Georgia weekly telegraph, journal & messenger. (Macon, Ga.) 1880-188?, June 02, 1882, Image 5

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tifr* (!5fc»rg£;t JIWUln «ux& SJaustvai & WK&8£tiB#K A Collin With Hookers Oa It. Puniufto* Ha irk-Eye, Ton know that coffin 8* rah IV mb art! t used to sleep in ? Wdl.she bu bad rocken put on it A Prediction In thehtnr Houle Cmm n'at.hiKat-i Pett. The Po*t harin* catabliabed its character as a prophet, hazards lu reputation by another prediction, viz : That the present Indictments will never be tried and that the gigantic effort at party purification hr the self-same men who conceived and profited by the frauds will "die a-bomlng.’ llcpnbllcaa I'resISeets-i C#n> treat. P'or-l Jnt— Wren, *r. Pre-ldcnt Lincoln's idea: “Government of the people, by the people and for the people " President Arthur's idea: Government of the bosses, by the bosses and for the bosses. Cau*t latch tlis AissMlns. CabU special. Irish police and the govern ment have now abandoned ail hopes of catching the asmsslns of Lord Cavendish and Mr. Burke. or unearth ing their instigator*, an offer of £10,000 having failed to produce the least grain of informa tion. It c annot be doubted, nowever, that the blow was struck to prove beyond all question that Mr. I “smell's selling out to the govern ment did not destroy or dishearten the organi sation so long at war with the British power. Dailus Ur! turner's Kmart Cat. Trot TtUgram. Darius Brimmer, of Berlin, N. Y., is the o* er of a very valnablo cat A trout brook runs through Mr. Brimmer's farm, and the cat brings In a flue mess of trout about three times ft week Tommy will go to a place la the creek and the first trout that attempts to go ihrouvh the uarrow place is pounced upon by the rat and carried l.i triumph to the house. He then A VTaj Rome I’mons Have. Par it Figaro. Two ladles' exchanging notes on the method fai which they spend the dsy: “You see, 1 always get up at 10 and ring for my maid and get dressed." “How long does that take?*' “Ob, ever so long You sec, the girl takes a nil hour to do m- L -“- •• "A full hour? she is fixing It?" I “I go out in the gsrdcn and take my morning A Silver Luna j» Three intmlroiYears Old n Pa to Timet. While engaged In improving the ground around the old Catholic church in Ysiete some K ies dug out of the ground a large silver p. Investigation and research proved that It hail been brought over to tills country from Spain about 1M3 by Cordovan, the wcUxnowu prospector and settler. The lamp is orfhe very finest silver and very heavy and valuable. It was sent to Santa Fo, New Mexico, where It was cleaned and burnished and returned to the churvh. an object of curiosity as well as a valu able relic and ornament. This church was constructed In IftM); under the auspices of the Franciscan friars. A KLsrtlnl Husband. * Hash edit American. A Broad street merchant’s wife yesterday gare him the following letter, with i nil ructions that it should not be opened until he gut to his place of bnsiness: “1 am forced to tell you something that I know will trouble you, but it is my dntv to do so. I am determined you shall knowit. let the result be what it may. I have known for a week that this trial was com ing. but kept It to myself until to-day, when It has reached a crisis sod I canuot keep it any longer. You must not censure me too harshly, for you must reap tbs benefits as well ss myself. I do hope it won't crush you. The flour is all out. Please send me some this afternoon. I thought that by this method you would not forget It." The husband telephoned forthwith for a barrel of the best flour lc the market to be sent to bis home iustanter. A Republic** View Of It. Patton Herald. Whatever may be the moral strength of Mr. Mackey's claim to a seat in the House from South t’arollna. It Is evident that the legal (rounds for his contest are not sufficient to make it a case where th»Democrats eught to be expected to yield without a contest The evi dence. In form, at least is defective, snd no honest Republican will say that he would vote to unseat a member of his own side under sim ilar circumstances, were tlif position of the parties reversed. But conceding the case to be stronger and plainer than it Is, the majority must share the responsibility of a deadlock if It is not able to command the attendance of all its members. With twenty five Republicans absent-a portion of them at a horse race-the majority had no business to press the case, trusting to their opponents to kindly give them a quorum, and acquiesce In what many of Wbat lfe einelteri •‘In the Gloaming," bg Joseph Med ill. “Is it not beautiful. sweetheart?" "Wlmt?" askod George W. Simpson, looking tenderly into the deep blue eyes uf Daphne McCarthy as they were raised to his, and glancing around in a nervous, steer caught-In thc-coni way. “Why the sweet perfume that U talnr wafted to ns on the Juno air," said Ho* girl, shifting her chewing gum as she spoke. "Do you not feel the sensuous languor that is all about us— the subtle perfume that seems to hare kissed the air with dewy fragrance f' The wistful, fear-taunted look camesgv'n Into the mans face. He sniffed the air in several directions, and there tame upon the perfect features of his -Wabash avenue face a smile ol calm oortenL “Yes. darling." he said, .bonding over the girl. “I tumble now/' "And what fi this perfume, George!*' the srlrl asked. "ban you not tell me, darling?" “ion bet I can, my angel." replied George, speaking In tones of passionate tenderness. “They are going to have •corned beef for supper in the next house." Ziccb-i: sp-**Mi*tlun. London Special. nothing flourishes. If we may Judge from the papers and the sleek lists, except Ihe electric tight companies, of which no less thanslxtein are now before the public applying for capital amounting in the aggregated a.UO.fjOO. Of these test propose to use the Brush lighting sys tem, the Edison light being comparatively little heard of. The specaletiou In Brush shares almost recalls the palmy days of the South Sea bubble. Ten pound shares are now worth £Vb and cm Monday last were quoted at « , so you can Imagine, bow much money is ng won and lost Telephone sbareaare also beginning to be largely dealt In. especially in view of the result of recent litigation and the information given in Parliament In fact, the whole tide olspeculation baa bten turned Into these two channels, and there is lUtla doing lu American railway securities, when the prices S aoted are on such very •mall transactions that ts cot »orth while ivAiring them. FROM WASHINGTON. a sc tecs audience. *uc mwi •»» wit ter of the innocents was to determine e. Mr. Mlln'a fitness for the stage. He p^wtod bi " * youu * • locm,onUl ‘ J *“ ±snas»oBttg mil Into It), .bade. A. A nr.lllnln.rr In inlopiuemol lbs mimic l»n« bu ba-l 1. bAlr, which ni Ion, »n I black and>. with nlalnllr WMlmmiil OrnmnWhU. Bu« th. & lu'l an UbmWakablr clwlcal anc and uwvomu bare been rata* *ra jalr of frukr weal*. Icfr t'f anjr tb. mow nncnlUrataJ nrdmlau.llnc. itnna war. of a markodlr mlaUterlal tor, anil lb mobile Invs IpOfhrtU he lb. want of a pulpit to Uiuan, ie\/. A HbU wottU aim .bare byn , bnt the pmpcrtT men bada’t pror del Acoonllnx lo bU larfnraianro the Ion, ntancaloa ol Hamlet'. oanltrwaaMt* XHaTRjM. B- wao at crarr aaa wlTbut without tbo bomb-idol mania urotuv. or lag > to her Othello. Ala* I hakspearei TIie.Gnlteau llsuglng lFashington Paper. number to be pnesnt al Guitcan’* cxe* U wllalwtaSwdlM to thoUwof •trlct Ahwrpprca«ilAUrmo<tl»PC«-b Ihe wooden done o^ andGolt.^ bli face out and called m an Imperious tb.fecK2‘S7nJS 1 »‘£ KBwilgagVbwA lytW-wm ■IlllPss? I bo will copUnoo mri l Dcn'al conditlouJ un tiars. ti.e Wa-nixoTow, May 25.—Mr. Harris called e» the HcnaU bill to attach tbo county of Hardeman to the eastern division of tho wwtern district of Tennesaee. Passed. After an exocntive session the Senate ad journed. Tae Senate to-day confirmed a number of nominations to offioe, among which was that of Miss Ida Sweet to be pension agent at Chicago. Btft> is tho dnnghter of the late pension agent at Chicago. Hocam. No time was lost by the House this morn ing in renewing the ntroggle over the Mackey-Dibble contested election oase, which was called np by Mr. Galkins, of In diana, immediately after the reading of the journal. Mr. Randall, of Pennsylva nia, as usual raised tho question of consid eration, and Mr. Keuna, of West Virginia, interjected a motion to adjourn, oo which Mr. Randall demanded the yeas and nays. Lost—yeas none, nays 133. On several moticcH a bare quorum was obtained, Hen Wood, of New York, nnd Phelps of O fimeoticut, (both Democrats), voting with the Republicans, but this did not avail. Roll oall followed roll call upon dilatory motions anti I 1:15, when the quorum wae again broken Then, after another call of tho House, ft (.'clock having arrived, the House to jk a r cess ontil 8 o'clock. Pending tho annonnoing of the rtcom, the Sneaker laid before the Rouse a mes as ge from the President transmitting a let ter from tho Secretary of State, concern ing the awards made against Venezuela by the mixed coiuraiMion under the conven tion of April 26,1866. Tho President s»>s: "I earnestly invito the attention of Con gress to this communication and the ac companying enclosure*, lu case neither tiooM takes action on it daring the prescut Congress, I stall fori it my doty to direct that this prolonged discussion be definitely terminated by recognizing tho abaolnte validity of all awards." Referred. The dsy in the Senate was cot moro pro ductive of rcsnlts than in tbo, the greater part of the time haring been cuu sutuod in discussing the Jspauese indemni ty fnnd bill without reaching a vote or amendment. The House met in evening session at 8 o’clock. There was not n quernm of Re publican* tin-sent, nnd nfter several roll calls nnd various motions in ado, the Honso, at 10 o'clock, adjourned until to-morrow. WASniXGTOg NOTES. Wahiunoto*, May 2ft.—Tho Republican committee of seven ou the order of busi ness last night determined to maintain tho i»o#ition which had been taken by tho Republicans relative to tho election case of Mackey vs. O’Connor, and to i*>r*Ut in demanding its consideration before any other business is disposed of. They also decided lo take a recess from ft o'clock till 7 ion Tuesdays and Thursdays for the pnrposo of holding night sessions. .Tho Democrats n«sert ou equal determination to adhe* o to their opposition, nnd prsseut indications poiuttoan indefinite prolonga tion of tbo struggle. THX 0A3FIELD MONUMENT. Washington, May 2ft.—The secretary of the committee of the Army of the Cumber land. having in charge the raiding of funds for the erection of a monumont at Wash ington to the memory of Geo. Garfield, will publish this afteruoou the following announcement: To the Vreeo of the. United Sta f c*—On the 5th icst., we appealed to yon to aid us on deooration day by publishing nn address to the people and nnuonucing your readi ness to receivo nnd acknowledge subscrip tions to the monument to bo erected at Washington to tho memory of Geo. Gar field, we further requested you to signify yonr acceptance of suoh service in order that we might pnblish through the Asso ciated Press a list of the papers that will aid us on ttat day. To-day w« find our selves oonfron'ed by an agreeable dilemma that requires us to appear in the character of apologist*. So promptly and cheerfully have you responded to our request, and in numbers so far beyond onr anticipations, ttiat wo find it wholly imrraoticnblo to at tempt at this time the publication of tho promised list through tho medium of the Associated Press. We shall publish it later in connection with the result of your most generous assistance. For tho present we can only return our heartfelt thanks for the alaority and unanimity with which you have accepted the servioe. If the i>eoplo respond with trot n proportionate titho of your kindly enthusiasm, wo shall be en abled to erect suoh a pile as shall rightly honor tho glorious name of Garfield. May the 30th of May, lWff, be memorable as the day on which a great people united to perpetuate tho memory of the soldior President, who died at the post of duty, where he had been etaliontnl at thoir oom- mand. H C. Conuin, Assistant Adjutant-General United States Army, Corresponding Secretary. WAsniNocoN,May In the Senate, Mr. Dayard reported from the fiuanco commit tee a modification of the measure recently reported by him as a substitute for the Uouso bonded spirits bill. He said the amended bill now repotted contained mod ifications which had Ik an prepared in con junction with the Trsoaury Department re lating to the bond* to be given for the ex tended warehousing period, and providing warehousing regulations as t° «pirita made fiom grapes, applet and peaches. Upon Mr. Bayard's suggestion, the measure wae ordered priuted as a anbstitnta for the House bill on the tfibjeot. He added that he would probably call it up early next week. An order was made for an adjourn ment from to-day uutil Monday. Tho Banate bill to reimburse tho Creek orphan fnnd was farther considered, bat finally* weut over without action upon the expiration of the morning hour. The Ban ate bill to provide for the removal of ob- struetions to a free navigation of tha navi gable waters of Ilia United States was pa**ad, and the Senate then resumed con sideration of Urn Japanaaa indemnity fund bill. Bavaral amendments wore ottered. Without action on the bill or amend ments, the Senate, at 4:4U. adjourned till Monday. Mr. Calkin*, of Indiana, cfiled op the oootested election case of Mackey vs. Dib- blo. against which Mr. Blackburn, of Kec- tncky, raised the question of consideration. Dilatory motions were submitted by Maasr*. Convene, of Ohio, Carli»le,of Ken tucky, and Randall, of Pennsylvania, and the Uooso then proceeded to vote on' the question of adjourning till Tuesday next. The vote resulted yen* 2, nay* 13S—no quo rum, and a eall oftbe Uou*e was ordered. After a number of dilatory motions the monotony of tha proonadings was broken In upon by Mr. Moorj, of Tennessee, <who, rising to a parliamentary inquiry, said that aa it was one of importance h» had reduced it to writing, and woo'd ask that it be read at the clerk's desk. To this Messrs. Ran dall and Kenna objected, and Mr. Moore S roeceded to read it himself, Mr. Randall lifting that be should only present the point of hi* inquiry. "I respectfully inquire,” began Mr. Moore, “whether the minority of this House, most of whom were lately in rebel lion against the government”— He we* interrupted with shouts of 'order” from the Democratic side, and tha remainder of his iuqoiry wm drowned in the uproar. It was, however, lu effect, whether suoh a minority, to which the un exampled generosity of the government had accorded every privilege of citizenship, had a right to block t'e wheels of lsgisla- — men of tbs Democratic party method* which investigate. the gentleman from Pennsylvania was in order. Randal!(resuming his seat)—“I cm quite aware of that.” March -“1 was making a parliamentary inquiry that I think was in order." The Speaker—"The chair think* that the gcut'omnu was not in order in preventing that inquiry." , Marsh—"I now rirv to a parliamentary inquiry and address the chair. The gen tleman from Tennb*«r f"An ol«l rebel," iuterpoDtad Mr. Cox of Hew York.] pro- poun led a parliamentary inquiry, snd be fore the Speaker wa* perm ,«.u to anawer the ex-Speaker of tho Uooto n'aumed the right to ar^swer, and the question I. pro pose t»»hc chair is whether he was in or der—whether be is authorized, in place of tho chair, to answer n parliamentary in quiry. I thought l was in order when I jnsde it before/’ Tha Speaker—" The chair thinks that if the gentleman hod confined himself to the inquiry he would have boon in order; hot he proceeded to address his remarks to the House and to the gentleman frrm Penn sylvania, and for that reason (being re sponded to in the eauo manner) tho chair decided that neither was in order." Marsh—" I only did so after I wa* in terrupted by the gentleman from Penn sylvania." Randall—"One word—” Calkins (good naturedly)—"A soft an swer turneth away wrath; a grievous one stirreth up to anger." Miller of Pennsylvania—"That is not all. Wo want to give the people over there something a good deal hotter than that." Mr. MUlera remark* were lost in the confusion which his ent.y into tha discus sion gave ri»o to, and in the ooutinooaa rapping of the Speaker's gavel. When he had resumed his seat the Speaker said that he allowed members to indulge in some merriment, whenever it did not destroy the dignity of Ihe House, bat members mast not violate tho rnlee willfully and bring tbo House into disgrace. The chair felt bound to state that, without any reference to any individual. [Applause on the Demo cratic side.J After some further debate the m*t*er went over and several roll calls fol lowed upon dilatory motion*. At 3:50 Mr. Blackburn rose and slated that he desired to submit a proposition. It was after con ference with gentlemen of prominenoo on the other si *o that ho bad been requested by gontlemen on his sido to snbmit the proposition, which, even if it should not it self He accepted, would at least answer the purpose of bringing the two sides together la an understanding which should be satis factory to both. The best interests cf legisiafcm .required an adjustment of tho landing question, and ho wa* sure that no gentleman on the other side wonld refure to give Ihe Democratic side tho crodit of having inaugurated a movement that looked to tho uuhiuging of the dead lock. He then offered a resolution pro viding for n special committee of five mem bers to inquire into the authenticity and integrity of nil affidavits, return* aud evi dence of whatever character produced in tho case of Mnokoy vs. O’Connor, and to inquire into all destructions, loss or muti lation of the original votes of th* same, or any transcript, of suoh notes, aud wh at where and by whom snch Alterations, etc., woro made or caused to be made. The committee is given authority to visit such pieces and compel the production of such persons and pai«r* ns may b* necossary to carry out the purposes of their appoint ment, And to sit daring the so*»ions of the House. Mr. Calkins, of Indiana, said that while ha had no possible feeling in this matter, yet for the dignity and honor of the com mit too on elections he would oppose any proposition looking to any thing ttat would refleot on the judgment of that oommitteo. He ouuld not therefore accept the proposi tion. but be desired to ask the consent of tho House that for a fow moments some of tho Republicans should be allowed to con fer together nnd eoe if any counter propo sition might be submitted that would lead to tho ui<hinging of th* desdlook. If any gent eman on the Repabiioan side was afraid in auy way that anything would be done by him (Calkins) that wonld rofieot on the Uepnbl leans in any way, he would not ask for anv further conference. Mr. Carlisle, of Kentucky, said that the pending reeolntion was not intendod to imply the slightest imputation upon the committee on elections. Representstiv# Belford, of Colorado, rose to a point of order, and remarked that he did not wish to be understood ah favoring the acceptance of the proposition, and pro ot-odod to rvprimaad the minority for its action in tha pending oase, whereupon the Speaker called him to onlor, informing him at tho same time that unless he took his scat th* eargeant at-arms would be called upon to do his duty. Mr. BelforJ. in response, said that ha would taka his seat at ths command of the Speaker, but di«in»d to repel any intimation that hewn* proceeding in violation of any laws of tho Honse. A stormy scene ensued on tha Republican sido, nod many members dis approved tha acceptance of the resolution, or of any proposition looking to a compro mise. Scores of member* were talking at once, and tho Streaker’s gavel wm in con stant use. Finally, after fifteen roinn'ea of ounfusion, tb* House, at 4:1ft, ndjoarned, and the Republic an* went into caucus. now IXJMO IS TUX DEADLOCK TO OuNTOHT* < The jUpnblioen canons com mitten hav ing reached no conolosion at tha meeting which was held last night, tha question of "how long is the desdlook to continue was hi nrd on all side* of the House of Rep* rmmtative* to-day. The committee on rule* held a aocret ses sion this morning, and while the members are disposed to say nothing ns to what was considered, it ua* bscn learned !•»»* *ta question und-jr dUctusion was in regard to the existing deadlock, members of both parties taking active part therein. A conference of leading Democratic members wa* held subsequent to the ad journment of the committee on rules, at which Representatives Randall, Kenna. Carlisle, lllatkburu, Springer and others wore present. At this otnfutenoe the whole subject wm discussed, par ticular attention being given to the question as to how far the party could discreetly proceed with th* introduc tion of dilatory moiioos in order to pro vi ut the consideration of ths Mackey vs. Dibble contested election ease. It was unanimously agreed that Hie minority would be justified in routinmog its course in deferring it indefinitely; that it wm in justice to endeavor to fore# action upon the case in dispute; that the only desire of the minority was tha* “he ease should be properly investigated, and nnleas that coo Id boobtainod the responsibility rented alone with the majority. Hbortly after 3 o'clock the conference committee agreed upon a resolution pro posing that a special committal of five members bo appointed by the chair to in quire into the authenticity and validity of tho affidavits submitted in tha contested oase of Mackey vs. O’Connor, Representa tive Blackburn was directed by the con ference como.itU-3 to submit the same to tbe lion sc, and ask that U be received by tta majority in the same spirit of fairness with which it is Intended by member* of tho minority. BkrCNUCAM CALCTS. Tho caucus cf tta Republican members wm held m the hall of the House of Bepre- senta'ive*. There was an exceptionally Urge attendance. Previous to the caucus a number of Republicans were disposed to doubt the expediency of the policy which the perty had adopted, and several inti mated that they were rot in favor of con tinuing the exuting etama—in shirt, tha the time had come for n compromise. Af ter the momter* of tbe elections committee tad been beard in e xplanation and vindi cation of their action, thU feeiUg of doubt seamed to disappear, and, its the debate progieased, aouraof tl*ose who at the outset appeared disposed to be conservative took ground with th* mot*, radical, urging strict adherence to th* present policy. After con siderable deb. te, in which, with bat ir: ere occupying seats by neuwu, — ----—• ----- — - , i. majority Ltd decided tu inratignt.. eicetlion., .11 omumIM , c«.tiBa»ne, of llamUll (IndiftBiutly) -“\V» .re ciiiztiu i tb. .InnaUr until U» minority .IrouMwb- of n common country nod h*v« »* modi i inlt to un will of lb. mojorilr, Mr. Beyl, right bit. »» tbo gentlemen from Tenne.-' of M.iue, ogered tb. following prMmbl. r~„ • laud rwolutton, lo b. off.rel In tin Hon.. M»r»k, of JUinoto (eMitBli,)—' Bu Ih. to-morrow, tnd th-y wer. uzumlmooity members of this House peat cooduct.'* gentlamau the right to answer that parlia-1 adoptad: . ... .. meutary inquiry P* ! "A proposition having been submitted to Randall—"K wm sot a sarliamenlary the House by Mr. Bl«ckburn, of Kentucky, inquiry—it was an Mperaion on certain on behalf of (to minori»y, the majority ■—- -• ,L ‘- u —* -I iccrent of their snbmit the following: Whereas, w# are en tirely MtislUd that the allegation* made by Mr. ttamcel Dibble as to forgery *vd falsified evidence have been folly, fairly and axtaustivsiy considered by the com mittee on elections, and tbe arguments thereof have been folly hear I; and whereas th* cans* now coma* up for consideration in the House, and there has bean no dis cussion whatever in th* House thereon, and m the Honse cannot act intelligently with no guide exeept th* were alirgaliofi* on oo* side, it cannot entertan any proposition to refer to n new com Inittee a question which has already been considered by the appropriate committee, but moat have tta benefit of a full and free discus* um in order to enable the House to deride tbe question undenund- ingiy. Therefore, we snbmit tbe following , Th»t th. Hom, ImnmJUUIy nrooMd to lb. cent Idcration of tb. Sbukr/' Mar.Ii—"U wu u inquiry to tbe chair.” Ruul.ll (to Moor.)—"The gentleman hut better look .1 bom* before ba throw. ■Ioom clrawbcre.” lUrah—“Wbat right b» tb* gentlemen to mm. to uiwer s parli.meatary qoration which wu .ddrtuol to th. choir »” fUndbll— U I ban mry right thU l»- tb.. you have exreeded, whan you undertake to ftssert th* fanctions of toe Speaker.” KandalL—“1 have asserted nothing but the functions of a mao, end ttat 1 will do in the face of this Hoove m often n I Me 11 Throughout thi* eoUciny tta House wm fci a state of eocfaifcm. and Rwm Mme time before th* repeated rapptega of to* Speaker's i^vtlMttatMeCtMisvte any fiejree of order. ^han qutat tad been obtained, tbe Speaker stared ttat neither tta iror.tleman from Illinois cor shall therefore continue to consider the . Tin: cane until it bo finished without dilatory motion." TON TAIUT COMMISSION. The members of the tariff commission, so far as they were agreed epon at the cabinet meeting to-day, aro: J. lu Hayes, of MassaehnMtta; Henry W. Oliver, of Pennsylvania; Wm. Garland, of Illinois; PBICE-BESXBTT TBIAMt rtoniliTanikj <iin> unimwui vt Robert P. Porter, of the District of Co lombia; J. A. Ambler, of Ohio; Alexander Mitchell, of Wisconsin; John S. Phelps, of Missouri; Junes Chestnut, Jr., of South Carolina. *Tho liat will probably be com pleted by the selection of Wm. A. Wheeler, of New Yo k, who, if nominated, will be ehnirinau of the commission. Tho name* of the commiMioners will bo sent to the Senate in the early part of next woek. rurrm sentence. It i Understood that Secretary Lincoln has approved tha recommendation of Judge- Advocate General Swaim for the mitiga tion of the renterco of Lieutenant Flipper, who was convieted of groe* violation of army regulation*, and wa* sentenced to dismissal from the servioe. The President will not act upon the case nntil he has had time lo diipose of tho important questions of State now claiming his attention, hot it is learned that he is disposed to grant the mitigation recommended by the Jadge-Ad- vosate-Genoral in this oase. Washington, May 27.—In tho Honse, im mediately upon the reading of the journal, Mr. Rood, of Maine, rose to make a privi leged report from the committee on rules, pending whieh Mr. Kenna, of West Vir- uinta, moved that the Uoum take a recess, but the olerk proceeded to roe l the report, whereupon Mr. Kenna rose to the point of order that his motion must first be submit ted. The Speaker overruled the point of order, and Mr. Kenna appealed from the decision. The chair refused to entertain the appeal and directed the clerk to read. The clerk then proeeede.1 to read the re port of the committee on rules an follows, which Is proceed as an amendment to paragraph 80 of rule 10: Pending a motion to suspend tbe rales a* on any question of consideration which may anao on a case involving tho oonsti. ationnl right to a soat, and ponding a mo tion for the previous question or after it •hall have been ooniidered in any savbcase, the Speaker may entertaiu one motion to adjourn, bat after the result thereon is taken on the pending question, and pend ing the consideration of* such case, only motions to Adjourn and to take a recess (but both not in ancco«eion) shall be in or der. end suoh motion shall not be repeated without further intervening consideration of the case for at least one hour.” Mr. Reed said ho would ca'i np ihe report at a suitable time. Mr. Randall demanded that it lie over one day. Throe or f-mr dilatory motions wero submitted, pending which Mr. Calkins Mked and obtaiaoa unanimous consent to submit the proposi tion adopted in the Ropnblioan caucus last evening. Mr. Randall said the proposition was not satlsfno'ory. Mr. Reed attempted to ro bot his remarks were rendered tntod- by cries for the regular order from tho Democratio side. Several roll-calls fol lowed ou dilatory motions, which showed that the Beimblicans lacked two of a quo rate. At 1 o'clock, on a motion to adjourn, ihe Republican fo roe fell off to nnd a call of the Honso was ordered. The Honse then settled down to n sea son of perfect rest, and no attempt to renew tbe oonteet wm made for a few bonrs. Shortly before 4 o'clock, farther Tire Introduction of Evidence Com pleted nr<1 Argnmenk Aegnn. On yesterday morning it wm ascertained that Mr. Moseley, the sick witness, wonld be able to be at the court bouse, and it was determined by counsel on both side* to prooeed with the case. Jndgo Lawson was ou ths bench in the absence of Judge Sim mens, who was holding court in chambers. The nemos vl Hie regular panels of jurors were called and soon exhausted. Tho tiiis juror* were called, sad t»y three o'clock n jury waa secured aud the ease entered into. The State wa* represented by Solicitor- General Uirdeman and P. W. Edge, Esq. cf Twiggs eonnty. The defense was rep resented by Judge >>. A. Hawkins, of Americas; N. E. Harris, S. H. Jeroison and C. L. Bartlett, of Macon. The oourt-room was filled with intense listeners. The first witness called waa II. t. PETTIS CALLED POE THE STATE. Direct Examination.—I knew the de ceased. I was employed at the Keunesaw Restaurant ou Fourth streot between the National Hotel and the Brown House. There is nn alley on ono aide of it; the far side from here. It is In Bibb county. There is a door to the bar and a door to the reataa- rant; there is one window to the bar and two windows to the restaurant; the window to the bar is right next to the alley, on right-hand side. The bar-door comes next to tho window; next to ttat the restaurant window, then tho restaurant door. Tbe wiudows are about two or throe feet apart. Mr. Griffin came in about 11 o’clock LhbbttU care, and .after six tours’ debate proceedings under the oall were, on mo tion of Ur. Reed, dispensed w : th. Mr. Dunn, of Arkansas, introduced, through the i*tition box, a joint resolution appropriating 6100,000, to be exi»ended by the Secretary of War, for the relief of per sona rendered destitute by the reoent ovor- Uowof the Miasissippi river and its tribu taries. Referred to tho committee on ap propriations. The House, at 4 o'clock, ad- journ*d, A TBEASUBT EMPLOYE DISCHABOED. George 8. Bell, occupying tb* responsi ble position of custodian of dios, plates, etc., at the bureau of engraving nod print ing, wm discharged by Secretary Folger to-day. and Mr. Burrill, of the same de partment, temporarily appointed in his plaoo. To avoid any misunderstanding a* to tbe eanse of this action, it is authorita tively stated that it ha* no bearing what ever on Hie stolien $1,000 bond plate. ** Bell was dinmUsed because gnus CAreleemeM and lack of vigilance in tho discharge of his duties. On Thursday last two very important dies, u«ed in tha manufacture of United States notes, were drawn from him on a regalur requisition signed by tb* superintendent of a bnroea, and in acoordanco with his in struction* he should have seen that they woro restored to their proper place of a*, curitr before leaving the building for the day, but he negleoted to do so, end the d<cs were found by a night watchman on a desk in the office where they had bven carried and left at tho close of business. The facta were rei*orted to the Secrotary, who at onoe instituted a thorough investigation, with the rcsnlt above stated. Fortunately the Uioa had not been tampered with or misused in any way, thoouh the possibilities of such a dan ger ceased quit* an excitement among the officers nnd employes of tbe bureau. .‘Sec retary Folger says iQ this connection that the honeety of Mr. Bell has not bt^: im peached. BA1SINO A CAMPAIGN FUND. A circular from th# National Republican Congrc*«ional campaign committee was received by tbe employes at tta cap ital to-dny, in which each employe Is in formed ttat lie will bo expected to contrib ute 2 per cen*. of h<s annual salary towards the campaign fnnd which is to be need du ring next fall. These circulars impoao an assessment of $24 on each doorkeeper and about $10 on the page boys. Letter I mm Dr. retloa. Neab Cabtkmvillk, Ga., May 23,188?.— Editors Constitution: In yonr paper of to day von are pleated to use the following words: tiv his letter Mr. Etephens puts a flop to cuch insidious attempts aa that of Mr. Emery 8peer, to make the North believe that Mr. Ste phens danoet to his feeble piping. “By his letter Mr. Stephens Places the coa lition colonels In a simply ridiculous light Colonel Jack Falstaff himself was net a more arrant boaster than they are shown to be." In this extract from your editorial, Messrs. KJitors, you Imply that Hod. Em ory Speer, in tbe telegram he sent to me at Atlanta on tta 15th inst., misrepresent* Mr. Stephens and used hi* name without authority. Allow me to proeent you with a copy of another telegram, received by me at Car- ten villa, from Mr. Speer before I started to Atlanta on tta 15tb (which was tbe first intimation I had that another telegram awaited me at the Markham Houm) datadt Washington. D. May 14, 1WL—//e*. W. II. Pel too. CartereeUle. Ga.: Have sent you an Important telegram to Markham Ilcuse. It was submitted to Mr. Suptana Emqby Speeb. Now, Mew*. Editorr, I submit to your troth and honesty, if yon are not gn Uy of gram injustice to Mr. Speer, in tbe editorial I have quoted; and in all yonr comment* upon bis Action, when that telegram had keen submitted to Mr. Steptane before it was rout to it eat tbe Markham House, and not one word of disapproval from Mr. Stephens, touching tbe Mme, has yet eeen fire light. Mr. Stephen* row said Ulyron* iu rritt about at won •• yon did, at.n if it tad not received hie approval you can on- deratand how prompt would tave been his denial. I tad never written a line to Mr. Speer touching Mr. Sta;>hena’ candidacy, and had no expectation of receivioi such 4 u.legran from him; bnt Mr. Speer will be ample to explain to you why ta sent it at that particular juncture, and why ta submitted it to Mr. Stephana for approval. Mr. Speer baa never failed to defend him self, and I doubt not he will explain what you are pleased to rail his “invidious at tempt" to your satisfaction, a* be did tho Rountree morder to tb# MaconTeleonaek- More than this, Mr. Stephens wa* kind enough to write me a letter on the lnth of this month In reply to one ta received from me on the 1 lib, and in his letter to roc these words appear, literally as they wero written by this distinguished Ocor- ^“Al’low me to thank xou for U (my let ter), and to eay ttat I think you managed matters at ALanta last Monday admirably, looking, as I conceived, to tha beat inter- e*U of tta State." This latter will show you ttat Ur. Stephen* did not place the “coelitioo colonel* In a simply ridiculous light.” You will also b# ab # to perceive that Mr. Speer did not propose to make " Mr. Stephen* dance to hta ftebta p*p4»g; n and I think it ta alio evident that the inde pendents who indorsed Mr. Stephen* (who bad already announced hi* wiUiogrms to become tta governor of Georgia), ware aot “atrani toMters,” and until pbena repudiate* tta confidence weex- prtased in hta trathfoincse and political honeety, I hardly think your readers wfil agree that tta "The Constitution akua be* accurately expressed hta views.'' Very respectfully. where he oonld go, and I told him to go into the alley—and I reckon be tween one and three minute* after he left mol heard him hollo "Polioe! murder!" I was etanding in tbe floor talking to Mr. Wiley. He came e round tbe oorner of the bar and told me he wa.* mnrdored, and then came inside, and I asked him the cirenm- Htancis. Ho told me ho was in the alley MMprtMMMH * ei him—the gentlemen iu the window mme up nnd struck him, and the gentleman in the rear of him stabbed him with a knife. When he came in I unbuttoned hta veet and turned up his shirt, and his cotrails were protruding. That wm all he told me about it. I Croat Examined —I did not see him stabbed; I was in the honse; !*e remained thero until he went out: he was running ou and talking with me. 1 have not been ex amined in thi* case before; I wa* not at the coroner’s inquest; I went l>eforo the grand jury. The Keunesaw restaurant sets on tho alley on Fourth street; there wa* a plank wall on tho other sido of tb* alley; I think tbo Kenue*aw building seta back about 70 or 80 feet, thore is another build ing further down the alley; it ie a ten-pin alley, there is a gambling nonie on tbe (eft hand side, in front of the ten-pin alley; there i* a gato thero; that place is fre quented as mnch, or perhepe more, then any alley in Ma*>n; i* is a great plane of roeort at fim*e hour* cf tho night; there wore not many rreaent nt the time; there i* generally r. great ttsary aronnd ear- Her in th* year than that; it Is much frequented at that time of the year; I did not go around lhn alloy that night; kaow rothing or who did the cutting. Ex amined the wound alter ta came in. Tried to put his entrails book myself before I rent for a doctor. I could not put them baek. Can’t say whether any of them were cut or not. I nm not a doctor. The win dows fronting on Fourth street were plain glass. Th* window in the bar at that time was broken. Had been stained glass. When I said the window ia the restaurant wm so far from the alley (iodioating afioot throe or four feet), I meant the window in Fonrth streot to Black Johnson's bar 1 sup pose is something over one bundrtd yards. The alloy was not lit np with lamp* at that time as it is now. Thera was only tha headlight at tbe month of the alley on the ooraer. There wm bo light nearer than where the other alloy in tersects that one. I don’t kno * wbothor it was raining or not at that time. I don’t think it was. I can’t eay whefirer the moon wa* shining or not. State exr.mination.—! did not see them when they wore siting in th* window. Did not go outride nntil this young man hol loed. Did not sco there defendants about tho time of the cutting. Tta alley was planked np all th# way down—planked np a* n fence on both sides. 1 here is a cross allay that corn** in by the side of Black JobnNon's and goes up by where Mr. Goorge Brown Uvea, comes out br Mr. Hnnlick's store on one sido and Mr. Kent's nnd William Boddingfield aJ-o testified ft !()<• .'■‘‘a’ \ \ ■■(•) '• .• I -i; v. ry ..•:■•(• 1 w.i In* already beeu given, except Mr. Moseley teetiiled to the finding of n knife by which tho vetting was (tone. Dan Adams, who held the Inqurat, identified the kmfo, ih well as A. B. Den'on. but elicited no far ther testimony, varying very littla from that already given. STATEMENT OF CHABLSB DENNETT. Gentlemen of the jury. I am here on the chargo of murdering Mr. Grufia, with hia;neT6r did know mm, nnd would not H hiu. if I to *••• f ' .'Hill I » morrow. As to Mr. Price eutiing him, I 1 \ f ■ A n\fi a!' -1* !*. STATEMENT OF ALFBOKEB PRICE. 'Geatlemon of th* jury, I em here now for killing Shorter; Griffin. I didn't do it; don't know anythiug about it Aa for Mr. Bennett cutting him, I don't know any. thing about it." Argument wa* mode by Messrs. Jcraison and Bartlett for tta defense, and Bolioitor- Gensral llard»mtn for the Stnto, whoa the oonrt adjourned until this morning. Satontay morning th* trial of Alphonse Price and Charles Bennett wm resumed, Jndgo Lawson presiding. As it was generally known that tho trial would be concluded yesterday, the oonrt- room wm pretty well crowded, aud aa the trial progressed tho crowd became greater and a number of people went into the gallery. The prisoners wore a look of anxiety on their face#. They bed been kept in good spirits by their numerous friend*, who were constantly dropping them words of cheer. All during tbo trial they listened attentively to all the proceeding*. In the morniug Solicitor Gcnoral H- rde _ian delivered his argument for the State. It wm pronounced Mr. Uardemsu’e beet effort. It wa* evident ho had struggled with the pain that belonged to his bounden duty, but duty had won the mMtery, and he went over the testimony aud the law calm'y and carefally. He wa* followed by Jndgo Willis Haw kins in a powerful argument for tbe de fense. Judge ilawkin< had not been idle. He had closely and carefally atadUd the point* of law, and bnilt np an argument that wm a tower of strength. Jndge Law- son delivered his charge clearly and con cisely, pointed oat the law and then in structed tta jnry in their findings. At twenty ininntea cast twelve o'clock the jury retired. The first vote taken by them wa* ten for acquittal. It is **.id that the two voted nogatively simply for delay. The next vote vm cnantanou*. At twenty- five minute* past one they filed iuto the oourt-room. At thta time there were not many spectators present, owing to the fact that it wa* thought the verdict would not bo reached nu il after dinner. All eyes wero turned on the jury, n lien the verdict of uot guilty wa* read, there waa a ronud of applaore. Tta friends and relative* of the two young meu gathered around, and many ware the hand-shaking*. Mr. Price went with his brother, Mr. Daisy Price, to a restaurant for dinner, nnd thon to his home. Mr. Bennett went with Mr. J. H. Bremer to hta borne to greet his wife and child. The ereno at the ooncloeion of the o*re wa* an affecting one. There wero bnt few dry ojet in the oonrt room. The following oompoeed tbe jury: J. W. Johnson, T. J. Bate, T. D. Ousley, Jr., Ja*. A. Spain, U. O. Hitching*. Tbonu Welch, R. 8. Wyno, J. W. Brooks, N. B. Ousley, T. J. Carstarpen, El. Bell, U. M. Barton. trij.vr.4 LETT Ell. « u be ru ate rial Con*ptritcj-Hoxr the Oflke* Have Necu Parceled Oal Or. Telegraph and J(tttengcr. Atlanta, May 27.—Well, "tho cat is out of the wallet" at last, snd Mr. Stephens is an avowod candidate for gubernatorial hon ors. Ihoie is no mistake about it, and there need not have been any mistake about it. Tho thing ha* been working for a year or more, nnd tho kitten is just tbo oolor, shape nnd sizs. and hM mado its appear ance just at tha time and in tha way whieh was intended from the Uginnicg. Torn Norwood used to say that Governor Brown wbilo talking to you would d<sap- poar in the f round right before your «yeo sad ooid* up again an hundred yards or a half a mile away at the very point he aimed at when he weflt down. Gov. Brown has had a finger in this pio too, all disclaimers to the contrary not withstanding, and so Iim Gov. Colquitt, and m c«pccislly hM thatMtute and wily old fox, Dr. Felton. Indeed, I tare no doubt that tbe Doctor is the nuthor of the whole thing, and that he i* ths man who first suggested It, even to Mr. Stephen* himself. Mr. Stephens hM for some years desired the store*. Ily the defense.—Wiley Jones kept what is called the Southern Hotel, between the mouth of this alley on Poplar street, nnd Mr. Ingalls’ a drug store on the comer ; it i* •everal door* from th* mouth of tho alley 5 you wonld not have to go to the front of Johikwo's to go down ; there ta a tide door, I*, they tarn in. WM. A. WIf.ET. I wa* at th* Xeuneeaw restaurant when Mr. Griffin waa cut; heard somoboJy hol lo ; did not know who it wa* ; WMattend- nt tbe cigar stand ; heard somebody lo, and a ay that they wer# atabbed to uh heart, or hololw a* I undontood it J went to the mouth of the alley ; aaw two men running down tbe alley ; myself and Msssls; and Jamas and v.Vys got ImM? about the *ara# time ; we ran after tbe men ; caught one of them a bant half wav from the restaurant and Black Johnson s Ur t thi# was Alphonse Price. Moseley went after the other man, and naught him between Black Johnson'* and Barfield *, about h df w*y of the atley ; this was Cha*. Bennett; w* went to tbe month of the alley, and turned over Mr. Price to Mr. Wry* and cniried him to the city hall; then went hack to the raetaurant and found Mr. Griffin in tb# beck room with his bowel* protruding. Found Dr. Fergu son and Charley McCallister and Mr. Pet- Wm. IL Felton. tis ia the room. Only saw two people in tta alley: they were Mr. Price and Mr. Bennett. Don’t remember whether there wa* a light in the all*} or not. There wm in front of the ber—Black John.*onV-or probably on the corner opi*Hite the bar. The bar is on tha aide opposite tbe depjt. There is one gambling boos# opposite Blaek Johnson'*. Whan I oatne up with Mr. Price I accused him of th* cuttings He ■aid “No, I didn’t d» it; you can rearch me,” which I did, ard found nothing. It wm only a few eeeond* after Mr. Griffin called ont that ta wm cut that w# started down tta •lley. Just a* quick a* ur# beard holloing w# ran to the mouth of tbe alley. Were thirty or forty feet from tta alley at that time; don’t think 1 aaw the defeadata that night before then; only sajr those two people in tta alley until I earn* near BUcv Johnson's; taw some one coming oat of there; it might have been about the time Bennett paired there; don’t remember; probablvbe bad pawed there; did not Cross-A'jtomineil —It is 110 feet, I reckon, from the cigar stand to Johnson's; proba bly 210, don't remember the distance. There is a door opening in th# baek yard of tta Kt nnesaw; there is a door opening on tta alley; great many people pare there: this door doe* not open properly from tta Kennesaw, bnt from tbe gambling estab lishment there. pa. B. T. FEBOUSON testified ss to the character of the woond and cans* of Ms death; also In reference to a statement made to him. Th* follow- ins i. th. ,lat<mei>t l Ho told m. tint he atm* oat of th. mtniut .oil went into th. *U.,, mid wbiU arinmiuo in th. all., wm. pemon nds op b.liind him and •truck him on tho track of th. brad, and a. hr tanrad araind another paraoo .track him, and afi.r that h. was cat iu tb. abdo men. Ho then called oat to th* norma who bad cat him: “Yoa naat, rawal-jroa hara cat tu.." He laid b. raiaroM to tho Kcnacaaw Kwtaarnut and crammed hta abdomen and foaad h*a entrall. ['rotrod- ini’, and ho twconra very •ick and they p. him a loans, to IU down oo- Tho following wra mod by the witnera, purporting tobo tho death-bed ital.m.nt. Thru the oecrarad had given np all hope °*“5rjSfBhcrt»r GriSa'a lUtemeol of hi. being .tabbed in th* alloy between th* Kcnnwaw rmtaorart and tha Brown Uosra: •Lrfthomaa: 7 p.m.ontlranight of tbaUlth ioot and wMt to ChrWran'e reetanrant and than lo tbo h.nn.«w to m. Mr. Patti.. While ttwr. a-raclngJlr Pel tie, I took on. «lor» of brar. Wool from then to the alloy, «nd on returning from th* alley, on my war back hooraw*. met by two men. thraof them raid, ••Thera bad-no—oof a b-teh rand .truck m. .n the hrad. I jomped. and M I did one .truck at in lira abdomen. 1 felt I wu rat awl raid, ‘roo na.ty rural, yon cat me.' I railed forth, police; I then went to tho rwunroot and rat down and raw myintaelin.. protroding. Did no* know either cf ths mm, nor which did th# ca'trag. Usd never raw. nor apokM to cither man t» my knowbdy.^ -Macon, December IS, PM." otwe* evmencn. J. C. James, J.P. Moraley, John Harley on th* other aide. That gate b book of Ko bo governor of Oeorgia. Dr. Pulton **— 'know thU, and ho knew alee bow to more Upon tho old oommonar, and upon Ooror- ernor Brown and Gor.rnor Uobinitt, in order to .oearo their co-oporaiiop. Bo ■are am I of thi., that I would unib in offering a rawaril for th. production and publication of the oarrciipondonc, lieiwran tin. Doctor and Mr. Stopheiu. Bat tba good T yotor, bright and abb a. ho b, has been fooled thb flmo. Mr. Blcpheu w.nt down right before hi. «•«, lint ala. 1 hi did not noma np at the plncr, or rath-r In tha manner, agreed upon. For thb diinp- K lntment ths Doctor i. indebted to the mocratio prera of Gw-gts and not ikly 11 the Tauniurn anu Mraiamiaa. The .tend taken by yoorralve. nnd yonr Democratic oebmparariea mad. it me* Mry for Mr. Mrpiicna to emit, up „ * Democrat, notwilhil. tiling hodiir.|.p.arod Into th. grobud a. an -indapandent and tha orlginaD'lo'.r of hi. own .kiltat” Tbe ••.odcp.ndynta" and lha Itepabll. son. did not drain a oontrat for gor.rnor, for rnch a camiralgn would have u.mon- ■tratod their wraknrae. But Gray didIdraire to ban rams man brnoght forward upon whom men cf all panic, and faction, oonld onita. Tho m.n ralratad waa Mr. Stephen., and nnd.r Ihe shadow of hi. wing, they hoped lo ban plain .ailing in tho Coagnmtousi dbtitota, a. ia th. .lection of m.mlran to lbs Iwgtals- tara. 11 l } oo hara forced all partita to •how their hand., in part, ard hcnco th* pitiable 000.11000 In which Felton, Bprar, and their independent and Ropnblioan al- lira now Snd liiem*clvea. It waa not till after th. trigger, wore aet that Mr. Stephen, annoi-m-d hb intruded retirament from poblie life, and it was eot till after thl» announcement that hi. name wm publicly eaggeated for gonroor. All tbe real of th* programme ha. followed In th* order intended, exeert that Mr. Bto- pbent found it noeeraary to choeg. hi* draw while under gronn.l, and to rorapnar aa an out and oot Democrat. Atone time it wa. doubt! il whether th* urogramm. rraid be wind, to work, and It wa. joat boro that th. :\-m: -f yonr smlofi. uugb- bor. Judge tiimmona, wsa .-iggratad. Br,.aagwoimmon*. wm lint, gentlemen of th. Tsuaiaani aan Jwnou, don’t b* ilbeooragwL To* hav, don. th. party a groat rarrira In foreiog Ih* dbclraorra already mad. and that raem likely to Ira mad* in th* near future. Too hara dentition, ■ran Dr. Felloe•! Uttar in tb. CouNfuftoa ofyntanlay. It contain, ram. very ln- ttre-ting reading joat al this time. Can t you indue, the Iraetor to.nhirit hb entire IndgM to the poblie ry. ? H. hra qoar- i.led with Mr. Hilt and with Goramor Bmlth, and why not wind np the baelnera Kt»iJrii£ta‘ u 3hjzsn he ba* fallen Into lie osrn not, ta oan al least have tbe sativ faction of speaking right out in meeting aiul r#!i#v‘rg bis mind abent it. As usual, "Brer Rabbit” has been too smart for "Brer Fox.” .... Bot all this baa nut been dona without tbe knowledge and oonsent of Governor Brown. Indeed, no man caa gettta Dem- eta* ie nomination for governor without ki* knowledge and oonsent. H by, not a sin- gl. man wra ebum judge or aotWto-, *v- eept poor friend Grime, in the Chittanoo* chra circuit, by th. bat Iragblatiu* who wu inimical to Oov. Brown, and th* aaurt b true of ths 8‘nte hoora o«rar*. Talk about bowra 1 Why, Mn, thrau b no But* in tho Union no eomptatoly boaml^ maj; Noted Men ! Dr. John F. Hancock, I.t' I r *1 t • f • *.■ r.;! I 1 - msceuticsl Assoristionofthe United States, ssjrx: "Brown'i Iran rittrrs bu a \t*rj talc, ft conceded to U a fine tonic; ih« chaxmcfcr of *.h« Mtnu* tecturcrt it n voucher for its purity and nodicinal cnc«lUnc«." Dr. Joseph Roberts, President Baltimore riuraaccuticai College, says i “Iindono Itkit fin* medicine in^. ionic. Dr. J. Faris Moore, Pii. D., Professor of Pharmacy, Haiti- more Pharmaceutical College, says; " Brown'* Iron Bitien (• n lift and rvlinbU m«dkin«, poaiiivtly frM front alcoholic poisom, and can bn recommended •• n tonic for iim iGP on * tho,€ whoeppoee alcohol." j?r. Edward Earick.^on, Secretary Baltimore College of Phar macy, says* i-inioxicant in thn fuileet Dr. Richard Sapinotom, one of Baltimore’s oldest and most reliable physicians, says: "All who hvv«u«v<l it rralie ite SUndnrd vitluet, nnd lira welt, known character of the houen which makes it is a sufficient fuannies •f iu being all ihit it claimed, ftr they art men who could not Ie in duced 10 offer anything «!•« tut n reliable medicine fer public u*e." A Druggist Cured. Boone boro, Md., Oct. ts, »C3a. Gentlemen: L uwa'i Iron Bit- 12*S ‘ sch. H era in rccommendinc it to m j cue. Corners, ami am glad to eay it givej antire eatitfartioa to all." Gao. W. liorruAN, I’rufgUl. Aak^rour Druj:gi«t for Brown's Iron Bittees, and take no other. One trial will convince you that it is just wbu you need. J, P. STEVENS feC j 34 WHITEHALL ST. ATLANTA, f - BOARDS OF HtAL’ i ND nil doctordom are down . A gn and «tegp*M filth in cii^ tf though every artery and vein.... S ortal, is full of the fame itr.t. tiger ia raised for their chtrni thoso septic,'tiorr^-*l.«n -i. nroa!lowo-i fo do their v> r rat. Tl.i 1 now field for treatment, snd it r. . exploration ie kindly mge-3 ou i:.< • . .. eiou and the public b> M. H. 'lIIOMEUN. M. mnj28^11t«VwH > Maco: H-. H0..KS-’ LI^IMr.N'l, P/OTHER'^ FRIE: One of the rrratrat comforts lo tlicwc . xt in? to I) plicit conm protluto a AjbU jiinp it is to Knffsrir? T f\ EUIIGIA. BIBB COUNTY.-Wherces, Cor- vT nelius HulUvan, admlnlutrntor, Iim made application tor letters of dismlisioii from the estate of P. Kerwin, Lite of said county de court of ordinary of mPI county on the tint Monday in August next to show cause, If any they cau, why said applicatL'n should uot be granted. Baer Iim made application for letters of fuardlauahlp of the prrann and pmpe.ty of Rdwani, Henry, Bertha and ItosaGlnxcr, minor children of Albert UUzer, deceased: This la therefore to cite and admonM; all persons concerned to he and appear at the court of ordinary of said county on tho first Monday in June next, to show cauec, If sny they can, why said application should not be granted. • Witnessmynand and official slamatr" ay7-iaw4w* J. A. McMANUd. /’iBOToGIA, BIBB OOUNTY.-Whcreas Henry \X J. Umar, executor of Mrs. E. G. Jllbb, rep- rracuU totheCourtln his itclition, duly filed and entered on record, tiiat he Iim fully ad- tees and creditors, to show cause, if auy they can. why said executor should not be diM'hsrg- cd from nis executorship and receive letters of dlsmUsion on the first Monday in July, 1:>KL Witness my hand and ofilcUl higimturo this, April 1,1NU. J. A. McMANt’B, ap’J* Ordinary. /IBORGIA. BIBB COtTNTY.-Whereaa, John \7 W. Btubtio, Jr., hM mad* apidication for letters of administration on the eaUta of Johu W. HtuidkS, Hr., late of said county, deceased : This ia therefore to rite and admonish all persons concerned to be and appear at the court of ordinary on tbe first Monday in June next, to show cause, if any they can, why said application should not he granted. Witness my baud and official signature Inis May 6th. tvC J. A. McM ANUH, may7-iaw4w* Ordinary. , 1 W.KIIIA, BIBB OUU.NTV.-Whmu t. 8 IVTand I. II. Johnson, executors of the estate of F. 8. Johnson, 8r.,have made application !sr letters of dismission from said estate. ■This is therefore to cite and admonish all per* ■mm concerned to bo and appear at Ihecour of ordinary of said county on tho find Mon day In June next, to show cause, Ifanythev can, why said application should not bo grant- « my rt BORGIA. JONBB OOOXTY.-Whereas A. B. \ l Hoes, m administrator on the estate of K. M. Baker, decraiwd, of Jones county, applies to me for dismission from said estate. These are therefore to cites nd admonish a ocrwm* concerned to show cause, if any they have, at this office, on or by tho first Monday in August next, why the same shall not be * T witueae my hand officially, A^rii aprCwtd* Ordinary. J(*Nh!a«V)|ISt^_WhVn-M Um. Carrie C. Hinith and l«onidM Hmlth, ‘ ‘ * * Jol o for die* Theaa are therefore to cite and admonish all persons concerned to show cause at tills office, on or by the first Monday In Attgust next. If any th-y^have. why the mme shall not be granted ^Witness my hand cdficially, April —, law. B. T. ROSS. aprfwtd* Ordinary, Bibb County Sheriff'• Ea’e. TTTII.I. be aoM helora th. roiut houra d>nr la I ? tbs city of Macon, during ths legal hours of sale, on the first Tuesday In June next, the following property, lo-wlt: Thai tract or [«rrrl of land situated in the Vinevill* district in raid county, and containing Xt acres, more or ires, bounded as follows: fm the northwest by property of J. I. Hardeman, on the southeast by an alley, and on tbe southwest by tbe Vioo- ville road. levied on m the property of C. B. Callaway to satisfy a fi. fa. Issuei from Bibb •uparlor Court in favor of Tbo bus M. Argali vs. C. B. Callaway. Property poluted out by pUIntiffJ# aworoe^ 07R. W , causing a verj iparHClvciy littl n a coiiuitiou tu than trie usual time u»>ca letfol who have ■ READ THE TESTIMONIA I mu«t farnotly entreat avenr teioa' inx to he ronflncd to use "TnE Mure" Coupled with the entreaty. J that during a large obstetrical pmctk four years), I have never known it produce a ••iric and quick delivery. II. J. JfOLMKS. M. I)., AtU- . On. snm A lady iruDi one of the counties o? n\24Eki GrorKia, who has been actingm ml/!Vi:hr many years, writes: “I have dlsponVi < u: Tux motiieh's Ur.ur.r you rent iu«-. and I am nr.uuHTu* with it. In ercry* iiutanoo where th- hM het-n used lu effects have been all OmmI could ask. I it a great ■ukm.’ 1 A gentleman Trite*: “My wife t-tJ rwr Motiiek's llLUKrat her fourth muim :-m. aud her testimony in Unit-lx-p:i . ! i. with one liulf of tlic suffering of cither ' fhw former confinements, snd recovered fro*- iftw-i much I era time. Hhealso hreommend- it San - lady friend who waa about tu fce . a* •, and many o4*i- Having had the foregoing remedy Two J ,Y Tram* In Atlanta and vlcir" * t to my patrons m t^*remlng si I am Knaittcd also to refer to' the ft , weil-knuwu ritireiu of Atlanta: C 8. N.-wfma. . William M. Crum Icy, Jr., W. A. Omsasdl * Ilain: all of whom are ready to testify totta ' merits of the preparation. ITue, nottle. Prepared by J. BRADFIELD, Solo IV:p r. , COOL, SPARKLINC, F.LECA: ' 5c a Gloss Lamar, Rankin & Lu;.:. If you want something nloe nnd good, e on us. Oar SODA WATER Is Acknowledged by all to be TUKI Don’t fall to come And tree tu wIknx • visit th* city this aammor, a* v to try It. Lamar, Rankin & Lamar, Opposite Dollar P Looliifwa Btat© LottfiiY Co»i • v Incorporated in 1MB for Legislature for Kduea! —to’which a reserve b v since been added. By an overwhelming popular vo franchire wae mado a j ■••.rt of u ■, • Btato Constitution adopted Dec : A. D., 187*. n» ORAND SINGLE NUMBER ) Inge will take plsss monthly. II scales or l osipoLea. Look ui Ur f ing Distribution» GRAND FBOMEN1DK COVT during whicli will take pin.-.- 14511) tirmiri Wo*.1111> ax® rna Extraordinary Semi-Annual U : At New Oblejuts, Tcwuat, Jc -.k Under tiu> personal snptevi-ioi. a..; ngcmeiit of Oen.O.T. BEAUREGARD, of N. ..k.I i.. -Il it U. KVKI.V o t • C/iFITAL PRIZc,$l(X>. L*f*NoncB.—Tickets a:- Tan D..1I. Halves, $lk Fifth*, $2. Tenth LIST OK PRI/.I 5 1 i'i; • .1 i'n. ■ f yl"> •- v I Grand Prize of 1 Grand l'rzo cf 2 targe Prize* of 4 targe Prize* of 20 Prizes ol 60 " 100 “ 10QU0 *' APPBOXIMATI' *N FEIZU 100 Approximation I*rizea pEOROIA, BIBB COUNTY.—Whereas. Geo. VT II. taw*, executor of the estate of John If. tawe. late of said county, •leceased, has made application lor leave to cell one Georgia * per cent bond of one thousand doUarr. om Cen tral railroad dividend scrip, No. l.a*. lor one thousand dollars: past coupons of dtv of Ma con bonds amounting to mm hundred end forty dollars, an«l four acres of lend situate In said county, lying on west side of the public road leading from Macou to Clinton, adjoining landi of Mra. F. I. Wilbn n and others, belong- eaasg. wiaewai whl '“ M Z > - ■ - ! Wltooa rav band and fractal .l.n.lurr tbli I New OrlaaBS. I.juii. ivi I. A. McilaNlM. | For infoian m*v7I*w4«* onlta.rv. Mr. Hill and ol Mr. Btaphea. in Jbn 'dublh Oomreraioeal dutriet, and who eball b. th. Conyrresm-m at large. Tta of the great commoner is to ta gtaeo lo yoer lriend, Pat Wateh, and tta Congressman at large b not, I am »orry to fay, to fall to oor bright young friend. Henry Grady, bet to an eloquent eon of the ••aboard. Why, therefore, give oareetee# farther trouble about there matters ? Thn boseea hav* arranged it all, and th# boesee k~ what if best for u*. And yet I cannot but rebel agalnat so much of their scheme nn retatos to th# ane- cesaor to Mr. HU1. God forbid that tha mantle of th# great Georgian who Ite fuiatae at Eureka Spring* should deacinc upon tha pigmy who now vexea tbe lam. with his Sanday-school platitude. Wuxi shall. Not a drink, not sold tn bar-room*, but a ,-r. a ; a!?o‘•»:.*• n * '•-• fx s'- a ’.ictea at. ! In a.l aoMot-i, .( Druwn’airoft Bittora. r intoimation *tq>ly fS BORGIA, BIBB COUNTY.-Whereaa, Jsama VT \v. Johnson hM applied f*»r exemption of realty and personalty snd rettirur apart and valuation of homettaad, and 1 will pass upon thu same at 10 o’clock a. m. i n tba first day of June, UKt, at ay onke. ^aj^gh g maylft-lawtw «rdi*ary. Election Notlco for Stock anti Fonco Law. TONES COUNTY. GEORGIA.—In accordance an act «>f the LezMslurt, approved Au- l-oq, an election will t.e hel l at ihe \ i OTRWIection precincts In Jornra county »a_ _ _ Monday, the 10th dag of July ntEt.tov>te ujMm \I ttaquaettonef or "No Feue*" f«*r tiie If county of Jooca; raid election to ta coodneud e^ IM ..Hit tic lions and returns to ta made to th^ — uudersigued. A petition m re-iulrad by sa art is n.»w of file in this office. ~ jf—"fCtaiiy May 22. WO. IL T. 1 ary. erM.A. DAUPHIN, 127 ta Hallo Street or M. A. DAUPHIN, 007 Seventh 8L, W The Now Yui k office Li ren. N. B.—Orders addressed will receive prompt attentL. - Thx pariicular attention of i ‘.- r' called to the fact t ist the ei.txrc m. « of tbe Tiekets for each Monthly ' ly. ail the ir . NEW FIRM. ■ my hand Notice to Bridge Builders. TTNTIL Saturday, June 24, Wi. tbe County U ComalMionenof Bibb Invite i«aled tr*j- B is for buiidinc a wooden bridge r (See creek at the sit* n->w kr ey's bridge- For plans, specifics further Information apply to tbi at tha court house. By order ef Bibb Confer On* taay-tlawtw “ *’ <*•,•. .; a ! : • •; ; ttoa ou umaeday rr..i> ~ »td E have ojicncd in # Foray tl Grocery and Provision bu ids and the friend* of Us ■'- J • -» , whui* with uq will find us at . stand of Durnn i a Allen, where glad to a mar. 7 asssSB*. X u .’dW