Georgia weekly telegraph, journal & messenger. (Macon, Ga.) 1880-188?, July 21, 1882, Image 5

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ti lls (I xcoircuu lUc chirr {[ cUnjciph an^x Jcruxnal & itlcr. £gnq&g< It art’ll Lie A x COX VBA TIGS',. NffiliiituUlie Ubb ItopubllcnuM Yon> Irrilay. Ntnr’.y all tho wards and districts of Bibb county wtro represented at the Republican convention, which met at the court house at noon yesterday. The convt ntion was called to order by J. N. Iilackehear, socreUry of the county ex ecutive committee, tlie chairman, George Wallace, being absent. The first business in order was the elec tion of a temporary chairman. J. F. Long was proposed, but Ike Harris wanted Frank Duroo'\ 1*. O. Holt and W. B. Otarke were also mentioned, but J. F. Long was finally agroed upon. J.N. Biackshear was proposed as secre tary, but Disroon favored J. W. May, and during the while Walter G. Perkins was made secretary. 'I he chairman on taking the gavel,*ex- plained that the object of the convention was to select delegates to the Republican convention in Atlanta, on August 2d, and also to the {Senatorial and Congressional conventions. He hoped that harmony would prevail, and that no wrangle or jangle wonld come up. They had to fight the Democrats,.and unless they kept to gether they could not do thi*. On motion, a committee consisting of J. N. Blackshear, J. W. May, J. J. Tripp©, P. O. Holt, and L. A. Hanee, was appointed to examine and report on credentials. During the retirement of the committee, the chair asked for short speeches from the delegates presen*. Frank Disroon, in response to repeated calls, said: "Mr. Chairman: I don’t want to make any speech becau»o I might give a too bit ter dose. I want to talk plain and I'm going to do it. Its mighty strange to me why there are not more white Republicans hero st this meeting. I want to know where they are. Now, when you go to Washington yon can see petitionsand doc uments signed by a long string of white Republican?, but yon don't see more thin one or two at oar meetings. They say they don'i pome be mugs wo are too nasty and filthy. all right. If they don't want tb meet with oa they ought to form white Republican clubs and meet somewhere by themielves. They My there are five hun dred of them in Bibb coon'y. I don’t be hove there are five. Naaty andfil'hy! But wo a ( nt too nasty and filthy wlien we go to the ballot box. Tell yon the truth, I don't believe there ia but one square-out Ite:-.blicau in Bibb county, and that is Jeems Fitzpatrick. I lost all my money working for whito Republicans, Mid if I hu let poiitlss alone I'd have some money now. And when I n*k these white Repob- licans U help me they refuse. We are under no obligations to them, and wo cm act for ourselves without them*" Calls were then made for M. U. Clarke, Who said: “Mr. Chairman: I don't want to see tho dor line raised, particularly at a time In this. If there are no white Repobli- Frank Disroon insisted on his motion. Kd. Sutton made a business talk and wanted the convent'on to proceed without delay. He spoke warmly in support of t. ): ..<* 'The moti < : 11 • i.: * t* .v <• i. r .i I. A committee was then appointed to pre sent the names forming the county execu tive committee to serve during the earning two years. The following compose the ooramittee: P. O. Holt, chairman: J. N. Biackshear, secretary: L. A. Hants, treasurer; J. W. May, T. (). Hanlon, Frank Disroon, Calvin Barker, Ben Jordan, Amos Phelps, W. B. Clarke, Tilman Lowe, C. H. Holley. W. W. Brown, J. 8. Martin, lliomas Bird, Walker G. Perkins, B. D. Biackshear, A. A. Andrews, Willis Epps, R. H. Hart, J. J. Trippe, M. U. Clarke, J. R. Ha>kins. On motion the following delegate* were appointed to attend tho State Senatorial convention: J. F. Long. J. W. May, C. H. Holley, J. J. Tripye, Walker G. Perkiul, B. D. Blackrhear. The following were then appointed dele gates •o the Congressional c invention: P. O. Holt, J. N. Biackshear, L. A. Hans®, W. W. Brown, Frank Disroon and J. F. Long. J. N. Biackshear offered a set of resolu- tions endorsing President Arthur. Thanks were tendered the oonnty com missioners for use of the court room, and also the presiding offloert and secretary. Ihe meeting then adjourned. Oar reporter sounded she members on the gubernatorial question, and found them directly oppo ed to Mr. Stephens on the ground that they oral I not depend oa him. He had been nominated by the lib. oral Republicans and he sanctioned the nomination. Now he has tone in the straight Democratic nomination, with a prospect of his leaving that should it not nominate him. They xuressed themselves freely against him, bat refused to ssy whether they wonld support Gen. Gartroll or any man except their own nominee, should they piake opt in their convention in August, AX ICE CliEA3I Ell 1% A Few Figure tlie rittle of Or© ut Le like est in the p rty to attend onr meetings, it ia a bad state of things. Of oourse we do not expect to hate as gooi white Republi cans in the South as there are at the North,' and even there they do not seem to bo help ing na*mach. The white Republicans are not »t rndieg up to ns as they should, but it would be unwise in us to draw the oolor lice at a time like this. Senator Jones and Senator Edmunds say reconstruction is a failure. Whan we bear each ut terance* from such able defender* of our race, we mast feel sat isfied tint they are getting tired of u*. The Republican party is tired of us. and the nigger mast took out for himself. There is no oee denying the fact that the nigger is the balance of power in this State, and we should t tko advantage of the split in tho Democratic party to drive in onr wedge. If Stephens is nominated, the party i« split; if Bacon is nominated, the party ii rplit; and tho two splits will bo Ar rayed ugaiustoich other, and either to suc ceed must have the aid of the Republican party. If wo possfirtfi an nnbroken front, wo can whip the fight, bat if we raise | the color lineweraunot do it," Kev. J. U. Grant being called on, coun selled harmony, and said tfowUepablicin party would be greatly bent• >1 if tiled throughout tlie meetings. Of II Fit LIT. Georgia State Horticultural (loti !y. The seventh annual session of this so ciety will be hold in tho city of Macon, Tuesday, Wednesday and Thar*day, An- guest 1st, 2d and 3d, 1832. It is earnestly hoped that there will be a fall attendanco cf all the fruit growers and progressive horticulturists of Georgia, a* tho reunion promises to bs one of tho most important ever held by the society. Tho work Qf th? association has been made ev ident by the tfrdat prcgrfcs and ino:cased production of frnits within tho past fow years, thus rendering its influence a source of wealth to the country. To perfect thy aim anticipated at the inception of the or- genizition, tho co-operation of all inter ested in the welfa- e of the country is ex pected, by their presenoe and contribution of frnits and flowers. Tho discussions will bo eminently in * tractive, and the information derived from the concentrated experieuco of the most practical and snccessful horticnltu- »ri«k- will Le of nntold value to the progres sive Interests of this branch and inuutry. The headquarters of tho society will be at the National Hotel, whose proprietor, Mr. E. E. Brown, has agreed to famish first class board to members of the society for $1.60 per day. The exhibition of frnits ard vegetables will by held in the Urge 8he was minding flies, but the flies did not seem to be minding her. She was seat ed in front of a table aud the table sat as jauntily on the edge of the sidewalk as a fresh Gainesborongh hat on the head of a Walnut street belle. But the table whs a trifle larger than the tiainesborough, or how could she have found room for tfco bucket of lemonade ? Tho bucket was covered up with a bit of pasteboard, and this was sur mounted with a half pint glass of a red fluid which looked fur the world like the 'toff they dish out at a circus, and rht called it lemonade. Maybe it wn* lemon ade. Who cares to dispute the word of a woman as black as tho hinges of Topbet, with a mouth as full as snags as a dewberry baah of briars! Yes, she was snaggletootbed, and her wool was fearfully unkempt. Her dress woa ns greasy asnptir of last renr’s over- hau's, and she sat chanting a pious refrain and swinging a fly brash mado of a stick aud some frazzled fagends of newspapers, tthe seemed happy, even if the hot snn did pour hU rays nil over the table and spill some of their *- * L - • "How mne thi* bucket T Wo were thirsty for information—not lemonade. Bat we flang the query nt her so suddenly that rho i tipped the swing of tho brush for a second and a fly fell head over heels into the temple glass. She saw him, however, before he touched bottom, and with a flip of the floger she polled him out aud then rat down on him with her shoHessfoot- “Two gallons, boss,” sho said, after she had satisfied herself with the goro of tho indiscreet fly. "That gives you thirtr-two half-pint glasses, which yon soil at five cents. Now, bow many lemons do yon put into a buck- 6 “four»» "That s ten cents. How mocb ice?” "Nickel's wuff." "That's fifteen cents. How much sugar?" "Quarter's wuff.” ''That iniVni inri peace speeche. _ Tho cominitteo on credential? having completed' their work, catno in and made their report,which was adopted. J. W. slay moved that a permanent ganizition bo t-iTectod. On motion o! 1*. O. Ho’t, tho present oltWr* were retained in their r . M. U. t larko moved that a committee on regulation* t>** u;i»>mt.d. <Trri*d. M. U. Clnrkf, J. W. Majs, Allon Ellington, P. G. Holt and J. N. mmMmv were put on the cominittoo. While they wero oat the secretary rood a letter from Georg* nittei entlo committee on resolutions returned aud r. purt. d tin- following | r. i-.tnl 1.- and re <o'ut ion*, wh'ch were adoptcl annul monsly: "Whereas, onr pa*t experience at Repub lican* has taught m th.V, unaided end alone, wo canoot suoottd in our ulorts to overthrow the Bourbon Democracy, be etle of its fraudulent end unfair means of carrying »lsetk&. r "Whereasia thi* andevery section of the Stn*e, time 1? a iargo element of Influen tial citizens who have heretofore with tho Democratic DC rty, and are now JDguited with it* m*!bod» of ring n»’e and corruption, nnd are willing and anxious to join iiuy movement hi* for its ob ject the overthrow of the Bojrbon Democ racy, and the lubetituLou of a jut acd liberal government{ therefore, bo it "/fesofreJ, Thai without encroachm^ upon onr ttnukhonpred principle** wu Ihe Republic..Li oi Slkio coutuy,in tfifiVtalion a^vtnbled, do hereby txpres* eUr hearty sympathy for, and will givt our earnest support to, any mtvtnettt which prom- i-.--, tl,M ov»-nhn»W of t!io lh» irbon pirty, ami will •©©"Is to each ar.d evsry euixen the fall nveiuare of his rights before the las- nuu to every voter a free vote and fair cjunt. "/.Viofcril, That thebotd stM.d oI| he lib eral element of Hu* State promisn Overthrow of the Bourbon DeinccrA©y,5nd the eiUbil-liment therefor of n last and liberal go/eminent, with a fair and impar tial ndminidrMion of the l-tws, giving en- bo'i.Mgeuient to ed»ii*di«Mi nnd protectiun to tli-3 ballot, and a reform in tho uieseol barbarous i-h-.m gang -i -te-.u is entitled to united Kop^-crt. m Her»b'd f urther, That Itb the*doty of v very Rei-ubtieon to bo tamed and active Ml the Work of thoroughly organizing the \ arty in tin* county, nnd urging the u< »ity of each man paying hi* uxes in order that 11;.: full vote of tlie party may edtnths fortheo ml, Thi d dollr ,yetv i poll t poll- egard tho pay oppe in Atlanta. After ea the cunmittoo r J. N. Wackshear, en KlliugtOBv of tlie store adioining the hotel. The Central and Southwestern railroads make a rate of four cents per mile, , fall fare going, and npon presentation certificate of the offloera of the society, Tt»o Public l.tlirnrj-. Tho board of directors assembled for the regular monthly meeting. A quorum was reported. Ilia meeting was called to order by President Fort. Tlie secretary called the roll and tlie following directors wero present: Chcstney, Ruan, Roosevelt acd Burke. Messrs. Johnson and Willet wero excused. Tho minutes of lost meeting wero rend and confirmed. The librarian re ported as follows for the month of Jane: Collections, books added, five vol- mnes: books circulated, 1,080; now mem bers, nine. The thanks of tho directors were re turned for the following donations: Jniins Mayr, silk flag of tho la»e Macon Cadet*, deposited: A. HL Glair-Abrams. Tavares Herald, Florida, presented; Major W. F. Shcllrran, “Pnluaki Monument Ceremn- nies of March 21st, 1825,” prasented; J. W. Biackshear,mineral srecimens, presented; " ’ J 1 -Ww*’ r»®oo of Atlantic cable, pre setted; George E. Walker, one volume, - presented; J. W. Adderhold, "white her- windows. Ml JH.„ on'? plumes,” presented. derstora had burit upon them^othera thought The following names were proeenled for membership and elected: W. A. Poe, John Goodman, F. L. Henry, Win. Keller, J. II. Oantnrphan. B. E. Chambliss, 0. H. Hall, Jr., R. J. Fitzgib- bon, Miss Emily Goldstein. Mr. Herbal's application for three weeks' vacvion was received and the same granted. Mr. Rnnn, of the library comtrlttee, re ported that they had purchased a lot of now books for summer reading. The lec ture and flnnnco committees made no re port. I he president ordered an election to fill the vacancy in the board canred by the resignation of Mr. J. W. Chester. Mr. Cbtstney nominated Mr. II, T. Powell, who was elected to fill the above vacancy, lho tec'.uro committee was requested to see the feasibility of getting up another lawn festival. No farther business, the meeting adjourned. Tho jus C- Bo bee. Secretary. of ticket agent at Macon will issne return tickets at oue cent per mile. The Macon and Brunswick railroad will iesne tickets at 4c. per mile for the round trip. The Savannah, Florida and Western railroad will r.tum free npon certificate of the officers of the society that delegates (aid fall fare going. The Southern Express Company, ever friendly to all progress, have, as uanal, generously agreed to carry free of charge “ packages of fruit and vegetables intend- __ for the exhibition. Such paekag-.L should be nldressed IL J. Peter, for Geor* State Horticultural Society, Macjn, The name of tho sender plainly marked npon the package, and all articles sent in time to reaeh destination not later than 8 o'clock, August 1st. Annual membership, *2. For circulars, copies of reports of psst transaction*, ad dress the secretary at Savannah. Full set? of there reports can be supplied to now* members. The following is the programme: n*»T DAT. The convention will assemble a 10 a. ra.; 'dress of welcome and response; report secretary and treasurer; reorganization according to new charter. Afternoon Session—Appointment of com mittees ; reports of district and standing committees; aas tys aud discussion. Sight Session—Discussion* on cata logue. SECOND DAT. Report of spaoial committees: time and phoo of next convention; discussions oa catalogue coaiinned. Afternoon Session—Unfinished and mis- cc lineous barinees ; new businen ; discus sion* continued to close of session. The fo lowing will beamoog tlie ques tions proposed for di«cu«*lon t L The chief obstacles to saeoessfal fruit culture, A* regards toil, climate, inKcts- diseases, etc., and the best remedies. 2. Bait methods of eultlvatiug, pruning. 8. Facte connected with the new early varieties of nr aches and other f rails Intend- 1 for Northern markets. 4. Best methods of packing and shipping ML 5. Thi Ctiltif Atlbb of the Japan persim- >\ htape culture for market and winq 7. uSiizttion of lUrplas fruit, 8. Strawberry and othsr small fruits. U. Vegetable growing fot bommeroial purposes. 10. Mulching and otb*i» methods to ooon- teract efleets of drought. 11. Best method* to embellish city gar That makes forty cents frr two gallons of lemonade. Now yon get $t.G5 for every bucket of lemonade yon roll. How many buckets do you sell a day?” "Wo.l, dat’s accordin'. If dar ia a *seur- •loa I tin sell four or fivo bucket?; but dar's z:y cream!” “Ahn 1 You are getting to be a bloated bond-holder. If you sell font buoV etc of lemonade yon get $G.GQ, which oosts jou only $1.C0.. Now, tell mo how much cream yen get in that freezer?” "Bom. ain’t you mighty qnestJormi dis mornin f ? I fivezts three quarts o’ cream every day, su’ I’ll tell yon what I lias to pay for all I puts in it. Dar's do a<gs—dey costs mo 5 cents; den flat's do milk, dat’s 23 cent©; dar’s de sugar, dat’s n quarter; dar's de ic;, dat’s 10 cents; and dar’s de sa*t, dat’s 5 cents. If yon wants good cream, j on pnts in five aig?. but just oom- n cream kin bo made with threo.” Well, the whole cost of three quarts of cream is <>5 cents, and you get how mnch fora gallon t" "Dey jioerally pans me out a dollar half.” "That makes fifteen plates of cream to theqnurt,aud the throe quarts bring in at ten cents a plate jnst $I.Ii0, ont of which yon pey 65 cent?, leaving a clear profit of $3.85. Yon mako two freezes a day and you get $7.70 for cream nnd $5.GO for lem- onnde, making a total of $13.30 per day,” “Boss, am dat de trafe ?” “Solid fact. Yon will soon hnvo there money thxn Jsjr Gould." And thus it ia. This old woman, liks many others do business in a picaynnioh way, bat by oarefully watching the leaks they make more actual money than most of the white men who work ten hours of hot days at forge or bench, and at the end of the month draw jnst a little more than enough to pay for home rent and the pro visions. But then it wonld’nt do for everybody to sell ics cream and circtu lemonade. The mirket might get overstocked. of hi? smallest, and changed them about Her** fitted In his jaw all right, end he went off s few days afterward to hla post with hi* lady loves molar. His tooth, however, would not stick In, for within s week the young lady came back with her face dreadfully swollen. I reduced tho infiammation and eased the I-aln, but oould not replant her lover's fang, and she went away with it wranped up in a paper. Oh! the inconstancy or women. 81x month* after aho married a man old enough to be her father. When the young lieutenant subseqtftmtly returned lie indignantly told me of the manner he had been jilted, aud re — to immediately^ extract his false .do re. ran eleor nt Red-IIcnt {Tp< Chicago Infer-Orta*, Vessels arriving in Chicago yesterday report a most remarkable occurrence at Muskegon on Friday night At midnight there waa an awful shock, heard throughout the whole city, ac- companled by a bright sulphuric light, which .IT TEE JAIL, Who 12. Improvement of rarU li Middle Georgia nuitary and Agrlcul- tarnl rollege. Milledokvuxb, JalylS.—Col. Billape’s address yeatarflay morning was well re ceived by the audieue*, who already knew and honored him oa If he were a citizen of oar immediate vicinity. Words from ths lips of a man whose life has been so exemplary and whose character is so far above tain*, could not but command tbs respect and appreciation of bis audience. After CoL Billups’s add re*?, Chancellor Mell waa agreeably taken by surprise, by being presented with a handsome gold- headed cane, deliiered by ML* Pauline White end Cadet Lieutenant Chaa Herty, ia appropriate verbiage, ra behalf of tfco college societies. In the afternoon the cadet*’ prize drill took place io front of the college, end in the presence of a vest ooncoarte of friends. After a laborious drill of an b>rar the eon- test narrowed down to taro gallant soldier boys—Menr*. Ferry and Tinaley. After drilling for a half boor longer the prize, a handsome gold medal, was awarded to Cadet Ferry. The Judge* decided that Cadet Tinsley should have a duplicate medal fo* his excellent drilling, which will be awarded him. The exercises of lost night delighted _ foil aodieoos. Mis* Fannie William* re ceived tbs medal for excellence la recita tion, and Cadet Mitchell in declamation. Cel. Hardeman, of Macon, delivered the prizes in a few well-timed cords. This morning the board of trustee* met and re sleeted the present faculty, with tb* exception of the president, who resigned. Up to the present writing no ooe he* been selected to fill Dr. Dudley’s place. Baldt. In If, nml tlie Charge* Against Thera, Through the court' sy of deputy jailer Reynold, our reporter went over the jail yesterday and chatted with the prisoners. There are at present confined in the ja)l fourteen males and one female. With tho exception of Doo Wilson all of them are awaiting trial. In the oells on tho first floor we first find Doo Wilson, convicted of the murder of Mr. James Tinley. He is now waiting on tho Supremo Court. Doc occupies bis time in reading and sewing. He has a i*nchaat for sewing on battons, and this has b-tu brought about by a desire to bs busy. The cells are very large, and he hss plenty of room. His colored frieods and relatives keep him well supplied with mousy, but should a remittance bs slow in cotring he frets a good deal about it. In tho other cell we find Mr. Robert Brooks, a United States prisoner. U* is ebargod with working in a distillery that had uo sign on it He ia poor and without friends, and having been sick for a long time he is in great need of cloth's. The marshal in Atlanta h?s been written to re r.uthoriMM tHddla at least provide him With It change of nndsrclothing. In the same cell Is Mr. f, M. Whlt»» charged with killing Col. Rose, at Tba Rock, some fow months ago, Mr. White says his trial is let for the 21th of thla month. He express*.* himvslf rail#fled *-at he will be aoqaitted. Hit wodnet while an inmate of the jail has besb moot prabeworthy, both J stier Foster and Mr. Usynollt speaking in highest terms of him. lie and Mr. Brooks ore the only white prisoner?. Going up-stairs ws find three oells occu pied. In them are: Lewis Batter, for larceny. He was a* rested on a warrant rvorn out by F. Mc Grath,the baker, charging him with having stolen a quantity of bread. Henry Owens, for simple larceny. This young man stole a coat, vest and pair of pants from Mr. Charlie MeAUlster about a year ago. but kept himself tea roe an Ul ran afoul of by officer Nelson. Charlie Brown is ia for the some offense, and was a partner of Owen?. Joe Foatell, burglary. Joe is charged with having token Mr. Tom Willingham's •addle, and h«*n«aatrom aavsroi Ipsrsons. Richard liberty lost hit liberty by going into Mrs. Valentino's residence, on Wal nut street, and taking $20 ia gold oat of a trank. Willie Clay Is in on a charge of berglary. He went into the room of Mr. Georg? Price’s oook and took her money to bey sn accordeon and some clothe?, eimon Hall, burglary. This is the man ho went into Mr. IL J. Anderson's resi le night and made a large haul of ana Ui Editors Telegraph and Messenger:— Whenever a Southern man addresses a Northern audience his address is almost invariably prefaced with an apology. No niattyr what thooccaiion, no matter what I the ioph», an apologtrtio bow most be made, the speaker must smile and choose his words cautiously, "the dead past matt ho buried,” "by-gon-s must be by.gone.?,’ no match most be struck that will “fire the Northern heart,” caro must be taken lest the snooker in pntUng down his foot should tread on the Northern toe. So, in the spirit of conciliation, speakers have let themselves dawn to the lvVv>l oi flan- keye and boot-licks, until wo have almost grown ashamed of our war rs-vrd, b'.ndiand cower when we are called rebels, and seem sell nigh ready to rspudiste all ararelation and sympathy with the brave men who died in dufenso of principle and country. Now. t seems to one who wan a so-onlled rebel,” who believed that be was right then, has believed all the time sinoe that he was right nnd who expects to die in that faith, that it in time fur Sou'hera men to keep ont of lids graveyard and to stop this barjing business. Is there no manhood left in ns? Must we cringe before North ern audisn-jee, stand with oar fingers in oar mouth? and be ever ready with a sneaking apology on onr Ups when we ad dress them? Shall we, indeed, burg the pastf Shall we never mention the names of the brave men who died for the right, except in whbpers and under cover of darknese? Shall onr lipe be Mated and our tongues palsied when these men are classod as highway robbers, . mur derers and okcm ins? The man who really desires to bury the past, him nelf deserves to be buriedin forlgetfalncsa. He in untrue to his principles, fidno to tho memory of those who died to defend him, despicable in the eyes of those whom he seeks to conciliate and a reproach to his own people. Such sycophancy provokes assault, doitroys relf-rcs;>oct aud begets contempt in tb* minds of all honorable men. Let the p?et of Southern war history ro- main forever unburied. Let its facts be kept frosh in memory. Let them be taught to onr children and their yonng mind? imbued with tho noble principle* for which we fonghL Those principle? are not dead. Then Tet us not attempt to bury them. Let os stand by the graves of our soldiers and repel the cowardly nrsaults that are constantly mado upon their fair names. Let us with manly courngo f aco the world if need bo, and own the tcork “ ‘ we did during the war, whenever oc- attrlbutcd the deafening report to the first crash of ••the wreck of matter and the crush of worlds. W hen the people ventured out shortly afterward, however, they belaid one of ihe most calm and beautiful moonlight nights ever witnessed. The onlv explanation of the mys* jory 1s that a great aerolite fell into Muskegon Tho follow inti* from tho Mu?kegonCAro*/<de, received in Chicago last night: "The great mystery is solved by the statement of persons crapioved in and about the mills in the lower B* r V oi he . cI w* They say thai a large oaii of lire fell Into Muskegon I«kc, seemingly strik ing its surface three or four hundred feet from SSinTw J* !t the shock p«neptt- H * Archibald Lee was 'ihaken up* by it; both of these parties were on Western Avenue at tho time. Moms. Frank Johnson. Lsyi Beardsley. Charles C. Moulton and Fred Miller, all of whom lodge on Western nrenue. state that tho building? in which they have rooms weto shaken by tho exp'oslon. Mr. Hugh I.eonard. tlie druggitt of ‘lower town,' who had Ju*t retired to his room on Wet tern ave nue, states as follows; 'i «aw the glare, and It seemed a? though the en lira light wa»concern trated In my room. At flrvt it appeared as though my window curtains were wrapt In ilamet. Where tlie aerolite struck there was great commotion, 'a* though a ton of solid sub- fttanco had fallen into it from a great height ’ It K currently believed that a great meteoric ■ton* fell, and it may be well for steamer? and —JJIog vessels to be guarded for the lint where ’ while paVuig the poL, posed to bavo struck." • the stone is tup- eaaioa demand? it. These thoughts are provoked by opening remark* of Honorable G. Orr, at tho National Educational Associa tion now in session at Saratoga, New York. W* ret little propriety ia any special alia- sion to hi? birih plnoe or sttdlmcnts, nnd still lees In his gomg to the graveynrd “to bury the past," The best way to bury the post is to ray nothing about it. Bat we are tired *ml di?gu.?tcJ at seeing Southern men always standing, with murxfol faces, at the grave of the to bury iL Fill the grave—come away from it Throw aside your rpadt* end let Ihe post stand up alongside the present, where It belongs. South. A DISORDERED LSVER IS THE SAME of the present generation. It is for »he Ci:r'> t.f t>i <:•.- *ns • nt: ! V « r. iar.tH, sick-heaBacke. biliousness, dy* EEPSIA. CONSTIPATION, PILES, tla.j that Pitt'S”PILLS have gained a world-wide reputation No Ksmsdy has ever been discovered that nets so gently cn tho dlgeatiTt organs, giving them wlgor to as? BmHats' food- As a natural result, the I Nervous System is Braced, the Musclei are Developed, and the Body RobuiL M Olxi lire and Povor, n. RIVAL, a naaUr at Bayou Bare. La., sara s ‘ ‘ BUtioa la tn a cr.iv'.trial <31 n trie t. For ssvsral yaara 1 oould c Marly dlaeouragnd whan 1 bagan TUTT B FILLS. Tba raault waa e my Uborara aoon bacaaa hearty aodrobuat, asA X hare bad no further trouble. Th#-r relieve the e .he UIckmI from |« r*?w the bowels I urenred T.l ver, eleansa .'“rl",!.'.ur.Sijj wutf r I hU remedy fttlrly, nnd j on will gain allhy IM«. -oilon. Vignroua I tody. Pure xl. StrongNervea, nnd nMuund Liver, •r.mirnta. Uce.U Murray Nt., N. T. TUTT’S HAIR DYE. Out IlAtnor WtmxxRMch lit.*.x a >!ngl? appllcatloi I. ;•?: ■* ? natural ■ l- r.un t » 1 rM.i.l lf .v Ijru^gbiu.oruotby Oxsv flstn or WmtxxMchanged toeOLoasvI [a * pt * si* ou reo-tnj Office, 60 Murray Street, Now York. ( or. Terra .nz.vnr. of r<iiiia»u\ Information an* Votfnt itfMtpta I trill bm mailed nil on appUrmUotuJ Summer Complaints TKenty-becoml District Kenatorlal Convenlloa. Fobstth, July 15.—At a meeting of the exeetttive eommilie* of the twenty second Senatorial district.held Udeday at Forsyth, C«pt. John L. Hanfeman in the chair and Ssmnel K. Cook acting as secretary, vu r upon motion, llesolred. That the Democratic party the counties onr posing the twenty second Senatorial district be requested to send a convention to be held in Forsyth, We Jaesday.tbe Cth As y of S< ptca ber next, th* lu mber uf delegaUe they ore re*oect- intitied to, to Boateete n caodidato »4 Y« Ta y rawer* ef r ! From a private letter from Me-r-.Oib -,n i’.-»*kJ i.-. • t I i<-X-w:. . t.i • learn that peach**, Zf f lee and Irish pa toes are very scarce money and things. He ha* figured as principal in more than a hundred burgle- Henry Wimbish, murder. He ki'led Morgan Washington by stabbing him in the back. 'Dm inardtr was committed only* short whits ago near Stratton' brickyard. William Harrison and WilUe Thomas, arson There two are in for an attempt to burn Mrs. Lamar's residence in Vineviile. Harrison induced WilUe to apply the torch. Stephen Little, assault with intent to mnrdsr. tUepben is on old mac, and le charged with shooting Corue lias Grant some Urns ago et the Pattonon place. The only female tnthaiailis Millie Wil- eno, who le charged with stealing some cloths* in Bandy Bottom. Tbejail lain thorough good order, the floor being kept elaaa and the cells in oa good oondUira as citeninstances will al low. A NartliGeorgia rntcrprlee. Meears. Barrttt, Denton ± Lynn, long and favorably known in commercial dr- dee, have recently formed a partnership at Dalton, Ga., end purchased the flooring mill st that point for the purpoee of do ing a milling, warchoase and commission business. The mill embraces all lU im proved feature? of machinery, and the dif ferent brands of floor mode by it have al ways enjoyed high reputation with th* trade. The firm have very extsostve fteti- viait the trade, patrons may rely on buying el oaaty. r Th» writer hoe enjoyed a long and inti mate acquaintance with the above firm, I and unhfcaiUtingiy affirms that there is no more reliable aae financially or clever one personally in North Georgia. MMPBI coecplete fo'hre. art.. • *■*..' *-:i Well in Ja'-.-'- i pirtM* ih« a • fnU-rvted • it" tot!.- »• geatl«'rM-n. thetr r beverage, it is deliqht/uL TUB uquh ash coirth Why Ther hbolllil be Allowed (o ltau At Large. A paragraph cn your local page tills oming suggests the turning out of the hogs on the streets to-do scavenger duty. write thU to indorac the suggestion, and also to urge the city council to suspend the cow ordinance as a sanitary measure un til cool weather checks the growth of the grass. We have bad an unusual amount of rain for some time past, and the rank growth of grass In some of our streets rut of the business part of Uw city, serves to retain the moisture tb an unhealthy extent. In snob ports of Uw city there is complaint of aioknssa not heard of before, and if no better reason existed than to clean the streets and allsya of an abundant growth of Bermuda grare, the rele**ing of the cows at this sesvoowould be amostseusL bls measure. At this time of year the cows can find an abundance of gross on outer parte of the city and along the river banks that the/ will not room about the streets in the bo»i- nese center as they do in winter, and while they can be so much benefited by tlw gram now growing so luxuriantly where it con btf.btlt nothing, but be a detriment to the health of Uw people, it seema like folly to ^rRewriUrUnot influenced in the least by ad Osh motives, for wbiL ho keeps u cow there le more Bermuda grass within hie own enclosure than his cow can keep down. I am also in favor of the strictest enforce ment of the cow ordinance from Oatober to May, when there is no grata to be objec tionable ia the city or bvnefieial to the cows, end .when, if permitted on the streets, they would Uve by foraging green groeere and coentry wegon*. I abo formerly of the opinion that it would be better to keep them up all the y round, but I have changed my mind that point, and it the city fathers will only ndc around the town with a view to inquiring into this matter they will also become satisfied that a rae- peaaion of tho ordinance during summer will be beneficial to the dty a* wdl as to ouws. A suspension of thsordinace* now will not intorfera with its rigid enforce ment after October 1. Any man of reason or common sense can see the advisability of keeping ap the cow* sfUr that time, when they cannot bs benefited by liberty except by robbing other*. It is to be hoped that Captain Dunlap will again rarew hie motion oa this subject in council, and that Umaldsrmsa will con- aider it caraf ally oa a sanitary measure, as wall a* one of expedisney. I am not fond of seeing the dirty “pork- era” ranning around oar streets, bat until tlw city can employ a larger scavenger force, U would be far bailer to hove tb* as- •U'SDCS of three natural scavengers darini the fruit season to law# the removal o melon rinds aui dtciyed fruit, which oth- , M.l | oi-ou? the sir c‘ tlw dty. Common S«>k. Macon, Oa+ July IS, t*ft. At thla season, various diseases of the bowels ore prevalent and many line are lost through lack of knowledge of a safe awl sure remedy. Perry Davis' Pain Killer Is a sure cure lor Diarrhrca, Dys entery. Cholera, Cholera Morbus, Hummer Complaint, etc., and b perfectly safe, Read the following; s^gggl li mth£iUjr.*%vs om] luuvy'fimwr ?*« Bare wt Pcaat DsvW Jure ^ Osama, V. Y.. r«U t*!5t IRON BITTERl will cure dyspepsbjieanbi ria, kidney disease, liver c and other wasting disease BITTERS enriches the blood and purifies the system; cures weakness, lack of energy, etc. Try a bottle. ws Is tlie only Iron preparation that floes not color the teeth, and will not cause headache or constipation, as other Iron preparations will. HBEgEZTCH BROWN’S IRON BITTERS Indies and all sufferers from neu ralgia, hysteria, and kindred com- phunt*, will find it without an equal. Louisiana State Lottery Co reserve fuu<l of hto.uu Baa since been added flysu^overwhfJralnzpopular vote !t* franrhtso lion afioutejf 1 »eceiuberD U1U the unit Lottery tter voted on an J indorsed bt the people deng Mats. ste Ijretttil >iuula Xinubrr lirair• :<■ : , ■ . ' 1,11 > <*Ft*else T I’Xt T V I Oil H V/;.-KlMITU GRAND DKAWING.CLASH II. At N't-wOP. uust nw»v, A lilt 0.1 n. 1-. sv. - mill) I>riL1: r. I.oohat tin- foil.,ring xrhrmr, un . rr.fii.... f, n.aMrranrd t <■{ I II., and c.< li. A. MCailv. or Hriilnla, CapItaTPrlzc, 875,000. 00,000 ricliPivnt I S\e lHillut-? Knell 1 rnctluiiH, In in i»ro|M>-iloi). MST Or FRIZES, 1 CAPITAL PRIZE... |7ft.r«] 1 do do yf» OUC 1 de do ’ _ lo'rtxi 2 PRIZES OFfdUOO 12,M Tl;8 Only WATCH FASTm .MlMy.IncdMw. ^ [ NR Thi! MANUFACTURER. . Hi l STEYEHS & €9= WHITEHALL. 3T. ATlAlITA, Gft. { T .i ■-** ISfCL Jufllawtw looo io,o AFFROXIXATIOR FS1XCS. do do 250... 1967 Frizes, amounting to....... fKh AnplU-ation for ittcs t<» i-iubs should made only to tho office of the Company In > Orleans For further Information wrlto clearly, xtv full addrus tk-nd orders Ly Kxprwt, Re tercd Letter or Money Order. addnroA enl JI. i. 1/ 1/ MIX, Xvtr Ortvuun, Ltt or 31. A. nAVVtUX. not Mrrcuthft; It aehitipton, I). C ecJlve rv*ad 1 New Orleans Dr. J. Bradfield’s Female Regulator! Womoa'a BcHtFrieml. It I? well known tn physlctana. and, slag too ell knor- •« —**—<— — •»-—— that they .-ii.4... L .. sneh as lupprrsidon KOIDEISSOHk well known to raffcrlng women ihenuelvcs, | | that they arc subject to numerous disease? pc 11 calls? to their sex. inch m luppmslon of fhe I V. mensc?, painful and scanty menstraaUnn. g fault ‘ To All Whom it Way Ccrrc ,-n. nE iRGIA, BIBB COUNTY.-J h: . - -! >UI \7 having in projK-r form ap:-!.- . iKirmanent letter? of admlnirtraUnn «... i . .•<.*- tale of llemy 8hdu»n Kdwardr, ;..i- . i t.tei Slate of New York, who ha? am-. . the county of in >u!d Btate of Grur;:* This Is lo cfleaud admonbh . , Ccrncd to be and appearat thee urt • ry of said county, on the first Mma»- gustnext, to show cat..*© if any 11n . o v.ij wl to said James MRall, on llci.ry- Vuon Wllncta my official signature U U ^ 7th <U» of July, itac J. A. Mi ma:- joyflwtw* _ __ Ord -j. U l hB lOl’RT oFoitlilNARV, JUL > i ' 1M-E F. I-!, ndiolnh:. - :h. all patties are rcqulicd to »h..w • t..r« me. at the Augur 11« rm of the • urts.Arj of Bibb county, on the in* Monday ta Aosaafl next, why laid application .'-hi - > i <- granted. j. a. m< manui^ July n<I t 1W.—JyMawlw (JrAlnazy. /'t EORQIA. B1IIB COUNTY. - J J Tin' ar IT .Urn of HI* 8 Jem?, having ai courtof ordinary uf said r.muty f rn. 1 •thn’ct ftom hlsguardlanthlp of Ella h Jonra: ThU la Iherefcre to cite and i. » • ai i J Tinley ahould not t>« d?i>ml- -- • m > guardUnahipof I ilia 8 Jones audit.. ihs- usiial lettcra of dismiealon. Given under my hand and clfi. Ul • '. :x Ibu July 7.1M2. jnlySwnm J A McMANUF; Ordla • piano 11850 Sauarc Grand I'itto for wlj 72-15. mJitaUon^dlimSm unil PIANO STYLE III vmt roacwood the whole life and which have long been eon I. u o yj«w*r'ly. Cwbhed. • aldered as almoat Incurable. But st last the 1 | II b rtna?, 7 I S Oelavs*, full patent rantanit remedy baa been found in Dr J. Brnanolit'a 1'rin.i. H.r.Halu ..... It Is not a "cure-all,” but a remedy for on# I Grand Action. Grand llinmui'm. claas of diseases, all of which pertain to the I improvement which can In any way •omb. I the j■*-' -• *— - * *•-- •— ' Any ■ufferer from thodlsceaes mentioned can I adilnt. I th« H:rf<.c:lon uf tlio Inatiuuicnt, has tx< take thU remedy, and thus relieve herself I •*» Otxr /trier for th In lualrnnirnt, without revealing her condition to any one. bojretf amt tlrlCi e-tnl an bannl nn n and without *ubjeetlng her womanly modeaty I nt Svtr York, irItii /Inf I'f.CiO j • to the shock of an examination by a physician. 1 emo fsrrr. Moat ami Nari,C).Tl /“1 LOR CIA, ( ItAWroHD C<»t NT VTing represented to me that the lUd-ert llntcbln?, late of raid county. inc T.r t Monday in Annul n Jack, clerk of the 8u;*crlor Coi ly- should not be sp; olrtid i Witness my hand officially^ jyiid - N KOKGIA, CRAWr # '“" » »ret resented to me K. Hutchins late of i unrepresented, when to »*ld cfttatc. 'Ihi? U therefore to IOLTON, Ordinary. that the estate cl. . t.c i ■id connlv, do ■ -ed, \ by lam Is likely to setts* Jack, rlerk of ihe Hupcri count j. »honld not bs ap; •dmla 1st ration. Witnem my handolfirt? Libclifc: Citcuc. ■CrERIOR |COURT. AI HI L «1 the musical public* tJnpr ! Tremendous demand for th . Order at one?. hlch gives seas fur pain, joy for rorniv/tnUa I This llano will bs sent on 15 day? last trial. - ‘-an. the mss of health for ths pallor of dis-1 Please send reference If you do not send the light. els«t?c step fur dragghur wear!-1 with order. < nmh rnth order trill nights of soft repossfor heavy hours uf I be reftnufed and frrli/ht eherram —‘ ml bounding vigor for Un-1 paid hu tin both nayn If ria an in [umtwsstUjMsof fall grown I w*#J—* ' ■* “ turn end withered form of I sperm riuvnauun, a mnx Ilf#of mental, physical, so-1 iVouu In nss, and ind onr dinHutlniled rial ami domestic enjoyments tor a few rad I inirrhaorr, days of rain and gliNtm, ending In an early I logue, mailed free, glvi travo? Hoeh is the ml*don. such are tho re-1 nfiUs ever arranlrei any manufacturer. Kvery •ulU of I>r. J. Brad field’s FemaU Krgulatnr, I llano fullywarranted for ,s years, which is hence truly sod appropriately styled I sin gsv WHwiCH pries. Catalogue of "Woman’s Brat Friend.” I XOuo r ho Ire pi''rr? sent for !w>sUmp. "Whites,” and all I bass irregularities of ths I . MI BY II*. LHStill X 1‘tASaCO., womb so dsfectlvs to ths health, happiness * “ “ and beauty of women, disappear llko inagle before a single bottle of this wonderful cor All who suffer from any of these diseases • most earnestly Invited to give thi? great reiae,, . * triaL It has cured thoumnds, end wlU cere -im. Don't tell to try it 1 hire, small size, 75 cents large size, fUO. ° J. JraDFIELD. Atlanta, Ga. . For ml* everywhere by druggists and coon- Interview No family ran iif.Ir b* wtiboot IliU InralumU, RRwdr. IU ndc Idoci it within th«mch of dL For nlo hr oil dninl.U at 25c-, 50c. ud 11.00 per bottle FEBBY mVIS & FOX. Pronrfrtoti, IMIan, K. L PABKBR’B WAmHATRAM Thsbretsad nw?t JSscaaamirilhsin —46tic:H Popular Mcr.tMv Drawrififi of the EARS h “* MILLION Foo Choo’a Balsam oi Shark's Oil lllv-ly III Store? thr llrnrlnx nml I* tits Only kb-olul* i ure lor Drainer Huitwii ilsOII lsal»ir?Dteqfn,m t ** ullarfo*o NI.IWNHiMI'L floogil In tha Yellow T * illness fisherman knows IL Its virtues"-, s restorative ol hearing were discovered by ■ BnddhUt Priest about ins year ll'O. lurum were so numerous and many na .nrrtnlng- ty inlrarntoun, that th-- remedy waaoffl rlallr proclaimed over the entire Empire. In use MV4PM so universal that fof orrr MM In the (Mt or MONDAY JULY 1 ltF These drawing? occur at i excepted) unde* provision ■\ General Asw mb. y of Kao to It has perfonae<l a ra tracts In my c Min.iuihly uobva m my hta«l i better. 1 have Ikx-ii j.*re‘?tl/ fonsilted. Mr iii*afnii»? helped n great dc.vI-tLlnkan J 1st—That th* Commouws&ltb Difllribu- ,?.ni Uon Ooinnin, I. Unnil. .mw cw.wMTO umurn. u n* wum ■ I t. 'i L «-i. | rax rramoi*u.v tnttrvi pewM rauw tiruu Sd-lU drawing hr* [Mr. I kx<k am>u»»k*v*viox. Write at once lo liar- N. B^-Tbe company ha? now on hand 11 tncx A Jk»»bv. 7 Dey strevt. New York, ee Urge reservfffond. Read carefully the list | ekalng li.oe. and you, wrtit receive by rstara SSS®" DBAWINO. .JH t J r ’.p , 5|Lj M ^ #r */jg # rraali/sJI'vte*v. 1 Friz* 1 Prize. 10 Prizes $1,000 each. 90 Prize* COO eaeb. 100 Prize* UO each 900 Prizes CO each GOO Frizes 90 each LOOO Prises 10 each y Prize? 300 each, sp’roz prizes 9 Prize* 200 each do do 9 Prizes 100 each do do 1.9G0 Prizes $111,400 Whole T ickets, $2. Half Tlekete, f 1. 27 Tickets, %M. &S Tvekete, $1(0. Remit Money or Bank Draft in I>ettei, ■ or send by Ezpresa. DONTBKNDFil REGISTERED LETTER OR FOBT-O/-1 FICE ORDER. Orders of $A end npward by Express, can be sent st onr expense | Add rose ail orders to R. M. BOARDMAN, Conrier-Joarnal, LocUvtlle. Ey, person 3C*‘ Hroadwav.H. t.] a remedy that will enable you tu hesr like as; tiody else, and whore cumUr- - tn-rmaueuL You will never ,a'mm I —Kddar of Hereout He Ivte.. lO^OC u ,rj n avoid loss in the mails, please Mod mfiOh ’ hr; Nt, by RuiivTi itm Litter. Imporleit hr HAYf.iMK f, (late Hayfork A Oa) 7 De ‘ flaw York. . - ij: Auents roa Axeuu i . moturr by i.o 10,000 only llll Mflool JESlfBJ, li 1- COOL, SPARKIINO, RECANT IT 5c a Gloss 1 ay In (H tobernext toatn Li Mi TED PAKTNH1 SHIP. fl iORdU. BIBB CO I . . i i -let- \ X iigncd. If l: Krmlmrer. IV U Wten, L ti immmteontribntvil by 1.1*. 1 II. Pteat. of ihe firm of I.C. hundred didlsr? In all. Th ■ringer, C. D. Wlaa sad I. C. eoasntuted thrre several sum firm, each sharing ooe third ami the rensrsl partem bear If any. and tn* special ter other nw? than tbssapltelton giiH Ths articles nt y-artnership we 11th day of July. imcLaed mads by theta sad smlfiod ai all which have been filed in uf tbs mirerior fourt of raid __JuIy_H r l*2. yt C'iltDIA, J iTIesa S?df« i August next, why ths mus II Sstsf fill! It lUstcn IhsVtrthlCttof mu m ■un-. i n?m PARKER'S. HU A SepVtaSst Rcsl'.’i and Strteg’h Rattrcr. If yoe see a Bwcbanl* er firmer, were as* whfc wfv>A cvamwMrnmdreaty t—rtymhoasa hold dauas ty Faxaza'a Gmcsa Toaic, If ywisreatreyer, srich*r»~«- ?—«??»**es- haresId by memd mate. r a»> mu? eare^.d* a?« ttto PssksFslii qsTwk If p? ktv Cress^iia, Pl'P'gk Mure bewvh, Hood reasms. ym caa becernd by Oft Cocas To&ic. It.»iUOc«-: - tia .iPsnde* Aad the text is j Sevett C&.jh Cart Cvtr Hud. t/v'Marawvi lBzi- r fi—sqs, $1 irifimee The Kmrrwia New Method for Reed Organ? (ri-to) la one of the newer methods, has a fin* "sretnod,” is by two w*U knows writer?, (Bmsrea and Mathews), sad has a goodly quanUty of my ptearing *— island Total. Clarke’s Harmonic Srhaal for the Omi. (•ISO) Is for church organs, either retd or I pipe, end Is sa admirable school for volants-1 »y playing. collections cm put together. The Organ at H?«ee (S2JJ0). has about 1 easy read organ pieces. A well known and |be placed in a ‘‘dollar'* took. ■ Winner’s New Hrfcml for Cabinet Orgaa I (75 eta.) Is one of bis scriss of very convenient cheap (notreelore foe all ia?truiaeate. They Lamar, Rankin & Lamar’i j If y»a w i... . ni :o and good, ca oa as. Our SODA WATER . UiuknowUSgrtbymnto b, TUEBEXl Don’t Ml to am ud mo « whm tlx city thi. itimir, u wo wont Lamar, RanUn & Lamar, Druggist* O—M?» DiMwtSMm. wMt Higli School for Boys, ihh!».h:i, itne sod exec atria uf the Imlth, deceased. Lay* eppll Three are therefots to rite and adir.f.r .h aii in »&*» *’ l - “ „ Witness my hand official! aprfiwtd* K '' pEDROU, CRAWFORD IT rvpressftted tn ms that represented, whereby cmtl ■aid estate without sn adm to show ran>--,if any tl ,iu - .r»i UtreU* nshuublnot U* b oed teJ. wtfotefo. WUnres t>y“hai:d nAeUI juj;tol Sheriff’s Sale. scaly for togli Porter Organ lastrertte* Bo? (LtoiUbls THE exercises of Hearn , , resumed 0>e 2-th of Augn- men-1 ctoaing Deeember l'» h^kteg yuunif fclhjw ruts u» res arnlsg. After no lutls kadatete •* they w»ve betmui d and that t. OLIVER DITSOJf * CO.. Botton. <:. II. m I!V iN t I i . M.l llr,N. 1 A New Market for Fruits. CIBSOH Sl ROCKWELL, Produce Comr»ti»5! n Merchants £TV tKt&Mb'mZ. Criii' * AO.UM.P l*.*u *■ z-rUM,T 1 -—