Newspaper Page Text
tD**? (pggrgfa lUeciUir stufr S.owtnal \V 3Hcr^*i-ni0^)L%
I liticnl bo?re«," and the cunnir g trirkery of
rings, bo at an end. And out Rood old
I state, grand and glorious m all her ro
ot not became the promise of the buds
The fruit doth not fulfill; L W1M
as not the hope and fragrance which they I a of unprecedented happit eaa and
sources, will march onward and upward to
Nor count as lost the seed we sow In faith
Upon a barren land
Andreopnot. both not Ood the purpose know,
And bless the sower's hand T
ray of '— ..
[ unparalleled greatness. G. D.t».
P. S.—Coweta has declared for P. h.
Smith for cou?re‘s. The old "commoner”
| will hare strong oppoeitlon here.^ ^ ^
July 7-—Haring the pleasure of being
I a snbecriber to your valuable (taper, I
I venture to write a brief sketch of the exer-
-- . ... . I ciaes of the Henoi* High School, presided
Ihe budt i^atUossom not, the withered seed, I ^ mf worU)jr «Jncator, Prof. T. E.
Ar, g .™S. T 51Sp”l“i*>* ««*» '*>'■ SVJ?S! u l5!2
And raise them to the crown. I Mim Maggie MeEvoy, of yonr city, who
I has won many friends since her stay
| amongst ns, and Miss Alice laHatte,who
S resided over the moaio department, and
eservet worthy mention for her untiring
| energy and devotion to hor class. The ex-
Epurn not the vow the eager spirit makes
That weak flesh cannot keep;
The ocean bubbles break, but underneath
from tha twenty-third Senatorial district,
lie is a geutiemr n in every way qualified to
fill the position. It.
tain that the fall of 1882 will b*t a sickly
There is a protracted meeting of much
interest in progress at the Methodist
Church. Rev. P. II. Grumpier, of Maoon,
arrived this morning, and will spend sev
eral days in the meeting.
of the Democratic party of Jones county, I
unintentionally overlooked the name of
Hon. W. A. Wright, comptroller general,
The district conference of the Maoon
district will convene here on the SGth Inst-,
and the yellow-legged chicken ia ranch
sought after by our hospitable household*
The seasons continue propitious, and
crops of all kinds are booming. Next
year, for onoe aiooe the war. the crib* of
Houston will be fillet^ with home-raised
who was unanimously indorsed by the
meeting. I write this to oorreot my error.
H. T. Boas.
July 10.—The delegates from Fayette
NE1VS GATHERED UV SPECIAL I arrises commenced Sunday, Joly 2nd, by
^ n n»rHiifivnPVTN 1 well delivered discourse from Bev. A
CORRESI OA / MA T . I 0 jj. McKay, of Grifiin, Go., from this are all for Stephens for governor, xuui i«
im who it. I text: "Ihe truth shall make you free^k Congressman, und for the majority role.
July 9.—Rex. O. 8. Johnston, assisted I Quite an attentive andienos did hln^ _ L. F. B.
by Rev. Mr. Culpepper, from Blakely, 1. honor on th.t occMion.
JuduCio. . protraetedmeeti.. In the ££i
Methodist Church. A good feeling pre- I department. Mim McEvor, who presjiles
vails among the members of the church, I over the prima*y depertmSL showed that
•ud nine., mourner, .urrouu^ .he . -•» g*??Jr£ of {Em'S
on yesterday, asking the prayers of the qaitted themselves with credit and honor
church. I to her.
Ml., E. C. Leonard, the daughter of The higher dosses gave ample evidence
• . r Ml • iifivs R tn re. I Of the II and culture of onr able
Judge L.M. Leonard, a few days ago re principa , t p ro f. Atkinson. Toeslay was
turned home with honors from Columbus I consumed in declamation by theyenng
Female College. She is an ornament to I gentlemen, and reading by the young la-
th.coll.,., and.Ur ta
the galaxy of female worth and loveliness be#t fl i0 | tt | IIIirt ftn j Miss Lois
in the fermament of Dawson. I Ms*, of Uenoia, for best reader. Tuesday
Our town is still improving. Several night a conoert was given by the young
"V .... _ ... Km; n » Imiif ladies, consisting of the beautiful operetta
new buildings are being built. . “Maud IrTinB » ud on*, futures of inter-
Captain Dillon threshed his wheat last | **l Wednesday was occupied with deda-
week He sowed four bushels and reaped I mstlou and reading by the most advanced
I daM of the school and by friends of edu-
ninety-one. • I cation. p ro (. a. K «ve ns a well-timed
Last week was a litdy week wilh the po-1 ppeecht whl9h WM we u received. Wednes-
HUcal rings ters—parties figuring for rep re- I day night ooncloded the exercises with a
tentative. Uncle Sum William. Ji^ *," d • ntert * ,nment ' wilh
thing, lively under the new ref/itne, which w . (m| jjgj proud of our eehoole and
sprung up last Tuesday, to ring him oat. I teachers, and trust that long years may
He gracefully accept, tho .Hutllon, «nd 1, | we them flonrteh «» now.
making a fearlera fight Tho convention \'e«ay’rah for Bacon and down with
on that dey rewired to nominate tho can-1 Atlanta ring.
dldeta for the tegi-latara by electing del- for governor!
egatea from each precinct in the county, looking men,
and the delegatm ar. tten to maetta oon- \ MIIIMlnTlll .
July 9.-The commencement exerdaes
of the Middle Georgia Mechanical and Ag
ricultural College openod %i* morning at
10:30 o'clock at the ehapel with prayer and
July 10.—Sunday, In front of the Baptist i sermon by Re». It. P. Kerr, tbe college
Church twoof Albany’s gents, aged respec-1 choir rendering a volantary of sweet music,
lively 14 and 16, had a little misunderstand-1 Every seat and all standing
July 10.—There seems to be great danger
now of the cotton crop being cot off con.
siderably. Tbe heavy ra'na that have lAl
ien for the past foar or five weeks have
done great damage to it. The leaves are
taming red and giving it a bad, sickly ap
pearance, but la to be hoped that it will
oome out yet There fa time enough yet to
make a good crop if the ae isons oome at
the right time in the future..
Wo attended on yesterday what is called
an annual singing, at Union ohnrch, in
Crawford county. Dr. V. S. Holton is
president, and oonducts the affair with
the lability of that of a leading singing
man. Theie were nt least one thousand
people on the ground, all of whom were
L ountifQlJy supplied with plenty of good
things to eat. A grand day for the
young ladies and gtnttamen to exchange
a few words on the subject of matrimony.
I Atlanta rings. We want fat, sleek men
* »r governors, not lean, hungry Cassius
oking ”
Yention end .elect a nominee. Th. plan
adopted don not gi.e universal satisfac
tion. " 1
Kmttli'a Wills—Jasper County.
July 10.—The Middle Georgia Argot
brings news to the people of Jasper eonotj
that a company has been organized will
Colonel Julio* L. Brown, president, for the
purpose of butiding a railroad from Griffin
to Monticello. and perhaps from tho latter
place to Athens. Tbe people of Jasper
eoanty would rejoice to have a road linilt
through their county, but I do not think
they are prepared to snbecribe any part
of the one hundred thousand dollars that
tbe company requires ss a condition to
building tbe road. The people of this
county subscribed pretty liberally to tbe
Griffla, Madison and Monticello railroad
and they baxe not forgotten the railroad
has not been bui't yet. The snrxey of
the Griffin, Madison and Monticello rail
road crossed the river in fifty feet of tho
flooring mills at this place If the
contemplated road should be built
ou | the original survey Smith’s
mills will become a village of no mean
pretensions. Since the wheat and or t crops
were ha nested tbe people arc rolling in
plenty, at least, so far a* bread for man
and food for stock are concerned. The
SoMrrniso seems to have dropped Ju-|No:t*
Georgia on the 4th of Jaly. By tho time
the convention assembles Mr. Stephens
will, in all probability, liavi much more„irw»
than a two-thirds vote. He was warmly 1 ' ienumc
congratulated in the House yesterday by
both sides. A (ear ago two Indies here ex
acted n quasi nromiso from him that when | Without
!• elected r
nnd sweet sentiment with the imperative
requirements of life; portraying tho truo
halbard and gentle, confiding wife, in tho
richest language—culling, as it were, a
bouquet of rare exotics, us can only coino
Irorn the mind and heart of this poetio
genius. Mr. Zvch-y was reared here, and
no man is more h'ghly esteemed in social
or business relations. Ho is traveling at
present for George M. Traylor «fc Co.,
of New York. Miss Eppio is a
lady of exquisitely accomplished
tastes and bcauti ml pereonal api*arnnce.
She is every way calculated to make his
home attractive nnd lovely. The ceremony
took place at the r—idonos of Mr. Goorgol | | ^ ^ nr . vt ^
iff*' 0 "’.® 11 ,? kraa burin!'at tbeeipeiiteol I waau»Staphetta taoBk ‘Mr.'S 'wiu'aiWI tote tana, SimiaoSiUnr Ptiulator
^vota la th,convention. I cure rOT .’ _
PFJclx 11.—Wo elected delegate* io-day.
They are for Bacon. J. U. Merrill, Eaq.,
bends the delegation. Let the Constitution
change Heard from Stephens to Bacon.
W. H. D.
Wtmt tho People Think nnd Do,
Middle Georgia Argue; "Died, at In
dian Spring, on Friday night last, Mr.*
Wiley Dickerson, aged about eighty-two
years. Mr. D. was a good, quiet, *
nnd respected citizm, but after a h
nights of next weak an entertainment will
be given for the benefit of the library as-
Mutation. On Monday ^iqht "Mother
Goose” and “Fairy of the L'ountain” will
be given by the young folks, who are in ex-
cvllent trim to acquit themselves credita
bly and supply the audience with fun i
delight On Tuesday night * Above
Clouds,” a play of sterling merit, will
rendered by tbe best dramatic taleLtof the
town, and we have some actors and ac
tresses whose merit will compare favorably
with the best orofesnlonalUt*. The whole
scheme is under the management of the
gifted Mrs. Parsons, whose very name is a
guarantee of success. W’e hope n number
ing when a challenge was pss*ed to meet I copied jam up. Chancellor Mell and the
monday morning at the artesian well, each board of trustees occupied seal* on the
with his friend, at sun up sharp. Then and I stage. Mr. Kerr’s text was Hebrews first
there, the seconds were to select a plaoe for I chapter, third verse,
ft hostile meeting. Mr. 0. M. Clark's alley I rhere are very many visitors in tbe city,
was selected, and tbe principals with tec-1 among whom are Judge Trtppe. Mis*
onds aud a few invited friends repaired at I Trippe and MIm Dunn, of FoJ«yth;Col.
bhtt io the spot Arriving, they pulled off I Tom Reid, of Eatonton; Miss Fannie Bun*
their coats and vents, rolled up their ter, of Albany, and many intimato friends
ftleexes, doubled up their fists (that being of the students.
the weapon choaen) ard went to work in I Mono ax 10.—At KLK) o’clock thin
dead earnest. The tight was live’y and morning the commencement exhibition
luted at least a half honr, when one get- began with declamation and reoitations,
ting the other down pleaded with him to I interspersed with music from the city brass
lay enough, but the only satisfaction ho I band. So far, this commencement is an
ttrald net was, "Do what you ‘gwine’ to do I exception to roost of them in that the
quick; beat roe or get off me,” and then I pieces selected (by the teachers, no doubt)
through tho interference of look-1 are new and iarresting. Not a single
era on the fight ended. I yonts has, so far, dragged out "Spartacns"
The sheriff and his posao I or "The boy who was burned up on a ship 1
arrived on tbe grounds, but too late. One I (H. M. 8.) before the helpless audience,
Of the principals, wilh his second, aged | and U is as good as a porous plaster that
about twelve summers, left on the B. A A. I such is the oase. The college premi*ea have
train to avoid arrest. The other side is yet I been repaired and painted until tbe building
at large, and no arrest np to this writing. I looks a different structure from what it
Tlfis shows that Albany is a live town and I used to. Thv trustees have done their
keeps np with tbe age, but clings to the I whole dnty by the college and deserve the
old wav of doing business. I approval of the State. There Is no cofiege
Mr. Geo. Coll er, of the famous Collier-1 in Georgia that can show a better record
jJcIntosh House, Indian Spring, is shaking | for the last twelve months than this : and
andVhire # U Vsmile of prosperity on hut I college stands on hsr record.
s a peck measure, which eon- ( A.B. Lawton, Eva., of St. _
D doing a good business. He I deliver the address before the literary so
il making grand preparations for the en-1 defies to-night. Balm.
tertaioment of Albany’s pride-tbe Com- —
edy Club—together with their numerous] Chalybeate (springs,
friends who will accompany them. | Jtn.v 9.—This favorite resort ia bolding
The rains during the past week were gen-1 its own finely this *ea«on. We have a fine
iral, and fodder polling has commenced in | party, and everybody enjoying themselves,
earnest. Such a magnifloent corn crop | Dancing, lawn tennis, driving, ten pins,
was never before seen in southern Georgia. | etc., the order of the day. The crowd eon-
Cotton is also fine, growiog and fruiting | tinuea to increase by every hack- The fare
rtridly. No caterpillar* as yet beard from. I is jcut first-class in every respect, and at-
PoUfice about subiidrd. C.J. | tention good.
iliun nuu er i » iict iu itubii w* mk
object of publio improvements,
lie generally is Invited.
of Maconites will make it convenient to
come down and greet with thair presence
those who lave so kindly tendeicd their
time andeeivicea in behalf of the laudable
The pub-
July 7.—Mr. Robert Arrington, who has
charge of Mr. John Martin’s place here,
has beou missing melons from the patch
for some time, and last night he, with a
colored man, went to sit for and capture
thegfiiicf, which they did by overloading
him with lead after he had got what mel
on* he coold carry. We have just been re
freshed with rains which were wished for
for several days. No news of interest with
us. Sore eyes is the general cry. *'
July 10.—Convention on tho fourth was
entirely harmonious. Stephen* name not
mentionel in convention. Delegates all
antt-Stephens men. Will support Tete
Smith for governor, and vote for continu
ance of two-thirds role. Congressional
** “ * O.Tm
The Albany High Sohorl, Professor B.
T. Hunter, principal, had their examination |
■lain bridge.
I ry both to th# patron* and trustee*. Last JuJLiSi J
night 'he contest Ur the best orator came JSSSTlf
off in the various daises, at Tift’a Hall,in rhJr
preaenco of a larse audience. It I jjLJ/SjL
clo«*lv contested. The bora all show dose I * et * r ***® Colquitt and Norwood
July 11.—Permit me re*pec follv to sug
gest to yon the propriety of editorially
calling the attention of your merchant* to
our present miserable mail arrangements.
Nearly all your wholesale home* do a heavy
business hers, judging from the frequent
presence in town of "commercial toan*t*,”
representing yonr leading bouses. Under
our present mail facilities (?) letter*
mailed in Macon, any time previous to 7
n. in., pass by Tcnnille at 10 a. m., go to
Millen and return in the Savannah mail at
4 p, xn., to Ttnnilb, reaching here at 6.
Sometimes they go all the way to Savan
nah and return the next day at tbe above
hours. Letters mailed here or put in the
post office for Davlsboro, Bartow or Louis
ville at 8, have to lie here until 3 . go
delegates instructed for Hon. U. 0. Turner, op to Maoon, remain there all nigbt. and
Capt. J. M. House nominated by aedamu- come down to their destination next d y at
“ ■ Beni
tion for Senator from tenth Senatorial
district Hon. W. A. Harris will reoeixe
the support of our delegation for Congress-
a sri-at-large.
Put Worth down as a unit against Mr.
SofWRlow.’ Jnd*. W. T. Jom. Minnd I l „ CT r* 1 g.afrjq*
Worth county * We are beginning to be- I eoa ia not as strong here a* Bio int hither
li,,..te did not bold contention *
til tt. ittkcSnuo—t of Ur tad-powtioc I ***d»7i -^A^Cd-ttit tte odran otter-
ofoncol th. principal
July ia—Mr. Wm. U. Freeman, of At
lanta, died suddenly of paralysis and waa
buried io this city on Saturday last. Mr.
Freeman waa once an honored dtizen of
tbis town.
Yesterday about 2 o'clock tbe alarm of
fire waa sounded on our streets. It was
tnoa discovered that the fire was making
rapid progress in the barn of Mr. G. A.
Lunceford. The barn waa past saving
when discovered. From that the fire waa
communicated to the stable of our effi
cient sheriff. By prompt action of our
dtizen*, both white and black, his resi
dence was saved. Had the fire occurred in
the night, or ev< n on a week day. the town
would in all probability have hod the most
disistroes fire of many years, for then the
peer vary help would * ‘
hand, iir, LaoMfofd*
to £»XJ0. Lost all his wheat, oats, fodder,
com*, wagon, buggy, ate. Mr. Ammon’s
oss will amouut to $200. Mr. C. G.
Nowell lost n pile of lumber worth forty
? fifty dollars.
Politics quiet. Delegates for Stephens
and majority rub. We have four votes in
the eonventioe, Instead of two as you give
it, E. J.
July 11.—The very striking feature in
Mr. Stephens's letter to J. A. Baker, Esq.,
is that he says he would, were he in ttie
seventh district, unhesitatingly support Dr.
relton, but can't Uil whether it would in-
, are the Democratic party or not. That
presalon might do for me to use, but for
_J organized Jeffersonian Democratic
statesman to say that he would enhesita-
finely take any political course, and can’t
see good in it to his party, Is, to say the
least of it, suggestive to contemplation.
Two week* ago we had four candidate*
for the Legislature, three white and one
black, now we have eight, foar white and
four black-
The town is meditating upon the wonder
ful feats they saw performed at the show
last week* conducted by Professor Dash.
Tbe county court U now in session, and
this beiog quarterly section tbe dockets are
rather heavy. Criminal docket not taken
come down w
10.30 or 11 o'clock, a delay of twenty-rev-
en hours in a distance of ten or twenty
Mroormerchant.wouldklndl,callCoL 1|> ?wltiwurtbaypproral ortha'pWDtain
BtouXStaSki. toSiS ui’nlSUary »°la<nn «»or«tta«MMmhtad
delays, (a* the Tennilletroin for Sanders- P 0- ** finch being the ce*e, may tbe dele-
vilie is always at Tcnnille to meet the down
and np trains carrying the way mail), be
could perhaps have it remedied by com
pelling that miserable negro contractor ~~
rout'd not do lattice for tie dinner in the I " estero railroad will be from Climax,
bet your check*. Mr. Editor, they did their I .A*
beet at nlght-Tlto evening waa enjoyed
by all so far as your correspondent could I IJf'ifA, 1
ktccrUin. Icecream, lemonade, uosfua15",, tluiplsoe- Colonel i.O. Arnett,
UonariM ami cak. compowd th, daltaiou.
mroor s fruit and watarmalou • war* alao I Ja *»,iin. d wooru whlelr jQQdl»ta«a
&*dJS£££’§£.ffSSipuumdtaisu£7*teS d ST.
lirSonlVordcamo I •«"uni.r for ,««. Machinor, for to
Butler. Talbo-.ton ru reprweut-1 “ w m111 * l» on tho wa, lo Uil. plaoe
rd with quit. a uutnbar of “
both Mia.; among tha number UU. Leila .
Child., -ho h ruiUng ralallna in thtM | CarrollUa.
■ art.. Mmir. Uottanheimar, Hollomu I deir 9.—The oonnt, conranUon rotad n
and Bateman put io their ar petraue. from I tRutradouia-iuadof reaalutionavjtn, Mr.
yonr city. They warn looking to tte Inter-1 hie Waa wm the choice of the cou.eniwn
•eta of their reepeeUre boaee.. We had J and county for gorernoc. One ol the del
tom. good mode given ua oo th. piano I egetea aeleeted to npRMot Carrol lin tho . - ... -—r
by M e. Ihrdia Little, oho ia a highly ao-1 gubarnatorial eooranUon ia bitterly op. h. K. Inotoo a addraaa tefora tha two
eompliahed joong lady both in mu.lo and I poaad to Btephma and will not rote for him
rofloemanL Mr. Bateman, of your city, I non than once, if at alL one other dela-
aMi.ted Mi-a Utile with th. tioliu, which I gate will rote only once or twice. Nona
added much to the delight ol the young I of them will diarapt or ban him,
poor la. Mi,tea Miranda and Minnie I I neeer knew of inch a year for partial
broke., of Buena \ Mm who are rteiting I .howen i it mine Io thie county in atrtpa
their brother, Mr. H. M. hrnke., of tide I from one to two mile., iMTlng lt dry on
plane, happened to the good luck to to I either lido.
premot. w. hope their rteit will be ex. I Thrmhiog u ebont orer. A renr good
tended,ne they both ore entertaining youngl yietd of wheat and an ahandanea of oata.
committed, bat an tacraaaao
w B I ytolfic
tadie.- | Coen, eottoo and PoUtoM are ail doing
W# wtU let tha Takaonayw know the next I veil and looking epwodidiy.
we hare, eo yon eon hare a reporter oo I v H \T
■ JoillO.—'The meeUng which
imt a.-The most abundant crop of Ma^Steherehatil'ioonUnM^'u “ <b *
-ti'paln ay mad* in the eonnty baa coma ineream of intenet. Tha
C?S5 1 * *"* Un “ "• b - Bdr -
Ewrta of all the people ehokid
er thru there ehottld he _
knowledgment ou the pert o
cial. and tha pnhUa lor thia an
of his goodtes. and blawdat toward oa.
V.'e hare had propitiooa eaaaoea thru far. I Leary,
and the outlook foe Ihe growing crop, of Jn.1 10.—Btli J;
corn and cotton were neter better. If no .ttei
di.A-.ter .hall batten, the iadieaUuoaI
I uml to a brtter fntore foe our country. ,, ...... . . __
Truly. ,, miyaeja-ikeruteUfeiataeold ttem^teSdieiledTto^n^TSd
^-fiitagc of our*. 1 -* -
•ad prop. I other vlum, will ud in conducting the mr-
’ fa f* Ulk — 4 end perhupe longer. Lrt
htata & I ua hope cad way that much good to tho
ximtmUtioa I community may recall.
the majority. Kha taran tha
a-etal tlrele.
Tte lawyer., doctor., merchant!, and
•diton genamliy, of tYrightseille, amuae
Jcnt 11.—Lut night, notwithstanding
erary wrietle^ Thaapeaker, In hte rhar-
aeteriitie, deliberate manner, itsike word,
of aound adrieo. encouraging tte .tud
Ito aoiuire u«-ful knowledge that they
W« tt wisely In the battle of life.
It M eins hardly fair lo e.„i
tte tetaomte, and net go round ill within
)gl of i
t,ty flood.
I I life ere the e-re-e.
of the i-ople .hail te| •
10 —
Fart Vail./
Jt-LT lO.-Tb* Albktic But ball Cl b. of
' *iU^.bee dwbAiid*.L IU mtmUr.
. IU duo are mo»tlr ex: ’.oit* »».1 eat t
li.r-ti .Ure, and rirfMli bcioc.* ‘
lb tU band* of lU pto|.U. ” I P"^ '• - j l.i*,'. of Fs*ry, x:.l f-yrB.*r’.r of
iThao w 11 tU ULe%U of “i*r Taj lor qoulI), iw i, : V u;..-
growth of tho grand old KUU Unlnnity.
nuttnaimuch as it haa many distinguish-
ing featarn that warrant fully whsterer
prtda and uatlafae-ion tte trouts, i, offleiaU
and patrooa taka in eootemi * '*
raer .0 far, it ia fair to ite._
th. fact, namely, the college is worthy
of tte attention of tte people and proper,
iubetanttai .opport, a, much eo aa tte Lot-
rereity itMlf. Tha f -cully te as completeau
it is possible to make it with the pment
fund, at command. Young men ard la
dies and chddren of all agn .re taught
thoroughly and with equal oppo-t) '
A moeteie.-Uent feature of the
the military dspartment. Captain Kenan,
the metruetor, b a thorough tactician, and
takes aa much pride tn training young men
•• tf be had more than otilrial interest la
them. 1-eoi.le who ere opposed to military
in schools thoold obsere. th. good rcalts
that hate obtained hen ia thte college.
Let them come no* ud mo for them-
The cadet corps ha. been enppUed with
Ught gnna of th. most recent pattern. ~
morrow, commencement day. te to te
■rend ooea. ton of the nhibtuoo.
Mara# 11
July U.—'Taliaferro adopt* tha
joritjr mis, and m r.d* IMvsrd Croakc
C. T. Locos as dcU^xUs to fha Stata
vsnt’oa, iustrua’ad for Stephens and Geo.
T. Bxroe«. Tha vota fur Coasrarsmsn
for eighth district stands-DaB «• om,
Potfia soTcs, Black too and Boom sevaatv.
i even. U'&
July 11.—Within tha past tan dajs
can, or about CfitM vatarorloos havo
bMn shippa l from this notut toNor harn
tntrkcU. Twrntjr.fiva hundred of thaaa
wartBbippvdbvUol. C. C. Duncan, and
JvSJO by Mr. H. F. Avaat, from thair
patches just ouuida oar aorporoto Umiu.
Mr. Avsnt •hated on tha 3&h ulumo th>
firat car load aver aval to market ft
l lace, and I under*Und they Ml
-IW M«taaptaev,orabaat (39 for tha car,
wlMch paid ■!’ Me •
hi* entire crop of c
ha vras elected governor of Georgia they
slmnld be Ms bouM-keepers. He answered
at that fims: "I will never be governor
*" “ One of these ladies yesterday
This medicine will positively c
°Jtorvodhisoountoy | jonotUnj^if not hopeful. l The thtog thst | this terrible disease. ^iTla no]vain toast,
good seasons the -
very little oorn another year. Alth* .
tho people rnsde plenty of wheat md out*,
they sra offering very little for sale, all of
which goes to show that they are begirating
to learn how to appreciate that whieTis
\*de at borne. Wheat is selling for ore
- Mar per bushel at this plaoe. Nooati
offer' ig for side, though I have heard that
they «re selling in some parts of the coun
ty for thirty-five ceots per bushel.
Query—If the farmers make good crop#
‘ corn, and realize a good price for cot-
0, and tho Democrats indorse Col.
Thornton's erndidate for governor, and he
elected without "opposition,” will
, Atlanta Constitution claim the honor
saving the State? The question is a lit-
> mixed, bat in view of all the circum
stances I think it not out order.
Very little excitement np this way about
Your correspondent did not at-
nd the Democratic meeting on Tuesday,
therefore knows but very little about the
pat ticulsrs of said meeting. Stephens del
egates were appointed to the State conven
tion, but 1 heard a prominent man in the
county say that it would have taken but lit
tle effort to carry tbe county s gainst him.
Not a Stephens man is in or near this vil
lage, and I have heard some saiGhey would
vote for him if nomiuato J; and It is
Ihe opinion of anybody np tbis way
just now that Stephens will have a walk
over without opposition.
The people of Jasper will vote again on
stock law some time in August, which
great deal more important to them
than nomintting a governor on the coali
tion plan. T.
ulations of their friends to the depot,
where they boarded the train for an ex
tended Northern tour. May their
happiness provo no "ephemeral day
dream,” fortune Shower upon them
her richest gift* with lavish hand,
and their 'bower of happiness” bo
evsr replote with roseate pleasure. The
presents were numerous: Residence, Col.
G. W. Huguley, father of the bnde; silver
eervice. Geo. M. Traylor; spoon holder,
Misa Susie Hogulej; pr*serve stand, Miss
Uzxig Huguley; rocking-chair, L. Lanier;
butter dish, Major W. 8. Jackson and lady;
card receives. Dr. J. W. Grigg*; set knives
and fork*, Gains Uugnley: napkin ring*,
Mr*. T. Swirt; pickle jar, Mrs. A. O. Jack-
son; silver goblets, Dr. J. A. Beasley and
lady; Frenob clock, W. H. Harrington and
lady; hand-painted placquo, Mioa H. Fer-
relL N'Impost*.
*July 12.—On yesterday there was a glo
rious rein here and showers this morning.
This rain settles the queition of on abun
dant corn crop in Terrell this year. But
every “sweet has its bitter.” 1 am told that
the caterpillar has made Its appearand,
■oon to rob tbe cotton stalk of italuxuriant
foliage and bi ght the hopes of the finan
cially burdened farmer.
Tbe friends of Major Baoon have reason
to congratulate him on bit race thus far
with the great commoner and we hope that
he rosy come out victor.
Uni\ereal decision is the nearest criterion
of right; tbe time-honored two-thirda rale
in Democratic: nominating conventions
most'closely approximates that decision.
And why ? Beet nse the two-thirds rote has
been the raliog custom in both State and
national Democratic conventions, with but
few exceptions, from the organization of
tne first Democratic convention np to the
present time, and has given almost univer
sal satisfaction. Tho moving power that
ia involved in the two thirds rule is the
grand principle that haithe strictest regard
for the rights of th* minority, and orates
those rights with the rights of the majori
ty. In our national Democratic conven
tions, President Polk was a shining exam
ple of tte workings of the two-
thirda rule. Io oar State convention
Hon. JosephE. Brown is a true ex nonent
He was nominated governor of Georgia
undtr the two-thirds rale when the wave
Joxzscoso Newt: "Prof. Looney ten-1 If ho "will, in all probability, have ranch | Jaundice,
dered bis resignation as president of M. G. m° re than a two-thirds vote,” why sra his Simmons Liver Regulator t
O. to take effect either at the close of this I supporters so anxious to adopt the majority calcs this disense from the system, leaving
termor the next. Of the two evils the I rQ * e ^ Are they opposed to what tbe Book tho skin clenr and free from all impurities,
trustee# chose thelatter.” calls "an aband nt entrance?" Headache.
Mo. Ueniy B. Smith, a worthy citizen of I Chronicle and Constitutionalist: "Who Tho stomach imperfectly digesting its
Upson county, is dead. | would have dreamed when tbe war closed I contents muse* severe pain m the head,
Col. R. D fiurm of Knoxville La. I *®d ’h# Booth woe prostrate and poverty- nocomnanied by disagreeable nausea. For
been nominated *1faMha Rtato*Rmis»jJ nt I Mriekcn, when there was but one factory the relief and cure of this distressing sf.
tbe convention of the tweuU third dilSiJ? * cii limited water-power iu Augusta, that fiiction tako Simmons Liver Regulator.
ineooQvemion of tbe twenty-third (Ustrict. I ia leM thllQ twenty years this would be one I. Malaria.
..Yhb following items are gathered.from | of the most important manufacturing Persons living in unhealthy localities
•vafcAmaii: A collector | places in the United States? The Southern I may avoid all bilion* attacks by occasion
started out this week with $L100 *5°^ of pcop'u have always been taunted by tho ally taking a dose of Simmon* Liver Regu
bills and took in $6.26.—--The Independ- j Northern brothers, with lack of energy and Jutor to keep tho liver in healthy action.
SKI"* ‘ he,r . b9<t to .f r# 5KjLW r d Vim, but thi* does not look as if they were Constipation
of AlheD.“ aji 'uire’^Tmore'*“, U ? 8 ‘" tf.bottldnot te RgaXl n» n triflln K ail
than Senator^lrowu.- Mrs. Sarah KtcS ‘ Ik *• ,nd t ?. t,l . 5nk that Quitman horn t meat. Nature demands tho utmost rea
died on Sunday la*t at the residence of her | JjJ VSTI!/ , *JJjJ 1 *??“ 0Ugh « 0 tt?" I Iarit ? ot M'® h 0 ?.® 18 - Therefore jftseist N n .
son, Capt J. I? Rite^ **Tbedtoeased*was I ^*® 4lh July.”—Free Pr«f. Nothing J tore Ly taking Simmons Liver Regulator,
fiber eighto-fifth mr id «s a nJbta °° M ^glsMor than socbsaduees as thst. it is siwlld and effectual.
Christian lady. \fe deeply sympShlze ^"whito ^nSSSJ /» , Biliousness.
with the bereaved family. Mr. Aleck I *. r r.°•/, ..°°?P e if . .l’» . . m ® rely I One or twotabie-poontcie will relieve all
Knlttht hat a ailTer dolUrtlmtwa. mite ^ U*. troobta* IneMeat te ' '
in 17U5. Mr.G. Uao80r t va learn,base 11 •
• m- . . . — , I mo uuuutc luwucut av. «» bffioUS State,
ro. Mr. KS. unuBer, wo mam, nas one i * § . the *no at ,K® , ] ai °® ® T,n “ h ® does such as nausea, dizziness, drowsmees. dis-
sntadifingl that. We frequenUy fin I whoop th ® , ®® d ®® 1 ®® the 4th. trees after eatiug, a bitter bad taste in tho
Spanish coins in circulation ranging from Quitmab Free Press: It is said that as j mouth.
One to three hundred years old, but they orach oorn has been shipped from Brooks Alcoholic Poisonimr-
are not worth anything ac relics. Crops 1 county this season as was brought here Simmons Liver Regulator will counter-
end gardens in and around Athens are be-1 from the West last yesr. Brooks county net the effect of alcoholio poisoning. By
ginning to show th* effects of the drought has a large number of obronio candidates iu use tho torpid liver is urdused, tlto
in the lost few days. We hear some farm- for legislative honors, not one of which I nerves quieted, tbe gastriodisturbance cor-
ers say their prospect is a 1 ready cut off 26 I has the slightest chance of ever being j rected and intemoeranee nrovented.
percent. Gardens are withering up and I elected.——A Qaitman darky went to sleep Yellow Fever,
vegetable* are getting scarce. The tomato while fishing one night recently and tom- j The Regulator ha* proven its great value
crop is a oomplete failure. We think a bled off a log into deep water, lie sunk | a * a remedial agent during tho prevalence
good rain now wou'.d bring things out all and rose t couple of times, when his com- of that terrible scourge. Simmon* I4ver
* u m..i.i\i.i. I.... ai...* I.. . . 'Ula to do aU that!®
"Tte MasonTet-eontra niYea tha nama>! ^ ??£l”?Jd‘te h dM»!n<r II Wm 0 toI cla ‘ !ned,or tt> „ ,.
asasri fiIWttero t & !>»"“ lty?£&.airoororo/u,rt the chiWren eciic ,oen erpo-
sns ,K.‘, h o;* jsbs.
ote,u hM terobOtaUozthlt ZnVr, ““Wf ^ b»roBln* Wm In Adnlu M well a, children derive great ben-
fifty-three antl-Staphena pipe™ in the ‘J w .,“'” d 1 ^, d hEl’ tYh.^tte e6t ,rom ?J edicin S'^
State, bnt ha. not clear!; --bltehedlhe ’m'neh.nroriS Chilli and Fever,
fact. Aeootdtag *> ®or “«n>»ta, there riot£« «L llri h?“ked ffnrtS Theta le no need of attlleriiig any longer
are not over forty papers that■ opco.e tha raJftSJiSito ”a taink thi"Brtekl »“•> O* 111 * »nd Fever-SimmoL. Uver
Commoner. There are oonsidernb y over 7 1 .?.t ii■ i Regulator soon break* the Chills nnd car-
•*« fey- tte d‘ite“k “n taSi!:V 0 ’ h “ TiD “ SraSSRSS*: -> •stem. It cures
Messenger. The Ust of the TELncnApa ' aro " IW aar,y *“ when ^ othor yemedjM f n u.
and Mtisxwax* was published in reply to Thb Tojcohaph put* uninstructed and] Breath
IKt'S^'oM^ii I S U e.1 to,> ^ Tr'mSS." m 1 Nothing te ,o nnpiea^tt^ae Bad Breath,
panion, old Unde Dick I-ewi*, seeing that Regulator never fails
tnai two-inirus ol the paper* tn the State wscon. a ms is n n mn.-uwmums rrcnerally arising from a disordered atom-
favored the nomination of Mr. Stephens, mumper.™* ,1a .itated ‘ d “ neh. Sidran tero easily corrected by tak-
"« did not »»; that all of tte papers 'teput .omo nninrtrnoted donnin that K gimmona Liver Eciralntor.
named favor tha nomination of Major way, hntin every eaaa tn which that has B Bladder nnd Kidnev.
of dieooid ran high in Democratic rirel... WSlTl rotebl. 0 "™’^ b *t d h. W t ta.'''d C .lera‘i" Met ^SfSfiiSfot MdJer orig-
and harmony straightway prcvAiled. His Brother nr 2]fnra« « wonld vote in tint wnv The statement of h nato * rom tbo# ® of the kidneys—restoro
Fxolleuey, Governor Culquitt, is tho nilII « P thst°Vi?voMtM'' g«rtrniMf s?mnrh the Mcssnuter reoresents u* as putfing all I ^ ••Won °* Uver fully, and both tlra
k ^' , • bU,w — t ^ d -
tba majority faction ih.Mr.Maten drarojn tte^Broon roljmn,or IU tengnjj.
th t application t*e been made fo-aebnr- t o the table will show tbe matter in a diff- IKWIOTih vvii iff*
ter by some capitalists in Savannah to run C reat light. We think the first ballot will I ® ar * ftni ®‘2na.ure or J. U. /.L1L.IN &
a street car line on West Broad street, K how that the Teleouapk and Messknokb v’
from Liberty to the Central rnilrona j, no t far from right in its showing. We I For Bal ® by aU Drugginta.
wharves, and then to tihe wharves of the do not profess infallibility in the matter.
Savannah, Florida nnd Western railway I rr™- i
down Bay Greet, and also on Eut Broad » Signal says,
street to Anderson, thusmnking a circuit I ™ young man, cronK t<iar*, e
ot the city. This contemplated charter 1^ 8 foot °ff with
With tha nnl .ill [Wednesday lost. The man wnosptaea
vanuah en of rafflrtB- !'S?rmccb et'^t'him
through (o*ThunderbolL* daeght.r of Mr. M. W. Crteroo, who livM
fSmS thta WijJJrankMn nnt I two mil ** from this place, wa* actldent-
in some heavVwurk on”sifnr^v^i^htTn ally p,lot ln 11x0 head by tom ® or ’® whilo
k 8»torday night tn , h ' w „ ont ptallnz ona i«t week.
savannah. The wonnd te not a .erion. one. Theee
\ Li.ixxtrx Ttmfi: The Sayaunah Aetc. w ho cottage in htmting ehoatdbomore
wants Stephen. beojM* he lloki 'he prya- c.reful hen-utter. We era alro informed
entYdthlbe pact. Wo want a man a who that Air. Oriuon’e yonnga.t child h very
willlmkus with tha fotnre. The pant i* ill, and te not expected to live.
majority faction of the Mr. Walati
recommendation*, and disoord reigns su
preme ; and in the samo convention that
recommendation was made, the same fee*
tion recommended that before th) next gu
bernatorial convention, that a convention
of the Democracy of the State be held and
abolish tbe two-thirds rale. The Democ
racy of the State have met in convention
by their retqwctive county conventions,
and far from abolishing the two-third* rote,
•o long incorporated in their conventional
workings and doings, more than two-thirds
of the countiea hare passed unnoticed
the aforesaid recommendation of said
faction, and elected delegates to the Joly
gubernatorial convention under the same
old role—whereby it is reasonable to pre
sume that the two-third* role will be the
governing rule in said convention. It is a
well settled principle that, in all conven
tional assemblies, that when a custom had
been respected and acted nton from the
commencement of such bodies, it become*
a law, and no power can abrogate
meet tbe trains, which no doubt wts in
tended the up and down trains.
I h .** written to Mr. Stephens lost week,
in fact I inclosed oar petition to the Second
Assistant Pn*tsutcr-General to him for
his indorsement.
Excuso my prolixity. Yonr merchants
are as ranch interested in better mail fa*
eilitits here as we are. .. „
Respectfully, M. N.
July IX—Crops are good in our section
—the best sine* the war—aod we are all
Bacon men. We elected Bacon men, as
follows: John A. Usrrell, Lr. J. W.Tuck
er, J. 8. Betts, C. M. Roberta and J. Raw-
We had a picnic at the Farkerson lake,
near Cbauneey, Saturday lost, which was
an enjoyable occasion. A large crowd,
plenty to eat, cold lee lemonade and pretty
girl*. _______________ w. N.
Bybow, July 12.—As thers has been a
great fieal said in the oolamns of yonr pa
per in regard to tbe Benatorshlp of the
Twqnty-third Senatorial district, I desire
few words also.
I understand from good authority that
oome years ago, in m district convention,
held at Fort Valley, a motion was mads by
Colonel Wallace, of Butler, not to any
longer regard what waa known as the rota
tion rule, which motion wo* overruled by
the convention, and each county In the
district waa accorded a right to the Sena
tor in rotation.
Foar years ago Colonel Trouts
nominated and sleeted from Houston and
Dr. Smith, two jeers ago, from Taylor, and
there beiog only one more eoanty (Craw
ford) in the diitrict.of ooarse she certainly
has the right to the Senator thie time.
This rotation rule Is one that w# are op
posed to, and it shoo Id notexi*t;bat havini
been recognized np to this time by ol
the eoontiee, it U not the time now to make
the change. Crawford has the right to tta
Senator now, and justice demands it. W<
soy let her have it. Take the best man she
puts before tbe convention, and when that
convention meets do away with th* rota
tion rale and hereafter take the best man
at anytime wherever you fled him—let it
be Uoaston, Taylor or Crawford. It being
Crawford's time for the Senator, if she
res* proper to bold an election for a choice
as to the man to put be
fore the convention, than w*
say it le lost and rigbt for Houston and
Taylor to recognize her not ion! io the mat
ter. We know that some say Houston county fi
should be represented twice where Craw- bushels c
ford or Taylor la once, Houston having
doable the repreeentoton that either Tey
lor or Crawford hue. W* say ao too, bat
any this Is not the time for making the
change; let it be made hereafter, and then
■tick to whatever it may be.
gataam the Jalv convention confirm the
long e*tnbli>h?dralo, let it hurt whom it
may and save the party and tbe State.
July 12.—I send you one of the rcsolu
tion* adopted by the Democratic meeting
of Calhoun county. I so# you have placed
tbe Calhoun vote in the majority column.
I don't like to tee Calhoun placed in such
a mad puddle, so be kind enough to
correct the mistake by placing Calhoun ia
the column favoring the two-third* rule.
Ilesolreti, Thst ths time-honored usage
known as tbe two-third* rule, is salutary ia
rations and jest in protection to the
of minorities. There is, in the opin
ion of this meeting, no cause sufficient to
justify th* removal of thi* landmark of the
party. The Democracy of Calhonn county,
therefore, declares in favor of theoontinu-
tion of the two-thirds role.
A Diucoatx.
Corinth, Heard County.
July 12.—Under the cell of theexeoutive
committee, the Democracy of Heard
county met In mess meeting yesterday* end
elected J. B. Merrill and W. 8. Evans, Ba
con delegates, to tbe gubernatorial con
vention, rnd J. J. Stephen* and P. M.
Strickland, Bachanan delegate* to the
fourth congressional district convention;
end recommended the two-thirda rale.
The attendance upon tbe meeting woe
small, bat represented the political senti
ment ot the county.
Fort Valley,
July II.—In to-day's taeue of your neper,
under the bead of "The Georgia Pres*,"
B say that Col R. D. Smith, of Knoxville,
been nominated for the Stata Senate
by tha convention of tbe Z!rJ diHrict
1 his ia not correct. Ha 23rd district has
not bald any eoavestioa t lUim year. So Ur
from jocr paragraph being tree. There
ta e probability of ft geutiemftn from
Houston being nominated for the portion.
I know that’joa would not willingly mie-
repreeent our district, and hence this cor.
July 12.—The delegate* from Wilkes
will leave next Tuesday lot Atlanta. They
are instructed to vote lor Mr. Stephens for
governor. As to Coagrcuaxan at Urge
they are not Instructed, but all will veto
for tbe Hon. George T. Borneo. The coun
ty also advisee tbe adoption of the majori
ty role.
At t k e convention held her* lest week
Geo. D. M. Du Rote w*s indorsed as th*
•ltuice of Wilkes for Congres moa of lim
eighth, and Hon. W. D. T*tt, of Thomsoo,
received the vote of the county foe State
Atlanta. U vtailing fri«nd* here. A par•
or:; Uxratary to her will be given this
Henieg. Mine Lucy and Bessie Merritt,! I
two charming young todies from Monan- General
no, FU.,ftr* visiting Mice Leila Mattox, '
Mamie Ir.ra. Washington, ol-
wey« Lvelr.ta really giy at thi«r
am r«*tai.
July 12.-To-<tay, at 10 o'etork, Mr.
JomeeT. Zoehry we* united ia aurriage
te Mies Eppie R U«guley. Theeacemoey
was perfsrmad hy fhftato|i
J un;< t
He happay
July 12.—An election haa been held hare
for »tock law. Tha fence side gained it
by a Urge majority; ao we have no stock
law in old Jones yet. I hop* it will soon
pass, oa we need it very much. Crops ore
very fine; hive had plenty of rain op to
date. The farmers of Jones think they
will make plenty of corn for the coming
year. £. A. M.
July 11.—The contract for bnildini
_tw court bouse in Walton was let out iee-
terd-y. There were a number of contractor*
on hand from different places. It wav let out
bysoaled bid*, and Mr. Smith, of Sparta,
Ga.wa* given the eoLtraet at $21,IW. It
will be built on the lot just in front of dra
post-otliec, and the old one wai sold for
11,000, so that the cost of the new one will
come within the limit allowed tbe com
mittee—$18,000. The boos* le to be fin
ished by one >ear from Anguvt next, and
from Mr. Smith's reputation as a barine**
man, we feel asvored that the work will
be done promptly and in good order. Our
county le out of debt and has now half the
moeey in the treasury, so that we will
build it tail never feel It.
Alonzo McCarty, of IhU county, was
badly injured from being kicked by a mole
U«t week, but U bettor now.
It ta estimated that at levt fifty Walton
We are interested in the fatare.-
S?n C ; ofth? X r iratani n i^ ia Kti^ I Tna following item U taken from the
R’enhens huLubmto?*TiS3i?«iwn£3 I Colombo* Times: "Thursday evening two
*o m <• * h h* aAUkm t h ?« Svl n ®¥ ro Tarlton Bank* nnd Robert
aometrang like "U. Resolved, That we j wflu^nr went iu washing in one of tho
hail with pleasure the recent utterances of t,'i,: .TiLnf
cur honored fellow dtizen, Hon- A. H. 1 ?P- Ul ®_
Stephens. We were never oertain before *!?«-». l Jl- J’JKtJ'tsrlton°Uinkseithor
that te wa. a Democrat. Braoirad, That
The beat ar.d most
jefictal to the hair and
ci!p, PaiVer’* Hai
•upetior c!c..r!ii
|ll Never Foils to Restsre the Youthf ul Color
d hatr.k elegantly per-
jo nun dwtruuand
I itchinscl the AprwtntLIlinz I the lwu.
we will have him for governor at the point
of the majority rale bayonet
Am interesting revival meeting is in pro-
reee in West Point.
became exhausted or was attacked with
cramp and sank to rise no more.
PoBTcm Tmosam. Esq., of Colombo*, will
.. lur.,-^, ftotuch.
twcwvd tar Pabjc-
PoBTem Irocam, Ei», oi Colnmbn., will I * Septflati., Health and Stnn,ili flutaru
te a candiilat. for Congees, from tho I Ifr»ier..iMtA.r.teor fcrmjr. vmra o«v
. Fourth district. I ovtnrotk. er a mother rundown by umilyorlw
ICvTMMzeo Clarion: From every sectiiD 1 I Wd lata vy Faimi'i Cwooi twk.
of tte coonly tba cheariog inuliigenn. *»q«l«r.Siin: Ye.tante)r BailiS Mo- . »^mahyr-..-tea--.mra
come, to o. of tte Y.rj beet |>m,ecu foe Uiehael serrated Haeriwn Cook, tte negro !*—radfc,-rari1»crriac....lnraerai,daawtrira
good corn and ootton crone. who .tabbed Ferry Bell, another negro, in I ia»xKauos«i«,oUoii,b«ej«P»li« aUogaeTWe
77, . . .T*-,, I a row on Front a rest aboot two week, ago I . ifrwl”* C—aq*i.«. fterei-o,T”-
,i.Ti^teLVra!fnmi ,i i | and who flad aarora tte rice e atttetime. ibi^KU"^wU!to.r, Co»tA«»,w!
fZ P r iWJPSiSt'S.MfiSftftttS: M»trtoon will te eallad on to anew.r the !*«*WTO"nr<te»dw ef iu tega
erbient UiaT A^r.'sh wa^ranoot^te nc'm’ ch " r ** of **“ olt w ‘ ,h ln "“* *° lD “ rdtr .
inated in the Democratic convention, nnd If - 1 And thi Best and 8ure*l Conrjh Care Ever Uud.
tbe o; position should now torn their at- poblisb rather equeer table to show np tho „ , fro * j;,.; I>Jtirn „
tanfion to being oarefnl l*st they shoo'd do {“taiS? 1 sjrfi^er5Si5TiLlr*q»^i3siili
or say something thst will make him mad ^Cisceb Tonicm ooce; it *i» iiiTiasaii on! build
”^.°te’ln3riiS?.7t.' 0r him 10 b0U " ,,J S& te .Sr MUM toTw n o 1 ' Twt tedra T"'
.Me- H-M--orRom,rraenM, ~ "
m2 ‘teM*. 1 9 erantling, ^ 1 “* T ” rT ’'"
conlinucj in n wry Uuugcrous condition.
two, and te good groond for Talbot to
Ibink .ho is only bat doing her
Uairrra .Veto. : The Utest teble In tbe I dnty. It inetencta ihreo from File
Constitution give. Stephens 1SH),> Bacon toe Btephon., while tho fourth |
Oi, nnin.trncltd 17k. Tho troublo atent ono, it Mrs, ia nninstraotod. Thte teas
the Constitution tabloa te that they do not a poor Job, aa tbe Constitution opnid havo
ieetho Hon. Unln.trnetod a file show, aa orally Inetructed the enUra delegation
i tem no inatrncriona are made, hot the ae tolneiriict Ihie. of them. In I&or"
orerapomient thinke that the delegatee erty coont. it gieeo two Initrneted
am for Stephen., tte managing editor iro- phena and two nntoatrncted.
mediately rtapa another figure Into tte Ste- oounly te only ontiUed to two eote —
pbena eolomna. Them i. nothing like I liable to ralie nui dlualtefaclion a. to
knowing how to manipnlata figure.. which delegation aball cut tho b-illot.
" „ “ , Bat of all tte other., the mo.t wonderful
ho (.rnrgia jinjos i cue ueorgra , . eoraee from the aituation in which it
■■'-.ilroad compuiy te. organtod I g”gS5fgaiT u enti-
S&tad Kaflmy/’jrte 1
td In tbe city” ? hire thin** vour own way—In your mind; I ^through lac k of
I wni to the printer with only IK delegates
...» _ . . instructed. A little mote time and fl
\\ bat does tbe Rome Courier mean by 1
saying: "Misa Annie Maria Barnes bos
decamped in the city” ? | have things your own way—in your mind.
The Courier proposes is put tbe city an- hence it t* easy to understood why a targe
of Rome to work, to suppress number of votes are put in tho "Qninstruct-
■' Icoltmu.” | enterj.Cholera,Cholera Morbu*,Sum
Wnelip tbe following card from tte Complaint, etc., and i« jwr/ccily n/r.
Oriffirx A'ew, and glm Judge Stewart the | J,, f u |i 0 ,
' H.t .m,
tboritien .. __
mosquitoes. It is a new idea and a good (cd column.”
Col. Tom Hasdzmam declines the use of
his name for Congressman-at- large, and
t, and many tins art
knowledge of a safe
Perry DaviF Paim
Killer is a sure cure for Diarrlm-a, Ih v
entery.ClioIcra,Cholera Morim*, ’
Of gram. Mr. J. D. Upshaw made
foor thousand and sixty-two bcshels. Mr.
8. A. Yallonce made twenty-seven hun
dred bosbkls. Mr. J. S. I lister made oym
one thousand bushels of grain, and his
wheat aTtrajed twenty-four bushels per
Mr. B.B. Walker, one of the genial edi
tors of the ll'afto* Sews, le the owner ot
the finest Jersey cow In this section. She
is twenty months old, give* three md a
half gallons of mila and ono and a half
poa-ds of bolter per day. and will not
weigh over 4 0 or fOj pound*.
1 be com et op in this section is nnasaally
C d. Cotton is a little backward, bnt if
rains eons* In proper times Walton will
gather the finest crop in many years.
Prof. M. Neal, the [eerlcss Kirkwood
educator, ia in the city, visiting relative*.
Jadg* Walt er, of the County CoorQle
, ~ J ~ ir litigants UhIt righto Unlay.
giving our 1
July 12^-
i thunder storm y*e-
torday. ebont two o'clock, lightning struck
the well In th* yard on the plantation of
Major James 1>. Frederick, killing two
Toriicke *
by tbe name of BUI Bostick and
Ales Rise.
We have the best crop we had In ten
years, and all of tba farmer* look happy
and don't cat* who U elected governor, eo
they get n good man. S.
July 12.—Two negroee, Aleck Rke and
BUI Boston, while J rawing water on Geo.
Frederick's place acrosa toe river jreetor.
day were struck down by lightning. Many
otoers hod been standing nt the well, bet
J. M.B.
July It.—E
will make the race for State-Senator from
the Bibb district.—li<inner-}\’atchman.
This is not strictly correct. Cch Harde
man la not a candidate for Congressman-
at-large in tbe sense that he Is working, or
will work, to sccer* the nomination. If it
should be tendered him, however, be would
accept it. He will not go into a scramble
for any office.
The "Pioneer Paper Mills,” of Athena,
will thereafter be known os the "Pioneer
Manufacturing Company.”
Mil J. E. T alma do r, who sever doe*
ting* by halve*, recently gathered ton
two-bone wagon loads of onions from
three-fourth* of an acre of land. Besides
these, he tied been selling onions from tbe
•am* lot all this summer.—Mr.J.E.
Garrison's son. about nineteen years of
age, was accidentally killed cear Gillsville,
yesterday morning while loading a d table
barrel shot gun. Both barrels went off
and shot him In the body, kiUing him in-
stonily.—Danner- Watchman.
Augusta Evening News : There met at
Millen last Tuesday night, three brothers,
two firiers, two brothers*in-law and one
stater-in-law, note baring seen etch other
for some tice, and cum* from different
directions. All were en route to the death
bed ot a fond mother. Mrs. Cynthia E
Marrow, of lAwtonrille, Burke county*
wife of Rev. W. J. Marrow, died last Mon-
day night at 12 o’clock. She hod been suf
fering for some time witb parab
leaves a Urge circle of leUtivesan
benefit of denial:
TnoMASvus n Times: Th* ThomaeriUe
L*Cents pear company have purchased
two hundred and ton acres of land lflan
near Mr. Sanford’s, paying,•• understand,
$3,000 for it. Forty per eent of tba capi
tal stock, er fil.CDO will be paid in oo Mon
day. Work will be commeneed at once.
Don* re oa their good behavior in Co-
Iambus. If one growls because of a flat-
bite or barks at the moon, he le airtight,
way slaughtered as a mod-dog. To say
the wont of It, that is a ptodetti way of
managing the b—inees,
Savaxxam hod twenty-foir deaths during
lost week.
Savamsau Recorder: A lady from ‘tbs
interior who was preparing bathing salts
tor n trip for the eaauMr. wvuto to e party
to know what style of bathing nito
bo stytta b for children, say from el
fifteen reen
•n, »*y from eight to
She receive 1 n reply
eotton In eeebear.^^^^^^^^^^m
delegate* to the gubernatorial eonvei
to go fur Beeon and the two4ltirds
Jil.ratff toS?! ‘lraTi.-,!: °Z I s mrv n^ I St a,l, n£l!y 7
— | Two metlan for a eew trial In the ease of
Frmkiin. R..:l3.-.. . «id«, who killed joiaa Joyner
J' i.y 1. lu*-J Co .Atj. J«l. ».-• •recently Int . • igrinhes.-rag
f J' ,r l
ly appeared in the Macon Tklkooapu and
Mnusuoa signed J. D. S. These articles
have reference to a part of tbe proceeding* 5****?- -;—,—^
oflte lut gqtenmtortel eonrention. II
have been frequently asked if I wrote
th»n, and wish to state that I did not, nor
do 1 know by whom the same were written.
Yours truly, Johm D. SntwiaT.
Ton Monroe Advertiser comes oat con*
sfdevabl/ ctMwaUed tbl* week. \V4tetman
gives a satisfactory explanation, in that hta
unIcrpinniug was too weak. r riie otlloe
will be all right next week, and the rex lera
will lore nothing by tbis temporary
indeed to say I _ __
Jraw Wright »u more fav tmhle iart'n.
than at an, time .Inca ha wire »i,uu _
began improving Katanlar night, or, at I
lea-t the ifmptom. were tetter. Kimlar
aiternoon ho waa taken from the tea
Placed upon an M.J chair, -here he !«
for Mme tim». Tr-t. r.h/ hetrat cheerful
tbrooghont the dap, and hte friend. .
very inueh encouraged. Strong l."i. «
now entertained that hie recovery I. only a
notion of time, tbooth they recogmte
thatWteyetlnanetcerdinglycmtc.lcon. I ,. jimovt..
1 fcVSv'iS'ii'i'g.'r
City U2I1! Guard., of Columbo., 1 -■ ■ -
learad shoot «a» at their recent .
I* I No famil
Avxstcre Recorder: Brighter and telUr inYalui
* 1 • hin tli
safely lx* wiihc
trade prospect for our city never
than tor the coming Luvinete searoL. ....
traethe peet erop tallaree pot many he:
Und, bnt the energy, sconomy, and good
•*••00* of the y resent year will make things
•muutii and leave a surptor.
Amuouus Recorder: Who can fdV
eoethweetCteoegtatotet the grnlcn -rot
of tha eontry whan an acre of poor land
ran te oud. to prodtet Uhe this.
tteman tiring in the inborte of tha city,
jrat ninety day. ego planted an ter
Herman miilst; of conn, tha land
wrtl prepared and llbereliy maoured,
SiratejySWf tte TSj, JBI
with ordinary e«Mona will make (ally fifty
^®*te** w®*7nof penaand hey, thovbru.g-
iulh. profit, ofen cere on to out bun.
deed and thirty doUara. Wbat
ha. dona otter, can do.
Cosnaiuvix Geo ace B.
StT^w.?. A 2St r * 1 "'"*
h of a!
For sale by all druggtatv c 2^., ,'/k
id $1jOO per Little.
rtTiKY DAVIS A SON. !*- orison
W. McKAY, Principal.
Go. E. P. A
the rice.prt-teirocv
Md. U
A Tint-Clan, Inatiiqta fer Prmetlenl
BtuineM Inatnetun, Bonk-
keeptn*. Tto.
bdontd ly tit Lriditf BiatMu Mto.
Student, Can Enter at ,n« Time.
M-CIrcntanMlfrra. '
ly cooTotate- a»ia U«;»
return to hta horns at
nti *T»i».sr #*