Georgia weekly telegraph, journal & messenger. (Macon, Ga.) 1880-188?, June 09, 1882, Image 7
QSgqgjgfe llts&folg Urntmal %v JlfoasurngKE Si F MlXCt:. i tarry, my priucc, my ? “ do you tarry, my priuce ? blowing, tho summer l* going— I'm tired of weeping and wakftiu nud ricepiug, I’m aweary ol watyug, wj ptmeo i Will you come from the West, oh prince—my Or tSe North or the East, my prince? Does llio scent of the South kba the ktea oa thy mouth* Or from islands of 1m or from islands of epic©— Ah, whence aud, ah, when wilt thou come, my prince ? But-come to me, come to me, prince, my prince* From Hades or Heaven* my prince— Be thou bashful or bold—be thou ardent or cold. So tlum'it mine aud oh miae-Iam thine aud aU thine, Aye, to have and to hold, my prince ! 1 KIT WABBt X ~ Wauls Ills Paper Ktopped, And after hiving Potent Hensons* Adds Kiplle* It Directions. Leesm-bo, June 5.-Stop my paper, sir! Stop it l Why? After a cloae, attentive reading of all your recent lcodcra and epigrammatic leak* lags, I am led to harbor a vague suspicion that, maybe, you are Just a little lucllued to oppore Mr. Stephens' nomination for governor of Geor* gin. Therefore stop my paper. You intimate that a few months ago the State waa bristling with prospective candidates for that olllce, that every town in Georgia had its coming man, except Crawfordville. and that thetoge of Liberty llo.ll was uever “thought of, talked of, or dreamed of in the wildest fl!ghu •if human imagination" for that office until he was rudely shoved before the footlights by Fel ton and Speer. Therefore stop tny paper! You assert, sir, that there teas an issuo be tween Speer nud Mr. Stephens. That uoritlvcly- couldn't have been dlu, at least on Mr. Ste phens' part. He baa lived und ho will die with out i%t*e. So, stop my paper. I am Informed that you have been guilty teamUhiM magnatum In asserting that in the event of Mr. Stephens’ demise the State * Georgia w ill not bo left a pour, motherless ‘'Ah—a colt?” | NEW YORK. June 7.—Noon--Cotton steady; “Well, no, not emphatically; tut her pal- • SONS middllng'.upUads 12 3-:c mlddliug i sss tookrp, and half sister to Blind Qtaggoss fiim. * J ~ c ‘ October ll.Ci, November NKW YORK—Evening—Net receipts' 52$: mss futureaclesoc steady; sales T.%,000; event of Mr. Stephens’ demise the State of " rgln will not bo left a pour, motherless or- . In, aud that you actual! v and overtly op pose such a revision of the Hun day-school I CttUchlsm a* will substitute tho name of A. II. 8. for that of Soloillon. Therefore Btop| TBS. hcar.l it alleged thst\lnl Hi I X Inch there arc otlier men in Georgia besides . IL S. who conld take charge of thog<iv-l ernor's ofllco. and montigc nt least to bundle through its duties somehow. You have hc*.U this alleged and you refused to “deny the alle gation und hurl it back in the teeth of tho alligators." Therefore stop my naper. It is your opinion that Mr. Stephens' can dldacv before the convention, instead of S roving a oalm in the Gilead of Democracy, will ava the opposite effect, and that tho iudo pendent aud motezreta in drugging hint from fils “dread abode, ,r were acting the play of the drowning man catching at a straw, and that the colored convention in Macon broke up in a row, and the call of the convention for the first of June had proven to bo as weak as Far ion Felton's call to the ministry, and the pop ular groundswell, for which they all fought, bled.und lied, had swank, und the Democrat ic aud Republican attlliator* had each other by the «».*. and the whole thing was colluirsina iutoromatosity—in other words, the mons had geminltcd and the mus was re.vly to cucur- rit. You bcllcvo all these thing*; therefore A?La^fcre tbat the Internal, spiritual, stratum meaning of Mr. Stephens’ letter of ac ceptance in—that he doesn’t deny his lndepou- denttsm, but only thinks This thing will be managed adniraftlg (since tho mongrel "Rar kises are willin'”) for him to Hand for the nomination, for tho obvious reason that those who expect to sway the sceptre of universal «spira over tho organized assure him It will be secured, droit el aeant. Yon believe tills, and believing It, 1 a»k you to atop my paper. You think, sir. that if there Is political ta- naan to which all good newspapers will lu fu ture go tho Albany Heme, Danner Watchman, Evening lie aid, ft part* Iekma»hte, Quitman PreePreer. Madiaonlaa, kylriuila Telephone, Valdosta 7'im's, Berrien Save, Dublin Gasette, ltawklnavlllo Dispatch, liawklnsvlllo »ics, Jackson Herald, DcKalb Seen, Dawson Jour nal, Enquirer-Sun, ll-ueton Home Journal, Clarkcsvllle Adccrtiecr, Brunswick Appeal, llc.trp Count$ Weekly, Cochran Enterpriee.Jaek- ton tlountg Seme, Griffin Dun, Darien Gngette, will bo numbered among tho happy throng Who ato destlnoil to "go In aud possess the goodly land," while the Conetdnhon, Chroni cle, Savannah JV#ic* and Columbus Timee -head up and Utl tantamount—with high trotting and loud snorting,will capr* off In tlio opposite direction. You believe this, and beliuviug it 1 uk you So stop my |*per. rm You have taken and pc-rsl*{§tly advocated a podtlon on the tariff question which Is calcu lated to strengthen a government against which the valor and patriotium of your Slate has bat tled; therefore stop my paper. Sir, I was always a friend to the T*leok.\>h and Mtx»r.N<;iCtt. “Through - many changing C ars" I havo been an occasional contributor its columns. 1 havo rejoiced In *lts grewth, expansion, development and pw-gress. I havo looked on with pride as It “made broad its phy- Urterics'' and sent forth its missionary col* urnns among the benighted political heathens of the land. . 1 have done all this and more. Now, con fronted by the phalanx of lerrled facts which H hay ‘--' —you, I feel lm;>elled. it ally, to ask that you . my paper. buip it at county, Georgia, where it will t thankfully received. \ ‘ " l have marshaled . OTHBVPMH re jicctfully but empliatically, to ask that you — Stop it at Leesburg, loro thankfully recrtveL ^highly" V appreciated, dowdy read and carefully pondered as long as it continues to ome to ra« rushing and fervid andctoouect with the Inspiration of Uie only X. .1 LE.KVrOR i.lAeuvr. Joe Thurmond Makers a Dash and ElSects HU IHcnpe * Athene Banner• Watchman. ■ Yesterday, about noon, Athens was treated to a sensation of no null magnitude. The cose ol Joe Thurmond, found guilty of horso-tttal lag, was being argued in Judge Jackson's office, on a writ o» habeat eorput. sheriff and his deputy there were perhaps a dozen persons lu the room, whllo Thurmond’* fattier waa in tho cbrk'a office. The prisoner waa unbound and wcatern window,that waa raised about two and a half feet. From what we caa learn there cvldentljr a plan concerted Thurmond to make a break liberty on that day, for as entered tho court house he asked After this the prisoner seeurd restless, and kept glancing bis eye through the window, un til hD brother rede sip to tne fence, bringing with him the famous racer “Stamp*.” About this time Sheriff Weir waa being sworn, his back to the prisoner, while Bcpoir Browning was sitting with a table between himself and the prisoner. At this most opportune moment Thurmond sprang to his feet, and made a bolt for the wlndowTfalling to the ground withotfl taking time to ralre the aash higher. Bui Browning waa loo quick for him, and succeed ed in catching Tharmood’a coat aa hejrat » « til twenty T»et dUtaut the first shot was fired, which narrowly mhned the flering man. as the ball was aiterwards found Imbedded in a post. ’*eanta. . him away. Th« latter then - * - - directly at Joe. _:„Vj would . was the retort* as fired, and there is little doubt bat ball took effect. A parting, as turn, no «c1 .i». mm.; bU pUtol lorn* opon faUed to overtake them. alUwugk ,h« came •*-ht of the pair at oua llme. No bUme can iched to the court officers* as it was one of * «that was entirely unfore- m ad voided. little K a concocted scheme, *—* a for the unfortunate and Bosp Grtoae.” “You will soon do it.** mused the old : geullemen* as a soft light played about hi-* oyei; “you will soon bo there, Christopher. Thero aro a great many of you scattered through tho country; you blossom at eve r y rural cros-ing, my boy. You will scon pcea on a contrivance Uko a hay-ruke with tho teeth out; you will round your shoulders to give an a^tvstio outline to a spotted shirt with ba?gy sleeves aud a ballooyy back, and as you sit on your vehicle by a pomp yon will look pensively out from under a cap-peak built like the bill of a sugar scoop and as you tilt your cigar i »h to the Igv*I of your left eye, and keep silently fanning the tail of your animal with a twu-foot whip, yon will lose yourself iuths enchant ment of turf reverie. Tho bystanders may never know that you cannot riistiuguMi the points of a maro fretn those of a mer maid, Christopher; but tin long ns yoa are oblivious to this knowledge I see no rea son why you should not enjoy yo ir sooth ing -“flections.” “Don't blow bo, sir,” said Cnristopber, “I mo-fu don’t blow me up so.” “I am not fatigued, ana I nm not charg. ed with dynamite, Christopher,” said Mr. Gandy, with a pleasnnt expression of coun tenance; “bul some! *w or rtner,” lie sweet ly added, “I cannot disassociate your fa- tnro appearance froi i that of an infernal machine, lha ipsa r il clockwork of your ghastly ekelotoahaunts mein inticipution. Tho m-iancho!y ribs •. i those clew-revolv ing, weird wheels, Christopher, ns they scrawl a wretched reoord of U:il2 1-16 { .the too weight* dungi ng like jortious of evil viscera, while you, now doubling yourself over ono thill, now folding yoi.rself ovar the other, (or vugtre criticism either ol tho road or tile horse's feet, will term the dia bolic pendulum which keep* the eng*no running. Ah,” continued Mr. Gandy;, as ho tenderly deposited Ins right hund in H? waiatoo&t towaids tlio left of his client, end glanced lovingly nt Christopher, “it you cau explain the rpusins winch keep some men bowing low to the right and let? hoofs of their plug! you will clear up a mystery. It i« ftktr f 1 imagine, from the direction those antics take, not to attribute thorn to salutations to the public, and they arc too general to arise froai colio.” “Sir,” tnid Christopher, growing pslu r.nd 'rcmulous, “you draw n charming pic ture. 1 hope It docs not tire you." “By no menus, Christopher. I was about to observe that when you have your flyer shod you may derive some satisfac tion from digging your toes into the floor of tho shop and sitting on your hcols, close to the hoof oporated *>u. ’Tho p^ci* lion enables you to fix a glaser and ana lytical stare on tho efforts of the smith. This demeanor will illustrate jour anxiety about the priceless creaturo, und proclaim the profundity of your veterinary loro. 1 have often seen this work well.” “ByJupiter! air,’ exclaimed Christo pher, os he shook about on his toes, “you i becoming exasperating.” Yon seem to bn very much bleached, Christopher,” said his father ; “let me en treat you to be careful. Do you know I sincerely hope that there liuimoi»»« rnc* unguents and oils .and moJic.ia.cnts gen- era'ly which are inseparable from a cer tain grade of animal*, will hr.vo no evil ef feet* on yoa ? I shudder as I think of jot embahniuu your young life in a constnnt aroma of brimstone and bluestono aud old soap and organum and aniso and worm wood and vinegar.” “Sir, I cannot stand this,” squeaked Christopher, as ho feebly waved his hands. “ilyson.” said Mr. Gandy iu the tones of a silver flute, and which flowed as en«l- na butter over tho brocst ol a roasted ?e, “I shall not forget you; you will not effaced, Christophur; 1 shall In) wholly iudillurenl t of my flesh and blood. But when thd crisis arrives, Christopher—when I he time has gone for yoa to acquire n profession, nud yon are incapable of proper busine*.* im pressions, whou your ateed has^ynsed to iho crav ng maws of hungry cuts, aud you find you don't know enough to drive a hack; if you will then report at tbo homo of your youth, you will sco that you have lingered in parental rat mory. A tray will await your cull, Cbrintoiihor, n trsy with two stools aud h few thick stub by tumblers with air hubbies in thoir sides; my grocer will furnish you wi'h a limited number of lemons, an ad*qaa".e quantity of sugar, and a t>a?er of cochinonl. You will then be enabled to distto.e of rtd lem onade at t minor races. Before Christopher could poll himself together for a reply, Mr. Gandy had taken off his hat—had smiled serenely at tbo makor'H name iu the crown of it, uud had feelingly Mowed away hi« Imudkerchioi in it; then, under tho rays of n calm bo:w\o- lenoe, lw meekly glided away inlo the dis tance, as though he wore a pious trustee of an orphan u«j lam, convoying down pres ents lor the children. Ludden & Eatet' Grand jdidiaamer (loiisc Oat Sale of Pianos and Or- earn. Tbo-e who aro thinking of buying Pit- nos and Orgnns willdo well to take udvt n- tagvof (ho grand MLtsauiiaor Cl-Ming Out Ka'.euuuouucel in oar advertising cvlunma by Ludden Kates' Southern Mosio Uou«o, Savunush, Ga. This, as is generally known, la the lead ing Mosio House of Die South. Their busi ness to co-exte a si vo with tho Stages of the Union, for they luve niao largo Branch Houneo iu the South, aud also a House in Hew York city, which supplies the trade of territory more nooc-sdblo to that market. There sre two things which muv bo **id of Ludden & Hates—vre should soy three— which ere essentials la any groat business. Ouo to, that you have iu tiffs Souther:i Music lloosu cverytiug anyone need in the way of Musical Instruments, and tha-o In struments arc of tho best and highest priced tusLnfncture, such as the CUicker* ing Piano, Mason A Uamliu Organ, and so on, or of a good, but medium priced class. A second feature of the house is that its unlimited capital and fasilittoa ren der it able to sell at tho lowest possible rices to be obtained in the market. mistake about tho Jnnt M .i2.i7sic.l!l •« Jttlf —12 | December.,.H.4.Vu. “ “ azMlASli J«nu«ury Ufiba, cti% .) February ...ii.74«n 78 - -.-..eOffiU.Cl ( lfru;i.*8 NEW JORK, June 7.-—Cotton flrrn; hUia.*i?; middling uplands U S-M; middling Orlesiu ' ;W» Consolidated not receipts 2.2I7; export •r* .it Britain —; to continent IBM. 'AI.VEBTON. Jane 7.-Cotton quiet; mid- 11^,; low middling ll?i; trood unlinsrr 11; net reewpu 2-4*1; gross —; at its —; stock in “--7 ..NORFOLK. June 7,-Cotton firm: mlddllnR receipts ICS;gro** :firics 08;stock BALTIMOItE, June 7.-Cotton steady; mid- dling 12%; low middling pood ordinary receipts 2; gross VM; Aiics COO; stock ..BOSTON, June 7.—Cotton quiet; middling low mbldllng 12: good ordinary Uh" uct^rooolpta 60j; gioii 7.'i; siUai uoue; slock WILM/NdTON, Juno 7.—Cotton steady; mid- dlinjr y);: low tutddliug 111>18; co*k1 irdia^ry 10 MG; not receipts 2; gross 3; sales none; stock 1..X3 FHfLADELPBLA, Juno 7.—Cotton steady; .lddling 12J-i low ml* - • •* f 11: net receipts dnuers ; stock 11 SAVANNAH, June 7.~rotton quiet; mid- dlir.g 11*4: low middling 11*4; good ot^ina- 1net receipts 25); gross 2a0; sale* KH, stock NEW CULKANS, Juno 7.—Cotton firm; MORI Lie, Juno 7—Ooufu steady; middling llj,; ltiw middling 11%; gnM ordlnsrr 10%; net receipts Ih2- grt>s l e 3; silcjl J,V); gUx-k MKMl’lllS, Juno 7.—Cottott quiet- mid dliug ny t i low middling 11W good ordinary 10K; net receipt': ’.<0 gross W). shlpmenu 172: tales 1100; stock 21,0M) | AtJubBTA. luue 7.—Cotton market ante*.; 1 middling 11%: tow middling 11’,*: goo.! ordla- ■rvlOjf/f; net r«'pi(.tt 2U, glut* ; sales ld>. ■CffAtlLESTO.V. June T.-Ootton ste u!y; mid- ling llj-j. low middling llti.good ordinary 12*4; ■ t rueeipts :K; ".roreJd. sties iM, stocks,210 Semi-Annual Clearing Sale!! It hao been our oustom twice a year to make special sales of surplus stock, propose to begin earlier this season than usual end offer on our Wo argain Counter! A LARGE ASSORTMENT OF SEASONABLE AND DESIRABLE GOODS AT tVE l’UOroSETO ASTONISH TUB oldest inhabitants and cordially invite CASH, CUSTOMERS * focall early and often and bo convinced that J. W. RICE & QO Are tlie Leaders in Low Prices. ^JLacon rierpos, ttibt, IAS- N. Y. Refina.1, in litre#. Li; tubs. 13\L ry firm; finest latent, J9.. r ^; ....... ... .a»ai!y, $S,0). extra # " family, *7.10; bnckwheat, flO.SA bran, per c utry, 10; C demand: fancy, JS.50; clioicc family, St^ISL^xln^ *“ ‘ • *7.10; ‘— 1 krix—Market quiet vrithViBHBHHi Rio, 1.V, prune, 14; good. 13; fair, 12; ordl- ps O. G. Java, &>. Mijcha. 3u. •.kaix and IIay.—Mark.-i very firm. White com, sLl’J; mixed corn. 10f.-in cat load lots 2 to 3 cent-i lev. Ft^.1 otto, 72. Western timothy hay, *!..r»; EanArn hay, Ct^n meal, plain <112; bolted. 51.17. Btcotsu and Ties—Fair dims rid: riock light; 2» bagging, all lute, none; 2 do., none; \*A do. vy.Tlm:: arrow tic*. 51.C5; pieced ties. 51 29. . Mor.A**E.^ and Srarr.—t:»t>a mutmisoi. <7a 50; honey drips. 87: Georgia kyrap, 88 /. uoiiey 'iriji*. il*yrnp, •«. Balt.-Liverpool,«1.105 Virginiat\.280!.SO. Faunv.—Apples, none. Oranges, none, lem ons ;>r.r box, »S 50. Umdon layer ralilnf.tLV*. PU'H.—No. 1 mackerel, hall bbu. . 87.C0. do kits, *1.00: No. 2 do., half bbls.. 16.75; kits, uc.; 3. hiuf barrels. f i.50;klu. COc. ' " " ‘ ' qt— l i white N*. O. whiter; tlOMMhoes W OO —.—.. .i—Ei.*ltr but not quoted lower. Cranutotcd. il; stnnd A, 10’r C, . 7 txtnsr.*?* Golden <\'j, 10*4 N. o. yriU.W(larlfiul9l4 Harowark—Market good. I! . per k*y; mult sboet *7.00. Iron bound hsun , *LKg5 00. Trace chains tiAlWc. per pair Ame? shovelsS'^.^ ?»rdo*cn. Blow boos 6^7u. per th.-'Holman’s plo» .-‘ocks It.78. Axe>-r).tO WO.OO jm.t doicn. CotU.' card* «T..oX Well buckets *4.ii0. Cotton rope ise. pt-r Ih. Swede Iron 8A8>^c. per It; rcliue VAt* ic. per B>. Flow steel 5%c per Nalls 83.68—msc oi 10-p. 1’ow- der $5. l’ j*er keg. Blasting powdtr 9li/j. Lead 8c. per tfc. l>r.»p shot 9X00 per tag. Mi*:rllane<*ra.—< 'and y, lJc. Pickles, pints 81.50, per quarts, |X25. Starch hVf. per to. Cbetse. 15. Sardines, iraportc*!, UK. urdlnot. domertlc. 89.00. Rice, Boll pot ash. tt.75gS.C9; Canned, 9J.25d48.80. llldca— Dry fltn«, w^ll, taltod WJi. Wool-Washed tot&ici unwashed, x<42j: burwt loavv. on- washed burred lViil. Tallow, uK'jd. Wax, 18. Day goods.—Market steady. Rrinta-aUuiaord . oorractUM* of (hreo two poticions. But there U a third atul very important matter. A lwuw may be all that we have ani J, and >et not be iueitin^. There must be relia- jility of character—integrity of dealing. That Ludden A Bates havo thl* essential, heir wide reputation, »s well Immense bus- Inws, readily prurtr. Wt have known them for yeat>, and dealt with them, and ■quarer, wider-awake aud bettor businere changed, men in any particular, we never met. Thto *i.»i>5il.a .... . 20; Western do. rro'fsioa Markets br Tslexrnrb BALTIMORK, Juno 7.-Flour qufet hut firmer, Howard street and Western ill per fine 5J.tjoa4.r-0; craw f 1.780.5.75; family H.vsJ.lvh City mills superfine U8.Ht.75: extra fc.00o7.80; Kio brands 7.25*7.37. Wlu-at—Southern low er; Western lower and dull; Southern red 51-Ur 1-iTT; amber 1.40M.42; No. 1 Maryland -1.41 askwl; No. 2 Western winter re-l»iwjt 1,88*4, Corn—Southern hlghcr.Wcjitoru dull tut steady; Southern white W; yellow «!. Oat* more ac tive and stoaty: 8outh«m 60*62; Western \7htte*" tnixc<l .rfW.*h I’annqrlvanta CCafiJ. I rfi- Ttsious firmer. lU-«n pork 920.25a‘21.U*. Bulk wests, shoulder*and clear if> ride* packed 9 8Y^ and -1X.“7JC Ikicau, ItlCuldcni alo.62!4; dear rib sides tiS.SlK’ I/aias *l\V*X9.W. Lard, refined 12 78. Coffee quiet; Rio (car- cocvi ordinary to fair 8tio'J«, Sugar quiet: A soft 'y/j. Whisky ttcodyat -l/JOaiiJi, Freight* NK\V YORK, June 7 —Coffee dull but istlier csKler; Bin (cargoos) h^alj^; Job iota %>4al0H- SngiW al»r,nt Heady but qutot; fair to good re fining 7 &-K*7!4; retltu-d quiet and steady: atna- danl A l J*»'.»■•*. % M-(lasses quiet and un- clMuged. Klco ktoullly held and demand BHllly held but lighter; domestic fleece .b>.46; Texas 1 i*hf. Fork fully 16o. higher and m active, closing very Mrtag. Bales «.f mc*L .. I at • 1X28 old: f20.1jyj'i.2f» new; July 8 IP *I^(t ....... . 9MOa ninal; long clear c:-!v; a ahu-to l..v .......... .. prime steam spot ii.Ofk cliolco til.75: off grade I sll.50; June ruling at ill.ut 1 .': refined quoted I at ■ 11.74. f!ontineutal freights to Liverpool market stronger. Cotton per slcara 7 fdv V32>i. LOfJiSVILLK. June 7—Frovisions lu good ucutan-1 amt price* * shade higher. Mi- a p«>rk J Bulk inests-sboul Jew 8.75c rib ft CO; clear 112 (X). Ilaat*, sugar cured and lard nud changed. Flour »u*dy and u-icl-.angcJ. drain quiet and stredv. Wheat, No. 2 red winter »1.2toJ.:w. Com. So. itchlld a'. ; Na. 2 mixed I 77 rut*. No. 2 mixed 86*57: mixed .V*54!4. CINCINNATI, Juno 7.-flou r easy; family |8.C.'oukOO; fancy SiUia7.XA Wheat quiet: No. 2 red winter -l^!a!.At sj-ot; «I.I2?4 July. I Com dull, weak and lower. No, 2 mixed 76*1 root; 7654 a*ked Juno- 76J4 -* U *F- fMi* dull and drooping; No 2 mlx»l U. I*ork in gno-iaAre wand at fco.w. Lard steady aud Urn 11.25. Bulk meals monger, shoulder* i short rib 111 to. Whlvkr dull at *1IX iWM tdnatlon aalesof finidied goods. 425 barrel*, on a I**!* of -1.1X Hint* steady; common to fl|ht I’tcklng aud butchers r*.£'Ja I tot. I-OL T XrS, June 7.—Flour Urn arnl un- ilmrge-i. Wheat higher, but little doing, ex cept tor July; No. 2 rod fail fl.xtat.xiV4 «wb; 11.25*4 June: 1.06|dJa)y* OUra higher for ca*h at 7la7'i5-4 cash; 74 ^fune; 72% July. Oats hfRtter at STn. 1 .:!; ct-.hpVflJ Juuv; *>K July. Whisky steady at Mi. lv»rk strong at -»).U) l»id cash and June: Job lot* -20.25. ihitk meaU iilghi-r;sto,uId«;Mto 7-V. stout rib ->11.50; short cl Mr f11 te Khvl Lord firm at yti nu. m W. McKAY, Principal. AFirst-CiPj, lnititnt* for Practical Eoiineu Instruction, Book- koepinu, Etc; Endorsed ly (lie l.tadiag Badaesa lire. Students Can'Entcr at any Time. •STirrular* sent free. For Breakfast! 0H0G0LAT MENLIR. Sold ISvcrirwiiere. PARIS AND LONDON. NewYorkDepgt2Q6 Greenwich St ThoVTarMt aatl Uvxt MHIcIm Stor Xaife. A*!ol m unation of Heps, Buohu, Ifinn* rirnklosaJ Dandetton t wiUiaiitiH»»w*taad \ uratit* iirojiertks of sit ctbw PUtocs, ■ Blooa Purifier, Liver < r, aud IJf• auJ IltaltU ilMtonug C323ri3SSaS sarth. inpovUEly teng tibl whersltop . varioU and ;-orl«t a. • tu«ir THE FOSS & PEVEY COTTON'CARD ! JOHN M. PEVEY, Proprietor, Lowell, Mass. _ K7*Heferencfi: J. F. HANSON, Agent Bibb Manufacturing Company, Macon, maVii * ’ WHITE Ac MULDER, Corner Broad and Huntor 8treoti, Atlanta, 0, irgia. Is strong lacgQfttffti but it is based pertoualknowlodgs as well as the * Uon of tha house. What they say oau be dwpsoaod upon, and when they a Grand Mi-Uum* mer Closing Out Sale, it moons last tbat and nothing less. Write them for cata logue* aud full information, and it will be to yoar direct advantage.—HVeWy Mail, Atlanta, Oa. LOCAL UV*9*KO** DENTISTRY—DR-X B. BARFIELD. ho. 80 Mulberry street, Macon, Georgia ■jffic.; hour*—8 a. m. to 6p.m. aogSUtf DR. D. 8. WBlOBT, DENTIST. ajrC-’2awly. OAos—114 Seoond st. 1 J. P. A W. h. HOLMES, DEMISTS. Oflkt—Opposite Lanier House. 1U2 Mulberry street, Macon, Ga. maylCd&wly PINAKCIAL. HTOCU5 AND BONDS IN MACON. (MisascncD win n LOCKEl’I A BOND. BROKERS. kiACON. June 7 I’M. Jsonria« per cent. iKtod*, due lNrt-HO «Ul Osorgia < per cent, tff.nds, told) " ...W »ur: Georgia 7 per c«tr. bend* (mortaage HO pill "eonpa 7 per vmtu bond* P IUI , MI1 quarter coupamr) U«V£Ui Georgia 7 per cent Urn!».due LoA. ut t»t Jft Georgia a per cent totvi- - i:o cjv?t* Nortaeastern ndhoa-l boudiiend’d) 114 ^H« Central R. R. Joint mart, {percent. IU Milt GSHgia railroad 6 per- "* *“ IL R. of A]*.. K B. of Ala., IfebOai * M S£ > lndVd br a and A. W. R.R 1» OICC Attautic and Gnu railroad. coosoU- IS SU5 H?SSISuTuiSSr«c::iS! 2™ Cl I .c AGO. Juno 7.—Flour tteady and un- changed. Wheat ortlvu. firm aud higher at •1.WJ&II.31 cash; 1.81 June; No. 3 thik-ago H.lOJ%al.l.t; regular or No. 2 wheat — r ..Y9X July. f^,rn active but a shmle werat 7Ua*t>f ^Mh; ToJuue. Oat* dot), weak and lower at to cash; 4‘J'A June. Pork active, firm and higher at 19.ftoal9.90 cash and June; *rj.'Jft*19.’J7»{ July. lAn\ mwlcrately active and higher at *-11.82^*11.88 cash and June. Bulk meat* In fair demand; shoulders _».»>; short rib «U^0f rhort Clear flt.78. • Whis ky quiet and unchanged. Nava] 8terra WILMINGTON, Juno 7.—hpults turpentine firm at 42>4. K.*tn firm at for strained: ••l.W for gooditnaaed. Tar firm at «l C>. Corn steady; prime *whlto'/J; mixed KL CHARLESTON. Juno 7.—Spirits terpentine firmer, with soles at 42c. Korin quiet and steady at 11.60*1.70 tor strained and good GENERAL AGENTS FOB THE SVlitcheU Wagon North and South Carolina G oor (flu. Alabama and Florida. Tbo attention o* dealers ts called to the toot that we are prepared to shin at short no- * ‘ '*■ * “ ‘ 1 * “ ‘ ipeotal .pi ‘ .BLE TRi ,5\’l1IMI5ft. TVm't nnmhM. nniil ton mnfsr o illustrated Catalogue. and circulars. Also dealer* in C. AO. GOOPKB'rf I’LAIN PoBTAl AND STATIONARY ENGINES. Don’t purohve until yoa confer with us. Bond for il Inn!rat*.I i’mtt Inonu UMuCCd&Wilin Hardware. VVCW v_> . duUo JcliwodeeJriy. i. 't- CAKRIAGK and WAGON MATERIAL, )ofNE^CUiOt!' - niiAiw | r..-.M-.~ bnCmn-i, c: —CELS10 r QKAIN CIIADLES, CCTtEBV, BELTING, TINWABE, IKOX.STEEI,, Sporting Goods snU Fublng Tjck’.o. Parker Brccch-LoaJipg Guns, Lifter (old) action In stock—top snsp lut or August. •Ageuts for Buffalo U. S. Standard Scales. PIAN0S&ORGANS CLOSING OUT SfLEI g TEf THE BEST IN THE jgj-ViJV k rusos und Organs aft Reelt 1 ftoUi-m «ual< Itutes, uttu £s*y Ttriiu tor Payment. LEADIHC. TEA - on- it .in ir;ci. in Me s;ir ■ MILL & FACTORY SUP OF ALL KINDS. BELTING, I and PACKING, OILS, PUMPS i KINDS, IKON PIPE, FtTTl CRASS GOODS, STEAM GAl) ENGINE GOVERNORS, Ac. Sen Price-list. W.H. DILLINGHAM A CtL •521 Main Street, LOUiSVILLE. XT. BUY NOW AND PAY WHEN COTTON COMES JN. S JESSE JAMES ■ Cwmplafa life of jtaltl ™ _ J men. Ulest lufcrmatioo at «-nt BlnsorJ^vw*. f artfStit-v If 'ii. rutty IlliHfirwtcd. Ontm I Party Prut*. T«ruie Very IT NFB EOEDENTED ATTflAOTION! Over hall' a million distributed I, Ut u rnK.lL. of AU., 2d mortgage! 1 « and Girard Milraa.1, tnu tt-> L sgeg’ifftgiav^fgti. Qfty of Augusta ft peacanL bonds.. >sefliwser*m railrudfi slock. untral railroad stock, ex-dlv Central railroad scrip, ndhu. sxs5E5sttz~ OOXXSXCIAL. r» atot Lift Sftlto h. NEVER PAILS. ^RVlUl The ml, knows ,p«Uo Bnowt, toe Epl Icptle lit*. SAMARITAN NERVINE runes Epileptic Pits, Spasms. Convulsions, El. \ tins Dance. Vertigo, Hysterics, Insanity, Apo- pVsxTt Paralysis, Rhstunatlsm. Neuralgia, and all Nerrpa* Dissares. This tnfalilbJ* remedy will povitirely eradicate every snedee of Her- voae Derugement, and drive them sway from whence they uwu, never to relurn again. It utterly dejtroye the certus of d!*ea*e by neutral. Ixfng ibe hereditary ulnt cr**- aud thoroughly eradicate# My deriruya the esare. SAMARITAN NERVINE Cures Female Weakness. General Deblit J, Lea* contoM* or Whites, J’alnfnl Menstrual loo, I'lceratlon of the Uteru*. internal Ueat, Gravel, loti am matlon of the Bladder, Irritability of the Bladder. For Wakefultte** at night, there to no butter remedy. During the change of Ufa no Female should be without It. It qalvts the Ner- voua System, aud glTcs rest, ooiufort, and nature'* •neat sleep. SAMARITAN NERVINE Cure* AlcoholUm, Drunkennees and tbe habit of Opium Eating. TU«*» degrading habits are by * - ‘be wont evil# that have ever befallen safer- „ hoBUntty. Tboassnds dl* annually from there noxious drug*. Tbe drunkard drinks liquor not bcf.ABM he likes It, bat foe the pleas* are of drinking and treating his friends, little thinking ttou no le oa tls read to rein. like the Opium Bater, be first are* the dreg la email quantities os a harmless antidote. Tbe northing lufineuce of the drag lakes strong hold ppoa It* victim, leading him on to hi* own deduction. Th* babils of Opium Eating and Liquor Drink ing are predvefy what feting to to alltneativw- ne**, as over-eating firet tndamea tbe atomach, which redoubles lu cravings uatU t» paralyse* both the stomach and appetite, tho every drink ef liquor Of dose of oplam. In*Mad of sattrfytng, only arid* to IU fiercu fires, antil It Comiomi the vital force sod then ItseiA like the gtostoa- ou* tape-worm, Ucries “Give, give, give I" baft never eaoagh until its own rapacity derears itself. Kauuuitsn K^rvtne give* instant rettsf In all aocb ease*. It prodnere sleep, quirt* the rr«*. totlklv up tbe nervoas syvtcni, and re orv« body nt.Tu.lnd to a ncabby coadtotoa. SAMARITAN NERVINE Cure* Nrrroas Pf»pcp«ls. Palpitation of th* Heart. Asthma, UruocuHlv, drrofula. fiyphUt*. diwasei of the Kidneys sad all dtaesse* of the re Organs. Nervous DcMlUy. '‘owed by dlKXMftonv of youth, penpanectlv cored i u«« ,.f Utlm luralnahie remedy. To yon, , middle and old mem, who ore cover- million dietribu ted LoiijUsaStato lotteiv Ccmpanv. IotW[Or«i»d to 1808 tor il juraby IL, J^lfwlature for Effucatiocul uud Clmrito ble pnrp<Kce—with a cnpitul of 11.000,OCO -do which a reserve fund of over (£60,000 ba* since been added. By an overwhoiiuing popular voto its f ranchise ms rr.ede a part of the present State Constitatfon adopted Dsoetnbor 2d, A. D« 1S7U. , ITS OBANDBIKOLEXUMBEB Draw- leg* will take place monthly. It never sjurtriffir- 1x01 " lh * ,oUow - GilANDPIKJMXKADK OONOSBT, during which will take place tie 145th Cir*ut! Nanfthlj _ . and inn Extraordinary Semi-Annual Drawing At Nuw Ofcuuxa, Touisat, JcmbIS, lbrci, Under tbo personal supervision aud man- agrment of Oen. O. T. BEAUUEOARD, of Ixuisinna, aud Gen. JUBAL A. EARLY, of Virginia. CAPITAL PRIZE, 8100,000 tSTh’ouca.—Tickets are Ten Dollars only 1 Capital 1-ruoof atW',000....|100,000 1 Grand l-riaa of /«J,uOO.... tOjOXt 1 Grand 1’iiza ol to,QUO.... 30000 2 herge ViIsm ot 10,000.... 10,000 i Large Friaa, ot a,000.... MflCO 20Priiaao1 1.000.... spn » " MO.... UfiOO " auo.... ao^no “ wo.... 40.0UO 10. .. 100,QUO Bibb Cosstv Poitponei Sh»rifl Bala. Iwa I of salu. I foltewlL- , „ „ of Und known a* part of the original 00 acres on the map of lubb county os M No. 8, sltuat- vd in the Vlitcvillo dlatrict uf said comity, front- ing 175 hit mi the Forsyth road amt ruunlng liack 375 fii-t to the proi«rty of J K Jones, con taining IS acres, adjoining an alley on tho ~ “* of the property of Holmes and Thousand* of musical fnruiHea through- ont tho Sotith aro intending to purchaso Pianos and Organs iu tho fall, vhon cot ton com oa in. >Vhy wait! Buy at onee, and eulivc-u tbo long, hot sumo.or months with music, and make the “Harvost Homo” still moro joyful. The summer find* us with a tromendoufl stock of lastsumeuta nt fiavnnnsh, at our KINK BltANGJI HOU8K8,atour ooutillers Agencies, nml with os many more to arrive before Octo ber 1st, wlffo wo are under contract to take. Wo cannot carry this immense s’oek until fall. It must be sold. It will be. Gash bnyers will wnut many instruments. In stallment buyers will take more, and ibore who at this time of th* year cannot oon- venisutlv meet our Installment payment*, am gladly IWrnaled. tDHHllkK A JttcMAEiXUvi ^Practical Life. IMfJ ‘ l'.»T«nHV«*!,c„J.C.McCUIlUy* Cheapest BIBLES^ saaseL itasfe Ctttw. lhik.u Hr Tikcnvfa. POWMB U Absolutely Pure. future*-^L' plonda, low widdUug rUtre, Inn* ; Jane and July * 484IM 4l*u Jalv an.I msaa&yg&Ksgi?% U V r.Hr-JOL—l« M —Amcrimu uta li- finn- 10U0Q « maozmATrox mum. 100 Approximnftiun l'ruca . flOyOOO 100 “ “ Ilk)., lojono 100 ” ” 75.. 7/00 22^?J Prices, araounting to $KI2,M0 Gen. G. T. Beauregard, of Ial, ) GommU- Geo, Jubal A. Early, ot Va. f slonert. Application for rates to clubs should only be made to the office of the Company in NewOrtcane. For information apply to ALA. DAUPHIN New Orleans, La. or M. A. DAUPHIN, 1X7 1 a Balls hueot, Chicago,1U., or M. A. DAUPHIN, (VI Seventh SL, Wuhlngton, D. O. The New York office to rwnov*d to Chicago N. B.—Ordrre addressed to New Orleaai Bill receive prompt attention. north of the property of Holmes and other*, known as the ntidmice of Mr* Wire Mcttt-c, levied on a* the property of Win M«4J«*. de- nojcd, to Mllafy a fl fa Innrd from Itibh Km*, rior Court In favor ol K F Ihut va El ire Meriee, admlntoUatrU. 1’rcjK.rty pointed out l.y plain- I tiff. U 8. WESTCOTT. June, liv»2 -fitri*Sheriff. Exooutor'u Sclo T\717.L )>cwdd before the court houre door of >> itlbb county, Oeorgla, on the 1*4 Tuesday in July next, between tie legal hour*of tale th* • I.UW, nuutw;re>] .tin, <lua IR IHSo; rallr.wl dlvidind »j rip, number in July next, between tie legal hour*of tale the Mtowing property, fiHtoMgtoaiiirereii^^H b .ll-l of • 1.00, Central 1286 for * I,too; part due coupon* of Oiscltr of Macon bond* amonminr to fiio.00 and four acres of land rituals in raid county on the weat ride of the publio road Icoillng from Macon to Uluion, Go., adjoining the Wilburn land.* on gfr—Kogers on .the soutn, of |I/iwe on| Will cuaio in under our Midsummer Special Offor. . land of Jamm lu «< n . ... flco Emtth on the wcat, uod of Mr*.WVP the north, and whfoh wa* farmarly bought by John If. D-weof Mr*. Wilburn, end enclosed and ptonted by Uoo. Smith, rolorv«l. Hold an the pnqierty of tlie eriato of JuhmdUgmre^H Lva-cd, tordlvKon u:ao»:g she un or-ii-r of tho C~ur; ..f: ..;»u«i JuVlawlw. U UD. H. U)\ &-BS- (2E0R0IA, HI lib COC NT Y. —Whereas, B F Pert ha« In proper form nppilvd for lcttom of edminl-tnuloii under Hectlon 24Sfitti of tho Code of Georgia, on thoeetato of Mr*. Emma hhaw, of Fayette co.intjr. In tha Htote of Ten- ncaeee, deceased, who has an estate In the county of Itibh, In Mid flute of liecrgia. Thl* 1* to cite and adtmxilih all persona con- cernivl to be and appear at my office at the July tern next of the Court of cxdtnary of raid county, olid show am**. If any they can, why K rinancnt lttur* of luUninUratlmi should not jrrsnterl to *atd E F Beat ou said estate. Witneaiuy official rignataru this 6th day of Jur.c, J HO. - J. A. MtifA SUD. June6-oaw4w.* Ordinary. BIS emit DOIYX OX A PI AS O. f to VASU lion s OX AX OltOAS; Aud (be balance November 1st next, with out ouo cent of interest. Oo interest advance inprice. If balance can’t be paid in tbe fall, longer Umo will be given, with a reasonable Increase of price. Alt tnstre- mantaof every grtdo and prioe included in this sale. Tell your musical friends of it. Write as fur Catalogue*, ‘Fnoe Lists, colors and fall partloalars. This sale closes October I, Ik 2. Early porebsse se cures cash price* and easy terms. Address NATANNAII, OA. Tt» Grtat Rim uf Orgu Depot »f Ik Sonlh =45lh— Pop: tar ItoalbU* Di awing of th* SWITZERLAND «*« ENDORSES • Pennsylvania”' . Pronouncing THE LANCASTER WATC* ‘THE BEST"WATCH MADEJIN AMERICA." WebsterL UNABRIDGED. r paKC5°Co r io»d ' — mrlmpL (Drariy three tbs in any other Dicfy J olreeootoliui *7“ ical Dictionary giving brief ft concerning ow 9700 not Racommeoded by Mote lot .. 38 br SO Collar, i 0. a C. HERIUAM AC0, IWn, H Eibb CountT ShcrilTi Enle. I !. l*o ikdd I>i-fore tbe o.urt Iiom-m- d'**»r in > > the . it> o ( Mai ■.m during the legal to him • .r**to.i-u(i.tti;i»t Tuesday tn July nrxL the /oliorving f*r»jM-rfy i>* wit; 1-art i*f lot No. 1. Ju r-l'iarc at. rituatc-1 in tiiprity ot Moron, »,:i the <*f r«.tti-n avenue nut riranw ►trw.f, frenting 1 to feet '*n Onm :« Mnri and in’* on rotlonttvenue. AlvtliK N-». 12, '.n t.|Uart) Ml, fronUug on Orauge »tr<to fret and running loi k t-. an alley 2£i fret, ral-l i-.t J-.ln* 1-»t No. I, U.-lng <ll\K<d hy r. 1'.’ f.«ot alley, la-vlodon a* tu*j j-p*;-*rty of Jaw re V fitter 1, natiriy a II in iwue-l from Itlbb Hui*ri«.r fonrt In favor «»f fletneiit MctU-rvm v* Jame* Vfitter. iTopurty jxiinud out by plaintiff* attorney. AN* at tbo urn:*- time and place, ona-half ’at re of land rituated on W ln-N.r bill In tho Godfrey d’.-trlrtof Itlbb county, fronting on the old Hoiwt.-u r. a* 1 nml adjoining the Wllkinaon place. levied on a* the pnmert.r of J T It*ewe t*»»«»:«rfya fi la l*auc«l from «**ur.ty f 'ourt <-f IU’.b county in favor of J I.WlNn v»JT ifin •c*. l'ruputy jH;tutc«l out by plaintiff* at torney. Alv> at tl.n nmo ttrno an<l ;-la*T, one gray tune mule about 2 year* old, on* black boree American Composers. X5,?7Sf.UKL°ii™i.Si£373Si , « * year* old. one black bona about 10 yean old, | ne t*ay tnaro mule about y< are old, and a bey to»r*e aUnu 15 yrar» old, aN»fttw.»-hi*rse ftluMic lloolui Uy In tha i.i., «[ .J3H.UU* un FRIDAY JL'.NL Ml, ItXU. Thu. dramiir- occur uiontiU, (bonilj,V iMptod) nn4nr praririou of u ut of «h» Gnml Aauubi, of Xwtocly lhe I'liiu.i HUU»CircaU Court, oo Much XI. nodmd the folloviog duUlou i LV—That th. ComtaoB.wltb DWtribo- tloo Cou)t>any U logaL al-T U AnvUxp ut t<t. N. B^-Tb* oomHu hu new on hsoiJ» huiinun, t ■xiLBuil cnfoUj U of nrlne for tbe JUNE DRAWING. the crewa keep thU a aecret longer, antil U earn rear vita’*, a ad dr*truy* both body and #•*!/if yoa are the* affikted, take Da. Ibcaxoxs'* 8ana»- ir*a Neatisr. It will rertor* yoar shattered nerves, errvrt preotalare decey, iu Impart too# sad energy to the whote flyeua. porition. ZenobiajSi™u Th* subject to a noble and -heroic one, and the scenes are capable of l*eiag mad* moot at tractive. Win Shon be given, Ulan An?!* Cory taking the prinrijal role. Don Muniol.’f'S’^iLSS: f*»uudc*l oo a legend of the Crusades. 46th Psalm Joseph's Bondage,Uliitk Belsnazzar ( ^ s ^ Tm,,aA Are two sacred Cantatas lntro*’.nclnf. the one Fey ptlan. and the other Baby Ionian scenea cento.) By Glow* F. 3T. Picnic ,tL) “r 7 " 0 ** Two Car.Uba which ore moat appropriate to the flower and «vetmion season. Redempiion HymnSJ,*^ D. Passxs, will be toort acceptable to choirs SAMARITAN NERVINE I* for •*!• by dmggteta everywhere, or may be bodnlreet (rata as. These who wtafe to ehtoia farther reldeace ef the caret!?* preperttoe of Baresritaa Net-vine wt 1 plsas* eocloee a t< it j^s rz r JZi£uLjz utzzz slri* of can from p^ooe who fcq-ra ared^iU reetoSttre to i 2& P ^2EI Pk ^ ,S dim* DB. S. A. RICHMOND & CO., 0II7ZR EITSCS ft CO. Bo«t«x 0. B. DCTBOK & CGU M3 BrMdmr V. T. MOORE’S idaotfe Wa. *»J«UtM OU31N£38 UNIVERSITY, ‘ the hast prertkol wa«oni, one b-igiry an.1 hamcr*. 7 p.'ow .b-1 i kU plow gear, und 12 rb*w tools. Uvied 4 aa the property of John W fltubba den-a-td, L_ •atlify tw.- g fot Ueoed from Llbb flupertor (V.itLont In favor ot A) rears John W Btubbe, and th* otter in favor of Barob Dl Whttebtmt, vs John W Btubbe. Property t>o(nted out by plaintiff's attorney. Also at the tame time and place, 406 scree of Und in 'Mxttrty dtrtrkt. known as lou 144 and 1144, bounded on the soucti by Tobcenfkce creek, and on the eart by Unde of Dr. HolL Levied |ii to *atirir the Mate and ('.ninty Uxva -it * fj English for the year 1*1. . ■ Also, at the same time and place, tbe follow-1 Hog to-wlti Pan of bd No 7. In square No 7X,1 fr.cling M feet on ffine aueet and rwgtoJ * - *o the alley between Fourth and L._.... tn city of Mac-,n. Unri ou to satiriy the ttuteand county taxes for 1*1 due by O. fl.l Herkrl, egeat tor Un. K fl. lleckwl. I Ateoattbeeaias tine and place the follow ing, to-wii: Part of lot Now X, in square No. «fi,l jfruatlog on Bond meet, comer of alter ‘ I tween hnol aud Walnut rtreet*. in city of con. on Corelte/y the State end Col . taxes for !*d, due bv Hn, Ida L dlls- Also at tbe taut time zu«l place tbe f )l!ow| ling,to-wtt; rartof lot No. 1A nottkwastr*nx» (routing SI feel on toll-we street, VA feet deep! in city of Macon. Levied on Ut satisfy the Htate and County texe* for IM, due by t.haa T Holmes, tmrtea. AU..*t the same time end place the follow-1 log. »>wU: Part of lot No. 14. uorthwert range. If. 110 fret on tlie eart tideoUkfltege rtrssC In etly o< ssacou. Levied w%> *attofy the flute etui County laxe* for 1 wt. due by L ri*l. *amtSm was TALC HlEAK! SIBLEY Si Will mall FitKK their C»l locue for IBS*, contain lux full descriptive Fric' - Lm Flower, Ffekl and (isnlen SEED Dnlbe, Ornamental C)ranee, nnd Irnmi.rtrtloa, niadlwlna. Li lire, Itasc*. l*Iaa!«, tiordea luipli meiita. HeantlfiiHylriae. ftratrtl. O ver 2 OOpagaa. Adftmf ROCHESTER,H.Y. « CHICf ; ),ll 17»-i83 tut NO St 200-*C1 M COTTON Cl MUT! r tho list IPrut I Prire I Prise. 10 Prize* $1,000 each. 20 Prises COO each. ICO Pries* ICO each 200 Prise# CO each COO Prise* 20 each I/jOO Prise# 10 eaeli 0 Prise* SCO each, te'rox prises B Prise* 200 each oo do • Prises 100 each do do TjuBrotnGJlLnEhOc.. Hew l /•rod r. Drawn, PrmfU JCeftJ. T. J L98> Friaa. _ «IU.L WhoU Tlckd., *5. !U1«, tl. 27 TU**U,tai is Ticket#, Barnlt Uoo«t or Bank Draft m Latte or Mod br Eiprmi. DON’THBND Ft REoumtHBDUrntB or fost^)/- FiCK ORDER. Onl«»o/$4i®d opword, by Eipnao, can tw aant at oar tiftow. Address all orders to IL M. BOA&DMAN, Coarier-Joamal, I-oulsville, K tJTX> r - Prc*r Glaatavt Arse tMjau CLauasy other tw» lmkhi«M Ini.^.DnnilfMi IMS to MW •< Uw fl JtrhrtOsri Ootamhoa 0*& O* peed mMWbL*h3»?r.t cf tbe ktodtatbav rtwyheghateurinpaliraMl Price List of CISC, r«et!tn ts-l Ctrl PE1Y & CO.’S l@k@S Pasts. o PHJTi HNBf Cl’h' .. s- : • it-Cu . :