Georgia weekly telegraph, journal & messenger. (Macon, Ga.) 1880-188?, June 23, 1882, Image 5

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. jrcjut iUc ff.cU'OiCvvpI? mtft 3 outrival & Wxzxzn&sK* WwluunU’n Kolmion of tbe Beer Problem. Cincinnati Commercial. Bhmtlni up the frortdnon plessee tte Kiln's: opcnlwr tl»e side doors satis**«the sinners, and pe*co and plenty abound. A Trnlu Blockaded by Army Worm*. Specially Philadelphia Timet. *' or ra »PPO*red In ttifs county. ThU momlnjjatralnon the Kentucky (Antral Uoad waablockaded at Manhall station several boun by army worms eight Inchea thick omjm Custom Drawling lira T.lun at diet, Philadelphia Timet. There fs said to be coldness to tween Presi dent Arthur and Mr. George niiaa. The Presi dent objected to the familiar way In which the bojra were calling him Chet, ai they used to do when he waa in the New York Ci Uouae, and he therefore drew the Hue. An Abortion tliat Conlillnsc la Beau. Cincinnati Commercial, Rep, Conkllnc'a crowd of political friends know very little If they are not aware that he never again can, under any circumttancea, cn- h>y the confidence of the neople of the United Btates. and that his favor will have a blighting influence. Owing to Gfucosr. Wall Street Motet. When an old-fashioned merchant In New Jerrov come to look over an order, made nut by hlt new-faahloned clerk the other day, lie looked OV r r h| H spectacle# and said: anh*’ ,e *’ 11,00 yoU have *P cHed "W without “Ye*, air, that'* the proper war." “But I have «pclled It with an 'h* for the last twenty-nine years." “Can’t help that, «lr. Bugir ahould not be apeiled with an h." "Well, mebbe It shouldn't," sighed the old man, “mebbe It shouldn't. I presume that thb mixing In glucose docs make a diflV somewhere." A Qitevllcu to Be Annwered. Springfield Republican. . ^.the Republican party "point with pride’ toJ.Hubbri'a circular, aaaerolng the whoh, civil service In the most unblushing manner? plated by the constitution that the party lu power should not only Insist upon the posses- slon of all tbe subordinate ofliccs, hut s*«M treat them as Its conquered province. *“ • —*-© and taxed to keep the party up. THE THA LI ASM. Indian Spring Aglow Wilts Macon Beauty. Ninety-three hearts of the very creme de la creme of Macoa society boat happily last Thursday afternoon at five o’clock. As tho cry “oil nboard” was given, tho whistle sounded, the bell rung, and a special train of the new extension of the Macon and Brunswick railroad, bearing its precious freight of belles and beaux, went steaming ou to Indian Spring, where the Social Tha- lian Club had arranged to give a briliaut dance, at the McIntosh Hon*e. This excursion had been joyously antici pated and every one who could possibly attend availed themselves of the oppor tunity of so doing. The ride from Macon to Iudiau Spring was delightful. The river view from the train was lovely and the whole tract of country through which the roid lies affords much pleasure to the lovers of nature. Indian Bpring Station was leached Bhott- ly after 7 o'clock, and here the excursion ists were met by an ample number of vehicle*, omodiurtes, buggies and carriages, which conveyed a* 1 the passengers quickly and safely over a fine country rood to In dian Spring, about two miles distant from the railroad. The McIntosh House was fl oded with light and cheer to gre t the happy Ita lians and their friends, \»ho arrived nbont 8 o’clock. Supper w;» prompt!) served, of whieh all freely partook, eeing gr-ally re freshed thereby, and every one o.fored up a blessing for the Gollier * oys, who were unanimously declared princes of oater- tiinois, and it waa the wish of every one that all of tho pooplo of Maoou could be present to place themselves under the hos pitable treatment of the popular proprie tors of the McIntosh Ho is?. The excursionist* having freely satisfied their appetites, repaired to their various rooms, from whieh they later appeared attired in evaning dress, the young The New Version of •Men>n»ooi.u» ! Democracy.” Lubsbcbo, June lfi.~I think I have dis- j An covered a plan by wldoh the pragmatic and discordant members of the Qeorgia Bour bon family cab be happily reconciled, oil poured upon the waters and the apple of discord, so indigestible to tho first and cat charming of all r A men, rr»*r here after allowod (hen-like) to lay on tbe stom ach of Democracy. I will give a brief state ment of this discovery, and without wait ing to receive a patent, I propose to put it in operation. Now, the bone of contention D Mr. Stephens’* locus. The ms. ter has teen submitted to arbitration. The two wings of tho organized' Democracy were the arbitrators, they failed to agree, and the Independent press was called in as u.i plre. Tim r.ward is rendered, and it r, cites that “Mr. Stephens is and 1ms been thorough going, radio 1 Indepeudfut, it.. Independent in the abstract and in the ooncreie, in the synthesis and the analysis, an Iulependcnt individually, eoiloctivoly and sporadically. 1 ' To this finding some of tho brtdhrea object, and to rem^" n that objection 1 have labored through many anxious hours an J sleepless night, to in vent, di'-jovor and formulate the following plan. BAILEOAD TALK. A Wild ffnti 01 (be California Const. San Franclten Chronicle. While hunting for deserters from a ship at Gusytu**, n few days ago, tho t-carctor* discov ered a man covered from head to foot with long, shaggy hair, of a reddish color. On their approaching him he ran. and they chased him, following him for a distance of a mile or more to the lieacb, where he Jumped from ro*'k to rock with the agilily of a chamois a:ul waa soon lost to sight behind a Jutting point TUy gf- toward discovered the cave whieh he Inhabits, the floor being covered With akin*, and the in dications were that he MibaUted entirely upon raw fish. Organized efforts will be made to capture him. **♦———s Karrlage Insurance. Itie marriage insurance buslno' 1 , U having quite a nltl in the South Just now. a a n m oro cheerful and alluring way of bilking tho com- inUiiUjr than the graveyard insurance buslncrs,- but will probably come to the nnic grief at W. Onoof these Institution# picturesquely styksTt- self the “Bridal Wreath Association." which will no doubt uke Immensely with the senti mental soft*. Another, with a lmpplcr combi nation of the poetical and practical In It* title, I* called the“Naptlal Aid Union.” Itisa form of speculation In all cases of which tho salaries of the president and seerctar; chief element. Thftl M Ooblen R< The society reporter of the Critic (a friend of Mrs. Geo. Hherraan, by the way), writes: "I am sorry to dl*pel the romance of the ‘Golden Bose,’ which has been so often printed during the past week, but 1 heard Mrs. Sherman say. In answer to some questions about It: *Xo, 1 did not receive It, and it has never been given to any American lady. The only time I •now recall that It waa ever presented to one of rank lesathan royalty was way back In the thirteenth or fourteenth century, when it ■wo* given to Sir Reginald Mohun, a simple knight, to whose p* "erosions the Pope added large domains In order that his revenues might equal the h him.’ ’ An rys Wholly toliudum 3Vxa« Sifting*. A stranger, who had bect^aklng some pur chases in Mom* ffc-haumbtirg's emporium ou Austin avenue, left hi* umbrella In he store, whereupon oue of tbe clerks, who had only been in the store a few days, picked nt» the ». umbrella and was about to run atscr the stran ger and return It to him. “Let me see dot umbrella," sold Hose, where upon It was handsd to him.. “pjr shlmmlny gracious, dotvas a silk brella. Chustput dat avay behind tie call coea ver** nopody \JI1 stumble over It uud ureak his neck.” *"But I want to glva It back to the owner,' remonstrated tbe clerk. ••Mine Godt, does you vant to make a stran ger suspect dot Austin merchant* have got noplshnesa cabacjty. If you gives him dot umbrella t«rk he would lust all confidence in ourpUhacsa cabaclty.’’ I.lltlo Johnny on lbs Kangaroo, The kangrew alnt much of a recommend flarthe factory which made him, or maybe he . EJJjaoiaeef “ , - J In the rofe.end ----- ... --- , , left over be made hi* ownself. lie look* in the face Ilka a shaller goose an wen you *e« him ** —**-» *«« dont bUmu na- •don. HI* legs moles cause the a ones Is long as a torchlight perreshen but ones ass room*, from whioh they later appeared attired in evaning dre**, tbe young Indies looking brilliant anil lovely in tbeir beautiful tci'.ets and tha young gentleman nptienring to elegant tdvnr.tnge. Soou de lightful raasit) came forth In exquidte strain* from tho ball room and presently happy feet went whirling in the mazes of the dance, and never did deacon glide in the waltz to more charming melody than furnished by the orchestra of M ke Ro- el. which hat been engaged at the Mc Intosh for the seaton. The ballroom was decorated and gi landed with flower;, which addod greatly to the effect of the general surroundings. A flowery inacriptiou-‘'Ureeting to the Social Thai ion Club”—waa tastefully ar ranged on tbe wall. The earlier portion of the evening waa devoted to the square dance*, and later on tho German was danced, splendidly led by Mr. tVil'io Felton. . The pleasures of tho uaheft brought tQ h close ehortly afl^r l o’clock, but it Wat after 2 o’clock fi, m. ere the happy reveler* eoncht slumber. Much time, however, eoala not be given to sloep, for at 6 o'clock the noxt morning the exca-- ■iOkflstfi had to arise and prepare to return to Macon. Boforo eaiiug breakfast the ladies and gentlemen took a stroll djwn to the spring and drank of* tho great healing water, which gave nil splendid appetite, for doing full justico to the de lightful broakfait, and adieu wn* re’uc- tautly stoken to tho Mclutosh itoa j, where a night of happiness was spent Tho ride through the fresh morning aic baok to tho railroad wa* delightful. Shortly nftrr 7 o'clock the train was uaard- Hdnnd Macon reached at 'J o’clock, « cry- one being delighted with tho charming ex cursion given ander the auspices at the Social Thalisn Club. We append a list of those composing the psrty which excurtod tolndiau Spring, aud which is correct as we coaid make it. Col. and Mrs. Wm. H. Ro»*, Major and Mrs. Chris. Findlay, Judgo and Mrs. T. J Simmons, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Rogers Mr. nnd Mrs. Ed Hugueuir., Mr. -.nd Mr.' Joe Bout, Mr. and Mrs. A. D. Schofield, Mr. and Mrs. Cooper Wiun, Mr. and Mrs, U. W. Patterson, Mr. and Mr*. H. 8. Ed ward*, Mr*. Anderson Reese, Mrs. Felix Corpnt, Mi*«cs Gertrude, Anuie and Jimmie Snider, Mivsea Georgia Tracy, S lkenoo his MrraUve you do**t Msme na ur for given him that expnmfoa. His Iwt B i haf been msde on dlfrent mole* esuso the one* Is loo* u a ton-blight perreshen bul tbe front ones has got ton much ahortnln In. Baa kaucrewshaa that close made so tha klu carry thar familys roon In thar pversknrt*, tut ill wa* a boykaagraw Ida rather »a^dle m* one kanew. KaagMws wares mustaehsa Ilk. cats, bul a jackass cam five am a yard sUrt ~ A bsat cm like *lcksty. Kf bad to be a kanerew Ida hev mr tale sawed off closa and mend tor arm* with It sol i tha hottott, oi lhar prssei reach t l could But first let we tell a little aucodote, i and I ordure )on this anoedoto is mosn‘. to have no reference whatever to the subject under coiMideratioa, bat ic only told be came it is so extremely laugh.'.lie. A farmer »nd his littlo boy went ort in search of a lost cow. They hunted her up one sido of the branch aud down the other ride, but no cow. Tbe boy paused, pon dered and Lt length remarked : “Dad, les you go np one side uud me t’othor, for l’il be duraoi cf I don’t believe old S»ok’a on both sides.” It i* said thit this rery atnes- ing circumstance actually ooourred. But to my plan, and let mo here remark that on making the discovery I neither jactuted n blatant Eureka nor ran through tho streets sans cuUtUc; outlie contrary, I bore it Uke u little men. Now "loed me your can*.” We all do know “ihit for ag«* nnd centuries the Christian world lias beeu divided aud subdivided as to the con*trnctiou to bo put on corldia passages of the Bible. From tho promul gation of tho fine spun divergencies be tween tho homocBtan aud homotusiau the ories down to the present century these di visions end dissensions have continued to exist. The wisdom of the fathers decides that they can be crsdled to oldip lr a revision and now ver-ioa. The qne*tio*» whether immersion comes from \ o ree K word, baplitlto, which ro*£nt to spiinkle, wi ; l .be foreve* M ttlod proorcou, and vrnetha^ Att r*oa Felton c.un or cannot fall .,om grace can no longer remain an un solved problem. In obedionce tx thi • &ug- gestioi., I propose that each county in tlxe B'. ito hold a mans mooting ou the glorious fourth day of July and ppaint its most compotsnt nnd noho'.arly pp Kliort I.ic« t»» >rw York -Tin* t.«M»rg[*. iiu.t I'loriila Kinlr<*.«.J The near completion of the East Ten- ncs.kce, Virginia and Qesrgia railroad is already openiug np competition for freight and travel, and new abort lines, air linee and bee-Iinee to the North are being formo-L* Tne newest lino is to be opened on the HHh, effected by the completion of the oon- nocling link between Waynesboro and Roanoke, in Virginia, and is to be known as the Klienandoah Route. This will ba a great short lino between Brunswick and New York, and touch Atlanta, Rome, Dal- too, Cleveland and Knoxville, and is right on tho lino of the springs, caves and his toric bnttle-gronnfis of Virginia. The famous Lursy Cave is directly on tho route. This Dew route competes with tbe Ken- noeaw, Air-Lino and Atlantio Coast Lino for tho travel from thle section to Now York, Philadelphia and Washington and the Virginia watering plaoes. The rates, wo loarn, will remain the tame nt other lines, but there will be a great redaction in excursion rates. Another route to Jacksonville la in pros- S oct. Application has been made by L. I. lift mini*, Samuel Thoms* and others, of New York, to build a liue from Buffalo, a station on the Macon and Brunswick railroad, about eighteen miles from Bruns- wiok, to Hart's road, whioh connects with tho Florida railroad. Hart’s road runs from thi* point of connection to Jacksonville. This line, when completed, will l*e known as the Ea*t Georgia nod Florida railroad, end will peas through Ht. Marys. A charter was granted a long time ago for a read from Ht. Marys to Doctortown, but the new line will be twenty-fire miles shorter. This makes the shortest route to Jack sonville. Instead of travellin g two sides of a triangle, os marked on t be men as the present route by the W-ijncrost line, only one side will be traveled. We learn thAt the capitalists asking for t he charter arc backed by ample means and will com- menoo work at once, so soon as tbe char ter it granted. Verily, our oountry is to be a network of railroads. The Democratic Executive Commit tee. Tbe Democratic executive committee of B'.bb j county hold their meeting at the court house yesterday, eleven ont of the sixteen being present. It will be seen that they have selected Saturday, July 1st, as the day on which the delegatee to ti e State convention are to be selocted. The State oommittee was desir ous of having all the ootinlies hold their meetings on Tuesday, the 4th, but as Set- urday is the be*t day for the country peo ple to be in town, that day. was selected tor Bibb. Tho following are the minutes of the meeting: At a meet'ng of the Democratic execu tive committee of Bibb county, htld at the coart house on Saturday, June 17, 1882, n quorum of the oommittee being present, it ape< , . price at which an honest, reliable article he manufactured. Their preparations aro In- lorwd ami prcM-ribod bv ineJlcal men and Joumala. 1 Professor J. C. I«Uatdy. M. D, President State Medical Sochty of ticorgla. Member Athence Koval de llruxellct. etc., etc., saya: "The reauita obtained by me from its use In <y practice arc Indeed flattering." It 1* unequalcd In female sufferings, epilepay, rheumatism, and disfiguring eruption*. Its use “reserve* the teeth. lt embodies the nutritive elements of the the a nr suo if*. flrotlagor tbe Ladles Yesterday iernoott fteeolrcd, Tliat a mass meeting of the Democratic party oi Bibb county be held st tbe oourt house on Saturday, July 1st, nt 12 m., to select six delegates and six alter- ternatea to the State Democratic Conven tion, which will meet in Atlanta on July iK, 1882; to select six delegatee and six alter nates to the SenatorinlDistrict Convention for this district, when such oenvention shall have been celled by the proper au thority * and to select a Democratic execu tive committee for this oouuty. The committee then adjourned. G. W. Gusto, 6. C. Hogs, Chairman. Secretary. Chemists have established the fact that coflee and tea contain a vegetable p-oison, and chemist* have also established tho fact that the “Conrad’s Uudwelser" is the most healthy and nutritious beverage. Ask for it at jour druggist. Tins West Point Enterpriae rery properly says: It is said that the dogs of Georgia oust the people more than their ministers.I Then wu should kill the dogs and double the salaries of these gentlemen. Bailey's B a link Aperient is a cool ing, refreshing summer drink for dyspep sia and headache. No medicine ^taste. Everyone, borne pr abroad, should keep Tub Cartersville Free Press does not ad- Alway* that Way. Wall atr**t Sews. I jut winter a great religious revival was held In a certain Otto neighborboo-1. aud several good men brought all their influence to bear oq a certain farmer named Harris. After many * J Kywuq inaAuaee that ba frit * himself saved. In the cound tbrit Of tQHT t]*pf U»« minuter met him and saked: ^ “Well, brother Harris, bow da yon feel f' "Oh kinder pleguey mean,” waa the reply. PYou do! What I* the trouble f N*'”. I hadn't found the 1/** ever Iwcnlf minute* before I run aero** a .Iwlt tree agent bre-k ht. nek. .nd.ta.olil —Mean >u- tot In «w>«.UI WM.IIU.tillin'In. taoi. nnd lta« man or ofanangL” i M _ It WIU Hardly lie Eaftaf* Vode Dntletim. Ssteassr s'ssbffitf s: Sag urn <nn llCTncraa, thu loMwaplW- lb. pesos than U at all wUe or necessaryJor the god of tbe party. The objections to Mr. Bte- Shrns's uomliuUon are so numerons sad |h>- tent >re so familiarly known, that wc rannot Sieve they will have no weight In the ftmven - tton! Hence, we take it. that it 1* barely powi- hie. but not ai oil probable that the oomjoatkm wilt be mode. 11 so, however, Georgia Detnoc- racy will receive a blow It will not recover bum In yean, If ever. Cbastpagaa aimmio nuiuer. vicurqi^ Kaonio Grier, Clnudo Freeman, Terr- iJ, Netlio Dunlap, Stella Hunt, Jeanne Villi-1 S oigne, Wyleua and Alberta Lamar, Goeaie out*, lizzie Anderson, Anuie Hambur ger, t.arrie Stewart, Emma Davis, Carrie Fitzgerald, .Minnie Wood, Carrie Johnstou, Annie Tnppo, Georgia BrvoiUrand Min-| uie Findlrty. Messrs. S. M. Hodgkin , Ifemllet, Cha.lie Solomon. Stewart Jones, John Wadlcy, R. II. Smith, Willis Sparks] George Wttd’ey, Whit Collier, Alf. Ed ward*. Roff Sima, W. H. Felton, Hnrry Villipigur, Henry Ktrohecker. C. T. King, Waite- Lamar, Floyd Ho*«, Wiuflgeid NinJ bet, D. J. Powers, Half Banks. A. G. 81ml ruons, Willie Ho iding. Goode l'rioe, Tracy Baxter, Clarence Cubbcdgr, John BnuU-1 lary, Uonry Johnnon, Prentice kAlward** Uoraoo Power*. Dean Ni*l»et, Azel Frvol man, Cullen Battle, Ovid Spark*, Clifford Anderson, Rowe l’rioe, George Findlay,] Ivornon Harris nnd Aleck Logan d Indian Spring ie a capital place to vmb Ifor liealth and comfort, nnd the ? halin';* ere asaurrd at leant that the McIntosh |House in ita new coat o!-paint ia attractive! looking, and that the wants of all gaesta Witt be fully satisfied by tho Collier boy*^ Tho reporter of the TgncuHiMi did Mi I ■nun. wishing to escape tbe oenfueion and noiae at the Mclutoah House naturally following the close of the dance, when nearly a hundred voice* were humming throughout tho hotol thoir recitals of tho pleasures- cf tho ball, woe tilofodi by a well known citizen of Ma- oon to the Varner residence, about one I hundred yards from the Molutoah Housej where we were hospitably reeeived and royally entertained by Miss Joe Varner, so well acquainted to many of tbe citizenel of Macon, as a lady of rare refinement. Wo were elegantly fed nod were given a most delightful Led, which brought us ro- dumber. Families deriring a privet# hoarding house, containing all tho comforts of home, conl-1 possibly do no bettor thsn to summer at the Varner rrei-1 deuce. We know whereof wo spgak, I PI viPS(}\ *vot.i.hue. J repair immediately to the Btatc capital I and enter upon the work of translating and revising Mr. Stephens’* political gaa-l pal. espcciafly the two niradi>xical epistles Pj Cosoy and Smith. In determining the meaning of the writn- litey will of course co(Hide; tho contexts, the snrrounding cir- oumstnucj*. tho number and perspicuity of the paosages bearing upon any given sub- jeet.acd nil the ifs aud nodsprintiuglotho spirit nnd intention, and deciding whether ■■literal, figurative, allegorical or meta- ■fcorical moaning ie meant. This courao] wilt cipri/.j the climax; i: will bring jMilitinal millenium. and (he lion of the ICanotihdiuH r.ud the lainb of the Truz-d ouArii wilt lie dowu together in peace J I Ah, when that patriotio production I -hall be read, retorted uud proclaimed in |the prcjciue of Hie July convention, it will I be bailed and greeted ns the morning star of ;i bright ana glorion* day. Yes, hailod ami greeted with banfirea, illumination*. ItorehUght procession*,. holloing and |whooping and sui'h a gtttin’ r.p*stairs uudl ruu-ic by the baod. I want to be present on that occasion-by u very largo majority, Ido. I shall indorse tho candidate prej semod, indorse hia polities or his note. I will support, although I am almost too lot] ipocunioip to support myself. It'll.I) HVHULAMEH. A Might ef General Thieving and Burglaries. Friday night seems to hero been a fine occru.iou for the burglars. We liear of number of houses ht ing entered and arti cle-* of vatae stolen. Tbe most linportnnt case i* that of MrJ R. J. Anderson, the popular tu« receiver] whose iocs wne greatest. Uie dwell tag, the Columbus road, was ontered about one o’clock. There wan a light burning in tlirc^ rooms, one of which waa the bed-room where Mr. Andrraon nlept. Mrs. Anderson happened to awake about that hour, and miw the light* put ocL Thinking this rath er a strange proceeding, she went into the room nearest tin lone whieh lead# up to the house, and wr.s just in tlmo to seethe head and shoulders of u man as ho wa* getting out of tho window. She ran as fast as she could to inform Mr. Ar.derHOU, who got h* pistol nod hurried to the window bat the man had gone. t >n investigation it was found that tho thief had gone into the rooms, blew each! light out, and then from the vest pocket of Mr. Anderson took $263.00 nnd hie watch and chain. As soon as possible Mr. Anier-^ son rsnio down town aud informed the pc' lice. Lieut. Wood aud Offitev Mo ire went out and examined D.e premia* ■ by aid n lamp. Thoy found that the thief wo* barefooted, and tliat he hu*l Blood against a tree near trio window for some time as the prints of his feet showed where he dog his tool into the dirt a* ho patiently waited for an opiiortunity to go in. From tbo house he was tracked to near the factory and the a the trail was lost. I Mr. Andermn hud collected the numav! the erasing before to pay two drafts which 1 were due yesterday. In the pile woro eight dollars in silver, five dollar* in gold and the balance in paper. One of the twenty dollar bills had a nnmo v ritten and after wards tratud on the hack, lho watch was of oicka!, the dial being a mirror. The chain was of solid golJ, and cost eighly- , five U >Uan». Parties will pleaso keep a lookout for th*q nritc’to, AHoat fl o’clock the 8Amo mornin i, Offl- \ cera Moq«!y and Ysoger aaw a man «oaut- |td on a norae comicg ont ol an alley| during ‘he last week in July. Among the ladies present at the meeting yesterday were Mrs. Col. Thomas Hardeman, Mrs. A. Bacon, Mrs. D. B. .Woodruff, Mrs. U. Turpin, Mr a. William L. Johnson and Miss M. Johnson. Thom ladies were en thusiastic, and will prove bard worker* for the object. Another meeting will be held at Uio Li brary rooms on Tuesday afternoon at r>:JW o’clock, end every lady in Macon who feds any interest in the advancement of art should be present. Daring the meeting the enterprise was diocursed by tho Ddies, and some v&lunhlo ideas brought to the surfaoc. It was sug* gested that there should be a department of antiquities, in whioh will be displayed old relics and articles coming wtrdek that bead. It is known that in Macon there is n number of articles dusty with age which would not only prove interesting to out, own people but to [>eopto everywhere. Mr. I. C. Plant has a valuable collection f ores and minerals, Indian relics, etc.. Inch ho would no doubt loan to tho la dles. Mr. Henry L. Jewett also has a fine col lection, which he would probably lend. Mrs. Buber has a number of olden time article* iu the way of court ooetumes, jew els, etc., whioh she would no doubt place x exhibition. , There are numbers of others who have collections of ratios, paintings, china, etc., who certainly feel enough interest in this enterprise to cheerfully lend them to the Indie*. Mr. Geo. S. Obear has a targe quantity of finely decorated china andbric-a-brac which he will willingly loan. Mr. Obtat visited the Azt Exhibition now in progress in Atlanta, sad while be pronoutioe* it a good show, be has no doubt but that Macou can go far ahead of it. Every oitizen of Macoa aud every artist, professional or amateur, is requested to contribute by loan to the exhibition. Ia)#vo names at the two store* of J. W. Burke A Co. or E. D. Irviuo’s store. The •how is a certainty, and will form one of the most interesting displays ever made ia cheap goods. They offer nothing '»elow the leal journals of all schools, both In Europe The Liebig Co's preparations should Mifoumled with any patent nostrums, i ney legitimate pharmaceutical products, and with Coca (which is recognised as the most v known) aud other valuable into sickly children and Infants. no«, cortrxmox, sw.:; mskases, bad WEAK L AND DECAYING TEETH, OLI> The Journal of the Royal Society of Vienna iys: r, Itia remarkable that tho Boutli American Indian* never rtifferfrom consumption, and that the cause of ltisthe use of (Vtca. Thar o never suffer with scrofnloals, skin dlsc.n**.' carle* o( the teeth. They reach a very 1 age, nn<l frequently pas* their full century e use of Coca la habitual to about ten tril lions of human beings." PYSfErstA, SHATTERED NERVES. Professor William C. Richardson, II. D..d*‘*n St. I-ouls. Mo., Clinic of Midwifery and Dls- -isos of Women and Children, nay*. "To children with marasmus 1 have given it with decided ln-nctU. It is a remedy of great utility in dyspepsia. It is also a most powerful and agreeable stimulant to the brain and nervous system, and It U especially useful to counteract fatigue of mind and body." l»r. II. V. Htimsou, in tho Therapeutic Gazette, iys: “Tfl at the wonderful effects of the Coea as a ner vous stimulant. would not adequately expi my opinion" The New York Medical KcUctie sots: “The Ueblg Company's Coea Beef Tonic preparations here been fully tented and Indors ed fn such n way s* o gnnmnU't) their purity and reliability. Manyofthe most reliable prac titioners of medicine and surgery, and men long ei perienced. hava irivcn their Indorse ments r.«d ** in their practice." . I*. TuthlU Masaey, Ji. f D.,j2 R. C. P., M. II. From have l*eu writtea by Dr. Felton, indicate* that the Independents have solid ground on which to base tbeir claim : “It it due to the Independents in Georgia to know that the oommittoo whieh met on the lfith of May, find recommended Mr. Stephens for governor ai the candidate of all the poodle, without regard to fnotions, rings or cliques in any party, had good and substantial reasons for that action. They did not go into that movement without having solid S round under their feet. They took Mr. tepuen* upon hU record in the first place, which hid ojmmoudod itself to all th? peo ple as ton part's naadconaervalive. They, or at least some of them, were appriaod that Mr. Stephons knew exactly what th y intended to dot and that he wen not in the least surprised when he read the full text of tbe addren they issued to the people et that meeting. Mr. 8peer's telegram and Mr. Stephana's revision of it make the evi- deoee conclusive that he was sn rapjtort with tho Independents.” II. 8 . of Manchester, F.ugland, says: "The effect is something wonderful » depressed and very low spirited, easily I can now walk any length of time with- out feeling fatigue. Before taking the Coca Tonic my nerve* seemed so unstrung tliat when • pathetic tale I could not refrain fmm J very murh affected, although I tried hard to overcome tho *Hurd feeling. Now I Pf.i'Ham, Mr, 3 COMfAN Y: : left 1 Col Tom ZlAnlf-fMNii** Orallau ni Itarlli tarollnA iollegc. Tlie Charlotte OI>*ervrr, in iU re^rt the commencement exercise* of David>ton Collage, in Charlotte, aud at which onr Col. Tom Hardeiuau delivered an eloquent oration, nfttr jubUshlig tho address, • ,V ' , ‘Ktut.(mriMi”coli, tUaUltad, Dr. Hepbom .ilk*! to the (root ot tli, MV the oAom ba jempedfrem tb. horw pT.tform and ia » br»( bat .ppropri.t. I ud ;i-d dwi the .Scy, A. tbe bon. - tVu. nra. < l.lm anti tlie udlier,. tad the . of liue lh«tv»u ilia tbe year end- ISTSSotuEVtalfttke b™.r«n.*W'«i S3sfi»sr«3?awS2 ^SStsfsassKB o! 5?i a ta h«ivi up on .. peealUrtr lw« »e**» «*.!>. ud i; - L' iu-: «uh-k ,™XO. manner IntroducsMi tbe dieliugatabcd ora lor from Georgia, Hon. Thoms* Harde man. As Mr. Hardeman cam* forward he we» greeted most enthusiastically. His personal appearance u strikingly hand- some. •His no* ore a'most the exact coun terpart of Zeb Vance’s, and hit iron grey hair carries out the n»cmblau?e to a re markable . eg-rc. Bat for the snowy beard which cover* hi* chin, he might, parhapa, be taken for onr Ztb, “The *.*eaker dwelt ateonsidcrab'e length upon the qu*iticu of education, and hi* remarks were frequently applauded. “Ha warned the young men tgaiost the the false dsludou that dutinctfou it only found in political vocations and prof* •aton al imrecits, nnd then went on to give in stance* eitowiug the fallacy of this td*«. “Hi* remark* r.dJro-td to tb* y >u»2 men who aro inclined to leave the Stite and i**‘k homes elsewhere bad a Wiling effect upon the audience. Ir» handling this question hta ia..^u»gu wa* maglllirnt, Uie eloquence sublime . “At the conclusion of hie speech Mr. H man was approached by ti^tug* wbgtahook dis hand and couvratninted him upon lus moat admirable tffort.” Col. Hardemsu d jlivera an adai _ - for* tbe Agricultural College ia Catbbqrt on TtWedag next. IkkCa.iolflKarL Rreewere* Aworla. llew. Several of our farmer* are devjting wm* attention to t‘*» improtement of their rtock and cattle, and it seem* to roe that it would be well for them to nuet *fcd orgtttiie au association under the above title. Organization ca^re.-rfioo would create an InWrost and enthusiasm among the member# •»« the a-skcUtioo audthair neighbor* which woolJ soon increase nnd rapidly spread over Bibb county and ac- eomptuh a vast deal of good. 1st rich gentlnnen os Me*sr*. W. h Kadetova, I. d. Btswnrt, Tlmbarlake A Cliarinan. G. »!, Davir.f- A!. Darts, VF. If- Menafield, A. «>. Hae m* U. A. N*sbo-, 1L K. Bowman, Jo*.a B. Giles, J. W., Jedge LnaJyand other, meet at the voort house at an early day aad ergonU* an a«socisUoa, and mu taatiy bvnefit cecl* other end county. was between him and the officers, aud the allay being dark nnd narrow, they could notllreou^iro and he made good bis •*- **!*. R.* Tha following IratfaDonlei is a.»;aaa bf twelve of the leading pb)* uaaa ot U*H fax, N. “Ctddms Liebig's Idqn! Extract of IWf and Tonlo l»vlgor*!*rr a very agre^ible ariirfw of diet and par tfcalarij N3(U In Dipbihegfa, »«*< ,pe. 1 he horu »'** takaa by the officers i Davit* stable*. When daylight appeared. Lieutenant Wood informed the otficxr* that some one had broken off the riapla on the door of Mr. N. V. Brunner’* stable on Fourth street and taAen h ! ^ hor*e. and told them to Welch out for Ulm. From the description, the officers knew at once they had the ani mal, and be was returned to Mr. Brunner, who liberally rowirdsd the vigilant oHoars, It U thought tho thief who went into An- derson**wae the a'.me who got the hone, and intended miking Me way ont of On the evneni?M, al*»>at 12 o’clock. Mr. MaaiueneJ, the w.xtciimaker and jeweler in thu Brown llou.i block. Fourth street, heard a noise in tho rear of hi* etoro. Get ting up, he Went t * the roar door and pe«rod ouL and saw a man jump down from the dnnr < f tU clothing store cf Ohlmann A Sen, and then run into tho cellar. Mr. Maumanae shot h»a door, and it is suppo^^l the man immediately got out of tne cellar and skipped. . The mim night a negro man attempted to break into toe house of John Small- woo 1 , in East Macon, but was e tight by officer Macaffsrty. He wo* sent to jail yes Unlay. A roon mXPEBlUBMT. «nr Ilepertesr Trlee to Drive Awray the' VVurrUumv Hoequltoee “At it again, are you 7 ” Thus merrily hummed a maiden mos quito last night, ae our warrauted-fast- cxlor reporter eat at hie table toying with a tender conoelt. It was midnight—dark miduight. Honest peep!* were in bed, kicking off tbe cover and offering forty dollars a minute for eweet, ooof, soothing •lumbef. 1 he litUe English sparrows had eeased their innocent devilment, end were roosting, with on* eye open, on the gutter*. Everything was etill. the leaves, the winds, and even the midnight tramp was still— rtill drunk, “Yee, draroet, we are here.' We said this in >t don't-know wbat-else- we-oou!d-say style, whioh aroused the sym pathies of tbe men? maiden mosquito, (iuoseit was a* maiden, for, to tell tbe truth, we really doaT know a girl mos quito from a Hop-bucksb No matter. “You am* to have company,” she re- tuarke J, as her wtne-coloredeye* fastened tbeir look-ftb/OJ-cr-dia gaze upon attend of romp-steak thkt"f^d upoiu a IBohe mian inase cake-aimu In fr*®* w * " • had rejKiscd that bit of buii beef upon tbe Bohemian glass cake stand with atwo-for- a-quorter hop# that the merry maiden mosquitoes would give os Hi* sbxko aad stake their claim on the ideak. It was a mistake on our parts. The mosquivi D not lacking in taste if in lodgment. They know a good thing when they eeeiL Or smell it, ‘‘You don't Iot. me Uk. ,»• «ei *0." ,b* Mid Ihl. in * wrt of dtra’t-im-buk- oa-jroar-old'i’.nl kind o( »,y. yrobabl, to touch oar betrt. <!«r taMrt m not touched. Nothing tonchci oat heart (at 1^. thu UtMO canUor two (or n qurtor. Uat we con nmr (orcet hot tone,. Bom. (—opt. don't UK... tnoetoitoM bat. tone*. Bat lt>»n mi pupti don’tbtli... Smile Again On Be! Sighed Tom to his beloved. 11a knew not wbat gave her such a charm fn lilt eye*. Her teeth, preserved by SOZO* DONT which the bad used from girlhood, did his business. She held her lover by virtue of SOZODONT. Mlr Hubert CHrlwtleow, Baronet, M.D..D.C. L..LL.D..F.R.8., physician to Her MsJcatjr the Queen, president Royal Brit Ish Association, profewer st tho University of Edinburgh, etc., rays: The properties ol this wonderful plant (tbe Goes) are the ftUMt remarkable of any known the medical world. Frets repeated personal trial*. I am convinced that its use U highly beneficial sad tonic." ITofeaaor Duncan Campbell, V. D., LL. P., V. B, f., president Ilnyal College of Physlclaus and Burgeona. member General Council Uni* vanity of Edinburgh, otc„ cte., *ay*: “LitMg Co's Coca Reef Teulo has more titan realised my espectations." Prufenwr John M. Caraochan, M. p„ stir* goun-la*ohlef New York Ktato Hospitals, Tre* feaaur Surgery New York Medical CeUege, •x-Health Ofllcer, Tort of New York, etc. says: “My patients derlvtd marked end decided bcm-fU f^pin Uie Liebig Co's Ceca Beef Tonlo Professor V. W. Hunt, M. D., LL. 1L, Honors ry Member Imperial Medical Soeiety of 8L Fe- tenburg. Latala, Professor of lTactlce of Medi cine, etc., etc., mys: "Liebig I'o's Coca Beef Tonic Is far superior to the fatoleaeblo end Illusive preparations ol beef, wine aud iron." The .V. Y. Medic st Journal says: 'The Indorsement of numerous medical men of prominence also Indicate* that It baa uer* No, sweet tucker of vitiated blood and kggravator of arabesqaa agony, we ate en- tlcavoring to trauefer yonr give- em- ell-if- you-con nffecti jds to yon sanguinair •natch of two-cuseed- poor-to-mokc-a alia fl ow bovine. Two loog Have we bared thu guverameot-muie cheek and this bangles# brow to the furies of the storm, and thus kept up your family with our btueet blood. Too long, oh, too long 1 Night after night has our crimson life-liquid filled yoar craw and kept you fat as a match. And now that we have prepared a feast fit for au olympian candidate for alderman from the fourth ward, and spread It in eti ite glory upon the festal board, we shake you. Go to the banquet of lieef and sap. Take with you jour cohorts, roar give-me a- emaK-gUss of beer-wbils-I-eat-a-schooner- lunch crowd and leave e* to write ep tbe ctiron e'e* of the day. Avaunt •" Did that merry maiden mosquito avaunt? No; she didn’t avaaet worth a even two cento. Don't know would have vaunted worth a dollar. But you cent always teU. Especially at night. D irk at that. bhe lingered. A* a lingerie* eh* had no equal. She wa* the bom lingerie* when it , . , . . come to lingering. It was a *©rt of hang- Thero were a number of minor depreda' to-him-till’«tl-fre«x**-ov*r way she had. tions of a burglarious character the same Vet she couldn't help it. You've sees peo- niirht. pie tha*. way. It was not her fault. It will be seoa that our oilizetta oen- w* learn that she wae not by herself, not be too careful fn locking up end k«ep- Xbare wae tha sound of merry voiez* Uke ing’onr eyerypeo I** theee prowter*. He a kvaharp being played ander the cover, and then netlag'« kind of sticlb-her-clear- have only seven polieemoa to watch arc; a city of tweuly to »usan4 people—rist think o? it, »tv*- ; •Ifocmcn to watch over twenty thousand deeping people! And It U thus impossible for those seven officer* to watch allof Macro. Hanes lb*** bur gtorioe must be . r t • ctud, and the wonder is that they are not ra re frequent. To be beautiful, buoyant aud bea'thy, ih- whole U iu'u const It ut ion must o*!r!’*inr-?u! .r action earing a certain period of life. «Wrwfsi, no female can poastbly retnatu hriKij, and she who dues not know iud facty ie quite unfortu- .iOLe. .^oouid j ou L j expocarw, become trrcjjutsr tr.d a *Bbr with mxny trouble*, cxp*r'«*ncs a 4 Mt* the me cf English Fcmetit Bitters m toe TPOOL wonderful f«- mate regulator Inna tonic In nee. myM'lf.aa I had l»ocn «l»'k for a number of months with e lung aff'Vtlnn, and wm notable to procure. It helped me very much. 8o much so that 1 am uow about as roll w usual. I have since given it to s number of patients, and it hn benefited every ease*. 1 sm indeed most thankful that it raroo to mr hands- I had tried different preparation! of Coes before, but had no effects from then*. • n. 8. l’HKNIX. M. D." Profrexor C. II. Wilkliuon, of Galveston, «U- ' r Medical and Surgical Record, mys: •Tlio Coo* lloef Tonic of trie I.lebU tfoapa- combined •* it U with Coes, quinine sud iron,forms a most valuable adjunct to the nr»c- tiro of tnedirfnr. From the experience we have hod It, we are forced to rpeak In ita favor .ml to rcrommvnd Its use. fteef. Iron, and i ulnlne cannot be inrpaswd by any other km ingredients In or out of trie dUpenaatorv lor Invigorating an enfeebled «y»tem. and when such remedlea can Iw obtained combined from so reliable* house m Liebig's, It behoove* the profusion to patronise tho mmo*) the full est extent." From sn article on the Coca by W. 8. Searle, A. M., M.!»., of Brooklyn, Fellow of Medico- Uhlrurglcnl society of New York, etc : "If we cllminste the trials of thosc’who have employed worthies* specimens of the plant, we have so much concurrent testimony as to ren der doubt ridiculous. * • • quite as un philosophical as It would have been, In a former age, to deny the growth of a blade of grass because we wero limorautof tho processes of Its development. l»r. Montesau* resided and practiced In South America for yean, aad — conversant with the use of Coca In tvery i. both as employed by tha natives and pro- je<l by himself. His accounts of Ita prop erties are most eulogistic, • • stimulates the stomach aad elds digestion, • • • recom mends It (or weak dim »tfon and effect* Intern- perance. He himself u«ed it for two years, and though formcily unable to work after din- r without headache and indigestion, these mptoms did not occur when he used the ca. 11* advises It for acidity ami flatulence, lt la a nmful tonic in nervous prostration, hys teria and melancholy. He considers it t>ctler thsn opium In mental afferttans, and beltevM that in sustaining nervous force It Is superior Failing! That is what a great many people arc doing. They don't know just is the matter, but they have a combination of pains and aches, and each month they grow worse. The only sure remedy yet found is Brown's Ikon Bitters, and this by rapid and thorough assimilation with the blood purifies and enriches it, and rich, strong blood flowing to every part of the system repairs the wasted tissues, drives out disease and gives health and stren^. This is why Brown's Iron BittSks will cure kidney and liver diseases, consumption, rheumatism, neuralgia, dyspepsia, mala ria, intermittent fevers, &c. aoj S. Paca St,, Itahimor*. Nor. *1, tIBi. I was a great sufferer from Dyspepsia, and for several weekt eould eat nothing and was growing weaker every I tited Brown's Iron Bitters, and am happy to say 1 now have a good appetite, and am getting stronger. Jos. McCawlxy. Brown's Iron Bitters is not a drink and docs not contain whiskey. It is the only preparation of Iron that cause.? no injurious ef fects. Get the genuine. Don’t 4>c imposed on with imitations. Ei'ub Count? Ehcilff's Salt , »t Uie i mule .hot w.rnn., on. C nets plow g sctlriy Court, titulibs, and the | 'X“, Whitehimt, rs John pointed out by pi* Alra land in Godfrey di*triet, Mi, bounded on the M>ut. #ml on tbe end by land* on losutbify tbe State A J rnglMit for they* tt the ratr.e t»L it: l'art of lot No : .’3 feet ou r i the alley bci rums, in city of Mac the Htnte sud county taxes t llfckcl, amt for Mrs. K» A . Almost the same time sud Ing, to-wit: l'art of lot No. 3, fronting on Bond t‘ * Alao, nt the sumo il lug Ut-wlL fronting l Si . a Bond nnd Walimti.. n. lA'Vicd on toiwtlafy II taxes for ItWl, due by V Alao at the same tiro , ing, to-wit: l'art of lot No. 12, AUo at the same Jug, to wit: l'art of fronting st feet on in city of .Vacon titata and County Holmes, tm«tro. jr Mr*. Ida 1. College t treat, Uvlnl oa a. as ... o at the «amo time a... Ing, to wit: l'art ol lot No. H, n fronting 140 feet t Mrcct. Iu city of mocod. Levied • Uie State uud County uxre f«.r !• Itipley, agent. G. 8 W Jui.oSth.W-dtd. Bibb Countv Poitjonet Sh’njJ E U f ILL be sold l*efore the tiiocity of Macon, duriiiK li of Nile, on the tlrdTuieday iu J following properly to-wlt: That t of Sand known an pert of the orf on the map of Itltib county as li cd *n the\ iuerllledlatrictof tug 17^ fut on Uie Forsyth roa.1 lark 375 feet to the property nt J tstntng IS •cres, mijntuhig m north of the properly i f Holm know n a# the residence of Mrj levied on as thopro|*rty of cetNwl, lossdMy a ft la ImuwkJr rb*r Court lu (uvor <.f C k'lwvn . ^ n<tiuiut«trstrlx. TropertvjN^ June lMi —tad* GEORGIA, BIBB COUNTY.—Whereas, E F Beat ha# in proper form applied for lettere of admliiidnitlon under feetlou 24W5th of tho C ode of Georgia, in the wtatc of Mrs. Emma fthaw, of Fayette county. Inthetitatc of Kct.- tnckr, deccarrd, who hn* an e*tata In tho county of Bibb. In Mid Hate of Georgia. Thin Is to cite and admonish all persons con- cerne.l to l»c and nppcnr at my office at the July term nest of tnc Court of Ordinary of rahl unity, mot shew cause. If any they can, wh> •rmaiicnt lotten of ndmitiUtration thould not 5 granted to mU F. F Bent on raid ontato. Witne#a my official riRnMum thl« Mh day of June, 1W. J. A. McMANUH. JmicCoqwlw.* Ordinary. to all known agents. 1 have advUed Ita use a large nnmbor and variety of peraona during thepMlthreo years, for varlou* conditions, aud the great majority have found benefit from lu employment. To a sufferer from nrr- vou* djupcpalu, a lady seventy-three years of ■gc. who had become reduced to a diet of lightly cooked meal and bread, end who for three vean had not had a movement of the bowel# without tbe aid of enema*. I pre#nib> It. Within three day* *he waa able to return ~ ordinary food, end, though two yearn have pawed, *he ha# not failed to have a regular and normal evacuation dally. A lady who had for yuan differed from nervous aithraa. and who had been compelled to go up atalm _. ..... . .. _... . . 7 ollnJ . . from the very flut d« who had twen aubjevded broker ■ to «;xceaUve uerrou# strain, and wa* In conroquence unable to Bleep or eat well, w*« heeomfog very weak and rmaitated. He had been taking quinine and Iron without any tout fit, and greatly feared he would to obllted to reiinouUh bu»l- ncsa for a period of entiro rest AllhUaymp- tow# warn immedtatrty cared by Coca, and be went on with ht* affair* a* mual. A lady, aged IHly-flvc. ha# dlatote*. Since taking Coe* with her meal* *h* ha# tmprove«l wonderfully, being almnal <>ntlr»iv •wil “.i.w. up*to the heado ainz—and ttoro w* etap- Bat tU tUudut Buffed the battle laiar off and got off tha track before toewir broke wee put on. a Wb.r» »tb. piM. e( brrt in tU mu- ■m. '( Il wu os th. BotMoiUa *U»« «U •uad. a M bo eh»tm« to drm* o* th. UmL Cnbatalf It wm tpoiM. l'roba- Ujr. YRm, diT.r».M>( m*itoo mo-itttto ottwtUm. U ,v -bMlaMjudnuiuU- v Jl/.laUurfc Bat n..i>4. U a-Mt. I'cr (oar BW(tal bean oar a«aa dug lob. tad iqrr* Ha feaar a* abac ita laiaa I voalda't work. W* (n.f-d ita aiam mMt with tl,« adl'orul MMafa aad vMha* lit a* iota tha aan-Moa daetta ot Tuba'. I noatb, and dan. dowa, doaa it WMtaat >.( dtftal, wbUaTob. .aiiUd aa. al tat. do- ibaaaa-iaan wilH aad ataanad mrr q.t.wdat *.««««• W«.* j raim Irriu- r, r-UTtUm, recommend M* fcjjj tLogua.i-, gnneL Mb,c nod afff bnu'tb J of *•*' 1 *• ’' •* j uvba." i' : • l’rofeaaor IL Goutlon. M. D.. LL. D., phy*l- clan to the Grand Duke of Basony, Knight of th* Iron Ci oh, etc., etc., says: “It give* more tone tbeu anything 1 have ever prescribed; ’ The N. Y. Medical Times sam “We here prescribed it with the uuwt istls- factory result*." It le invaluable In dyspepsia, billou*nem and liver affections. Prime Nicola* Ttoerbafor, Flag officer Imperial Uiwtoto Nerj St. Helen- burg, P.tMla, sejrt: *'it la e moat excellent tonic. 1 General Tran* Hlgel mys: 'll benefited ma Very much. Too much can. not be sold in Its praise." C. A. Bryce. M. D., LL. D.,-editor Southern Clints, mys; It Is really a wonderful reconstructive agent —building up the system and supplying lost nervous energy. For broken down constitu tions It Is the a^eM.” PioL U. It. Bennett, of Fitcbburg, president ef the Memachuwtu lurgtcol society, my*: ' "The beat toulc to build up a broken down constitution Iron* long >un<liog womb di*ca*e Ueblg Go’s Coca Beef Tonic." An eimtniying eustr,” mys tne editor New York Commercial AdeerVeer. Jl 1* Invaluable in ell forma of debility,nervous affecUou*,nerv oue end sick headaches, pile*, neuralgia and catarrh. As a counteractant to debilitating influ ence*, metis* malaria. bllloo*uc*a, languor, impaired digerikm, eU*.. the U«blg Co s Coca Beef Took la uue>tualed.'* axys Trofeasor F. W. Hunt. M. 1>. For IndonemenU and opinion* ol Profemor I* Hart, surgeon iu chief Geucral Hmpltal, -mUvIUe, Ky.; J. J. Youllu, M. b.. pratolent Board of llealtt and vital Bta'-laCcs, Jcrmy CUy, :.J.; IW.SLW Nosau, M. I>„ New York city; Flofeamr RC. WopI.M. D.,I.L.l>.,Southern Me tical t'vUegc, AilanU. Go.; Dr. James Knight, surgc<m In-chkf HospUal Ruptured and Crippled. New York city; l'ro(r**»r ft. 8. llorrkk, M. D., New Urleotu, preddent Ktate Board ot Ik-altli, of LmUtaua; Janie* M. Geliy. M. U. Licentiate, Hoyaf College of Hurgeooaof Edinburgh, fellow of tha ILiyal Medical and Chliagrk-*1 dpciety, etc.; I’rafcaor Wm. Hen- denoa, M. D., pn>fe*aor general muhology Uni- ersity of Edinburgh, phyikion to the Royal InUrraary, ate.; Wui. McUouald. IL, D.. V. U C. F, r. L ft., F.o. 8., F. R. fl. E., comparative anatomy. He., and hundreds of the suat dlvtiugwlshOil physktaa*, IrrcspeeUve ot s* bool, see our clrcul*.’*. Lkbig Co's Cue# Ucel Tonic 1* ai»» valoable In malaria, fever and ague, < Louie coogh*. LUlney oiloctWua, aathiua. bad tireoth. furrol P/ague, female UrmenlarUy, palpitation and wcakncMuf the heart, sailor mla, *cr»fulou* eruption*, tefirmitlv* of old age, etc. Dr. Me- Bean (Bmtuh Medic si Journal) (.mod It of great value In the cooMiatpdv* tendency. Bar- (Kt You UumUddUComia*) uy, he he* never known atom of ronaump'tom or o*ti thoos aec mtemeil to iu mo, and that they live a great age, retaining their junta! and phje- Irrnl (aenltie* to the le*t. t The Amoneon Beaeoeptthic Observer mys: "Liebig C ,’* Coca Surf Took certainly mer k t* ell the praise It Ie rweivlag." Theft LonI* Ctimemol Revieweeys: “We desire to call the aOentfon of the pro- femteuto the rrilabilty of too manntartart-i by toe IJeblg Company, end to the high character at toe lodormmante tended to this retebraied firm by Wading phy- eina* end medic a! Journal* of all The IJetag f'ompeay eaetiooe the pahfk taiwt anfnllv named almost entirely relieved of her former "*tnk« ilngspell,“ thir»t and constipation. A lady •ufft-red for thirteen year* with severe nervous MMMkm They toffmmmmAmmmm of ordinary of *aid t ........... . Den nis l>*1v ba* made spnllcatlon lor letter* o! — Win Gary, i*t< d ndmcnUholl appear at the mty on the lir.l show cau#e, if ai.y they can, wliy mid application should not be wnted. Wltnrsa my official signature Oil* June 3*1, “* J. A. MiMANlrt, Ordinary. Monday In July nesL they car — " — granted, rtKOROIA. BIBB COUNTY.—Whereas, Cor- U m-liu* tiulltvau, administrator, baa made application for letter* of dl#miwilon from the estate o( p. Kcrwln, lute of mid county de- of ordinary ol said county ou tb* first Monday In August next, to *how cause, If any they ran, why mid application should not L granted. Witness my hand and official signature th ayWb.lW. J. A. McMANUH, may7-iaw3m* Ordinary. /I KORGIA. BIBB COURTY.-Wbatma Henry ll J. lamar, exeeutorof Mr#. K 0. itlbb,rep resent* to th* Court In his petition, duly DM and entered on record, that he has fully ad- mlnUtcrcd Mrs. K. 0. Itlbtis' estate. This ts therefore to rite ell person* rnnermed, legs- Ordinary. 1S50 Sourf Grand Piuo fur w: PIANO STYLE 5) iSSiSTLSZ airings, 71*S Octave*, tu.l patent aeraffr*. our new nateolovcrstrungsa sl/ul cat red legs and lyre, heavy serpe large fancy moulding, fall tea fmm Grand Action, Grand Hammers, hft liupraveraant whirb can inaoy waj tbe perfection ot the Indrmacnj. added. * Our price forth In li.ti 1.0.1 rtl HUH Urlfrn; il on boa ut A nr I'orA'. irltli /hie i*i- ettio t'orcr, an<! Ho ah. , only reduced from our lato weii iru ay rND Lffviffffrfor CM*ffstgaffiMW thin kNNfl/hf /until -“*■ Thl* 1* now. Py far, the grrn ever offrreif the musical i-uKil ed sueTfgmcndeuadami Iweeka, and Anally every two day*. Rhe de* Kritos them a* a«» violent that she would rather die then live. Three week* after beginning the Coca she reports: “I have had but one alight attack, and 1 am #n much Granger and better that! feel sure that I will to cured." Many In stances of nervous headache. ceiiraatheuU,and neuralgia have been reported to roe aa cured by the t'uca when ail th* umm! narcotic*.tonics end anodyne* have failed to afford relief, per- hapa one ef tot 9'»t valuable as well a* won- derfut properties of Coca U the facility with which It meet* end estlnvNkhes the craving for opium in the victim* of tost fearful habit -Nov can this to considered simply a* a change of matters, since the uniform testis'*"? "* even thorn who hev# used fora for e long time, fion continuously, Is that atotrntion from Idem- pfoymenl U perfectly es*r. and Is not accom panied by any feelings of dUtetM or uneaflnere whatever. The relation# of Coca to acute dis eases art extremely lUAprtant At a physician, I would not 'ui tr.'totrt Under any to:,tolera tion. Coca calm* and renders plsrPL • • • Tliat nervousness. In many forma, ami to a de gree unknown In any country, U.bringdeyel- - * ~ud age, I* e raeiam. .ply fact . -of American pbyto ten* are being Bpeedllv opened. Ourrilroate testlien- latlng. our habit* are atloroialiog, the stniiada for existence Is stimulating, and human nature is over-driven on every rPle. May not Coca be de lined to to tb* grand palliative of them con ditions, end the tv-ful *u»miner of -txertlon among onr professional and bu*lr ~ Con tribe tl eg an manrefoudy to en*lu of mind end body, I look btCOca as the great preserver of life end health In future gt Notlco to Brldgo Builders. TtNTll.ajKnnl.jr, Jan. II, 1M1, th. Orant, IJ i „ luhh Inrlh, anUat imn tMMU Itu hultdln, . ano,l.n t rL'If. over To* boolta. ot. k «th. .It. m-e hm.« n u ,e.r JT'. brtom. For pUni. .twllhatlon. am .11 timber lnhma.llnn a,.|.ly to tb. oiultnlanc4 at th* court limiae. By order of Bibb County Commissioner*. vs. o. UtoHtegtog msy.'t lawfw 8M111I, Clerk. QFniUHA, ROM COUNT r^Wherva* J«.hn lUsmvy has mad* application for setting apart ■ homestead off personalty and the vehuiiloa of tb* saase, end 1 will t«#i npou said atudlra- thm on mtunlay, Juue 17,1M2, at 10 u'cb«ck a. . OEGUGIA. BIBB COU.NTY.-Whetvaa R.F. fawtoti, executor of toe « #t*ta of Mm. Fllsa Debmehe. ha* mad# application for leave to sella two story brick stof« bourn and lot on an ,l! b# ^wafllug and lot ol the aW Mn nus Deknrh* at the lime ol her deathjd^te thecU^of Macoa In said county, " Thtf la thewfoce to cite and admonish all S ns roneamed to to and api«ar at toe of ordinary of said county, on the first i*yln July wst. to show cau#eifany they hiV* Why »pjdUatfon .Uould not be mated. W line#* my official signature thu June 2, m JouSwtw J. A. McMA.NL'fi, ordinary. Your preparation of Coro I# the tori I have •wr seen. W. ft. SKA KLU, M. D. Etwln M. Hale, M. D , profemor of Materia Mol Ira la to* Chirame Medlrol College, author of “lactnne on Diseases of the Heart," «te Cora with good results In cats of functional heart diiorder. and in organic heart disease, and P» relieve difficulty of h eath- lug. It la also Indicated In that condition which we so often find lu women and children which ia tost described by the word *fldfetl* ness,’ or nervous erethism.” WIlAT t* coca? rhe flrri reply U that it l* nut Cocoa, .’ommodorw Glbfom (United flutes exploring *xp«1Ulon of the A ou ton) aevs: “The Cora ha#praperttr# •»» urndMii that It enable* the Indian#, withenl any other nonriaheront the while, to perform forced march*# of five —fig days, lt t# so braring. stimulant aui that by th* *t*e or It alone they will pe..^._ journey* of m mile# without appearing In th* Dr Wm. fl. Mearle.of Brooklyn, N. Y.. say*. “The effect of the Coro upon the human sys tem hordt-m npou toe marv* lou«. and. if not claarly authenticated by writers of ondonbrod veracity, would to altogether »-*T«U*d toltef." Fnsfemor0/aselU,efthe to*yal Cnlrerdtvof fieri lie. says: -Coca menu to prnteiw Hlr, Isa- NOTICE. a*nitOl*.WHBt»CNTV.-To .11 whom It may concern: Mm. UUatoth J. Nutting ol**M county having died on toe tah day ol May, ln«, and James to Wynn, of sabl hiate havli« in proper form applied, aa a p<m*>o selected by the nest td kin. for letters of administration mi estate, undet the 2Wth irrtlnn of the ra.le This Is to rite sll and singular the creditor# aad heirs of add DixabetbX NnlUng to brand appear at my office, at toe July term next of the court of ordinary of sold county, and show cum l^anyAh»yron^whyj'r r m*j'.cnt letters of Wynn on said rotate. Witness my official of June. DWL J. A. McMANUfi, JuaSwiw* Drdlnary. not to granted toroid signature this the M day I'lra-.* with onler, i unh nnif irith ' /Itllltret nutl ferial . Ii/t Urn /nille iruuu i, la.tju.t an i i prravitfcil. •iwrul ltarv*l •** - I’.eui iu u*. imrr/aiuri\ .... Ingne, mailed free, giving i.Ui* cier awardi d any mannfactursr. llano fully warrante*] Fori years. slli.e.T M t tilt' ' , price. Ca' i*m choice pU'Cc* »enl for *c stamp illargslus: Flit no*, s »d.» .. i ' ■'< ■ >■"" ‘.•■u "•■•riled -• turw ' -r IARS r * h IVi!LLiO(' Foa Chop's Bclsam ot ru*>ltlvly Krslorwn I# I tic Only A bat ThlsOIl I* abstracted f! mall l» kite Shark. Ihuldlit#t Priest stout wc:s so numerous and ... lu nilruruloHH, ti. il .... thU^praclalmed over the entire to pics. _ Bte grtira un pm run., ham •• r suiaNf tho C’Afiieaw |. charges prepaid, to sii> sd'.rv mat > a# Hour What Hie Deaf s..y It has perfometl a mlrsrie In tay rose 1 have no unearthly m»:k-* in uy • * *•«« bear much Utter. 1 have been sreatiy tonvflted. Mv drafnroedtvlped a great < ibar bottle will i-uie roe. other “Its virtue* fir# r» A* IV« (HARAiVB i CAtefSkROMAIXY t* gxrgAVDotwraVATi DOCK ii Jo****, 7 closing fl.uo, aud a remedy that will «... body elae. and whose f 1 BORGIA. JONEH OJUNTY.-Wb. ttro A. B. IT Knro, as admiutstrator on the c»t*t> of K. M. Baker, deceased,of Joroa t *.unty, applies time for dl*rats»ton from #al*l rotate. These are therefore to Htro nd admonlrh a person* concerned to show cause. If any they have, at tbU office, on or by th* Ar«t Monday In August next, why the eetae aUall not to my hand offclally, ^-ril Vljg. Unary. apKwtd* /# EOUGIA, JONEfi iMl'NT S - aTtbrrteC.fiwith and Leooid* ntne and sxerutrlx *>l the rota timltn, deceased, to' tnl-lon. ; Throe are therefor, ... pefsons coarsened to show t on or by the first Monday in Augu* t r they have, why the same shall iwl — . - Vitiwuny hard officially, Ap»Hto ■ Mrs ae To avoid loss In the unlls,^ 4 «!uly ; llM|* *rtc.l f.j ll AYl.t COOL SPAtlUMG. ELEC/IT ?(| flu M 1 1 w* .11 v-n plied b> tat f' r te andadiwml* 5c a Gla L&mnr,IUiik i i\ & L#» J. J. Van Tshndl (•‘Travels In Fan#") rays: “Betting aside all extravagant and * Wooary noticca, l am clearly of th* opiate* that the use of Ova l# very conducive *e health end longevity. Js support of thkees- elusion, I may refer to th# numerons exam ples of longevity among Indian*, who, from toy hied, have keen la tbe habit of ma»t!ratt»g “ thrre ttmro a day. casea are not train- , let Iiutlau* attaining the great age of I W years, aad these men. at th* ordinary rate of consumption, must, la the men* nt their lives, have chewed not tew toon LMSpoanda ot th* teaI. and retained the moot perfect health and t 'FJrted Ueblg Go's Core Beef Tonic ia a nra- tor of eases of. chraaic dyspepsia where the aer c4y#pcp#U where tl f food was very detective and these dy !nm of wright. Tbereeultaeto *--* Eloction Notice for Stock and Fence Law. TOXM00C!(Tr I GE0lr.tA.-!n uconSun i) with an act of the LegUtatur*. approved An- prat -XL IMS, ku* riectfon will be held at the T*> rions ekethwi pecrinete in Jot.** comity on Monday, tbe Wth 4ay of July next, to vote upon the question of "Fence" or "No Fence" foe the cuuuiy •* J-tari; isid ele* tkn P» to conducted ro otter eteiAfoos sn*t returns to to ready to tbe uiulcrtigoed. A petition as required ty saU - ef ite In this nffir*. say hankofflrialty May X. lvi Id R.T BG#P. * quinary. art I* n were, Indrod. flatterfng. tient gained five pound*, another three pomade rfld I.EIMROr. M. D.. M.nnmk. LIE8IO LtWRATOKT * aiEM ICAL « uui HMITFACTc'lUiui l-KEVlm. SCT TOR*. PARtt AND UlNOIN. rrln Om Daltor U M Executor's Salo. WUkOIMnlkM Ii- > » Btkb county, Georgia, rm ihr \ a In July neat, totwemioe legalhontstH SSStoBeTOfeSSurU* -T* one Central ratonad diVKtend'rorl ? u^ssBBStm ac^wef lend steaaa* In ask county on aide efthe pwhtte mod tea-ti g fram j ntafcia. Ga. adtetnlng tteWUtam I i Shat, tend a/Jemas Rogers on tto o Smith on the rest, -re! •» I SODA WATER . Rankin i mk i