Georgia weekly telegraph, journal & messenger. (Macon, Ga.) 1880-188?, August 18, 1882, Image 5
XI 4 a ©jcarrgxvt llU'clUtr QTclcgcstpf) rm^ Sfawctral ^ $Ffr£:K*mg*je. mi: onmI\ or ibelaxb. A pretty Rlrl of eighteen, n**at m Islvestor.. Hhe baa a chair at a street corner nd make* 93 to * ft a day. Tub Italian courts bavo decided ad- »ly the claima of the heir* of Plus IX, for Twaa early oi warning, that tlful Bay, name token, and aure 'I wouldn't (Ire play. lng. hei that the have' ••Old Neptune, who knew her, began to pum uci. m order to woo her—the wicked ol Jew— And almost had caught her ator. of the wat> -great Jupiter’* daughter l—which nen would do. , ual, aud I legal claim upon it. Tub arrest of the New York Star'* undent in Ireland under re- f 'Keaton act may hare been brought about by he gentleman himself. Anyhow, it will give I to hla letter* an interest which could hardly I have been obtained by ganloa directed in any I other way. i freight car at Allentown, Pa., a one. per box. *7. hr;, l i^achei. S peeled Se. Dried app “Hut Jorc, the great iantua. looked down and saw Vanns and Neptune n j heinous pursu- . lng her wild, I 7- —. -—, And he spoke out fu thunder he’d rend him | from Minnesota, and bad food and asunder—acu .ure 'twaa no wouder—tor 1 laat them to Philadelphia, taxing his child. English naturalists have Just discov- “A» 1,11,, hard hy hint mortal. I *•*-.“£' I'Ja'JL'K' j*' — he cAUgbt with .mall trjluf «u<l dotru let ^5, , h f Kn,ll.h JJarrow the lea It U1 3SS .. winking on Neptune' «•»*- SS2Sffi 0 °i£ ,B - «'»l»llevehon4t.oil lng and gave him, I’m thluklng, abltofa »ucks cows. ... .. ,, Of those killed by railroad accidents In . . I Great Britain laat year by causes beyond their dryland, both lowland and I own control, the proportion was one to 27,050,. A formed a sweet island, tho I 433. The proportion of the injured we* one to land of my birth; | 630.854. The total* were 108 passengers killed 1UI plain Is the story- that, sent down from I and 1,854 Injured, and of employes Ml killed glory, old Erin astkort is tho gem of the and 8,446 Injured. From trespasses, suicides, earth! | and miscellaneous causbs, death came to 407 w , h persons, and injuries to m The risk of travel "Upon Erin nately. Jumped Vanus so stately, I Issoeu to bo extremely low. but fainted kas« lately so hard she* was I W.lnf'SSdTdW bewilder, but. had c OU>M’»Ltoblg.«,«of B«ef.nd killed her, bar father distilled her adrop of Tonic Invigorator, In pint bottles, com- the best. bines all tho elements of nutritious food, “Thnt im r . ttn, vletorlou,: it mode tar lee. | «“\ ^>^ reUel - Agk **•"* and child were discovered lying theJ'Ood of gfaln. a They ^had stolen a^ ride timothy liar, f US* Eastern hay. fL25. Corn ! Baooino AMD* Tire—Fair demand; 2% bag. King, all Jute, II*: 2 do., none; 1** do. 1. fl.65; pieced tics. II113. oi and Btbup.—Cuba mclasses, 48a K nuuc; drip*, 57: Georgia syrup, 66. Halt.—Liverpool, tUUkVirgluia f 1.23411.60. Fauna.—Apples, none. Oranges, none. <era- #7.00. I/>u4on layer raUhu.93.50. bright No. 1,10c; un- - l msckeru. half bbt*. .17.00: do kits. 11.00: No. 2 do., half hbU., 15.75; kits, tec,; "o. 3. half barrels. tS.50;klls. 60c. ■ H'joars—Markc; Arm. Granulated. 10*^; stand /%, 10)4: white extra C, 10; extra C.9H; Golden C. 8K‘. O. wh.tes; 10)f N. O. yellow clarified ^UaDwanx—Market dull. IIom**hocs 16.00 mule shoes 17.00. Iron bound t Oi). Trace chains tiAAOc. per AmeV shovels 112.00 per dozen. Plow hoes per B. llalman’s plow stocks fl.75. Axa MlO.00 per dosen. Cotton cards 95.00. buckets Cotton roj-C 18c. per *. I Irou 5A5HC. per B: refluo 3)46*40. per B. Plow * 5Kc per B. Nalls F.L75—basr Pow- ,nat sur> km victorious; iv iu»uc uw iro i .#i. glorious—a lltilo uproarious, I fear It might I no Olncr. Bo how can ye blame us that Ireland’s so fa* I llorafordte Acid FlMMpbato to«* (orjdvlnkftiic and beauty, for fighting I j s ft preparation ef the phosphates of lime, I magnesia, potash and Iron in such form and lore ?' SUBJECTS roll LEGISLATION- I as to be readily assimilated by the sys- (tom. Descriptive pamphlet sent free' Wnru lor .l.o Seat g™?** Cbemlc.1 Work,, Providence, ur.rrni laualil, 1 Shod* lil.nd. E i iU "\ ™ r ' Jraph I A POKE wholesome article o( beer, i new of the approaching election to M bUltable fur nutritlre purposes end adopt raombera of the General Assembly of I e( j to f am Uy uj©; such Is "Conrsd’s Bud- Georgia, it is in ordsr to suggest work for I welser." ^th^m^rirttehl thtokmuMwi'lh I Wo^toM^O^^nJ^. Immense ndvent.,:, to be mad. y 0 £r to bln. m«s m tho subieeta of eppropriate le 2 slatlvo ao-1 hal wjthou. aap of their Injurl. tion, rix.: The law regulating the manner I oul properties. of holding elections; the manner of creat* I “I have used Simmons' Liver Regulator ing tax collectors; the method of securing j and find it a moat excellent medicine, i proper valuation of the taxable property I actlnj like‘a charm on the liver. It Is a ftiai* \ hriaf oianca at iheafi thtee I uiost excellent substitute for cslotnsl t the State. A brief glance at these three 1 1J|kTe trleJ it ln eftve ral csms of bilious- utters in detail. I disorders, chills snd fever, and find it el- Tbe present law governing the holding fect> * cure | n a most »ati«factory man- • in Georgia is defective, vague | aer. Db. J. W. Bowkx, and uncertain. Th;s is tho impre-erio;' which a pernsal of our oode will produce npon any candid mind. When we reflect that this uncertain law must servo as a guide, not for lawyers aud jurists, but for non-professional men who may chance to aot as super- ♦* Clinton, Ga.” intendents of eloetiors. the noetfc (or nomo law more complete and more explicit I cprC-2avrly, id self-evident. The maoy cnees of oon* tested elections that Are CbneUnUy arising in all part* of the State demonstrate a LOCAL JtiVMXESB* DENTISTRY-DR. S. B. BARPIELD. iio. HO Mulberry street, Maoon. Georgia »flheux*^—d a. m. lo 8 p. m. aag^Gtf . DE. D. S3. WRIGHT, DENTIST. OCDee—114 Seocnd eL Hmrknud J A*aj»AorwaBa • yUHUo forwk. (M • —U*f jiruaaraW aw *i HKmiZrtUurtbU&mtJ* t ehMrmekeristUtf > : ■ •• "■ ■ ■" 1 '"MILITARY"":.;—' — INSTITUTE steel 6) is pci ®. Naius».T>-ba*e w ,k\ now*i der ftvVi per keg. Blasting powder 4L00. Lead Be. per B. Drop shot 12.00 per bag. MisciLLAKEoca—fan ay, 13c. Plcklea. pints 111.00, per quarts, 12.25. Starch 5H0. per In. Cheese, 15. Sardluca, imported, 15K; aardlnea. domestic, tv. 00. Kice, 7090. Lili pop ash, S2.75®3.U); Canned, * ».'25<S3.50. Illdea- Dry flint, V®11. salted 8S*iO. Wool—Washed 25y30q unwashed, 2D&a: burry lfrll* un washed burry lA-sSL Tallow, A Wax. 22. HDmv GOODC—Market steady. Prints—standard ^J^.lower grades solids I We. Tirk- RngsVtflte. Hickory stripes 7W^l0c. do. brown »»§10e. Wigans 6W«B7W. Oroabuiwa- sixea.8Wo, eight os. 10c. AheeUnxs-standard 7W. Shirtings—standard IK. Checks-stand- 10 XS^'tc K *So'^° nlUCky Pr^Titlcn Barksts hy Telegraph kILDICmJS OQ..213 N.MAIHSTh DALLAS WHEATS UALTtMOHE, Aug Howard street ana I MM gi.2fta3.75: extra li.OOafi.OO; family 15.25 a6.25; city Mills BU{>erflne sg.00a3.75; Rio Brands >6.00. Wheat—flouthem stea«ly; Wes tern inactive and easier: Houthern red Sl.lOa 1.13; do amber *1^2al.l6; No. 2 Western win ter red spot and August *1.12%al.l3. Corn- Hnuthcrn quiet; Western opened active bm closed dull and easier; Southern whit* 91a?J. do yellow 'Jla92; western mlxc<i spot SPiatf; August H4K08S. Oats easier and quiet: South? eru 05*70) rsd rust proof .'n’-aM: Western white 87a88j Western aslxed 61*65. Kyeqnlet at 68a 72. Hay qnk-L- prime to choice Pennsylvania and Maryland |18.00al9.00. Provisions steady: sleee pork tO.25a2S.2S. Balk meats, shoulders and clear lib rides packed f 11.00 and *14.23. Baron, ehouldcra moo; clear rib 111 25. Hams St5.A0al6.2S. Lard, refined *14.00. Butter dull: western packed llu'Ji; creamery 23a27. Y&n firm at 19a20. Petroleum quiet: reflurd 7%. Coffee firm; Rio (cantoes) ordinary to fair 8Sa9K. Sugar stvndy: A soft Whisky higher at -1.19. Freights to Liverpool per steam easier, cotton 5-3hto l6d: flour laSdals. ^nSw'mSeaNS. August 1(1.—Flour dull: high grades f3.00a5.87'?. Com scarce and firm; white 92; mixed Oft. Oats quiet and weak: Texts 48; Wc*teru 50. Pork dull and att£M2K. Lard quiet and steady: Ue^ccval•^r , **“•- After thorouzli'y totting this variety, usually known as the "BUI Dallas Rustproof Wheat,” a© unhesitatingly pronounce It tho surest cropper yet originated, having lost only one crop in ten years, and that from the fly or soma Insect, not rust. It appears to be a hybrid—a amooth-headeil ■wheat with almoat invariably some bearded l^eads cropping out amongst it. The crop Just harvested shows the largett yield of any va riety in this section, the yields 6o fhr reported being from 211 toliO bushels per acre. PRICES. DELIVERED IN DEPOTS OR BY EXPRESS. 2 Bushels sacked, 20 Bushels sacked $50.00. References—Col. l’etcrs, planter and live ftock ralaer, Atlanta, GajIIon. J. T. Henderson, State Commissioner of Agriculture, Atlanta, Ga ; General B. Toombs, Washington, Ga. Addiess all orders to ’.lark W. Johnson & Co., P7 JIarietta street. Atlanta, Ua, Jun23wly Send for circular of clover, grass ami other seed. During tho month of August subscriptions will be m-eitod for the CHICAGO WKF.KLV NEWS, extending from the dat* of receipt to Janua'T bit next fT7 WENT V-PIVECENTS. TLoCHICAGO WEEKLY NEWS isalarr' t2-column paper, edited with special reTcrence to the need* of the Qually circle. It is especially complete M „ ne<ti paper, it ery lsue pre*cntlng complete telegraphic reports of all Important happenings tha world oven Its Chicago Mark, t olr.tions are full and trustworthy. It is Independent In Poll- M »j, giving all political intelligence free from partisan coloring and discussing political questions without fear or fkvor as to parties. Con densed notes on Art,Literature,Science, Industries, Fashions, etc- and SIX COMPLETED STORIES ln every Ismm. It la the cbeapett metropolitan weekly poMUhcd In tho United States, cost- Lmromy BEVENT Y-KIV E CENTS A YEAR. - To af rd all desiring it 'uVi', with the character of the CII It AGO WI-I.KLY NEWS to. ‘ ■ scribing for a year we mako this rpcclsl olTcr tor tho MONTH Ok I AUGUST ONLY of * next for the nominal 0 a 23c. coin may *- BO?.^»blU&VVa3 WftirAvePUo7^t'«^ffQ»ML mm stove* THE m; IN THE M&RKI 'of R03C9. m ft0 LJfgCcVJlJlSfc inuTnmart rats& 3®ss2B8SS AUGUST ,Y of sending this paper fr mdst- to January 1st ainal prtcoof TWENTY-FIVE CENTS, ay be safely sent In a strongenvelope. A club of ftvo r a One Iw.llor Bill. Addresa VICTOR 1\ LAW- J. P. A W. It. HOLMES, DENTISTS. Offlos—Oppoeito Lanier Hon^e. 102 Mulberry stroot, Maoon, On. maylGdawly fC/ANUIAL. STOCKS AND BONDS IN MAOON. radical defect aomewhoro. Of- course it is I true that no method of holding election* can be duviwl whose operation would bo entirely aatlsfactory to defeated candi-1 dates; but it is equally true that some I neiboJ* imy bo better than other*. It is I ery diffleult tu believe tha^ the ^ ' If the I LOCKETT A nunu, Dauamw. Tit stands is’the beat that esn poesibiy I __ hJfnd^dA^uSoAi 6 ’ bo froraoJ, tliea I mu.t M, that tho nb- SSSllJSSSt bSS&(oWl ^-iSS Ject is invested to an extraordinary extent I Qeorvm 7 per cent, bonds (mortgage with inherent difficulties. J Jeorvia 7 per cent, bond* (gold Without attempting to amplify the sub-.l quarter coupons) 11* ®119>i ject further I will say that a system of I Georgia 7 per cent, bonds, due 1*96-124 gtoa , l ,,UUj.iou .ncb ,^h» b«^^U.l tt 8SJf2SK®.aSw£S i »m liu &aiu9ra&afia£ !!! * us .iUired to regt.Ur io tb. ddtrtct I wc.wra IL K. of Ala.. I.t m jolr rtaU«nc., And not nanattui I w»»ni R. K. .f AlA., al mont»«. 1U „ ,ofo. ut ot lit. diatrtet In which the, mra I MoMtaAndulnud mllroAd, (moil) 111 ■■ ' '■ S r ab^ja., WjUgjSj. .10, the time of regis;ration. I CUy of 5lacon bondri - lu) eioiK 2. 1 believe that tcx«oollMtor* should be I C4ty of Hayannah bonds.—.—.. ? i i« > •’ a appoint d by soma competent authority, I City of Atlanta * per cent bonda^-100 Mi n anon*-I—*edhy tha Ih.dnlla. to, o(^ta«,<»nt bondA. I04 oiUu ,ra hr.r,b ‘at (Mt, and rwoir. aaStSafSSSffSrZ » 2M grsa* armntrs and fearle*#u#*a on the I oeatral railroad iicrlp. ....... nke Mk part jfbiui who iiililL He should b# M*| AuiruteandUava&aaa iTs.Mock 11* *(£l'J0 J oved as pot^ibla from tbeinfludaoo I Georgiarallnadjuxk —. 150 *1153 luf UIOM from .whom ho moil | Hirtft. iij T.l^raph. out monaV-lxaeMbl, If It may b., bnt forcibly If it mnatba. Whll. tbo Ui-col- 7 ^-'*-“ 1^"!i\ ; loctprs of I jut. fond, dull but itmoe. f lorcmiawit itmir- lul in the dlsoharg* of their dutlta, it t* I jue* u uc hange«l. c. riainly true upon general principles that I WJtw yonK-Bvenlng—Ixchang* .W.85X. an oGicur whoas business it is to ooUect I .ioverameutsacuriUes new 4pwoyuu 101^i;*H fined'tierce* sl2.C2Hel2.75; keg 911.12,. Ikilk meats quiet and firm: shoulders packed bid #10.25; new 910-50. Bacon, shouldets scarce and firm at 910.75; short rib and long clear weak at tU62!4al4..7&. Hams, sugar- cured steady with fair demand: canvassed 14.50at5.50. Whisky steady and unchanged. Coffee ln good demand; Rio, cargoes, ordinary to prime 8)%aU. ftugar firm: yellow clarified 9; fair to fully fair h**; prime to choice a9. Molasses dull aud unchanged. Rice in good demand: Louisiana fair to prime NEW YORK. August 1ft.—Coffee unchanged in price and dull, tiugar more steady and in better demand. Porto Rico 7)4; Molasses sugar fifi: fair to good reflniog quoted at 7 316a 7 5-16: refined firmer amt in better Inquiry; standard A 8aS)v Molasses unchanged snd quiet Rice quiet and steady. Pork offered a shade lower, and trade again very slack: new mess spot 922.Ma22.50, latter choice: August tn.40a21.SO; September >21.Mail TV. Middles quiet and nominal: long clear 113.75. Lanl ‘Jua22>«c. per 100 pounds, Tower, unsettled, and -oore active business, closing somewhat strong- r. HaK-s of prime steam spot for exp;>rt ‘ 12.65al2.75; Bcpterabcr > l2.57Kal , i62 , 4: ined >125*5. Continental frelghu to Lli.. pool, market firm* Cotton per steam )*a3 16d., wheat oer steam 4k>l. LGUIVVILLK. August lA-Flour steady and unchanged. Wheat dull, weak and lower, No. 2 red fall «3a9L Corn steady and unchanged. Oats in fair demand and market firm: old No. 2 M; new do. 50. Provisions unchanged. CHICAGO. August 16.—Flour dull aud un changed. Wheat Inactive ahd lower regular 91.01)4 August; V7)i September; No. 2 Chicago spring sLOL Corn active but lower at 76a 7*y, cash; 7Ca76^ August; 75sa75)b Septcm: her. Oats Irregular, futures lower at 45a«5S cash: 41)4 August; ac Heptciaber. l*ork ln fair demaodbutlower at - M.90a2LOO cash: >20. Wa 20.95 August; > 30,50*20 F-’H Reptcmber. Uul ln fair demand but lower at ll2.12Ha12.15 cash, August and September. Bulk meats dull: shoulders v.GO: rib M.U0; clear 913.35. Whisky steady and unchanged. _ FT. L0UI8, August 12-Flour eanr hut not lower. Wheat lower and very slow: No. 2 red spas’ 5 * Bra 77! t cash: 75 September. Oats dull and lower uEHSgssmt and lower at ^ ^ » oU «71.40a2t TIlfci Chattanooga Saw Warrantod Unsurpassed ! HdliNiuctlou Giuivnntci'd TY« make a speoialty of repairing all kinds ef Raws. Write for prioee. P. O. BOX 911, CHATTANOOGA, ’TENN SCHOFIELD’S IRON WORKS MS it is to ooUect I Government securities new 4 par cents 101H;< immedijtely da- paromite IM^KparoauM r.; St'M “ uqc - ; * o. ay U to be ooi-1 * — following am the cloalug quotations: » method of returning property i in this State is even inora^obj j on principle tli ,., fc ....-collector* by popular jectionatdo i>ocms* of its rannifi jullty, Tbi iJenl plan would be to all the property of the State as cserd nniform rule of valuation. The ex- g p an is as far removed from thlani poMible to go. Instetd of one rul* of iUon, we have aa many rule* )wuers of property, man return* hi* propc--. — — ofthUcUM are not ao nami another returns his too low. * Judgments areeqanl ‘ —one may be vei other quite the hoso judjmeuU andeonscii_ tho valuation* which they property when they come this way aluation rropa- not only ia n 3 property c«f the + true value, Imt -. ... property r.ot re ft a not a:q>cir upon tho tu tlise-c. optl tffl< tho Butt. And «uh connty in the Htate, ia annually defrauded of tboruands of dollar*. The roault of all this la that thapropertf which is correctly retumcil and which doe* peylU taxa* ia force J to pay • higher rate of taxation than would othenrif* be nece»rary. Were the burden of taxatuin dually and evenly di-tribute l, the . preaeura upon each iadi- vtdual taxpayer would bo proportionally llgnter. In m-r--h inditing t*:w loeeee re-1 suiting from be I auc*junta bv the good eaatomera of thobouee. Xoe game principle obtain* in the payment of tax payers art saddled with g eUuentfwbo i 7ai;M5SFi Oats firm: No. 2 mixed mere objee* I I Class a! small— M | Adams Express V* he prnctico of Class E, Ft-——JW I Amertrea Exp— W imlar vote.. It | <*«ZSS-&*BsEg aBLL. AN. ’d eo c W£iSStdS a»u! m SfriCTincSSSror ... ' rAllroAd—VWt 1M he State dues of e alone than th< r. .-..Ii- k>Altered Utopia nslAlltbiitril a.fAr a. I r.cti.-ablo. I enbmtt ttat tht, iLijht be Acromp l.h«l bj All* pr.eltlinj (t» Ute UMWaMri tAi A- Mon Is etch c mat,, who»e duty It Ml (;«to MW IhAt all t!-o taxable prop erly.>f the eoant, Aruxredon th* dt»« t, 38t.S wae rounwd At a Jaet .A DA. EL VMM, th. plAD eometted might .. upiMi, It woaM at I*a-tac- ci.i l 'it !■: It v mil r ■» awa, with the i oAqaAlitp oud the in,;-nee ot altiwing ever, m in 11 r.: ;:u Ii < rropertr At whxt- ■lAAtiati bU own iodcaant Arid bu • 't dictate. V— (eight d in.- ,o.-jtt> ratr. yoaa.Ta.liA., ABgnet W, lhSJ. yAilurt r.lomin* a ad Mmmotr: Ii ,uiir DOOM ot “fair tud DarUctw At for- Husky Mead' 11.32H bid cash and August; Job 1.50. Bulk meat* unchanged. Bacon doll and easy; shoulder* #10.37S; snort rib -14.25; short clear 414.S7H. Larddul' nominal at rl210. CINCINNATI, August 16.-Flour hanged. Wheat quiet: No. 2 rod win- Lard dull at *1225. Bulk mc*U inactive: shoulders f9J0; clear rib *13.50. Bacon firm: shoulders *19.60; rila *1225; clear 91275. Whisky steady ato l. 16. Combination sales of finished goods. It barrels on a heals of «L16. Bugar quiet and unhanged. Hogs steady: oommoo and light r 0^0*7.65: tacking and bntebeta «7.75*S.k7H. Receipt* ft*; shipment* -me. t Naval Stores WILMINGTON. August 12-BpulU tnrpen tine firm at 42^*43.. Jtosln firm at ».» strained; «1.:» (or good strained. Tar firm tl.'JO. Crude turpentine firm at IL73 for hard; 275 for yellow dip and virgin. CHARLUTON, August 12-Mplrlu turpentine firm at 42!^ Boain steady; strained and —-* strained *1.60. HAVAS SAIL August 12- Ko*ln steady; strained and good strained 3* “ *— pen tine in demand at 42 NEW YORK. August 16-Rosin steady *130*1.95. Turpentine about steady, closing «>4*«H. 3»B£3s p-mrnts. Ileaatirnllylllas- d.Over 100 pages. Address ROCHESTER,N.Y. i CHICHGO.ILL 119-183 Ent Main St. 200-208 Rands pn J* TO FARMERS * fntora prices, esn get adtnnces c I HP storing them with mo. IL L. COOK, Storage and Commission, | JulylS-dStAwlm No.Gi I'oplq r strtc Administrator’s Salo. > Y virtue of an order from the court ofordlJ _>nary of Dlhb county will be sold uu the lint Tuesday In Beptember. 1*92 at the court hen*e door In said county, totwten the legal hours Jof sale, one-half interest in the three stores on Chcrty street, in the city of Macon, known as Hhawe block. Mng pan of lot No. 44 ln square M id known as numbers 122,121 and 126, Hec- street. In the city of Maoon. Hold lor the purpose of division among the heirs of said sa x’•. Terras cash. E. F. Ill -1. ' ■! >. 1662 Adm’r of Emma Skew. PORTABLE AND STATIONARY STEAM ENGINES, Steam Boilers. Grist Mills, Saw Mills, HANCOCK INSPIRATORS, RUBBER BELTING, HOSE, PIPE ARC ENGINE FITTINGS. made Ibis season, with two brush both and all the la’.e .t improvtmtnte, boxet ready for Immediate abipmauL Any i tbe rcsular sizes shipped tha day the o der is received. No delay. Prices : luratcforo publUbed. Send for circuit Wo also manufacture ‘Gwathmey’s Improved Eclipse Gin,’ with Donblo Rull.r Hulling Alt nd all of tho very laievt lrnpro Solid 12 Jochi on frame, made under the ipervisl.jn of Richard R. Gwi patentee. Tb* E lip** Gin GUIDE, oTnc^c ^ | BSTER’S N ABRIDGED. IW Edition. 118,000 Vortg, K) m<ir« thau s»y other English Dictionsry.) ir P*«- Colored PlaUs, 3000 Engrnving^, (D*arly thr**« Urr.c» the numtor . In any "‘her 1'ict’y,) c<~,conUin.'< uBlogjaph* U icnl Dictionary gi*lng brief Important tecta f «oticerning over 9TOO noted persona. Ifc-rommeuilod hr HtaU) Hupt’s of FTtlurstton tn j 36 hUttis, aod by fiOColtogn President*. 0. A 0. MEJIBIAM A CO., i’ub'rs, Bprlngfleld. Mass. M ft A ft SOLO!!! AGENTS WANTED^ f4 ■000 vi GARFIELD -•fr.'solmo - SWITZERLAND . ENDORSES m* • PENNSYLVANIA * Pronouncing THE LANCASTER WATCH “THE BEST WATCH MADE IN AMERICA." UNO fO* G4HOULAM. ________ MILL &. FACTORY SUPPLIES OF ALL KINDS. BELTING, HOSE and PACKING, OILS, PUMPS AIL KINDS, IRON PIPE, FITTINGS, BRASS GOODS, STEAM GAUGES, ENGINE GOVERNORS, 4c. Send for Pricn-list. W.H. DILLINGHAM 4 CO. 421 M,in Slre-t, LOUISVILLE. KY. mua... A Fargo 131 COMMERCIAL* Cotton Markets hr Tekgrapb. LIVERPOOL,’August lB.-ftoou-4V»tum firm; middling upland* 7 212mlddllngOrl*ans7 5-l«; sale* 12,«* v. speculation and export 3.900; re- °^lfimra^SIaSa towmlddllngcUost. Au- November * «•»: November »tul I)««mb«r > ovm. u.y and June 8 4Mk June aud Juljr ten Future, (Ira. S^SiAsKassttsafas °NEW YO*K-F«nln*—Net r««Jpu-—: fneelio. rmurmcle-od ea,k-r. aake to,000, “ «mt ’ .ItieailW l JantutT—iinaiMi Hem bet -liriSlt AT | Februarj ...limiStl.-. Lober ll.eAill.Ki Men b 12004,11c. vembw-U-ONHlt ee | AprU ..12.18.1121. Stw’YORK, Auceut 'lii.-torton ueadtfmlm ■ - “ optande U 1-Mc mblUtnj Of• Iti 1 NORFOLK. Aofiut 18-Cottar -eft,; ta let ■limit I2)^i net nceipte »; (ram 2S; mlm «L 16.-Cotton steady; and- dllac 1* GwmUdUoK 1284 (oodmdlwr U!i net raealou —; num !Mt mka —: erack 3,5m. “ . 1310UN. AuiruMl* -.beam Heart., aurutuot taws job ea, “A line u>a mtujllae 1*4; rood oedtaaer , .4. T. Ooleano Jt Co.” 11A W recel|im A (ram let eatae Doses emek '— “ S l(. ; Cqttao^ulet:ml4- dUplaF* maJebF Your : ■ '■ Ut u. - : *.'L a. 41 Cole nan * do. kin Hr (•«* ft* eamtblttt. {or Monroo Fnaila OoUeie »ia They had nothing on eiblkitioa. Meeire. i. W. Rice X c.>. (lie tbe . nitloondonnltai ol : ImmHM Stmda, wf«W •» P«kape if., ri J a!»> ■ 111 . t tl oi Ibelr em- Ljijii. la ildet Udim in vnugtat PfufiSi (Uiaeted nnletiaal attention. Imir 1,-°- of UmnU waa tndmd OwmsY,V Klee * Oo.,* tbet- UWral.rUt, ■ .f-r '! rlllLADFLFHIA. AnraK ll-OOtton quiet: middling U& tow mkldllng lajfc goodovdina* rj Ufa pc*, .ircupu i:o; gram lkh sales to mu-til *■ lv i3fAiii3uB UK jfasdS 17* s quiet; * 1-! *; good ordurary 11! Iuvax c. Dm, I.cla h’xirru, . EKU Gimob, Committee NKW ORLP.AK4. August W- askLUlRZ 12* ro low middling 12* ry 11^; net receipts 97, gre* stork 17/, 27. MOBILE. A m^tSTnlcraMB 1 MJatreDLAugostia.—cottonundp . 4Ung 12%: low middling 12*»; root ordinary 11; net receipt* 17; gram 1<; shlpaenia —s alt-4 ICC: stock 2434 August 16-Cotton mar . . low mU-li'.ng H**; good cnlln Lasas | a> !£lb! kill.' I —L ' • ■ '• »r- i ■'•I *■ ’ ' wbil* it *M- lT August u.-Cotton I lidltof 12. sand ofdl Bore tu mlaa 4k etnd 'jSTSBtXA •‘St 1 SitonSd are w*U waterc s-eh.>■::*>« J. , Bulk r Twoot pUntatioo* <*3mi, a* rrtafcUn Bi, . >f*k>rs. Frinslmul • rrenrh IL>mo Bekool lor v nnusl MPsaU/n will begin ‘ ■rtheP tn&«noatton an- ; July Utua tkv aslto