Georgia weekly telegraph, journal & messenger. (Macon, Ga.) 1880-188?, July 14, 1882, Image 4

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vl(}£ ©cxjrguT JMcjthlvr (L&lft&c&plg arfa Jcmnvai & Mss^ngci: riLMiira « himimii »«Uy aatf 1»*>*lil|r. fnTvLMKirN t*n M«ri*'in l» rub’.toti*' i n«rr Say. h«*4*y, *«*< wftiiy •?«r, Frida? ■^a Daily to S«l!ver»4 by rorr**r§ lu tfca rltj 0uU»^ boaUfi fr»« to fubscrtbrrw st tl j^i ^JiouUi. three asvnthJb to Ur «.» taseoU**. w|:0»7«*r. fn ffmiT ta mailed to nbxribtra pwu*t f tree, at to • year tud f 1 (or six ruouOia. gymrieut advertisements "Kl betaken at Swtlaf pel squsra of ten :.!.»» .•-.» t " • • Ini tukvrttun, arid f.fty rents lor each »•:»»<* • awct InsvrKoti r*v» f Only aii.trle column edrvrurauaate waatoC (or the Weekly. ti) fonmunlrailona, Intrnde*! for publication moat be iwuuv*' ; -d b T l5 « wra«v*soai and address. not (or poblioatlou, bataa a«ld«nc« of f***l foitiL. hoax had been perpetrated upon the Secreta ry. and it U expected that he will fire e*pres to to hie appreciation of It by haying the con- matfbn re considered and another nan m'nated for the office, liacon “primary managers and preoinot leaders'' hare not signed the bond of Pleaeanta, we take it. '•Injustice of (lie IfnJorKy Ilnlc." This week's UhmatliU contains a strong editorial ou the Injustice of the majority role, which we reproduce In the Tkle- GRArn ani» Messenger with our hearty indorsement. Tbfi bold and vigorous de fense of the two-thirds rule by our eon- ___ temporary is creditable to Us Democracy ■a}***** communication! will not b« returned I an( j jit good sense. We ssy this without |*njpurpore to be offensive to three who toil be brief and be wntieo upon be I may really belleye that there are good deal I*...uraUun.^ I iloM fjr |, jlngM , d , ibo Democratic lemittaaam should ba mad* by Eprma, “ * * * ttter l «Vd haadd*H«Mto IS.Hauacar, Mat-ob. Georgia. A •ommunfcaUm. Re-a'tlerrd Lrttri licaUor.a ahould J. r. H A nso A. aauac»r. rule and adopting one that is not Demo cratic. Here is what the hlanadUe has to sty: ,-”i rrninn irw tfTCCPVrC 1 “The effect of the adonUon of the majority ItliLblulli AM- BLooLidtl J rule in a nominating convention coupoaed of delegates selected under our political system mm s" niT.V 14 ikK? | from dlflerent constituencies has never been HJPA,, Jl-I l . mu, discussed. It Is almost impossible for any ~iT r , the minnriiv is 1 ,uch candidate to be the choice of To resist the right-of ttorinarttf* JofUy of ||U ^ for ^ §lmplo b#t co>wll a cardinal doctrine of the Democratic pa -1 mioa that p^ty election of delegates the * One of those rights is that of making I constituencies or counties allow no minority lcceesfol protest against being driven I representation. Suppose, for instencdldk* oc* into theaupportofan utterly onaeoeptable I curred last week in Berrien county,there should ...ndidaU*. It Is a veated right in the mi-1 be a tie broken by the change of one vote fn nority. and disregard of it will destroy the Bacon to Stephens-up to the time of that I change there was absolutely no determinate I majority in the county. Say there Is in that r oomes to light that liquor was at I county a vote of twelve hundred. The ala the bottom of tho appalling Scioto steamer I hundred and one voter* Instructed their TT«•*«*! .„*•« tha n*or.ln from I delegates to vote for Mr. Stephens, , . fl " Andrei end ninety-nine to- jrrotW meni »tlh« W». L, coont will not be repmentod In on tho land or on tb. water . It I. (h< _ ^ o| ^ l0Ul ,„ lt The <u .,. not. perhaps, too ranch to shpOret drank. 1 ^.tMKlMtot to thte convention vlll re«tho %nne-», in all such oases, ought to be made I vo ^ 0 j u, c ^junty for a man these five hun- a capital offense. I dred and ninety nine have declared against 1— . . . 77 . . ..I This same ratio of selection Is repeated to a Ok-ist not only failed to get hurt in the I |mter or ^ degree in each county of tho great railroad disaster, but be netually I gtate. From no county, no matter how re pocketed two silvsr quarters as the market I ■ portable the minority may be. Is U represent- valu*.* of his testimony st the coroner's in* I ed. These delegates of a simple majority of que*t. A penny never comes amiss to the I the party in the several counties meet In con oid bummer, whoso motto seems to be : ventlon. adopt the majority rule, and proceed p-‘ —,*0thrpor..,hooMti,if tho.I can-t; but—put money in thy purse.' Jiu. U. Itorn* will .Ruin h.-1 «'« choi™ ol . tn^orltir olth. repr.- . , lh . 1 *.1.1.1.-, .I «nutlVCT ol. nx orttr o! the |«rty In tho o ,i cendidfttefor Ibo l4ii.Utn» from en) mu[|Un „ WUI to u , , h „ vcrk „, on oonntj. Th. ptopl. of the, county lmWlk <IU|ht , ltv0 c „o U| h to on. cannot do better than to send him back, I j cri pi n( j u, a t a very large mlnority—it may be where lie has dons faithful and energetic I a im(Mt a majority of the party—is not %orlc since 1877. Having had occasion to I represented in the convention atc*U ob-erve bis course during tho last Leglsla-land to select In that convention a can* tore, wo speak whereof we know. |dklate the choice of a majority of tho ■«- — I i*arty he should receive not a majority but the Cox, of New York, ought not to have I unanimous support of the convention. The _>D-H-i.ted to Uotterworth’s proffer of »| logic and reason of thU conclusion Is absolutely battle of blackinarJi-m In the Hoom.^Jhat.In Otiltida of *11 ramldmUan. of th* impro- "b-n'^lr- Tbo I).m«r.iic p«fy hm *»ct 1 - ' "J^T t«tn willing w w.tvo mm. ol lu right. All ty of such a ^urse, a Democrat ordi-1 iu memberg ^ ta thsat such a heavy majority nar ily stands but little allowing in a mud-1 D j u, a convention be required of the candidate battle with a Radical. It is a well-known u to | mpMia the people that It has not bean fact Unit RadioaU arc made out of olsy, I obtained by fraud, or accident or mUUke. dried pliable with bilge water. 1 This, the de«lacUon of reesoa, is the origin of ■ I the *,wo-thlrdi rule. The brainy leaders of the Cincinnati Knquirtr stye : "An I party support It to day. It Is opposed by Atlanta paper claims that Georgia is thimble rigger*.' political tricksters and the eleventh State in point of I broken down politicians of the day. It Is In* health, the Abuttal dggth rate being only I Imloa lorlngrole. tobouUm and to IhepoliU. *J7 to th. thoownd. W. are Indinul to *m * ,D ' hmtn ta ” tiMdn tho claim. Th. tenacity .Hb ^ wl) ch Alexander II. Stephens holds on by ’ ' nder thread U .nongh lo gir. any Th. .boro U. w. Utluk, go un.ngw.r.. Btat a n pntation for longovity. ■ b'® lowing of tho Injustlc. with which * I the majority rule, In operation In our We anchor (his waif, which we And floet-1 nominating conventions, would work to- ing nbont in our exchangee: I wan i # u* minority. Not repreieated in In clonUI timn and imnta hot I county Is concerned, the minority bar. g rich,- n liter th. wuno condition* that .zUted In I right to demand tho nomination of a can- J«ya <d tteawal Ogteihorj., I didato that la »o generally acceptable to Georgia hiu no tend to gltr* away, bot tll „ p , rty aa to U able lo aecuro tho she has plenty to seU cheap to good 1 iupp0 rt ot at least two-thlrd. of the con- ventlon. There are numbers of Demo- i mn county aends to the convention I crate In Georgia to-day—good and true s dHrtntion, Dnlnatmeted aa to tlieoandi-1 men, who aro able to command Just such dnt.-l.ntchsrgcdtoitandby tbocoilomilnnsnliulty of support at th. bandaoflbe of th,- party. Chatham knowa bow tmm-1 coming conyenllon, and the contention tial li t- Democrallc party ii to th. conlln- that ahall succeed IU Why then should ned I rorperity of th. State, and so sh. de-1 the two-thirds rule b«)abollshed f Where cllm-to give aid or oomfoit to thoe* who I lath. Meeaalty foe any auch atepf What wool-i i*‘„ r down th. safegnardsof th. par-1 inter.,t is them that demands Itf In ty In the tatermt of any living man. wh , t way „ lUe pirty u, b, u „. Mr Srrrnavs cannot catch Koifer’s eyo I « 0tcJ b 7 breaking down all > make his motion to set that poblio I ssfrguarils for tho protection boil,bn.- for AngO'tA. Th. KopresenUtlvo tho minority f Shall ■ of th, eii-hth district doo. not mako a good I honored and useful rulo bo bro- "ontoiler.” Physical disability and want of 1 ken down, simply because Mr. Stephens practice aro in his wsy. Hut be would and bis friends know the impossibility of makf nu excellent “short-stop" for Liberty nominating him, so long as It is of force t Hall lie could atoptherewlUigreatrrofltl \y e enter our protest against any such “SkUiS" - • a ” nUg * *° ““ step. Th. prestrvatlou of tho Demo- cratlc patty la more Important to Ur. Tm North CaroUua Democratio convtn. I Stephens, himself, than la his nomlna- . Quite 1 and harmonious through-! lloo by the Jnly convention. If he ean- nt. but them menu to bo sooh trouble In I not tecum the Indorsement of two-tblrds The Oalvsaton .Vvva stye dodge I of the delegates, after the earnest cam relan-1, apromluentetndldaU,laaffliet«IIpalgn which,through blsaupportem, bo rith I he same trick that Ur. Stephens la 1 |,as made lo secure tb. nomination, thug Ivent.,. He Mmetinis. holla. Gov. Hob. t1 ^ Wly 0 y >T0 |J|,^ the couclntloQ that rt. threaten. to rtm .MhrtnteofWaovm. tba „ attrtbutabl. to tb. f^ that udge UoLin*on is already in tha canvass, I u . -a.. od the mJeifud uU have noty.l decided U J* hat t„ do. I P-rtf- Tb. ntlia of the party, Its customs I and Us methods should not be cb anged Or Illacker In (lie The British resldenU in Alexandria are going on board the English fleet. Arabl B^y declines to suspend the work on his harbor forts and batteries. Admiral Sey- rnQur hu the guns of his fleet trained on the city. The Eogliab cabinet declines to auhtnlt the propriety of Its course to the conference of the powers, now In session in Constantinople. It is a matter of self- interest; and on all auch questions Eng land neither yields to outside advice nor submits to outside dictation. Arabi Bey is certainly a wonderful man In some particulars. Had he been leu than wonderful man, lie could not have triumphed over the Khedive, over all the influences which British and French diplomacy could bring to bear upon him, and over the nominal opposi tion of the Sultan to bla schemes. He has dene all this, and has become the vir tual dictator of his nat've country. But he is lacking in discretion. What are his forts and water.balteries In the hands of AdnBral Seymour's fleet? A few broad* •ideswiil dismount his guns, disperse his artillerymen, and lay the proud Egyptian city in ruins. This, however, may be tn keeping with bis purpose. Such an event may be necessary to the furtherance of his ambitious schemes. It msy suit his purposes, to array lila countrymen lu hostl.lty to the European Jobbers that have had control of Egypt for a number of years, and that have fleeced It with unsparing hands. There may be method Inhia madness—after all. Still, there will be no child's p’ay in working the guns of his batteries. There will be hav oc within the ancient city. The contest will be au unequal one, and the wounds will all be on one side. If U awske not sleeping armies on the continent of Eu rope, it will be well. The outlook l promising for tho mustering of millions of men. that tier*. (iurlmm on Noutliern UetnitxoaueN “There msy be a crest many Democrats who are not demacoKues, but if there are they are beloved by their neighbors that they can't be ■pared to co toConcresa." The above, from the Washington lie* publican, indicates that Gorham Is some thing of a wag as well as a hard case. The Idea that Democratic constituencies ever send demagogues to represent them in Congress would be preposterous, but for oue thing. It will be remembered that Mr. Stephens, shorMy after his re turn to Congress, after the war, made a studied defense of the demagogue on the floor cf the House—declaring, in effect, that the damagogue la the high est type of the patriot. Gorham, beiog ardent admirer of Mr. Stephens, is dis posed to take him as a sample of all other statesmen, and so he classes all of them as demagogue^- He is mIstakeu~alto- getber so. There Is probably no Southern Congressman, besides Mr. Stephens, that has ever fallen In love with (be charms of that particular class of politicians; and Gorham should not permit hit Intense admiration for the Commoner to blind his eyes to the fact. His Indirect apology for Mr. Stephens comes too late to serve that aiplrant*dunng the present gnberua* torlal campa'gtn acknowledged fact of New i ngland is Ha skilled labor, Says the treasurer of the New England Manufacturers' and Mechanics Institute: New England has never largely depend ed in the past, nor can she safely rely in the future, upon the natural productive ness of her toll fffr the maintenance of her people. Other countries, and espe cially other parts of this continent, far sur pass her in purely natural requirements. Her future Is to be found In these branch es of manufacture and those lines of in dustry where skill gives to the product its vdue in the market. And it depends on ourselves to retain for Mew E ngland that position of commanding Importance which sins has avowedly occupied hitherto among the manufacturing people of the earth. 1 Georgia and the Southern Slates are not as closely bound to the necessity of man- Lfacturea as that section just described. They possess advantages more varied and abuudant than auy division of the world. But it ia true that every article of nse owes nearly all of Ua mercantile value to the iklll which baa been expended upon the products of which It is formed, and consequently the first producers are poor est paid. The men who raiso cotton, dig ore, raise corn, fruits, woods and oilier staples, Invariably receive the smallest compensation. Common labor never r*- ceivcs4he compensation of skilled labor mere force exerted In pro ducing the staples named does uot compare with the skilled force which refiues, combines, divide and manufactures them Into the ten tbousaud forms they assume In the world's marts. It Is a rule of trade that la rarely brqken. The labor of a skilled mechanic more than trebles that of a farm laborer, purely agricultural country is, therefore, never wealthy. Wealth, not speculative, Is a compensation of skill and finds Its way to manufacturing and busy centres. Those countries are wealthiest which man ufacture to their highest extent the prod ucta of tb'elr toil, thereby gaining nearly all the profit and keeping their own cur rency In rafid circulation. If the wood, cottou, corn, ores, and extracts of the South were manufactured to their highest extent within her borders, twenty wrt> an J th. Htale, uht <li<[iatelie. bmight Inform*-1 to anil the .hlmi, or tb. unbllioua M- Arahl Dtj took ooou.1 witk pm- cmiittet, 0 f unpopular leaden. If the, nd .a.i«ndad tho work on tha Alai- cuoot III tba nqulr<m«nU demanded by dfienaM. Tble may be limply * | Uamocratlc cuUom of lu aundtrd bear- o‘[udllad^lhli , EteStehAdit *"• lbt “ ,taBd uU * oth * r *. ^ ^ mmtf—-1 l * l * ll » li t>w »!■«—In*. “*7 ««“ It an laiponalblllty, without a aery great . laettllaglt threatening A ring!* 1 10 u> * rronl leadenhlp if change In tba eantlmente of a large uum- • ill benffleient to precipitate a I tb * P^T- Atameuureof policy, out- tint can have bot on* termination I Il( ** &U considerations of the Injustice andria sod IU fortification*, and | sod Impropriety of such a coarse, the at ii.-t> inv olve Earope in a general war. | candidate abonld be made to conform to the standards of the party—Instead of Us the wealth attitudes. The very misery of the poor I The primaries have developed another wretch w si made a matter of speculation fact, vlx: That Mr. Bacur, to far, Las well as of rejoicing. Some of the pic- failed lo concentrate upon himself all of lorial representations of the affair added 1 the opposition to Mr. Stephens, which is blasphemy to cold-blooded malignity. I open aud undisguised. And yet this op- The crime of the madman shrinks position will range itself in the conveu- into insignificance in comparison I tlou, prepared to assert itself by seeking with the deep-seated and lude-1 tome other candidate to support, scribable depravity which has character-1 There are plenty cf good, honest, fair- ieed some of the popular methods of minded, able Democrats in the party who showing abhorrence for bis crime. What I can command this support. Already the hope can there be for a country in which I names of Judge Crawford, Uou. W. E. not even prison walla can shield the uu-1 Smith of Dougherty, Mr. Nortben of fortunate from the gibes of the booting I Hancock, and others have beeu men- multitude, and in which noshing is too 1 Honed. sacred to be given a place In distorted rep-1 It is more tbau likely that others still resents'ions of a friendless man's doom? I will bo presented during the delibera- To some all this may seen* a small tiona of the convention. The partisans matter. To others it may teem an exag-1 of Mr. Stephens and Mr. Bacon, may be geratlon of what .they must acknowledge I enabled to bring defeat to the hopes of to he exceedingly reprehensible. To us I both o( these gentlemen, hut it does not these Incidents represent sn alarm-1 follow that this will carry harm to the ing stale of society.^ With gen-1 party or commonwealth. There are tleness, henor and true cour-1 Democrats who, In the event we have ace gone—with pity for the friendless I suggested, can command a two-thirds and the desolate, a thing of the put— vote and wlUjout this, no man ahould ex- with speculation In blood, a matter of I pect or be willing to receive a nomlna- business, and pursued with blasphemous I tlpu. In the discusslou of this subject, esgernesi, who can deny that the outlook I the Telegraph lias sustained its posi ts feirful Indeed ? Guiteau's crime wu I tlon- ot noopartisanahip. a shocking one, but It leaves no such! Its only desire and effort hu been to wound upon our lustitutlons as does the secure harmonious action, and a nomlna- spirit which hu beeu evoked all over *he I tion which will command unanimity and North, iu condemnation of hit deed. It | elevate to the governorship a gentleman is something that the mob has found the I with whom no caose of dlsutufactlon a j Into the inner temple of Justice; it Is I could he found, sometniug more terrible s'.ll! that there is I Coming, as did the suggestion of Mr. nothing too sacred to be aelxed upon, and I Stephens, suddenly and unexpectedly, adea ■till In the flreh, and concluded uot to reared further (or corpses. They returned to Red- field, and the uifonn ' “ * uleted hero. -Ju format Ion they brought MR quieted the (creriah excitement there aud el**’ the Louesty tc admit it. “U Is right to that all hi* neighbors were rraaffy hotel.* red. . - _ ... „ ..... l Tbe citizens who left lied field met on their learn even from au enemy," says the old . wajr a 0 f the supposed murdered colon- Latin proverb Tire Democ-.U of South ! KySSSliSj!! KSffil. 0 *!*t» .Si Carolina have learned something about putting districts in good fighting condi tion by viewing Radical methods in Ohio, Illinois, Pennsylvania and other Jacoblu States. Why should the Pres* Insist ou enjoying a monopoly of this has- fuess ? Uu It a patent on this particular method of perpetual ing a bold ou politi cal power ? It may rest st esse. South ern Democrats are going to maintain the control of tbelr States If it be possible for human energy to accomplish it—let tho Radical lines grow “taut and strong" u they may. It is a matter ot necessity at tbe South, and hypocritical drivel will not alter the result. I’EltSOXAim the Manhattan Club. -Emile Burgy, a Frenchman, professor of music In tho Frederick (Md.) Female Semi nary, hu married a mulatto girl. —The smallest sovereign Is the Empe ror of China, who only measures four feet three inches in height. Em juror William is fire feet ten. —Parson Hicks has expressed the opin ion that Guiteau's final poem \r*s a marvel- on* production, equal to anything produced by —Nathan Briscoe, a tanner of Ernes- town, Ontario, while handling bee* Monday was stung on lire forehead and died In fifteen minute*. —Mrs. Ann Angell Young, the first wife ot tho late Brigham Young, died recently In “ dt lake City, aged seventy-nine years. Bhe a nstire ol Ontario county, N. \. 11 -Mr. Caleb Croawell,oflSt. Loula, U _ a, r „, . | , , . . 1 . , | said to posKMooe of the three copper coins weapon for wreaking an unthlnk-1 and by devious methods and marshaling I struck off in 17M and submitted to Gen. Wash ing, pitiless vengeance. anUnonlatle elements, «. baa. on<Mi I lilm only from a matter of conviction and _Al«»andar balrlnl, a son of the Ital- duty, and not to elevate any man, or to I Ian tragedian, has been tn this country a rear 1 :?^'£tt‘n.'a , |*rn£M^ lUh. iua company supporting Mis* Ma»lier, a debutante. —Mrs. Jennie Dixon, who ran away Hr.ChrlHtlnucy ntul Mrn.C lirl*(laucy, IFa Kington Cor. Chicago Timet. The old gentleman ha* gone on .working hf» way through the devious courses of a divorce court, struggling bard to secure legs! separa tion. A few day* ago his prindp*! counsel beciune Insane. The Chrirtuney case waa too much for him. Afeirdays later Mrs. Cliri*- tlancy withdrew her cross-bill containing the charge* of cruelty which she bad heaped up inbut thli " '* ««—»>•"»" that this wl Christiancy was In Itself again caj*ture the ancient C a substantial victory. With the withdrawal of the cross-bill the ancient Christiancy congratu lated himself upon the fact that now adlrorco was possible, and that h* might be able to re sume hU position as a gallant single man in gay Washington society, lie I has walked around tin* corridors in the capital with hi* friends, chuckling over hi* approaching free dom from the expense* and annoyance* of his divorce suit, until he hoa become on* of the stock characters of the capital. Within tho last thretf or four day* it is said that Mi*. Christiancy has been writing notes to thsold gentleman asking him to condone her several bund red offenses, sn-lta re-unlta with her, to begin tbelr conjugal Ufa over again. The old gentleman ha* been Immensely flattered by the touching appeal* sent to him by the coutrito Lilian. He has probably thought it *11 over, and realizing what a prize he Is and how broken hearted Mr*. Christiancy will l*o to lose him. be has probably made up his mind to do what is called tho magnanimous act. Fsr tho last three or four days he has been seen hover ing about In front of the bouse where bis auburn-haired wife keeps herself concealed. It is sold that the old gentleman has even walked ap and down in front of the house of evening*, gaxing at her shadow as it was re flected upon the closely drawn curtains. It Is not believed, however, that he has at any timo attempted ta thrum the guitar under her win dow. alter the 8paul*h fashion. ThU morning, however, the whole affair culminated. It wa» a touching picture. The weary, worn states man. the dilapidated diplomatist, the ancient supreme Junticc, was seen walking his dally An Interesting Letter. We print below some extracts from tlie I promote the views, wishes or ambitions of I J] letter of Mr. Stephens to J. A. IUker, Esq, I any M t of men. of Csrtersvllle. The letter was written at I a time when tha Democratic party in the« uenensi Mkobeieir. seventh district was doing Ua utmost defeat Mr. Stephtus. Let us see what says: “ A telegram Ir. jaaterd.,-.^' paper «2Fa%S SKA . 1). “ 0UI , 1Ced - tb * * C “* n . d « th - , ln » Mo * foW nrw r ri.hom"?tiS’.^i^affated’’.*'h« beat across Indiana avenue. opposite the Lu- gvnbeel house. When he arrived opposite ha stopped, and,slouching his soft grey hat over his dark eye«, he gltrcd with the fierce l«M»k of a hungry man at the closed front door. Ills ar dent gaze appeared to have Its effect on tho- door. It flew open, and Lilian Christiancy stood revealed. Everything proceeded then as It does on the stage. She waved tier white hand, holding a letter toward her estranged husband, and beckoned. The ancient shook hi* head; he wouldn't-bave it. Again she Mysterious attraction made the old an's feet move In the direction of tho- gentltman's .... —... .. — — I>otd. of Skobetelf, tile great Kusslan gen-1 &&ht • I ^Kre'ol h« Yon ask mo Mv*r.i simm and .naoiiic hum. I er11 ** Although tha scenes In which ha I —The Pope, In an allocution at the proached the bouse he l You ask mo *cversl direct and specificqum I . - „ , * * | consistory on Monday, Mid the position of the I and by the time the bit tlons, which I shell proceed ta answer briefly 1 moved were very remote from the flftlu of j ,-hurch in Italy was becoming worse than ever. I reached this wronged hus In theordorln which you put ttfetn. I action of ourselves and oar readers, It Is I The government, he declared, was guilty of I and panting. >• Who would ,ou.uppor, tor congreu wrro | lrue that general concern, th. world I ^rL 1 t^ re no.aMr' U,,Ur ' to I h«!ilSi “wh'iSV ™ jSTp'il'S'toK .. tairui bi go fa.trr, and I .... brown .tone ponrh waa irhcd thu wronged tan band ]im out ot breath H .in7" .aid Mru. Cltrlrtlanur. Our Table ot Return.. Wo have spared no labor oreapenM to furnl.h our reader! with u full and aa correct returns from the late primaries aa wu poulhl. under the elrcumatancei. W. bare used erarj possible source ot Information that we considered reliable, and this morning we present tbe table a shape—barring possible typographical errors, which commends Itself to our sense of what la Just aud right. It hu been our purpose to put the delegates where they properly belong. Those that are unlnslrueted, and yet known to be for Vacon, are put In bl* column. Those, In the aaroe category, that are known tie for Stephens, are so act down In our Hat. Those that an known to be laror*' ble to any other man, or whose standing Is not known, are put down In column marked ••doubt ful.” We hare iu no case placed a county delegation In a given col umn without acme deSulte Information, authorising such location. It will ba seen that the table of to-day contain* aome ar rangement* of delegate, dUL-reut from tba report of yesterday. Tha changes hare beeu made on the hula of positive Infor mation that they were Incorrectly located In the previous table. Thus altered we are conteut with It, and will stand by Its approximate correctneu until tbe drat roll-call of tbe eonrenUoo convinces us of It* Incorrectoeu. Any error In our showing which It not merely mechanical, If there should be tu:b error, can be attributed paly to mistaken information. We consider the Iwo-thUds rule ai absolutely secure aud tbe Domination ol Mr. Stephens under action of ourselves and oar readers, It I, The government, he declared, wu guilty of .nd p.ntlni . .. . , ,. | bn>! faith in refuting exequaturs to twenty | "Won’tyi , *1111 true that general concern, tbe world i,uhoj»s he had nominated. "I have alt , — „—„— you la thi, dtatrlclT-To tM. tv.plr, I would 0 , er> wUl felt la lUo flt8 of „ ea t l _ It ,, Mp0rt8ll ft0[a Chicago that Qa *° mucb “*“ r “ r °“ ™ ,nc ln unhesitatingly support Dr. relton. I atranenr svlima rscnnl Is sn *,nlw*!lm«nt I Butler ha* been unsiioce^ful In an attempt ta I The leather colored face of the indent suf- I of darotmu «Tth. dutle. thaU^bcforo ggSsg^tfd^SgSjfe he head of ^ other, u pom h,m ' “ mm ° n “ n,C “ 1 ’ '° y ‘ Uy lh8 S^A’^SJTSWSSf J!J tne neaa Ol au osnere in poms ■ integrity, high moral character and dialing-1 work one has in band and unflinching fi-1 pocket. 1 pat one mil hired upon hu. and he melted, of prosperity. Tako for example a ton of | ulshed stand he hast iken in tho Concrese of I j.,,.. l. ,i IAtf I —Lyon Gardiner Tyler, Esq., son of I lie went Into the home. The door was closed. Iron worth, wy fifteen dollar, at U>« tb. Cited Rate* III. put experience^ greatly “ ,l17 *®„* U r ^ U '" m,nU - b « ‘'“M Prmld^rTrkucootrlh^ m’n.. jVn, nun. I mines. Manufactured Into nalla, the 1 'naraares hi* eapaeltr lor luture uaelulnea. In th * “cflOco of peraonal.aae, or tb* ex-1 ^^J^ e ^*[ l Y- < - l Aai^uttouot“ T aiSu"'l* I aSlureTaEfuton the ahirt front or'ilio ex- value becomes seventy-five dollars A K'nlng hD^constituents. No member, however I posure of ones-sell to disease in c*mp*,' wh f ch h ef «,uilorth hi* Uthcr's connwtlo n Ju'lg»-»ndwe^*nd».M^d(Ylar , nEth*t^# value becomes ie\entj live dollars. A lblcor brilliant. «»» serve his constituents or death onbaUleflelds, are ranked among with that important measure. Inridentallv, uV ur thJr -57 bv th# nn^vS? halo of cotton, a thourend bushel, of corn, „ ia „ nuch u onc wh o ha. expert. llM |llw mlet of , nob „ mi „ 5 »•'“«*'SfJll&SEiSSi a thousand feet of lumber, all Increase In I ence in the service. I. . n A „ AA .i I tk- u mu, i„ , llA I ,or ifi r « her - At least he remained In the bouse proportion and leave on final sale tbe sum • A “‘ n - TO “ “ k "*• Felton-, randidaev I hoot1 ' Tbal G « neral Bokbcleff Is entitled | —Tbe senior soldier In the German | «,«• time, and when be cam* out he \ooM of tbelr total value fuinlsblng In tbe course fa rt ii rn atnnlnamant In tl>M rnanw lian.U'l nrirenH Thaiianna In'tha Mventh aeeraa \ WlUl reCOnl M a UOla * OlttUt, brilliant I Is scarcely yet * month old *hd Who has Ju»t 1 him fondly, the old gentleman tried to look racturo employment to the many bands | or result The canvass In the I - tj e b j t j, e i QVA confi-1 **«• enrolled by the veteran Emperor in tho I stem In tho presence of the public, but a to be more of a personal than a party character, ■omier. tie uau iua love anu me conn I g« ran | MQt h of Mecklenburg Dm- deep, peaceful* grin would steal up through Dr. Felton has boon twice elected to Congress I deuce of bis troop* in a maiked degree, I goons. I the look ol gravltyhe had assumed, no that . t,v thf (^onle cf hi, ,ti.--lrt. At tho !„t l-Icc* I and dnnhtlcu manv .n Aid warrinr I —Robert EmorV r*tllK)n. Democratic I lh f . * ,re V'. " > t r *.. wh 9. wc, S •tanJl'W ducts Utc South receives only th* com pensation which come* to the producer— I then had the confidence ot hla eonatltututa by I I TOumt' man oSSTto wa'a^iit'unfXln I VfT th.tthA chrl. tla ncr7=V<! wtlf bi«it ll ed_b y th, very ..treat form. | ..WW-M •>« - ta* «T«b.=. 12 i", “ | aaSSKSB* SUBS., , as a dark 1 ln * 1110 acquaintance of hie interesting wife, I,b °^ " n0,r ^r'ThlaHrefrrehlfif reading, Juat at tbU I ^brevVe^u to'“reckiere! I ?1S P J5 mMtih^ h * ,r * n<1 to the South than a large amount of caah | time. We command it to the apecial ad- nen , m, plume, like that of Henry of I —The Uou. David Davla wrllea to I called atront the dit“”- capl'al; Indeed,,bore I. plenty m | r .„o„ of there Democrat. In the rev WM ever reen where the haul. ^SSS^^'SXltlSSSt tal lu tlio fioutb, but it Is either locked I en tb district who opposed Dr. Felton In 1 wa . de a dllest lie could not have been a I k*” »«dgive hu attention to privatebaslneu I IB* wife did[cell him over to th« house. She UD in non*Producing securities or employ* I tsva . n ,i trnlrt m,,, I . * I matters for a week or two, eftsrwhichtimebe I mad® appeals to him for reconclllstion, but ho* up in non prou g s c r i es f y and who expect to oppose him in I Ugg ar d | n tbe dsy when strong men grsp-1 will return kkst. spending the remaining nor-1 has declined to accept the oAr. ami will to edit, railroad.- Only a very .mall per 1882 . RwUI not do to claim Unit the I pl “ la de.dl, .trire-eUe he had notice. I bSa'i I WiS^n^llTuSai cenL bat gone Into mahulacturlng end aotbor of tbe above sentiments was not I sitobeleir. There is much in bis military I “taking extensive impro?cmenu upon hu I that some of Christiancy'siriends got after him developing en.erprue. SUM - labor, .vtrgrelxed” th*n, but that he U organixed =2?? however, I. obliged to bo an active *lc. now . That will not do, for he saya, In L,, great Confederate chieftain who, In Th. OwprerelM In Itnn.o.. “ “ ' ‘ “ menu ItealaUonly a* auch. It ll tbe I the ume letter: I,.,. . self ta t*e hoodwinked Into resuming his old re lations with his wife, and the result of it Is that he is braced up for another campaign lu tho- ItealaUonly a. auch. UU the I (he same letter: IbU nb*n."itoodahMluUly wUboutal Arehtrer- jaborertonycapltal, and ourt declare •P.rtrovrenh.tte. I WUt. In. n bid- rlT / It woola b, n «dle«J,re to enter L^S^uWnTilf^nTSu'f fS IU dally dividends to sustain him. How I ways proper and necewary when unity of ac-1. avnlulifih mtlltarv t-litnrv and it I tollowina fetter, written by who to tet thla skilled labor should be tbo ob-1 Uon u •*wntial for tho success of principles." I Into Skobawirs military history, and UI to ^something of an expert, may to ol. u u ■ If this doasu'; show that ba tbioks the I would U surely out of place to racall any 1 «»r oue who propuws to test the | Grandma was nodding, I rather Iblok; llilEVITIEH. con not lost element that mean «to any^r^pMuro^ exiom. ^ I inconsistent with organixed Btmoc-1 of | l r »n^ r *, kd earnest recognition of bis aud what it hu been to ottors r * cy 10 la PP° rt Dr * Felton In 1878, bow | devotion to duty as ho understood it. „ will bo to this. There aro| CAD H be so now? Lot DcmocraU think various wsys lu which It might bo ac- tbl * matteroven compllsbod. A stock company with $200,-I Reutimentullsm In Politics. . — ~ r . 000 capital could do au lmmanso amount j It has been used as an argument for tbe ab* I Wesldeut Arthur with ono of tho Grant I 11 of good. Her# In Mtcoa trs bare build- ■*- 1 • ~ friends, lie answered, ‘Tse pulling a basting freed V basting f» —Awoke. Nearly all of tba Democratic psporv Hint to C'nnillilittee. Illiovf 1 Tb.ra Out. I AcItUcn whoUte"J',niit|m«!f .rmldcnc, I »'VlnHnl.faror lh.reUIn,of . *uuc’,n'ven- 1 I ..w, ^ ^ ,h* «*. 0,0, nlng of the M lu>t. . r T Uon ol <w*thlnl> "tl. 51 badge,, waa a plUahl. one. Devotion to | KShaTretS^S I .■A-Y t .«gg»°!..¥ iw ” M log. that could be u.lllred and. P«k on.', friend., In a decent red *”* * ’ klou ' .lauding ready with If. hall, for an an- J ° r J t «, [ , hOT1 ^orc n „ 1 ,», „, „, 0 way, will challenge th* admire-1 ’SSg* U 1 ? I -g**”* ”« > JlL < *gSy nual or biennial eahlblllon of utaehlnary 1,04 ,hmil.l not tecalre It. No ariument taws I Uon of honorable people; but men abject I ipareh. you will aither huaio <o to th# root 0,1 lti°'f™a tha'nrfahtrr^re'ii' f«y,!L' f red mechanical appliance*. Such luati- allly routd ba produca.1 than lo lay that there » n d fluuky-llk* exhibition,, at tha on# In SSTfrU? 'i* Sjju VreSjit'hfi. Tue French Senate hat tins hill, Uttlona lualaln tbemtalvea In lh. North •o-'-dd a tu-i^niion of th. two ihlrda rule I qa8< ,, OIJ excite th* Immeatnrabl. coo-1 "‘"'lah to eaceparaaklnanWiaa, red not ,00 | already voted for by the chamber of te t.uii,*, U„_|. fovtha breefit ot 000 man. W. bars vaWly | * “*“ . * , T. | hlth In promto. all rorteof reform. Onthtui IrelhanaMVal of tho rets, of Ote Tnflcrlea. ateprufiu. surely on. In | .... I temot of all dreent men. W. do not deny I h.... >^1,i.-mm n if r-mdonL" I tba coat of th. work botre ctum.tcl at i-n’ta rta.ou.iV.-, thinking D«mo-1 yule, and regulatloca being changed to 1 (rtorci. that dossal know that tha ^ tll , rtort-comlcn of tha candidate. l.t.c.1 trouble.laitho party, l" T«n Blta(Bt M« a rcccuary to argue to i V. vw> not da. lo th. rvaffirma- .. ., • • g Vt.,: lbs Iwo.tMrda rote In tho aoowat-1 pUln * I 0 *" 1 ^ 1 1 >-t. .,n of that rule, in th. In- mr, Ai rt ,uco. «n aim lUarurk Cam* of a man who coald not b. nomlna-1 Patau. it, red who waa doterminod to I Alaxandav H. Rapbrei wm. fared thlaovre- mo rate—party ot no party,was I la, by th. Tim* eonrnpoadmt maud twtore twtlfin 1SNX A clmilar pro.*-I u remt fire la hf. old quutere st Ik* Xuhwul > lhsfi In th.ittt.rMt of Mr. Steohaoa I M-teL It amy b. mid ho I. oajoyfrt* rohwl UMumatt dlustnaaly to lh»l“^te.ahLou«h ha baa had darloa blaster 7 ’ 1 from WMhlaatoo hla reatoaury narrow mmpa a death. Ua has bmo loo sick aaddla- ... -j, ,0. I .wood to taka any part la tha campalga la Ms are aavorai wajeln which tba I etate. H. was la a rery chacrfol sad phUo- >ttc 1 R-tyaui t>a destroyed. The .ophlcal mood ts-alahL red Ulhmi fa s reft. Ml method of aeoomplUhlu. Ihi. rmult ! qareu loaa of vate. that miarewd . womre a. ■Id lw l>> breaking down lh. two-third. I UU tmimttfbr Ur prtlc, \T Uu DtmtmlU I te.ungminotiucawithaxtvataoclp-vff aagfitetutefra. «/ Ut trader, mu u ctiv. t,r.,te-.t acaina any outraga what- I te.dr, .W parewalre. maaare, .< if , at the b.indt of tha majority. Wm t,, wl, arc mnrkln. thi. —I—I <ktM woaid ban hare Baaeock sad David marplot- Who are ,1 mck a OdretUd t-reno-tuated, „r >tr. s.c; hen# be warntJ I mod XAa f lan 1 all f f,,,.,,, p,-,-,, rlrf im. Hr. s . 1 ana 1* not a aioaaaily I ^ sould An bam V• be party, but tt.< parly I. aaacauity to j n. .UU fhareraficraaeou Aag trea a mag btat«. Ut it n ut b. dmtroyed lu tba I ml fir far hepttv..-* -Sn lort Tuut. raet ot au unr -vajuaLI/ ambitious old I It will fa* wall lo remember, in this I cnnmetloo, that My. Stephen, waa sara- n-i -t,-!. from Wash-1 111 Washington whan th* ntws of lMl , , -j I Hancock', nomlnatioo raaetted that dty. vcmrat lu flianli I (All tba rest of th. Georgia delcgat ou 1 Coh.v.or uhruuk I hadgooa horn*.) Now what did h. U] ? I «a»:m tha maami.l. I u* ^ok* tn th* hlfhmt tanaa of General u th-r md °f U- h. 1 u (l0 c otBf red .aid b* had **urged hla nominal ion three difiatent times for this office. II* thought th* ticket a vary -a ticket that would wla.” After !Ae eteeffoa ba tells a Timm eor- j rmpoodwt that a ticket with David Dans m th* .A>| n 11 wouldhav*stood -mm* chanre," .Uoo of tha I Implying Urn utter Inability of tb* Uen- kat c f»:_ - pri-1 Cock and Eogliab tkkat lo maka rey rua • •*: Mat all. .0! r,n. Of -:.q r., B „ , cxi. of doubtful memory, or it a natural cipreaeloa of *411 coo- . for tho policy ot tho Democratic bar ol tho delegates. The returns already lu show that decidedly more than a third or Ibo delegates are openly opposed to hit nomination. In Ibo column marked ‘•doubtful,” It It reasonable to suppose he will find more opposition than support. Undtrlblth.adw.baro placed all Urn votes which are known to favor the nomt- mjton of sotuQ rtf. 7 ! other than Boooq or Stephans. With this explanation wt tend out our report, confident that Urn rote# In courau. Uon will show that U waa not far from 1 final this run Tba proposition for a Georgia Indus- trial college, or Hfhnwtl institute, first found a public ludonataant in the Taut OBAPU AND MtCAiCNuui and met with a ready reapent* throughout Urn State, large number of Journals hare dlacumod tbe question favorably, and a few weeks ■Inca tb* board of vial tore of tb. State University recommended that a depart- meet of technology b. added to lh. uni- venity. Th. Tiurauaru, aa wall Mao as other papers that hav. discussed lb* sub- Jact, ha* labored under th* diaadvretag* of having no data at hand upon which to make comparisons and advance augges- Uou. of practical value; and white our Information upon tba subject ia 1 at full ta might bo desired, still we bar* enough at band to add out more plat fur thla last great adjunct of progress. Tb* sol* object of a Georgia techolml qp4mertuninl l^um^ should both* general Improvement of tho mechanical and manufacturing laureate of tala and MifbbOfinc States. Our people lack capita], hot have Imnaenta natural and undeveloped reaourcea. U should b* Urn policy of tha State to place It loth* p war of lb* people to acquire Urn capital treas ury to davslop Uum laaouresa, namaly, thu capital which U known as skill, tyet.ale.1 ... I — ltMI U D and pay handsome profits. Surely ( the South could succeed. Or the sule ] m ,ha O, will suhlaet them might aielst. It could do Itself no higher mine to inch e ridiculous position. If Ur. service then to teach IU own people the I Stephen, cannot obtain a twolhlcl. vote ol the use of tools end machinery. Hut wher « m ” nU “- lhOT "-* M «‘"d worthy Domd- ,. 1. auim 11 *»*■• in Ike Slate who can, and tbU would tvev It It located it mutt h* distinct and I lhow wlUl | n i, v ii that he U not tho choteo of teparate from all other tnfiuencea. Ill th. raainleof the state. Wo u-lkv. that Uie projector* and tupervltort mutt be free- only method otaKurtng the choice ot th. pen Ileal men. I pie bunder the old mtehlhhed rate ot tho party, the two-thlrd. rate. In th. Hate eon- iiaager aiaaat.. 1 ventlon there ar* aro rotm. II lb* majority Society In th# United Stetee It not In a ™'! 1 * U ^? Y 2? hopeful eonditlou. Riot, violence, blood-1 and with the seleetkm. In other words, tb* shod and blgb-bandod Crimea of every I balance of power ta placed In the hands of one hue and description mar Ibo peaca of to-1 Rlhotwo-third* rulo u adopted, it wUl c!My, aud tendI to bring contempt OJOO our people. Thl. It true, more or leu, of la ofivi.or newly hall the conven- every section of tbo country. Nona ta tion. Hence wo re* to what oxtiemee the fieo from violence. Crime stalkt about I adoption of the majority raiwwlll lead. There In davUabL Tbo founUln* of tho errat •" no«ompHc*rton» In tho majority rule, and j 8 uuwue u» giro . ^rinxe an lnvUlox fiald ln which to deep of human depravity scorn to ba L ■ andfoeward theta Mnonai broken up, Oiling tba land with a flood I ^(^encea The man who ha. not.Xtant of horrible deeds. Pandemonium bos I Inflocac* and ta not mifidentijr satisfactory to broken loooo In more placet than ln I H** I^P 1 * K> obtain a two-thirds vota of tbe j exM I deleaatae elected hy a majority of tb* people ta Until Unotto them groreer .nd more | ^ - U 7.^* bruul enme. thet w. wbh to tbU ^ Urn*. There are law* provided foe lb* j Dmocrot la the Stete.-crimatw «,.trer. tuppietaion of anon and robbery and I Th* abov. words from our Columbus murder and all tlmllar crimes; but for do-1 contemporary are pregnant with wisdom, prared social tistea an<J low and shocking I They cover lb* situation to completely exhibition* ol cowardly hatred, there I that wa hasten lo give them further dr- aecmatobem remedy io th* law, and I culattoo and IndorsetMnu but little hop. of any In thorn motal sod be retted upon to carry out a given policy •plriittal eppllancea known to tb* I th* retulu of tbe recent primaries bate churches. Many of the Incidents coo. I tattled beyond cavil rr question: nected w 1th tbs Imprisonment of the mad-1 That Mr. Stephens U not th* unant- man, Uultean, and folio* log hu exeat- mou* choice of tb* Democratic party for tlou at tb* dictation of tb* bowling Amer-1 governor, lea* mob, are of a character to iltock the That it la yet a matter of doubt If be •eualbtUllre of decant people, the I can enter the convention sustained by a world over. We refer to 1 majority vote. merely by way ol II-1 That hla candidacy to far hu not coo- lutrallng th* alarming Rata of motal* in I trtbutad to th* harmooy of th* patty, hot Urn dominant eecUona of this country, hat resulted lu the itlrrlug up of ilrtfe W* are glad to know that a very few only I and contention when boo* previously ex- of tb* cowardly, diabolical exhibition* of I Itted. haired towards that madman can be I That tho two-thirds rale, a safe and charged to Southern people. Uls prison conservative custom, bora with tb* party waa wnatantly flooded with cruel evi-1 Ueelf, it uot likely to be abrogated, hot If dances of studied and malignant hatred. I inch thonld be th* tetult, disorder and A deliberate attempt to murder him I disruption an llabl. to follow, through th* bare of hit prison window Wbcrarer th* friend* cf Mr. Stepheo* wat loudly applauded all overUn North,! and Mr.Uacouhav.fehtbemaalmatreoc and military law, which ol right Would 1 enough, they hav* Inti rutted their del*- bare Inflicted death cu the I gate* for their respective favorite*. I. cowardly would-be tataisin, waa thought I area« placet limy bare made com premise*, to he exceedingly harsh when It com pro-1 in others they hare coo tented themselves mteed with lh* mob by giving him a few I with the choie* of uaiostructod delegates, year* of confinement. Tb* poor prieooer, I From this lari etement, with no other Inaaoe and friendteea, was literally taunt-1 tesu* to loUrvtoe, it it but fair to eipect ad, badgered, faceted, and pereecnted la a I that Mr. Baron will draw th* but info bttodrsd different wtya, from lh* dock lo| Mr. Stephen* wat In potltin condition ■ctlfold. The newtpaper offices the country, prior to Lh* execution, flooded with caricature cute to be not, Mcotdlnc to taste, representing aafoctusale mao la cruel and uahellng [ prevail, tha oppmltlen mad. ^■tia.cuu. 1-liotoKraplilua the ci.seu ThouMud I Tiiitt i: rofnvui of the convicts In the VI,aln>. I MmAKhamtnauw pvteoa, at Con. i.r.1, are In arete. Ibaucrfat. I revoft, braiure they were Orated retuln m-re- CbkcM. Jobs L. Moddardand hb pho. I atlra Juthou (rented Ihma on lh. t'owth ot that a Grant badge te a cood enough | thing for Arthur to wear. Wa do not say I that Conkliog It not a proper pc non to I carry around tbo** tokens of pcrtonxl I,, ^HJ[”jJ;. J |iKk%ulSi I *h , «“harch w I inly: servitude. There may be eometbing of I taliitue. .roona [ olh*v'reUra <»> >»»«;«*♦£”. I Tnc Saratoga races will begin on the llck-iplttle propriety In Arthur's and Sn^hlre^botocreWm^ottherejaUy it'S^** SS^lSriSrehLSV.'.', 1' “tl "i Omkllng. annual mrvlUty m Grata. ''" No one would expect to witness any ex hi. I howcT<r, m the c harchjidlwlyllfhtad. stay I nlraUe manaoMinitaitowtyeer. bilious ol an honorable manhood lo either I S^^JSS^'S.rg'Bgg I Tux N.w Yorit Trtbrnt gravely stale* tbe Dot-houte pollUdau or tbe X.w Ijoammperlov .hould rater ead 'U«c.;« ktel that the drily untuumpUra of yretr. .1..„,u am ...... - r . ^ ItexawiwtL wmlhattridihb buUecARtte |imre niM rntteoa thtenar. n* man-lard York gobbltr; but men who take I .how the rellc.^loa aumhra of jtealUhknubu I OHCumprar alone tree about ktu’.tnat . — ladrenvUre. . I without pteclti* hlauelf oc th.trav.Uv. h» I a day, sad th. priMUt dally mnmrifis wtt a pride in pvnonal Independence, WIK) I nm lh 5 ramvr. end th. vlnrire' shutly I not Ulfu.hortolkmOAU.|alk«, be cnyhody’t mtn, willl rehwWrlyeoovnlmd both teanrer rad phe-1 Thirty pertott. have been Lilted and able to withhold tbelr I ^ 1 - ■ ■ ■ «-»•■ — wenty wound* ! in Iheforrmmenc . .. , j . I A Bit of (ieriimu Uumor I ?*rxice In the war apoo Ulteta dUtil.Ing In th«* contempt from this degraded I n. |M I last five years, of Um m o umber t.f prlva <ui- broth*,hood of human .panic!.. Orentl A „rio<» fona of Onrara hwmw eppren In tomS^SdlrireiteiS&riSrofro rad hi* gtng offiOfi servile political eu- £**« Tnx new theory that elactririty I. tho “ * k ‘“ * * ‘ "x wt went to the I * i wee tremendous I here the newspo-1 rpVWHKI hardly ball Ilka handling ihtlr name. I a'^^t^“T.^i”hrai* “toiSi I without tonga. If they would real* tol neefth*.remh,b«th*dlduotlM*rm«. Aak* i »*nw have* neulR. make themselves so slavishly rotuplcuoua, i>rarerara%!ni^h'nnlu7 namp^ I p rt ^Iafrren”5f^Cy 11 ‘u, ...... . _ __ political aoclaty lo tb* United irtatc* iKJf^^^bUwiStS'ram?h - «^IK«JutirteS'i'r 1 ura5r*Thi'*w 1 aroS' would car.U--outandbury tbam with j-teg. the garbage of th* late Uayea’a admlnte-1 .tutclr relre him, stamp him te the woemch. 1iSdlfSd wuh rtfi2I“ “ tration. There la no other country ool d-prah-Uura j Ti1e R. pul ,llc»n cx-tcux rnmnlttra of earth, of any respectability whatever, I rv't-icnt the taVx Is r!o*»! with a soap. I rash 1 dwUowse. which ha* control ot the order ot that would bare tolerated, for so long a I f** 10 * M* •** «nr. hultae! HchnUae !• Bot I business h*« determined, so one ul iu m> pberx : . . , It U too late; jour unhappy so® in taw was al-1 reports, that no other Luslnem exrrpt the ap* time, Graat'a toady brotherhood of lick-1 ready packed in the post mrt. I ran Into the I propriatina bilk ami one or two t V. u.-u emit ■rhititm imma. n# r*nn • l FhimM »ntl ■ h«t*aa ol the postmaster, and descended back I will be dtapoeed tf im it.:* l-.o ipittla heroes, pemmai pimpa ana poita j jrewr son in law. •Is roar friend addressed?* I *« if they favored the earliest j-. • c a-ljcurnp cal eunuchs, hcciely ought to short 11 he asks, •No.* I answered, ‘Very well.' mn | menu there fellow, out Into pol.Urol darknet. SSWAWrj J?^S1SSA2S There teo't room fur them anywhere elre. be wlU be burned ex . dred let- Su^pS. ■oath Creollna'caa 1 be'fenenited on thl- TU#Great InrtUu Keate. I bf^fnClSrara^sSh'^l Apei .'^.t"a'.ra', 1 : . Jf.reatfcUi f. Ut K.u Y.rkUtrrU. I j!3JSaJS?"'T- Ume, by a gerryBander, shaiael— andlnex-1 . I end her death.from hydr»»phobta had Ki«-atly • The following art tbe partlcotan of thecreat I «ir«cted the shepherd, nho exH(l>it>t, when adlan eeare which created each a sensation in I brooght lo the l.<-p'.tal, unt.i. »jmj. a and anetondant saliratloa and Inex- rutable, to keep Republican Huts taut and j Prm. There U tomtlhlng acluxlly monuatea-1 u»irotonr.cour^i of rarnt tal lo the check of a Radical. Tho I which »iuattedre*w«tijr open surveyed land I pl*»a» perspiration anJBL effrontery of that particular aptetea of po- ■“ r< »" 1 H»red * preettrel Joke utam I SLSf jjf CSre,*ff CSlremPRF Utlcal beast It brazen beyond ra y thing riluotemlava. and twafrehoots Ittae IB | pjffSMeeffireVtraeliAreSrai°^<ItreiJB 1 1 - ->--w,haul Da-1 attribute theeare-whn-k , . . weary. .IM rite^epfre. .Tfa— There Is a peculiar breadth and compare I k>*Io,, travel ,ulaed iterawa arrived la Rad-1 S^iretwreTSwimE. ifit t,.- to Radical bypocrby. It ia earnest rad I field and repotted thu about etna o'clock oil • tt...i.a» ;i!..,ut rt-l all-pervading. It make, no dUguire ct lu S'^ire'- k uttfr ihtmeleaitteat. It la openly and d*. J^S^raTmjw^ 5 kraWrafowd flantlv Ha-re* mn,« LmrararamdUmt lrem* tlalraW I B b«t hl*M«lf. H* hod niath* fMill dMlSCt 1 TUEDOVCl po|(C« I fiintly h*« and bypocnUCOL Jus*, thlr.k , t thirty mllca for his Ufa. ilia story was I Chkaco e rrar aaa^M of* Ua-Ucal paper qngaged tn denouncing | S' ii! a £ra w- F"-V 1 >: Democratic arrangement of tr«ure<o.t fremfo-lfold at rare g>r'tbe| vurab^uroutn I districts In South Carolina, SKStSlfe'ia''' ? -J ?• | ray other Southern SWW, j r I t»*reT«re ri(f u ‘eSCfiymander—thamelctt andInea- {ofTSlfo^ratraSiuraTrittefitenIreSt SmiS'reSjSS.i't,2^’.'- citable.” It te worm thu Urn Utter, ay “£ J? ta? SaLttU S5«£rara*?J ,'ra ’ ! ! re" of ”etopthlel” to avoid autptciou, lor Urn Vcrraaf m. IW. th. «ra«al c-remradtra KwS„iSmbr ' 1 : : I— *U.» ■- — - .. 1 »■»«><■ wokfda. was ffommunkaudl numbered and |lt U * distinctly, ebsracuvtetlc of Radical 1 rire>relh«Vre^'TE»n’m,rre Stemrew |aaSSK^ti .' -tt I method*. When that party get* Into SSw^'rtmLThSLdSrmret 11 ' MB EKZ ?? IT. SoiESSVi’ZX.!