Georgia weekly telegraph, journal & messenger. (Macon, Ga.) 1880-188?, August 18, 1882, Image 7

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    sanse it is all that U claimed for it. It in
indeed a home for all vrlto travel. It is
wrell officered and well appointed, and
ranking a* it does among the flrat booses
of the land, we point it ont to the traveler
know that combustion is a term need to
denote the amount of heat neeet-
sanr to destroy substances—that
ignition is where there Is
Huffisient beat to prodaoe fire or incan- I
desconee. We know farther that it takes :
different degrees of beat to ignite different
snbstaneee; that phosphorus ignites at as
low a temi^ratare as 148 degrees. ttop-
poee a phosphor match should have been
dropped iu the cotton, and the heat in the
cotton is sufficient to oook an egg, will it
not light or ignite the match ? It will,
jnet as eertainly as powder willexplodo
when it has heat enough. Any druggist
will tell yon that he has to cut phosphorus
in water to keep
My second theor
»r Civilisation Be*
sons Tc’ltli Last
Wins! George C. Id
riKOHOIA, TWIGGS (ttUNTY.-Under and
IT by virtue of authority granted me under
the last will and teitauunt of Catharine a.
Bunn, late of said courf^docoa red, will be sold
before the court house door In the town of Jet-
fcrkouville. In said county, on the first Tues
day In (September next, between the legal hours
of sale, the laud known as the homo place of
said Bunn, and known also as the Fare plo^e.
embracing four hundred acres, more or lew,
belonging to said estate. Hold for a division
among the legatee* of said will.
Kxecutor of the said Catharine A. Bunn, dc‘d.
health and avoid sickness.
Instead of feeling tired and
worn out, instead of aches
and pains, wouldn't you
rather feel fresh and strong?
You can continue feeling
miserable and good for no
thing, and no one but your
self can find fault, but if you
arc tired of that kind of life,
you can change it if you
How? By .getting one
bottle of Brown' Iron Bit
ters,and taking it regularly
according to directions.
You can liaug the letters “M. D.” to I
the rear platform of a man’s name like
.w— .» m . . a signal lamp, and send him forth a full-
suggestaa subs’itute I fledged doctor; you can shut a fellow up
flSniJSS 7“ h • »««t,™lum.ofOok.or Bl«k.ton.
.... or g» from oil.. I do to devinr, and Him lauuoh him u a law-
not know the degree of heat necessary to yer; and yon can chuck a few spring poems
form origolte It^bnl it 1. eteeeed with the in the dnetor pocket. of a etd-eyed mao
sssbSts* Is l *sssr •*»-*«»>ni „« .*** * a.
of the oiL Will any one I real genuine landlord mast bs born—he
ask where does the oil oome
from? Only examine the floor of your
gin house w tie re you and hands have trod
ou cotton seed year after year until the
dots, to be given on the ’.'1st, to Indian
: The yonng men will attend in their new
uniforms and will christen them with the
great healing waters of the spring.
No invitations have been issued, the fact
of the boys giving a grand excursion for I
the benefit of tho public making that un-1
I The yonng men composing tho oompany
I will be under the direct control of Captain I
I Findlay, and thus good order is guaran-
I teed. It is the first excursion of the oom-
| puny, and probably the last that will leave
ing was addressed by E. advices indicate that tho rain in Alabama I :
followed by G. B. Burney, and elsewhere still threatens injury to the
Kev. Mr. Coachman, de-1 crop, k most critical month for the cotton
-• •—* “~ J ~ 1 phmt ia new on. The end of August may
toll an extremely favorable story, while, on
the other hand, irreparable injury may be
done. Unmistakably, however, the chances
noware in favor of a full average crop.
The replies tabulated show that 127 report
the present condition of the crop very
; good, Sh>7 good, 302 fair, and 43 poor.
As oom pared with the condition of the
crop at this time last year, 5o7 state it is
better, 1711 worse and 7'J the same. As to
the blooming and fruiting, tidi report it
good. 109 fair and 118 poor. There are 682
replies, which tell of the condition of the
fields with regtrd to grass nud cultivation
I beiug good, and 1G7 that it is poor,
I The oondition of the *jrop in North Car-
. — olina is somewhat below good. Excessive
time-honored eervioei of camp meeting. I rain is reported in some parte of the State.
“Reatlved (2), That tho families of the No damage has as yet resalted from rust,
unfortunate deceased have onr heartfelt worms or sheddin?. The cultivation is
sympathy in this, their hour of Bereave-1 generally good. The crop is from ten to
moot. W | fifteen da»s late. The weather has been
"Revolted (3), That the proceedings of I more favorable in Bonth Carolina than in
thie meeting be for arardeJ to ths Eastman j North Carolina. Blooming and frmting
Timet. Macon Tklxo«aph and Mmhckokb I were progressing welL Three-fourths of
and Savannah Echo for publication. On I the reports speak of a high degree of culti-
motion meeting adjourned. I vatiou, with "the fields quite free from
**Xsaao CoucmcAX, Chairman. I grass.
“B. It. Habbem-, Secretary.” I Huffic-cnt rain has fallen in Georgia to
1EORUIA. >1BBCOUNTY.—Whstsas Mrs Cl
I 1» Milllrons Imi applied (or exemption o
utsoualty and setting apart and valuation o
oraestcad and l will paw upon tho same at 1
'clock s. m. on the llth day of August, 1M2
t my olUce,
Witness my hand and offlctal signature this
uly 24. IK,
Jy-JMltAwtd* J. A. McMANUB, Ordinary.
nloring the awful tragedy of last Sunday.
The following resolution wm offered by E.
Seward Small, and unanimously adopted.
"Whereas, we as a people destined by that
all-powerful hand that directs all things to
make this section of our common country
our homes, and
"Whereas, by amendment to the national |
constitution we became citizens of Ameri
ca, vested with all privilegee and rights
guaranteed to all American citizens, it is
our boundeu duty to advocate tho supre
macy of he law, therefore, be it
u Ke*oleetl (I), That we, as Christian?
and as law-abiding citizens, d(W most
earnestly condemn the aota of a certain
olass of our people on last Saoday, the tith
It does not always require a Falstaffi&n I
paunch and a jolly nature to constitute a I
landlord. As a general rale yonr big fat j
fanny Bonifaoes are poor hotel keepers.
Fatness is father to laziness, and no true
| landlord can be lazy. To ran a hotel
nowadays requires a man active in mind
and body. As the world moves, we grow
more and more mindful of creature com
forts. liouce the modern land
lord muti first have the
foil appreciation of the good things of life |
I deeply engrafted into his very soul. He
I must be n man peculiar—to bs without,
I temper, without brusquey. without indo- I these column*.
r Carr an<1 KB Evans, administrators of the
• WllH*ra A Evans, late of said county,
('eased. tvwVnsde application for leave to
l nil th«4 *rl\ estate lH>longl'ig to wtl>l estate
> i l j of a division amongst the heirs
rhteJ'tfcCrillV to ells and admonish alt
minis conceY ll to be and op|*aratthe
prtof ordlmft.1 of said county on tho tint
- \U*r next, to show eaiiM> If
Add applicution should not
J\»d offldal signature, tills
any they ran
August 4. Pel
Atlgt'.W tW
reserve fund of rift
by an overwhelm!!
was made a part of
lion ulrntj d I*er ( :
Mansfield, Ohio, Nov. *6, tSSi.
Gentlemen1 have suffered with
pain In my tide and bavk, and groat
softness oa lay breast, with snoot-
lag pains all through my body, at
tended with grant weakness, depres
sion of spirits, and loss of appe
tite. I have taken several different
medicines, and was treated by prom,
loeat physicians toe my liver, hid-
neys.andspleea.kut I got no relict *
1 thought I would try Brown’s Irow *
Bitters; I have sow taken ona bottle , -t i"
and a half and am about vcll-p«lR:*r f
In side end beck sU gone-oemer^ r * 0 g
ell out of my breast, and I hav«Y, lltn l
good appetite, end am gaining 1 M
strength and ficsb. Itcanjustlym I
colled the king if mtdkime,. >- r *. 1
John K. Anssue»*q ^’^1
K '
lure, when it is zt once turned into water,
fills ths outer fibres of ths cotton and.
forme almost a compact mass of cotton
end watet,almost impregnable to the latent
Less on the inside or tho cold
air on the outside. While this stats of
things lasts,there can be no ignition, either
fiom a match or oil gat, for the reaeon
that it is air tight (not to be technical),
»> rir » • l/rt
tut single \ umber Orate-
inlace .ff«nfitly.
1 \*m arruKTVXiTY
I I t on I t V#:. NINTH
[ANVISO, ri./.-.s#, AT NENVOlt-
Ih-DAY, Se t d. llth, ISH*.
calls for. Us most study it as an artist I that the boys will take up a large crowd of
studies his model, die historian his data, I our citizens who can fully enjoy themselves
the chemist his experiment*. Ue must I and at the same time aid the Cadets,
know wbat homo is in the almtract and in f
the concrete. Mis rooms raust be cleared
of every ves “* " ““■*
must wear a
.«—- — ——— ■ The Death of Col. Wru. M. Wsdlrj.
^ dlMomfort, | ,16.., -eg
.... Tta window TU ~<1 Ut.Ulg«.c.ot the euddra drath
so parted -that at least a handfnl of son- of this great and good man was received
beams can play upon the figures of the car-1 .here early yesterday morning, and pro-1
P®. 1 * ^® bed—ah! that is the greatest.of I j acw j that profound sensation that the
all the comforts—most be soft and yield- I .. -. .. . . |
ing. The traveler wanUandneede rest, I *r«wity of the nows might liavebeonea-
and the bed furnishee the solace, the recto-1 pected to occasion. No mesMge oould
rativo. All these things go msrohing I been floshml over the wires more cal-
oomfotUblc^oom!* 10 ««“ ot » onUtod to ...ken nninrul nwr.1 in
Thns to fashion his rooms and afford I Georgia than the announcement "that OoL
| gonnine nndijturbed^repoMi^o^the WMried | Wadley dropped dead at Saratoga Springs
i— i. —— *•-«* *« * « 1g Te n|ng.” A man of strong and de
cided character and convictions, ofnn-
« uu ■ flinching loyalty to any cause he espoused,
neither 1 is not to be wondered at, that in life he
* 1 created antagonism anl was frequently
the snbjeot of severe criticism; but in view
c? LU ticked h^^osty of purpose, |
his faithful adberenao to principle and the
‘‘volcano’* ia broken by some "eold rat,” I
who wants a warm bed, the settling of the
cotton oansing a fissure, or by nay cither I
means; then Ignition is iastantaneoos,
and you are awakened t j find yonr prop
erty destroyed and mind harassed by the
fcflr of an easmy capable of doing jou
such an injury.
The remedy is: First, keep damp cot-
tan out of your gin house; eecoad, spread
the cotton ouVand nsvsr leave it eo thick
eitner ia piles or spread as to allow it to I
get hot! and, third, as your heaviest lose is
a*aa’ly the "gin,” have yon an elevator and
Brown’s Iron Bitters is”V
composed of Iron in soluble E
form; Cinchona the great
tonic, together with other
standard remedies, making
a remarkable non-alcoholic
tonic, which will cure Dys-'
pepsia, Indigestion, Malaria,
Weakness, and relieve all
Lung and Kidney diseases.
Capital Prjio, 875.000.^
‘2 I’Rl/.ES OPtCUX)
traveler, is one brick in the straotnre of
knowing how to keep a hotel.
Another iuport-int briok is the table. I
Upon the white linen covers mast sit no
grim, gaont demon of dsspepsia, neither
I most the hideous visage of diMuitisfaetion
show itself around the dining board. The i -r>*—«— — .
•tuk-th.t ert.t fketor In an Am.rl<au of hi. omiOMUonwl h« .of port»«>,
brenkfut—moat b. of Mch tcnd.rn... nnd I w - Wthfol ndtarenw to prinotpto and the 1
iuWnto. u to iToki. hB«rtr»lnackofi«lMOfhi.pubUoMrTieM, w. tnu.tcon-1
j approrni, whii. th. ncccoriM mutt bo in I J*de that a front and food man baa 1
A Tremendous Crash, net No Tcrsona I keeping. The bed and the table form the
Iajnted. I ultima thule—indeed the very essence of I ,.9 en * ^} bert . By«lnsy Johnson said that I
v > f .. »h*> I hoaoitalitv I the world made sneoese the test of merit in 1
Yesterday morning about 0 JO, “ th.* I gf and k them Qp to a I the Uwof men.andmsasnrsd by this rale I
reporter was passing down Poplar street, hi( J h jomfort. Sot* not come I " « M. \\ adley had no superior in the
be heard a dull, heavy thud sound in the di- I within the ability of a uinunf actnred land-1 , .. .. , , I
rectlon of Eonrtb strwt. Th. crowd lord, llono. th. tm. Bonilac mut b«I .fji^S^bS^fr.w'Mit lJicmntomm.I rnahinf toward, th. oornor of Cher-1 in , 0 (he lbOTe rtfl^uon, I and fam. br hi. gnat cnorgr nnd integrity
ry and Fourth atreatn, and in the race wo | b lk thronah Brown', Uotei yMter-1 of charnctor, and etrength of Jndgmont
joined. On arriving at tho now bnjlding Th. propn.iori. Mr. UW.C. Brown. *ons
of Ja<inM ,t JohMon.cornor.of Fourth and . ' , wliom oatore intended .honld I »->d naafnl Ufa, high poatUonsof honor and
Cherry .trecU, wo dteoov.r«t th. oanM cf ,^ ro |, and h. haa maatarad the *™bno manconld am pointto an act of I
the eidtement. I >rt of keening it hotel. 1 that ntlMted upon hi. character or I
The brick work on thia magnificent I Urown .. ,|, lT ., has for a soora of rear. I honesty, and It may be well .aid that "ho I
building had b«n flnlah«l,aDd don. tnad-1 he jj a bish position among the leading wa. th.nobltet Ilomauofth.m all.”
mlrabla stylo. Th. .tone workmen I i 10 ,i.lrle.ot th. Bonth. It .njoya the hap-1 Bow that ha la dead, it ia a plaaanre to I
were potting on the top coping and had I t l ,” ck . advantage of being .1 tasted I contemplate a Ufa and character that no
oearlyoompfated one end and th. Foorth I SfciSu, dip2! whiStbl tempU.lon could «duco and no aril In-
street side of the building. Tho hurry rain I.. _i,. disembark, from any of the many I dnaooa oould corrupt,
of yesterday, It ia .nppotod, beaUng upon SSSrSiSdSglSto MatonTand hMcSy U.vlng connected hlnuclf with the Cen-
I the Mwly-mada wall, and tho ooptng and I iQ,mp acres. tM.trMt to IlndtoT-rUhar 11**! Brrurotul and Banking Company
I the projection under it Mtng ratlter top- I |°^K , ro ^“ .tee it was a corporation of limited!
I heavy, tho wall, totheaitMt of about forty „ h „ room, ready for the I *»« J»»“M*. by. W* dorottoo,
fet, gave way, and with n thundering crajh bl|o- ro om. are airy and none of I jndgmont nnd forralght ho hai rnad. rat of
ths ooping and oornloo and the top of th. tn u ^tasted that they oannot gat I * nmgnltloent property that chaUtugt. the
I wall came down upon the mafloldlng, jK-n«fltof the .un-hine to winter end I admiration ofthe world.
I which of oootae gar. way, and all came I ^ ntnuner. In going over I he preeident of this corporation toils
I with tramendona force to the sidewalk. I th( buiWtng on a voluntary toar of tnapco- I »i«* m.nngemcnt and development be has
Fortunately noono we. paMng attbebme, I wt (oun j ,| llt the roome I built up Savannah, the leading eesportof
I although partte. had jnstgonebybothway. pnpeted tn bright warm State, and done more for Ooorgia end her
and ware within twenty to thirty feet of the I i n e , c h ol the room, we find en- I ni.lcrial intemte than any railroad man
I falling mv. 1 tlratv new farnitore, and In some of the I ot thia or any other age. The biography
The crowd inereaecd from every 1 .uU., there t. tundtnte of the late.t and I of thie truly greet man will be written by
lion, and n thom.nd Inquiries wero made I make. The Northern viaitor to the i .bl.r pen. than onr.. We have pat upon
and na many conjecture- as to the oaue of oaring tbs winter finds n plasa at I upon this paper onr Itnprceelntu of hi.
ths acdttoiit. Hsvsrs criticisms wsramnds y^ v D na ^ h u family in assistant I w»Oout sstimaU of tho value of
: I u;»oo aUphriJaa connected with ti*o haild-1 comfortable apartments as most of I his Ufa and asrvlo*
ing. Where the real fault lisa would bo 1 lh i*ft behind io the North. I ■
I I lo ,l.tnr.nm. TltarM Vltt ahort, 1 ; , .. . a I W W W T 4 6
IT rlzne-l, if. 1». Krmlnacr, C. I> Winn. I. C.
Plant and IL II. Flout, au of osld i-ountf. haw
entered into a limited copartnenhln ax follow a
Under tho firm name of Emlssrr i Vfiaii fitr*
mmmcnced the mannfaeturinff and sale o
cradters, broad, candles, boaea sad other aril-
dcauauHl in Use lnulm *», tn the city of Ma
con, Bibb county, (is., on the Uth day of inly, continue for five years. Thormera
t>artners. who are to carry on the barincea, are
If. B. Krtnlnffer and C. I>. Winn, and the
amount of capital contributed by them Is t*u
tlmuMiid and live hundred dollars, and the
amount contributed by I. C. Plant and Robert
II. Plant, of the firm of I. C. Plant 4k Hon. con-
>tltuUuK one apecial partner, la twelve thou ootid
dollani. making twenty-two Uiouwnd sad live
hundred dollars In all. The add II lb ft-
mincer, C. 1). Winn and I. tt Plant A Son a>e
rooetituted three several equal partners of mI4
firm, eachoharinc ooe-thlrd of all the profits,
and the general partners bearing all the lomea.
If any, ami the special partners bearing no
other loot than the capital Contributed by them.
The articles of partnership were filmed on the
llth day of July. latLand the affidavit was
Tweed had csoaped from the Now York '
tiler two days before the mward was it-
aed, and hia bail bad been fixed at the
esenped. — Wbo will be Ills Muccenoor, Etc.
There were some stirring times whct^Mils I Tho intelligenoeoc tho doathof Mr. Wad-
handbill, white and fresh, fluttered through I \ tJ WM received in Maoon with feelings of,Bb.llmanrac..v.
In less than a week there ware it thousand od a private telegram about seven o clock
Bill Tweeds all over the oountry. Maoon I Ibaraday evening announcing hia death,
nnd tn a »«, minute, tho new. was flying
th»n A nli hail th'roe. The United State, in eT 'ry direction over the oily, and whore-
were full o! Tweeds, and tho Naw I ever it permented a gloom was oast.
York sheriff's office was flooded with tele- Mnjor Bhellman, Mr. Knapp, Capt. Jim
^ *®p' ? -
wuro so exceedingly anxious to get the ae- went to work at onoa and drapod ths pas-
doetiTe $10,0)0 that tbsy telegraphod, I senger depot in mourning. Yesterday
?(5£!V&2&fXESZ?****"* 1 morning the front of the depot was hang
1 bSoCmmSiXth«n Mid not get with festoons of white wjflWsj* fabrics,
the right man. The jell* and etatfon «nd told the etory of the death of the great
ho:i -r. vvorywhera conlnlned perfect conn I Ueorgie railroad ohteftain, and of theaor-
teriiart. ot Tweed, bat the ri<ht menwa.1 ro ., hi , prodnoed. The locomotivea
!e?’w;lh nn’nnca’y chocbS >l> nnd mentally I leaving yesterday morning for Bavannah,
making n§o o! an aipre.'loo that haa long I Atlanta, Enfanla, Montgomery, Colum-
slnce m.Itod Into a .tandard interrogaUoat f bos and Angnata, carried with them
in-1 the badge of oonrnto^ Th. grra.
jary infiloted upon tl i American people I work went on per foroe of pablis
by Tweed ? It wss nofJns million dollar oooeasity, but on the features ot every em-
At. g. naa.a.l.llna I _l f! ik. L.. kl. l.eln keei.1 In
For further!
full odd ran
tcred Letter o
Grfiud Mldniii
ng to the ftatuta In
ifeh tslsrewee ta hero
H. 11. PLANT.
Iulyl3 tllawCw
To Dobtors and
rreby given to all persons having
again*! John W. Htubbe. lateo
lecMasd. to present them to me
» out, within the time prropribe*'
STOW .1.^11
IIosTrmtn's Stomach Bitten extir
pates dyapnpsla with greater certainty and
promptitude than any known remedy
and b a most genial Invlgoraot, appstb*
Special to Tslegraph and Msmsngsr
ible proofs. The Bitters alto give
rul stimulus to tho urinary orfana.
i by ail druggists and dealers gen-
Thousands of mu^icnl fninili* * th
nt tho bowth sr«» inlrmlmg to pu
•. ti «« in I ' • .n ll... I .11, wh
I • ThalmtaW ami
' ecoacaakalluirdra-
, i r - - 11. i■ - i,.r
• St ' i ’ ,'js r^UV. tl*ir
iWfirj&r-JiaL■ jSlitei i.W,Wy «•
* j _-Vy ment ewiywhwe
j V fcvhacaccficace sad
*° I root from the Nattoonl -took yards of lilt. I of tho jrrmrnt c.nnrattvn.^It 1- fnM
** | note, and ia brooght direct to Mr. Brown I (fare of this dleeaeo and Its attend-,
I in r-frigerator-. The tamparataranf thabox iick-hfadACSE. BIMor-nrafl^.DI
K 11» kept at itv daoreas, low anongh to pra- | ] KPSt A.. CONSIIFATIOR, RLfek.SU.. t!
BlSSLWjyjym °* »'* ta|H| nns M g -IsfflS
; “feSbfntototh nfriflrakr,
t which ieaitnated to the taiamt of the “SygCjgjLjg* j&.iWBLA*. 1
tiois it is difflqnlt sven to colqectare.*
"You don’t think, then, fifed* rt -
fr* 11. It mast be
buyers will want
•Iailment Layers ■
who st this time
vei.ii ntly meetoc
will glnaly como
f°“ ot Intere-t. •j-h.prnratolnpwere *ir dapUto XL
n. t with a Iteiwy on “loteneive Farm- ,1,1m elected y P Vto were nnat
by Ool. F. O. Foraian, which wa> “hoi there are none more capable. He | ^ vua |j be. 1
nc '‘ l0 ,TiS2=2^22“ l “'SW?2attWJ6KSSaMie iKM
11 pfAC” 0 * 1 farmers present. h- doM QOt „„„ tho (wraonal iufluonce. I Xbe torn will duu
bo next borineso of th# afternoon wm 1 Wadlry's old troania wan defeated, as I t xao tor, and we
waay, by tho lion-1. A. Vaaon, on * Toe pa know, and the Alexander dyunatr got I una misfortune.
allud-1 to tbs seUlemeut of southwest 1 SKtaSHS Sw 111 t l iSi? **SL2*h
icl* 1 they weririeflafter I tnat M*.Oraan,of Naw York, who own-
wall' II- .aind'd to th- great draw- IndteilM'.rau^Led'lumirif ("fa’ I * ‘' ro "• , " ,,J »“'«•“ ,
Ik, IU atnanca of a •nffioi.-.t -Jjply I j, 1 } ^tejtey’andtot- WMldhara I Batorday wa. a grand day to old Jonas.
'7Z teT^Sldjfe bojMgUg tototottSf” Tb. good«d to large crowd.
S_ari..iS write which h-'-a^d had DSng Iba day w, cnoonnterad aaott- to the vicinity otUordou'»,tore,-oma as v-
U 3 - ;;,!-i|,’A,raU.eon’h „t the h'^'«5>^^^ l f7»^ff!{lnte«i mite, from kfcteon,mid had MOW-
> faahioMd UrtteWM. The crops were never
*ri^Jf25^.ho«lK -^>irtoo> tint a- tlln E*"* 1 wontd be the naw preeldant. I hatter—the lands eoold not possibly yield
»inf.M, ta to."»r B ,^d i te«? r ! 0?J.?^£EfeS^“JnJh«.T — -
rate *« fi^Sd I'TpS'Ld^fi.^. hlrt’m^Mto'rlhl'toit'MWwpS ISh n thia munificent. of OoloMl
E^^1ta5MOM*h.«««to«5S tffSulLdto^SiT" wn , u *. m “is 10 ?'
m .U. In Ojorgtoi thnlTtSy I War
d two more week! tn which to cultivate , il- Hn.i»
eap,” being on the market at from |'J tc \
Mfitliuud bv trvlug to "Ue hiubcen troubTed with tho diieaM?,’
^^WiSaa of ooutinoed the doctor, "for eignt or ten . r . ureen, Mix ion
ior plica of tho funeral hn« 1 jroj nounda/
j fixed. From a telegram re- I ihu day wa;
A tsferbllvg Ilex', i and Circ:j»h Retlartr.
huld duOM try I'a—ca't Oiveae T—IC.
haewd b. —"t .1 nrw-OT-uv—CM.. 4.eM (tee;»i:.-<..UiWtelteiW»CLigwTral«
llr-llwraC-inaawioa, Pywri-ki.
ua kU-rwUi-My Cewyb*-*. a It yee we
r -I .m eey M> Jrte lkw.awto.
t<nwh,blo3wB*fvw.y—.Matoeawdto P-va.
aa'sihncaaToxic. Ii«t».(teiw« Btend NO.
hi fit tat ul Semt Cnjh bn Cw Uui.
If yea we weMra any (MW. dMmteew
my dwwa a, wwkawe aad Maha a wiaatawtetw
Gr-caaTe-icwwMi h wMfcijnww aad b-ite
yea ep fiew *.lMtwte wifi mvw Iwm«w..
UWwwdhaadwde riteeei k aw-wn yen
limit a co, iw www. u. yte. waw.
I nad tl,» aauc |. '.1 ■. pices and ao.|..
In -■ il -r ... hi. I r* ■ , war. I ; I 1 .-
, „• ■. Tl china U «.f the whitcct, par. -t
i|n-Ulty nad -!)l» tho rno.t ir.udcrn. 1
I p.toir-w,- And the dining-room ju*t
(rein the hands uf tl.o pointer and l eper a co tain. ore added to tU
- I window., the Beilin.-ku bean ornamented,
iu token ot their grntituJu for and th -u ia n gen. i I ur of ntatne-a and
'c.riraliuere everywhere. Ilii. va.t roim H
k. pt eoiwnutly ,rk, an I that
■Ti^^te*te.Ti^d 1 l^ t mra"to y iuy“to l"“* totto tobSfnw
crate ta ^° rk ’'
, aimtlar occr.ion came together on 1 larder racciteemoiro thanrnraat care.
Wedley died of I satnrday but. Tho following committee I ihocity ta eatmhiil every morning early
Krt diaaaea ha raid Ural ha knew it was. I of amurgamanU had bean ap- „ clockwork by the «t«w«rd.
|U||JigymiddaLj|UUtauyaat! putnled :T. i. Baramora, A. U. li-rrr, k bM^rri?adby longcraft
""ikuteop. Morion Jackeon andI AtM ”^1 ?, IL ™Srt wlicnS. 'St
gfifeMlfemim ^ »T*I».. *?”**-”“ I among tho buckntera, and wbora palate
O’** l *culj e.irc,e-e, l d i„,nguUhea «t tho rnr reit toooh tho mu.t
Ibatbocn-d, aggregating over biteen hau 'I tunthomo thingr. That which U gool te
■rawkamifc .. ... trch, lung h-tor. too r.l. of tho
PjT' -rent in *•>* old litto way- , ,,, ,,lte n!«n it. and thcgnaal hue ahoo-
I in locial cr.nvar.aUon, and dancing for rho llJttly not tong to oomplaio of.
Ilvnu. OflW, as 71 urnt; »u. N.T>
: i
Plica. X
Office, 08 Murray Street. New York,
ror. nrtT* stAxr ti. •/ Foivaiii-y
| Information and t»»/«l I
\%eUl be mailed ran oh appltnaliemj
Havnnnah, wa lent Uut the remain- will I ,ooug folks. Evtrihody was to a good I
rvr.oh Atlanta Bnnday at nooo, and will bs I ,, anMt and alerted themralvra to make I
brooght down by epacUl train from Uol- , t , r ,Uody olra enjoy thcmralvea. It was
ingbrokc. to to-morrow’a Iran, wa may nday of good ehosc and anjoymaot, not I
able to give the faDeral announcement. 1 1 ,jngle thing to mar the happt-l
I Base Of tho occasion, so far as I
What Hurncl yfy tiln ilonec. I wa oonld team. Thera were hot few of onr 1
This question te suggested by the largo oitteau to atteodanoa. bat those who wen I
number of gin booses dsstroysd by fire
ovtry season. I ssswmo Unit the number I jf{? FUadera.and Iltury Bur-1
is loo large lo be duo wholly to incendiary- I ghard constituted the Micon delegation. I
t am. admittinff that there is in every eom-1 We regret that we eoold not have a rep-
.J™* , . nft0 „u ia iftUn ra. 1 rexentative of the Taunaaru a»d Mnaax-
munlt/ persona wicked enough to take re- dR]|ontb# Mr . Uorgberd weet
veage on eoue enemy by burning hisprop-1 over ea the repreieotative of the Uve and
eriy. Yet we know many eases where a I rQ'erprfeing tiry goods house of J. W.llier
■in hcmia has Lean destroyed bv fire and ! ^ " hua there be tiutribeted over 2C01
gin hones has Lean osetroyea uy nre, ana j ftUU ^ nni ot ^ #xt eo-
yet the owner ta satisfied he has no enemy. Sroboose tinted on them.
ra*A_ * - - L.. — I ■ ■■iiiliii n laa -- - - I II" _... a. —— .a ra eitnw anr.fitw
CoL George IL VYarinq read a protest
isainatCol. Uardeman'a rtfasil for re
jection, as pra-ldenL fJol. Waring paid
i ulowuig tribota to CoL Uardcmm, and
At this season, various diseases of the
bowels ere prevalent, and mane lieu are
lad through lade of knowledge of a safe
and sure tuned/. Perry Davis’ Pair
Killer Is r sere cure for Dtarrlxra, Dys
entery, VboUra, Cholera Morbus, Hummer
Complaint, eta, and ie ya/srify sq/ie.
Head the following:
CoL Hardeto
would prevent h
date, and gave b
(Jen. Yooag, ii
the as t
tags# tabs deriv
Ool llardemin*
txnety fro it.
Gen. Young
These drswmgf ooQnx e» t, u si's
easepted) eader provision • •• r fthe
Geaeral Assembly of Kea’^ ,
The United titatea drool tC r*t,ou March
SL rjialered tae folknring dedeloM *
1st—That the Commonwsaltii Khstribo-
tioaOompaayfe DgaL
the envy of the world. Ihe entire city is
abundantly snppltad with wstsr deer as
| cnstal, from one large, bountiful aoriag.
ilbtak of it! One spring foratahieg
a city of twenty thousand people
with water. Among other attraetioae is a
natural park, eovenng many acres of level
Tba rwaeral of Hr Wadley.
It ba» been decided to hold the funeral
services of tba lata Mr. Wadley, at Uo-|
lingbroke, co Tuesday afternoon at 3|
tags are nsnally at night. 2d, the night
is coot aad frosty, srd, the gia boeee
coo tamed teed oottoa that bed been ptaetd
tn there damp, and nasally damped ia
pilee from forgo emtio besheta.
I am not a chemist aad am a*s wedded
to the cowlmioes I see trying to draw—
only hope to call attest taw to Pro theories
with the hope ibii the subject may to la-
vsstigeted toth to the eotswa ptaeUrsaodl
the serialiafia My first theory is this:
Wet seed series when pried ep aaderguee
a •tight hnustdios, which develops a !a-
Uut haat. Ifyoa doato thm Jam start
for the rapitalufi, or tia
frirada who aoea to t
while escaping the efi
North. Wo tovo large
Ita nnii DtkiiLi.
The fotlowiag w- re appointed delegates
from Monroe ecmaty to the Ooogresrkmrl
eoarootioa for the fifth district, which
! naaveass ia Griffia oa the Irih of Aaguet i
\ W. G. Cortot, O. «- B. atawdworth, J. O.
! Pbteiay and Jerry Howard. Ttov go to*
, true ted to vota for Horn. N. J. Uamawad, |
[ , t.v U«»A kiUi> a LahaS
1 AUaata. (Jo. Order, by moll a|
i^s. • .dvu rlla#
%[ Ire (5ccnrc\iiT lUcftklir iL clcc^cvipb Jou?
lUttoiiH Adopt, i! I A if lull Decree
by IhoSensible Colored Citizen«. port
Onr information from Eastman jester- Year,
day waa very meagre. From passengers The Jnly cotton report to JlradstrerC>
on the train from Brunswick we learn that I Journal, a summary of which is herwith
several more rioters have been ar rested, given, is more full as regards the extent of
The negro woman who first started I cotton area heard from than any previous
the riot by yelling at tho top of her voice to report. There are replies from R>2 oorres-
kill the marshal and all the white peoples pondenta, representing 522 oounttea out of
Tl* following resolntiont have been for- « f°“ U “' 9J I" <* nt ' ot “» »“<*>««
warded to ns for publication, and we give I of th® Soath.
them space with pleasure s J The condition of the crop as a whole is
Eihtrax, Ua., August D.—At a meeting I from fair to good. But for the eaeeseive
of the oolored citizens of Eastman to-) rains in some parts, notably in Alabama,
mulct t uii'} tujurja uu, •• w uw,
thought that permanent harm will result,
j Thirteen correspondents in Georgia report
i Old Dusty Ilnudblll Urines injury from shedding; four say worms
to nind, I have appeared, and seventeen note the ap-
Chatting with Chief Hurl., of th. poUo. P«rra« o^ro-t-^Abontto^d. of th.
iorcc the other day, oer reetlesa item eye I from grass,
ran over the various handbills posted on I From Florida the reports are oontradto
the wall—all police chiefs make bill-boards 1 tory, excessive rain having fallen. Fre-
of th. writ, of their ofltecs, yon koow-nnd ^'LriZ T^m la
on. dark, dingy bill, with n l,l.oto«rnpU I 'threatened
lika a monatron- poataga -tamp atock on xii« condition of the orop in Mlrate.
ona cornar, go* it- grip on onr ottcntion. ,j ppl j, Kar(!e |y more than fair, to Loute-
Shc bill waa mnsty and dusty, bat »»i i,na the cond tion fa ilteUnoUy good, the
■-rM type about the centre of It, uot look in that BUte being axtramely
-joka loudly of a man who figured I bright.
at ono Umo aa the monnmontal thief of x h , repor t» from Toxaa oonld hardly be
onr country. It waa n r-ward of *10,000 for bettor, to Arkanau a eorpriringtinprove-
the arrest of Wm. M. Tweed, nnd Oman.-1 n . en , u M0 ted. Tha ontiook t» disUnctly
tod from the .h-rir. offle. of'tbe cl, and STirat promiring in T.xra, and tba most
e-v-v w—raw i«r. 1 forbidding inTeimeasee.
Tin: i\uY.kx chief.
odeat ram of tour million dollar-. He I ... nn „ 0011
». nn,l.. -r-aei 4w, ntwil anllnn. when tw, I “OH til# RfW* SHH KCCClICU In -inCOIl
—^Who will Im» ills Muccessor, Etc
Tho intelllgenMoc the death of Mr. Wad-
Bond f >r Illnstrut^i Kitnlogurv
/’../ ■ j carefully to no-
lice the i»-w an-l enlttnjeil Scheme to be
ram Monthly.
re VA n rH. I‘Itr/E $7S.OOO..ap
nckclAouly fi.V Shiirra la propartloa
Louisiana State Lottery ComoanT.
• nr« *•>• tho Ug-
Lai <a ,'OOOODO—Uj 1 - .
ft-;.sassu-issya wk ^ Ra *l Se"r ^-“w 4
bwl J anJlh«t~>M funeraL Ever,thing is ad to draw oot ot Um oifidals ottbe road I Olhariray that than will a mla. rio-Virad room* had uaan I Proof Wheat for rale. Bra advertteement | Ite rttecu
i, and wa have even heard it .aid I , 0 ma eiprcslon of opinion as to the probe- I calculation aa tothe width of tba ooping. I n,,,uidritiinMlliat taste. Tho ladle-,
_.ivrn wire tho tare, place t ble raoooaaor and fntnra management of I ( t te minnfaetnrcd out of cement aud [ uior.d floor eepaetally haa
lint the uMboa. of tho boosoa te dead, tba rood, but they would not taTkabout tt, lood mto blooka thro, feat In >«“«th, L^fiara oDradi-nowagrand Jalom
Xbafamlte that lirad in Injury and rplan- girlng ae a, rraaon that tho d ath wa. an I lw „ t7 tochra to width and eight «"».• I SbawffiTi.rraSung » drawing appear-
doraudi : , and diamond haa aeattarad. .ndJrn and nnaipaotad that they had not lhiek .' Tho wall and t.rojocuon batog ”’br‘ P ,, *bj| ‘ pp ^
■nui handbill of Chief llurlv,'a wall tdla a had Ume to even formulate an opinion. .bout three foot wide left iho conter of fn o, “r the buildln9 arc evidenrat of
long -tory and an lntereal‘na ona. Up town, however, oor reporter ap- gravity of tha coping ootntds uf the i lapr oiemenU and attraction-, tuid look-
whonyoo hrv. the leteoro alt doa n nud nroaetwd a well-known gantteman, wbora .all. .. „ , I In/tooMoh^t-Vtegratc and wm tort,
thlnkitont. I toterott in tba Central ^*** h .‘ m .“5 0lr I lint a- to wbo U re»|ionaibte for at) Ihla it Vbamora promtmnt improvement-
vote! nndconeiderabte tnltnenoetnehaping I not withlnonr province to -a y. rta have I w „ n j M box or rather r rfrigvrutor. Il I-
1 tlie nlluira o( ttw rua.1. In an tnforrniTl I on l, to do wilh th. facta a. proronted to ^pSu^nlll bo«,ah5nt the lira
oonvarraUon ha gavalt aa hia oi'lnion that q, u | a avtdant that lhara will have to I oI mfJnjtoary room, and ta fad daily with
"Oam Atairadar would be atoned by lh. KJ. r.vUlon a. to th. naphta of th. writ ra“.r^’:.'t toraTloalnhJL.r.
, | prvaent board at tha mvaringIn B-ptembac | tba ebaraoUr of tha projection.. I toolthe ircabmaaU need on Iho table
M-rurrr-, Aognat 10.—^Tho cloungaoe.| toholdonnntiltba ragnlar a annnal meat I ..... ... — n . ......I., it 1 . ... ,
aion of tha State Agriooltnral Convention
wa. fall of Intonat. Theprocradlug- ware
opened with n payer on "Intensive 1
ing,” by Col. F. O. Forman, which
li-timed to with atHorhtog attention
many praotioal farmara preaenk
’1 ho nett boaineea of tho afternoon
1 atomy, by the Hon. I. A. Vaaon, on ‘
tS50 Sturt Grad Kim for ool) 1215.
niNomiriissffrusr , .s&
drill*-, 7 1-3Drift*••, full patentrantar.te
iratlin, <>ur new Mkmt overstrun* at-ale, nvau
Ufut carvwl lm*n«J ljrry. heavy Brt|«nUnean4
targe fancy aMuktlng. full Irna fmaw, Fr*mh
Oro»4 Anion, tlrand ltammen. tn fart, every
ImprovrmcRt which ran In any way tend ta
(to arrfcctlon of the butnuarat, kastaea
e bnriirlrrfarthta Inntrumcnt,
and tlrlfrcrril on hoard cure
nt .Irir York, irith /fur fl* tL
into Carer, stool and Hook. O — 'I'**
only rvdurwt from oor tat* wmou>al* va< ro
■v > ku K.#Y0-le lor OO da ye onl u to has*
thia hcautlful itlauo Introduced.
This Is aow. by W. Uu- urcatrmt han/aln
•r*r offrrol the mu*leal public l npcrradcpl-
#4 iwttm I Tremendous demand for this style
ThUPtanowlll be sent on 15 days test trial.
Please mad reference If jreado not tend money
with order, t'auh amt with order irlfl
br refunded and p-rloht chargee
psUkyua ' “ “ “■
•ee prmWeut, J.
committee man, M.
District—Vies prssMent, W. J. k* :
ixtcative cornar.toeman. Geo.
at—'Vtra nv-ai'teot, f.Uiv
aUra raramltleewi.n, 1.0.
| praadni
tmitta mu
natural park, oovartag many
* *‘* vv '*“**a •• —•* i. '1b* r v f J 1 Ati>a we re sx j^leJ I u ik* that New Vw» «vwj u« bum w *•»»
Having haem amployad to proMewte and WgJ wra TncM winter tha noted bonamaa neuter hare
• otparttea ahugad with L * iSTSTi, i^'irak «■ *W winter, aad raany of the lamora
" bran catted to Si *..!2 racara whora name, jrpprar among th.
\dhtfum hath traun 1/ I’lano Im
'Jnet am reft rarttlrrt. S*rrral whet
uu Bargains: l‘iuno*. $ tf*> n/>. over
Mo on, on l not our ilimnatle/ted
baser. Ilandmme llluotiatad ti"
[mailed free, giving Ihe blghrst tcetij
T jUl MiV ji \zs? Catalog!
un r hoUf nfrrea Hgl for te stamp.
ij;.tf)Aijuffftt.vpf a
Midsummer Special Offer.
i visn nun x ox a riAXo.
\l .1 H e- I. lllltlCf Not- ts.U-r l-t !!• it, wtth
oat ono rent of intorc-t. Oo interest or
mlvnuco in tiricg. If batanoe can't »>« ;<Hid
in tba fall, longer time will be*iv ». with
a reasonable increase of price. All tn*tru-
msntaof every grade and pric« indu.!.sl in
this sale. Tell yoor mu«icftl frtaiwla of tt
Write oa for Oatalogagg, Pdoo i .t-t-,
eolnrs nnd fell parti«*uluri*. T hi-* »al*>
s October I,liK. Kariy ; nrcha-o
cash pricee ami ea»y tern... Addrosa
LuJden i Bales Southern Music House
The Grtit Ftoud Or/ in Depot oi iLc South
Or E. D. IRVINE A 00., Moooo, Ga.
• yo.vs. x. r.
Foo Choa't Balsam ol Shark'* Oil
'oaltlv^ly llftetorow tin* Ifrnrtng au<
la tho Duly AtaMilule lurs for
D«*Mfll<‘«* Huuwu
ThUOil Is atatrai tr«l from peculiar sport*-o
trial! I* hltr Shark, caught ta Um Yelb-w
flea, known as CAaniaftODoN KoSDtucm. Kv I
ery Cbtarse flohrraun knows U. Us virtues as
■gaimil bearing were discovered by a
Lt*l*>utU.e )ear Mi" lJir«tres
Mrooa aad many eo eeeatlny-
\ty mlraettloam, that the remedy was oflt-
Ictallr pfuehUamd over the entire Empire. Its
|use Ut-aam su univ« r-al that I * orrr 900
l/eara tm l>m(Hrmm na» r.ii-ted
g “--f'fclNrsr tteojdr. H»nt,
U* any a-LlfTR* at fl j- r UxUe.
Hoar What tho Deaf Say.
[ It has performed a mirsrta in my rose.
I have no unrmthly notes ta my head aad
heat marl* better.
WILL boy or sell
r in l' 1 ! I’-ii'lit ni'l Sold.
Produce Cnmmiision Merchant,,
IQ4Warron St., Now York.