Georgia weekly telegraph, journal & messenger. (Macon, Ga.) 1880-188?, June 23, 1882, Image 7

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1 iva'i? ^jcmvvmi & A CONQUEST. { found Ttim openly wearing bor trtks knew that her troth oouht never be To save u* they would not hivo uttered a breath, They were reef; enough to help us to death. We fought ln<ho midst of a wintry wood. Till the faUsVrblte snow was red with Ms blood; Ictory. for, as he died, rood tliaii*.e hail rot lied. — tValtcr berries Pollock. 6TOOKB AMD BONDS TH «A0» >H. • OOWteWTiX* WH-VK UJCKETT A BOND. BR0KEH8. MACON. June 1MX corgis C per eent. bonds, dew w**ia r. per cent, bonds, fold) “ ...1'JO \^vn * - - - - C€ „ ^ bonds vmorbrase ;10 1 GEOnuiA XF.W*. Eiviuirtr-Sun: M The Columbus Ivon * Works ara preparing to oast the cylinder for the cotton compress at Bavtuumh. This is a feather in the ©an of onr ironworks when it is remembered that thr*e o: three foundries in Havannah.'* Quitman Free Press: “7 ho coalitionists rialTn that the election of Mr. Stephens gjveruorof ^ieorKiawill be the entering wedge that will split tlio Btate, and wo believe it. 1 Quitman Free Pres* : ''Having laid the matter fairly before the pcoplo, the Tans- OBipa anp Mkks>3(okb now wants tho pi plo to jlecide for thataaelvee who shall the next (Jovornor of Georgia Wendnuro thooour-a of the- Tmaxjlafii and Musa- oik in this matter no little. It has been et»urc'.y{U«t. and truthful, and it lias beau fearlessly outspoken. Nothing like persa- cution of Mr. (Stephens has appeared in tiie editorialsot the gallant Lamar. On the other hand, he 1ms accorded Mr. Stephens his cm mead of praise. Tho position as sumed by the T. and M. is that the proud old State of Georgia cannot atlord to place h man iu tho executiva chair who is not able to o'ear himself from tho charge that he is in league with ha? worst enemies—the UudicaR" Pnjnot, of tho Quitman Free Presh. in- ©f oun Tub county commissioners of Baker have placed tho lienor lioonso at $l,0(X). Tub sweet pottao crop of Baker prom- isos to be larger thin it La* been for years. Enquirer-Sun: 44 An impecunious young •man in onr city, says ho wishes lie was t rumor, because a rumor soon gains cur tency, which hs h e never been able to do.’ 1 That's all right and cunily under stood. What earprisos us, however, ia ti.nt 4 *an impecunious .young man" in ho many cities r horrid have made pioclsely the buuh* remark. 11abtwei.l Sun: - Jim Iloborts has a beet - . per c« ut Vud* {gold quartercoupone) Georgia 7 per cent, bends, due IK £12* Gonial* 8 F«r cent band*. HO (>H3 Northeastern railroad bou«lc(eu I'd) t« wild Central B. It Joint snort 7 per cent.\uH&UC Georgia railroad fi per cent. bond*- 177 <&iw Western R. H. of Ala., 1st mortgage III $1W Western R. H. of Ala., ad mortgage J’.-l all5 Mobile and Girard railroad, (mm.) 112 <§11 i Momgoiaerj- and Bufanla Ut mort jrago. Ind’a'd hr C. and 3. W. R.K105 «107 Atlantic and Gulf railroad, consul;* ds ted montage .. - 110 <JJ IS City of Macon bond*..... i'Ji City of Eqvanuah bonds (a as t dty of Atlanta 8 per cent bond*-.. 1X) MOB r *ity df Augusta fi per oeut. bonds... 106 $100 Southwestern railroad stock,cx-dtv Hi tills Central railroad stock, ex-div. 92 Ceutml railroad scrip, cx " Augusta and Sivanuah K. i Georgia railroad stock... i.* a. Stock 118 t»12Q Also COMHHECIAL. Cotton Market* hv Telegraph. LIVERPOOL, June 2L—Noon—Cotton strong: ideiling uplands eju-lfi; middling Orleans .. l.\0on; speculation and export 3.00 CCipt* 12,0O»-ell AricriOHii. Futures— Upland- low middling clause, * me - « 64; June end July 6 45*te«i ;>r». Ju- ./and August 649‘ I: Auguri and September 651*64965244: September an-'. Ortriber r.,salcr 1»J[* ■0. Uplands, low middling eltnso. Anpist nod September 6 W*6I: October and ^pvembee &MM. Future* steady. I ■ NEW YORK. June ‘it.-Noon-Cotton steady. Wes 1559: ulddilcg upland* 12%; mlddliug Orleans \2%. Future* yicaily; Jnne 12.15; July 12.28; August I2.r,6; September 1201; October 11.61; Novewwr SEW YORK—Evening—Net recti] ^OMSiVa. ruturosclosed ktcaily; sale* J Juno....!—.J2.27rtl2.28 • November... 1U7C51 !.4fi I July m ..12.^4UUJ December-. 11.■wyllJO August ~J2. td($ — | January 11/IMI.CaJ Hcptcmbe* J2.10i|12.11) I cbruary ...ll.7:vaii 7‘ October. .I1.6l*iti.a» { Ma.«h Il.v<^U. e 7 NEW YORK, Juiie |fl.—Colton quiet; saha licj; middling upland* 12ji; middling Or* leans I2S. Consolidated net rccciptu ' '•reat Briuln 1400. GALVESTON, June 21.—Cotton 2mi; mid dling Itjfc low middling llffc good ordinary ... _ '^receipt* 366;groat—; sales 61;stock6,* NORFOLK. June 21.-Cotton quit* middling 12; not receipt* 409; gross —; sale* 527; stoc* 6,001. BALTIMORE. June 21.-Cottou iteody; mid riling 12J-6: low middling ordinary end of i% and can’t toll how far it goes Kav. J. H. C^zstukvLj of CoIamLn seriously Kick. Then* probably isTu more pious or laborious minister on rarth, nnd we tinst he will longbesparod to lal>or in tho Maater's vineyard; Athens ChroaMct A young woman liv ing nenr the upper bridge, Miss Johnson, was bitten by a snake while gathering plums netr Sandy creek bridgo, Monday. Her arm, we are informed, was very much swollen and she suffered much pain from the bite. Tub Banner- Wcte&mmi comes out strong ly iu favor of Dr. H. 1L Carlton, for Coo- ^greaamun at large. CoNYBBa Weekly: If Mr. Hill <llos Col 'jnitt fears the people will demand that Mr. Stephens shall take bis plnco. Therefore Colquitt and the Constitution want to get him out of the way by making him gov ernor. Mark this prediction: The very hour that it U known Mr. Hill will be candidate for m-olediou, the Constitute ami Oo'quitt witl turn their backs on Mr. Stephens. Tub Conyers Weekly very truthfully marks: Macon is beumd doubt the health iest city ot its sins inV«c South. Bsonum 1'bbham proposes to let Grady "remain Just aa he ia—very much at lazga. W# hoaitily indorse the idea. Tag city authorities of Rome intend . enforce the vagrant act. Every city i*nd town in Georgia onght to follow suit. The I/uUHtn says: Yesterday PolU»rn«» Fuck- ett and Brown arrested two ooioredwonien charged with vegranoy. They were carried before Mayor Dailey, found guilty and lined each fivo dollars and ©oils. The m*yor notified them tliat this .i:m was light only because they were tho first 1 noted uittL x this law, and that hereafter they had bitter lookout. Tub Cherokee Advance has thia to nay the cutd dogqoojlion t Thia week has been tath*r re unfavorable time for the devel opment of hydropbubia. Only foar or Lva dog.-, have gone mai since last Saturday, that we have heard of. Kavamnaii had ouito a little storm Saturday morning. Tl*a /{reorder aaya Tho gusta of wind esaoe so suddenly, swift ly and forcibly that they caused Urge ves sels to away backward* and forwards to the jnimiurc: danger of parting their haws-re, while tbs watanful teamen took preoautiooa to ktow away every thing sf a bortitbla na ture. The storm twisted and bent huge lecc.\ breaking off limbs ia many instou- a while it toppled over several fence* knocked down chimneys. It was *u<* esedad by a series of cooling and refresh ing showers. Havabvaii iJeeonfrr: The receipts Ci.yaI stores daring the pest week amount ed l ' H,OM barrel* of rosin end '-Vk*G c. *“ of ?p;r;Uof turpshtine. The exports t.‘j?rune time were H.iNl barrel* of former and 1,'Jrii ceake of the latter. hATABNAW is shipping large qusnti'ice naval stores to Scotland. Abubotom Ad cane*: Southern Georgia, U seems, wants Hon. A. O. Bauou for gov ernor, ono avidAQoa ot which L* Glynn county ha* icstru.-Ud her dalegatoa to vote for him in the nominating oonvoution. Next to Slephdns Mr. Baoou U onr ttralmd; «1.Q0 f;w g-odftrained. Tarfirji r.t tu*\ iVirie turpentine steady at tl.M for hard- *-2 75 for yellow dip W 75 for vir*ln. JavaNNAH. June 2l.—Rosin, scraUcd *LTJ; good kHaincd rL75. Upirlt* turjicnttuc *"GnAP.T.JBTOX. June *21.—Spirits turnentiz e e*i &4r. with *i.1m «t 42 *. licrin *n fair <ln* r strained au-1 g.»i •' ** acs J9RRi ? W"' ■ n ... v: % ,f'X Wool. NEW YORK, Jane 21.—Wool unrhanxvd and 'try quia, doiacsuc neece £2*46; Texas! tori. STILL LPETKER BEDUCTION! Best Sluslius lOc, IIomI J’rinis GJe, Best Beersnokei Stripes 10r,Lace Zephyrs 35o regular price -iOo, P«jw;p!cn Oc, DrcHHGoo«1m, till Ktylct* nndcluMKOM, Hillis find Hatlussat Bottom Prices to 01o«c Summer ®toclc.'KENTUCKY^' ':;MIIJTAHTtS" f. «r»■' ‘I’i'j ;■&. >. -'Cx’ ' - ~+&i JONES cf Kir mmwmm ::,r, ' - - New and Attractive Goods Added to Our BARGAIN COUNTER. Splendid stock of all grades In WHITE, M».I) CHECKED AND FANCY. Specie! price* by the roll. To parlies who | 3 (. ASH, we give a most earnest and cordial invitation to Inspect our stock and get prated ou prices. Kcmcmbur tlio I?lace—lit tho Apex ol Trictnjrular lllooU,, IKraSTftfc.! «.TT777r?“.rmSr'i *■'. I ths > - MATTING. MATTIN Gh. f. UdllKl’S ?flHS, Ih*ar in Miml ilio Fact That RICE & CO AnKTIIW LKADKRS IN i.OW IMIICES. Absolutely Pure, This powder nevor vnrlos. A marvel of purity, ftrf.r.gth and wholesonseneoa. .Yor® economical than the ordinary kirde, end cannot be aold in competition with (he multitude of low teat, short weight, t.lnm or phosphate powders. S)ld only in cans. Koyat. Bacuio Fowi/BB Co.. 106,wail stieol New York. m a receipts l;.groKs7-ki; sales SUi.t ImWTON, June 2!.—Cotton quM; mlddliui: IJ^k; low middling 12; good ordinary UW. - -* tei'oipu £Mi gross M2 saloa none. Mod WILMIN(iTON,Jcue 2L—Oottou fComly; mid* “ng 115/: low miJ lltng 11515, good ordinary 7*16: net receipt* —; grow —; sxles no;«e; stock 920. FMILADF.LiqilA, June 21.-Oottou steady |. JheOBl¥ WATCH FACTORS I IN THE SOUTH. irdnuer* —; stock 12.M4. SAVANNAH. Juria 21.—cotton ataedy: mil* dltef 115/; low iciddllog 11)/; good ordina ry 1% nti reodpta 257; gross —, aalta 10; itock NKW ORLEANS. June 21 -Cotton firm; tnlddllog 12?/; low middling 11)*; vitcl ordtua* ry 11%: net tocclpia 100; gross 112; sales Mrs* Bov* the mid- ! Iteman** proflu, and bay directly from A bubo row Adtanee: A few of our farm , eri report Uca in our cotton, but not cuoukh a* yet to do muJi damage. 1V#J would not bo surprised if some disaster yet befall* tho oitton crop, it U not often that wo mako a good crop of everything. KnxBxrr Wan ha* arrested 121 man for voting without paying their taxes. Look sharp, Ooonso men, and don’t got oaught in s^mo trap at our next election.—Oconee County Monitor. An inspection of the ballot*boxes in the various counties of the bt*t* would show mo,litmUs of illegal voters. Tub Mountain Signal relates the follow ing incident, going to show that anakt* ara dangerous < •• en after their head* ara Uken ntf: Mr. J-tck Helton, workman for the Cl.* sUteeCompany, killed a large rattle snake l**t week by cnUing it ia two, leav ing a foot or more with the bead. Mr. Helton undertook to examine the fangs ot the serpent with a abort stick, and was s’xuck at hr the snake, or what wa« left of it, and iU fang camo in oootao* with Ms hard, sine* which time tit* hand ha* been badly swoU«u and throwing Mr. Helton into*r**ms. There ia eoa* cb* - *- the bite to result fatally. Tuuui will b« a msae-meeting of thu DdiAocrAte of UiMimoad county, at the dty hall in AugtuU, on next Saturday, to appo'nt delegate* to the tiU'e, Gosgre:- stonal and Hecatorial convention*. Ib a fight in Waynesboro, ou the l?th in stant, a negro, named Alfred Cooper, wrw tailed by another negro. Jim donee. The murderer Aid, but was caught and ledge i in jci*. . la .puUns ol th. h«IlhfulM«l of Me-!* ijoo, um MiidLvnianm/s: ThatMa*)i- sou oa>of the healthiest town* in Oeor- —1- er.ienoed by the fast that not a »ic- abi e 1 ervea, young or old, baa died stec k 7ii,*'-,... ^MOBILE. June 2t —Cwimi finn; middling !; low mllditnill)/' foodonlfnery u ; net receipt* i i: gro** —; sales 2M*: »to*'.k x.411. siKMi'Ui^, June 21.—Ontton tam; mid- idling 12; low mlddUug 11 %: c'l-xl ordinary IClfc net rocelpU22) gn>M 22; shlpm-ntU .7S6; sale* IOO: *teck 12,70*. 0* AUGUSTA. June 2!.—Gotten market quit*.; mlddliug l\%i low middling 11)/; good ordla-l anr 105i: n« t receipts Xt. grow ; aalr-a 631. ; CHARLKSTON, Juno 21.—Cotton quint; mid- Il:i( 12; low middling 11J4: good ordinary 11)/; net receipts It; moss —: sales 19 stock 7sM. MACON MARKET J Paovtnotcs.—Market very firm at quota lions. B-ieon—G. R. side*, Bulk C. R. side* 12%. ■srou—abouder* Wfe. Bulk shoulder* lu; Mn» Ibr'A. Bellies IV Labo.—Msrkc: vety firm. Choice leaf, In tlercca, 13; tubs, lift. N. Y. Refined, lu tlerco, 13; tubs, 1.V4 rtooa.—Market very firm; finest patent, fancy, 16.00; cltolco tsmliy, |7.75, extra family, r,M; l.mlly, fn.m. l.uck.UC., I’.O.V). WhMI brun, per cwt Oomut—Market quiet with good d»manJ: Choice Kio, 15; r>rlme. H: rood. 1?: falr.12; onU- sry. 10: O. G. Java. *0; Mocha. 80. Ooaik and Hay.—Market very firm. White ,jrn. *1.12; nlxwi com, ee' load lo*s 2 to Scents lvaa Feed Oats, GO. W«**om Jt iooinq asoTibs—Fair duniaiid; stock * gbt; S da Moiaann ANn srarn*.—Cuba nu-ivn*, 47a M; honey -IriiMi, 57; Geonrta byrup, 55. ■ Halt.—UTcr|>ool,tL10;Vin{tuiA 3i.JV'/l..d. Facrrs.—Aj-flr*, none. Oran^e^, n« ne. on*, per box, fo.fA Loudon larrr rol*in«<). Fob.—No. 1 mackerel, half bh?*. ,F7.0x do No. 2 do., lull hl>>., |3.75;kiM,*6c.; No. 3, half ban-els, f *.f d.k.i». »>:. ■ h fi 1*0 abs—Easier tut not quote*!!; staud A. 10)/; wktte -.xt.a C. 10; extra C, 9% Gulden C\ J, *«. 0. whiter, N. O. yellow rliftlfleil •?/. Harowabx—Market dull, notwesh-uv Ht.OO r*r krf; mule shoes $7.00. Imo bound ham i4.C005.00. Trace chain* 4^«'kk. per pair Anita’ shondi fl2.0C per doisn. 1*1* >w 1 -k» AATe. per*. lUlraan'svtewr stocks91 *’5. Axes 18.00 r*iP.90 per doren. Cotton car-1* *•’> W. Well bucket*lt.50. Cotton rope lHe. perP>. Hwc-l- Iron 5>>5J4c. per 9k refit-.e P**r B'oir rti cl per t*. Nalls|A75-ba»a ot IUd. Pow der K.4* per ke*. I'Uulng powder HOu. Lead fc. per t». Drop shot $2.00 per Ug. MHhTCtiaKSuua—«‘amty, 13c. 11-tklM, plat* I fit .60, per quart*, fizr, fiurcb 6)40. i<erlt». Cbenw, 15. gardlue*. Imported, 15)4. >1 rdlne*. dunievtlc. to w. Rico, 7av. nail pop Mh, «2.75.%V.OO; Canned, $A.25.43/A H!d<»- I>ry niut, Well, salted Wool—'7.’a*lied 25*^Kc; tinwadio-i, hurry 10915; uu- washod burry l*J#22. Tallow, d. Wax, 22,1 Dav Goon*.—Market steady. BrlfiLv—star, lord lower gTsdw 4J4-55J/C. »>riH» 5k«*. 7 tek- ing* ^*.:i$ISc. Hickory strips* 7ty$!0e. do. brow.i y ZjlOc. Wigeus *M|iI7}5. (k.iabuiva— six cAa’y?. eight u*. Me. Bhoctlnst—stern:anl 7k. Bhmlmc*—steadtr! •?/. Check*—stand ard IK Kvwys t-iSC Jli. JCtBtuck) Jeaii* 13; Wmhem do. A'rtA. I*rovfaU*i Marie U by TslciMk NSW YORK. June 2L-Co9ke about needy I ami very qultk lUo, cargoe*. quoted *t»?/; lob h i* %%su%: July t7.JGe7.hi. 811 mr quiet hut steadily held; fair te good ref nl; g quoted *?73 l5a7*i rertueil q«tl*t; staudan: A tfa'.'t., Molasse* 'julct l»ut firmly held, iii * iu fair demand and firm. Pork held, about :o>*. higher, ciodn* firm and truoe uoderste; sales |of me** spot at sl9.frt20.oo old: *2100, now. I Middle* icsrco but firm: long clear quoted it ♦12.80. I_ird opened rather cosier, afterward r.rmir. *dv.;i»e.t 7Ualoc, closing very strong and fairly active* Prime steam spot quoted at kiMOt rtflued coutluent quoted at lll.'A | ■ I Might* te Llrerttoul, m&rU*. friz. Cotton *r steam 5 nia7-32,l., wheat per fter.m s«d. iJ BALTIMuUK, June 21.—Fruur r.■> titu ’.Iy steady: Uow»rd itru-t and We*t*ra supctflB'i 98.25al.00; extra $4-2UV57; family f' Tvr.GO. Ctty mill* superfine S3.25e4.fi0; extra ft.2ja6...v, Rio brands*7.2a7A7. Whtot—3uu»h-<TJ firia- er. Western dull aod easy; Botuhcrn red f i.wa 1.3$ ani>cr »lXal.42)/! No. 1 Marvland *1.40; No. 2 Western wincr red spt*t and June $1 tT?/ al.3t Curn-Souihem afeadr- Wes tern very quiet and steady; Boutheru white 95; S low k% Oat* scarce but firm: Southern *2\ Western white tnlrcifiU‘7; ivr.n«>l- 1 voula*2*65. Provlsionj quiet M< «a jnrk $2*25 ■ 1 .Mr• !>*•!'• TriMt. I.vm* rt-nnM,>M The MANUFACTURER. Rend tor Illustrated Price LHt J.P. STEVENS & GO. 9 | m Whitehall tr. ATLANTA, 6A. > o9tfsMm«r<o«s •/!>%» -M*deoflrms,r*r>mAm» > Mar»*w<PRo*j»k*rw*4ii 1 cs patfUiUa fo,-9K Th* only preyem^atemefinm ' iKut IHU not UocUn the trrih,ti sharf.eteHstieef i a :ii) d / ti j^p ^ 2m 1 ? ImI ; , 8 , T ;u 8 j; A DOCTOR’S TROUBLES I'l m i 'I psl ;>■- I §*1! Xtotft Tea 4i4 wrong U wsnrlag U*t t)Ua di*M, this ssld 4srcs ntghi." » Daughter—" 1 M, safi nss new paring^Iks ■-mis F«!<£ Ift '• w* fcviW. . .<•-r •/ . SfiSP* if'W&mr:,' ;2 *‘^ Tut f*cb!«”*n1 emaciated, aullierlug from (lyiy6' t isia or Indigestion in ut-y fatal, are advised, for tho sake of their ova bo«IIIy tvuti mental comfoit, fo try lia*.tatter’* btomach Hitters. Ladies ol the moat cci^ato conatitution testify to it* harmless and restorative properties, rhysician* ovory where, disgtiotcd with the adulterated liquors of cotnn>orre, pru- scriba it *9 the **foet and most reliable of all stomachic*. For solely all druggie* and dealer* generally. C. II. T2<'tl<liiigf, DU PimlarHtrn-t. 3lAVO vi“£“, Ht! ‘ A ' 1 Crocorloo, Pisi^tatlon Supplies, Bagging- Tloa “ I am cow making Lummus or TAYLOR 1 claim that it is the m«rt compact and simply noaslructad gio m-nlu, con- requrotty it ia more easily operated util vr U run lunge; withoct need ins repairs than gif- with complicated machinery; that it oomblnee the Merit* Sbbbu. Lroar DsAccnT irn Goon Saji Hi.* is greater degree then any oth er gin. It will pay you to o«e this gi& ^before buying. junl3eodAw3m I Etc., Etc. ■» .reciiiiijro*the i > y»vl f!j • Improved lL,j ,-;Vy. r gin. "tl-rk NEKT IN OXtUIOU. Fruit Dryers, Cider Mills, • "hlrd, Cano Mills. 1 7 ‘ Jt«f/u!r- T:rter, M *bt Ann 1 ret sat wkst is t-1 •*<nf " Doctor—" Tm. BBidua, sbs U 4s&|»istu]y 111. TIm vaauisalsr sad aortculst Mm sis art la an** libcinm. thsrs Is sa ttmurt nratrtprtrt antUo nWot U.« Mrsbrxai snd m*lulls oMonpi*, ttn pnui drenlnUoa vsmiIUIm, satyaads4 Nituxa wa* hdilAllag. sa* I—’* UralBtop, for kssvsa's ssks stop sad go Mil <. ,11 Im." 3 MTothor, sftsr las w**ks bsvs ttplfsd— enr txtctnr sbsll W dlMnrded »t mm. * 1 »^iu. uo talur. 1 will ymors 1 hat white hfVr/lVs tow tens-"! smglsd, •r.dthlak . .- - - - --,"0 bssltU." H Ibia, ihM HU ,mUi. u -- J&\yy;v-&rrii 1 Piu-*-c»t. w.i;.diu:nw ■I • dgfy [ 421 W»lw strut U)Ui3 :LlBB ■ FEED CtJTTBUS, Evajioratcrs. Apple and F’cach Grinders, Peach and Apple Par ers and Peach Sirncrs. Engines,Farm Implements, Soods and Fertilizers Always in Order. Mark W. Johuson & Co., Oo'r list of Sugar Cane Varhlneiw mmnrlrr* t ke !arg«» »n«l aioet complete tin** of (taie Mills. E*apor stor*. etc mode by any establishment la the world, and tori odes: Victor, uiul Greet WeitcrnHori9?ew»ririllfl Victor, aed Silos Bt-ira Xilli, Cook Svapo- ratoto, ActomatioCook E,aporato?s all oizoo (Batentrd S-'pt %, 1875. fiej-t. 23,1*79. Manufactured only by ourselves.) BLYMYER MANUFACTURING CO., Manufacturers ef l'orU^e^aiA^htatbnsry Steam Engines, RiEtfs, C.TrtuUr *a-r lit lit,> 8q^.ir Train*, etc. in**d*4. Iht iMhutei bmm wsnAnrtsl. Tha ■Ir*llnr*4 ny head, nr»t ihm soasMynUna. white rth— tepnrteJ *u«cgth, rnaaa te tha bsip «f r lapsrlrt suasgth, Haws sad Mds ma Ml *sw.' tub coNTBssioy. JBother *' Vnry Iron, sa* I hstlsva Ihsv hate uud your h.'a. I now mIon that Dr, Drotagnats'* Kngluia fiMlo D.tUr* u th« *m( wsa4f fhlfcwste OMdkinr m4 Iroa l«art t hs«w, sag Urt Batter’s *slia« amMI is n >.<iii*ai sag Mtmln vzkE tree. AfioUrt* J. t. lnmgx.1* A Co., UatsvUte, By. DRIED FRDiTS. Mnlnbli *hrd tHtt. WM. L ALLEN & GO., Produce Cnmiristlon Merchant*, l04Warron St., Now York. We solicit consignaeots of Sua-Dritd arid Enpnkd Frails Of all kind*. Our long oxperieuoo annblee us to handle to the beet i.d vantage ill grulue of of dried Fuusurt. Avn,n, Rbb- bua, Gmkbbibh, Plums, Kt j. Uberal ad- vaneog mo*lu on coualgucauU. Corro- epondoura solicited. jonJJwtftn T1IE FOSS & LEVEY COTTON CARD ! - Harris place, twelve miles from Hl •on, in Job.-a o unty, lying onOomulgeo rim, oontainiug two hundred and sixty •er**, will ke sold st private sale. The place hne two dwellings, a gin house, all neeoeaary bara* and outhouses aid a fish. Apply on the place to 51. I 1 . junSdwft* 5FWI HOLMAN. IJoolfM ily American Composers. r'.tv ti A Co. pubiUh a larye number ol books •At are par ly Aiueitcsn ia dudjen eud cour position. /nnnKSn U2A 1* a new Grand Opera. L.G nODia jurt out. It is by «. u. FaAtv. —ynHiaooble au i heroic one, and capable ntf being made nro»t *t- 1 soon bo given 1 *ry ukirg the prtnri(*U rule. oM Bulk meat*Lx*?; douMer nominal; clear rib sides perked rlJAO ar.t Baeon, *ho*i!>!evs *!!.»; c!k*r rtb sites 174 25. JUns •L , ..2£al6.00. lard, r.v fined-15.(0. CoOeodulL JOo ( wryoMl orll norjr to fair Pa9A<. Bngor flnj; A i<,ft »*/. Whisky nominal ai *1.17. Freight* 'ttady. NEW ORI.BAN.4. June 21.-Hour e«o XXX *6 7:<6.0lk high cra it* •A.lml.M. Ci dull: mtxeil 91; white »!.<C)/ o.ui tox m rhitw 2V. new Tcxaj iC* -7. Ik, lilgh.r at 12(fia22 35. L*r-1 steady: raSae*! tic row $11.72) 11 >7*.: t 5 sl2.Sk Bulk raeau quiet and wrak; shoe idem; choice ;«4fiAfi.45. Dem*. «uesr-«-tre*l scaroe and firm: rsttvved ►lt2SaI,'x7.K UuUky stteady. &.ffce. Kio, rargoue, orUlnarr t> i.rime wlCk. hw g*»i-l demand; e<» i r!«n'> toctirb exl MoU*fi qull; ft 5V lUee lower; lemUteua ordirjtry b eA/nT»£. 1 ;n»?i dull and !'»wer*t mfi. IatJMVILLK, juuc •.•!.—rr*rrtsfor.« grr.enlly ur.«lu! Xr. •»• .Via.- *-,!r»rath*rhigh«e. Mess 1 • r . .. t rs *9.25; rtb 1 Mbdim 45a 17; prim I-’.'.. • rithia tlo corj orate limits this year. a 1^»\c:▼ st*«> »u >*n 4#rl«rt«s. Oi. T-.I•.:.••• ’ru»»i»,), May U.h.tL. lL'.i’i 0:»n1 Uoathly DUtnbu- Uon of tha l/jii'iiiu SUL* UUuy a* eurml. Oeo»r»l» O. T. Btanreprt er lau ilaai, and JoU! .V. EmIj, u( Vir- gii. 1,1' t a, will th* enUi. Ur**. TU iiir'ilut of fortune'* *U*I ipUUJ oul f ro: -ii*> toot,, It Uuinbotlon will b* IJU'JO.oo . rrfwlvh-ru,wlib IlduUItF— U !*llwTliooof Oc*l UlUprUu ss&®tfa&aajgS n 1 m Kucu, Stan. c>| HI, *HVK>*. W0« Jnwn by »o. 0t,- - . M by CU.-U* S«!r.,n,oon«r KJi W.» J ATtoM.UalTtotoa.TMU. TU il. r , a*»w,!JmU.t trt, • Tt*twofjurtiito?.ul f TMKl 'v r-H Btan i; h- 11-.* T. LOl"- h»os>l. Louim Jur< UUipt] \M e ; de- -nour qtll 2 rc-1 tell ft.arv ITS June; *1.P7)>I *■; July. iUMS-S’SS^afi.-ntiS^ JSkfSfi Junw.41*/July. Whtteyst.acr at 1.15. Poes -cry qaM. jot.bln*: l*..a a! *27.10. ifclk neatf kin *o*l iUicc-’y uu . : .aj^,v1 Lm’ I dull ii»d nominal at flt.w. ti.1SdSN.4TI, June 21 -flour lu fair dw jsand amt finnee lami.y BteiKi; sat). Wheel firou; No. 2 ml winter spot; -LVit-t AUly. v.*n» m i»;r *« 2 rulx^t ;u74‘| »74* U«! J VP Job. Oats ; X*j. Inlxsi’A. P irk*tea*!r at ttuo. lard rtf mg St •ILIO. Bilk a>*tU quiet and firm; »i*<wi'.«ter» $» 7;-. Whisky at ft. 12. Coaiblsit'on »*.--» of fir.iah >f gel M* ham.* on a baste of * 1.12. aagor ;u fa tfwrtfhl but lu«(r. ?*Ar>l< l.>lChi Sen: «.» lean* 7!%**>?/. Hogs*.-tire otA firm. ^ mu *. to lyu .-oJteft UJ. l‘aekL5g*n'lUutAhen <7.i CHICAGO. Jnc-* dull and ci cheesed. Wheat Inactive and W.«er. No. CUragespring VlJlSr^L. »; JO. Jen.-. fl.K altt July. ***** frvlrly a*..iv# su«i a site. Wghev sdHiteilH.aA-h. Sftfi J«xl Cow dell, weak an l lo*r.W a* • .> cate a* Juar. % J«* r /. Port: ia fs!r tfcuond u l~whJ -V.i fl.-s cas:.; *ta.r> June and Jd Url mmt-tateiv s-.fise and Mfi*? at (It esoU rt.Val 1.4,-s Ju!}. heTh rnrtt* cart 1 dsalJw f*2fc shr-rx rib* •»2JSt »b«rt ele* The rutject it a noble an l heroic • tho ara eapaW.»of being martf trortlv,:. Will soou be given. Miss Ant.I# Cory taking the prinrt{>*i rol«. Don MumoLWrMSSS ftfU*»i!ed on a legend of r'»e Cmrsdra. 46th Psalm Joseph’s Bondage,ffliFcj, Belshazzar <- ,i . Elr Are hro scerfl Cas»/»a* introducing, tbc ^ne FiTl-tUr. and the other Babylonian srenev, w Uii h. w.t’.i proper oaetnmtag. ma} be made magnificent. The music U goodTaud either is well worth giving. Sew lloirtr QwfB 1 *' <3 “*‘ * Picnic C * T, '”‘ U - • Two t'antatoA which are most appropriate U« U.0 ilowev and cvctrsten season. Redemption HymnEf "* tet acrey-ta! i PIANOS^ ORGANS Grttud JlidNumtm r CLOSING OUT SALE1 1 A A A Pianos nod Organ* nt Ro< I <*»'*: >«•««, will Ajv/ V U En*y tsrnmror rayiuont v?cauia ygffl am - . ■ < —n* JOHN M. PEVEY, Proprietor, Lowell, Mass. t/teBWI A-V,BASSOS, Agtr.'. llibb Muiufteturlng Cnmniiy, Muon, . m»ri.*ly The PubUe is requested carefully to w* I # ^ ■ .. „ . lice the net0 and snlariut Scheme to he || PARKER’S "■ drawn Monthly. STS* ATR ‘RAIA/llfl Ilrks4sealy|1. Rhnrrs la proportion j S ’ LoRiiian* State lottery Companv. I Incorporated In IMS for » year* by tha lev’- lAloturs for Edneatkmol and rhonublu per- posea—wlth a «at i(«lo(fijAW.ny>—to wbt<-u a rsMrva fund ot r.*W.(0C ho* since been addsd. By on ovsrwhUtulaa popular vow: it* frawcblw * ^.4 uadi a «.*rt o» the peew r.t Slate Constltu Uon adot U. I DeCvStt^r 2d, A. D., MC9. The omit Lottery tree voted on snd endorsed *y the people cfo*r B # *fe.‘ It are r eesUi or uodoenn. stm tirund ntntfln Sumhrr Orate- inu» teskr sfimer Jf onlhlg. X HPLoxoto oppoHTCXirr •tv if/.v .1 roXTVXE.-irxrvTU • .RAND 1/R4V.TNG, C1.AJW ft. ATNBWOE* LEANff, TUESDAY. July llth, IHSt.- tttlth M«>nthlyI»rawiBg. JUsk ut the fnitoteing n+heme, nu- dir Uu exclusive •UfcrTjdou and P1HM i I»YB. M. WOOLLEY, At- l IU»n | 1 .qia, Oa. Reliable evi IT^BIT I deace given, and rtfs ranees CL'KRD 1 io etuud paUwuU awl this*. cUta. Heud form/ look o&TtmlCabift " '«* tflurm Free. daclOdawsomt/ 9 expel■ ate. 1 go! adtlte s* \Jr“" i tej >d ya.TB.S \V</OM Oxt,. ■ FAKER’S ur:yxtitle \ irrjlHT v j ry ^ A Isywlxfiv* KsslA uftwji ?ubxw. Ify-J»'c*’“-L> »'lccr Crfri*-*, W cut wbb >1* cr z r . let 1 by L ;tlyos te.u*.> \ b? Pasiuu’t Gansu Teetc. Gen. »>. T. lUaurt gard, cf let., nnd . H7?.* n aUwy^..mlafaer orkMg; Ges. Juhnt A. Early, of I irglnln. VuesafW*>ep»s*lunmmmstnmest^flmmtttkm who menace a'l the drawings of this Lotnjany. kwua*fi urn 1 ti,Ute»NW»bupiTc** ordinary and M-tnl-WHKMssI, and Ifywthsrs ConsMwptiee, Dyspepsia, JUmwbw attest the cuffoTtaes* of the publtslwd official UL»% K‘At.cyorUmwsy famWia or B yea sm ■capita! Prize. S76,oco. SaSS^fiE ]Z£ZZ!£T.’Xl3l'lJ£lX‘, £C!‘ 1AU ». I,rt ui t,~-. £-p c-» tm M. u-s.uTw. a.’cw«; it wihsM WJ4 Y-»i op trim t>.« frrt d ** krrt wJ urt** L* *: tas ta««J !» <g kro; kt *^y *i»« 7--^ •n ■ ■< k y'.. t »*•!••• H , ».*■ 7 -A. tea * . a'Uf to*-, rt Ci - W. cr Cat r.w*; »cvt-«. totti* yp*-_ BUY NOW AND r*AY WHEN COTTON COIViES SN. TkontoaJ, of mu.ic.1 fouiilu, thnmtfb. oat lb. Booth *ru latimliDit to porch,., funo. and l)rk-*o> ia tli. fall, wh.o ooC ton ram Is. Why! Bay it usee, •sd .allies tb. tone, hot nus« mantli, with lua.ia, asd auk. th* “Ilanot llotc," MU', more i>i;[ul. Th* wmiser lad* a* with t Utucndooo Mock of InxtThm.otaot Hof.nnah, *t oar NINK UHANCH UOU8EH,*taor eoasUno Aocnciw, ud mt',1 u ri., 07 sura la »rrt,o Ufan Ucto- h»r 1M, able w* ire seder coatract k, hUa. W. aaoBut Mira Uda imneBM Mock nstU fall. It msM uc add. It vUI b*. Oaah hay.fa will want ninny lntoraiMn'a. In. MollsKitt hnj.ra rattt take man, and Umm •bo at thia tluia of tha ,cnr rraanot oon- toDlontly toaotoor InaUlliuMt (wyatuu, •m Madly «ni« to asdar on. Mldsummor Special Offer. 1 CAPITAL pkizk J I'KIIIH (tr a 1*0 ^Kta—ftoliTI nltu! by all druggists. Fropar-d by| I7J14Hit DO II .V O.Y APIAXO, no cash volt s ox an otta.ts, Axd the baiaaee Novciitbec 1st taxi, with oat owe orntof iateruat. Oo interest ot odvaaee in price. If balance can't bo paid lathe fall,Longer time will begin-a, with a reasonable Increase cf trie*. Ail Instrc rnsntecf every grad* asd i>ricj laducM this sate. Tall yocr mm lea) friendi of Write n* for Catalog?*', Hrxeo IJxU, Clr entera and fell particulars. This closes October 1, t*t. Early purch* cures eaeh prices sad easy term*. A dire* Lsuacu & Bates SoylbffB Music Ilousfc HAVANNaVII, oa. Tie Gftil Pi»t» ui bp» Dtfdi rf th &» B. LVMCN. AtLeft*. O NERVOUS DEBILITV Date Wars Naav* a Tilsto:.}, Nanf .^k ilimit,-U ton. L«e oi iUzivfj. ipa tttef. InvYluvlary Emteskt * * c.Ttr-tzrrl rthL*h Ui* aed vJ-atU’ Or. t I/-* *C! TamS box coavsl-t o w-a .7 »ll*r % box, or six >.v La *.y rail pr q-*vd on mea t i astes six t'.xm ir. cere aaj Tol Lra toihA *a .dl‘. ERYTHROXYLON COCA 7 lAHwchdi.-fuUliiiiinolii; u«»UU».iu AX • J the vMasbar ayateis, the o^l cv-ity for .L'-h fcaa be«r. Rintotfsliy o/IRdi* Ute -.-tir Utoosa, and fainylad toaeo toy fa,..r.le folly ,oL,im4 la halot day'a loaa. by oar madtaU btothna .. i'Iar.Hr .-t7e aaa.t ia ,di u, m j, only aa. onr own pr.paeatio*, Aul auto- pound if, aa ad ial*'.U«aiil t radii ion ara ahoald, to .ait the CAea, , good aopply la. ti&hWUUH.U.TU Jra-Odavlt* Maoon, Ua. HILL & FACTORY ! OF ALL KINCD. UL I and PACKING, OILS, I ki:,D3, IRON FIFE, FI' | HASS COODS, STEAM C ENGINE GOVERNORS, A.r. ! ■ Priw-toRat. W.P. DILUNCH' tKf 'r” |tng«l Jpup Itj*. FsIlMIlusImtel. k'»V it r.aiiv.v \ v.’ "Utco. 1 will positively rnullcaU"evsry speclrs —s Darangenteat, amt drive them ai . .. .. , sever to retaro i JgM&j NfiYKR PAIL®. -«v .\k£ sk B Tip only Spedfin Ilcr.c-ty for Eyl- S«P»iC Fits. SAMARITAN NERVINE Purr* Epileptic Fi:«. Snasms ('ooTalrtottr, Fi. ' . l.v, •. Vcrtiro, lfy«t«rice,jDsaal^r, Aprs. awAy from tittotly ilrstr..ys iuop rt.isof ilipvve by n-ufrsl l** n * iho h< r. ihUry taint urpi !*<»iiin Hie system, "n.l thoroiigl !;• rrmUpctis tha Ulttose, ami tiV Uriy iIomuojs tho cease. SAMARITAN NERVINE Cor.-, Female Wcakaraa. (Irr.r.l,, h or Wi.ii, ■. ralafol M.immatian. I I- -all'innf th. I'ltru., tint. Ufa.. I. iMIaaun.lloo or th. llladdar, IrilUh.llty ..I tl.a HlaMrr. Kor W.h,foln«u at nlyhl ll.. r» !.• no 1, ncr mn-ily. Iindna it,.,, Ui,. nr IK,, n , IVu.l.. .loul,I bo v>:il«.u! II. It r,ul.>, II. ■ N .. vuti. Sy.lei.ii.nd Blu.rr,l,comforLandnalui. ; aaclMcry. SAMARITAN NERVINE r*i Alro'.oltem TlrooV’cnn'es sol tli* habit of .nm Eating. 7hr** ilr^rall- j I.Ahlta rv.- »./ V - vr Mil* Hut ! -V1 »T. r N f 1!' r. : 7 - - humautfy. Tlt’in*»utis »lli- ennoslly fr .m •«o notions d-ug* ’lb- druckanl drinks nor rot b<;C*!j*e U like- It, I.U fcrlh?p!«-»v • -.f uriBklry' aud t:.*tm-r I,It frlsads, little «t*lihktng that be is o i bis r,ia.l I.* rain, lake tlxupli.M Liter, he first r *a.i the drag tn VS':-*::: It «* alarnl’ •• sctl.b.l*. *IrM s-.Jhlng lMili.-nr.trtf thsitr.i.- tal.tss strut,f* »,t.! l u'- i.n victim, ksdlng hire ou tu his own deetroctlOQ. Ibaliehits i,7 ti|4’iin I. std Lit r I . lui,’ mo preds«fy eallti.T U lo allutehtlve- a* incrwariog first irilum*s tU»rn:n« r «h- h rcitoebtss tu erasing* nnttl It yarslyzr. . ... _ tolVTdd. to la hm tNh eatil it aamS I BmB WsSt El BW hid |th« sltsl Dree and tben Iteelf. Llketkegl' - , w«jw -iwr- ous ispa-wormallcrtee/’Utse. gus,glrol" l.qt £Sf%u2StSl?i «;i‘ut I . .. «. m. «. »*lan?- ' -r.l»iA - »• It-’. > .» ' ■I'iS- tAttrtl.UrprKjjPvA. h-m nOCii ioTER.R.Y. i CKICAGG.IU. __ JIVri ^ CiihijSflii mtl.! , SWITZERLAND -si endorse;. ° PENNSYLVAN a j Pronounctrf THE LANCASTER N' fCH “THE BEST -J ,T ,H MADE IN AMERICA- WEBSSEK’S TOmrocRM. New Krtition, llft.Ortrt * rt* (SOOOanea than r.ayeour . ». ’• i> - . T / Four Pege* Col< rod FljiV.s IfriF. r.nqrarinf f a,- 7 t»- • . . t*. ; • MuO noted punnas. Hne. rauroffej t HiRAM SS81IEY k GO, •v. '• . • •. Y>I r.r. • p • • • \ • -.t ,-.ii»i * full deter’-::>o i.Wi ^ enongb uctlt tie • give, give 1" hat rapacity dfsoars res Instant relief nerve*. balMs op lh« nerv«e system, and ro> bo-ly and nUnd toahealthy coudUteZ^I SAMARITAN NERVINE re. Narraai Dtof-t-la. PatpU»hoa s, th. Urinary Urnw. Nervoas DeMUty, canted by tbe InUterrwttees of yoath. ptnnaaeaUy cored by tbs ase ntf this lavd'iOrtte reutedy. To yon, voaug, tuWdle egcd, and old use, wfco ara cover? iDg y ir eafcriDgi as with a mautla by silence. •*»> *h I™ V ib-jly iSar-rs. and make oroeaunte to •nelety, tri Jewels In itbe crown of ywor Maker, If yon *»i. Do nog keen this a secret bxqtee. eatil it sene your vlute, aefi destroys both boly so J tool. IJyoa are thus adllrted, take Da. RtcNxoau'e Saiui- t r a * NaeviBs. It wilt test ore year etottervd ntnre*, arres* maters decey, and Import tone |t.4 energy to the srtoe.s Byateai* SAMARITAN NERVINE Is foe sola by druggists ererywhre, er way be kad direct trom as. Those who wish to obtain postage tfxrap for a cupy of oar Ulutre’sd Juurnei ot Health, airing haadreds of teetiuo- a tela of earn from pvrsawe who have ne»l t •. ♦ medieliH. and also ihlr pfataree sbotigrtaLfd Euj^jHto-anlku d DR. «. A. RICHHON'D & CO., Wotld’i TpIltpUo Isktituts, £T. JOSEPH, MO* =45th£ r lion*.‘it? Drawriey at kite In the t'ltv of l.oamiLo oi FRIDAY JUNE tO, 11*82. These drowrry* ooaar uoctbjy < B-tehs M ol 11 Ihe Unite*! fiteteaCircu.t Obwrt, tm «lan 31, rtsdored the fixllovlag tlaafsiuvi t 1*V—That tha Commociweahh Dtairib ticn Oompxay U LwoL W—ft* Jrawirtge ara Tnis. N. E^-TVt oumteurr ha* aoro on bugs raeerva funX Read e^rttteUf of prtses foe thn JUNE DRAWINi*. IFnxe .....j IFrte* I Prisa. 10 Piteee «l/«0aa:h* »?rUea Mm each. TOO PriMa ItO aaoh , ‘ Prizes ta each.. 171-123 Isei Mite th umm i r v* / 'J Ob’ )* *v•'i — — • -n :y‘r-vrr uiiuiin ^ ]I tf ■ .rial ltr=r.,s^ wir,.i. Dtfrpfff.*, | — i I'.usrj^toto^iniiiiin* — —— 1 WVlBwoPMrJ 8 IP**- mSBSaShKM&BtF' j 'ariilaaOafroiisells K miMl Utdrm’s imertoifei rkmpters A Toy*. Si*r»Tm>w AKATTUV Prixte B0 aaaik l^OOPritrt 1$ reset w* • Priaea BOO each, ap’rox r rism % B Prize* AV each do do »ihixM VX> oocfc do U» l^dOPrlasa £ $112,** WU/te TuJtete * L Half TtekwU, $1, */T Tlctru. $30l fifiTitaraio, $i:»L n .init kf ».. * *.r Uaak Drxrt in Irttoe. a- *vC I tl rj ^se. DON'ftkM) i’l TtEDIfiTEHED fiT£TKR <»R PORTO/- nOSOBDEB. Oidmad$Sand wpwar'* byEnww'.emte sc* al fiu sip *• A i.te. 4$Um . ti t. If. BOABDafAE, LrtMh* Kfi