Newspaper Page Text
Wfan (UsaitQm f&elegAaplr trofc 3fat«mai & Jfl*&&£*tg£c
Urreiy sound I think I hear her feet—
Asd still I wend my altered tray alone,
JMd still I say, “To-morrow we shall meet,”
Swatch the shadows (n the crowded street—
Xach pasting face I follow one by one—
ry sound I think I hear her feet.
- Rx.vcry ■
months go by—bleak March and May-day
Harvest Is over—winter well nigh done—
Sad still I say, “To-morrow we shall meet"
among the city squares, when flowers arc
With every breath a sigh of hers seems
la every sound I think I hear her feet.
Henry and clock the unending honrs repeat,
From twelve to twelve—and still she comes
in none—
Had still 1 say, "To-morrow wo shall meet.”
•k, long-delayed to-morrow! hearts that beat
Measure the length of every minute gone-
la every sound I think I hear her feet
I*er the suns rise, tardily or fleet.
And light the letters on a churchyard stone—
And still 1 say, “To-morrow we shall meet"
M*d still from out her unknown, far retreat
She haunts me with her tender undertone-
la every sound I think I hear her feet—
And still 1 say, “To-morrow we shall meet"
-Mat Probjn.
A Kaiublc Among Exchangee.
¥ak*cxaw claims another victim. Death
st the card table. Murderer at large.
Rone of the escaped Columbus prisoners
have as yet been captured.
Two prisoners confined in tho Butler jail
were rescued by outsiders on the £th in&t.
Tie JCttguirw-Sim looks upon the pro
posed Columbus waterworks as a certainty
XorroB;WooDtook a fos'squirrel in pay'
meat for a subscription and then let the
Mpurrel get away. ■
Tab editors of the HawkinsTillo Dispatch
■manes that owing to the financial pres
sure they will not visit Europe this year.
Tax question in Hawkinsville at present
a, who owns the proposed cotton seed oil
milt, tho Dispatch or the Sexes. Our col
naans are open,
Hawsrxsvn.UE is to liaro a twenty thou-
sasd dollar cotton seed oil mill, the stock
Has been taken, contracts made, and the
shorter will be applied for at once.
McDuffie Journal: Julian Paschal has
Georgia Bailroad will be puffing his breath and it is presumed that its force was nearly , Walter EL Johnson, United States col leu-
right into our faces by the first of Sep-1 spent when it passed through the bird, and : tor of internal revenue, 2nd Georgia dis-
tember I hence dropped to the ground with the triot, barely escaped a most horrible death.
— nrAvflktnff feathers it tore away. As wo have said, 1 He was wmtiug at tiie station to board the
up the wh^ in the wnthlnd. The gen- |, h ?. r t; i *a?" 0 ^y ,0 * ,U * 0thsr iaet * nco ot P*««“«er train for Columbus, and as the
tleman from Yankee-Iond is teaching j Ul '» on f® 00 ™*
Savannah Aru-s: The annonnoement
that the decision in the injunction case-
Bgainsttho Ocean Steamship Company of
Savannah would be rendered in the 8nne-
them how to sing.
Athens Banner: Mr. McGinty will
breakdirtforthe Lucy Cobb Chapel this
week. Preparations are being made for
train came up to the station be stepped
upon tho aide track to cross over to tho
main track upon which was the Columbus j
triin. The passenger trains meet at
point, and as Mr. Johnson stepped
the side track, his back being
cle—a wooden piece curved to fit the pii>e. J stock of goods were completely destroyed.
IV hen the proper length has beon reached The former was insured in the Southern
tho pressure is stopped, and a wire is used . Mutual and Korth British companies for
..... - - . . „ , to cut off the dirt tube. To follow this par- . *3,003, which about covers tho value. Tho
companied the oorpae, to perform the sad ticular branch further: the pi™ is taken to . Utter in the Imperial and Northern for the
task of delivering Rover to hia bereaved anoiherroom where any roughness maybe same amount, wh'cb is about fourths
i «*»*• were remo“J^Tth?
was taken that this murderer should not—
no, by the Eternal shal I not—go uuwhipt
of justice. An eaoort, chosen from amonu
his particular friends and classmates, ac-
aud heart-broken parents
uvfnn if tho corner stone the 12th of «or Court yesterday morning aUraoted a the side track, his back being towards the
the laying of the corner stone tne idin ot . namber of anxious spectators. [ tra,n tor Macon, it came thundering along.
^* ay ' , . , I Bay street was well reproaentedr^ind the I Th® trains arrived so nearly
Jessup Sentinel: Perry Riohard r on t col- brokers, bulls and boars were out in force, time thnt Mr. Johnson did ni
ored, while coupling cars at Hartridge last
Thursday, had his head and neck horribly
crushed. Dr. Lester was immediately sent
brokers, bulls aod boars were out in foroe.
The impression seemed general that the
| injunction would be granted, though, there
being no oertainty about the matter, there
close proximity of the train for Macon,
and but for the kindly office of a bystander,
who hallowed at a-id g.-abbed him by the
of the Junior class, and stood high in his
studies. He was of the Phi Kappa Socie
ty and the Chi-Phi fraternity. He was a
room some thirty by ninety feet square.
Large flues paas through the dirt floor,
whicii conduct tho heat to all parts of the
Uii.TON citizen: nrigiit, tne Darner, after the usual preliminaries, the judge an- *““*F*“ ns ir«c».«. n. emus. ax ne naa an enemy, no one ib
caught a large eel one day week, and counced that he had given the papers in I slightly bruised and is thankful indeed, cognizant of ike ftvot. This young man V f.P?° „‘ ar ra , cter vi ln -
upon cleaning it found a number of very I the case earnest consideration, and had I that his life was spared. began to talk about his mother ns soon as 1aoiiars per Darrel. It is
distinct letters and figures on the bladder, read oarofully the legal authorities to Savannah News: Ths following is a lL - -- - i «hin™ rt aii,„„„ x— v ~ v
Can somo scientist explain what caused which counsel on cither side bad referred, copy of the decree granted in the Superior
this itrange freak of nature? I and he would therefore order that the in- Court, by Judge Tompkins, in the case of
Savannah Recorder: Mr. John Roach I junction stand, his conviotion being that I W. W.Gordou etBi. vs. the Ocean Steam-
has just concluded a contract with the | the Ocean Steamship Company had no | *“‘P Oomproi* of Savannah s _ W. W. Gor-
he'reoeived the fatal wound, and ha/yd I -ft*York. After a
- ■ h« teieuranhed for few “0“” crying, it ia placed in the large
came ‘ W? will burned until It comes to a white
that sue
leave on ^ret train!”’ But it°wns soon I }l e ?! ,ln , 0 mnd "J* d causes
w , , - . _. known that the fond mother could I ° Ionn '-! k beautuul glaze. Tho kiln it
Ocean'steamahip'company "for the con-1 right to issue such certificates oY interest, I don etal., oomplainants, and the Ocean I not get to her boy in time, and so tlPHfrTr I ^benopwied andleft tooooltWiMotaeplpeM
strnction of three now large iron steam-1 and that tho officers and directors Steamship Company of Savannah, et al., I telegram was sent telling her to remnin at I „ the P'P 0 y Eri3 , where such largo
ships. Laying the keels will soon be begun I of said company, and the officers and di- defendants. The motion of the complain- home—if was too late. We can judge agony 5?£?_f2JSlL!!!5f ° re . t0 aW( i lt orders,
at Chester. Pa. It is understood thnt when rectors of tho Central Railroad and Bank- ante in the above stated case for a tempor- of that mother when this terriblo nows was j m ?- nufB , Qr . e “ from tw ® lnc bes to two
the vessels are completed the present I in K Company should be restrained from I nl T iujononon as prayed in the bill ns flashed to her on the wings of eleoiricity. 1 1661 maiamelar -
steamers will be sent to Boston. I using iteo any manner or for nny purpose, amended, came on to be heard on the four- Without a moment’s warning it bnd told
RoMECounVr; Now that a Door white The flOge intrusted the counsel for t^nth day of March, 1832, in accordance her that the boy that had so lately left her . n. . r .
woman has been found -miltv (ifvni;r»rrv complainants toprepare a form of decree I with an assignment made by order of to prepare for a long and useful life wns ,. MitLEDOEVitLE, Ga., April C.—The ln-
nn “sentenced to twelve months In thl and r‘ e9ent 11 in court this morning, when court, as appears in the record, and was still and cold in death-shot down by a dlcnto F of *$• average Milledgoville ther-
- 10 - rnontns in th0 I he would sign it. heard on the bill and amendments with blackmurdererwilhoutwaming.andusher- raonjetor, .just now, has a tendeneyup-
exhibits thereto, ths aeswers and affidavits ed into the presenoe of his Maker. But I V 0 "'’ and ,“. K on P ardoa onr suspec-
-■ *• *— ... - 1 ders v/e will take off our coat, before tell
ing what wo know.
lie inorommtarcs ot itome unv in andnv I w -“ 00100 “P ln proper iormat me Aiecem- 1"■ him was conciuueu on i oavior win mot out tne lew transgressions I . . r i n ? capital campaign somebody
bertermof the Superior Court, when pro- the sixteenth day of March, 1882, charged against him on the great book of 8tart .® d , t ?. re ,P° rt that MilledgevUle had
of vwrroncr: 8 ^ 8 ceedings will be taken to compel the Gen- when time was taken tor consideration! life. 1 —■*“ J
r „. ..... ... , ,, . tral Railroad Company to yield up the cer- And now, on this seventh day of April,
foU °w»nK tificate for cancellation. « 11882, after due consideration had: It is I ESPECIAL CORRESPONDENCE.
a 13 The other case was that of the Attorney ordered, adjudged and decreed, that tho
va V. 1 ? .^.P? 0 - 20 ' I Qeaeral of the State and others against I prayer and motion of the complainants for I Inter eaiing Letter from Washlngrto
P r,II ft.i* lr0 . m *hing the Mayor and Aldermen of the City of ran injunction, set forth in the bill as I Items ol News from Other Points in
glad onr faeatts once again. .The winds are | Savannah and others, in the matter of ns- amended, be and It U hereby granted '
nuu Bciuenceu iu iweive rnontns in me
chain-gang, onr law-abiding citizens would
like to know why it is that dozens of negro
The matter will now be carried to the
gravitated into a comatose condition and
only needod a little physic, administered
with judgment, to kill the town, The vile
stuff,'in the shape ot caricatures and bil
ious jokes, was industriously given. But
the town, like many a doctor’s patient, got
well in spite of the d wing.
The Middle Georgia Military and Agri-
w.omnnr™ /i. ». 0 , i cultural College is offering rare induce-
emiiinr. cl-.. ,iui '■ * . ,,— n v—i ,»auuqi uiuu w— mw buu ixjjuuc-1 tiooiiuB* nia 1U.MKK unjoreu, uu> i \y \v V nn of" this ulacn* ia I dents to the yonthof onr section and the
nrnr ihrffrBr^on? ni^I y butt ® rflies fion refused. The city authorities J will judged and decreed that the Ocean Steam- eT ' ery f 10n J. f / om j'Sf Hshifmom 9 c-ntire State even, to get practical and thor-
°! er tbe 'fragrant lilacs. U ow be enabled to complete tiie oontract ship Company of Savannah, its president, in ® n ^ * a n d enUrnrising citizen anS wBl* ?“ sh inatr S ct '? 1 n - U »beregister, the uni-
Th* W aynesboro Herald says, all the with the Naptha Gas Company for lighting board of directors and other offioors beSreatlv miMedform good order prevailing in everyde-
politidans of that locality can be located the street lamps, which was interdicted by "Kents be, and they are hereby torToen T^mbs W blu sadlv nf" par f mei ^ t ’ P°P nlarit ? of the teachers, com-
smoethe Markham Eonseadvisprycouncil. | the restraining order. 7 | and. until. further ordered, restrained | fli^dfor a'^tfme. She and thS Gener! | !SS'“"SSKi ®Lj
Oeorcln—A Oeacrlption of Htephena’
The same papers says: Mr.' Tomlin I . ", ’ ~ _ ,, land' enjoined from del’iverintT Tif I UB ln0U i ener i I ““d excellent examination .
reports that some chickens wereenrried off j?? 7 ? T °, n ^‘f ay 9 f ,a " t the said interest certificate has not a^eady Imimy tnartSnife Thev wbhi“nfnrri^d ? re fa!r ? videncei < *beu onr college is sare-
from his h 9 uso by the cyclone. After the Cole, colored, been delivered to the Central Railroad and about fiTtvXeevearsn/o wheuZwns ,y «P erie n«“K " boom. AU tEe classes
storm a neighbor brought them back, hav- was bitten by a large spider. No senon* Banking Company of Georgia), and from Si™t«en ven« oi.^nnrt " raas nnmerous as could be desirod. The
ing found them a mile and a half off. Be- I , S- hen thechild was I issniug, transferring Dr otherwise dis iw^avaZohnHv^I feature of this school has been
mg placed in the yard they promptly res- JHSSSU’a!!? 5SJjfj, ??i? sday posiog of the interest certificate mentioned t ho fuUmoosuro SariSlUmtafi 817611 “ { air „ t ? 3t > " nd its B^od results are
ponded to the cluck of the mother lien. “f^ r thre0 dflys of mnch 8uffenn K, the child and described in the complainant’s amend- as nny couple™ ho ever entered that Zte “PP a . rcat * Ibo cadets are trained to bo
6db ^ or any parte of such certificate, or | “d iow the afflioZn of toe X npIS I 1“ the discharge of duty
Athens Banner: All of our colored peo
ple are not in sympathy with these mur-
Enterprise: There is in any similaT certificate or certilicates or a ? d “?- W the , afflioti , on .‘M fe °P° n and manly in bearing.
t a colored man wlio has n I...... -- ....v.. . ’ I whom mo o.d hero has lavished the affec- I Ttnv.KnTn.Tnnnai.reoA
p le are not n sympamy witn these mur- Marion county a colored man who has a ££ on^KtntnnronHotifnfe.rao^n.’ I wilom lil ° °- d l*ero has lavi-hed the atfec-
ld i e J?. 6 ,: lar se plantation rented on his own ac an? o? cSJnSSaSi f S nr aat !,. nn J al 'S. ria8 . dev 9 t j on " life '
tn teat thick around the whole State. All
the same, we hoi>e it will not be put to that
nouncing tho crime. ‘ I over the public well was the enormous | and enjoined from receiving (ifnot^niready | qualities will be fine its arranoomant rmn^i
u • , Gnirra News : Ata meeting of GriflSn- befng^atbiohec^aZaMrd beannff'thn to 8 cZnanvTandZo^tlnm^rin^ n?Z h « iP venient and the flfdsh tasty. First-class Wabbenton, AprilC.—Thespringterm of
Ku 11 ? lU h® 9 t ?U*®d| .e°me day, in I Fire Co. no. 1, held on last was scrititiom “Goobers*tor Bnl^hn^ natn™ w?oZ;^nn a fn^ troupes co ne here antlsecuro good houses, the Superior (Jourt is now in session. Busi-
•xnidms fences and houses in this section, unanimoasly decided to participate in the slowlv ” D " 101 sa e bnt e01D8 **j d „ mt ®Ff 3t ®erfafi- as the people have moans and culture. I ness is being dispatched with great rapidi-
SwAnraDOBoZ/rmW- a i«r™ r«fM».r,.Vn Macon contest on Aprillfith. Withprop- o ' ^ 1Messrs. Irvin & Callan’e now brick grist ty under tbe executive ability Ef his Honor
WMkUledZt I^riday moming b“ H h! 01 JP”^®®; wa do , ®«® what is to P pre- | ^vania Telephone: Dr. Oeqnt B. | I 9 1 '. 11 wiU soon bo complete. It will be j Judge E. EL Potte^ud Solicitor George F
Kwtehiwn. When fcis little son found the offered a^herebvZ?^
tho rent He was in his coil find thA ! unci norcuy givo tno aI&coh fire
itioXafrESMbZfootofthesnake’s dn ®» ot i®®to b. on tho lookout.
1 hn anolra ln/1 jot-nvo 1 ttln., I WOUlll DO \CTj CZ
ber of his cabinet, afterwards by Mrs. Ea
ton to Mr. Robert T. Lawton, late of this
county, and by him to too present possess-
*^f teSe a “«f had MVer#rrattle6 " a “ d I de°<Tto Tee oSffla g ?Z«ri victorious
. . ,. ' . , , 1 once more, and we wish toe boys all the
A art at chf.upo has occrirr6d I success imaginable.
id the streams of this county ^within the I ^
to«,Kng fl toe& o/lhe at reams has ^P^^bytteraUmafcomTis^a I S^WTetephone: We learn that toe
JoKsts along the banks ot be? reams has from the vari oas towns along the railroads "beletoiMf a man was found, near the CO
Henbt B. Tompkins, Jcdge.
April 7,1882..
for Governor.
After the business of the Jackson Artil-I
less be a success financially end a benefit I "nee are Judge Reese and General D. M.
of the city and surrounding country. I DuBois, from Washington; Judge F. L.
Tho Gazette is doings spltndid business. I Little, Colonels Chrrles DuSois, Jordan,
It has a fine ontfit, is well edited and ably I Reese and A. M. DuBois, from Sparta; H.
managed, and deserves the success and I 0. Raney, Thomas Watson and W. D.
appreciation which it is enjoying. I Lutt, from Thomson; Judge William
‘This section is in a very prosperous I Gibson and Colonel Brandt, from Augusta,
condition. Crops have been good for sev- I There is a full docket and a full bar. The
eral years. This place hus already re- I most important criminal cose pending in
ceivea 12.E0D bales of cotton this year and I court is the trial of Oscar Howard, colored,
will get fiOO more. I have been told of I for the_ murder of Elias Edwards, white,
some farming in this section which sur- I The crime was committed near Mesina, on
- , , —, 1—p, .— wivumi w,is uv nuuru i j ... . A. H. Stephens 1 Charles C Jones 1 it I P.awes anything I hav# heard of in Goorgia the Georgia railroad, several months past.
■ measured four feet in length, and weigh-I "f^^eeon on the 10th. In tho absenco of I ?f ad t a H?. nt h *? 0nth 'ia^' 0l ^ inB J* as found E Lester! Judtro James Jackson •» ITmx I hS ,< j Wr '«.^ I S ,t i!!S* A letter from John W. Nelms, dated
•d twenty-six jiounds. This fish will, per- Gov. Colquitt the commission employed ab ?nt him but an old carpet bag and n I “ ^f 31614 ’ Ju . d8 ® Jamei Jackson^, Thos. informed me thnt he had made $2T.,000 in March 20th, addressed to one of onr citi-
Im^3| cause tbe crops to eu3er 9 as maDv I Messrs. Mynatt & Howell to represent I P air shoir. which he wore. I Hardeman 9, A. 0. Bacon 7 f and James I 811 a twenty-six horse farm, or I zens, informing him of Ihe pardoning of
4U '‘*** Thebe is an old gentleman in Harris I Blount 7, I over $4000 a year* Another gentleman I one Terry Warthem (col), by the Governor,
”** * I i 1 ^l ns created no little sensation of indigna-
among the citizens of our county,
said Warthem was convicted at our
term of court and sentenced to forty-
years, imprisomeut-, for stealing n horse
been no damage to the adjoining buildings.
As it is, there was very little, and for this
the fire department deserves a high com
pliment, The MAdison Square Theatre
Company gave to the Thomasville Library
Association one-third of toe prooeeds of
lost night's entertaiment—about fifty dol
Some Reminiscences by Basil Duke,
Wbo Wsbs CImiimm of the Boys’
Basil Duke, of this city, yesterday told
how he bad attended college with Robert
James, tbe father of the notorious Jesse
and Frank. “I see by some of the papers,”
said the Colonel, “that the James boys
come of bad parents.” That is all wrong.
It was in 1840 that I attended college nt
Georgetown, Scott County, Ky. f and Rob
ert James, the father of tho boys, was then
one of my classmates. Theinstitution was
presided over by Howard Malcolm, and
was then the only Baptist college in the
State. At this time Robert James was 21
yoarsof age, one of the oldest boys in toe
college, and he gave ont that he had been
sent there by the trnstees of a church at
Russellville, Ky. The boys at school looked
upon James as a high-minded, honest fel
low. He was a general favorite and much
esteemed. The boys at first called him
Bob James, but after awhile even this was
abbreviated, nnhl he became universally-
known 03 Bob Jim. He bad be°n sent
there to finish his education. It-was the
custom in those days for congregations
who could not afford to hire a miuister to
call upon the college students. -James was
a good speaker and was often tons favored.
It was while he was preaching in one of
the neighboring churches that he met Miss
Cote, a bright and pretty orphan girl of
sixtoen. Her parents had left her a neat
iroperty, valued at §10,000, a big sum in
those days, and she was looked npon as a
good catch for anyone. James proved
the lucky suitor, married her
quietly- and a little later annonneed tho
fact to his class-mates. They were mar
ried in the fall of 1841, and a year later
Frank was born. His mother’s parents
were in life looked upon as very respect
able people, and she was always considered
a good girl In 1813,1 left the coilege at
Russellville and went to Yale. Upon my
return from the latter institution, I heard
that Robert James and wife bad gone to
Missouri to live. She is tho woman they
now call Mrs. Simuela.”
Col. Duke said, in handling tho Jame3
boys the Globe-Democrat had always taken
tho right view of it, bnt he did not seem to
like the way Jesse had been taken off. As
for Mrs. Samuels, ho said she had never
shown herself to be really a bad woman
until incited by officers throwing a lighted
hind-grenade into her house, which ex-
iloded, killed her little boy anil mutilated
Great Germ Destroyer,
DAuors v
llPittino of Small
Small-Pox Pox Prevented.
“ 4
* Gangrene prevented
and cured. <
Dysentery eared.
Wounds healed rap.
Scurvey eared In i
short time.
• Tetter dried ap.
It is perfectly harm-
For Sore Throat it is
Siek rooms purified
by bath-
Roberson's pond, on Monday. I > D K the effect of the circular will be heard
will want to cstch the mate. ’ * j them.
ObXHBRT Enterprise: 1 here were 22,0001 Oglethorpe
uhingies on the barn and sheds at Mr. J. I "* John Glenn
E- Bridges’ place, and when the storm was I Eexington and , , .™.^
tntr, we were told that not one shingle was I “f field, followed by his daughter and au
lound on the premises. All had been I other negro girl, leading a fmule, he was I JJawkins away-' back in the early part of I smallest number of votes, and support tho I r ® a 7?„ „„ ^ , - ,
I he pauper farm, where I thrown to the ground by a flash of light- I tt>la centnry * antl desires to correspond with three receiving the largest number. I ba8 ™£ d ® a “ a ’ era SS. of $1^00 per year on | and mule.
■ BAJA an/1 L.L!. J . _ I ADV OOP tfho Call fpll him tllB TlomAa r\9 4l.a I PAUIs BliUNT, ■ “ Iiors
Mown over into the pauper farm, where I thrown , _ „„„ —
*te>y had to be banLd ont before any plow- I mn K. he rose and looked behind him to a S> y one w ”° 0311 tell him the names of th9
mg eoald be done. I see the mule on the ground try ing to get I ?i?.9® r8 ^ ° went . fr ? m Jone3 county in
Wcdton Yidette : Mr. John Kelly, a foot ' dp n and b? tb Kiris also down. He ran back V-jr’ £L" h n ° ft *!: 10 ,n char 8 e of Fort Haw-
pedoler, came into the city trom Walton I « h ? m “ ,e dywig. both girls, bow- ““s s°°n "ftcr.
auenty Mooday. He says that when about I $ ver » wore poly stunued, and got op. He | Tabtab Bkvan, the negro fiend who two
five mile* from Social Circle he was or- — “ * u
dsred by two armed, unmasked white men
Tbe Athens Knrder.
In conversation with a gentleman lost
fe> handover what money he had with him,
mtd that he was robbed of eighty-five dol
lars. He says bo wonid recognize them
teaoold he ever see them again.
McDuffie Journal: A huge wildcat was
- . - . ._ He was reported to the Gover-
horse farm. These are fancy figures I U or ns lying at tho point of death, by two
out they were given me by men whom physicians, last December. It seem3 that
standing is guaranteed for their correct- he practiced deception on tho physicians
ne ® 8 ‘ , . . . ...... .. and has folly recovered since his liberation.
Some stock has beon lost in this section I Gov. Colquitt will perhaps be notified of
on account of feeding with damaged corn | the fact, but the sentence of pardon can-
i the onoe shackled
his way rejoicing,
_ of the most law-
abiding citizen of onr land. So much for
Jeasvp Sentincl: _ xwo negroes got into I and Detective HanlsV I rife with rumors that tbe two necroes. I „ . —~ „ . . .. I abiding citizen of onr land. £
a difficulty at a colored festival given on I that the ne^rowas’ workinolrf Lihartv I Frank Johnson and Enoch Echols,'would I _ HaWKI ?'? vtI - 1 ' E T 1 A I ,rl * 7.—Irwin Snponor I thepresont chain-gang system!
Gilbert s place, at No. M. & B. I county, and secured the services cf the de I be taken from the jail last night and I ^ our ^ aujourued on Wednesday last at I Gobdon, Ga., April 7.—The sufferers by
— Saturday night, in which one I tectiveto arrest liim. There wns i Lw-ird" I lynched. He says that not a pistol or shot- rSt. u a :uiu a t tiie late atorm desire to express through The
*b»»t Qtt Little nver, in this county, last I "hot and killed the other. Mr. Gilbert sat of §(XX) offered for the mnrderer and the K" 11 or an >' ammunition can be bought in „ Gibbs^chargedwith the murder of FI etch- Telegraph and Messenger their heartfelt
jraek by W illie Routenborg, a lad about “P nnt3 | quite late to keep peace, but not two'men traced him from Liberty the place,*ail having been purchased by f ’ v F a * wtitetedi for voluntary manslaugh- thanki for the kindness rendered them by
durteen yews old. The onfmal measured long after he left, two of tiie negroes got to Lorn whenre he flS to Chained T^and’ the negroes, who were well armed ‘ e „ r - « the sum of $3,00J, and the outaiders in clearing awa, the debris and
loqT' feet from nose to tip of tail, and I <ruarre!ing, and one of them walked out in where he waa captured handcuffed Tho sidewalk on which the young men “s® continued. Alexander was diseharged, putting up their fences,
wiffhed twenty«two pounds. The tusks I yard and told the other to come ont I gsnt to Jeffersonville. * I were walking was quite narrow, and John- I against him for parti-I Gardens are fine. Irish potatoes and
were seven-eighths of an inch long above n »d be would whip him, whereupon, the Tnv Ririnin<,i,n m <*. *1, * gon ran against Roundtree, bnt before oi I ,atlon in homu-ido. spring vegetables generally are coming
the gnm», and the claws were three-quarters I one challengel pickedup an axe and start- jfeli a ®® m ‘ doing so told liis companion not to give on I - lbo P®°P l6 of Irwl ?.. eeemjo be in a | the tables now.
FisJie deserves | ®d ?n^ when the _ one in the yard drew bis I ?? n ^nm.!i U1 I inch of the walk. When Johnson fired tf
mS an ineb in length. Willie _
fcraise for his bravery and prowess.
Aijtant News: Mr. Ed. McLaren, of Ma-
*n, is among his Albany friends. He is
stepping forger and swelling excessively
ttecause be knows that eve-ybody has read
ed out, when the one in the yard drew his I
d, prosperous condition. Tho county
The weather is fine for crops, gardens,
etc. , Sioux.
pteMudTSred!kiiirng hfoS'SgSSS in- | at . Columbus, Geiriia, are bu^ng'the" I Zt&T,iokk u^a roTandfw at i ® ided ** to P«*«nce for next Con-
stautly. They lived in the samoelmnty m ,' De ™l n8ht to , al1 ^ mineral lands j^ 01 ^'‘ 0 ' g „P 1 Z < i a P ?£„ greisman from the third
and had been intimate friends for a Ton? I MSS* !2"^«L“®. Columbus | brother Qmw his pL,?ol, bu{!nf"tlJeridenoe
_ ___ prove*, did not fire it.
toe Macon Truonra, taitaffi,w&*toS [ *$*£*?£'Upiandf ^I I AS ft AtoSE. StfSS2eSe£?S. ble proport , of
SteRw^riiteg aTong 6 S^)? , d I I ?“. bef 9 u ?. d theUa*. This | I ‘ookjSK at his jresidence near Eastman
admirer presented Master Eddie McLaren
with a silver cup as the prettiest baby in
“ e be®- [ Scott was taken in limbo and Mr. J."b."a'. i n r , ^
Savannas Neir*; The market for spirita I Buchanan, the marshal of Eastman was dig „„„" vi , N k T0!, i , . rprwe; .^ap Wallace has | Horeton-Lowe.
’ * "— — -• - - 1 —.-i-i ‘— w ~ - -- — ■ several barrels of _ com in his crib four
Rev. B. H. Ivey has had to suspend bis
school this week on acconnt of sickness.
Ho is now convalescent.
Eastman, April 7.—A sale of the perishn-,
>i« tho late John Xf, Griffin
prompted to
course and teach-
Coix-sinus, Ga., April 7.—Hon. W. H.
Johnston, postmaster, met with an acci
dent to-day that came near being Beriots.
Mr. Johnson while waiting at Jones’ cross
™ , ings on the Muscogee railroad for the
on Wednesday. There waa a large crowd I down passenger train, and not being
and the bidding was good. The property I aware of the approach of the up passenger
broeght fair prices. I train, was knocked six or eight Let into a
Uar farmers are not buying guano this I pile of sawdust, and with ths exception of
—*"*•* -- ■--* ->*•- ,J - ' - ’ article mixed with
!ua I X D lfi D .LT'n > ry active .yeeterday, I ?5 COI PP a P ied by Mr - I ^musoUL imTlMiridM^al^hU ^ 3 lut vear*. I Wednesday evening a number of gen- "*tra inducements are offered by agents. saZurii und °on his handsftme suit of
opening were TAX cents, and the market I trouble in capturing the thief. But when S anId be if . hls bog? wotld stop dying. By I place, about fonr miles oat on the Clinton I to look after their cattle and
» B ^nu r °™“ at ,V- **Z’. nnd advance of I ‘be accused saw these PWt^oPProaching kb®^’* 1 *^8? diseMeis killing many road, to witness the marriage ceromony of the prospect is favorable for sn increase in J Griffin, April 7.—The first item of my
X»£otnte per gallon. These figures must I bo sailed out through a window and hied „? 83 ' n „.. °P ae3 °? “ke the j, d Moreton ono of the most en ‘bo issue as well as in the wool. Under the Ietter to-day shall be the correction of a
Jf®*® T ®,fy remunerative to producers, and, I "way at a double quick across Mr. EasU 800,1 ahorn °* bis hair Mr * ^werd Moreton, ono or the most en- auspices of tho Eastmmicornet banda mistake (not mine, however), which ap-
toouid they continue, will help the summer man’s farm in the rear of tbe hotel, hotly b«lSdZ i2S» 80 5?L ,, P% ar ol i ® yer the le,pns,n8 yoon8 farmera ot Jones county, fat p y baU WM giT “ n at thc court hou-o I'carod in my last. Mr. is capfaiS,
aade in thissection very ihotenally. j P“™"ed by tho marshal Bed Mr. Milner. feS[iS d . b * ~p°u ,n dvl 59 onr I ‘o Miss Anna T. Lowe, ayounglady of rare last night. Kohler furnished the musio I not chaplain, of the Griffin Light Guards,
A™, noting the intelligence of a cor- tori? 87aces of womanhood and high scholarly ""d a pjearant time was had. There were
‘ attainments. Rev. Charles Lane was the i r °i m - De,8h ' 1 - v, J rl0 R? tm'ita.y orgamzat.ons through-
officiating minister.
An elegant supper was served to theas-
tioring towns in attendance, and joy was
A debate is announced to take place to
night by the members of the Eastman so-
ont the State can boast of n handsomer
ngbt in a trap on the iands'of Dr* I j 1110 ‘ho family coffee-iKit, just before the I which he cams' to town! Unfortunately
Hodifled, near Keg Creek, some five miles I "J 8 "***?* hour on Tuesday morning Jnsf. I Morpheas overcame him and he went to
bom Handersville, on Monday lest. Alii- I Jf 1 ' Jejdan, wife and children, all drank of I sleep. Tho grass caught on fire and con-
ntore are not claimed to bo specialites in I *2® ®°ffee. and bt-gan to grow sick- Con- vcyedthe flames to his clothing, which wns
Washington county, but a reptile of such I cl ,? 8 th at they had all been r>oieoned, I nearly burned off him. He is severely
-Jmenatons would pass muster creditably in I S mo -. * wer8 ‘l n,c bly administered, and the I burned and his recovery is considered
SJorida or any first-class alligntortemtorv 1 1 fO° n 8°t relief. Mr. Jordon ens- doubtful.
Some forty eggs were found in the body I P ecle d tbe negro l»oy of the crime, and he I wirenrnss .
We presume that the monster was not *a a / re sted und taken before Justice Ro- — j r ff e " mc l w - —
bona fide resident, but only a visitor from I } and f° r tnal. He was convicted and after T® 8 ! ea ^ ‘"d news of
toe ponds and i«™««i. -/ a«..L #i » I the trial scknovlodr-M hnvinr* ,i. n I ing to death of an infant soncf,
Taxjiotton .
SB and i uwii
uavontion. She inakesacireular“cage 'of I Southerner and Appeal: On lastSundav I teft his father, who was splitting raiis’n I
Si? ^22’ P ,ao *f " few y°uug chickens in it, I about e-ght miles from hero near the I 8bo (F distancO' from the house, and pro-
tfacbee a steeltrep well bated on the top I tors of Big Sandy, Mr. Sanders, with M. I "eetBng to the houae alone sml unobserved
afthaeium nml niniHi m.. i “f I - . . . ‘P I Ofmeht f,r< u-lnti.
county, where an elegant reception wns
prepared by the groom’s father. They
have the best wishes of tbeir numberless
Rosebuds Iu Society.
Louise Chandler Moulton in the Continent.
“To be a fresh aod as yet .ungathcred
And lilies arc so white,
Shall a woman exalt her face
Bci-atuo it gives delight J”
Off the cage nudnwait* results. The hawk children, were out taking astroHin the can * ht dr f wh iJo attempting to remove Tb®. brightest blossom fa but brief, and
aames to the noise of the little chickens, woods. After wandering around for some 5? n3 °i l ??, tatoe9 , from the burning coals. l .be girl is wise who uses her girlnood as
MdIn attempting to get at thtm alights on I time, one of the littl - girls approached nenr little unfortunate ran towards his the Period m which she may learn to be
commander than our boys.
Nearly all of our lawyers are attending
Pike Superior Court this week. Have not
learned of any case of importance tried as
A very interesting and well attended se
ries of meetings are now progressing at tiie
Baptist Church of our city. So far, I have
heard of eight persons who have united
themselves with the ohurch.
The email grain crop of thissection looks
very promising iudeed. Onr farmers,
profiting from the severe lesso-i of the
post, li&vo planted a larger acreage in
corn, oats and wheat than for years past.
The peach tiees, too, are heavily laden
sawmill industries, and is public-spirited I wi ‘ h yonD8 froit > " nd if “Mr. Frost” will
and popnier. His name has boon promi- ? nly 8t " y 8w ? y R° w » we may expect a little
uently mentioned in connection with Oon- I b V 4 mes RrS * ature *
gressional honors in this district I Tho P ond % J° ko n °t the only
one perpetrated on onr citizens on “all
fools day.” About nine o’clock on the
mt, a furious alarm
which soon brought
well as the hook and
ed a very successful
wood, J. W. Clark, Wm, Kupfermau, W. I ®eU, and wns caused by the, by some
J. Moore, W. H. O’Pry, George Paul. j youug men, of a lot of lroxq«, filled
The Superior Court has been in session I W1,h in turn saturated with ker-
hls line and building up a good patronage.
Hon. Walter T. M. McArthur visits East
man once a week, in the interest of his
large and growing real estate business.
He supplies nearly all our turpentine and
* • b I* » ears pop every time. Mrs. instantly rtSXS by a huge Vugator?
16661,117 wwghtsix Mr. S., who was not far nwayf ran
— oks in the same way. | to the rescue of his child,
The brightest blossom is bnt brief, and I all the week. Argument in tho fence con- I °^ne, which, ot course, caused tho flames
e girl is wise who uses her girlhood as tested election has been begun, but has to shoot up rapidly and givo itthonppenr-
- t c - ^ - them alights on I time, one of the littr ^T rb! ' a ,“"roa C ‘h^d n^r I iitUe unfortunate ran towards his I tb ® P eri °d »?. which she may learn to be not been concluded before Judge Sim- an ® 0 ° f " n extensive^conflagration.
trap, when his liberty is immediately I the stream to pluck some honevTuck e fathf /> bn ‘ before assistance could be ren- " won3nn : 0,76 m® the rose who has no mons. Tho earn excites great publio in-I Quite a number of Gnffimtes contem-
mmmI opou by the merciless jaws of I blooms which grew on the bank and^ was der ed ho was so soverely burned that denth thorns, who never is known to judge harsh- terest and is being ably argued by the P* ate , witnessing the annual parade of your
T * *- — — -• - ■ - ’ 8 1 ensued rn a few houre afterwards. We of- I ly or ungnuerously, and wlio uses the I counsel on both sides. Colonel John P 11* 1 ® depanment, bnt will not bo able to do
ter onr sincere condolence to the bereaved P° wer ot bar beauty for blessing and for Fort, of your city, is counsel for the fence 80 if tb ® date is changed back to the 15th.
parents. j bane. She it is who need fear no autumn side. G I * hear it whiskered that one of onr compa-
Bandxxstiijj! Herald- Two lor™ I watched her, as it’were, ont “of “thn I Auousta Chronicle: Tho sang boat Toe- I since ngo carnot wither or custom stale tho I *• nies entertain some idea of taking partin
!v :,Uugaentlemen, who proved to fo-Mr iaws of den,h - By this time, the c ? a haa rfturnod to Savannah from up the va ^‘ y of . her c barm. Gordon, Ga., April 8.-Court has bean ‘ he c 9. nto8t i a definite decision of the mat-
JLcrt Yt-ul and Mr. James VewL. who Uft I entire 1‘ttle party were in a wild wbare sho has been removing imped- I. “There w no safeguard sa potent as pun- I in session during tiie week in Irwin ton, I ter will probably bs armed at in a day
Washington county, the place of ttieirb’rlb I ®tate of excitement. After Mr. S. had re- I , t0 navl 8" ll ° n - The appropriation I L-Y n i a * {®- - 1 ?? crouched; and j and quite a number of our citizens have I two -
ew»r thirty years ago for the West, arrived’ I Inov . ed ‘bem from danger, he nt once set to Jn/S? If 6 ? e fb" n *tod ) she will lay np un- I „ 5 8 |[„ “<>•• heart is pure need fear no I been in attendance. Nothing of a special I At a meoting of the office .a of the fire
•Hire on Tuesday. They first re.-idod in to ** 4y bi“ ’gator.-liip, in the nccom-1 12 drat ol October, when operations lo }Hi see a 811 I character on hand. Most of the cases on department it was docided to postpone the
Zoaisiana, but alter a Jew years moved to I'hshroent of which he was forcedto solicit I ^!™„,?»S ec 5 ,1 9 me ?. eed * - ®be reports having I b “®.“‘ 18 2R? e 2*„? 4 , 8 2 { ?, ® L m , at, ? ,n0Xly ; n P o I docket were negroes who had been fight- annual parnde from the 1st of .May to June
Texas, where tney liave lived since. They I ald of 80veral °f his neighbors—in fact, I ti 0 ,™2'? d obstructions from tho vicinity of ° f -^L 0ry i Fhe I ing or stealing. The negro wbo killed J tho 7th. This is also the anniversary of
out on n visit some fourteen rear? I lhere ' ns • good-size company called ouf Bro '? n * landing, Cohen's Bluff. Herach- "nmntchcd sweetness of girlhood can Seaborn Miller (colored) was sentenced to
. They are weU^toformedSCnt a *‘ d » r a heated eonte^thf negator “ a f n^ ,a ^» 6 V^ atthe ,T s ’ Bnar Oresk a * 7 f r „ a K a in be hers. Let her June be the penitentiary for life.
„tu tleineu and interested ns mnch in thei r I Wl8 forced to hand in his checks. After he I ??z._9° r Bobin, and havrogremoved some | on 8- j _ The new millinery storo of Mrs. M. E.
i vomits of thnt growing State. They will P™ thought to be good dosd he was meas- S\ ,0 8sfrom tho obstrn itions. There-) ,,r Flemister is crowded to-day,
-ii .it !y spend some time risitiur? their 1 nr ®d and round to be seven and a half feet I 9 ,8 i I • 0 . be logs are so firmly imbed- I
.-..i.iuves in Ibis county. ,ne ‘ b61r long. Ah! there’sno.teliingwhat te roam- d ? d ,n ^ bottom that tliey will have to be TheAthon.Tragetly.
- iwaii AVirs* The Ktrnnnai, I ‘W.l 11 " nd around Big Sandy swamp, and I , own ° n t. The Toccoa is supplied with I Banner- fratenman. j Last Tuesday morning your corrcspon- I trains lie will gut on tho track a few feet
v V. challenged Sullivan tiie victor in thn I clll dr .®9 ebonld be careful how they ap- d ?? a ™i*9 ""d p 9 wd f r for V u ? P nr P°se, B ? a ® e a . ea (?-i r , 618n S Wareaw. The dent took tiie Macon and Eatonton train j ahead, and run in front of the engine until
,en in ugea aniuvan, toe victor in the | pronch it. I £bich will boused when work is resumed w , ho w ? s U ‘, to ^‘'“K®-, At nine o’clock he tho same comes to a stop. He understands
Tnz Savannah News says: We wero in I .u he steam , er9 r'ldog the river I hotmaed to nia death and shot down in landed in tho place and proceeded to take I the signals of tho force, and when he hears
formed yesterday of au incident wLid. u a i?J&* d °2® MP* Promptly,
No. 1, and the day wilt thus be made doub-
i iy interesting.
! I have, for some time past intended to
mention the strange freaks of a dog be
longing to one of the members of our po-
[ lice force. At the arrival of the different
recent prise fight near New Orleans, ft
sm: id Edward Flynn, and is, we arain-
f.'.-uixi, about twenty-nine years old,
■Nfflfia one hundred and thirty-three
; ■ -nds nt d is about five feet three inches
'i i:/ht, but is well built and has the ap-
pca: of an unusually strong man for
hit tight and weight. The impression is
tout ibis challenge was intended asan
i; -ii tisd hoax on the Police Gazette, as a
jneu of tiissizc could not be classed among
-Ee heavy weights, and would stand no
oioLooe w ith a powerful man like Sullivan,
w:.c weighs a hundred and sixty pouuds,
xivd has just secured tiie honor (?) of be-
xg I he champion “bruiser” of the world.
Dalton < ilizen: The Western and At-
hu tA railroad is layiu« uew steel rails for
v di-t.u ce of three miles above Dalton.
probably has no nrecedint iiiftTannluni I ” a ^Kation far less daugerons, and trust I Georgia depot, placed aboard tho morning I ns it ia called, was settled long years ago I as though he hnd been called,
muting: n^ is wefl worih relaii^ af ti tha f, tb® im ! >ortant work can {>e resumed braim and ty now Uiia inanimate lamp of by Mr. Henry Stevens, and hero ho maae Griffin Firo Compauy. No. 1 has decided
will be esr^ialfo oarl,er than » n °w anticipated. r~| cbiy.ia returned to his heart-broken family, 1 - ' • - - * - -
men who Me convereanA^n^Mchfmattere: I Constitution: Jret brfor. the ‘ '
Agentlemonof thU city, whilst onthunt- P?t®enger tram left the car shed Thursday fon^" th 7 —
ing wild tnrkeys In the vieinity of Hardee- 1 ,1, 8ht two women made their appearance I t°£P "P” naeral life. I hia declining health, made it necessary for
ville a few days since, shot nt a very fine I and in a few seconds were comfortably ! a A2!:????!flAj?j2 I X 1 S 8 ^ be ^ w t *? b ^P r ?, ry I *be old man to give np most of his busi- ,
gobbler (which he hnd lured by yelpmg to 1 80at ed in tho ladies’ coach, ticketed to Ma- thS e w»?« C AwS!??n ^ t ™l!!f2 8pectlve jH*’ ne8a , to bl ? ^2 y *‘ brought them up to I hereby put your firemen upon due notice,
within a reasonable distance) using his I ?, on ‘ One of the women wns well known to I IA T^'u.Acn.i -!!!>?/2A I i, 1D i’!’i.P re P , !5 e< J 40 I woric, and they were fuly competent to to be on the lookout. No. 1 will not oe the
bree :h-loading rifle. After the report the 4 10 PCfice, and ns tho other appeared to be 1 FA 25?, J 83 ? 8B ?i 7 Jl?? !?* 2f? , ®/ m0 ™ber take charge of it. Really, the business has last on the roll when the contest is over,
gobbler Stooif still * Jbut a child. Cnnlnin Conch and student. Slowly they L -’
enco in plugs, taking patt inn similar con
test at Atlanta some two years ago, and I
Rich Jewelry.
34 Whitehall St. Atlanta, Ga.
Price List.
and made pleasant.
Fevered and siok per-
sons relieved and
refreshed by bath
Ing with
lactic Fluid
*e the water.
Soft White Complex
ions secured by its
nte in bathing.
Impure Air made
harmiees and pari-;
fled by sprickling :
Darby’s Fluid
To Purify the Breath,
Cleanie tbe Teeth,
it oan’i be surpass 1
Catarrh relieved and
Erysipelas o'.red.
Burns relitt«ff in
Sears prevented.
Removes all unpleas-
ant ogata
a sure cure.
Cholera dissipated.
Ship Fever prevented
by its use.
In cases <t death in
the hm e, it should
always be used
about the corpse—it
willprtvent any un
pleasant smell.
An Antidote for Ani
mal or Vegetable
Prisons, Stings,etc.
Dangerous effluvia*
of sick rooms and
hospitals removed
by its use.
Vixlow Fiver
Darby's Prophylactic Fluid is the only
medicine in my family. We can use it for
almost everytUing*-'jurns, bruises, stings,
earache, sour stomach, eto. My children
when hurt or bruised always call at ones
for Darby’s Fluid. Wo cannot get along
well without it. Rev. John Mathews,
Montgomery, Ala.
Vandebdit.t University. Nasuvilt.e, Texn.
It affords me groat pleasu e to testify to
the most excellent qualities r-f Prof. Dar-
by’e Prophylactic Fluid. As a •’isinfectaat
and detergent it is both theoretically and
practically superior to any preparation
with whica I am acquainted.
N. T. Lunotr, Prof, of Chemistry.
From the eminent physician J. Marion
Sims, M D., New York: I am convinced
that Prof. Darby's Prophylactic Fluid is a
most valuable disinfectant.
In fact it is tbe great
Disinfectant and Purifier
J.ILZoiliu & Oo„
Manfactnring Chemists. Sole Proprietors
Popular Monthly Drawing of the
In the City of Louisville on
SATURDAY, APRIL 20th, 1882.
These drawings occur monthly (Sunday’s
excepted) under provisions of an aot of the
General Assembly of Kentucky
The United'Statce Circuit Court, on March
81, rendered tbe following decisions: -
1st—That the Commonwealth Distribu
tion Company is legal.
2d—Its drawings are fsir.
N. B.—The company baa now on hand a
large reserve fund. Read oarefully the list
of prizes for the
1 Prize $ SO.OCO
1 Prize 10,000
1 Prize A 6,000
.10 Prizes $1,000 each. 10,000
20 Prizes 500 each 10,000
100 Prizes ICO each 10,000
200 Prizes SOPpach 10,900
COO Prizes 2u e each 12,000
1,000 Prizes 10 each 10,000
9 Prizes 300 each, ap’rox prizes 2,700
9 Prizes 200 each do do 1,800
9 Prizes 100 each do do 900
A Never-Failinf; Cure for Barns,
Scalds, Bruises, Cota, Sores, etc.
1.9G0 Prizes #112,400
Whole Tickets, #2. Half Tickets, #1.
27 Tickets, $50. 55 Tickets, $100.
Remit Money or Bank Draft in Letter,
or send by Express. DON’T SEND F if
Aftcr forty years of trial, Perry I FIOE ORDER. Orders of $5 and upward,
Davis’Painltillcrstancisunrivalcd. [ bj? Express, can be sent at our expense.
It Is safe! It acts immediately t It
never fails t \ ; •
Editor of the St. John OT. B.) Nows, says:
In flesh wounds, aches, puns, sores, eta,
It is the most eftctual remedy we know or J
No family should bo without a bottle ot it)
. for a single hour.
From the Cincinnati Dispatch: i
We have«m its magic effects, and know
1C to be a trood article. i
From I. S. Potter, U. S. Consul at Crefeld,
Rhenish Prussia: i
After long years of use, I am satisfied It
is positively cfilcient as a healing remedy
l for wounds, bruises, and sprains. i
W. W. Sharper, Valdosta, Ga., says:
It is a panacea for all bruises and bums.
From R.W. Adams, Saco, Me.:
It gave me immediate relief.
use it never has failed me.
W. W. Bum, Nichol ville, N. Y., says: I
X use your X’ain kiu-ek frequently. M
r/Uctcs pain and soreness, and /.nd* wounds
like ningfo *
J ' W *?c e r e a : and bums it h03 no equaL
a new untried remedy. For forty years*
It has been in constant uso; and those who
have used it tho longest are its lertjricmlt. •
I Its success is enlirclj/ because of Us merit.
Since the Tain Killer wns first introduced.
Aendmti of now medicines have come and
gone, while to-day this medicine Js more
extensively used and more highly valued
than crer before. Every famUy should have
abottlo readv/or use. Much pain and heavy
of a child. T’ry’tt once thoroughly, and til
wlti prove its valne. Your druggist has it)
at SSc., OOc. and 81.00 per bottle.
PERRY DAVIS A SON, Proprietors,
Provldanoe. R. I.
Address all orders to
Courier-Journal, Louisville, K
or same person SC o Srondwav. N Y.
FoFfireakfast! •
Sold Bverywherd.
NewYorkDepot 28 6 Greenwich St
1 lie l|*ure»t and Vest Medicine erer Made.
AcolmJ/lnstlon of Hop*, Bu
diakleaud Dandelion,with all tno’bestmnd
most cl ura tUoiiropertles of all other Hitters, '
makos\tbobrentcrt Blood Purifier* Liver
Regu l\atpr, nnduroiuid Health Xtcstonug
2scut ouwBBBBBB ear t* u
Kodiseuto^nnronlblr Ion* exist where flop
Hitters are ns\cd^o varied aud |«erfuct are their
7i»7 glrs s»» U V» T : i" t5 ti# *s»2
To all whoso ommplojnicntscauso irrcgularl*
tjr orthol*o»»el«or% urinary ors»n». or who re
quire an Aj i t ri/or^k Tonic and mild Stimulant,
Hop JUtteri are iendV 1 without Intox**
No nuiitorwh»tjourro\el!nffi or Rjmploins
nro what the disease or &i\\tncut Is u>o Hop Hit
ters. liou’t wait until 7oti»%re sick but If yon
only feel lied or miserable,n us0 at once*
It may save bar A s liuudreds.
S500 will lie imld fora cvl*® they will not
cure or help. Ho not suffer your friends
euirer,but uso and urge them% coo *o Hop B
He member. Hop Hitters Ss no^***®' d . n! ^ tfd
drunken nostrum, but tbe l‘ure® “ Hcst
Medicine ever made t the *‘i5rAUDS^^ FUlkMD
and IIOPK*® end no person or famllj^
should he without them. an absolute aud Irresistible euro 1
fi-rl ’i n 18* ii’i- ‘•fnivini. tobacco lUidl
aareouce. All sols kfjMMa.A
for Circular. Hop Blltcrs Xfg. Co.,
Igrtglg V-Y of"l T-~'r< nt.>. OWL
" A=4r
To the Conn tempt ire.—Let those
who languish under the fatal severity ot our
climate through any pulmonary complaint, or
even those wlio nro In derided Consumi.tion,
by no means despair. There is a safe ami sure
remedy at hand, and one easily tried. “fVii
bar’s Compound of Cod Liver Oil and Lime,
For a quarter of a century or more Hos.
tetter’s Stomach Bitt< ra has been the reign
iug specific for indigestion, dj spepsia, fo
I ver and ague, a loss of physical stamina,
liver complaint and other disorders, and
I has been most emphatically indorsed hy
! medical men as a health and strength re
storative. It counteracts a tendency to
premature decay, and sustains and com-
! forts the aged and infirm. For sale by all
! druggists and dealers generally.
Now wind up the musical season with the
performance of one of our popular C&utatas
Specimen copies promptly mailed for the price
here mentioned.
Coa»a/I Joseph's Bondage ( 1.00),
oauCu N’aoinf (-2.00;, lielshazzer
!£ r ‘
Ruth and
— i-, ,‘l.OD). I'rodl-
L-al him I u cents), or the easy Daniel (V) cts.i. or
rather (so cts.)
SssnlitP Reuectt's May Queen (1). Root's Tlav-
Oftifiar makers (-1). or New Flower QucsJn
(75 cents).
,iurber of Rath (50 cents), Paiomha
UpCfttiM ( Kobinsonade (So cts.j. slccn-
Ing Queen (SO ets.\ Cups and Saucers (25 cteT
Diamond Cut Diamond (tl.00). ' ' '
Frtf tilP Viinnir ’ R'dereila 150 etv i, Culprit Fav
rur UiC lUUii = ( 1.00). Dress Kvhearsal (50eta.)
gobbler stood” still a secomh "sad" then I but " c bUd, Captain Conch determined to I s,?Ji? 1 ^| y l8 f yb * e - d ^ ,OI P,^beir j ail pass d into their han^s, and th? father I Fishing is now the all-prevailing pas-
spread his wiugs and slowly soared away interview them. Hardly had he uttered n Jf- iifi, !/ d i U I eI n)i. 0 ^ B t* 8 .u- rae ln ! rav ®l lin 8 for the firm, time witii numbers of our citizens, and
Surprised at tEs. and confidentthS?he before ascertaining that the child be ? ded , b ^‘ b ® facu |: L a be fi™t thing wh oh attracts the atten- parties leave the city daily for the rural
had struck the turkey, the sportsmanha£ was Carrie Mitchell, tho granddaughter of rSJSZrf depot ’ 11 tne 8t f an 8er is an ungainly l.wking districts to enjoy tho sport,
tened forward to the spot, and examining old resident of this city. Only a few *'l ao " D { f8cen 99. Bver *J" d ding, on the southeast of the raiirond. j A little twelve-year-old daughter ata
around discovered on the ground a num* I < ^ fl ^’ 8 n 2° Carrie left Her home and entered | citizens At the entrance one is sainted by ‘•mud”— I Mr. Marable, living about three miles
ber of feathers, which ho picked unPP° aa Bte of shame, and in order to avoid b® we “‘heir heads as Die cortege moved right and left. This mud is dug up one from here, was very severely burned a few
;rAttobnexs Bigby and "®d inspected closely. Concealed in the "cr relations, who were making a diligent I , I mile from the building, and broughtby the I days ago. She was staudinguear the stove
tN! a muf words. k Darnell ' f e"‘hers was the rifle ball, flattened and ?f arcb ? or her » she determined to yield to I I J ailroa(1 to tins point. Itistiirownmapit when, by some unknown means, her dress
f,‘; he lok his official head. I w.tbnviewof flesh clinging to it. Know-1 H^'feof her associates^ in shame and | o £ 0 of the I conlTbe iriin^ish^d eho^had r^iwdT
vereinjuriej. M.
, , .—. ,. . -. . Thoiiabtille, April <5.—At nine o’olock
If for drain pine, of which large [ last night, while Haze! Kirke was being
re made, it is thrown in a large re adored to a delightful audience, the fir©
alarm was rung, causing a panic in the
house, which soon subsided, as the fire was
found to be on Broad street in tbe store oc
cupied hy Col. P. McGlaehan, and belong
ing to Mr. J. L. Finn. The building and
shown. Bold by A. B. Wildor, Chemist, Bo.-
ton, and ali druggists.
Light Operas s n.~ s 58 e ?L ( K ««!*).
gpt worsted for lie lost u« | j nfc , fr „ m tS
Szijohhjb revivals are on a^bocm toAt- . badly hurt, he
i that the turkey nad been l6 ?T® citv. Carrie is a 13 year old child I 1 , h u T 7 0f , 1 l t0V '
^-Wirorte • rero scared H • rh^faVo-S^
kesuneiaan all of his time to hunt g evcral hundred yards distant from whlro I "?, d 8,19 she would iiave done so tiie day I iiU i)Hrente°to
*m- ^ ! he was shot. An examination of the body " ,ter leaving hoo-o bat for the advice of ^ „ ifniiv and «
. .. Johnson a lnaatic oonhnod in De- revealed the fact that the ball had pes-ed tllose with whoai she was s‘ — 1 ° wnruiiy ana re
TiuZLmiwi+U hung h mseif on Wednes- entirely through the breast, barely missing ! Connolly supplied her will
i Hu ltim a wife and six cinl- the h -art, nnd knocked the feathers off | station house for the night.
stopping. Chief
with a room at the
[JB( s Banner: The iron horse of ths
the opposite sidj, falling with them. The
shot was tired at n considershle dl-tance
Count nr s Times : Yesterday evening
nt Jones’ crofsing, on the S. IV. K. R., Mr.
ono of the many ioscrutable ways of Prov
idence, this lost tribute would not have
made such an impression on the public
“ ’ ’ young stranger, commit-
:o the care of our city,
maliciously hunted to
his denth, and murdered in oold blood by
the hand of a negro whom ho bsd never
wronged, mad9 th- latent fire in the veins
ot every white man burned with renewed
jury—nad then and there a solemn vow
the mud milk. This mill is run by a twen
ty-five horse power engine in the west side
of the mud-rootn. After passing through
41m uiud-mill tiie clay is ready for the pot-
numbers are .
lump into a press run by the same engine
as the mud mill,and forced through a die—
which may be tnken off or put on at pleas
ure -the size ol which de'eriniues the size
of tho pipe. Two bands hold the recepta-
A* London Pfcyn
Irian CAtablUbee an-
OfBcola New York ;r
for tbe Cars of v
From A m .Jouma i ofMtdicina,
. of London), who make* » sp9«-
lft'ty of Kpi)pp<y. ha* withont doubt treated and cured
more esses than any other UYin# objaiciaia. His«Qcce«a
hftar imply ) e<sa astGRifthin^; we naro heard ofcuea of
over jrcArg' nZMDdintr. ulljr curtxi by him. He
hus pttuiiahed a work on thia disease, which he aeuds
w»»b a larne bottle of hi* wonderful core free to any
cuffftrer who may aend iheir exprww and P.O. addreio.
We adriae any one withisjr a euro to address
Dr. AJB. AUCfriRKOLife X<\ W Joto Mw Yorii
Atlanta, Gx. Due of tbe best pneUcal
wiioote in the muuuy. Circular* uailto race.
by Jury (50 cents),
Llttie Duke ( l.oo). Pi
Taylor (50 cents
| (50 exits). Pirates (-1.66)
0LITHB DITS0H & C0„ Boctou.
| 0. H- DITSQN A CO.. 848 Broadway N, Y.