Newspaper Page Text
MACON, FHIDAY. JUN^E 16, 1862.
"Look not long on the toe of the deed:
Leave the l‘a«t in the Past," they wild.
"Die sonic grave (or the old <icsj«alr.
Bury ft to out of tight and round;
The yeort bring nothing but sorrow end
Bury the tot ere the lint comet round.
Or the burden will grow too great to bear."
I aeld not yea, end I said not nay,
But I went when they carried the corpse away;
1 flung to the wind the flowers that were
I covered their places with new turned mold;
I watched and watered the empty bed
Thro’ the dork end the dearth aud the biting
But, lo! no otlien came up Instead.
I locked the door on tho unused stair,
I broke la pieces the vacant chair,
I looked not back as the days went by;
I let tho grass grow over the Past
I could not smile, and I would not sigh—
1 thought tnat I should forget at last;
1 would not believe that I wisbod to dio.
Till, behold! #ne day I awoke to And
That the whole of my life was left behind,
That 1 walked aloue in a world of air,
A world of all sound and speech bereft,
The Past may hold but a song of desiwlr,
Bnt take it away, and there's nothing left.
Only the silence everywhere.
I wandered buck to tho jlcvflate place;
X looked again In the dear dead face.
V counted the sorrows the years bod sown;
l«««d them and gathered them Into my
And I felt they wore mine, ny all, my owi
That I and nly r**t could never part.
Flesh of my flesh, and bone of my Lone.
U sound has been brokon for the Rome
cotton factory.
Tint Roman polico shoot" at dogs and
miss them. They ought to catch 'em asleep
and fako rest when they fire.
Chan Jones la mad. Ho takes the article
in yesterday’s Macon Teleouifu headed
“Tho Georgia Liar” as a personal attack of
the editors of thaymporon himself.—Sews
and Adtertiner. There must be some mis
take about (his. Chan's most earnest ad
mirers are to be found in tho editorial
sanctum of thu paper.
Aldaxt Scios and Advertiser: We hoar
that a young man, James Poser, by name,
whose home is near Warwick, in Worth
county, was plowing in a field .when the
Henry County Weekly: Tho fruit crop of
Henry county this year will be worth $10,-
000. Provisions are thirty-three per cent.
higher now than they wars twelve months
ago. Hon. A. O. Bacon would have many
warm supporters in this oouuty for gover-
Tne Early County Sewe records the mar-
..ago of Uiu Willie WombletoMr. A. J.
Holland. We take great pleasure in record
ing enterprises of this character. Maoh
joy to the happy couple.
Toe Mirror and Advertiser reports that
‘Rev. 8. K. Bassett’s oat crop averaged
fifty-four bushels per acre.” e know Mr.
Basaett to be a clever gentleman aud a
most exoellent farmer.
Tin timely discovery of fire on the roof
of a houso in Fort Valley eared a general
Two of oar young friends, who have not
been married very long, say they htvo
found out that it is best to stir around
pretty lively when their wives ppeak to
ihem.^Hinesville Gazette. Certainly it is.
Bat it is better still for thorn to stir around
lively without hating to be ppoken to.
Wlu-.t is a married man for, if not tor stir-
ring around lively ?
Miss Nakkiu Mofua, of Lattrange, has
become Mis. Dr. Frank M. Ridley. Tho
bride is tho granddaughter of Judge H.
C. Ferrell. Che Telbouapu mid
ocb sends congratulation*. Happy mar
riages and Democratic sucoomos will save
any oountry under the son.
Am moot Jlecordcr: Tho -Atlanta I’o*t-
Appeal says Georgia cannot aftord to nave
a partisan governor. Is thcro any more
reason why Georgia should not have a par
tisan Democratic governor than that Mas
sachusetts should not have a partisan Re
publican governor? Will tho P.-A. please
point ns to a Stata which has not got u par
tisan governor. A man elected by a party
is necessarily a partisan, bnt it does not
necessarily follow that because ho la a par
tisan ho is not a patriot and will use his
beat endeavors to advance the beet inter*
eats of tho State.
Except in tho eighth district, tho Demo
cratic executive oommittoe» are moving
with great promptness. Why should the
eighth district be an exception to tho rule
of prompt action?
rike County Seas: Gunpowder and ker
osene oil, ns suggested by the News a few
weeks ago, has proven to be a good remedy
for suako bites. A little child of Mr. Harry
Cooper, of this oouuty, was bitten, som«
time since, on the^oot by a snake known
os the ground rattier. Tho remedy was
bound to the wound, and it did not even
swell after thu application.
Tho Amount of Destruction One Can
Can Deal Out.
I don't know what on earth induced me
to do it, but I confess that next to getting
left once os a mute trade, I came nearer
acting the pnre aud cussed fool on this oc
casion. No, I don't know, and don't sup
pose I ever will know, why I allowed rny-
Bulf to »it down* ono day last week and oat
of a joint of enno aud a piece of wood
whittle ont a pop.gun for young Toro.
With all the evidonre in aud the jury dis-
’ charged, I now think I’d be bettor off if I
had given him a Gatling gun og a quart of
dynamite. I don’t know but a ton of
strychnine would have made a much better
S ft. Tho next thing I give him, I’ll get
o world insured ana then climb n tree.
1 really believe, upon my soul, that Tom
can tako anythin?, no matter what, and
raise forty worlds of destruction. It
wouldn't astonish mo a bit that if he bad
n fourth interest in a cemetery h«*d raiae a
riot in fourteen States.
Aud Tom is not what you might call
wicked boy. lie's nono of your rip snort
ing, pistol-la-your-hip-pocket, who-cares*
for-expenses young mon, who run around
at night and raise lteelzebub, becauw he
isn’t old enough. Fact is, he isn't much
larger than a quart of peas, and he is jast
that ago when he’s too young to wear any*
thing bat button-on-the side pant*, and too
old to he spanked. But he’s lightning
when it comes down to devilment.
Auy oilier boy would have taken that
>p.gnn and went oat in the book yard
,_jd shet at the fence. But Tom seems to
have a higher ambition. 1 he first shot bo
made ho broko tho old lady'a cut-glass
toilet set. and the second put a spider-web
crack in tho best mirror, end now when I
want to look and soo if the blossom on my
nose is blooming any rodder, the mirror
cute np my countenance so that it looks
like a trap of a North sea exploration.
About the third cr fourth ihot he atrnck
tho old lady in her best eyft and before she
could reach down for her slipper, he raised
horse took fright and ran away. The youifc
man became entangled in the plow or fix
tures and was killed. ,
Tux following local most contain
grave and solemn truth. We judge so
from its appearance as original in about a.
score of our exchanges: It is cruel to bring Bzcnafvox Democrat: Hon. A. O. Bacon
poor littU chickens to market without old 1* looming up for next governor. Ho is a
tens—yet. lhi« i. done .Tory day. *“
North Georgia Citizen: The wheat crop
in Walker is all that the farmers oould ask
—the boat for ten years. Com is growing
off splendidly—a grantee. acreage planted
than ior soverol year.*. Cotton looking
badly—many farmers plowing it up and
putting in com.
Tux Constitution says: “Tha polios
thwarted a burglar who was tryiueto break
into a box cat near the Central depot last
night.’’ “Thwarted” him, did they ? If it
wasn’t Wiley Redding, why didn't they
capture him r That beats thwarting.
Ma. Bixnms, having set himself op In
the Democratic party, has. gone back to
see about Emory Speer and Felton.—
liamesville Gazette. Yea, Mr. Stephens is
trying ths two-horse foat/wut he is too
feeble to make a suooese out of it. even
though wader ths training of the daring
and skillful horse editor of tho Cunztitu-
. Tax Constitution reports that a beauti
ful and aeoomplished young lady of At
lanta contemplates sojourning In China ns
missionary. We ahonld think there wo/
enough material in Fulton county to eu-
B ge a score of missionaries for at loaat n
Wnxx that brand new Maine politician
reaches Atlanta, he will probably goon
Thornton’s staff. Marcellos needs a staff
to support him mid his increasing cares
end responsibilities.
Atlanta Constitution : A prominent bnt
angered Atlantian proposes to soon shake
the dost of the oity from his feet
Enquirer-Sun: Tha dirt *M broken yea.
terday on the site selected for the new cot
ton factory to be erected on the test eor
. mom opposite the orphan asylum. T__
building will bs three stories high, with a
basement, and will be saventy-two feet in
width and 1*> feet in length. Three thou
sand spindles will be operated at the be-
ginning, with a oapacity for ineroesing the
Tux following just end complimentary
allusion to lion. A. O, Bacon is taken
•from the Atlanta correspondence of Ibt
Havannah Neva: As to Speaker Bacon, I
know of no public man in all my long os.
recr as correspondent in Congress and
State legislatures who has displayed such
patient and laborious fidelity to his duties.
For twelve yean be has been in the Geor
gia General Assembly, much of the time as
Speaker of the Hoars, and yet he has been
absent from his poet but two dsya during
ail that time, once on eoooant of his own
illness and again because of the sickness
of hi* wife. In these da)s of Congreseiou.
al and Legislative absenteeism, such a rec
ord should be emblazoned in letters of
gold upon the State's coat of arms, boost
er Baooe deserves all the honors Georgia
can bestow upon a public servant so faith
ful for >ears in one laborious otfioe.
Tax Atlanta Evening Herald, of June
8th, coat Uns n Urge and correct liknue**
of Scuntor Hill. A large number of peo
ple were at the (ftpot in Atlanta ou Thurs
day night, to welcomo home oar great
ben a tor, bnt owing tomtoing railroad con
nection nt Louisville he failed to arrive.
Fxaxx 11akmitt, a respectably connected
young inau has been sentenced, in tho
Chatham Superior Court, to three years in
the penitentiary for Ureeny. John Lanior,
a negro, has bean sentenced, in the same
coart, to lire service in the penitentiary for
Amo* i other attentions paid to Belcher
a* Augn during the row between the
twootvr.» i-xii.leaf mote, naa a Mow on
the hack cf I s Lea 1 with a idub—tdminl.
Urcd by some patriot of tho Wright
tkm. A LiUy goat! t* as uuth basin*)
Pnr.idise as a darky hsr. middling with
K ill tic*. We My this with a view to rzzz-
g the indignation of Corporal Thornl*.*.
Coaroasr. Tnuawrox disclaims having
denied the freedom of the city of, Atlanta
to Larry Gantt. TUa will tetaove a bur
den from the hcatts of the peop'e. Tho
idea ot Corporal Thornton standing nt the
gate of city with a drawn awonl in hit
hand, to exclude a Georgia editor, was ex
ceedingly t Jtrible.
Courntm. Thorn ton, of tho Pest-Appeal,
is now tho only Atlanta agent fer the sale
of owls. The Corporal Iff well up on the
habit* of this bin!, and can discourse you
for bon:* on the subject.
Qeu y. Oourxn, of Sumter cotmtr, has
gone to Annapolis, to enter the naval aoad
eorgia. Uo b&A been Speaker of
the House of Representative* for mary
years, and is considered tho bw»t presiding
uthcor in the State. If the convention to
assemble in Atlanta next July desire to re
ward a man whose political record is with
out blemish, whose personal character Is
above repronch, and whose ability is sec
ond to none, then let them nominate A, 0.
Bacon. He will fill the bill.
Bex Russell advises the boys not to
tear np a yellow-jacket’* nest to soo if
.hey have overslept themsolvse.” Corporal
Thornton will please tako notioo. In this
connection, it is fair to say that Larry
Gant is that sort of a i\pst
Tint Jvtirbridgo Democrat says; l'rof.
Harwell was tried before Judgo Campbell
on a charge ot “cruelty to animals,” found
guilty and fined $3) and ousts.
A belated Htephons' poet drop pud in
eomerattllog political spring poetry in a
recent tone of the Mirror and Advertiser.
The measure was of tho go-as-you-please
It is intimitf>d by the Appeal tlat the
poople of CuUibcrt arc nnwiiiiug to attend
msss meetings in tho court hoass, for fear
of its tumbling down on them.
Ft. Gainem Tribune: A cyclone swept
over a portion of Terrell county, last week,
doing groat damage to fences and crop*.
Ths dwelling of Mr. Jamee Uowoll wss
blown down, bis mother-in-law killed, hi*
wife’s log broken end hi* little son so bad
ly wounded that it is thought he will die.
Tna citizens of Fcrt Gaines are poUtion-
leg their council for an ordinance against
allowing hogs to run at large on the streets.
We know other towns that arc in need of a
similar regulation.
Atlanta propose* to have a big Fourth
of July blowout. All tho people of the
Htnte—at least, those cf them who have
money to spend—will be cordially invited
to attend. Patriotism is such a nice thing.
Mas Cathxms* Wkexn, mother of Mr.
B. W. Wrenn, general passenger and ticket
agent of ths Western and Atlantic rail-
road, is dead.
Mb. W. H. Law, of Atlanta, has had his
emy. The Ws/mMteoii report* the ft
mere of Sumter county m being jubilant
over the wheit and oat crop* and the prom
ising appearance of the young eofu. •
At a largely attended meeting of tue
rltiioii«us ou.nter county, the hwauuah
. and Pacific Short lino railway was epthu-
^bi.-uti-jlly indorsed. Thu meeting vas
presided over by Judge Hawkins.
Col. 1
MR. w. u. A'Aw, oi Auania, na* naa ms
dray stolen. lJct for the dilUealty of mov
ing thuai, stealing houses would be a com
mon thing in Atlanta.
Mu. Hsaar Scorr, an Atlanta job printer,
lias been badly injured by falling plaster.
The Savannah authorities seem to be
waking op to the nece**ity of preserving
(tetter order in that city. It is a good idea.
It would be n pity for so bountiful a city to
become uninhabitable by whito people.
In the brick cemetery case, in Baran
nab, the decree is against the city, which is
saddled with the co»t*.
Tnx Savannah T>me» nominate* Cal. Bo
fas K. lister for Congresiman at largo.
Tho Jimes doesn't seam to know that tho
new •‘Jeflorsonlan’’ coalitionist* have fixed
that matter ap, aud that Lc-tor is tho
man chosen. Vou sec Letter Ind the itu-
pa.denco (!) to bo a candidate for governor
before the las . convention.
“A net that watt.* to sot is supposed to
feel something like the man who wonts to
lecture.*’— Chronicle awl Constitutionalist,
How do heu* manage to “set”? Wu can
underttand how th«*y ait: but how they
"set’’ posset knowledge.
Tue Harr * county Democrat* will clioose
their delegates by primary election bn the
fourth Saturday in June.
Mirror and A lrertittr; We are Hot
tain that Col. Hammond will hare it hi*
own way In the lowar part of the diet:
this year l’.verjr doq ha* hi* day, a
’fumaton.: time ouruOA D«*5. Ton?It
id Last year
_ ng the house of Jake Jom .
J.iro on Wednesday morning.
(ZP,ke County Sen*: A Tennt -.c woman
iTos trained a dog to diink Leer and «Aew
to!>aoco. Now, you sec llmt woman'will
never inarry, Shu lias t»o UfO for a man
around the homo.
UVrfA Star: It is all a mistake to say
that public cfilcers are tho people’s ser-
vants. They are only supposed to bo such.
lliCTe are too many i*oople nowadays
who iiusgine that the weal ot Georgia de
pends on thsir election to office. If
some steps are not (-.ken to abolish worth-
Te** dog^ L) the conr.ty, Lhe - Jtep will have
to g>—and they are going u»t row.
of the frightful death of young Kob-rt
Posey. He geared ap hi* mu « and wa>
going to the field. Tho mole became
frightened, threw him, hi* tot caught in
tlie guar, tho male ran .iw.ij, e: d he w.u
coaiu rcncn uuwu uir ucr ruuimf. uv iiieou
a bead on ths plaoo where she plasters her
bnnz*. This caused her to fall flat, aud
before she oould get up, he poured a volley
of china-berries into the enemy with fear
ful destruction. He then torned his atten
tion to tho baby, aud it only took one square
center shot to send it on a lovel two weeks,
squalling tour. While the old lady was
yelling, and the baby was maklug its liver
pad flop up and down like a trip hammer.
Tom rnadb a bounce for the back yard, and
wi'h v few shots had killod tho last spring
cl»lc v .*n, scattered four cats and put ont
tl»o eye of tho best dog in town.
By tills time the old lady had got he;
brenth, and started oat on tho war-path.
She wo* Just ia prime condition to quarter
Tom ana seatter him to tho four wind*.
But Tom is no fresh water sardine. He
knew what was coming, and he made him
self beautifully scarce. He scampered op
on the kitchen roof like a pquirrel, and
look n seat on the chimney. He had pro*
vided himself With a foil sdpply of chka-
borriea, aud thare be sat as
happy as anybody you ever saw.
and every time the old lady siooi'cd
over to gather a brick, ho took good trim
and she hopped up mad enough to jerk the
cow-catcher off a locomotive. He kept np
the fan until I went homo. 1 found the
old Indy’s tongue worn out. I think she
tried every war possible and impossible,
persuasive and coerqfee, religiously and
profanely, Yespectfully and diabolically,
quietly and forcibly, but Tom held the foiL
Usually I can do nnything with Tom.
When I went ont, I thought all I had to do
was to ray come down: but toems like I
missed my aim about forty feet, lie didn’t
eomo down worth a cent. To tell the
truth, he •truck me on the nose the first
shot. Before I had timo to get my mad
sqanrely up, mother berry enromod on tta
roof of my left eye, and before it bad
chance to glanco off another berry raised
a lump ou the back of my seek big enough
to chop meat on.
I gat Lured a hnlf brick, while tho berries
wero hitting me right and left, and a well
directed ierk of the right arm knocked
Tom five foct in tho air nnd down he exme
to the ground. The old lady made a jump
for him because she was Itching ta give him
a genuine, old-fashioned baiting, and
1 was mad euongh to eat him up, and
we both got to him about the same time.
The result was, I gave him a.jerk, the old
lady gave him a jerk, and between the two
erk* Tom got loose, and while we were
mocking the socks >ut of each other Tom
stood off nt a safe distance aud peppered
After a fearful fight of about ten mln<
ute* wircalled U a draw, and e* we were
both t io tired to give Tom the lieking inch
owed him, we let him off. That night,
while lie was snoozing away in his lUtls
bed, dreaming of kitohen roofs, pop-guns,
angel* end heaven, I stole that pop-gun
•nd carried it two miles next morniug to
tli row it in the river. Peace now reigns in
the Artcr family. Tom Axtcx.
Washington, June 8.—In (be Senate,
Mr. Blair's resolution calling for lofonna-
tlon as to the quantity of lands embraoed
in he land grants to certain railroads,
with tho quantity patehtod in damount* nc-
ng for roads oonstrcled,eto.,waa adopt
ed. The list of roads men Boned,aa further
enlarged or the suggestion of Mr. Blair, is
as follows: Sioux City and SL Paul, St.
Paul and :Paeific, first district, Winona
and St Peter, Cedar Bap ds and Missouri,
Mobile and Girard, P.nsaco’a and Geor
gia, Iowa Falls «~. 1 Sioux City,North Lou
isiana and Texas, Wert Wisconsin, Lake
Superior aud Mississippi, aud Alabama
and Chattanooga.
The Senate, soon after 1 o clock, dis
pensed with the calender and resumed con
sideration of tho District Appropriation
bill. A number of oommittoe amendmeut*
were ruled out on point* of order, aad the
bill wo* finally reported troughs commit
tee. Vote* wore token wWu several
amendments and the oomalttee was at
tained in each instance, and no further
change was made. The bill pawed.
Mr. Hawley reported from the military
oommittoe a joint resolution appropriating
£100,000, or so muoh thereof as may be
needed, to furnish food for people made
destitute by flood* in the State of Missis
sippi. He said planters there had for a
long time been paying flsld hands in ex
pectation of being rimnnerated by ths
oomiog crops, but a uew flood has disap-
pointed these eipeotat'-n!, ud neewi;
Utod this additional pmv-lon. 'in iolnt
resolution pawed. Adjourned.
Oil motion ot Mr. Curtin, ot Pennsylva
nia. a bill was passed iuernaainu to forty
do'lere per month the pension of any per
son who in the late war lost nn arm. leg,
hand or toot, or received disabilities eqonl
thereto. The House then, at HdB, went
into committee of the whole, Mr. Bpdo-
grelLoflowa, inthe chnir, end reeotued
consideration of the general deficiency ap
propriation bill. . „ . ,,
At 8:10 the consideration of tl>a b 11 was
completed, and the oommiticee rose and
Mr. Atherton, who was present, asked
permission to nueatiou tho witness, and
waa allowed to do so. but failed to secure
any admission other than thoeo contained
in Iris direct statement Mr. Pu*-U «<** ex
amined at some leugth as to what Infor
mation he had upon which to base
tho charge* which hsl from
time to time appeared In his
paper. Witness stated that his infor
mation was entirely general and cumula
tive, derived from a great number of
conversations with different people,
from current gossip, from ns«spa per ar
ticles, and from the manner in which a
spedfio matter of legislation had been no
oompUshed. He h*» been inclined to re-
gard the bonded spirits bill from the start tongned repeatedly in the de!
os a job. He had no spec,fie information had inquirtd into It. and had
apart from that in the possession of other “
people. The general run and tenor of pub
lic Ui*cu.v*ion of the matter were the only
means c f information which he possessed.
He was asked why he had, in various ar-
amounts due land grant railroads for army
transportation and for bureaus In the Navy
Department were lost. A motion to etrike
the clause appropriating $112,600 for,
paymontof special deputy m rebate
congressional elections in 1881 and
prior yeans wm lo«L In speaking to Hte
proposition Mr. Cox, of ot New York, said:
“Inasmuch as the men selected for tiiMe
positions at our (lections performed the
work and are not n any sense responsible
for the law under which they acted, and as
the money is their due, we desire to say
that in voting for this proposition wt do
not yiold our well considered judgment as
to the invalidity of the Federal law.’’ lhe
bill then passed—yea* 110, &*)'• £'•
The House Immediately thereafter
into oommittoe of the whole on legis
lative, sxecutivo and judicial appropriation
bill. Ia explaining the bill Mr. Cannon, of
Illinois, said the bill provided for an in
crease of employes in the pention omre
at an expense of 6J ,74^000. but ouUlde of
that item, appropriated only $.20,000 more
than the bill for tho ffpntt year. If this
increase of foroe in the i«nsioa office was
agreed to, daring the next tour years there
would be required #425,000,000 to pay pea
alou*: but it was better to expend tho sur
plus revenue In that manner thhn to have
remain in the treasury, a stendingtemp- or nu C An hone
tatlon to those who ESSV l ost as much bound to tell I
* at the cost of the goyerniuc.i. J he would be if
immlUee then ross, aid ths Uaw^ MLNardhoff *** then svoi
An Unlucky tongrvgntlou,
Uremia Chronicle.
F. very Sunday a clergyman of some itenoml-
nation goes out to tho Maw, prison at Carson
*n<! treat* the prisoner* to a sermon. Yester
day the reverend gentleman who had been
‘ Muc his turn *t the tLcoloffori wheel ac-
it' d sn IniclllguiUoukliif convict in tho
yard with:
••! never see you et divine service r*
“No," answered the prisoner (In lor
snereMfu! sU^-k transaction.) "No, m,
nut here in the yard make* it Impossible for
wu to attend,’’
"Ah, »«rry u» hear it We’ve Just had a very
pleasant timo-eervirea and chotr slnfin* and
everythin? pre< Uely the same as In our cffui
The only (Uffereneu ttlri* qutezicailf) was
the eonsm.’sU'in.”
••yes," returned the convict calmly, "this
congregation has been caught."
li - reverence rum i*r afield and silently
•dmlrui the tenutlca of nature.
When the town of taker Valley. Kcvsda.
sent one of the boys* up into Ncl
lbiroapn * ^ ‘ *
il Lo asked
d biro ft preacher, he had hi* Instructons,
slnners-rlght from tlie slmul-
n modestly rcpUed that
dragged t >
on a boom in btkur. Cote
ceil, being damaged by
and coot night*. 1 its liqc
l know, r
-a. I ns Low if ;
t-tx* tje &*>) a year, l»ut If y<
who sqtiarenoffat asivate.
A a claim In hearen til steked off an'"
•‘r.2 down, they'd mskv (t etg r
r.d ihn.vr in Oic rent of a cabin,
o’ tm-IncMi with os, yon see.
to get bold o’ some one who c
nd out preach that fellow at lw
lavetogoup tr - -
:i him a mute a
ouwmd a rear
When roar wife’s healtn is bad, when
your children are sickly, when you ' ‘‘
www out, u*o Brown’s Iron Bitter*.
Ttie Prwe*4e>tt*e Veto.
Preektekt Anhr.? may :tiolUn»J
,i'!, b*»t, t.o /iri the ls^L«Ulive branch
»nr givvernineut are folly r^reed
neriUof NeoraU’ine—for it always edre*
as unfinished business the Japanese in
demnity fund bill. Doring the debate Mr.
Morgan, !u charge of the bill, oonstroed
an inquiry by Mr. Cockrell as au insiuna-
t on that he was interested in securing the
payment of tho money to Japan through
the hands of third parties. He said that
those to whom his character was known
understood perfectly well he is norths
pimp of any lobby, nor did be allow ’ritoby-
fata to come and whisper in his ear calum
nies against bis colleagues. He would
utve regarded the inquiry as an insult had
he not known that the Senator who pro
pounded it was indulging a suspicion that
was unworthy of him. Mr. Morgan then
explained that this suspicion hod been
" ‘ ‘ ” “ debate; that be
, jui even gone to
the Japanese minister to find whether
there were any grounds for it, and was
no was rsk«u wny no ur.u, jn various ar
ticles in the Critic, mentioned the names
of Gsn. Boynton, Mr. Ncrdhoff, Major Car-
son and ether* aa influential journalists
who were under suspicion of being oor-
raptlr influenced. Toe witness did not re
member having ever mentioned the name
•it Gen. Boynton. He had alluded to the
others in a spirit of chaff. He had treated
the charge that influential journalists hod
been bribed as a farce. He had spoken of
it in his paper aa a joke—at least that was
his intention. He might be a poor j< *
but that was the beet he oould do.
The witness was asked: “Can you give
any Information going to ahow that any
Congressman or Seuator or any journalist
ever received or wax ever offered any eon
s’deration whatever ia connect ion with this
bill?” Auswer-“No, air: I have no infor
mation whatever—onl» suspicion. Much
of it Is based on the fact that I never before
knew a bill involving $00,000,OX) between
individuals and ths government to be
passed through the House under a suspen
sion of tho rule*. I thought that was a
pretty t>la>n indication that the beneficia
ries ot ths bill did not oourt inquiry or dte-
Senator Hawley cross-examined Basil
closely, but failed to gain any more'exact
informition as to the foundation for
Buell's articles, and the examination took
the form of a discussion upon journalistic
ethics, in which it appMrea that Mr Haw-
rjjjoKktt brwk'tB the Hornet Mojjwi <ofrom n th?*on h .* l wUch
he charge l that they were those who had
determined that none ot the money should
be paid to Japan unleu they had a hand
in it, and unices riders were put on the
Mr. Cockrell d'oclaimed having imputed
any impropriety to Mr. Morgan, and ex
pressed thnt that Senator rhonld
beoome so exceedingly sensitive when ask
ed a legitimate and pertinent question.
He expl&inoJ that hu inquiry had been
based uikto a statement, mane to him by a
reputable gentleman, that an attorney in
Washington had been employed by Japan
to represent that government in connec
tion with this legislation. He did not com
plain of this, bnt, if a reputable gentleman
bad been employed, was disposed to regard
the bill more favorably on that acconnU
Mr. Morgan said the charged' affaires ot
the Japanese government was the only
representative oi that government oi whom
he had knowledge in the prem'se*.
Mr. Sherman thought that whether at-
torneya were employed or not wu entirely
immaterial. He believtd thare wu no
deliberative body in Ute world freer from
lobby influence than tho Senate of the
United States, and when outside influences
were Intruded their effoct wu almost inva
riably to injure the cause they espoused.
He then dtecuued the menu of the bill,
S that Die subject be ultimately dis-
9f in some positive manner. After
r remarks by Mee/re. Max*/, Bayard
and Windom, the bill wm laid aside with
out action, aud the Senate, at 4:20, after a
Bonhomme and other oountiez. There I named Belle Lipscomb, finding that her
te apparently a small Increase of acreage child had the small-pox, threw it in a well
l. the Territory. The comparative acreage in tho city suburbs sev or nl day* since, and
of the Northwest is as follows: Wlscon- escaped to tho wood* three miles from
sin, fifi; Minnesota,«; Iowa, 82; Nebraska, Lynchburg. The dead body of the child
WjLpkkoU. 102. was found Thur*dny, and ttu> authorities of
The condition of winter wheat is sUU Campbed county captured the mother last
very high—averagei? X>. Lost year in Jane I night She had contracted the small-pox
it vra* 70, having fallen from Dt In May. from the child. Ifrhe survive*, she will
1 he April freeze did very little damage I be brought here anil tried for murder,
where it wm most apprehended—in the AMOTSXX’lTXXXOmsdeed.
upper j'ortion of the Ohio Valley. Penn- Chicago, Jane 10.—Casper Keybolt i
sylvania’a average is a single point below baker whorctk* nt night. After he had
100, Now Jersey 8, New York lfi, Texas 7, left hi* home lost evening, his wife began
Ohio t- 8, AU tho other win- preparation* for a horrible deed. The pair
States west of the Rocky I had four children, ageu ricfectlvely
mounUiffk return above the standard. I twelve, uvoo, two and a lmlf year* a *
On the Pacific coast, Oregon returns an I baby four month*. She drosed the fou.
average of U8 and California 97. Taking I fresh white clothn, with white ribbons
tho winter and spring areas together, as-1 them, and gave them strychnine. As *.j
suining a continuance of the preeent con-1 they were dead, she laid them out careful-
dition, the yield, exceeding thirteen ly, with flowers m their hands and all their
butbels per acre, would remit in an aggro- surroundings made ns beautiful n* possi*
gate exceeded only by the product of 1880.1 ble. llaTing put on a frtsli white chemise,
The Southern harvest U safe. Northern decorated wi»h ribbons, eho took a di*fe of
winter wheat has a few rlska to encounter, I the poison herself. This * *
but spring is still an uncertain qua ’*
Com.—i he'acreage cannot be gi ... . _
July. A Urge incrua*e in area is reported him and said, "Como nnd see th? children
in tho South nnd in thn Northwest, but in I They are all dead and gnuo to heaven. See
half the States plantin', wns not finished | how pretty they are with nice flowers for
ou the 1st of June, and in Urge district* | the angels.” One of fcho children was
the plant bad made uo show above Jhe | still alLw, but has since died. Mr— ,'tevte»it
ground. In parte of the South the early 1 died about 7 o'clock this morning. The
planted ia in tassel. Planting U every- | cause of the woman’s act U i
where Ute. T ho plnnt i* small and not o! I ia considered that she w&s dei
average vigor or color on account of cold I tue bank hoiiders.
and wet weather. I Sr. Loum, June 10.—A dispateh from
Oats.—An increase in the area of oaU U Brookfield says a speuUl tinin with the
nearly universal, and amcranU to an aver-1 bank robbers, In charge of Marshal Me-
age of 7 per oent The average of condt- j Arthur and five men, arrived > h-re at 1:-V)
out Ol liuu, UUU n» “
abort executive session, adjourned until
Immediately after the reading of the
journal the House went into committee of
the whole (Mr. Robinaoo, of Massachu
setts, in the chair) on the legislative, exee-
utivo and judicial appropriation V‘H. Ml
general debate being limited to an hour
and a half. Mr. Joyce, of Vermont, con
fined hU remarks to tho consideration of
the pension policy, advocating the eye-
tom of i>en*loning those men who were
di-abied in the mlliUry and naval Mrrive of
the United States, and opposing any prop-
* roan of
U* ie 101. The harvest promisee to be 1 a. m. A great crowd received the
cent tn the area of barley. The average I Mason, three brother-, formerly of this
oondltlon is 00. I county. The other to evidently r. new-
Clover.—The condition of clover and | oomer. All are rough-looking cn.-»**. Frank
spring pasture has improved and ranges I Mason's wife has gone this morning under
very high in the South, and fair to good in I an escort to recover the bag of goid coin,
pther eectioM. I about $ 1,400, which she says site h:d under
%axiLBa nacuxES. / 1 the floor of her bouse. Tho four pn*on
William K. Whiter, ot N.w York, do- ‘»k«i to I.rmiM, lh» count) .o.t, t
clincs lo MCTS OB tb. Uriff oomminlon. 1 ““ —* ■
Cbuj H IU*! with . not., ?rom fiSSB
nr pobllc, rUltcd thu lo MCOrjOnl. ] ^ “ 0m5n * , h )lln . lsd
teaau's siguaturo to a petition for a writ of J ifJLLh ro«.ntl»
taK® bSTmSJntdS’o5J' sss'z
» A?m2 W^n hnV.iL 1 MUsouri five weeks ago. She i* «* Ke«
ri to niuannnn tu'wll n! r * I tnUtM nnd 0001 M mea ' nni n ® ’
ea to pass upon (be writ, as he l* oxi'ccteu i ^ it t
arrive in the city next week, and will gBtjJSdlBu* 1
Ihn nnlv muntiii/nf It.® fnnrl WUl ,,|tnU -
( i*ii<ll<li*ry of Hr. Htepheao.
.lock of cooJfc femur, Folmr dMln
Oturl, that lh»m I. Bo, foondaUon tor tho
rumor that a quantity of coBBtoif«lt
United HUtea bond. i. In ctrwlatlou.
The .tor, U from action, .tarted b. i
nation makara. In all tiie tend mdeiap-
tionaro far, not n >lngU h
tun pmnanUd for paymant. T1
trrunrr official. nlM nnnoonc. that
the arret of Drockwn, **• nt th. imlauc.
of prir.U parttan, nnd not of tb. (orarn-; that BroUwajr wiU tirnbnbl, bo n-
l.aacd, na bo hunot, m hr uU known,
TtoUUd th. condilionfi under which hi.
Mnuncc wu rotwnded when O.u.r.l Dw
nu wu
rue run noun)
When th. .tar rouU trial op.ned to-U,,
Jwdf.W,U.uU U. attention tud bun
call—1 to article# rrtntad In tu«p»P»m
tn thi. Diatrlct nnd in N.w York u nil
~ [om which thu- ou. arc
which nrtieU. do (treat
injwtio. to A. jwr,. Aftor nprawins «-
Urn oooOdMtM in|Ui. Jom, tho Jods. Mid:
“U U cruel Injutto. on th. part of lb. wrt-
Un ot thM. papan to M..11 » juror who
hu bun mtfuUrl, uUctod withowl know-
inf u, of th* faoU on which the, buo curfw. I ham tun m much ia-
tutic. doo. to juror. udtoliUn.U aid
tocooru who am Mf*Md in th. ndmln-
ktmttoa of jutic., thatd ft*l caiud upon
In thi. com to declare thnt thu. chufu,
m, o|,inion, nr. -wi'hoot fonnda-
tion. Thu. fl/tna rumor, nn Ulan
laud to do f rut harm,
which .nhJ-^W (erttu -
for lib.1 in oonaoqotnn of artictu jmh.
li.hwl, tho-Sact of which U to o!«trnct tha of jn»tic.. an t I do think it
will bo tho dm, of tiro rliatrlct attorney to
call tho attention of jar, tofor.o
of theao uo*rpat-ora, amt mo if wo cm t
hare jn.ttco adrniuiateml fairly ncoordinf
tojthe law without haricd tho juror, di.par-
iii-ed and urlr rep mooted upon more con-
joctnro or fancy, nnd 1 treat that tho juror,
in thi. rut will Math, propriaty of
in. thairown oondnet wbu, thi. mm ia
pon-Unii, to u not to «ibjut thamMireo to
n-jorl ground, of rewpicion or aren an np-
r, aranco of impropar oondnet. I will
only lou faith w a jury when drinn to it
tiy.otn.tbinKniorathmnawip.por uticlcn.
“Oantlemen of tto jury, your portion U
one ot reach delicacy. Don't allow any
I trvm to i|<pr nch yon or to anffoat their
own riow. or make any intmintJoa what-
trer, whether they are roonccMd with rh,
tri-l of th. mom or apt*ar to bo nnooo-
nooted with it. Yon douT know »kal tn-J-
tite. nary n reffMtkw trout
oiition to rapul the nrreanof puuiou
Th. bill wu read b, Motion, for nnund.
menu, nnd n >ong diKnuion ctunwl npou
th. proportion to wtonlin tb. ulnriu of
th. llotu. nnd htnnto .mplojr. by n re
daction tn tb. MlnrlM of th. latUr. Th*
proposition wu nsrmd to by siilyelght to
thru. Aftor flnuhint conddornUoa of
forty of thoonobandrodpaguof tho bill,
tho oommittoe row. Mr. BcUawn. of
New York, preuntod n petition of Mu.
Melklonhnm asking that tho remains of
Thomo. Jefferson bo rtmored from > ir-
K nU to Washington, nnd that a monument
i there erected to hi. memory. Kefomd.
Tho Hon* nt«i»tooknrocuotiU 7JU
p. m., tb* seseion to bo for th* oonsliisra-
Uon of ponelon bill-.
iljr member of tho Supremo Court
then in Washington. After nn attontire
reading of tho petition, Goitun signed it,
remarking u b* did to that it wonld b* of ■ _ , ,
no Mrrioe, u th* cue wudoMd, in hlaI The fam#of lltths“Aire is pnblloi rop-
opiolon. lie added that hi. only hop* lay I erty. Hi. chmetor u n whol. is
in tu Vrt.ld.nt-. InlerrenUon. lleed ti- oonpUto. GoorgU hu quite nn oitended
t wilh °r,rr ,l "“
will probably begin in the early part of trions than his. Tho parade of hi* no mi
mB week. .... I now 1“ connection with the office of gov
clergyman, and he was attended vesterdav I tho day. D U wrong to him, wrong to the
br Hey. Dr. Hicks, of the Tabernacle I poople who hate honored him bo much and
Ghnroh. The interview lasted ote hoar. I w and whom he has in tarn served
and tho tirisonfcr was much affected and I . .__
earnestly joined in the prayere offered by Wld honored so long,
the minister tn hte behalf. I Nsverthriesa, hit came Is prominent as •
AtMOUEXHKNT of coxGRESs. I cindidnte for governor. The people ought
Tb. wan nnd mwrna oommittu of th. <«1 T'dLsdu o hi!
lions, will, at muting, on row-1 u linutntiBad. ** ti y*~„!? < knulbl^ thia
day, oonildcr the day of ndjoornntoat. It 1T! /K-rfftS? *“
to Mlhrcd lh j commute will agree to r*. , ’ u h .;
port n joint re-olntton proridmg for nn I iff y 1 ”-. Htopcom. tostot npot; It tint
adjournment of Gongrur, cot tutor than 1 P'tfe; oloction u goromor at tins tuna
Tho Bonsto llnnnoo oommittu bob' i
special meeting to-day to consider the tariff
commissiou nominations, which were sent
to the Hcnate nnd referred to this commit
tee in executive region yesterday. After
some discussion it was decided to make a
favorable report to ttie Senate. All oi the
Republican members of the committee
wero present and voted aye, white Messrs.
Bayard apd Beck, tho only Democrats
present, voted no.
Secret service detecUve* report the cap
ture at Chicago of four counterfeiter* with
a quantity of counterfeiting apparatus and
about fil.OU)) in counterfeit ooin, princi
pally allver, and another party at, Union ^
Hill. N. J., who had a branches tabllshmvnt ^ i^y twenty -foor of its Demo-1 Hunth Carolina contested election cec* of
InWew York Cit 2 , with tbrir ootfltnnd “^member.iu.mbi«lloreoen.fortb* B m^toagatn.1 TUlmu hu duhtod .that
— ri>o«. ot tatorohnogtoc Jtowa tu regard I TUlmnn, tho sitting member, wa. nototoot-
„ th. flnits- of th.'. Domini-1 .d. lb. .Ulus of fmalto'Maim hu not yet
tioiu of tariff commissioners. No attempt bun folly ctoUrmln-1. Th. inb-opmi^t-
wu mad. to uenra oancu* notion on tho tuupoot to report thi. no to jgho h^
ijumUod, and nt tho oonoluton of tho oon- oommittu ot tho regular muting Tnoodn,
lereno. (wblohla-ted nn hour and# halt), I nub
.rery Senator wu toft Ire* to rot* upon it | Tb* equcloding argument. In th* Booth
T" in uecotiv. uadon aooording to hto own I Carotin, oontooud Mutton on of If*
hdgment or hta Inoirtdnnt Mu. 1 agniut Ktohtnbon will ho hurt b, tho
It wu doroloiwd, howorir, by | uotmd reboommltto* Un
th, tntor-hnng* of Ttowson tb* port of Monday noa, th* ffrst sub cjmmitt-o will
thou uruont, and b, trnstworth, itato-1 bur Anal ugnmonto to U» Al.bsma oon.
moots in regard to marl, nil of the abun-1 tut of btiobwh agniut Herbert,
toes, that th* Democratic members of the | oanaaumr uw,
-hat the
t ia Lo’.ioveU tliey
Buell intimated to Hawley that Hartford
journalism U an hundred years behind the
times, and added tbht the poverty of Wash
ington journalist* was a sufficient guaran
tee of their honesty, at least.
Mr. Nordboff, of the New York Herald,
before testifying, was pirmitted to ask a
f w questions of tho witness. He nud: "As
my name has be'.n used in an undesirable
connection, I would like to ask whether you
ever knew roe to take money in a cor. opt
wry.” Answer—“I nsvsr did.”
Question—'“Have yon any reason wbater-
x to believe that I ever did?” Answer—
'I ba>u none.”
Mr. Nordboff—“Mr. Chairman, I w uld
like to ask tha witness it he thinks it a jast
»nd proper thing to make charges against
honorable men, and whether It is not de
grading to journalism to do so?*'
The witnrss was willing to admit that it
wss, when mads maliciously, but many
thing* were said in newspapers that the
writer would not ssy under oath Turning
to Mr. Hawley., the witness remarked:
<( Yoa are a newspaper man yourself, Gen
eral, and you know that to be the cose.”
Mr. Hawley replied: “1 am not prepared
to say as a newspaper man that tho jour
nalist has any right to attack the character
uf a citizen through a newspaper without
‘ honorable man is
the truth in a
~MfTl?oTdhoffwaa then swora, and to the I The House atTts evening session passed
question, “Have yon any Information J twenty-five pension bills, and then, at
bearing upon the subject of this inquiry— [ HL3, adjourned until to-morrow,
that U, whether there has been any ira-1 toe stab koute casks.
proper use *>f money In reoaring legislation Washington, Juns P — In the star
upon the bonded sptrita bill ? replied trial to-day, ex-Attorney-General
that he bad never heard of any twe or prof- N eagh was the first witness oalliri, bat aa
foredose of mooey. Us then made a general 1 hi* .testimony to-day related to BeecdalTe
statement to the effect that his object in oonfeaslon. objection^was mode t*»at at ahig'hrateof speed and cleaning se«9 tel whldi he'cannot perf >rrn,’ oatenribly to
nil publications made In the//sroldwaa to I prrient at teaat hi* testimony waslnad^s- c io««|jr. thereby breaking the staple aud I some great public emergen-v, to
uuoove.* corropt newspaper men ud lob-1 »ible, and he left the stand. . Other wit- pro«locingan excess of ’fluffy'or what is I wtrd off/ome great public caUmity! In
byisls, if ihoro were any, and be gave I nessee were poi openr 4he stand to identifN koom as reginned staple, tiro* lowering I the first place" those who have brought
soiuo attention to it bsoanse tha ehargo I documente and testify aa to methods in lu ctiarncter and valnt, thia exchange. I oat know that if the situation
had boen made by Mr. Atherton, whom be I Poet-Office Department A t E T aAtdea 1 of WOfl j4 n^t earnestly call the attention ot required power Stephens would
hud learned upon inquiry to be a man of I time wae taken un in legs* sparring. In ^ planting interest to the e«U, I not bo thought of for the
character and reputation. The eomqtittee I which oounaelfOT the defense have proved efforts be made to cure it. It ,-Uc;; hii age and infirmities Jh-
adjourned until Batorday next. \ thamselvea able to hold theia own* U qaite monlfe*t that lowering the valus of I qualify him. Ia the acv-inJ jlir.., they
ouiocuno caixui. I oocn/ 8 I know, there to ro threat* nod calami y that
Immediately after the adjournment of I mit . M OQ e l#ctiooe having in charge the
m n’btate and t arty nt« e*-ity. If tho » iui<
men had stated tho case truly, they wonld
have raVl: "Wo sro in u strait, and
Stephens’ influence l* t
^^^ont of iL”
cotton rtxNTKXs. j j 0 ,tthlnkoflt! An old man, phytteaBy
■ Naw Not;it, June H.—''Ihc board of man-1 broken down, and not improved mentally
agen of tiie New York Cotton Exchange I 0 f late years, In office alt bis
bare rrotatly adopted a report rtlslive to I actor to wake tor himself, ■
wa«te .in tho staple. Th • report aays : I who has served tho t*eople so long nd
“Whereas, nameroas complaints have been well that they hnvo no claim upon biL.
made about waste in the staple of Arreri-1 who haaexpnssed in nuiquivocnl terms
can ootton, more particularly of thi* year's hi* determination to retire to private life
growth, which bns led to tho belief that in I n t the «tcs «of the present Coogre**, miuf
many liwtencesttUcausj^T^tou^^lu pri-sutd into an offle.-, tfeft duti-- of
to ths interMts of the South. Home of tha I for a go.eruor of cxtrnordimiry u ....
damage complained of is traosable to the I ifleations. These same grooms know that
imperfect condition of gins, neoMtary re-1 this call la not made oy Urn people}
pairs not tAdag made when they a re re* | (he call was manufsetared by them. This
■Mtiim|r* should anderstaud that I u true. No eons!derable portion ot thmd
of American ootton that I people—pot enough to attract notice—nd
[fnablcA it to be sold at a lusher valuo thou I one of tha presses of the State, thought u
‘ India, and that so much aa | iDO ke of tiiiu in connection with the oOd
the product of India, i
tuUid, and should therefore be rejected. Hnraphre,, of WImooHo, lo report to U
Ik. groand wu tik.n bjr nurt, all tho I Uoou a bill to utnbltoh • nnlform»,M*
■roskon (InoluJiuK Sonatot BajarJ and of*,, ana to ha., u mndo • >p
•on* oihnre oho rutol lor tb. luiff «tai onto, for no url, do, to Dounbor.
eooimtoaton WU) toot th* propoud
mtosbonhlp of J*to oomnluton to WsanawTOQ, Jnno 10.—IramadtoUl, d-
snrsrttttft atesam«« u .°r™“r
Imt»artial investigation and looked to rto- to committee of the whole, Mr. Robinson,
ommeodstions that should be free from I Q f Massachusetts, In the chair,and resumed
the suspicion of self-intertsL It was aa- 0on# jj #fa u 0O 0 f the legislative, executive
Mmu-Trasett* and GarUndTof I and judiotai appropriation bUL
aro salaried offioer* of a protective high | The entire day was spent In committee,
i.triff oMoelatfnn, and J"* JjjJ; Uiur the ocsideration of eighty of the
to 0 T r, -.tVn.udtor, to? mw % on. |»nd«d pun of lb. bUl, fh. oom.lU
ganlzstiom” oflver, of Pennsylvania. | tee rote and the House, at S&, adjournsd.
and Kenner, of ljoulsiina, were crttleised
os being likewise champions ^protection
for special inteyta, who might wsllbe . 0< ~ Ayr t e>lt ^ > .eprmsnte the entire area cf
exuocted to oombin* with the above nsrosd I. ... .. a. urine mol counties of the Uni-
memburs in tho interest of a tariff 1.. tncitidts ail but a small
generally. Cnd.*rw,od of Oeontia, WPS kSSSTJ rikTcsranSHt
Store/to «no “H!" “‘•aha: > WO Ml
nominated nt th : in«4anoe ot poorgin j Texas "*skse
pmteeUontats, and AmWer. of ^{^11 Blt and a’sottk, small cotton di"
w Horn Ser.ator Pendleton declared he had I . innthasst Virginia. Ail other Btete*
never beard of nntil nominated for apteee I r9inm9 ^ eoaia loss 0/area, the largest de*
tho commission, »Bhou^regnidad to [n tb# ttami bordering on the
no extent as an “oncertoln qswtitfi r | w . where planting fcu the
wret generally believed br me Bbers^of I .,, wet j vsa not entirely ftuUh-
tho cf.ucu* to be also a frtcndpf high tariff. I ^ ^ of Jnae. A ecmparteOn
Tt.o sovcnlh gentleman nominated I with l*at rear averages aa fallows : Vlr-
mumbiTahip,Mr. mips, of Missouri, was I ^n^i^^North(3arSlu«U,8puth GarolL
snoken of a* a tariff rpformw^bst it^wasl**. *» «»■—j-»-uu m
also announced' L * *
appointment. 1
cd to-nigh*. there frs o».!y tww »»«■•** 1 ^00
oerntic Senators willing to vote l
fell In prieev. Band and dust have I
found lo our crop thia year tn Urgar pro-1 cannot n*>w be traced onteide of the
portion than ever before, benre a great re-1 circle of chronic office-hu!du:s nnd utfioe
duction tn price lias been made for IL No I M«kers 1 exited it is true thnt most of
doubt the very dry seaeoa had o-roaiders-11^, «ho noted and reflect* i up-.n Mr.
ble to do with their presence, and U*s cans-1 Stephens' determination to retire to p
ed low price* to be accepted tor I uf e felt as I did—that It —— - —“
soda, as salts have been made 1 determination, and that
at two cents and two nnd a hglf ecu's I ou t. His life had been spent tn the imb
and even mure, below the value cf the I ji e icrviee; be la n«w full of ysars and fall
1 grade of clean cotton. It ia *aid| 0 f honors; repose U-whst be« an
“deaners" were sxhihBed at tiro At- what he ou„*ht to have. K# matter wh>._
Unte exposition that would remedy this I the result of hU candidacy may u-, ho will
gno/snor, and if It be true thsir adoption I lo^ instead of gain by iL Many people
should become Moerai. In^concfuvLro, (will remember his declaration t.> retire
the planter should be reminded that more | to private Ufe—how strong anil Muphatic
ear* should be giveo to bating, so at to l u wss. The thought wilt And
avoid mixing .'ifferent qualiti*.* in the utteraoev tore and them that his *
same bale, wnteb ia a source nf great an- of patywo wa* indncsl iar^sly by a pi
Intended for
tW ted/ci
have byioma «spc*ure, ItwKp.e irregular,
pr.'c anu fc&b’c, wi'hhcai*ulro, lcnvorrh<e«
l ain in »ids and back, falling of womb, or
female weakness or sxjcsscs. Its nsc
strungthens and tones the stomach, invigo
rate* tiro nerves gives iron to blood, car-
pearl**. Read «h«t tiro
says: Gritfin ought to mcoi
du-'try, whiali ismccl. moi
she eon coudimmim, t»y 1
mense canning «.«ta‘Ai#hn
part of tiro erap in iris w
ibii&d and a uiwctr if t.
ffuUvln t.isinv (rail p
IvoAtab’.y. W2 .b:dl !« I
ctiofk K>:ne good
f drying their
o!d gentleman
: rage tor fruit in-
e important than
1 im-
Paur. Jas. A. Hewell, of medical facul
ty, Laval Universttj, Quebec, states: “1
tiavc foetid Golden's 1-iebig's Li>trid Ex
tract of Beef srul Tonic Invigontior par-
ticelarly ueefnl ic advanoedateges of Coo-
*-iption, Weak revs, l>ysp«p«U, and aU
Ncrvods AlWctioL-. In pregnant women
it hs« been icUtnctl el ite every other arti
cle of food wa* reje fled. I can recinnmend
it m convenient, palatable and easy of dl-
gtvticn.” Ask fur OoA ha's, f ik* nn other.
Of d.tigg4*U gcuvratiy^
"Rsarh •»« Hah.’
pi, skunks,
tn * few ntinatos,
a tariff reformer, but u was I ^^‘T^^w^^ tfarAlabama W, I *?«**•*• »»•
>cd ihtt be had decUnelth* 1 1^;, u^a bLTeui 101, Ar-! ^
. K) tr.r M . c “ I is-.-, no Tmumm. *T Th. min OQB-1 ”,
*» «*!- «* Ik. «<to I
Monao«UT, Jan. it.—Ik. D-njocretlc
BJot. cooTcouon to day nominated El-
wstd A. O’Neal (or Oorernor. b, aocUmt-
uon. Also, U. C. Thompreo tor .Uoro.T-
r --ril. hill. Fhalnn Maratar, o( Mate,
It treaaarer, 1. W. Uanntehul
auditor and It C. Armstrong Mperinlood-
•nt ol .donation.
inmsm .an suicide.
Du Fuacuco, Junati.—A dup.tohfreu
BanUareudJnoUtltd.btote,nn J. T-y-
lor and J. A. More m, l .rtnrri in runnln/
UwMomov mtn. lu thte «>nnty, hi I a
qurrel on tH. oorear oi O and third
tut* Ur». uda morning, .hunt tho mrth-
od ot oononcttng ocar.uou in to. mhu,
vh.n Taylor drew n itetot nnd Arad lhf-i
,LoU at r.teredo, .11 taking dondly <ffu«.
Uathen (red, hot aithoot affret, at « by.
tot, who attempted to dmiiia him,
rennlag off a (a* tom, itollt.retety
hhamU in Ibt hrwto. Talonon die]
‘ and Toiler is w-irUll/
mystery la atiuh-d Pi
a4dr, tha bmi haling hwn, nc to
moment oi that, qurrel, apparent',
th* moat (find , term#.
annul greed ol offioo—that th* ptea
wu than . neoossityj wu . more ,n«uiu
his own month, o. It wm knnsrn to ho n
mere pretszt in th* month, ol thoM who
hruoqtit him out. It i. known il it thus
c ,U (or him ws. manufactured, not sw>n-
tanoons. Horn, mar b. wiafcod enough to
think, parhsps to My, that Bteph.r.* susw
that ns well u tboM who mad. it, and w—
dec Ired b, It only bconu • ho wint-d to
l>* dooalrod by il i thu tho doolwation t,
retire wu not sincerely madt, bnt mad* to
..* what effect it would prodoom In
.hurt, n grant many thing, coaid tie
thought nnd Mid. On. thing to
tain—cTiryhod, would be prouder c! him u
Ute rutir: d itateamaa tUn u thaducranit
"'rh. life, ol th. oagnnlad hutnas.
(or him It dou took Uk. th. p-ypl.
ooght lo mo that to a triA Jti the
luox.'uovre i of ths ovgAUiz*! anti inuo-
phottenU ti'itii, sod come to the i;'x> 1 Riau’s
nsewe sod U: him retire »*nd fled th
he eesks soil «u.ed*. Tn* ladri- •ndsnt-
have got a tpertei u*« fwr him
jtart . Low. _Spc«r
for 11to coofirmatiou of the oommission, I *^aeitiffri 1 and I K
namely, Brown of ' i ’ r ^ i f n 'tto avsrage grolrtb U reprsllited ty 80. tiro P^ticitiaji of .the Uak robbery at
Lco'aiana, »x>ih "f ' r I The Joae cooditioo of tiro previous crop I Bra
persons outside. Keep your own counstl
follow your own judgment and cvusdenc*
and kven yomselveu uuooolamlnated by
* i«j world ont^lde.”
Mr. MeSwv'ny then cono'udrd bis opsn-
Ing aildri v '• r the defense, ocropying tho
time to rec^-After w*ss tiro examina-
ti«>a* of uif.*ase« began, tiro witnc<M«.H
present t.jr- r .'inner cletkv in tiro ilrpait-
men:, w!io t■••» : tled to the methods of
l^ptcg tiro rsoyrd of star route*.
'twe win doai on Human.
The Wmdon committee resumed thi*
morning tte tuvestiiation ot tiroehargt*
of ourrupteja in cowaoctfea with tee pea-
sage through the. __ House. **
1-.nnd to -lo to by
rcspec.'aliy recommsodedtwoof Utemem-1 - t ^ ^^ urot year only tn Knwth
1m m| p . tto *. G i Ubo other hand, 1 1 Oerouaa sad Texas. The cause of Uro d*.
under .lood tl»ot S-J iKtor* N ow week ana I dm ..m coaditloc If m«Ui!y that th#tern-
Ingalls wm vote with thsbxlyof titePfg-1 wm too low for thrift. Ia every
aerateagatitst confirmation. Iu thisevstit Iwas det raction of ptebt* by
♦he determination r.f th*» . '-•rotioa wUl I There was alio too muen riia for
im.-bnbly r* *t w»«h v . two m« :1 b*r#of the 1 j^Jthy growth. Both eaates mede ceees-
ir <kv • 1 it i m t e h alo ■DWW | tn* rscloa’ang tn some oouatlee of
' ‘SSfSrthStiiric.^. Iasuxroeeare
. , tV . lu--.. | reported of teeaty-thrae saoQMfive re-
Wasids ; rov, June In the oenaU, I Itt ^
bills were intr «;ddse«! and rtf erred a* foi-1 Tb , averages of eoaditiooare as follows:
low.: 8, Mr.Jcf-.olI/to.ttoa, ~PPto-1 Virginia M, ((ophJtoreflna^ffonth^U;
mcnlury to act. Incoii/nsting th. T.iu I WL ’Tnu hi,
Pacific Railnrod Company■, and for other I Art ,' nn ^. ^ Tennessee ha Tna stand is
Kabui Cm, June th—Ths faltowicg are
.j* particulars of the b*uk robbery af
ea men roas into ws* town o- iwwtu 1 1 -i
just as tiro bank was do ing for th • day,
dismeohted. wndeotvrin.? the clerks with
tirotr revolvers, robbed tiro safe of el oat
fifiOfi. i Ley kept up s rapid fui dod j »Ui
!ly to their aaptvati
frisndly to Felton's. They art* Itemocrate
tutadyou- Nothing In tiro e jahi tie Rio*
terjwlth them, only tiroy are net or^
Certainly tiro ftmngest card they can play
Is to have a candid «te for governor in the
field friendly to them. Ihsy have luvit^i
Mr Htcp'.ens oat, and tlsdgcd him thsir
rnppotL They have not don* this either to
h-lpioc cgmnizsd or lo hurt tiromaatvei.
WbU larticular service Mr. Btephewv
puee, overeeing ths wwg*pc»>p;e. i»u ( cour.s a r.-tf-.u ih-.r ct:ou in
men w«# alimasked. Tha ouwL'.y fclrorid . tiv . i.. - to »port L..n ro pr« >1
and marshal crgamxed a posse a* tpcscLly f ivw ti. tt they expect more tH m him
a* p:s^ih> and started after the labours, | they could riMovhljr expect froa
D.ek Liule. ex-Marshs] Leggst end other j other or ganiied Dwnocrai e*
tu the e.ty who are (amilUr wtihtbe J Am as for g«ive ujr. Stephensnuy
gang, think tlml Frank J anna w t« Lot <v>u- naud, openly and actively
mroted with this affair, alUvrogti they od- . lion «•( the la te;>«adeLt
mil tiro job wss does up i ithe Jamu s boy*' Coogn*#4. Under the elrcqnu
style. Itt* claimed tiiat Frank is n«t in lie ftirly d*. lew* r tbs Ind^
ths neighborhood. There is plefity of t 11 been so aetivc .indsosuccws’nl
timber near Brookfield, and it te not | out and pUriog bv.’ore^ the
MRMMtmliii .n-lftorv t v rortof—identi-1 not eo eoodMueual, and uan element of timber near Brookfield, and Ute not I out and Ida before ti - I 1 ’’
.;n. U.I. ou the Wi l; A hill wul'~JJ|[ oe4t ,, TOr ; u . u,c at took, rf lire I A -iirtAteh (rum hu JoMph uy. 11. v. alurretho u-;:.;>c.-nuo port, MMj«|
in , r.iw « meet of ac- 1 ■(, i nrutiltcM of "sore Duty of tx*«& La,« byeu atooDibg on tha i save it frufl a i t t..* in<«
tho Cofnmrrrlul, April ff^.wa» <mmmU|aU«u1> ) sixty
. a correct recital of thxl conversation; that; , t
fc'f, thaonh-urere wu. ol .erbiag^ note!) ‘ , , ,
puiunlte, SO- (Mt; thu th. •totemente wu. mrect, '"-ion ant n >. wan cu>«o ooore. - .
lv I though tiro language was not rtr*xilim. \ rh V-.ate soon aft:; 20 vlook took uplty n-a a oe.
L •feuu’.rel to ofenltS*; fetton 1( low.,.In nMU.yrnrry
be c^trofetrvNl in opati 1 cljU r X tj t reports large r.-doctoms. in Da
te Yerktown, Turner,