Georgia weekly telegraph, journal & messenger. (Macon, Ga.) 1880-188?, June 30, 1882, Image 7

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CL Itc (Occrnyla lUcc-hlir (Lclcgopi* nnk 3mmtsd & xrnluUrhlge. June23.—Thornton, Felton &. Co. vs. the Constitution Iting—in junction before Jud.'o Cominoii'tnse at Chamber!. Hum bly eotnpla'ning your orators show unto s youi — tl.t \ 1:r-1 corn-. i\. .1 t'..c idea and were proceeding to bring for- v/nrd Mr. Stephens as a candidate through whom th- y wi-li to fr-.-li «.•:*. t!;<- H firl on Democracy, when defendants fraudulently conspired to .-t* al and i\\j ro| rial- Mr. Stephen*, welt knowing that they had a good prescriptive title to said Stephen* long before the appearance of the Smith letter upon which defend tuts base their elwnn : that to jour oi itoi-, i-«! ) ‘.'a honor of inducing Mr. Stephens to aban- don the desire of retiring from public life and look hopefully towards the Uovernor’s mansion, and now certain evil disposed I ereons, to-wit: the defendants, aro seeking to put said Stephens forward ss the only possible preserver of the Bourbon Democ racy, whereas yonr oraton sought him for the purpose of crmhing that hid^ons mon ster, believing him able and willing to do *o. Your orators farther show nnto your honor, that well knowing said Stephen*'* fence-riding disposition,go-ea*y policy and independent proclivities,and further know ing that if they could kindlo within his bo som a hope of being governor, they ooutd get him off the fence, did make the effort to do eo, with what results is well known, for the said Stephens declared that yonr ora tors had managed things admirably and as he thought looking to the best interest of the State; that said Stephens had braced himself for the final leap into the bosom of the Independent party, wheu the defen dants fraudulent y conspired to frustrate the plans of yonr orators for their own selfish ends and as crying, cowardly syco chants, approached our dear Aleck, offer- fng the ooveted prize, the gubanatorial crown and caused him to jump astride the fence again and promulgate Lis famous Smith letter; and have forced the eiid Stephens to undergo a process of organizing himself into a Dem ocrat, and causing him to utter frequent and ridiculous contradictions. Your orators affirm and believe that their own dear Littlef Aleck is with them iu mind and soul, and therefore pray that your liouor would issue the writ of injunction to rot rain said defendants from carrying off the body of said Little Aleck into their camps and to ?how cause instanter why they should not cease from their wicked and fraudulent designs. Injunction issued and defendants answered ss follows: The Constitution nnB^nswering, say they acknowledge the conspiracy ss charged, but Id equity and good conscience think it justifiable upon the following grounds, to-wit: Became they viewed with horror the attack of the com plainants upon said Stephens, and believing his great vanity would eanse him to leap off the fence and go soul and body into the very camps of the inde pendents, governed by Bpeer, Thornton and Felton, and create a split, and perhaps cause the defeat of tho Bourbons; then they determined, if possible, by the use of any means whatever, to seize the body of said Little Aleck and place said Little Aleck on ths ti' ket as candidate tor governor, af firming their perfect right to do *o, and scaramg the pory attempts of other par ties to interfere with them in tho exercise of this right, because they hope to control said Stephens in their own interest, and in case of his nomination and election they would, through him, be amply reward*:!, and at the tame time would not ob ject strenuously to said Stephens providing for his first love, the Independent*. They affirm that said complainants need not stand in awe of that famous Smith letter, becau«e although at present it has a fear fully Democratic ring, ret in fntnro Mr. Stephens will interpret Its true meaning, and then complainants will understand that it makes no “i- sue” between them and we hope to see him with a full school. Em mett Barnes and Jefferson .Hardison crowned themselves with glory iu deliver ing their speeches. They certainly showed themselves to be natural orators. Qivo them training and some day we will bear from those boys. Crops are now looking fine—still having’ quantities of rain—too much for cotton. Early com U about finished. A few more showers at the proper time will crowd this country with an abundance of corn, as it is with oats. Col. O. M. DAPree delivered tho prizes of Prof. Parrott’s exhibition in a very ap propriate manner. B. Tlio Knee for the Governor's Cup. Editors Telegraph and Messenger:- Considerable interest is being already manifested in the fall meeting of the Po litical Jockey Club, at which takes place over the popular course the great trotting racofor the Governor’s cup. There have been eo far bat three entries. The first is bay bo:te Lucius, owned and entered by General L. J. Gartrell. Luein* is n large showy horse, with more style than speed. He has several times been en tered for the cap before, bat has always been withdrawn by his backers before ho got to tho string. This time, however, his owner enter* him k; nself po as to make sure that he will at !< ast get a stnrt. Lu cias U said to be heuv.' y backed by General Gartrell, though up 1t this time no other bets have been offered on him. Thz next entry is sorrel colt Augustus entered by General Legislature. Augustas is a long-range colt witbflowing mane and toil. Though entere 1 as a colt, he has been so long in training that his “staying" powers are believed to be great. He has always been the property of Gen eral Legislature, and bis reputation ns a successful turfman gives tho colt some prominence in the race. The third; entry is tho famous gray horse, Alexander. Alexander has Ueu in his time a hero on the turf, but an be is stiffened by age, and, in horse parlance, “stove up’ r by the hard races he ha* run. tho betting public are a little afraid of him. It is an open seoret that theso were the reasons which prevented hi* purchase ' Gen. Grant, to whom he wa* offered in '2. It is rumored, too. that after being easy winner for the Thompson conven- n race be was foundered by an overfeed adulteration. Of late yearn the old horse fallen into a vicious habit bolting which render* him . unreliable.!) He was originally entered for the present race by Col. Inde pendent, to whom he has for the past few years belonged, but when nut in training the intractable old horse flew the track. Since then the Colonel has sold him to Messrs. Boss, Bally «fc Co., though it is said still retains an Interest in him. Alexan- e speed is said to have been seriously •aired by the frequency with which hi* jner* have been changed. While owned Col. Independent he was handled joint- by Dr. Parson, an old trainer, and Mr Me, an Ambitious young hostler. He was alternately held in by the one and pushed to n break by the other until he has fnllen into a kind of “half-hammond” gait and needs “equaring" badly. His present owner* are divided in their .inion as to the manner in which he be trained. Mr. Boss sxys that, in his jndg-mrnf, the old horse should be gradually worked op to hi* former speed. Mr. Bully relying upon hi* constitution, lys that they should turn the old fellow loose and drive rough-shod over everything tbe track. The compaoy of the firm is understood to be a gentleman who, al though he ha* contributed very little to tb* capital of tbe eonoero, expect* to share COMMERCIAL. Cotton Market* by Telegraph. LIVEBHOOLJJune 28—hooa—couon stead v. Middling uplands 0 IMG, middling Orleans7; sales l-’.oo. speculation and export 2,000; re ceipt*. V.Coj. American c.tco. /mures— Uplands, low middling clause, June and July 6 WM; July and August 6 oi-Ct; Au gust and September 0 55-M; September and October 0 47-01. NEW YOKE. June 2A—Noon—Cotton firm: vale* H2U middling uplands 12 7 16; middling Orltans 12 11-10. Futures steady. June 1242; July 12.42: Augn«t 12.53; September 1223; October 11.C8; November lLW. NEW YORE—Ere nine—Net receli closed easy; i I ‘ a 1GU.OOO, • crocs 1663. Futures follows. June ....12.G0f312.fd * November...ll.G9(an.G0 July _. MM .W61Al2.0tt peoember...H.Otali.02 August 12.72A I January 11.71..111.72 Fepurmbei -12 3*tfl2.391 February ...11Mm.11 85 October 11.76*1177 | March 11.(6611.97 NEW YORK, JuneJW.—Cotton nominal; sales —; middling uplands 12 7-1«; middling Cries us 12?;. Consolidated net receipts — ; exports to Great Brltlsu 4,059; to continent 303. GALVESTON, June 28.—Cotton tlrra; mid dling 12%; low middling 11%; good ordinary 11*4; net receipt* 111; gross —; sales 100; stock NORFOLK. June 28.—Cotton firm; middling 12 3-10; net receipt* 6; gross —; sales 49; stock 4,453. BALTIMORE, June 28.-Cotton firm; n dling 12%: low middling 11%; good ordinary 1015-16; net receipts—; grots 27; sales 1500; stock 15.215. BOSTON, June 2A—Cotton quiet: middling 12% low middling 12; good ordinary 11%; net receipt* 56; gross 431; gales ; stock 8350. WILMINGTON. June 28 -Cotton firm: mid dling 11%: low middling 11 5-16; good ordinary 10 7-16: net receipts 33; grow —; tales —; stock 020. PHILADELPHIA, June 28—Cotton firm; middling 12%: low middling 12%: pod ordina ry 11; net receipts 41: gross 271; sales to spinners ; stock 11,745. SAVANNAH. June 27.—cotton steady; mid dling 11%; low middling 11%; good ordina ry 10%; net receipt* 91; groat —; sale* 50; stock middling 12%; low middling 12; good ordina ry 11%: net receipt* 89; gross 177; sales 1000; “mobIS June S-lW. firm: nUddlln, I IMMSffSKSH? !%: low middling 11%; good ordinary 11%; net I DTrfr. *co'oFtn the ieeinu4i: grow41; sales 500 Stock 3.278. naturalhr*ll/,rult MKMPUI&, Jurfc is —Cotton nrm; mid- 1 ^ dling 12%; low middling 11%; good ordinary 10?;; net receipts 80; grow SI; shipments 63, sales 200: stock 9.721 * tion r very hlmwlf. Ho will dcmon.trate that It tine, targtly in tte yroSte. Ho U prominent lu not conflict with hi, letter, wherein he Sandy, echool circle., eml U «o much op- stated that thing* had been managed ad mirably and looking to the bast Interest* of the State. As proof of his ability to do this, thoy refer complainants to his able dissection of the Cntey letter whereby he knocked all tho Independent rieg onto! that instrument. They farther *ny that tboro aro abler, truer Dem crat* in th* patty thm recently “organized’’ Bte- pbens, but wo do not ^iiink that they *» ouhl he prohibit*- ! "rt.iu claiming raid Stephens nod pressing his nomination, bccsa«e if said good Demo- era 1 - :■ rr r* <■ .-gni/r-l in the July r«mv* nti-.u nnd any one of them is nominated, then the defendants, to-wit: tho Constitution ring, will be utterly demolished nnd ceas< to rale the Democratic party. Hence they demand that they bo allowed to i roceed with their little game, and pray that th* injunction bo dissolved. After argument the court dccid* 1 tli-.t comp'alnaQt* bad a good prescriptive title to 8te i hens nnd mado injunctiou perpet- r.a!. A true extract from minutes. June 27,1882. Clekk. Hellft null. ..r train that trot came to tbl* p’acc. Henceforward the passenger train w.U bo a daily visitor with us, and we can board the East Tennessee Virgin Georjia railroad and see our Macon 1 at will. Your clever nnd wide awake agent, Mr.T. J. Barney, camoon BKHV on l passenger train here, and, thongb quite sick, in a few hour* hnd panvassed -wo aud had tho name of every n*w»- nutu m n »nb»erd>«r to tho Tzxt- i and Me.**esuer. If a sick mau did ivhat would ho ha*o done in health i again, Tom, wo want to see yon Dun. John I. Hall D the choice of Henry nnty for Congre.*.*rnan-at-Drg9, and U “ ..ntlcman of marked ability and worth. Col John L. Tye, of this ptaoe, and iceomplUbed and beautiful bride, the dvughter of J.Hen Wilson,of AtlanU.have . ju-t urri\evl h<»mi- fr«nu uu « xtfi.d. or North. We wish them mucl »t and a bright future. Jar Djmofrntic executive oommitteo ,'> in July to devlso ing delegate- to the gnber- tonal convention. \V. A. B, receipt* 91; gross NEW ORLEAN8. June 28.—Cotton firm; STILL FURTHER SEDUCTION! 13est Musliiw lOo, Best Prints Gle, Bcni Seersucker Stripes 10o,Lacc Zephyrs 25c regular price -40o, Percales 5c, Drt.N« GooiIk, nil Hlylcw and cIrkhcb, Hilks aud Satins at Bottom Prices to Close Summer Stocli. New and Attractive Goods Added to Our BARGAIN COUNTER. MILITARY' .'LvflK'Tx "INSTTrLT'E AU.HN, Hupt. F.UoIw’Hobs, 107 Third St., Maccn, Ga, THE DINGER & CGNARH €Gr* Hardware. UU3iN^SS of ROSES."ftOLARC ,ar R0S f!?tf a Tr? r. c Pa8ff? y ^ MATTINGr. MATTING. GRAIN CRADUC Splendid stock cf all grades In WHITE, RED CHECKED AND FANCY. Special price* by the roll, have CASH, we give a most earnest aud cordial Invitation to iuapcct oil- »tock and get posted on prlct s. ucmcinbcr tho Place—Iu the Apex oi Triangular IHoclf,. To psrtlei who Hear Iu 31iud tho Fact Xliat J. CO. AHKTIIE LEADEUH IN LOW PIIICKS. Parkff Sm^-Loadisg Guns, Lifter (old) action in stock—top snap last of August. 'aud 31 id*uinntcr ... huu in nt h*.r— r — tvijvirUiM bans tad inyomp*r»t»U I pnacnba Jmb mv*» In fact, *neh « wsmiI ■* Di itiKTu't laen Tonic U - ♦»- !)«. HOBKRTHAML't.r.1. tm'Vwh Ay., I ■■><. Ha, Wot. SWh. 1«»1. ft;/, I*nnn of Appr- l W &JvJi A Mini) '.a.< natural hrnlthful tone tL the digestive oryan* tierrou* syntem, making L \it applleehl* tu (Irtirntl, I JHbUlty, of Avne. \ E J iite, l t ro*Uretinn of Mini I j Voterra and Impotence./ |] "&MkmtS‘. P 4 U uSo ,, S , -Si)'S™ nfm; mu- MANUFACTURED BY THE PR, HAHIEK MEDICINE CO.. 213 H. MAIN ST., ST. LOUIS. i!8us < £seaL uM Ungl2%: low mlddl net receipt* 25; groes HACON MARKET PJwnstoK*.—Marker, advanced and firm at quotations. Bacon—C. K. sldts, 14%. Bulk C. ft. stiles 13% Bacon—shonders 11%. Bulk shoulders 10%: Htms 15%. Bellies 13%. Lard.—Market very firm. Choice icaf, in tierces, 13; tubs, 13%. N. Y. Refined, in Uerro, 13: tubs. 13%. Flour.—Market very firm: finest pstent, 19.09; — iS5"r. TRney, 18.00; choice family, h.75; I7.C0; family, 16.00: buckwheat, 110.50. Wheat I bran, per d i^rrzK—Market quiet with good demands Choice Kio, 15; prime, 14; good. 13; fair,12; ordlj nary, 10; O. G. Java, 30; Mocha. 30. Grain a so Hay.—Market very firm. White corn, *1.12; nixed corn, vl08—in car load I loti 2 to 8 cents leas. Feed oats, 69. Western timothy hay. 11.35; Eastern hay, 11.25. Corn meal, plain fl 12: bolted. 11.17. Bagcino akdTic*—Fair demand; atock light; 2% bagging, all jute, nonreA^MMAMOf^^M toe; trro-.v tit*. *1.6.5: MOT.ASSKS AND HYRIW. 50: honey drips, 57: Georgia tsyrup, 56. posed to horse-racing that he proi>oses to sbnt all other horn* off the track nnd let \lcxander trot against time. These vari ous drawback*, together wiln the evident jockeying going on between Col. In dependent and Merer:. Bo.*, Bully A Co, have greatly shaken the confidence * tbe public in the old horse. If each thing as sentiment exist* among turf- _en, it should rettraia the backers of Alexander from putting into the race a horte whose past performances have been considerable, when he la old and stiff aud spoilt by unskillful training. Of one thing, however, the public may be aseuredand that iatnat no matter wtiat will trot round tlw track all by himself to show the pablic how it ought to have been done. • Talmud. 11,500 r*r jwur can oe easily made at home working for E. G. Rideout & Co., 10 Barclay street, New York, Send for tleir catalogue aud full particulars, ly Tlio Constitution** 2 do., noue: Hi do. 1 piece*! lies. 51 25. —Cuba melawe-*, 47o SiiALT.-ljTcriUji.'iri'tEViSm.'lf.'iVal.W. I Fbuits.—Apple*, none. Oranges, none. Lem-1 on*, per box. 15.50. London layer raUiruU3.50. | Fish.—No. 1 msraerel. half bbls. , 17.00; do [ kits, 11.00; No. 2 do., half bbls., 15.75; kits, 66c.; >’o. 3. half barrels, f5.59;kits. 00c. J Huoars—Easier but not quoted lower. Granulated,li; stand A, 10%: whiter^ C, 10; extra C, 9%; Golden C, 9; N. O. | 10% N. O. yellow clarified 9%. . Hardwark—Market dull. HowihoBM. J ‘ mulo shoes 17,00. Iron bound hamrs Trace chalnv 45A50C. j*vr pair Ms. Plnw^areMtfta NEXT IN OBDEH. Fruit Dryers, Cider Hills, Cane Hills. feed ccrmis, Evaporators. Apple and Peach Grinders, Peach and Apple Par ers and Peach Stcners. Engines.Fanr. Implements, Seeds and Fertilizers .Always in Order. Murk W- .Tolinfion & Co., Marietta stveri, Atlanta, #;«. jna23w y 1 Mention this paper. ] Buffalo U. S. Standard Scales, tnayfiwly ARTERIAL DLOOD I 1S always perf ictly putre cent, being, like | JL veinon*,so full of deadti**ne that Ivevi- I tlcal law forbii' i. t i btftefl innoa nnd <»n;mu nt ltock blood, always full of cowpen tlement*, i* IjIi'J*rLAVnJ'i", 1 .oV," 1 now ft BtA ple prescription. If creation Limy ierius lor l i»j luonL wero tnnnaekcd a fonler mixture could not bn found. But noue of it is nsed by M. B. I THOMSON, M. D., Ma>*on, G*., who send* I pare reineait* anywhere to suit tho caro I described in o^rrespoudenco. ju'J5dnwlt CLOSING OUT SALE I 1,000 s HOLMES' LI3IMENT, | MOTHER'S ^FRIEND ! One of the irreaUvt comfort* to those expect' ahltcd; Hotseshocs 16.00 | {tsoiSoc. I _ ... Ames' shovels I12.C0 per doxen. Plow hoes A rBv. llalman's plow i ** ash, 92.7SM.00i Canned, fS.25AS.fiQ. Hides- Dry flint, 9911. salted va 10. Wool—Washed unwashed, Q0A25; burry 10^15; un WA«heii burry 18A22. Tallow, 0. Wax, 22 Par Goon*.—Market steady. Print*—standard ... | Headliner In TrauMs. h ^Ha quomoK^H Udihrt Co.itit.tiom In Jfcmr Urn. of Sun! ™flh.rJI,t«v« tjra “• thor ot there words, as he hai seen too much blood. 8o if the heading was gotten up In your oftice. what does It mean? 11 Js not the first blood ever shed bv the General. Oh. no! Half tho bloodiest battle fields In Virginia, from Seven Fine* to the last ball hour at Iviersburg.! speak dltTerenlly. It was not th* first blood avar <trs\vn by crisp either. AHw jeersi inaMt he was a candidate for Judg* and his chance* lhone trembling from the balance, he drew much harmless b!.»d from many competitor* this green earth f much harmless Itiooa icom intny ro«pwwn tnrough the unswerving allegiance of ono dc- vote*! and Inttneullal friend, whose name shaU be unspoken. The Jiwg* knows IIt. Tbe third district know* U. The whole El In, imlJn.l .bo; lr.imMi.m1 »<b«Mh,r, b, bunnerbolorebul »lb k In tb, Wb__*l tb. port ol flotjr. -here bo hM •«, be«» (onnd. nn-ime,l ,n,i ,l\ent. tbl, precision, t'lo— lj't him lull In tb. Ui*. Bat b. will rifht-.bout Irtw, mid b. will rrtnrn blow lor blow, l.lrl» •ml w t u, and bomwablr. And tb. Ju,l» —III Vure'.T rtmembor ihl., for can b« rw nw* R .ill’ll a irlMtd u General Cook baa bren lo o while tbe name ol lrlen,I.M^ | tibu ou f street, Maoon, Ga. FINANCIAL. STOCKS AKD UOKDS IN MACON. COBBECTKD DAILV BV LOCKETT X BOND. BROKERS. MACUN. Jane 2t. M2. -Ohcla « per cant bonda da.l^O-tw «tit ^ ” x - “ of Ala., SSSlBaS“r. per d iUlk 5%c.r r stocks 91.75. Axcsl...- . doteu. Cotton cards 15.00. Well ,50. Cotton rope 18c. per lb. 8wede .c. per refine 3%A$lc. i»er lb. Plow per !b. Nalls 93.75—base of 10-p. Pow der 96-40 per keg. Blasting powder 94.00. 8c. per V>. Drop shot 92.00 per bag. . JfiscxULAHEor*.—<3tndy, lie. Pickle*. plnU *' 50, per quarts, 92.25. Starch 5%c. per in. •mined Is a ruunly upon which lm- idenro can be placed—one that will i safe nnd quick delivery—one that ol Min and shorten the durst* — * ich is “Tub llunixa'* Uxuxr.' s? :: BUY NOW AND PAY WHEN COTTON COMES IN. A blr ninw it n to Euflerintr Fomnlc*. This Liniment when usetl two or three weeks before confinement produces a wonderful ef fect. earning a very easy aud quick labor, with comparatively little pain, aud leaves tho moth er in a condition to recover quickly—or in oth- words to have a rood retting up. Under It* illnarinr occupy much taw il the suffering Lcdlmiu LEADING FEATUnES: D mhle Wno<l TVwr*. Patent Wi- •* Ju mble Damper. Intrrehsngiit - - • shelf, Broiling Door, .'winging KearH. V I>«ng Cross Piece, Double bhort Centers, tlnsp 1:10*7 c-'vi.r?, Illunt’natcd Fire Dei - . : > ax Knmw, Nlcaol Panels, etc. L'nemtsiqd In Materiel, in Flakb. ard i opemtfon. Msnufirtn red tnr ISAAC A. SfltH'I'AMj i.U.i And for rele by kkiO. •. \*i« MILL & FACTORY SUPPUaT OF AIL KINDS. BELTING. Hr/S3 and PACKING, OILS, PUMPS Ug KINDS, IRON PIPE. F1TTIK % BRASS GOODS. STEAM GAULIL ENGINE GOVERNORS. &e. SoniAr- r'-r-d. w. .i. DimM.v»A*.u 421 Main Strc*t. LOUISVILLE, h? ise, labor will • of n.b.ic.1 (amUln tlimngh. th are inleniling to purdiase The condition lor whic Tkoondi out the Sooth are intending to purchase | The condition lor which this remedy Pianos and Organs in th* fall, when cot-1 fered 1* of such a character as to forbid a long ton come* in. Why wait! Buy at onoe, | array of certificates. Those interested in Its and enliven the long, hot summer month* tn u Ujr rcfcm4 to lIlc bunJrcdI with music, nnd make the “Harvest Home’’ wnu t.*JV», Vii R tvsti tinvi a t s- stilt more joyful. The summer find* n* . with a tremendon* stock ot Instrumeul* at uS 'S mSmb?* hr- S*v*nn*h, at oar NINE BRANCH nr.r.” Coupled with the entreaty, I will add 1I0LSL8, at onr counileas Agcncic*, and mat during a largo obstetrical practice (forty- with a* many more to arrive before Octo-1 four yl have never known U to fall to Ixr 1st, wMc we arc under ooatract to take. | produce a refo mjd.gulck delivery. We cannot carry this immense elock until fall. It most be *oUl. It will be. Cash i ^ fvom one ot the counties of middle barer* will want many instrument*. In-1 ocorgi^ who ha* lawn acting as midwife for Rtnllmcnt bnycr* will tako more, and tbo^e I many years, write*: ln-ve dUiawv<l ofal who at this time of the leer cannot oon- | Tut mwthkr’* ltr.i.ur you rent me, siul I am ..nientl, m«t on, In.taUmtnt r .,m.nt., ( gladly come in under oar O. H. Hotltliiig’. 00 Poplar Klreel, J|J CCJ.V, GEOUUIA, DEAXr.R IS Crccorics, Plantation SuppIloP, Bagging, Tics, Etc.p Etc. 1 am now making a specialty of tbe Lummus or Improved TAYLOR GIN. I claim that it is the meat compact, and simply constructed gin m*.de, con- seatiently it in 'more easily operated mid will run longer without ncedinq nmtirs than gin* with complicated | . ichin<ry;thu it combines tbe trcriU 5V.5 V 4HU MW IF.Y O.V A PIASO. BrcxD, Light Daivoirr l>d Good] Sami’dx in greater degree than anyoth- • IfO CASH HO II .V OX AX ottfJAX, ontoneoentof interest. Oo interest Midsummer Special Offer J TIIE FOSS & PEYF.v rnttom card : Frovlstoa Market* by Telecrap* [BALTIMORE, ,.nm 28.—Fmur quiet and I .v; Howard streei and Western superfine .25*1.00; extra 94.25o5.25: family lYSoar. _ ity mills superfine 93.25a4.00-. extra ft.25a7.Ml Rio brand* -7.25. Wheat-Southern itcadyfl Waste rn spot higher; options easy: Southern red old •l.saal.n*; new 91.80: amber *1.3*ol ; 40; " 1 Maryland *l.«a\. V-f^ No. -Tv* vs-1 winer red spot 9l.4**al.49 «-orn-Houth* .... straily aud quiet: Weserneasy; Southern white 91; yellow e3. Gala easier. Southern (!a - • Western whita tteKU mUed,«*«; Venn- ■vanla 41a*3. Provision* hlgher;^^iH| pi.rk B2.50a22.75, Bulk meats; • • clear lib shies ,.P«ked -10^W^P 02%. Bacon, shoulder* *11M, cleat rib L (15.00. Hams »l5.25alfi.oa Lanl, ro-1 d -12.75. r^ffre strong; lllo (cargoes) ordl- y to fair 8*9%. iugar »teady; A reft iff Mlsky quiet and steady at :l.lfi. Vrclghta CHICAGO, Juno a*-—r tour jail Wheat steady and in fair demand; No. 2 Chicago spring 11.35*1.35% cash: 91.85% June and July, (lata active, firm and higher at *>%*-•!% cash; 149% 19% July. Corn active and a bIumIc higher at 74%V7l% rtuh; 71% Pork nnsetued but generally higher at 'tt.flfia 21.65 cash; -2t.57J^Jl»Jufy. Urdstrong.and hisher at -ll.KaTt «7% cash: dVAjjumi July. WhUkjr Stea*ly and unchanged. lijtJlHVII.LV. June 28.—Provisions In fair I demand and market fair. Mere pork >*23.00. Bulk areata—ahooldera »-9.47; rib •18.60. Itaronl -shoulder* -10 25; rib 81*87%: clear 914,25.1 Hugarnunl b*ma (H 75*15.00. l^rd. choice leaf >-1X60^ Flour quiet and unchanged. Wheat steady and firm; No 2 red fall 1.20*1.25. Corn firmer but not quotablyhlgher. AT I Juna 2*.—flour stc»1y end n,i,i I ***» A*T uaa r»i»T«sovunm» uumtimsi; advance in price. If Lalance oen t be paid I wmi »oatci» kam and so unuisvrrrRiNo.*" ^rrrn.-tfi L . b.'h^T^ 1 T|,,'r r r-jT' n y^-v^r «!■».. «= ments c f every grade ana price ir eluded iu I Having had the r»ffV»lnfTfmeu> this sale. Tell yonr musical friend* ot it | Write us for Catalogues, Price List*, Cir- u MySgl «L> to rillfr ufiSlollowin* cnlan and fall particular*. Tlii* sale I w*-ll-kn*wncitlscnsof Atlanu: c i. Ncwu»n. closes October 1, IW2. Early puroh*****-1 wmumM. ..... •* JOHN M. PEVEY, Proprietor, Lowell, Mass. CC7-l^f»r*no): J. K. HANSON, ^gnnl Blbl< H»Hur.cinrlrg (jompacj, Maton, A gentleman writes: “My wife used your Motiick's Kkijcrat her fourth contlucment. aud her testimony Is that she |>an«d through it with one-ball of the suffering of eithtr other former confinement*, and recovered from It In much Ices time. Hhe also ret ommeuded it to * ho was about to be confined f and she says: *1 havk h*vi l VAMTHROYOnTMta ORRAT TRIAL Wk 3 JESSE JAMES ? 1 n i ■ •KJBtgWttrVV; "."Js;', 1 ;:?: S'i'.r *zsr Cheapest BIBIES&V;.'....?-. ;x. l " : ’ v “Ar- vftgf . SWITZERLAND _ ••• ENDORSES Am • PENNSYLVANIA * Pror.ouncinR THE LANCASTER V4A7QH “THE BEST WATCH MADE IN AMERICA.* WEBSTER S UNABRIDGED: Now EdiUon, 118.000 8**. Four PsgM Colored Plats % VHMNb ^n.ty^urlr^'.Vi) ar.'x Ai-r.^.i. :vj.u. w ..^aaa leal DioUouury atslngh * “* rr 9100 i 1 noted nded by Htato 8upf i.ivippaii. juue i hsng.Nl. Wheat quiet; No. 2 red winter . M : / D. thro stronger, No. 2 mixed ^ , 1 * strong and higher. No. * I Bur* . Hurar quiet and unchangvl. IIo« steady; common to Baht i0.5Oa8.rv Facklng and butchers 7.75a£ao. , . , I HT. L00J8. June 2*.-Flonr au>?* changed. W heat a shade higher but very dull; nothing done In June deal; No. J red fall |l.»» | cash; *1.10% July; -1.04% August. Corn, op tions higher; rash lower at . cash: 75% June; 7.i% July; 71 August, (tala, options'bleb*: and cash loWrr at Mcash, *7 August. W hlsky Steady at 1.15. I‘..rk uil—ttle.1 bul generally higher. Jobbing lota at -22.00. Bulk meats dull and unehange*!. Bacon In good demand; I MsUeva •hmilders (ldfO; long clear JrImbULM: short s*. ^. Lrib91A0Oal.\02%' short claar9U.87%a14.00. Lard I Ms m»s re* dull and nominal. _ ! NKW OKLKAN.4, June 28.-F our quiet and I steady. Corn quiet; yellow mixed 90. white 91 06 Oats dull at 52*53. IVtrk easier at 22.75 | &J0.K5 Ijird quiet at 9ll.2tall.75. Bulk meat* Will mall run: thrlr I'aia- t.sgttB lor tKR't. eonUklnhuc • full desertptlv* Brier t'fi . ~ , — . M. Crumley, Jr., W. A. Oregg and b. cure* cash price* and ea*y term*. Address I Bain: all of whom aro reedy to testify to the I merit* of th* prettaration. Luildtn k Rates’ Southern Music House | I HIRAM SIBLEY A EB. HAVANNAII, GA. Tbe Great Piano ud Organ Dtpol of the Mb | ROYALTY, NOBILITY, EMINENT SCIENTISTS, LEADING DIVINES, AND OTHERS, AS TO TUE LEIEIG CO.’S COCA BEEP TONIC. PRINCE NIC'JIAS BTCHERU.WOV, of lb. Imp.rUI Rtu.Itn Na,y (8t Prt.r.-1 ROCHESTER,B.Y.TCHICAGO, ILL ,79-133 tut M. ■ St. 200-7CM. n» AGENTS Wantcil \ 1 Gocks J. OTARTLl?JC o DISCOVERY! LOST WANHCOD RESTOTflU. dmsabyLmJycrhoas* It is a moat excel- (iTiVTriri ^ If you srs a Uwysr, mini:« or bmiasre ms* r «■ hsusMd hy mesial siminur wiswuscarw, doatataM ia*is»rntwciiir" t —-i l - M, " Mpa,h -*sLka«*»Tam< If j , n have UjJJWKJ sad d»Bf tier go down :K! TERRIBLE LOSS OF LlfEll ■ MdUr. a lostly ssstdos !*••■ late sterart* i Wifsss’.ii<r.!s. * nftu M .« WwmVlift re rerere dre lore A bretaadtS ■i S fiarannah bo^HTl. «3 § m CitySAtiantafipercent, tgodj-.W H at/ of Augusta « per ceuL bonds- {» Bonthwesrera h 1 , 11 y*^ V ^*a 8'U ^-nrellroad scrip, ex^v^ and fiaratineh K- K. stock 118 (81^ taUinad MarkeU by Telegraph. NKW YORK. June Noon—Mock* firm [omt 3. Lxchanga. long 445%: short 14.**% ite hood* active. Governlamt securi.-ea chsr.gL ^ORK—Kmlog-Fxchang* giM; wernment reenrit’e* generally unchanged; oorceof Su hr ^ateWeem^ kalaneeit Coin, tn,- ertn « ftt S 22-bm currency 90." L". The fotlowtagare the chxiBg quotation*: n«.U to Ala. eureUmds; ;bei*rrvi It «ion br CU>« X, 3 to » Adaam Ksg-rvu* HT r M Clare A M ! Amcflcan Kxp— 91 “ 1 '“ASS K»'s — 9i Cbre AJJLto..21% a. 4'* ■* % Chicago A Alioa-lW* nte*?»ANorth-a.7t C.fiLT:AN. o _. 75 lo. preferral .-14‘*% Coneold'd coal— »» U - 3V* BeL U A W l.C% UstTeuo R. R Fort Warnc 1» * I (ieorgla railroad—185 Han. A k Joe.— *5 tSftA SSL’ £4 s&.%at = sS I New Y-.rk Cea*L-l*o% Mobile A Ohio IT*. rt - ■ nt»-!rftnN ,t- 137% S. J. Central 7 . ret.-' - *<>f * p|J A Alial. s l‘> Nrfk A W. prf—— So irraU'lMfcMl ““n.1 S^Tl« K. T. BmM~ I" mr k.. < I.U tatiOQ of the I g.a Br..-4_ of J^C j vr rc L.aal F- 27. kSmI: •!.€«<(.,(obdrtnlnM.'' 1m *nn.U lilo. Cru4. Larp.nUI„ >l~1r « »LM h.ri:‘2*,*‘>ryrtto#dlp »,-s>loMrlirln. JAS. A. GIFFORD, PIONEER BOILER WORKS, Atlanta, Ga. I am now prepared to build boiUrs tanka, iron shutters, stilt* for turpentine CHARLESTON, June 28,-iplrtt* turoenUnel itneks, etc., at price* that cannot be beat, rtn, with sale* at 4L R«tn In laJrde- Call or fiddresa me before* ordering else- _iand at fl.TO and 1-75 for strained end good I w h*r*. AU work guaranteed. /Isoagent *win? L vn.ur Jnnn » -Rosin stea-lr and 1 BUtiouary and Portable Enginea. Of* juMS^S Turpentina suady, ek»- J mt * AUAaU * 0# * Ohio A Mire ’ riT^ HcR.ATknF-— ivHr" ,, i—r 71 1 do preferred-— *7 illaa—. 28 i do 1st prefd—W ritaa, new. 12% ficraal PERRY k CO.’S Nickel Pens. A L’AttD. ATHKMs, Ga., Feb. 2M. W7*. \ gja-My child, five yean old. had f symptoms ot worm*. 1 tried ( alotael rs'l other tt*t" bni faftedi to expel any. fleeing Mr. Bains’ cerrift* { cate. I got a vial of Barm * W orn Oil,a | end tko fires fire brought 40 wonuT and the second dore»» many were eere-1 wd I did not count them. S. u. AblMfi. /For sole by eii druggists. Prepared try LYNDON*. A Urea*. Ga Macon NERVOUS DEBILITY. burgh, Russ!*,) «ay»: tent tonic.” BARON FALKENDERG (present ad- dre»* 4fi East “lit EL,K. Y.,) *ay*i It Uun- questionably superior to any tonio which I have ever tried. It Unefited me a* no other id&Sshas ever before. My friend* all prate* it without stint.” _ Equally emphatio testimonial* from I MADAME THE MAItyLTSE OF GAN- CwSeTMs|MMt kwfflU*«crsre r VILLE, th. VISCOUNTESS VIE. 1 !??»>»■« ttlIU,U.U», l'ortninli EDWIN BOOTH, 1 tbe eel*braUd*ctor;GEN. FRANZ NIGEL, KewYork City; GEN. LOUIS 8CUAFF- KER, Chicago, I1L; MLSS MARY L. BOOTH, Editress of Harper’s Bazar; HOF. 11. M. HALE, M.D-, I.L.D-, Chi cago, I1L, and hundreds equally eminent. The REV. DR. & U. GARDNER, Frind- pal of the celebrated Fifth Avenne Semi nary for Young Ladle*, N. Y. City, say*: “I sp: ak from r attful expertecoeof Ua re markable powers.” It is far superior lo the fashionable anJ illusive preparations of beef, wine and roo,” aaye PROF. F. W. HUNT, M. D., LL.D, Honorary Member Imperial Medi cal Society of Bt. Petersburg, Russia, eta, etc., of New York City. . ■* Nexvx avd Basra Tiout- next : a specific for Hysteria. Dluinm, Ome »lleadacha. Mental Deprem I fiiwrmatrirrteea, imp«>l teucy. Iavoluniarr fcmlssioc*, Premature Old | -• ■ -i by ftTcr-exertioa. **lf at ■ncc,which misery. one box will rare recent Each box coo tain* one month's treanucnMMMB dollar a box, or Mx boxos for five dcUare; sent I by nail prepaid ou receipt of petoe. Wcgw antecsix hex** to rare sot ease, ^Ith reek | outer received by us forrixboxca. accompanied lit fire doUan, we will send the purchaser „nr written guaraatee to wtura I tag “ Uie treauncht dosa cot effect a M L't Cc.t ,ad CrttilCu^tKe C«r B«d, M ■»—*«—r ■*"*?«*• _ .1.11..M ESfe ■■ imctu a co, ltj ware'*** *** caxATiavixo tnrwwujJ ■Ptap^t— notify Mcrwyhonta. Any sreggita a. d*d*r ia per- w. n. i*i li o>v, Prepared only by the Liebig Liberator)' i Qitmni Works Co, ° CHEMISTS, New York, Pari* and London. NEW YORK DEFOtT-I MURIUY ST. hSmUu, ^’nnJ 1 *WwISSr^wI* .Sg j DRIED FRUITS. ( of Jacksonville, Fla.,) Fruit an! Produce Coinafca Rouse, Located it T« PopUr SL, BUi.’. Block, Muon, Ot, FortkoPMob ,o.u. r— Will ber ontrlaht choicepucu.udoI, Icnlte,Inelodio* !■»." tn «t oondiuon lor iblpmcnL For Breakfast! it'i.vtnctc. Mclnria, IrrcgaLrit, ol th. | licit, etc. H.H.P, Tk— Pc u. n-cuTr i»tert I nU,rtdi»unl.trinV>rtrtlte; StlccWteuddcnU. i ten atgUtrtllMCd Metal rtetri uiibrUticnoindSMi. Kola Age*t», ^ Ivison, Blakeman, Taylor & Co n NE1V YORK. MEMBER. Bold EvsrywheM. W. McKAY, Principal. PARIS AND LONDON. Hill’s Hepatic Panacea, Mamfsctured by W. H.BARRETT, Druggist, Aojiut*, Oeorain. ENTIRELY from ROOTS end HERBS th.rtt.rc for A CES IEHY been inuu^. InUrnud tut tho rtmoT.l ol BU. fl— - — - - I.. .Wa iMrtanlnfitlB , „ . New York Deoot 206 Green wich St. A Fint-Claes Ir.s*:tLte for Pract.ea! Am BusincM Ini*ruct;cn, Book* | .eepiae, Etc; AP1UW ^ ’ \ 1 rt»i t) M :. U j Student, Can Enttr at any T ; me. t!.« irr.vnlcritiM ol the SU>iuico, ici I ar.f,ina th. Blood. l Li ,n,«iieiL. i, ».tl kr.o,n in m.ny >|n. iu ti„»l,t. M.d '• .'.ht...... »nd U, l ..L-.i. l by tb. i.. /-I .cm- .Jctth. I r n tor . Ut'.ItAOHt-S, t SI"Mt( H. Dt.-* I'tislt. TORPID LIVES, l rail.I.'t VM) HA t:.!. Wf'lA.'. SHIN tbl 1-11".v> Oil litUl'iMd ; TIOSOFBL® '■ — WN|/l ALLEN & GO., Prodjce Cnmniission Herchanl,, 104 Watron St., New York W» aoUcU* ol Sta-Dmd iri'l Evipialetl Fiji Ol Ml bind. Oor Iona .ipwiiaot «n U to b*ndl. to tb. Urt rtlnnui onto of of dried Fucna. A,cm, ■IA Clirk.lL-, FUak.B. L*he” nedo on . toitciUd. Parisian Carrousells Ftyine Hoik Uachiacs, i f-,» vwvia sir. . iu Sla us