Georgia weekly telegraph, journal & messenger. (Macon, Ga.) 1880-188?, August 11, 1882, Image 7

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    £ OJsttK'jgfa lUcjCrhlu ff cU'iicupfy smfr 3ouirn;vl & JlJfcSjtteujgjwe*.
wjxj> cp tiia ic enters is
Gartrell Indoraex-Buck anil Pledger
Cn red for-A Few Pen Pictures, *t«
Atlanta, August 3.—Perhape of all the
unsavory name* that haro been written in
charcoal on the pages of Georgia’a politi
cal history, none have stank moro than
that of Skowhegan Bryant He has done
less end expected more for it than any of
t*~ aoporietions from down East. A Re-
• • ’■»»•• invention in Georgia is inoom*
wllhoat him, for he is thebloodiest
rM.i.dcf themail. It is he who injects
lUteiner* and gall into the assembled
s-urVn* auil fires the benighted souls. He
'•••*»« every good deed end remembers
rotbing bat thai which serves as fire-bracd«
to be thrown into the erowd. He gloats
with band-rnbbiut. and eye-rolling over
the killing of Ashburn, Fish and’others—
those whfte-soaled martyrs, as he calls
them—and refers early and often to the
possible foot that they were mur
dered in oold,. cold blood while advo
cating the honored principles of the
i rpublicin party. He glories in the faot
Mt - he is socially ostracised, and seems
t.xppy in the possible hope that he too may
irrrdered in oold blood, end thus be-
r rr. r a white-souled martyr.
v oabave seen men who, in despite of
eat dress and fairly cat features, are re-
olsive to yoa. There’s no way of telling
rhy they are repulsive, yet you must
frown as you lo6k at them. Skowhegan is
one of those men. Tail, gaunt, neavy
shapeless gray moustache, with an eye that
i»lBea description because it is ever rest
less and without decided color, he ia not
the man you would like for a bedfellow,
should you stop overnight at a orowded
Inn. Yon would rather risk your chances
on the door of the parlor. Then with each
a make up, thore ia no reason why
‘ ’lbl«
should not be ostracised. Be should blame
who love ,
that can took you squarely.
And yet in 1868 this man was the Demo
cratic nominee for Bpeaker of the House.
Let ns tauten to add, however, that it was
a hopeless minority, a mere handful of
Democrats who collared him as the drown
ing man’s straw and held him at arm’s
length until he flopped over in ignomin
ious defeat. But Bryant's star has bobbed
np serenely and often sinoe those darkened
dnjs of reconstruction. And yet with all
hh| labor, with all his mixing and mingling
ftfid meaning with the negro, bo has reached
fao farther than a professional toadyiat to
administrations, and made for himself bnt
little more than a decent support.
In the present convention he has en
deavors i to be the ruling spirit. He had
his own interests to subserve, sad his great
anxiety to get in his little work whs mani
fest when he soarcely waited for the con
vention to become organized beforo ho
bobbed np with some cheap resolutions in
dorsing the national administration. It
•Hi unt.rnjuiro any shrewd guossing as to
object Iu itiUuUu*in„ thra^ lauda
tory reeolutions. It was his^regT r uu»i-
And during the entire soesion he lost no
timo nor allowed an opportunity to cn«a to
bob up and say something, no lhatter
what. He waa in all ptrta of t&e hall, hold
ing hurried whispered consultations with
the delegates, and should perchance some
garrulous member get on the floor* Bryant
•kipped to his sido and assumed tho role of
Once I observed him* He grasped the
kinky ballet head of a member whose skin
_» as black and lustrous as a bit of _
tbracite c >nl, and ovor that head of cray-
onic kinks Bryant's nose—the organ that
gave the down east twaug to his words—
described a circle while, the uashspened
gray monstacho rapidly mse and fell with
whispered ir:unctior s. I imagined I saw
disgust paint wrinkles, and turn np tho
noso as the odor of decaying hair-grease
circled upward from tho kinks iuto the
l friend.
Of no earthly use to the party in Geor
gia, and tegarded with a noit of hcld-hlor
off-with-a imir-of-torg* suspicion by the
more intelligent colored men of the party,
Bryuit ia not recognised in Washington as
haring any tntlaenccfldfpd as the adminis
tration does not believe ia having any
drones or political hangers-on looking for
stray crumbs, Bhowhegan is left in tbo
cold, and bi« only hope lies in the election
of Uh.ine, whom he ia now eervioi
This is the man who is the moving spirit
in the Pledger faction of the Htate R.-pub-
flHMEsnr flKSrtstcs
as the keenest briar, tolerates Bryant lie-
cause he sera no practical harm in him.
Pledger will rosign tho chairmanship of the
executive committee and this faot has
caused a flutter in the ontnp.
The maih object in Fnrrow gathering bis
cl an iuto the (Jolted States court room
and organizing a convention differ
ent from tb-rt in the cnpitol build-
lug was to get the chairmanship of the ex-
e :utiv« committee either for himself or for
one of his crowd of understrappers, and
also a white man for perm meet chairman.
That this was their programme ia made a
certain faot by the proposition made to th»
committee of peace and harmony, appoint
ed by the Pledger faction this morning.
They propose that the white members hold
a session in the Boosts chamber and select
a chairman for the exeentive committee
and a permanent chairman for tho conven
tion. This give* them a grip on the dele-
cation for the imtiond convention and the
furtherance of their designs.
Tito proposition was indignautly refused
by the oommities, and trouble may be tx-
. eoted when the report is presented to the
convention, which reassembles at twelve
Bryant, who's who like a bee (n a tar
bucket, and with nil his shrewdnes* not
knowing scarcely which way to jjinp, is
fast flailing himself in a dilemma. Ho
wants too much. He wants the present
administration indorsed base— tie dyes
not wish to ln«*r u* displeasure; be wants
lilalco delegates because that feathers bis
future nest: end he wants tho chairmanship
of the executive committee for lots of rai
sons. It remains to be seen honehe will
oorr.e out.
The convention did not wont to adjourn
this morning until 13 o'oto'k, but Locke
and Darnell, both recently roods offlsers,
wanted tho olive brunch, and both gave
the motion their full support and it was
carried. The avenge member did
not expect to stay here more
than one - day, and henoe
a general borrowing of fands .was neces
sary. Quite a number, bowevor, not will-
~WaU, you know.” said Jeff, "niggers have
been taught to obey, and when they get
squabbling jnst come do«u with the gavel
and tell ’em to shut up, and they ’ll do it.
You can't go along coaxing a nigger."
Holt and Blacksbear deported them
selves well, had but little to say and kept
aloof from the fiery discussions.
Tunis G. Campbell, from tne seaboard,
is a man that attracts attention. He waa a
Senator onoe, if you remember. I think
when Milt Barlow was studying his make
up of negro faoe and negro dialect for bis
incomparable and famous end story of
"Jonah was eat up by the while,” he must
have spent a week in Camden county
Inokiifg and watching oldTttQisG. The
wwemblenoe is perfect, aud when Tunis
R ti up to make a few remarks, with his
Deled bead and whiskers, flat nose and
big gold-rimmed specs, you see Milt before
ycni aud you aro almost broathleualy
awaiting to see him wind np with
his inimitable shakes of tho head and ex.
claim, "And Jonah war eat np by do
P'edger, tho youngest one of the Repub
lican leaders, is the sharpest one of the
gang. But for his frequont and uncalled-
for incendiarism—hia continued harping
on civil rights— would win admiration
from men of all parties. He has a good
education and ho knows how to nae if. He
has learned all the trieksof the oldest poli
ticians, and works them well. He is but a
beardless youth, has a good countenance
and a pleasing address, and takes well with
the gallery cntil he strikes his hobby, the
fifteenth amendment, aud then he ia
dropped. He oertainly displayed a skilfnl
diplomacy in managing his wing of the
convention. Farrow finds a stubborn and
•hrowd foe in Pledger.
knew something of wire-pulling and tricks
of politicians. He did some effective
in line, responding to their country's call,
and bid goodbyes to wives, daughters and
sweethearts, and then with threota chok
ing with the mingled emotions of aaduusa
pend! of Porte Crayon. 1 be member from god patriotism march bravely away shout-
Clayton, particularly, would haveimade the fog “to victory or death?'
The general personnelle of the conven
tion was such as would fairly tickle the
uiayion, particularly, wouiu uavo^mauetuo
black, auctions marrow of bis Faber Mo. 1
ooze graciously into a siihoutte sketch that
would provoke a smile from the paper it is
printed on.
But the hour for assembling ia hera, and
now Jeff's gavol is sounding.
alcohol. He hss seen the father clinging
to the lamp-post on the corner, waiting,
bogging for the hours to slip away that he
may sobor up and go home. Ah ! ho has
seen much to whiten hairs and rend hearts.
And with such a duster ct associations
labors of the convention, hanging from his neck, we regret to say
farewell. We look ““ *
The convention assembled at half-past
bine, and oalled to ordsr by the chairman.
Prayer by llcv. T. G. Campbell.
A member from Bartow, wanted the con
vention to traniact no business until har
mony was restored.
Blacksbear, of Bibb, was made secretary
by reason of abeenoe of the regular secre-
Tho chairman stated that the committeo
on conference witn the other faction
wanted tho convention to tkke no action
toward permanent organization until they
oould make their report at 13 o'clock.
A member opposed any «tch waiting,
and did not wont to wait and walk the
streets of Atlanta at the dictation of a
handful of afewcfllee holders.
Darnell and Tunis G. Camp boll favored
the motion to take a recess until 3 o'clock.
Bryant explained the status of affairs,
anct fn.*i *a tk* mm||.
Locke said as chairman of toe oommit-
M»e on conference, he had received a volu
minous aud lengthy proposition from the
other faction, wnich would take some time
to consider. Ho therefore moved for a
Locke, Wright and Campbell engaged
in a spat on the labors of the convention.
Long, loud end frequent oalls for the pro*
vious quo-tion.
Tho chair announced that some timo
daring the afternoon the exeentive corn-
mi ttoe would hold s session.
The convention then adjourned until
13 m.
The convention waa called to order by the
ch-drman. Tho chair announced a tele
gram from the secretary of the treasury
pronouncing Pledger safe from the at
tacks of the syndicate.
Received with applaa-eand a rising vote.
The committee on harmony made their
iport, which was to the effect that the re
lit of their j dnt meeting was ths receipt
r n communication from, the bolters;
They did not waut either Locke or Book
ehaTirnnn of the exeoutive committee and
regarded th it issue ss simply nn incident
in the etraggle now pending between the
two factions of the party. They proposed
to hold a sesoion of all the white delegates
aud let them choose from among themselves
a chairman of the exeentive committee.
There was also read the reply of the
Pledger fiction committee to the above
communication, which disavowed any au
thority to set, and wore appointed «»«(«;y
tnMr*l** •••.ulttttlusiluu*.
Looke advocated going right ahead with
tho business of tbo convention, having ex
hausted every means of bringing about
Bryart pinked flaws in the action of Far
row whits chairman of the exeentive com
mittee and moved the adoption of the re
port of tbs committee. He then pitohod
out into a long, demltory review of the Re
publican party from its organisation in
1867 np to the present time, and dououno-
ing Farrow and tho syndicate, scoring
Longatreet especially.
Pledger got i he floor after a straggle and
•poke upon ths report of the oommittco,
taking for his text the oolor line drawn by
the bolters in ttelr proposition. Us ex
posed some of Farrow's tricks, in promis
ing himself and others various positions
within the sift of tbs syndicate if hs would
tarn over hU convent! >u to them by making
ig "to victory or deathT'
He has seen oar brave boys return lmr,
ragged and haggard, from the bloody
fields of battle, rant baok home under the
edict promulgated under the famous Vir
ginia apple tree, overpowered but not eon-
quered. Meyhaps those glassy syee wept
tears of sorrow at the return.
Ha has seen the gradual transformation
from the deeolation of Mars to the pros
perity of whiU-winged peace. He has sesn
the town grow and grow, expand and ex
pand, until now the glass eyoe cannot
sweep their gaze fat enough out to tee the
last widening ripple of the great building
Ah 1 what a story ha oould tell if his bra
zen beak could part and speak of whnt the
glass eyes have seen l He has seen U>» sol
itary policeman at tbo dead hour of night
slowly walking his beat with measured
tread, peering into dark doorways and
stairways for burglars bold. He has looked
down upon the madding crowd as it hur
ried past on festal frol'c intent.
And what sorrow bis story wonkl carry
to many a woman’s heart! Hs hss seen
the fond husband going home at early
morn, mad with himself and mad with the
Walter Johnson chairman.
Jackson McHenry said his say, which
was to have the proposition laid upon the
Darnell moved that tho report of the
com'nittoe bo resolved and tbo committee
be discharged. He also doliverod himself
of a «i>teohon the ssrils line as Bryant
Pledger. B. B.
and i'll
Special to Telegraph land Messenger.
Atlanta, Oa., August 3.-Tbo Republi
can UtBto Oouvouii >n dosed this after
noon, after reco-nminding Gen. Gsrtrell
for governor, electing A. K. Back chairman
of control oommittee, and l'lsdgsr of tbo
executive committee. The most graceful
thing the convention hie done was to vote
resolutions of sympathy for Hon. Ben HU1,
which were ordered to be prr ~“* *
• presented tohlai.
M. M. B.
[Dy Associated Press.)
Atlanta, August 3.—The regular Repub
lican convention adjourned to-day after
recommending General L. J. Gartrell for
E srnor and nominating the following
W ticket: Congressman-stlorgr, R. D.
Locke; secretary of state. It. R. Wright;
i-.; . , treasurer, F. F? Patney; eosnptrolisr-gene-
1°-' to V'k ll,, lr 'iM-k, m hU w. A. Wrier; .Uorn«/.i«ncr.l, <3io
hom. but njgbA.Wjd total moriuntr, bat g. fuom... Ke.otutionj of .ymptohy foi
bow they will make it up with their people - *
is a oonuudrura.
Daring the racees the sidewalk ebon', the
ca-tout honra
formal os
i was monopolized by the in-
mat carcases, end I had abundant op-
tnuities for judging how ths proposi.
i to Craw the color line took with the
Pledger faction would not listen to
it, and Bryant, Uicuuh of the same faction,
suffered no little. His connection with thm
proposition aud his quiet and ili-concealcd
advocacy thereof, exited tbo country dar
ky's admiration for bun, and t would not
be at ell surprised if he wm not at last sat
down upon. He is too unanimously trans
A good deal of jugglery bos been prac
ticed. There is no doubt of it. It was part
of the programme of the officeholders th it
Btephens riuuld be endorsed, i’his in def
erence to Joe Brown, who could secure tho
confirmation of Atkins. But the colored
members had gotten bold of the idea tint
Gartrell was the man to tie to, and raised
so big a breeze when a white member in
troduce! some Stephens resolution'that
tbs syndicate Uld back in fear. They be
gan to ses thai they could not make good
their pledges to Joe Brown or Arthur, and
woke up to the fact that they were getti ag
into a desperate strait. But they resolved
to put on a bold front and make the props-
— sympathy for
B-mstor Hill were raised. A now central
committee waa crested, with A. lib Book os
ing ths national adminulratton were
In the syndicate convention a resolution
indorsing General Gsrtrell was referred
to :he oommittee on resolutions and ss-
Governor Conley was made chairman of
the central committee. This convention
will meet again to-night.
Atlanta, August A—The syndicate wing
of the Republican convention has Just ad-
jon ned, after nominating the following
ticket and indorsing General Oartrail for
governor: For Congressman at large,
James Longstraet; attorney-general, J. D.
Cunningham; secretary of atate, W. J.
White; treasurer. A. M. Bowers;oomptroll-
•r-gcneral, Floyd 0. Nelson.
M referred 'o.
The outlook thus far, writing before tho
as*euib!iug at 13, is that the oanveffUon
trill c include ite tabors this afternoon, and
— udoree Gsrtiell, and probably notni-
a candidate f
1 ne Bibb delation managed to keep in
good urd- nL'l it n evident that Bibb is
t important counties of the
s morning
Crystal Wedding Keeeptlep,
On Friday evening, in answer to a grace
ful invitation, a goodly number of friends
assembled at the reeidenee of Mr. and Mrs.
John R. Booker, on Haze! street, to esle-
bnte the "crystal we.ding” of tlieir host
and hostess. Young and old mingled to
gether ia eo joy meats of various kinds, and
' ths young people admitted that, after all,
it wasn’t so bad to bars the "old folks''
•round; end the old people came to the
oonclas'.on that ths "giddy young things”
had a wonderful way of brighteoiug up
W* ■•JU ***• »*rry ss a crystal miY-
k»U. , Aim rafrasumsote ware abun
dant and delicious, and tbs crystal gifts
were numerous sod appropriate, the useful
“ UJ being in grsee/ol proper-
Oar Reporter's Tearful Adlen to tlte
Telegraph's Old Kagle.
We have moved into our new office with
its bright.waUs, clean floor* and all tho
modern conveniences, and should bo hap
py. But there Is a spasm of pain shud-
tiering and shivering our feelings ss we bid
the last fond farewell to the old quarters.
The long, dark, tiresome stairway that we
havo climbed so (early, late nnd often,
sometimes with noto book plethorio with
items and sometimes in the condition of
Mother Hunbard’s cupboard, we leave
without the faintest trace of regret; the
dingy sanctum with its myriads of blood*
seeking mosquitoes, its murky dust-laden
cobwebs, and iu heterogeneous collection
of decayed vegetable monstrosities, tall
corn and first oats of the sessou, we tell
goodbye without a murmur: but*when
the time comes to shake the claw of the
brass-beaked eagle that surmounts the old
building, a sharp pain shoots across our
verv soul sod punctures the tear-tank.
Ths saline tears flow os freely ss water
rer a broken dam.
We have sn especial fondooss for that
eagle. He oocuj ies the bridal dumber in
onr heart of hearts. Our admiration for
him knows no liounds, and uur love for bis
blessed, bronze beak is ss strong aud earn
uiranu, unms uvmm wwt'iuuK n
eat aa that of David and Jonathan.
For years and years the bird has been
perched aloft on the building, and with
outepread protecting wires looked down
npan the broad bosom of Cherry steeet be
low. What have gone anJ oome within
the range of his bright glaas-eys would fill
has seen the beloved
with bright bra tut wild wish Ion
fare well. WoKjokfron tamos tbo king
of birds—the grand Jumbo of feathers and
pinions, the mastodon of *11 that fliee—m
short, the boss bird of tho realm.*
We leave him on his loftv perch where
he has bailt h's eyrie. We leave him to
look down upon Ghorry sttoetforthe years
We imagine the pain at tbo final leave
taking is mutually felt. We can almost see
the wiqgs droop nnd the beak lower in
sorrow. Something glistens ia his glass
eyes, and that something looks like a tear.
Ob, Juliet, how near you bit the truth when
■ j said parting was tho sweetest sorrow!
t tho hour has oemo. Extend your olaw,
dear, proud, grand old bird, nnd let as
shake. There1 the doed is done, tlie last
link is brokon, nnd we part. In the lan
guage of Byron,
"Farewell, and If forever.
Fare thee well."
Home or the Candidates Hpokea of far
City and County unices.
H'S tsllivt mtiljr 4© the slat# of city
and county offices, but os there on several
candidates op and moving, securing votes
and laying pegs, a general run over the
field by our ubiquitous short stop will not
be amiss.
We have spoken to many of the gentle
men named below, and know that they are
iu the race. There are some who havo
been shouldered by their friends nnd
broaght forward, and it is not koown
whether they will run.
For the mayoralty, Mr. Felix Cor put,
the present incumbent, to announced. Mr.
Corpnt's fine record in offioe is sufficient
evidence of his continued popularity. The
name of Mr. John T. Boifeail*
been MSttUottad
in connection with this offioe, bat we have
no assurance that bs will yield to the de
sires of bis maxiv friends. A number of
other genttemsn. have been proposed, but
after bunting them np, we fiud that their
uames were mentioned without authority.
For city treasurer ws hear of but one
candid* te, Cspt. O. F. Ads ms. Hs will no
doubt have a walk-over; and well he rosy,
having rnafjo a thoroughly efficient official
For city elcrlt, none have been mentioo-
le young men than Punch.
For Aldermen, a legion of names hare
Iteea mentioned. There is talk of
Tom Burke, John Van Byeket, Andrew Orr,
and others.
From the Second ward, Mr. George
Wells is announced.
From Uts First ward, the veteran stand
by, Mr. Clem Mostcrson, one of ths most
uji ml., vu m MMUiracu. uud ui i
faithful sU.‘»rmen Macon ever bade
For ohief of police, Mr. John Harley is
the lone fisherman in the race so far ss we
can team, none others having presented
There ia bat Utile talk about county
offioers. Judge McManus is accore in ths
ordinary's office.
For sheriff, Mr. bam Weeteolt hna the
inside track, and will give a strong rsee to
•uyons who will run rgninst him. It is
•aid, but we have no authority for the
statement that Mr. George F. Cherry will
run on a ticket with Mr. Henry TAjrlor for
For clerk, Cspt. A. B. Ross is solid, not
the slightest hint of opposition being as
yet developed.
For tax collector ws learn of two candi
dates, and ws are only positive of one.
Mr. Dan Ad mu, of East Macon, has been
pnt up by his friends, and the clever old
veteran, Mr. Tom Nelson, U also a candi
date. Mr. Nelson is certainly in the raje,
but we have not heard from Kait Mac in.
The office of tsx receiver will remain in
the hands of Mr. R. J, Anderson. He fltlc
the plaee worthily and being a maimed
Confederate soldier no one desires to ran
in the race against him.
For Coroner, klr. James P. f'hapinvi is
And the sunshine, iff
Kells In kUws on theUlie,.
Ws may r*»d love's shlulnc letter,
In the rainbow of the spray;
. We shall know each other better
When the mists have cleared awsy.
*”e shall f
UI know as we are known,
Nevermore to walk alone.
In the daw nine of the moratuf
‘ b mists
When the mUts have cleared awsy.
If ureerr in human blindness,
And forget that we a ’ *
i dust,
-- .. e miss the law of kindness,
When we struggle to be lust,
Bnotvv wings of peace shall cover
All the psiu that clouds out day,
When the weary watch Is ovar
And tha mists have cleared away.
Wa thall know as we are known,
Nevermore to walk alone.
In the dawning of the morning,
#hou the mists have cleared qwsy.
When the silvery mists hare veilad«us
And wo tread our path alone:
e them near and truly,
trust them dav by d**
Neither love uor blame unduly.
If the mists were cleared away.
We shall kuow ss we are known.
If the mists were cleared away.
We shall kuow as we are kn
Nevermore to walk alone.
In the dawning of the morning,
^Vhcn the mists have clearedai
or It TAX ItETntXS.
Total Consolidation Unite to the Tax
Receiver for IHttil.
Mr. R. J. Anderson, tho tax receiver of
Bibb county, having doted his books and
consolidated the returns, we hats been per
mitted to take some figures ihowingthe
amount of rtal and pertonel property re
turned for 1883. In giving the fluctuation
since 187ft, it wilt be seen that the figures
for that year are far in excess of those of
fter years. It should be borne in
mind that we had not then felt the disas
trous influenoo of the jianic. tiince then
the property depreciated in valne, bat has
now began its increase.
Upper City District, real estate and
personal property
Lower City Dlsnlct, real estate and
personal pronerty
Bast Macon, real estate and personal
YnevuUr r^'*Mtate'Md**Va*niouai 825,861
property. *
Howard District, real estate and per
sonal property
Hazzard District, real and personal
Warr/or Dliu l^ ’reai and penouai
property....... — *“* —
Godfrey District, real and personal
property. — —....
Rutland District, real and personal
Total return of white
... 211,297
Total return of Colorado
Total return of wild land
Total return of polls, white .....
Total return of polls, colored..
6 rrofessloi
Grand total of digest. •e.Ml.MB
Increase over the return of 1881. r (I2.2U0
In 187A all property was assessed by a
board of commit-loners, sinoe which tics
no assessment has been mads, tbs tax re-
oeiver being governed by the swjrn return
of each property holder. As a matter of
interest we give the fluctuations sinoe and
including said year:
Total returns, 187k. m*M7?
1870 9.M8.745
1877 8,743,140
Middle Georgia lustiiute.
>Ve had a few words with boperintend-
ent Zettler, yesterday, about the Middle
Georgia Institute, now under way in MU-
ledgovillo. Ho returned to Macon yester
day to see how the new public school-house
is progressing.
Tbs Institute opened, according to an*
nouncemcnt, on lest Tuesday, and about
forty tsschers registered tbo first day.
Daring the week a number of others came
in, and ths total enrollment np to Friday
was fifty-five.
As Bibb eonnty boasts a larger number
of wide-awake teachers than any other
oounty in middle Georgia, it was to be ex
pected she would bs largely represented in
the Institute, and suoh is indeed the case,
about one third of the whole number pres
ent being from this city and county.
The people of Millsdgsvllls provided for
sn attendance of at least a, hundred, and
thsy are disappointed at tbs smell number
present. Good board can bs hod in the
eentral part of the dty for fifteen dollars
per month for whites and ten Rollers for
The Secret
of the universal success o!
Brown’s Iron Bitters is sim
ply this: It is the best Iron
preparation ever made; is
compounded on thoroughly
scientific, chemical and ■
medicinal principles, and
docs just what is claimed for
it—no more and no less.
By thorough and rapid
assimilation with the Ijlood,
it reaches every part of tho
system; healing, purifying
and strengthening. Com
mencing at the foundation
it builds up and restores lost
health—in no other way can
lasting benefit be obtained.
The best and i
economical luir drtv
nr«l made from
terulstlmt rreben-
othe luir and
Parker's Hair
is highly e
/ i KOKT.IA, B1U11 COUNTY.—Whereas, Morrl
11 Greenberg, <»f mild county, Ins** mnde apt.l
Mtlon for the m'UIiik Hpirt n lo.ia. «t«nd c
•ersonaltr and valuation of the srunc, and
Will |«m ill-..; the It 10 .1. m. O!
llo* '.*l!i day of Au^ii-t. I-- *. ui my ollioo.
Witness my b
r by virtue of authority jrrsnb
It Kevtr Fails (a Rcztcra the Youthful Color
ad lustre to Cray nr faded hsw.Uetrfratj^per.
fumed ami i« warranted to remove dandruff and
itching cl lhe & prevent falling of the hair.
fi Dearborn Ave., Chicago, Nov. y.'
I have been a great sufferer front
•very weak atoouich, heartburn, and
dyapcnrla in iu went form. Nearly
everything I at* gave me distress,
sad I could cat but little. 1 have
tried everything recommended, h*ve
taken the prescriptions of s dotea
physicians, hut got no relief until I
took Brown's Iron Ritters. 1 feel
■one of the old troubles, and am a
aew mas. I am getting ir ich
stronger, and feel first-rate. I nm
• railroad engineer, and now nake
ay tripe regularly. 1 can not s.iy
tco much in praise of your wondei-
lul medicine. V. C. Macs.
Brown's Iron Bitters
does not contain whiskey
or alcohol, and will not
blacken the teeth, or cause
headache and constipation.
It will cure dyspepsia, indi
gestion, heartburn, sleep-
lessncss, dizziness, nervous
debility, weakness, &c.
Use only Brown's Iron Bitters Bates hr
Brown Chemical Co., Baltimore. Crossed
rod lines sad trade-awk on wrapper.
of ths pt—nt generation. It is for »hs
Core or this dfasa—and ita attandimta.
MEBBBMMMWBMWqintly on tho
aigestive organs, giving tKom vigor to as-
■imllaie food. As a natnral reeoli, Hie
Bervous' System Is Braoed, the Muscioi
are Developed, and tha Body Robust. M
txiloreU teachers.
The sessloas for both departments of
ths institute era from 8:30 a. m. to 12J30 p.
Dr. On will bs with ths institute most
of next week, and during his sl*y will lso-
tors on "School Laws 1 ’ before the county
commissiorers, who are expected to bs
present in large numbers.
Superintendent Zettler assigns as tho
ceases of the small attendance of trachers:
First, that' institutes” for training teach
ers are new things in Georgia, and are not
understood. Second, that a very iirg)
proportion of the teachers in the Btete are
not professional tesobers, but are persons
•d except the present officer, Mr. llnru who depend on other vooaUuna for aliv<
Blue. Thera are none more popular with lo^devotln^to teaching > the > odds and
w __ii»I!f u.
"auylwuy" can teach school, and that the
business requires no special preparation,
teachers naturally oonolude that it would
be no advantage to them pecuniarily ~
attend a training school to fit themseb
for their work.
Bibb County Pall Tax.
Alitor* TtUorapk and Umunow: The
following is a statement rf tho poll tax
collection In the year 1881, famished by
tlie tax collector to the board of sdoontiom
Nr ruber polls on digest 5,390
Fj.'lrt not on digest but added by collec
Total polls
Total amount poll tax for 1881,
•ton. 1«,M
N.t .mount paid otu to th. boud
of rioontioo IW«
W. reapMtfall, ,nhmll th-u when . I,i
I. obeyed by onn-thlrd of th. poop), nnd
Jjnond or violntodb, too olhnr two-third.,
it becomes a fares.
Wo oo.amend this subject to aspiring
candidates for legislative Dooora ns a non-
•*Jeffermntan" issue, nod one that weed
cndtrstnnd, and many of as would like to
have ventUs'w*.
nod orn
tiooa. At a Into hour the gneata departed.
^ ‘ Q # cirrying away with them a goodly stock of
>7 h :n.: i rmd those long lags of : pleaia&t munoria, and Ur.ving * * “
* he« ft
m spry oa when gaitepin f them the be.t and kindest wuhei for their
ths broad bos irned stre-vti of Macon. I genial entertainer*,
catneu. t« n* m of apologetia | "So Olas I Wgwr P
way aud
Frank .
picioas that — —
thert is a great deal more
ain't no place for
\^rzrr \ stead of slaying the meualabeak on the
I over night that of Out fcoex canal, ware superintending hU
grMise honesty sehraseat Panama, were his oOcen and Ui»r-
I. Ibri.; WirMr'S
•how In resells. The Hues renal will be uken
cere of much better without him .than with .
1*1®; inn U the raeama canal la* not bettor at»V
lookol after in Ui* fntnra than It has been mate child, aged
_ , hUberto, U is likely
them, lie oo*-
ivVfuuzr, air. vauiv© i • • uaym i i »»
ily candidate. He is another maimed
Confederate, and holds a strong hand with
hia friends.
There are a number of aspirants for tbo
Lei. isltoture. Among those wnom we know
and believe to be candidates are: Major
Cicero Tbarpe, Mr. Charles Bartlett, Judge
Matt R. Freeman, ttept. W. W. Parker,
Mr. Mat E. Harri-, Co!. W. A. Loftoo, Mr.
8vm Jemison. Mr. Washington Dessau and
one or two orbera. All of these geettemeo
ore well known.
This winds up the 1UI of candidates. 1 be
election Is a long time off, and many others
will no doubt be brought to the surface,
and none of those whose names appear in
this article may be dropped. It has been
hinted Urnt the Republicans will pot out a
ticket for all the offices, bat inquiry fails to
develop any faot in the matter.
If this be the eras, however, wc may ex
pect. with a lively Mate election. Huff as
the independent candidate against Blount
t~r Congress (seoh i thing is reported),
and our local tlwlknw, an exciting time.
TM. will utonll, auk. baitauM b,U<r.
Martmrv Krp—rt.
Th. baud of hrilto raporU Mna dulh.
tot til. vwk ending lut Digkt-tiro wUtM
mud fin btodu—m fatiov. t UiiiUtaf.
nuk. i|ri toirtf-f nr wi, dtaww of to.
hrift; ot. ririto fnnri. child, ton. icon
old, mnUa. Vm. oolotri nto-m
rid t...l, tofWB. ditg-yof to. taut;
ow ritd #ftj inn, droi-7: dm igri fur.
tjr-fuur Iri nm; oc, ».ri ton.
. rid om wlotri It-
rnm to. Qmu Vtum Drag,
Crauao, July 14, um.
W. do DOtheoiteto to njr toot w. Iuto
-old to thrp.1t nw non ot poor Bvriffo
HpMliSo (8 8. 8.) tori nil other blood po-
t Jion cotoblori, ml with moot nloolto-
Ing mnlu. Olio griUoniw who Mod holt
■ dazoa bottln ion Hut It ho. dooo him
toon good tou tnobaimt which co»l him
,UX«. AooUwr who tori nri It forgerot-
oi» nport. a protwii min from It. an.
Yours truly, Vmdtouow, Brmunow c Oa.
Uor 8mm, Amo, July 17, in
About right ymn -go on wapitam *p-
11 or. J aa my fu. rid r.pidir .pnod u-
Ut ftaonna nenrly my wbowboly. My
.ttoadtocphyvifltri pcoooaaari ItaiiiMO
rirind’ au to ooau ton. Idtauudn^
tn.iar-d Mmol mouth, aad wm .om.wbnt
brae dud. V.ry waa, ooweror. .fter ro-
d. Ytry soon, Oui*m. stm Re
turning ho*ne the disease grew alarmingly
worse, wheu I again determtoed to visit the-
Hoi Barings. It is now nearly five years-
since my return here, daring which time L
ha e euergetteolly applied all the phy»i- WHWfrmrrRZilrte
dans' art (both internal sad external) in tattatoes
RIVAL, m Planter at Bayou Bara, U.,iiati •
plantation to la a malarial dtoWtoL tor
■rat y*ar* 1 could not mav* hair a crop on
ooatof btUouedtooaeee towA chills. I wee
Marty dtoooaragett whan I bogaa U* mom of
TOTra PILLS. Tho raaull was ■arvlBBOt
Sd^TiavobaSiiM f^Uror troabtof robeel.
A Saperlative Health and Stress'A Restorer.
If yon firs a irerKaric or fjrrnrr, worn out with
overwork..or a mo:hcr run «!'>wa Ly family or hour*
hold duties try I’amcbm's Gimcxb ToxtC.
lawyer, minuter or busman amt) cx-
... ft tl stTamncansiowscaira do am token
If yo’t h'v«*Consumptk.n. Dyspepsia, Rheums,
win. Kidney or Urinary CompUtm*, sr U you aro
troubled with any ditordcr of dm lungs, stomach,
bowels, blood of nerves, yon can U cured by Pask-
any dioracr of dm lungs,
iv nervch, yon can fcs curoa l,
u'sGiacsa Tonic. 1 tulbeGreatest Blood Purifiei
Aid thi Best and Sortxl Coajh Care Cver Used.
If yoa are wasting sway frontage, ditsipstion or
. ly diseme or sreskness and requite a stimulant take
Giacaa Tonic at ones; it will Invigorate LAild
yon up from the fintdom but will never iot-Mcate.
It has saved hundreds of Km; te fnsy save yuura
mscox A CO. MS Vinure St, sr*w Y«>k. SOs. m»
■ ..jit tosUmunt uf Cittliariui
Bunn, Into of Mid county dc<-«**i«eil, will be
l.cfi>rt! the curt ht.uto' tl.m.r i»» tin* (own of
fcnotiviUe, lu said county, on the, first Tuos-
tiny li! Sqiti-iul • rin-xl, I- • .1 . ;i Hi.* l.-*fh»! Ii.ti
of mIc, the land known aa the home place;
saltl Bunn, and known alwi as tlie I*ace plat-
crobrsclng four liuiidrnl acrce, more orlca
* * * ‘ i. Hold for a dlvlriu
among the legatees of raid will.
Executor of tho said t'atharine A. Bunn, dc'd,
) MUU ro ns ■ ...
personalty and setting apart and valuation o
homestead and 1 will pass upon the same at 1
I will pass upon the same at 1 —
iiboiiur<i*y o. A,*,,.,. PRYOR’S OINTMENT
i r.iy hand and official signature this
J. A. MrMANTS. Ordinary.
IX Carr *n«l K K Kvans, administrators of the
estate of William A Kvans. late of said county.
deceased, bas made ai>plicallon for leave to
sell all the real estate liuloiigl ig hi aid out *
for the purpoeu of a division anuug*t the heirs
tho ilrst
of said county
mlM-r next, in show cause If
’ said application should not
id and official signature, this
. A. McMANl’8. Ordinary.
experience of t
„U olunnant. an<
havlug closely u
the testimony of
confirm my couth
fully satisfied oft
tho exclusive right to
fer it to you as tnc bo*
ejpeclallr for all it
delightful perfume esosediugly popular. There
lsnothlaglike it* InsUuponhaviogFusus.’
tou Coloobb and look fer signature of |
bottle. Any aruggist or dealer ia
n «uppJy yoa ss and yyc. aim.
ar.r. raviNC rcviwa fu. mx
TAs Public it rtqMfcted carefully to t
lice the new and enlarged Scheme to
draum Monthly.
CA PITA L PRIZE 97J.000.jua
Ticket a on I jr fS. fllisrt-s In proportion
llllrxd or Bleeding Piles, Hemorrhoid^
Sore*, Ulcere, Tumors. Itching of the
Parts, Fistula* and all Kindred Bln-
eases; also of Burns. Corns, Felon*.
Fever Sores, Kcald IPad, Tetter,
Sore Sipple} *
Ily fori
This Is to certify that I have trh u Pryc
Ointment In a cam; of piles, mid state tliat it
give inure relief than anything I have ever
tried. I further Hate thkt us n rmMr for
burns It Is unparalleled. 1 also-tm*d it for a
i-c «>f tetter In my feet, ot twenty years’ stand-
tig, and say that It Is the first thiw* that I have
•M r tried that cave me more than momentary
kites* 1 consider now that I mu entirely re-
iy. ua.
iy Ineffectual uialr
ymir Pile Ointment. I »
Bet It an: <_
This June tt
A true extract from the minutes of Bibb Pit*
perlor court This £1J une, lw*i.
Xomuan* State lottery Comuanv.
Incorporate * In 1MM for 25 years l»y the Leg*
Mature fnHhl urnt tonal and fharl table pur
poses—with a capital of fi^QO000
fund of MO.OLO has sIucj
erwhelmiujr popular voU
le a part ot the present Hi
idedbocembcr 2d, A. !».,
J pur
JXJOOOO-to which a
since been added.
. B fnlmocbta.
was nude w _
(Ion adopted December 2«i, A. D., 1879.
The ont* /.otters ever teted on and endorsed
to the people If as* 8tale.
entered Into a limited curartnenhlp as fuilows
Under the Arm name of Ermlnircr A Winn they
commenced the manufacturing anil rale o
cracker*, bread, candlra, boxes and other art!
clcsusu'l In like buslncsa t lu the city of Ma
ss or pe it souse.
r/e Aumbtr Drate
st a Urtintl nlngta r i
*1*H viVa/uTif* ("f* Vtill T UNITY
LEAN8. TUK8DAY, Hrtst. I lilt, !HSIV.-
t4*tih Monthly Drawing.
Lmmk est the folloirtno scheme, un
der the exclusive supervision and management
. ... Bibb county, Ga., on tlie utb day of July,
IttCLto continue for five years Jt hn gsi>«n«
Hen. ee. v, Beauregard, of Im., atul
lieu. Jit lot I A. Kartu, or I Irgiula.
who manage all the drawings ot this Company,
both etrtlhtarg and meutl-anuual, and
attest the correctness of fhe published Officia
Capital PrIzo v 870.000.
to.ootr flekftanft rive Italian Else
t rnclIouOn frTUImla praperUra
ust or raixxs.
1 CAPITAL l’KI/.ll.
panoera, who are to •arty on the burlms*. are
U. B. Ermlnger and if. D. Wlnu, and the
amount of capital contributed by them Is ton
thousand and flvs hundred dollars, and the
amount contributed by 1.4). Plant and Robert
If. Plant, of the firm of I. C. plant A Hon, con
stituting one special partner, is twelve thousand
dollars, making twenty-two thousand and Ore
hundred dollars In all. The said II li Pr
minger, C. D. Winn and I. CL Plant It Son are
constituted three several equal partners of said
firm, each sharing one third of all the profits,
and the vcneral partners l-cartna all the loses.
If any, and the special partners bearing no
other !o« than the capita! contributed by them.
The articles of partnership were signed on the
11th day of July, iwi, and the affidavit was
made by them aud certified as required by law,
-M which have been filed in the clerk s office
the Superior Court of said county, and said
articles recorded according to the statute In
•ueh cases provided, to which refrretw e Is hera
* ft wsg**
July II, 18R2. tulyis dlawOw
arraoxiasTioN raixsa.
9 Approxtmatlou Prises of f7M...
Notice To Dobtors
N OTICE Is hereby riven to all praam
demands against John W. Stubbs, Into
said oounty, deceased, to present them to me
t made out within the time *
1967 Prises, amounting to D .. -
Application for rates to clubs should, be
made only to the office of the Company in New
Por further Information write clearly, giving
foil address Send orders by Express, Keels*
lered Letter or Money oid«^kldrejyr.ymly to
*AV»r Orleans\ La.,
or It. A. DA I'PIIIX.
007 Sere nth •#., Washington, D. C
N. k—Orders addressed to New Orleans wll
ecclve prompt attention.
properly i L
by law. And all persons Indebted PmIwcased
are hereby notified to make payment to me
Georgia. Wbh cotnty, July r utt
JutSiawtw JOHN W.hTuBIM. Jit. Adm r.
Thi) Only Trim
Richardson’s Now Mothod
Grand MldMummcr
i I’fnnos and Organs nt Bock
I Hot tom 4nati ttnlea. with
’ jinny genu* for Psyuteut.
□ostxttxk’8 .Stomach Bitters extir
pates dyspepsia with greater certainty and
promptitude than any known remedy
and Is a most genial lnvlgoront, appetite
and old to secretion. These are not empty
assertions, ss thousand* of our country-
rasn end women who have experienced
ite effects are aware, but are backed up by
Irrefragable proofs. The Bitters also give
s healthful stimulus to ths urinary organs.
For sate by all druggists end dealers geu-
At this season, various diseases of the
bowels are prevalent, nnd vaniy fires are
lost through lack of knowledge of a safe
and sure remedy. 1’cuky Davis' Paix
Killer Is a sure cure for DUrrlura, Dys
entery. Cholera,Cholera Morbus, Hummer
Complaint, etc^ and is perfectly safe.
Bead the following:
ever published.
here been sold, and still Its popularity .tees
not wane. With It* perfect and progrerotve
*y».cm and thoroughly practical ruarro of i
Mail study. It stands without a peer, as the
*DtouMnds ot musical famiilee through
out the Booth are intending to purchase
Pianos and Org*ns in the fall, when cot
teat comas In. Why wsit! Buy at oass.
and esliven tbo long, hot swnwer months
with music, and make the "Harvest Home'
alii' more Joyful. The summer finds «•
with n tremendous stock of Instruments at
Savannah, at our NINE BRAfttH
HOOJIK8, at our counties* Agencies, sad
with ss many mnr* to arrive beforo Octo
ber 1st. whte wo ore under contract to take.
We cannot carry this immense s'oek until
foil. It must be sold. It wUl be. Gosh
buyers will want many instruments. In-
atiUlment buyers will take more, and tho»e
who at thie time of the rear cannot oon-
venieotly mat cor Xnriallment raymente,
will gladly come in under our
Midsummer Special Offer.
Aud (be balance Noverahor 1st next, wllh-
out one cent of interest. IH» interest or
odysoee in nrioe. If t otesaas osn't be paid
tiAbo foil, longer time will bv gitn. with
connscttoa with the celebrated thermal hot
both*, and in addition to all th's have taken
more than a hundred bottles of varioce
medicines, without the desired result. Up
to three months ago 1 bad about eoodadv*
my esse wm incurable, and with all tha
skepticism poraitte I began the n*e of year
hum's Specific. Now, alter three mooSka
andsaootv,and my general health Ism
good m it trvar was. lam a wail nan and
M. 8. B. eared me. If you have anjdaabt-
tAgonaa, U— '*
July 33-d:
—The widow .
negro who was killed
the new rood recently, will
The case has been put
tot. Ml,. T.ll your mritari feriJ < of u
Writ. a. for C.ttoxiM, tone 1M. Cir.
rilM. ud toll ii-rtirilnra. Ttito nta
-in— Octotor 1, lws. £v|y jitucbMM.
auh price. nnU «My UraM. AJilm-
Ludien k Batn* Soulliern Muse Reuse
Ik Crat Pia* ui Urgss Depot of Ik Sail
Or au. ISViNE AOO, Macon, Ob
WILL boy or mil on commission. AU
kinds of
Country Mute licugiit and Sold.
Fanner* would d-> well to evil on me be
fore disposing of tStair products.
<£ori pB* answered,
and any information . :.ct riui:> given.
No. 68 Poplar street.
N. D. Puol _ .
"rr^T-V. . within the reach of slh
&*% th^iSSSt«J >’«; •**"’■"*
th» road | ***! H-W V* T bottle,
put lathe 1 ^ PERRY DAVIS A FOX, Propeistor
Amors, Oa., Feb. 2L11
Sta—My «ten, Sve years old,
tjmpUmMol war'
and other worm i
‘ excel any. tto ingnr.BUUM'rama-
4*. IxoCs vtelefkumM Voss un,
- wl tbo flm ikm brought 40 worms,
ami fix awa4 due so maa/ were peaw
.lldkl aot renal theta. S.IL ADA M>.
rUTird. 11 n Ermlocer, C. 1> Winn, I. U.
it and n. II. Plant, au of sold county, have
s bavins
If you wish to get tha only Due "Richardson"
-and there Is only one—bs particular to order
r ths whole title:
Aukucau a*i> Pobsiom
It Is the aroet wonderfully soccewful Instruc-
Most Perfect of Music Books,
absolutely without errors, and a universal fa-
Don't Forget the Title.
OLIVER LIT805 & CO, Boston.
0. U. DIT80N A CO.. 813 Broadway, N. Y
the relief asps
cam.-, as well as from the reputa
.yarquired by your Ointment In ..
nlty, 1 have no luMUtinn In c\i>r<-wl»g tlie
;»lnfon tlmt it is tho miwtcilU-l<-nt r. in.-.|y for
1 his Is to eerilfy that I used IY
healed rapidly. After the first application o
tho Ointment, tho patient sut! • I nn ;>*ia
wluitever. rihMj|gjUg
Wynn, I used
Ointment on a servant girl who had
fering for eight years with a matt m
case of pile*. 8he Improved from the ,
day’s use of your Ointment, and before tflinr
the box the was entirely recovered.
O. W. F08TEK. Cuss
This Is to certify that I have .
OintmenL and say that U ta, In
* * (or plies
;>unty, Go.
hret re in *-ly for piles evef proaenU'
llo. J say this from a p<*U1vq a|
the re.u-Hly on my own person.
1’ 03. B. MOHGAN. TrOUp«
For salt''T all dealers in med_.
FIFTY CP,. 8 PER BOX. Held my mnll on r
celpt of price. Dr. J. BUADFIKI.D.
Atlunta, Go.
Fold cver i*l>here by DrUggMS and com
ry merchants, majf.wAfrl
id, has been
?S50 Square firaaJ Tiar.o for only J241
atrlnae, 7 l*3 0ctnvc«, full patent ran tan »•
«, onr in iv onti nt ovcr»lninir «< ah\ fn-au-
tiful carv ed legs and ljr<-. In nvy ^-rja mine and
large fancy moulding, full Iron tn< me, French
Grand Action. Grand Hammers, lu fact, e
improvement which can In any wav ten
the perfection of tho
no-Ottr prlee for thin huttrtnnenl,
hojwtl unit tlrl frrrrtl on hoard earm
at Xt tr York. »rltli Hue F*4- Eff
ano Carer. Stool ami Hook,
only redocnl from our into wiioloai k ratr^
nv ran r, gVW.5. for tH> it a go only to ha
this hvautlfut piano hit nature..
’ , hy far, tlie gryettrmt fteirgatl
is styteT
h neat trlth artier
re fu mint amt freight char gem
littltl hit n» both tray* If Fla nee la
not jit-%t nn rcpresenteil. Several othr -
spi ctal iiargains: Plnntem. $ MO ten. Ovi
lS.ono lr. use. and iiof one• etlMmoSlsdo
nurrhetner. Uand*t»nn* lllu«trated raS
Incne, maltel free, giving the hlghr-t U-itimo*
nlsls ever ssrarded nnr raanu(s< turer. Eveey
llano fuliv warranted for 5 years.
SUF.f.r .til SIC price. Catalogue Of
XUUO choice pieces sent for -tamp.
junweow iorpagiy llte.r VO.W, 0. T»
This is n
r offered the musical p
Order at c
■ I Tremendous demai
This 11s no will be sent <
o send reference If jo ord. r.
Popular Monthly Drawing «f the
Foo Choo't Balsam ol Shark’* Oil
PMitlrrty Rrelor't Ilia llfsrini ■■
a n-storatlvn of he
In the tit? o» L n
ThM.dmwu.1- ooew n • /■)>
iiecptol) m»W prartaloi rui-
3«.nil AtoHBbn of Km -
Th.United entnOlmoitO • '.on X-nh
»L rcmler-J >M foiUwinz d.-'r)rj.:
Ut—That to. CommoovriUh (taWa
tkm (Joraprij U iJril. •
M—It- •Ira-rtnj. »n f-lr.
N. 0.—Tto muiDri/ to- so* ot tuJ •
jp rntm fnuiL Road
of utw for to.
lton* I rp. ro
Itorlio I<V«
I Priri 6,«*
10 toriao $1X00 rich. 10,1X0
Wtoriru {00 Mata. I'VXO
1 otoefrllr ih.Mtaf
100 tortm ICO rid.
;'Xi tortu. M omU
aoo VitoM » rioh
UXOtortn. 10 owl.
• PrixM SOO noh, ar'roi pr.r-»
»toriiM MO woh do do
I torin. 100 woh do d*
i: •
L8G0 FriJM SllltOr-
VU»l. Tichutr, (1 BUf TMtoO, »L
ZT Tlck.U, «I>). U'Ucluto.SIlO
SttdtMooc.or l-.r.k iu I- f.*f,
or -ccd hr Expro-a. DOST hZN'D r' I
fICK O tut UK* Order, ot <: and up.ud
b,Kipnu,awb. Mat ti our .ri-o*.
AddrriiaUofdMO to
Cuur,6r-Jouru:d, UtarU-itto. Hr,
or nm. t—noo X Hrww!—»,'•
TO FARhlEtao
. . oth^r grain and desl/o to bold ft
future pliers, can get advance* on am to t
storing them with ws. 11. I* COOK,
Htorsge and On-ncdasteu,
julylH-duUkwltn No. ffll'eplir str»«
la lb«i ttuly Absolut* t ure tor
Ikafseu Ks
JS.’TSr' 1
lu mlraeuiou . that tl
t tally proclalme.1 over the
mrdy v
that l
genre no llt‘nf$ieMM hum related
mnong the I'hlnt-me people. Seat,
. hartfet prupul I, to any a-1 dress at fl ;>er bottle.
Hear What the Deaf Say.
It hn- |to if<.rin.--i a itilr.i'-!.* in my r ose.
1 have no um-arthly noises m my head sad'
ear much better.
I have t>cen greatly benefited.
My deafness helped a great <leal—think am-
other bottle will cure me.
•’Its virtues aw r*yt »*ti.»j«a*i r. andltsctru-
CAM rrw-uMAIXT Tl.-nrv, l-rTII rKOM KXrEBi*
Baca and oasaavATt*>v. writ, at tii., >■ b> Hat-
i/wkA JEMMav, 7 Dey ttroa-t. New York,ew>
cUwlirefLOO, and you will rev ive by return
• u • k'-:.’ >. 1 ! r hi- tr ilka- aay-
Itotly else, and
You will i
Editor cf ilereoetite J^rir
ite. pies
JKKNET. tiai. Hat
New York* 8uut J
' Hi
Produce Cnmmisiion Merchant*,
l04Warrort St., New York.
lignments of
Son-Dried and Evajiorated Frails
Of all kind-*. Our loug experience enables
us to hrnd'f to the beet advantage a!)
grades of of dried I'eachs*. hffus, Ba»-
at km, '.’hkhhik-, l’lXMM, Etc. liberal ad
vances made on consignments. Cons
•pondenco solicited. jan38wfftt
W. WcKAY, Principni.
APirit-Clau laititota (or Practioal
Baiiseu Initraction, Book-
Xecpioe, Eta.
tci.rai by lh« Lrsdiu Busins Mrs.
I Students Can Enter at any Time.
j AWt lreuiaa «»;ut free.
I)a. E. C. Wdtt'v Nnvs amd Bsai* TM
hsmt: * »pto« ill** tor llystena. IHreines% fl
vaUions, Nervous Hca-Ja. he. Mental DSW
l.,n. Low* ot Memory, Btxmatorrhtaa* Ui
teu< y. Involuntary Kmltsioti*, PreinatuiW 1
Age. c.tue.1 by ov. r •xartlou. srlf-abusc,
over-tn-iu'.Krn-f, which leads ta misery,^*
-...I J..U1 .)UC t.,i -111 -.If. r—»T
Kai'h Nn contains one month’s treefaimu
dollar a box. or six boxra for five dellara;
by mall prepaid on rawaipr ol price._WS|
onler received by us f..rsix &>us,
with five dollars, we wtti send tha
our w. titan guarantee b> return the
the treatment does not effect a CON.
tree tarneil only by Lamas. Raseui 4
Mason and Atlanta, Go. Ordera >»T
regular price.