Georgia weekly telegraph, journal & messenger. (Macon, Ga.) 1880-188?, July 14, 1882, Image 7

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d§£a£gzst lUssldiT C^lcgc'ipl> auSr 3taucn$l & Wtcssamg&c* THE OLD EM EX DS. sight: No time to maJuTamends. ' iorae enemies, sod In this world's swift fight Thwt I* WImt l« the Trouble in «eor. Kin. Xeu> York Sun. Referring to a St. Louis paper's lament that American boys do not learn trades which are likely to pay so much better thuu average clerkships, the IndUuapelia Journal remarks that this arises less from false pride than from . are win* tn one rrave- th® extreme difficulty of procuring instruction. ssr»*®i» Ssfiwns'cSune: I where they can become skilled In any of the 1 * ’rable ** * *-* * No loving message sends. The old dear friends! dally; and one whan a mask; . „• passes da. Another long estra uged cares not to ask Where causeless anger ends. The dear old friends. So many and so fond in days of youth! Alas that Faith pan be divorced from Truth. When lore in severance ends. The old old friends! And life on (iod depends. -IF. J. LlnUn. TM HITES OP II ESP EC T To Clio Memory of Mr*. I antic Windilp | be without killing him. aud ltev It. P. JitcUson UzxDQVABJzna Bkcozv G zonal a Bxttal- I "ocomment upon “this pmceedinir. V but* had s Vermont tees Day. 3ncc In a while excessively lovalpapers break t with an account of the triumph of lynch ,ir in some of the Southern States, and the I statement Is generally made at the same time I that those States, especially Republican, are I free from this blot on their escutcheons. There I comes, however, from Rutland, Vi., In the last day or two, a ude of as mean an outrage as ever appeared In the light of day Upon the word of a shiftless, idle farmer, so indltferent to his work as to make his living partially depend upon the charity of his neighbors, that his daughter had been criminally assaulted, a youug man wns tarred ami feathered and drawn up by the neck again and again, so far as could be without killing him. hlghtcen days inter vened between the alleged aiaault and actual hanging. South Carolina papers are not llkcl; ■■■■■■■■■■ir, I happene I In that Mate Vermont Journals would | have dwelt on tae outrage i*»r at least a mouth. Nlsueasll Metier. General Revere, who served In tin Federal Army of tho Potomac, tells l » hU bo,.^. “Keel very singular story of the fa- .‘rate commander, Stonewall Jackson. General Revere narrates that while Macoh, (Ja., Ju'y 8th, 1882.—-At eling of tho officer* of tho Second Geor gia Battalion, Lieut-Gol. C. M. Wiley in the chair, and Lieut. E. D. Hnguctrin, ad jutant, acting aa secretary, Major N. M. Hodgkins presented Ihe following: Mr. Chairman: Twice now, reoenUy, I mi,,tc.mcr.x'»n,Uni( the EHIH hi Mi, vo have been called upon to monrn with I there was among the passengers a Lieutenant the death bells rinsing iu oar ears. I Thomas J. Jackson, of the United States army. On June 11th. I-.', Mrs. Isaac Win hip \ jriUi whom he became acquainted. They grew di«l >t horrou’t rwM.ncc, in tha dty, . nWl .wt -vmi how. •- sed crj year., Mr.. Wm.hip ™ for toi! ,, |“ , ^£i briSi.uiii,^ .rul yonrs the true ftieud of our dead soldiers, I .at Ion turned upon astrology. General Revere and all the soldiers of the dead Confedcra- I knew nothing of the subject beyond what may cy. As the representatives of. our citizen be gleaned In general rending; but Jackson lu soldiery, loving and revering the memory I 'l*® r 2° r T?° , P 1 *l ‘U*<‘ u » lo n «nA<le theadmls- of our chiral rom dead, wo led that it U 1 ;h>nthat h. lad larcatHated toft hot a filtina trihot. to th. m«dor, of thU | to? SC olUeo'^'K' birth. This the Genera! gave, and they •T hate no doubt the Ix>rd will repay you fio ft XXX teV.73att.00. Onm NEW ORLEANS, July 11-Flour in good de- ml; XXsft.Q0att.23: high grades ‘tt.5ua7.37‘* n» easier, yellow mixed . Haw white * l.OOal.etS Oats lu fair d< pawed when the liberal* I new Texas MalSttc Western fttafttt. Fork dun »u«t hearted subacilber called upon the clergyman I lower at *2123. lard scarce and Ann; and raid: I retinol tierce »13.00*1325 keg *13.60. Hulk "You remember I subscribed *500 towards I meats steady; choice shoulders packed held at your church building. 1 now want to go |3uu I -10.30. llatns, sugar cured dull aud unchanged; more for the seats aud carpets." I canvastd rl 1.00x13.00. Whisky firm and un- “ I las the Lord prospered too aal predicted?" I changed. Coffee quiet ana steady, Rio, “You bet! lie not only discounted your I cargoes, ordinary to prime BalOH. Sugar -—hs|ftA|fenfii— ■* — *—h —‘ —* ~i notably higher, common to • yellow clarified 8).: Molasses oulet; com- | r _jme36a.VH. Rice dull; . uislaua ordinary to* choice Bran I active at rilOaLlft. I LOUISVILLE. July 12-Provlalona In fair(Is- I mand and* firm. Mot pork -23.60. Bulk I meats—shoulders -»9.7ft: rib ‘11.87 S; clear • 14 tt) ft t«vr cured hams -13.00. Lard, prime lesf -14.00. Flour in good demand aud nominally . unchanged. Wheat firm,new No. 2 red winter I *1.03*1.0*. Corn in fair demand and market I firm at 9* mixed 88. Oats doll and un- NR .. . a oargoes, ordinary time one half, but lie haa permitted me to gob* I actire but not qti bie up all the stock in a railroad except about I good eon •ft.OOQ held by a widow. I want to subscribe I prime to • more and have the Lord bring her to | moo rsboiled J. 1*. & W. H. HOLMES, DENTISTS. Office—Opposite Lanier llouso. 102 Mulberry street, Maoon, Ga. maylCdawly FINANCIAL. STOCKS AND BONDS IN MAOON. COBBECTED DAILY DY LOCKETT ± BOND. BROKERS. I Oats quiet: No. J mixed * 58. YoX MACON, July 12, UR BI on. lord easier but not quoUbly awn Georgia 6 per cent bonds, due 188IL1C* 0108 Georgia • par cent bonds, (old) “ ...100 g 1“ I changed. Wheat quiet and unchi I firm; No. 2 mixed hi s— | Oats quiet: No. 2 mixed Georgia 7j nt bonds (mi rid) *• lorwsgeli Is (gold I Whukr firm at -114 Combination sales of I fi n lriied goods, 430 barrels on a bads of 1.13* I Sugar quiet and unchanged. Hows quiet: I common to light tA.U0aS.40. Packing ~~ I butchers 7 90*3 00, 1 HT. LOU 18, July 12.-Flour steady and In * *T. Wte ‘ * - ■ | bad learned to hare some faith In jt. As a sort noble woman, that we take some action upon the occasion of her dea'h. I sepanted Some months later"he received* Again on Sat inlay, June lZth, 1882, the I letter containing a scheme of his nativity, with ltd intelligtlioa of th. dmth .f oor form.r .“Ml, Mh*r itttemtou, the prvdlrtlon toM h. chaplain, th. Bra. RobL V. Jack-on.Jr., gJ*-*SS|~Sl SLtSFS&SS* 0 * Georgia 1 per cent, bonds (gold saiftKanposiJw—lift mit/ Geo*c*-a 7 per cent bonds, due liAL134 «l3fl Georgia 8 ;>cr cent bonds - —.110 <«11S Nortnearicrn railroad bonds(end'd) 111 (alia Central R. It Jolut mort 7 per cent 1133114 Georgia railroad 6 per cent bonds- 107 i«109 Western It It of Ala., 1st mort^ago 112 HUS Western R. R. of Ala.. 2d mortgage 111 Mllft Mobile and Ginird railroad, (mort) 112 #114 Montgomery aud Eufaula tet morb rage. Ind's'd by C. and 8. W. it It ICS #107 Atlantic and Gulf railroad, consoli dated mortgage 110 4)118 City of Maoon bonds ex-coup....—. 100§101 City of Savannah bonds— .— 80 #81 city of Atlanta e per cent bonds— loo #102 City of Augusta 6 per cent bonds— 105 (tins , Southwestern railroad slock,—. Ill #U3 I August Com actire, firm aud higher at 7vao —*- w y to I 79 cash: SS July; 7tf >77!^ August Oats in fair .v. y « m I demand but at lower rates at SO cash; 62S July; I 41 Augiut Fork In fair demand but lower at • 22.t»w22 tv, CR>h; ra 2JK July; 121.00 August. I lard In fair demand but lower at »12ttSa [ 12 f.V cash; Sl2.rval2.«.7‘< August Bulk meats I easier: shoulders S'J 75; short rib 112 'Xf. short I 7784 August Oats quiet and steady at 10 cash; I MK Jnly; 8K August Whisky steady at tl.lft. I Fork lower at <22.23 bid cash. Bulk meats dull I and weaker and lower to sell. Lard dull and I nominal at • 1230. I CHICAGO. July 11-Flour quit I changed. Wheat. No. 2 red win'er easier at I fl.v.»eosh: 11.13»i July: regular falrlv active but I a shade higher at sl.lJuly; fl 11*^1.1134 I August: No. 2 Chicago spring dull and uoml- n%\ at 'l.aoal.38 cash; -I.02a1.03 July: 81.121* Augusta and Savannah R. K. stock Georgia railroad stock.., General Revere thought no more of the mat- )rngmmma|#fMand his friend, the Licuten- tons over ina«uetio wires from Peters- barff, V*. lie diedathia father’s resideJM in that city, Friday, Jan* lGtb, aged 811 ant. was nearly forgotten. When the war year*. Mr. Jackson was tho rector of broke out llcvere entered active service, and In Christ Church, Richmond, Va. He was WKwaspirsent with the ledemlarmyatthe ImrieJ from St. I’.ni'. charch. f«to..bor». “iSJSu Saturday .fl-moon, Juan 17th, 11M. f memorial rrrriee w,a bold at St. Taul • 0 f thta rh.nrrtcr wa, mort damtrrun., and it church, in this city, on bundny, Jane ltftli, I was not long before the General became aware 1882. I that he had Tost his w<y. When Mr. Jackson was called to Rich-1 ew, with neat caution and had gone some Pj?^ ejBhtjJiLMgffiR»jwjSlTnTS^IStlB^S hia position ns chaplain of thie command a(tcr \ , l(lle whl)e ^ afToupcomlox with a tender txprcjrion of the ro.ation- through the woods. Their uniform revealed ship he had held with all of its officers aud tlmt they were Confederate officers, and tn men. Those who knew Mr. Jackson best I their midst was some one badly wounded, mu ember hi. vlcwnut iutorritm. with o« * l >om toer «« wUtt .udI by Outr,mlicl; hi. liurity of character, even in the sreatest I prmeiiee In the lima, one of them of mirth; thereloro be It • aulhprttaUraiy to carry a certain l _ /.v*.f ml. That in the death of Mr.. Ituuc nnotoerpartel toe tortrjrmy °cc"Mcd. Win.hip this oommand fed. th" !um uf j one of one the oldier.' beet friend.—true amotnt hU own commend, shortly rtier* to tho Sonth, true to her .oldicr., true to W.rd he i5mie.l that htonearall Jackaan had the esn«e for -ehieh they fought, aim labor-1 tjeen toot, and from too clrcum.tanrot a. ed .tendf-i.Uy and to the end to Alleviate knetr It wa. he he had Men luppnrted by toe their .uttering. Many a dyin, «>:diec'a area Httte ,P° U Ptrem. Then It - ijr tnlnlsterino care. NEW YOKK, JulyU -Noon-stack, moder-1 clear,tar.-,, wnbky ateadyand unchanged at lely active. Money 8. Exchange, long I U.ic. .i.V, short I4.M. Etato bonds inactive. I Government securities generally unchanged. oTeramc^^swuri'uM , ~*s1ron‘r n **ncw M ' 8 4 WILMINGTON, July 12.-ftr*irit* turpcnUne T-' S ccnu Vi* 4 SJTccnl firm »* Kosln quiet at n!E foi if^if^BSSa^onthf duITand^r I *tr*lued: -l.«0 for good strained. Tar firm at ZlJ i2&s22nr*hiunWlwn rSPSsK Credg turpenUne firm st 11.60 lor criS-r^nSoS. Uta ““- haohramfor,el7o.dtp.finulorjdalm The following are the closing quotations: I “ 1 Ala. tute bonds: iBeferrcd 10 I T],® 5 - « 'tS *• iSrti' ”” 5o X iA^rimn ^S17""'S I . ClfAWJSTOif. Jnly ia-8plriti tnrpcnUn. CaSR-'B?! '“rS ichM. A*Ohu£'"'“ I flnn> wllh ■‘e 1 ** at Rosin In lair ile- S 8;fc::z?S \ xtesriSr SSSLSI. ilM and lMtor ■ t ” inod “ d 10011 ilcago A North«..i32M|C.8t. L. A N. O...... 79 | tlrwlutJ ‘ do. preferred. .I'Ag-jA I do.grn#^ Frie.JMMMI last Tenu R. ■■■ratio leorgiarailroad—16ft'*iHan.4k llkJoi lllnols Cen’ral—lscj; Harlem . .. 151 .... M , Ake Shore..—.11(^4! Houston 4k Texas^ si Loulffvlc 4k .Nash* tu* *'-- Memp s A •‘liar .. M Kwh; and Chat... 50 New York tVn l...l‘:: , < Pittsburgh i2.«t > Uchta'd A Ailc... 2J-, > Uch. and Uau.. lot * clorod, reVtinB nnd.f h-rminUterins era. I .WJgi 1 ^!.**. egg.->gg. b «&»» Many a fond niuShrr'. pltahat been dlled hc toouUhh! by her prcMnce there. Many a prayer, May. in ha eipoaed to a common danyer. too, has been wnftf-d to heaven in ner be-1 Jackson was the former lieutenant and had, half, awakened in the heart of the sick, and I in acrordaucc with the prophecy, fallen tho wounded and tho dying when, per * " * ” ‘— chance, the life ebbing flow loft the body- iskei to take iU flight to the bies'ed jalmsot heaven above. At Atlanta, Uriffiu and Macon her zeal victim to tho peril from which Revere barely romr"» r c^t“hen W rtm 1““i,’ nSd b!7.7^b«>7b aSito In Ian Itto come-eyen then she took np the sad re-| This morning I went down to Mont- frainnnd built monnmenU over the forms terey, the Long Branch of California. On the of our dead heroes. Then does she not I train was Ml ■Flood, with a doseu frolicsome then deservea place in ourmemory? Even I g«1 f tmla girls. f>ome ot them got off at in the earliest days of chivalry woman was JSBSiSnSr^"hSa placed on the right hand of man. Indeed, I 1 T*”.' f- -‘a her position there. 1 ^ erc * 1 - 1,n * ,x -* oven, ° hUn,uri > Kuck Urasl's Courlahlp.»s*<if» Star The story of how Bark Grant courted Miss »h. haa won nor Ponuon tw*. I ^kr. noed. lt la lien UtaldoTarooriuh: "« therefore enrne.tly ndrt» the propo- ( , )r ,| had hi. .la hundred blooded hotma and sition that has already beeAnade to ncct I It U here that he ha>l tbo«e tusuuunoous pbo- aumen* to her memofR I tographs uken, showing the exact attitudo of olcnl, further, That in the death of «*»• waiktng, pylng and running horse, irmerchaplain, tho Rev. Robert F. g*TlSSSg a, aL 0 Jackson, Jr., this command has tost one of I ]' 4r i. aiJ j ,»,«• M excited him that he bain 1 its most ardent admirers ami best friends I theGnvernor's tilcture rxncllv.lh* >1** ti Mr. Jackson was a relative of that uwblw ne i*mWrVr. nJKdeAlIri. .rteae are U, old cM.fl.lo, too tmmorlal ■•■Stonewall,- 1 «Hy two Amerjran. eTer prti.trtl bj; to. Ig a; who had already passed beyond the river I jjjjjfgjffyjEjL jjj h*,!SL,me. ^e Uroks and.toodawalllnBhim there beneath tb. UhTTtoSEnSJhly »rtbW*SSb shade of the trees, lie is not dead, but I r-^n girl. sleeping. Although young and ambitious I -We all like Mias Flood," said a San Frau todo hi* Master’* will, tn death even, he I cisco lad/; * ... *I and so fra would not have chosen to live exoept in the I t all list »iw>, MM m omu r mu- ay; “she is so sensible, so dcmcoratlc (rank and jressagly. ^ou^we thought it was the other l'saicL* “We thought Buck Grant flirted tight be able to present to God a Itu% , jpleto of himself” to I way •• j Him. . ■ I with Mite Fiood.'-— — Heeoteed, That these roso'utlon* be pub- “No." said say Mead, “f know all about It. .. . .-i. - -■ •• * — Yosemlta with the part v when ■ jnd Miss Flood were first thrown rilr of the deceased, with a ten-1 u f.]J^ r a heartfelt ejrmpathy, and thatl ••V*ll, ings of this meeting be sppro-1 Francisco from hU trip sround the world, be ely inscribed upou tho mlnules of the I was entertained by Governor ffuaford, Charles nd, Crocker end Mr. flood. Grant took a great > resolutions being seconded, were | adop herenjon the meeting ad- C. M. Wim.l h u E. D. Hwnm, becretary. t> grim, sturdy, self made mtu. The Gen- f and Mrs. Grant took n fancy also to Miss Dd. A fine looking girl, with a prospect r or five millions, to an Intern ting object I any parent who has a poor boy to fit oar - I is a splendid girl, without any mooey. I was saying, the Ueneial and Mrs. liked MU* flood. They urged Buck to try and skits #U -187 Mil Markets by Telegraph. s Consnld’d coal...... 82 , * “ mi Man. Elevated .mo. 52 Mobile 4k Ohle..... WSNML.ic.1 W. Ht. L. and P~ 3IH Co. preferred— W.U. Telegraph- I7X N. Y. tiers tod 101 -.87 -.103 do. nrc Pacino Mall *,67 I 8t PSTssr: 4b consols— N. Carolina— N. Carolina, new- rundlng......—. ‘ im-..- 71’, uu I do 1st pretd.— 93 I LFaul llTTi do preferred—131 I Texas Fadfie -... II lUnlon Faclfle-. IM;. I U. H. Express 72^ I Wells Jk Fargo lr.J, | HlOtwil") COMMEECIiL. , Hunt. F.Uitei’slejsJ©^ P*NUr*CTUafD CY THE DR. HARTilR MEDICINE CO.. 213 N, MAIN if., ST. LOUIS THE FOSS & PEVEY COTTON CARD ! 107 Third St, Macon, Ga, j £3 —— !HUS Hard w are. ; E-* CAUMAUI ami WAGON MATERIAL, j m_'i GRAIN CRADLES, a-. • CUTLERY, BELTING, TINWARE, IRON, STEEL, JOHN M. PEVEY, Proprietor, Lowell, Mass. (LAltefercnro: J. F. IIANhON, Agent Bibb Manufacturing Company, Mat on, tnat24wlv J, J. 1W1UUV, •Sporting Goods and Fishing Tackle. Parker Bmeb-Ludisg duns, Lifter (old) action in stock—top snap lad of August. Agents for Buffalo U. S. Standard Scales. tnaj&wly PIANOS&CROAiJS Ora ii < I All tint i Cotton Xarkete hr Telegraph. LIVERFOOL, July 12 — Moon-uouon eaiy. I Iddllng uplands 7; middling Orleans 7 3 itt; I —lies laQOBi • peculation aud export 2JXXk to- estate 2JIA0; American 2.10U. ftTOiroa—Uplands, low middling clause, July « SOttlafi W 04: July and Anguattt CO tttak 69 cfc I August and Oct'tember «C2tt4a6«i Cl; Bepletn! I ber and October • 334444 &2-4M; October and November tt 4044att 3944; November and Be-1 ccmbertt:itt«M. Futures quiet. , 1 ’ C ratuM*itradr; Joly 11,7; Antntrt :if2; Bew-1 LAnnot b. hU n eompaUtion with the tember 1241: October 11.91 November 11.74; * "’"••ih,*****# »«- — * «•**»»•* -tam Absolutely Pure. This powder never vffrtce. A marvel of l; I multitude of low ^*t, abort weight, alum •; I 11orat,a r 1 noTuv»?>Vn uST/iuu vTail street ; Decern ber ...11.7 „ , . August.—1'2.91M1293 January.-...11 Oftfill.att "^^benix4lSl2«2 February ^12.r#»29tt nT...1I.M011.» March I2wi#»2.101 ater-.ll.7ftZn.7e | April 1222*1224 ¥ YORK, July |12.—Cotton steady; sales riddling upland* : middling Orleans t onv>ll«l»iol net recelpu mo; exports to BrtUan 1,112 to France 43*7. OALVEHION, July 12—Cotton steady: mid dling 12>£ Vow middling 12; wod ordinary 11H: net nteipu Rff from 44; salsa 122; stock 1,- NORFOLK. July 12 -Cotton quiet; middling I 2H; net receipts 89; gross sales Ui, stock ^BALTIMORE, July IX-Cotton flrm; mtd- waiw'teinBwsa hi raertpu !C, (ton M. aalm ttotw. rtoci "w’lLMlKQTON, July 13 -OXton Om; mid- COMMERCIAL OR BUSINESS)COLLEGE of Kontucky University, ITII.Tint It. HMI ril, I'rMl, LKXINOTON. CT. ■ Ztulf AOOO trtJMMUl el IS# «h«i WW». I . ti!.»» «ua Um l#»lm| Ilium «T XMftn. SUM* I iyimee mown g tebilimiMta ■ ImMIm T.iti-h, tell. Sddrt—#ry .- I ter4 t. * r~i *Mr Ca*|M •»u« ValMntty wtew w tetemtaI !SmUmZe*U 9 Jl m !S% «m • TS^rSiy wX. Tte »%mmn l<aUl«MMi4.teteMi i»» • •., '» I,». ,.ar Kraular Fall 0,..hIh*. -rj.l n. is**,». Tl»e t'rrnrh Lolterf. noun*e<l thut the French gorerr.- rizeJ another lottery, so I get.her hie been tho demand for it on the I j why, he Jurt laid himself part of the peop!et The previous on* ex-1 wss Urn most devoted lover lever aw, cited unbounded enthusiasm among all 1, aud the wide distribution of tho .. — gave all ranks a taste of I ^hMIm Flood to May with him in tte'parior *• I . . .a. - *--*-• “•‘—he •— the satisfaction to bo quired gains of tho lottery! Yet neither the French Europ had la lh« «.lly - W.tMK ttory. I prop*»*••!, end Mlm Flood, without any especial 1 -asbaiwr »y, he hurried bark t nibiuiiuivn, «u<; *-—■ ■ ■ —- .. ■ ■ ■■ — ■ gj® , ars!!e , «sa™=5 'oooUiir: 1 g5«r*"• *«“«••' b, ml,hi «» mort,* “'£*■ « “ i “ •* | Tim my hand oOdallr, April MW. Hew ORIJEASJ, July- 12-Cotm •.plrt; T ; aid-lllni 131. low mldduac I3S yma ocdloa* I* OrdlBayy. ry ill. a« nertyv in; dram A wua —; p FJIKOIA, josra UOCNTT-' "&S72- I GlVtI, C. Hmllh aa? l^aLUa ithth* new ondotthe long sUb’.lehod Ijouisiar. a State Littery Com - M „„ UUIIMU nny aet f-rth at length in another column I to the rich banker et hie office In 1 this paper, to be ‘ loll.” and went Fri*ro, an-L ■■P^P#mPPfl##m)is the Nevada the 8th of I bimk" Mr. riood llftened to the young man onthjy thereafter, respertfuUy^drm. with tdeaxuru. But sUU he talk about getting mar- money to support a wife August proxitnc. an.l monthly tn-n-niitr, r. . , , - ondcr th.* -olt direction of Geir. Ib-nuro- “V. 1 , 1 . 1 'V, . 1 *1 ‘ *a,d and Errly. It -ill b. .««□ _t|>at in rl ,,j‘ a„™'a»y.a. moa.y tn.appma wll. tow (,.i,Oa) L giran on a llckat, I what an ymu akaarm lur iKluluny 1 cou.t.tuliu^ It 111. «II«r lot that Yoaunrut mM hi bad no t«nlnma. but willing to do anything. ‘•V. -v u !1." Mt 1 li.. mill' nlrti. ''I'/U'u •Wherras Mrs. ■ u« «r« l. Broun »»' i<wJiiw4 fiteith, ^#m ggg I utor .and executrix of the .estate of Jo .1; . leCelpte 1. Mobile,' July u ISJikS'2!!?t| , 2i u SE?«2SS7!37l s •* afffaaasiw * *.«» dJj Mt'sulIIS utd^mrathhan <5 Un. lil; tow middling I3S. good ordlaary I tn touw rmnaa at thU rtkt. use SS •*■ tolpaeou Mi, I „ r by to. Bnt Muoday Iw Aafurt oast li may «-» ass I r' 6 itllanv g tnted WUncse my hand officially, ApilJ aprtwtd* Ordinary, liter I ■eu fir litablishod in tho id. Tho wholo 6ch** r uo will bq reding reading and bear earc- i Houltirru ft’nuala t ollegc irango offers onsarpisred alrati- 1 all departt^ute of instruction, , iuu»io aud art. There are four- «t c1a*4 tOtteners in the cjrps of n. The buildings are large and irge _ for Uapon* «e’, and tlio ’number of pupils Coe one hundred and ten. This j,u an orclii-tftra uf young ladiew .red our city with two flea cun- t two >. ar« ago. That the public mn> stoaiul fully uudmtand the advan tage ifl--r.d by ihfes cul!ege,..pply to the l rest debt for catalogue. 12 dAwlt nl practi oil**go boa HHEViTIBS, An English ban boating accident Hi j^rowUwteadjH :«o ions by a .., -...Jone survivor to I 1 of Eton, as there Is no river at but the boy wasdrowr * *“ lug to ........ *?| tad drailvou tuatoi u l >un»L tod i think we ran UMaaA” I**yrtclitiy. > U^brtMbtrtnrti !u« ti Floo.. saa.-as* ssfc.^s£?’dr , d». hlnk It was Hood behind him who was mak* teg the motJl foe him. .But It wan Flood. an«D ko was doing U so that wouldn’t mm pte mar Ice my daughter tor her money.’ Well eueeem temui to make the young man tod heavy. He eotrida’t slaigtLUemvMnhlmj 1. -rtl» V 1.4 ‘ions w*. !» matle th : <! l!.ir» . •■v\ »,At«ii tlie n»u‘.t ? ■ “AfteryouugOraal had made, all the world was ulklng. about It. Ihe Floede begeu to think M Ume to bringhlmhaeJtH| -•^-°£iVliar , kGi | i*8 wire wanted to JoC down lha text, and laastag over to her scape-graee 5SXU* 3S=S HAC0S UABCGT Ptoyiftont.—Mtrkct. tdytlmtd tnd firm ttQUotttloa*. Bto<m—C. K. rtdra. It 1 *. Euit q ,lV ft!mo-.bouarn tl)t Bau lo;»: turn, IA Halllr, 13S4. lUAtt yrty dm. cholc. Ittl. It t.i,UHS. V. Heflatd, la litre, tmdttorbim llr.unrt t.rtk urrled la Chi™f. b> ttmd rlu Ra’JCT.'ttVSftPW 2«52K!a‘TO. ;! SvS ItVtr-i.’k a bls’o'l In te* *«*of the 1* »• v exp'.irtl'.riw it. ti.^ i rt* 1 entering JbibtmcBl Hperpriasll lu Nord. Brne firita ex^amd^to I been t«.•••».. -1.1 ry Crtn; f .*tjv r.t.t ■■family. 7 0k extfia family. «4J3: family, |; hnckwhml, none. Bhcat I2S“i»“S: l o v : rotamAKDilAYj-Market T ”7*rm. WJilte wn troAica—Marke: firm. Gr 1V-4-. white extra |cT^i;k. o. whims; ^'llAsnwAXK—Market dull me; mule shoes 17.<«. I> :.(•). Trat-#? chain' Bibb Couttr Sherilf't Sile. L t* «,M Uf.ire the nwrt bmim d;« tellyol ktonmoo_to«tirtTiu-ltPe mio.lL bum too total boon rt mlt. mjLmJnaAtasV^ yditnl^B ftvra,to k, K MHMIto. Tbtt nightktomj wmit brtk d ^SSSSrSi ' I trrttltbtwlib L.r. Kin tho world my '. n t rtori—‘o ,ro yytu ulklnt tbont „.h«wt»toloyo,|at ,;r»0L bat Btvrr mot tb« letter, the mid H be eta't eomo Itniebt to me I d-n't went bln.’ n-.elly « .treat crtto-1 on bet tt Meal.. f*rk. toe ... to Hen I’re.-Kl-'.. enl be did n.eweb.r. It'lrtocoebe lcerc-1 tort joor.* "mat bit be-a Unite «Uh «erel jonn, to- dto. not b-rttoaUriy h.r Irteade. *•> the ato«iTmaa>eOdtoeJto«utto»e o«^bUely ^IiM Mu. H».l mini It machf -\,e w.nTb.-ra on. tern trrr K.|»>'llu|nel ii.mend.tal »mm..rxetooatotbteryfu- !e r e-. ...eel Xtlke't by Ttbynjk ■ALTIMOkE, Jtly li-fioor_r s .bCTSjde NFdMibS OUDJ jb. CLOSING OUT SALE I Fruit Dryers, Cider Mills, Cant* 31111s. T'lCIuO CUTTKIW Evaporalors. Apple and Pcacli Grinders, Peach and Apple Par- 1 (Inf) nMSSn^XS.TKSJ.* ”7 crc and Pcacli Slcners. x^,., ,, r „„i„ Pl .„ 3 , ll „ lt Engines,Farm Implements, Seeds and Fertilizers Always in Order. Mark \V. Johnson & Co., j„ . _lT~ V7 Jltirlclfii Street, .iflmtfii, *•'«. T j Mention this paper.] hL :i'z\ L ti I Yi*S CECT i'i THE O. 11. SetGUng, to l*owlnrHtreel, .ti.ic o.v, <;i:oit<JlA, nzALaa ut Groceries, Plar-tatlon Supplies, Ba'pgiTig. Ties, Etc., Etc. 1 am now making a specialty of tho Lummusor Improved TAYLOR GIN. I claim that it ia tho meet compact and simply oor«traded gin made, con sequently it in more easily operated and will ran longer without needing repairs than gins with complicated ‘machinery;that it combines the merits Speed, Light Dbacowt aid Good .Sam tlx in greater degree then any eth er gin. It will psy yon to sto this gin before buying. janl3eod£w8m A RARE OPPORTUNITY! Bead tlio Figures. Fancy Bunting 3c, Plain Bunting 5c, Lace Bunting 8c. Dress Goods 10c, funner price 20c. Press Goods 15c, former price 25c. Drew Goods 20c, former price 30c. Dress Goods 25c, fotmer price 40c Splendid line Glngbams 10c. former price 15c. New line Lawns 10c, sold elsewhere 12 to 15c Pants Linen 15,20 anJ 25c worth 25 per cent, more, Flannel for Bathing Salts 503 and GOc. Eleyrimt AN8or(jh*‘nt ol" Xiosiory AT NOMINAL TRICES. —• UnBRy It til tew SOr, 73o and 81.00. New lino M WWW Good, ttrltln; tnd to titlyo etyly tbit mk. Sttt jour limy ami money by coin# direct In J. W. RICE dfe CO., Tl '* Letrtrra In Low 1'rlCM. TUB RANK LEADlltC FEATU: ISAAC A.SHEPPARD/; CO.lit n-n.m M(0. A OUUUb" ; < • at. MILL & FACTORY SUPPUES* OF ALL KINDS. BELTING. HOSE and PACKING, OILS, PUMPS MX. KINDS. IRON PIPt, FITTJKCS BRASS GOODS. STEAM G rNGISE GOVERNORS, Ac. Sea* f» Price-list. V/. H. DILLINGHAM A C£». 421 Main Street, L0U1SVILII VT. g JESSE JAMES Tl.oos ncL* of maaioal fami'ies through out lbo Booth arc intending to purebuto Pianos aud thgana In tha fall, when cut tou come* in. Why whit! Buy at once, ami et.lirt>.i the 1 ng, but onm-r er months with must *. and m.nka U>« “llant-1 Homo" •til'. mor« joyful. Tha sum cur find* u* ith a tremendous stuck or Iustmrueute Mt iVHUMh, at our NINE BHANC1I liOUHEB, at our csiillfis AgeBoies, sud wiili m many morn to arrive before Octo ber 1st, wide we are under cont'Act to take. We cannot c* ry this iinmenan s'oek until fall. It must be sold. It will be. Cn*h buyers will want many iustraincnis. In- ptallmcnt buyers will take more, and tho«o who at this time of the sear «■#!■ vi-uientlv meet our Installment t aymonts, •will ytlstflv rnrnu In nmJt» nn« IVKiciBummor Spcolr*! OfY-r. lyjt'iiii non x ox A ri.ixi »to CAHII /roil X OS A.S OHO 1x2 Aid the balance November 1st next, with out one cent of interest. Oo interest 01 advance in price. If talanee can’t be pak in the fall, Kroger time will be given, with n reasonable increase of price. All ♦ net re in enlscf every grsde tnd price tacluded in thin sale. Tell your nmsicnl friends of it I Write ns for Gntaiognes, I’noo L'sU, Cir culars aaj foil pirtlcular*. This snlo doses Octo»*cr 1, IWL Early i rrd.-so uT~ cm es cash prices and easy terms. Addro rxI^Practical Life. Cheapest BIBLES V.. . ‘ SWITZERLAND . ENDORSES PENNSYLVANIA * Pror.ouncinR THE LANCASTER V/ATOH “THE BEST WATCH MADEJN AMERICA.” WEBSTER'S UN ABRIDGED. - .J 1 ■«!■ I UAOOA, 1TO|» lOOO tiioro than anyolhrr Ei'ciish Four PoRri Colored Pint*-*, .TOW EnffraTtngs, (n-iuiy tl.r. 'if *■•< »- rote In sny other blct'y,) ala >'< nta : • - Bvanaft. loal Dictionary rl»lngr rs. f iu i>i.wiai -ruing over 8*100 noted per—a. -mnirnlfl by Mint-* ftii| i'« • i b-tew—> ite lUtea, rtU-l byftO Coll.-if. Q. * C. HERRiAw A CO., Fub’ra, ft prut,-*** to—a. ^■rer>resentcri to ■aL! estate withrmt an adielnMratur. ■ ThU is therefore to die all peraons eoncernsri Bulk to show cause, if any they have, on tha fim H Mon.lay in AuxnH next, why letters ofsdraln- Utratbro steroid not te lsmed to J. W. Jock, clerk of tho Muperiof Court ..ft raw(..rd n.unty. ■toBftjj^My Itarol officially, June »). isej. VIll'• II. H. UoLTuN, Ordinary. Julyud^H Chattanooga Saw Warrantod Unsurpassed I Httl iHlnotIon a uiu-nutcotl W« tntkt t ypMitlty o( n pairing tU kind# J uly" «.".m “'’cuKtaNO* Hi A, TENS. Southern Female College,! • 3 1 drawn Monthly. LAUIUNGE, GEORGIA, zri'AMTALPRIZE$1X, Tlckclsonly §3. ftliaree In pruporllou HIRAM SIBLEY & CO. xvm |||.»»I FREi: th* tr i-ito Hovt'VrV rii'ltl'aiVl'rtar'.icB P AND AND MINERAL BPBIXO FOR _ J Koto.—000 aertt of cbotra Uml on th. Hot of the Dtw railroad, 11 tsiltt from lUtena, aa Ocatalgta rirer, will b. told in lou to rail parchtrart. E will tlaa rail lWl terra tpaa which tbrrt U t reUndid min- tral rprint, tot wtUy ol Mhith U rich im iron, .all m r tad muott'l. Apply to I qT5. DAVIS, Uaittato Ot. ■ iql> , J.ta.V-*t.k-‘. , t^M H.H.P. Advantages ucsorpas—d. last cataloffte num' ers 145 pnpile a* d 110 in mnvic. An nual expensea for board aoJ tuition, UOTt the same with music, 8207. For catalogue address L r. CL jnlyl2-ncsUtcow2m . COX, President. CORDON INSTITUTE daoghters. It has all lbs modern sppliancci and a recerd for sacc**tfal teschlrg no- parsUrlel 2*7 pupils. Fall term bemos Acguot 21*L For calalotfu* and part tolar* address CIUS. K. LAMBDIN, Itaea^ or W. 1L WOODALL, Bee'y, Barnes villa, Ga. jalyl2-dAw<7w THE GEORGIA SEMINARY For Young Ladios, TJC GAINESVILLE, HALL COUNTY, OA. LL Will open (all tevar ffepteeiter 4.1*2. wllh a fail corns of teach*s in Pctenee. Haste and Art, equal In l-»t In the R bas no equal; la acbol- irealalegne write to W. C. WILKEff, Pres. , lor a little wUean/la pte dnri Hill's Hepatic Panacea Manufactured by W. H. BARRXTT, Druggls Augaito, Gcrg-.t. ENTIRELY from R'tfyre tnd HERBS that hare for A CENTURY bran racorat- ftUy trad fra Um raraOTtlof SUjfciSiSS tjtf. .orrattegte »«ra«^raqra •* t» Stomteh, tnd porityiu tbt Blood. TUs medicine Is wsil known in many places in < r.-ia and houth Carolina, and lias bte-a recommended by the most itara- etl of the medical profs— ion f-*r UEADAniF-S SOUR STOMACH. DVS- nniL • , **“ TORPID LIVER, IcHCLUl AND KKVKR, . . SKIN* ERUPTIONS AND HAD CONDI TION OF BLOOD, whereacratcbe* and *:;i.l4s cctebe aiiUO>;cgau«i nggra\ating a,, tu l %'••• * bu-ilt-B li-aa o Ur i and rnta.Ufur.< t>. It will ear* U.« •> Vf.l^t ai 1 Hor»~. ARTERIAL BLOOD TS always psrfxctly trotrrmvat, b»itg, like L miaous, so full of dead tDsae that Lsvi tical law forbUs Its neoas food, but bovine blood, always foil of oowpen elements, to now a staple peneertption. If creation were vaosacksd a fooler mixture could not b* found. But SOU of it is used by M. S Til* >MSON, M. D., Macon, On., who sends pure remedies anywhere to suit the case de-cribed in oorre-'.o3dsnce. jtgSdawlt DRIED FRU!TS7 Wm/l ALLEN & CO, Produce Cnmmijsion Merchants, IQ4Warron 8t., New York. UeUkaf snhatnpctens fwnntw eh arch ett- -The Lori »U1 »^rely fStoper all who aid artln r, ’7 < • *.u:> i l loaitiana Etate Lottery Comoanv. Incorporate! la ISitt lor 25 rears by the Led islatnre for Kriurett—ri andi tharlULte pur BBjfifcrcstfKsintofefiiRj • r popular vote its fraiwhlM he tirr»* tit fcUte t uaitltu lion adubto! Derembcff »l. A. !>.. ;s^9. The unit Letter^ erne eeted — and ifs fi'niiiif Miiyir A tttnber iU X"sriUPPtioTIXIT V TO H’tX A EOitTVS Eo—tl*‘llTtl Glut Mi bHAWlSO, CLAM fl. AT h*W off. LKAS8. TUnOAT. Auyuet *, IViY.- mthU nlh 1 y Drawing. #.•« k after fot loir t ii IjjyfteWte^Bto ;>n, V. Itemirrunrtl. oflM.,"nd Hen. Jutntl A. Em in, of \ trutnln, sboi— Capital Prize. $76,000. 1 lekrle at Five Dollars Keel, fractious. In riltlis In piops-lUa. ust or mua. 1CAMT AL FlUZE ITVtlO 2MUZI UNIVERSITY, V^rtM^kra ’le tttLUJ V! . -*»* —- * OTARTLINC VV DISCOVERY! LOST MANHOOD RESTOMB. - - :■ : r-uc» W Vt Tmm ^ U*