Georgia weekly telegraph, journal & messenger. (Macon, Ga.) 1880-188?, July 14, 1882, Image 6

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llck'Qcapk iWkt SouKiral sV Oai§ Tfitcitm 4 ■»»»•*■ •atlr >ad W«ikl|. rn >a iT <* dsllT*rcd by ecritil la the dtj V mil*! »*-.*«« trt9 ta iub#eribrr* It *1 pel (mc.u HIM tur three sswuiLr, tJ lor six *m> 1*K <* T.0 a yssr. «nWu:.Tli mailed to rotMrfbsrr pestsgi A Little Ploeeot Hlatory. When tho eighth district convention met Id the year 1874, Messrs. Cumrolng, Lewis Matthew*, Rucker and DuBose lbs candidates voted for on the first nw:.Tli mailed to lubsertbert, p« littli ysar and tl (or (lx month*. Trx> ut ade« itlaamcuia will ba Ulan a£■ to; i^nar* of UR or .•«# f«W £r» laaenlOB, and fifty cent* tor each subse insertion. Literal rata* to contractors f£oj coiun... ad*«:U>eu.»nU aailai daJ.*v*r *h nar« ol ten line* * * 4 — —1 fifty nd*j U. Literal rate* to contractors dill elncle eoi ADAboViWly. •jtf **a*>atlon». Interred for publication am xa iwcomran'.ed hy the %rnier‘» nsr" tcu' addrou. not (or publication, but a* eo of food faith. eotnmunlcaUoni win not te returned eonUtalag Important newa «*4 0*jeUMloni of Urine topic*, U aolldted teo raast be brief and bo written upon ba txutult of tho paper, to bar* attention. 3nmk v saae#* thould be mado hy Xprua, Mont; CkMt, or Kegiatered Lector. ut n amnnlcation* should be addrewfd to J. r. HANSON. Manaierj^ logdtle. These are facU, Incredible as they may seem. The public will bo slow to believe that any man la this broad land could be considered a lunatic for having a religion and a method of bis ballot, with no definite result. Cummlng l own; or at least could be committed for on the twenty-second ballot bad 22, and I holding to a new interpretation. With Matthews 20, with 0 for Lewis. I Beecher weekly preaching politics, phi- At this juncture Matthews and Lewis I losopby, and sensationalism under were withdrawn, and Mr. Stephens’s | the guise of Christianity; with fore his rights as a simon pure Democrat must be protected in this primary meet ing. A most disgraceful scene ensued. As many as tlx were on the floor at one time, all talking at the top of their voices, while the house was In a perfect uproar, i oud, abusive language, oaths, scuffles, shaking of fists In each other’s •elf sincerely penitent for the part which he pause before they bring this great evil I What the Bombardment took In the great fraud of W7fi. He wrded upon the political and material interests nJSZT'Zl —t faces, and warlike pistols were all sppa- personaland poUtlcal friends; they regarded rent to the disgusted bystanders, and so I the words ahd emotions of Garfield as the effect>' r T,“,rT“V U "‘^ I WbMtire Confederate gunboat Menl tetanmrou ! “* * l * te - 7 h *‘ °» bre ‘ ch cre * led mu, with IU thin armor of Iron, defeated wblchhefclt mrcroaldserTe to ulttfat. the | b ? U» conteat of two year, ago th0 Fed(r ,| men-of-nsr In Hampton ludpnent Ofpoeterltrnpon him. Ileexprerenl should have b.-cu ao promptly and sank lira Cumberland tbo tbe freeteet apprehension that at no distant] closed, Is a blgli tribute to the conaerra- ’ * . .rereln. Vrerare. would Tilt noon 1 t | smor the members or the party In e ” n , “ h ? * new era In naval Stale. But It U fully to believe that If 1 “ thl * ctarl ,nd U wu thor - there should be a rupture or senous disa- period an avenging Kernels would visit upon his party and friends a terrible revenge for that wrong. Those who listened to him were hto name was brought before the convention. I Talmas'. practicing gymnastics and | continued to the close of the meeting. I One hundred and ten ballotings succeed-1 preaching slander In the pulpit, with Abe 1 Finally an “organ!xed’’(!> Democrat In- qmrreutbat have arisen between the stalwarts ed, with only the names of Cummlng I R U ford founding a new doctrine whereby I trodneed the followlrg extraordinary res-1 and hall-breeds they have been repeated and and Stephens voted for, at which time I tbe nC t track and the church are to be ] olutlon, which was passed amid Immense I are at length the subject of discussion in prl- Mr. Camming stepped forward and asked 1 run conjointly; with Barnes professing to I cheering, namely: that Mr. Stephens should he unanimously I disease by faith and the simple lsy- Jbtoltxd, That none but Democrats, nominated. On the thirtieth ballot there ing on of bands; and last but not least who tag they vsted for Hancock and English, was a tlo between them, and on the thlr-1 w bb the Rev. John Jasper, of Richmond, I * re allowed to east their ballots In this conveu- ty-filth Mr. Stephens was only eight vo es I joauting during the “meeting’’ that the ahead. | “sun do mote,” it Is pretty well estab- rate circles. At no distant day some author zed publication on the subject mar be expect- L Theologians differ as to the value and efficacy of what are known as death bed repentances, notwithstanding the ex- Macon. G At thlspolnt lion. Charles J. Jenklni, I ibbed tint .‘belle,” la on. ment.1 pow.r.l * a P 1,ofU> . <> ‘ hl * , °" th ' crou ' 'V . 1 , , , . , 1 rksll ttand Mhind the ttllert, and. on their l xntn properly has not part Or position In who wa, a Gumming delegate, arose and |f lt may ao t« den imlnated, cKM „ Qt: dKid - I u “ ur ^ Bald ho wished to i»y > few words to the | wh , cll „ eTJ m a n U , at Hb-1 ,*.116. >v«lw<i. .... . . . ... ,v. Bicea TWVfimrH IMl ¥F55FN5Ei I Cummlng delegates, ,li.: that before erty t0 eicrclse In that dlrectp.n TUU appeared to satisfy tlie Stephens Bu , lo “ a . V „ I Jr * Kitu TnlullAlil m I SIr . Cum g mlng ^ T8 p 1(c „ M . n t to becom. Ijj ch ple ase. him best. Indeed, w. have Democracy, while tb. regular Democrat, • ...nriM*ts Iim hul mmIvmI »n anDOuflcc- l,1«* t.hst this nrinclola u I l«ft. th* hnus* declaring? “tliev were leas I out or ae P 114 1,110 wn,c beeen recently sunken by those who were his friends and associates In life. If this thing be true, his family and oughly demonstrated In that conflict that .... ., . the days of the wooden war ship were greemeot In the approaching convention, num J^ The defeat of the Mcrrimac RETURNS From the Various Counties to tho Uuberuatorlal Convention. The following table is a* nearly correct sit is possible for one to be made in the existing condition of things. We are will ing to stake our judgment on its approxi mate exactness. the party can survive such second trial. It will be broken in twain, and Georgia by the Iron monitor, which followed im mediately after, raised tho impression will no longer occupy her proud position 1 TrTj In tbe front rank of Democratic States. I ll,u low - !et lron tuneUi fur ’ of Democratic States, nidalcht Its I lie lul. nlsbed tbe true solution of the difficulty j which bad arisen, but It wu borne in JBIDAY. JULY 14, 1882. 11 candidate lie hul received an announce-|^| n( ii, unc t Usa that tbit principle u Hen tbe bouse declaring “they were leu | |ment that Mr. Stephens potUUtly de-1 |a,d down somewhere In our law. Of | of organised Democrats than ever before.” Such wu the lnalde of a primary meot- » W HI.. i. u «eat 1 tU*'* «Mmliudton, giving as a reason t hla, however, we are not certain. Tbe ^ phIslcaldU.blllty.Mr.Stepbeuebadbeen Rt ™ b llcan party be. bad charge of tbelingthat defeated the friend, of Speaker I “ ““ “““S " * n “ and ^boUMt^'anminsr*I'have'over | el«l»l In 1872 tsUAouf a non^atlon, and j archives for twenty odd ye.^ Dot it 1. Dacon, and wo gues. th, o.lo«d hoop. janmA have It seUtled beyond The Plain Reason nl the Two-Thirds Hl)l, The most serious question thst will * (Signed) Z. CHAKDuta. I was elected without opposition. lie had I difficult to understand where this new I fought nobly under the chsmpionshlp of I been unsble to attend to his duties because I g y»tem of oommiUlng men for lnuacy who I such unadulterated Jeffersonian Democ* — la SoovnA* now assort* that the Gui- of m n 0 borne. He was I ) l0 \& peculiar views as to religion, is to racy. The necessity for the two-thlrJs teax “rse, as far as the stalwarts is eon- wriUcn to by a member of the Greene I en ,i. an j even more difllcult to under- rule becomes more and more apparent count 3 rexecutl ve co,nmltt ® e » tnd 1,1 "P'y stand what lsto be the teat of peculiarity, every hour. Tbe State must protect it* I co me before the approaching convention . * I he declined a renomlnatlon. I two churdies agree, and when we step I self. | I is the proposed abrogation of the two- Mr. Cummlng then went Into the race, I ou talde It Is difficult to find even two men Ko atephena Tidal w*v«. rc ,e * There are two clM » e » of litre doth the young dovo begin to 1 and no mention of Mr. Stephens was made j w bo do. Some of the old folks yet be-| We on oUf (sMe ar(J f ree to support any I men in tbe party at whose hands this rule «Mw his pace, and give a wide berth nntil the twenty-fourth ballot. It is said UeTe there U a devil In every fiddle, and a Dtmocri| who hM , b%9n named( or ^ ^ j, in danger. Vim, those who are will- Ik# lonely itamo which standeth erect I that Mr. Cummlng himaelf had a letter In I search In tbe garrets might I named in ihls connection, without any regrets I ing to tear down any rule that stands in the sTstwlde wheat field. The head of I his pocket at that time, In which Mr. Ste-1 even novr bring to light an occasional I or heslutlon resulting from prior opposition. | the way of the purpose they seek to ac* tiojaang dove Is more than level. phens declared lw would not »e«k the rao t h .eaton Mlllerlte ascension robo. While we are still as strongly for Mr. Stephen. I conxplisb, ovon if in so doing the party Z . ’ v . I nomination. I There are men who believe that when the I has n'ow bcenextJeStd so 1 ®^* should be disrupted and destroyed. Sec- . rew *!?-. Allcr twenl y- tlirM b » llolJ h,d h*'" lightning strike., It D a bolt from Jove, , y Ulll hu , ricl „ u , re tK,„ nd £ do , tl in tnel r ond, those wbo are honestly deceived by Is, wwealwoUor the 1st. btopn.n. Doom, i ^ a Mr. Clarke, of Oglethorpe, stepped I >nd meD w bo, when t rabbit ctosks their I power to make him the candidate, wo could the plausible cry that the majority should *r ~ J; forward and banded e letter to U>o were-, m ,ko a crow In tho sand, spit In It, have supported Major Baetmwlth much more ,, coutrol . Wo proposo «, » ddrcss » ^ •‘ryln-Wchbe.a.dMr would L nd fMl ,.r.r then If they had «U their worded Irdter clam, and 1 accept it, bu. old not sock It. I prayer,. I Were our ancestor, lunatic, I b>UeTe th „ thcre M , cw mcn , n y,, sut4 ^ ,h 0 w them the reasons why thU. proposl- Tben tbe balloting began again and 1 because they murdered those they could I thoroughly cognisant ot Its condition and o( 1 tlou of majority rule is not justly applies- Tbe current of event, In Egypt I, of a j mind that tbe machinery only cf tbo Mer- character to attract unirersal notice. Wo , rimac wa, injured, and tbe expert, be- have ofleoer than once called attention I clm , d i v | dcd M to the value or tbo Iron to tbo fact that aCalrs In that quarter j plated vessels and the monitors. Tbe were drifting towards tbo solution of tbe forme, was enabled to carry a large num- nrr *" Eastern question, and have expressed tbe I ber of guns and men, and was besides, opinion that that solution could come capable of ocean work, while tbe latter, only through tbe dread agency of war. It tbouch offering but a small exposure to has been on tbe point of bemg settled shot, and almost impenetrable, wa, utter- numbers of time, slnco 1850; but in every j, helpless at sea, and carried only two case Jealousies among tho great power, pm,. Tw0 styles of vessel, sprang up of Europe, growing out of tho supposed during the discussion which has nccesilty of maintaining what 1, called i Mlcd for ye, r3 , the turreted (and “the balance of power,” havo prevented double turret) vessels, and the tbe final settlement of tbo question. Bus-1 i ron p i, t ed man of war. Ad- ,1a has made no secret of ber purpose t6 vocl tcs of tbe latter were strong In their plant hor banner! in tbe very capita! of claims of superiority, basing their calcula- Turkey. Tbiu purpose would undoubted- tl0 n, chiefly on tbe fact that no other ly have been accomplished daring tbe late class of vessels coaid bo operated at ms, war, had not armed intervention on the » nd t he fact that land batteries were Waxai are the men thst wore lustra-1 continued until tbe 110th, when Mr. I no t overcome by argument? Were the I the meuurcs needed to promote its welfare as I b ie to ptrty convention!. «r -.1 m the jadicial murder of Mra. Bar- Cummlng retired and asked that Mr. Ste-1 Xew Englanders, over beyond where | Major Bacon. Nor do we think that there Is j .pj ie m ,i or |(y ought not to control “Bloody and deoeitfnl men shall not p b e na ahould receive the nomination. Bloomlogdale Ilea, lunatics when they meTdrenremcm ot OMnto. ‘bo nomination, in a convention, because > set half their daya. ’ Ihe murderers j jf ws recollect aright, tbo same sort ol burned witches and flood men for kiss-1^“ Jodhonor of Geoigta. the nomination Is to be binding not Sira. 01 !! >n W8- Mf- T. J.Smltb, , ng tbe |r wives on Sunday ? Better not The above ex'ract, from our worthy ply upon tbo members rwie, gjadly exchange places who ineir i of g Jlud e r sville, brought in a similar let-1 press this matter too closely. contemporary, tbe Romo Courier, con- convention, but also upon 200,- — I ter at the eleventh hour. NVr know the I xt seems to when we view tains a number of thoughts worth consld-1000 Democrats In the State, who Tax protest of the foreign oonsul* did hlstorjsof 1878. It is not strange that the I the situation, that Mr. Woodbury had in erlag. The two-thirds rule—the Demo- are not members of the convention. This ***• the Egyptian forts from dcstrao- eighth district Democrats should be will-1 m i n d a plan for hemming Into one club I cratlc rule—will undoubtedly be re-af- would not be a good objection If the con- i at the bands of Admiral Beymoar. ing to allow the State the privilege of t U of these eccentric pulpit orators—these I firmed In tbe State convention, and we vontion was strictly a representative body. ^British authorities had an object In bothering with a candidate that to per-1 Beechers, Talmages, Jaspers et al.; to I doubt not the Tklkorapu and Mes- That It is not such is known to every one. rs Bfltet could be accomplished in no Ulstently sought an office. pool and suppress them possibly. We I sjcnoer will be as ‘‘free to support” the Thegreatmassofthepartydonotpartlc- * **r way; and with their usual decision | -» I think the name “Independent Solid- \ nomination made under it as the Courier. I ipale In the primaries by which delegates -iArackr, they drova ■J uar *^ I itiiod ivrwnsinni. I Backs” shows that, and If such was Ills I We do not agreo to the proposition that are chosen. By acquiescence the party Is It was oceof those high.handed I Blind personalism la a great evil among I i( j ea| M f rom romimttlng him, the I »«tho popular preference for him (Mr. Ste- bound by the selection made by a small xbilMoouUtiiUi distinctive feature Democrat*. The campaign of I corporsUl jn ought to have detailed a phens) has now beeu expressed so plain- portion of its members. But the fact re- 1830 U Illustration of what _“^* n | special committee to assist. j ij” as onr contemporary supposes. | mains that the convention thus made up .nvi 11** Mln * peronallsm ; and the methods 1 ■ I Our returns are certainly different Is only a partially repscsentatlve body ; wwt.k»B» this wuos do not pa. out« ”***"’“5 ^"toibuST^ According to the Now York Financial from tboso of our Romo nolgbbor, if In and a selection by such a body should be Wwg^oslyMlMt Th. number dosonot | . . . ■ donbtlng tbe | of t]je gth |cJt i 0lo whole hi, ho read, anything like a popular In- mado by a larger proportion than a bare Vt Si IS IfiTe diDiollbed but tb#r# il (one* I that her worship It an uumill I . ... . U . I ilnnnnont nf til* nf Mr. I maWltw nf It* mnmluar. Imr.irn ini'll If. lacking inside. A Urge array of onr j oJJe .t settlsrs have for tbe first time been lnto tbo ^syfctMimxed by partaking freely of tbe P»«gn* We refer to it almply by Jrxil Too much rain and not enough son warning tbe people not to repeat in iiwz i - ~' j ” 773 b ., M ’ I would be no need of exhortation, or extra I , orltv " should* ’ rule — «—*» —• lh = — | ^ mlrerabl. » f >“ “ m P* « n *^ d * labor, nn that lino, if “the popular prefer- {S5j!r5 offl«« pporters or 31r. bte- . . In, Mm” l.»<! Wn nlnlnlv av. a __ Clayton 3ol»b Coffee.... Cnlumbls..... Colquitt Cowet* Crawford... >*de... Echols Effingham \ Elbert ■■ Emanuel... part of rival European naliona checked f oan d to bo not capable ot defending an p ^ sr tbe victorious legions of Russia. Tbe tn t„ nc0 even against wooden veaaela. I*eace Conference, at Berlin, patched up Although the English bare built aonie a truce, and left Turkey to be preyed efficient turret ships, they have confess- upon only by luternal dissensions, and to edly based their hope, on Iron armcred fall under the weight of ber, own weak- men-of-war armed with guna of extraor- uess. It simply postponed tho evil 1 dinary power and calibre. It was such day which may now bo at vessels I as these that effected band, or which may yet be bombardment of Alexandria. A, far bidden in the recesses offuturity. It may be imagined the nations watched the 1, a universally admitted fact that this contest with great Interest. Tbe Egyp- _ is coming, and that h will be the tlaus, while poorly equipped, were deter- dayof wfhtb lor tbe Turk; and more mined, and tho long looked Ibr contest be- than one wise diplomat hss felt sure that tween land and floating batteries was at It was alreidy at hand when a given war- length to be witnessed. Tbe result Is cloud hung threateningly over tbo Dan- known generally. Tho ships knocked tbe ube, tbe Balkans and tbe Bosporus. The forts to pieces; but there is one algnlfl. wisest ot men are but short-sighted crest- ant fact to be noted. Poor as was tho urea—often ignorant or an event even equipment of the Egyptians, they auc- rriien It has come, and often mlslnter- ceeded In penetrating the armor of one of preting tbo very plainest happenings the vessels, while tbo Brllbli them- among tbe nations of tbo earth. Tbe selves confess to a disappointment as to prediction of tho great Napoleon that, Ube cflects of their heavy guns upon the “In fifty years, Europe will bo olthcr Re- earthworks. publican or Cossack” bis not been vert- While tl.a Egyptians were driven from fled. Tbe outgivings of men, ooly loss lhe i r works, It must be remembered that great than be, in tho midst ot the cam- they had nothing but sand banks in front psigns and complications of the past j 0 f them, and nothing bat round shot to thirty years, that the end or tbe great an,, still, with these, they aucceeded In problem was at band, have all gone to m ,ki Dg a stubborn light against ths per nm*Mt. ns th* Siihlim* Pnrtu *(*nr*il v*»r I # at <• , ... ... FfKslb.. Vm*herty.. Doufles Early.. 'annln.... •syette Floyd Fonyth Franklin 'ulton Gilmer... G lav-nek Glynn... Gordon.. Gwinnett Hebershem - Hell anrock srslson arris Hart Icsrd — Henry Houston- Irwin ..... Jackson Jasper Jefferson Johnson Jones -surens so .lUrty “.II w. He „ 3n.l»moant of cotton rocolpta from Septem- doracnient of tbo caDdldacy of Mr. majority of Its members, before such at- .***!•■ ■- . a ? *".???. ** . * ber Dt, 1881, to last Friday night, were Stephens. It may be true that his friends lection shall he binding upon th. great be details of tbet discreditable c*j»- 4fSJOOf3 baIfg| aga | nsl 5,703,840 bales in “rebound ’‘todoell In tbelr power to make body of tbe members of tbe party. in^a» 11881,’and against 4,850,204 bales In 1880, bln > lbo candidate." It seems to us there 2 . The proposition thst tbi in _ V °. ’ J. . . irm.lil tu> nn nn.i.1 ..revlimfellnn nr nvlra . .. . .. exvilj. 11880. This, tbe supporters • true lu , , officers under tbo lew. nhsn. iwm inHtnad do Thev era da-1 with 1880 ol sxtno date of 220,171 bales. « nce ,or him” bid been so plainly tx- Thare j t U a contest by one perty holding — w El Le something in favor of Gar-1^d ih»i h« *b*n h* thn nomine* of I Receipt* lor the week ending on last I pressed; tud, further, It would seem that one politicstl faltb, with another party *Ji > memory, It it prove to be true that I J? Democratic nartv lor Governor If they Friday night, July 7, were 0,580 bales, I *** two-thirds role might belet alone, if holding ^ altogether different political -»knd virtue enough in him to go through I « (H v»mnii*h u*ln *niti5nf th* fact that rgalnst 10,1 C>2 bales In 1881, and against theStephets tidal wave has been os moun- It is acont At torsapremacy In the »* barns of death-bed repentance for tbe ™ JT 14.OT0 bales on same date In 1880. ulnol « “ our contemporary seems to re- ^Itol of the government. It U an effort j&H that he took in the Electoral Commie-1 ZJ. .. . . Stocks at interior towns on last Friday S inl ,l * T1, ° facl to i l here has been no b y one side to conquer and subdue tbe n^oCraed. Eren Hayes osy come In at | ht“te u op^a to him in any ana every were 42 ,843 bales, against 72,301 1 decIded c*pr«»lon of opinion in favor of sid «. i tl$a struggle between po- thls result I bt,e# at ,aro ® dat0 ln 1881 * I * nd our ne, * bbor litlcal enemies In which tbe stronger, if nf vamftN. k*. *..» *nd I that th** nrotnee to stoo at Su>ck la Macon 00 Frida * nI * bt wxs I uoccrta,nl J b T Indirect ap- on1y hy a hair’s,tension, is entitled to con- WU ..TTn t Z r mglilng abort JTSTdJLliw ,£ »*'“• »*'“ la 1881 * l ^ “'"TT IU.CW. Radical U.dsrs, In tb. Unit* two-thW. rule in order to aeeompll.h lt. '*“« , ijvt , , alUn‘heir power to make him tb. eandl- ud ^ t b,d, tb. Dane, wl Rog or nn- :u,n«. I They an bent on this course, although I The total vltlbla aupply of cotton on willing. It Is one In which there are no well 7 awareoftbe fart that tbe overthrow July 7,1882, was 1,043,084 bales, against It la evident to out mtud that there has agreements or concessions, bnt only a Tm slur routs thievs. are not yet eon-1 . h , , nreMnl .i™, and un-1 2,21«,0<1.'S bales at same date In 1881, and I been a decided expression of popular dis- naked trial of atreogtb between hostile ifkilfl Th# trouble is, Brewster and bit I ... Dr ’ c i rC M m ,i, n f e , will woik I M^nat 1,810,840 bales in 1880. These I trust towards Mr. Stephens, growing out and Jjppoalng powers. But none "* unc art now llring on the offleial mast I -T!" , ' T| ,u . ) figures Indicate a decrease In the amount or a combination of causes that hava been these elements properly belong to Bsoarod by meansofstarrontoptnnder. I J ' |°f jorohJ,, s jgbt of 272,081 bales as referred to In this paper, from lime to proceedings of a party convention. Arthur and Brewater and there.t of | tboreroltofbllndpmtjaiublpon tbepeart | lfi8 , | llm ,. llnM be ta.m, a eandl. | So,, I10 l issemble to glv. a Dial of I encounter between op- i tbe party. It la not an AyirftteDdTredistressf"lwbonoroUan Ipoaltkio'loaubiwdl'natathe'blgbeetpolltl-1 ba ***' , , , „ IofMaJorBaconbasrecelTedevenstrougerIoccuroodesigned for tbo« having con- WU- from tho bosoms of Radios! knavoa f cal interests to tbe personal advancement Middling cotton was quoted In Liver- Indorsement than that of Mr. S'epbena; flirting views or preferences to enter tbo -Ur. verily; tba frilled, dated, pompons of , Tb , indication Is , pool on last Friday at #|, and on the and while, of couree, wo ascribe to our lists for unfriendly combat, In which the aU sapiobsts, wbo ditpauoa lujastic. I bld 0D « f or tb. good of the SUM and IU I ‘* u ‘* j4U ? ,,r “ w “ ft uo ‘* d «t I contemporary no other motives than bon-1 atronger iball by conquest Impose IU has- the Attorney-General's office, will I perpetuity of tbe party I ® a " 19 ' Cool" weather baa prevailed dur-1 orable ones In Ills support of tbo latter, I views and preferences upon, subdued ad- Mthwtet Dorsey tn tho day of Ida an-1 1 iJ/oppiltloo to alt t’hU spirit of abject ln * • P 0 !* 100 of U« P“‘ week In many we are utterly at a lose to Me how any versary. Tbe only proper ebararter of a liwrennaflam wa aat un the elalroi olthe 1 *«tlonl of tba South, and rain hu fallen lone having the good of the party and | party convention la that of a council of I * * * I * uMl.n. Th. I.itaa l>.a J... I Kfata at tiaart f. >11 lit liaallafa at katwraan I it,. Matnal f.. aanSlat kativaan If a starrotrte i w b° mlvoulo'bda nommatlon^U I o° m pared with tbo tamo date In 1^1, and I ‘‘® e ' , . ln “ U . **'*“" * ^ «*«» b '« ~~ suir ronio t ^ llu> 1 as compared with corresponding date of I date. Indeed, It la apparent that | strength In hostile l Un J denrt tbe^atar^ots thievMln tho I In tbe Interest^of a man. It .bow. TdlZ I* bow * n >“'«»*• ®f 124^11 111*, Indoraem.ut of the candidMj I posing factions In t! .umpkln I Macon Madison Marion McDuffie McIntosh Meriwether Miller Milton.... Mitchell. Mon me Montgomery... Monton Mnnay.— Mnseonee Newton.......... _ ~ li!.,, II. interesu am flrst ln mint of I In moat Mrtlons. Tho latter has done I State at bcart could hesitate, as between I tbe party, met not for conflict between Us . 5 fMSSttrCS '.»P”i‘.'«. I'U greater than an^or all I nmcblthe two, to give the former an I f«U,n^^notfor overcoming and subduing jns«ldeeignof saonringatlauttha moral I of iuclilienj. Il will survive them all, n ** d# '*' •“ Tegu, however, tbe weather earnest and ontlring support. Tbo Ultber by tba other, bnt met at oerort of the Unltsd Bute, tn eSeeting a and be Is a poor patriot whom not willing eontumea warm and very dry, and rain Courier does not overstate the quail- such council of toe party to bar- onion between tba Centre! Amerfoan to forego Ida personal frlandshlpa In order U *™» U F OenarallT the cop is ficatlons of Major Bacon for tbe execu- monlxo differencee within the party, and It is not singular, perhaps, but it to contribute to tbe permeneqee of 1U Pfop«s>«* “only. Texas bas sent for- live office. There U not, In our Judgment, to determine upon a policy and upon men ae, that all f or eignrra overestimate tba I prosperity. I ward ber first bale of new cotton. | anywhere In tbo Slate, a statesman better acceptable to all. It U a meeting, not of w IT and infineuet of the chief magistrate F If a endidau ennot Mcure a two. ■ ■ I equipped (or an honest, faithful, capable adversaries, but of members of the same it t tie country. The Freeldent of the , n th . , lllv „ n ,. nt | nn IS __ I A Bartow cousitg PHmorr Beellu la I dlschargo of the duties of that office than political family. Ills an assemblage not t ^^^"dfo^cn 7 u“of"^fnritr"^w ,u * ,r “ c, ‘ AugnUtu D. Bawn. This Is saldnot Ina for contest or conquest, but for concent Z- lriribrP^y.nt ?Ti,' 1 ‘bat be U not tbe man to be nominued. ft u well known to the reader, of lbe spirit of pereonalism-for we cebaw all and agreement, and aueb a purpoMU t-. -"o2.Jm3 to^uS ZZTt •»“ be put forth to bear lbo TxLUORArn and Musagrrogn that Bar- ‘ b * t i DO ‘* 'P lrl ‘ of t**'**'? only conrivunt with mutual concemlon, tow D tbe banner Independent county In W0ttld Doml “ l ° blm cven “ ‘he and D Inconsistent with any idea ol dom- 1 7 sacrifice of tbe twihlbtrJa rule-for inatlon of tha weaker by tha atronger. When there wu published aueb . I«sh* 1 ! "fSTd the nomination of any To place the arbitrary dee'aion In tbe glowing account of tha action of the Pf l. on ' b J >«•“>»" a two-thlrde vote u an hands of sharp majority, la to make tt a mary meeting Instructing foe Mr. SU-1 outrege on tbe party; bnt iti mere trial of strength ln which the ml- * " ® I it lire .lallliAtefa rusneln.lnn ms. I...U I t._ lf..l. laabliu one rt liulnaw It, re aim.‘S.’ungTfoe'^^tfog’tf''’tU I *‘» nd ‘ rd u “ t^rwhoU not In such -jMU vervloe. I * situation u to command its confidence .... I and support, in all Mclloai of tbe Slate. the men and the gon. It is a eua-1 Tbere an such men In Ueorgla, and some sag mea end a doable barrel gun. Why I mch man can receive tbe lndoreemeot of * “ arr,f serou the field eo fut, two-thlrde of tbe convention, ln eaeb a Wa o er man are shooting 7 I stale of afiftra. It would he apiece of fool- srrtM aerom to get in front of tba fallow "T* J I,*:";" Jv;."J™. its has a good stand and Is getting lota I ,b l ld wicked policy to tear down one of fshou. ^ «f "» r*riy, m order to ■healll? Oh, well he will U tt|,, give personellun another triumph, at the aalMtMbr ha will ahoot seventeen fart I »pvn>e of peace and good will among * a passing dove, and makt tba nun-1 DemocreU. Such a short-sighted eoutM feel tike lightning had struck I can result In evil and that only. iai through a sieve. He will only do thle I We hesitate to believe that a majority res Th. canning man will be oat of I of tbe coavenUoa will coruent to break renga after thaL 1 down tbe aafeguard of tbe minority in TaaTenneiaee Demoerate ore ln .. 1 order to force n candidate-, distasteful T-T.rn.uuDrmoeret.« e . ndld . u _ u[w IU ^ If ,b,y would be in, in the erenlof S^ * lw ‘ ,d ' “Olhlng will be wanting to t of Mr. htaphana. Tha an-1 show that they are wtlllu* to sacrifice the a-kin both 8 tats, is a stormy one for tha I Interests of the party and of tbe State, to ribbed. There ought to be patriotism gratify the ambition of one man. If net- eagk In nest wstk'i convention to avoid ther of the candldatea before the people wan that will hopeleeely embitter tbe I can anenre tbe Indoreement of n two- .■» between UfAloag PemoeraU, end I thirds vote, it will ba tbe duty of tbe con- . - .IndeptndenUsmsn almost irrwbU. I reuUon to gtv* tha people a nominee who - i antagein Uw coming campaign. ifti^ n.ri.h« worth sn.r.w .i ■ a t, -.'.Ion of Mr. Stephens under • i r lie, but mere especially under the SO . ity role, would herald tba beginning a.' rissaod of Democratie supremacy in *" J '. We place this warning os record. 4 • ! be the part o< wisdom to gi ns heed can. If tbe party he worth preMrvlng at all, il la worth preserving at the sacrifice of any men In tbe State. .'.a respected neighbor, of tbe Berne >’ i>.anye that be “eoold have supported c * vw Baeoo with much mere eordtali'y, . cs . -»t- id of Mr.lltepbers,bad recslTtd t: r-o;' : tr indoreement.” Waiving tbe «. ns ee to the popnler indoreement ot i- ' .iphene—which we do not admit, r.,s guertions Dale rally arise: If our .roc- Serepevary could sapport “Major B <u - mark more cordial! y," la n given i." ".,u Mr. Slephew.isnotthisan ad- s - Ion of the feet that the former is bet- ■ti: -d for the office of governor than a< V... ■ Mi-.vlag as he does, with ngsrt jee to the two mom and their qnalifU it :li d. acy o| the utsw whom hneowld qsret . . -c eoedialdy then be aonU !</ - B,c .inn given event, before be i know wnirh ous of tl.*m s “the popular - roLlcrj-:»'y The Outrage ou Wood bury. Mr. Edwin C. Woodbury, n Xew Yorker, baa Just been released hum Uloomlngdale Asylum, after an incarcer ation u a lunatic lor more than two jean. Il la a curl out commentary on New York legal methods that this man should have been arrested, Jailed and com mitted as unsound in mind, without even tba poor formality of no Inreatlgariou be fore aocalled experts; that though con st sully demanding trial by Jury, bn wet left In confinement without medical aid or treatment. And yet such was the com. There ie another curious feature about the affair. Mr. Woodbury was committed as a lunatic becaum ha had pe culiar and extraordinary views on religion. It straw that tba gentleman was sodden!) •erred with ll* impression that not only had he became converted, but that It was his Christian duty tn convert others. With thle end tn view, he organized J| r I socialv called the “Independent Order of a council of tho plenipotentiaries ot tha leading European nations was In session In Constantinople at the time when Ad- miral Seymour received orders to open fire on the defenses of Alexandria. There la still greater meaning In tbe fact that tbe foreign consult In Egypt entered a solemn protest against the violent course of the British authorities In tha matter. Tbe latter fact Indicates that In tbe event phene ».nd~lndoreini the* majority rota, I “ ,h « conclusion of oorjudg-1 nority, If only lacking one of being tba , „„ between England and Turkey we concluded that tba affair would bear I m#n *> »• h> the honest and evar-falthful I majority, must yield. To require a eon- should grow out of the bombardment of probing, ao we obtained from a reliable capability of the only public man ln the currenew of two-thirds or the members la source the following facta which wlllebow s “ utl “ th * ,ud “*« courage to oppooe, I to secure euch-en approximation touna- to the friends of Major Bacon the tort 0 f| lnhl,own P«™>n,the(to ns) inexcosa- ulmlty a» guarantees harmony, opposition ba has to meet In tbe party. I bl * follr of ““'s whole hnrrahlng Stephens I' 3, party association Is tbe volantary We know tha Independents Intended to 1 ■»"■«*• The roll-call at tbe conren- L n 0 { the clUten. He remains with, or bare Mr. nominated at all h,*. ‘|on will convince our contamporary Uml U „ M » pirly , „be wish?.. When so arda, and In this nproartous and disgrace- I ‘“ PoP“'« movement to which he refers, „ portion of a party as nearly one- ful meeting we see the band of a master 1 **** h**" ,n “ndemnalloo of Mr. Ste- half finds Itself dominated by a vary spirit. We bear alto that tba conduct of I f ,b * n *’ mh * r tb * n 1,1 f ‘ TOr 07 hlm , * nd I small majorUy, it will nkturally resist that meeting baa made more Independent * jl * nolmnaltoo U poeaibta, In n° j IQC b domination, and in a short time Democrats than wan ever known In the ".“.without “ overthrow , och ^y will break In two. Tba two- county before, a prominent wire-worker I °* ‘"“■‘“‘rds rule. Tbe par-1 thirds rule prevenu a small roajori'y remarking to a genttaman of Gartaraville, I ‘? having unmistakably decided I f rom dominating a large minority. “ThU dajk work hu tort Clemente five »*»lust abro^Ung that rule, an 4. A pottUeal party worth preMrvlng hundred votes." 1 0 FP 0rtnn “f w111 fi*™ 1 wnumpo- has foe 1U chief object the maintenance W. commend three facts to those who "T- “ 4 •“ 0‘mocnU who agree with ^pdodpta. Ths advancement of Indl- are advocating Mr. Stephens "to break I “ in IU creditable eetlmata ol the charac- ,| d .ata U an altogether lubor- down Independentlsm.” Iterof Major Baoro, to plus him before dlBlU) eouehtoratioo. The Gob A. p. Wofford, Introduced tbe ret-1 lb * P*°P[* ’ ,llh th * Indoreement of two- 6lctt between rival candidates olutlon to Instruct for Mr. Stephens— I lhlrd * “ “• conveofion. We have no 1|W>T> endanger the safety of political “because the aetaction of Boo. A. IL Stw-1 "**° <1 for "“"•nglhal Mr. Stephens can j purties. If nearly even In strength, tbe phens will lent! to beal tba diffirrencts in ] a * cur * • T *° * n, '^ nly °* “*• TOlca * I danger It that neither will yield to tbe tbe party, and will brlof to lbe D«mo-1 ooodoalon bos been reached after a care- dtelokm of Um party in fa*or of tba other, erotic party a strength that iy> other can-1 iarT# ^ r ^ •h 0 ** ®* ,d * | Under tha two-thirds rule tba Democratic Jidate could develop.” * “ *** party. In such coat, aaya to tha rlrala. If Col. E. D. Graham, Introduced a reaola- nua t *%• of you can command tba support lion to instruct delegates to vote for “our | ti- Xmm v#»*ir mm . M .t.i.r>i ^ I ot two-thirds of tba contention, wa will protest, as the Sublime Porto scored year fe ction of naial architecture and anna- M111# ■ after year of quiet and enervated »u- ment, and Inflicting damage. Tbe pene- Mlit" ” premacy amid the defenses of tbaBospo- tnH| ono f tbe one man-of-war, by a tlnglo M,tche11 rus * I round abot, »o our mind, la proof conclu- So fsr as Europe Is concerned, Constan-1 slve, tfi/A had tbe land works been armed tinople bas been regarded as tbe kej to I with the vest guns, firing conical projec- Asia. The nation that Is In posMssIon of tiles and shells, tbe fleet would have been it effectually dominates the Black Sea. worsted. England gained nothing for her Continental Europe would not submit to | men ol-war by bombtrdlng Alexandria. English occupation of Constantinople. England would not tolerate Its peaceful I Tornadoes nuU Their work, occupation by Ilussla, Austria, Italy or I The tornado poaseiMS at this time great France. Tbe very priceless character of | Interest to the average Georgia mind, tbe possession bas detained the robber The State has, doling the last few years, hands that bare, for generations, been bat more especially during tbe last few stretched forth to gnup It. But Turkey months, been torn and riven ao often by In Europe must toouer or later die from storm centres, cyclones, whirlwinds Internal weakness, and whoM, then, shall tornadoes, tbit an aDgry cloud creates this great possession be? The solution of apprehension in almost ovary quarter It this question will be hastened, If not ac* | visits. And not only hu damage almost compllabcd, by war. I Incalculable been done to property, but Events which are now transpiring In Ufo and limb have suffered extensively Egypt look as if tbo beginning of lbe end In the clipping below, taksn from ' was at band. Egypt la a Turkish prlod- Philadelphia Record, are many valuable pallty; and the Porte must, of necessity, points In connection with this subject, consider the action of tbe Bnllih author!- peclally u to tbe real velocity of tbe wind ties, In ordering tbe bombardment of Al- which webare always thought underrated, exandrla, u an act of war, both huty R baa been asserted confidently hitherto and Inexcusable. It Is impossible to see j ‘bat wind never reaches a velocity of a bow Turkey, lu view ol tba spirit tbat It hundred miles an hour, but those who bu always shown In defending Its terri- saw ln thla section a shingle driven cud- torlal rights and the honor ol Its flag, can wise through a telegraph pole, tho bark do leu than proceed to extreme measures taken from smalt trees which offered but by way of retaliation. This may be tbe I Bute retutance, and other evidences of a dictate of madness; yet nations can af- terriffc power, were doubtful, ford to be guilty of inch madness as tbs'. It will be observed that no theory hu better than they can afford to quietly I been advanced for the cauM of these submit to outrage from any aourca what, disturbances of tho atmosphere. Still ever. A peace won by cowardly submit-1 we cannot but believe tbat In tbo atate- ston to wrong Is more disastrous to a na- nient “the theory of electricity as au lm- tlon'a future than defeat upon a hundred portent factor la untenable,” the writer battle fields. Turkey ought to fight— hurled the most Important factor, probably will fight, and what then ? It With tho discovery of all the hidden mya ll a significant circumstance tbat | teries of electricity, It may be that lbe Pickens - Pierce - Polk .. . . Pike Pulaski Putnam Quitman Rabun Randolph Richmond..... Rockdale Schley...... Bcmra R ftpaldinf.. Stewart Burater... Talbot. Taliaferro Tetnatl Taylor..... Telfair... Terrell Thomas Towns Troup Twins • Tallafet Tatnail Tarlor. Telfair. Terrell... Thoms*.. Towns Troup. Twlirn Union. imEEEB Warren Washington Whlta Whitfield.. Wilcox.. i:~, = The above returns will be adJ*l to from dry to dxy until the return* are all in. will. sns for a niiiii^iibsiSlBSpiajBoUJ-Bscin, m4 Used a hall. | .a ; li-- s»! n wbtle <Pgoy4 ct ooa of bla sawsciags Irocscy ci bis mmUrxttosi bagm? (that be wo* onutsf and cast into Bloost- TI10 New York correaDondent of tba • distinguished fellow dUxen," Gen. P. M. I x , w Orleans TfaseaDmoerof. In dm eat yoo both aside for tome on* wbo can. P. Young, for GongwMman at-large. I —_< . w ,. 1 -i Ttt I The easety ot the petty is euperior to you Mr. B. O. Crawford comtnated M. L. I ,s. public a moat Intending disclosure Pritchett for Senator Iron, the Senatorial I ^ bdtar tuTtomwoffinre dUtrirt, embracing Bartow, Floyd and lnU , 0 . 11 Cboltoogo. Col.E.D.Graham nominated Dr.T.I^uulTtat IL Baker lor the seme position, who was | mas wane j.t ia kb 1.11 stow, but eo* finally Dominated hy thirteen majority. I vtaewl tkd he couta a« ntortr. k. .<|m«4 When tbe ballottlrg commenced OB 0mm I wx .lr regret kMdrep eenlrWon be theprot two tiawtM 1 ji* moat riotous. I ^ ^ teroo in dcprivtng P'aaidmt two names, um mum tvaqum, i ^ ^ omm wkWrh ba was slweteS In ridiculous, Indecent and uubecom-1 „ Tt nutnu reawroUevd taas Mr. Oarteld ing eonduu also cotnaienad, | w 00. o< Ike a" who ik/urt and the oldest Inhabited never saw the IthcMlree Moth. raavawU the vote at Lou- like la any political meeting before. I bbaalatk- both Mack and white, and finally tha * '!!? concern stood Mock still, until tbe status I JTjodga, but as a Uwcu.”' of one colored rotet-a DemocracyC) ] Itbmm relaiad that.Isaltag that besewte could be obtained. A prominent office-1 ro* iweorer, tac kn death asms lake pleee seeker at laM earns forward to pronounce wkMnatawdepm kn talked wtm kb unf U id. fav^thd he badworired and faST voted for JudM C. Cl melAa, and then-1 hanneimma udowht. um he showed hba aed the integrity olthe party preserved. Wbo can dooht the wta- dom and propriety cf a rale eo benefi cent? ;. It to net the device cf ringaeastere and tricksters, at to often charged. On tbe eoaUMji It to Um great proteeUou against party homes and their eervite tools. They may, and aometlmaa do, pack a moved ion to the extant off ooo- half IU members, but to compose foil two thirds of lie membtre Ie a difficult (safe. We kaftan that the mare propnattten to abrogate thla wholimmo rata to loosening the bands of Un party, aod that lu gallon wUI kn tho aura preewnorof Ho final dtarapUon la this Mate. I At those who are jeopardising the Integrity of tbe party la tha advaacemed at Alexandria, tbo former need not look either for sympathy or support from the lead'ug continental nations. Indeed, It may properly be considered as a reminder to the great robber nation that they will not allow to England what bas been eo often denied to Russia—the dlsmem- bonnent of tbe Ottoman empire. The undisguised fact cf England’s dis regard of the conference, sluing In Cod star,tinople whlta the Ejyptlan forte were being dismantled and blown up, U another point In tho present complications of great significance. It to evident that tho Gladstone government wav unwilling to risk England's great interests In the Hues Canal—tbe highway to her Asiatic posses sions, to such uncertain protection as could he gamed from tbe slow methods of diplomacy. Bo, In disregard of eoulcron- eas, In contempt lor diplomacy, In Ilia at- meet Indlllerenee to consular protests, Admiral ftaymoar’a cannon bars re-as- aerted English supremacy la Egypt, and again brought tbe Eastern problem vio lently to tbe froot—with England aa Um chief actor In tba scene, hbonld Turkey resent the attack of tbe Untleb Bern tn tba defenses of Alexandria, oc railM tha occupation by Eagllsh strategic point* along Um fines Canal, It fa easy to so* that general European war moat result. In this event, no man can foretell ;wliat Um eonerquanem will kn. There can he doubt of the fact that England will fob low np Um dertracllMi of Um Alexandria forts by dtapa'ehlng n forocto onropj the defense* of ilia fen caftel# Wlssia he? territorial and •lake, ska will Ml Mattel*, Irjr pnsm rktowco, to Moke ease C* font* *4 lM rialawes af «*Mf da;*. UMia wa mof aoodaaitt ta waaswred lorn ike power wblch rules in these toruadoee will be brought to light and a protection foand. Tha Slanal Bcrvlca Office has tean exam lo ins Into tha record ol tha destructive tornadoee which have been noted during eighty-seven yean past, and much Interesting Information b brought to light in the procees. Outofstx hundred deatructlve visitations ot tornadoes occurring In that period, it b found that three hundred and sixteen, Including those of great’ eel severity, here arisen In eight Itatee, then being New York, Ohio, Indiana, Illinois, Geor gia, Iowa, Missouri and Kansas. Of thsse, In dian* has been least frequently visited, but twenty seven toraadon having teen observed within Her borders since ISH. New York has bed thirty-five since 1*31, and Ohio twenty- eight sine* ISO, while Illlnob has been vbited hy fifty-four since UM, and Kansas heeds the lbt with sixty-two tornadoee since 1808. Mis souri reports .forty-four since 1st I, and Iowa thirty-one since 1V»L Pennsylvania appears to suffer very seldom from tbe Storm King's visitations. In States adlaceut to s above named, the wind art- rises beyond the fierce neas of a at- Mast. June bthe month In which torna does are usually developed. They am more frequent la April than ta July, and am oftmev ■sen la May and September than In August. The average width of the path of tornadoes b iO« feet, end the clouds travel at velocities va rying from twelve to sixty miles nn hoar. Near the vortex of the atoms, where the whirl ing motion of the air is swiftest. It has never been pomible to obtain the rate of motion. Bnt tt certainly attains nn enormous speed, reaching sometimes S00 mile* per hoar. The average velocity U set down at 1*3 mile* per hour. In tho official report of the Iowa tornado of July 17, it b stated thsrti stone fifteen inches cube was carried VO feet la the air. The pres sure necessary to accomplish quire * velocity of got miles per hoar If tha lore* of the wind were exerted al right angles to Ihnllne of restate ace. Thepn rr to overturn a loaded freight minimum velocity of 117 miles per hour. Of Dm tom of Ule and destruction to property nostotbUcs have been prwwrrtd nntil of isle years. The laleal available reports for Ji dtoote that steal IV0 persons tort their lives end loo were Injured by tbe tornadoes of that month, while *.,*» wUI hardly cover th* tom damage to crops. Of method of their origin noth log to known, stood ton*, n vtotont whirling motion eats uy wllhia It, n tong M fuBnrt 7r 4a»pef*nmII, end rnthe sod el this dmodlek tow to* the sarth everything In Hi pathway to whbtod to«* eb er crashed I ate shapeless dost. The stood ssey rise end toil, the ’Tuaaet” may The Mutiny in tho Concord Prison Hllll rneubdnld. Stw York Tim/1 Dotton Special. The condition of nfihlrs et the Bute prison at Concord couttau** serious. The rebeiltous con* • lcn °* notwtth- iiS/fhUlf "f “ 6w»ikero 'n’ekefiwto? tor^ EauSS'Si-SSK WNjjmgvyii £ ah% tSt lh« .im.ilon .i .h u m J nrra. ana I xU tkal k. 1.1 *®&®5Sar« ■ T'.'."-- fnree °> oOlren nn qnlx at He Triton U tk* roro, *a cm Us re^rot lie roffeHtefi, nateerifiafi s^nl wttli irttd, *k* Ui itfuA U» (tiw >4 • Wa4i4*a srf Siv-1 ImeetMae, Um tMtlafi fee tanas, Sfiterot ttat w«M I* mum ■reams ro« km l*» -Inuacts," teststfil ike Waste pm an. Its ikkro la test at Iks •ta*,M4lketkrory ml .Wntalt, re an la- MASeM WW It aaneslta. The eat, i ImukkuilMHwn; Ike eel,ret “i mare ire. eieai re. Here Mwinro. Mm failafeere eonMy, la nktsta fits In- *« Ms. Hire tea. ta aakl to be tsrsrj rjMtttedlor Ikreroaaoetof Ike •h that be con nos no m*>fe rigor- SSSSSgaWrS "«» ratkrt skat Urepriren will be made la tnurtre. ana wr. . PSBSOSdL. —Mary Anderson’s dainty village-cart to one of tbe torture* <! 1 • ltrai.- U lnves. —Government Actuary Elliot fl^nrrs uthst by 1WP our people will number it.u*» —Francis Seoft Key is tob ^oDummtinfian Franc:-.... ^ latoJami i MOO left uS__ -Mr. John E. ilitvjy has fnnnally an- that he win he a sen tt Isis IwOm at large Crum \irgiaU. and prumitci *vvM^ aatohtegraphy.whteh ber no, will probably promptly purchase i — Mim Dcr-mu*. of N* —If Mm— Siitftau: