Georgia weekly telegraph, journal & messenger. (Macon, Ga.) 1880-188?, July 07, 1882, Image 8
<1 be (Deaeejia UleclUvr {triegaipl? aufr 3 outrun! %v trad the exhibition, .ixmination, itc.,of Snow high ichaol. , 10 one or mm. or km. «. >- um Thewto old bonl tho wlM oW bofnt ■S&SSHSKP* a «s notuni full of crinkle*. n»T« to gey. ir teacher, Dull in businees nod bot weather. Sioux. Tfcrv hare the "ihnuUto" to bed! “ - And ao they frown amusements down. . . • *- *si aoclei table. I to ihelr worldly son*. they are onab.e. j frown amuaemr the social Uble. to their world . __ drive them frantic, tailing they, when young aud gay. ere in the main a* antic! bnire old boya! they’ve borne th ,j]| |Uuu of fun they borrow; .JH bend the tncnul aomeraaulU The boya of sixty favor, A- d tell of Joy*, "when we were boy*. To tome more recant ahnrer! Ah! deer old boya! we ll mlaa you when Upon your life's horitoo Pre-h's shadow* fall-hi* gloomy yell Your home of alienee lie* on; And U In heaven we find you not. -Kissaiss?r , ss , a-.h^i- geoIioiTIjleaninqs. Gordon. lot S.-Hydrophobi. hx< made iU »p- nwrance among th. doga In Gordon. Mr. C. K. Frazier bad to kill hi. old yard dog y eater day. Union prayer meeting to-night at the Baptist church. Subject for debate at the academy to. morrow night: “Which la the greater evil, war or intemperance?” We are not trou bled with cither around Gordon now. Mrs. Sue Stevens left yeaterday morning for Savannah to apend aeveial day* with friends in that city. • The gin house of Mr. O. E. Fra*c borne the eroaa, I undergoing thorough repair*. It i* the first house in town to have a fire proof cov ering. — Hadlee*. Just 18.—On yesterday morning about 111 o’olock, the alarm of lira waa Bounded, I and It was reeponded to promptly Ire out I firemen. The fire originat 3d in the dwell- I ;cg house of Mr*. Chile*, in a closet oon- | taming u\A of rubbish, and it l* supposed I to have been the result of spontaneous I combustion. No damage waa done aa the I fire waa extinguished soon after being dis- I oovartd. ^ I Lut night l’rofe**ow AtkldBn and Ghs- | ney, of the Augusta School of Oratory, K e an entertainment at Foster's hall, for benefit of the fire company. Although I the weather was threatening, an attentive preciativ* audieaoe greeted the two double semi quaver, etc., all oi which goe* to show that music la the most perfect of all the scienocs. Iking founded upon mathematios, it la impoMibl* for it to err. The trustees of the Excelsior Academy aa well aa the citizens of this plaoe, are justly proud of having such efficient teacher* of naosio aa Mrs. and Mb* Van House. The concert on Tuesday night waa very satisfactory—a good audience and a splendid entertainment Wednesday morn ing the audience was delighted with the reading of original essays by the young la dies and declamation by th* young men of the higher classes. There were two prizes offered by the teachers, one for the beat original essay, the other for the beet de- claim* r. The prize for the beat stray waa ® rded to Mies lizzie Perdue, of Senole. prize for declamation waa give to Mr. Oeear Sibley, of Benoia. At 11 #) o'clock, a. m., Mr. Beck, of Bowden, de livered the literary address to every large audience. It waa a masterpiece of elo- qw hi be <— atepM. Tnthe evening, at 8 JO o'clock, the muale classes rendered that nice little cantata, The Seasons,” supplemented with “My uvunw-M, I aad appreciative nudleoco greet*! tiio two SX1T8 GATHERED At 1 SI EtIAL I gifted elocutionist*. The programme wav vORREStOXDEXTS. I replete in pathos, wit and humor, and the n«ioni I universal verdict U that the entertainment „ __ . * ..... ,. nr<t ... nfT I waa the floret literary treat ever enjoyed Juan *The crowd is still Increasing, | ^ a Madison audieaoe. and every train bring* its quota of visitor* I The Democrats of this county will meet k* the commencement now in progress. | in the court boose on next Tuesday and ££ r““ pcvxonx In Xl- -U* **•«»«•• •» eonvon- 1 notice Hi.hop Geo. F. Piero., Hot, I ' Colquitt, Gen. Evnna, Dri. W. H. Potter, ttamn jo, s. Key, J, W. Hinton and J, O. A. I Jcaaffl.—Wenresledtoeeejaaroorree- Ulark Hon. John Floyd, Hon. E. H. Pot- pondenl "Oorpo” here. Oar people are iar. U. IL Park*, Rev. J. W. Burke and I tfehool matter* here ere on e boom. The *tbe*a. The exercises of today began I trustees propose repairing the prevent tmore dsas for the Stewart medals. The I ' oU []j 1QZ , u this section. K. 0. L following i* n lUt of tbe speakers and the — mbjects of their speeches, viz.: W. G. I Tslfsda. ta!lm Go., “Tb, Star, and BtripMt" S. H. Bassett, Fort \ elley, Ga., "Chines# I tjrof fl v# ^,i x th» of a vote. It war not n knmiiration;’' D, A. Ortone, Opelika, All., I grat.d walk over for Stephana. •Th. Rr^nt Ballet;'' W. 51. liarrir, Greens- I Mite Fannie Fry, who ha, been allubool -Th. Bp. 01 naiei, ... I in Halim, North Carolina, bn. re tamed, bon, Go., —lh. Struggle for iadepend. l ^ Pteplea i> happy, mm;" W. A. HaokibM, Morgonton, On, Don’t mo bow Felton, Si*d» ,t Co. eon «Th» Loot Bool;'' J. A. Qalllinn, Harmony I afford to aopport btophena ainon hi. Smith _ „ imteateaioni Contorted Eire- I totlw, unit” there i, a secret nndcrrtand- Croro, Go., "torimtppt idmloeiwu nwo> l ^ M>m.wbor.. It molt b. that th.y.nn- Honj’’ J. B. Spick, looey Bpriag., ^ n • <tenuad «u;h other aom. way. -Th. Bruken-llearled;’’ W. T. 0. Eton., 1 Oxford. Go., -Geoi,ini”S. B. 8h»w, Modi- Thom»«>llie. mm G i “The lout Dny. of Hercol.-1 Joxrfi.—Th. theme of th. Slate Unlrer. »—C r - A - w?**' 0rof *pAS , .'f”priS , £d SUB?v£» 6a., -Enlogy on O Connell. I a year ago, the Adjonct Aintnni Boeie- Th. declamation of nil th. .poker, wet I ty, branch No. 1, wa. arganlxcd in Thom- ’ annually mod, and thor. w.r» urornl Mrtlle. The mratai.Mp now O 7 , ’ “ ... I nnmh.r« twenty-fire or npwnrdr, and th. whow oratory wa. of n wy bt*h eharao- I annnt| j^oinipi nrc a roaroo of th. grut- Ur. Hr. Bom, who .poke an extract from I „t pUaiar. to nil; tho intenate of tb. Alma on. of Hon. B. H. Hill'. .pMchm, caaght | Haler helots Iho dominant principle, in ft, wpirrt Of hi. pte«, andlinn pn»fnl "S7iSS&ta« yr.tordn, Dr. P. H. Mrtl, uramt andimprrmir. twwnn ax th> >tD , r>bl< „ d ^ ChaneUtor, and prtmion to tho thontht. oflte nnUmr.^ ^ | JndM Vmom tnd ^ unll, two Biller’ll—S*awaa 1 diitional.hed-trtutun of th. Cninraity, frnmoo. otBeaitor S 11 " TK addrood the woirt r. From their rcmxrk. pnwitotjy hnijpir ln hto wndwott, 0 !™; 11 R »thcr«l th. followini! facte, which it '-“I b. well for m> of th. two 5“t hto lUoU w?, t ), “„ VIlmI upporter. of Emory and Merer eoltero, ™hart token ocoulon of tote to .lanttor Si,'£d n .ate/to B ^!y^Si^3 ^££iZ*r3£alom. off.rml to ftaepoch,In anumutnad Impatelmad , t ^u|Dr. klollCntcmity ■•“tor I had thwlx-t uiantiUftf pi-aratn, of any kjg thonghto nnd bornlntf wrnda whiai In I Ka th of Ihe Potomac, and an th. dark day. of th. Contrderaey flowed 1 _ . j n America, that rr.r w *^2?* at * lml D ° ,r * trick,tt I principle of chamUtry and phultS’’ and .itent tonijac. I riH1 |j ^ practically illo-tratcd by .**- BhOW, emo had teluted aaramatio I (ht .pparatn, known; liter. I. n lary. Ijror- rendered it 1° n nahnah I laboratory where -Indent, of ftriUlnji “•“h* 7 - latndltel and “Imtared to themtelro" for ■frff* air.*0"p's?font or .lx hoar, rtoilr. and wh.0 they **• ot •»* 1 cradaated were prepare) to take a chair of at*"**h^b,^hto,gottenatewte ^, mWlT , n .ayroiu,,. Htooomplainad 5"l"*- I that n practical education to not glen. \\« I bar.oarnnawertothi* joatabor.. Another debate I •* that drtl and military cugiuMn go out 1-wruS.m. HnSii*»■ <UhaU,of theualTtnlly.veryyur *VIOMlnUi^oyml on railroad and corn *toa took ijacoj wltli Hon. E. H. 1 da a .arr..*, A farm la coanocted with th. ftteidnrt for th. walon. jt Tlte ,«*»Uotf v h.r. th. rrofmur lactarm to ffiSftf^MhJrmud BUtei Wa atoai. In th. bid, and they may ^ toady urtenham practically. Pm. ti l. tnwati-r.vrhmnaa’lAng °VaI*doatin W, (i^" tar, toll and f.rtlicra; eirtl wginMtra who uWA? 'p^as» a r mi aMy bathtodw^ and tha „ Bll ^ „ d c, m ,» trl Mctety, and tmted W■ «”x*yarngO".? > 'teljy I„ a gutiaman. until bo proyc hlmaclf kalaaud., Hp»arar, KKlto b. otberwia.. Aa an avidutw ot the H.daMtei'mtnUmtofU.nyUTa.Thla| tbt , w nmrtp.p.r oT V 7 ^r.?tno" i!r ^ I roadart raf.r to tho control ci.rciaM over I to tlte UnteOf th. Rountr Jjj** !f?S£S!fti d *h , » - ronn5. l !ol an! I ** raffard* th# .tatenxnl that tha faculty St!T 1 n'r"^ o7 tho MrnutnMi I taBO * h® 0 "* ««taid. Uteboll, of th. not- fid?.;.? m?S5&!LmI S3i!^Sd 'A** “g , ni S h ?g; ted. fair to bccomt on tooqnwt ipwar. I To-night Prof. Wollua W. Itenmn.of Mjoiar ^d tr.cSr’tS u^,maU?i KotorT Col:..-., Bpmtenurg, 8. C.. d.- chffltafSLuJSl?; tS? th?d"!Z«t ^^ J r:h. on D^n£rlSL^.‘ij sSt sSEBstsst ffSiSi •» tS * h Si h ^i,TS, , ate nuhe dtomarad It in an tobttoMMh UftoolorUteworld nnd.llted^Mh.ntof ano£?M! I fge, end whose reputation now adt.Uuul.hyI Sum ,h. « a ... k._ I SSM*. I tOwKJW 111 in OSS OI Ute DBS I KttD- f!£L orrtanlor aim. m I ll,u hi Anterior.” Jndgu Vaaon .pok. of fo u-'Sft'aSbLtoDmaS! I lm|«rtuncu of the white poop), of the uSo? AAlLmaSd^off^dtothLI•*“•*»• ■»•“»*totunaou..fforUtonlacat. tort m> thtUn br uyffl of lh! ,'^ r cbl \i rn L w,l ‘t l 5*', 'ha/ might. In IStojrr!.Tl-to« fm U-'orrirtain minK SiiontMk*Th.Btekum'iMdS! offoad'for I tjButioe* from the N«»lbo»u pu,— Ss^t^srev wmtenb?a&r member of I Uut th<# *• there will be eons Se irLsmoi elssa^was Ywarlrd to Mr I * TOand for f,4r tll *t h*» lf » generation* EESSSSE3SS ~S“3s"S£#JS” SMlbS^tobSsSl hiS. wumuwimnu.maoTcoriu.auteu.oium I^OokMomn I 1U1I, on “lh.duty of Ja«2T-Tha Junior txhlbtUou to dll I h.r children." The -ItESSiw h. ir.m. Ptedal for declamation wot awarded inu CiUWB UN Nuriug ICIU1 ut bidllf AiVUC Uhlng school. Prof. Glover, ot Twiggs oountjr, will take charge cf the school in tbe future as principal, rice Prof. Hardy, resigned. Prof. Hardy will prosecute the study of legal lore. The other teachers will continue M before. The commencement of tbe ttenoia High School will take plaoe next week. Tbe sermon will be preached in the Methodist Kpimmpnl church next Sabbath, by Rev. Mr. McKay, of Griffin. Next week will eloee tbe commence ment season with us, and we will say ta, ta, commencements. K. 8. VfSnTl Mat Ion Juno 2).-Tbe crops are very fine lndcel In Theezerclses of Ward's Station High School closed on Friday last lion. James 0. Parks do- llrsred the address. Mrs. Daniel O. Walker ts seriously ill and her death Is expected hourly from cancer. Tbe Western Cnton Telegraph Company bare reached this place, putting up new posts and adding another wire. U. E. U. palubrldge. June B.— 1 The convention to elect dolors to* to the oonventton in AtlanU on tbe lteh of * * r meets here on the 4th Inst. The prospect* that the delegates will (o unlnstructed, ugh there wilfbe true effort made to In struct for lion. W. K. Smith, the only Oeorgla Congressman who voted against the electoral commission. I do not think H at all probable that there will be a fltephena delegate from this place. Truth to say, U would he difficult to find a Stephens man to make a delegate oat of. There fta rumor afloat that a company of capitalists will shortly engage In the manufeo- ture of tube and buckets at this Place. A matrimonial Insurance company has t*cu organised here. It bears the name of the •'Uni versal Hymeneal Aid Association." It Is said by those who claim to be behind tho sosne that the Hate bridge, Cuthbert and Colum bus railroad will be built In Ices than twelve months. If U Is It will open up one of tho finest timbered sections In tho United States. Ills a atrsuge thing that the ruad has not been built °I^m?the pleasure of shaking Ool. Gentry by the band a few days since. Bcjubo. Iwery June 90.—Married, June 2*th, at the resi dence of the bride's father. Lee Brown, la Ba ker county, Harney Butler to Miss Lizzie Brown, Justice J. A. Walters officiating. May their , ourney through life be one of peaoe and hsp ^KrTintereet es yet la being manifest In the political Issues of the day. We don't know of but two Stephens men, and tbay are not Influ ential men at all. • F. F. O. I Jcza 19.—A thunder cloud passed over I Dawson yesterday evening a little after 41 o'clock. It waa very heavily charged with electricity, and discharged shaft after shaft for an hour or more. The lightning waa severe and the thunder terrific. The only damage heard of waa the destruction of | Messrs, donee A Milton's grain bouse, two miles soath of Dawson, by being fired from the lightning. It contained several thousand pounds of unthreshed oats, which were wholly oou nmed with the buildings. At another place five bogs were killed near a tree that was struck. The rain was bountiful aud much needed. Barnes villa. Juxb 29.—The amateurs and members of Ute brass band of this place rendered the "Pirates of Penzance” in the chapel of Gordon IosUtute to an audience of about four hundred, with the following oast of characters: Richard, a pirate chief, W. A. Front; Samuel, his lieutenant, J. C. Blalock; Frederic, a pirate apprentloe, C. T. Ty|#rj Major-General Stanley, of the British army. T. E. Murphy;j Edward, a sergeant of police, R. A. Stafford; Marti, General Htauley’e youngest daughter, Miss Nannie Howard: tJile. Mist Alice Rookwell; Edith, Mies Minnie Tyler; Isabel, Ml** Kate owatts; Kolb, a piratical maid-of all- work. Miss Ora Blalo k; Gen. Stanley's daughter*, pirates, polio#men, cto. Professor Guttenberger acted m director and foreished the music, with the assist ance or Mbs Kate Chamber.-*, Mr. O. B. Higgins ard Mr. OtU Morph#/. The performance altogether waa the best on* I ever saw by amateurs. Mr. W. A. Front as the "Pirate King,:’ Mr. C. T. Ty ler, as "Frederick.” a pirate apprentice. Gol. T. K. Murphy, as "Major-Gcneroil Btaoley," and MUs: »ra Blalock as "Ruth," 1 piratical maid-of-idl-work, sosi ' * toir re«t>ectlve characters admirably. The only drawback to the performance was that some of the character* did not appear old enough for their parts. Gol. T.E. Murphy needed tome artificial aid to enable him to look the Major-General with "eleven marriageable daughters—all handsome,” and Miss Ora Blalock, one o like's prettiest dnughtcr^aa Hath, needed more defacing than I hope father Time will givo her in a score and a half of years, to mnke her look the spinster of forty- seven, which she represented. U. G. U. Msvliluvlou, June 2*.—Iteyoud question Washington can now be added to tho list of puces In Georgia where tboVicrnun carp are rala«l successfully. There were thousands of the little fellows born this spring la the pouds ot Mb W. W. Slmpeou and Mr. T. IL Colley. Good rates In this section every week and barUcucs are on a general booeu On the siotu of the barbecues It U said that tho richest breads and meals (lowed most freely. General Toombs and wife will leave next Monday for their summer retreat at Clarksville. Judge Wm. M. Hesse and family expect to matt In a fur days for northern Michigan. Gainesville- June 29.—The latest material develop menu are the new railroads which are seeking this point as a rail road centre. The Gainesville. Jefferson and Houthern road is already In operation for twelve ml as on the Jog Tavern branch, ami about eighteen miles on the Jefferson branch from this point aud eron now is paying expenses. The lire and energetic president. Colonel A. U. Gaudier, tells me that the track will be laid to Jus Tavern In a very short time. Thin if Walton county shall do her duty lu the matter, the road will be run at once to Monroe tr by making connection with the Walton —. rood, which will !>e In reality a connection with the Georgia railroad, and will be oi in calculable benofit both to UaloesrUlo end Monroe. Then there ts tho Dahloncga road which of construction. CoL Price, tl In process of construction. Hi president. Is a thrifty buslnem man and there will be pushed right through. Cbl. Caadcr MR contracted to put nineteen mile* of the road In running order. It has all been graded but six miles and that la now being done. Tills will I open up the way to tb* richest gold fiel<l« of Georgia and will be a "big bonanaa" for GsfoS raent v bars i—_ _ (reward pole rlimbing, etc. mi ••Dad'T^ Oi/mplaa gamtaD ter they will have a drama for tali'>n* to W.t. A L. Unlvr'a bank offering the redundancy of grain for sale. iTlcoa range, lor wheat, -• l.uil jto-r bu*hel; oau ’A c^nu. The cn»|< are not j xnatcrtally for rain lu tlila wctlon. langville lathe name of the villa of Mr. Thomas I All* at the tower f*cW»rr. Ilo D our English cousin-a perltct mmdewrlpt. Ho lu celebrate our glorious Fourth. Ila •■allfl hi* opt retire* together the other day and E ve a* hU reaM-n that now aa he w a* In Home, mud do as It imam do. He has Inaugurated iy thing* to divert the people* Thelramuw- -t will be complete, considering they will - >-«at races, randrr pulling. iblng, etc. Many wlllatti nd . au gamta(T) A fsw day* la- . , .hare a drama f«w the benefit'd thrlrchurch. Mrs. WUUe Ian*. aUdyolex- qulAite ta»tc. SMlftvo br the UaclnaUng Ml«a Annie Hell ivt-e. of Wsshlnatau city, and Ml-* Faullna bang, the charming belle of I/iuUvtlle, luu undertaken It. buccoe teas- juml. The -ad tl-llngs of tlie dekth of a former real- iket of this place hea n a.lud u*-U.T. Hhlt- aker. F>|. Iledlwlat Drratur. Tt juu. ysatrr day morning. He practice! law In our com munity five years, and though young ‘ ~ * ‘ fine reputation as a ready speaker and i ful legal advlwr. Hewaaa man of nn iiuhcsan-l atcrilng Integrity, who »c« Iltth art. of br.ia-1 meutai capacltU*. We bo- Mere had ha ltv«*l be would have eumedav ranked with the cdcbrtttse. Aa,au*,a« la poet.: Mr*. 1‘ctrenla Tram moll's remains were brought home lor lntanuvnt la*l week. Mhe died lu 1 lorl-la. where »h*ha*l Uwn for a time- MUaUla Handley, daughter of Wm. HandWy. «*l Hoai.oke, .vU , man Mr. Mann, formerly of Maroti They fl atter they were married they b«.k the h. re f--r Montgomery, where they remalnt-1 until th*- Major Mvgraphed them bU bU-Mlng* ai d lurlteit them t» return. lt.»- Tourtn * on- grcwloaal dtauict wUI w«n meet lu \V*wi Point for the purposa of nomlna lng a man to rer-re- rent ualn tJongrere. «Wrd. K. A. t*. Freeman D thf man m.*t itititled to rMcclve this honor. Il»* l«a* Uen an Unktatlgable workrr In the iH-m-H iaUc ranks ami U as well uuallfical for MBHPHNPWPffiMIII HR the place as any man la the dlsiricL Mtesftaakimr.*' NV. B.Berks. Macon.Ga.. I •.**.*. \v< d > hup* to h« a taan, who woul-1 "Pagan Ranai-sanc*;’* G. U/Gtover, Mon-1 Jwt TL—On tbe 31st of October last A. consider ft d(<«rereful to eeck the nc.mlnaUou, tuteSoTno., “BmoUm ol Ute Ctoteite;" T. IO. Giltert kUtoJ Diik Fl»jn, both white, - • • - L** \j, and drank. Gilb«rl I I j,. lot Tkaotea coontj, aia^L. A. , Amt3<5. Bteltot,.Uto, , Ga,|“^-JtotoJS». Imt Ua« ; Haral,o«toB- -Xnland'a TroaUr,:" H. U. BadUa Dal. I *•«» .Unit. «w ol Uw botoln Ute Bute, Ion, Go., -IndividuUHj;" t C. Mortar, i ***"■ »K. lookont te, nnd toioai n Btratlia, On.. “ll.mcTii al Ute VtUcan I »-•' *«o htonl ot hto al«rnbouu In traa Homo;" O. C. Nall, M«i«ih.r GainMvUl., AUchna roanlr. Fla., and tel- r atr. Go., “stiadard of CirtllaaUon;- I -p-pited a d«crij>ttoa oi him ja J. W. H. Unuo. Atlanta, Go., “American T-m.r, ttteriff of ihat eoontr, aahint him UltratamTE. U Tawan. Kldte Plain., I •'■»» Gdltert. Tarwr leak aa ateto. •ft' “9*¥S Ift».i«alioaC. IL WrighL JsijlfiiftfelSKi? Cairo, Ol. ••I'nll.e ftbool Bntrm of dm’. I *«md OilUrt plovriag In. hto laid. GOItert xte; ,7 W.P. H.;., Loan Can., Go., “Th.|«to*tod and consider ftdKgrecefbl ‘-rought out end honored- He would be relit to West Point and the entire people the dhirtet. He U a very popular gcuttemi Mr. John ramell Is making large quart title of cUkr frees kls peaches* Mr a wew proeaas. He also con tin us* loahlp car load* o! ml fruit, u»ing refrigeretori for their transportation. Mire Lula Zecbry Is viMting Aubum. Ala. MIm Usste lluguley will return from mount's spring* next week. Mlaa lou fade smith will soon vt»lt Iznn tile and iafajettc. Ale. Mr. Frank Harrington will visit new York neat KTarvaic. vw , 1W ..- 1 ran into the woods pear by, Osman Btalcamvn." "The speakers were I \ um ? r , al him twice; both balls Incited to increased effort at exoelknee in I ,tlD , ck below the waist, one coming out *e delivery of rpeectwe, ss Massr*. I »«> ffoot fit the pelvis, the other ranging /. P. Btevecs A Co., of Attests, ha** ‘ “ * r tb* best . 1 Turner in the woods cam* smidalfor I had off./. I downward c.tu at the bade part of best rvndi-1 the fiWff tklfha Gilbert ran abont Haifa' Uon cf hie own s|eeeh by any member of I Turner in the woods cam* L.* Junior dau. Nearly allot the speak-1 Uvk to kt* horse, and cutting him loose ns «fil themstlvM credit tn th* deUv«ry|ef I &>"• Hunt, who had k Mr speeches, and in thU Batter Messrs. 1 followed hi* UivgTem, rtnchc4 there then . 4 teMrnreysadUm, are dmrvioTS Md telegraphed Ceek that GUbert had again | S3 mrnCoa. In the opinion of many Mt In company with Turner S ucre tbe strongest comped tore forth* | ■ touted o«t to look for him. He was soon si, and tb* general verdict wu that! f»«*d,ln a .hoots and medical eld ram* Hill wooll win IL However, as y I nwwed, bnt he U expected to die. A reward I* e—etimee the ex**, the committee appoin- J ®* ^00 ®Sf*** tot «*P** , *» ted to award the prize, did not agree with ! ft* two sheriffs agreed to divide *>iaaUy. t <• Mdtence. and awarded Ute medal to I " ar , #l returned this morning cat of •Lr, T. H. Huz^a. I bet we hope the reward will be After tbe speaking Dr. Haygood in 1 piW |,rp * ^ lttyl wi *oe**TW*nc* of sirimeis. \ \ ntntin dmg 29.—A* a on of thefhiSMt wte «nft|»i. I Rwry paper 1 pick op now U filled with '"»• ! V *: k-rtSPVAjgJjKj i (ran. IbteotalzfolhU ‘“"KWtoiro*- viwJmsI} moootoo, rxdr^WhU^iwiUM.>45 Tl.fhrtoiaKrri uu * b toward. rfafMVowaf pwfariroa. > Tlatklni teal joarraader, miahl, teroc^u UteiT grrot tf, Itear with mi. I giraSS feTSLlite 1 A~a—i. setwnd medal to H. It. rd ittnrff to meet with C. D. la te* afternoon, Ute motel cia*>ee were given an oral •'Mmlnntifm bv teodtert Mro. M. F. vSSSSrolil Zto Uq. \ oaHooro. TU axamloaiMa wsethwnreib ■■ 1 aifiiii. -n. Social Circle, June 30.-Wehave hanl a very good swmoq,but not m much rate ss some «*f oar neighbors. Prose sre all growing fln*tr and Md fair to re ward the lm»b«ndtnan wlth a bountiful bar The few coot nljrhts we had In ate/ and th* aerly peri ol thTa mouth ttunhl . . Hgi ^ cotton somewhat, but the late rein* vrtn weather are brlnglBg It out Th* small Crete crop* have been unprvredetibdly large. \Vuere farmer* have been gathering ten and twelve i>u.hels p«r acts and rejoteing at that tUr wow rejotee at thirty to Invty beelMla h«at per acre, and vale atmosc wttaotst Mr. w. if. Gresham, who bwt a Iktw by the hall norm on the 2M of April sad had hi* crop considerably damaged by ‘ the h ail, made :*j» bnahels of oats rm fifteen acres. Ills wheat <~ ► * much damaged by the hell that It did make much. Mr. J. P. L'pahawaMdeoTCVUWS bushels of whomt atari Mr. T. M. Alter- crembu made I to buabe'.s of oeto on one and e half term and will mve« tredsela. Mom. a L. Vtreud “ bushels • *. h. Mr. W. J. Bunnally had hto school examine- Hon and exhibition lest week. krr. “ Simmons will have hi* eiamlnatlon „ and nest day. and htoexhlUttoo Jteodey end Tueadey nights. .. i m Zlnre |. -rniwtacwd writing I learn there Turwlay night*. /lore I remme a heavy rein, aceoapaatod with haU, at tov- uyou^yemarday. tb" cleat E,aad aal flay of the Oxford quite a number of theoflW. bet there are others acuta whs P4low the hounds, n-» snettar whlcb way they 0.-Gov.caq«m he* written • too.; w«»mw—tht* eo*j * ^ ‘ Jwneuboro. June 30.—Dr. James D. Key, e prominent dt* _en of this county, dlcl Wednesday, and was burlM with Masooie honors yesterday. He rezts from hto labors. Peace to hto ashes. Wm. Phillip*, of this county, wss killed by falling timbers while raising a trestls on the M. aud B. railroad extension. Much pleasure Is anticipated by our commu nity during commencement next week. Mrs. Mary F- Bryan will read an original poem fur th* Phi BIgma Hocletr. Colonel T. CTNolan, of Mclmnough, will deliver the annual address, end other pleasant features could bj mentioned. Aecordloc to the “rotation" plan Clayton Is to the next Senator from the thirty- listrlct. Colonels chas. W. Hod nett end T. Spence are both prominently named mectlon with the nomination. Either would reflect honor on the district. 1 am requested to ask you U It to true that Col. Tom Hardeman will nut allow hto name put In nomination for Congrcbman at large? • fiuo Yu. faUrsngn ily L—What Congressman from Georgia — it who could find no fault with Orent'a conduct in Louisiana? Were not the civil au thorities dlsi.laced by th* military? Th* guile- ^es Grant did It. and a Georgta Cougresuaan could see no wrong In It on next Tuesday Troup county will select delegates to the Atlanta convention. They will probably go unlnstructed. but as the aounty to strongly anti Stephens they will re flect the sentiment of the county. I hare talked to many of the citizens o! Troup and I not believe there can be found in the county s hundred Mtephens advocates. Mr 8teph- • cannot be nominated under the rule of the ‘ “lie hoary with age-end to abolish -t hto Instance and for tht purpose of ha; 1 rule nstanceand for tbs purport of bis nomination, would be a blow atthevlUls of the organUed Democracy so deadly as in all probability to cause its speedy dissolution. Troup will celebrate th* Fourth in memory ' the dear old fathers. They were patriots, II trust made uomUtakoln giving us the l*eclamtlon. Little did they think the world, Uie flesh end the devil manifested through Yankee degeneration would destroy the tub- '" ,ruc “‘ ro We have fin* seasons and tho prospect of The Uunititution some months ago Insisted that Thornton waa at the head of tho Indepcn- dents and the chief of th* coalition. To day Howell and Thornton are "cheek by Jowl/' Is Thornton still at the helm ? Taoi r. Uoggassvvllle. July 1.—This (Johnstonvlllc) district sends by acclamation anti-Mtephens delegate* to th* Tonyth convention. Instructed to vote forth* two-thirds rule. 1 have yet to hear of a single Stephens man In the district. . Is it pomlbl* that th* Cvutitution has fallen there- into the forgetful attitude ot Its candidate tor * rail- governor? it seems so For up to the time you put the reme question to It In reference to nomination ot liacon that it put to you —id time since about .Stephens, it has been aa dumb as a mummy. Why Is this? lsltpossl- >le it does not want Us readers to know where t stands? Before you put your question to It mlfof Its editorials commenced with "Editor Lamer," "Editor Lewis." th* "Steamed Txlb- uaarrt anu Mk**e.''oks," hutaow It to aa de funct as a door nail until It propoNS to bull- dose you with a threat. 8ncn answers never satisfy our {constituents. Press the truth out him, colonel, that to all we aak. Lxvi. route and about 1M mUea b; nun. It to bound to attract both brains and cap- iial to this point. | We have now about 1,000 people and I think Jean safely say that In fire years we will sum- t«r 10,000. I I Tho commencement season ended last night I with a prlso contest betwren the two soclctlca of 'ialncavlllc < '4dlege This was th* third <u>d | last coiumgnccment of the season. ftSXlBgtSB, P June20,-The wsather to tntensoly hot. Good] mltis have pair' d through dlfferer.t localities *- Uie county almo-t every day for a w«*k| r _»L The crops are Indcvil flattering no * Igrewlng aa fast as could be desired. Pay beforrresterday a negro man by the name of Mat flubbard was killed by lightning, about ten miles frem here, while under an ap- om« will J Mahllahed In Lexington wlthlu the next three ■P lour months The telegraph company have agreed to futnlsb the wire U the people in the vldnty would furnish the posts and put them up. The money has been sntMcrlbed for the pods, and Mr. George Smith, an energetic young merchant of Lexington, will be the op- Tbc*annual exhibition of Iho academy at Cvawfnfd. In this county, was held lest even ing. Mr. John F. Cheney to the teacher of the academy. The exercises commenced at 1 •clock, and a large crowd assembled to witness ,.»o performances. Th# larger part of the eu- dlvucewaa suddenly dtopened by th* rapid ■HMd approach of very, dark .and I angry looking clouds, which threatened to -down 1 lumens* quentlllei of rain In* time. Many returned home and mlwd Jof the exhibition, ami there was no rain after all in the towaof Crawterdor surroundd ling locality. The programme, however, waJ actwl thn»ugh, an«f was concluded s»n>ut 11 b’clnrk. The sctwilar* all acted well, end re- . Foray III. July 1—The primary election* were held at the various precincts today to select delentes to meet here to elect repreeentatives to the btate gubernatorial convention (at 5 p. m) No county precinct heard from. Forsyth goes fiJ anti BiephtnvJI .Stephens, nearly three to one against the "late coalition" man. This may be regarded a good bails by which to Judge the county, as Stephens's main strength to in the town, “ Byron. July 1.—Pnwcrsvlllc district sends a solid del egation to the county convention that meets li Perry next Tuesday, In favor of Alexander II Stephens. The county will no doubt send u Stephens delegation to the gubernatorial con- fleeted great credit < themselves and their teacher. Tbe Crawford bras* hr ‘ I ‘ * | l c«I lent In our town several business removals have been determined upon to secure more advan tageous positions and w# are informed that two or three new houses will soot 11 soon open. Oawsoo. June 29.-In my.last report a typographical error was mad* W. K.Ptisbury, the spry edl- or of th* Sumter Argui/teee ln»u-a«l «.( TV. R. m ury of thu Lumpkin MtronUr, | S in alludtd P». yeaterday earning about 4 o‘ i g4«o«t rain btte. About two ml the lightning strut k a hoim- miles sooth of KM stealing the rain, the taouso ami were consumml by ’he flame. Th« !of&«r, all hate osadc. by tbe gitodi of Ood. a tremendous crop of oats. tk. « never was better, and cotton exceedingly prom Ding. No western corn to U skipped *■— another year, aud are trying to rate* ' ll for two yearn. The editor of the Dawwa Jmfs*1, In this .. untestrected. at phens men, and ler _ Itte the opinion of weiven- will anti 8tc- HBCoptetoouf some'of the politicalfaih- duty to Instruct teem tea certain exmt. so 1 that they ran enroll ihrlr name* wtth a bold |!SkK3fiaKRrJB&TSafSl jurats. There to a difference of opinion as to the aiiolishsaent of the two-thirds rule by the Itemocracy or Terrell. It is difficult to torttell thvrrMiU of the eooventVm upon said qese- Lfpoa. 1 here are but ■ ’ * ‘ «jl T« itiou upon mid qnse- o candidates spokra of before tho pconte of Terrell.the great commoner and lion. A. O. Hscoo. toe governor. It l* said that General Mahon*, th* 1— of Virginia, own* th* Kepubl State. Hto flat to law, it to above grseuhmk cedr-1 that Mr. fltephma basks staple title to the Kirkwood ring of the Democratic party lu ncmrgta tn hto right hand, and la hto l*u holds a bond tor title to the Republican party of the further, that the ladependewt. 1. "ground tow'’ Ivin.-rats of In coalition wtth the Mark- Wmm^BRtfeMkusmRPI BrsU'^i!SLrasrss«a approved their preeecdlngs. and In the 1 te* of all that he to 'Wlmon pure/' and*cUhae th* nomination at ike hands of the Bowrb« iw- mocraey. There la something ratten In Deaf mark. And (urther. is U resnemto-re'! tlustM tore tb# war Mr. f.»r mil agsraud meat. f»>r the sake *»I a seat la C angrei». tor ftessoerat at the price ol ljcmocratto s-»w r l and that at the commencement of the lateRPI l<ril'.on Mr. Stephen* was made Vice Prmideat of the tkmfedermT, and hto antagonism to Mr I Deris and hto enMnet threw a damper on th* can**; la tb* nsenn white, he was appointed ^^^^seMen^^tolhed wdh autu, rtt^as ml earn, our eta* fnsyd. to emeretee.lhe power yeatedjln him eowspletc-LThe ... Hayes approved of Dr. Fatan's and Zy«*v « tndepen* dant 7rec*e«a^-eo4 te*r*»*.i4 hlatarUto N-l« in tbeThowpor.ioirv'reotbm and sataatt greas. and tootsy th*eaaw vnetlDilng fWtit- riaa etui daue en hto (Jhary an-CSmun tetters todiSaa#' r4 tr** and elddisc ^stu Priaripk*. Americas. .July L—The A merle us precinct sleeted ShUhmJL? c!tt L rtie convention .T-hm^TkWtdzy. The returns from the country preelnets are not In, so 1 am not report the mult In th* county Good rains In the past few days have re moved all doubts about the growing com crop ng one of the beet this county has ever ^c- J . Hit* Amanda Willett, a ho I reported lees than two months ago as a happy brid*. to tUngerously rick of typhoid fever. The grieved husband and other rela- tivejitbav* the sympathy of our entire com- Br WUUam Barlow, son of our fellow dtlzen. *fto dangerously nick at biz father's waldunce tn l-*eton. He haablUime ferer which he contracted zt his home In Leo ^Mrei* A Wharton, of this city, killed herself p^VJ* 7 ft 1 ? lnf V* t ®«rt«e®l Indian Blood Purifier. It Is not known whether or not tho lntentioneL Her husband end only Halid, a dauebter, are attending a barbecue In Freeton, ahebelng et home alone with th* ser- and Smith were with her when she died, but arrived too late to give relief. She waa a woman of weak mind, andappll- SuS asylum?' 010n ° Umetob * T * ber llwlu bridge. June 30.—The Balnbrldg* bar held a mcetli mterluMvralnganSSd^Snte^R'Bf k Bower as a^candidate for the Judgeship of this choult If the Legislature should sec Dt elect him we will have _ „ tbe equal of any In the State. eulogies upon tb _ common that but tl Judge who will be upon the merits of can sea rwly ever nenoueT but wTmiut be ulsom* steshavi scarcely ever Den one, but we must be permitted to smr concerning Col. Bower .that If elected hto duties will be (altfhully pcrformwl without "favor or affection, envy or mallee," and the On# of tho convicts In U»c chain-gang Russell d Bryan’s turpentluo farm refused work yesterday aud attacked the guard with toSfc'S'SJGKilSr "hot him. Two parties arrived here yesterday from th# North and proceeded at once to locate a mill site on fprtng crack about twelve miles from the city. Eureka l Hare found one Stephens man: he tys he fought Colquitt end Jo* Brown before —*— now he . getisrlsg 1 _, lot. I lest night, end the young people of muffton, a village near here, ned a moonlight picnic. • . —. —que, ^ ‘ * Legislature are cropping Hon. Joseph P. lane to now B Wooutn will probably be the dtotrlct Tnere to very title objerlloua to Hon. II. G. Turner being hto own successor In Congress from the third district U.8 A. hand and* discoursed excellent mode. Mr be w iLJa; m CUeaey deserves great praise tot the admirable The young people of Blakely enjoyed them- manner in which hto exhibition was outlined selves at a social gathering at the Livingston and acted. He has been teaching for sever* years nt the Crawford Academy, end has an In- tertyting sclmol, and U an excellent teacher i Tuesilay n#x*. th# 4th of July, tbto county select .klcgates to the gubernatorial con vention. It to uncertain whom this county . - -—.M will pn-fer for Cnngrcsaman at large. Mt » rs. he Senator 1mm the Black, Rees* and Pottle each have friends her*. but ft U1 **- 1 Reran w i — _ candidate tor Gocgreae from the eighth dis trict. ouiATMonyx. llnssklusvllle June flb.-Tbc vole on the aricsian we!| jrs trnUysUMyl, for taxation, 317: against luxa tion, 11. Alter the polls opcnol the oppmlll'iti srr'.ug how solid the people were for the well, ceased to make any efforts. If tho contest for delegatee wa* by primary eta tton at thu tllflhrent precinct* In the coun ty, it D urcertain who wouM >+ Pulaski's »holce aa tin* canvass now stand* tor governor. It to probable tha* in mass meeting here Bac. will secure the county, Th# rural and Cochran districts complain . not being given *n opportunity to Vote at their own precincts. —* Deeding rain very much. Uarilen* pwchcfr- Muz Jccnz P/lmeb, a sweet yonns lady o! Vfzynealwt'J, difid oa U*t Mon day. r J'iig best plaoe on earth to spend the summer at, u home, and thebe«t way to most conn). tertay afternoon taccffientaUy ran upon the "clatu of the vally" (! suppose) who, Inanlm- promptu gathering on the pnblic square, were dtocusring th* Issues of the .lay. Alf were men of prominence and Influence, and opinions were freely Interchanged. There was a con spicuous absence of enthuriam when Mr Ste phens s name was aounde'1. Evidently hto 1 * T‘.?. B 5 rte l * mma * w « 11 assured. .. rtfiht adrance ln Becou was noticeable. As he dlscnsalon drifted down to Congressman at Urge opinions ware scattering and Indifferent. There seemed to be no settled conviction as to the chances of any particular candidate. The Jndgcshlp of our circuit came In for Its share of comment. Burke furnishes a candl- poritlon In the person of R O Richmond enters the names of Mr car- roll. Mr 8 Retren Mays end Judge John T front with Hr. Roney. The contest wBl doubt- leas prove heated and exciting. Coming down *" of local Interest, th# probable action of the convention that wllT meet Imre on tbe 4th of next month, furnished the subject-mat ter of numerous surmises. The evidences are at present that no nominations will be made for the I«gDlatqrc, yet a poll of the gentlemen -the "claims" I mean—exhibited the fact that five out of the seven present were strongly In favor of a nomination. Our community has been saddened beyond measure by the untimely death of one o! our —t and noblest young ~ * of Mtoe Jennie Palme. trust) has cast a gloom over K ture of Miss Jennie Palmer (for a purer and Vet world, we trust) has cast a gloom over ine hearts of her numerous friend*, too pro found to flnd expression In .mere words. Young, Joyous and pure, like the rosebud, this •eous flower baa been blighted Just as the — r petals were unfolding themselves, and lavishing upon ihe surronnding air their sweet and pore exhalation*. lYrhap* it to best that iris so; we can onlr^eel the blow, as v ‘ beneath the almighty hand that dealt IL Closing Exercise* offtlfl Fiiena filefg High tocbool# SDcnd jt is In boueat, pernrivut labor-1 Iwt evening the class In This beets loafing aroiaii watering-places, j '‘•kliathenlee gaT# an exhibition at the High A WiTgzzBoao mule, having the glan-1 School building. The pnpils having for dors, was bought by some atooi-owner* of I several evenings past feasted the mind, on *■ * th d? * ,reTea * spread oeezsion gave a performanoo that ap- IbnZiirsiUs' Macon «mnle wiU 10169 filrU dre M ' have^^bll(^c^did.te^fof?^ Ug. I^ina bright, loose, Jaunty uniform, go- ialatuie.—The Constitution often inti* I lag through the graceful movements of £a£r'L a 'ti a J ? are score, of tl-am Mr. Whrolar r.'^^arf to ,nroa«« In beamy. Irof. ertreljr blttoD on lh, lap hand br I BtuAnm beUataa la. phyMatl .MwaUqa larec! at lh. brick yarf on. night | executed, showed that he has been putting Tiut Bay." «ho laagha at tha crnclbl, I h At^'cio'Jom'cejJhibitlon Prof. Bran- tha cUamut and anrora at tha pally of ham annoannd that mooh to liia own. am) thaghUomihar, who ,nap, th, .tring, of uw g CDC r J disappointment, Oor. Colqaitt •odrty and knock. down th, nTOIrdiipot, coaid not bo with tham. He had rroeived arithmetic, wtU b® caught in tba gilLpet | a letter rtaUng that radden illncrahaj grammar nart Thniiday night ,t th; I forci-J him to break hit engagement, opera hooaa.—Homo Courier. Bay, old I On Thanday there was a prize drill of frtlow, do roa mean what yon oay f If k>. th« codcu. ib, company wu dirided demand an explanation. Yw, wo do- mu, two .-mad,, offleer, and priratc, and 11(1 **• a prize offered for the best drilled man in □Tbs Constitution says: "Yesterday was a I * ach. After a thorough test tbe judges de- quiet day at the caplto ." Tbe members cided in favor of Sergeant James Lowe of the Btate administration were probably I rfsd cadet Will Rnshin. absent, laying new coalition schemes. In lien of the governor. Col. E. M. Butt. They seem to have gone into the business in response to a call, favored the crowd of Btephsns for governor. Colqaitt for | with a short address. On Thursday Senator, and themselves for reflection, I night we bad the final and most with their whole might. I enjoyable evening of the week. It is not Two pretty cottages in AtlanU sold for to criticUe slnce that power was $I,'JUU. They would have brought a tet- tfrea ft* oomm ttee. The programme tor price in Macon. varied, embracing selections old and Horn*, era --bookrf" to wagon- and 8?»- £L*7.“ d 2“ .SE&KJ baggiM in Atlanta. Ihia i> tbe --Jel.nK)- 3SLWJSR ,”Vj‘ b , Uiotl nian” style* liookiugisa poor business. I v »«, brought out more natnral talent, * . * . , 7 , . . Alter the conclusion, of the exercises Atmbta is going to have a swimming Mr. V. B. Hndson, in behalf of the teachers, match out at Ponce de Leon spring. It Is I delivered the following prizes: thought that Remus wtU swim against tbs " * - " ^ P - - — whole outside world—with his breeches on. I _ MWIk . M1TOmu , iWl Mfl 1 inhlwight ^a- h '.h'a U d h .^mr d nT nm ' n ' th ' U ,WpteU " ns down into the water. CapL B. S. Miller and Miss Laura EUi- A xiort watchman shot a thief in Mr. I ott in academic dc j. irtment, for best reci- . Vf. Adair’s garden in Atlanta, on I tation and declamation. Wednesday morning. Though wounded, I Miss Erie Blokes and Master Sam Hoi- the prowler escaped. | ton of the primary department, beet reeita- News ami Advertiser: We publish else* I i lon end declamation, where an Atlanta special to yesterday’s Mi.«s Minnie Lowe, improvement in pen- Macon Tzumaarit that is of no small aig-1 manship. nificance In oor BUte polities. While the statement made tn this telegram with re-, ... gard to the threatened bolt in the Stephens The people have reason to beprond of their ranks is no news to os, it brings no surprise, school, and proud of the snoeess which has Nor art ws surprised to hear that the man-1 crowned the efforts of the pupils, aging editor of the Comtitution has deeUr- I Cobpo. ed that he will not abide by the action of tb* convention unless it conforms to his own wishes. Nothing more could havo been expected of him. This same spirit of THE GEORGIA PRESS. What tbe reap I e Think and Do. Watermelons are chssper In Roms than In Macon, and that to queer. Romo Is going to hare a big barbecue on the Fourth of July, but nd balloon. Ilomo baa no "*aa experts. A There Is where Atlanta beats it. ^y 4 55S5» fftt r u ^ ***** IRar/jr Countg Setts: Hon. P^nben Jones, or Baker, to au organized Democrat of tb* stricetat “and makes It enile always to support tb# ilnce of tbe party for any office. Ytim tend he seyslf Mr. HtepTiena te tbe B crabc nominee tor governor he wlUbaveto make It a subject of prayer as to bow be sh*U vote, toe commend Mr. Joocs for hto prudence. Meal from this year's corn to being need In Early county. Blakely to on a building tmorn. and an arte sian well will probably be bored. • Tbe Savannah AVws of Friday reports naval stores quiet, stock market dull and unchanged, and cotton advancing slightly. A Savannah negro stole a keg of gin In Be- vannah and hid In a chimney, but th* police nabbed him. A Savannah hone fell a distance of 14 feet fflffffj* 9 * hl * bemJ ' bul w “ on, l r stunned Ravauneh Htess: In the suit for brought against the Clierle»n>u aud Savannah railway by Mrs. Osborne, widow of UromK. Osborne, tbe mall egret who was killed Itr the arcldeut near Adam's Run last January, and oh trial before tb* Court of Common Picas In dnyfertT/rf*^ Brf nmdwed * Terdk * F*»ter n Walker county, s people to be vac- Bill Moore has an editorial on the "Perils of CRiSifflSKiri&y^a^i^ . ofth, Aaonri* Urine, have Md Ihrlr untul an-tln,. Therlro. U. Phln- Ur wm alrotod and Charta J. leu- hfah J-». B. Cummlnc, Thom*, U. ltuirtl and B. r. Iranbar wm .Kclcd dlrrolnn. The ra girl o( lb. nmldcnt wm t.m_U.qrnlJ» na -.1—1 by lb. JCwniM ieuet “The eUMrilcn McnnihanylMr lb. nbU mart ol tb. pmldriil June lith. lsai, to Jane loth, pva The codon scBLarjiSS toriw eg* number ol looms running 77JH; average yarts rev loom per day *U* arentgc number delegaUon bjr ~a large' majority, red* iwo» n'^agxTmtte ^eahf*a*V7Vi^SI* *thl mends the two-ihinU rule. The delegates are capital stork*«»f the mill te 11 • tsil li The W * Tac f. ,r ' .bythe tect-SV AiSStoteS J. 8. Heltoand J. Rawlins. D. percenL annually." • Waltere Radford, of Augusta, was stunned ■sslsaam July l.-Macoo ffnperlor O.urt has Just ad- fesfijs feJSSS mad* a strong Impression on oar people. One Important criminal case wa* tried, th* ease of K mate vs Joe Harvey, charged with the kill* of llangabrook. colored, some two yrere ego. Tbe Jury made a mistrial. R. 0 Baksts. July L—Mr DM Young, lawyer for Messrs A B Mteele and a most • .timable young man, was to-day killed by a log accidentally rolling Fine seasons red good corn crops In this vi cinity. W. . isayers. July l.—Ths closing exem-cs of Mrs K II Btewari's and Iter to D Win bum's school took r 1*4*0 yesterday. I will noi »H»r# o-ithcr you or your remlew by glvlim the details. Will stem *"«rJtS.u^LzkoU. a UwUhi cltlarb ol ihl. county, died oa the 2Mb uik He was a gwud nd one of our most enterprising farmers. by llgbluing on Friday morning, but te rend ering. .1* If “Jd that the mosquito lives re tenewr dare- Thet, by the way. te quite ftf* «noo«h tee the Amraste meaqalto. Be# ate# oSemt-We've beard of this iFday basin' btiore. Whoever knew a moeqnlto to die natural death? We have “ were old and grsy h4wl#d t One to die a natural death. \m h mall is th* editor, end the net • this not tofiauertiio vein a political syndicate tn At- odtees ln various portions iWriiir:aariS I »-'‘ aH - n!! Colquitt to tee legate -Ca/hterf Jresef. T. We have had a good rata eveir —. — — past ten days. Our crops are still Very fine. Rockdale wUI select bevdeletmtaa to tb* gu keraetorial com cation on the 4th lam. i terTlfli bors, but IwcauM w# befieve 1l It Is said there te a Ian ta. • lth branch oi I ef tbe State, the aim of which te said ' “ governor and send Oorernor vice If on. D. H. HIIL Its, that to just IL oor. Colquitt has ool gone Into the ftephsne move ment fo« DaitghL He was providing for him Cothbeit Agfsel/ Wh/teit the Atlanta Cm M. A.C. July L-Onrc more 1 have to toueh upon a Well worn subject—that «d school cocuueare- minto, but I presume it wIlllc J,. |*a! f..r this i-asoti. Will attemH a short description of th«? li whig exercises ul Mtos Porter's High flohool. whteh b«k plane tl-te wck. Mcmtey and ““ **y w«*re devoted to the cxamlnatem of iplls In the rarinns stiftire. to.dnc~Iay ..,..»nrmrmlnmml bythe tnn«1rrla*sof th* school was, notwithstanding the Inclement - flier of the evenlcg. altcn.ted by tbe elite of - Multeity, while »u Thursday night th* . - --rJM - spachms hall of th# Pam Balky Institute was however, thatch crowded by our citterns to listen to th# eways of the six graduating belles To MIm Anna ball M'»«» was aaarbd tb* honor of reading th# mlutatorv; Mi*. Minul* Wll- llama selected as ber subject, "to # are better ma*l# by HL as o-lore crushed, are sweeter stllL" MIm Rosa Itowrll esmyad on "Had But known;" MUa MoIll# While dls- < usae-l "Was U chance." Miss Minute Button f*vea-herbteas ab-mt "Rerois," and MU. Maggie 1 bomson Imde her teachers and school aate. an affrxt*"nate farewell lu a well writ- KJ^MwrXd u i , s. sasa wlih thdr dlploBM tr lion. 1. i. ».) nton, oc- W 'SLZSWS’Z?-™'*- ,Ssl M riTOrilr tliu .h. had to rufouO to gmgmaM*. And this ended urn — chapter, an-1 with tube mo. IHBof Miss Porter's High SchooL^^^^H rMtes Mamte Flanders, of jour cltv. arrived brew oa leri Thursday, on a visit to Mtes Susie ■ MrGherhe Bharkelford. the late eflefentcite 1 gireer •<„ ktengwall rireureyrey K02. ot thte irity, has been alerted a member of the Mid of Atlanta. , race f**r LexkUiiv* botwes has narrowed T « A Niks and JDiSoyd, and rcmalt.s Pi t-« ...niieL-—. who will be th* fortunate o The »ntra) railroad Is preparing lor their rallnml has been .... estimated ease te flC.lkh dis tance thirteen an-1 one-half miles. A m ret lag I* to b* held on Monday afternoon, whew mat ters will area** a more dr finite shape. The GriOn Hook and Udder Company (eol- readj alUjNriJdfau la Uw AlheaJT 7 Mr W A P*t. the preeent efficient deputy col lector of Internal revenne at this point mil shortly tears ts, having beea appdatad te a ■tatter past tie a. with bea-1 inaru rs at Ma Mr cteaa HMssnuotomU Mr Pun here. |ia.Tirjss. Cutbtjert Ayasel/ Wbv te U the Atlanta st tutiun can always find oat ao early wb gprir riMa jOrofan. t&offo Mid. .1 fletcaly with Mr. Elkina wlih hte-weBTh* E&ssSJSnnU ki»SSWWi”«K5 JUS? IshaU be savingly abaettL ■ Rrathre Storey Is all right an the "cham- siru h :s IsWrsiSTa&Sf jrws?t& above La- * row-tol <nL storm which r «ate£Saa4aeteaJ«r letter From Oxford. U . IOxtozd, Jane 27.—At 0 a. m. the Junior intolerance end boaeism controlled him exhibition took plaoe. Twelve yoonir men !K^WaSaiff.r&S , |S 21 ,ma n»d. Demoeratio convention. And the people | speeclm# on subjects as follows: will find that the verr ring, syndicate, no-1 B. 8. Willii.ghzm, Thomson, "Evils of s^f l iJ? 09 7 < 7. - n * m ® Office Seeking ” W. IL Burke, Macon, "Pa- Lion i, t£> ortan, wSl ataro to re* wet tho I K * 11 ^* ll * 1| a«a*ai* G. B. Olorer. Montl- D«mocr.Uoput,oriiaiilialtsriOitb,8UUl <s - ,l <><r | ' L >“UMiaUMOf th, Cluaics-,” T. toWFMMl tl«r fail to wntrol it I B. Harden, Joaeahoro, “Sldn.y Lanlen" -c?io£“ ** l * 00mlD *- «res*-re- t * Arringtoon, BtoU.X "I,aland-, Ma». Bam Asm Hockzbt. “a d.vonl I Tronbl «'” H - u - Smith. Dalton, "Indhld- chririlan" woman, of Bamtea’county, died ^ 0. Merry, Barulin “Bemoral on lari Monday moroion. I of th, Vatican of Bom,;” C. C. ttott. Mer it In Mid that i, a wild animal iw.thar county, ‘"Standard of Our Civlliza- lo ?— *“ UfUUf county, Uoni” T. H. Huzza, Atlanta. -American AnVSi mssrcJS^nr *£& 5S»"-. Tt* naurr. .hould ornanlz. and -d’abliTsc^ajXn ofOroriria- wp! "itblrly* or°*drath^ 1 \—^tto’ia the ~ ■&£ present emergency. I At the oonclusion of these addresses, Dr. AwzanamMJonM, liriuu Mmo. Bra 15ggig fel •erowuSer. on TaidS »PMk.r« of yMtorday—fir,t to W. M. ia u\i thouaturoof n work of occMilty." bMldMlaimcrlu th. Junior fpeaken to TaaD.mocraUolUh.rty county wlU I T - u - Huzza, ol Allanla, Go. elect dclcgatMtotha State convention on I To-morrow U tb. ut«ri day, and mnltl- tho lith of July. Tha Him ,villa OateUe todro art eziwctcd. J. W. U. •peak* in lh. moat favorable term, of th. .' _ candidacy of Major Bacon. | _.4W»S.-ip wu comm.ucoiccnt day Oou'. H. Earux, het-a aipointci by ( county cummL-rloncr of Chatham county, I CoE Eriill I, one of u'/oorerntS'I'mllifa-’ oraduu’bi!" c!om' , Si • ’ll 'fiTv'IvSLt 111 ® ry i»u. aud ia bains -Icadily loadril down rSuiUiC i ’ witn honorx—,0 t- — “ ■ t-acol.u n-.nor.l Atlanta. I .tin u.m. Coiouc l own. a bi North (irortriil 3 i. tl.o Ihia, coon killer. Ho brought hi, mu, coonvbip ilo»n by n gun shot from a • - tree, and on being weighed pulled __ _ MalMdown attwraiy-dr* poaud,.’’ Tho I Oa. Mod.rn >itbiuri.‘irrL Sl Uwna I ft 11 ?.” 11 ” 11 . ol th ». “"'‘V “trald ,t. oallrii | AUanla., On., Th, doau i 'laTo^S la, Germany'a l third i.ouur,) looon-kiUM for th*adm&dalntMCu UgZ Wu“fci^jS'lSS&SS; Mb. Jerez Wilus, of Pnlzskl, threatens P 6 * r V,f * p??fl!. ( r >Ti » n . Kt 'i!- a, v? a *^ Tc,lch ’ [sither <o go a-flahing or to run for the Lea- At* IsUture. He has not yet sueoeedrel In I iSiil v 0, x* Tri } th5 ''Vi S * choosing which ol these arils is more tol- gftWfgf. Fnirbu . rl1 , «*•. srable. . I Vuwkfiory. some of tho sieechcH w«ro Tnz Macon TgLeomini adrccitee the W < V» ute C u dit * eontinuanee of the two-thirds rule in en I to both their nathoM and the college, able sdHortel. which appeared ta Ite off the pn-rident deflv •mns on the 2R1 inat. The abolition of I [ * impressive baccalaurnte the rule will be e triamtih of boestacn in 1 ta int etas* in regard to tlm cboiofi Ge^^/S b0M “ B Isi-gSJKSSS Tn. prieo of wood couUnuro to UmbU. KSiiuS^fSJe."th^ S-*. ort 4 'ui" W.lMTO from tho Nerre, that Mro. 1. B. thJnTTho rrg.dar drgmoofv |T,„ Mitchell, of Hawklnsville, hze embarked I then conferred on evch of the entire civ icoesafally ta tbe silk culture businetii. I which iucludeil eight others beside thci Tnr time of year hea come when the ran-1 n ' wv# mentioned. The reualsr decree < ninij farmer pulls op his biggest stalk of A * *}• »Jso conferred on the following oottoo and tays it on the table of the edi- £ r * da J f tM r 0, n lh e class of IhTB. to wit: tor, remarking : "This was one of the lfr\v ,5? r * Dlmu ' smelleet stalks in e forty-acre field. Pleeee I J}.* 'V, ***^*ft *•£• ,l * T - A. G. do not refer to the fact ta your locals." I Dr, i jsygood then r.nnuunoed fttij^^SnSyentSS^TcteetloS? I tarty end Quitman cownties each alerted Ba* iSSataw taUs^T^ViTuS pffin" u KS«2-JSSL5r% , ? 1 : »UI«. K. wUI Mro MM. thu old lundolph »lll.lcrt MaoupamdriraaM. oa thaw. Md tt motion tut tint, wtirdiortuo eaHfga- lieu iMn. to. ten Mtn th. mnnolkm om 1 <wnoi,thovouofth.conufy wltl ho out rr- «r p.^lor mo. other mu thou oupkMU TUl>>.um/ronulalra.Uopoiid ret tor A. O. ftroo far rjreroor. It u latr lo Mr, kowrrtr. that H WM aaU aroptenr from Iho Ualhtiln*. Th. Cuthbnt A. reel hu (.lira lata lltui In lh. utlawph»i calaatn. It [there Is "no opposition" to him. |Aha«hjUurt^^k^Jl,M §33353S SS | sSS3 8 5 . .. .... . , rnsnosment exarciuM were closed this . -'“ffl'-ou with an addre lo ten lut dagreu ia Dahlia.” lh. literary aociaUu by Bp-hop li. U - Dobftn t'oet r A colored Luroni county " arr»n who had, on Tory abort nuticc, con- (IOM widower went to a atom at dutow **nt*d to taka th. t lacoof Mr. John It. rocMiiy andcallod for Kent, worth of IOoogh, of Morion,Sir--., tf.-.t gonthani marring. Ucobm. I btingpraToatad by rickncr from fuliming Neue ami Vidrlle ; Hon. A. O. Baoon I, ,,»W»“>b n cul for Iho occnri.m. Tho fr^l^^ort** ”Halfodi7wdUbont'ai?hri I Grrat°Mord.n^ Meartr Journal boya bun doing? Ian ablo and rU.'.r.t eipon.ti n of the TaaFowdu ftprfag, of I apuku'.lhom,■, ai.d Bukadiaa n -nrnug Iho Uariatto Journal M,a: -Our dbtrict I appul for tho practice of lore platan* Modi to Marietta, to tho county convcn-1 thiopy, ' ' - lion, to nomiunto de!vgat«i to tho Stale convention, J. N. Burner. P. M. Bice, Fob ,1c Joooph Comp and A. th M.UtrHh. TlMy BaUry’e S dlne ,\ r . Ian will giv don t ,Uod much for A. U. buphrnr.” relief. Sold every whr Tn* «ie-handlo factory of Marietta ro- r~* ‘ eotm moro ordorn thou it tan AU. I T»a Boar aud (riot mill of McAfe. A ■.B).? lt J lol . l V *** *!—d-jad, McConnell, of Canton, w»z dutroyrd by I J “ m nod niirvr.-d fur o. -kv «.!h h.'uial- fite lut wook with .boot n hundred buah- h'iz. A, a lut resort lie tried XeuralgfiM, lie o' whaai. load won raUavad. If you rrrftr -nth Tbk Bulletin roporti th. Oy crop of nouralflaorhea l»ch.,joucanho relicr- Boto. to h. good. lod by tha umtrantady. Tn. Eatonton Chronicleoorloarly claim. Mu*. F. M uukiZ liau.M-., July pi« ;Xr'bKi r .“u^!rth. m uii ' UjfSfto. ^t, ««raa»kk-, pcTlS^fto"Ba&KlESt iod^ C ?iySL,fc5yT r !!j!i.!yi?,Sn*r5afn5Bg5!»ab5laaba5^u1SBw Sy»ltaS5ngS 'v 0 **** |and today leal parftctl/Wfe- JjFfir, - ■ t«d by a heavy itorm of I fouft afternoon, lh. t:. ! ilp.wiug .ingclar i withtii. iMnr. - in- Extract of IWf aa 1 Tonic Inviroi ■Acoctra wu riaitadby a bonny atom of 'll.’ M , wind and rain oa Tuorday oftmoon. Tb. . if Chronicle mention, the following ringolar I ’ foot ta cnaa.rllaa with tha etonn: “TIm l.utUy w.g.r. luuiy completed ruldauea of Mr. Cartum I Tho Lo.ii. ana Xati malBankLuno- •truu f 'w2SLkbTBSSi..*2itIfS^ t.BedU.o FlrU National Bank of thla ri?m-plica that th# St”,- -r- drawn by Mr. John I in the cellar when ihehocrewas etruik I ffltif, cf Knot*, ta tbt Iuoulilaua Mate Ho hod hie .t-ctoclr. ou .t Tu ttao. LoUCry. on iiay, ha, b-« dcp.,:-.rd Btraagatouy thabridgaof bian,-owher.| In thotr bank. Tha nancy aupaid in lliMgUHMBirengiftMgHteraaeifiaMteirarate 14 »w. *» ■ f lh- couu- I!. N'.raar. rival frame r. -t J. . v. -lightly bonu d full without any diacount, and ao waa uch rid. of hi. hud whom tb. now one ' Mhe wealth/ u rnd. of lit. rj«ctacia. toacUd. II. waa try. John Wager waa be not hurt otharwi-a. I July gdd, 1*1; Tut CAronu-fradtiar. tho [aopl. to -giv. | in July, lie apthrfr .jour, o .tmul andbnakfaa: on Norway ia 1- ^ Iho 1-Tl. will not In Ho , \ *• - 1 * * Mter of coarw. I soon after L< I rw—«W»f pobUomoj, Who baa afiarhia taraiu. WP ox- Sft^Udldlo” adStoorothtconv^iSEo! «Ka S hu Laa rnu ro-ldv-la'- r * Wa i.i.d :-taod that luarkedn. a • • '■. >v .T- ““ Mr. Wc«.r lnt.oda .'.tii, a More, a d Valle. 11:t:.« ' -*•*— v-infng. iinr I " ■ —i t— . . . daotauauM Th* -out drawtn. w|!! baosTni- „ Z nn.. SSTSi > paper of ow'aaaaalcun°i.-[-f!JJ*r! jes. frieod John. Praise from 1 been teats* it Is )#Ut —Ever/ effort wm J - 1*. .. The