Georgia weekly telegraph, journal & messenger. (Macon, Ga.) 1880-188?, July 07, 1882, Image 5

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iti|o SLfclcgtttpljj int^c 3Unt.irnul & Btcr^cucjt?:* WELCOME O. WILDE, k? Tiu mxueAra'a atkiaL foct Oh, bold, unterrified, soulful pfcwfonco Of monumenul joy! Oh utmost qutnttecem ■ of all thirigsstranzc.deep. fathomuis, utter; oh. herald of the rennalsance. Dully Boy, O' Wllde we welcome thee! Shake! Km a* Eneas In Dido, oou'st thou to ui Hearchlnc for sympathy, caster 'artcr trust. With limited bawairc. seeking heart-tunes On a heathenish shore, refuge from simoons. Adverse breezes, and the fierce tornadoes With Which®** ~ •* thee. b old' Boreas, the Brass has tangled Yot We _ . . Hide of the palace wall, where the flower, The Leonine sunflower is loanin' It* chin . On the Ultima Thule, the Uppermost brick. I'luck from the boot, the crumpled pants leg;' Pull above It tby balbrlggan to the knee; Button thy collar on the loosened waist-band, Iloach back thy wringleu, assume thy coat, —Oh coat, cut like unto the swallow's rudder- And let us lilies order uo on trost While we do huibanlM together, so to speak. BACON’S BOOH! THi: it!ELKS' Igtr, find CoL H. J. Lhtn».r, h .. ;.t5* • — man possessing the highest tonve ot honor kl«t on t uni he timid Islan.l—The -nty, Mid wt-'.l l.iiuwilir .. . Fun the itoja Had, Etc. j out the Mat'-, famishing tho cept- At C o clock, June Iffifa, the detnehmout s ou th. Tbelr busineaa was nccoiiarlly Paid, we are glad to see you. Qlad Is weak; all the psychological realms. The -.esthetic plantations and truck gardens Of our veriest being echo to thy tread; Our most sacred emotions climb upon The fenoe tops and clap their hands for Joy And gambol round upon our sensibilities Until we feel as one whose hand has poured From the red gold chalice of a J uly day a julep Into the eager recesses of himself Are we wsthetie? Well really we do smile. Come round to the sanctum—sanctum saucto- And behold the home of art. See the lllao jr traced Walls half kalsomlned—half undermined, Whose arabesque patterns sre uniquely Inamler (Juice); the Elizabethan store Tapping the secret flue with slg-zsg pipe bats- And resting its leonine heeded feet o: Brickbats from Egypt's ruined towns Fashioned mayhap* by Mom**' next of kin Beneath the cruel Jash of ancient overseers; The gorgeous calendars hung round on Pearl top nail; tho Louis XIV. dock, relic Of old time roylty from Boston fetched: The desks of sandal wood veneered with pine; The bublwood armchairs and the brlc a-brae Of curioua tone, like unto paste pots, weights And outlawed wood cuts precious lu The sight of those who relics seek. Come Special to Telegraph and Mereen: Risould, July I.—Catoosa county sends anti-Stephens delegates. No action was taken as to majority or two-thirds rule. O. Special to Telcgtaph and Messenger. Eastman, July 1.—Dodge county sends 1J icon delegates. They were elected by a majority of forty votes. The delegates go uninstructed as to State House offioera, Congressman at Urge and for district. The two-thirds rule was indorsed by a ma jority of thirty. B. '' Special to Telegraph and Messenger Gurris, July l.—Spaulding sends at\ti- Stephens delegates to the gubernatorial^ convention. They will, I learn, vote for A. O. llscon, and sre instructed to vote for John I. Hall, for Congressman at large. S. Special to Telegraph and Messenger. Auutici'rf, July i.—Schley county sends three delegates for Bacou and one for Stephens. ft* ICXMUT. Information has been received that nn- instructed delegates from such counties at have held conventions, will vote for Hon. A O. Bacon, in the general convention. The count up to-cUy—8chley county hav ing not been beard from, tees follows : FOB BACON. Glynn 2 " * 2 arts i precious lu tnosG \rr* —"— round Ana sciirch atniun our ancieni tore: re From Congreu and pamphleU msnifol Ol patent* and new fancied articles In fmuatlon Turkey bound: exchanges from Savannah, and that delirious dream Flskind The Timea from Chattahoochee brought; And that strange work, the unabridged. Enlarged and Illustrated volume by Webster /Esthetic? Pard, thine Ignorance chills. The awful au fulneM of icsthetlc visions Ne'er yet has thrilled thy beauty nerves—nor will Until on free lnnrh mom thou dost behold Our special poet light upon the fowl, Brown, barbecued of tend'md suote. And dash the foam from Culmbach beer. /Esthetic? Friend onr life I* brimming full Of agony most delicious. We keep the real ImiMirted brand on ice. Welcome, thrice w then, if genuine thou be. If not. The Democracy of Mr. Nfeplienn Editor* Telegraph and Messenger: — A writer who signs himnelf "Democrat” appeared a few dajs ag> in the Atlanta Constitution, vainly endeavoring to ^jarge Mr. Stephens's record of all Independent heresy and make him out a regular organ ized Democrat,who had never strayed from party ffealty; and "Democrat” made an egregious f tilure. i The article, like Mr. Speer's telegram, mny or may not have been written by some one of Mr. Stophens’s ruperservioeable friends, but it certainly bears the finger prints of the very noted class, w{io have hung around Mr. Stephens for years, and have filled all available space in the friend ly newspapers with hin praises. Mr. Stephens has been unfortunate in tho most of his panegyrists—for their ic* dioua style and uniform dullness have been remnrkable, considering their opportuni ties and their subject, and "Democrat** ia is no exception to the rule. Senator Brown's private secretary, oth* erwire "F. II. R” of the Constitution, would have improved tLu document much if ho hnl handled it, a Who wanldnot have risked the glaring misstatements set forth aqy "DneoratV* ualest he had first exaoted a promt so from Mr. Stephana to sign it, thereby relieving hinm-lf o! the res pons l bility. Tho fl st error that "Democrat" fall* into .*• k fond iatlie etatement that Mr. bte-i phens was forced Int} poblio life again af ter he had positively retired, by a "gen eral uprising of tho people." This is an- true, Mr. Stephens "uproso,” and declared hi am' f willing to servo tho i>eop!e if they uanto l Ill'll. :i'.i I !.- :!••-••• ■!' I " • " iug." Unlike Cindonatos, he dropped tho plow and said: "I am reedy now for an cdlco." Nobody had to trail him, because be came wi’hont the polling. Didn 't he ? The Independent! ''recommended” him because he w*s already ia the field when they met on tho 18th of May. He was en tered for tho raco by h;>to*n act, and was willing to be backvd by all parties and by all people. You cannot lay your fi ’gar ■ n linn from him iu which he declined any body’s rec timnendationor nomin ttiou un til after tho independents indorsed him. If so. Ut them show it. If Mr. Stephen* should llvea thousand yoars he will never be able to clear op his complicity with Felton and Speer in this limiter, lie ulrniU ho altered B|>eo»’a tele gram In which he said he woo'd "poeitively not reject” their indorsement "Not re ject" iiicans "to accept" He then wrote to Felton, after be read a full Recount of their procudiugN in tho Cosstifut»on, that "matters were managed admirably look- fag to the best int® rrat* of the State.” His approval of tho meeting and his revision of the Speer telegram clearly show that he was either in frill accord or that he mis- led them, with intention t- I- <-.s< lb wan either their friend or their secret Now,'while all ln-tnocrafs aro ready to rejoice at the discomfiture of a poUUral eut my, the party in Georgia has not fallen so low that we nro forced to take a candi date who could thus secure indorsement meielytobe tray the raer. who sought to do him honor. The revulsion of feeling in Georgia, growing out of this thing, hat hel; ©d both Fe'tou and Speer nlready, l>e- euss Uie a natural lusunet to demand fair play. If Mr. Stephen* is nominated, they will be benefited thereby. The nomi nation will do nobody so much barm aa those who sought to get power by inch po litical trickery, or by this betrayal of men who wire innocently used to compost their own defeat. Mr. Stepliens's friend "Democrat' another groat mistake when he rays Mr. hn-pheus has never attempted to run over a r*-g'.Ur ii'iinins.ttoii of t>i- 1)' party. Really we are sorry for that could otf.-r »nch an argument Mr. Stephans defied the eighth district conven lion ia 1878, and the sickly Democrat* of tho Augusta district con'd only keep down an Imh-ixmdent by nominating him. To keep the Uar from eating th*m up, they ate each other up. Besidee this defiance, Mr. Stephens wrote an open letter to the seventh district Democrat* in l'T>, adviring them to vote against the nominee, and to vote for the In lependent. Try it Mr. "Deinocrat." Mr. Stephens'!* letter to Mr. Smith has not harmonized the Democrat!* party. Why t Toiin- the words of the Augusta party of Georgia. Alt the stu'f about it l for Georgia Democrat* is def' Early Bibb o McIntosh 2 Dodge 2 Ouitman 2 Putnam 2 PitTce 2 Schley 1# Catoosa 2- 23>i ron sTcrurNS. a Richmond t ...8 Schley X ot , THE MEXTINO TKSTISD1T. Pursuant to call of tke county exeentive committee, the Democracy of Bibb aseem blod in large nnmbers in the Superior Court room yesterday atnocn. The meet ing was composed of a fall repre*Rotation of the city and county, and wvs entirely harmonious throughout. Mr. George W. Gostin, chairman of the exeentive committee of Bibb connty, called the mooting to order, and announc ed that the first business was to elect a chairman and secretary. Judge T. G. Holt nominated Col. L. N. Whittle ra chairman, and the motion waa unanimously carried. Col. John P. Fort nominated Bridges Smith tor aeoretary, and the motion pre vailed. Col. Fort stated that tho objeet of the meeting waa known to all present, and that he would present a list of names of of those who bad been suggested to represent tho oonnty iu the gubernatorial convention to beheld in Atlanta on the 1'Jth in?t. Bo then read the names of the following gen tlemen, and movel that they be selected as delegatee and alternates; carried: l elegates—Gen. W, S. Holt, W, H. Ross, W. A. Lofton, S. H. Jemison. Washington Desssn, G B. T urptn, T. D. Tinsley, K. A. Nisbet, W. R. Phillip-, A. P. WhitUe. Alternates— J. E. Jones, Robert Ously, R. E. Park, A. A. Sobers, J. II. Hertx, B. C. Smith, J. A. MeManns, Dr. Lee Holt, Clem Masteraon. Mr. R. A. Nisbet then presented the fol lowinpr list of delegates to the State Sena, torial Coavention, and on motion they were elected: B. L. Willingham, Ab. M. Lockett, A. »V. Gibson, Alex. Reynolds, J. C. Cord, Sam Weioheelbaum and J. A. Me- Col. *\7. A. Lofton offered the following rs-olotione, which, on motion, adopted: Jieaolred by the Democrats of Bibb, That tl.e citizens of Bibb oountv feel a just prido in the record maoe by oardistin- t iished fellow-citizm, the lion. Clifford uderson, as Attorney-General of the Btato of Georgia: that we commend the zeal, ef- ficlency and marked ability with which he has discharged the dattee of his high and responsible office, and heartily commend him to the Demo :racy of Georgia aa emi nently fitted for the position which he has so well honored. Itesolred, That the Hon. J. H. Bloant, the Representative of the sixth Congres sional district, is entitled to oar hearty consideration as a true and faithfnl repre sentative of the people's intercit and the the State's welfare, an t we cheerfully and earnestly recommend him to the peoplo of the district he hss so faithfully and so ably served, for re-election to Congress. Jiesolrett, That we do not present tho name of the Hon. Tbos. Hardeman for the position of Congressman for the State-at- large, because ot hi* known opposition to enter into a contest for tho same. Yet we feel U would be a graceful eo j aliment to her eon if the Democrats of Georgia, in eonveotion assembled, would (in view of his long faithfnl fearless and acre warded labors lit of the Floyd Killee left the special trnin that brought them from Jetop to Bruns wick and embarked on tho tow boat Ste vens, that had been previously chartered to carry them to Cumberland Island. After all night railroad rklo, nothing could be more refreshing than this early morning •ail down Turtlo river, through Jekyl creek and across St. Andrews* tonud. 1 lie water was smooth, bat several of the boys, never having emelt salt air before, were in mor tnl terror, whether from fear that the boat would run off the track or have a collision, cannot bo told. "Lemon” actually lay face downward on a bench all the way through St. Andrews, beevnso, as he eaid, the oof- feo he had for breakfast was not the kind he drank at home, while the one whose cap was sweetened with salt hugged for dear life tho boat’s flagstaff. "Golly, what a big one,” ho constantly said, as each little wave, say two inches high, rippled over tho water. "If they get any higher 111 be down.” No occasion to be down, for SL Andrews was ns calm as a Presbyterian revival. On-lauding at the very rieketty old wharf on the Island tho boat hands dis played their strength in the roughness of handling trunks and plunder, and not to beontdjue in agility by tho baggage* •masher, threw a bundle of tents into the water. There was among (ho Rifles a fish erman or two who fished out the tents, and « sailor or two to stand oh the wharf and do the swearing, and it is yet undecided who did their parts tho best—those fishing for t*nts or swearing at the boat hands. In a oxnple of hoars tent* wore pitched and Camp Grlffeth in full blast on the blnff on Christmas Intel, last above F^gsrRou’e hotel. That Sunday afternoon was spent in—coagregati'inal singing—though two sheep head were hammed to bank. The fo’lowing was the name and order issued daring the encampment: "No snake jokes are to be played in cataps—especially on the commanding officer.” Duly Camp prOgmme •Reveille, 4:&Yn. m.; breakfast, at soon as possible; dinner, 12 to 4, supper. C:!W to 9; lights out, 12 to 1. Daring the day tho men enjoyed them selves at all kinds of recreations, tho chief of which at first wae the hauling of quite a long seine in tho surf near the brth house, catching trout, prawn, etc., most faithfully. It was fine sport, until a Urge shark passed within fifteen feet of the outer pole, when '* j was discovered that we had plenty of fish, -1 the seining was hard work. For regn- f fithing, Henry Davie beats everybody. He caught more Cue sheephead than every body on the island together. He would swap places with yoa and then b-Mt yon. He caught them all—that is euro inough fish, but a party con-istlug of Captain Hr-'leimn, Rogers, Vaughn, Walker, Brown, Hatmno and Henry, on Tuesday night walked down the beach and soon saw on the hard sand the unmistakable trail of a turtle. A lond whoop, and seven men rushed up that trail, aoross the beach to the soft rand, whnro they found Mr. Turtlo ‘a-#etting on his nest.” By the way t was Mrs. T., but she was so large that naturally the masculine was npplied. ttrare she sat, both eyes dosed—not a muscle moving. On the sand for twenty minutes wo sat waiting for her to qnit laying, wh*n she began with her rear flippers to pack the sand into the little hole, say fire inches in diameter. When she had deposit*! her eggs Rogers nn J Uftmtne caught her by the shell near the "hind right flipper" nod turned her on her back. "Shot your ey< boys, she's scratching son I.” The warniL. did not come too soon, for she was throw ing sand in every direction for twenty feet and with foroo enough to b'Lter tho skin, f'oor thing! when she foned she wae on her back and oonld not get over, ene folded her flippers across her breast and sighed such human sighs, you*id think a human heart was breaking. It was hard to find her real neat, thon K ti we knew ex* actly where it was. But found it wa», and email, there being only a few merchants in the smaller towns, owing to the war, anil they doing but a very limited business. In a few years however, the country gradually recovered from the ravages of war, the towns began to Increase in population, new firms embarking in basinets, making it necessary for Messrs, Hunt & Co., to in crease their stock. About this time Mr. J. W, Uankin, a thoroughly competent drug- gbtaud of fine business qnalifioations, en tered as one of the proprietors, tho firm changing its name to Hunt, ltaukln & La mar. Ibis firm did a large and lucrative business here for several years, but finding that their orders were ooming iu from all part* of the State they oonceived the idea of opening a bra ch house in Atlanta, which they soon did, with Mr. Hnnkm as th > grocery. When he enme bnek ho went into the drawer to change the dollar, and I there w.v no morey in the drawer. Bailey aekedforhis change, and the old nuu said that n't tho money wn* gone, and that there had been no one in tho room but him (Bailey). Tula seetn* to have nettled Bailey, who quickly drew hi* pistol and fired, tho ball taking effect as etated. As soon as shot. Tspman cried out. "0, Lord I am a dead man,” and fell to tire floor. Rauey went out of tho store bareheaded, having loft hie but in the lodge-room ap stairs. Tatum, the owner of the store, was up ftairs talking to McWhorter when lie heard the report of the pl«tol. He ran down staiTs in time to see Bailey run up Cotton at-onoe. He then went to Tapman, who soon expired. Tho jury hrodfeht in the following ver dict : "We, tho jury, find that tne cecearoJ, P*rio Tapman, came to his death from a >Btol or gunshot wound in the hands of ohn Bailey, and in onr opinion i securing as far as he was able, , remacy and auceeas of the party, aa well aa the advancement and elevation of every interest of the State.) confer upon him the position to wh'.oh his past services so eminently cutitle him. Besotted, That, in Capt. W. A. Wright, our present efficient comptroller General, D. N. Speer, onr *bl* treasurer rnd N. U. Barnett, our worthy secretary of State, we recognize faithful and efficient officer*, deicrviugof commendation and entitled to a re-election to the offices they respectively Mr. Sam IL Jemison offered the follow< ing resolution which waa adopted : Besot text, That we, the Democracy, of the ooonty ot Bibb, cordially Indorse the candidacy of our fellow citizen, the Hon orable Aanatua O. Bacon, for governor, ■nd hecrtily and confidently present and recommend him to the approaching State Democratic convention as one whose high g a gloomy day -n Mr. Stephen* nventioa U the Jle. The Democracy is already ,1 Hrd With lot- Brown, who r-- i> - to W • I e party, and there i* still n strong, •iltliy, vigorous element iu it that has iTer bowed the knee to Baal, and which !ver will sub-Mize their patriotism to irry favor with soeh dcvpoilers of the if the legiitetivi committeesap- mitei bj Speaker Bacon had notar railed e do >1 tide of corruption in 11W, Ojor- ,i would n t now lie able to hold op her •n<l for *h nit'*. We had w >) 1 help at lhat :u. and we intent to ut.ii/." it a.’iin. SmidBTOCT. node urE.G. Rideout ** CoJ *., New York, Send for kbd full par..- ilars.lj rd from J. M. Bxardman ... SJdags. .... Mffto pre-eminently fit liim for the office to which be in pi rw, and furciah the fallen guarantee of bis full and faithful discharge of its duties and responsibilities. The following resolutions were offered by Mr. Jemiaon and carried unanimously ; Besot red. That we, the Democracy of the oonnty of Bibb, in mass meeting assem bled, condemn the unscrupulous effort of the present national administration which seeks by a prostitution ot the appointing power to build np a mongrel coalition ol ignorance, treachery and venality through which to disrn .t acd over-ride' the only safety of the peoplo ot thU section and State—the Democratic pery. Besotted, That the virtue eud intelli gence of this State, sbonld by right manage and control the political and financial des tiny of hsr people and we pledge the I>e rocracyof this county, anew to an un tiring devotion to the party and men who wrested such control from the ranacione and ignorant, whose reign of spoliation waa made possible and upheld by the Repnbli ean party. ifrsofccif, Thai we denounce the mon strous and inhuman eyatem of internal revenue which encourages the marder of innooent citizens and the violation of their homes, and the laws which offer immunity throwgh the Federal Courts to the perpetrator* ot such outrages. lUaulted, That public office ia a treat, bestowed by Uw people to be administered with essidaone zeal for their benefit, and the truit discharged with the utmost atriet- ne«a and fidelity. Besotted, That it lathe sense of theDe inorracy of the county ot Bibb, that the time-booored two thirds rale should be ad hered to in national. State and Congress ional nominations. Under it the Demo cratic organization hoe survived to aye a long sac sees ion of oppooenta, risk in the iff >rt to disregard the sacred rights of mi norities and forte the aaivera*! application of the generally accepted theory that ma jorities ahoald rale. In the eootinaeJob- aervanee of this rale we feel lies the eafsty and perpetuation of the party. . It lieing next in ord^r to select an ti>e commute* for the eoncty, Major C. Tharpe moved that the present nommiU. condone in forte, with power to fiU any va- eaneiee nhieh may arise. The meeting tbec adjourned. A CwaaNuree iboala not beelute to wait upon those whom even such a disease aa small-pox has attack*!. There Is hulo to be feared by persons waiting on the siek if they will use Darby's Prophylactic Fluid freely in the water they bathe with and also take it Internally. In sick rooms it should be exposed on a plate or aaueer, and the patient sponged off with the Fluid dilated with water, and also a few drops need In ternally. It should also be used every parted the bouse rml sates amounted to about tJ200,0Q0. Their career had now fairly brguu, and they soon ranked amorgst the largest dreg h rases in tho South. In 18PJ, Mr. Unnt, being nnable to attend to so large a bosl- nesa, owing to his ill health, retired from tho firm, Mr. U. J. Lamar, Jr, taking hin place, the firm name then being changed to Lamar,*Rankin & Lamar. Mr. Lamar nt once put his ehonlder to the wireel, end having fine business capacity coupled with groat energy and strict attention to busi ness, has not only kept the onward prog ress which tho old firm bad begun, but has increased the basinets since his entranco OTer double what it was throe years ago. Their business having increased so n . idly they again find it noceieary to got some one else to assist them, ana finding that a good opening waa at Albany they at ouoo opened n branch honse there, with Mr. W. li. Gilbert, well known throughout the State,'aa manager. Being in a rich belt of country, which every year improves more and more, Mr. Gilbert has in a ehort time Iraili up such a business as any city I oonld well be prond of. This now gives them a house in Atlanta, oneiu Macon and ono in Albany, all carrying A ramnleto stock of everything usually found innrst- clure dr >g storey and places them in a po- Ueyc stores in Macon, Atlanta, Albany and other smaller towns in the SUte. the corabinod business being over a half million of dollars annually/ Uf course, having to sopply so many stores, they are enabled to purchase good* at much less 'ban any other house in tho State, and can therefore make it advantageous to the merchants of this and adjoining Hta'es to bay tlieir goods of them. In addition to theTuoceas they have met with as drug gist*, they have placed upon the market many excellent family medicines, chief amongat which are Brewer's Lung Re storer for the cure, of consump ion, bron chitis* etc., Rankin's Bachn and Juniper, for kidney and urinary diseases, and S. S. S. tho groat blood purifier, all of which are very highly spoken of by all who have ever need them. We are glnd to note the progress of this firm, and com mend them to the merchants of this and surrounding States. It was said of tho late 4. T. Stewart that he never would allow his clerks to sell to a customer any good* he knew oonld not be readily dra pe sed of by him, and in all oases where any goods failed to gtve satisfaction they were to be returned at his expen'O. ThU is the platform upon which Messrs. Lamar, Ran kin & Lr.mar always have done and always expect to Uo their bonin' se, end their cun* tomers feel secure *\eu entrusting their orders in the hands o' these gentlemen. Oat of a total of nearly four thousand reg ular customers, we venture to say that not one will say that he hae ever suffered at the handa of either L. W. Hunt A Co., Hnnt, Uankin A Lamar or Lamar,' Raukin A La mar. We feel proud of thU firm, and chal- > »nr city to show one which deserves sacoera as th\ great and prosperous house of Lamar, Raukiu A Lamar. ol't, and bad been a clork for Tatum since last November, Bailey wan employed by Mr. F. B. Gar- trail, dealer in pictures, etc, corner Plum street and Cotton Avenue He made his escape, but the officers will no doubt cap- ttfre him in a short while. The colored peoplo wore much inoenoed last night over this oold-blooded marder, iw:hj wwre it in. uuv iuuuu it wu-, m.u found to contain 132 eggs. Farther down the beach and madams No. 2 is caught. Hurrah, we have caught as many as have ever been caught here in a single night. "Let> boat|therecord.” So forward we go. No.8soon gets on her book; enthusiasm rant high and the fl»e miles we bare already walked is forgotten. We hurry on. Trail No. 4 is found, but the old Isdy was too fast for os; h*d laid and goto back into the water. But onward. No. 4 is soon over; neet robbed of 101 eggs. Amite further doen and No. 5 ia caught. A halt is taken, and as the Ude la cot yot full, we go back with the bore of finding some as we go up. * * After paseltig the first one we hod found, abont 100 yards, *e caught the sixth. 1 have never seen more genuine enthusiasm than was display*! OTer that turtle. Before taming her, those ■even men whooped, and d need, and bog ged each other as if they hod found a bo nanza. No. 7 soon followed and lira seven men after walking seven miles down the beach, and the seven miles back, had caught seven tartles, the smallest of whieh weighed 300 lbs. and measured thirty-two inches across the belly, and with a head so large that it could not have worn a No. 8 hat. At 2 o’clock, joit aa the moon wae going down, we reached camp and the tur tle hunt waa over till next day, when wo got Edgar Rosa' wagon and hanled thorn np. Deer 200) lbs. of sea turtle—a very good night's flab you will ray. Differed kinds of bird* were killed an J casts robbed, and gull, plover and sand pip loet many en egg. On the white sand near the beach, .ron would see a patch of ■and, ray three inehee in diameter, that looked a Utile whiter than the rest. Goto it, for it ra a nest, and yon will get nee, two or three blue egge, speckled brown. The Uttlo birds were not so easily found, for Using near the eolor of the sand aU they had to do to hide was to lie down flat and they were eaf a I do not know whether the sun hatches these eggs, but I do know that we did not see a bird on any neat. Several of the eggs collected were pot by one of the boye in bis valiie, and next rooming when be opened it to get some thing out, instead of having a collection of tggs^he had a flock of oUrping little sea One morning when the cook went Into tho commissary tent to get out breakfast, he was shocked to see a red snake camp ing on tho saok of floor. That night every oot was thoroughly examined, not to find snake however. Friday we rent word to Brunswick for the stoamer to come for u< (goodness how they need a regular steamer.) Bat-inlay morning bearing no news and seeing no ■moke across bt. Andrews' sound, a dele- cation goes to see pilot LeSeur, to get him to oarry us to Brunswick. While the dele gation is hooting for Dfl'ethorp! old fort, ■moke is seen across SL Andrews. Camp strusk, the provisoes leftover and extras sold out, and everything moved to the landing, Camp Grilfath was at an eed, bet not our stay on Cumberland Island, for the steamer went out at sea. Then earns Camp Katy Elaine.' As you laud on Cumberland, you are at once at- traded to a nice lookisj. whito house, on uam-uiunnici iiwuej,-, nuesr, uu a bluff, a little way beck from the rifrr, surrounded by Urge, wide-speeding uve oaks, eovered with trailing moos. Beneath the tree* you aee summer houses, arbors, benches, swings and flowers. It is entirely different from op country and at ones attracts and pleases. It is High Point Hotel, kspt by M. T. Burbanks. In that grove, by invitation of Mr. U., we camped, not knowing bow Ions we should be there. delegation of sand flies, who were thorongh'y dril'cd in "charge bayonet*." So thinking discre tion tne better pert of valor, Walktr and llamtou were started for Brunswick, after dark, in a steamboat Although Mr. Bur- bunks and Ms esteemed family were all the were soro shipboard. That night Brunswick we bonked on the pUtform the Macon and Brunswick raifroud d >pot, and Ve did not yet desire to give op sleep ing out ot doors. Cumberland U a great place. The beach ia unequaied, the bathing fine, mosquitoes few. breezre good, and on the inland and at Duncennesa there is magnificent scen ery. Hotel* are good, and when the boat is run regularly no place will better reray a ten day*' stay, either for men or ladies, than Cumberland. Parrare. AU.HX THE KXIFE. A Trliimritlnr Tight Among Colored Laborers. Yesterday morning shortly after tho men went to work on tho new building of Jaques A Johnson now in course of erec tion, corner Cherry and Fourth streets, difficulty occurred on the scaffolding be tween two colored laborers, Roiford Ray and Henry Styles, but at this time nothing passed between them but hot words. Shortly after the trouble eras renewed on the ground at a mortar pile, and so heavily did Stylos pile on tnt "ffensfve language that Kay took him up and flung him several timea to the ground. While the fight wae goiog on another laborer named George Carter, endeavored to sepa rate the eomba'ant*, but his effort* ut peace-making seemed to be misconstrued by Charley Styles, a brother of Henry, who rushed at Carter with a piece of ecentling This tamed the fight between Carter ana Charley, and during which Cgrter was •tabbed lu the left stds. As soon as Char* ley saw what damage he bad done, he skipped, and evaded a thorough rearch by the offioera. Henry also made himself -*roe. Carter was taken to bis house, near the gas works. Dr. Strayer was called in and dressed the wound, lio does not consider the cut a fatal one, bnt says it will proha- * r give Carter cons durable pain. From what we oan learn Carter waa en deavoring to keep down the foe*,*and was net ing only iu the interests of peace. Hal ford Hay was arrested by offleer Yaeger and taken fo the barracks. GUI TE A I'M IIAXGIXG, Hew the News Hiin Received—Uncoil Hiuiglngs, There teemed to be much Interest mani fested yesterdsy in the lat • act in the great assassin’s life. Abont noon Uio inquiry of "Have you heard from R n.hir~*02 ?’ came general all orer the city. \ great mary did uot believe that he would be hung, that a reprieve, respite, or enfr.9 other intervention of Providence or man would cheat the hangman of his work. Bote were made that he would be aliye last night. But he was hung for all that. Tho Mr. Hicka ao often referred tom the dispatch** as Guitetn's spiritual ad viser, is Dr. Win. Watkins Hicks, who vas at one time pastor of First btreet Metho- diat Chords in Macon, and also edftor of the Daily Enterprise. He lain charge of - church in Wnohlngtoo, and of late years ra dropped out ef politic*. Tho discuu'on of Gultean'e hanging nntnrally brought np recollection* of hang* logs, and of IhoM) in M*oon particularly. By questioning Chief Harley nnd Jailer Foster, onr reporter found that we have had only six executions since the dose of the wer. Tho first man to die on the scaf fold aftor the ooee of the wer wae a Fed- oral soldier named Murray, who belonged to the Fourth United States cavalry who killed his capUin whito en camped in Macon in 1£Gfl, and was tried by a coart martial and sentenoedto be hanged. He was executed in the yard of the present jail. The next was a negro burglar trained Ellas Brouron. He wns a notorious thief, and bad committed numbers of nfght-tlmo burglaries. The law was merciless at that time to this class of tbi.-vea, andhesuf- ford the extreme penalty, on the same gal lows. A Confederate soldier named Mu*grove ss sxecn'ed elao on this scaffold. He bad killed a Federal soldier in Randolph coun ty, and was found with the property of hb victim on hie perron. He was tried by th* military authorities. There three men were hanged in UGG. J. Joseph Hodges was sheriff, and the late Thomas Knight, Jr., waa thejsiler. In 18C7 three negroes named Jenkins, Gorman and Whitehurst were hanged a! one »ic.\e in the jail yard, for the marder of Mr. Sheffield in Vinevitle. James Martin wae the sheriff. Since then, there has been maih need bnt no use for a scaffold in M«cou. 4 CltlJlIXAL EXECUTED. Tlio Noose nilpe nml Clio Doomed Mnn Xnkcs Desperate Efltorls to Tree Illmself. fBy Telegraph. 1 Jx)uisvxllk, Ky , July L—A special from Cadis, Twigg connty, says: Col. John Bridges was hung h« re yesterdsy in the pre» ence of the largest crowd that ever assem bled In thte connty. The doomed man hlblted considerable nervousness bnt met the ordeal bravely. Bridges took hiz stand on th* trap, the black cap wae drawn over his facts iliu loom adjusted, when Sheriff Boyd quickly sprang the trap and with a dull, heavy thud the body fell. At the In stant of the fell tits doom slipped asd tho poor wretch straggled terribly, succeeding in freeing his hands end feet from the cordi with which they had been pinioned. He made a desperate straggle to gst upon the gallows again but waa iraehed back and suffered a horrible death by strangu lation. The drop fell exactly at *30, and in thirty minntea he waa pronounoed Tlio Hrlnkler-Daaher Sfnlter. In yesterday's Tnraoaarn we published a communication from George \V. Dasher, a well-known passenger conductor on the Southwestern railroad, which was address- ed to Captain \V. U. Bom, master of trans portation, in reply to a card from Mr. Brinkley, which api*eared in our issoe of the ?Hth. We unintentionally omitted to say, by way of comment, that there is erf den tty some mistake in reference to the circumstance* connected with the griev me of which Mr. Brinkley complains. Mr. Dasher is known to thousands of people in Georgia, who have traveled with him, and be is universally esteemed as a courteous, efficient and attentive officer as wall as a gentleman. He expressed regret that the "mishap of the ladles ©wired," and then makes a plain statement ol his method of procedure in coming into Macon, adopted for the purjose i * Failinrfi 1 UA11110 i That is what a great many people arc doing. They don’t know just what is the matter, but they have a combination of pains and aches, and each month they grow worse. The only sure remedy yet found is Brown's Iron Bitters, and this by rapid and thorough assimilation with tlic blood purifies and enriches it, and rich, strong blood flowing to every part of the system repairs tbST wasted tissues, drives out disease and gives health and strength. . This is why Brown’s Iron Bitters will cure kidney and liver diseases, consumption, rheumatism, neuralgia, dyspepsia, mala ria, intermittent fevers, &c. tox S. Paca St., Bahimsre, Nov.tS, till. I was a great sufferer from Dyspepsia, nnd for several weeks could eat nothing and was growing weaker every day. I ttiea Brown's Iron Ritters, and am hanpy to say I now have a good appetite, and am getting itronger. Jos. McCawley. rjr Bp.own's Iron Bitters is not a drink and docs not contain whiskey. It is the only preparation of Iron that causes no injurious ef fects. Get tlic genuine. Don’t be imposed on with imitations. Bibb.Count, Sheriff'. Bale. i nulni !■ ■ Vo. C J. P. STEVENS £r CO. 34 WHITEHALL ST. ATLANTA, GA. r' EOROU, CRAWFORD 00I XTV.-It be- VJTnig represented to me that the c stale ot hubert Hutchins, lnt • of laid county, duceiueri, L unreprerented, whereby loss Is likely to ac crue to Mid ct tule. ThU Is therefore to cite all penons concerned show cause. iCnny they hare, before mo on the tint Monday In Auguat next, why J. \V Jack, clerk of the Hupcnnr Court for raid coun- Hitdratete°®tV° appointed admluteiretorfor Witness my hand officially. , V.8. HOLTON. Jyltd Ordinary. fjEOROIA, CRAWFORD COUNTT.-Itbeing VTieprcsented to me that the estate ofJsmen k. Hutchins, late of raid county, deceived, la- unreprearejpd, whereby toes U likely TUI* Umereforo to cite all perrons concern A',”, 1 ;I'w/U'cr b.«, i.e-f. on the tint Monday in Auxunt n< . . Jack, clerk of the Superior Court of,Craw ford next why j. w. tock county, should not be appointed admluUtrstoi U,e U, “' Witnca* my hand officially. VIRGIL 8. HOLTON, Jyitd Ordinary. GEORGIA, RIBB COUNTY.—Where**. K F Best basinteoper form applied for letters of admtnUtrntlon under Section 2136th of the Uode of Georgia, on the estate .,f Mr«. Emma Show, of Fayetto county. In th« State of Ken tucky, dyct*»cd, who has an cMate In the lnw dd Stste of Georgia. This U ip rite and admonish all perrons eon- ccrmsl to be and appear at mr offlcc at the July term next of the Court of Ordinary of raid county, and show rauiw. If any they ran. why G rmancnt letters of ndmlnbt; ation ahould not jtranti d to said E l Peat on Mid estate, itner* my official allnature thU 6th day of ,A *“• J. A. McMAM'tf, Ordinary. EOIUHA. BIBO i nU Daly lias administration o y, deceased. of Mid county, ThU U therefore to cite end admonish all s concurred to b« and appear -« th * of ordinary of said comity on L._ . Jnuday In July next to show tatiae. If any they can, why said application should not bu —anted. Witness my official (denature Ihl* June lwo. j. a: McManus, Jut lawfrr Ordinary. Summer Complaints Ai tills season, various disease? of the bowels are prevalent, and many lire* are lott through lack of Knowledge of a safe and sure remedy. Perry Davis’ Pair Killer Is r sura cure for DUrrhcra, Dys entery. Cholera, Cholera Morlnw, Summer Complaint, etc., and is perfectly #»/e. Read the following t JsianSHraspSf 5 - NOTICE. GEORGIA. BIBB COUNTY.-To all whom It may concern: J-Irs. Elisabeth J. Nutting of said county baring died on the tithdsy of May, 1*0, and James o. Wynn, of said fttatc, having In "per form applied, ss a perron selected by the -jxt of kin, for letters of admlnhuatlon on her estate, under tlic JtUClh section of the code: ThLIstu rite all and singular the creditor* and heirs of Mid Elizabeth J. Nn IU its to be and appear at my office, at the July term next «»f the court of ordinary of said county, and show cause If any ttiey ran why permanent letters of administration should not tw granted to said 'Vyun on said estate. Witness my official signature this the 2d day of June, 1W.& J, A. McMANUH. Jun'Jwlw* Ordinary. KOKgIA, Jones COUNTY.—Where** A. B. | lb*-*, as administrator on the estate of K. M. j Baksr, deevasedtof Jones county, applies tome | for dismission from said estate. I These arc therefore to dtca nd admonish a . i lemons concerned to show cause, if any they I rave, st this office, on or by the first Monday | lu August next, why tho »a»e . shall not be granted. WttncRi my hand officially, April i itef H. T. few* Ordln d n. Onrrad. » k.,, TUTT'S (UBBsanam PILLS A DISORDERED LIVER IS THE BANE of thl presant generation. It Is for tho Cur® of this disease and its attendants, S1CK-HEADACHE. BILI0U8NE88._DY8- PEPSIA, CORSTIPATION^PILES. etc., that tUTT'8 PILI,S have gained a worid-wtoe rcputaM in. No Rcintoly has ever been din v rr \ that not® so aontly on the digentire organa, giving them vigor u» aa-*} ford. Aa a natural rraulr, th® Nervous Hyatem is llra.-od, tho Muscles are Doveloped, and the Hody Robust. OlxlHim and Powor. H. RIVAIs a Plaaur at Ostm Btrs, U My pliuttauoa Is Ut malarial Cl ■ trie t. for M vasal ysara Iconic not m*Va hair a crop co account or DlUoaaClssaasa wJ ehlUs. ft was I ClscscragffC Wh«e I Kgsa »ha aaa of TCTTB riLLR. Th® rsmli waa awTreleas: my lah rsra sms tMcansa hvarty aad robust, I ami I bar® bad n® further trmahte. i -t-rr^H lurmlly, wills* venting such annoying 1 l Which They relieve theengorvesi 1.1' He eoold have had no _ .. tint; the ladle* to the iuconveniecce plained of. There may have been a mis take as to who the conductor was, and the notice of intention to lake the Auguita train via Macon and Auguste rood may have been -made to some tulionllaate ox the train instead of Mr. Dasher, or what is still more probable the state ment may have been made to Mr. Dasher that they were going to Augusta, without saying whieh road it waa proposed to take. Mr. Dasher is working for the Central, and may have concluded they would go ou by Central train, which waited half r hour after arrival of Mr. Dxiher’s train. W# have said this much both for the sake of Mr. Brinkley and the ladies, as well as from a disposition to save from unjust censure a gentleman whose kindly atten tions bare contributed to the comfort and pteaeore of many of the people of thte sec tion while traveling on the rail. TUTT'S MIR DYE. (lasv nAiBarWimarMrbaarvdteaOLossT Bun by a sad* appUceOMa of UR Dvu It temarta • namnueol) r.m l sru ln*t*oun*'*j»ly. o/otm ** **° l ,,pf “ ®° r * c **F* AX OT it EH Jl URDU II. John Hal try Rhisote nod Utile Parle Tamuan. A little eftsr ten o'clock hut night, the report of a pistol wsa heard on Cotton are- nue, above Roseau's store. Officer Good- tow ran immediately to th* locality from which the sound proceeded, and on going into the small grocery store of E. J. Tatem colored, a few doors above Russell's corn er, found an old negro man named Parte Tapman stratebed upon the floor near the counter- Dr. Ksnnon Hall, while passing, was called in and found the old man breath* lag slowly and bte poise week. While ex M Uoner te Whom Honor la Dae-** In writing up the tresis*** of some firms we not unfrequently hare to draw con siderably upon oar imagination, not hav ing sufficient data to go upon, but in the present Instance the record te open before na and eo dear sad di-tinet that we merely transcribe, so to speak. We refer to the career of onr fricod*. Masers. Lamar, Ran kin* Lamar, wholesale aad retail drag, gtete of Georgia. First, we ahaU go back to where they began ia 18G8, the style of the firm being then L. W. Bant Jt Ok, com po icd of Mr. L»W. Bent, oae of Ma con’s best citizens and druggists, as man%- ball having entered juct shoot an inch below the left nipple. Coroner Chapman waa notified, an I by half-past airren o’clock a jury was empaul nailed with Mr. O.N. Dana as foreman. I . From tha evidence dm to the jury by] aneyewitnes*, the circumstances c< the I killing are about aa follows. A negro man I by the name of John Bally, who lea fra. qoewt visitor of the atore, earns down stairs from a meeting of the Bon»and Daughter* I of Jacob and asked Tapman, who wae a dark in the store, for change for a dollar, saitar that he wanted four quarters. Tapman seemed to be busy aad went forward from the back room, whieh is a bu, to the f root pvt ot the hORae intfl " —. iiCLASuraa. No family can safoly be without this Invalualile remedy,. Its price brings it within the reach of alL For role by all druggists at 25c« COc. and $1.00 per bottle. 1’EUUY DAVIS A SON, Proprietors, Providence, IL 1. drain! Monthly. nrVA FIT A L Pit JAW TlcUclMouly g.l. Nharre lu |iro|K>rtloa IounianR Slate Lottery Company. Incorporate! In Pitt for 25 years by the Leg- Mature for KducaUooal sad Charitable pur- poce-wlth a capital of il^usooo—io which a reserve fund of r&WAQO has since been added. By an ovt-rw hclinltia popular vote Us franchise Wee mad® e pert otlhe present SUte Constitu tion sdoptedUeceiaber w, A. U., 1179. The ®Wv Lottery eeer eeted e* eed endorsed Ay IA# yreete hfete. n«. one 6 seU |.loW Kt L. ns th® propsriy wtWr two d 1 t'cnrt, on® hi U Rtubbs, and hi It <1 .i Alto at land In Godfrey d • "J, bounded —* id on the e , ■UsXy the Hit* stutCa 'Irii for the year ihfil. A J Engtl A'h). at In* to-wit: Part of fronting 63 feet cu berk to the alley b rtrtciR. in foil -Whereas, Den- .■ -, t«*-wlfi l*urt of 1 t N.. fn.-iitli * on Bend -r • t. .. : .< n • 1 nnd W... • , con. I • . :<•! no tOR.tii - ti.«• tux- f. r ! V-!, cl'jr by Mr.. M Al-o at I’.o Ri'ia tl . .. i I hiR. to-wit: I'art of lot No 1 • frontingM fcetonCnlh ■. In city of Macon Ix-vlod blate ttiid County taxes U r If Holmes, trastec, Abo at the »aine lime nod Inc. to wit: Fart of |otN< fronting MO feef RtnH't in city of * the Mntc and Con Kljdey, wrent. June Mil, B:bb Courtv Pcttroned Sh-llC Sal* Tf/II.LbeioMbeforellieconrtho-., i -.r k» t V the city of Macon, during lb*- »l honre of sale./m tlic flrvt Tu. - U. . «.«•*•. the follow Ins: piiq 4-rty to wil: T1 u.:< t > ofUndknowr as part of thcori"*“‘* U.'ir fifri odImilS^nevtliedls^" “ Ing I7A feet o ' “ Forsyth *oi Imi k .t;:) feet to th® property c , , „ tslnin* 1)J sms. ■ttKaSSP “• north ol (lie p knnrm u Hi. levied on aa the pnqwriy ceaseil, to ratlsfy a fi te 1st rior Court In teror of E i adminUtrnUlx. HIT. June Mb, 1183- Uitil* Con the city of Macon, diirimr I le, on Wednesday, the xs» one ley horse, about if W of rale, on Wedi '.tWJ, ou® toy h Levied ou as tin MtUfy a mnttxsKi V-tlor Court In (• ultoon. Above tl T. J. Hftnaour,, juir-M n r mmm oprCwtd^ EORflIA. jofn l. dtiiary. IUNTY-Whereas Mrs. CarrieU. Smith and Uonldss Hnilth, i . ubtram! executrix of the estate of Jehu T, Kmlth, deceased, have applied to me for dU- Theee are therefore to rite ami admonish all persons coin crrml to show cause at this offler, on or by the first Monday In Angustmexb If any thc^ hare, why the >ame shall not be g aulid Wltnese my hand oOctaHy, April 1«\ tC T. ROBS. sprtwtd* Ordinary, Election Notice for Stock and Fcnco Law. TONES COL'XTY.GEORGIA.—In, rJ with an art of the Lk-Mature. apt n.vrd suit imi, an election will be held at the rious election precincts tn Jones ebunty on Monday, the 10th dsy of July next, to vote up<*t the question of ••Fence” or "No Feoce'' for the i omity of Jones; raid election to be conducted as other elections and returns to be mad® to the bi “ ,J Wttnree tny hand officially May 22,1M1 marJIwM IL T. ROed, Owltrarv. PIANOS JSoO Snue lirantl i’Ln.o L- ruNOsnu. ’ larse fancy mould It./, foil Ion fi Grand Action. Grand Hammer*.- Improvement which ran In a ..} mi Executor’s Salo. W IU. b. nld UI,.r. Uu court hora- 4or>r.1 ItibU county. Gcorgis, on th* 1st Tuceday in July next, totami th* Icxalhoureof sale the fallowing propcriT, to wit: u«e Georgia a per fund of • l.fiii, numtori-d 325, due III 1IM; Central railroad dlvbtend scrip, number 1'JM for • 1,00; pasldiwroupoBeof Ore city t* Macon lMiti'U amounting to tlto.00 and foo acne of land situate In said county on the wet side of tli** public toad Wailing from Macon to Clinton, Oa.. adjoining the Wilburn tends ou the east, land of Jamas Rugm on the south, id Geo Smith nu the west, and of Mrs. Lme on the north, and which r * This is now, l»y far. * 'U ciA-Ml h>r this SI ThUltsuo wifi be m : I < I'..' i.-'trial. II- -• O'! rch • ■ • - 1 ! I.IIMW with order. < ,i*/i *r„i .!l, <>, , ,rut t«iht {,[> ns Unth itnr- *if i‘l<'i‘,u\m yeeptaVenybtets. It nee r eealee or noitponee. Mtn Grand single Siimbi r Drtttr• Ilium tiil.r tdurr Munt/ilif. A NrihXDiD orraitTUXITY TO WIX .1 EOIITUXE. -atVKSTll GRAM) DRAWING, CLASS (J, AT NEW OIL LKANM, TUESDAY, July llth. ivnf.- I Itili, ' wSSTsSriiimy Imught by John IL Low® ot Mrs. Wilburn, ami enclosed sod plantol by Gea Smith, colored. Bold ss lira property of the estate of John 11 Lone, ite-l ceased, for division aatoog the legatees under an order of the Court of Ordinary. Terms castes luA-lawtw. UbU. If. LOWE. Executor] fi KOKGIA, MU CXJUNTY.—Whereas Hcury l J J. Lamar, sxccutor of Mr*. K, O. lllbb, rep- re-sctiu to the Court In his petition, duly filed and entered ou record, that he has fully uf ratnl.tcred Mrs. E. 0. IttbU' relate. TbD . therefore to ettv all persons rnnccrncil, legs- > Ires acd creditors, to show cause. It any they can, why said executor shoold not be dtsehar^ ed from his executorship aad receive tetters dismission on Uw- first Monday in July, Pui. Wltneas my hand and official da nature thl April I.ISU. J. A. McMANL'H, otju pui.Uus,,-. . ‘tone, mailed fret-j ylvlng the nano fully warrant *lfof Ay® sue a. i .m sit p, - ii 10WJchoice pieces sent tor ’c a st v in i ssna v r, t jssrisehcMily Da EARS'* 41 MILLION llljrula r.furw ( Dr. TCTTS MAM fit. of r«lw«»r*'V iH/smatlsn sn* Coeful Maeoipto I %rUI a® tmoiled TXXX on o«®| .srtwJ MCJSIC , FOR LESS TUAN One Cent a Page. In Elegant Bound Volumes Useful nnd inexpensive for tke *anm< of all grades acd styles of rhset Music. M Oem* of English Seng.** EM page* rertechetoemof suogn of tifrinon Hong, i—100 of tUpagce Prana** Athum of *-ong.'* 777 pa- f Wei Frans's baas roar Xorirng Munir Ath And many other cnUectiooR Frloo each, 12 plain; 12.SO doth; $* full guilt. OLIVER EITSoFA 00.. Bolton C. It. IiIVwIN AGO. M3 liro.1.,, N. Y JAS. A. GIFFOED PIONEER BOILER WORKS, I am now prep At liintrv, < «iu PUPM H shutter*, etilte for turiientine UanPH »tacks, etc., at prices that cannot be bent. Gall or address mo before orderiogQ |where. All work guaranteed. Also agent BUPsr lireiNfo.L who manage all the drawings of this Company, both ordinary aad «cnif.rf niurerf, ! aunt tho coerce lures of the published Official Mrs. Capital Prlzo* $70,000. 100,000Tlcketaat rive Dollar* Itocl* trai tluun, In 1‘lfllraln proportlou. arnroziuaTioM r Approxlamtloa Prises off7»«. % i ~ L’OH HALK A FiMP,rmh.,OAu,dS.lnrh' tl er, with Kureka *pring. and L— *— Repaxator.) Also, Farqnhar's Climax UoreePowsr, all cotsplsw aad ready for work. Neatly new, aa but one crop of oats hss been thrashed oot uith IL It will be sold low. Inquire of jsD30d2t&wlt lu mli , vr.iT. 1 KORGIA, BIBB COUXTY.-WheWte, Cere ft EORGI . Ct uellue halltran, admlnlstrafo appIUatlon^ for leUrre^td dUmlastow from the Hear Wlmt tlio Donl-Sny. estate of T. Krrwln b 1 This te therefore to dte and admonish all persons concerned to be aad appear at the court of ordinary of said county oa the Int Monday In Angus! next, to show retire, If any they can why odd application should not he *WTtiiere «y head and official signature this May ath, Uau. J. A. McMANl’f may»-law3m* Ordlm countyde- “TbavStocn 1*7 Frteee. amonntlng to Appliration for refre to club* i mad® only to the office ef the Gorepa ■raug should be OriMM. Wtan '" For further Information write dearly, giving full addrrea. bend ordere by Kx press. KegD- tsred Letter or Money ueder, odd reared only te “ * -Mi r/ifjr, Orlrana, La., ocelve prompt attrntloa. r Notice to Bridge Bulldors. T*NTILfiaturday, June 24, UR, (be County (J Commissioners ot Bibb Invite acated pro posals lor building a wooden bridge orerTo- beeofkw creek et the site now known ee Score ey*e hridc*- For phum, sperlfireilsae nnd all »*r telonaatiuo apply to the undersigned ixnn.ctRt. b£ Bcrond street, end the dwelling and lofof tha ■aid Mia. Hire Ddoarb* at the Ume of her death, all In tire city of Mneon IsreMoonMy. betoogtng to sat! estats: This U therefore to rite and aderenteb all H i ronremied te bo and appear at the •4 •■rdtaarr U said re-uniy, oa the first yin July next, to show cones If any they have why said application shonld mi be **Wlteire ay official rignatnre due Jen* % IRK footer ter J. A. McMAMUfi, Ordinary. MOOPE’S UNIVERSITY, AlbsK, bi (JM sf th® tret prsetkei -45th— roputer Monthly Drawing of the , HH] IntbeCttvo* tri ’llo cl FRIDAY JUNE W 13r. Those drawings occur m * ' l» . nr. :»y's xcopiod) under provision- ’%*r / c(tb« Oeceral Are*«mbiy of iUoiv v Tha L'biicd S tatce Cirooit 0 r ri ,on Marob SI. reiMtercd iix follcwisg do-l*ions t lsi—That tho Cotnmonwealih Diatnbs Hob Company te DgaL hi—IU drawings are fair. N. B.—Tke company baa now on lraad & Urge rsserve fond. Uend carefully the lkt of prizes tor tha JUNE DRAWING. IFrtzu f 3VXti 11'rizo SSc l Prise. SflCL 10Prizes fl -Oca b. 20 Prize t fOO each. 100 Prize* ICO each BOO Prizes to each GCO Prizes 20 each MWO Prizes 10 each 8 Prizes 80i) each, an'ro COOL, SPARKLING, ELECANT G la | fomnir, IbinkiiuV Lamar's IF, I 100 each do do 3 las SODA WATER I*-d •’> all to Ui TUK BkMT uanm tnik' Whole Tlcftata, |?. HalfTickete, |i. 27 lir*rf®, |.V'. -V. I u-kt U*. Remit M or; or Bank Draft in letter >r -i. I t) r.*; rr— DON’T KHND l 1 regihtkkkdletter or lnsri,/ FICKoKDLK. Crdere of and upward b> K*I re-«, <~n:. \« .tut at ou: ssi«t.-< Addrere all or it-re to K. M. BOAUDMAN, ('• J.iurna:, teiuraoll®. Ky. or #nu»e t*r*A.n JC '• Hroadwav.N. t. Lamar. Rar.ltn & Lamar, Druq’iiia