Georgia weekly telegraph, journal & messenger. (Macon, Ga.) 1880-188?, July 21, 1882, Image 6

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vi he (ixeorciuT lUcchln vlxlcstvipfe Journal & 2Rtt$sra&£C. •n vilm«ip!I « vmuaM ■tlriaiil M^fcljr. ftaTri wurii in Me «n lsputUtbet _ 5 JM| iwt d*?. *im>I Moaday, ui weekly *t»r, raiy< uxiblMivM by < »la the e'.'o iSllfSIS SkTsTfiShSl'M? ffi arc opprewffl with tbefear that the party, ** or •. •.*, v s.o a year. ;tS ^ presort organized and constituted) is "pi about to Mumble In general convention <Hi» **>tadrrn*.*«ai«nt» win t* taken at out I for the last time. They do not believe i~" EStomSi e're&nSlofwb ratal that ft can lUnd another euch wrench u W it w»» eubjected to two yean ago. Ab- lot the Weakly. I solved of the passions Incident to the ^STBSSSSnstrife and Dying aside hopes of personal a ad addr*». cot for publication, but as as I ambition, It would seem that the great ... .. . Interests of the near present and the dis- ®a.'Mted romnankaUoni will not Urttarned r , ^ •erreeaoDdewce Knuteieg important new. I tant future depe.Uent upon the coming and <si*cu»ioiu cr living topics, u solicited | action should imbue every delegate with bat taut I* brief ami be written upon hu- J , . ... os rale of tbs paper, to have attention. I an unselfish and patrictic desire to find 0*c. .-. tnees should ba Dads by Eprcis, Most] I the sboi test and speediest way to unity OnW, or Roalstered Ltder. I . , * rtl «cnunonlcnilons should t* addressed to | and harmony. J ' r * B1 ^m^awjia I It cannot be found In the forcible abro- TIieRoad to Ilnrniony. 1 A Deliberate Dosortlow. A sharp • aud abort preliminary cam- ThU la a lad world. Since tW day In palgn upon the part of the Georgia Be- which Cain rose up and alew Abel the mocracy la rapidly drawing to a clou, earth liaa been wet with tcara. In the ■ simple matter of desertion alone it would take volumes to contain the sad aud de spairing record. If every Instance com ing under this bead could be written in Many who have watched with anxious and abiding Internet from lla Inception, BACON TELEGRAM AND KESSEN3EI “the party Itaelf.forthepurpoao inatiug a gentleman who, by reason of FRIDAY, JULY 21, 1882. I *80 aud corporeal and intellectual Infirm- I itlcs, la incompetent to assmne and dis- The character of Arthur’, piety la due to ch » r *« lku dutle * “* ,k ‘ the fact that Grant la hla spiritual adviser. The forcing of Mr. Stephens upon tlio . . I party, by any such tatties as we have out- Tnaoullookfor ta» Cameron to exeead- llned wlll u . w jg, lh , t .hall .pill It U--> Mr. Stephen, hlmulf hold, the da ms will not bold water. The "varmints' will perish on dry land. key to the situation. A word from him I and the contending factions will be silent, pared, to the people of this whole country, ■ candidacy of the former of these gentle- the purpose of making her foreign policy regnant in Egypt, it is due the people of the United States that the fact should be iua£e public. It would not be amiss, also, to Inform the people whether Robe son will be expected to furnish the funds for the navy, while it is so employed, or upon the relations between the white • men. A Georgia convention will never man and the black man, i have always [ gel a bettor opportunity for teaching pub- been In favor of giving the negro eqnsl J He officials that it is not one of their privl- and exact Justice—nothing more and j leges to desert their posts lu the hour of books, the people would have neither the time nor the heart to read them. A tithe of the record would permanently destroy tho peace of him that would contemplate It. It Is not our purpose to go Into that question. We have no heart for It. Such a course would hopelessly embitter tbe balance of our days upon the earth. But, then, there is one lustaoce, com ing under this line of remark, to which we feel Impelled to make reference. We should have much preferred the task had fallen to other hands, but it seems to have been ordained that we should call atten- gation of a rule as old and tlme-honoredl ^ on t0 ono ot tl,e ** dd ®* t desertions On* of uom- ^cord-t Tna Grant spaniels are not yet ail pro-1 and the convention may, from tbe long vided with collars, and the dog-days are i, s t 0 f strong and able Democrats, find nigh at hand. Let them be Impounded one without dlfflculty around whom all straightway. Delay, aw dangaroue. j element, of opposition may, gather in Hewitt, of New York, is not ths only harmonious accord, man that considers Robeson, of New Jcr- The governorship of Georgia can add aay, a thief. From the great popularity of I nothing to the civic fame of Mr. Stephens. Robeson in Radical quartorsjt is evident I It can do nothing towards smoothing his that tho Jseobins agree with Hewitt. j way down the decline of life. It cannot Tbe bountiful h^Teato that haw boon » noUl « f ''“ 4 ‘°, W » “*• “ 4 garnered and that are near at haad foroiah k « m *J »>l G«org'»na Wends and in a abundant cause for gratitude, which should fe " * hort bour * “ay number hosts of speak out in the lives of the people rather | them as opponents, whose estrangement than be exhibited in formal protestations, cannot be corrected or softened by time, ♦ , tbe limited time left to him. He can do It would b. a matter of soma Interest to 0, ,, n0 mler Mn |„, hunMtfno knowhow many times Judge Underwood ? , " . . , „. has chanced Id. opinion, since h. took hi. ' ,ro “ d ' r bonor ’ tbln k)r rellrl °* from tbU that of a fathers abandonment of his only oflsprlng. Mr. Stephens has forsaken the golold dollar. There was a degree of studied and heartless deliberation about this par* ticulsr desertion that makes it unpar alleled. He was Its author. It was bone of his bone, flesh of his flesh. It looked to him for comfort and support. But he lias left It—naked and unprotected in the midst of its sworn enemies. It was entitled to something better than that at bis hauds. Words fail us to properly characterize such conduct. We should have expected better things at the hands ot a man, who takoa great pride in passing as tbe very embodiment cf all that is faithful and true in human nature. We cannot in dorse a man who thus deliberately aban dons, to its woist enemies, h!s only off spring. There is no reason in commit ting great interests to tbe keeping of a man who would of set purpose beget tbe golold dollar, and thou desert it In the day of its calamity. “Mene, menc, tokel, upbarslu'Ms written on the fjrebead of such a man. seat on the tariff eommisaion. If the Judge be not out of practice we suspeot tbe re- tarns would be heavy. nothing less. My triend, we cannot have good government or stable society lu this land when oue party seeks to dominate the other by the uae of the’ negro vote." His voice bad grown stronger aud more distinct as he spoke, and then esmo the old flash to his eye, the familiar poiso of the bead aud bis marked gesticulation. ills attendants gave evident signs of alarm at this ur.usual effort, and in obe dience to their suggestions we arose to go, telllug him that we could not permit him to Injure himself by an attempt to talk, and that we fully took tbe idea that he was endeavoring to Impress upon us. Still clinging to our hand, he continued In a stronger voice and with more ener gy, “You have always had it, you have always understood it. You stated it strongly, and illustrated It admirably in the Rountree case. This idea was the bssis of my notes on tho situation.” At this point it was simply impossible that tbe scene should be allowed to con tinue, but be did not release his hold until he had exacted a promise that we would call again aud listen when he was better able to spesk. We left him with the solen-n impression that we should not need, for tbe aoie purpose providing future offices for them selves and their friendj. We do not know that the convention will have the courage to pass a resolution to that effect. We do not know that, if it should, it will discharge a duty that tho members Letter Froi:* Dr. Daw. St. Denis Horan, N. Y., July 0,1A82. Editors Teltgraph and Me*senger:— Leaving your goodly city, via the Kenne- saw route, on tho Oth inst, I arrived in this great metropolis without accident on the Nth fast, apd found pleasant lodgings at the 8U Denis on Broadway. This is a well whether they will be aupplled by tfco j keptboatery, with cleanly rooms, good ele- Brltish government, J V ator and attentive servants, It fa kept on ' ' J the European plan, which is by no means To Be Turned tint. 1 the most economical if one desires to en- D Uthepoltey of the Republican party to j ^ M mtn - dishes as he has on his own giro to tbe Democratic people of Georgia, ta0 “ bome ' ™ nb of h,,f " ,f,ril, 2 It Is high time public men were learfl- At of the great wnxjmUoiTand’monopolUin* i chlcken at severHy-five cents and a sirloin log that the offices within tha gift of the manufacturers, and for tbe use of such leaden j beefsteak at one dollar and twenty oents of the Republican banditti as Secor Robeson, and other things in proportion. Yet this With such men and with such Influences as I restaurant, I am informed, is not as high- are now in control of the country, there cannot I priced as DelmonlooV. Everything is be any healthy and true reform. The Repub- we ji served, and you are always sure Of Men b. turned out.-N* Utllne tb. bwt .rtiolv, prepared bj the 7vrt.ini. i.Th, n-nuhii-in bet eooki. Living 1. high in New York. Certainly. Tba Republican P» rt J Oo0( i ^ worth thirty-five cents anj must be turned out.” There I. no other ^ chidt<ra , Mt Mntj thing so essential to tha good of this coun- A m , n Uk , he t. In a r.,.« vrorhl try m Is this thing of turning out tbe Re- v hen he looks upou the moving sea of hu- publlcaos. There was never a meaner m!m beings all around him in this grand party on earth. The records of no party old city. What a ceaseless rush of men, that ever had an existence anywhere are 1 women and vehicles of all kinds from early full of irredeemable meanness a, are SJSMll“m It U only Hk‘. th?c.Z those cf the Jacobin party of the L nited after the atorm. One may well ask himself States. There Is absolutely no good In ! when do these people rest, and bow do t« . it .l'.tMiiiye.i Tt u I they find time for quiet reflection? Alas! It Is altogether d.abolical. It « To many there Is no such time, for even thievish by nature and by practice. The I the holy Sabbath, with its tongs and ser- Sun very properly characterizes its mem- »* D ® Sabbath to multitudes who . „ ... , drive street cars and other oonve;ancee ben u “banditti.” Or course that epl- for public comfort and pleasure. YstSon- thet Is antirely too mild to apply to inch I day Is a noiet day oompanliroly. The a Jacobin developer as Robeson. A thief | people of Georgia do not constitute the private property cf politicians, to be fought for as petty prizes, and to be held for purposes of private emolument and personal gain. Fubllc office Is a sacred trust; and tbe incumbent who neglects the duties of the office to which he has been chosen, and which he has sworn to discharge, and engages In an active campaign to secure a future ofllco before the present one ex piree, deserves the condemnation of tbe people. He that Is faithless In little will be faithless in much. The convention ought to pass a resolution disapproving of the electioneering tour of Senator Brown and his protego to among the members of our present Slate convention. It is due the people as a matter of right, and the convention ought to have the courage to contest. Surely the frosts of seventy years and more must have cooled a reftless ambi tion and Inclined him to peace rather Iv there be web e ground ewetl for bte-1 lb , a if his own words are to be phens as his supporters claim, what was the I ^eu „ tb , interpreters of bis will he I. ueeresityforhlmto negeet tbedireharge lnlfllM potion, aud not of hi. own of hts sworn duties ic Washington to log-1 .. roll and plead and pray for the nomina-1 . , * . . . .. . tion by tho convention f Aa late as tho fifteenth day of March | last, a fraction more than four months Raw Yoaa city has suffered fearfnlty I since, he gave to the public this stato- Ito.a the intents heat during the past few I meD t; wks, and there h.T. been many caw. of „ h . 1Uolllpiln t«.c.adid.tetor.nyone« mmstroke. The New. Yorker, onght to wh , tevcr . j reslls, u..t my prerent eoadlUon oome South if they wish to enjoy living u.uch that I cannot cvcfl meet U»o duties rc weather in Jnly and Aognst. j qulred ot mo as the representative of my dU- __ •' I trlct In Cougress. If my life U spared to serve Tbe Lngli-h oocnpaUon ot tgypt means m , [iracnt t„m, which I vrw murk the complete subordination of every inter-1 I expect t«i return to my home in Oeor. est in that country to British commercial I gia and spend the remainder of my days In methods. John Ball kuow* when • prov-1 thal««<W, which Is now an abiolut* necessity ineo gets ripe enough to bo pulled, and he I to ' m r condiUou. • • • l hare ha«l lorages wilhool let or hlndernnee. <>»f and «compll.hcd my work • » > I and it now becomes me to take that repose that Tna nations of Europe,’with the excop- J mg ktaUh domandt. tion of Engtnml, are afraid of the Eastern Since then Mr. Stephens has been question. While the rest of them are rea-1 somewhat of a aufferer from a severe fall, soning wilh their revs, the robber nstion , n d since then he has been dragged Into will make sure of tbe priae. It Isn’t the t hc political arena, to save tho fortunes feint heart that wins, either in love or in ln(J lo p , llf , ,h e ambiUon of political I managers. JarHoaaEU. is ona of the partionlar I Subeequont to the declaration to which bright and shining moral Inialnsries of tba I we have given place, ba announced that Jacobins. He Is positively si shsmsUss as I he would forego his detennlnatlontore- Rvyw, John Sherman,or Robeson—either Unto pilvate lire If all tbe people of of whom would hive to undergo n VMt Georgia deelred it end It would conduce morel ohange for the better, to get good 1 to the harmony of the party. •nongh to go to the devil in en ordinary lt , t lruo lhat Mf# St c r h«ne is like a u I monarch, surrounded by courtier*, who «a Georgia Senator deserts hi. port #f ^ ld b,m the trulh ** to Washington to dragoon a Democratic lncur W* <ll»ple*»ure. But Mr. Stephen* convention into the support of a candidate I most bo entirely bereft of Intellectual that is eo utterly distasteful to thousand* of acumen if he falls to sec and appreciate the party, It is difficult to asa wherein the fact that he Is not the eboleo of all (kur^ahaathaadvantageof 1'ennaylvanlalthepeopIeofUeorgla,and that hla sad- in ths msttar of borelsm. don, unaipected and moat remarkable I entrance Into the poetical arena has been Tna American marinas evidently feel followed by a campaign of such heat Mfer In Alexandria than In RoUsoc’s I , nJ bitten**. M hat not a parallel lu the bot tlsist •• not 4* '•““•j 0 *’ history of tbs Democratic party of Geor- what right or authority do tha sailors and I - r * mtrinM of ths United Stats* act aa anx-1 * *. . , . . .... mart* to the English In their violent M- , There h« Ireen no uprising In hls tre- ..niton .country wilh which tho Cnltod P** 1 '’ Tb,r * b “ bMn n0 nnanlmlty or btates la at peso*? I enuiutiatm. In every county In tbo State I lilt candidacy bM been contested, and at Tna Brooklyn Democrats voted for tho his back this day are a cboeen few who Bav. J. Hystt timitb, the monumental | »«>'’' rally lo him, right or wrong, at any Balasmite. Initead ot nominating a candi-1 saenfleo and under all circumstance*, d it# of their own. Now, if they oan pro-1 whilst,the balance of bis supporter., cold, sure the neceeeary rope., tbe Brooklyn I Indlfirrent and balf bearted, have been SamoeraU ought lo go oat and hang them- marshalled by machine method* to crown ' \'* n 1,B '* ,b * earthly him and lo enuh tbo party. Far ilia Bome Courier* Ono other correction—unimportant perhaps, but still we desire to be correctly qaotal. Wo did not say that wo could have supported Mr. Raton “with much mor* cordiality than Mr. Stephens" if ho had rooclvod tho indorsement of tho party, but that we could have supi>ortcd him “with much cordiality." Tho word "more” was inserted la copying It into ths Tki.eomaI'U, and was not in tho articlo as written by us and printed In tho Courier. Thc extract from the Rome Courier to which we replied In last Wednesday's TSLEaitAPU AND MESSENGER, UUdflr the heading "No Stephens Tidal Wave,” was taktgi from the Atlanta Constitution where we saw it. The extract was faith fully followed In our paper. We are not in the habit of changing tho language of contemporaries In order to get a good shot at them. If our uelghbor of tbe Courier will refer to the Atlanta Constitution ot the Dili Inst, he will And that our extract was published exactly as lt appeared In that paper—among tho clippings from State papers on Us editorial page. We did not see the article at all in tbe Courier, aud we had no reason for believing that tbe Atlanta paper would Insert the word "more" in tbo editorial of a Stephens editor, In any connection—much less In such an one as that in question. For if It had boeu a correct reproduction of what Brother Martin wrote—and we had every reasou for believing it was—lt could but have placed our usually exact and eautioua old friend in something of a •dilemma. We hope oar Rome contemporary will refer to the Atlanta paper of the Vlh Inst, and aee for himself that the word "more 1 was In the article to which we replied, and that it was not "inserted in copying it into tbe Txi.KORApn,” This much Is due us. It is not "unimportant" to be exonerated from tbe charge of having been guilty of a deliberate piece of Jour nalistic shyster practice. This is why we call attention to tbe matter. saaaon why such men should cumber the | political field. (lev Urowu*a UlfS* In memory ols lo* child and to do OoxoaxMXAx Wmrx, the Kentucky. •rank, wants rn amtndment to theeoosti-1 • charity to worthy and struggling young i(|on in favor of female suffrage. We I nien, Gov. Brown has donated fifty thou i White no other bltsalng than that of I sand dollars to the Slate University, tbe aamlaj a bine-stocking. He ought to be I income from which Is to be need for edu< permitted to enjoy tbe pain cf constant j cational purposes, association with one of tbe long tongued The aian who gives hls own money I away to others baa an undoubted right male women of England, look upou him again In life, but cheer, ed aud strengthened by the sublime cour-1 do its duty, age of a dying man. The days of the grest Georgian are I In the Frltlsh (Service, numbered lo * in the scale of numeration. I To characterize the conduct of the Uni Ferbapseven before these lines shall meet I ted States naval commander in Egyptian the eyes of th*ise for whom they are writ- j waters before, during aud after the bora< ten, he may havo looked hls last on earth. I bardinent of Alexandna by tbe British He has spokeu words that we consider I fleet *s shameless, is to speak of it in very a proud privilege to convey to our fellow-1 mild terms. There was something pitiful Ge irgisns. They embrace and convey ] in the ridiculous bravado of Commander solemn truths, the'very basis upon which I Nicholson's message to the Arab soldiers our present political situation reals. Shall I tbit, if they fired upon hls ships, ho they fall on dull aud idle ears ? Ecclesi-1 would return the fire. What was the astic law lias glveu to priestly shrift all of [ roasou for our belligerent naval officer to the solemn weight of truth. Tin civil law I suppose that any such thing was coutem> bolds in tbo highest esteem the dying j plated by the Egyptian gunners f There declarations of him wounded unto death. 1 was absolutely no reason whatever for Can we fall to accept the words of this 1 supposing thatthere was any purpose on i, our neighbor, our friend, who stands I the part of the Egyptian authorities to upon the border land of eternity, who I go out of their way to commit has laid aside earthly hope aud ambition I an act ot war against the United from his heart and filled it alone with I States, and tbe attitude of the Amer* yearnings for the welfare of bis people ? I lean commander was that of stupid But that his tongue Is paralyzed, that 1 and contemptible bravado. It would his strong arm is wasted by disease, the I not have been indulged in had Egypt convention which assumes to represent I been able to resent gratuitous Insults. Georgia Democracy would assemble I Does any man suppose that any such in* under different auspicies this day. As it is, I suiting challenge would have be^n given parly is called together to take counsel I to England, or France, or Germauy ? of Its fears, to act under an apprehension I Was it even decent to flaunt In tho laces lest some one shall gather the negro vote I of the authorities of Alexandria their and dominate it. No candid roan can I weak and hopeleis condition, by placing deny this assertion. I a chip on tho shoulder of Robeson's tube, Will Georgians, after hearing from j * nd d,rlD 8 th ® Arabl » n « uuner * 10 knock their great and dying Senator, act uuder Itoff? The course of Commander Nich- an inspiration so dsngbrous and demoral-1 °^*° n * n matter involved cowardly Izlng f I bravado towards the Egyptians and dis- The part, that truckle. In the face of I graceful flttnlxylim towanlx the Engll.h. danger, that diplomatizes with an enemy I ••• our reading, we have never seen over the spoils of cfflcc, has lost the conr- raore P !llful e*kibltlon of had manners age which achieves victories, and may I » nd disgusting effrontery tliau character inarch to lu death In advance of tbe 1 Uei conduct under review, leader who would paint U to the road of I But Robeson's gallant tars did not get triumph, evon though he be stricken down I tho anxiously sought provocation for with a mortal hurt. | opening fire on Alexandria. Tbeir oft fleers cruised around and placed the old Cominc Down From HU lllsti Moral J tubs in the way of the fire of the Egyp- a .ret,.,0V? ql.nh.n. ... tl,n »rttllerists, but the wounds that they inf£ SE «»t* were not given; and ao the gal- Viiii ,.i i g., —Vw7tw.ii -Isa I navy of beastly Robeson lost tbe op high moral Ideas, who believed In IrtUog I the office seek the man. Then be would or „ op * n '”f flr0 , T? lh !, cblc .. r .. .... . . I city of a nation wilh whom the United ‘ ’ h Z “ T ™ u , SM » '• “ •*««. »«d *>‘ b whom ft hu public life,” at tho end of hla present I . . » , , . , . L.....rei„Li re™ .,,.1 ..rere ,1.. absolutely no cause whatever for variance It Is eireedingly breasn In a Nortlmrn ,0 tt “ cb 1 V’^ lb »« ndl “®“ japarto mak. sneeUl rahrenea to lo . use, and tiff* Governor Brown has done staneM of violence In th. Booth. That. I ,n * m “ wr u Mcma good unto himself, areadoundred. ofvlolmea ~i|h^i I lie deserves the thinks of bis f.llow-dU- talhr North to where one I. committed In I z « u , Mb. will doubtlru receive tbe I Booth i end here, th* vut majority of ] blcremgs ot future beneficiaries, that ont tli*eriix.t&arccoismltt4d ty theneitrce.—I of Ills plenty ha has made provision for s special wards ot these Northern Peck-1 tb* reedy during ble life time. It it not proper or polite to “look a gift .. ... ..I tan* lu the tnouth," but we do regret, P^«l.r time «d U ft tnothsradilorleLin the«am*ia-1 dld *°t 1° •*• somewhat dltfstent dlr*^ rtaiuty ot the station of Sen. I tlon ' ('Mils reasonable to seppoM that The State Unlvenity already affords ■led of its editor needs reoonitrne-1 Isrge opportunities for rducatiooal edrau- I tags* to ambitious aod struggling youths. ~7~. . —’ . I As she becomes able, Georgia will no t’l in tha Boothseitjr wheas add to there, art interests .re CDS wlid-r founds , “ ““., “*7',. , _ „ hu.tLowotM.eon, or on. thatofiere ,"*.r“ ld T U “ t Ttnents to active and ener- * i,en ,bi P* !tl “«>X *»lde for hi. boy m.a. The fnlore of oer city for the foundttlon of a polytechnic school, i ot great promise. It is the geo-1 which should have hone and perpetuated oca? tonal and bosioeaa center I •** name. and is equal to the respond-1 There need be no fear but that Georgia Cl thereby devolved upon It, I will furnish rutl annual quotas to tba R „„_V learned potation*. All iDdicaUon* point shiicatir* eounUy euyagre, I “ th * ,ut ik*t >he u abundantly eeeded detent with Us Quaker l 8 * <«uilag crepe of politteiac*. he iodoreed tbe war I 5 he lacks men who can build engine* , test. West and nalimi-1 **d factories and ran and manage them, of foreigner* waged spot, th* j Abe want* tugiueen, architects, artisans 1 the dreolstioo which I Id ill of ths Irata, spedaltsU who cao rpeopi* wUhoetre-1 command capital to rear Industries at sx. John Bright discounted ! bome, and Gw next step aba lake* In tdu- Uef in th* maxims I rational progress should he In that dirae- Cottetx Ntatemenl According to the Financial Chronicle of July Stb, the receipts of cotton from September 1,1681, up to last Friday night, July 14th, were 4,039,115 bales, against 5,122/145 bales In 1881, and against 4,800,895 bales for 1S8U at corres ponding date, showing a falling off of],- 002,330 bales compared with 1881, aud as compared with corresponding date of 1860 of 220,180 bales. Tbe receipts during the past week end lug on FriJsy night last were 8,143 halo, against 18,199 hales In 1881, and against 10,091 halos in 1680. Stocks in tbs interior towne on tbe 14th InsG wen 35,401 bales, again** 14,003 hales at tame date In 1881. Stock at Macon on 14th Inal. 913 bales, against 3/118 bale* at asme date in 1881. TbsloUl visible supply of cotton on FriJsy the 14th Inst wet 1,833,294 beta, against 2,115,543 In 1881 and ngalnst ,158,210 hales in 1880. These figures show e decrease of cotton In tight on last Friday, of 292,249 bales, as compared wilh yam. date In 1881, and an in crease compared with 1880 of 05,018 hale*. Middling cotton on last Friday way quoted in Liverpool merket at 0 15-10, and at yams date lest yeer at S 9-10, ■ vUt I r. hire dess* that, to piece I the JsoobSes, end yes be I piece to e blslyAt Gov. Brown I* cat- end his ex ample A tor | >< held ap far tmnlettai to assay Geor- , fjeaa who can wall afiord to follow It. I Tut preliminary eampeign through whies Uw Democratic party ot (worm* Htesjaa passed i— -11 oes^^B !hrn*m*s Win com* dsy leans jta.: 0»tof tbs seormofuta lo tbeper- I la to be gained by attempts to • ty, that hurt Uw late’i et lo U greet lead- nt entitled to ’ ere, there art not half a dozen thet hove enreknting th*manb»l toopmly fight th* esU.ef n Demo- \ taeMsm In ih* parly. TU people are lu'. k U _ lev, and there who should U Uwu ieadsts Cougreatlonal term, and accept tho nonr lutUon, for the office of governor, “If un mistakable evidence should be furnished” or controversy The English ships, however, continued Wants from th* Border at density A tew deys since, In company with friend, we celled upon Seuetor Hill. W Usd twl seen him since tbo early days of the Hancock campaign, at a time when hla grievous affliction had not begun excite apprehension. Met st the door by th* faithful son who bears hla name, we were Informed that ws could bat pass Into hit room and shake hls hand, aa hla strength was going with the deepening shadows of tb* dose ot a summer day. In a comlortabl* sluing room near a window sat th* great orator In an Inva lid's chair, while the tender bands of a daugtber fanned hla fevered brow. There was nothing left of Ben Hill hut th* great gaunt form and the luminous eye*. These, mad* larger by pain and sulkring, seemed lob* surcharged with hit soul, and almost capable of speech. With hls collar thrown open at th* neck, hi* hands hanging listlessly upon ih* arms of th* chair and hi* head slightly Inclined down and forward, be reminded us of lb* dying Napoleon, as Illustrated In tb* celebrated statu* to the Corcoran Art Gallery, while hi* eye* followed on* wltb a sad and questioning power like onto those el Charlotte Conley peering through the ben of bar prison window. Mottonlag ns to a chair near hla own, he grwped our band and sat for many moment* fixedly gating into our face, as If lo read oar thou gilts. dy he raised himself, end, trouv hlm “lhat It was tho will of tho people tb * ir uncalled-for and inaxctuable at- that ha should so terve.” 1IU atrlkere I Mult 11 P 011 A>«xanilrl* aud Its defenses, then began to proclaim tha existence of a mM “» ,ort * w »” ln *“>“ » nl bo!w ' mighty toom-a gnmnd-awell-for ,u. I >"6* »f the city were In flames. It began old Commoner, which wat literally tear- t0 look *» lr Kobeton’t gallant tars would Irg up th* State. I get no opportunity to signify their active Tbu lias been kept up moat Indus- lodonemcnt ol British violence towards trloualy nutll now, in tho hope that the I * weab * nd comparatively defenseless people would be'boodwlnked Into accept. •* 0 P le ’ Th9 b »t’.le wes over, Arabl Bey log him aa an Inevitable evil, Tb!. » nilbl * Midler, wet* on the retreat, the tnck hu not been aa successful aa the eftj In* tb. deal and Ih. dy- ring leaders hoped It would, and In con- •»«*•« •«««*» about In heaps, and sequence, other and more desperate mesa- u “ “ 1|0 " » Bj «flta United urea have been resorted to. Mr. Stephens I Slu '* b ‘ J “one nothing of a material, baa hastily com* down from hls high P TOrt cbBr,ct * r - w ,l « n,1Ua »talr bostlU- moral perch. He has left hla post , t lylo the cause of Egypt and their flunky- Washington, where, by reeeon of bit In. I l,k » »»bserv!ency to tb* violent and law- firmltlea, he hat hut poorly discha'gsd I “«'•• or the robber nation of the the duties Incumbent upon him, at en lm-1 c * rtk • U* 00 WM •o •* lost. So haa- portant moment, and chaperoned by Joe I l *'X •“»«•■« bU boate and nur.dng Btowd, he has come to Atlanta I •tam with armed men, there American unseemly —— I auxiliaries of England's Bittern aud by questionable means, this “aontte-1 P° kc X lauded, with arms lu their takahle evidence” that th* peonle went I tahds, on the soil of a counlry with him to ran for the office of governor. I wk,ck lk * United States is at pe*c®> »ud Than ho wat In favor of letting the otffc* I pre^ded in full accord with the BrltUb ■eck the man, but now tbe men, at much *° •* lkln « , ,0 f, « k “> »«ordiug to the trouble and coat, tnd at a ascrlflc* ol 111* I Brlli * k protramme. duties If the tnut confided lo him aa a I U it not at all wonderful lhat the Brtt- Congrctaman, U seeking the office. Now I ish should speak In the highest terns of look upou this picture and Uieii upon I the valor and prowess of the volunteers, that, | famished by tb* American fleet, to ren der more efiectiro their occupation of tha Tn* Electlunceriiix Tour. I most Important commercial city In Egypt. For the Oral time In onr political bisto-1 The London DaU, Telegraph has the fol- ry, eo far a* our Infoimatiougoes,tba pro-1 lowing, going to show how earnest their pie ot Georgia wltnere tbe unseemly spec-1 American allies were In tha work of mak- tacle of a Georgia Senator and a Geor-1 Ing the English victory complete gla Congressman openly deserting tbeir | ThU moraine th* seUoss drew np their Get- posts in Washington, and neglecting, at I Mnnuos end iheaurinaa were ontered to Ihemotl Important stage of the session, |»*edy tee an auack. Bome tcouu hml i the duties which they were elected and wonl Ar * bl WM Ihe * nr t 7 . , ,7,, lUh sailors cammanleale-l wl* the Americans an paid, to disc Large, to log-roll In a I aod ukeU them to ret rr*3r aoj be I>rvp«re,l Blue convention, for the purpose of pro-I on hemrinx Uie alert sound. Th* seamen *1 curing another office forth* unfaithful I the Pataeol Justice end at the American con- Congressman In question, lt Is probable I ral * u wcre.prepared, and having got alt their tU —d, °. Mr. Stephens will na fm«y ^hrerd":^ our way of purtlng tbe cam, but they will I vu not be able lo show the Ineorrectnen of I Tbo Morning rost, another Euglleb pa . . . . preexed multitudes seek relief on some of and a bandit be may beijaitae those wlio I the numerous excursions to parks, sea know him best declare; but It would beechre. or/rthsrrnmmerreaortswhlch are . .a *t. a ai . ... . .. 1 . I noC€%%lb\e to nil the great Northern seem that those epithets are entirely too cities He is a real philanthropist modest to meet tbe merits of a man who who provides great breathing places like canned tn dUannaar In Hm dava when c e nt «d «“»“ Proapect imrka, for the reore- causea to disappear, m Uie days when tUon and pie», nre of the great masses of Grant defiled the White House, some- I poor people.who can never nope to get out where In tho neighborhood of a hundred of tight of New Jork nnd Brooklyn. Once M rrUm . a week, if poof tener, the poor women who million dollan« The words thief, | \\ T0 garrets and sleep on roofs, and the “bandit,” "robber,” aio entirely too nar- poor bod carriers whose work lasts from row to cover the great girth of Robeson’, hlKesM ”$1 raicaHty— and there are probably meaner l who serve in shops and tTeep in cellars, than be ln tb? Jacobin army. find freedom in the fresh air of Central Ccitainly, “the Republican party must I f.nd " th « e°on DB eurf of Coney h. be turned out,” but when, where aud Even Maoon derives benefit from her how U Itto be done 2 Tho thieve, ought Jffc ffSSgtSSS to go as a matter of course. They cannot would bo worth all it has cost the dtj in be persuaded logo of their own accord, Rn 1 d l T ® 3 ?M on *. ... * rusk. a , * IConey Bland is the favorite resort for a certainty* 1 hey cannot be forced to I thousands of New Yorkers. Htrangers go, for they control ail tbe engines of ought always to visit it. It is not so far aa nrswfir tn tha -nmiirv th^v vn Ix,D * Branch, yet the beach ia much power in the country. Gan tbe j be io. flner . Hotels and boarding .houses ted out ? They were voted out in 1&70, | abound, and everything is provided but they the aid i other laiuts yet living, counted themselves I land Dl*nd. 'a fine hotel, with certain Brain if tro &rn tn wntn them ont communication with tho main land, and , 8 ... . ! 1 , l " em out Pcstal fncilitiM would attract hnndiede again, will the Sura promise that the rcc- who now seek cool air in other localities, ord shall stand after ft la made ? Chan- 1 ,*°° k ‘J 1 *' lb «rty of raggeaUng to Ms dler.ndG.rfleld.nd will not I teJ.uSf^lg'Lr^i'tehK'.MtaSdh, put up a game on us tha next time ; but | *recting a fine hotel on Cumberland. 1 will the Sun vouch fur It that there are not endapru‘at‘ble “u^Mtm.nUns^ knaves enough left among the Jacobins I hands. to run (he same old diabolical Hayes \ he*rdDr. Deemsprereh. •eatiraeteitl lea lOAi* Th.ra I. «ra *tra«K» I \n^° H 0t him SS mUch tS schedule lo 19o4 7. There U no doubt many others, I nevertheless regard him as about it: "The Republicans must be a great man. He boa accomplished much turned OOL” Let the Sun get to turning. | gg* 8?^rin?t'hi‘'frion“ hlp^?h'“vin‘ AA.wi.u.... ■ saffcsrtKgr We referred the other day. In a short 1 ont of anch Southern people aa the chances paragraph, to the fact that rem. ”.nlra.- MM tion” was exhibiting Itself among Mexl- a e rbilt bought a church building and pre can politicians. Now the report comet | "ented it to Dr. Deems, and into this build- from Matnmorat to th. effect that a band £Si %2H revolutionists, small in number, j preaches to one of the largest eongrega- wretched l» a»p«t. and animated by the ^ h f k, r 0 ^'.SmLTU love of plunder—the ruling passiou of the m0 et of tbe fashionable preachers do. He Greaser—under the the lead of Emillano I seldom leaves hie pulpit, and tbe stranger Daniel and Zlaptada, have esp-1 ^^Tn LU ch“*’ ^ turedtbetownofTonalaChespai, released I in the evening I sought the church of all the ranvlct. and armed them, *"d ^^0^,w^te. raised Cain generally. This Is a genuine | preaebc n ol this great city. To my great showing of Mexican animation. There it disappointment I foend the doors ctosed nothing that ao much cnthuwa the aver- ff^hls churah tiTremilB^pm^Au- age Ureaser at the prospect of plunder. | gust." Wending my way to tho beautiful He 1. not at all fastidious. He nto all Ufr.^WuTre oMlm b .“^SUr.' alike, and with equal avidity. Cem- benullfnt ohant and the benediction. Ho eterlea and churches, priests and laymen, with.this good stopping plant 1 will a*y alike fall to meet reunion or meicy at ^ n, a ht * w n " hls hands. The Greaser ia a natural foot- New Yoes, July 12,1882. pad; but on occasions, when armed and J Editors Telegraph and Messenger: The the best graded, wo pawed over the two mils* in five minutes. When some time after Mr. S. d-ova np he said: "How do yon like those horses?" "They go too fast for me." was my reply. "Oh, I only wanted to bhowyon that we bad something in thia country that can step.” He nnd his son, Robert Beney. Esq., n gentU man pf the same noble instincts aa his fa»b- P . lerjenomber of blood t Jbot.eE‘‘in’dccd; the7 seem to hare « regular st ck farm. In ids collection ia n magnificent lull blooded Kentucky stallion jnst five years oiu* 1*6 is tho most tapiib horr-e I ever siw. I could only wieh tlint a certain Na tional Bank president in Macon, who b a oonnokaeur in ho we fle«h m well a- bank bills, could visit Mr. 8.’e atables and look at the fine animals he has in keeping. Hehaathe mother of Mr. Vanderbilt’s great horse, and though she is eighteen years o'jl, she holds a high head nnd steps with tbe air of a queen. Mr. 8. aid t "You cun now say that yon have seen the animal that has made ths fastest three consecutive m l *8 on record.” He hav only horses of tbe beat pedigree, and values a horse ac cording to its pedigree. Hit son Robert promised to furnisn me the pedigrees of all his beat horses, as I thought Tt would be interesting to some of onr Macon people who are fond of fine stock. I am sorry 1 could not get the record before writing this letter. This is the region for the famous Jersey ocw. I aaw many of them on Mr. B.’t place, worth, he said, from $250 to $1,000. "Whit makes them so val uable ?” " rbeir pedigree," was his answer. Mr.S. is a practical man. He has his farm near him, where he raises corn, oats, wheat and potatoes; his orchard and kitchen garden where he raises apples, peaches, apricots, pears and vegetables. Green pease, long since gone ont of sen- m n with us. were just in tneir prime in his garden, while raspberries, currants nnd strawberries were abundant* His homo ia the abode of great domestic comfort nnd happiness. His wife is a lady of gentle manners and easy grace, idolized her husband nnd children and presiding as a queen in her beantifol home. Barents anc. children dwell harmoniously together, for while it is a home of wealth it is also a home of piety. This is a beantifol country. I have never seen more charming landscapes, and more beantifol scenery than greet the eye on every side in this hill country of New Jersey. Somo of our best citizens were born and reared in this locality or near here. If Charles B. Free man is a fair sample of the people they most be all clever. Last winter at the South Georgia conference I agitated the matter of erecting a monument to Dr. Lovick Fierce in tbe Wesleyan Female College grounds. Mr. Beney snw a notice of it in the Atlanta Constitution, and wrote mo at once, giving the matter his hearty endorsement, saying "there is no name North or South that I would prefer to hon or than that of Lovick Piero*." llo alluded tu thc matter thc other day, and is exceed ingly anxious to cm the matter accom plished. He said to me: "Go ahead, do all yon can to get it up and then write to me." Now, won’t our good people, Meth odists and others in Maoon and else* •where, contribute to this good work ? It wocld not be right for Mr. beney to bnild it. He could do it, bat it would not look wall. He has already endowed a profes sorship which bears the name of Lovick PiOro-, bnt he thinks we ought to honor ourselves, onr church as Methodists, and, our college, cf which Lovicx Pierce wns nn early nnd constant friend, by erecting a chaste and beautiful monument in tho oollege grounds. Ihe very expression of tho wish to see this done by onr gener ous beno factor, and who is willing to aid in its accomplishment, ought to secure it. The worn* n of Georgia owe Lovick Pierce a monument, nidi hope the alnmn.*® of Wesleyan will take thcr matter ia band at once. W. 0. B. Male noil Fcmralo fiiuilcnti Received. The want of a practical school of teleg raphy, upon which telegraph nnd railroad companies can depend 1 or competent nnd reliable operators, hu prompted tho un- dersigned to open a school in which shall tsught all the requirements necesiary fit a person for practical service. Tbe course embraces: 1st A thorough knowl edge of battericftvnarhiuery, and wire* in practical use in Telegraph office*. 20* A thorough knowledge of trankmi*sion and reception of ineMnges and pros* report* over a line. 3d. A thorough knowledge of book*, account* and forms in practical u*e *“ "11 well regulated telegraph offices* 4th. thorough knowledge of rales governing the handling o! business in such offices. Our teaching arrangement and construe- tion of desks and basis are nusurpussed. Circulate nulled free. \V. W. Cuaxiv, Proprietor, y» Peachtree street, Atlanta. Ga. euv position. TU prereuse ot Senator | breilu rartb| editorially, Into lU Brown and ReprtepUJ... BlepUn. In , 0 . lng Uralai , >ft . r having recited tU Atlenta, at this lime, furnishes I g,;|, nt dMdl of ft om ( h* .*»- tenter demonstration oJ lire fret .Ut „ Uo f Rottaon’a n.^t ^LTntlT^ H^sS A TU behaviour ol the American admiral and .worn duties, at a Uure of tbo session of hlt m ,„ „ a Uun , Irl> „ pnim . Congress when the public Interests stand I Amid diplomatic protests. European concern moat In need of tbeir presence at tbeir I end conferences and naval demonstrations ot poet* of duty. Tbo purpose for which I Is refreshlne to endacommud- ttrey bare drafted tbeir ports, at tb* sac 1 ** wbo laaM. an* wtitag. - 4IU, rtf faithful stream Ira .l.s, m U Ik.l I Count, to mj WtlAt b« taluk* MU OW nc rtfleo of lailbrulaess to duty, Is that of In-1 Myi< , gi xtjr marine*, .hnirelly speekinc, could fluendng tbe choice of the Democrat,c I not do niJch, bu^re VTw.^?glvi«^ convention, In favor of Mr. Stephens. UUI P° rt which quadruple* lu value. The comlurt presents |q AiUntf, on such a mission, I o( American* during the night of the nhtnn drilled and brought under some degree of i»J), 10th and lltli days of this month wilt mliliary discipline, be can rise to tbe Mat- be remembered here aa intensely hot. I ure of a highwayman. can recall fow snob day. in Macon the But the second Daniel end hla band of »' e “ nl "**® B - Tta oere. of Sntutrok. In marauder, came to grief at tbe town of numcrow, m»ny of them fa- Tonal. Cheapas. They were ret upon b, from a large band of Grearerr, anitr Santa ^ o[ lh|< ftlI , talt ,, Anna Uausman, and put to ffleht. How ^ th , rmom , Ur 01 m , rkl . Mgh „ any man, named Santa Anna, could whip Umperalnrc, but our acatterad boom, a man, named Daniel, or anything else open Iota and broad streets nllow a free except Tope or Banks, or the like, la I circulation of th* atr. Hero th* streets, more than we can say. Wo are Inclined I sidewalks and boose* are of atona or brick, to believe that Daniel was not whipped, I Tb* city is compactly built and the homes that be merely “foil bsck in good order,’’ [arovory high-fir* and eix stcrise, and that lain “headquarters are In the many of them higher. Tbeir adsorption ot saddle,” and that we .ball yet bear of Uw !‘ M, ^ arlB f ^ dB J ^ ‘ rr “‘“ “**“ lh * 7 - .A,' A —A- -a rtls.n^mrelnra wrraural.F I Io># b f during Ih* Bight, tnd itigbiy deeds ot plundering wrought by I. _ i ..j. V. la aMtifwina , _ t,_ _ ,a,a, | hence they are upl oomUsUj wurm* 'Die hands. It is gratifying to know that | hnrablar n ro th* «hi*r Daniel aud hla band of heroes contem* _ plate no attack on tbe United States.! day to the hot sun and occupy cToea,”mU-' Undertb. prerent tack from such a source would threaten compelled to labor for tbeir daily bread our Institutions with overthrow and *ub-1 until prostrated by tbo beat Tbe facili- •mmmiran I tleo for tre3«i>orUUou are very great Tbe version. , | sUges or omnibases on Broedwsy, tho ^ street bone care and elevated rsilrjais on The Tribune I *cu»**lir. I ^venuce famish rapid means of transit The more th# Dibble plan o! redtorlctinc fr om one point toanotherT Tbe elevrted Booth Carolina tn favor of the Democrats Is ex* I railway baa become a public necessity. amlnc<1, the more iniquitous It Is seen to be.- They are crowded sometimes beyond v y Tribune I standing room, and are managed with such It is not tob. wondered at lh.ttb.HlJ fr/'rjSdStf lartfASSSt ble plan, or any other Democratic plan, of I isnoas of travrt, tt Is liksly that at no dis. redutrlcung South Carolina ahonld excite 10 ““** tbe displeasure of the Jecobln editor of cs Sunday, loth lust., I made a <U||I the New York Tribune. No arrange- nt»n that gtnenree betefsetor and friend ment of .bo counties Into district, by JSSJEMUS Democrats cuuid expect to find favor in I he ia tbe honoredand sncc:sTfnI president, the right »t tb. editorial rerpent that blre- ^Wf rironteS'SSrk^g'S’ted nro e* oat Its hatred of the South, and all I with a cordial ■tnUq and hearty welcome, thinrs Southern, from the scat once and said: "I am glad you came. I wanted occupied by . detent «hlte {S^mre^rayUdjyJwant man—even if be was a fanatic. | letter •• by a personal interview." I rep- •• ^ pgruauiggs&ss know that tbe Democrats of the bouth- architect, had been redly at farit In bte am Stele* do mft propose to send North estimate of ito cost Tha gaoerona man • ... ,■ r . said: "I bavaao time to telk now. Yon to get the Chandlers, Davenports aud mall g0 wltll ^ ; am 4oic s n 10 other Jacobin wkaif-rate to come down work of praridant and cashier to-day, and and arrant, according to JiHal'“^roo/Xo tt'VhlS Jacobin Ideas. Tire Democrats of the j g.v» at firat, and Dr. llaigood’. hall at Boutb are not fool* enough to lose any op- Oxfonl will oo.t double what the architect Flotlluff AKMlmtllM Hue*. Poston Poet. The Chicago AVwe knows of thirteen circus clown# who have retired to farm life. We Bbouldjudge that a clown wouM do well aa a Urmcr. II# would only hare to cq ont Into the flelda and recite tome of hla oW jukes to tend the potato bug* away on tha dead ran. Tlie Itciavou Wliy, PhilaJetph a Estes. The Rev. Dr. McCook reyt that hU Idea of Mutiday Kboel journal is ono which would . All up with oermon* and portry. It ia not a de- tire jo spite .Ur. McCook wnlch kcepa the #4ll- tore from Printing that kind ol a Journal; It It one suGcrlbcr U y runnlnrf ft W** with only Not Tel Aleck*a Mote, Hut n DooO Re tort. lioUimors Day. From the Blot* of Alexander H. Stephens w# expect better thin** than the aaMaatnatkm of tie«roeaM unfortunate oa to have small pox. The ahot-gim ia a barbarous caution Mainsl the loath-Nime disease."— Pkda lrt,,Kis Press. To hare been absolutely fair tbe Prooo should have stated that the shot guns referred to were In tlie hands of tiecroca, wodby them used to murder one of their owe race to Prevent hla re* appearance among them after he had recovered fauatie. | tetter •• by a personal iutenriew." * .,Ji — the ship s befl aolmaly toffing. and all the air tilled with the aoUmutty < f the moeaeat. a ' - ut, .usMeoly discovering the*; nine out Iu»tllr. "Th ere *he tbe lookout had time to repeal dropped M* t lux Into tbe ringing be. rate. Illeglaas aooo r lookout's rry, ami fron I*cr htllijwt.1 out. as only a **il« “Knock oil tolling the bell!" "Clear away the Loau!" "Heave th*l nlgjfvr ortrboar And they hovehlm. Coimtru bv such caule u wouM meet Hi* whrtbec they sc* able to do anything , I or not. 1 told him oer people are geo. tavor cf the thing that does its biasing In | .rally poor, soma ot thrai mat beginning tb* editorial columns of the Tribune. It to Improve thrtr fortune*, bat that u.n* b ^.,. n .,L„ h.„ I-.-.-, I of those crileri rich bad been sdnested in possible they may have learned »»*• Uio graeo of giving, and war* not likely to thing Irom lladlctl gerry minders ln Naw I part with their money to aid tnaiitattoos Tork, I’enneylvanla, Ohio and IlllDOte. Aa the TVtoimeclaims that ite aectlon I eenreredltegivtegmy^Sey lofrereray from Loins; bava b * * ■ “ needy objeete at ha* tba finest teachers In tbe world, I trom boms; It might not to be anrprUed that I 1 , lho ogh‘ ■taw. that be Is physically able lob. I ^ Southern Democ.-eU slumld .bow l™S3to'7K^hre my talSS « present In bit seat In Congress. Hla ab-1 r-n... aptnea* in catching even tbeir most at ad-1 V“ 1 « tl i e f! r lf h led methods. Northcru teachers have | building. 1» it goid and rtxong—oot Congress. Iiis al>- j iu.lau*. from his port of doty, then, It plain j extremely probable that “the con- ■ - neglect of duly; and U furnlahe. . very L^rtthe Amerkan.” contrasted of gerryman- poor argument in fkvoc of hls being en- j markably with thet ot tbe French and JeriugaSiaw. Wa do not know which trarted with another public office. Ub. Ualiara.” It w^tertmol, In ralrli Sooth Creolln. eopted. W. I SSidi ’^UsSTteTbiSib^SlK tat” neglects Julie* now *bkb be la able to I hi, contr aft with what it should have in know tbe could nc* have had “>“*i SotidreteSTrere- Ul “ **"' * **” “° discharge, what assurance bav. tta J „*!*, um o, tteUons, and in ‘"mMetotofitog a Jacobin precedent Tbeirsl dlyV. went together tohi. *L peqte thet be would be true to tUmUe. lh. tradition, end custom, of our f««w»Ptablog wbrtever party porpo-1 y«t "Mtoowtara* fa tamereot raooty. In tb* eOc. which be h reriUog. ton . lpl The United Btete^ In the re**be mey haveUdlnhand. It I. tta. M ten [flee of long run. will not fiaduanlt* eo”refr*ab- »er the reckenlff of tbe Tribune to leese I reiqgy. On arriving attboraUioadeta- praemit dntta ? Qaertsou. of phyrtcalln-1 in^ ^ wa. to tb* EagUsh, to bav. “a offhls bypocrUlcal enlvalling. What ft S^^^tSSr/bSgJilbSSurafl competency .side, the presence of Mr. j commander wlio la able and willing, on Stephens aod Jilt influential chaperon, j jjt own account* to sav what be tbiuke ld: tanrtor Brown, ln Attesita, at this Ume, Ug *, ZTZ rey^“ in entag.r^ “I bed deetred to Ure tor two reesea* tnd under catering drcartateacaa, for-1 uk. that -, lw review. HU b tbe policy cLI'.l amoeg which we* tbwt 1 might have ntebea an ananswerable argument In fs- 1 oflL- Radical administration to enter mad* a speech, winch 1 bad pmriy pev mr etdetoeltec th* arir-eoaghf, self mged leu an alliance with Croat BrUrin, to.- ja1j7wum SSSS ZVSElSXSt white nren InGroryla I could have Itrcu found * •' L -- c.»niiUua:n v<lt,r In NaEctunry. tnggjtegbm^tejrndnulmrtm. The safe ships fold their snowy wingi lieneeth the evcnlu star. In this calm boren rocked to sleep All nlxht they swine and sway. Till mamles o’er tho morning deep Tbe golden blush of day. Hm*. mft from all the atoms o( fate, » rom worldly rage and seorn, TbusJetmofbhl my hanrt and wall Whllo all njXf lone o'er moon lit turf The Nblud UlnRw In from Ur Tb- ntoa»»‘riZ of the baffled surf Athwart tbe harbor her. —Wm IViuttr in Harper’s for JZaust. No Time for Cemiioujr. Bmrtinoten Uselepe- At the Ume when the Nantucket whaling trade was at lu scnlth a sperm froa that point in the Pacific had the misfortune u loee the black cook. Mow while this lw functionary lay on the plank In the g ■hroude^lin htstc -NV»r York letter in t\e Ihtrolt Your orrerpondent Ixt Rut Me t..:let». A slr.-i m» M f--r a »rtti*waag»MWored»ttin r.ia.l . f*.M*.nanddre|--.l wilh silk lulled small flowi-r*. .\t the fo<jt of the t‘ ggagg 'ggs^taaa rxquhiu- was a costume cu ‘ from Charleston, «- C. virtuous in the Jacobin* cannot be aa nn-1 uj driver pardonable ala lo the Dcroocrata. VTiixixw Aar hv» bad tU erappe band and Lrcdich'.ng of h‘s op. preparatoEF to senji Crarfordvillo.