Georgia weekly telegraph, journal & messenger. (Macon, Ga.) 1880-188?, June 30, 1882, Image 6

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<1 Ijc v^cair^ut IttWhly ^L ctcgenpl? «n^r Souimul ^ 311cm in\jgcc* f ■Him * tUMIMM SMUly Ml* W« Tho “ConrlltnllonV* NundA/ EfTor** . From It* dictatorial hifb-banded style, Col. Thornton’* morning colleague bas raaktrarul I descended to what sounds very much like a whine. When, for reasons best known {KTnstii —s—. mmn C*J, unapl Uvaisj. tu4 weekly *r*r, J*UU&. "SSiSi' wiVfrilf^SSSiSAIS I *» lUclf.ndn.ver yet made public, It slto fui three BiwfithA, is i*x eu 1 turned its opposition to Mr. Stephens into ‘ v^v^. « I enthusiastic support, tbe manner of our S55J U m».lrd to mbeertber*. peiug* * * , ... . ... T . k m* • mr »nd ti for •:* uwutk*. I contemporary was absolutely lordly, it idectAdTemMmenu win t»ukea atoii announced with a satisfied stroke of the 5w\kt»rttousted for*Mch*»nb»« | chlnthst Mr. Stephens would sweep the S3:-’in7u»i^. U 3»rSl.“.”i'?SS SUM «d attempted to bully .nd brow XX i.t >Wr. beat the free-thinking Georgia presa Into following Col. Thornton', lead. Later ht *>idrvu, not for publication, butu u I 0Df despite the fact that forty-three taS^^S^wmreltaretonwd influential State Journal, arrayed amrowadreo. ooutalntng Important saw* themselves In lino agalnat the man whom aad dlwucalone »l tiring topic* Is »Uelt« t b e independent! had called out, filled atcji to brief and ba wnuen up* 3 ** du i • • ... ,, , »jj» of tbapepar,»tare attention. I with the idea that Atlanta was Georgia t rAt.vw ibonidbo^miida hi EprcM, sfomj I a nd its morning paper a sort of Journal- thccid r bo addrawM to I ifttic Cassar, it declared solemnly that j. r. “ A, ‘ OJ JiJJJ*3S5a. } there waa no opposition to Mr. Stephens, I The game of bluff was extended until It BUB TELE6RAPH ID MKSEXSEl wu too attenuated to stand tbe strain. The * = people all over tbe State rose up and made nT niv TITSF *10 ifc-2 I themselves heard by word, letter and th^Lrj: WKIDAT, junis 3u,ima. I preft# The attempt to herd them with ~ *f»«ive€ToininiitM»orciic22uii!icn» I rush and a holloa fallad signally •tarini District. I gtampede was the only result, and our Telegraph and Messenger:—In | gQ^mporary awoke onedjoe morning to as compared with 1831, and as compared with 1880 of 213,878 bales. Tbe receipts for the week end'ng June 23d were 13,809 bales against 23,420 bales in 1881, and agaiast 23,611 baits in 1880, at same date. Tbe stock at the interior towns on last Friday night was 01,837 bales, against 01,230 at same date in 1881. Slock at Ma- con.last Friday was 1,342 bales against 3,- realize that It had atrayeiflfcay from the i with a resolution of the Demo- i r “r ' u h fonu '“ Sssskerl, 1880, it bocomea my duty to ap-1 8,11,11 minority. A week haa passed since Mxt on exocutiva ooinmittee for the dla- I the inevitable conclualon was forced upon in*, Sk being their request that tbe ap- it that the Republican Philadelphia Prtu BBBto.nt be not made until after the new editor, who now baa charge of the columns mvtienment- By this authority I hereby of the Conaffluffon has led it astray and amnint: I accomplished nothing beyond arraying it a Bibb—W. R Phillipa, D. D. Craig, I against the organized Democracy of ► IL Campbell. I Georgia. .Since then we hate been favor- s Monroe—A. L. Parkins, T. B. Cab-1 e( j w j l | J ground and lofty tumbling Tm Pike-E. F. Deupree, Sam Cook unexcelled by tbe Hanlons in their best committee is requested to meet m N*y«- The esteemed colleague of Col. ■jtk, on Saturday, July 15th, at 111 Thornton lias reached a position in which b, for organization. I it must explain away two months, error John L. IIabdeiu*, I |u a few days, and as msy be Imagined CYn Dem. Com. 22nd Sen. Diet. I the language la both rapid and pathetic. , . I The Sunday effort was a mixture of bom- but *" d * Wn0 uumorouily proper- And bow can a corporal’s guard “theaten were governors, or presidents, or rail- tbesupremacy of the Democracy?” Ob, road commissioners, or something of tbe •consistency, thou art a Jewel;” but the sort; and we were actually thunderstruck- truth has been forced upon us, that the at tbe cool andsdty with which a con- repentant contemporary is with Jewels ductor would approach them and, with- unbedeckyd. out even a tremor in his voice, cry out go much for the confessions. Following “Tickets." Latterly, however, we have comes the fesn expressed as to fair play been able to get the thing down m better during the primaries, In which tbe cou-1 shape, and to learn that the fellows, that temporary states that every attempt swell and strut and snort on all our pas- wlll be made to deceive the people, senger trains, with periodical and perils* I bale* at same date last year. Tbe to- And following It tbe assertion that the tent cussedness, are neither governors, ta * ▼MM® supply of cotton on last Friday contemporary belongs to no clique or fac- presidents nor railroad kings, but that WM 2,100,060 bales against 2,390,440 bales tloc. Time and space forbid us dwell* they are merely what may be termed, at same dat ® ,n and against 2,075,- in* upon this point, but a question sug-1 Dsngoationists. ;The Dangnatlonist I ^ bales In 1880 at same date. These gssts itself when we bear further In the is analura! enemy to all conductors. He indicate a decrease of cotton in statement that Mr. Stephona Is not the looks upon them as a Spanish grandee Hfbt on Friday n *gbt last of 221,390 bales contemporary’s choice; that It has no per-1 looks upon bis humble charioteer. He M *itb same date in 1881, and sonal interest In his election; that its per-1 Imagines he la doing them a special and I an l ncreM ® ** compared with correspond- sonal Inclinations and personal affiliations life-long favor when he comes prancing ln K dat ® in 1880 of 95,141 bales, were elsewhere. The question Is, iftfce into a car and, with uplifted nose, swells Middling cotton was quoted on last contemporary belongs to no clique and la I himself Into two or three seats, and pro* I Friday In Liverpool at OJd, and at same personally opposed to Mr. Stephens and if I ceeds to convince all within eye-shot I lMt J ear at 8 *T10d. the party is harmonious (to use its lan-1 of bis airs that he is one particular Dang-1 Favorable weather condition! have con- guage), why does It advocate his Candida-1 nationlat that God didn’t make, and that I Unutd during the past week. The plant ? It Is a question, In oar humble Judg- conductors would do well to stand In awe I rapidly developing under the increased ment, "t'.zh the Imported Philadelphia of-ln fact, a personage “able to add a warmth and reports are very satisfactory. Blaine editor can best answer. story to tbe tower of Babel.” It would In Texas the weather has been very warm One more point and we are done. Our be difficult to convince tbe Dangnatlonist and our correspondent at Luling states contemporary Is considerably humbled, that the coach In which he rides wu not I ln DeWltt county picking for the first Time and crow diet have done their work | built for hit special accommodation, or | been commenced, well. Wo almply desire to point out I that the train would run at all were lw to I The AiiAatii*Teieffr»ni, now one of the errors into which It has | stay at borne. Railroad conductors are | on our first page will bo found a tele- tlon might clism to catechise os. The Constitution did nst do ns the courtesy to spread our reply before Its own readers, but contented itself with the passing ob servation that there would be no bolt- aa£i-St«pbens artesian water should send BaiEMnijohns to Albany. Honed. It begins with the startling statement that tbe Constitution goes Into Ya do not share in tbe extreme earnest* I nearly twenty-five thousand Georgia of sundry papers and politicians in homes, and leave* tbe reader to Infer to “get rid of the oo’or line.” The I the people thereupon Sfcilhbr drew It, and the pap«r. and the I d 3wn ,„d >c ccpt tha Judgment. not |° *° tttu * •*- arrived at In their Well, a barnacle imagined ho would creato I let ua see. A few day. ago tho Charles- I’krawhcn he declared with great I ton Courier called the Constitution to rthat the gubernatorial convention I account for assorting that the dally clr- oalbe “hold on the 19th of Joly approxi-1 culatlon was 11,000, reminding it of the sab* And the barnacle wasn't far wrong 1 f*ct that Its manager’s sworn statement in the newspaper directory placed It at less »»«. I. to be a Blaine Democratic pa- u ‘» n O' 000 ' To lhl5 0,lr “'“"nporarr re- t> Georgia it ooght to be located In P llcJ . ««>“g tonh lh »‘ t w, I Kr lB * and It ought to be e “Jefferson. I creued lu circulation until about a .even .* journal. Mr. Stephen, is a warm ad- thousand edition was then being issued, the Mulligan mas, as is the Isle Accepting '.he Constitution's word for it, tuNoa. I and also Its declaration that the weekly . .. . „ , edition was 12,000, this would mike 10, I subscribers. Of couree>ho on, for thsltsaste sre disposed to split hair. on moment believes that any Atlanta paper fkadanantal anbjocts, and it takes them | *»“?*»*• circulation, but even admitting it,Jtbere is a discrepancy of 2.5 p«r cent.' the Sunday morning's declaration that . the paper went into nearly 25,000 houses. TaLnoasra ssroMessci. MCC p t then 25 per cent, as the rate “Say,toys, can't yon let upon •>» ofdlKOUIlltll , editorial. apSccnatorisl qnestion for a season, and „ , * .. a.i tV. have soma low tariff Following>h. grand announcement as which w. an anxion. pr „, n t * the Issue, cornea a.trtement of tbe cam- a Philadelphia high tariff stand- P a, 8 n ln br,ef » d “f in g whlcb ou r content- porary’spoaka with quivering lipe; it ad- nsaa Run. ba. parmitmd the .on to I “ lU Ul “ M ^ or D *'' 0n W0U ’ J n “ k * * 800,1 aa down cm his wroth. W. regret it d«p-U 0, " 00r ; bot d « 1 ‘ r ” ht, hot tha fMt Is when a Dam.crat dallb- *> IM ' lh,t lt ™ P»rfer»W honeal in be- arid} goe. to bed with the g.fl.rsonlan I ll " ln *“ r ° rtl « P re » nl •oergency” Mr. «3M.toUre, no amount of virtuous lam-1 Stephen! tho “beat" man of tho two. It prevent him from waking op I will be observed that Its emotion carries rthi and wretched. W* shall have IU Into the enperlatlve degree, angers raid for Remo*, and hope to re* when the comparative was as »Mm. j far as it was grammatically ■ „ m . rk P«P«f to proceed. But we pus this by Has, good muy alitor, in th. Unttal 10 ” m " k lb *‘ tlKr0 b * r,,lur ° 10 Usrow away a “V” .vary timo they dMc r |b « the ‘Emergency." What emer- Mr. Stephana. Wa Infer from S M1C T r 0ttr humble contemporary haa thvsthd n “good msny editors'' outslJa of I been telling us all along that there wu a are Lying Ire dollar bate on the no division ln tbs Democratic party; that oner. A “good many dltora In tha It wu harmonious; that tha Independent. 1 Statu" ought to confer with a cannotmusleracorprral’sgnard. Where, many editors ln Georgia, and then, la the “emergency r” lilt the pre- I dlcamenl which the “cabal” got itself fallen. Our contemporary Is fond of pos- I alwsys men possessed of a Due xnowledge I gr , m f rom Atlanta upon the present po- lng u the representative of tbe Georgia. I of human nature, and so we have never I Htlcal situation. From tbe text it would people. To use It* expression, “Its con-1 hexrd of one who tried to argue x Dang-1 appear that the editor or the At- atltuency is the people of Georgls." What I nationlat oat of these little peculiar views. I Lula C'onsIIIuIIon, the leading Stephens are nineteen thousand people to Georgia? I But conductors are only human, at best. I organ, hu declared that he will not vote Doee not the Constitution know that lienee, when standing In the presence of f or Mtjor A. O. Bacon, even should he more than 1,500,800 people live and I the Dangnatlonist, it Is not unusual for I receive tbe nomination at the bands think, labor and thrive and have their I them to think and speak aomctlnies in an I of the Democratic convention. This opinions In tho Stato limits? What I unorthodox manner. The truth is, the statement from the editor Is strongly at would It matter If the ConsIHuIlon wu character whom we are discussing often variance with tho declarations of bis Jour- really the mouthpiece of 10,000 people? I effectually blocks up the conductor’s road I nil, and Is cited to Illustrate bow utterly Does it think that in voicing their opln- heavenwards. It Isn't on rec- unworthy of ereJence and acceptance are tons It speaks for the Stale? Common lord, eo far as we have ever I the reasons and utterances with which sense and candor compel us to point out I seen, that any man who ever made a bas during tbe past few weeks favored the that lt docs not. The Constitution's “con-1 practlco of driving oxen got safely to people. It is in older for onr contempo- slltnency" Is less than one seventy-fifth I tbe kingdom—not even “so as by (Ire.” rary to rise up and quote Mr. Stephens' of the whole pfople, and sensible men What tho ox is to the rustic swain, we I “I never did.” must smile over tho presumption Involved. I very much fear the Dangnatlonist Is to •».»■ ■ ■ Moreover, no sane man can suppose for a our clever conductors. At any rate, the Tl |* *”*••»» Inquirer*. 1 ' * 1 We are besieged by gentlemen who are moment that even the Constitution can I train commander who gets safely through, ,, — ,. .. , , speak the opinions of Its constituency. may be said to “have come np through se< - k ' n 8, 0 ®” 5 ’‘"J b ? lbe ' r F*" 00 *! * ni1 We do not object to such a rale. We great tribulation." Doubtless the moat - ■**” th T PU ™‘ C merely point out its ridiculous conclu- serious charge that will be made against ? 0r8C ?^ 1 * l ^ ? mDS ‘ ^ n* 6 * slons. Tbe TxLKOBAfu rears nothing In them, ln that day, will be that instead of k ™ wl ' d « e > not " llbout * prop * rbelog this campaign from anch a rule, lflt bo pushing obetreperoua Dangnstiouislsfrom °‘ llll! eomplimcntthat Is veiled that .paper's subscribers all adept its the platlurmi of the cars, whonover occa- tb ^° "J®" 1 *' ... „„ opinions, wo can bring forward forty-three alon offered, they Insisted on bringing To tb ' “f„ t0 * 1 , ot wow “ al “ papers, represenUng probably 100,000 peo- said pestilences within doori, to the dls- “* k0 P< “' 1 °“ °f , tb0 ]£ 1 ,t 1 LE0KAr ‘! pie, who are directly opposed to Mr. comlort or simple-minded men and wo- A!,D Mt ' S “ X ' >Er ‘ P * n- Tb ’ J“ urn *' Stephens’ candidacy. The present cam- men. Seriously, conductors lead hard b “ n0 c * n,li < 1 » t * 1 cf **• own - It " lll *“ p * palpi hu taught onr contemporary a Uvea, and their forbearance and uniform much needed lessen. No clique, couiteouaneu, under the moot trying clr- b ? tb p “i 0 established and acknowl » die-1 cunutanre.. an, he.nnH .ii edged by the Democratic party. Journal, clau or cabal can die-1 cumitances, are beyond all praise, tate to the people of Georgia or do- 1 celre # them. Ana if the acceptance of I Peraecutlux Mr. Nttpheiia, Recognizing the fact that a public Jour- I nal owes something to its patrons and | cailers over and beyond a dally Issue Tt»« True Policy of tbe Mate I Impartial outsider In possession of all the Tbu nomination and election of some young I facts: and Tisorous Democrat to tbe office of governor ... . _ , u the true policy for Georgia etthls time. The L L "l er,Undl “ £ ,llUftUon of * ffa!r5 1,1 Bute la full of thrift, ef progrea, of Industrial 8M wel * what a cold blast effort and of tope in future grandeur and J 1 * 00 well ' b « In * » nd pron>erlty of the w. _ * ... . I Htate the SUCCCas of thl-. move would Iran. achievements. Tbe younz men of the Bute 1 Eut ® t h- ,ucw " 0 I t hl" move would he, le are stimulated by their surroundings to nobl. :;ot u ’ 1(lcr,Ua<l lu '- - “anol Mr. Stephens', endreron. and th. tendency of th. time. Is ln ■“f, 1 ”* * nd httelhonew could pursue the the direction ol iubiuntl.1 reforms .ad ol '* cllI * l n X Mur « ! he hai In btddloi to txnh thoughtful, ptocresslve admlnlitrstion ln pub- p *, rU “ no “ ln * u ”'' for the governor- tic affairs. This t< no season for sentimentality, I ,b unless I conclude him to be In hU do- end the hour Is not yet come when the people “*•' K ™ * ,tr ^° "pectacle of weak vsnl- afford to declare that th. one* of governor ? i° r * ““ 01 h ‘V r " , ““ i ; on *?, F™? 1 - I[ « louieratrn.tandaburdenofduty.buta h *ff»lrv*dr» wild medley of .enti ty and a sinecure for decoyed .nd vencra-1 went. a. prerented by the Stela pram previous to my departure from tha State ten daja ago. Having submitted to tbe examination of the Conaffluffon, and having answered without qualification or reservation, we think it will be admitted by all fair* mluded people that we have a right to put question to tho Constitution and to have answered promptly and openly. r It L„ been given to the public upon SSSSSJ ZSS. , „ what we know to bo unquestionable au- I What new phaaeahave since been pre-tented I thority, that tho leading editor of that|_?i T *'° 0e J )rfI f * P>«roor with atrength, have not learned. Should he consent to run lournal the sentleman who ia annrwwpcl I r 11 * 1 . h ? pe the ,uture - » thorough I as the tiapendcnttandldate and the DemocraU jonnmit the gentleman who la supposed Unowlodgo of our affairs, with administrative .nominate another man, his pemnal following to direct tho political course and utter-1 capacity and with progressive Ideas—such a { might be 10 great aa to make the result doubt- ances of that paper, hu declared that he I governor as Bacon would make-end the Stato I ful. I think, however, that the dependent (on will not support Mr. Bacon if he bo tbe I would a uew impulse in evety direction I government aid) movement will not succeed choice of tho Democrat y of tho July cou- that . . U ® Dward and "Pward. Her people even under the moat favorable circumstances. ,, 7 3 would take up thequlck tread of their leader, - , ,,-r- venuon. Would voice their hopes ln a stronger key, and I Th . UreA . i Bf0in r.iihi. TbU J t seriouj and weighty .Ute- the work of development would be applied to Mr. Stephen, did not approve of th^ speech ment. Mr. Bacon Is at present th« only every rciourecful Held of labor and wealth In I , nd the attacks made by Senator Benjamin lr. named rival of Mr. Stephens lor tbe pro- 1 0U 1 Aj *l r<> “"* member of the party Hill sxalnst Senator William Uahone. I. the ferment. The foxslifuflon basannounc- MnMtoSre’oI? worifn. eT fore« t r?°. t n» * nU ' lu *“ d •dHorof th.Tauoaam ann It ed to its reader, that the contest to all in- state with more conildence and hop. In the In- '^St^JapS’d^k^L*. fLu , au tents and purposes lies between these two 1 tore than the turning of the people from foutl-1 that, a. usual, lt 1. not afraid to Ulkout In gentlemen; that the convention must km and bonlam In public aflkfn and the lnau-1 meeting.—ffo,I-Jpgatf. ■ chooso tbe one or Ute other. I I Even so. Tbe Port-Appeal “is not It has sworn undying allegiance to tbe the sute!-d«a»fa £««.»» //n-otd. pxn,tn afraid to talk out ln meeting;” and, In fortunes of Mr. Stephens, and its editor-1 ’ I this particular instance, It has spoken tho in-chlef has declared thst he will not snp- Never were truer or more opportune I trutb . Mr. Stephens was greatly out- port Mr. Bacon If ho Is the selected can- words written. But much has been leR raged by s ena tor Hill’s unmasking of dldate. “ nsalJ - Geor S laU *f d * y Just c,nergl,,g Mahone. He felt called upon to go out of The Constitution supports a gentleman ,r ?"\ com P“ caUons a “ d d i*»*t«rs I b i s way touke up the cudgels for the Vir- who has defied a convention and his par- “ av0 •ncompmed the Southern gj n j a reneg*,!^ and ^ gj vo tbe Georgia ty. The Constitution can find no harsh- Slat ®* r ® r twenty years. Her industries senator and the Georgia Democrats who, sr term for this conduct now than sn are ^ Infancy* net resources are Just I almoatjwltbout exception, Indorsed his “alleged attempt to bolt.” The languago I"*®j nn 1,5 to attract attention, her ^ast I courM| a higb, moral “Jeffersonian" lec- fells to fill tho bill, but for present pur- s}4 ^ e , m 3 being extended end lure beesuse of It. We did not ask what poses we will accept It. perfected and her finance, adjusted upon Georgla Congressman did this because Is the C’onJifMuffon preparing to partlc-I * * ound There never was a time I we bad forgotten who it was. We Ipateinan “alleged attempt to bolt?" I w , couW *° affordlo |well remembered the earnestness with Willltatandby tbe Judgment of the July I® 1 ow tb ® intere,t# 10 b ® lrifled I which Mr. Stephens sought the inter- convention in evert that convention , T“® re n ® TCr was a time when the I T i ower to place himself ou record ln oppo- should nominate Mr. Bacon, or any one bule 50 needed ® Progressive, vigorous, 8ltlon to the course of Mr. Hill and the else, save Mr. Stepheus? We ask the clear ^« aded » »<*»▼« »nd energetic execu-1 policy 0 f the party at that particular question In good faith, and have a right to t ‘ T ® superintend those interests end I juncture. We asked the question merely request an early and frank reply. hasten her progress. Leaving out all po- t0 worry the new “Jeffersonian” organs, »*>“> considerations, or what a content- and t0 gWa them an oppottunlty to In- Tho Barnacle Axaln. | porary calls “sentimentality,” and taking duIg0 ln a lllt | e vat ; cty ln ttw j r .. cr0 w” gauco and exaggeration from tha contom- Ron to fall Into the w.ko of Undo Till-, „„ b.r. porary's column^ no ret of peoplo ln tho and cry ..per,«nt!on," in a loud ? , th, rtihZ State will rejolco more heartily than the an d melancholy tone of voles. That pa- offteL Conslitulton’s “constUuency.” | per 1, the weeping prophet amongst the |, emocr llc part - 8 „... .. , “ e0 ^ Up "” > “ ,b '^ Uar * br ”* cblu *- We have attached no atlpnlallon, to Judflnf from the sty It In which the Tai.x-1 / ‘ U D * ' 11 “‘/“v ® Ter I this offer save that the communications oitAi*" Attn Mrs. I. cracking lta whip, Editor on CT 0 jy election day, to bos, some , )iaU ^ clfu| iacri9M X'o^v^T ? ° ° PP< ^ I" 8 1 telligcnce to brevity, and shall hcaccom- cratic party. The u*t of Democratic fealty, I Journals of the State begin to tear off its . tM Jaihi. thcroloro, li “protection" to monopollre, and 1 d | s — lseJ and .t 10 w the nltiablo weakness Iby a responsible name. Vo do th. war-cry 1. down with tho Ratlroat Cota- . j! . , not ask money or other reward In return mission—a very nice platform tor Georgia D*m-1 oP ^s poalUon, It Immediately str.kes the , or MrTlcai Theoffcrwo comider a ocrautosnl-c,lb. to.-C,aUltudc of a Journalistic Jeremiah, and Wr ,„d prop,, one. Beyond It we do d\. have frctncntl, shown, dnrlnx the pour, out 1 , maundering lamentation, on col lnl ,J £ w , cannol t, mad , past few weeks, that the cl.vcn able of | the midnight air. | HDH tta patlllan 0| any man or aDy the late Constitution do not make up tho | In its old mock heroic wsy, It chal- Democratic party. Again wo will von- lengod objections to Mr. Stephens's , tare to remind th.m of this fact. A mis-1 candidacy, aa though it bad nothing to do | At pr Lnt we arc engaged In an earnest taken notion that they own and control I but arch lta eytbrowi and wink at Thorn- tao on oar advice that tha Con-1 Into, by pledging to Mr. Stephens sorae- tMxtinn should recur to I’rantloa for aomo I thing which It could not deliver f Why able paragraphs, that journal asks, does our contemporary not stop and de- Ihfc to prevent ns from recurring oooe- aenbe tbe “emergency ”? It to what wa *° .* 1,110 *W>rantlca?" I bare been trying to bare opened up for .not. The Cbiufitoftoa liatlib- m0 nths. Tberetonocxplanatlon,how- "*2TLo n ."^ C to„X a“‘^° rn ' 3 ” r ' » oJ " proceeds to inform ver crow and thauosr. As Iona as |. nB/wu , .. . StcreOM dons not objast, wa eartainly lb# "' ,OOO U, ' U ' ! •"“F " 111,1 , d a g. shall not use any more “lotpassioned ap- . ——.'* , • , peal! or violent rhetoric.” Thle to In the ^ 1,adln jl nature of a promise, and we shall endeavor * liu^to^tS^ZT 10 kM P oor contemporary reminded ol lu a It wa. who so hittc rly diaapproreTof Tb0 F*°F le do ““ nMj * ,n “ 1 |«W —ot M.i b/ tajlna . ,. u at this season. They want nothing but a Alexander U. Stephens.’’ Yra, M r- ,tr s'ffhtforward, able bodied, honest, ea- can..; it waa; but why did not anj other I P* bl0 governor, who hu never been aught 'ighsns paper answer the question ? else than a Democrat, and who hu no ffwaltoyaU ignorant of tha fact? Or I entangling alliances with Independents om» they .Imply afraid to touch their can-1 and Republicans. On this snhject ourcon- &1U.', record on thst point ? | temporary can scarcely be heard for hit eLesrU, of th.V^on IkuwaAVii ud M 0 * 1 Uo U and pathetic, hut mseuitM U bMomlac very lntolcraauinc* I •tiguUjoffhla balance when ho declares af jiBpUut KMivertion from free trad* to I Mr. Stephens “perfectly Incompatible sud | --ittssts Ceustitutt—. I honest.” W* take It aa an agitated confes- T r_ V F‘^» r *F b I , , ™“ AttwntJi ,100. To 1,0 tocompalible end honest to to , Pr r U betouret, but incepshl. of combined or tt l^“ru pX h*™ 0 " 100 * ,rti0 °- 10 ^ booo “ ,lld ms,of lb. rotouM-Guaiu tine It to ,,IC0n * ul<1 “. if 1,u > M'-Webstercen y proper to Jndg, other people by Us. bo l'>‘ri« 1 l»ndiucli hat been one of onr ob- Mg .U; standard of tha CiMififefton. I J 00 * 10 ' 1 * 14 Mr. Stephens; he to en honest » I man, but inconsistent u a politician— iMbntiia 11.raU cutchc right on to I Incapable under the preware of his tmhl- ’ bureZ•* u Wlil h* 100,1 Hon of cotnbiued end harmouloua action. wa’-r,-, It to this quality which made him tell Dr. tot™ .< Cuihten, iide a noble Folto,, * B,1 . lho lnd 'P° ndo111 *, » ll «n they of O«orsla to rcouln at liome ami I ,a5d down a platform of principles end Mid op their crand old mother Bute I recommended him far the governorship, la!!!* wordi, and w* that they “managed things admirably," ’ hip-toS,"X«reriX“th1 “ J,h0D 10dKl,ro 111,11,0ww,ldon 'y ' ace tore extol u the But. 0,1 * Democratic nomination, but If elected Major soEuthini of ih. -'old uother-.'' as a Democrat would not be a party gov- eraor. Our contemporary's final sob, in IbaOWambcs miod Tima bntochon- ' b!cb , ^ ‘ n , lho « ul f f,11 “ “• astoxarks: spoewn bis grief and glorification Ural Use utmost _ s.« know Of no editor In the But* oft * u of Mr ' ^Fhcns'. enemies bave — - «oald sufferm Both if jostle* were done I f» llo d to pat one stain on bto character, - I. a. she e-IltoroIdteTcuoxini.w. would I only reveals bow far be hu mtoeedtbe •o Urn nlnjotoksuwe knew IL purpose ot tbe opposition to Mr. Sto- • • lta Phrns's cendldsey. In the Bret place, no .suit i«U»,ta^^^ta,ra^: b “ .heardOf an enemy to Mr - byoer position to reed the f eenffer-1 8 '°F 1 | eI to» nor bu any tea attempted to h... ftgjUftiesl and maUgnant flato’eo-1 ^ charaeUr. Th* evil has *ot the Behind Times mas, who hat** I 0D ^y 1° Ihe tropical Imaglnalion rythln# open, fair and manly, do not j cf lne ,addeD<d contemporary. To say •>«» present or fotars ponUhmenU. We I lIoXi a man la too old and feeble to du el to defy tate. the fhUiaUoM wt*A on« Jew* -why fthoold Albert luuer i Stepheai. II*'* got two.— tthatCoL Hril-us Tborr.- olteagae, per hep* cainUa- i that Mr. Htei-h-a* bee the anuoo, in that the great ields both jtwbcoci of an chape aamuutionally, boi • it omuI be remeirbered mm has ia CoL Thornton stum's bora# editor two ef* mtoof dertraetioo, » P*ptr l* trying to pay eng man a deli.V.t charge tbe duties of a governor, and too cIomIj allied to tbe political opponents of tha Democratic party to deserve the office, places no stain upon him. And In effect this to all that baa been charged and Proved. Bat the contemporary unbur den* Iteelfyat further and declares that It bu advocated the Commotur because he would brief harmony to the party. It to now Mr. Stephens’, .urn to rtoa np and •all the contemporary Incompatible. How tong bu It been aloes wa were solemnly auured that the party wu per fectly harmonious, and what stood hast we for any snore harmony t And why do we need anyone to lead ns agalnat “corporal', guard” of Independent set of men; but we are, and expect to br, . , .,, .... ...... i xttempt to prevent the Democratic party lt. Democracy of Georg, bu Icdtbcm ton, th. leader of the Stephen, move ofUeorgIa from comralul ngth . , atB , P m „' into tb. error of supposing w. were ap- menL to dispose of all objection, that tak , 0| ‘ HlwdlD Mr . st , , u lla k b b ' C, T’ i r' n1 ^ ur80d ' ,nd *£5(,“» ® omo * I didate forgoveraor. Wo are ondeavorlng toutMtalr bulte are bolog uorclied by cratic musu of th. advlasblllty of tho L, break d * w „ . mor(ment ln michla ‘ our tub. Our pity to excited by their I movement. When nntnswcrxblo objec-1 contortions. Wo wltneu with pain tho I lions were urged agalnat accepting Mr. I nV selertlne riiMo srho unto ml, Intense .ufi.rlng displayed In ovary line, Stephens at lit. hands of Thornton and ^ . pyc ero confronted among u under truth, which to them to always 11,a other original coalitionist. It did not olban b roa (p . m , tmtnwll0 ha „ J. a scourge, ttaywrtlb. and wrixgl., wloco condescend soy.nswcr at all, but Ml , a , ed lh , honor, and emolument, of office, “re? n f* OP °r Fratootlon bsck on tb, bowing dervish antic, of old upon , hcm by tho Democrallc and the “Itallroad Commlulon” to hide UncloR.mtte, whocorera .retreat beUcr arl Tb# ulln / lb „ aud thorn from It. torment.. «* • u PP°« d ll0 «/ make an alron of lh , lr . ffldal lll01a to Tbe pitiable aubtorfng. adopted In tbla advance. promotethe sticceu of tho Stephen, move- attempt to gain a moment’, respite, In rmMd with objection, to IU second- ment. order that the banting wounds may cool, band candidate-objections whom truth The administration struggles to perpet- telto more plainly than words can eipress and effectivencu It could not galnuy-lt nato Itaelf. This to of the very essence of Ibattlio wortoftho Tnuxotsarn tnop- drop po d loto tha of threatening, machine politics. Tbs corporation to so posing thaplau ofdtahosau, anddef»nd- gravoljr informing the people that there clou that the general public cannot be ng the people against them hu not been -would be a terrible Hate of affairs in the permitted to take part In anything but the “ ....... I P ,rt l r lf Col. Thornton's candidate were I voting. We would lain gini them a real, and not nominated. It dlacounted the sincere While we admire and respect In a high XiMTTI fE* 1 ' wounds and I doTol .. 0 n of Ur. Stephens and hto personal I degree gentlemen who bave thenuelru lombo tbelr^ufferinge, II duty would per* I following to the party, by declaring that and by their friends appealed to ua, wo mlu But wo cannot do this until wo uo tbe fai| u ,o to nominate him would raise cannot see that they here any right to do- the trails of repentence, u tha results cf I Ute cry of “treaclteiy and deception” on mend of ua that we support thou who an pnntanuaitt. the part of bto Moods, and that they openly engaged In an attempt to overthrow W. cannot stop, nor turn ul.lo, so long would “revo!t”-thereby giving tbe con- nl. u they persist in wickedness. Tbelr pan-1 tested districts to the Independents. We have no war to make on Individuals, tohment, though uvare, I. Just, and we When arraigned for this admission of Lore particularly fortho opinion, thoy •hall eont.uue to d.xlpllna them nutll I lh< ituiucerily to tha Democratic cause of I may form and espresa. They have an ttay are witling to remit to,ha propto ,he lb , f.^., following of Mr. Steptani, undoubted right to work and vote for rtgota Jmmnt In thorn, but which of lata I and challenged to ehow how tho Demo- whom they please. Ttay also have a right, . V* •** kln8 10 *" rcl, ° crane puty became ro committed to his in common with all the people of tho “““‘Of ttasnulrea. nomination u to Justify the charge of State, to upira to official preferment. But rno ret [road commission Is not on trial “treachery” towards him In tha event of they have no right to uk us to defer our - T V? ,4W 0,113 c ” alloa ,nd F« ,lc r I hto liefest, it falls to make .newer. It own effort, to lay aside our opinions and ofRacontlnuanco donot form M toaue become* u .lurnb as , ataep on that line, I to support them in a movement which to be dedded by Urn convention eff July t nd drops back Into the pathetic. It does not meet tha sanction of onr cool ,i . x JS.™,V P °” “‘.f.' 1 .?*’ W* 3 ,botl ‘ ‘“o charities of Mr. Stephens, and candid Judgment. XlX 0flll0 ., C<, '“ , ' l “ ,,<,n I as 1, anyone were denying them, and as After tbe 10th of July the Tklxqraph 1 “ w,nl ?: 1 8 “ l *• 8n ‘ d * lh,lr foot-1 If thla alone conalllutes a full equipment I asd Uxsaxxoin to the bumble urvant ■tope In deciding whet course to lake in of gubernatorial qnalifieationa. It lands of tho standard-bearers of tbe Democratic reference to th* rommtoston we refer hto boneety, which no one hu assailed. I party, them to what wo bave already aald. and In which than to nothin* peculiar, Protection u aa teen, hu been post- and then drop. Into tho rorMnatom: potted from present consideration, u hu | to th. man that a few nun on the And. despite the efforts ots few melcontenu tb0 no W prominent question purely u a d j c . to the contrary, the itindinl of the Dcmocrtrv I . * # I uie - of Oeorcla will be pieced ln Mr. SUpheni'a ^ usln ® 43 0I ^» ^® as>ert most earnestly Wo do not refer to this matter now to hands on tho 19th of July, approxlmo, and he that wyond his mere personal honesty, arous9 any prejudice against Mr. Steph- W, H‘ST 7 th ; 1 , ? n ?‘. rd 00 S ** Mr - Stephens docs not possess one quail- cnS| but s | mply to llluslrat0 the trull / of and triumphant victory which the party hu ficatlon which recommends him for the U.., utler inromnatiMiltv nt had for many years under tho old banner of tho L nv . Pnn _, lln t/vlUv utter Incompatibility of temper, as true JcffersonUn Democracy. governorship. He Is to-day past WM admitted a Tow days ago by the Iato The above ridiculous and meddlesome Mve “ t3r y f tre ° r ***» dc * I Conaf/fuffon, In a moment of accidental pr^lltical morsel is taken from the Ameri• cro P‘ t and uttc „ y helpless. These honesty. It would bo Impossible to find, can Register, a foesiliierous paper pub- ar *' aflllcl ‘ on *» 116 ,a uot yn all the State, a man more Inbannoni- llshed in Washington city, and partly rc *l* >D * ib 6 for “® B, » nor c * n tbey iD fously constituted or one less to bo relied edited by C. F. Cuver, tbe world r0 - S 01 * 1 taste bo used against him In any on to carry out any settled Democratic nowned .Stephens barnacle. Meddling way otber Bttt i u * ed ® s policy, than Mr. Stephens. l7the lan- with Georgia politics Is no part of the ar ^® enta •S alnit “ m *“ d a S aln *t bis gU age of tbe Constitution, be is altogether duty or the Washington barnacle, and we J* ndldacy » tbey^ are valid aud potent. I <‘i ncomp atible," as anyone can see by a commend to him tho propriety of his tak- J"® y ar ® lrr ® , ** U blo. What business I gia nce at bis record, ing a rest ln that particular. Because the houa ® J* tl j er ® ln tl,at irou,d To1 * He used to be a Whig, but could they barnacle, body and boots, belongs to Mr. untar “y P* ace at ,ta head a man wventy man age him? Could they control him, .Stepheus, he Is prone to consider a state yeara ® f J 8 ®' ,nfirm ’ brol J* n <lowu and I or locate bim, or rely upon him to support of personal aud abject subserviency to J ® cr f p J ? y bat c ® r P° ratl011 lll « r ® In [ any given line of policy? that individual as being the normal con* ®*‘ the ,f l !j ® ud breadtl1 , Iand Then, he sayr, the Democratic party dltion of all Georgia Democrats. Hence “®J W< i u ?, a Tacan *7 ^ presidency came a nd Joined themselves unto him. he speaks of tbe opponsnta of Mr. Ste- w “ h ® '® cb,e °* d man » incapable even of I Has that party succeeded any better ln pbens’s nomination as “malcontents." sland ' D 8 alone, having lo be lifted from managing bim? Docs lt know any better This Is a piece of insolent ilunkyism. The P 01 " 110 P°* nt » J"®*®** confessing that he wben or w here to put its finger on him? barnacle Is at liberty to exhibit hims-lf lu necd J» aud Im P»onng, rest and wtlrement? n e> wbo use(1 to ^ the Wh j g ninner> j s that line whenever he chooses to show „ what mo would such a president be ? tbe Democratic flea, and tbe party himself up, but he is not at liberty to de- U ® wou,d “ av ® no connections in tbe I cannot tell when Its finger Is on him. nounce Georgia Democrats because thoy builneaa *<>fl d t eo acquaintance with £j e j s “incompatible.” He Is donot run his parasitical achedule. W’hat ca P Italllta * 00 influence In money drcl s, I unmanageab* He Is a stiff-necked and the barnacle means by “approxlmo” will I ® nd no contemporarlM or similar views rebellious generation. He will not work probably never b* known. It is comfort- 10 u ® t ® w g , m ’ “ ,dcaI cf business | n double hsrncss. When the res; of the Ing, under the circumstances, to know I wouId the Ideas of twenty-five or thirty I team want to pull he holds back, and that the world will never be any tbe I year * ®S°’ lbe m ® n u P° n whom be would I wben others want to hold back, ho worse off for falling to comprehend his Rurally have relied, hts friends and his I pu j| f# jj e t akes an especial pleasure In barnacle phraseology. 1 business acquaintances, will bave been 1 on lb8 other side, or, as the late If the old sucker means to say, in the blotted out by time. Eveu tbe manners I Constitution puts it, In being “IncompaU concluding portion of his paragraph, that o* procedure will have changed and busl-1 | b i c# » m # idea of a sound policy Is a pol- genulno Democracy has had no genuine Dcaa fl >rm * familiar ln the days of bis vigor 1which ho hss suggested. It Is very triumphs In Georgia for “many years,” ho b® no more * 0f wbat »«rtico would such apt to bs a ba J policy, in his Judgment, if speaks tbe language of Ananias. If he * prcMing officer be ? None. BU acts I i t bo suggested by others, means to say that the “Jeffersonians,” cf wou,d bo the acts of his advisers—self-1’ These are not mere idlo statements, whom Jack Brown Is the great original, cbosou—aud the policy of the corporation \y e appeal to his record, for tho truth of bave been kept In the political back-1 b® auc b m »u Influential ouUlder might, I wba t we aay. Was ho not pulling back ground, be utters a great truth, to the trough a confiding governing officer, die- a ll through the Tar when tlio Cottleiler- credit of Georgia Democrats—a truth for t* 10 ' IU , ff» , n wouM drag;euergT would I ,te jovernment waa pulling? Did lie do which Mr. Stephens to In no wa j respon. dtuppear from lta anterpriiea, and only aoy pnlllog when Georgia Democrats albta. Georgia Democrats will try to 11,3 '““•‘I » ni * falthfulncjj of rabordl- i wtr o trying to get thdr auto out of tho maintain that record by withholding their I n,le * c® 1 * 1 * 1 teve It from positive disaster. I t0 |to of the recoiutracllon rohbere? Did standard from the grasp of llto “ground These are facta which any business I he pull with his party when tho Hayes hog” fellow and all others that drink man will recognise. And yet to-day the Iniquity was being foisted upon tho cmiu- from his political fountain. If tho bartta- proposition to made to place th. Interests I try ? Did be ever Indorse Democratic clo will discharge hto only duty—that of ofamllllon and a half of people, with denunciations of tbe Infamies of Grant's clinging to the bottom ortho schooner two hundred and lerenty million dollars' I two administrations ? Wtanwisbeevtr Stephens—the Georgia Democrats will worth of property, lo the keeping of inch known to make a concession to the united try to manage tbelr political affairs to suit > min. It to astounding. What stimulus I opinions of hto party associates? If there themselves. | can Mr. Stephens give to the State? | to such an instance, In all his history, we ' ' What pledge that the mind of tho man I should like to have It pointed out, that A CnnjMdM Answered. I will not succumb with the body which we may give him credit for haflng burn Will tbe Constitution Mnn.IT __ __ The Atlanta Conriilullon to the ac- been laid on the table, so to speak, nntil I pren an tbu.lnx win. iuch YlorencaBid"riilp| hnowtodgad organ of tha movement to the attempt to aednee the Democracy of culln»xlUiBtch Imrantw.” make Mr. Stephens governor. Its con- tbil State bu Men thwarted. On that I "'Ito to abuiing Mr. Stephens “with I version wu sudden and startling, but day, when its dlieuialon to in order we iucb Iloltnc * ?” Who to ridieoUng bim I like all converts it hu been diligent and will be found true to onr convictions and I “* ul1 *“ch Irreverence ?” Hto undemo-1 .- talons In and oat of season. If It hu Interests ol the State. crU !c record hu been act In order be. I not displayed lu us nal ability ln the ad- Tbe eleven able will then have for * tlw people- If that be abase, voeacy of this plan, this may be attributa- complaln at onr l> >10 ' 1 11,0 ncord mutt be bad. The two-1 bto to tbe bad cense Itself. It could not efforts to enlighten them. We will show p ,cod attitude In which he stands towards I possibly be sustained before an InulU- them the truth, and, u heretofore, when I tbo Independent* may Involve him In * gent Audience of Georgians, either by rea- ttay attempt to play Parkins with special. I ridiculous aeries ol contradictions, bat I son or argument. Ilea, we will drop onr pile-driver upon wbo u rcponalble for It ? Are the Dem-1 But what lb* ConriIIniton hu licked them, by way of demonstrating how little I ocrlU who oppose him responsible for hto I In ability U bu more then mad* op In confidence ttay have ln their own slate-1 cuahing Indonement nt Fallon's coalition I arrogance end asaertlon- menta. | caucus? Are ttay responsible for the It bu undertaken to bou tb* job of ■, which to|flatly erralgn*;hto I making Mr. Stephana governor, and hu Indorsement of tbe Independent move-1 p- r n.iUeUand acknowledged no rlvsl. The Impreaalon that rallnwda belong to I mem, Involved in bto Felton latter ? in tb* conn* of this undertaking It bu tb* public accounts, perhaps, for man-of I Mr. Stephens to in an exceedingly tan-1 pa j d mucb xttentloo to this Journal, and the ludicrous, end nt tlw same time en-1 gled condition, and th* let* Couliluilm either from chance or purpoae hu failed noylog, Incidents that enter Into the dally makes pour progress In untangling him. I to quota It torreeily to the reeding pub- end nightly experience of thoee faithful, I It make, no progreu in doing eo n hen ttt j ic . Onr readers will recall that tuts laborious aud uuwenlng offiren, termed holds np Its hands In affected horror at I lbort um. note the Cmvlttnllm pro railroad conducted. It take* a greu many I tta supposed dtoeovery that the old gen-1 to he greatly concerned to know If different kinds of people to make np tbe Uemen to being persecuted, abased end w( wou j d j D good fouh abide th* decia- srorld. Good, bid end Indifferent ere to I ridiculed with greet trie Terence. He I ion of the Jnly eonveotlon. be band on ell eilee, end they do a gnu I could hardly feel complimented by lb* I It profeued a profound slues on thla deni of trawling, behaving IheiMelvu I belief of the CoaritlaKoa that conlrenl- I toHbs. u put categorical qneauote to ns, according to their natural Wnt, and meat I Ing hlm wlth hto record eonatitotee the I »n d demanded u a right us Immediate of ttam seemingly Impnued with tbe widmdmt eort of peraeentlic. and n^ulvocal reply. It did ua the too Idea that they are merely taking a abort I * I great Ixtoor and distinction to uy or long airing, ns tbe ease may tw, over I ortim. Matemmt. I B hataver tfc * TkLKOkAPB AMD Mxsar.x* ttair own track and In tbelr own cosetae. | According lo Uw New York FimwmU A oorrupondent, who to at once a most jupports U ? We do not uk tbe qnestion compatible-just o...». amiable and euthu.lul e Stephen, man, U rsl,ly or to wound. We are dealing Il, propounds to tu the lollowlng questions, now ln bua | neM principles and with a compatible” a man at tbo bead of the “Sin... .. I roan who propoaee to take charge of a Democratic party In Georgia. He 1. a 1. Will you plus* inform ua if our S tate whoa* future must bn carved out of natural polUleal bush-whacker, and all rOC * ” d * | troublous and doubtful times. Nothing tbe drilling known to party tactics wll wo-tblrds rota In the lut cocvention? j, mor . common then the gradual failing utterly tail to make out of him a reliable ooT.n'lndeM^entllte’r tt.™'*" 1 ' °» mental, powers in aged people, from regular. We bare lorew.rued the pet ^ ^ w u!* 1 L 11 r ? M W. , 1033 of P'>I* | c» 1 oI ««'. We do not apeak and It ought to be rorean,.ed. 3. Suppose Mr. Stephens rails by a few 1 0 f inranliy, but the gradual otacurement nt,‘* v, ! ^ of perception; tbe euy fallnr. of mental courtc. » avranr 33,1 180 J 8, Co <1 “ ll ’ i J 11,00 1,0011 1 energy end the growth of that condition I Bpeetal lo T.traraph ac abases, ana 1 must be vindicated; I a 111 j which is beat described as tbe want of I ATZ*urrA Jons 20.—Indication- r the choice of the people, and will run any* t poorer to grapple with deep questions, to I ‘bat tta Stephens movetn.nt to badly de- way,’ would all tbe papers (yonrs In-1 Battery eud tbe lufiuenca of strong-1 mor| dto*d. Current opinion, as gathered clnded) support him, u they did our pres- „ Wl „. If Mr . st o phelll dole loto , Ul •**«. pointe to the fact that the ent moat excellent gorernor?” dKlln ,_, nd b u loae of memory tho llomilllltion w111 •>•'' It to a well known fact that Gorernor bu num(ruu coutruiietlona and the earn "“J 0 * 1 Prebabilltlu of n bolt olqnitt did not receive a two-tblnto vote wllll whlch ^ ba , been mil nortec Jaeatiut °! ft in the la« gubernatorial convention. bll -un— •ii B ntnnnii^j;i. Tlloo<lllorof lho Coiur,^r«ri...t, the leading Through bto friende he Inatoted upon the LeSJdtali Lta[^^G^ritaTr ^F 110 ” "/‘“"l lM docl,lroJ h .>.<ran*irsn Eai * Km » va .ikib^b » ,, 7 w llaftd between him and Gsorfls lf lt bo I not vote for B.icon if noimnatirl by tii ft!^ ^ be thet he become* goyemoif The men .-onvcctloa. The beet opinion among It was ascertained ttert be could not wb o Lave bla sjmpatblea and wbos« leading and influential DemocraU i° that ta nom n«Bl,U.roughUm« rant, friend, .nu^miuxu him. We will not discus, the. detraction „( th. two-tb he had the two-thirds rule kicked out of tbe these men, but simply point to Mr. Steph- mean* tbe destruction of the party way. Hto friends announced that they i„joreem.nt of men and measure.' lnul corns not to select. governor foe Geor- dllrtDg the lari ten yeara. Enough to uy, _ cr n did all of the oooQoents cf Mr. Sic- If. has been but an unobservant looker-1 CAroe.We of the Mth Inst., the receipts of. would do. ^ uo who hu Uled to ntelte the Immense I eoUoa up to lut Friday night, June 23d, It may .too be remembered that w. m- aira with which some people travel- lira since September I. 1MI, were d,BI I.V.n produced tbe remarks of the C'oaafUnf to* Wgg« then tta trunks of a Saratoga belle. IUtot agaloat 5,SM,1« bale* at Btrae date I In three columns, and answered them When w* were yoangtr than w* are last year e-d against 4,S2S.(rn In tn0G, I prompUy and fnJy, while we at th* now, w* thenght eU ends fellows! ahowtog e falling off of lACiJKO batoe' lltB* repudiated any right the CoaMlfn- written. glaoutof the many worthy men In th* I n",! I ton. Aiaaxr Law,t u t r • c s.naa wlZTroleCmud 1Pr ‘ rtl “" 7 «° IemUt0,8UB,8bl h* 3nob with the sole intent and purpose to noml- M ^ people would be slow to elect. I convention." GtoryUr.*. do you h< net* Colquitt. Gorernor Colquitt did All*rtUm«w.i.,,Uvstbeb..kU],-.I At run and wu 'elected by a combination . „ 1 1113 U ^ J «e»ta«B. Tta rrachc tu cltma of Democratic, Independent, negro and ‘“F 00 * 11110 Mr - Stephen, lo bring rtirht t..r* —Ail ltepublicau votes. Horan u an Ind ». “‘“cPUe, programlve administration. The graphic power, of bis Honor, Judge pendent without the warrant or anlhortty E " r *[ t * 1< T T *** T,ll “ bl * ,0,ulu ’ wbo we,r * • H “° n of a nomination and wu elected ' and thfe he doe* not poBSu-cannot and a 8t. t hen, overcoat. And tbe.nee. re which attended Got. throu8h bodll)r ,fflloUo “ and old u* po.-*^' J ** ttabrilliaot im.gmati , “ , , . sau. Ha hu don* but llule in Concrctr. Coti„-., -..i:m nt .a’.- .i' -dy, l.a Colquitt on that oeeuton hu en.boldened “ , " “ , ' I. .l U ,h„j. , him^.“,11,1. fri-.i™ Hu...mat.Micl ‘•““l' 1 1* hu pfobshiy done u mueh as 1 0 , kl '- lin » ' Uta. 11WIU P o01lb < 0 *« bim to do. “ d purpo'e that Leo .Jly bltimatu a hid- sgain, save tbat they piopoae to destroy I I denstrsakof etaicFtnin-dup m the nei^h- tbs two-thirds rule at tbe opening of tbe An AngusU correspondent, as laU as borhood of Atlanta's pride and p«t f the convention, In place of at lta clou. yesterday, eomplalned in there columns t j*u. We cannot answer fur the course of I lf Augusta had in Washington au eondnet of tny Joarnal save this one, I able-bodied representative, the dty would I Turn change t which to under our control. I lo “* ago hare had the custom bouse It I lf Mr. -Stephens bolt* th* Democratic I “**ds. end Uw Savaunah river would cow certain All, convention end attempt* to run u en In-1 ln rrod order. Thto may or may not dependent, w* shall use every element of I “ tn *i yet It to * fact that Mr. Stephens', power at onr command to Insure his dc-1 dtotrtet Is far behind fa> rods things as I other districts obtain. W* propose to stand by the Democrat- W* have been asked to cease writing le party, it usages, rules, faith, tradition “sentimentality" about Mr. Stephens’s and principles, until then are none of candidacy. It to In order for oor eontem- ttaee left to stand by. I porartes wbo find rank with onr roone to business men, tbe rua«^ i pap* Araar from the serious eonsUeretlon proposition* laid down, that the candidacy of Mr. Stephens threat- 1 eoalhsDrenocraile party In Georgia with ladierou fantaru brought before tta her of pnblie opinion. Aa a fit coneltiaioo we quota ln thla con nection femn a correspondent of tbe Buf falo <X. T.) Courier, wbo bu been trav eling in Georgia, tbe paragraph given be low. It to valuable as abr stag already In wbat light Mr. fitepUn* to regarded by an ieutingthe original “Jeffersonians,-Jack Brown, lllautun Duncan nud A. II.sic- ', that tho liras would com. when that paper would be anortiag, cv.ort- log sad barraltiorf ut*r the head of the JeScraoman column? Ma. SrxinKN■>. m wu urt informed bj ..t.AT t U t4(J privet* secretaries. Wei!, Mr. Su^hci nseda aboot four •• <rretari°-«, atd <ra n *ht nottovx;rct tffu mr?n todotbs work. He ooght to bate a Mcretary for Ma cratic comsi-ondence-fc one for kis InJe pendant,on* for hu U'.;«r and a sort of a general secretary to aland around and naiad him cf wbat he hss air-ad7 »aid " trscaU.