Georgia weekly telegraph, journal & messenger. (Macon, Ga.) 1880-188?, August 11, 1882, Image 3
STbv (Re • -rqui Wc.chlvr U. .clegcctply smtt 3knttml \v A BLOODY SUNDAY. prisoners are not closely guarded will take the law in their own trends. FEOM WASHINGTON. Terri l»lo hcones KnncteUoii the hab. hntil l>i»y—One White mi ;un<l Tour Krgroc* Hilled, nud a '.Tot.ion Cut to 1’lects. Information of a riot at Kastman on Sunday was .vcceived in Maoon yesterday and was the subject of conversation all over the streets. The affair was greatly de plored by all, and condemnation expressed for colored excursions on Sunday to local* ities infested by negro desperadoes. The city was filled with reports of tho af fair, and no two stories were aliko. From Capt. Sam Adie and Baggagomaster Davis (Pony Bill) and other sources,wo have been onabled to lay before our readers full par ticulars with a diagram. This* taken in connection with the aooount furnished by our faithful Eastman correspondent, will serve to give all the details touching the nnfortauato affair. For sometime previoaa to Sunday, hand- bills have been distributed announcing a oampmeetiug to take place at Eastman on. Sunday, the Gth of August, and that “more amusement would be furnished than at any campmoeting ever held in .Georgia." From the facts below, this promise of the programme was certainly oarried out. On Sunday morning, Coudaetor W. W. Ellis left Macon with quite a crowd of colored people, men and womon, and took up recruits all along the line. At Cooh- ran a fow yonng white men took passage, among them Mr. James Q. Harvard. About the ssms time of arrival of this train at Coohran, another train filled with Koor.lonUl. Mm.ot> from Jaap, with, , ,£,£7 Mu"'Sw Oapt Bam Adie in charge, f he crowd | gro man reported to the marshal that an. A—Uplands Hotel. B—Arbor and platform, c—Warehouse. D—Stores. E—Excursion train from Jesup. F—Excursion train from Maoon and Haw- A Uni Prom Hr. Unstln's I'tiyslclnn. 1 Editors Telegraph and Messenger : The uneharitable manner in which you deal. with Ur. Suitin'* cm. (lemtndft ft defonta 1 Wiiramo*, Aamut 7.-In praunting from hi. friend., n. ho i. iilnrod -here ho ,0 lho Ben.lo lut night the oonfMtnco re. cannot defend himself without violence to | port on tho anndry civil bill, Mr. Allison Ida native modoity. As his medical advi-1 commented ui>on the attitude of the House sor, I am in a measure responsible tor his I #t, rnn „ h <t . rnTlf ... ni tn going to tho asylum, as tt was by my ad-1 •“ rou K“ “• confereos in relation to vioe he was sent there. It was not nn at- I National Board of Health, wldch he aaid coln'e neoeaaity he should have been sent seems to be one of hostility to th# board, to the a ylum, as he could and would have The Honato confaroM had hwm obltowl tn recovered his mind, ss thousands of others , , 0 c ® 1 n,# 5, ee * . been obU 8 6d 10 have done iu hia condition, at homo. r ® oed ® Uoux lho Senate amendments on But it was u matter cf policy 1 thia subjeot, though $53,000 had been in- chftpt *. r L° f m j R tortuuo« sertol in lieu of $26,000 for the aid of lo* » fiTSRSft ’eat’bftndli «*•« *** The prorUlon for Daring the -rad condiiion alluded to in Mr. 1 1,10 maintaining under the board of quar- Gustln a oasis his father was afflicted and | antlue statiops had been los f , the House afterwards died from live effects of cauoer, \ cjn f ur «p, dsrUrW thst th««% wnr.» i,.p/». bKct ■ long rnul painful Hint... U. wu I « JnI » re « s .““ l * rtn B »oro neo.. living with hi. widowed and .Ingle alatei., I t,r f »nly in time, of peetlleuco, and nt the old hometteed In ViseriUe, nnd .. c “- nt P'o«i«ion had btim mode for .uoh they were phnlonlly unable to care for contingency iu iho proviiion blowing the him, and ooold not get white nonw to do *«nt touso»lOU,IW lo prevent orenp- «o,Iidvi»d nnd urged the neeeeeity of I P"“ contagion. 'Ihe other item. of .ending him to the a.ylmu, after oonfer- ,h * bi» , ot Bonthem intereer, ring with many of hie friend.. ?• W’"* 1 *° ln oonferenee and adopted by There are hundred, if not thoo.nnd. of both house., aro a. follow.l For a pnblio mon occupying political poaition., from bnildiug nl Abingdon.! n., «i r .,O)0i it llnr- an orator 1 , obair to tho chief rimnoarB, Vu, $25,(XX). The provuloua executive of tho United State?, I loohmg to tiro punshee. ot yiopwty con- who might with tho .rune propriety **«ou. to tho irorfolk navy yard (or tho hove been sent to the asylum, and yet been oomtructiou of a wet dock, and the op- nonstlio worae for U. I propriation of $00,001) for the completion Mr. George Quetta hrw the reputation of toar eootion. ul the dry dock at the Pen. havtajeny extraordinary duo legal mind, I S » rJ were nrickon out, aa wu and aa far aa I know it ae etrong ae ever it | ft? “““““S amendment appropriating was, which conoedta more than nu average * JV* 0 ,or ,\}JWfhour, at San ** *"’. u **' amount of intelligence to him, end by vir- The Horn ol *: 1,01X1 for n light horn. at Mo. tue of which he U eminently qnallliel to inlet »•» rotained. fill the honorable position be aspires to. — Eastman, August 7.—Yesterday will long be remembered by the people here as the sosne of a terrible riot There was a ne gro cAmpmeeting going on, and about 11 'oiock two crowded excursion trains, one - ij disembarked, and went over to the camp ground, situated ln the rear of some s torse. There wae n good donl of whisky drinking indulg ed in, and many of the negroes whiled away the morning gambling. One jif the gamblers was Jako Johnson, alias Jake Terrapin, a notorious Mivoou. tl.iof nnd herd character gonerally. Jake boionged in Maoon, but, it proving too hot for him, he took in the towns on the Macon and Brunswick railroad, making h’.s living by stealing and gambling, mak ing freqaont trips to Macon. Ho engaged in a skin gnme with some of the dowu- coantry negroes, and fleeced one of his watch Rod •Wu. TKU T*t>ATlM\ to Marshal Buchan, with a demand for Jake's arrest. Marshal Bmflmn and his depnty, i f |. Teto Harrell, attempted to arrest Jake, who, after knocking Harrell down, ran own tho railroad to some dis tance below the old warehouse Tho marshal fired two shot, at the fleeing negro, but failed to hit him. Mr. Howell, his depoty, was moro fortu nate in his aim, one of hia balls bringing tho negro to the ground. Tho crowd from tho campmoeting saw the shooting and rnshej over to where Jake lay breathing his list. When t*end, they took his body womon saw the corpse, and they com meuc-id to scream and shout. This seems to have fanned the straggling spark into flume, nnd then there were criss of **Hhoot every whito man!" “Kill ’em nil!” end such exulsma ions. A whito man was seen ruuuing through a grove of trsm in reer of thoj store*, and this started the crowd. Thoy fired iuto the air. and at every white man they could find. A nujKier of the in- furiftt. il du»it* ran over to M residence of Mr. Harrell, in which direction tho white man was seen to ran, and soon tho h'.iuowns surrounded. Five of thorn weut into the houso and secured Mr. James Harvard, of Cochran, whom they mistook for llumli, and putted him out of the house. They tore oil pickets from the fence and bo it him horribly. One. negro, placed hia pistol at his iH»aa and flrod. livcu after breed* had left the body of the innoocni victim, they continued to beat htin over the head. Ths citizens were thus foroed to protect themaolves, and hastily arming themselves, rushed forward when n goner si firing took place between whites and blacks. Psveral were seen to fall, probably wounded, hot yesterday morning it was found that nt least three negroes had been killed in the tight. Ths negroes took to flight, and eomrarntivs antei was restored. The railroad employes took no hand in the nicleo bee lose thoy had no right to do so. nnd beisnso they knew they would trouble enough on their tmiss in tha ■ i,. iiio ihhi-'j »nrn. at s:-u, iook ti rocc^s until & o’clock, Mr. iiiseoek, who made the motion, stating that the chances were even that Congress would adjourn to-night. As soon as tho House met this evening at 8 o'clock, Mr. Uisoook, of Hew York,in oved to adjourn. Mr. Anderron, of Kansas, moved that when the ilonse adjourn it be to meet nt a o’clock to-morrow, saying that it seemed that their royal majeatea in the Beuate could notsitat night, and that tho House had nothing in the world to do. Mi. Blackburn, of Kentucky, suggested that tho House adjourn until Friday, and Mr. Hi soot k stated that if the Senate took up tho tax bill to-morrow he would have no objection to adjourning until th-*t date. Thereupon Mr. Anderson withdrew his motion, and tho House, at 8KHp. m., ad- wan a good deal of indignation manifest ed -ti the notion of the Senate in adjoaru- ing to-day without taking action | expressed their desire that the ! 'i I i ! t would avail himself of his constitntiunal right to deolnre both houses adj .a rued. In tact Mr. Anderson, of Kansas, hnd a reso lution drawn np toqaestiug the President to exeroifo that right, and only refrainod from offering it to-night at the r'qaeat of hia oclteagnes. Another member express ed his desire that the Honso would grant the Senate the extra mileage which it* members askod for, provided they wmld go home and stay thero altogether- There was a strong sentiment prevailing that the Senate had treated the House in a very cavalier manner. BTAU BOUTS TQIAIH. WAamaaTON, August 7— in the star ronte eases to-day John L. French, ex- chi* t clerk of the oontract office, was Mr. Uisooek replied that, Senator’s remarks were didn't propose to make any reply whatev er. Ho had already said aa much as ho desired about the manner In which tho Uonae had transacted its bnaineto. Several ineffectual attempts wore mado to have private bills oonaidored, and then, at 11:16, tho Ilou«e took n reoosa until 12. Immediately after the recess, on motion ot Mr. Uisoook, of New York, tho Senate amendment to the House resolution for a final adjournment of Congress eras concur red in. On motion of Mr. Hisosck, a committee of three members was authorized to wait upon the President and announce to him that CougruM wm ready lo adjourn, and Messrs. llUcock, UariwJiitcr and Atkins were appointed as such committee. The Hjnae then, at 12:15, took a receav until When the House aisembled at 2:45, Mr. lliscock, member of the joint committee appointed to wait upon the President, re ported that the committee had performed its duty, and that the President had no farther oommnuiestion to make. Mr. Horr, of Michigan, from ths co*$f tL ..„ W1 mitteo on commerce, naked prosent oon- Keren o'clock FOEEIGN NEWS., Augn-l 0.—TheObsrrrer hns the following dispatch: Alexandria, August 6. —Yesterday’s engagement is tho subject of general comment here. In the opinion of military mon of high professional ptrienco nothing apparently has been gained to compensate for ihe heavy loss la killed and woonded. An armed train started to-day for Malhalla Junction to discover if the rails had again been out ixixnox, August G.—Ths report of Admi ral Feymour concerning the rnoounte with the enemy of a reooonoiaunco pert’ f J T IVAN THE It A T, I niif.od the u judiueratiou o l sundry . ,. .. I i-ras by onuidu.ous consent, os follows: What Cansed Considerable Trouble In V u nxotiou of Air. Hale, tho House bill pen- n family. J swuiug tho widow ut tho late Brigadier A care came up before Bcco'rder Jemison ^Mr^MorrTil^ih? 9 iRj . Wt yesterday morning of unusual interest. I the section of ths revised statutes* whicE The fact is known that all tbo Russian rof-1 oxport tux on tabncco was ogees in Macoa dwell together in one I <>“ motion of Mr. Botler. tho house. For soms reason, tho families do I joint rwm.utisu allowing per diom not dwell together in the unity they should, I Dnployes of the Senate an extra mouth’s .■ and the polios have on inoie than one oo-1 p *L wn4 .. .... until 1 o'clock. After tho recess A. J. caiion been called in to stop some family | _i » ?.* Jtooup was examined to rebut a portion of fuss. ~ ' I wny to the Juckvonvillo and Augustine Itail- Tho other night a bat flow into the Jroom I r P““ CompAu/, «uu rriug tue claims of Wt oao of the lsdios, and after flying about 1 the captors of tho Albemarle to the C< was killed. It seorus that tho Kassiansare I of, were considered nnd paired. I sopsrstitiou4, aud beliovetlnitu bat Ikiiled I Mr. Allison, from the appropriations or caught in a room will give the oocupant committee, reported the House reso u- any amount of good luck. So when Henry * lo ,° appropriati. g $(10,UU0 to supply a do- Kressowitz, the to.U’s l.. othcr-in-law,heard ? t ci ®p®yj u u ‘« appropriation for too fees of of the oat, ho wont into tho room, secured I United States district attorneys tor the lost the bat,and tojh it to his np/irtruonU. I - .. , _ This enraged tha lu 'y and she I Mr. Rollins, from tho naval committor, 1 went into Henry’s room and I "Ported the House resolution instructing seized upon three silver candlesticks I the Secretary of theiNavy to convene> » brought over the water, and declared she r° Qrl of inquiry u» investigate as to the would not give them op nnlUthatbstwos toss of too stoamsr JesnnetU and tha forthcoming. Henry refused to give up I dwatH of Lieati>nant-Commander DeLong. tho leather-winged varm nt and toon fol-1 v . , .. u 1 Mr. Miller, of New York, from the com merce oommittee, reported back tho Honso I Attract eeehie the etor, at wae related |» Wot tfeotatlon tor ejolotMleeteommtt- by OfBoer Stenhens wk» Mt*u *• mWihM I pn Amerioan ship-building and ship ter. In view of the poverty of the puoplo I o^fng interests. r«w b y m to 13. and a promise that the family would fops-1.. Mr. I'lomb offered a ooncorrenl ryottn- rate and live in separate honsos, tha lie-1 H°f to f cor ler let tliem off wi>h on injunction. “niHiiOP tv as Eli. _ _ adjournment sine dis at five o'clock. Without disposing ot the resolu tion, toe Senate went into executive Moraelblng Aboultlio Unfed Repnt>]leans lo srouS Bishop Henry M. Turner, of the A. M Mr. Pinmb charged that tbo responsibili H i, n ty for ths extension of the present session C I ' ,ft * chargeable solely to thedilatorinesa of too House in maturing appropriation bills. and reviewed tbo action i r.-*10 the Degrees scrambled into the ears honnd for Jesup. Conductor Adie and Boggsge to aster Jomw and the other cm- !•!«»><••* nnd consulted among themselves in ths meantime and decided npon their course of action. The ears were «.re«d. cl and it was some .time before ths conductor eoold commence ths work of taking 'rp ticket*, tvh'n ucar Ood- winsvtlle t*>« conductor was Informed that a r.cgro la the soonod doss ear was making hiiii*»!f generally disagreeable nnd bad a pistol drawn. Captain Adis went in and ordered him quietly tut firmly io pat up the pistol. lie sullenly refnaed, but Made MDoUxntoobcf, and the coudaetor («(t tho r.-.r to attend to bla dutiss. lie had not l>fvn gooo Ijoj: Injfora b» board n t«r- rib'son.nm i»>a in the evr whererne bully wax, and * »«i -M that there was a woenm being cut. RosSiing into the ear be found ths in xro, Ike flhipmas, stabbing his wito in tho r>aek, the blood sparling from the wounds. Ths conductor here had nse for every fn 'titty nud a crucial test of his courage, lie called Poor Rill and hta porter Lewis nml thru v. to whcrl Ike was carting his wife. Ike stopped, and hacking him- •••If np ngam-t iho rear o( the bar, stood at ' b«y with pistol il ON hand and knife in the other, and with glaring ey es defied any attempt at arnst, and sajing that be would run that train. Ospt, Adis was r^then ia a critical position. He wae cool an 1 ccllccttd, but a glance reranled to hU gnzu twenty or thirty revolvers indifferent 1-nrti of the car, r.n 1 he did not know vrfccthcr there was a friend or foe in tlie- k ' ft |tut Ho iletormined to sell hi* life at a dear «*•»-?. an t knowing he was backed by Pony Bill, wLo wav arit to the core, he inacagcd to get directly in front of the bnlly.aadwhile talking to him, gave the wiulc to hi* porter, Lewis, and to Pony Bill, and in a twinkling both arena were iy r.u-e-it uii r«ioiur, i ___ _j»er«l by l’ony Bill, ana Hubvhled. It was L;:t the work a moment to show ths cegroes that Iks oa :ht to be pacished for cutting his wife, s;:d a number of tfcei drew pi-tolH and were kept from •hooting Iks by the railroad men. One man begged to zfcoot htm, a fid acta illy placed me nuzzle of hia pUto*. at Ike’s Lead. In the strecrglc there were pU’ol« tlirust u* >r Capt. Adie s artn«, around his r.fck and all.alK.nt him by ths men who wanted to kill Ike- The conductor tbes other negro had stolen his watch, where upon the marshal, J. B. A. Buchan, and Pete Harrell, his assistant, arrested him. On the way to jail tbo negro got loose and started to ran, when he was shot at and killed. The negroes teenmo very much inflamed and excited and fired their pistols and went about in search of Buohsn and Harrell. It is said they got np with Hsr rail,who told them he was not Pete Harrell. “Yonder he is,’’ pointing out young James Harvard, of Cochran, who hnd come down on tho excursion train. Ths negroes ran after yonng Harvard, shooting nt him and shouting and threat- eniug. Mr. Harvard tan into and under Ur. W. W. Harrell’s bonne. The negroes unrronnded the honne and demanded ad mission. Mr. Bird Daniel and Mr. A. II McRse were np stairs in tbo windows of their room and several shots were fired at them by the mob. Threats of “burn ths bouse," •'kilt tiiui," 4 *ho kilted >r •istor’s son," and all sorts of noises, shooting pis- tols, etc. They tore off Mr. Harrell’s pal ings, broke down his fenoe and Anally got into the boose nnd dragged young Harvard ont. They beat him a\jout the head with sticks, and ss they reached the steps one negro pat a pistol to his hsnd and fired, The yonng man full near ths gate, and after he was shot to dea’b some of the fiends struck him about the face and head. Mr. Harvard was a son of Mr. Quinn Harvard, of Cochran, was about twenty years of age and had just returood from college. His parents we losrn tried to persuade him not to go on the negro excur sion, but he did not obey them. Several other young men from Cochran accom panied him. His remains were carried to Cochran last night for interment. After killing Mr. Harvard the negroes went to town in search of Buchan, but did not find him. Theysoon quieted down and when fivo o’clock arrived tho train left, ranch to the relief of the town. Dispatches were written for Maoon, Atlanta and Sa vannah, but could not bu got off. One black woman in the crowd created more peon’e. Being fluent of speech, nuu iw i - , . . . excitement than alt the balance. Rev. Mr. JJ2md of bold charaoteritileThe became a I Thomson, onr Methodut preacher, acted t,*der among them, and Jell Long Holt. I . now ample Opportunity to oou- with K r»t intret^m,! gol.K right I. I ^. .Idr.l^ u, a. .Y m - I •Mythf.Ue MIL fl. wwM M uDioogit lh.riot.rj end trjiog to qn*H pi. .i.calor. of hi. .aperlor wtlL Derlng ^ lt ; them; and he would have succeeded bat for to unscrapaloasnsss, ho Isid down ths|ffv w “ 1 , upon without this infarinted woman. I Bsuntlct, Mid tho Dvmoerats of Bibb saw I farther dtbsis or at any tlmo fixed. Mr. W. W. end f emlljr aetad with f ,hej had a foe to eootend with who 1 great ooolnuiw and forbearance, ti was a neither asked nor expected compromise. I fdocatioa ond labyr, Qktied. up ths rsstdu- tryiog time for them. After the .xcit- SUli his ra^To 55 rat?oi M^to^ moot two negro men were identified as ro i n an d he seam*** “jp flaht UI rK ' fh • ,, ""hsriSPS^* look "" »' sSs^res^iS^ norer had eooh »n etperl- He wee euercufal. He wae eloctod o irS'iK'ti'iIiudltSj 1 ° il ‘ t pr0 ' cure, and all with one accord protest member of the Legislature from this dl against any more negro excursions aud es- oounty. Bat If we rightly rrenember did I x .J pecinlly oa Hoodsy. not sit out a foil term, lie came home, I **• M , » , ei’» of California, was .mails to# Our >ocng men are going to organize » and in a bittsr, harsh, angry speech in I !£^!t!,® r P dor forlho Monday of oouipouy. 1 front ot tho city halt, predicted all sort* of I ,... . Two mors arrests have been made and I disasters to ths Democracy. I H«“® amendment to the bill for othera uo known. Cuunrom>cxr. Turner, h.ring, a. h. na doaht ejnolud-1 j* ia* 1 ed, pretty w.ll Imitated Hand in carving I JjSSlHi«P ° e , f ^ k • f Tj* IIKHT II AH IX li POTT unit. hie party ia theM rcbelHoo. perta, Med I JjUS*? r^EsS 01 Dr. Edward O. Love, th* preeent enelyt- inmcr medo no friend, among I f 1 “Jf »ota. were amieblleami. leal chemut for the guverqment, hu the uvoMtablawblta omila of Maconl Legtilatlvo bn.inM. WH noeoidmg y «u- oently mad. ume Interctlegeiperimont. £ JSfSSSt ttu« fnTJ .U the S t-"*^ «“* the door, aloud. When the u to th. oompereUv.vMn.ol behlngpow. SiffiriraSSodlrid. nr ing th. wu. | th. Ben»U proceed. deu. Dr. Love’. ImU were made to deter. he „.j 0 „„ .ffort whilo here to | “11° the eoetideretioo of the Uouu eon- .nine. I.r-- . arm (l,u vrvru* .Orimvnvlrial I MeSIUCS. HO miUU »«» ““ 0 ‘» W,Ul ° I re.^.It.1 i... f,v. . flu.I .I;........ called, and made some corrections in bis testimony, ti. W. Brsishaw was called by the defense to offset the charge that ex- travagant sains were paid for ths service by showing the high price of forage an J labor. Judge Wylie ruled out the testimony. The defense then announced that they were through with their evidence. At the re quest of the prosecution a recess was taken ionic 01 E. Chureb, preached two sermons to large I theee bills, and said if business ibtsVesl audiences in tho Methodist ehnroh on Cot-1 ^ been injured and manufacturing to a ■ , , I large extent skipped becanss of the pro ton Avenue last Sunday. I traded session and apprehensions of un- Bishop Tnrner (urn-ed his face toward I wise legislation to which it had given rise, onr city in the early year, of the war. HU | '*" s wlt> ‘ *** advent among u.* was so sadden that th? " first thing many of ns knew he had made I pltotiM of too resolution, in'order, as he for himself a “local habitation and a "tated, to have it lie over tor one day un name not only a* a prenoher, but as a potiUrill wire-patter of o very shrewd kind. “ r -. Ho mingled politlo. with religion with »o *?ISS* much skill and adroitness that lie soon bo-123Sy# r KE2?S8"£ia- *' 1 ° rrid to SS?/ Bet" g “llJinVof “SSShflnT^ limirlddrt thet M tho mein bnel. peop e. using fluent or speecn, ana pos- i MorriU Hsking tMwdcrs. Cubic Inches Cm I dark shads, oompoctly bulit. with a neau 1 . I* . . hnl per each ounce of Powder, apparently as caosb'.e of sUnding »• much I “P wx DUl tioyal (cn»m Urtir iKiwdcr) 137.4 punishment as Tag Wilson's and i* !•* I i f SfvSL l iIi - !!2L , n i. {•sispreo (slum itowdsrto....— - I A7* I young enough to aooompllab urach of good I ■~ It am ford 1 , (phosphate) fredi IK.'’I or bad to Uw world. UsisagoodsiMaksr in ootil the Ux bill wmotidou. Uumford'a (phosphatci old *•’I tha t.nlnit or on the ttnir t, aud in toanv I Mr. Beck said thseodsavor to poos ths tax < levetand's (stSt wti*Mo*) - tu>» I tire alphabet attached to it, nnd ia tin Il'J, n*ya IJ. The Senate gv r — - 1 - !S“ Mill of Ww Of hta2SlSj.ttS.SlSi. 1 H»g adjonraed tar—..... - jjjjjjjg I of colored bi.bop.. It i. .aid be I. a flue I ^w«dmt»totorntt by Mr.Cnmeron. tiroekMholnr, nod enn revlMiverulotl»r for. tail dmnl ot l>r. Price's Hnow Plake jOroff s a*s. Paul) CCiMtresi. $— r,. AadtwweSi cu.'s tcoutalns otua)... t*lt* Becker's....... * Billets bulk to w longnigos. J ..... iru ••—— o—— menu I., u -l, ,i . HeUngtaot, certainly, omeng I ;. | oWkt < x«! < ht, we. del [ the colored |>eopls of this country. I ®**®*®j^,*°. . . .v It t. eehfhta eermoo. on Handey were I <* J"? 4 th * nhle one.—purely eeripturel In every re. | vote brn wie I ojrdtd the amuniraent would have been ' sgJ.i specl, and wo know hii noJi»*ncc« were I , l! iismist I Ujs clevntion^ ta hia present | tolopteo. ^ bolte. The Honre met at It) o'clock in coniinn- -ri,„«rim- .riw-M..,...,,.,,.-. -- - . don of Ksturdayt session On motion of fully to serve toe church faithfully nnd at I Mr. Willetts, of Michigan, seconded by JjhgggJ^ I the Ume time tangle himself np in parti-1 Mr. Cox, of New York, toe ti proosss of baking, or under vurylng cU-1 Mn mmskM. • I nnsred tn *nAn.irn<re inatic vhaogee suffer dstenoration.' •In hi. r.,K>rt the government otmmtal ^2tte^e, we tro-t. taken him' onl of I ■ .... ■ politics, for oil and water eannot mix; and | r v:.r> ing c HI ntion." «otl, the former guveramept I process —'c changesi ’• H. A. Mo 1 .., chemist, after a carefnl and elaborate ex amination of the various baking powders of ooramsroe, reported to the grnernment in favor of the Royal brand. SO TIE AVf/7. I VO tin. X Word tor Mr. Uudtn. Macon, Oa., August 7th, 1882. I graphic communication between America | end Europe. The Senate amendments to the eopple- I mental post-route bill wwre concurred in. I Thu sundry civil bill was announced at I duly enrolled and rwceivsd ths sign stare of Major Joha r. Rtorry ntabbedby Mr Itebert Altcrlda#. Yeeterdeyefterm»n aboutSuT)o'clocknIJ AMMfia.SSmlSimrZ dUBeoltyoemrre<letthenpplyyerdo(theled,thevot.oci adjonrnment -bowing the En.t Tenneaw*. Virginia end Oeorg* hTWf?S! *«> *»» Voile’s testimony. Mr. Merriok offered to show by tho wit ness that in too spring of 1H7H, Vain had known Miner, and hnd nt that time signod a contract at Senator Dorsey's house, although Yale swore that be had never met Mimr before August of that year. Tho witness said he met Vale and Miuer at tinnator Dorsey’s house ip the latter part of April. 1»78. Joan Pryor, contract office dork, was the next witness. He had been iu uhargo of the letter press copybooks of that office. Un identified a book presented by Col, Blise as one which contained tiie letter press conies of offiolsl oor;e*i>otidoaco of one section of the recond sraisUnt post- "* from Deoem- Marob 10th, 1881. Taming to a page in the book containing a copy of a titter dated Decem ber 2»to. WWrtejA • M--* X.ttM* 4b« wltneM doctored that the signatnre eras that of Generd Brady, signing as sec ond assistant postmaster-genera! Oilier titter* are dated December ;wth, 1W». The object of the introduction of thia evi dence was to contradict tho witness French, wiio testified that on December iirtth, 1880, he had acted as second assist ant postmaster.gonoral. U. L. Nelson, correspondent ot the Bos ton Post, testified that he had a conversa tion with Basil in tiie fall of INK), which eommenoed at his bouse and extended to Lafayette Bansro. After a long argument Nelson’s evidence was rnledfloot, and the ooort adjourned. WAsnmoTox; August 8.—In toe Senate, Mr. Bayard rose to a correction of the journal, and stated that, owing to the noise and oontnsion in the ohamber at the oloso of toe session on Monday, his vote in fa vor of the resolution for nn adjournment sine die at 11 o’olosk p. m. that day had not. been heard nor recordod by the clerk. He bed voted yea, because the resolution, coming from the Republican member*, seemed to indicate a disposition of the ma jority to close the session. The ohair arnoanoed the appointment on the joint **Ua& oommittee orf the revl vat of shipping intsresU Miners. Miller, of New York, Conger and Yeah Mr. Ingaiti called np the bill to transfer the property of the Soldiers nod Sailor* Orphan Home to tha Garfield Memorial Hospital. Passed. On motion of Mr. Cameron, of Wiscon sin, the House resolution for an adjourn ment sins die on Saturday, August 6th, wee takonnp. Mr. Cameron moved to amend byiixittgaatbe time for adjournment to day at 8'o’clock. Mr. Hherman demanded ths yeas and nays on the motion. Tha vote resulted yeasN, nays 17, and tho resolution as amended was agreed to. The announce ment of the result was accepted ss conclu sive that the end of the session bad finally been determined upon. Daring tbe roll call asveral members who had prired announced that they had reserved the right to vote in order to make a quorum. Tbtir responses, however, were not required for this pnrpore. Au analysis of the vote ebowe that all votes against adjournment come from to# Re publican side. Tha Democrats voted to adjoern, and Masers. Cameron of Wiscon sin, Cblli-ott, Plumb and Sawyer, with Mr. Davis, of Illinois, voisd with them. Tbe 8en at* toon proceeded to c _iea«area taken np by noanimoos consent, and to which no obj mtion was made. The following were disposed of: The House joint resolution to provdc lor preps ring reports of the contested elec tion eases Tn tbe forty-fifth Congress. Passed. Oa motion < Henste hill to pay ext work in emergencies printing office passed. Messrs. Anthony im pointed to notify the Pi tion with the Uouse « grass woo'd be ready it A number of House I demoed cannon were l Mr. Windom, chain gallon committee ini use of money to def ei biU, submitted a repo tokeu. Ordered prinU At 1 o'clock an exeei dered. and soon therei closed. At 2:65 the doors wei request by Mr. Morrill tlon bill, so that the appropriation wade for tho Kentacky river might bo imme- distily available. Mr. Holman, of IndiaL-a, objected, however, and the resolution was withdrawn. Attempts were mado by sev eral members to pass Senate bills, without eftoct. The Sponker announced as members of the joint selrct committee to examine into the causes of the deetine in Ainrriosn shipping Messrs. Page of Californis, Can dler of Ma«*ftchni-eU>, Robeson ol New Jersey, Dingley of Maine, Mo Lane of Maryland and 0 >x of New York. Tho hour of 3 o'clock having arrived, Speaker Koifor addressed tiie Honso as fol lows: “This Hou’u is about to terminate its first suasion. It has bven an important one to the country. With thank* for gen erous and kied treatment ou the part of the Uonv*, end with my be t wishes for all members, tegatdfe-se of party, I now, authorized nnd required by tiie concur rent resolution of the Ben do an>l House of Representative’, dnolarotnti House ad journ od without a day." | l/oud applause.] Aftor spending about an hour in hand shaking and taking leave of eauli other, tho members left the hall, many of them going direct to tiie depots. flow. J C\ Clement* aenonilnated. Special Telegraph and Mcweuger. Dalton, August U —Iho ccnrentiou met here to-day and nominateo Hon. J. 0. Clements to represent ths seventh district. B. r. M. florae Fresh Fleece. Special Tuleyrapb am! Mewcngcr. Montxzcm*, Augastfl.—The first bale of new cotton from this county was shipped to-day to Campbell k Jones, Macon, by J. McKenzie. Tiie r.-i-litm i nioters. Hpcflsl to Telegraph and Messenger. EA8TMAN. Augu*t U.—Col. Jack Brown was ^pointed by the coart to defend the priaonors charged with tho marder of Jsmea Q. Harvard. Three more prison ers were committed this afternoon. The court then adjourned an til morning. CosucaroMDtNT. EdUm Ttlnjraph ami Ynx^r.' It nUlrori. .t th. footof Tine «lr«l. between U is with a feeling of pain that I road in joar | Major John F. Storey, master machinist I structions from th# committee on appro- ieeue of the 6th inst year nnfavorebie I of the new road, and Mr. Robert Sheridan, I ptiatione, reported a r.isolation nppropriv wmm.nta npon .h. »<x, ra n 1 .n ( Utl 0 «. of | „^ta Mr . From an eyewitnese we gvt the following | works now in profreee for tbe tint Mr. G. W. (iostin for tbe position of district I eotltti Orel to .it hv* man out of Ithered np and, as-i-teu uy i'oey nm and Iz>ais. carritd him to tho door of the car, the crowd Kiting at his har!« like so many enraged devil*. When oa tho plat- fora. Uu nr grot* gave boilinuna pa«!i and down they fell the ground, the conductor on top. Tbe negro w« a pow erful rnnc, arid the coodec:or seeing thst he had no time to lese, picked ep a coup ling pin and gave his opponent a blow on the forabesd wtoch fUied to fr.l him. A second blow brought him to taw, end ho rolled into the gutt«r. In the meantime, the negro** \ id c it tiie toll Uee and were howling 1U**o:j. n> fknJi. Tto cider was gi*m to i • cu.m.- r, ami the train arrived at Je*np on t:me. The sheriff of Dodge county was notified by Mogtapb. atul be sxTt*u dike Shipman, and be u< i r. .j-.tto Ea-'man yeeienday and lodgsJra j*il. with ten other* who bad been am c i tn *f l ar< . .1 K . ac foF c impli ..y in ih« u A >t ! ,y, Ir- 4 r . pr• due <l'^ti*infidi.: sr.d t-. it.»e«oteaee end barren di- l%i- t:i . . .• i-:g t-.- . . . » taffinahesh lissMsfnewrom wthlwith ■rvvtUmsat esdJNad wtth wtefcrd feel* ism They havffgsse thsir dnty wall and rroman eyawiraesawegwraeio iowTng works now in prognre for tbe improve- MKUII of lb. .Ynlri It M.OU tha Mr. I aunt of the UiMuripi i rtttr btto* iMro. I have been intimaU > associated with I Sbendan had been employed on the new I and the methods employed in making sucti Mr (lustra since the rime nt ik* uu 1 W*® AttawU tmt. He wee ducharg-1 itnprovemenw. The Committee is also aa- Mr. Posy Mnat thartoae ofthe late war 1 about six weeks weess ago for some 1 tiwrized to inquire into matters pertaining betwesn tha States. Soon after the tor- J disobedience of orJer*. Yesterday after-1 to the outlet and jetty ■ render of oar armies we were together ee I noon he went out to the yard and after I report the result of their ioneiries ‘S. U * a?®* of ^;. L * N ; I bMds with Major Storey, a*k*d I Btthe next session cf C oogree*. Adopted, ^hlllle, of this city, and from that time 1) him if he bad a job tor him yet I Under a cell of the States tbe following Major tepUed that hel vero inlroducei and referred: By Mr. . . . . . . . - t . w to give him I Kobeeon, of New Jersy, to rednee taxation. t } rMnrm «P°® 4 hislife with I tt present. Ihie answer dM not appear to [ identical with the tax UU a* it now standi pelO’ but that you ootuider R to be a “red- ptieae Ur. Bheridan, and he began to abuse L n the Senate, ev ept that it Oom not pro em n duty that you owe tbe public. 1 the Major, aad daring tbe eon venation tbe I tide for tbe polarticoc* «eitl Mr. Robe- "V"*!** g! , !g S y troe, dote Mewas given, tort by Is not son moved to suspend tha rales andpot it thereby unfit Mr. (luatin from repre- I certain. Mr. Sheridan struck tbe Major, I opon it* noMoge tbs bill jail introduced seating the people of thia district in a sat- I who is one-armed, and then several licks I byhim ti> reduce taxation. MfacSory manner? I know Mr. Gostin to | were passed. In stoeping do we to pick ap I Mr. Mills, of Texas, demanded a •ecoed. be • men of a elaar mind, a jadgmeot I on iron bolt Mr. Sherman manegeJ to get but there were only fifty two voting in the calm, dispassionate, on J with capacity to I out hia knife end stab tbe Major in tn* I affirmative and eight in the negati re. recrement this district with ability. I neck. The Major picked op the bolt and I Metar*. Ellis, of LoaUiam*r end Cot. ^ Mr. Sheridan several Uowa on tbe | of New York, re ised toe point of no quo frtends who deans that he oeoopy 1 h?.uf, and compatkd him to give up his rora> tide poution, and he is, ea | knife. 1 Mr. Ribcsoa trusted lbs* so gentleman I understand, the unanimous choice of th# I By this time the employee of the road 1 on the other sola would object to a bill delegatee from this oounty. Those 1 got to the moneed eeperated them. Mr jor whirh rednoed taxation forty-three million _ Itee ore a]l food Democrats, they rep-1 btorey eent for Dr.Jhugero'd, who dres*#t| dolUr*. ZO&JiWr.T? *htf hart our I hie wound in the office at the yard. Mr. 1 Mr. MilD-—“It reduces taxation on tire ****** coaCAsom. 1 Bheridan walked^ to Menard k ITgman s wealth of the country and leaves it on tire cncoanlcr ! -- - -— unco party at Malhalla Junction, Saturday, is ns fol- lows: “Oar foroc consisted of two bus- area men of the naval brigade, with one forty pound and two nine-poundcr goi.s, under Capt. Fischer, a thousand mariucs under Col. Tucson; half a battalio uof the Thirty-eighth end Forty-rixth Regiments, and nil of the Sixth Regiment. Wu had a skirmish with tho enemy, whloh were two khou«aud strong, wi h nix sure cud six rocket*, from half-pad five until half-pad seven o’clock in th« evening. The total cssaalties to the usvnl brigade and ma rines arc twp killed ana twenty-two rouadcJ.TAOl The toWtf ia General Allison's re port: “Iwrent t\t native reporta, existing daring tiiu pass* Vv day*, that Arabi Push i was retiring /r„\i Kafr el Dvwar ip. n Daman liar,I dctOw\iuad upon a reconuot- eance to ri*c*rtalntcloxrly whether Arabi •till held hie original position etrongly. The !*ft colnmn mmmeoced to advance at 4:45 p, m. from tlm advanced pick-1* of Rami' h, thence by br*‘—*—* tU - Mahmoadtcit o** ‘ tion with ti.^, peeled iu ^ . n o rlcrn siiv.iej IlfUttCtt M8..M05 Thme Jiicu-.e OONSTAHTtnov dispatch from tl claims that batutdi Egyptian victory. ed tiro m po •siblo Ul. _ tho railway appi mondtob, ry fire upon the w of the oanal. Too two niutrpouudL draggodon tlio embankmrnt and caum into notion agntost the enemy’s geua, the forty poumlcr filing o*er our heed- rgsin«: a point where the enemy’s forco were beginning to appear. I now threw forward two corn prone* to carry a hooec near Ihe ca nal, and followed np by throwing four coinpaniee etbl moro to my lsf» upon the banks of and aoroee the canal, tliun attaining tbe position 1 wished and form ing a diagonal line aoroee both canal and road way. The enemy retreated slowly before o*. The fire of their **-— » wjn - der* aid nine -»*u , eler g «rs i ux*«»^iiy gui under by onr arlii'ery. J objrct of my roconnofsonce wai at ntiunl, and I determined to withdraw. 'J Li* movement wae carried out with roost ter- feet regnlarlty and preoieion. I lie trout e fell beck by alternate companire with the regularityof a field day. Every attempt by the enemy to advonen w*e crufthcdbytbe bc.ratiful prreirionof the forty ponnder and tiie iteedy firing ■ •! the nine poaedere. Tbe loeeee of th^ cnruiy appeared to be very gro it They w re so dispirited thit, c int ary to tho uraal praa- tioe of Asiatics, they made uoaitiuiplti follow np our withdrawal. A< a reooni.oi*> saoce tho eoccese of oar move ah I could with. I regret to a*nto tlv.t oar loeefwu eomovhat h*avy. Lion. tnral Society, and > n u umoer* i evor met. oar total to** was ce nresiilsni. The I fo ? r kiUed tw*nty#even wounded, ce president, ihe Anguat has . w«e also retlsc-, been received from Oonstaniin qAe that nt Mate Agrlcattaral fleciety. Hpeelsl Telegrsph and McftcugiT. Ma&iktta, Oa., August 9.—Ool. Thom- ^ M Hardeman wae to day re-elected preal- j tenantTv ree"was’oru» V of ths .. dent of tho Stato Agricoltnral Society, and * i°ff *»fll«ere 1 ever met. Oar total lore was OoL W. I. Urlnu.tan .lo. *“ Hff 00# 1 old executive committee, ted. Addrurred were delivered by aevoral! the eittiug of the conference *j ran rdny men*ben, I. O. Forman, on oitMu.T. Lo"l HoOorin, «b» llntlih «[nb-rii,-or, iw. f-irriin •• ti a _r i»li «i. • ocptsd th« principle of a rolleotive protec- fartaing, D. A. \ a*on, rMocrose of South- • tion of the So ex canal. Tbe Murquis de west Georgia; Prof: While, cotton seed Noaillc, the Frendi embareador, wu forced to reeerve hi* opinh n. owing to tho political crisis in Pari., the other dote- K to*. inclaJmg tbe Turkish repreeei ts- »■, accepted collective protection with the uodificetijn that there should only Lo a trovlslonn! eot»ervisioii of the oanal. Lord Daffeiin a«niu )n- aisled upon the proclamation f* P..k* ■■ RrJj* 1 y* that rumor* hsd spread in Egypt that the tiultra protected Arab! I’ealiv aud would Mod troop* to drive oi t th* English, lie farther oailed attention to Uie feet that the Porte had not yet given a written statement of it* adbesura to tho terms c f the identic »1 note, lie *nid England might regard Die delay ae an ao nal refuel, and act acoordisgir. Tho TarkDh drlegnte* promised a written reply at the nett meet- ing ot toe conference. Constant!some, August C.—Beld Pasha has info-med tiie conference that tiie troofe which atarted for Fgypt at toe be- ginnteg «.f the week are recruit*, who will remain at Haloniea. The real expedi tion will comprise 6,UuO men. A coar.ed of war, composed of Hunan Pasha, minister of marine, and tiirre colonels, will g i to 8»idt Bay, which will he ured n« a uiliUry d-pot. It is stated that Bern* 1‘uha will rroccrol to Ahx* udria. • ne of the transports which left here on ih > third insUnt, with artillery and etoro«, o Alex- andria, hu returned broken down. Two transports bar# arrived at Salonice, bnt thcr have not yet taken on b >ard ray .... . . „ „ ... , troop*. Th* coot rsots for stores hare oot are rwptoin .wcUord; L. 8. Gray, tbo_pUot: ^ it 9 ti|| donbted that Sot Prise, the '*'***• Laoghlsse, eeorad I (j,. proposed expedithre will start. *'" v " k *‘ , , “ **' London, August 7.-A Reoter's • d i-pateh de L gram here declai wholoof Egypt has cm tho Nr.ti .’ part}, and find everywhere a deto gent detent to check possible. Simla, August 9.—Tho Sixty-third Iteir.- raontof foot ha.i b a ordered to im mediately reinforce th* ’Indian co of Egypt. Throe moro batteries h ordered to hold themselves !& rend service. Bombay, August 9.—Five trensp troops Mailed for Egypt to Jay moro will etart to-day. Gon. B!r Mad’horson and stad will irt today ou board the Ileydupm. Alexanduia, Aogn-t ‘.'.-An armored trniu on its usual night patrol thi*, exchanged a few aho’ .^ a-.aPi Ba-hn 7 * second line cf entrenohmeots uenr Mai.aim August 9.—f he Rrya! rds left Aldcrotat bj train for rioctli will embark on and City of Now York, for r>. AnguatTha steamer \> 'Vi msn of tho Durhnji r „i- tot toe east to-day. ugustO—Fivo moro Turkish ions have arrived in On to. D.-r Paalia in expeoted to morrow. Au:v*ND2it, Aug" t U.—Til" family ..f ... Slone have arrivod here. h--u ih*-, left Cairo oo the 3d lost, naryii.m,' w - qntek. TNANsraare roa not i*t. Hotmt Hamtxon. Angnnt 9.—lho trim* ports Grecian iWith a battery of r.rtilt.-ry, < U,mpaa with a battery of artillery, fornia with a company of engim-re, City of New York and Greece sailed for Egypt tmday. The Dake of Cambridge amt Prince Edward, of Qaxe Weimar, vnitod ctioh of the shi;* before their .iepartcrc. I ho Prince of Wales Inspected th«> »s-t four of the veesele. gucm YieU-rm, i’rinceo* Beatrice nn.i the Duol.* nangbt in*peciod tho Orf .**“ wilneMfd STBAIISBIP AOBOCXO. IiONDON, August 8,1:0) a. ite—North Oor- man Lloyds steamer Motel, from Bremen, August Gth, nnd Southampton Aogu*t Mh, for New York, ia "ground under Li/.irel Point. Her position is precariotn. I he passenger* ere now tending. 11 a. w. — Ih# Lloyds ii ."nt telegraph.* that the If or ol has a hole through her bow. tiheitru-k r.i 9^J0thia morning. Tog* lmvo been sen'. • . <-i>r.a*sistilDce. lho weather is calm v d hsxy, 11:90 A- :t.-A telegram received in I/m- don son ."-aco# thst all of tho pari-etigur* have ten jo lut 1’cnzance. and its uses; L C. Bryan, farming a>d politics. To-morrow a grand excursion to Canton take* place. . T. J. B. nos. j, n. usMt sT ReaumlMiMt Br Arcteraatten at XII- i. tigs vi ire. Special to Telegraph end Xesrenger., Aagnst 9.—Ths two- thirds rale wsa adopted. Hon. James H. Bloent was unanimously nominated by ac clamation. W. R. R. Millkdorvilln, Aogcet 9.—Tho Coa* greesional convention assembled at 110)0 o’clock. Hon. Jams* IL Uloont was nomi nated by aoetemation. Perfect harmony prevails. THE MOLD I>I'»T XT PL OX I OS, A Lister III* Iilllril «ml Woumletl- ri*e Xlnulnc. (fly Telegraph.| Hickman, Kv„ August h.—Tho exact number of the kitled and wounded by th* explosion of the toiler of the steamer Gold Dust, last eveniug, is not yst known, but is estimated at twonty-foar killed and forty-eight wounded. Among the woumded are tiaptain McCord; L. H. Gray, the pilot; clerk; I „ - —l by with derisive laughter ride. Tbe Vermont f soot wito on appeared Poodle too o so adopted by tendering thanks to President of the Stool able, courteous and i which he Has presided lions of tha Ifwreto When tha head of the hoar of three, the molly urminitedithi speech. Ha said: **Senators': Alter a 1 out Merino, in which formed its pert of th folly, we ore about to or* doe to each and * body for generous friendly support in yoa alt health and h« tha Senate adjourned The aoooaocsmnlt cut red with apptea*#, Senate, appreciating from their berdeos indulged in mutosl ihe habit tiist vou G tetln was formerly addicted'is sorely - I I grievous f*oll, aod if it was not bettered I walked off in tbe direction of his home, by those who advocate him that ttwaaea-l Tl* information retched Luuteo*ut tirri y eradicated, hie nommatioo would not tion to which Mr. I drag stow, on Fourth street, where Ms i^rerty of Ih* counlry. It toko* tbe Us off , waj.a<le were, aftee whteb ho | 6ankt u i pau it oa tho cotton , ... _ , , Mr. Randall—** When ths committreoo \Vylra that Major Story sw(Hind rufitiu w »j^ and means triel to red' ce taxation . , atd be dupuchei Officrrs Mtisterty and ^ the exrent of seven tr million doilsrs, S*j,I S* KjlT 1 **^*511^1 *°* r ** ac ™prereatedit. This it merely a friend to ovtnoms a doty that w# all I they failed to find him op to midnight. I iMtocomb#. end there I* no sincerity in it/’ owe ourselves and the p«Uio-toat te, to Wears gltd tv state «hst neither gentte- ! iairnSt hxroba^tesides!" advocate for our Legislators only men of msn are much tort. The Mejxr’e wound I wwrno prosumt XZSa ep- ‘‘tegnty atd ability. lie peiafel, hat not a sertou* oao. Mr. I l>M ricsr bat tLetriters retained Ihelrt4s2s And now that Mr. Oostin has hod I Bheridan’* head wo* col by to# iron bolt, I JS^rere^ JtliSedbl^ itoSroI dnoJ# strength and aonrega to resist this ternfcte | bet net to my *ro*.v. MM t. . ^ - > ,w4De ■ rr n evil^c.Mntemfsrvnro for so tonic u time, | Tbo*# are the twz* an givoo or. and may Hi no have faith in tha woaderfal power of I .ary scare a true r» formation. It is true toot soare I on trial, other of equal capacity might bo cboeea, I Lot who of them or of ns are witiwi: I fttttlU? Then, rsn you net take away the shadow I Hartford'* AeM PkaipLsIS. OVNUWOKKfUr NKKVoLS SVsTKUS. ,, Dr. Edward L Durr, Pbi!sfielpbis v path of ono who stands now in tha full] coys: “I hsr# used il tor several years, light ot a confident ss.-ength and whoaaLte I roncMcrteff It valaabte In r * ‘ izena wish to honor ?. | nntonssv stems end In the Itee pectf ally, Jo*mP.~ t worked uu-rrbers, who ps»^#dt-re time ia making jocular ivuiirk« about the bill. Finally I ■ Mr. Bo's aeon withdrew the bin, saying h» tocel) bed made an honest endeavor to reduce r m ZkjmmmJi temiri Uaghter on tha Dem- ourette *idr, and seggrettooe that the word I ihonest be withdrawn. 1 At ldOtireHoae# took a recess for two hoars. I After the r*e< i« the Hpoaker tU r t ^ibitnent uf Mrssrr. " The number of vi* in tbe galleriee woe a onthetestdsyof a eeesioa, and after a brief period tire chamber was deserted. The Senate, though in executive session on hour and three u Barters, coo firmed only only one nomination, that of Mrs. Mary IL t, McCaudio, a* pwteutcr at Provo City. Utah, lire greater portion of Ureses- cion being token ip in the reading and dis- cas*ioo of the treagr with Mexico. After tha reading of Ure journal, Mr. Hie seek moved to take a teases for one hour, stating that in his judgment in in hoar tha Senate would act upon too ad- ... J» *ui-1. critic uuMim-iu; Join , O'Nsal, Uwk Turn lte< k. dri k sweet er; James Nirt-l, rOiWw, tue bskrf; three cooks, Mr. Br:Jzc*t Mr*. Thompson, Pat Kitzgera<d,ten drek pnsrenuers and Dtd Danham, tire second mi to, la addition to tbe eighteen missing, the foilowing have ,UJ ' “-* 1 inis rinen tbe acctdeot: I els.k; John LytUi 1 , set* Vm. Traver*, l>sr-keep. ivoml port *r; Jim Jerry, th; Waiter Uoward, roue- •Ili-ms, seoond barter; fieck pVAsrager. Th© ng are not yet known, as t. In private houses sod :o nble U be log done for d«J. Augaet 8.—Tha etevm- >o, of tha New t>f. do, arrived hero at nooa urn, Kentockt, with tho tie rteamer Oold Dost kmsu at l'J:T) iMt night, lore nnt»l neveo o’clock ti. A. It. Lee aud Shields possible to relieve the *i*nLdives of the Anchor Dp to tire time of leaving ipersons bandied, i’iru were on the Gold Dust i were saved, only one, bating been slightly » doing well. Ten cf the at Hickman. The bodies a H Hnd tire barkeeper, ■ the Alton, bound for a Ure undertaker was rof Ingram to Altoa at m rvn away and he was Capt. Frink Lrebke, ofl gh'ly Hcaided.bat is doing ire tbe soff«rers, end tire JeLthiog for ure treedy. undone that would tn r iffvrtrs. i be City of Louis stopping. I A ure time of tire disaster, I people on boarJ, which prs, officers and c ew,| eu taiwisg, who are cap- goo# down in tire wreck, tire injured are badly ■Mr. Atkina inquired whether tha Senate had given tbe chairman of ths Hooco ep-1 I prop rations committee nay aotte* toatit wwold adjourn for Ure day yesterday at six Mr. Hticoek—“It did not.” Mr. Atkies-^Tben it left lire chsirm-n i esD as here at eight o’clock end let ae kins further remarked that if the EAWXSBTttjS for,. Ur.O'NMi wiaifil lUt IU OOn mu from Nr. Vur«, Mr. liurocr, rr.tal.t uttpai■ , * a «5 Ur th.oiheita. Mtt. wrath. UmW ■EiSu.iiw.b,tMMr— ‘*— froru Aleisndria se.ys Utcernl Allison eeti- mntei tlisenemy'slov* at2001».a.',) Oneoffi. cer of tii* Mb«Utplirzvn Rogiment and fuur- teen men were taken prisoners 'I her -tils that th* ensmy’s force e«L-tited of a battalion of the Second infs* try Regi. meat, l,’5X) strong, nnd WW of to* Ma«ia- phe/sa Regiment. Ths/ reckon ths rctei furee at Ksfr el Domsr at IG.UCO. A dispatch to the Daily Telryr.tph from Coos'snUnupti e.xys an niiplenssni l.vcling hss Irevn caoscd to th* Forto on a*cu.intuf tbelMstinx of the English fl*g ou ths t ublia buildings vhen the British /x-capted Sore. Tbe Porte has been al tered that tbe r*ti*ns of thi fi-g has no eiraiflesne*. Theflxg dMnls)#! ws« thst of tin consulate, aud was hoisted in « oo junctiou with tbe Egyptian fi*j. This ex. ptiasti.-a ti not '.jn-td*»rcJ sati-fsrtory. In the Hoo-e of Comr;»on* rhi* evening Sir Chsrie* Dilk*. ouder foreign cemetery, replying to varkmj qaeetiun-, cold uu Turki-it troops have gone to Alexandria. Th'vo that hsv# hcen dbpHuii will only go a* fa' ns Crete. The argotisuoue iu regard lo Torkiah intenreiti .n ia I^gypt have n-»t reeeired a state lobs made pub- . tic is Parliament. Tho conh reneo, he to cut sore# said, will have no control over I’r»gl rad’s ** ^.^1* actum at Bee* or at any other point where British trncpx are in occclo tion by virtu* of the Khtdive’s pn p sst The menvurre before th* roofer* nc'* ai# only propoetls fur tire en’tty of ti-e cansl. I*k»1 Dritirin haa in* r if.wi that if any agreement i* reaebe! it will only Ire a temporary one, ioculrnt to the pr*>ent sitostioo. No ultimatum hss bean sent to tire SoUan. ALEX*»p*ii, Augurt 6.—Twenty ins were arreted whE* pilfering at lUm- leh last eveaieg. Ths Khedive hss written to Raghcb Pashv that he considers it meuu t rut ep'-n bis govtrnmeni to give r otic* wit ool de lay of Re lutontiun to tr<dtn»nify the *uf- ferrr* from the dreor tire at A exsn Iris, without ditttiucti' n of nat'onsiit*. in *o i * manner rompetibla with the resotirces cf Ihe country. tnn rectal cAstsrr. Paxio, August G.—The bureau**>f 'treL-ft have rejected tire prut*o*-sl to invite M. Bric«on to take c tB*«- f aud drcls'vd in -up- port of e ministry of nppes-en nt airi ron- cilint on. A mettiugof tire sure r# I eft co'upvLvca cao i lor competent and reliable operator*, bos pros pi* d tha oa- d-reigned toopena-ctoK’. in whito jOsB bauaght slltb# leqairea.suts n^x^uy to fit a person for practical reivice. Tha coarta embraces: ist- A th'tough knowl edge of bftttenre, lurdwttrjf, end wires in practice’ a * in telegraph offices. AI. A thorough knowindg’ of irsasoiMoa and reception of merges and prere rep# over a litre. 3d a thorough kcowtida# books, accrranu and forms ia pntetiert me in ell well legsUted tetegraph offices. 4th. A thorough tjovielg* ot nl<* goremteg the Mip*4ng of bsvnrrs tn rich offices <>*r teaching arraag*«**nt aad ronatioc- < ter teaching arrange**i 'tion ot desks and halls Cirulu, .ail-l In.. W. W. Ciiir, PmiMk, Ka fWUn.BC, Xllnnu,(ta. Decline •( /Inn. weakness, dyspepsia, Itepr ual debtUty, cured by “Weir roewnr." 11. Depot: Iren; Itotkin dt Lamar. leading artioiu says the moderatios ot tho govirnment’s amendments to tlio arren * of rant bill lift fieoribly relieved tt* Un siou of the politiral, itnation. The Daily News eoje editorial.> tire fitmu**' and round judgment ot Mr. (llndstooe have apparently saved ti.u uountry from a serious aonstituiiomit •reis. Dublin, August 0.—Vltepatvtek, whnwfil yestsnlxy couvioted of on attempt t» kill th*recorder of Dublin, wu today rrn- teuced to five years' panel servitude. IiONDON, Anguat 9.—Tbo*, Walsh, who was arrasunlat the time «.f tbeff- ira .>t arms at Clerkenweil and convicted «if tin charge of treason tnd felony, has been sentenced to seven years penal earettude. KfS T ‘ ' ,r .r> V V"rii inti cunld cot find him guilty nuiees th*■>■ »>»• Uevedtiiataoocspiraoy existed in Ireland lo raise an itreurroctioj, urn) that W&'sii xas a participant therein, iho jiry nnly took ten minntee to consider verdict. \ -1 ;;i'-r Mosel struck tho rocks Immediately under tho Lizard signal rift tion during ii ('■•.• r«v. sad was stranded. She had on b->ard t'4»j or 700passengers and a full cargo. Itoats were Immediately launched aad the i n- seogers, malls o&d epeela wen- surely landed. Tags havo anived at tho rot-ue of the disaster and attempts are bnii.g n.ude to get the steamer afloat. Should tire weather continue fine, it h t rubni>;o tint tbeeargo wUlbamvsdlaaasin-. M «\n dlUon, althoogh there te a po««.iuui> -mt that the steamer may prove a total wreck. ciiaMAKT. Bcat-iN, AugMt 'J.—Tho Norddeni^ tm Zednng, I’rinea lii'miirck’s organ, in flu article friendly In touo toward* England, denies tbe ramora of an intervention of tire l owers by placing th# Sue* canal perum neotiy under the control ota uuvi vm\ mteston similar to that on the Pa—hm ft, says: “As the Britiati tratlia oa tlm canal Imasnsell preirendarate*, th* powers mu- not street England to subordinate such an immense iat*re»t to the decision of e ncu English majority," l’Aais. August U.—A decree closing tire . ecsioo, wax reed in both th unbora to-day. Tbe Ohio Utispticril. Cleveland UU<r to Boston Usrsld. tertri eooduci are cuds agslntt Her. U |». Ilcnaritnau, psarer ol the rhrtiuan Church, uectedwCh SonSlnhoStsTels. aud eiabrace the tolh'wlus sprciBcatloua: The flrvt complainant ebargts that llcasebean esino her hotueahoal tWclock In Ure evtnins the r*ebraced aad klased her eeveul time*, .-ho was seestooUhed that she did aotivriu- «hst hadecconed nwtit he^had tift. Ths v^ou-t mmi'laiuant nid that Mr. iteo*. Imaa. «wc to her aouee oa the art oi Jen* to ask her to aerve un e eommiltee for flxlnf up th* church. Mberi deporting. *he went i ft to the nrden ‘ sum* fcw«n to send to his wife. ...i gave them to him he r.... -t cl him and r. huked him. lie ort*t tor to ..jttffn^asississsss SSySrtyeUIjrthS^paB&eaepteB the door of her home, be threw hU arm around her to closely that she eoold not act sway, lie walked ecrus* the. reecu, carry it < tSiZ'sXi nr&zsas&ir v * too** They MtUlklng for iometi * * » afraid to move. (<.r fear he v . though »hs hsd »ucb coufidi ttiat she dU not attribute euy « UukUc hta actions. When he went to leave she i "■ thinking that. Uthedid so. be v t» tor. hut. with a if *’“* been tn the mintii nothing to tear from h dtsjr. Ileturaed Uck ateusglt* to get sw ay, atylng never do suitt* • hunh offleisi* Preeidert Orevy had a roufi Hi Senator Du Ctere th s morning. A new cabinet will probably be for- ed today. A new ministry be* not yet toen formed, l’reetdaai Gravy will confer w in Rsnator Dj Clare agsia this eve* ihg, v?!b n tuv to his ututorW i^tfito Loodon, Augu.t 7.—Hrwfttiti Inn Fsri« report that Hcnxtor DiCwtub • auc#v*‘.a ti e teak cf formtbg a saw min stry. AunuxDtfk, AugnetR.fip m — Lhvgun of tirt ironclad Temoralre, which is now lying uopotUa Bamteh, cover thanroaod between the British lines and tbe outposts of tha enemy. Th* Teaeraiit ■■■■ load firing, fa aoasaqoenoe of Ure oskra'i msUag a f After a tew abort re enemy sbandoc.. Two of those wctrad'd tn f oterday’s a» (sgementdtid to d y. Auiumii, August 5.—The Ion wee partly reUghted with gas te.ati.hL Appro. WB amert without resrofe 'i.trsfl! t.-n tkxt Bailey's Saline Aperient b ebes^r and more pleaxaut than any pllti ever mate for conrtipatioo, torpid liver or r«-k bcxlsclre; that it never produces the It-sat unpleasant foaling, and its octo.u mute prompt than soy pUl msde. It is a trrri- ble enemy to tire mil family, dm ing t|.<m from every fireside. It ti e - ides, pi. a>si cleanly sod prompt la action, -ire*Hr xietmboats, rtl»r« * D, ho*#Je or at home, that all ladies arc delighted. SrAaausro lika champs^, •listening like Dm purest oftn amber, tearing on your lougu laH-’ot * i’» Bod Ask fori*, st Jour rcstann k GkbUiti *>■ uU. a’oi oenasecs oaiil ia resold te the water sip-1 ^ a Arta a€ mol ply, te c ones qe. are at the asmeiwi* arri-1 ^ of rWfte ww^ 1 me* by every etearr, r. ^ I v'rll il : • * 1' . . I * If • , • • • 1.