Georgia weekly telegraph, journal & messenger. (Macon, Ga.) 1880-188?, June 30, 1882, Image 4

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ijLclcoicupI? smfc Journal & Hlcc^cicn^xir, IKK Tiro nVSTBDIES. VTv know not * bat It la, dear, thU deep bo deep Tlie iS u dfcinde. the awful calm, the cheek ao The*tfuthat C wtli ; not lift again, though we mav call and call: T5 e ctnnge, white aolitude of peace that act- Wc know not what It meana. dear, thU desolate This dread uptake our dally way, and walk la We know*not' to what other sphere the loved who leave Hor why we’re do not know. But this we know: Our loved and dead. If they ihould come this day- Should come and ask us,-What la life one of ua could eay- Life la a mystery aa deep as ever death n Yet oh 1 how aweet it is to us, this life « and see! Then might they my—three vanished ones- andblcOTcd la the thought! “So death 1* aweet to ua. beloved! though we We vSr not toll*I.fto * hV quick—thia mystery Ye may not £u us, if ye would, the myrtery of breath " The child who enters life ooraes not with knowledge or Intent, ose who enter death i KothtagTlsknown. Hut I believe that God 1» And m life Isto the living, ao death is to the -The Century. the disposition of Stephens hia great greed , better financial condition In twelve months tor office! his proclivities to “tote hia vn than It has been for atvard years. Bust- skillet.” and seeing the Radicals and lode- secs about the town and villages in this skillet,” and seeing the Radicals and pendents about to bind him hand and foot. and further seeing the said Brown, Colquitt «fc Co. coquetting with ash* * sibly for the good of the ' „jm oaten. siniy tor too goou oi u» orete, but merely for selfish motive*, and GEORGIA GLEANINGS. A'jen’s my special COBBESPUXBEXTS. ,Ai(l Brown,ColquiltA Co. able to “boVHh. duly Convention and force the Uoerbou. the complainants to nominate and accept •aid Stephana for governor-then they, dta- likiog to be on what they oonceiied to bo the “BUI# aide," yat aUll loring the Boar, bona, raiaed their beta and horrabed for “Uttla Aleck.” They diaclaim any deair, to iniore the lionrbons, hot only deaira to be on tha -big aide” and if they wore sore that Bacon would be the “big man of the July conventiou, they would even now eom- menco to hurrah vociferously for him. The proprietor* of the ChronicU anti Constitutionalist, aneweriug, say that they don’t care a cuts for Stephens; are only anxioun to get him out of that district be- cause he is "boas” there. They acknowl edge the conspiracy, and, as proof that tliey do not love “Little Aleck over much, refer with pride to their past course; say that their reasons for entering the conspir acy are based upon the bopo that onr Walsh” may go to Congres* from tiere; failing in this, the State Senate. Than should "Uttle Alack,” ot ‘ Governor Ste- phen«," depart this life, perhana “our Walsh” could be Governor Walsh. They pledge themaelTee that they will watch oyer Stephen, and think they can help him from utterly wrecking the Democracy in cuae of hia election. Governor Colquitt, auweMr, cays ..tat what may novr appanr ua preemption on his part will be utterly repelled, if the mind is for a moment tamed to the last campaign, and hia great "vindication at the polls is remembered, after haring been elandered, maligned and traduced throoghoot the whole Slate; thinloi tills wonderful vindication give* him the un doubted right to n me his successor; ilo- sires Stephens aa his socoessor, and pro nounces it impious, wicked and presump tuous for the Democrat id 1 ‘Bourbons” to go contrary to diotation, ana that, too, In the teeth of hia great vindication: and for farther answer says that he could do more good in the Senate than perhaps any other man in Georgia, in eae) of Senator Hill’a death, and aaya that hia sadden admiration for Stephens la to gain that gentleman . influence, leet said Stephens should in some way oppose and defeat him in this laudable ambition; hence he entered the conspiracy and thinks that as he brought Stephens forward contrary to hit desire to retire to private life, be will have isoni.u in ■ vin.y tk« “Rnnrbons” from that the people are at borne at ba/d work. Mr. William J. Doster has opened an agency here for the sale of machinery and agricultural implements of all kinds. Large dealers in this line would do well to correspond with him. Lexington ia now, and has been for six months, without a shoemaker. There ia not a better location in Georgia for a good boot and shoemaker who would be sober and attend closely to hia burine**. huch a person could do well and make money here. One of the most marked improvements lathis town of reoent occurrence is the cleaning up, trimming and overhauling K nerally of the yard and cemetery around » Presbyterian Church. The cemetery until this renovation was a tangled mats of grass, briars, shrubbery and uninviting foliage of varioos and unattractive kinds, but since it has been put in order by a real practical workman, a’ho understands what he ia doing, ft is really wonderfully improved and presents a beautiful appear ance. 1 here are many protty lota beauti fully located in that cemetery and orna- me* ted with many handsome monuments and tomlmtones. Governor Gilmer, Hon. Stephen Upton and Col. James D. Mat- ‘ ‘ iqws a*o bnried in this cemetery. JMjipn Academy is booked for its anndnl exhibition on the 14th of Jalv proximo. It was fonndod by the munificent donation of a wealthy Irish merchant, Praacis Me son, who gave it a handsome donation. This geatlemnn died in Lexington in 1804, and his remains are buried near the acad emy that bears his name. The academy is in a flourishing eondition under the rector ship of Prof. Thomas B. Moas, who has been teaching tnere oninierrnptedly since the commencement of the year 1849—thirty- three years in succession. Mrs. Moore, of LnFavette, Ala., and the mother of Mr. William H. Mooie, editor of tlie Augusta Erening .Yeica. U uow ou a visit to Lexington, where she will spend some time with her many relatives and friends. Hh* onoe resided in this oounty. The Chronicle and Constitutionalist, of August*, made a candid confession a few days ago, when it said that tlie least that U. Ulai.liMii'g fa in v lallar Dawson Jure 22.—Business is dull in town. Showers are frequent and grasais growing, and the farmers, with their “pets,” are at borne fighting King Green. The city father says that we must have an artesian well. I almost feel the inter nal pressure, and, in my mind’s eye, see the crystal apray spangling to and fro, as it spontaneously bursts forth from the great deep, eay 1,030 feet. The genial Mr. W. B. HI ton, of Ameri QOS, has been here a few days, working like r Trojan in behalf cf the Home Guardian, of Macon. He anticipates widows and phans, and proposes to give them a little hush money when papa Is dend and gone. He has made a favorable impression. Mrs. ft. I*. Fulton, the wife of lion. R. L. Fulton, ex-msyor of Galveston, Texas, ia visiting relatives here. To tho joy of many of hia friends in Randolph and else where in the Stnte, .Mr. Folton himself is expected soon to see his brother and spend the summer. We all will hail his glorious advent with pleasure. Romor has it thai the walls of Kirkwood conceal terrible secrets; that trap doors oommnnicate with the vile Atlanta, and that mysterious proceeding* go on under cover of darkness; that cliques anil rings salult# each olher by touching lips and forth; ads with the flager Of political cor ruption, and na«" on to their pavilion u. ZirthfcM. Wandering gossipa quietly and pleasantly compare note* as to the rroba- Weriae or fall of the rising A. O. moon. -- , - , - . •it» Gteit Comron«®r prreide# M M follows, and still fairer grows this I About 12 o’oloek, during a terrible rain and and dignity over the o|an- * uu exnltingiy— I tillage, and many are the brlght-eycd | wind storm, the en^ne »>oa*ewiie_Btruck in acta if not ia *^ords—proclaims to the I maidens who flock to its claasio shades: K fiiSlT rirtne Sn \Vhs' YtoX "This-rill.,.alia'midst(lassieshades, . J*! me there la virtue. "njr, in® re-1 AmJ f(Jrrr t»y 9X ery change: . .Zoning water* of Fonoe de I^on are not I A w (l ninr brfyit-ejrd, laughing maids .... * # “ wUI —“ 1 fcy thee are rostered, aweet LaGi trouble in a viug the “Bourbons” from de struction, through the insidious influences of Felton, Speer A Co. over his own gov- ^Brown, answering, s lyi that he is able now to take cat e of himself; has very little interest in the matter, nut does lend his silent influence to benefit his friend Col quitt, because said Colquitt started him on a “boom” by making him a Sector, and he now only reciprocates the favor; is not actively engaged, bat only winks at tlie conspiracy, and truly prays to barm will flow from it. After hearing argument of oounsel, Uie court ordered the injunction to issue ns prayed for, and suggested that if defend ants felt aggrieved they might appeal to the Jnly convention in Atlanta, A true extract from the minutes, 90lh June, im, CtMk Grange\" Uie long continued drought we have experienced for the last five years. Ibe gnus keeps pace with com and cot ton, but the farmers are about even with it, ad some of the crops are really dean. The people are generally so rejoiced over their , prospect for a good crop this year that they are paying very little attention to politics, and it is only occanionally that you can hear anything said on the subject. There is some little talk about our next representative to the legislature from this county, and senator from this district, bat as to Congress and the governor there is not much said. This is generally a Stephens county, but bow the people stand now they don’t say roach. Hon. J. C. C. Black, of Augusta, stands pretty well for Congress from the eighth in this aee- tion, and our oounty c'aims the right to name the senator for the eighteenth this time, and will, if it is accorded her, name Hon. J. H. Polhill, of this place, we think. Hon. A. O. Bacon, of your city, has some strong friends here, and if lie is nomina ted, wilt teoelve a hearty support for gov ernor from some strong men in tills sec tion. As to the Congressman at large, there are so many candidates that every ooe can have his own man, and from what we eon learn, such ia about the case her*. Cntkbsrt. Jug* 22.—The oomroenoemest exercises of the Southwest Georgia Agricultural Col lege have just closed. The sermon on Sunday, preached by Rev. G. T. Ooetch- ius, of Augusta, was a very nble and earn est one. The subjeet was “Sin and its curse.” On Monday morning there was an exhibition of the declamatory abilities of the small boys of the institution, and at night a similar entortai-ment presented *>y twelve young men of the c illegiate department. I did not attend the night performance, but heard that tbe young men did splendidly. On Tuesday morning five of the most advanced pupils in the college spoks rejections, after which came the speech of Hon. Tho*. large. Our primary election will taka place melons we have seen. Among them was in describing tbe mode and extensiveness pointed by that time. You may, vre think, on the first of July for Senator and R-pre- one wtlghlng fifty-two pounds, measuring cf the manufacture ot tbe article on which l count Ji-tter-m for him any way, ns this is rentstives Wily Cleveland and R. P. forty inchesln circumference. I she had traced her thoughts, showed that a one of the strongest Stephen* counties in 'migood oompo-itioa could oe written on I the State. No telling though what “Paper,” and then instituting a compxri-1 a day may bring forth. The son between hsr subject and the citizens of Bethany and community •objects of her queenly sex, demonstrated were highly entertained l*«t night by r of an im; was said about Mr. Stephen*’* Casey letter the botter.TMr. Stephens and his confreres in the Constitution office may endeavor to explain and whitewash that letter, but the Chronicle and Constitutionalist waa correct when it said the Casey letter was an open defiance of party organization, and many Democrats all over Georgia have never forgotten that letter and will not allow Mr. Stephens and tlie Atlanta CbHsfifMfkm to force down their throats this dose of i|»ecao without a protest from men who have ever sustained fair party organization. This county has always been very n attached to Mr. Stephen*, and be will pruu- nbly have a delegation from this county in the approaching convention, bot for all this, there is a very decided opposition in this good old county to Mr. Stephens s nomination, and there are a large number of jroters who would prefer Mr.Baoon, or a Mnrcn or more men in Georgia, for gov- ?rnor to Mr. Btepbers. But whether that opposition will take any steps to test who is the favorite in tlglethorpe for governor, your correspondent cannot say. There are many people who understand Mr. Ste phens quite as well as lie understands him self, and if they eat “crow” It WUl be under protest, Oolcthoipk. I June 22.—TheOeottUrailroad sustained I a heavy loa* from fire here last night. Smith wilt be tbe candidates for Senators. A lively raoe ia looked for, We have, at this drie. grant quantities of rain, which is getting farmers very much in the grass. Crops are looking better than osnal if we conld only have. fair weather to clean them. We have been vis ited with thnnder-atorms. which are dam aging crops in some sections very much. The rad news reached here this morning leath of Beniamin Vinson, an aged ana nighty esteemed citizen, who. we learn, was about eighty years old. lie lived at bis home, in Houston county, fifty-two years, and he leaves many friends to mourn his loss. He was possessed of many amiable aualitiee. “Corpo* made quite a narrative in de scribing his trip to Knoxville, in which he complains of nis motive power, whereby the B. A. contradicts his assertions and claims part of route agent’s fault stopping at intervals trading specimen copies for sardines and crackers. If be will give ns a visit we will try and give him better speed on onr new mail route from Byron to Taylor, and on h a arrival he may by chaneo get a glass of milk and peaches. Can’t promise any gophers or very im portant scenery. Pljjiteb. Antioch. June 23.—We are having a succession of fine growing seasons up to this week, and up to this time errps hnve not suffered in the least for rains in this neighborhood. Upland corn is looking unusually well. Borne complain of bottoms being too wet. Farmers having lost from oorn and ootton crops while harvesting and threshing their gram from one to three weeks, are com- plsining of grassy fields. Day laborers are eoarce and what few day hands there are will take nothing but money in pay for their work, as they have learned by experience tint they cannot get i much for an order at the stores as with A fine shower fell yesterday, but it didn’t extend very far. Rain is needed in some sections around here. ' Joe Mansfield brought into town yester day some meat for sale, for which he re ceived fourteen cents per pound Mr. C. H Simmons, of yonr city, is stop ping with hia brother, Mr. W. F. Simmons, Bar -i few days. F. P. G. linens VlsUs. June 23.—Tbe examinations of tbe B‘gh School began on last Tuesday and ended on last Thursday. The classes were sub jected to severe teats, and each stood them well. Indeed, more complete evidence of painstaking efforts upon tho part of both rnaue on uie iauer, proviueu used ws * in a skillful hand. Mias Rosa Hicks, of Union Point, Ga., i miies imm m n'tiim nnu one tone irum gave a charming account of tome noted | Wadley, and has one cf the finest schools “Heroines of Fiction.” drawing useful mor-1 iu tha oounty. Mr.O. H. 8. Jarkson, the als from their characters and demonstrat-1 principal, showed hia school off to advant ing that her sex should, in some respects, age lu their eternises yederday and last imitate, and in others improve on them. I night. Miss Tommie Anderson, of Starrsvillc, Mr. James K. Hines, or Mandersville, Ga., looking out upon the world through I made tlie address to the school attlieolose, the rose colored medium of youth and iti- and acquitted himself, as usual, very much Hardemai, of Macon.' HU aubjLrt was th; asms amount of cash. "Practical Edaaat.on,” noil most imprea-1 Merchants in onr neighboring Tillages pirely and gracefully waa it printed. The refusing to sell any more meet or com speaker's olject was not only to please but <m time, claiming tlnit as they hare brought ti benefit ea well; and while his euoceaa in farmer to the wheel burnt, beahonld the former wea moat eminent, we will hope now fell them grain for otter necereary that the second object was likewise at- •applies. taiaed | reported that Crawford hAs a mer- On Tuesday night there waa a debate be- fhapt that is ao grasping and greedy tween four member* of the Stephen* Liter- that he rropcaee « c J»™|iDgmeat for ary Society, on the subject, “Resolved wheat at tho astounding figuresi of 100 that educate 1 talent i* more advanta- pounds of baecn for thirty bushels^ of geous to a young man than money.” I wheat. Judge Kiddoo acted as umpire, and de cided the question in favor of “money.” On Wednesday morning the commence the rose colored medium or youtn and in- and acquitted himseir. a* usual, very much J P nocence, described iu a aweet and a riles* J to his credit, lie is, by th* way, an Mpt- teachers and pupil* could not have been * manner a mental Utopia by demoustriting, I rant for Congressional honor* In tills, tho given. Mr. A. I. Branhsm, the principal, r from her standpoint, that “Sympathy eighth district, sad hat lu Jefferson a large has abundant cause to congratulate bim-1 makes up half of our live* and fancy the I uuniber ot warm friends and well wishrm the fine showing made by his pupils. I rest.” I for his success. He wonhl do credit to tho —. has eetab'ished in this section of] Miss Effie Baockley, of this place, in a | seat of Mr. Htephen* iu th* House, and no Georgia a very enviable reputation as] graceful and graphic atyle, opeued up to doubtvdloccupy U In ibe future,it he a teacher. As a disciplinarian, I ] oar view “Fresh Fields for the Heroic, should not Just now. believe Mr. Branham i« without a peer. | and showed that we need not climb tbo ' He use* no violence, as the Argfus of to-day | rugged steps of rough endeavor in order to •a/a, but governs—well, I don T t know how, | make our Uvea sublime, but that by walk-1 Juna 24.—Crops in ,TerrolV are fair, exactly; but one thing is certain, tlie dis-1 ing wisely in even the smoothest paths of Bhowtrs are occasional, and only a few lo- cipllne in his school Is remarkable. Mr. | duty we will often find opportunity for the entitle* are ueeditig raltt—none very Branham is assisted in the literary depart-1 display of grnnd and lofty seniunont and | badly. msnt by MUscs Boring and Lowe. Miss | the performance of noble deeds that will | l'oliUce is modsrately quiet, Afewpub- Boring, a reperior teacher in all respects, | make n* very heroes. | Uc-'-spirited gentlemen in the county are is a daughter of Dr. Jesse Boring. Miss I Miss Florence Tucker, of thijptaoc, in a | anxious to nerve their country in the I*gls- Lowe, a graduate of tbe ehool and a 1 fresh and happy style, told ua of • Happi- Mature. Benjamin W. Christie, Esq., who teacher of most excellent abilities, i* a | ness,” and. although she seemed a living was to have addressed tho citisens of tho daughter of Judge James Lowe, or this I contradiction of her theory, proved that I county to-day on the potiUoal Issues of tho town. Miss Jennie White, cf Coving-1 there is no auch thing as happiness short of | dag, is, I understand, confined at homo ton, Ga., has charge of the music and heaven. with soro eyes, and will have to defer hia art departments. ► he is a faithful teacher, I Misa Ada Carutbere, of Monroe, Ga., in S peech to another day. and invaluable to the work. | an appropriate valedictory, bade an affec- Your o irrespondont noticed on tho slreefc Mr. Branham tells me that 142 pupils | tionnte adien to the faculty, her school-1 to-day a “colored” draft board, with “col- have been matriculated during the last ten | mates and classmates. | ored” players and lookers-on, strangely months. The proepecta for next term are | After a short and appropriate address suggestive of an amendment and a inoro ood. Next week is tne termination week. | by the president, a gold medal was given I enforcement of the vagrant law. will supply the plaoe of your regular oor-1 to endr of the Benior class, and also to j —— L. respondent until the exercises close. | Miss I/m Lee, of this plj«S who graduated | <lul t man, T.L. IMdjB of th.ijsr«ajMiott| j D!i aS!.-Mrs.\V. D. ttountree, ono ot Cmsyrn. and in lien of diplomas. Gold medala onr ^ cU | Kmii , nd of „ | OTely ollrUtian Juxk 20. -I hat. jn.t hoard of tbo candi-1 ,ere than o-ard©d to Miawa.Florence I character, diml thismornintf. Ilor husband dacy of Hon. John I..Hall for Congressman | TocVer and Lucille Davis for ® 6 “op In Rm j ouo on | y d aa ghter, with our entire at large. I think Rockdale will certainly I These meda s were the of tbe eommonjiy ra oarnher loss. • ^ * . Ihaveknwn 1‘^ral and enterprising firm of btevens* Miss Ada Jones and Mis* A E. F. June 23.—On Tue*day night last,Mr. Jos. mentonSKa wM delivered 'bv Hon F G. ^neon, a merchant in "country eleven DuBiimon of MilliMlirevillo It was averv I ra *l e ® from here^ was robbed of $33 or 143, Su^Sd uiatttS dttooi^ oS lK .sllT'rwetopSth gold chain,. storo\«r “S Of “ AmbiUon " Tha “ ni1 “ lot 0( r»P'”. *>y a negro entering sasjsa«8js.aa SSgsgattggrf 5«tiasJS , uS ttoSSSto I -Eft's “i declamatton h. nTi* j „f » op it the etore to nao Ore key. He burned &££W-Sit .Maf.^'h?! 2* «-£«•*» ^ -ad --mi^from moroosremarks. Ijistly,ChancellorMeil, Mr.Henrona. Ha »aa todorredby trneg- of the State Uolver.itr, m.d« a brief I toS?u22SSfftsMi ™ speocn to express hia pleaanre nt th. eri. ?™!n that a£’ •fut proaperily of th. Bonihwc.t Georgia J^cripl?on He hid ‘an old A^mitte^of tt'e beard of trurtm of StfXhYMttaShlm '“ ’'“ h * h °'* D “ the_ooUege,' President Sanford^Profrssor | Uiat “ikbt entrap him_ D. Union Point. June 23.—Have had splendid seasons for and they ere looking welL | ewers the description. He had an old lief ore anyeffort* could be made to extin guish it, the fire was beyond control. The “Old Og’ethorpe” engine was in the bouse at live lime, and era* complete ly destroyed. ThU engine had just under Newton anil Mbs Bailie Reynolds were electod. Frcfersor Beals declined a re- election. . ... Htverr.l of onr boys apeak of attending Mercer next fall. ie crocs, and they ere looking wen. Mr. E. C. Bowdon will have a family -— 1A . ^ . union next week aud ex(>eeU to have sixty I should not omit to mention in connec-1 flve children and grandchildren present, tlon with our oomnenoemenfc ezereiaee | F ttnne r8 are bringing in wheat and oats that most excellent musio waa furnished j to Q ne dollar aud forty ceuU prr on the different occasions by tho Guthbert I bQ9hel are the prioe8 reoeived. bra** band. H. | \ new hotel U going np at this ptace SIIIMievIlle. I which will be a great improvement to our Jim* 23.—Last night invited guests as-| town, sembled at the residence of Dr. Mark Beth day paticnger trains of the GeorgU Johnson, to onioy the p l .«,nr« of to Jft** ^jo. branching.,, dance, and to partake of a refreshing and | \y e are M healthy that births are too un- more revivifying to the ohronie feebleness ... _ °.r°^ ^^ Bond., morning ih. l.rg. chapel of ji2?2SS*» 1 5So“‘S« 1 SSiassJ?sjsffjsajj. *sss wagngsg Eml gia." No one 'tobu^bnt^ whmt^Mr. dty^drlU.'iiYa terntlM j^i ?“» /SaTfor*n£e tamedUianilgh. was preseal who did not feel ail the better i fMmiliar with I ani * instructive sermon from the text | borhood are several stores and dwelling* forgoing. At the table the spirited ex- State government; I give to thine head an o* | that could not have been aavedhadthe plosion of Piper-Heidsick 44 guns” remind KJ*"'Ianoit!‘’laMthri^thonun^dolian. 0 “““• 53ofuJw.UUU wSToh occurs wood cUn^rSf U the^opinion of many were opened by twenty charming girl* of Oor town bids fsir to !>ecomo a favorite at Fort Sumter in H51, ti°it hi* ffickering wsymtidnessihia halting I tke Junior class who read extracts and k ummer re90rU 8ho oflcn every iodaoe- hia armarent will-1 original compositions, after which tho | m nt oity .^opie. Being easy of access f^lndoia Ilr Felton id the Hon. A. H. Cox delivered a beautiful and “ad enttrelj ree from the oppresnlve beat aSBn movernent, SnSSiSSf im o^iuent addrms of about fifteen minutes. ™ * flSdS in the cSlee, l*eo/le difference to the true and tried Democracy I H night an exciting oontost in vo<»l and I nn briug their familiee l»*r* and plona adherence to tltc I instrumental music for the gold medal | ^ near their business. In fact the 8sae of Liberty Hall, end hi* chronic I jam* off. and the prize was won by MU* 1 rm n r(MM i fare from Savannah. Augusts or feebleness in hU“good old age” unfit him I £,• Cowrote, ^cuotjr. I Macon would be oomparatitively insignifl- i*, ’ n ;.,f th» s*-t of (j.-or-i* I Tuesday, tbe first division of the | c - n t. and lb.-* time consumed in traveling The Hon A. O. Bacon—the pri«2*ofnis I Bonior cl ass read original essays, following I >0 amall that a business man con’d spend iMMOD.A.u.wwn-uw l-u-fc ... -n ..Lifflu h« Prnfasaur I^—here with bis family andre- | ing well. Clrceusboro. I “T I • Ju«k 2T».—John H. Ward, son of our e§-1 . urlin “- HanderevlUe. ttemed feUo, cittsen J. H. Ward a meet exemplary young man, who was in the em-.| commencement exercises of the Gnflin rft§ prominent citizen, model farmer ploy of tbe Alabama and Great Southern I Female College# These exercise* >n( j mMi His loss is mourned by n railroad, m roudoctor. Taakiilsd by the ^^aodl wm'So^b”^,™ ^Urg, droi. of fri-^ . O.U.^ cara, at \\ ocdstock, on last Tuesday, His detailed recital of them. djron. remaii a reached this place to-day, and The commencement sermon was preaeh- ... . . . ,. Ir taivtho Rev. John Hammond of the June 22.—Mr. Benjamin Vinson died to- were mUrrrd i" oor city cemetery. I NoriiiGeortta Con^renc^ who ia now I day about a o’clock a. m. Hi. remain* Tho Republican convention oi uliiu, th* j ftt Athena. The preacher on-I will be carried to Wesley clnpt l burring 8th, Congressional district, composed en-1 id."nt|y sought to make the mo*t of the op- aroond to marrow foe into, meat, where titely of negroce, assembled at this place portuolty lor good to the souls of the peo- Her. Lucius traMwill conduct the funeral yesterday a.teraoou, at 2 o'clock, and con- £>-, “^^'“al fr'c^"’ t,,, • """* tiuued in session until th» “we sma , hours j q„ Tn^dt^r night, we had the graduat-1 Indian Kpring. of morning. The convention sat wilh I log csremontes, essays, etc., which were] Indian Spring, Jane 23.— 1 The whistle of closed doors. Tho proceeding, were die-1 ’gg'S'fffglH'■ JTh; wy“...Sfli I aiocomotir. la sweeter musio to the aver- cordant and boisterous. White, of Angus- joS i^i'uctlve, and clhibitcd a thorough age citizen of thU place than a bagpipe is ta, a cross between preacher and politi-1 knowledge of hts subject. At the close of I to a Scotchman. A railroad has been the dan, attempted to manipulate things in I tho ceremonies President Niles, b? R object of their fondest hopes for forty his own interest. It is said, aud a fierce (« '$JuSZ >'«»■*' and now that they have one, after contest ensued between his satellite* and a | ot t h B college. Tbe announcement waa | these long years of alternate hope and de delegation from Richmond, led by one | feelingly received by tlie audience. Gur ] gpa i ri they are prouder of it than Atlanta Wright White was finally p’.nc.d hors du pcop| 0 greatly appreciate President Niles, V|| of Ul8 „ mnl i.po X i mm edUUly after its combat, and the storm subsided. I but did not k-jow now illy they could spare I j. Te b th e mounted reporter in The convention, as a matter of conree, I him uotil they were brought faoe to face J t hacla**ic precincts of Beaver Slide. Tom indorsed the administration and its policy wilh the reality of thisanflenneement wJm.The ^udormxthepMBMrtrain,, of Africanizing the Booth. The county J President Niles ha* been renneoted with j . „ higger man than old Grant” with executive committee were urged to »•«» I the college twenty-six years; fourteen years ^ In f aet i t hi D h it u safe to that ikjII taxes were paid. aa associate principal, and twelve years aa jneMpeopie. ^“^^Yaint of the whoS A notrination for Congress wasiconsid-1 president. Daring that period thirty-] , , , blame these people for ered inex|x.-dient and impolitie. 1 he party I rtT0 hundred pnpiU have been wg- I thelr^nthmdasm on thl* ftObjecG°fer the was pledged to the support o! an Inde- \ i,tered et Ibe college and Instructed by ] 'JJiroad will certainly make a vast differ- pendent for th* position. In case, how-1 | tB efficient teachers. One hundred I Jnrein the'Ulus of their property and m Independent present^ his claims, Mventy-five of thwe perreTeredtotheend thcir ptrw)nal comfort. If they have some to I of the curriculurn received n rtwanl extravaafvn t notions in their heads in ref* substantial ropu t spread nt 12:30 o'otoak, I meroa, toim^tiou, Md»e h»r, no j tbimteeuUTe’cwumitUrMm amth*riiir^uj I “’th, oorrtoMum^B&fnMtTeda^rrirattd I irtruritgimtmrt! The party was moit enjoyable and no one 1 Araerlcua * I put forward its chairmen forCongresslonal I the diploma of the institution. These stu-1 er#nca f 0 t heir Benevo'ent Masonic Lodge No. 3 has | Montezuma. Mr. Haro is a number one I foU^rea^dIMdreidofhi*re which wm an rJdrre. by ]Frefamorh fsr shownT dJat reconL Take him a. th2 tug* bom, to baalnae. Mondar. Our hotels are aoperier to any in the - ii , «... , smaller towns, and the drummers eay as , in ] good as those in the eities. BetUe then de- ] have ehurches of ail denominations, fuSaU^Tof^thB'Ninth’GeorgiaRegiment | the afternoon, th* society discussed the »“Ss sggjgftaK. a? £ i SattfySST’S°|ear» ^ ft*^SsS and youwill find that he has crowned Urn-1 SJ|SS£!f , w A l S SS * I G«ite a number of people from Sevan •elf with glory. From hia mealy record, | eutertainnwnt was mrea. IIWJJo« * nah were here last summ never ret haait appeared that he ever dark-1 tr«th, magnificent. charmed with the place demtcoguMauy’trickJMre foe p2ufical anolhcrtermofthU grand old Bonthero firulfl gain a:iftrinmi.h, hot eter In defiance to [ J^i2S3'«rJroiJ»&dSiiioSST 8 Muiea I Ju “* S*-—eonipliano, with a request such effrontenrU more. 00 in the r!“ I KUlS^iiSSilSj^lSffiSSSei j'I of the ublqnitoe. Borne,, lonrwe'l known tenor of hia war, the growing giant of the I jin. (tt"' I and muchly beloi ed traTelipg man, 1 pro- brnre and true Democracy of the BUto. I bmito, Bandirsville, Jnlia, Coloeae, Nor I ^ tu j rol , y 0n „ few lint, to let the Trust him still. In onlty there ie strength, I JilV Lei world know, throng!, tho Tcmmum ano in dirUion weMmsefc W. Tho“". ‘ > ^' bo 1 r °’ Urffuii^feoiSi Mw.rn.onn, -hnt we of GnsnlTille ettll Use. 1 uTriaiff P r,S 'TeeSSSr ' *“ r community U bot little excited ot« Aabnrjr. I * Am* 'un?^Bett to gubernatorial eonteat now being weged. Jen 21—In yeer paper of the ilth inst g”?, Jifg’h.'Rfe-*!* tV. ri.ll quietly welt end ee« the rraolt, and S jurJ^TutaT^Jha, Adah M.ndenhnll, llooston, .anS'™ u In Trooo^enro I Kdmondeon, UUrnuge; Nann •n!u!?7ig2«<^to tL'eS-'^h-eal i«tM LaOrang., and Canto Verne., - dinercncee: Albany ia a place, perhaps, of | mor * • 00 °mpii*n#u you gi q w h«at and oat crop* are harvested commercial importance, and infested with I **£]**• i« to Vr-*: I * Q d the largest yiekl for jears. Frovideme "Jjj iiJtvST him the very beat talent. Th* department fo 2LJfc f . a u at a low ebb iu oor Tillage erptlboDftmoentti’(lwing‘c«Mi—Mgro-^- '•.nd’ polished’5anahl.r. ^ .^Virn'UriT.u'rie p f vt« hunt recently that tbe helra of Ut- Sf mLle byUm maetir “ UJ Th * tol.h of oor community U good. In cajah Martin, deceased, inten.i to com- tMliS^of voor dtV spent a fl l ct h* 4 f- ? ^ glob * 040 ^°?* 1 °—»"S^ qf.ft- •C.w«'ui P Smt toltofnl climate. JSS-JWESS^itajUSa S5f I *»f hu boyhood, and her*be renewed again I „ BUMoa , nerw,lying in tbe heart of the oity. It U | Slur!u a, T£aro U tr t *aIreaSw a* goblroatorial I Joan 21.—Tha Central railroad branch to^^toKlmtoUHow, SkaSTthim «l?5fi.lni to Ms man, made an eles.Uou in their depot lfrt “ rT > ■ W * . r ™ — — I Itonlrin thi. roctlon. Tmroe. 1 „„ ha „ . pilni , on Saturday next at Dr. N. W, Gsbla's la th* Kent candidate for Congreea. He is, w* fro m the oollege «o mellow tne worm wun i ^ lxty:fi a y ar# ag th „- nnlc-faco- fHS I I -ma I coDtraotel with th.ladies of the fronDy- 1 thu'‘eoun'ty will fnmUh’tK'lndejMSmi Sbtohh, h jSrrot w » ealm,°b«*nttfni, °-!^!.r w rSt.n“ a dinner on the 27th ln*t, oelebraUng St. T he Hayes Bros, farmers and extensive | Mr utephen*’* well worn shoes, bad as | trusteta. addressed th* audisnoe most I M ™ .V f „ i John', day. Aboot ons hundred and fifty I saw mill men, who lira Hire, “to*'*•*jP* well “hang hi, harp on tlw wiliowa” wldeh I beautifully upon tha retirement^ of Pr' el-1 (t nMd to'be, bnt I ennnot find any ■ • * a — a in t. I (ha ritv. hail thaiv bsm burned On tuU I t. nu ,j ■ tk. u.o.nsi.ti a fid fyfi to "tilnviru I .t.»s \!«i.s atofttire fLn ,n.r,a(ifif thfthokrd I «. • • • * h*V0 qUCfttioiied havo been com- thia i-'int, aud the was that it was when they first reair ST^JJSSSSTt. 5=KTa^5-f*-^to3«|; s.T.rri| Hn.t^BUtro.™ 0 ‘-'*S^id“le3toS:I jr^.U^rin^ i a£sSS It. V. Kerr, of Bavanoah, wiU nrrach Hen. A. O. Baoon'a laltor ie reoelring | wyk-, awalttog room rt L the j .»»y.l.umj» | S , h 2, t S£.2!LSo?ar tha land a, lord, of | at . l . nten, *!v. * ln . M V~~■."** >"»'•- tho oommenoement sermon on Sunday, ] favorable comment in cur city. Th« Ht«- I Milledireville. committed euielue last nigni | .. .. s .. . - —*— July Dtb, and Uon. J. A. Billups, ot Mncou, ] phen* boom ia not booming to I will deliver the literary addrers. It U ex-1 put of the State. We do not ' l»vcted that very mauy viaitor* and friends | single oounty that will certainly rend u r — I seen** whlcu give u a .ut. of the students will attend. I/ist year the I to the convention a pronoonccd Stephens I purpoea. Hlabody fM tJjjt ’I {Ji # ffJ!tl l The gifted aotboreM I £a*§ ^ShStwCS^ ■eats in tlie representative hall at the night | delegation. I ***rly thla morning by Sberiff Fountain, I . .> e nitifiited ladiea in the I improved fsciliUM hich Ibe pnb-io exhibition were all filled before dark. Break loose from ring ml# and noraioatt who bad gone down to carry the man hia | taono ofjhe mMt JfftUatedjaaie. jn^w | not|r poaaesaea for getting to and from, the Some verdant and anxioos friends went np | a true and tried Democrat not in sympvtky | breakfast. to the college two hour* before dark, rnako a dead thing ear*. Our colored fir* company, in charge Vigilant No. 1, got their backs, up and “butted” the organization the other night. | roraytta Sou* say they got inad because the ooon •**r, ffiEterj; eieorsion no the tth of Jnlv. W<IU, lUMIPpwmn, “ ■« . . I ... . winton orchestra. Tlie school for th. past I rie, shlrte, etc., and other, ray that \ igitont pul doringkl.reer oommeucement. I *??.*”“ tha Utter wnlleman W, ar. loth to part with l're.tdent »nd ?v hi ,' h °,d ifiord * islton rnoch com fort, j™mu- jujto-.h-jw-jj jsussa «/.° fr * iD '“ acroc ‘“ 800,1 dow ° ' oun “ ir w wVeto* 1 ,i ^ h i'“'T 1 i a { 0 'u ra ut IliI i.rml ‘ h 'tri’ , ' r *hlnt“ U !fua H°gh°rriTnl-‘htir* I ’ Covlogtois I J cal W.-Tho ladles of this pto? N»T«lS!«hom t^zMtogTandttO dtSSttiyto After several day* of Intolerably warm | ,* triumphant. UUa High returna bear-1 v„w»K*ra..nwrt.i*»*ibeonlitof 1 a feetlval at the Johnson House, W edaes-1 eX M r t fn eed in getting a conveyance to weather a refreshing min last night makes I inu a beantifnl medal for deportmeoG 1 2ll?i!5lSSJwtSsmiDttd bv I day and Thursday nights for the benefit of I eithertbeCollier! Elder, or Varner House, things mor* endurable uuumrnlow. “InriUtio,...;.ont to t« rioring.x,r. frotJ uSSSSStSi^ GnlUnUrg.crowd ToralhJ? four-fifths of the peop’e with sfessr"““ ,i •to,fans, teen .try bn»y for Um last month I On yerinday onr community was riailed I “* ’• I the “bell, cake.” The former «e«i*ed it I harvesting the most tremendous oat and 1 by strongwinas, followed by a heavy rain. I characteristic entertatnuaeuta at in* eoi I f elo** oonteett Over aiz hundred | wheatcrep ever ratainglo ~ | ||SBA^aJ=SJS=S=ftUBfSn^|SS£SJhSP I Death a. the o« Kiunfc*. U. C. II. | ni:jiixiscEXCB or the ivar* far aa the memory of man goes, more than | No hail — — — on* man raided more than on* hundred | miles in the country, r*-Hm«r.atSusm I ’‘l’oUtieali, onr conn.,..a Uttto m,^.p 0,0 ’ r ' ? ‘ y> — “woman” and to lovely woman he paid the I with perhaps a perceptible leaning toward I who ha* ^aite that M. Martin owned eaid lot oflaad many years ago, when it was nothing but a thicket, and that he never sold it or deeded JeffertMmvIlte ■>Mt llullrr’a ir t thee,lle i:.itcrj>r>". l’ri\.tt»: inf.yrmtttioii resciit-* ito >>f tlie ■ -vr VV “ :;:i I..,. ... n ” r emlnont grand see-I of Mi-ts Mury Mumbnl. which OO- i* I ,v.« tentU*tMt ho reprtsents, delivered to I H. C. Miss Mutnford will be remembered hipbrst tribute of admiration and respect I Bacon for governor. For Congressman-1 that one* flourishing {■Motion. It waa I the tenets tnatnjrepresen, ‘ by lba ma j or j^rtion of our citizen* as a I . Ke closing «wriM> * StaM .,-l«,g. Tom_li.rd,man _^ld_ rorr, jh.ri.rad In.«« nntor th, «». ol tt» U»!Umm. kjmtaM. mrot .hwtnrijU, Mr.mlurd. who i never sold it or deeded I a | spring aud rove. family have the deeds, I June 2?.- Attention Twlgga county Misa Annie Boykin ha* left to spend right bands will surely | Democrats! A goodly number of Demo-1 oomo time with relatives and friend* in At- it to anyone. Tbe ■ml if pat In tbe right t 1 , , control sons, day a large portion of tha I crata ot Twlgga comity basing met to- l laata. GaW City. J. H. H. I gathar and iaanad a call for a conrantiou I MUalillia Oahla will not ratnrn to \\ at- to attet delegates to Uw gula material eon- bo![a, tr . Carolina, till naxt tarm. tteedan. I ran Hon in Atlanta, wa hereby indorsa oar I ‘1 ha blackberry brigade hata almost da. J— aa /a...,.,-, «. e-., I approral of tha same spd recommend that I molished the snoenlant crop. I mlet' li^tto*”^?*1».!•**■ | Z naaa, mart: to tha gratification ot hia nnm wUtabMta’to'Naw^¥«”a^aw'daya^ago I aeniJa*InYuaniaJnl, l'J. (2.5 Delegate. I '’jamra'ilrtd. whii*b«wi to haw sork e tow dsya ago 1 u oonyraMtonal nominating eonren-1 analogs since, at a little entertainment at wbomlba shit todthsr’lheie’wnTno’aala I H°n of the sisth dUtriet. (S.)>lritota. hU, ihsn two littla girU put in m viU YftS nr ktToi ^ms! I ^ district Senatorial convention to as- *m*erwnre. They were twin*. Jim U M mbl* at Gordon. (4.) To elect a county happy. and "dlad Taroier frtto^bil DcruoeraUe executive committee for Andrew Carmichael thinks wielding JSlnedtJmVkMwta«Sl ofTu lattor T° ,n °*£* *" 1 for MV mll ‘ ^ck. U the hottest work gaicea some anowieage oi me iswer i l j on M w bether tbe too-third* or major-1 thia side the lower regions. _ * I ity rule ehoold prevail In Democratic eon-1 Hfimons fair and crop* growing. 1MIabridge. ^Lct^every Democrat In the cuzzif be Jcee 20.—Inclosed find proceedings of | preaiotoa that day. t-,..*? at chambers! I J. A Bucuv. Ja, The Bourbon Democrats va. the proprietor* I Memnerof GaagreMional executive com ot the Constitution, the proprietors of mlttee sixth dtatmt for Twiggs county, the Chronicle end Constitutionalist and I W. L. Soumow, Colquitt. Brown t Go. Injunction be-1 J. U. Buaatrr. fore Judge Commonsease, at chambers. I Stetuen Jones, liumbly complaining, your orators show I Of the district Senatorial executive unto your honor that they hare ever been | mittee for Twiggs county. SBtef SsSSM , S«M.5a|51 *zsz\ “ * Cooler h*d been seeking I the valley.” Uitb#""" nHwtaofntall. 0 If 7 ' “■ * — ■—.*«— — poo* of nrecipit Ainu. reri Telloy. . Jdne 25.—The exercise* of tbe Fort Val- Ity Female Seminary closed last evening. I Judge Warren D. Nottingham delivered 1 the baccalaureate address. His addrres I waa well prepared and abounded in bean. | tiful tlwugbU and common mbn. ““ I have never beard a more appropriate ] me nee meat address. Tbe trustees have I requested a copy for publication. The Cesycrs, faithful and Ir e tu pnnrii!«: that th» y have ever the .tic ticket at.<l fti'.l i!’ -ire to ti j »o, bet;. rc. ;v- giStoS I ot dro *»J r ot lho heart. He waa an ex Coo- Indies ar* well prepared in three separate doebtfa/ Dumoencr* the^aitv I federatesoUUerand anhoo*.tman. Peace branclm* and civ* nnivernal satisfaction. I I seminary ta in charge of Mr*. M. E. Per- | soos, who has succeeded in building non JcnB.-Ur. N.M.Harpn, n ritiran of I fin. schooL Mrs. 0. T. Byisgton Cm | this ttoM, Ji—I this morning at 5 o'clock | ehsrg. of tho mooto atoputment. TtMO Tha hesrieot rain I onr saw or beard of I Houston. » hato;^ rab2tl frit hot, ymtorday doing much dammgr, I Nor u how end tea mtnoto. th. rai. poor. TLSrSZJJ rn SuS3S3*2i s5Vu“to5TESi. j our petitioner* pray that tbe defendants I r™? tarmeri have been very mnen dam-1 ^ com without smpiriJtiSumeiSStt hnckto^ promh:iSmira’JJSwUI > cribs <m their I r- I ne lag lae seers _o« herdaklp sa l Vndactt demurrad, taring that IronbU, wtthink, huedoM «me guod to r tu.r greet Infloanee and penaul -■■'.■jV—'■ •~ tu * •* leeching men the lessoo of lahar ana «. ity il^y had tha right todnnau who 1 Cwriegtoo. Man. I “- 1 -— *■ i ha the next gonraoe of Owrgto end I seel.. Dm that it ta impiooepraromption for any ate 1 t.tion their right. Demurer weal Jc«m2L—The fine rains and propMona ■ ed.JadgeCominofnanat remarking, Iweertitr an gtring crape (tost .tndeeto rfindati-awere aerranb of the peo-1 the front, and they hxra aJranceJ sere rat t omU not perpetrmto aoefa I liaee to Ua peat fur day. ---- - 1 came, wt er<u[on the de- Nerar did people work mor, atuntirsly .hoard t ,r extse why th. teiuo-1 and stay ax feara. (feser the. doth, two- •Lohid not aa followi: I pla of OglMborpo tow. > |.ro) ri.;. . >f th. 0 -.(U.rt<ja an- ] Th. ahcndxn; grata csvpo ‘ yaraof anoUerring thmtmd, trad to. rary flatterin r. mg -fxter. tr,tu at this Um. brfwt,"t8dkMwiay crttoowiU ancnuxnt gram cru;a tow hemg «l, aad tho rary flattering proaptete > time at aora, potatoee, p*u and > will place tUs county to a much car. and tfaoy an wing bjth wilh nteeh '’iheeottoooop ie looklegrery fine, as well aa the oocn, bntit to most too early to pet mach faith in iu looks. We can only hope it may eonttane, ae it to now making guoi progress. We kara heard of a great many graiahopt-r. ta some section*, aad thaw tiara eaua some young ootton, bat we tare heard of ao seriout damage w a item aad eetncstly hot— that oor of country toaot Bow to be stricken lie din calamity, jo»t w it to fenae he was ordered by Gvnrriit llut ier to b:;. n ;d m .’h n m ln r^ l^ond oi., 1 skillet of the “cat7ndS!od rirepberri. | sroold. oUterwin here been deprired of | wwoneof the moct eraditoWe erar 3wa|“5“j*5 wound he had metre der ttus tc.timonyJooee wea bound oser I skillet of tho great and la a sum of one hundred dollar, loan- •war—not theeharge of marttor, bnt inrol. I _ ttl.netr, untary manslaughter. I June 22.—The coi Wa were shown yeriorJay a boantifnl tit- Early county today tie rt* rimtn of mechanical ingrnmty. It | to tho Jnly State cob me a miniature steamboat, modeled-~ the u fortunate Jeannette, and it work ct aar togoaina end enterprising fteJUghX thcrillet ed a purse’ and Loaght Mr*. Mumford a which she now ownt. Later Mrs. ford moved to Washington, nnl has i ling tor koine time p*-t t*onie 'jffice I tW'dHritn-^'-r~-e-t 11 in oor town. iJiflUtt 1m “' -^1 ntr.forrl here epokea of tbe irutitnlion aa the tote The Athletic* of FhVallmr played a match *"to«that she will no » leave Wathlng- in onr town. jy- “ I y 1 FWUc5v^ < lndm5*?& wSSieSiU I ^^wwMdkweljeo^ete^ A^extre I Ihe waeoa the mint bdUing. It teethe I wu held there wrrtpreiHmt 1 begin i’- n«vTaucer th* first of next Oo- train wa* run from Perry, bringing a large I J” # ^ llor ?* from Ml May ite future be even better, crowd of laJie* and gesUemen. Ourex- •**!' tor it. irteiag | Uon representative ciuzena xrom au eee_ | an fi „„r„i Hum h^a been its I Miunt Iwom bend furnished tin muate tor I ” “’ta hauling it down a small ewivil /un ^M^Johu^mroier BreSSllfto/1 lioni 'ttrerointy ”ThtrSrSsSt vu I briahter and more eecfnl than hasbeen its I ctHlent brass band furnished the mrnie for citizt D, Mr. John A. Btrozer. BcsWe* Ming I luma of tne eonnty. aim cmivemion was ■ Tbe collr-e chsuel was tasUlr deeo-1 the occasion. Thu makea twice the Ath- UE&sutafTSJsz ss® zsftxs? larss^is ss uggs? ehiatot,tawhlrhnew role we dufi oor tat raeietary. O* mo ’ i °orfl waa declJtd to I draidedJjraotortatnlng, lefleetiogcredit on in thrragamra.^^^ t jji ing far bv-lt L-rnl rix detoeatoe to the BUto coonnUoa. I **« Frraldeol (Her. J. N. Bradshaw) and Tha.nriooa distrtetoto this eonnty will « city The carious clln-atea of tlie world re- ,qnlie dlficrent modes ct llrtag, Inst tho eommnai. -Conrad’s Ilndwetser Hear" may le uxed sTtoi? I w ' t ' 1 A<I T * ,l ’‘ , se 1° creryr clinto. Ask your toteeeufefbwuaa brtwmSu. Mr. llacon before hi. riajMoa. phaas aad Bern. If&awford wet# to caet raatton elao eppotatod delegete. a—i. .iuk j, t .. ■ * > iaiik I tor tbe ninth Senaurui u.*tnct. dtoriried-^re totoh I S5oa^«o2w«siU ttoeotrarasSms^diOOT^ I dwSStoh’tttot be*ts raUrcr’toottjnserreltre. HjsSprarend I ed.. Th. meeting wee harmoaiotu ond | rj icotean t lha. relloo to the I what it wae and bow It frit to be -U a Di-1 a„ed ta tbe county Jail. He frequently ex. I ““ h 001 * « » i second I tom me," and then rary grace tolly extrioe-1 nrtmi hto intention of tokiag hto life, bot I stronghold oi wntioa I tod herself therefrom to tho eattofaetiox of lot hto three’s were disregarded. Coroner commences the Mice Carrie Carr, of this place, thinking. . irngottottoa. took roUtorof a rasp.-1 without any.xritomrat^ y arrived to hold the nedal I hnTmalMto. whea each men I General Owerryerrirad to boM the mtoll Misa J’eytona Dougia., of thieptaoe, av’dlfci Uerdeman’took the hull by tbe I term of Cariy Boporio. Coart. Court feeling that aha owed com ajknowt- CL:f!!ii^;m!SlhiBtoUforti«Sia51 opened to-day etiaTm., aad en Indict- edgmect to oo# wi«y had chvri.ed hocus and stumped the Slate for Georgia. I epraoo^ >za j n . t Irra Ritchie for I her with “Hiawatha's Wooing." and cheered i&^w^W^.’h. 8 ^ 5e"S r «‘JS W a«to B ^ | STkfSriK.'l&l gia itolemsa, and U worthy of aas boa. orable povition. Ms* we ncoo kara ■ ■ ■—■ the mountain to th. seaboard for Ceogrrae from th, but. i U.8.A. Lewry. Jns* a—Mr. Thomas W. Hammond, of J. Bebeceoealy, brought ta some of the facet 1 ColdenT Liebig’s Liquid Extract of f£:|lleef ar,l Tonic Intlgurxtor, In pint bottle*, aboultl L*» kept m every .\nieri- pbyaidan. It penetrate* of and instantly 1 work of cure. Ask for L L Peacock held an Inqweet. Verdiei in I G’oUcti’h, take no olhtr. ot druezuu aeeordancer with facte as above. generally. | Tbe Talmadgt InvUtute, G H Chapman, swS^rjssfsaar Ls-taarjcKa s w tojmrah proficiency on to. part to. I ^ u'to.^M Croji* throughout thta section tie very I ot In » 4l$«*»ted form, and will noartah without csusi down this way. | For sale by druggist* Bacon Is the eomiag E.JLJ. ge—tnii J cant 22.—The thainaae of tha executive , .. committee for this couty (Jeflcreou) has uiicc,, chip “ “ tJJ 1 Roogn on Rata." eUied a eonnty oonmtion, to be held her* | *R on July 4th, for the purpo** of electing :• - ' * • - • - •• • t- • -nti.rn u in Atlanta, end to organize the party fully f -rt:4C)'i.i- B 'MX[ Politics will v>jU be on a b»a in Jtuancm ns wcu as cue .where. After July tth yonmay findwheth-1 A u 1 11 er or not Mr. & ia to be ti c n j*n:nre of bis J hi todiireei; rilee mm* ■■<« Fits*, roacljes, aut*. b?7l bua*, ra»a ‘••-reunite, clrer-i out bi W*. lw Xm MatUe VCUiOB, of Ttemoa, Ga., party, as moat ell tbe delegates will be ap-) men. 1 >rwl*»r«r« Acid rtwa|tha(a iMllgw- Dr. Daniel T. NeUou, G’bicaco, «ayi: i.t and valuah;, remedy Ucnlarly lnoveiworked