Georgia weekly telegraph, journal & messenger. (Macon, Ga.) 1880-188?, August 04, 1882, Image 5

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DH. FELTON lie tlio >1 I lie ft to Ifteniocr Urn lode Nr. nirpltrou niul UuliiiM Him ns Che luilcui'iiilnit CniidlilnCe. [Special Telegram.] Carterhtilxe. Ga., Jaly 27.—Dr. Felton has jait finished speaking. He had a very largo audience, livery seat in the largo and comfortable coart room was filled and even standing room wav difficult to be had. llo spoke for nearly three hoars, holding his andienco almost spellbound. 1 hare beard expressions on all sides, and it is considered one of the finest political speeches he has erer delivered in their hearing, and that it will cirry him through the campaign to his rigbtfal seat on the tloor of Congresfi whero be belong! and where he can be of valuable service to his people, who love him and are determined that he shall bo their leader sad their next representative from the seventh district of Georgia. The first portion of his addrega was dcvoted to an enforcement of the usages nnd principles of representative Democratio government—a government by the people and for the people; the peo- plo ruling, governing—all sovereignty lodged in thoir hands; every law the ex- pre'sion of the popular will, and every executive order the embodiment of popular command. Such is Democ racy. Independent Democracy in Georgia inscribes there principles upon its ban ners; by them we propose to stand or fall. Democracy is not simply a name o ganization, but it is that sentiment and po- litical action that keeps the people always in chargo of the government; that sin cerely nnd reverently bows to the people') will; that aocords to every man his politi cal rights; that measures out exact justice to all citizens; that enforces the equality of all men Lefore the law; that labors for tho greatest good to the largest number. Ours is a representative government. It is a high and honorable position for any man to be selected by patriotic people as theh representative. Such a man represents not only In part Ms State but tho national interests of the entire Union, Livery mati in tho United State* is inter, ested in a fair and honest election at every precinot in every State of the Union. Oar Union is a unit, and it is strange that we send men to Congress, and they cur repre sentatives, who are sectional, proscriptive and intolerant of political difference. The Booth Is In the minority and growing less - inwiifil from year to year. Under this tho South remains poor. All for what? To keep in power a few political loaders who grow rich upon the spoils of office. He made n few remarks ooncernirg Mr. Stephen*. He favors bit nomination and will vote for him for governor, as he i* the Independent candidate and their choice, nnd they had determined to make him their governor. He regards Mr. Stephens ns the ccndidato of the Independent party, self-announced before any nomination was ever mvle. II* referred to the Speer tele gram and other evidences that he was the people's candidate. He reviewed the ex travagance of the government and the use less exi enditares of the people’s monsy,and favored a repeal of tho revennolawe as iron :n the financial condition of the country authorizes it. & Good order prevail, and the people are very enthusiastic and well p'eased as re gards their future interests. J. 0. D. .1 LUCKY LOTTERY TICKET. It Will* @15,000 for II* Owner. Sr. Win. W Irwin,ortbls Illy, a general rale, men who draw prize* lottery are few and far between, bat this city has been singularly fortunate in that respect, as several citizens havo'of lato gotten small fortunes in that way. The last fortunate one Is Mr. Wm. W. Irwin, a clerk in the general freight office of the Louisville and Nashville railroad, at Sec ond and Main. Mr. Irwin yesterday, while working at his desk in the Office,|re- io uncertain element in winning the great ictory, which, we trust in God, yet awaits the party of the ccnstitntion in that grand national struggle. We have tho earn* ene my tncontenJwithrgainrtwhom wef^ught tn 1*>, 1872,187*1 and lsBU. With the close of tho w\r—and the settlement of the Issues which grew out of it—the Republican party had *co jmplished its mission. IU history since has been a history of repeated efforts to nerpotuate its i*ower at ihe expense of tho liberty of the citizen. Under Grant, WHERE ARETHEYt Inmullnry Fire* on " the Kill," but uo Water Works Ttier Editor* Telegraph and Messenger:— Very recently you have called attention to Attempts of incendiaries to burn housas on the* premises of Messrs. W. T. Johnson nnd O. F. Adams, both located above the reach of the water from the city water - works. All hotuci on the Hill are utterly helpless in the event of a eerioas oonfiagra- tion, n-t tho water company do not give any evidcocoof a purpose to carry out their pledge, made to city council list year, to ervet u eland p'pe la Chicamauga Fark IhU spring or summer for benefit and pro tection of parties on the Bill. This prom- i<u was di-tinctly made by the authorized n-ent of tii* company in response to an iu'iuiry of Alderman Johnson; and Alder men llendrix and Johnson, witi Sop*r- jutfiident Boardiaan, located soon tbere- after twenty-five r.r more places for hy drin u on the Hill, leaving the Impression on the public mind that i tping and other materia! for the llill water sUMly bo l rocured d.-luy. ’I !mt red twelve months ago, and no visible progrcM has bent made. Why is this? Is not 11 so water tax promptly prior Don't the tax pay ®n ceived an olficiifl-looklng document bear ing the New Orleans postmark, and npon opening it he discovered, to hla great sur prise and joy, that it wa* an official notifi cation that he had drawn one-fifth of the capital prize of $7fi,UC0 iu the Louisiana State Lo tery, amounting *o $lfi,000. The lucky ttekst wot No OSand was pur chased by Mr. Irwin several days ago. nnd pnt carelessly aside as being of but little value. Some time before the drawing previous to this one, Mr. Irwin purchased the first lottery ticket he ever had any thing to do with, and it was very nearly tho number which drew the capital tirize. Wl lie then thought, as he had eomo so near it, he wfuld try again, and this time pur chased one-fifth of too ticket which pro duced such golden results. Mr. Irwin is a midd e-aged man, marred, and has a small family. H » has been connected with Ui* freight otU «of the Louisville and Nashville for sevtr..l years, and has been a faithful worker, aul his many friends both in the office n id out of it who are profuse in their congratulations.—Louis- .title Courier-Journal, July 14. Waa tue PellII lull Uurcnnonitblc? Editors Telegraph and Messenger : Al- i* me space to present publicly n matter In which all the patrons of the city pablio echo: la are interested. Tuesday night a petition from tho Board of Education presented to the city counoil asking an ap propriation of $000 to provide fuel, buck ets, brooms aud other minor school ne cessities for the city public schools for the scholastic year. Perhaps it wasn’t the tight time to ask lor the appropriation, br perhaps the members thought that this council had been quite liberal towards the schools (which is tree) and we ought to bo satisfied. At any rate, a motion was promptly made "that the peti.ion be not granted.” There was a hearty ‘‘second’ nnd a seemingly unanimous vote and tho thing was settled. Well, that was business in a business way, and certainly nobody object to things done In that style. Aud yet we felt that we had not been treat, od quite right, and wo bavo frequently Asked ourself the qaes’iou that heads this article, and finally we concluded to ask tho the same question of others. For several years in the early history of the school system in this ooanty, there be ing uo schoot-boasss in the city, the Boa d ot Elacation rented room) for school pur poses In order to g’ve the people in the city the benefit of tho schools. Bat ‘‘Bibb farmer” and* complained tt at this was discriminating in favor of the people of the city, as tha board required the peo ple in the oouutry to provide houses at their own expenso or gz without schools. Finally, through tho city authorities and the Macon free school trustees, building* were placed at tho disposal of the board, and this cause of oomplaiot was remove 4 . Bit roofs would leak and -fences blow down, and the board found it necessary to look after repairs. Bat ‘‘Country Fed” and others complained that the botrd ought not to use ita funds to rerair school- houses belonging to the pcoplo in the city while the people in the country wero required to do their own repairing. Just then the public property committee of the present countil camo to onr relief and agreed io make necessary repairs on the school-bouses belonging to the city. Aud this was eminently proper, it seems to ns, for it is aa dearly the doty of oouncil to repair Its school-houses as to care for its engine houses and park buildings. Bat the city furnishes the fire companies with bell* and ropes and fuel for thoet gines nnd why should it not also forni well-buckets and ropes and fuel for i school-homes? We ask in candor and with a view to finding out what the patrons of the city publio schools think about the matter. Is tho petition unreasonable? If they think It is, then onr on y oonrse la to chnrge an incidental feo to be paid by each child on his admission to aebool to provida these minor school supplies. Ketpaetfollr, B. M. Zcrn-aa, Superintendent Public School*. BIBB DEMOCRACY r.v count1 co.vi7.vno.v .«» BE31HLED Tells It to tlio World unit Bibb |a&< bill, it transmitt d its power to Hayes by fraud and oorrnntlou. The party of the oon»titntion still survives, and this sarao Radical party now seeks, under tbe guise of Independantism, to seduce onr people from their alled-aoe, nnd enable them, in the language of Mr. Jtffcrson (just quoted), to win vic tories which they could never otherwise obtain. Let not our people be deceived by this false cry of Independence. Nominal party distinctions are nothing. Every vlo- ical power ard mitrule. The enemy ap proaches the stronghold of Georgia De mocracy, not now a* formerly, with drums beat'ng nnd his colors floating in the breeze, bat with cratt and cunning, with stoalth and eubtiltj. Let ns be on oar guard—the hands are the hands of Esau, but the voice is tho voice of Jaoob. Let no Democrat, who is a Democrat from conviction, hesitate in th* perform ance of his duty. Party nnity is essential party success, and party suocess is Mr. Washington Dessau then offered th* Ifnre of the country «nd tho the following namM: W. u. Bow, of the rights and liberties of L*. Jorda., d. Y. Lowe, A. W. Oib.oo, lopooplo. Onr nominees are able, <™e I C. D. Find ag, W. B. Hogera. H. B. Darir, and tried, Mr.Stephenaia known to tho I W. B. Phillips, U. C. Balkoom, W. A. Lof- whoie country. CoL Hardeman is a man ton, J««« Holmes and Washington whom I h.r. long claimed aa a warm, o.r-1 *>*»*"• . . . r .aal friend. Under bis leade-abip I .hall I The reportot lhe oommltteewM adopted cheerfully do bailie in behslf of thow without diaamit. J Democratic principles which hare been I Mr. Washington LH dear to my heart sine, boyhood. l’h. fo owiug resolution:! Democratic standard ha. been tdaoed in I “«mtaaM. *< the Demooratio State oon- his hands, and wh never I see the oolors yention lately held in the city of Atlanta, waring I ahall not bwitale to follow-feel- the following nominations wero mad.: ing that we will always Bod them, like th. For Gownor. Hon. A. tt SUph.n. | for white plum, of King Uenry of Nararre, la I UongrMtman at large, non. Thomas Her- the path to honor and glory. t dt>m«n, Jr. | for beerctary of State, Hon. Withe firm and abiding oonfidenoe in N. C.BamettlFor Oomptroller-Gedernl, the ultimate Irintaph of Demoeratio prin- Boo. YV. A. Wright; for Treasurer, Hon. oiplea- as enunciated by Jofferson-in oor D. N. Speer j for Attorney-General, Hon. oontestr, State and national, and on tho 1 LUfford Anderson. ruoco-r of which free government depends, "Rmohsd, That we, the Demoeratio part/ I am truly and faithfully your friend, of Bibb county, in convention assembled. Gao. T. Babies. I do hereby ratify said nominations, and l pledge our support to the tame tn the ea- dnggestlon for tlio mate Senate | string elections.’ Funuant to the published call, the Dem- oersoy of Bibb met at the oourt house yes terday “to !elect delegatee to the conven tion to nominate a candidate for Congreea- msn from tbe sixth Congres-ional district, to be held in >Ulledgeville on August 9th, aud for othor business,” There waa a full attendance, and at the hour appointed for assembling, 12 o’clock, Mr. Geo. W. Gustin, chairman of the Bibb executive oommitWe, called the meeting to order. John F. Fort nominated Major Oioero Tharpe for chairman. . Captain R. E. Fark nominated Mr. A. M. Lockett Mr. Lockett withdrew in favor of Major Tharpo who wae made the chairman. On motion of Mr. W. B. HU1, Bridge* Smith was made secretary. On motion of Judge E. F. Best, aoom- mitteeof five waa npt>oiu'ed to select del- agates to the Milledgsville convention. Tho chair appointed ae tho committee, J. U. Campbell, T. D. Tinsley, R. A. Ni* bet, J. P. Fort and J. A. MoManus. Ihe committee retired to the grand Jury n-1 room for a few minutes, and on retoraisg once of Major Rose, Gen. Holt and other?, I withdrew from tl.«* delegation, heeaaeel vf«.uld nut vote for Stephens.” Ju Jgo MoMancs—‘“And I make the name explanation.” Mr. Sara Jemi*on—"And I iraVe tho eacie, and l have takcu no part In this con- ventioo, because I will not vote fur Ste phens.” The chair then put tlio motion to tablo the resolution. The vote was tak*n rfca voce and decided by tho chair as lost, though it was apparent that th* motion «a* carried, and the choir, in the excite ment and confusion, decided adversely, »nd many * ere the calls for division. Mr. O. G. Sparks said he waa the oldest i&n in the house. His advice wss to stick to tho nominee; that the party had made its first great break in 18C0. Several motions woro then made and seconded to adjourn. On the motion b*>ing put the ayes were so numerous that the majority of the people thought it was unau- imoa-ly ent-ied and leU the hall. The chair decided that the motion to ad j jurn waa lost, and a call as made for the previous question. By this time the onti-Stcpbens mon bad gono from the hail, and tho chair put the motion to adopt the resolution. Ihe vote stood W to 3. Hero ensued oonfusioo, several trying to get the attention of the chair, whose gavel waa industrious. Another motion to adjourn waa put and declared lost. Mr. J. T. Boifeullet offered the following resolution: **Resolved, That the name.of Georgo W. Gustin, of this county, is hereby recom mended as the choice ot the Democrats of Bibb county as the nominee for the offlu. cf State Senator from the twenty-eeoond district.” Mr. W. R. Rogers moved that tho name of Isaac Hardeman be substituted for that of Gustin. The point of order was ra'sod by Mr. H. J. Fetor, aud supported by Mr. Dwsau, that tho motion to aubstUutp waa out of order.. Judge McManus seconded the resolu tion. Hero more confusion aro*e, during which a motion to adjourn wss put sed declared Editors Telegraph and Messenger nomination* seem to be in order now for I Voices.' Senator from this district, a number of I Mr. W. It Cox said he would vote tor all without io anywi.. disparaging tha the men uam«i In the toMlution but St* alma ol other gentlemen worthy in erery I p .y r. Forl ee-oniled the rwolollon. way to fill th. po.ilion t deel-e to euggeet I hereral motions war. mad. to lay on the th. nam. of Colonel Iaaae 'Hardeman for 1 table. «nd aarerel member, endaerored to that omae. H.i. known ,o all ih. cillran, of the county aa a man of true and sterling I Capt. Carnes arose and gave his reasons werth, of fine ability, a first-ralo lawy-r, I why he would not veto for the resolution andof themoa, unimpeachable integrity. He is one of the few lawjers in Macon who I The point of order was rnised as to his military titlo by “honorable ser-1 whether the motion to la/ on the table was Tie.." No man erer conBded a trurt in him that was not faithfully executed. His I n j th9 chair. heart is right in «U lb. great Umj. of th. | Mr . H . F. Strohecker wanted th.fnllTote of the convention on tbe resolution. i Mr. Dessan, arising on tho question of msnds of the times render him in every I aDW, said that as be was the mover of R H&JPV"SaPWirtSLS SSRkoo Hb had a tight to bo heard, and and proteet the interests of onr city and | thought the srpesl out of order, and, Untrict in the Senate. Ha has not sought t b h% ^ t *^ e riitht ho did not care to tlio office—his modesty It equal to his I ^ heard. ability—and if the delegates from tWa Mr> Han?on said he would withdraw the county would unite in presentingr hts name• m0 Uon for appeal on oondlUon that the to tli# delegatee from Fike and Monroe, !11 nani9 G f Stephens be stricken off the reso would be a graoeful oomplimeat to one I i al « on . who deserts, it end Is well qtuUIMta dU- | Mr _ Vort enpported th. resolution. Mr. Bartlett made a speech in favor of Gastin, nnd wts followetl by Judge McMa- is on the same line. Another motion was made to adjourn and declared lost by ths chair. Th* resolution was again read, sr.d on motion Mr. Gastin was nominated by ac clamation. The convention was then declared by the diair adjourned sins die. Tha following letter from Cart. Bacon charge creditably the daties of the office. I ^ iMaxx Vox css. THE JOKES COUXTr PICNIC. ’ Capt. Came* wanted to know why such a resolution should be brought np to create dissension in the meeting. Capt Cl.trcoy eulogized Mr. Stephens. Cspt Carnss mad* another motion to lay the resolution on ths table. Seconded In several voices. Mr. J. C\ Bannon m^Ted that the vote bo Tine Hi*rb*cuo, Good Hpecche* nnd n Good Ttmo Generally. Holtos, July 7). Editors Telraraph and Jfa.Mn3CT-.-Tho I tek.n nnd fl». tril.m appointed, notion in yonr j*per of kpiontc MtoM tho 1 Lu,i ' r * °‘ OT “ J * ri “ 1|t Oomnlgoo riret In Jone. county,* 1 ‘ Holton .tetloo on thoMncon nnd Srnni- wick railroad oitao.lon,, nttrncted onr forty Indite and of Mncon Fri- Capt. tt U. Jonea f.rorod tho adaption of tbe resolution. During Col. Jones’* remarks several calls were mods for the tabling motion. Mr. Dessan claimed that ns tho original of discussion was* overlooked: “Mioos, Ga., Jul/ ‘P*.—Messrs. Wash ington Dessau, O. II. Turpin and others, Mucon—Gomasum: In response to yonr invitation of this date to be present at the meeting of the Demoeratio party of Bibb that I had not earlier Information of the call of such mooting. In the absence of snch information, I have concluded all of my arrangements for a visit to New York, and my passage la already eogsged on tho steamer ‘City of Macon,’ which sails from Savannah to-morrow. It will therefore be impossible for me to be present. “My absesoe, unexplained, from tbe first public meeting ot the party in Bibb county after the session of the recent gu bernatorial convention, might sub ject mo to misconstruction among those to whom 1 have had no opiiortanitr to exprese myself. To prevent the possibilit/ of snoh misconstruction, I deslro to avail myself of this opportunity PLAIN TRUTHS The blood Is the foundation of life, it circulates through every part of the body, and unless it is pure and rich, good health is impossible. If disease has entered the system the only sure and quick way to drive it out is to purify and enrich the blood. These simple facts arc well known, and the highest medical authorities agree that nothing but iron will restore the blood to its natural condition; and also that all the iron preparations hitherto made blacken the teeth, cause head ache, and are otherwise injurious. Blown’s Iaoj* Bmxas will thor oughly and quickly assimilate with the blood, purifying and strengthen ing it, and thus drive disease from any part of the system, and it will not blacken the teeth, cause head ache or'constipation, and is posi tively not injurious. Saved his Child. . ?7N. Euuw St, Haiti vi 3. Ffis Only WATCH FACTOR! ft/lff . n THE SOUTH. VY&4 ? '1 fa : '^11 I 0 I V 1 LuyV;. --f, '' Tha MMiUFRCTURER. bend for Illustrate Prt«» list. p 5 STIVEKS 8? 00. it wMnc:iALL ATLANTA, CA. Macon W. MclWY, Principal. A yirst-Cla»8 lastitnto for Practical EaviteMlaa'-rncioD, 2ook- k^cpiMr, Etc. Esdorsd by the Leading Bditfs Men. Studnnla Hnn Fnlny at ETi'j *f*rcjrculars sent free, anlf ilAwiv .Md. Feb. it, itlo. ’ Otntt:—Upon th« recommeod*- tion of a friend I Uled Utown't I ton Cittsm m a tonic nnd ro- •torstiT* for my daughter, whom 1 was thoroughly convinced was wasting away wuh Consumption. Having 1st three daughters ly tha terrible discaic, under ths care of eminent phyilciam, I was loth to beiievs that anything Amid arrest th* progress cf the disease, but, to my jircat surprise, before my dangh- m tmnle of fiaown’s Inok Pirraas. she began to mend * ‘ o former and now Is quits restored to former health. A fifth daughter began to tfcow f'gns of Consumption, and when the physician waa consulted he quickly said "Tonics were re quired and when Informed that the elder sister was taking liaowM’a Uom Hirraas, responded "that Is a goofi,tonic, take it." AooaAM PlIBUS. Brown’s Iron Bittxrs effectual, ly cures Dyspepsia, Indigestion and Weakness, and renders the greatest relief and benefit to persons suffering from such wasting diseases as Con sumption, Kidney Complaints, etc A DISORDERED LIVER IS THE of the pr**ont gone ration. It is tor * h* to repeat rmbliely what i have already fr^ dan ox tote ai>ssss~a^ l its ntt-iidims, qnently said in conversation, that I shall in SICK-HEADACES,_ BII.I0USME6S._ pYl- 1 EVSIA. CQffSTlPf.tlONi PILES, rtc , that TUTT’8 PILLS hav* Rainod a wnrl 1-wt reputation, b'o Rcmocly liai evor b< on < 1 jto iv< rod tbiot n.-t(i ko trint'.y on t:.u diijtMtiro orxtr.i, giving tht*.n vlk r to •• food. 'An a natural re--. :, tF ? Nrrvoua byatom la Hrn-rd, tlio « sloped, r*nd tl.e Hotly Itobus*. nominated to office by the lato oonvention of the party. Aside from tbe fact that it I ihas always been my Invariable rule to sup port the nominees of the party, tbe volun tary submission of my name to the oon-1 vention placed me nndor inviolable bonds to bow without a murmur to tho decision of that body. I do so in the spirit of frank ness that I think tho circumstances require, for I bold it as a cardinal principle that he wIjo has not tbe nenre to meet defeat with fortitude, l* nnwortby of victory. ■ ‘To my fellow-citizen* of Bibb counH to whom I am so deeply indebted for tho S Hnsrooe and continned confidence during I ■» past twelve yean, I with at this close i the Hill pay their i connection I t. S. C.,on the »Court of Co rill state that “in fita of this month, Floss, thecaso of of Columbia ■■ J. It. Black v*. tho city of Columbia was argued on demurrer. I he plaintiff claimed | dimage* for the dedruct.. boose* belonging to him raary ttl, by reason of th* failure of the city to furnish water through the wa- l terworks controlled by the c.tx, and seU forth that plaintiff ha l paid the city ann-uluz for w iter I rmtege*. in « siJerntion that water would l*e fornis^B in i i; c- ami tire plug- tn tl.« .street* adj i- sent to Ms hoasee, for tb«* eitiug ri»hment of Art*. The dsmorrer raised tho legal ,.. .aof the liability «*f th Wilhenpoon reeorvtd The city council of M indnfersnee and cncon- regard to the Inaction mpany, m tkn* itself lit* for damage* the Hill and tho want l water to pa’, cat the fires, line to pay any more water utr.ict until adequate •ded to all our tax- Hill citizens n the cjuncil re^trarn- of money to the water til th * •apply te fully th* city !.»ct» stated his decision, by it* Cern in regn of tU3 water vork! liable to nutnerou ; suiting from fire* of fire plogi \Tby not d« tax under water jopOv w aSor. Wus do nol »erv# an Injor mg f urther pi such a Hit . Tax Pa HtilMl* lor *« asxT0, July 27.—To nigned, citi- ojnliing the n tbl* Senat* :!nec f Jr Sen ytdltolly with said e„ to expetss a| Loiter from lion. Georgo T. Itnrues. Aoousta, Ga., July 21, 1882. lion. Patrick Walsh, Chairman of ths Richmond Delegation:—Mx Dram Bib seize this, tho eariieat occasion after arrival at home, of returning to yon—and through you—to all my friends, whether members or not of the recent oonvention Atlants, my sincere thanks for ’heir warm and generous support of me tor Congress man at large. Their onUroslastle and self- sacrificing efforts to securs my personal advancement will always be gratefully re membered among the most cherished rec ollections of my lito. It will always be pleasant, too, to reoollest that nothing oc curred during the excit ng canvass calcu lated, in the slightest degree, to mar the kindly relatione whieh bad always existed between opposing candidates and myself, or those who so ardently supported ns. We alllontcred tbe list as friends,and I have every reason to believe that w* left the fteld with car friendships for each other not only not impaired, but strengthened d ctmcntcd. I feel but one regret, and that is, that in tha harry attendant npon tha clcsing scenes of tbe convention, I did not have tbe opportunity cf expreetingto the assembled delegates, my hearty ao- orptanea of tha results of the contest. It is the duty of a true Democrat alwnr* to yield cheerful acquiescence to the fairly expressed will of the majority of hte party —ae much aa it is tha duty of a good citi zen, in a free form of government, lo obey the will of tha paopla lawfully expressed at the ballot liox. Iu uo other way can party harmony be strengthened and maintained. When tbe m*j irity has spoken we most sacrifice our opinions, and make the views of tha majority onr own. bach wss the advice of tha great apoetlo of Democracy and the founder of the party—Thomae Jsf- fsroon. In a celebrated lutter to Mr. Dnane, a Philadelphia editor, who had been Indulging in severe criticism on Mr. Madisou aummistration, written April bO. I'll. Mr. Jcffers-m thus expresses himsolf on tlio rabject of duty to party. “I think an editor should be independ ent, that is of personal Influent*—and not be moved from Ms opinions on the mere authority of any Individual. Bat with re spect to the general opinion of tbe po’.itl- gave groat cal section, with widen ho habitually so- * cords, his duty seems very much Uka that ol a member of Congress. Home of IUh mdetnl think that independence requires of them to follow always their opinion, with out rc-jpcct for that of others. This Las never been mr opinion or my practice, vrhen 1 have been of that or any other body. Differing on a particular queation from thoM whom I kn«w to be of th* same l-.liticil principles with myself, and with whom l generally thought and act-id, a consciousness of the fallibility of tha i human mini, aud of my Own In particular, with a respect for tta ac cumulated judgment of my friends, has in duced me to inspect erroneous impressions In m; self, to MftOMnf own opiubu wrong, and to act with them on theirs. The want ot thU spirit of compromise, ©r ofaelf-Jiitruet, proudly bwt fairo’.y called iu Jr ; andeoee, U what gives the rederahit* victories, whieh they oould never obtain day morning to take the train for the roene I mover of the resolution he had a right to ot At 9 o’clock th. put, 4U.m- I -dote lh. d.h.t«, and h. ocmld tramt.r that ko'kcd at Holton and walked to tha back. rr ^p^ n t cSn'd^l7hl iou^'withdraw of the river, about 900 yards distant, where I bis motion to allow£olon»l Jones to pro- tour large bateaux, oca named Jonea and I cted. . . ... out nhm.d Bibb, manned b, aWUfol oate- LSkL" 1 •“*; hla »*• tutu, were Uunehwt and read, lot paeteo- Tboona WlUloBham farorad 8te- gers. In a fsw minutes tha entire party I phene beMu** h* was the notnluae, and for war. sat.), oro««d to th. Jonu .bore, and I tho tteacu that Oolou.1 Hatdamaa had i - - I been nominated by tne sun* convention, in a fine grove of pine* imd sweet gum IDdhavu apprehensive tbai any opnoM- near by found a Urge platform, V.zlt, feet, I tj on to titepheu* would tend to Injur# Colo- erected for danoers, with eeate plaoed ad- nel Hardeman. i T l ^ d ! mo " 0 * u ‘‘ do I?“2JH^*5SWSSSS?,SfSSi5R5!K! imd hi# band wero soon making muelo for ^roUlog tho dls-jord. the fiying feet of the yottng people. I Mr. U. A. N la bet a-ked if tho Atlanta Soon attar th. daactog Ugan, Mr. 1 M Burghard, ot J. W. lUco t Co., Macon, In a d net (oteoh prewnUd ttto arteuhled Mr. Uaaaon aald h* did not propote to orowdlw palmetto fane, w:th th. oompll* IdUcua- the manner and m.thnda of Bto- ot th. aboro popular Ann. Th* ..hen.’, nomluation. When ha heard that prtMnU woro highly app-eolaUd b, VI*. I Mr. Detesu wonld prteCTit th. reflation, h. 0t.rh.atid danoer. and heart, thank, ro- want to him bofor* th. oonranUon utra- turned. ... lbUdaudaaMhinnottoprcMntit*<it Bator* dinner waa annonnoad. th* mn-1 woald oana* a fight. And aa tbacoura* alolaaa racated their tlcratod eland .nd tioa had met to ewd delegate* to MilUdga- Hon. Altx. B. UoKa, ( count, eeliuol ram- UilI.,h.doobUd wl«tMr lb. rMolulion wa. miuion.r ot Johm county, who Mted, b, I In order. He bagged that It b. wlthdiawn react, ae obtlrmaa, luttoduo.1 Dr. Uugb I ls d hoped that tb. mMtlng would loilnicl i). McKay, Fir* I’olnta, aud John W. 1. I tb.MCf.taT, to xnak.nopublication ot th. Howard, of Holton, aa eiaak.r. ot th. da,. 1 pra.e.dltga or diecnaalun. on Ihla matter. Tho former grace fully elludeJ I* th.epl.o-1 y lu >ll, h. naltod thaltfa. chair miueat Mr. did crop, ot th. oouut, and mate, to th* I Dwmo to withdraw tberteoluilou. baaotitol da, upoa whi-h th., met, end th. I capt. Ceruee nude a few remark, on th* lorel, locality .elected, and homorou«ly Hm . ti.e. toudud apon tha eagerly antidpatod fMutl Mr. J. 11. Gampbdl aald ha had gout ol barbocuod ahote. kid and motion, whom onr to wba-a Mr. Dneau waa altt"— “ ■arory (umae me ttten wen watmd to- ua him lo withdraw th. reeoluUon. ward. th. eipMtaat riel tor*. Ha aleo Mr. VT. B. Bill aald tbo matter had gone ■poke In an enoour.ging manner of th. I loo far now to b. hneiud np. Thar. wer. propoud rtlieg. ot lloltoh, acrOM th. I oton Mwepapera in th. But* than one, i fleer, and .<[ renod a dntr. to hare donr I « n d, thank, to tb. .nterprte. ot Mr. Uan- eodal and La-ln«.» relation, with their wo and, new- in enill, tranemlt- Blbb OOUU17 neighbor, on th. other dton. I ud, lb. Inlrodoctloa ot that mol.ttos IB. apnch wa. brief but diguldet, timal, I vu on. of the facte in tho poiitioai hitto- and to the point, and udl meind. I ry ot Bibb oonnty. I. ie now known twf; Mr. J. W\T. Hmeard follomd Dr. Mo-1 where tlut th. molntlun ni Introduced Kay, and r.tornwl thank-, to tbe good P—>-1 end bad bnn debated in thi. eor.ntion. pi. ot Joan couni;- for tha pteaunt op. Did not want it laid on tbo table aa H loriuuUy to meat them and form the per-1 would hurt Clifford Andiron and Tom •onal aotmalntanco of eo many hoepiubla Hardeman in .nr, connl, in th. Slate, andinteiligunt pwoplu U.ateo aUudwl to I TIte, thlngte dcoa It haegono forth. U. tha eonrutienM of haring n railroad eta-1 appMted to tho friend- of Anderon and emn. .tom, bteckrm'th nnd woodMtope, I Hardaman to rnetein th* rnolnUon. H. eiprwe efflo., tmrt oae*. etc., so uu bad roted for Horace Umter; b* gutend borne, aa Holton wa-, and United them to I b. oould tor Stephan., aad thar. wort rt»it th. pteto whcn.eer they wold. man, th. hone, who hadrotod H. augg.r ted the ralu. of a re pilar tsrr, I y cr uroeic,." acro-r Sa rtr.r, and m f a-or.hly wm hi-1 rapt. Unnea-'-FU awwu 1 did not remark- ranirad that Immcdietestep* will I Judga MoManu*-“Mr. Chairman, I call b. tekan to wteblteb a ferry atthia point. I for tha pcTioo. anartioa^’tandeoitoroor) An eioel'cnt dinner wu rerod nnd 1, yon put itdurnauirt. hMitily inioyad. II w*. abundant and U.r* th* ertea for th. prariou anwtlon ing kiodnmr, and to odd thereto my grate- foi acknowledgnicnte for tho earte-t and cordial .opport whieh they M freely gar. m. in tho recent context for tbo guberna torial nomination. X remrio, g'-nliemcn, your* Ter, truly, A. O. Bacon." rial A Goals TIttVIi. •rail b. MeOte rail MX Summer After dinner tb. JoetM oiunty part, **■ I Capt tss\ nmral to adtourn*■■■) oom--nied tbatr Bibb count, Mend. I motion raertrad aataral aooonda, bot tb* accne. th» rleat, whera dindng urr con-1 chair reted tho moUon out ot «rd*r. tmuod until th* ail o'clock train arrirad. 1 Mr. Dmuu aald “b. introduced th. raeo- Maom rent a good doi«aUou, aud all | lotion bocauro bo thought It right. It bad Ktio,ed their trip. Neat week tb. mw 1 bwn th. Metom from Urn* GnjaemorlrU. etor. il Holton wiU b. fitted with good-. I and tb. oU« m«t I* lb. eoeronttoc wonlji and th. new pMboflte* regularly opened bwr him oat, (or tb. 'ffotk of tb* for lb* publio. Many Jomaa count, paopla 1 natiog coo cation to b* ralittwi b, the fint promtoa to patrooli. tb* aOo*. Mr.Drana meting of lb* Democracy tharofur. IU -cut up another ear toad of draeeod lumber I one greet reaeon wb, be Introdoo-d lime Lbeto thatWphm.wiatb. nomtOMOttb. Demo- • ■ . v.1! ' ■■'■■■■ • ti.«t a gtu-1 Dr:. rV. an 1 -• i-.-n of • • ... t; u... '•■irk • t J a iu I • . . ' ••••' p. .third. ru'.c tceau**. thr Ik utocrate of thU coooty fu r it it.:-, mil. VO’..,, th. U-r. Pthlrda rule wa. loot mwl the majority rule I ... . ... : I..- • -- Hut Our 5eurn!«l< lleportcr Falls to Write XI Up Funny Wo have one o( the fnnniest sffslrs in tbe world to write np. It is so fanny that oor pencil laaghs itself into spasm* and fidgets fretfully between oor fingors, so eager is it to inn over the jolly fact* and jot them down. Bat for moral da;s mignificeot wart aboot tbe «lzo of a yrizo beet has been planted on oor left jaw, and inside of that wsrt tbe nerve* have set op a pain factory, and. all day and sll night we can feel the throb of tbe engino and the strokes of the trip hammers forging millions of little hnrts. And who ooold write op a funny thing with soch an attachment on hU left jaw ’ Bot a* we are afraid that tbe affair is ml most too fonny to keep in this hot weather, w* have concluded to write it ap If each jaw had two rots of warts and ovary tooth to the bead ached. So. here aon. Atone of oor hotels there boards a r.crxv bar of yocng msn who love fan and lot* of it. The other day (graciousthat paid went clean through both jaws and scatter ed) they p*t a lot of clothes and staffed them with oittoa, paper, rags, and Leaven knows wLatelae, and in aboot five boon’ hard work had made a very respectable i lookiag colored female. There wasn’t mneh • style about her (our l«(t jaw feds Uka it wu covered with a million besy bees, busy with their stinging ta*inci»*? bot then in a sort ot gray light sba would post vsry well. That > Ignt th* boys (eonfonnd that pin, it darted through os r head like a red-hot knitting need*e.) placed it on the bed cf one oftne older boarders, tied a string to the baek of iu head, nn the etrlcg np through tbe roiling, and as (myl that paiu a regular Joe darter,) tbe old gentle, i came in they polled the string and np roeo tbe figure. The old gentleman did not tarry but left. . The next ni,iht tha boys took tha figure, (confound the jaw 1) and backed it op P . again*! ocsof th* trees in front of tbe ho- cimrr*t m outw Ip-v Ul and went after some policemen. A crowd gatherM (if there is much more to b<« wriuemwell have to giro on) around it. and really Ulieud the boys who said that the woman wa* drunk. An old colored woman osoe hobbling by, and (r&n’t last moeh longer) asked tbe name of th* figure. She was told that all tha name they eoold get o«t of bar Msij Onpital Prlio. S/G.OCO. 1 CAl ITA I. hhi i % ,12 Ola 11 low and I’owor. n. RIVAL,» Planter *t Darira Bara. La . aa»r Mr Obama tion la In a Tnaiaf-ai OJatrlct. Fm • tytral ytart 1 could not maJta ban a crop oJ DccouaUf Ulloui naT^il ■ Eorara^on^b/eanT* b»art/ and robnatj land 1 bavo ba»l no rurtfcar trombls. PARKER'S GINGERTONIC A £a?y!al!vs HA'.;'! 2nd Sfreagth Rej’.ortr. If yva art a reeharte er farmer, worn out with overwork, or a mother nra clown hy C*m»!y or boua» hold duties try I’ASKsa’s Giwcca Tonic. If yoarreabwTcr, niaixter prbwbmman«• haunted by mer tnl strain nr anxtotMcwts, do not takn iatexicalia g iLinuIukt-, but om I'arkn'a Gugcr Tonic tf yoq have CowsaiptiMi, DyepepeU, Rfcenmw tkra, Kidney m Urinary Conq.Uiuts o* D yos are troubled with *ny dirirdcr of the kmc*,.Stomach, txnrak, Naoder nerves, you can Ucttrr l by Park. an’s Gntcta Tome. itrsUmGicatut Wood Purifies hr.d list CkI acd SsrutCcssk Cjre Cvtr 'Jul. U yoaaruwauhtf «w«y fioavec*. dWpttioa or any diaesM cr weakness and mnrite a straulantiuke Gings* Tome at mm j it wilt fovicorMs sad hmld you up fronvtbe firtt dose hut will never mtoanate. Il has uvea hnadrads of lives; k troy save youra I3V0X a CO, W vnuem St. Xr» tsrk.' »0* *+* mm 44Ur Usm, el sll imiun la nScha Cr.tAT SAV'IN'I STTtNO POIXAR SIZX. Itsrirh sad lauins fragrance has mad* thi* : deli gh:‘ul perluaM esceetlinaly ; q-ulai Unottinglikeit. tasiwtrpnw having tom Cotocsa oad look foe egnatare of . irttrnt >. I. r muiA, nimi w* - n dtaa of 131a 8 Jones, of ordinary of Mild hi*KUterdla!i«hlpol is \e. therefore to « STnnley should not I nUanahlpof Ella 8 nl letters uf dUmlMli Libel forDivorce. TJIBB 8LTKJUOB tCOCUT, APRIL 1J1W2, Amsnds Kosevs. John H — tearing to the I ’l tt by the return of t Iff that the defendant, John K«*«. I* n fi.uiiel In tills county and It farthc r nri that he does not reside In this state. « that mtvlev la perfected on raid John (eutdlcatton In the Tclnftaph and Mr r.iiro a monUi for four month*, calling John Rom to ie and appear at said i Court personally or by attorney on tbo - day tn (HdoLcr next to snrwtr yonr U complaint, I*y the oonrt JOHN L JIARPE1 Ubel'anfs Bo Pet ttvo. T.J. RIMHGNH, This June 3d, 1^2. A trno extra! t from the Wlnntrsof' per lor court. This it 1 one. I rFtoros.; LIMITED PARTNERSHIP. « ' : « • ■ ■ I ’ a 1«T U signed. II R Emtenr, C. i • ' : . • ■ 1 ■ *v« on: -■ d Into a ilraiu It' : »•: • ; u-1 • . Under the Ann name of EruiSt i;- r. \» inn ihtv rtmenoed the I ersekerv, tread, rood ‘ smu.l lu Ilk. - relieve (lie el s-i nal'.trollj, trltli. be itloorl fi Try this r-inerfr Otirlr.nnd no _ l.e nlti.r jilcm.ll.tra. V l»mtv. Pint) ItliHxt, Ot irons Nrrvea, and a %outnl Lhrr. TCTTS HAIR DTE nasr Hsiao ■ . ... „ Black by a s;n*lo appllratlon or thU Dr*. II jisnaru a natural color,and acts Inslsntane'rtjtly. f*«ld or root by ssprsss cu l*o«lp| Office. 03 Murray Street, Nnvr York. to-day. Complaints At this season, various diseases of tha bowels are prevalent, aad many licm era Lst through lack ol knowledge of a safe and sura remedy. Fruar Davis' Faix Kilxxr Isa sure core for Diarrhrao, Dys- enter/. Cholera, Cholera Mortma,HuciWcx Comj.lalut, etc, an«l Ls perfectly safes Hood the following t _ Bsnaattum. N.T, March ftttJL Itnr TJavu* Pair Kilim »•,.!. m sM U*-*eU raLte/for crAlaati-1 lain In U<e«tirracK cbntafajDorbaa, an J ciiarini U*s rtnmarb. Us»4 . Mo|»eoO.ToWA t gawhll.»yL . »wr*drwrh:* Kiuaalaajvsroearoirf am^at^attdriwWBww<y^dl|rovaaUpaa BPlt*3FBgSP%gK3gt AAjdaUrouioUealcf tbafsati^. T OTBr^srcarteraj, Comrmio, X a, (vi tezzr}- 1 '“"•v * u. 8. Cowirr-ATK, •»-Taawx,Xga> Or plain,or beautiful, tha white, No lady can sferd to smite, Unices her teatb arw like the wow, And If she fill In this, ' And can’t afford to unite Of kiss, She most ou Sozodont, l Row. .... Kal-1 learn to ro*ye«t -anion « of their friend* more than of I ci etntea. 1 *Ute tbeaa ooosiderationa ise they have often quitted my own In voting and acting on the ■nrat of olbarw a^cst rr.y owe, and tx« they m*y s-«ggs*t tlo^.bte lo yonr* Is the Eirieest oaaa. If the ms sear as h hav*bt<c ( ctsasd srs approvel by -1»; , i. . - l . e o r -I ir ;u. «o« aud conform.”—RamlaU's\ o/, rcL///-, J>. is In this rflnt that those who bare i •• anted in thr roUctloa of can* ms of f heir for e4ti-*r g tvernor !on.*rr««:aA3 at Isrga should aoqnlesoe iu. eebolead cU-Mt c^d Uf. .w^t aro non fr^iu'.ollotjecU ofmoAlpattoo. I * nominated and teadacbo and Indication. If yoa will I ^ ,t^. ballot- for Mm for iu* Hailey's Satins Aperient it wiU car* I j. ' a , bomoar. It therefor* bMoau. you aaUrciJ. Fteaunt u a ttei. ot rod*, fr ~, t u u th. caetoo, to rMifr tk»“m- cLce^-r tbanfllla aud parMteUfc lm JEai».ptt U■ «< b3tnd to vote for Mr. btephens. Hi ad mitted baiog advUad not to peasant the and then that old nacro woman went op to it and triad to prevail on Mary to up, but Mary con'd n't sea it Tbe o'd negro finally discovered (great heavens I bow this left jaw aches!) the I rand and went off ascvalaaawtt ban. . . Than officer* Avant and Blake arrived. Uka tbe tens, fsariroa policeman they are, .they treat op to arrest it. They mode s grab for it aod then-the crowd; whooped. It wss nwfolly fonny. He'd laeghwith lyou, but tho wsrt on oor jaw won neinfcl Xjwtvraua Hai Eeehenge- I 1 The Horn W. J. Hendricks, ot TnnktcrUKrM Gmro undertook to gtv* a lawoo In potiseoros, andtblaaeooedtattobt* vtney. was the rs-l Lit; Us waa ■Rang In bis offle* ooa^dar Iwhanblseohjrol oSro hoy vnurad with bis IhaffSo. andringtLg: "DaFiona mar slhhf Lamarr wihulr»w it Mr. Stephana la not tha only | a ia I- man wiv>** hm appears io tha rasoutton Aim**! ■ . .^,1 oad no ganttemc.3 f.-oru Bite cointy u Soma of the cures cf u*i j ui l laswls f ir Ui utniBsUon. Hu wm h'adacha affected by Neu.itgln# have I 0 np.>^d to the nsms of &UplwnA Uing ol Ilka tbe days of miracle* had ra-1 ntnaL a from tte reao'.nti c., or tt. -• #•«#• £ 'AH who suffar alsoold try ihte I tioo being laid on tha table. The da^gAU** saw by the Pansasrati m pianos .mount of capital contributed t r Uicrr tbotvand and five hundred •’ ■ amount contribntod br 1. Ptant and 11. Plant, of me firm or I. c. Idsnt -a r’-o riftntir.gna»*p«r!alpartner,I* tw... ;v .! .Uats, mrtlng twenty tuo t!. : .. t « hundred dollars to Ill- Tl.** aald f( mincer, C. D. Winn ami I. c\ l’lont .‘j ! rootuiuted thrrowjveralr-i'ml i nrtm-n flnn.^ea.'hlhRr'nir onutnirii «>f Rll ^thc . t e-’rV : • ' IltN day "t July. IMKLand th> «;».• t.i : - wle l.y them sod r*-rtlEedo . r» , .»•> ■! all which havatjaen filed In tli* * ■ rw .)(th* Superior Court Of Mid trinity, a recorded according to a i. July 11, Uteti Nctlco To Debtors and CroditorG. . . n U I I •' W. f»50 (irt'i'l I’iuo TUMsnusiiisiiiri ,...7 I :tll-.|..—. ! SlTifSH' mM Improve mint whit h can In sny way tend t» perfection ol tit# lnxrumctxl, has tu*n Qaerpriro tesrihtm In.truinml, ImajLvI and »frf(eared on hoard rnr* at Anr York, irtth /In- W-OO 4 » r. Stool e,net tloor.. ^ to) : !*Vf - mt d,'$ ym Mill if to Vta^r r/• Srs beautiful piano introduced. ; * - • e,re nt. set hurffnln • *:fcrtd tha ram-Lal public Lnprw».*.apft tore:*! Tremendous dt. maud for thU ttyla Ovdvt at onro. . . This Ilsiuft will be rcr.t r n 15 dap t«t trial. PWdm send rvfvrrnea if y * .* h -- - - be refunded and freight ch.true* jntldbyUM both tru un If Pin no In notjumt an rvin ementrd.. Brrsr- 1 • special iMrysin-: Planum, A/fUt u, l.\oin In use. and riof one dI uurrhnmer. l!au.> m« IU* logue, malted ftro.ftrtat the his ntola ever awarded any manatee lTary» fully warranted for » yean- u \in r \ rt tv I teawacwteepagly EARS“ Foo Choo'i Bf Isam o! Shark s Oil Milirdy ItmlorM lh» Uu ‘ " |« tbo Only AIcbIhIc * « Kuown ThteOfl Is otetrsrled tiuca peetu— I) bite Shari:. • . . o. known at CabcmAm>Po* KosMajcnt I N^lamBy can sufelv be without this isnlnabl. remedy. Iu Lringe U within the reach it alL For aal. bw all drtifgUu at 25c, SOo. anl ll.W per bottlm 1'KIUtY DAVIS A SOJf, Proprirton. • Providence, H. L otku sbookl In mad* Jariog Mr. L^waa’a qsofiy iBlasiUptad by fN Mr. HtSrks with the boy s wont of potReaem. aad sate him: "Loo* bar*, air, thaTs w*7 to mysfBaa. Tow &aad a l*sa>n to tvhariurJ Law, yea taka a soot fnmy chair, an l ai t sol though you wsr* pnrprtw.r-ln«t as I do. anl I vlU p> oos ts4 arose Is jut os you Should. I whereupon ha laid daws his cigar and went] out of tha ducr. In a moment ha r aad that* ml tea Loy •:th t. » f *- bum ihe uLU.a copy of M fertaad »'J W tee Ccltad Etaim open la hte top. and (be half: .»! d«ar tn Lis mouth, aad his hoteoe • no ovtrasta Th* (if mtv.P •nh-rad cuietiy wlthhu hot In hte bond, but t*d snt tairiy r ’-vs te*. > tha seem tefors th# • *»r loosed » . 1 salt "Jock. d—d r >r».. ;* up teas»; ttt,.,n.• !ron 1C qfUekjand Tho Only True It you wUh «o sat tta only true —amt therote oely ooa-ha parte by the wtwte Cite • RIch-trdson’s Now Method FORTUB PLLNP-FOUTK, By S tTIIAX ItlCllAROSfMb PRICE 13.35. Aszasr AN aFout'iii Ftwazaiwu. It 1, th. moM woodptafiT eweaeMat laetn tioo book aver pobUsbad. OVErt 300.000 COPIES HKZS}. 1 tSSliBSirffZm Moil Perfect ol Mutic Booki, a‘» . .'Aly tt trrarv a irntiv.* -if hvariiiK were dbeev • 1 • • o r.ur:irnitL» ar:many unitraeulunm, \ ' um beaus# ti unlvrnal that • l*o Ilea/ne mm •* "r" - Hoar IVliat tlic Deaf Say. ■ ft bsi ft*rfana»i a mlrael* tn my rose. Pi hat# t •• u;<« artely noises in my hta-i ami rTfiavlTbrou rrratly benefited. Mr •Urftfots* heipctl a great deal-think so- Leber botti* will com ne, "Its virtucf are cwurnojuatt^M viva citAKAtvza abwillts. a» \srtsM>wativ vsjmrv. w»tm r imd asdomcKVATiow. sriw*e»< \u)cka Jksvtx. 7 Ley riwH. KswV lelnrio,It-to. aad you, alii eyrtrabj a remedy that will unbl* you to he*r bnelyelH*. and whro# c p«.*nnarpnt konwill i money by Rmimu «tttr' tmprt* JIANCT, * If# MILLION DRIED FRUITS. Established IS WWI. L- ALLEN & CO., Produce Cnm-riitiicn Merchants. 104 VJarron St., Now York. Saa-BiW ai.l Kvap-nted FruiL H. H, V. Hill's Hepatic Panacea, w. H. BARRETT, DrttKKlff AtidfilU Ooorcia. 1 v-fir.i : t !■'. * 'Tn »0'I ill HBd OLIVER DITEOS & CO . BirtVsn. | MCG?ES BUSINESS •JNIVEriSITY, it S'. 1 M \(’!I, RFID 1.1 N Kh, NO EKVKK, ,M* HU» m;SD« i hlA of*. 1 .if t. :« cute b^run# » u;.g - rt^. It te pvft I:au o-iu r ocr dollar