Georgia weekly telegraph, journal & messenger. (Macon, Ga.) 1880-188?, June 16, 1882, Image 5

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Jlilcekin fcnfo SattKixaii & Ml Few Word* to the Independents and Uie “OrKaulMd." CorterivilU free Frets. The people of this district especially, and elsewhere over the State, have for eight years made a brave, coble and tri- otie fight to redeem the basiners o the State of Georgia from the domination of oorrnpt officials and Democratio tricksters. The work has yielded abandaut fruit this year, and, like all revolutions founded in justice and truth, will certainly prevail. This independent struggle has been ardu ous and made against immense odds, but it exposed Ibo State boost' corruption in TUESOVIIOSl OUE EXHIBITION A Brilliant Assemblage At tba Col- a lege ilia pel JLoNt Mubf. Another immtnso crowd was at the col- lege chapel lost night to cl joy the enter tainment given by ibo Sophomore ^ close. Twelvo young ladies had been feleciediw representatives of the class, chosen on tha merit cf elocution ary attainments,who g&vo the public ope of tho best exhibitions ever witnessed in tbo college eliapei* Tho de cision of ono capable of judging, and ono who! A Farmer** Flews ou Improved Agri cultural Implement* aud Farua Ma chinery. What has made tho Western'farmer rich and prosperous and hro land* i*e!l for many times that which wo aro able to obtaiu for oar lands, equally fertile and with aclimr.ta incomparably sjperior? It is due very largely to his readiness to adopt improved labor-saving farming implements and ma chinery. I am glad to boo the signs of a waking up in our own “sleepy hollow." A very few years ago you saw nothing w but tho cradle of our forefmhors, and con- 1879,"until thi" Democracy ttraibiad for it. I MffnenU, to barv..t nn our patch™ of very existence [ grain was attended with groat labor, bo- Tho Free Pm, ha. often been compll- •>'>“ *• of losing it or Ito betna .eri. mented for it. brave patriotism try the op- damaged on account of the delay .11 position iteelf, and even n United State, ears csting. SeDMorvaaeentnp here to drive these true I We have been making the Western fu.m- men “etef natty to the wall," to eave the «*!> byboyinghi.gramondiloar.pai- onholygains of the convict ring to hi. and to«Um[alarm .Profit for growing ft, to their continued poesMion. The light baa ] ray nothing of the tribute we pay to trails- been fierce and exbanalive, hnt lo-day we portauou oompanle. and on army of tiro, have signal proof of the tnccess of these kers and middle men. then n brave and true men. The Atlanta Consti. I reaper and binder or ono of the improvod tufion, iu an editorial lest Saturday, made threshers ai d eeparato-a now iu u*e wouli this humiliating coufessiou: “We believe have created as much excitement m our. now, and this belief Is shared by leading oountry as did the firsts team cal iopo which Democrats, that if Mr. Stephens had con- came i.long with Old John Robinson • o«r- eented to become the candidate of tho nmn I cu »* Uq * no ‘« the change. A leading deal- who recommended him for governor, the I ® r in agricultural implement* told me to- disorganization of the Democratic party day that five years go they did not sell would# havo been complete and perma- but two harvester*.^ i probably thete were nent." - I notone dozen .old in the whole Stale. Is not that satisfactory ? What more do flow ho sells seventy - dve in m j season and you ask as to tho success of your move-1 two hundred and fifty are \ .• jbably sold mentV That confession was written with | in the otate. Mr. Speer’s scorching letter lying before I . at the result. The acreage them, in which it is proved that Mr. Sto- amali j'rain has inweas.d phena sought the indorsement of the Indo-1 100 P® r «®nt. within Ih© past five years, pendents. Now you will see where tbeso j and oar farmers, who ono yoar ago wero ring organs and tricksters havo been I hogging their factors and commission driven. Now, we do not like the Hmith I merchants (for the sake of their f offering another tariffing adventure, that of “Light * letter written by Mr. Stephens, after he famiHes) ^tpaeil them com at $1.20 p<*r was visited by Governor Colquitt, Senator I bushel until they could market their cotton, Brown and tho “managing editor of tho I P'yjng .100 per cent, for a few months SENTENCE DAY* AItT LOAN EXHIBITION. Carrie Massey Kent to the Penitentia ry for Lite. The confession of Gairie Massey, as published in yesterday's issue, was tho theme of curbstone talk yostsrday. There ure but few who believe alio committed the crime unaided, and wbilo there aro nuta- , , ...titt .1 . I u w ucwMtiry uiai in vruvr luni iw suu- bore of people who think sho was only the I C088 raay ^ aigtlPed that nothing should the Independent commltteo than the or-1 implements, ganization has gained by inducing Mr. I " ® must lea Stephen* to write a letter, to “rave too I everything pr< OnuUtkUon." Mr. Stephen, will «ee the I ?«««• «• “>«'[)’ hnrP, and independent, miflako he mado in dne Unto. Bat we I l«r*el, the result ol haring made a lares havo veined mnch more by the action of J .melt grain crop by tho umo of improvod t teem to economize and utilize ac I everythin# produced on our farm,, if wc Democratic party from complete and per- J*nl to be proepcrcae •rnd independent, menent dieorvenizetlon ” Mr. Stephen. My attention was culled to-duy tc tlio baa failed to eave it by the Smith letter, Heee plantation mill, or[Cnudlng ran. for the Macon Tvi.K-ja.ra and tho Alban, I fhino, which is being exhibited by Mr -Vrie. areemph.tio that the candidacy of 1 William O. Cooko n. J. S. Slew- Mr. Stephana ha. already demoralized the I «« • wnrehonw. Seeing the working organized, and hie nomination will com- ?< th » wonderful littlo machine enggeated pletety shiver it to pleoee. I inis commnnioation; for I wont ov< Mr. Stophona haa himwlf no idea how I J?™*, in *"®« >n Bibb county to eoo groat the disaffection is against him nud"hon you first look at thta little null yon Eta candidacy in tho organization. Uo baa cannot realize that it is po isible for it to the record of an independent and hla celo-1 do what is claimed for it, bnt a few brated Casey letter, in which ho denonne- ed the Democratio convention aeaparoot lA , , of “irrepressible triokstere," will always «no meal, and from twelve to flftoen bush •tarn! aa replying to the Smith letter. Tho «!», ft chopa or Block feed nor hour, and will Casey letter was written in good health and ] j®B and separate the meal from over two without an, pressure bnt his own detor- hundred bushels of cotton seed per day. mtnation, and tho Smith letter wns written , Mow calculate the laving of M per cent to nave Governor Colquitt, Governor Ingronnd feed for lour took over that Brown and tho “managing editor of the of nngtoond L-raln, besides the rasing of Cbaititufion” “from compVote and perma-J.* 0 * 1 “d time in coing to mill for your nont disorganization” at this iunetur«Tbread m«l. Yon have o cottop staid hulior Thoy stUl hare the elephant to carry from which will enable yoo to keep on yonr now to the 19th of July, and it is likely farms all that is valuable in tho seed as a they will ftnd the burden vory heavy fertilizer (the hulls and tint), and in add - before they are able to dump It in-|tionyon have the meal, which la wor... to the convention, and then bring it ont | (either ea feed for yonr hogs and cattle or again in . deoent organized ■hapo. Tho I \° wll to the cotthu Reed oil millfl) at leaat Trisxoiupn and News are dearer-l^adod twenty cento per bwhel. than the Constitution, They know they J Th« prioe of thie maohino (i?-0) to cannot boast Mr. Htephens as an organizi'd I flai all that any fanner making ©veu Democrat, and they know, aleo, thatwheu Bairs of cotton can afford to nuyono just Ur. Stephens gets the convention fastened *> roanipnlalo his ootton seed. Don’t to hi* hook, he wilt most likely | write an- j t° M* it- f IX: hai been nn nttendant upon maoy oc- coslor.4 of this nort, wa» that tho reading ; roperior to any he had ever heard from . Bophouicrea of othor dayB. Taking it altoge ther, it ocrtainly has not been ex celled for many yoarz. TLe service* were opened with prayer by Rev, J. O. Branch, of Bavaunah, after which Mtos Ida H. Barden, iu nn admirable manner, gave “Aunt Hetty’s Reflection* on Matrimony.” QMi&a Lula T. Maryhey read tho touching poem by Paul H. tlayne, entitled “little Nell in Prison.’’ The reading was as ten th© poem and brought tears to many eyos. Miss N. I. Wilkin gave us “Oar CirccB,” Written by Mr*. Mary Rom Benks. The neene of the perforumnoo was beyond En.«t Macoo, ou Ro«s Hill. It being a homo production, overyboibk was ready to enjoy it. Mi*i Wilkin didnor part woll, id wa» londiy npplauded. Miss Annie McKay told us “ How Kate Shelley Creased the Bridge.” It was one * the moat thrilling pieces of tho evening, well as b*tag one of tho most daring adventures of onr day. Miss McKay read it with a good, strong voice, and in ele gant style. Mis* Tillie M. Freeman followed with _ iothcr thrilling adventure, that of “high House M who went down amid the. storm and wave* in order to supply oil to the waning lamp, and thereby havo tho lives of hundred* i f other* who might have tiou. Mi** Ua Singleton gave us Will Carl ton’* method of “Makin' an Editor outen Him.” She brought out all tho point* with n ‘ ud sho ‘ ‘ other letter that will make the Smith loiter look muoh like tho telegram he scut to the Atlanta meeting of Independent* through the agency of Mr. Speer. Mr. Stephens ©an refine distinctions and play on words DAG GIN ii BOB. A Soled Chicken Thiel Arrested Yes* terdny. Officer Martin is doing somo good polioe very shrewdely, and that may be modern I Officer Martin is doing somo good police tactics in politios, bnt it la not to* he will I work. Ho caught Frank Bowmnu the other IndenenJonle *** * t,,rd na> ’ an<1 JM’-otila, w«® golnfito mertin Atlanta on the tub. I .occeodeil, wllU the aid of Officer Moore, He also iner they expected to reoommend (In capturing another noted chicken lifter btm to the but. at s “tmndidato for the I _u, 0 f„ moa . Bob Wejrmsn. Bob com tt«*StSbtMS; n..n«dwork on the chain gang u W l, - ° a*i-rIJi!L JZ. >i ii• ktiteJ I twenty ye*r* ago and he has served over La^dtoj of ‘Kuffltal to. to* half tUt tim. oy to. gang Ho work, all <e aeiiuiuB oi . “3 | orar Goorgiaand Alabama, leaving a place I roSJui* “I 11 ” I made enough by hi* fowl depredations «! sss£S r,^h’ 03 ” ,L '’ ta k,i,t as l (Mr. Htephena) oonoeivod to the best k. v interest* of the 8tato,”, nor did hortfose ^ ft*’ YsSSrdava* n^M d H«2n^iW^artv e S^rS5wter* r ” I °® oor Martin wa* going homo from itc- hv 1 their i»n-1 ^rdor’* coourt ho spied the wary Bob in tl o Mr o, Mr on i y I distance. Bob wa* shadowed until he went I -tree.. ..Martin rant to be sent. H< ns” to make it D the Independents, ule boainej* to, U was so much ot an could rely on the “old joledtli “ .J I into the lot, and before Bob could realize . e ( his position ho was nnder arrest, lie wo* ,e I takon to jail atonoe; and now the i>art ,j ’ a lt # I whose hen roost* havo been despoiled . . I him should swear ont warrant* promptly. / I Martin, in scouring Bob, has put another nj I feather in hto helmet. 1VEDXKMDA T’N STABBING, Cie^mooraUp^y^a^admitt^by their J The Csrsnsr** luqaeal Oyer Ike Fie- i°To^, friend, we ’* 'Thereto e don’t U j to see 1 Id Ye*terdty morning Morgan Washington, | the colorod man Htabbcd by Henry Wim- e t I btob, below Stxattou’e brick ysrd, [•111 Wednesday rooming, died from wounds. Coroner Chapman summoned jht There rour candidate yoo want t e have been mas trained^ that WW * .UTTa iwoanua. Ivomuci uitinminu »umuiuiito. SfftortSft'ff «U ^ ‘“qaest .1 the house — -* ,r *■ "—*• 'n-1 the deceased, a few doors above the Gcor ®: giaMUl*. jj I Dr. Uewinner wa* tho first witness ite I sworn, and be.testified that the declared he | oamo to hto death by reason of an incisive [Jj I and punctured wound directly between the ] first and second lumbar vertebra, and fie I partly penetrating the spinal column; saw | him first on tho 7th of June, about ’dock a. m.; he then had tho appearance f e man very much weak ,41 coed by lose of blood, ,. t wu suffering intensely; or a t. I amlnatkm found seven inotewl wound* ♦o I all, two about the lumbar region, two er j the shoulder, one on the toft elbow, ard that game op. There dspemtonts and houei crate elected this ft baleful rello of Hollo then yoa will see wh have done and will State of Georgia Iron ruption. W« don t in white that atrocity dj tiou and character cf and it ho* got to go. 1 mnch at stake to try L over any such dirty jol tend to let hhn do it, willing. The led matters” to “sdra in tie and the old com sonei run on that convict ti de? ondenta met and t March, be began to I with that crowd, and quetttoh enough to sa respcctablo body finally prononaoed ham Hoase. mcetii managed” concern, ----- intarmta of the State.” Don’t be deceived. de*r* , organ ized’* brethren. We dent intend Aa Appeal to the lady Artists of llecon It hat boen pretty generally understood that too art exhibition which was proposed pome months ago and then postponed un til next year, will certainly take place in Mncon at that time. It i* necessary that in ordor that it* sue- r — — i ccae may bo aisured, that nothing rhould toolofolhc-r parties, they are loth to couple j bo left undone iu the way of building a with so nirooious a crime tiie names of I foundation for it, and in view of this fact, those who for many year* havo been re-1 we herewith pruposo a plan whioh. if spooled and honorable citizen*. lay tho first stone, aud constantly | l dread!"* In all It* phases. Lust and most dreadful be fore him standr the awful pliantom of insanity. Kleaplng or waking he feels that It U there, aud Uiarsconeror lat»-r it will clutch him; and it does. An epileptic mu*t be. like Job, tempted to curse heavcu and die. Why, It would t ring tears to your eje* to read a loiter I recrlrra from a gentleman at Potsdam. New xork. tell ing how ho had two thousand dreadful uts iu eighteen months, and Is now, thanks to tee Nervine, entirely cured, Tho poor fel lor can ' “ “ ‘ | “ express ccarocly And wor-ls strong ehuugh t ,... — That’s tho * ' * feel happy." hi* feelings. That’s tho kind of a thing to make * *• " “pnosrERors bacon.” that she ter of tho •ubicct. Miss Adallna Wnxeibaum gavo us a most taking trout ire on "Iuteuscly Utter,” or how tho old man took ail the (uathotio foolishness out of a collegiate daughter. It brought the house down vociferously. The reading wa* splendid. Tho “Naughty Brier Rgeo” was tho best things of tho evening, nul most r.din'rably ronuored by Miss Mug^io A. 7 i/ou iluntjrv _ _ matters, “When I was young, showing the difference beween opinions of tho oldeu and tho present day. Mtos Hannah IItoo* told u* in exocllent style of “King Voltrer and Elsie,” or how fimial the bewitching charm* of a peasant girl urns \ had oonquered tlio hoart of tho king. In a most charming manuor Mia* Clara B. Dunlap gave ns Artomua Ward's “Mor. mon Lecture.” The groat wit would not have felt aggrieved in tho louatby the mas teriy mnuuer in vhieh hi* humor handled last night. ' The reading closed with tlio rwei i rem of tito evening: “Pat the LUtlo (Jne* . iaupy to Bed,” by 2" iam. r Jhe vast r.udieuco wa* perfectly quieted by the happy and impresflivo atylo in which tho Ktory of Little Bessie told. Tho mnsio wa* good, and received frequent applause from an appreciative audience, tho roost popular song being a duebjoudered by Mtos Tacio Daniel and ProLWewman. Tho small boy got In some extra work, and tho stage was loaded with flower*. . Tho board of trustees moct tills rooming at ( J o’clock, also tho visiting committee, tho ool.'ego building. Tho conunencjuiont sermon will be de livered by Dr. Dodd, ot Nashville, on Sun- * ly morning at Mulborry Street Church. J/irgo number* of visitors continue 1 arrive. Among thoso who eaino la*t night was Bishop Pierce. carried to the oourt honao to bo eenteuood. | It is proposed to hold eome Col. Billups, one of her connrel, mado e J a loan ar» exhibitton—Ahe exhibition to bo strong Appeal to tho court in her behalf. I held at Mseonio Hall and to continue one Judgo Brfutnons mid, in sentencing her, I week. This exhibition to consist of the that tlio law gavo him tho power in case* I productidus of tho vooetto of Maoon oma- whero tho prisoner to convicted on ciroum-1 teur* and profevional*, and also works of staulinl evidence to commute tho sentence I art of every description owned by Macon from death to Imprisonment for life, oven I citizen*, to bo loaued for th* occasion ich tho jury failod to make a reeom- | Maoo-. to fortunate in having within her nation for mercy, lie had carefully I borders a number of iadiee who wield nn considered her case, aud had docldod to I arttotio pencil, end some of tlieir work seutcuce her to imprisonment for life, and I challenges criticism from more expert- 'anything should transpire in her favor I enced lu the handling of tho brnsh. o would receive the benefit. I L’o thoso especial appeal is msdo to loan Carrie evinced no emotion in receiving I their collections, which will bo appropri- sentence, bhe had made up her mind I ately grouped. take thinus ewy. I Owners of fine paintings, or my works Woodly Williams, the colored cuttle I of art, are requested to loan them. As the thief, was thou «onteuood to two year* in I object of the exhibition to to form the nu- tho penitentiary. I cleu* of a fund for the National Art Exhl- Tliero were several fine* imposed, and j bition to bo held in 18b», there will be only sentence wa* responded iu three case*. I blue ribbon premium* offered, bnt a* the To-day court wiU adjourn until tho tilth. I merit* will ho passed upon by the most competent critics, tbeso in themselves will be prize* beyond the reach of money. In ordar to brinir tlio matter into shape, *!•...« u-,.,,. r„ru P.nrrlM'I’«' to made direct to tbo following Kind Wotd from n New rork F«P«r I Rrtigtg j Q Macon, whose nAtnc* occur to us. Mr. S. A. Cunningham, of the Now York There are others, and wo hope thoy will SoxUh, lias theso kind words to say ot Ma-1 spond a* promptly a* though their name* appeared in the lint: M sa M. M. Mason, | Mis* Birdie Johnson, Miss Bessie Johnson, Thoro Is no city Booth more i.TOspor 0 ti8 M | p , c „ rio Btew , rll M[„ Eat.ll. tzSu Mazon, Gtorgia. There tit ftonera! ohl>#tne7i M ,„ l ta Atkin., Mrs. .entlroent ot lirogrraa apen- t » l»oplo, Gcornn J.w»tt, Mra. Jo. Willioorn, ami capUal.ta nr. InwaUng freely In man- MrJ _ a -rarvin. Mk. Ben. C. Smith, tftactnrmg entorpnse. and tho balla. MrJ . w . B. nill, Mrs. W. W. Cnrn.., log of alorCB ntul rr sjdencM. Soma of tho Mr> . W . T. Johniton. M». O. I- Witling, argo wholesale Mock, would ba cred- h , ro . Mra. Iloekhill, Mr.. Bnm Virgin, Mrs. itnble iu any city, while the mon-1 ^ Mis. Annie Marscnbnrg, ey oipoudod on ynvato residence., iIlBS Annl , Mi«» Mnttio Nnttlug, «th nil modern Imi.rovementj. make. Mi „ 0) , r . Nnttljl g, Mira Jewle Uarde- them, althoogli smaller, more desirable m|n Mr<- 0 H- u „|| M |ra IJzzlo Can- thnn nta 6eWum man.lon. for ahlds Ma- nlt chri , F111 ainy, Mra. 0. T. con is femon.. Ibc citenslvo nidlBon to Holmes, Mils Faum. Grier, Mr- Holmes and Improvemonta npon Johnson, Mra. Sutllvo, biavera ot Moray, tub wksixiam rcjalk coLi.EGK, I and many others, through the large donation of Mr. George I i( M thosQ Indie*> will addresa a cote to I. Sency, of this cify, promise* to add large-1, to*® Art Exhibition, care cf this office, ly to tho attractions of the city. A printed by Saturday evening, stating whether they pamphlet of more than twenty pages, sot-1 will lend their works, the fell programme ting forth the troeeiiloations of workman-1 tho exliibition con be announced in slup and material, give evideuco of the I Sundny’e issue. A postal caid^ts all that to great care to bo observed by the contrac* I necossary, We feel ^atiM.ed that the laillos tor*. A word hero oboat Uie college. It named above wiU prompt y respond. Be- is one of the oldest cUucational institution* jlng r.rtfsts themselveM, tliey certainly ap- in the country. Indeed, it is the first one I predate any effort looktog to the develop- in the world for the thorough e Jncaliou of | ment or advancoinf-nt of art in Maoon. ales, and its diplomas to women grade-1 And we feel equally sure that our citizen* were tbo first ever isauod. y*il promptly respond to the call to loon Mims'* punlic limust. I for the occasion their finer paintings, brio* The most cteditabie publio enterprise by u-brao and art curiosities. With all these citizens of Maeon is their public library. I a display can bo made in Masonio Hall I Beginning in June, 1874. under tho expe-1 ttoit drew largo crowd* daily, and I rienced management of Mr. Ghas. Herbal, I affording an opportunity of <easting I its inainbersbip has incre.urod to about 1 the vi*ion, will create a fund that will do I four hundred, ar.d tho library contains I muoh toward* advoumog the intereet* and 1 8,000 volumes. Besidos. tt oontain* many I oontnbating to the succej* of the great art I interesting relic*. Mr. Uerbst haa perhaps I exhibition to be held In Macon next year. I tho largest collection of Confederate I It remains with the ladies to resiond | souvenirs of ary one person, and manyof I promptly. tliese aro on exhibition at the library. The I supply of American and foreign news-1 A C»ra from Wr l*rr. papers and magazines is one of the largest I Mxoox, Jnno 10.—Editors Ttltaraph and I 1 ... 7.M.......... UnalV #-K» I - - - * Suffer no longer from Dyspep sia, Indigestion, want of Appetite,lossof Strength lack or Energy, Malaria, Intermittent Fevers, Ae. BROWN’S IRON BIT TERS never fails to eure all these diseases. Cotton, November stf, »G3i. Pbo\v« Chsmicai. Co. GentlemenFor years I ‘have ttena cre.-vtiulTercrfrcm DjnpcpsU. ar.d ccukt (tt no react uUa everything which wa* recommend ed) until, acting on the advice of a friend, who hr a been benefitted by ISR-jWN'S Iso* Ilir»M, I »rt#>#t • Lottie, with most aurprUinf resulu. Previous to taking Brown's Ikon Hitters, every tiling I ate digressed me, and 1 luifcreu greatly from a Lurning temation in the stomach, Bibb Connlr Sheriff’, Sale. TfTILL be sold before the court houM door tr IT the city of Macou during the legal hours of sale, on tho first Tuesday bi July next, the following property to-wit: Partof let No. 1, In square RL situataa *n ot Macon, on the corner of Couon avenue and orange street, fronting 100 feet on Omnco *trect and f^tton avenue. Also lot No. 12, In aqu. fronting on Orange street CT feet and running back to an alloy 'IA feet Said lot Join# lot No. 1, being divided f*y *. K* foot alley. Levied on tu the property of Janies V Grier to satisfy a fl to Issued from Bibb Hu per lor Court in favor of C.emcnt Mastcnon v* James V Grier. Property pointed out b> plaintiff's attorney. *’u>at the same time and place, oue-hnlf . of land situated on Windsor hill In the Godfrey db triotof bibb county, froutlntiontbe old Houston road and adjoining the WiikltiFon place. Levied on as tlie property of J T ftosM'© to satisfy a fi fa issue«l from County Court * Btbbxouuty in favor of J I. Wlhun vs J T lb fee. Ti — ‘ torncy. Also at the same time and pto-e, one grey mare mule nl>out 9 years old, <uo black bom’ mule about 7 yean old, one bay horse mulu about 7 rears old. one brown horse raiile ahou r “ are old, one bltu-lr horse about U) years obi bay mare mule affout 2» years old. and r toy horse about Sf yean old, also n wagons, one buggy and harness. 7 plow m..« “ sets plow gear, and 12 plow tools tovh-d < „# the pro|<-rly of John W Stubbs. deeease<l. satisfy two ti fas batted from Bib! Court, one In favor of Asher Ayres vs John w Ftubbs, and the other lu favor of Farah 1. "’httehuret, a John W Stubbs. Property , fluted out oMdalntlira attorney. Al.-out th^Fuic time and place, ta*» acres of land in Godfrey district, known as lots l-u and * bouudedon the south by Tobesofkeccreek. 1 ~n the east by lands of I)r. llolt * I.cvlcd sAbsfy the Bute and County taxes due by \ J English for the year 1M1. Also, at the same time and place, the follow- lug to-wlt: Part of lot No 7, in square Nr* fronting M feet aud mnuliig trotib!-«arsatanen(l. Cansstany time without any disagreeable re sults. I am practically another person. Bus. W. J.Tttw, 30 Maverick St., E. Boston. BROWN’S IRON BIT TERS acta like a charm on the digestive organs, removing all dyspeptic symptoms, «uch as tast ing tho food. Belching, * Heat in the Stomach, Heartburn, etc. Tho only Iron Preparation that will not blacken the . teeth or give headache. &old‘by all Druggists. Brown Chemical Co. Baltimore, Md. See that all Iron Ritters 1 ad Fifth _ jo aaosfr tlte State and county taxes for duo by O. b. llccke), agent lor Mrs. h. 6. iievkvl. Also at tho a*m* time and place the follow ing, to-wlt: tort of lot No. 3, iu square No. t8, frontlnf on Bond street, comer of alley be 1 Bond and Walnut street*, in city of Ma tovtot on to satisfy ihe State and County for IASI, due by Mrs. Ida L Kill* 0 at the same time and p!a< Ing, to-wlt: Partof lot No. 12, no rentlug 81 f«-et on College street, ICO feet deep, n city of Macon. Levied on to satisfy the state ann County taxca for Is*!, duo by Chas Holme*, trustee. . l U10 folk !, northwest range, $850 Square Orami Fiji 1UN0 srmoisxjffi 1 : Brown Chcmleij Co., ilaltlmor.,.nd have crossed red lines aad trade mark on wrapper. O BEWARE OP IMXTATIOM8. lantA bufldii bored In I with Hoanr at or near Htratton’a brickyard, ki n I daring which fee struck Henry in the :o . I mouth; they th*o separated aud shortly a(- irv I terward, in turning to walk off to break- n A I fast, he was cut in the buck; be did not .w. I •trike 1 rk- *2*221 I EaitV«TiUDg”airt'undi7\to iira: Hanry ■ilPfkTir JK? I ak.w.r-1 and raid: “Yoo are alinr!» Mor. Henry in the mouth until be *nw bl y | that Henry wa* eomlng toward bun using (threatening language. - 1 Gu* Johnaon, sworn: Knew th* de- sued; IU* name I* Morgan Washington. a tb I Morgan told Henry Wimblsh he was not Henry 00 Id* then Mor- | gan: “Name yonreelf aheen and I will I shear your ftnd Morgan said: I “sheep r’ Afterward, wiion we knocked I off tog> to breakfast, Morgan was walk- uul I lug on the track ahead ol ns; 1 was with no. I Henry; Henry stuck his shovel up in tho niy I railroad bank, and shook his knife ont of w I( I his sleeve and jumped ahead of me and I struck Morgan tu tho head with the knife; uf n 11 thought ha vraa just playing and hod hit 404 I him with hi* finger until be got Morgan CABV-UZIOI XD SCHOOL. Closing Kxsreliw—A nourishing Country School. Yesterday onr reporter hopped np into Jndgo MoMauus’buggy for a visit out inti the country to attend the dosing exercises of tho Campground school, in ebargo ' Mr. Henry Hrosn. The school numbered fifty-nine scholar* yesterday. It is situated about six miles from Msccu, to the right of tho Columbus road, and is on tho oamp-meeting ground where have been gathered tho bo*t and oldest of our Methodist people. It wru here, iu 1W0, that Judge McManus got all tho schooling he ever had. Walking down tho road j e&iorday on our way to tbs old spring, ho remarked that thirty year* ago ho could beat any boy fn the settle ment running to tbo spring, and ns the memories of thoso the happiest days of hi* life crowded upon him, he said he felt like running down that blessed , road just as ho used to in The spring is only a short distanco from tho school-house. It is clef.Fnnd bold, and the crystnl water has bubbled over the white sand for over a century. It to here Unit tho children of tho school come for wutcr, ja*t n* tho shining lights of tlio old- jnshioned shouting Mothodisbs did thirty and forty year* aco. The old school-house and tho wooden bors havo long since i*ns»ed away, tie for t»6r by fire, And the latter by decay. The present building U of modern make, yet plain and nnpreteutioas. It i* the ouly S uited country school house In Bibb coau- and this superiority was given it by the cutorpriso of its principal, Mr. Brown and one pupil, who usod tho paint bruah ia moat creditable manner. We arrived at tho ground aboat half post ton o’clock, and there found a large num ber ot the patron* of the school and citi zens of tho neighborhood in attendance. There wore Messrs. 11. A. Nisbit, KUi-ou, KdwiirJj. J. J. Amasoo, Arch Smith, Wa, Langston and many others. From Ma oon there were l’rof. Zettler, superintend ent public schools^ and Mr. J. 11. Hertz, the board of public instruction. • The exorcises were given iu tho njual _. der, aud wero very interesting. The chit dren rliow the work of their excellent teacher, and in the examioaiion by 1’ Zeittor displayed sotn© fiue*miuds. The following is the provraimne: hong. “Kxhibition Day,” by the school. Reading, by the primary class. Exorcise* in Latin grammer. Koading by the second reader class. Beleotiou* by Misses Fioldor Lockhart and YioU I^ngston. Hong, “Vacation Day.” by the school. Exercise* by tho nlgoara class. Selections by Misses Ella Taylor and Carrie Woodson. Exorcises in English grammar. Exercises on chart. Holeclious, by Misses Minnie and Bailie Griggs. m ajy library ia tbo Sooth. 0« tho rtanff-1 jfemapr: la your iasa. ot tho 8th Inst ard publication*, about fifty are on file for I *. . .,/ \r«. I members and visitors* Fortunately it has 11° Q published the statement of Garrie Mas-1 debt*, although its apartments aro most I soy, then nwdting sentence for tho brutal I ffibly located. Ia this respect the At-1 aaeassination of Mr. W. A. Evans. I am I Siag^inoliigibiy *«ra“od*and h onra” I ,b * who ta nsmod *“ rJoh "tatomant | il with a debt aiqirosituating $18,000. I nod in it, it (« allpdgod that I not only In- tiii uax-nuL uBoaoiA city. I stigatsd and pnur.od the maansr of Mr < ^il A ;Ko7u‘n h «t2 ,, Sh , & Uw-ara.nouon.batthativraprra. it should remain there or bo returned to I tuking and aiding intheeom-l Milk^dgcville, tho opinion prevnils with J mission of tho atrocious orime. Being now I many that Muoou, which is auito near the ^ old mall| noarIy >lxty ye *rs of age. and old capital# wi.h railroad faci ities for I having lived the greater part of my life in I Gaorgia quite equal to Atlanta and a very I this oounty, and though full owing the hum-1 centre point, would have sneoeedod hod I Hler k-nlks of life, the ohnracter wliich I v5lu?-!!LI establishod^and to which some of the | nhopo that Hlnco the lust Legislature so I citizens r- _ . , i w*» w.iMiu. ui Hu. city and county uow at I strougly roftisodto make an appropriation all times stand ready to bear testimony, 1 for a capital building, that Um qnretlou of would ^ Hnd j Bf 8n ffident refutation oi location tn.\y again bo revived in Maoon a I ano h nn infamous charge and slender npon intereet. Macon would indeed bo a lovely capital city for the Empire State of the South. ^ ^ B. A. 0. HOOTS AND HE UBS. euoh an infamou* charge and slander upon If your paper only reached and was read by thoso who knew me. Bat that I may COOL, SPARXUNC, ELEGANT SOM WATER 5c a Glass Lamar, Rankin & Laiuar’s I yonr column, that the statement made I. | Gnrrie Massey so far us It refers to mo. is I SODA WATER eithsr arm. She dealt in roota and yarbe Mfaioation, n^r was’ I at the station, I n .. n « ntft *«.. - w . mn 1 l«ft Mr. Evans store in the evening, where _ exciosively. Deep dowu into tho swsmp j WM em p lo;cdf w#nt my homo where 11 Don’t fait to como and see u* when yoo inoraes she dclvod, and her prigfliced eyo I remained all night, and knew nothing of I • knew every leaf and twig that grew in the I the kilting nntiT sent for noit morning. I visit the city thie rammer, u we want yon black boggy aoll. An Indian doctor, ,ho "'hen I reached the .tore tho ngrtiee prra- laid, Liugbt her how to tell tlio tree, aad «“ hodarre.led Patrio, And ah# to try iU hnahti, and ilia had learned tho leeran per-1 Tentinwd^ftiertora^rhe'ftttU^rirlfKmmii! I ■ D „ , , „ And .he wasn’t aa old n woman aa yonr ,S°n« rai L#mar ’ RMk,n A Lam8r ' Dru UaU*». «lS^»mWr?rSa rSSf I Opioalte Doiira Store, whiy tWnk°.hS n wra“o'" a’nd'bont orar,*klm ,hby craditaljlc witnrara., bejond HOMES’ LUIMENT, wrinklad and a lMtrelos* eye; and yet ft® 1 __ .„.l um AT U C O »0 T,w cr D, c ki rs wa; hardly thirty. Ten year, oth.rli,. MOTHER S FRIEND in the wood, of the swamp i 2 . , .. r2ri-':_7TL I r,„„ W strlnwa, 71-3 Uristre, , turralfca. our new t»»lcnt'm_ .. Also at the same time nnd place tho follow-1 ulul carved leg* and lyre. hrerj log. to-wlt: Part of lot No. 11. northwest range. I largo fancy mctjWlni:, full hoi fronting 140 feet on the east A<lc of College I Grand Action. T?rou«i Iton mci street. In city of waeon. Levied on to eat! Jr I Improvement whichrAH - til an "ic state ami County taxes for last, due by L I tho perfection of the lpley, Rawit. 0.6 WEHTtoTT. Ud-lrd. . June &th, 1bo2—CM. Sheriff. J f wOur prior for tuln 1 — I boset? attd on Bibb Count? Postponed Shnifl Sale. feJIrlnstfi? I.!, be sold toforo the court hone© door In I ? f? AzzrftiSsxweJrw ^ 1 H&BOffjsn : tKdssavssi -*« on the men oflilbh i nunty a* lot No. 2, sltust-1 fvL,;. «? *. « d tn the YlnevUle district of said county, front-1 ^ log ir» feet on the Forejth road and nmn log I p.*"*** 4 * !aS n 5 5 |U 'ra™ 0 rjl,'S'L°ra wffigfft'« «¥»'■* W«A i rn as the residence of Mrs KUra MoGos. I levied on a* Uie property of Wm McGee, de- **lff**"*.*+»EC* r/i" cease 1. to satisfy a fl to Iniieil from Bll.h Kui«v I iKi:,, * ^ rior Court lu favor of E F Best vs Eliza MsGm. I tn?** l»pcr.rM ; .Wo«it^-aln. . * Tran* an, invt r°.». wasneurr. I ntals ever awarded any manufacturei. June Mh.JH^Ctd* 0q cr,tr -. Plano fully wsrranted lor 5 years. GEORGIA. BIBB COUNTY.—>VhSTOM, E Y I I SI C )■:, \ the. C _ .. offered thi* musical pti ed success'. Tremendoiu demand fi W OOW loCpAgly Best hn* tn \>ro;*:r form applied f« adml nMratInn under Section *** 4'odeof Georgia, on the estate u Hhaw, of Fuyelto county, lit the SUto of Ken- lucky, dccre-Hd. who has an estate )» ^Iwx n<% P..1L Ansi n county of Bibb. In sold StaU of Georgia. | •« SJJ lOr t 0 "" 11 M This 1* to cl^jttid admonish all jjerwv* con- j l^alAlO ccmcd to be *nd appear at my o nice at me ^*>1IV July term next of tho Court ot Ordinary of said | fnn Choo’f £s!sam Ci Shark’* C connty, and show cause. If any they can, why J i - \ C rmancnt lu-m-re of administration should not] VsSA*^. I'granted to snldKK Best on raid estate. 4 U,lbe ?S!Si « »nc«j my official signature this Mh day oil — “ m June, mh j. a. McManus. 1''M from » JnnoSoswlw.* OnUnsry. I Iw Cswmaatres^oS*., J v IX)no7A, BIBB COUNTY.-—Whereas, Den-1 cry Chlntse t’.sh»r:nnu knows 1». \Y nU Duly haa made aptdUstUin for'teuton of I srosuiretlvo of hearing were . *"® tho estate of >\ m. Gary, late I Buddhist Priest about Its your 14 0. — _— ...—) numerous and many * This la tlu’rvforo, to cite and admonish all I Iff miraculous, Urat th— persons conrernctl to be and api<oar at the I ttolly procUiaitd over the « court of ordinary of said county on tho first I uso beretno somdvrreal th _ ”- J “ *“ * -*■ e, if any I yrarti n« Dm fur** hut J not U niHontf fftf t'/diiwe |it KTMitetl. I charge* prej^ld, to any nddrua u Witness my official signature this June fid, I _ . ‘gito.t. J ' A M<ii o& Hear What the De m Si . application for letters of dlnnlwdou from the 1 i raam ei P. Kerwiu, Into el raid count, d. it“dMlSSl’hdWlSf'dc This Is therefore to cite and admonish all 1 otJl8r ' x,ulc ^ 0 porwms concerned to to and apj^ar at the I . . . "ZZ. ... court of ordinary of said county bn tba first I ‘ fcR<5 ^ Monday In August ucxl to show cauw, tf any I they can, why said application should not to'I liJL r *ZT' ^ T J rT ii M. T granted. I *ANnoiwKttvsTl<».N. wnw* may7-law-itn* . —cuu sign at i . J. A. McMANlb, Onlluary. dottingtl.W, and you wtllr % mncly that will enable y mlntstsm. M therefore to rite all persons concerned, leg*- I Uis and creditors, to show cause, if any they "fS-lTKf • sS ran. why said executor should not to dtscharg-1 - «jl from his executorship and receive Icttrni of dismission ou tho first Monday in July. !C*2. Wltneaamy hand and ottu-ial sis nature this, April 1,1HKL J. A. McMANlri. ■P'- K> Ordinary, Notice to Bridge Bulldore. I TTNTIL Saturday, Jens 21, 1«*V, the County I U Commissioners of Bibb Invite scale*! pro-1 iMisaU for building a wooden briflgo c boRufkeu creek at the tf DjiS.A'.RicfiinoiM’! . ha«l been spent L osltn now known as Hear -. - — , J»ns, specifications and all 1 further information apply to Uie undersigned I »l tha court house. 1 By order <>f BILL County Commissioners, matfl Uw4w W. O. HMIlH. Clerk. CURES FITS. wa* tfood f>r bilious complain didn’t know a solitary thin if about it—whether of stamen or petal. lavished a wealth of love on blncksnaka I nn-1 f 'no of the greatest comforts to those expect- Try as plodded to a a*fur count.” If yc C'aSSSuSF that you were on the t permanent dlsorgan cratio party,” T reform sod nominal w -.‘" lm UI1 M«i” IdUhotrao kiorgan lu»« ^ I ^thavkftil.«^.loi; thi.wuUwt g!f?8? a ft£ ‘taSj itirl I Cain.Mackarran, l»Uh J.vcW and Eft. Btepbnu, bat goo -Ton know ioa ra bod, of Iod«p»oJj wo will pttdg. ro will b. a aoa-pw wiU not do w goo aro .Ull doiog, pot mra who an too them is their ml Dtmoevetia wtrtg. » ■ cn»to do what hi i fur the tart Ian aaeh a charge, J, M, CaraT I agjgJMftSjSjggg M^oSed'rS'^ok'TSd w‘u Irad fifuT I *• l»—>rra(^t.g. V, MU. pr.iseof the devil’s shoe-r-trinj:, but ♦i;ol A Frftewrt Us In# rrfcotfleee let in a f<>nJlU’>nu» recover uulekly—crln oth- utifal crewie* that pracefully ntnded the I Borrows end sickness te the too common ter-1 • f! KX Vjt et “ ri * U P- Under lu She rawTorfeif thi. rcm^lv Uof- tlon. She saw norhipff in the scarlet of I ignorance I* prone to bid the affilcted isiB|taidlioftuf H a character as to forMd a long the berries, the sweet odor* of tho lanrtl I and to strong/' instead of “mlr. stsring to the I trT *F of certlflcatee. Those lntererted tn lu tho fraar.tnce of tho klngtly magnolia—| mind diseased,” or layinf a hand of healing I ^‘f® tt« pact fully referred to tho hundreds a only saw nick ol* in tho tttfly, waited I ou the poor tortured body, I who have used It. 'twisted root* that scemtd to burrow I And when Science ami Philanthropy, with I BEAD TiTE TESTIMONIALS; * in tbs bUuk soil aa if to hide their I ®®d skill, come u» in# aid I I must camestlr entreat every female expert- z* WWW row ww»r . ftf ^ ffiey feel as If tho angel of an-1 log to be confined to use ‘Tna Monuca s Re- r *** 1 nunclatlou bad drawn near. .... I uar.” Coupled with the entreaty. 1 will add Samaritan Nrrvtne really really Is salvation I tiiat during a large otoUUical practice (forty . .• a. • u»— a full .heart when | four years), 1 have never known U to fall b OEOKUJA. BIBB COUNTr.-Whereas John I ftomey has mails application for selling siaxt | a hnmcstroil of personalty aud the valuation I WiC5«agft: . at my office. 1 tnayrwtil J. A. M« MANU.d, Ordinary. towton, exicnu>r of the estate of Mrs. KHsal PtHMKhe, Iuw made application for leave n» I wU a two story brick store bouse and kdoul Second street, and the dwelling and lot ol the I said Mrs. ElUa Deloach* at the time ol her I dreth, all lu the city of Macon In mid county, I ■‘longing to satd estate: This Is therefore to cite and admonish all I . enons concerned to to and appear at the I court of ordinary of said county, on the first I persons concerned t court of ordinary of Monday In July next. they ha —* granted. Witness my official signature Urn June 2, IMS. — J. A. McMASUfi, ordinary. And yet thi* woman—thi* coal-black Nancy Barker—carried in her baskets I to thousands. 1 rj««k from a full heart when I fc_. cures for rhoumatUm, female complaint*, 11 say It, for friends very near nnd deer to me I produce a safe ami quick delivery, chill* aud fever, and a aura cure for weak I have been natored to health ann happiness by | If. J. 1IOLME8. M. D., AUsnta, Ga. UlnhaumA,- raMra.olU.ra bearfoot root for rheua. atlsm, red ahaiik I ^ m# lbe day. feel as 1 know the root fo* dysentery and sham« mot for fo-1 man mentlonetl In Scripture must have bit Bata complaint*. *—’ *— “ | mund Arington were also swore, and t*sti- ra« I fled, Rubeia&tiallr, to tho facta at stated by t^t I Gtxs Johnson. Tho jury returned the fol- fiod that the doceaaed, (too, came to hU death by fib© | t ( *A. nauus «oi Henry Wimbith on U»t wiLh I Wednasday, resalticg from knife Ura I inflicted by Hecry W.mbish, and from the -uut I evidence of ail witness©©, wc bvlieve Henry Th- I Wimbiab ffuilty of dkirder. jal 1 B. A. Taavta, Foreman.” Ucr I Th® two men were at work on a gravel Wui' I train of the Macon and Brunswick rail- read, and ware rawing the track near to^^^U-PHvita^of yiSSSRWS: w unoun waa m«u thuM abares.aft^taro^W-Ur.^ioo th© morning cf the catting. On itnatra him. tor w lairad u <u i Tr arm l. T mcniu ti vra duoov.rad tiwl tt, whrabra h. 1* DOmln*Ud ov #oh Ilftr. j JJ^ffUra ratif lira c.K ct Itu, !og. Dr. Blrahra. brash. Jra»a»draprarara,tA«v« w> l^ tM rad rath, wound In Uil- a-. plrau <rf rara who era iradj » fight ll I rromU- ^J^ c , itwm ^ ont. I this waa a meet unprovoked murder. Tslsi/tahnltatal 7 -W.— HpeUiug by the word primer class. Bong, “VVuh I wore a Liule Bird,” by the tchooL Bclections by Misses Enrhls Edwards and Carrie Smith. Hxerctoea in Geography. Bclections by ML sea Louise linnter and Eliza ilarknsas. Boog, “Dor Happy School,” by tho school. Selection by Miss Crowell Griggs, hclestloit by Miss Isabella Lockhart. Hoag—“Fartiag song,” by th* scbooL 8clection Ly Mira Mary E. Edwards, detection by Mias Fannie Smith, bong—“Adieu," by tlio school. At tho close of the ez*rotate, Mr. Brown stated that th* prize for excellence in ttnd- ioa had Ucn awarded to MU* Mary Ed ward* ; for attendance to EUtooa Edward* and Walter Heric. There prize* were |5 in gold for the first, aud $2JiO in cold each of the others, and were offered by IL A. Kistot. They were swelled tu the flucceeafa! pqpile by Prof. Zettler. After the award th* Professor enter!*'in- ed the school with a talk, which we* timely and well enjoyed. Dinner wautben announced, and upon a long table fn an oak grove near by wa* piled in orderly profusion one of the i old-fashioned dinner* to be found onl th* country. After tbi* the chi I romped aud played, ar.d then the school- he use wnacloftod until next September. Letter frera Buts L. ». Trut—IL Dunn, June3.—In jour issue of the7th inxt the following ia sivut aa a conversa tion between yourself and some one ia At lanta: “My dear fellow, Soot Trammell told mo last night that Grady vac the unani- mooe choice of tho convention; that tho thing waa fixed, and that the petition would be pubitahed ou Thursday.” • • • la*k tbo privilege of stating to your coiemns that the above, so far a* U reiatee to roe, i* Cirtirety a*vl absolutely a fabrica tion. I bare had ho such ©jnvsrsatkm »t*ho buys them from you?” ‘ Evi rjbody buys ’em—white fo*ka and I kjod W«»l m colored folk*. Dey makes bitten wid I JjSttfiSSJ 1 *Wlthscch incontrovertible proof of the be-1 Lhe'flretUrae, andVho says' t« he] !.y railing at my i-fficc. IhffM bad the foregoing reflffiipffiffiBMBB LV TunrrD in Atlanta and vicinity, I uow flfcr g remedy Tnoancmi- ^SfSIsahTi toll*’em h»tw to bile ’em I knowledge of whaforold benefit U»e worhi"in o«zra.h.b l «kup.or I .er flngtre—finger* that had graypled^ in I office to ally engaged la superintending the I I am permit tr-rkno to refer to the V.lowlng the black dirt of tho swamp so long that I rvntlcman wb«ee business U fs to attend to the I well-known citlxrua of Atlanta: C 8. Newton, the ends were callous—tho names of some I details of the Immence correspondence which I William M. Crumley, Jr., V. A. (tore and D. other cu.*tomcr». You would not beUev# I L a uaturel result of hla widespread repuu I Bain: all of whom, are read) to testify to the - — . . ■ •<— i merits of the preparation. l*rice, fLJO per bottle. A lady from one of the counties of middle Granite, who haa bran net!tie as midwife for mao mentioned !h Scripture must have felt I many rears, writes: M ! have «!Uposed efal when he went from Jerusalem to Jericho and I Tiia Mother’» Kcuer you sent me. and 1 am sent me, and I am / instance where It ■ve been all Ural l A OUST mjj&hho.') ctlon. but I grew wc_ . told me of the Hamantan Nervine. I former ronfinemrnta, and recovered from it in it I am, a* you see, restored to I raucf Ices Ume. t<he also recommended It to a ** I lady tricod who was about to to confined for ______ _ iw* comity having died on the Oth day of May. l*»C, — * * O. Wynn, of seid hute, having In .... 1 applied, m a perma Mtccfod rural of kin. for letters of administration i estate, under the ZtXth accttou of the code: TtiULto cite all and Angular the credlU and belreof mid ElLabethT. Kntttng tobea . appear at my office, at the July term neat of I Cmnd _ ^ , trUa0i the court of ordinary ot mid county, and show 1 ,tru gG| * uy they can why permancut letters of ration should not be granted to said (vitncu my official signature Utb the 3d day f June, IntL J. A. McMANUH. Jun3wtw* Ordinary. •• . ,, . . . I niwwxn incGHMumumc i>n«n ui w Do you tell your customers bow to I neficent nature r.f the remedy. It Is not si i them7” . I that an editor, always aullcttons for an a * • » • . ^ benefit Ui i carikst c _ sari vxvxa sun any oyg ram tnbolun this okkat ttr so arcu bask vansoLtTrLKffrrrrai Tho names ot ail these, and many others, can pokeuerrv. Loti some of the best era ot bitters made Ibe old-fashioned way __ seems to be deep-rooted. OupenlM and I of the humble artisan; Innocent childhood and liver pad* are slow In driving out the root* I withered old age shewed In their counterfeit and herbs of the ye good old-fashioned I premnimenu the graUtuts they rauld not folk. And Ka&jy i-incersly swears that she I ran go in a swamp road ami gather the I ^uvfinn S^eSSS^S-h^aJd^oS’ .^ „ra.«, rain that ooze* from the pine-tree roots | hi and low. hiack and whiu, all were retire-1 ¥ Ld I did not count them, bruised by the wagon* ruunlngover them, Poinded me of fh'emirelrii^7SSI ViwSu by all droaghto . - -- • * * * *“ * * * .only tnstes-1 of the crutches, band-1B. LYNDON. Athc&j, G*. __ silver ami waa of the recti- track or kidM, NUas qaitkra-and'brau. I tjrrajt *«?'**• off Jalnt Bacob’s oiL . . f '‘You roust fc-l very happy, doctor, when you The time ta coming, though, when there | look at this collcctton.” u* rheumatism, bearfoot root knocks th* spot* I Sit J, 1 »* Jraira* OIL ■ looming, will be no demand .— Every year alw mirks a gradual dxrease. The liver pad aad tb® capsule are ou th* march, and recruit* are falling Into Uno erery day. Alreadv tbo efficaeiocx, but scorer, aursoparUta L giving way to tbo ge nial and plenlif ol Mufnu and wintergrwfl, aad Jerueatam oak—tho old timo worm- arter—ha» krag mum ssccssbcd to mpting ItticBgM. We ore mov ng far away from Nancy, mo wvlLgha be lefl alooo in tno owo<n*«® with bar roHa aad herbs, aad *ho rush of rootlae*, horbtao* noolrumo will drown bor cries of “frtahrooU foroata!” rf and tartar disappear smooth aud tooth, though dark sod BY B. M. WOOLLEY, At lanta, Ga. He liable evi given, and refovsnoc* iui t i uw giTWB, utu mciruw* JREDI to cured p«*i*uta and pky*i- look at this eolketum/* w* tal-L ’ 1 oian*. Bend tor my bookon Tho Habit -Ah? yts,” said the doctor pUarantlv. “but | and iuCuro. Free. deoinrisw—ity Mi&s —— W. H. MUffWT to my library I He I«1 ihe way tn the next apartment and BP m&f t SaSP& (of Jacksonvilta, Fla.,) r tortunat • aa well i Trait sod Produce i, **L»r 1 have known ; i at what ta the 7C Poplar St, BUkak Block, Maoon, Ou, the value of I what I For the Fuck i season. WIU boy ot • and other fruits, in* iu fit oooditteo tor ahif a patrons at low r CSTSSm* MOORE’S u s;*" NOTICE. Cure.1 I dumb. •AMARITAk Ml saybotfy. i'rrxa Ho**, a t by the 4AMAniTAN 7 SAM A KIT AN MB Ifsik a sarc c^rt uf ^eaae e •AM A KIT AX J -Whereas A. B. I persons tunreniw tu mu« i»ura, u »n, bw, have, at this office, on or by the first Monday , In Augu*t next, why the wpj shall not be **WlUM»» my hand cffidally, aprtwbl* Ordinary. G ■AVAKITAX J Was the ocaaagf cort^wiy •AMAKITAX | ESteSA-TS m .tAMAJUl Cured bm uf ■crvfaUa EORU1A, JONES COUNT* -Whereas Mrs Carrie C. hmllb and Iraublaa Emllh, cxer ntor aad executrix of the estate pf John T. Smith, deceased, have applied to me foe dla- Three are therefore to cite and admonish alt person* concerned to »how cause at this office,. . . on or by the first Monday in Augu*t ncxL If any | gJSW they tore, why the some shall nut to g ankd I _ to them. I SAM A VITA X .V Witness oy hand officially, n’.-R-is 1 *«•—••x.t apKwtd* Ordinary, | •AMAKITAX KBKV Elootlon Notice for Stock 1 Bgigp—* and Fence Law. uhlibitas j^^sEsssaAasapssr Br ”“* ;bB, * ! aa?»ai gurt -S^jivd^an elrcttou wUl to held at the 7*- Monday, the 10U» «lay of J uly the question of ••F•n»!*’ , ov " county uf Jones; said u «Hhcr elcrtPjtui an*l undentgacd. A petit act Is now of file In this WUnos my Land ~ aaayfitwtd s Executor's tale. ILL to uddbetar* the court hoc Mtorouaty.Georgia, oqJbeil