Georgia weekly telegraph, journal & messenger. (Macon, Ga.) 1880-188?, May 12, 1882, Image 7

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fct** attJSt 3mxtmnl Sl'XRZSK BV THE HE J. SSSSOSO^SSLa A MhM hoe ■bore the wst The lily and the rose— A Ccocv c'oad of bloc LUcUmt the pISIyshow.; *«5JS«fSSSW A blush asof the oolumbhte, <b tint of violet; And ever In the brightening sky, ‘ if splendor bora. rinmn i In ml— ■ Till leaf by lSlfT* perfect flower; Unfolds the bud of mom. —Albert Lawhton is Tkt Atlantic. AZ'G VST JIELJfO.VrS WEE. Whr the Father or Bln Sea Uaps Uktwtnejr of the Tram the Cecil H1ut. The recent verbal encounter «t Washing ton between Mr. Blaine and Mr. Belmont, in whioh tha latter was so seriously worsted recalls a somewhat more sanguinary affair which happened near this town nearly forty-one.years ago, in which the father of Belmont, the well known banker and Deo,- ocratio ipolitician, August Belmont, was one of the prominent participants. On Wednesday evening, August 25,1841, two parties of men, in carriages, drove np to the two hotels of the town. There was, ■ays the chronicle of tho day, “an apparent strangeness in their notion*,” and the wise acre* of the town were at their wits’end to determine the objeot of thoir visit. About twelve o’clock that night a conference wae held between representatives of the two .parties,nnmarona inquiries in theme lima having been made as to the diet* to the Delaware line and other questions ‘"'■ J — that a duel, or at least •tionbetween these mysterious gentry. in the night or rather early in the ig, they left the town, driving dt- t. They were followed by* f the village, whose cariosity ■morning, rectly east. >citizess of I •teOsoad them to wateh their hat ware not overtaken, and no one ■leeme, resident in EUnon, was an eye ■witness to the duel, which oectured at an •early honr on the morning of the 36th, on •Orey's Hill, about one mile east of the •town. .As it afterwards proved, tee princi pal* in the affair had taken assumed names *-onoi ■ them being addressed as Moore, ttheotiv as Goldsmith. In reality, bo** ever, thi were Mr. August Belmont, of New Tat , tho American agent of the Botha.'hil s, and who bar since figured very prom.oently as a New York Demo- ■cratio poliician, and William Hayward, ofBonthOa olina. They had been together resident* o. the American Hotel, in New York, and the quarrel teems to have origi nated in.a “love affair.” Hayward’s brother stated .at the time that Belmont’s intimacy wdth a ladyhad been reesoted by Hayward, and the wuner having in terms i ' " ' Hayward ihe latter had challenged him to mo: abut. Intent upon blood ly naa been reaeotea by uaywaru, aimer having spoken of the latter not particularly complimentary, had struck Belmont, whereupon Intent nponlilood they had**^ *2% bogging, all lute, nom ranged a .duel, to be fought upon the aKftlfc snow flea, 51.65: classic soil of Delaware, and for that pur- Mona ms tf» Svaur. pose had taken , carriages at Wilmington smd Arisen to JBlkton, intending to meet anon the field of honor by sunrise just over the Delaware line. As it turned out, however, they did not drive far enough east, and the soil of Orey's Hill, in Cecil county, was reddened with the blood of .the Hebrew banker and i the execution of Swift, which in later years the execution of! the murderer of Kilhour, rendered more notorious. A gentleman named Lake seoond for Belmont, and a Mr. rved Hayward in a sin Purdy tarred t similar capac ity. Arriving upon the ground, the princi pals were placed by their seconds, and . recon . upon the first round Mr. Belmont was shot in the hip. One fire,itaeems, was sufficient to appease the woundel feel’nge of these to appease chivalrous gentlemen, and Mr. Belmont was borne weeding to his carriage. At the time it was tuppoaed that ho was mortally wounded. ■'American Politics (I (BtOQ-P* From the Ucglunlng tfbsIC’ Is the title of the new work written and compiled by Hon. Thomas V. Cooper and Hector T. Fenton, Esq., and published by the Fireside Publishing Company, No. ?J North 7ih street, Philadelphia. “Ameri can Politics” is the most comprehensive nnd instructive political work ever pub lished in this country. “Benton's Thirty Year*’ Review” covered a limited period, from M20 to-1850; “Niles' Register,” (which now brings at publiosale ski50) was but a running periodical review of the doings of Congress, while Cooper’s “American Politics" covers the history of political parties from the beginning of par ties in this country until now. Even the final action on the Chin see and polygamy quo <tion* are fully stated, and the best se lections made from the opposing speeches of Senators Miller, Hoar, Jones, Vest, etc. Not only i- the history of all parties pre sented in on attractive form, but wherever and whenever any of these parties stood in hostile array on any great issue, they are kept in that relation throughout their life or the life of the issue, the views of th*ir greatest leaders given and their reoords faithfully ' Such r shown. tiueh a history haa never before been ffiv- i; index!, no history of the political par es of this ooontry has ever before been The History of the Poli prises about M pages, Book 1, there being set ties of this ooontry written, and Benstor Cooper struck a new and practical idea when be undertook the work. It fills a bole in our literature, and a very transparent one, now that pnbl c thought haa been directed to it, and it fills it to completely that no just oemplaint can be made. i Political Parties com- and is classed as _ seven books in the same volume, so that every branch can be brought down to date wi hout oonfosioc. Book II gives all of the political plat forms, and so analyses all great issues be tween the parties that the reader desiring to be posted, sees at a glance the vital points of difference. Book HI. (rivet the great speeches on all of the great issues. We can bay in the book mart* in separate and ooetly volumes, Clay’s or Webster's great speeches, but in “American Politics” we see with absolute non-partisan fairness Clay’s greatest speech on protection side by side with Ran dolph’* great effort on free trade—on State rights, Hayne' le’s great speech, Webster’s r, Calhoun following both; great answer, , Toombs for slavery, Garrison against; y, Lincoln Douglas for sovereignty, ; popular against; Hill denouncing Mahone, and Ma- ’ — * '— “‘urbonism; ai bona denouncing Bourbonism; and so on this book elosea with Blaine's great mttl this _ w enlogyon This is in itself a great collection, comprises &SQ eotevo IV. is a full reprint of Jefferson’s .j Practice. Book V. (three the text of .01 existing po- litioal laws. Any citizen, politician, attor ney, can at a moment asoertain the ezaet test aa to any political right or privilege; rything touching besides, everything touching tariff, tax. "^BookYJ^ishnlquetiidTOd. Jtisacom- arec^taiued. ^ ^ XabnUt<d -History of Politics. A moment s referenw will give desired foot, whether on tariff rates, any. STrafeJ" election returns, The cost of for doth finest half. fnlcMstedta public affairs, is money than oon be found in any publica tion known. ,. Where agent, are abscrip'.ioi al subscription* can bo made, and such or ders will Le filled at oaoe U O. D. atthe expense of the Publishing Company. This shows absolute good fai* h on ihe pul ot buosenoo direct xrom poinui COMMERCIAL. COTTON MARKET REPORT we Ik— AXD MxSSKXGKa. MACON. May IO.-KtciiIe SB quiet. Good m iddling mid ‘ Boomved today J Stock on band September 1, M8L Stooetved tod»y.._ * previously. Cetton Market, by Telegraph. LIVEItTOOL—LOO n. m—Sales, American 8,700; uplands, tow middling clause. Jane and July • £-61; July and August 6 MA, September •nnd Oetobcr e*H 61. NEW YORK, Msyio.—NoonMtoi ■rimlbTfc middling uplands UHi Futures quiet; May 12.25; June VLB: July 12. IC: August 12.66; September 1A2S; October 11X7. NEW YORK—Evening —Net receipts 842; gros»^71gr. Futures closed steady; sales 22400. May Il2.32ai2.331 October —U.Tli June. 12.4201X431 November—11.51 July 12.50:4- Dscsmbar-.11 52 August 12.T0ai2.71 (January _ll.n.>-n.C5 Seutcmbet JUMtiH 1 February. _12.75A- NEW YOKE, May 10l—Cottonstaody; sal os 516: middling uplands 12 5-16; middling Orle 12 9-1& Consolidated net receipts ilftfip to Oreat Britain 3JSQ0; to France — GALVESTON, Mar 10 “ ' r middling t middling 12: low I 11?;; netTreccipte 56; gross —•*«5eo4Hq’*to3 'savannah. May ia-Ontton market steady; middling 11%: low middling 11*; good or3fi- net receipts 38; gross —; isles 161; tP®Z? -a 10.—Cotton quiet; m!d- V, Mar 1C •dllng 12; low middling 11& linnet receipts 335; grom AUOUSTA. May 10.—Oottor market quiet; middling ll>i low middling good ordin ary 10>* net re ‘ MACON MARKET Bacon—C. B. sides, 1 ,12M. Bulk a R. sides llld. W4/ Bulk shouldcn uy t . Bellies UK. o.—Market very firm. Choice leaf, in N - Y - BCflne,, • ,D Flol-e.—Market very finn; finc«t patent, 19.50; isccy, *8.50; choice family, 18.00; extra family, *7.76; family, *7.00; buckwheat, *10.5a Wheat bran, per cwt. Oenua—Market quiet with Choice Rio, 15; prime, 14: good. & fair,12; ordi nary. 10; O. G. Java. SO: Mocha. 30. Gnant akd Hat.—Market very firm. White com, ‘1.12; mixed coni, *108—In car load late 2 to Scents lea. Feed oats, 72. Western timotey bay, 31.35; Eaitem hay, *1.25. Cora plain *110; boIted, *1.15. 10: bolted.*. ItAGdnto and Tiks—Fair demand; stock light; lng, all lute, none; 2 da, none: 1% do. arrow tics. *1.65: pieced ties. *125. Molams and Svaur.—Cuba melaascs, 47a 60; honey drips, 50a55; Georgia syrup, 55. BALT.-Liverpool7ll.10; Virginia 8L2501.60. Fauna.—Apples, *5.00. Oranges, per 100 " ' 74.00 London f 2^3c. lumens, per bex, *4.00 London layer Fish.—Ko. l mackerel, half bbls. , *7.00; do kits, *1.00; Na 2 da, half bbls., K.75; kits, 65a; No. 3. half barrels, 35.50; kit*. COc. Mam-iEasier but not quoted lower. Granulated. 11; stand A, 10J-C; white extra C. 10: extra C, 9}fc Golden C, 9%; N. O. whites; 10VI- N. O. yellow clarified 9%. UisciLLANXors.—candy, 13c. Pickles, pints *1.50, per quarts, *2.25. Starch 5Ka per lb. Cheese, IS. Sardines, imported, 15)* sardines, domestic. *9.00. Bice, 7g9c. Ball pot ash, *2.7533.00: Cannecl, S3.25&3.50. Hides— Dry flint. 9311, salted 8320. Wool—Washed 25333c; unwashed. 215,25; burred 10355; un washed burred 18Q25. Tallow, 5K®6. Wax, IS. Dky Goona—Market steady. Prints—staffaard 6^6Kc,lower grades 4K-d5Vic, solids 5Mc. Tick ings ckaiSc. Hickory stripes 7K1*lOc. da brown »52@10c.. Wigacs6)j^G3^ Oinsburgs— per keg; mule shoes f'.oO. Iron bound hatnes i4.50«D.r _ ■ ■ SOftD.OO. Trace chains Ames’ shovels 31Z00 per dozen. Flow hoes 6A7 per lb. Hsiman’s plow stocks *1.75. Axes rJJ eio.oo per dozen. Cotton card* *s.oo. Well buckets*4.50. Colton rope 18a per*. Swede iron 5A5Kc. per *: refine 8'/6Me. per Bt. Plow steel sue per *. Nails 35.C5—basc of 10-p. Pow der K.W per keg. Blasting powder *4.00. 8a per lb. Drop shot *2.00 per bog. Lead Provision Markets by Telegraph CINCINNATI, May 10,-Flour firm: family 35.75a6.00; fancy fd.40a7.15. Wheat steady and in fair demand at tl.3tel.33 spot. Com In good demand and tinner at 76% spot; 76% bid May; 73 Jane. Oats In fair demand and stronger; No. 2 mixed 5t. Pork quiet and firm at ‘19 00. Lard quiet and firm at -11.35. Balk meats stronger; shoulders >0.75; rib >10.80. Whisky steady and in good demand at S1.12. Combination sales of fiuiahed goods, 745 bbls. on a basis of -1.12. Sugar quiet but firm; bards 10%all; New Orleans 7Jte*i%. nogs stcady and firm; common to light to.50s6.75; i«cUcf anti butchers’ t7.10aS.00. ST. LOUIS, May 10.—Flour dull and un changed. Wheat unsettled and generally low er, hut closed slightly above yesterday’s price; No. 2 red fall 9131%al.81% cash; 81.2S% June, tlorn higher but slaw at .oa76 cash; 71% May; June. Oats higher at ,%%a57 cosh; 5i%a 52% June. Whisky lower at 1.15. Pork strong anil higher at >19.00 cash: -19.00 Md June. Bulk meats active, firm and higher and In good demand; shoulders >7.50; short clear *11.12.--; short rib *10.62%. Lard higher at *11.30. CHICAGO. May 10.—Flour quiet and un changed. Wheat moderately active and high er at the close at 81.2G dash and May: »L27%n 1.28 June. Corn in active demand nnd prices advanced to 74%a7l% cash: 71% May. Oats in fair demand and higher at 53% cash; 5:% May. Rye dull and unchanged. .Barley dull and nominal for cash: 90*51.00 September. Pork in fair demand and higher at «18.75 rash and Stay; 818.75ol8.77X June. Lard In fair demand and higher at *11.37%all.4i) cash, May and June. Bulk meats fairly active and a shade higher; shoulders -8.00: short rib ‘10.50; short clear ‘11.15. Wh unchanged at 1.1S. suun nu >iw.«5 bisky steady; and banged at LOUISVILLE, May lO.-Provisions strefcg. ulk ‘ Mess pork *13.75. Bulk meals—shoulders - 8.00; rib-10.75; dear *11.25. Homs, sugar-cured Slt.OOal4.SO. lard firm and unchanged. Flour steady and In fair demand. Grain firmer, hut the market is so excited and unsettled that ac curate quotations can hardly be given. A NoVcr-f AlllflM Caro Tot Barns, Scalds, Braises, Cats, Bores, etc. After forty years of trial, Peny Pain Killer stands unrivaled, is safe! It acts immediately 1 It fallal ' ~ ■■■SS'iSitaUii » family e ciactimati Dispatch: • have teen lta magic effects, nnd bseic It to be a good article. ", 8. Potter, U. 8. Consul at CrefeU, vr.w. f wounds, brulsce, and sprains. jt^^iceotor^lSasas^S^ t relief. are po agents, or in of territory, can do so. Pnblishing Company," PhUade'.pbiR.Pa, or C< ing, Louisville, Ky. /.OVAL JtVtHJHEsS. Dr, J. P & W. IL lfolises, Uectista No. 84 Mu berry strett. Macoo, Georgia. Teeth extracted without pain, beautiful seta of teeth inserted, absceased teeth end diseased gums cured. Dealer* in al* t>na- of dental materii il und jastrurueut-*. Con stantly on h&Uti, a lartfC aiau full assort- meat of ieetli of all kiud.--, amalgams of kindj, rubbers of all kind.-. splO-dwly. I>vctU«r3—Dr. 8. B. Barlictd. f- w -¥g£Sti and burns it has no equal. ! I-rKRY DAVIS' PAIN KILLER U not n new untried remedy. For forty year* lit boa been In constant use; and those who have tho longest ere ill bal friend*. I Dsauaeeos la caffrefg because of itemcrlt. Slneo the l’aln Killer was first introdu ced, ii un'!rt<U of new medicines have come and gone, while to-day this medicine is more iextensi' I application of the Fain Killer. |a£3 M •* l* perfect: y sqfeeren in t hchan-. of a child. Try it c nco thoroughly, and It IwKi prove It* value. Tour druggist bus it ot 2.7c.,50c. olid isl.Oll per bottle, j PERRY DAVIS A SON,Proprietors, sijrbvldcnoe, R. I. lioo^pa^e*. History of all Pollti- ■al; ,*s, by Senator Cooper. K gives everything pertelnfng to anrl linlfi POLITICS, No. ■iffice _ . forterr Mulberry street, ."uaejii, Gvorg.u | y Q 00 p£.‘. . .. hoars—S a. m. to d p. m. aogtStf .\.n ri -; t DR. D. ti. WRIGHT, DENTIST. aprt>-2awl;-. Office—114 Second st. pert*' HtitiCS, and unite t history'; in struction nnd ready reference. Sold only by subscription: but subscriptions rent direct will lie BY forvv nrued by mail or C. O. D. at „ l'ablishlng Co's expense. Agents Eon. Thcs, now-wanted. Must apply early, for territory is being rapidly as- ~ pectus now ready. • {<• Puhthililntt Co., •■•) Vi.r'h Seventh Stre-% Phi.adelphls, r. uricr-J iunul Bulldiu*. Louisville, Ky. davit TARE Simmons Liver Regulator Dyspepsia. _ This medicine will posi tively cure^on of this terrible disease, it is no vain bat we assert emphatically what vre know to be true. Simmons Liver Regulator will cure you. Jaundice. Simmons Liver Regulator soon eradi cates this disease from the system, leaving the skm dear and Tree from all impurities. Sick .'Eeadacb*. The stomach imperfectly digesting its -oonttsits causes severe pam in the head, accompanied by disagreeable nausea. For the relief and cure of this distressing af- ■fiidtion take Simmons Liver Regulator. Malaria. Persona living in unhealthy localities ■may avoid aB bilious attacks by occasion- ■ally taking s dose of Simmons Liver Itegx mtor to keep the liver in healthy action. 'Constipation should-not bo regarded aa a trifling ail ment. Nature demands the utmost regu larity Of tho bowels. Therefore assist Na ture by tddng Bimmons Liver Regulator, it is so ntfkl End effectual. Piles. Relief ia at hand for those who suffer day after day with Files. Simmons Liver Reg ulator has cured hundreds, and it will cure yon. Alcoholic Pouonine Simmons liver Regulator will of alooholio poisoi By Actthfreffect its use Ihe torpid liver w aroused, the nerves quieted, the gastric disturbance cor rected and intemoeranoo v revon ted. Yellow Feyer. The Regulator has proven its great value as « remedial agent during the prevalence of that terrible soourgo. Simmons Liver Regulator never fails i claimed for it. Colic. Children suffering with oolio soon expe rience relief when Simmon* Liver Regula tor is administered according to directions. Adults as well as ohildren derive great ben efit from this medicine. Chills and Fever. There is no need of suffering any longer with Chilis and Fever-Simmons liver Regulator 60on breaks the Chills and car rios the Fever oat of the system. It when all other remedies foil. Bad Breath. Nothing is so unpleasant as Bad Breath, generally arising from a disordered stom ach. and can be so easily corrected by tak ing Simmons Liver Regulator. HOW TO TELL Qennine Simmons liver Regulator, or Medicine. Look for wnrrx wbappkb with the rod letter Z embracing the emblems of our trade, Spatula, Mortar and Graduate, al observe the signature of J. H. ZEILIN CO., in red ink on the side. Take No Other. Bold B> All Rbspsotabls Duugqists. sitters Among the medicinal means of arrest ing disease, Hostetter’s Stomach Bitters stands pre-eminent. It checks the fur ther progress of all disorders of the stom ach, liver and bowels, revives the vi tal stamina, prevents ar.d remedies chills and fever, increases the activity of- Uie kidneys, counteracts a tendency to rheu matism, and is a genuine stay and solace to aged, infirm and uervous persons. For sale by all Druggists and Dealers generally. :44th= Popnlsr Monthly DfAwinc of th^ in the City of Louisville , . WEDNESDAY, MAT 81, fS82. These drawing? occur monthly f Sunday's excepted! under revisions of an act of the General Arsen ly of Kentucky The United rates Circuit Coon, on March 31, rendere bo following decisions: 1st—Th the Commonwealth Distribu tion Cow any is legal. 2d—I * drawings ore fair. N. B.—The company has now on hand a large reserve fund. Read carefully the list of prizes for the MAT DRAWING. 1 Prize 1 Prize 1 Prize. 10 Prizes #1,000 each 20Prizes £00 each. 100 Prizes ICO eccli 200 Prizes 60 each 600 Prizes 20 each LOCO Prizes 10 eaoh 9 Prizes 800 each, ap'rox prizes 9 Prizes 200 each do do 9 Prizes 100 each do do $112,400 12. Hid? Tickets,^ 27 Tickets, $W. 65 Ticket*, $1(30. Remit Money or Bank Draft in Letter, or send by Express. DON’T SEND Fi REGISTERED LETTER OR POST-OF FICE ORDER. Orders of $6 and upward, by Express, can be sent at our expends. Address all orders to R. M. BOABDMAN, Courier-Journal, Louisville, K or same Deraon JC *• Broadway. N Y. Macon. vv. ftlcKAY, Principal. AFint-Clau Institute for Practical Bnsineu Instruction, Book keeping, Etc; Endorsed by the Leading Easiness Men. Students Can Enter at any Time. •axirculan sent free. apl2 dAwlv goHstgtfFim . I bsia a pastors ranedr ft the abrr* dlmro^te Bwnnt kind sad alii Stt, to^. NERVOUS DEBILITY. Da. E. O. West’s Ncava and Buun Tkeat- SSiA«»''&i»>2a” a - ion. Loss of " Age.1 over-i , Involuntary caused by oi Indulgence, wt . over-extrtiou, self-abuse, . ulgence, which loads to misery, decs) and death. Ono box will cure recent cases Each box contain* one month's treatment One dollar a box. or ate boxes for flvo dollars; sent by man prepaid on raoript of price. We guar antee six boxes to cure any ca-c. With each five dollars, us for Mx boxes, accompanied with five dollars, we will sendihe purchaser our written guarantee to return the money 1 ihe treatment doc* not effect a cure. Guarae* tees i^u( ! only by J.amar, Rankin' it Lamas Macon and Atlanta, Ga. Orda.*^ by mail regular price. aprll-dwly# IF FEECEDJENTED ATTRACTION! Orer half a milUon diatribut^d Loni»Un& State Lott»rv Compaav. Inocrporated in 1€C8 for 26 years by the Legislatorei tor Educational and Chari ta bio purposes—with a capital of f LOOO.WO —to whish a reserve fond of over $560,000 ha* sine* 'been added. By aa overwhelming popular vote its franchise was made a part of the present State Constitution adopted December 2d, A. D-1379. ITS GRAND SINGLE NUMBER Draw, lugs will take place monthly. It never (Sis or postpone*. Look at the follow ing Distribution: - GRAND PROMENADE CONCERT, daring which will take place the 145til UrandKaatlily AMD TUB personal supervision agouieiil of Gen.-G. T. BEAUREGARD,, of Louisiana, and Gen. JUBAL A. EARLY, of Virginia. io; CAPITAL PRIZE, 8100,000 ISyNoTiCE.—Tickets are Ten Dollars only Halves, $5. Fifths, $2. Tenths, $L USX OF PRIZES. 1 Capital Prize of £100,000... .$100,000 1 Grand Prize of 60,000.... £0,000 1 Grand Prize of 20,000.... 20,000 2 Large Prizes ot 4 Large Prizee-af 90 Prizes of 60 “ 100 “ 200 “ 600 “ 10000 “ xrpaoxnuzxoit pbxzzs. 100 Approximation Prizes $200.. 100 “ . “ Too.. 100 “ “ 75.. 0,000.... 6,000.... 1.000- COO.... 300.. .. 200.. .. l io:::: 20,000 2CCOOO 20,000 2ByOOO 80,000 40000 GO,000 100,000 20,000 10,000 7,500 11,279 Prizes, amounting to $522,500 Gen. G. T. Beauregard, of La., I Commis- Gen. Jubal A. Early, of Va. 1 sinners. Application for rates to clubs should only be made to the office of the Company in New Orleans. For intormation apply to M. A. DAUPHIN New Orleans, La. erM.A. DAUPHIN, 127 La Halle Street, Chicago,Ill., or M. A. DAUPHIN, GO7 Seventh St, Washington, D. 0. The New York office is removed to Chicago N. B.—Orders addressed to New Orleans will reoeivo prompt attention. The particular attention of the publio is called to the fact that the entire number of the Tickets for each Monthly Drawing is sold, and consequently all the prizes in each drawing are sold and drawn and paid. HOME QUESTIONS To4he Sick and Debilitated. Is it worth while to endure penal wakefol- . > every m, ness, inability to sleep, nervous prostration, eto., when you caubo immediately relieved and perma nently cured by so agreeable a remedy a* Samaritan Me r vine Does it pay to be compelled, by debility and languor to abandon active bosiceas when brain, nerve and muscle can be braced np and tho wholo system can be restored to a healthy oondition by a course of T*r Samaritan ©rvin© You nervous dyspeptics, why ap proach the dinner table daily with a positive disgust for all that is sa vory and delicious, when a vigor ous appetite for even the plainest food is create 1 by tho use of Samaritan ©rvin© Is it wise to live in this bright world as though it were a dungeon, constantly- miserable and discon tented, when the worst case of ep ilepsy, nervousness or hypochon dna m cured in a wry short timi by snch a pleasant and exhl'aront as Samaritan time wholesome Ni er vine Can it be possible that any per son of a nervous temperament will run the risk of apoplexy or paraly sis when he can tone and regulate the nervous centers with Samaritan sanity for any merchant, mechan ic, farmer or traveler to be with- outthe best known antidote against disease Samaritan KF ©rvin© Considering the harassing and depressing nature of the function al derangement to which woman is subject, is it not astonishing that any invalid of the feebler sex should hesitate to seek the certain relief afforded in such cases by the general operation of Samaritan ©rvm© TAKE RICHMOND’S Cathartic and Nervine Pills, for the cure of all disorders of tho Stomach, Liver, Bowels, Kidneys, Bladder, Nervous Diseases, Head ache, Constipation, Costivenesa, etc. These pills are made to work in harmony with our Samaritan Nervine. For Sale tv all Druggists. FOB SALK BY LAMAR. RANKIN A LA A LAMAR DR. J. BRADFIELD’S FEMALE REGULATOR!! Woman’s Best Friend I It is well known to physicians, and alas! too well known to suffering women themselves, that they are subject to numerous diseases pe culiar to their sex, such as suppression of the Menses, painful and scanty Menstruation, Con gestion, ulceration and Falling of the womb, attended with an endless train of sympathetic and constitutional disorders, which Imbltter the wholo life and which have long been con sidered as almost incurable. But at last the remedy has been found in- Dr. J. Ilrntlfield’s Female Begnlater It t* not a‘•cure-all” hut a remedy for one class of diseases, all of which pertain to the Womb. Any sufferer from the diseases mentioned can take this remedy, and Urns relieve herself with out revealing her condition to any one, and without subjecting her womanly modesty to the shock of an examination by a physician. To bring health and happiness to tffe home* of suffering women is a mission before which royal favor sinks into insignificance. What earthly benefaction can compare with one whicliprotects from ••That dire dire disease whose ruthless power Withers beauty’s transient flowerr’ which give* ease for pain, joy for sorrow, imilei for tears, the rose of health for the pallor of dis ease, the light, elastic step for dragging weari ness, nights of soft repose for heavy hours of ' ■* —"— vigor for lan- t o! ftr t lines of full-grown -utyTor the sharp and withered form of solution, a long life of mental, physical, social and domestic enjoyments for a few tad day* of rain and gloom, ending in an early grave T Such is the mission such are the results of Da. J. Basnnzui’s Fxmouc Regulator, which is hence truly an appropriately styled “Woman's Best Friend. 1 •'Whites,” and all those irregularities of the womb so defective to the health,. hapgjilMS and beauty of women, disappear like before a slnglo bottle of this wonderful com pound. All who suffer from any of these diseases are most earnestly invited to give this great remedy a trial. It has curd thousands, and will cure you. Don’t fall to try it / Price, small size, 76 cents. Large lire, $1.60. Manufactured by ' J.BRADFIELD, Atlanta, Ga. For sale everywhere-by druggists and coun try merchants. mare sun. Rotlisoliilci's Sliirts ZtothKchfld’H Custom Hhirti* C Wnuututta Himlin. liest made to JJeuHiire. O •'■Jr Irish Linen. DELIVERED FREE EVERYWHERE. tng business, ample facilities many years' experience, long list of customers !n principal cldcs *• *— faction, justify us in saying that we produce Cuatom to whom our goods give jcrfect satisl Shirts excelled by none. Gentlemen who have hitherto been under tbo impression that the very bcafcShtrts could not be sold At our prices arc invited to give us a trial. W e SJasrsaire PfrfseristU.nnlou. OurSpring Importations of Fancy Shirtings Include at! tho new designs in Jt'mtch Cre tonnes, Percales, anti ecotcli Cheviot Shirtings. XT nderwear. We have now on band the largert and best selected stock of Gents’ Knit bhlrta and lira ire is f«r Spring and Summer wear. Hotharhild’s White Merino Shirts at50cents each. Hothschild's Hoyat Merino shirts and Uratcersat 75 cents each. Hothsehitd's Summer Cashmere Shirts and Itrateers at > 1 each. Hath seh Hit's India Ga ttte Shirts, whole or half sleeves, at SO cents each. Itothsehlhrs summer Merino Shirts and Itraicers, at 60 cents each. RothsehilcTs Best Jean Ilrairers, 60 cents each. Also, Beautiful /.Inc* of Bathriaaa*i and Silk Vndericear. Springr Neckweur. Our stock Is mw complete, and includes all tho latest novelties and choicest croductions ot theForef “ “ * “ * —- — — ‘ * *- " dent fUQ each, each. KID GLOVES. All manufactured in our own factory from imported SUus, very best quality, $L25 per pair. Spring shades. Rothschild’s Fancy Halt Soso. 'All the newest designs in imported Fancy Half Hose from 35c to* L25per pair. 0 JP/nirt, Colored and British. Half Hose from 23 centspcr pair upwards. . Umbrellas. All grades, our own manufortore. Best Gingham Umbrella, ‘L General Stock of Furnishing goods, Collars and Cuffs, Cambric, I.inen and Silk Handkerchiefs, Suspenders, and Gentlemen's Jacciry, all at popular Ptfc An elegant*et ot void Plated Collar and Sleeve Buttons, or elegant Set (3) of Shirts Studs given with each half-dozen of Rothschild's Custom Shirts. Samples, Directions for self-measurement, and descriptive circulars mailed tree. Special Price-List to the trade. We refer to all New York. W. H. ROTHSCHILD & CO., Broadway & 8th St, New York May9tui tier satkwly THE CO hmencement season A nc’v tr^jA vw&mrnt*. A W rp. book t .— . tor* putM. If 7*f't kAtis.'At'tory th ptUim (1 fp»ss f nr 10 »rr.» wnt IS fast approaching and your attention is directed to the beautiful line of White Goods OF EVERY DESCRIPTION, LACES, EMBROIDERY, ETC., AT J. W. RICE & GO’S For LESS than they can be bought elsewhere In Macon. Large line of Dotted and Embroidered Swisses to arrive. SAVANNAH, GA SPECIAL DRIVE IN 104: XJtica Sheeting. We are selling this splendid brand at 85c, worth 45^ Call early before ii to all gone. REMEMBER, J. W. RICE & CO. ABE THE LEADERS IN LOW PRICES, and yon can get ‘ MOEE AND BETTEB GOODS there for your money then any place in Georgia. WHITE & MILLER, iS&SBB Corner BroadlantTHunter Street*, Atlanta, Ge >rgia. GENERAL AG -£NTS FOR THE Mitchell Wagon -IN- N orthand South Carolina Georgia, Alabama and Florida. The attention of dealers to called to the fact that we are prepared lo ship at short no tice these enperb wagons in small lots or by the ear load. Bend for special price liste and circular*. Also deafen in C.&G. COOPER’S PLAIN PORTABLE TRACTION AND STATIONARY ENGINES. Don’t purchase until jyou confer with ne. Bend for llu* trated Catalogue. mariieodAwHm THE FOSS & PEVEY COTTON CARD ! JOHN M. PEVEY, Proprietor, Lowell, Mass. [^Reference Georgia. J. F. HANSON, Agent Bibb Manufacturing Company, Macon, mar24wly FOR A LIFETIME. The purchase of a Piano or an Organ to generally for a lifetime, and the greatest pains should be taken in the selection. If a good In3tnnnent_is ob tained the purohaeer is made happy through life, but if it be a poor one, a lifetime of dieestisfr.ction results. Thousands of Instrument" are now '-old yearly under bogus mannfaetnrere’ names. Dealers who never made oven one Instrnment, and who do not own oven one solitary brick of a Factory, are ceiling Instruments under their names ss makers, and the country to fairly flooded with these boges Instru ment?. There is no safety in buy ing puch Instrument*. Dealers who sell them are generally not responsi ble, and if they fail, the real maker to unknown, and cannot bo forced to re place or repair. Dealers, ot course, know who are re&tiy makers and who are not, but the purchasers do not know, and fcouce ere in continual dan ger of unwittingly buying stencil In struments, which are not what they seem to be. The ONLY SAFE WAY bj^r .uWlun to to bwlrom a House that sells stand ard IuWuments only, and that will not handle Instruments under stencil, or bogus makers’ names. With such a House the buyer is safe from all impo sition, and will receive just what is paid for. No Btzscxl IxnxrttEXTs Bold, to the rule of our House. Every In strument bears its maker's name. More than this. Those makers are known the world OTer, as the beat and the most reliable. See wbat a list: CHIOKERING, MATH! KRANIOH A BACH. HALE, X NGKR. & HAMLIN and SHONINGKB. Grand makers, all, and leaders ot the world. Ovor 200 different styles to select from. Best Instruments for feast money. No competition with cheap makers. Buy from us, and secure a reliable Inatru- ment at the lowest possible price. Wo are manufacturers’ Wholesale Sooth- sn Distributing Agents, end baying from us i* precisely tho same as buying direct from Factory. Our prices tor standard Instruments are tho lowest and our terrne the easiest For proof of this, send for our latest Illustrated Catalogues nnd Prioe Hate. Order an Instrument on trial. Test it in your own home, and you wOl then be con vinced that e»ery word written above to actual truth. Send your name to Liidden & Bates' Southern Music House, Wonderful Cures Effected ELECTED-THERAPEUTIC BATH. Drv Heat, Medioal Vapors and Elea* tro-Hagsetis'R, nationally Com bin d to Sfeet the Indications of Various Chronio Diseases. J. W. MIGfK^ATU, Late of i'biladeiphia Oily, With an experience of 16 years treating chronio disease by tho old system, will in troduce this new method of treating chron ic diseases by giving Trial Baths $1.00, That the afiUotod may test its merits. Pa tients needing a course of treatment will require from one to three weeks’ time, ac cording to nature of disease Dr. Migrath uses but little modi cine with this treatment. The Electro-Therapeutic Bath and Electricity does what heretofore was claimed for medioino alone. A competent lady matron will attend female patients* Office hoar, from 8 a. m. to 9 p. m. Con sultation free and striotly confidential. ROOM 7, convenient to parlor. Brown’s lonal Hotel, Macon, Ga. THE QBE T HEALING AGENT Is especially adapted to and ton ' film, cure for Rheumatism. Neuralgto, Paralysis, Incipient Consumption, and five The following diseases have been cored by this Bath with a few treatments—in many cares one course to all that to requir ed: Dropsy, Liver and Kidney Complaints, Diabetes, Erysipelas Bore Ey*s, Scrofu lous afflictions of every form and character, Spasms, Files, Fever Borer, Faina, Aches, Asthma, Pleurisy, Congestivo Chills. Dumb Ague, Catarrh, Spinal Affections, Female Diseases, -eminal Weeknere. Throat, Lung and Heart Diseases, Strict ore, Gravel, Gout, eto. Patients from the Hot Springs are especially adapted to this treatment. Ho Shock, but & Pleasant Vitalizing Sensation Imparted to the Patient For a weak and debilitated constitution its vitalizing and lonio effect to wonderful. It improves the complexion, promotes Nu trition and Digestion, removes Constija- tioa, and while removing all Oppression of the system, o veroomes Depression and Ex haustion. It purifies the blood, removes malaria and prevents Typhoid condition*. It is a tonic sweat, cleansing the system intern "llyxnd exterally. tebI6*3m For Forty-six Years rE have fought depletion and starva- ** tion, bleedmg ana saliv in Georgia they are all aban edial agencies, and Narooiism, that crowds our asylums, takes their place, while noth ing is using done to remove the septio cor ruptions that are peopling . ' ‘ • g health. To stem .this and undermining tide of woea is tho specialty of M. HTilOUBON, M. D., Macon^Ga., d,wlt Who may bo waited on or i Threshmen & Saw-Slill N!en , WAjmro for the LIVES and > Advzmtdbxs of the outlaws In storo and for *al<): Two lfi-horse power engines on wheels. One 10-horse power engine on wheels. Two G-horse power engine* on wheel*. Five 4-horse power engines on wheels. Five 4-horse power engines on wheels. Two 2-horse power engiues on sills. “Barking Up the Tree” RANK& JESSE JAMES. [S what those do who expect lo dear the noving 1 I S , „ dead tissue by removing bile, because that to always fresh and contains no whiff of the eeptic corruptions that are thua left free to work unutterable mischief unmo lested. How cures can be expected when SEPARATORS! nothing, absolutely nothing, is done to re move The cause of disease, move the cause of disease, was always a ““’-■r^ssswv Complete and authentic account of these Id Migltwnymrn. The latest Infor mation about the hliootlug of Jesse. The most interesting; and exciting book ever written. Folly 11 In-, tested, com plete ontfitby mall. Forty cents. Terms very Liberal. Forsbec 4 JteHnkiu, Cincinnati, O. aprJ6w2t M. 8.' Eight 24-inch Separators ^afonr wheels. Six 24-inch Separators—two wheels. Six 22-inch Separator*—four wheels. Four24-inoh Separators-on fonr wheels with etaokers. One 28-inch Separator—on fonr wheels with stacker# Three Heges* Saw Mills. Three com mills—22,24 and 28 inch stone. Circular Saws-solid and chisel tooth. Bbingls Machine, Belting, eto., etc. Give me a call before yon purchase, and send for price lists to m?y7 d ltd: wit* Macon, Ga. J. H. ANDERSON, 69 Broad street, Atlanta, Georeia. may7 snnStAwzt »Sibb County Sheriff’s Bale. TT7ILL be sold before the court house door in > y the city of Macon, during the legal hours of >ale. on the firet Tuesday in June next, the following property, to-wit: That tract or parcel of land situated In the Vineville district In raid county, and containing 32 acres, more or less, bounded os follows; On the northwest by of J. L Hardeman, on the routlieast ey, and on the tonthwest by the Vine- road. Levied on as the property of C. B. ,w»y to satisfy a 11. fa. issued from Bibb Superior Court in favor of Thomas M. Argali mSSsasm ■ •aMqjvBointasqptaaas ou pat „s,i0U p‘ :V i“2aiup ,, OT^^t« «t swum C“ii 'j*q'u»iu»tt S dOH maXte omnpu»srai«t , 4»l»ns j»ort»iJo4teaw* • J H«t J ®“" J tSSlui Pf»t <Ht UP* OOC* •swats wsqtsw»VJW«“|“"jJ? , 'SL , f£, BOX Jl tnq va s»V_q?4mn«tfS»«l ?* t •;nii.oii o«nSI tnsm%lP , 4osssM!?sqttv-r».s.» nuoMiuts jo JaoXtsqa*stjmuog * Lgs *8011031 .iraisSsui ssossttuauiXoidruX® Asian ^ ......Ufc, rn -nsenua^ps\ cn SJstJKtKI Somoissr mt»*H ruawrfpw*' 1 ®*® n31,11 *e*n risuiJnd poom jassiwti •sjsjtia «qt® It* 1° ssm»Sss4ss|»»m pi:n I .^iBii}tr»'ni**‘ti°ll®P ue Q £“* “ li>nui 'ntonn ‘SdOH 30 SSBSan .L'.uuiiuuuuur 107 Third St, Macon, Ga. THE DINGEJS & CONARS C®® BJEACTirUIs T.VTK.B Hardware. CARRIAGE and WAGON MATERIAL, GRAIN CRADLES, CUTLERY, BELTING, TINWARE, IRON, STEEL, IS, PISTOLS, iuciSr ,r «WOns ‘*dOH 30 *orm Sporting Goods and Fishing Tackle. Parker Breech-LoadiDg Guns, THE OlWCEE « flrovi’f, fifty*, CWfca <S«^ EKCELSIOIH COOK STOV THE BEST II THE MARKET. t at : * ■ ■ > ^ Fourteen different rire* and kinds, tlw •to with enamelet. aixrvois. AderSod tidl requixcmenU, and priced to suittnli punas LEADING FEATURES; Doable Wood Doors, Patent Wood Crete. AS- Justabtc Damiier. Interchangeable JtmaMrir Bhelfi ■roiling boot, Mam HmSMMF Swinging Flue-Stop, Reversible Gt.vfen . Long Crest Piece. Double Short ©crttsa^ITjcc* IUnr Covers, Iltumfnstod Hi* Don 1 :wt 1C A. SHEPPARD & M.B4 A OBEAIL 92 ChcnV tern*. A8K YOUR JEWELER FOR IKE LANCASTER H WATCHH tote-. Witch Co, Sixteen (16) Crades. All Quick-Trein Railroad Wa mm sibley a .Will mail FREE their OSa>‘ - Flower, Field and Gardes OrerlOO pages./ ROCHESTER,H.Y. t CHIC&SQjtt 179-183 East Rsis St 200-2C5Rsi HILL & FACTORY 'SUPPUEB CF ALL KINDS. BELTING, HOME and PACKING, OILS. PU»f S ASS. KINDS, IRON PIPE, nTFJSBS, CRASS GOODS. STEAM GAHKEfc ENGINE GOVERNORS, &u. 8ee4%r Price-list. W.H.DILLINGHAMACM. •’>21 Main Street, LOUISVILLE. Kt. IMI ICOTTOW Cl Tfea Brown Cotton Bin Co., Row head F. Brora, Pratt. CdixT. rs ran tight, nuhs floe omgSa,smdt mljglUlits boss*, cast stsel Jomaals andSaaM Hag oool besting*, hJS OP and steady motion, (only Ola in mark** tarisg t tapmeaeat) Zitra largo shafts to aaraaSla Iran trams —hast atatadSHk • tF’KorsBroea.Olos b»vs bean sold dnrteg Steps* tbrasswanas than snyotbsrtwoawliesiwniMraS XSc. land 9. Brawn (bom ltd to IKS ot Uo flm *A JUL TsjtorACaof Ootaobn* G*J, «Ls gaHatdte. Otbareatahttibment of tbs UodtetbsvmM. oar vasy low prioss far such sspasisr 1 Pries List or GI5S, Fssders and 13T Stem. Wficmet Gina. IT |»M am ICO ot S8 DOC* SS •JS8 > §8 mm mm tWSots tbs prises sad inproraneau t da dHStrsdcrallaw ycnnslf to bo talked fate I gins Oar Btscbtess oro folly 1 of yoaraegastefastes get hbnto boyforyoa. Urns, whoa ucAmA gtrantosai issp<SMHilsprrani Wri»oforJtera«p BBOWN COTTON GXh 1 New fesJ-’ A & FARQUH&R & OO., Am Msoosr, Gsooou, business i!LUU£l£i a tiNivetsfiiT'* UNIVERSITY, s! tho best paSMt, the oonuv. CSraulws ulU msara Atlanta^ Os. One sf ths best ENS ffsajsdtfSMaa Sole d\sCist?) b I;i30R, Bhkeman, Taylor & < KEPT TOBX. vs. C. B. Coll*way. lYoperty pointed out by plaintiff’s attorney. oT& WESTOOTT, ilay 8tb, 1882 -aid , Sheriff. Lifter'(old) action in stock—top snap last of August. A. CARU. Athene. «a.. Feb. 2M, 1878. 5 8m—My child, five years old. hod' Gold 2nd Silver, & How lo Make IS. ! piJ« welt on smaliiA r.*T«r b% t+n hr u* I .as rauus rs»> p-tlw Bs UiWKJC.liJJ#'’ bis* symptoms of worms. 1 trial Calomel. other worm medicines, but failed] to expel any. S'* oinj? Mr. Bains’ certifi- rate, I got a vial Of Huner,* Wuitsr On., am! ti;u !ir>t .{• .-•■ bronciit-if) worms, and tin, second ttu»*e -■• ma nv were p.’,-,.- \e,i I did not count .l\ I,.,-, il. ADAMS For >rt!e l>y h!1 drnye.Fr- y.tre.l iiyt . S. LYKDOK, Alheu.:. Ga. ,up!i-dsuu W F SESSiKQI A Leading TjonilonPhjrj- l.lnn r.tablUUcs nn id wJ* OUesis NawYovUi B * 1 ' w \ ^ or L'ure of g g EPILEPTIC FITS. J)r. Av. Mcncrole (Ut«ofIxjndonJ.wbomtokfUfcapoc I*»iy E;»il t 'pa^‘. bfr# vritbout doubt treated itr.d r.urct niGie.CLse?th.H’ any other liviiyi phyeidna. Hwiuu^i Imat-impiy imm-ti Mtom*binir: r.\va heard «•! on »c-s of over 20 years' ifiiitUng, sacocssTulij cured by bun. lie h-s i ubUaht-1 r w.rk on tms iJImmum, which ho v.itl? ikUrsio Ltettlto of hi« Wv>nd»rful cure free to .vy *i:(T»rer who iu*y send their «xprcofftr.d P O AddreM. We hdrive »cy onn wishing * cur« to add Dll. AB. MfiSEr.OUu, No. S5 JobR&U Kew York Agents for Buffalo U. S. Standard Scales. maySwly CATARSHI reftr*.aud wonderful pure* afu r ••.-rr*'ti nuntrii. JIO.MH TitKiT.^IKST o*a >n trinl, ten.I f-'T circu'.iuw. Advi-t* FKCK.^ paiCE MlUJOi. M. L>.. yi5 Arch a.,T T5re*ne!i!t!3a ,‘iiSiU'wi n<rf•/ ij ■a r m )•*>- Sol PARIS AMD LOMOON. New York Depot 2 B 8 Greefiwkl St JBabPtoffcaJzrl • - li- .r. 1 .V V