.Lewis says:
relieves pain and soreness, and /. cals wounds
like magic.
J.W.Dee says: $
For scald* and burrs lt has no equal. ;
n I1CW lllltrli-d rcnicdr. 1 or forty j< ars
It lias bi-rn inroustant use; uad I hos.. « lu>
have u«c«l It tlio longest ore its best friends, j
Its success is rnffiriy because of its merit.
Since the l’u I n Killer was llr.-1 in t reduced.'
hundreds at new medicines have come and,
gone, while to-day this medicine is more
extensively used ami more highly valued
than ever before. Every family should havo,
» bottle read v/>r tix. Much pain nnd heavy,
doctors’ bills mag often be saved l>y prompt
application of the Fain Killer. Vnlike mow
medicines, i t Ispcrfecitg safe even in the hand*,
of a child. Try it once thoroughly, and Itj
will provo its value. Your d riiggi-t bus It;
at 35c.,,l 81.00 per bottle.
PERRY DAVIS A SON, Proprietor*,
°ro>KlenoOt R. I.
2Text to Lanier House,
Has a complete and well assorted stock of
These goods were bought for CASfl, ha
been paid for, and we are ready now to
thorn low.
Cell and see us.
cam comx mar
Dealer in Produce and Staple Groceries,
Cigar*, Tobacco, otis., No. 68 Poplar street.
Patronage solicited nnd sati'f'irtion tusr-
says he hoe been away from South Caroli
na but two months.
of course, could render no assistance.
Acting Coroner Dan Adam* was notified,
nnd about half-past eight lost night a jnry
was impanelled. Tho evidence addacod
was iu substance as given above, and the
verdict rendered was that the decoasod
esmo to hta death by strangulation, etc.
The boy ovldently miscalculated tho dis
tance when he swung off. Ho was found
in a sitting posture, hta feet touching the
ground, and hi* body abont six inches
trom: it. He was said to havo been a
bright child, and hta death seems to bo
deeply regretted by the large number of
colored .neighbors who flocked to the house
last night. His mother’s lamentations
were heartrending.
Dentil of Mr. R. II. Llghtfoot.
was read the second time.'
Several amendment* were suggested by
tbs boa-d*.
Th* Mayor called Alderman Hendrix to
the chair .and made a few remarks, and
gave his reason* for opposiog the ordi
Alderman Danlsp asked to be allowed to
withdraw tho ordinance.
Being no objection the ordinance was
The Mayor called the attention of tho
elreet committee to the condit on of the
street iu front of E. P. Smith's r.sidence. I
No further business the council adjourned |
until next Xu-sday at 8 o’clock p. m.
H. A. Blot, Clerk of Council.
Never Despot r,
Macon, Ga., Mny 1881. Dear Sir: For I
Raarbou or Coalitionist.
People may differ in politics and con
tend for the principles they are advocating.
But all agree that Neuralgino ta tbo only
remedy for neuralgia and headache. Try it.
■ auaw.v. ua.. iunjr mwi. AATtir oir. pur
Mr. R. H. Lightfoot, a well known nnd I several yeirs I have been terribly afflicted
highly esteomed citizen of this city, died aloerated sore le* For months
Ho WA9 for “ remedy I could hear of, I lnd despaired of
morning, of consumption.
I ever LeiQ « After nbout seven weeks I
tere_t» of Macon, at one time tho senior of | „„ Q f tj lno jj n e, I find myself almost
cured. I have thrown aside cratches nnd
stick and feel like a new man. I cheerfully
recommend it to all similarly afflicted.
the firm of Lightfoot Sc. Jaqucs, nnd more
recently ot the firm of Lightfoot Sc Wynn.
For a long time he bed been out ot busi
The faoeral service* will toko piaiwuto-
day, hta old comrades, tho Floyd Hpes,
escorting tlio remains to tha graze.
Lamar Rankin Sc
F. Disroon.
Lamar, wholesale |
— V gild eras*,used as a watch
wa* lost on Taesday. Leave
music hou*o aud be rewarded.
r —Quite a crowd will go fo Savannah on
the 17th of May, with tho Khight* Tem
plar. ‘
Invigorator. Ask for Coldm’t; lake no I
[ other. Ot druggists generally.
Quick, complete cure, all annoying kid
ney, bladder nnd nrinnry diseases. $L
. . ■. , Drugg st?, Depot—Limar, Rmkia & La*.
S1,500 rer y*** can easily made at mar, alacon, Ga. i0X A 33: lw ^ j
tWit* n'nrL'inrr f. P ( i T? ?.!nn 111 AV P/i I — * **- - —
IU eVlt;
cm vj!
. . ; ■ : i ,1
idi Grit JOni. MS BCI
>f: a ii mi ii .-Co
a i .' ol» lied ■
: J . ill i;.; 1 : t - •
■a Ot oi 5. (ton: nax" , s. r ,
oJ ^ ws a fir t Jb»-i>cjir i
.* .'VDt ZWkJ | Oft ■'<
ti l- : : HI
homo working for E. G. Rideout & Co t
10 Barclay street, New York, Send for
their Citalegue and full particulars. ! 1
: ■ m l T.. . ,10 •
iMi'aniEU rvtajit. and brushes ut Lsmar,
Rtnkiu & Lamar'*., , ,
Absolutely Pure.
This iiowder never varies. A rcar’cl of
purity, strength aud whole.soir More
economical tlian the ordinary kind*/Snd
cannot tie hold iu competition with tho
multitude of low test, short .wvigbt, alant
Or phosphate powdera. Sold tn coms.'
Rotal Bakino Fowpkb Co., ltW Wall street,
New York. . ^
CURES When ill] (Hhcr
If yon donbt, come to ssa u«, and we
wiU CURB YOU, or charge nothing.
Write for particular*, and acopr
of little book “Massage to the Un-
foitacate Safferihg." Ask anv jirom-
inent Druggist aa to our standing.
e'psvtwfe.rYfcrtu- 1
1 PropHifctfrfe fejk’
■' r <rsK Bbriife*) ^
Price^f <i$e, \,V • ..
; 'IU l •'>'9 >,1V f'i 1» .* i ’fja'j :+-gQ
t . l ■**•» ^ i jfi*
»•' i 1 - -j v f- : n. Mra-srs-wn
■ " y ’ '
, .taAiJ *— *.:tiAi.