Georgia weekly telegraph, journal & messenger. (Macon, Ga.) 1880-188?, April 21, 1882, Image 8

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the garden wall
aaw her there—I acc her ret!
ABtflc thing that played at ball.
red fright? Wbnt mattered WIT
—I broke the peach-tree's net—
■ nattered
- abed—I —- „
L Trn— llie garden wall*
tmA, curia and pinafore and all,
jBbM her-never to forget-
A attfc thing that played at ball.
•screhasahe grown, discreet and tall.
Mm when the morning dews were wet,
Thai i T across the garden wall—
■nceabe was five year* old, and (mail,
Wife slipping tash all crooked aet,
A Bade thing that played at ball.
•at still, sweet wife, whcnl recall
Baw unt we loved, how Ant we met,
lnkh arroes a garden wall
Blade thing that plays at halb^
A K»ruble Among Exchanges.
Mb old gander in Athens has jnst suc-
eae&xl in whipping a cow.
9s. 1'auugi is going to lecture in An
gst* at an early date.
bBsno, one of the prisoners who broke
jail recently in Columbus, has been recap-
tee ad in Beima, Alabama.
A. Macon county child has live grand-
Barents—two grandfathers and three grand
son Phew!
Jtarr Robinson, a convict who escaped
tan jiil at Marietta lost month, has been
**pt*rut and brought back.
Bar. Jomr Sundermobb Jaspeb
cssrsert near Athens. A white minister
aaooacet himself in favor of the theory.
A. Saw You man accuses the colored
asstan of Savannah of selling communion
wets to their flock*, and tho New* rises
Xsue Pioneer Taper Manufacturing Com-
IBU im* enlarged its capital to' $1(50,000,"
ami anuur factors writing paper. It will
ata erect a cotton and flouring mill.
Etkwooa Journal: As an ovidenco that
£scn can still te had inonr section, Mr.
Kennedy, of the third district, killed
‘ buck” a few days ago grazing in
fto Adds with his cattle.
Sfo. Gauaac E. Andrews, a citizen
CUombas, died suddenly from heart dis
ame rr apoplexy in that city Tuesday night,
flfewas found dead in his room Wednes
day morning, and partially undressed.
MLkxm county has a lady who can knock
CU: enthusiasm oat of a hawk with a rifle
Bail at two hundred yards and re-load bo-
tat ha reaches terra firm a. A tramp
moarfd never demand breakfast at that
house more tlian once.
Aaewothe accidents happening in Sa
vannah on Wednesday we notice that a
Atl; leu over a barrel and knocked him-
mii .Tito a comatose condition. Another
Whi his dray and fractured his leg, while
—in. bod bauds let one hundred bags of
cnfiua seed get loose in the river.
Bfc«< toxin Weekly: A man from Dray-
Sex tails us of a combit ho saw several days
as- between a rooster and a crow. The
neuter was attacked in a field while attend-
Ario bis own legitimate business. The
ifeftocy for a whilo seemed doubtful, but
AmUy the rooster conquered and lelt his
exponent in the field dead.
tolcr Republican: When Amoricns
won a little rustic hamlet, with about two
Awd inhabitants, an old gentleman kept
A hcvtisry that was known; here as the
HkisidogLimb Invent.” Tho land.ord
ms the first man in Georgia to pat s
in his guests* liquor, and hence he
laoewu throughout tho Statens "Sweetened
bpx John.”
Arimm Banner: Mr, James F. Sim
mobs, of Morcross, Ga., yesterday citme
Bit t is r on, who is a stndent at tho univer
sity. with a view of taking him home. Mr.
Simmons says he will not trnst his son in
any city where he is iikaly to be shot down
by turrets cn the street, and thinks the
Is te disturbance will seriously injure the
Mows Courier: Yesterday afternoon Lee
Youngblood drove a one-horse wagon into
■a <sty, having for n load three oat fish
which bo cangbt in Amnraucheo creek about
half a mile above its month. The aggregate
might of these three fish was 175 pounds.
33be lightestone weighed fifty pounds, the
max one sixty, and the heaviest eixty-five.
The two lightest be canght in one net at
Me same time.
JuscsbobjNew*: Some time ago, while
Mr. Charlie Barksdale was catching his
thickens, having told them, one of them, a
ban, run into the woed pile where she was
••naited to remain, and ske did remain
aafel one day last week, when ehewosac-
uLntally found with her wings fastened
between two pieces of wood, wss still liv
ing and had been in the wood pile for thir-
ky-tso days without food or water. At
lastireounts her respiration was normal
••tic improving.
Brrrijss Herald: One of the most won
derful of the many strange freaks of nn
hue occurred in the lower part of this
enmity on the 6th inst. For obviocs rt
■kb we withhold the names of the parties,
except that of the attending physician, Dr.
Ctettn. lie informs ns that a lady on ths
My mentioned, gave birth to twins. One
•t the twins from the waist down was a
bsifoct child, but from that point upward,
was, in the language of the Doctor, “a per
fect bull frog.” The other child was born
with a “hare-lip,” two front upper teeth,
Ma tight leg badly drawn up, and both feet
bofiy deformed, and the bowels, liver, and
m short, all the intestinse, except the heart
mi lungs, were f omul growing on the out-
BUB of the body of tho child. These re
markable twit s, Dr. Gostin has preserved
in alcohol, and they may be seen any d.y
By any one who will call ia the Doctor’s
Atlanta Constitution: la speaking yes
terday of the talked of forfeiture of the
Georgia raiboad charter, Mr. Bacon, sec
retary of the commission, said: "The
efairter cannot bo forfeited, even if the
xeilroad has not complied with itsprovis-
Sdbs, unless the Governor takes action,
through the Attorney-General, against the
company. This, I suppose, neither the
aomuussion nor the people care about
The '(tuition at issue, to be heard befo.-e
Judge Lawson, at Macon, on the 21st in
stant, is merely on a bill filed by tho
Gtotgia railroad, asking that the State
owimUsioners and the Attorney-General
be enjoined from enforcing circulars Mo.
59 mad No. 21 on- that road. The reason
for Sling the bill is that the road claims
tights under a charter granted in 1833, and
Monke the rates in the circulars are too low
•a be in accordance with their chartered
Montezuma Weekly: Capt. J. 0. Elling
ton succeeded in killing a rare fowl one
My last week, such as has never been scon
in this country before. It attracted quite
a crowd when brought into town, but no
aaacould name it and had never seen the
Me before. The Captain carried it home
sad to satisfy his curiosity begun to study
ornithology. The feathers on the biid
«av over an inch thick and a ball from a
til*would scarcely have been able to ptn-
•trateiueir. Its skin was over a quarter of
Coon, or the great North American direr.
St thought to have been blown here in
A* larrible storm of two weeks ago. It
iBts killed in tho mill-pond of Mr. E. B.
Lewis, and it is said that over one hundred
stats were fired at it by difiereut persons,
matr one taking effect, that through the
Ixxn cf the wayward bird, fired by
Tux A>iq*irvr--S«H ^re^rls 0 n affray at
Ala., m which K. I
> was badly
TnucotibASbcd offl company of Hnw-
5Sn.-vil!e has'applied tor a charter. The
MfOal is $17,000.
v mad dog has been killed in Athens.
Hints Is behind on this mad dog busi-
jvss. .Where is Brnffc’s'/
t Iliwawb Oglethorpe had a big
. . „ont the other day. They gotup a fox,
. attempted toridotoecow-catch-
• w'lMMar Lovette, and fell in
>*. lit of it. A. coroner’s inquest was the
’ tt * ,i,t«iRnms man is trembling over
^SLbtthSthT may be called to take
a Stephen^ place before hecanley
’ . ttr'rEr editors are browsing around
- " sp n ria« J X?e would be'few
Iside of large cities.
■ “S' m
,. l>eing improved.
Db. Talmage lectured in Savannah last
Gov. Colquitt has returned to Atlan
ta from the Hot Springs.
Eighteen negroes .passed through Atlanta
for tho convict camps in Augusta, on
Haas; & Co., Brokers, of Atlanta, are
paying about $3.00 per thousand for Con
federate bonds.
SomeiblnjeAbont gov. Colquitt sad
Senators Htil wnd Brown—tiOllMCOl
special Correspondence Telegraph and Slessen-
Atlanta, April 14.—The Telzgbaph and
Mess knobs keeps its eyes so fully open to
all that is going on in Georgia, that bnt lit
tle is left to its correspondents even here
men. Tho blow to Borne will be a severe
Athene Banner-Watchman: Mr. J. A.
Anderson, who lives near Athens, has a
gourd that has been in use to bold pepper
and spices over two hundred years. The
genealogy of ths gourd is clearly traced.
A ladx living near tho Florida line has
been confined to her bed for years, with
rheumatism. Thanks to tho lightning,
she was enabled to leave it the other day.
When it struck the chimney, she struck tho
LaGkanoe Reporter ;Mr. Leman, of Ma-I Evon Johnny says, “if I live fifty years, 11 temporary, the Constitution, is‘also a wide- | ...
oon son-m-law of Mayor Abraham, we are *„ i_<u vnn n nnrfw nn tha ... ... .. ... I Christian geuceman than Col. Butt will
glad to learn, has decided to make La- P" 11 nev *f f o bmld vup a party on tne | awake journal, and it is seldom that any- attend that conference.
Buena Vista, April 13.—Matters in this
village havo been rather quiet for some
time past. No marriages, no births, no
deaths—but a good deal of rain.
Col. E. M. Butt, one of tho delegates to
the general conference of the Methodist
Episcopal Church, South, at Nashville, in
May, will leave here soon, Your oorree-
highly gratifying and satisfactory both to
patrons and teachers. A grand May fes
tival is contemplated, at whioh appropri
ate exercises by the school will be given.
Altogether the school is one of oar beat
institutions and is tho pride of Eastman,
i'he Araoskeag Lumber Company, about a
mile from Eastuiaui, under the superin-
tendacci of Messrs. Bacon <k Coloord, is
doing a fine business. The eoboe6 were
awakened a day or two ago, when the whis
tle Of tho large engine was sounded for the
id whioh
Joiinnt. Nobcboss has been resurrected. I in the Gate City. Your metropolitan con- J Pondent ventures the suggestion that no j
mm inimn, un. “if Tliv« firtv vnnr*. 11 ZsZTT-i*- better informed, more courtly, or non I SSSStJJ™!.SPSfL a -2S*^*r7T
i belongs to their larp-
informed, more oourtly, or more
bis home. Thus onr town is con- I negroes; it won t do.
stoutly receiving valuable accessions to its Columbus has two hundred and fifty
citizenship. dollars in hand for her firemen's toorna-
Eduob Wood ia disposed to discredit tho ment.
statement that Governor Colquitt has in- Athens has an old maid who will not
vited a conference to form a new political even let hei servants admit a man into the
| yard.
Wobe on -the Gainesville, Jefferson and ]
I Southern railroad '
thing escapos its vigilant reporters. Yet ones Louisa Ularke is tcaohing
[ some tuings have been overlooked at this *° a hirge class in onr high school.
young peoplo are much pleased with Miss
political centre—some things, too, of inter- oiarke. Your correspondent was present,
est, if not of importance, to the peoplo of this afternoon, when she was engaged in
the State. giving a lesson to her class, and was de-
The Democratic press has been so much lighted ^ her thoron S bnes s ^d onthusi-'
| 000 feet of lumber a day. This company is
an extensive enterprise and one destinod
to contribute no little to the growing pros-
They employ a
rovido com-
The P 6r ‘ t 7 ot Dodge county. The;
large number of hands and p:
irlf, fortablo homes for them. Th
grsgaa^ffil^st3?^ | isaag^i^'gsgi^«a i ^gtei«gssag^g!ia , asBg
of trick have been laia, nothing of the Hicks and Rountree homi- }? vl t ^ memoria^rare^ l P th« «ten»fal wire fence.
l is open to passenger traf- oldes,tiiat it has failed togive the usual j y nn V I. There seems to be no opposition to Co-
and Ahat<
^at division is open to passenger traf-
Gov. Colquitt has been named as a
I trustee for the Slater fnud of $1,000,000
left by a Connecticut man for educating
the colored race. The fund is in the hands
| of a board of trustees.
One of tho Athens “Sophs” at examina-
I linn gave tho earth's circumference as
lonel L. M. Lamar, of HawkinsviUe, for
the Senato from this diatriot. We believe
he would bo acceptable to tho .people of
this county. Cobhespondent.
attention to the schemes and movements I d ° 68 notkuow whother
being hatened within its own party. That 0I Tt ?«lafd^hntThii fnpmi viotn «.tirnn5
Gov. Colquitt’s friends havo already initio-
ted a quiet but earnest canvass in his in-1
terest, as tbe successor of Senator Hill,
there can be bnt little doubt. It is believed ■ - -
in administration circles that Mr. Hill will I ft. o. l.
not be a candidate for re-olection, if indeed n nTTltt , Anvil in I duago Al. 1l Morshon, of the Brunswick
he is ever able_to resume his seat in toe t6d oa tauch ofto instead of Judge Crisp,
J??’ I Central railroad from Fort Vnllnv tn I who is holding court for Judge Mershonm
combination. Editor Wood has nevor seen
the statement contradicted, however, either
by letter or in toe customary interview.
Eastman Times: Hon. A. O. Bacon, of
Bibb, bos a strong following for governor
in this comity. Indoea, from recent con
versations with several prominent citizens
of the county, wo are led to believe that
for him the voto of Dedgo county will bo
cast in the nominating convention.
Banner- Watchman: There is a man in
Athens named Long Goody £&iith, who
A. 1 ^.* xLi!?? I if, n r3iL 0 4n 0 ^l Uon B avo ib0 eartn a circumierence as i he is evorable to resume his seat in toe
*” 97,000,000 miles; and another located An- Senate again. The truth is, his candition,
K 08 ** 1 on th0 Dconee nver, and yet another to say the least, is very critical, and it is
herb known^ to too medical profession. nt Columbus at too junction of the Oco- 1 -
This is another mine of wealth fur Athens. J, ee Bnd Ocmuigee rivers.
DeKalb County News: Mr.J. Gid-Mar- Geoeoe Wallace, colored, has been I faot. It was still greater folly fjr them to I f-vnrai
ris, of Cross Keys distnot, had the misfor- con^ctpd of tho murder of Martin L. Jen- stand idly by and let Gov. Colquitt and his m . ....
tone to ioso hie little boy, about eighteen ^ a NorwegianTin Savannah on tbe 18th friends go ahead and stock the Legislature q5AS2T 1 d 1
months old, art week, m a peculiar way. ~ f inrchlas^ and sentenced' by Judge with his adherents. “P*
The iittio fellow was choked to death on a Tompkins to be hung on the lCth of I But the Onvemov himself. T vem-et fn.pv I ??ction of country,
This l- swift retribution and reflects
aDd “■ f0allly “ I »!*<>“ a* Chatham officers.
Hawkinsville Dispatch:
Csson, living in tho sixth dis
killed a fow mghts sgo an
seven feet across too wiugi. hb. Oaaon I ttilnUion is oaaoerned,* til right; Ln» it
heard theeagle screaming, and knew the I dce3 geem as though he was thoroughly lo-
sound. The moon was shimng, and ho by the allk ^ndkercliief.
hunted up his eagleship and shot nun with I a . ... . „ . „
his rifle. This was a good shot by moon- t A.gentleman with two ladies cams ap
liirht I to Brunswick from St. Simons in a row
* - ■ Hstnf nnrl nn ffiA trnv lifinlr (TOt into A Cr£fik
;oy have en
ergy and moms and have the esteem of
this community.
An artesian well is on tho tapis. Wo
have heard of several conlributiocs to
wards having a well near Iheoourt house,
wi»a$SSi. a man in too State
ho can echo his remark yesterday thnt he
has Rcrvod on grand juries for moro than
forty-fivo years, and sever, but once, ex-
ery prominent darky in this district—bnt
we fiavn’t heard of a white man being thus
honored. Mr. Speer eviden ly knows
which aide his bread is buttered on.
Gbiff.n News: tiur reporter was shown
yesterday two papers written in ink, being
receipts for money made ia this Stato in
18U3. Also a third paper dated Fort
Mitchell, February, 1^15, urmy headquar
ters of Major-General McIntosh, granting
hI 0 ! 11 « h e i, ph fl S l e - ian to tlTe pe S itentiary ' I Oriole baSTeffi a cfen I t n M t rp t s e of 1 tenchcr3l IW?“ can itiso“bo'"Mid'of
m juare artffi SSBT5
absence need not prevent his friends, from | fefhW - city - c ? nnoil ot 'Americas.
- ‘ all tho various branches of educa- ” r '°l l J°. r > 0 al,a “ ‘he oal-
aueo of the year after being discharged
Accessibility, health of the village, and S? 3 tho P° l; co force. Verdict for Uliver.
a half famished condition. I andBepreoen tati v» Bla5Tara"not tbeonly I SgSm^pSm’ pSbito roMidwatton ^‘any ..The^othMwas EldridgoTsfEWridge, a
young^an wastii'dulglng^to'a^qn’iet^hew genUemen m ffi° 8 have Tho^pathy^\«*«»•»» V lhe|ta“ ° " f I fft. lT?o points settled yesterday
of tobacco, ho ejected about a quart of I good wishes of their fellow citi-
, ho
amber out into the street just ai a young
lady came sailing by. Hor dress caught
tho entire charge, aud for a fow seoonds
the fair pedestrian thought she had come
in contact with tbe nozzle of toe Hope
steamer. At last accounts the young man
had apologized to five irate brothers, an in-
zens. But ex-Governor Brown is
tbe sick list also, having only lately
returned from Washington badly worsted
by tbe wretched winter climate of the Fed
eral capital. He is suffering from a re-1
news! of his old bronchial and lung trouble
i much so indeed that his friends think
it would be imprudent for him to return
before toe weather becomes settled and
warmer. The Governor had a similar at
tack in tho winter of 187(5-7, brought on
her do ut In the State. «*»«>• J-nu points settieu yesterday
All too various departments of business 335 °. f f oh^ony and lawyer’s fees
are well represented in Butler, and thus is jJftPf® by Mrfc Jkdridge. No case ever
fully assured the permanency of its popu- our . “^.excited more general
lation. I interest, owing to the high st tutting of tho
Taking in the whole may be M$ rbl Dr. Kldridge was represonted by
- reliable th"’ ;m I W. A. Hawkins ft Son and GoLN. A. Smith.
considered as entirely reliable that im
provements of the most decided cnaracter
extend throughout its limits. It is quite
apparent that moro and better work has
bean done on farms than in any past sea
son. A slow, steady, bat sure change in
tho interest of the common weal is so clear
A. Hawkins & Son and Col. N. A. Smith.
Mrs. -
Guery & Son, o!
c’sion ot Judge Mershon gives Mrs. El-
dndge $100 os retainer fees for lawyers,
and $25 per month
rs. Eldridge, by S. L. Whittle and Attor-
y-General Anderson, of Macon, and
iory & Son, of our local bar. The de
mines in tbe edge
bonanza has been found. Bonanza is a I of tliat section. It is a china tree that
Spanish word and literally translsted I°P v«T taU, and »w«rtl ijjMt SjQ
means a rich stiver vein, and thnt is just ‘ he ^P wja ‘aten.ofl leaving the main
wbat is now interesting them meet at the | “M?®'
above named mines. Tho vein just found ^e top it has become _ .
is four aud a half feet wide, and assays b *
$150.00 in stiver to the ton, besides other JP* * f
baser metals. The crude ore is being I sbr °^,^°? r * I lh™ fr0m 1
shipped off in large quantities to be mol tei | ^£^ r ^S^£hhas put on leaves
Washisgton Gazette: Sam Davis, who
was sent to the penitentiary last year for
stealing Judge Wingfield’s cattle, writes
back from Codartown that be is well and
doing well. Ho sends his love to many
!us valnsble°“or hJf saV^vemX^ I ?ogro who was arresiea ana committee
to Mr. Hubbard and tell him to send mo | /iL 1 }
some money: give my love to Mr. Adams
nnd tell him ta send mi some money:
give my lnvo to Mars. Charles (Judge
Wingfield) and tell him to be show to send
me somo money too.”
a three months furlough to a member of I dj ffna 7vt father, seven uncles and other kin
the Georgia militia. The papers have been &t£ numerous to count.
carefutiy preserved and look only a few ThaMlsa cariosty cn I ^fn'thowi rtSrtmM bfoughY on I PnWaSI^iah^l
Washington Gazette: At toe Magnifier Io 5 or L?mhiB°Stent[onVrom the resided by exposure in Florida, whitller he went in ^Th^whea^oauSfrte *fiMfii ie that men 1 settle! ii^n’year Vr 'niore r °Tho ^ward of
of this county a real considerable attentioa from toe residents th Merest of Mr. Tilden and an honest lh ? wheat, oat and rye, fields, that meet “ J®?! ino avrarooi
county real, ‘ 1 cSuilof tto Presidential vote cast in that b « VSZSEt SSSSZf't'afisup^Bu^priws man? i^our^ids^s
n off leaving the mam , ““? bi n cb riiggltoSSghtor rtSUg dtiLSmg
ssrsaifSi^s gwssstaBBAasat
its tap-root in New York or Kirkwoiid, or I ^^ ("^H ° hholant - W *
both, it is impossible yet to say. If Gov.
Colquitt can form a combination with him “f . de , mand ® of comfort, luxury, agncultu
for middle and lower Georgia, Sd with F al m^pendence and progress, is an insult
„ , _ , Brown, of the Bice Ridge circuit, for £ ““I”® S^My P «StoBgM to be) effitmed I Fr,day morning, about twenty-fivo couples
Stlvasia Telephone: Nelson Hagin, the g'°Q a b h G a ° I ?|“ y Leculature^in 0 elemont > which should guide the farmer in left tho city at an early hour for the resi
ro who was arrested and committed to | enough ^onto^ho'uS sttTseS: t0 ^ ^hi. dene, of Mr. O. J. HUB, in Pike county,
ate, in the event that his own health does j la ' oreu country. it. which had been selected as the place for
IthSSSStyoang Jeeeebsonville, April 13.-The «»!« *'“® Ut
cotemporary, Henry W. Grady is the choice | and com crops of this county are looking I A KlIld “rovidence seemed to specially fa-
and flowers, and 'a water oak which is
about two inches in circumference. We
are told that there are several other trees
of too kind in that part of the city.
I fci.v wuiwiiu vi wuiiuu, iiuiu/i tqfituuiiu i Gbiffin, April 15. —Notwithstanding the
extreme inclemency of too weather of last
tbe Central railroad, just below Millcn, 1 ate. in thn «v«nt thnt his own health does I fa ' ored country. K.
and who escaped a few days before the last
November term of the Superior Court, was
captured and brought to town by Mr. J. S.
Parker on Wednesday last, and tamed
over to ihe sheriff. He will now bo kept
pccure from escape until he is discharged 'loietly but vigorously .
by due process of law. We le urn that Mr. | i he idea is that toe newspapers will mp-I seems to bo a general disposition among
Parker is to receive a reward of five* bun- port him, and that he is the right sort of I t j,o farmers to remove their oom cribs and
dred dollars from the Central, railroad for | ^imo cockpit against AlbrttXox.jho, moat hoBaet from the We#t to thoir own
coalitionists. If tbe people get it into their plantations, and .once more be independ
Macon romance-builder. Tbe "Romance I bring in the’others in a few days. I beads, however,^that the administration ent men. Judging from tho nnmber of
Constitution: Yesterday about two dufribntion^aU too Im^rtentoffidsin ‘at hogs and largo com fields one would, wUlb. H^lKirke, tonight.
Wecnerish no resentment towards <lie I “ clock a colored man ascendedi to the | the State, it will not help Mr. Grady, Judge J be forced to toe conclusion that King Cot-1 reserved seats indicates a largo
* * the steeple of the hirst Baptist I Simmons and others who enjoy its favors I ton was about to be deprived of bis royal] Memorial day will be uul;
of the administration forCongressmanat I vor them, for in the afternoon tho sun
large, and that his claims are being pushed I ua . aa : J we ” 01111 tbete 18 a la J8er urea l burst through too heavy cloud*, which had
quietly but vigorously all over tho Stato. | planted than for many years past. There | been overhanging it for toe last three
a joke on this scribe, it is his horror to find I dred dollars from the Central railroad tor I gim
his trust betrayed by somo vile "wolf in I capturing the gang who were implicated in it is
sheep’s clothing,” who has been talking to a I this offeuse, and thnt lie w.ll certainly I ooal
Aluant S r ews: After treating away
half-month's salary in bribing local news
paper corree;>ondents to keep to themselves
weaver of the beautiful romance, but if t ° pof .
Collier ever comes back to Albany church and put up a new lizhtniug rod.
to think that J ^ b ® 8| 8ht of a man atrSuch^ a dizzy height
some"gemplemenhabdrawed er boot.” ‘ “
Savannah News: A fight occurred on
Wednesday evening at the Savannah, Flor
ida and Western railroad wharves between
the men of a Norwegian vessel and some
sailors, which at one time looked as if it
would result in a
aud a colored mnn
the sailor hit him a heavy blow
the jaw, felling him to the
ground, when three other color
ed men stsrted to his assistance, but were
successively knocked down by the sailor
as they reached him, who seemed to be
started to their comrado'e assistance, but
as thb result prov6d he did not need nny.
Albany News: It the colored editor of
the Defiance, published at Atlanta, has any
riends, they ought to take chargo ot him
nnd restrain bis incendiary pen. A few
more such articles from him as tho one
which he wrote on the recent mnrder of
young Rountree, the university student,
which article will be found incorporated in
a timely editorial from the Macon Tei.e-
ghapit, copied in this morning's News, will
and friendship.
_ Madam Rumor has it that the purchasers
attracted many eyes. The spire, is one I of the exposition buildings haves white
hundred and fifty leet high, slender and I elephant on their hands. It is said, bat
graceful, and when at the greatest height with what truth I oannot say, that the
the man was holding on to the top of the foundation or supports of the building, i t „i a m0Bt normlar veum? men
steeple, scarcely six inches in diameter, though sufficient for the purposes of ‘he eXed toto a
He ascended the spire by means of lad- exposition, are too slight to bear the heavy caccmen t with tho old nnd no
dors lashed together, and from his elevat- j machinery of a cotton mill, especially the
motions of the looms, etc. If this is un
fortunately true, so much the worse for
Mr. Kimball anil his last performance.
Have you road tho Kov. Mr. Scott’s to-
2*.: I ^gTSae-fw ms* *-:»
not, then lot me beg you and even- truo £■[,
Southern man to do so at. cnee. I have I jj a remembered, cut, anil killed Woshing-
een nothing superior to it sinccAppomat- ton Wil60n nt I ^ nd>(J ttore abont two yen f a
ox * ivniTEHALL. J ar0( was arrested in Savannah last
days, and ail returned to tho;city delighted
with the trip.
.The differences existing between the
city council and the proprietor of the
opers house having been adjosted-
tho same has been reopened and
the first play presented therein this season
Hazel Kirke, to-nignt. The sale of
uly observed
hero; both military companies will be out
on parade; some fine mesio will be ren
dered by our hcrae talent and an address
will be delivered
It is very much regretted that notice of
K reral row. A sailor I ed position looked down with apparent an
ti some words, when | concern npon the city so far below him.
Many remarks were made about what was
dubbed a foolhardy feat. One man said:
“If the deed to Atlanta was at the top of
that spire, and was offered to me if I wonld
go after it, I would not go.” Tho ne-
rcacaea mm, who seemen to oe i gro, however, went for twelve dollars, and
iug o ■ a pugulist, judging from the I thought that be was being well paid for the
al blows. Some of too sailers I job.
reign and be supplanted by the staid old
monarch corn. This argues well for old
Mr. L. D. Shann n n, one of Twiggs coun-
n business’eu- I tb ® 8 P C0 ' B \ prize for visiting companies
gagement with the old and popular firm of 1,1 en tb ®
J. »V. Rice & Co., where his pleasant face will S oul ? ^ ^P^nU
hereafter beam with good will upon his I “ t !?“> w . to .Y°. ul<i :. of ““S 8 ®- car JK
host of friends. Mr. Shannon, by his nni-I £?„‘^® p £*?®' A® ^ w >. 8(1
form kindness, high integrity and sterling ^L lb ®° nbaad > and b ® P®»uadod
worth has endeared himself to the hearts | Qrim
on last Friday.
Tlie following constitute the squad which
will represent No. 1 in tne contest on the
Tribute or Hcapect.
Castle Halt. Central Cm Lodge No 8,
Kniohts ov Ptchias,
Maoon, Ga., April 12th, i882-
To the Officers and Members of Central
City Lodge, No. 9, Knights of fythnu—
Bbkthben : Your committee to draft suit
able resolutions upon the death of our es
teemed brother knight, Joseph Dowdell,
Esq., the Supreme Keeper of Records and
Seals of the Supreme Lodge of the world
Knights of Pythias,bog leave to submit toe
following resolutions tor your adoption:
whereas, in toe lives and history of so
cieties, as in tho history of nations, a great
and publio calamity should recolve at our
hards duo and proper notice, and, whereas,
in tho death of Joseph Dowdall, Esq., the
Supremo Keeper or Rooords and Seals of
tho Supreme Lodge of the Order Knights
of Pythias, we feel, nnd justly, too, that a
calamity has befallen our Order. I hero-
fore, bait. . .. ...
Resolved, That in the death of the
Supremo Keeper of Records and Seals, the
Supremo Lodge loses a faithful, zealous
and efficient officer, one who in his official
career ha3 given to the Order abundant
proof of his rare ability, and fitness for
ihat exalted position; anu recognizing his
worth, we do fervently sympathize with
tho Supreme Lodge of our Order in this
d-spensstion to them, aud in thus giving
expression to onr sorrow, we feel that we
are not only honoring his memory* out
paying a fitting tribute also to his worth as
a counsellor and friend to members of our
own lodge, ono, who was an associate offi
cer in tho Supreme Lodge for six years,
n-d its Supreme Chanoellor for two years,
aud also another one, who as a Supreme
Representative was his associate in the
counsels of that body, and whose testimo
ny as to his faithfulness, his fidelity and
untiring energy, has caused us to feet, that
h:s loss easting its shadow across the
threshold of the Supreme Lodge, has also
darkimcd our own portals.
Resolved, That the officers and members
of "Central City” Lodge, *o. 3, Knights of
Pythias, of Macon, Ga., wouid most fra
ternally tender their sympathies the
officers and members of “Columbus” Lodge
No. 8, Knights ot Pjthins, of Co-
iambus, Ohio, and bog to assure our
brothers, that though strangers to yon, and
most of us strangers to him whose loss
yoa deplore, yet we feel a truo sorrow
springing up for yoa in oar hearts for the
loss you have sustained in a brother who
so eminently displayed the genius of oar
Order, who, in his friendships and attach
ments, knew no State or geographical lines,
and who bounded his deeds of charity and
tovo, by no race or condition of men, but
whoso every impulse was noble and
manly, and whoso career so suddenly ter
minated by the "winged messenger,” has
Great Germ Destroyer.
Eradicated “*
vreudd more, it is only to say to you .broth
ers “keep nis memory green within yonr
hqprts” and strive to emulate those lofty
Pythian virtues he so truly illustrated.
Resolved, That while we would not in
trude ourselves upon the domestic circle or Manfac
disturb the sanctity of that home where m
grief has erect.d her altars, and before
which toe lonely ones oow m submission,
yet wo would breathe out onr syuipaties to
them os gentle os the -ummer zephyrs,
and remember oar brothor, as we chant
our evening vespers, and offer our evening
prayers, nud reme-i ber, too, that at the
same altar where wo bow, bo was a devout
and acceptable worshiper, but now gone to
that rest which follows a well s^ent life,
and that reward which crowns all who act
well their yurt; that in thus extending to
his family our heartielt sorrow, we beg
only to say that thousands mourn with
them to-day, and yet rejoice, too, that be
left us so goodly a heritage as those noble
impulses m man’s natures which adorn a
lofty character and fit him for the com
panionship of tho true, the brave, and the
Resolved, That a copy of tbe60 resolutions
be spread upon our minute book, and also
furnished tuo Teleukafh and Messenger
for publication, and copies sent to the Su
preme Lodge Knights of Pythias; Columbus
Lodge No. 3, Columbus, Ohio—of which the
deceased was a member—and to toe family
of oar deceased brother. Respectfully sub
D. B. Woodruff, P. 8. C.,
Felix Concur, is. Rep.,
C. J. Strorlro, P.G.K. ofR.<k S.,
J. H. Hertz. P. C*.
George R. Bareer, P. C.,
Savannah News: Tbe Spanish bark Anr
bal was on yesterday cleared tor Barce
lona and Mallorca, Spain, by Mr. Charles
Groen’s son with a cargo of 1,052 bales ot
upland cotton, weighing 480,380 pound*,
valued at $60,539 94. Messrs. Wilder & Co.
on yesterday cleared for Liverpool tbe
British bark Pohonn, with a cargo
bales of upland cotton, weighing
pound-, valued at $81,692.48 ; 72 bales of
ita island, weighing 24,252 ponnds, valued
at $5,700; 2S8,8t<0_feet of lumber, valued at
rep 1
19th: H. a FntraL B. to Doe, C. W. Shack
elford, Ed Doyal, L. L. McKibben, P. F.
Phelps, John MaNomara, William Hsrbita,
Joja Renfroe.
i Tbe Knpetlntendeiicjr or tbe East
Tennessee, Virginia and Georgia
A rumor has been circulating around I day, and wai buried to-day. Mrs. Hannah
Iho city for tho past fow days effecting has been long and well known, highly es-
a change in the offleership of one of I t ®® m ® d - nnd dearly .loved in thiscomi
Thomas Elliott', Messrs. W.B. Hudson aud
Thomas.-on, Ga., April 14,-Mrs. Victoria J L^SeSrfor {halation**
T. Hannah, wife of Dr. G. W. T. Hannah, | lj0r?er tUDe - keepcr tor tb ® 0ccai T 10 £
died in this placo at2 olc'.ock p. m.^yester-
J. L. M.
St. Joseph Saturday Democrat, Any. 27.1881.
A Friend to the FrfcuiUciis.
Sorrow suil sickness Is the too common her-
mango in me omceramp or one oi ^ Hor personal character, so full of itSofhmiLffi? Md tSSn'Ve^CviitUo
railroads, but could not be traced to noble qualifies, her graces of culture, hal- £ fioucanevlim too wtierleJIof toe growt
AAA liiA-v AAALriAAlAjy O iiutj, Will I » Ast.-rA a 7a- 7 ’ I WUl AiUUUHUS, UUk btiUlU AAUIr UO UttUtU W I UUUIO (iUHUUW, IIUf gniGVB U1 UUUUTf, 11(11-
be very certain to bring him to grief and I foet • t, ? bo J , » JW anything reliable until yesterday, when | lowed by so many virtues, and her remark-
his thunderbolt of freedom to a close. I at $74.(53. The Norwemmi'bark Ksistad I ■ .. . I able accomplishments in social life have
And if the colored people of Athens per-1 was on yesterday cleared for Hamburg by | oar reporter impaled the report upon the Ieft aQ imprcj3 0 f tll0 pare the beautiful,
mit such a spirit to rule them as is exhib- I Messrs. A. Fullarton & Co., with n cargo interrog.ition point of his pencil and dit- j the lovely and the musical. The hearts
iled in the article of the aforesaid Defiance, I of WJ0 barrels of r<»in, weighing 1,453,040 J covered its truth. I and minds ot many friends will keep 6on-
**“ ' 1 -* "”^ 69, which was | , I timents of love as fresh '
the killing of Walter Rountree may be
come a much moro serious matter with
them than they teem to recognize.
Hawkinsville Dispatch: Between three
and four hundrod dollars were raised by
contributions from our citizens, on Mon
day last, for the purpose of boring an ar
tesian well in Hawkinsville. Mr. H. C.
Pickett, who his the paper, will endeavor
to increase the amount to five hundred dol
lars, when the council will be asked (o ap
propriate an additional sum sufficient to
secure the well. Albany’s artesian well is
a gratifying snccess. The well is six hun
dred and fifty feet deep, and there ia a flow
of about thirty gallons to tbe minute. The
pounds, valued at $11,935.(59,
VOIUDU Uk tjili'W.w, tiua
ny Messrs. Hording Johnson &
Sumter Republican: Not long since a
couple presented themselves to a Dooly
county justice ot the peace, intimatiog
that they desired to be married as soon as
possible, as the.
and would soon
ings. The justice looked at tho couple and
turning to the persons who were with him
first, said: "Hold on boys till I hitch this
team;” then to the anxious pair, “John,
you want'to mar y Mollie?” “Yes, sir,
quick!” was too re ‘
want to marry John
1 m — 1 — --viTiftr (ha hfl((ap. H 'Tito
mass of humanity, we are almost out of paff
enccwith life. Even where toe intentions are
best. Ignorance Is prone to bid the ntllietcd
“suffer aud be strong.” instead of “ministering
to (lie mind diseased," or laying a hand of
Our informant, who is in position to | R 111 ® 11 * 8 l 0 ™ 5 . 08 fresh tributes to hervir- j All Mvhen Science and Philanthropy, with
know, says that Mr ; J. M. Edward, ha, | Sft«l„r“ ni I „°. n f„,&f Qem0rit8 °M‘ > Mff^a@l^ U |iSe”^l‘ b o! £
know, says t
tendered his resignation as superintendent
of ths East Tennessee, Virginia and Geor
gia railroad, the resignation to :ake place
nt once. Tho letter wns forwarded Batur-
A. J. K.
Wabbenton, April 14.—The Superior
d'be married os soon as I day hut to C!ol. John F. O’Britn, goceral Court adjourned Inst Saturday to meet tho
girls parents were opposed I superintendent of tho system, at Knoxville, I third Mondny ia July, there being more
il>e present to stop proceed- Tenn. business than could possibly bo tiispos-
As Col. O'Brien had no knowledge of
Mr. Edwards’determination in this direc
tion, it is quite probable that several days
will elapse before too now superintendent
,y , 8,r > I will be appointed. Wo hear of several I of guilty, but recommi
y '<_u d° y°U I names in connection with the suooessor- I of the court, nnd in co
n ‘ „ ‘JS® ship of Mr. Edwards, bnt as the appoint-1 tho sentence of ninety-i
diminished. Hawkinsville should have an
arte -ian well.
Enquirer-Sun: Nature often takes
strange freaks, nnd tbe chickens liko a
great deal from being an exception to
rule. Mrs. W. T. Robinson, of this ci
set a hen on thirteen eggs, and in dn
course of time all tho egga but one
hatched out a beautiful little chick. One
of tbe eggs refused to hatch, and yesterday
when Mrs. Robinson took tbe brood from
the nest she broke the egg to see what was ;
m it. She found a fully developed chick-
Now, you are hitched, nnd in tho power
gin me by toe Stato cf Georgy and tbe
United States and by the goodness of God,
I pronounce you man and wife; and wbat
this court has joined let nothing bust asun
der, if so let him be maranatha. Go forth,
official are very fine for the position.
Tho causo of Mr. Edwards’ resignation,
is, so wo learn, tho tender of a bettor posi
tion on another railroad somewhat re
moved from Macon.
Our citizons deeply regret that ho is to
praise to hor genius and talent.
‘ * “ nunclat ion had drawn near.
Samarium Nervine really U salvation to thou
sands. 1 speak from a full heart when 1 say It,
fur friends very uear and dear to me have
been restored to health and happiness by
men us of it.
tied bless Dr. Richmond,” said one of them
to me toe other day. “1 feel os I know toe
man mentioned iu (he Ecripmro must hare
felt wriicu he went from Jerusalem
Jericho aud fell among thieve*, nud when l
bed aud at the poiut of denh. was befriended
and icsioicd lohealih by i lie Hood Samaritan.”
“Vo.” he tnuliuued, "that was exactly my
condiiiott. I bad speutu fortune in doctor's
i., - . - . I bills And paieul medicines. Lvcryiliingl could
rdly I onment was pronaunoeu upon him instead I hear of 1 tried, sodc*i>cniie was my situstion,
will of tho penalty of hanging. He does not I but 1 grew woi*c neadilv. uuiil 'ome kind
i — — 1 — 1 rs- 1 friend told me o( the 8auaii:an Neruue. Since
takiug it 1 am, as you see, restored tu perfect
possibly be dispos
ed of in tho regn'ar time appointed.
In tho easo of the State vs. Oscar How-
_ charged
Elias Edwards, tho jury rendered a verdict
’, but recommended to the merer I
consequence of which
_ nine years impris- [
from Col. O’Brien, it iaTiardly "
,uy one from this section will . _
though the prospects of one | go to pay the coal-mines of north Georgia
Rich Jewelry.
34 Whitehall St. Atlanta, Ga.
Illustrated Price List.
and made pleasant.
Fevered ana siok per
sons relieved and
refreshed by bath
ing with Prophy-
, laotio Fluid added
to tbe water.
Soft White Complex
ions secured by ite
me in bathing.
Impure Air made
harmless and puri
fied by sprinkling
Darby’s Fluid
To Purify theBreath,
Cleanse the Teeth,
it can’t be surpass
Catarrh relieved and
Erysipelas p-rad.
Hums relittM! in
stant! y.
Scars prevented.
Removes all unpleas
ant odors.
Pox I
ene prevented
Dysentery cured.
Wounds healed rap
Scurvey eared in A
abort time.
Tetter dried up.
It is perfectly harm
For Sore Throat it is
a sura cure.
Cholora dissipated.
Ship Fever prevented
by its use.
In oases <t death in
till hoc e, it should
always ue used
about tho corpse-it
willprevent any nn-
ploasr.nt smell.
An Antidote for Ani
mal or Vegetable
Poisons, Stings,eto.
Dangerous effiuviss
of sick rooms aud
hospitals removed
by its use.
Yellow Fever
Darbyls Prophylactic Fluid is the only
medicine in my tsmily. We can use it for
almost every thing—burns, bruise, stings,
earache, sour stomach, etc. My children
when hurt or bruised always call at once
for Darby’d Fluid. We cannot get along
well without it. R*v. John Mathews.
Montgomery, Ala.
' 1 *
Vandesmt.t Univebsitt, Kasbvills, Tenn.
It affords me great pleasu e to testify to
tho*tnost ex<-eUeut qualities of Prof. Dar
by’s Prophjlactic Fluid. Asa disinfectant
and detergent it is both theoretically and
practically superior to any preparation
with whiea I am acquainted.
N. T. Lupton, Prof, of Chemistry.
From the eminent physioinn J. Marion
Sims, M D., New York: I am convinced
that Prof. Darby's Prophylactio Fluid ia a
most valuable disinfectant.
In fact it is the great - *
Disinfectant and Purifier
J• XT. Zioilin Co.,
tnrinir Cbemista. SoLxPnopnfrrOBa
Watches and Jewelry,
Ernest Peselike,
102 Second Street.
A Never-Falling Caro tor Burns,*
{ • Scalds, Bruises, Cuts, Sores, etc. jj
After forty years of trial, Perryf
Davis’ Pain Killer standsunrivalciL
It la safe! It acts Immediately! Itj
never falls 1 i
■tor of ths St. John (N.B.) Hews, says!.
. In flesh wounds, aches, pains, sores, etc./
It Is too most efeetual remedy we know ot
family should bo without a
t a bottle of id
For a quarter of a century or more Hoa
r’s St
for a single hour.
From toe Cincinnati Dispatch:
We have aa Ua magTc effects, and kMtd
it to be a good article.
From I. s. Potter, U. S. Consul at Crefald, 1
Rhenish Prussia: i
Alter long years Ot use, I am satisfied lu
is positively eniclent as a healing remedy;
ror wounds, bruises, nnd sprains.
W.Sharper, Valdosta. Ga.,aaya: 1
J Us a panacea lor all bruises and burns.'
From R.W. Adams, Saco. Mo.: /
it gave me lmmcdlaio relief. ;
E,Lewis says: I
In rorty years' use It never has tolled me
W.W.Lum, Nlcholvllie. H.Y.,nays: ,
1 use your Pain Killku ircquently. id
rel iexifp aln and soreness, and heals v
like magic.
J.W.Bee says:
For scalds and burns It has no equal.
A new untried remedy. 1'or forty years)
itlra* been in constant nse; and those who:
have used it the longest are its best friends. I
I Its success is rnh’rr/p because nf its merit.
Since the Pal n Killer was first introduced. {
hundreds of new medicines have come and *
gone, while to-day this medicine is i
.'extensively used and more highly r
than crer before. Every family should
u bottle ready foruse. Much pain nnd!
doctors' hills may often be smed bv pro]
application of the Pain Killer. VnliU
medicines, it 1 snerfrcUy safe even In the lui
of a child. Try it once thoroughly, s
will prove Its valor. Your druggist ]
25c., 50c. and 91.00 per bottle.
PERRY DAVIS A SON, Proprietors,
kroddsnos, it. 1.
and thoroughly competent I a visit, tor then, if his health should i
I., , l uur citizens deeply regret time ne is to
multiply, bring forth and rep.emali upon i oavo ca . ].’ or the past two yoars lie has
the faith of tho earth. Amen . | been here, and duriug that time n wide
circlo of friends of himself and family has
if ter Rep in
Col. J. D. Wilson, of Pinevillc, Marion
county, wo learn that he owns the house
said to have been once occupied by tho
Stallings family. That Dr. Wall used the
«» all pir,Kt in even, ~ r.r i Doctor’s room—a house at one end of too
}»fytted eS y Mr Robtoron hls \ a tb ® «^ yof • I> rof ®? M , r & th ®
i t in alcohol, nnd as it sits in the front of thn? e^ter^m-wln 1 tlfn
hig ofrifA qv% Jocpf UeArwl •IrppLthn enrinno I it 1^ B&1Q thflt tllO tWO EISICH in«\U0 tllO
^i tek^’a looTat it ^ U ^ t ’ th teint of the tale in “Major Jones’ Court-
in take n look at it. ah in” D-. Wall was on intimnfo torms
LaGbanoe Reporter: A sad accident I with Col. Thompson, end gave him much
happened to Bev. F. M. T. Brannon, the I of the information that ho acquired of the
zealous pastor of Houston circuit/reccnt-1 Stallings family. The old house is still
ly. Mr. Brannon was about to retire for I there, in Fineville, and it is a cariosity to
the night, and goiog to the rear ot the | the traveler to look upon its antique
bed, pulled it from the wall in order that porch, its doimer windows, and to think of
might pass between. This movement I the Christian gift, and the big dog snap-
_ xapitoted a gun, which was leaning I ping and biting around it. All these things ) sionera to
against the wall, and toe contents were I have an interest for ns, for the littlo ham- c; . . ; ; ■
discharged into his foot, producing a flesh I let of l’ineville is only thirty miles distant , ,
wound. But for tbe fact that the shot | from our city. The tourist on his or her I nmch favc
passed through the back or jottom of a
chair before reaching h'm, tho result
might have been moro serious. But the
accident which saved Mr. Brannon from n
dangerous gunshot wound, intensified the
pain of the injury, inasmuch as splinters
from the chair penetrated the foot. We
regret to learn that he is not doing very
4 -*<■ 4
been formed, and these friends, whilo de
ploring his dspar'ute, congratulate him
npon tho promotion to a better position.
As a railroad man bo has clearly proved
himself competent, snfo nnd enterprising,
and ns a citizen ho has been ono of oar
We do not know wbat position lie will j serve, and that the only pardon
lake, but wherever ho goes bo carries with
him the best wishes of the peoplo of Maoon
for his success end prosperity.
him in his new and well deserved occupa
tion and should the pet family physicians
of tho convict homes M Oallad
to make out a true diagnosis of liis condi
tion, ho would return home with pardoned
stamped in Coal-quit characters upon his
kinky brow and guilt still written upon his
black and murderous heart. Ho was taken
yesterday to tbe brick yards of Augus
ta, accompanied closely and affectionately
by auothor “brother in black,” one Alfred
Berry, col, convicted of theft and sentenced
to fonr nnd a half years of liard labor in
tho chain gang. It is sincerely hoped that
each of theso convicts will live to serve out
the time the |court demanded they should
* * * >n they
\V1;U sueli Incontrovertible proof of the be-
nefleem uni lire of llie remedy, it i* not strange
that mi etliior, always toliciious for an accu
rate knowledge of wbalcould benefit tbe world
ague, a loss of phjra'
liver oomploint and other disorders, and
has been most emphatically irdorsed by
medical men as a health aud strength re
storative. It counteracts a tendency to
premature decay, and sustains and com
fort! the aged and infirm. For sale by all
druggists and dealers generally.
Dlsensklng the Combination Jail and
Tho proposition of tho county commis-
build in conjunction with the
receive may be granted by tbe Supreme
Ruler of tho
We notice in the presentments of the
grand jury, that all tbe county officers
have discharged the duties incumbent upon
thoir respective office* in a most satisfac
tory and efficient mannor. The books of
each official wore submitted to a critical
and' thorough examination, and mot tho n , vlu
highest approval of tho inspection com- I of Kuroiie. ouly iuMoiul of the cmu-Uc*, ~biui-
mittee. .... I dstie*- sold. Mircrmi.l wax im:i£cxof iiierecu-
Perhaps too most prominent and note- I pcraiv.t pilcnius. leu Ix-.'oie me -brine of tbe
worthy action of that honorable body was I uiiniclc worker, Dr. Kivlnuoiul Im* a* tcMimo-
Wcfonuii i bo doctor iu lii» elegant private
office buvily cuga^cil iu hii|>erimciullug tbe
gem lew nn ubo-e oii.iiic-s U ii 10 attend lo tho
details oi ihe iunuuuse cut.c-mmdence which
h a uaiuiul result oi his wide spread reputa
Uu mat tug known our wishes, be very kind
ly accouituoied us iu our lour of iuspection
uourjh liic luu'jiiiiU'Ciii building nud ground*.
Almost as MX>uaswueii;cicd (he oUccour
atteuiiou na., arrested by a woiideiful collec
tion of pbou-'srapbs. unuiiieriiig touiewhetc in
tbe tiiousamlv. All unlious. ages and stations
wipelepteseiiieil. 'liieelcgauii-.-iucof tbeso-
cletv leader nussidu by side with ibo pit tore
of liio huuibleani«au: iuuo.cui childhood and
wiilieivd old aseshowed iu their counterfeit
prcscituu'.-uis ibu gratitude ilicy could not
speak; do. o.s, lanyeis. uiiui-ieisof ibego-pet,
soldiei-, bmoieis, plain luoihers of uuiliies,
haiigiuy eiiiio.eii oi Wealthy, rich nud poor,
high aud low, black aud n line, all ireie repre
sented. U temiudvd me oi the miracle cures
visit to aoutowest Georgia, will dwell with
satisfaction on a visit to the homo of the |
Stallings family, Fineville, Marion coun
ty, Ga.
Tho proposition is
within the
Hall yard,
Avenue. The walls are high and massive,
and thnt much expense is saved. Tho
A Doable Wedding. I ground floor is to be used for city and tom-
Married in Tdlbotton, Ga., yesterday, by ]»»«* prisoners, und too seoond story for
r r» .. 77. n thejabor’s residence and thothirdatoryfor
well and that some weeks may elapse be- I ^ eT ' J * R M ^ h ®®» 0t th ® residence of O. t j, 0 «>nnty and state prisoners. The
fore he can resume bis valuable labors. 1 D- Gorman, E«q n Rev. John F. Eden, of sheriff with nn assistant Is all tho forco re-
WhUe his condition is not critical, it is a Eatonton, to Miss Mnry S. Gorman; also, qulred, thereby doing away with the two
vf Talbottou, to Miss I watchmen now employed bj* the city, the
’ 1 sheriff being on duty in too day and his
assistant nt night.
We learn that if the cUy_ will contribute
Willis, Talbottou, nud Miss Nonio Yoang,
source <
of regret to himself and his chargo I Mr. H. O. Brown, o:
that his ministerial work is suspended erm | Mildred Gorman,
for a short time. We hope to
his restoration. *
Columbus Sun: Last Wednesda;
rsoon of
The following were too attendants: O.
A. Eden and Miss Lizzie Canning: J. L.
_ . Willis, Talbottou, nud Miss Nonie Yoang,
Antioch; Pesroe Weston and Miss SaUio
H I Gorman; J. A. Leonard and Miss Mattie
Bima, at the readence of Mr. H. H-1 Searcy; b. B. Searcy and Miss Mollie
spina, was cleaning ,ish when She ecci- loweu, l’leS- lilt llill, Ga.: Thud. C.. Porker, . , , -
fiSh tof Ih/^t mo r rShl got up and | * >Incon ’ aml Mis3 Mnmi9 WUH *’ Xalbot - ar ® ^ consultation with a commutes from
her hand was. so swollen as to. pre-| °o nly a few friend3 wcr0 ; nTitod . Mr .
Eden is a young minister of Eatonton, nnd
is n gcntlemnn of high attainments. Mr.
Brown is n merchant of Talbotton and a
young man of integrity. The brides are
daughters of Mr. O. D. Gorman, well
known to Macau citizens.
'ihe young people have our good wishes
for their safe journey through life.
vent her from doing her usaal work. It
began to pain her and the pain increased
until she soon was compelled to take her
bed. She suffered violently with it until
yesterday when she died. The attending
physician spys ttat her doath was enured
from erysipelas aud septisemiaor blood
.. nr . fonr farnm-rs in ’"''f itoisoniug. We hive soen some voryst-
' mj-.kt each twelve toon-, vere tfcau i ts from wounds inllicied by the
* l V ' >, -r a’iIr At the average price j water catfish, and they are oon- .. . , .. -
‘ MBOJ each. ! sidered v.-ry poisonous m.d dangerous, but .
will net . naina this is the fir*t death of wbicii wo ran re- ' Ap.h—■$]].,4(10 ill cash distiibu^d by
NoRLKBa-3. Afhens, arego ■« mem b«r having occurred from ihe Co of i. Commouweallh Distribution Company,
Urv-ra- Y lriW works to^An^^id^J vrrttr ftsK i at Louisville, on April 20th. Tickets »2.
the site the county will build tho jail, and
thus toe county will save tho expense of
the ground, anil the city will save the ex
pense of watchmen.
A commit loo from the board of aldermen
the commissioners, nnd It is presumed tho
former will make a report at the next
meeting of oouncil.
The county is determined to bnild a jail
at once, and the only available locations
to be had are those in unhealthy positions
of tho city. The City Hall is a good one,
not only in a healthy point of viow, but be
cause of its central location.
He led ilie way to tlie next apartment, and
__ y i
special tax for its publio educational pur- . ... — f —„
poses, in accordance with the constitution I £2,1 e ! “ pc ® l 1 ,u K 0,ll> ' i°«ce perhaps one
c.„ to | nook <a»c filled wiib dusty tonics of abstract
Tho administration of his Jud geship.E re^'lia’ndVo!a^'i^ke<i»'5 l !m' l isteiuIt > orer , ci l ire
H. Pottle, was unanimously endorsed, and hundred tbousaud i.ieolii lif.i t“fmoouUls
in the event Hon. A* H. Stephens should I from iho^ whom llie Nerviuoillacicuiei.
retire to private life, tho name of E; H. I ‘‘Hjiw wouderfully fuuuimie as well as tal-
Pottle is recommended to the peoplo of I J ou ? re ®V we wclalmed In airaxement
th'j eighth district as a fit representative The^Mrkp e ii^k 1 ne# ”
and ono ably oualifled for theoffice of Con- of
pressman. \\e oortainly join the grand I' n realt:i,” he answered, “for 1 hare known ulrat
jury in every i*sue presented for toe con- I it it to be without It, but wiist tsiheiuostcoliM-
sideration of the people. P. B. W. I ml fortune that wns ever in the grasp of inoi t il
men in comparison to tlie good my remedy la
doing? Picture lo yomrelf, if you can. vvhat
must b.) the feeling oi nil epileptic. Think of
him niili his dread fal ilbenseKO loiigpronoune-
cd incurable. He cannot lake part in tbe
studies, duties, employments, recreations or
lrifbor’s ComjiOHmt of Pure Corf.
Liver Oil and Lime. The advanlago of this
compound over the plain Oil Is, that tho nau
seating taste of tho Off is entirely removed,
and the whole rendered palatable. The offen
sive taste of the Oil has lone acted as a great
objection to Its use; bnt in this form tho
trouble is obviated. A host of certificates
mlcht bo given here to testify to the excel
lence and success of “Wllbor's Cod-Liver Oil
and Lime;” but the fact that it Is regularly pre
scribed by the medical faculty Is sufficient.
For sale by A. B. Wilbor, Chemist, Boston, and
by all druggists.
jumACht ^jrwiijsxns,
I'.«. >is>.k JH i . ...» usi
• tew^kawM^lteVs. He
$30,000 for $2. Neatly 2,000 other cash
pr res In llie grand drawing or llie old aud
reliable Commouweallh Distribution Co ,
which draws on 20ih lust. Seud $2 for
icket to R. M. Bffardinan, Louisville, Ky. • enlightened, and
iPrtl 14.—Telfair Superior
court fa be held at McRae, sits next Tues
day, Judge A. C. Pate presiding. The
weather for the past few days has boea
quite cocl and cloudy; to day, h
is brighor and more pleasant.
lands Hotel has done a good busiuess this
year; the management proved efficient and
popular—Mr. Heather has won golden
praises for his indefatigable caru nnd at
tention enlisted tho kiud cffices of
his guests for a return of his prosperous
business another year. The Eastman uend-
emy, under Prof. John 15. Johnston and nis
estimable wife, is n suoeoss. 'llie school
numbers over Boventy pupils and is rsplntu
wi-h interest: the methods uro thorough
and practical, everything is modern and
toe results have been
ays lias beea I siuuic«, unuc*. employment-, revu .mons or
1 however it I nmuiemeuts oi ail ordinary fellow being, lie
nt TllO r iln is 011 °bjccl Of horror rather than of pity to his
nt. Tho Up- friends. His malady never Stands stffl; It is
constantly growing wor.-e and more ilrMdful
In nit U* phases, l.n-taml mo.-: du-i-lful be
fore him stauds the awful phantom of in -.uiily.
Bleeping or waking he feels that It Is there,
mil that sooner or later it w ilt clinch him: nml
it docs. Au epileptic mustbe, like Job, tempt-
il would |
* I receiv-!
bring tears t
Kow wind up the muslcaj season with the
performance of one of our ;>onul»r Cantata*.
Specimen copies promptly mailed for the price
hero mentioned.
_ Iher (50 cts.)
Bennett's May Queen (alh Root's Itay-
Dlliuai makers (.1), or New Flower Queen
(75 cents).
Ilnasaffae Barber of Bath (50 cents). Falomlta
bps‘Cl 155 (-J.2J). Koblnsonadc (30 cts.), Sleep.
Ing Queen (SO cts.). Cups and Saucers (25 cts.),
Diamond Cut Diamond (tl.00).
Vft* flip Vftiinff Cinderella (50 cts.), Culprit Fay
ror Uie lining f-l.00), Press Rehearsal (iu cu.)
Guardian Angel (5<) cents). Home In Fairy
l.oii.l (iK) ccnt-i, r.e.-on in charily (CO ccnb),
Lillis Bo-l’eep (60 cents). Quarrel Among Flow
ers (35 cents), Spring Holiday (60 cents). Three
Little Kittens (50 cents), Twin Sisters (50 cent*).
I bid fiiipiew Patience (-1), Muscot (SO cents),
LljtlU "penis Trial by Jurj (50 cents), Jililcc
Taylor (‘>0cents), I-ltlle Duke (-1.00), llnafore
(5o’cents), Pirates (sl.OU;.
OLIVER DIT80N & CO- Boston.
Vo,... ' O. H. nrrSON * CO^ Rta Broadway N. Y.
his feeling. ..
moke a man feel happy.
The: poor fellow can I
ng enoiigli to express 1
That's the kind of a thing to l
el hsuuv." *
Atlanta, I
On* at tbs
: touatzy.
Popular Monthly Drawicg of ths
in the I‘Hy of Louisnlle on
SATURDAY, APRIL 29th, 1882.
Theso drawings occur monthly (Sunday's
excepted) under provisions of an sot of the*
General Assembly of Kentucky
The United'fitates Circuit Court, on March
31, rendered the following decisions:
1st—That toe Commonwealth Distribu
tion Company is logaL
2d—Its drawings are fair.
N. B.—The company has now on hand a -
large reserve fund. Read carefully toe list
of prizes for tlm
1 Prize.
I Prize
1 Prize.
10 Prizes $1,000 each.
20 Prizes COO eat-h
100 Prizes ICO each....
200 Prizes 50 each
600 Prizes 20 each
1,000 Prizes 10 each
9 Prizes 300 each, ap’rox prizes
9 Prizes 200 each do do
9 Prizes 100 each do c o
.$ 80,000
. 10,000
.. 6,000
>. 10,000
. 10,000
. 10,000
- 10,900
. 12,000
1,960 Prizes 4H2 40(1
Whole Tickets, $2. Half Tickets, *Y.
27 Tickets, $50. 65 Tickets, $Kj0.
iemit Money or Bank Draft in Letter
seud by Express. DON’T SEND F If
FICE ORDER. Orders of $5 and upward'
by Express, can be seat st our expense!
Address all orders to
Courier-Journal, Louisville. K
or same person 3f r < Hrondwav. N Y.
)IO*t <
Parent ami lint fiedicine ever ladi.
Ot Hops, Bucha, Maw
u>J Dandelion, "in* Ui u.« b«t aud
ir» tiv» properties of all olinr BilUrs,
th«gn-atest Blood Purifier, Livor
kator. u:« and ntaiui Ununui
No dim
liiy git i stw 11 V« »sl r !;n te sgtl ud team.
To all wboM •%«>P*oy ment* c*ixso It rpjruUri*
tjofU»oU>w«J$or% isiw^T ot who re
quire ad Ai»ptUio^^louic end miitl StiinuUuit,
Hop Hittcriox« mv*i\“^*i without intog-*
No limiter vb»l?oar or o^mptome
are ulut the dieeaeeor adimmexu to ueo || 0 p lilt,
ter*. Don t wall tint;: youeiek Lu6 if *o-
only feel bail or mi»erab2* t j|U*> tftem at once*
ltmay *a»e your life, liliaal* »r *»j |»u»4
SOOO will he vaid for & they rein
cure or help. Vo not euffe* yo*»r
tuffer.hut iim an4 urg-o theoaTk^O use HO0 Q
Kewemiier, Hop Bitten la noW Vllo, drurn^
drunken uoetnirn, but tho PuretTW^Ct a d Qx-*
Medicine ever made; toe
and WW" and no pomoa Or
•bottVd he without