Georgia weekly telegraph, journal & messenger. (Macon, Ga.) 1880-188?, June 16, 1882, Image 7

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ixvftx 3fmmva! & THE LOOKING GLASS. In the glan on the mantel wee Carolle looks, “V/hat a sweet little girl, l declare; Yoq'ee a pair of big eyes, Just as bine as the peach. Your long tresses as yellow as gold; And yon have more than wealth—you're the blowing of health— 'T wens a pity you’d erer grow old. But life is as short as a midwinter day. And beauty, like (lowers, soon fades away." And that's what the looking glass say;, u. In the elan on tho mantel proud Carolle looks While shi. puts a white rose In her hair; Twenty^ years *havo swift flown, and now Car- To • maiden all comely and fair: 8he looks Into the glass: "What a beautiful lass! You've a form of the loveliest mould, And you have more than wealth—you've tho _ blessing of health- a pity r you'd ever grow old. But life is as short .... And beauty, like flower*, soon fades away. And that's what tk a midwinter day, •were, soon fades a' t the looklug glass says. The ■ rich dun oik has stolen away from her cheek. An i the sunlight away from her brow. She looks Into the glass. "Well-a-day, well a- day! Your soft hair once as yellow as gold, Is as snowy, I see, as the foam on the sea. 'TIs a pity that youth should grow old. But life Is as short as a midwinter day, And beauty, like flowers, must fade away," And that's what the looking glass ray*. —James A. Fa mil. ago! This feeble effort to raise an old and ] worn battle cry sounds like a wail (torn the vanquished. Th* followlngltem from the Valdosta Times needs no explanation. Neil Ashley | has oar oommiseratlon: NeU Ashley rau into a oollision with a coople of kittens in the woods a few days ago, and hi* wife had to Imrv him for three days. .The said kittens belonged to tho highly seasoned kind. Carroll County Times: Mn. Ediyo*:— I am truly glad to see the name of A. 0. Bacon, of Maoon, mentioned in oounectiou with tho Governor's office, for 1 think him one of the l>sst men wo bare in the Htate. Iporsonal and familiar acquaintance with him is my grand reason for tbnkiog so, and I think all that ie necessary for any ono to look upon him at one of our brightest intellects is to form his acquaintance as I have done. His sterling integrity, Wa arm- ness and honesty of purpose, I think, well adapt him for that high and responsible position. And besides that I suppose that thore are but few men In the State that are better acquainted with State affairs than Mr. Bacon, for he has been speaker of the House of Representatives for several years, and the thorough everhau'ing of the State house affairs has familiarized him with the basinet* of the State, so that I think he would certainly be one of the safeat men that coaid be pot in that very responsible position. I thinl his claims upon the peo- plo of Georgia as strong us that of any mau, and I, for one, world be truly glad to »et him inaugurated Governor of Georgia. Bn >cu PniLura. Seven of the employes of the Atlanta pout-office are negroes. Emory Speer probably knows more than anyone else LOCAL HPSIXE39. DENTISTRY-DR. B. B. BARFIELD. No. 90 Mulberry street, Maoon, Georgia iff ro hours—a. m. to (t p. ». aug26tf DR. D. 8. ffftUMIT, DENTIST. aprC-Sawly* Ofloo—114 Seoond st J. 1*. * W. R. HOLMES, DENTISTS. Offloe—Opposite Lanier Hoofs. 10*2 Mulberry street, Maoon, Ga. maylOdawly financial: STOCKS AND BONDS IN MAOON. COUBSOYKD D1ILT HI LOCKETT & BOND. BROKERS. MACON, JunefH, 1*82. Georgia 6 per cent bonds, due IMS.IIO ( Georgia 6 per cent, bonds, (old) „—^ -tdsti— GEOR (SIA XE IF*. Wn learn from the Uerald that the tai, bring establishment or Clark and Wilhelm} or Atlanta, was bsrned on Sunday morning. The loss is fally covered by insurance. Tua Herald reports that Maj. J. F. Cam ming, of Atlanta, is a candidate for the Legislature. Tub Atlanta Evening Herald states that some Northern people are interesting themselves in ths case of Alf Doyal, con victed of the murder of Officer llanooek, of Griffin. The sympathy for Doyal grew out of the fact of his protesting against being hang on ths seme day with Ouiteau. The present high price of watermelons ia a source of great trouble to the natives of Atlanta and Savannah, though, really, tho faot is an undisguised blessing. Enquirer-Sun: The Eagle and Phenix Mills have bought $25,(X*) worth of new and improved machinery for tho rope works of that institution. It will soon be gin to arrive and will bo ready for opera tion for the fall trade. Sixty thousand why negroes aro appointed to Federal of fices in Goorgia. be said of meat, we at previous prloes. :eiph. — .... Futuras—Upland*, low middling clause. June !• tune and July 6 43G1; July amt August l! August and September G 6 47-61; hep- •r and October* 42-04. Futures quiet, i.i,’KRPOOL—1:00p- m —American, soles 7.- 000. Uplands, low middling clause, Juuo and ... *uly 6 43-64; July mid August 64461; August WASS?!**omb««.4ltoT«A« {SJsS'ltRJWt spina city c ters of the Chattahoochee. When all the new mills are set agoing, it will be "morio by the band," anu the cry i« still they come. At a postponed meeting of tho managers of the orphan asylum, the fol lowing offloers were re-elected for the beginning May 1st. 1S82: Mrs. R. A. president, Mrs. M. A. Patten vioe dent, Mrs. J. E. Martin treasure*-, M. Alien secretary. Mrs. J. S. Cushman as- Amxeicus Recorder: If the soaeona tinue favorable notabnehel of Western eorn will be bronght to this market. If the could I ' ‘ would indeed be Tnx Wright sville Recorder is of the opin ion that Mr. Stephens needs rest, and that he should be permitted to retire to the shades of "Liberty Hall." In this opinion many thousands of Georgia Democrats share. Th* Savannah News reports that, in an affray near Uardeeville, on Sunday night, legro named Strain plnngod a knife iuto » bosom of William Williams, another negro, killing him instantly. Strain es caped. Tin Monroe Advertiser coutains a long Recount of the mysterious murder of n ped- dler in Monroe county in lb7C, with tbs statement that the supposed murderer has been found in the person of a negro, named Clark Taylor. An.hits has one eolored dentist, who is doing a good business. Many of his pa tients are among the leading families of ^aS.S miaaflnf upUnll. 123-K; middling Or- cotmting tor Uatre—diocmuy Atlanta j„„, I2 7 m. ooiroolliUtaS net receipt* isao; *—*“ ' ltritaln 3.2M. he >e« A. Wa <11. iaiit 11 rwreHi/i min. «• o. uuiuuiou its- sistant secretary, Miss Patterson matron. Atiaxta Herald: From a sort of gen eral feeling of the fitness of things, oouplcd with vagus whisperings between the ze**l- ota of the cau<e and annonnoomenta made from the base of operations at Washing ton, the following roll of the kitchen cab inet of the administration that would-be has been compiled: Executive secretaries —Hon. J. U. Rnmlall, Hon. O. P. Culver; adjutant-general—Hon. Thaddeua Kos ciusko Oglesby; principal keeper of th< penitontiaty—lion. William H. Felton, commissioner of agriculture—Hon. Gip Grier; State librarian—Hon. Maroellns Engeoiua Thornton. It may be a disap pointment to certain other colonels and honorable* not to find their namea in the pot, bnt they should not despair. T hero are plenty of "jeeatlaeee' places'* at the dis position of tho Governor. The PSk-Appeal thus states the ease from the standpoint of the origiual Ste phens man: The Tblxob vrn Mxaan- oeb says very t.uthfolly. that Mr. Stephens "has never subordinated hiW.piuiona to the Democratic caoouses and conventions." Upon this point it wonld bo very ink rest ing to know whieh of the two, when thus differing, have been correct, Mr. Stephens or the Democratic canons and convention. We are one of those who believe that Mr. Stephens was right in every instance where he baa not oonformed to the dictation of the Democratic caucus and the convention. Nay, wo will go still further and state our belief that Mr. Stephens' Democracy is su perior ti that of the so-called Democratic parly. Gairra Sun: Reoent developments have brought out the fact test the larger num ber of the loading papers published outside Atlanta have at last learned that the State government ia in tho hands and under the* control of what is known as the Kirkwood ring. It bts been openly charged that ini* crowd have decided to make Mr. Stephens governor, to make one of their nnmber senator in Ur. Hill's pine s to secure a legislature favorablo to the oortinuanoo of the present convict system, and to abolish or cripple tha railroad commission. The papers are also discovering that Atlanta does not include the whole of Georgia, and that the said ring ia not the Democratic party. This is a healthy, hopeful sign, and If they persist in the oourse ft will result in much good to the party and the State. Tub Gainesville Eagle reports Mr. W. A. Porter, sheriff of Forsyth county, as hav ing been attacked and fearfully bitten by n mad-dog. People should keep thoir eyes On the ooip. We have never known so many instances cf rabid dogs and thoir fearful work, aa are daily reported by the Goorgia papers. Bona editors aro mighty msan-severa! of ooroontemptoaries are envious of ths Poet-Appeal because it has been presented with an owl.—Post-Apjmsl. This W too bad. We tape Corporal T hornt m'a "con- temptnarioa* will not do so any more. Tho Corporal salts the owl sud the owl suits the Oorporsl. It Is a case of "birds of a feather." Mb. St cm a»s says, or bis friends say for him, that if he is sleeted governor be will be controlled by no rings or cliques. Yet bis most clamorous support oomea from the only two rings in Geor ^ ia—the Kish- wood end the coalitionists.—Griffin Sun. This i« altogether true. The whole move ment is an affair of ring-. Mr. Stephens hu been sadly duped—wickedly so, by can ning and not over serupuloue politicians. Tra Poe f -Appeal promisee to make highly important political announcement 1 «1U Semi-Annual Clearing Sale! i It has boon our custom twice a yoar to make special sales o?surpius stock, Wo propose to bogin earlier this season than usual and offer on our ain Counter !f. ...... U« < 4107 Georgia "her cent, bonds (mortgaxo 11C glu Goorgia 7 per ceut. bonds (gold I quarter coupon*) IKSjtalUl Gvi.iyla 7 per cent. bond*, due 18M. 121 (Z»126 Georgia 8 per cent bond*.. 110 <&U3 Northeastern railroad bondi(end'd) 114 Mil# Central R. R. Joint mort 7 per cent lUVJ'illfl Georgia railroad 6 per cent. Linda. 107 &1U9 Western R. R. of Ala., l*t mortgage 111 (3113 Western R. R. of Ala., 2d mdttgogo 111 Cill5 Mobile and Girard railroad, (mort.) 112 $11* Montgomery and Eufsula l*t mort gage. ind’i'd by C. and 8. NY. U R 106 ©Iff] Atlantic and Gulf railroad, consoli dated mortgage HO mill City of Macon bond* 101%9102/ City of Savannah bond* 83 « *5 City of Atlanta 6 per cent bond*... 100 gl«2 City of Augusta 6 per cent bond* .. 100 #4108 Southwestern railroad Block, cx dlv 111 6*113 Central railroad stock, cx dlv kj r% M Central railroad scrip, ex dlv 88%r<4 89)1 Angtuta and Favnnnah R. R. stock 118 ©120 I Georgia railroad stock 148 ©1&0 C0KHBECIAL. Cotton Market* by Telegraph. h LIVERKXJL, June 14.—Noon—Cotton In fair A LARGE ASSORTMENT OF SEASONABLE AND DESIRABLE GOODS AT CA8^,'<(ai§20„MERS - W. RICE & GO. Are tlcif* Lenders in Low Prices. S.Jofiiso&’sS'Ois, 107 Third SL, Macon, Ga. Hardware. CARRIAGE and IVAGON MATERIAL, GRAIN CRADLES, CUTLERY, BELTING, TINWARE, IRON, STEEL, Sporting Good, and Fulling TacEUt. Parker Brecch-Loading Guns, Lifter (old) action in r ock—top snap lasl of August. ^ — Agents for Buflalo U. S. Standard Scales. piajSwljr market firm. Cotton per steam 6 82<7-83d., wheat per steam 3d. NEW OKl.KANd, Jnne It—Flour scarce and linn; XXX • 6.7506.W: high grades • 6.2.1a 7.15. Com in fair demand; mixed and yellow coaler at M: white firm at *1.06. Oats coaler at 6'J. Pork strong at *21.75. I.ard steady; re fined tierce tH.75all.87S: keg *12.25. Bulk meats in good demand; ahouldcrs,packed *!».«<•, Hams, sugar-cured scarce and Ann; canraaed ( '-Il.50ul5.23. Whi»ky firm. Coffee quiet and firm; Rio. cargoes, ordinary to prime SalO^l. Sugar quiet; common to good common fair to fully fair T^ns. prime to choice 8)^)4: yel* < 30-64; November and December 6 : turos steady. NEW YORK, Juno 11.—Noon—Cotton eo*ier. rales 810: middling uplands 12 3-16; middling Orleans 127-16. Futures steady; June 1206; July 12.12: Augnat #1 — 12.21; September 11.91; Octobor 11.50, Novonfber 1 - 11.34. NEW YORK—Evening—Net rocclpU 20; grora CO*. Futures closed dull, sale* 66,000, os follows; • 112.07' November... 11.336411.36 1 I Dcccmber...ll.3<y.*n.37 Islana ordinary to choice 6)ia7S> Bran dull and lower at <1.00. Naval Stores WILMINGTON, Juno II.—Spirits tnrpmtlne ..rm at 42 1 4. Roslu firm at fl.5> for strained: *1.GO for good strained. Tor firm at 11.70. Crude turpentine steady at 11.50 * ~ hartl: *2.75 for yellow dip; 92 75 for virgin. hmw • Vl CHARLESTON, Juno 1» —Spirits ttfrpentlno quiet, with sale* at 42c. Rosin IIn fair id at tl.60al.70 for strained and good Tub ootton seed oil mill*, on Hotchin- aon’a Island, opposite Drayton street, Ha-1 vannah, were totally destroyed by fire o last Monday morning. All the building GALVESTON Juno 14.—Cotton nouflual; mid- -ling Hjfc low middling 11%; good ordlnnrj 11; net receipts grow sales—: stock 9.- NORFOLK. June 14 -Cotton quiet; middling *— “* «ca - - ixigs J adjoining the mill* were also burned. The | loss will be over $30,00). ■■ "i?'™ •• I missiinVEyrrSTSiis: a party here from Spsrta hiring hands.” 1 io li-ic - • -* • Or all the negroes on earth—exoept perhaps I 2i.iso *" • * ' BOSTON, June li.—Cotton quiet; middling 12,'i low middling 12; good ordinary 11%; receipts 161; gross 233; aolos none;f stock fewer trait* to command him to wl Better let the Athens dsrkiea alone. Mas Ham,ie F. Cumin, of the W. C. T. U., has been delivering temperance lee- receipts 241; grc«* 211; sales 827; stock BALTIMORE, Juno lt.-Ootfon quiet; ling 123-16; low mlddllngll 1*16; good ordinary 1011-16; net receipts —; gross —; rales —; stock " 1.480 BOSTON, Juno 11.—Cotton quiet: middling 9100, WILMINGTON, June 14 -Cotton quiet; mid- UMPiimHIlPipmiPIIIPIIPflltiK WVt low middling 11 3-16; good ordinary tore# to the Savannah negroes. When she 1 receipts 4; gross - ' ■ finishes her lectnres in Savannah, it i« tolpiin.Ai'V be hope 1 that the great needs of Atla in that line, will engage her attention. ) ry ll; uct 'receipt* 5«5fl ST7.TAN1A Tflephone: Hon. A. O. Bioon we hope to see him bear tho standard of ^ l0 i^ ; netnoeiptoSU; groai2H; sale*—, stock the Democracy to victory in the coming I 6,4*4. race. He is oar choice, and wo believe iio 1 NEW ORLEANS. Jnne II.—Ootton qnletJ i* the choice of the majority of tho people I middling 12%: low middling 11%: »cod ordlna* of this county. I OCIU -j not rvcclpU 407; grow KO; jrales 3250; | | Gaxrr saye: "W’e verily bolievo that some country newspapers would advertise out n case of small-pox nr.d take puy in stock." This la a pretty serious charge: . yet some of the weekly, and eveu daily, Idling 12; low mlddlln^ll%; good ordinary papers advertise in a wonderfa*ly reekiera jjjj, «|* * ‘blpmenu laifi; ro S?“ e J[* .. . - , .... I AUGl/sTA, June 11.—Cotton market quiet; Tub heaviest load that any town or 00m- I middling 11%: low middling UX: good ordlu-J inanity can carry is a few dood men in I ^ xo%• net receipts 40; grora —5 sales 252. I their midst whe refuse to be buried.—Car- | ciIAkLESToN, June 14.—Ootton 'inlet; n J \lrrsville American. True as the "Declare- I ling 12; low mlddlinOUi: good onlinary 11)4; tiisuof Independenoe." The same state- | hot recelpta '■>; gross u; raiei2o; stock 6,8a:^^ SSto? 1 *" Wllh ^ ,0rM °“ P0 ' i ‘ l “ 1 MACoiTxAKKirr | Atlanta 1s going to have a now bra** mormon.—Market exdted t prices fluduat-1 band. The band, Ural Col. Pat Walsh jw.andthodctn«...Wxrcc.l, ‘ho saWgr. tad threatened to organize, h is been given | |3 ^V^ Bu b^iw* & over. Evan Howell’* drum could not be | g^jTvr lbdUeaS?* ~ gotten into proper shape, and Grady posi- LAao.-M*rket very firm. Choice leaf. In tively refused to lay down the bouo* and | tfkrrc*. 12%A13; * < ■- take up the cymbal*. I tlcrce, 13; tuns, mf«w buckwh ~‘' ,loM - wh “‘ from tta HandersviHe Mercury ia in poiut: corrtx-Markct quiet with good demand; "In the last eighteen months thsrc have b<»cn I choice Rio, 15; prime, 14: good. 13; fair,12; ordl- eight mnrder* committed in our county, by | nary, 10; O. O. Java. m-. Mocha. 30. Colored people oq their own woe." I Onain and Hay.—Market vert Arm. WBte ... * _ ^ . - ,. M ... _ .. I com,; nixed. corn, al05-tn car loml 1 "A DLOODT fist fight amusod tho Castle- 2 to scents less. Feed oat* 67. Western berry Hill denizens yesterday,” says the I timothy hay. 91.35; Eastern hay, fl.23. Cora ■ M ' ' ’ ' - ' ' ' ' ' 11\ ia Uilt.Hl. tl.17. * O. H. Xtedaing. It A VOX, GEOlliStA, DrALn IS Croconos, Plantation Supplies, Bagging. Tioa,Etc., Etc. 1 nm now making a specialty of the Lummus or (mprovod TAYLOR GIN. I claim that il ie the most oompact and simply coistructed gin made, con sequently it i* more easily operated nnd will run h uger without needinj ^rtpairs tVan gins with coropUcatau mnehintry; that it combines the merits ^Srcxn, Ijort Dbauuht a»d Good --Sami'le in greater degree than snyoth- j^*er gin. It will pay you to eee this gin tafoie buying. jun13eodAwflm FI AN08& ORGANS Gruml 311(lNuxniucr GLOSIKD. OUT SALE 1 THE FOSS & PEVEY C0TT0X CARD ! JOHN M. PEVEY, Proprietor, Lowell, Mass. P0WI Absolutely Pure. This powder never varies. A marvel of purity, strength and wholeeomenee*. More economical Uun the ordinary kinds, and cannot bo sold in competition with the multitude of low test, abort woight, * or phosphate powders. Sold only in Royal Bauwo Pownaa Go., 100 Wall Nmr York. alum fa cans. all street 00 next Wednesday, and says that "orders for, ext re oeniee may be sent to the office revolutionary at once.” This is too thin. Corporal. You promt cd to have a June mass meeting, whether or no; and now you threaten to etarlle the political world witu a fearful an nonneement. Has "H. W. G. H reconsid c red hie declination? That would be *Urt- ^jSerrien Xetet: Dr. O. N. Bradburry, of ftorway, Maine, and Mr. K. L. Metcalf and Mr. Gilson, of Ms—chwetta, have been in and will, in all probability, make it their tame at least during the winter months. I To all such, we extend in behalf of our peo ple, a h arty welcome regardless of tnelr political procUvitiee, eud hop. they will induce others to follow their example. Claueitillk Advertisers It would seem that Uon. Kiiz. IL sw.ti.tnl. tningu erry ..ur on both riunUen. 11. h co- ■nwuing with both DmoersU uul coalij UonUU. W, toppow b« wui tbit boll mut run him. Soch u lb*t will nln tbd DoraorrM, ul b« tho rtrj rnlrrUon of tho -No man con urre two mao- Un," nwl not Mr. Clock 8t.;h«t« can nt- Uf; Ihl. qaarlcr oI the btttojtal be con to a ir»l Democrat indMo«poilbEdtooaodl hie crowd. . Tuc Btiaacr-iraMmna U.MMcal, l< ti down with local tom*. Wa clip aa low.: The Georjia U c.ti to bo tU jrt^rtStaoIJotTOy-otyl lo tbwS to tar. bean iiMorcrod A good ci*w of atonUon u being girrn to boc coltnro around Athena. Candidatee for oouaty offira* are already popping out in J.v ’ g eoanty. ti.«« jul rioters had aeL rotac up ttwir mind* to ierra a tacm in tbo chain gang. Dor fftood M.ll • bicrcUl took fright Friday araoing at 1 rack UalJ- wia’a hen 1. and ran awa, and threw th. n - dar on Broad draft. .... Horn. Hafiafte; Tho brick and wood work on tbo cotton aaod all mill la compMad, and 'ba macuincrr la aipoetod to aniro tbadntof unnu. A largaMoroiaaow being boilt to .tor. tbo nt4 in. and thing wtdbaia nadincu by tho tunc tbo Ant coUoo Mod ooomc in. FoMctta Ilea: Mr. Stephana ic b> know co parly if to L rleetid Gonrnoc.l Hara wo any aaaoraaoa that ha would not |ta;oiBt Fanoa Felton, Li* personal Xrfteid, I aey occurred, whxdi ie altogether | in the United ButeeBeoate ?l ldosta Times: A small paper in V t tears ux on iu l\iA leg* and w certain joureal* that if tUy • ";er*ecMtng" Mr. Stephen* ttapo- & ri*e up w:. 1 s ; t down on them like in the persecution case two jeara Mi; plcccd Uea. t’l ^ [olassbs and Hyslt.—CuthA molasacs, 47a Constitution. Ttay nr*» Liul di-ni/en* to *->e I mt-al. i-l-tln amurad nt tho shedding of bhK>d. Hue I Baooin • Uncle Rctnu* hirasolf gotio astray, or i* hi* I •;* ”*jW*i iniluence simply gono ? It pama ue to I 'liouii _ leerc the >ad aUtus of the Caailelerry den-1 50-, honey flrip^ 57: Georgia byrop, ■ lixen?. « I haLT.—Liverpool,tL10;Vlra>ula fl.E*l.B0J Tna TelcoBAPU and Mbmexokb ought “SSodSuveri!i2ln%tS3?l a let np on Aler. mrphen. and -Cbon bill 1". r* ^o Jones.” It has run them iuto the ground u. t . n No. 2do., half bbls.. 95.75; kite,esc.; land broke them oIL—Union and Recorder. I No. s. half barrels, t3.50;kli*. coc. Brother Moore mixes thing*. Chau Jouee ei-osae-KMler but not .quoted lower, is oua of our most esteemed oorreeiiou-1 p»nulatc<l t n: stand A, 10S; white extra dents. It is the new coalition crowd tbal| S^y/n^&S^eMaSo«L’ R ’ °’ wbitw; has buried little Alex. 1 1 ifAimwiRE-^garkct dull. liotscshoce |6.uo| mSumter Republican: Hou. A. O. Bacon, | per ki'g; mule shoes |7.op. Iron hound home* I Macon, wac iu tbo city WUnnulay nt. HSlqS.C0. . "• . I>»‘' Uudlog to >omu legal buiuoM. Thi. g-u. I 1 iii'miSi'Sfiw^lSiunTL tlcman bcc qaito a »tro::g current ia bulffi^, 2w^wi faror for gnbcrnatorial honor.i and from KckctalTu. CUttca mp. Jw!plr ».] what we can iaara a large uumLer of our ^1, per *•; ri-flna 3)wtc. jir o. Mow iieoplo are in favor of Georgia raised Ba-1 *tc*i ftWc pt-r a». Nails f3.73~t»a*c of KVp. l’owj oou, bcnca will nccotl him# I det 9* 4u per keg. BiaMluf powder Itfla leadl .. 1**, y Kto Z, ,UU 7 tb * t I pintt about two-thirds (of the Dcmocratio pa- I « « ^ quarto, 92.25. Btarrh ftHe. twrlu. pert of the htnteg are openly and unquali-1 q S5lni Importcl, w»2raniu«ra fledly in favor of" the noreiaation of Mr. I dnraentir. 99.00. Eire, lefic. Ball pot- Htepben*. Well, now, we challenge our I rah, 92.7Vf|3.«); rann**], JH-'JHOitar*' * MiUedgeville oontaxiporary to prove bi*^»nr statement by publishing hi* list of paper*. Two-thirds of tho Dvm<>cratic paper* of tho Stats are not "openly and unqualifiedly r 4 ..» in (' 1 rtf Mr S'./lilmtu. 1 wa U4 liK.Vu l i. . . iV’otil—Waahed ia favor'' of Mr. HUphatu. l*it us Ukvu l p.. 0 , the record. I brown v Tnn Savannah Sem oontaina the follow-1 !*,? Cbi-cka-vund-1 log item, of interest to tevenof wltoe: Tits 1iff* KSStyfffiSSS. Ksatucky jeans a# city dredge, while dredging Garden liauk, I ju. Western do. 25rat*A opposiie the gaa-taose, yesterday morning. I Pwf Markets by Ttlecraph brought nr, from the bottom nearly one I hQtuU#d old idyU flint and S.1 mclkct-. BAf.TO»^u.»a:»Vm.JMdy.wfil.nKn. which bed wldM.tI> Wn there clncc thcl revolutionary war. The woonteu »<ortior:J *. 1? ' jj^ iU kk5o*A75; extra 94-75a5^ac of th* mukit. I.d totted awny, ud tU l gg dill barrel, were bully eaten with nut, but tho I an d nominal: »oum rod tl.*l guard*, which wern of bran, were Id a I amber ,IJ« !<■>. I Maryland »1.»; good aUle of prcacmtloo. Thca* grma I No. 2 \\rajoni wluerlcdyit t:...>^al yy, were probably thrown there by the aTtioi I SSwfnSothSn'wKtc » roffiTV-'TSu forJm m their retreat from the tog, of Ha- gS?^u.OT »!i!?W5aJ; white ■ ' -• Tug feohlc *tni emaciated, tofferlnc from ilyipepcla or lmli|eitlon In any form, are adrtoed, for tha lake of tholr own bodily and mental comfort, to try HootcUer’a btomach Eltlora. Ladle, ol tbo moat delicti, coiutitutlon twttfy to It, barmlre, and raatoratir, pro portlet, l-hyaldin, erorywbere, dUgtutod wuhth, adulterated liquor, of comoMrc, pr tcrlba It u lift a,feat and molt rellabi, all itomaebla. For aala by all drug,Lata and dealer, generally. “Old Dmoeaar" writ*, a, followa to th, I htd-rr andi -tiong L’afon and IlmmUr, of Uilladgarilt,: 1 JSft-jSKHon?” - i. Aditora.-Th, Otaorgia Douoer.. I *|'2“ ££%, SH3 cy have now an opportanily of paying un 1 Lord, rvflned^lioo. Coffee fttcoJy; Rk> (a taueet debt, for most valuable eemoss I r ^») orfllnoir to fafF tetfK. Iu« quiet; covering a ceric* of rears. Let them do it | mtli 1M4>. WhUky quiet at fl^>. rveignte u by sleeting Colonel Tom Hardeman aa Coogrec-mon nt large. He h«* hosts of Iloonvw Unite lor Alt Time. L.nJou Builder. The booses that are lwing boilt now Paris ara not ouch aa the tion will find "stuffy," "t fashioned," anl so on, criticisms which withua are commonly pasted on the crea tion* of the last twenty five year*. They are intended to last practically for ail time. Built of solid stone and iron throughout, with foundations that reatra- Lle Roman work, on the tradition* of which, by the way, they are baitt by the sturdy Boat hern workmen. Commercially the*# investments prove suoeeseful, and bea*staid property, *o far from being a drug in the market, ke at a premium. By tbejudtcioaa division into "flat*," not only is every ioch of space realized—tho amount ot rent for unoeeupied room in Kngi*nd it would bo corioua to calculate-but ail pockets aro accommodated, from tha Prince who occupies tho first floor above the thrifty eowrtVrp* on the res de-ekausse —whose charge it U to open the door at night and keep, not only his or her own neet logs bright aad dean, bat the jeyrte cocker* and UM yar J, with its pretty green plants aad bright brass wsUr-eosk— through the intermediate etwje* to the fifth or cimptieme, with iu healthy batoonv, where the large family of the mod- lodger can enjov tho air and changed. HT. LOt.TB. June IL—Flour steedr uncharre«l. Wheat op*nc«! higher and Ann Iwt broke, an«i the ofu-rn*->a cell rloesd lower . ar.d wtak: No. 9 rcl fall tl.»S —** ^ I June; US’* July- **' ' 1 ■ : 72H J' —w; fl-25 lorn .firmer at. TggTJH leash:?/*; June: 72% July. *MU at , I 50*3lH auh. Whisky steady at hl.tA l*ork _ io I very dull, job Iota •2LS7)^2L40 Hu»k metis he coming genera- n«id "too small, "old- rib* l ... • -oinlnw.. . ^ .... CINCINNATI, June IL-Flour in fair de* nominal. CINCIN. -— - ciand; family 9>»;-a3». fancy Wheat firm: No, 2 rrd IBM W»i lioitht. limiw from ewtU. B«t »I1 own in mm moo, from tb. l'rino. to ib. ftflk floor omplof*. b.rk rlifk ot H»tl Knot, Urn tartt^arkrrr, throagb whieh roll, from tiro oompom •ito. rolMft I boom U tiro rent *t tiro book tiro nrriv* of tiro-flnft floor-—*nJ for .11 *!>»* •otrocem m Ufi timo, th. UmprbrifM. tiro mk Maiicoro wrt wuti; tech In hU mMbw md wtil ptoportl*^ ftm* irokieg op th* mry tomforUU. re.Ul - “ • -assssas H. H. P. Tto soodittra as ihti lahsalsd, stlste la fllm^l Knoo*, NIuLcl I*a Uneqnalcd in att. *? ?§AAC a. siitpPARoV'co.Bo: AnAO.rrelehT MO. i. OUEAK, »! Chem BtrerL I MILL & FACTORY SUi ? OF ALL KINDS. BELTING, I 0SE ond PACKING, OILS, PUMPS ALL KINDS, IKON PIPE, FITT NCS, SKASS GOODS, STEAM GAUGES, ENGINE GOVERNORS, Ac. : c Price-ltot. W. H. DILLINGHAM C. CO. 421 Moln Slro-.l, LOUISVILLE KY. rp BUYNOWANDPAYV/HEM COTTON COMES IN. P< 8 JESSE JA- I^Practical Lifa.IQjshi Cheapest BIBLES ';.;,,';... Thousand* of musioftl fntniliee through out the Booth are intending topurohaso Piano# and Organs in the fall, whenoot- toa comoo in. Why writ! Buy at oner, and enliven tho tone, tat summer month* with musio, and make the "Harvest Home” Hill more joyful. The summer find* u* with n tremendous stock of Instruments at Ravatmnh, at our NINE BRANCH HOUSES, nt our rounilesa Agetioies, and with as many mort to arrive before Octo ber 1st, wh<o we are under contract to take. Wo cannot carry this immeuso stock until fall. It must be sold. It will be. Cash buyers will want many instrument*. In- atnllment buyers will tako more, and thow who at Uii* time of the year cannot con veniently meet our InsUllmsut payments, •..i U gts Uj come in owder our Mldsuminor Sponlal Offer. - SWITZERLAND . f’o ENDORSES oSc 5 PENNSYLVANIA c 1 f Pronouncing THE LANCASTER WATCH manf-o if uacAini •ftrcN ca, kA^oAsrcR. «*. ‘THE BEST WATCH MADE IN AMERICA' WEBSTER’S UNABRIBGID. ■ —. r - ibu In otaaflt svsry fually. Wub fl**a* tha •»- n'-l« or# (reset •taadio*. a hi I* many hsvs b#c' m« ikrnli fl*4 illScaU lo Miiwa,. OI4 an4 yonasMsalostrocoa* Steal vtcdmfl. pr. Pronev En(hah rcmtle Billon nohM Msitivs m4 unwrakskTo ouretofalt llo- goflag fcmalo w««k iihm, ouooftoo, IrncaUrBtM eo4 eorwdwal ftreunctioao^ramtemtemtettmWteMd w» u.w fcUlu m:-» huom*I; l-iillfl LJ. or. l FO-O.M-.%:•« forr 0,7, it h.n-: O .r.,: I.jurfl limu.fl u^iclot If j.^fl <f -* r.ful flt»*.riaa; r*r«!»«•, WoaMft-l s»a*4oa, aa4 Is a tot Bms4 M no*ton all Uoa« uw wtmMod tiathwIVVHHHMIiMMP^ Is Bra low el Mlo oa4 carry eg itora 4i«»so* ei>hq mcvoUmi*. Pills,«Is rai utov ft yrmsseIjSle, «r'F»M, eyk.stowask, sal *4U* raase tto Ion al WWo. - apeenseeprsMsI _ tto Urn, soom a Bra tow el Mia aad cany eg these Saeaso »nt»i eaevoitoia. Ftlto stla Sa4 elUa nan Ito Ion e4 H»»a. “riteawhul pawlflr, er.4le — eeoUag aad r ,L ggdc tMfi non’.v ox apiaxo. t/O CASH DQJVX OX AX OIKJAX, And the bnlsnco November 1st next, with out one cent of interest. Oo into rest or advauos in price. If balance can’t be paid In the fall, longer time will be given, with a reasonable increase of price. All inriru- montaof every grade and price included In this salt. Tell your mualeal friend* of it Write us for Catalogues, Pneo Lists, Cir cular* and full particulars. Thi* sale closes Octobor 1, IN*. Early purohase re- curcs cash prices and easy terms. Add mm Luddcn & Bates' Southern Music House » SAVANNAH, GA. The Grwl Piuo wl Orgu D»pU cf the Sooth jilt ATLANTA POST mi Notv Edition, 118,00< > -"'4,. ftOOO test*Wm a«F^steer lagtish Dkttouwyd Four Pages Colorod Plat* «, IJ'.'OO Engravings,(nearly thr^ t : '<t in any other blct>Jalaoeoutai:<.*Bi' p.r- ;h- ical Dictionary L-lTlngbri^r i' ; eouceruingci r 0700 noted Recommended by Flats Bapt's * f i .*•»•! 36 State*, and » 7 AO OMlcpo it. 1 - t . 0. A C. MEM HUM A CO., PuL'ra, Sprio.- . M, Mar HIRAM nun &sa Will mall rrtr.K t louue for 1SMY, coi foil ilearrlptlva Tri Flower, Tie Id i»n«l ^ | : g. ' £l Sf5W tixul Hulbfl, Omaniriital <;rnsa< uni (nmt«>rt«!lca. Glad I.illcft, 1^ 1'lantT «.i I>.>I>1- in-- • i'- trnlcfl.OverIOOpa^- •. Afldicra r,;ESTE“,.u.»c: tv mu I79-13J til! V S!. J00-? V All It." !«m! Sm .1 AtMnU. 111. a! Correspondent at WaaMnfftor,.. . in* by •**»*( *«i4 by telegraph all tbe • * “oiithera people happening • t zz45th=r Popular Moiithlg Drawing of tho Hill’s Hepatic Panacea, Sfnnafaetared by VJ. H. BARRETT, Druggist, Aujnita, Oeorern. ENTIRELY from BOOTS uiJ HERBS tluvt boro for A CENTURY tun ,uooero- fall, tired for th, remorel of Bil, from tiro ^H^m • —- • th* IrroKolsriUM of Uro HHRHI^Htjliur tiro Bteod. [Till, mnlirin, U well known In nun, and Booth Croliu, mid —eeeowM b. um mom t ,1 of the tnedi> e I UEADACHEH, HOUR STOW. PEPSI A. TORPID * * In the OUT ot Axmuvillo on FBIDAY JUNE 30,188L Tbre, drowiOT- occar month!/ItWad,,-. net ;; d> nod,- pmuion, of mi ut of th. Utncrel Aremobi, of Kretoak, Th*Unitodm*tmCimUCoait,oiil(unh 31, rendered to. followiaz dreUlou: l«t-Tb»t dw Oommoowreltb DUtribn- N. R—'Tb, muimi bn now oo hmid , large rwm fund. Bred eanfaJl, tiro of drises for tta JUNE DRAWING. lPnre flnjOO 1 3JH> 10 Frire, flldno reeh. BLOW 30 Prire, OOO reck. HL0» 100 Frire. 100 .Mb 10^00 300 Prire* fiO raeb lojno CW Prire. 30 reeh 1V>T0 C ‘ TB? Imlerr wtnl. It hoe tho beet WlL«'..; The P.blie it rrqyntKI rar.fl.Ur la no- pMNBdimirill. ret!:. - and nlarval Sckrn. lo t. ° jg tic. M. dntten Monthly. sri'JPI T.i L PRIZE $J3.000. tirrAPiTAL PRir.K 91.1.000., .J CSnnulen Dlls yier will TUO.«.OU.,,0. H',..,..o P ort'.o^ ; j ;: r; | ' i ^^ ^ .;;;d,^r^^ | , | “ wl Uw qucstiuufl. I The fieorol* Po%t-Appe*i f• a Weekly Frilii .n of the tail/ FCftoArfgAL #0*1 rontslni all »if the Flats and National Nvwe equal In all ri»i-«ct/ to any WeUiy Nswipanei | n iLia cwunlry. the Ionisiann Statu Lottorv Company. I In-ort-mtof lo IM, for 21 rrer. b, tho lit Wa*.«r« f BdueatUmal and t'harllablo eur-1 # iposi-*—with a capita! of tlcw coo-iu whtaTa ] The Sintra* Pctt-Appeit, itecrva fund offl»»,0W hsa since toon shifted. A aml-IJUrrarx Xeatpaper, will coatata ell the lly an nvcrwhelmingpoiHiiar vote iu franchise uwrsphic dUpanho and a chalea seiectlua o [was Mods a part ol the present •tateCiHMtttu* br»At,»p*rhlln* oew«, olra sketehes aad »»*£ tion adoptof December 2d. A. b., 1*C9. buiLoa Iron* l»oae aathors. FuUcvtpiloo prie- “ ' \imlg Ldttr* etee ret*i on eml snJorsed f or ibeMvaPsv PlwT-ArraAL, $2.00 pvt oonum <*4»*|//fl* Sumher DrtthC- “l 11 in'J* tulif plnrr JlutithlU- A sfi.sxinn •trrnnrrs t n »i> ilia « l:AMi I >1! A WIN 1 >. * l.»- ■ <■'. At NKH UK- i I'nM-ArrtAL u I Th* era's Lotltr* ete* ft> 5y the gssfls efe •* wa/*. It me* r uel+» or putt Tm Anm IQUyusaa iur uw rciuuva* •retom, correcting Uro irn monroob, red parif/iw U Thi, mrettrin, U well L plrere in GtwrcU mid flotth Omoliu, — ore bren reoommondrel b, tiro inoet Irern- ‘ profre«loa for I xjjoo Prire, 10 neb 1VM0 -M\0!l, DYB-1 ■, Prire, 300 web. antoi orire, 2,TI0 rn... ui.r,w I.I A EK, 0 Pr.Ir, 200 reoh ja do WOO (!I1[LLB AND FEVEB, 0 Prire, 100 web do do aoo SKIN ERUPTIONS AND BAD OOSDI TION OF HUMID, LWOPtiia. _ 3112,400 rembihM mid .imp!* ontaboeom. ’wbol, Tiokrth *». H«lf TloUtii, »L 27 ThOrere,(00. WTieU-ji, $lfJ. Boult Honor or iiuk Droft In Irotror. or rend by luitM. DON ThtNO FV REOUTTSBED LETTER OB POSTAL/- FIOE ORDE1L Order, of reJ npwmd, by bpnn, nu b, rest it our oipual Addro-Uiord^t^ Courier Journal, Louisville, Xy, pr—me Lereooy‘•Wrosulwav.M %> It D ieput dollar ergEsrjraafflgjgft l/olre snd Hotreo.,p30iUwlr Iitilk mcoU firm; thoul fj.u>. short i^Hdnll al *1.14. VpNHpPHVHI finished Roola, 410 barrels ou a beate of d.11 ^■Muducchupd. Ilugs firm;—— chica<»0. Jane H —Flour 4uli. unchanged a™,— t —Mt gall a r “ *—“ I.X2SL12S MERCER UNIVERSITY. Tho following is tta programme of tta commencement exercises, intrJ, nt MikHONIO IIALL. Friday. Jane 23d, §-SOt. w.—Debate bo- . . « twren nwmtrot. of in, pw iMro red j American Composers. Cieerouian Societies. 1 Bun day, Jane £kk, 11 A.M., at tho First Bspttot CLuroh. — Oommooc*ment — Leak nt the folluiclnu eehnnr, un iter the exclusive tupcrvisiua and management Gen. i*i r *. Retturrutied, of La., and Gen. Jubal A. Early, of 9 Injtnla. a ho manage all the drawings of this Compear, terh ordinary sad ar—Irarwwmwf, and twit the coreecuMm of tta pabliitad official Capital PrlzOi 376,000. 1*0,000 Tlehetsne l ive D»II»r* Kach Frncllons, In riflira 11» proportion. I uw «»r rauaa. 1 CAPITAL PA1ZIL 1 do do r.^rere. -re—. 19>« 1M RKEU'S warattATASM - - ’.I ■: MLiihIo 1 loo Lx By tear, string »IJUaLYtS *»*t Jur>«-; s®«SS ! RS6l'5apSB ; JKl.«5wSS&d“«S1i2^ lower at t JlmaJ5.90caab and Juar. axs5July. Iat! uraeuled and lower ale IU— 11.0) rrah and June; -IIJWiallATS Whia- ky qntet imd aachsugenL IoUIHVILLB, June Ik-Proristoos la goud demand aad firm. Um pork *22.00. Kulk mraU-rataatden fr«JSc rib elZliSi clear YORK. Jo— ll.-Oodbt doH a what an J»»t, lota by Rev. J.ILL. Holmes, of Bavannah. 8:15 p. w.—Annual sermon before tta Bocimy of tee roar University IL Kilpatrick, of Greene ml!»l: Wo (cargoes) quoted at ratuV: Jum r/maVm; J»lTd.» rib fia—r doll lei rather weak; lair to tool refining quoted at 7^te7%; ref wraker: standard A W9J4. Slotesera iraionanr by R«v. Ja e °Sf2Jd*ytjai»o2CtKS'JO . KrU« Declamation; PrseooUtioooftta Hunt and Kteptaa* Medals for Eaglisb ^TuSSm? Jore 27th. 10 ». m-Amnul ml- rore Uforo tiro Almmoi Amocmiiud of Jmrer Uniromit,, b, Boo. Ainu B. Fratm.o, of Nowoan; Aaorel oriboo Irofor, lAtorar, Hocielw, b, Boo. J. H Alien, of Crurorito. T.i-it-T.w.—JoniorEi- hibitioo; - ‘ kUdrn, for Drei.romiob, by tor. W. W Lredrom, of A.fwt, _ | MVinretorJre. »Hh, 10 a. K.-Ei.roire. of Cc:nir.rl.c.n..*tDmr. _ WnUredordoM MMflO rJ^^—— Ic.i.t. Drew. Pitre. morebre, of Uro MU-. CmnniAf0b4,f JUnre L.irenitr. lTro Atnnud Iroml will b» .prowl totiro dikiuironof tk. L»t . r Ib.nre, ou Tore- J t tojJ w. II I ” ... julIiUd . I OroroWMfOS IfeuiUet, IL U. WUtot, 1 arraoxi 9 ADDroxlmatliKi ? &- TTwninxTVt* nates. 19(7 Prizes, omouuUng to... A optimum lor mlw to rlut. tilt old b, m.t. mil j lo UwoOre of Uro tioropup tit Mow Henobie jSJSt* SIS: Tta subjort is a nobla and heroic one. and Urn sect—are capable of being mode m<»l at tractive. Will soi« te givec. Mite Annto Cary taking tta principal rola. Don Munioi.TSL’STSSa; fooaded on a kgvad of tta LYuasdce. 46th Psalm g,IBJC" Joseph’s Bondage, JUSL* Belshazzar '•»»r«mremre. ■rrtd c.nuu. mo-riretac. tiro ore tswetl worth giving. NtwFWtttQituar*' ,,,, r Picnic * l ‘ > ■»y»i,aa Two cborotre wkirh u. mort reproftott ro tKflowroud .remtiooirereo. Redemption Hymn,” ol:yir rrn/)* 4 co.. Bo»t«a. c. o. cm 'Al".-*! i'- >.» t U f trth.r InfororoUon write rlrexly, foil .Idm. fcwd ordrt. br kiprtro^MW .\fi- Or Irn nu, I. th ''t*. )i <nhlnyt.'H, It. < or .vr. /«. dai rm x. receive prompt attenttoo. no? t Ordm telmel to Xcw Orleans wUi 1. C. TH0RST05, Preprister. POWT-APPKAL, AtlsaUpOa sularrtto. 'tta FMHIcs PABEBWS GINGERTONIC A f:pt:!i!i*l IllltSl uf 3bn,4i Bttlwtr. try Poaxsa’s Cuuaa Traic. sgttatora Mrey loa trams —toes material Mr Wiriaa*a»u?, Anr flatab arXdnBewflaOtasbavatoaa sste torlagJ Hi is sera in itli i r (isrutbsitTi m 1 n niiil*l L-vU.-. Berea (fnic 143 to DBS <( Op* Cr . TayVw AOxot C4 Mflstomnfatartwofrlkylwreipilsflfy MtatebAn.:! o4 tto l llatto- ae* c«r very |-.w yrlew* for mek Mortar aurfctsto, Prire IM efCISfi, rra<»n For Breakfast! CH0C0LAT REISER. Sold EvflrywlioiA # FARIS AND LONDON. , flaw 'fork Depot 206 Greenwich St !f y-Ni tore Cewam Itapcpsis, KVremo. «!hl Kidney or Unosnr.CoMbmu, st Ifyoasss trawled wah emy (banka M to k*p. « fteta bredaitood wasnss. yreeara be cared to azfiCoaxTosic; IttstraCwsisstBwiPsnto Asd fkt Ei>t »"f S*«it Ce««k Ccn Cvcr UmA 1 Npa stew «yc»eaa»or Gtwrna Tonic oeouci > R ep bom th* Ihl .'-/wl: mured huadmhef! nscox kto+v* fcra its c^ar