Georgia weekly telegraph, journal & messenger. (Macon, Ga.) 1880-188?, September 01, 1882, Image 4

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Mtefaaaft* ffctifrrirn mtAAmmiamm 'VLl?c nttfr 3miJCttal& iWgff^gttggg. SWEET MYELIN. A PASTUHAL. With cowslips In her floxon hair. In atralghUy hanging gown o’ blue, A crook within her lily-band, A silver buckle on her shoe— She sits upon a daisied bank, Her fleocy llock are feoding near; Her heart rails over, like a bin). "Ob, Colin. Colin, Colin dear! "My love a blue-eyod shepherd Is, He leads his fla k on yonder lea; lama simple shepherdess, . Hut Colin came a-woolng me!” Dear Colin stands amongst his flock, And stares across the meadow gate; Ho sees sweet Phyllis's gown o’ blue, And leans his lambkin* to their fate. ••Oh, Colin,Colin,Colin dear!" Sweet Phyllis hears her heart repeat; She starts and blushes, lor she sees Her own dear Coiln at her feet. A pattering of lfttlo hoots. Through meadow-grasses crisp with dew, A bleating at the meadow gate, And Colin'S sheep are coming too. • —Mars E. Wilkins in the September Centum. completed. Romo* ; lames herself rcpnn bet attractions for tho manufacturer, Who hue all tho essentials, water, wood, coal, climate and iteoesalbility. 1 About one hundred baler vrero received the different warehoun-.s hero on Saturday last. The merchant* aro reluming with large stock* of goods. Indications wore never better for a good trade, in fact our little lity has brighter prospeota than for years. Oapt. J. H. Martin is visiting Albany and Bainbridge on professional borinees. it. M. Hodge, Vsq., returned yoslerday from north Georgia, vhdrii bo has been spend ing the suinrour. ; Tho uoxnimy^on of Jodgo Ctisp for Coir ssnya: “Thoro is : operation in Putnam Ordinary rofosed to grant honors, mU rossinl tho people of Monroe j Tin: lhke Count; county y enter day. i not a bar-i Htate School Commissioner Orr, I county. 1 ... „ ...... who in booked 1 for » >iwech on ed.:- licen-j^ho nno coun... cation to day, failed to put in uu appear- \ of tt4 ** ’ auce and bis Urao was taken up by Attor ney-General Clifford Anderson, mpP Solicitor-General Emmet Womack, ftitfo- gress from thiV^strict, ir.cct# with q approval hero* rWd notwithstanuij formidable opposition in pposing element should^ aa support the nornitg to party. (1F.0UG1A GLEANINGS. MKUT& UATBBttED HT HPECtAE COUREHVOXDESTH. /oneeborw. Arovsr J0.-CotjM»n» opertng and is btd:>g picked out- >*ewiU gtt ft *•„“tewa of c:-ttou 'nhich bo calls the Law,” one stalk of which, high, contained twenty-fir Eight acres of reclaimed lac. will wako ten bales. That Muudy’u neighbors say. . t1u» right of i lay ton to tho this district, and the avowed n Fulton gentleman, la stiri onr people. If we are defi upon the assumption that Cla; has ct> man oompetaat to serve of the thirty-fifth distnet in Tho convention will meet Sept Jndgw Simmons's charge to Um jury v»aa well reoelved by every hf. use of *a improved moral tone tal l ciety, wnich will not tolerate a man who drinks. Whisky shops have decreased in number from fourteen to four, and during the time there baa not been a temperance organization or crusade against tho traf fic in tba plane. They have gently with- drown and other kinds of business have ( •ken their plaoes. Our town is prosperous, and a better tono of morality-does not per vade any community. ' I inclose preamble and resolutions which explain themself*. They were handed to me by the oommUtoe. Sco Yzk. Auauyr 25.—At a meeting of the Jones boro bar and officers of the eonrt, after tho adjournment of oonrt, J. T. Htienoe was called upon to explain the object of the meeting, and on motion John L. Doynl was called to the chair, and F. M. Kimble requested to act as secretary. The follow' _^t_J were offered Whereas, the Hon. T. J. Simmons, of the Maoon circuit, has presided daring the itor-Oancrai Ernmct Womack, litior.l addresses. Her. George F. Howard, who for sorno titfie has been serving the baptist church at this plaoe, left this morningJcr Jackson, Tennessee, whither ho goo* to take o large of a ohurch and fill a chair in th* college there. The church here would gladly have retainod Mr. Howard, but when forced to give him up, dismissed him with its warmest and most heartfelt benedictions. mgsed, the more it bccoir.cs apparent that one bales of c rarlig,-^ M. E. Charch, which closed last p ght, was largelykttcnued, it being estimated that *“ >!« nondred we*o present ou Sunday. oug other* we noticed here Rev. Hr. Bam and Mr. Burke, of Macon. South Bartow was dooided upon as the rbtm* of tho next meeting. J. E. V. Foray til August HO.—Forsyth got In her first bale of new cotton yosterday, which was classed f. It was bi “ * * a comity and the city council „ put tho citilicen ‘ AO " w ' kind of prohibition. Fui County Netcs: “ Tho Monroe Ad- vertirer suggests that as tho Legislature meets before Con Trees assemble# that no successor of Mr. Hill should be appointed, but that Mr. Hammond should be elected by the legislature. We shake with you on that, brother." Ia speaking of a successor for Col. Wad- Icy, tho Sumter Republican poiutedlv and forcibly remarks: “The fallen chief in a u high degree illustrated a wisdom in ac- u * tiou and fought long and snoce-sfully the battle of tho people against speculators who wished to rob and defraud thorn and in this contest his right-hand man, w. G. Raoul, hold up tho hands of his chieftain and aided in no small degree to the obtain - tucut wf success, and when tho question is a*krd, ‘who will be Col. Wndley's succes sor V the good judgment of all points to Car t. Raoul as the successor. The wise and coosrrrativs policy of the Central railroad has had a marked, bearing upon the Lest interests of the country and wo thrived and piospered for long years under brags i tton last week. amtiprtty of the rtookhoMer, o! that oor-. Tii«7Vu, Often Mj.: “It i. Mtim.tod f^Uto vEg. KmT Th.iS'llfdS'.lrf tha ‘- th ^? 4reoue huadr,Jca«.of»l.k. opposition to placing any man at (ho head bf the corporation who would bo likely to fail to pwHfctuuto and continue the wise and conservative policy that characterized the administration of the lamented chief; roaght in by Mr. 1 onr most thrifty weighed by It. P. rippe, Jr., and brought tighlan oentx. TB E.U BORGIA PRESS. Wlast I be Feosrie rliluk sad lb.. Sti.vania Telephone: We havo received . from the patch of Mr. E. C. • ’ ;h is » following preamble and resolutions present week of oor Huperior Court, and Whereas, The dispatch of business has been such n* meets with the hearty ap proval of all our citizens, and the dignified and impartial manner in which he has pro- sided reflects honor ou the judioiary of the State ; Ilssoltsd (I) by (As members of the Jones, boro bar and officers of court, That wo tender to him, upon taking leave, our unit ed and sincere thanks for hi < kindness and courtesy during tho week, and hopo it may gain be his pleasure lo meet with us, * *.(>), That the clerk bo requested to iiisImi s i i \ V fll Ullfl bin and reso lutions and forward thelJfflTt^«kibs.Hon orable Thornav J. Simmons, and to laota Constitution, Maoon Tauruni. MnssEvoKB and the Jonesboro News for publication. John H. Dotal. F. M. KiMBut, Chairman. are going Representative auJ shoriff—W. J. “ Emith, the only white Republican in thu oounty, for representative, nnP Morgan Hicks, a negro, for sheriff. There am several Democratic aspirants fur lioth offices, wnlch will probably, or sltuuld cer tainly ci.n*e n nomination. Rome ut our mi-rrhauts are contcinpn.* ing building a cotton platform c»u tho pub lic square, something that hns been needed for seme time. In looking oter the Atlanta Constitution t the 25th inst., I And that it has termed those that oppose Mr. Btephons as “sore- *- •-ids.” If it tgkes an anti-Stephens man constitute n “sorehead," I am glad to inform the editor of the Constitution that there are a great many ‘‘soreheads" in this poultry. It also states that these “sore- hoads''are “assistant Republican*.” Gan tto overrated editor jiolnt out ono anti- 'Htephens man that is not a pure Democrat? Or ean be show nny true Damoersey m supporting a man that voted for u Roputi- lioon Proeident? If Mr. Htcphoio wae a Democrat it would bo a “horse of another color." J, A. 1*. Gordon. August IS).—Tho convention for tho twenty-first Senatorial district met here to-day to nominate a man for thu Senate. Twiggs county had a right to tho mail, and presented tho narao of Rev. I*. A . Edge. Finding that Jones aud Wilkinson 4HNAnot nominate him, the dclogate* fromTwifigs withdrew from the conven tion and left iho other too -counti.. to nogiinnte the man. Tho name of Dudley Hughes, Esq., of Twiggs, w&.« proposed, an ear of Davis, of this place, which is tight inches in circumference, tea inches in length and h'ishino bundled and fifty grains. It ?s certainly the finest specimen wo lmve ever Hen. Ain. Roueut Mo, of Scrivcn •y, emptied adouble-L rrelcd sliot gnu his sister-m-law, Mri. .iusin McGluU id then blew bis own brains out on ieeday. Some family trouble ti e 11 Clarion: Mr. J. B. llatler re- j»u there hns been no such destruo- cotton by i>ollwriMnri n* is seen thi ^ince 1^C«. It is fearful. .'consoqnouoo of the siekness of Col. rdernan lie was nnabio to All his ap-l ointments in South Georgia. At Ttiomnra w ■ -. Vilie ou Thursday, it was reported that Col. ’ I'.nrf Tom was to be substituted by "Morse Al- I fred," but he did rot put in an appearance JUt' the negroes pnd Triplett was disappointed. |k| ‘ ' ‘ ] ”n* Thomasville artesian well is «1G0 feet dee^nnd the Times man is afraid for it to go modi deeper, fer fear of striking hot water. 4u hva been a Sunday-wchooi scholar. Ham, .yog Journal: Wo feel compelled! ' oecndOLally remark that as an an»\t*' ir agricolturid, Johnnie Mobley is hard to btr.t. One of his patches, from which ho •red a very full crop of oats, no* y’md- tn«. «» 0 n luxuriant crop of corn T Premiys the administration of Col. Wadley, and the same powers of mind, energy and hon esty of character that guided affairs suc cessfully in the past will be tho same that will guido us in the future it tho mantle of tho fallen Wadley rests upon tho shouldcr.- of Vi. G. Raoul." Mu. D. U. Boons, a worthy citizen of Sumter county, died on last Thursday night. lliumnut Gtnaosr, of tho charming Ecen inn Sews, talks thus: “Augusta girl# wot all hearts in Athens this summer. Augusta and Macon are the only *wo known spots of earth that can equal Athens iu lovely women.” Thu following opinion of Emory Speer, from tho Atlanta Herald, will find thou# uniis of indorsers; “Emory Speer has the cheek t f a town oow and a circus mule :tnblnoi.” Tnz following threatened calamity i* re ported by tho Atlanta Herald. If Fiodger should resign, depart and take the custom — , **« wit! land pens, alt tons of stock tons of stock loo J w* tUe quality. Iu another patch which ii M furnished full I of tlio Iftst hoary ont o.™ l,.h(U ootum six feet high and well fruite-j, | a ^de l with only one plowiug. Thoinsullic. Auousr 2A. -Tho Thomas Company Stock breeders’ Association hold a meet ing to-day to decide on premiums for the fall fair, to ha held ou tho :»rd of < tetober. It was decided to offer prsmiums in pinto instead of oath. Home very handsome ones will b* awarded to all varieties and age* of stook. The fair last year wss a splendid euooees in every respect, end this one prxnbee to be quite an improve- in* ut on that. Tbeee exhibitions bavo crea ted a general and epeoial interest In rais ing fine stock.uodtl.oro aro few of the stook owners in the oounty who have not a thoroughbred born, a fine boll. Berk shire pigs, etc,, of which lie fre- V qooptly speaks to his neighbors. There U between these a general spirit of friendly rivalry—the beet possible stimulus to mooses in everything. A Democratic mass meeting will be held r.t the court house Thursday, 91st inst., to nominate c andidate* to the State IjcgtaU “ “ id to tbs to tho iterest than usual u manifested and we expeot a large attendance. Groat was the disappointment her* at not bearing Colonel Uardemnn spank last 'thumb/. May he soon ba well and in the seventh and ninth dietrioU. Carrol Itoi*. Auocvr 27.—Great alarm la manifested at V appearance and ravages of a kind of worm upon the bottom corn, ’n some eecthms they are stripping tba stalk of all iu blade. They attacked a millet patch t-donaing to B. r. Brown, and in ono night cleaned it off, os if the owner had prepared ti« place for turnip*. I have board no doi : pjaint of their ettacking the pottos. The fall eeeeion of the school at the set loary under management of l’rof*. Uruv and Korth, began Tost Monday with a ve food fiMtniwyei. Reeding rain now; only one, goal though. H .rrah for the Tblnum axd Msjmiu ou. LB.M. Auorerr 28.—It has been so long elaoe you lave had anything from this section that >ou would be iuatified iu the eoc-l eluion that our county had dried up. Bat this is not the ease. We were never la each a eoodition in thi* eoanty before as we are now, oo tee question of (oealpoliUo*. WM ore osriooelf threatened with Iodependctii J bm iu a very bad form. Those who Ohptre to office on that line ore trying to force a nomination of thetneehree, and are Hr ring up the eolored race upon tiona which a legislator ean in no ... ner bring before the law-making power of oar country, euch as raielng wages, etc. I Our entire county u paralyzed aimo«tto ace a great many white mtn giving their support to the originators of these dioboli- eal sebemee to ride into office. Our eon- venaon meets next Tuesday, the 6th of L September, to nominate a candidate for the Legislature and you will hear then howl We are having more elekueee thleyeal than ever before, except the first year aft»r t!.. war, but the moot of It ie In the eouH try, though «e have a great dad t>.itcn ia«penini very fast, and aomeb tffoming Mkery day. Messrs. Little. Clark A Co. bought ubout eight or Un balee lact tliat was about thu first, Ac n 2Hw—Last Saturday I wrote ••r». y one hundred balee cotton received to !., ’ Aa I rinud In your bwue of ye*. Mlf, Ip day was left out, w hi. h ereatea Ui. . . that Arnerieus has not yet rr< . d • as hundred bales, while the real i.j t '.e figures to date givsa as two hen- r«-y:.d t. rty-three btiiee. Fbuw puh- •i, \If correct***, as 1 bed rather be the iii. »r v . x'.U right than be President rt; r. If Henry Clii realty [ hod rather be right than __ gleet,” and felt it, the expression 1 f- • lu.g wee enough to immortalize his . (*.- a nobler or more raonly eenti. Mml never eaimated bemen breast. By AuocwrSfh—The Intervention of various and peoalisr oii'oumelnn'Hm hn * i ly pen for sevui al bygone weeks. To repeat, the most fruitful harvest will be gathered In this part of tha “mora> vine- • aril” that has been irapid for, perhaps, quarter of a oontnry. Tlio old t nrn* will have tu be torn down end new ones built. iu order to store away ttia golden shimvcs. Tho abundant yield hno inspirod lence In the merchants hope, in the planter. And well may every department end species of industry rejoice os long ns the gnrnurs, tho cribs and larders are flllod to overflowing. This b only one year of plenty out of many and our people should remember that there is no promise given of iu repetition for the next seven years, or even erne year out of seven, and that a wiea economy in the nee of wh«t hoe been medo ie not only ad visable, but wbe and provident. It may be thirty-eixoreven a hundred years lisfure old mother earth again bring* forth thirty six or *%undred fold. W* have read with interest the many bio graphical sketches of Georgia's dead Sena tor, B. ||. Hill. Our people are a unit in ascribing praise to and hesp’og eulogin* upon the most eloquent son the State of Georsia ever gave birth to. In point of eloquence he had no peer, and dying leave* no shadow behind him. In contemplating soeh a man, tha mind is lost in boundless, imaginary space, searching iu vain for “pa triots South, patriot* North, pairin'* En«t, patriots West, patriots everywhere," with which to eorapare him. Home writer ha* •aid that he wae a “poor politician"—the highest compliment that could possibly have been paid him by friend or foe. Indeed, be woe no politician. Hie lofty and noble spirit revolted at the debasing principle of leading or being led by clique* and borne* into measure* and scheme*, conducive only of aelfbh or per- eounl aggrandizement. He wo* bold a* a lion iu the defense of sound principle* nod honest conviction*, and to his undying prai»e let it be said of him that he never sought the advantage of ticking him «■ unfair gr» neither did bis stroke fall upon a weak ves sel. Hi* oonvictiun* were always strong and he never failed to give utterance to them. Onoe upon a time ho Mixed a trait orous eon of proud Virginia with the pow erful talon* of hla eloquence, and rained him to the topmost stone of human imag ination. where the gaze of tho ctmeUtoeaoy which he bad ignored was fixed upon him and tha eeomful eye or thb Union was celled to survey him In hi* true and trait orooa aspect. The "anveilmg of Mahons" wss his masterpiece* of eloquence and i the last of bis victories over a bold but de fcoted enemy. Wo doubt whether there ie a man in all the land who can fill his place in the United State* Senate. Who is bold and presumptuous enough to ask for vacant seat? Methinka it becoming . any man upon whose shoulder* the mantle may fall to accept tha honor in the spirit of humility, eonfseeing before the people that be hie unworthy of tho office of his predecessor, but with the priycra of a pa triotic people be enabled to achieve eomn Victory for hi* eountry which may lead him oo to greater and finally merit thenudying * mortal Banj August28.—Mr. Godfrey Odom lndi* pendent candidate for the Legislature, was in town Saturday. Ileie running r jainet Mr. J. G. Bleb. Tlie electioneering lively, nud the roes will be a clorc one. CoL Jj. K. Harris and Hon. A. Clarke ore candidates for 8cm.torial honor*. Mr. Lotm wae struck by the night pas senger train on Friday lost. Whilu waiting for the train he fell ueltepand v.n knocked from the track. UessfVredDOMrioos in juries, but bis eeeci^ wm a narrow one. Mr. J. B. Robinson ht* 8. M. Hivee A Uro., who will rah the bath nee* R. J. VT. ko:*yth ye*t*nisy. MrnUtion of adip:. !!,* iroinTT : ; of the University of Georgia, vra-, to plead and practice law. From edge of Mr. Washing^* 4 nbrlilit •peak for him a position in tl>c frJ of hia chosen pratacioi:. _ Oer Baperiee Coart ie now In Judge Slew art preeidin?. BmMc* the lo cal bar,there is in atucdnnc* Ittenxj I General Anderson. J. W. Bardeens aa iDonooah; T. O. Jacob, k Wallace, of 1:viler ; H. __ ter; John L iUh ani K W. a, and A. H. Lowtor. of Sa nt rank hunse along will i not exactly ate of the United State*, from the success* or of Ben Hill V Gainesville Southron: Judge Welborn and Solicitor Billy Erwin boarded during the wrsslon of the Superior Court here at tb e private house of J. H. Hunt. Last Sot- DARBYS Easitnno Inrt week, rcccl i marked Macon, threatening L I ■ charge todiis jury. So say* tho Dublin I (Jaxette. lJuttliu judge didn't scare worth] cent. M ■ Athens Uanner♦ Watchman : NuSco ha* I boon served on Mr. Spcor tlixt hi* injunc tion against thi* oilioe will be hoard before I *adge Erwin on the 2d day of Hoptoiubor. we have grown weary of waiting for him > fulfill his promise and remove it. JTui Americus poo;,Is hsvo commouced whooping up their ooming fair. Tho pre mium list will be is*usd on the first of Sep tember. Their exhibition* aro always of Itho most excellent character. What will the darky do ? Why somo dark night He will tnko a torch light And cotch a 'possum or two. ■ Retosvillb Enterprise: Jim Griswold was taken to Kastman lent Thursday and lodged in jail to await trial for the murdor of young Harvard. It soera* thnt Jim wiw tha ono th \t fired the fatal shot. There are many people in onr oounty that kuow him, and nil, both white and black, say he is n imrfeot desperado, aud w.t* always in a row with Homebody. We think that hial career i* about euded, as the proof ngniriKtl him iu the ease which he now stsods charg- tnl, it oo plain that h t will certainly hang. Mr. Mikh Muriuit, of Harris county, wns run over by a wagon last week nr»d [seriously injured. ■ LsVeet Fetualo College, of Tarootton, open* with ninety scholar*, An ofiloe-soeker* convention i*suggested in Talbot coioty, to *eo if it canuot be ar-[ ranged to find an ofiloe for every one. ■Mb. James Toluset, a young married an. oorumitted suicide near Altoona, on >u Western and Atlantia railroad. Fecblu-1 ms of health and depsmlanco on his wife for a support wm tha oauee assigned. Mi. Eo Lewis, of MlUedgevtUe, had lotsel with a burglar the other night. His] revolver had been loaded two years and wouldn't go off. He had the negro by tho leg, while the negro's head was dangling out of tho wiudow. The burglar escaped unhurt. □ Tue Monro* Advertiser publish#* the I proceedings of a prohibition convention in that county. The people seem to b# in oarne*t in this matter. They a*k merely to have the privilege of votiugp ‘md question. Mr. W. E, Muurokn, ss representative I of the order of A. O. U. W., paid over to | the legal rtpresentativM Ralls and 11. G "* Forsyth, $2,OCO A BouxacaosR correspondent of the I .Vonroe Advertiser says Mr. A. F. Jackson is seriously ill, and eo i* Mr. 1‘eyton Ooekfl The latter wm thrown irotn a buggy, some] three weeks ego. and struek on hi* bend Tha doctor thinks this b; [do with his present illness. Bill I Travel on the Atlanta branch of thel Central road doe# not *oem to have fallen off any sinoo the other road was built. ■ IHavajtsau .Vein of the21Rh: There was] very llttla activity in tha stock market ye*l terday. Central wm very weak, op.mng at UH and gradually dsetined to U5. closing at U5 bid and U3}< asked. About three hun 9 prepared to fathom the horrors that would .result. Huy* tho Herald'. “ Surveyor Fledger threuteni to re.*lgn nnlos* he get bonded lines to Atlanta, so as to , ■ vout direct importations. What seems t |bu no.ded now is for tho merchant :« incft and mnko an estimate of the av.iilM aldo inoronso in tonnago that the bond mg | of the road* would make.” ■ The Herald calls lustily tor tlio enforce- |mei>t of tho vagrant law in Atlanta. ■ Thr Atlanta Herald give# the following di-cinon of Judgu Willi* in the preliminary trial of tho case of the State v*. the lessee* W estern and Atlantic railroad, on the v*- lidity of their bond: “Judge Willis, in de ciding Mie case, said it came np on u demuirer to the information filed by tho 1 Attorney-General, in which he songht to forfeit tho lease of this, the Western an t Atlantic Railroad Company. He held that sufficient nllegations had been made in tho information to authorize a forfeiture of tb* charter in law. True, other question* bud been argued which would come up ou riwi trial of the cose on It* merits—the suf- quaint&d with tho affaire of tho company tnan any other man, cannot bo doubted. The board of directors doubtless recognize these facts, and it is therefore presumed that they will act accordingly at their meeting in September." Albany Sews and Adnrtiser: Mac'a guessing was done yesterday as to the amount of cotton that w^uld be brought in. The most snnguino did not guew over li O hales, but it was known by dinner that that nnraber would be exceeded Tho round figures of 237 bale* do net look so bod aloiigiido of towns just receiving their first bales.— We regret to learn that Mrs. Annie R*wson vres suddenly stricken blind Done of her eyes r. few days ago. Her ibysioion th’.nks she will recover her sight n n few weeks. This is devoutly to bo hoped for. The Bl&ckshear Sews and Signal favor* the election or Representative Tomer ss successor to Mr. Hi!l. Georgia oonld stand such a choice a* that. Mb. Stzob Pzlot, of this county. Is ex perimenting in rice culture this year, and has about a half acre thnt is as fins as he has over seen. Tni« is a cariosity for Put nam county.—Ealonton Messenger. It •bcnld not be. Upland rioe will grow lux uriantly in tho conntieaof middle Georgia Thr Eatonton Messenger moralizes that:. “There nro a number of young men in Ea tonton who pay on tfce average twenty-five cent* a day for cigars, but do not realize that in a year the aggregate sum will have boen over ninety dollars. There ars a!*o a number of marnod men who spend the same amount in the same way, nud yet they aro disposed to speak feelingly and pointedly of tho extravagance of women and of their wives in particular. So wag tho world.” The E-.kmton Messenger denies that Gen. Toombs said “Mr. Stephens is in his dotags." An editor runs some risk In do- anythiug positively, ou the authority i. Toor ' flew in Waynesboro at this time- On our first page to-day will bo found a ■ •r ,- —-—rJ rrr: r-- wringmg letter from Hon. Goo. R. Black, JjjK int cof* w “ oh to which we call tho attention of our read-1 Sr 00 *! *?. °Sr*. "•Iborn,- 01 " co J0/f,-.;4 ere. - True Citizen. It does really look as ff*? 110 de A* Woor VV«yne.boru neighbor iatondwl to I 1 *' . [K)int on Ur. BUok by the w.r in WS wbloh ho .pell, tho word “ringing." It li 'SI reilly good ono. It I. no iramediato ThuMbSl/u’tlfJ«.?.*,Stf: concern of onr., but we do think that tho Ju”3J»lSnd« ^d'^'-^'tb^ J 8 Sf SS Sll'n'ot tbaro“m. J OlarktMville, where Cludler and Speer I SJinGnder 0 ^ ***** ap Mt * ** M)t cross blades in open court aud before the 1 1110 intruder, mountaineers.” PROPHYLACTIC FLUID. Houeebold Article for Universal Faintly Use. Iu Ms opinion the allegations weresuf- floient, nud the State of Georgia had no security on which it could suo for violation of the lease ou the present bond. He did not think my act of the State subsequent to tho making of tho lease would estop it from requiring a good bond. The act providing for thu loato authorized tho State to come in at nny time and ask lor a sufficient bond, not uece»#*rily on nocount of tho subsequent insolvency of the sure ties. 'I he railroad companies were not, in his opi a ion, bound ns sureties on the bond. It was just os if the Governor had unwit tingly taken a married woman on the bond. 1 he Governor did not not in thi* matter by virtue of hi* office, but by authority conferred upon him by tho aot and m on ugeut of tho people. The ease will now proceed to bo tried at tbe September term of liie Superior Court." On the ir»: h day of July, two negroes ■ tend the store of Mr. J. W. Shearer, in Sa vannah, and while ono of them engaged the attention of the proprietor the other managed to steal five gold watches from tho showcaae. Iho Recorder, referring to tho matter further, says: “Nothing a heard of tho theft until a day or two ago, when Mr. Thigpin, who runs a turpentine farm at a station of the Savaunah, Florida and Western Railway, hearing of the theft and seeing a watch in tho poesession of one of hi* hands corresponding to tho descrip tion of the ones stolen, notified Mr. Shearer, who will g> and investigate pres ently. It is hoped that tbs thieves may bo apprehended and th* property recovered.” For tho week, ending with Saturday, Sa vannah had twenty-four deaths~divided equally between blacks and whites. The Quitman Free Press says, in speak- ,.jg of the cotton receipt* : Sixty bales of, cotton were *old In Quitman on Saturday laid One hundred and fifty boles of oot- ten are expeeted In town to-day. Mb. John W. Webp, of Quitman, died on tho mornlug of the 25th Inst., of typhoid fever. Tub Rerris C’juafy S ews report* the death of r stranger, Richard G. Harper, from tho effeci* of liqnor. He wm a Scotchman. It is bettor for those that die thu* to die amongst strangers. Emory Speer htschs’.lenfced AllenOnd lor to a joint canvass of the ninth district. Jui> Clement* decline* to enter on a j otut canvass of tho smath diatret with [)r. Felton. There were fifteen deaths in Augusta tor tho week just ended. Columbus lightning tore tho fexthor* off a rooster and threw him over a fence, but lie was up and crowing before tho thunder came. -Columbus Times. That’s the sort of (.look ws wish to see in Georgia's rising, unpurohasobls young Democratic leaders. It will be impossible, in tbs event , of their I icing possessed of a tamer spirit, for them to SMOiaefully contend against thu Cotqaitt-Uordon djUMty. Several darkies going round town sere- nading about 12 o'clock last night were a nuUauee to tired citizens who wished to . They are worse than cate, aud the should protect us from them.—Colum. bus Times. Maoon ie troubled with a nui. sauce in tbe shape of a set of darkies who are trying to blow themselves into a koowl- edge of liras*-band music. If they should blow their onn head* off at their next meet ing it would be (4 blessing to ths city. The ae tboritiee do not do thrir duty In such oases. Night ought col to bo allowed to be medo hideous, even hit > tuo small hour*, proximo, tbora was very Uttio confidence evinced. The indication* are that th market will remain quiet until tho wit . lifted, the experience of the part spring restraining operator* from plunging too deep upon the mere supposition as to what will tie done. The dwelling of Dr. B. F. Hheftall, of Savannah, wm destroyed by fire on lv*t Monday morning. Iho family were switv from home The lose was partially covered by in-trance. Dr. Hheftall had a consider able amount of money in the bouse vhi?h wae lost. Tbe fire ie supposed to heve origi nated from a kerosene laat,*v. Tmb Albany Sews and Adscrtisrr, cays that Mr. Stephens ha* nut paid that promised visit to Honth Georgia, and thnt thing* ore sadly in need of slirriug down there. Mo. J. C. Smith, of Hind Hill, writes to the Carrollton Times that the fence cle«e:it a few week* eiaec, had a Urge majority but from oerbott information at this time, it is considerably in the minority, which wiU ran utmost to infinity. Pleoueb is to speak to Griffin on to-mor row night. The Sews s ly colored affair. Roms iz expecting a new steamboat on her rivets—the UiU City. Tna convicts near Rome are a hard set. List bonds/ they listened attentively to a sermon and then went immcdiiUty to playing cards. Rome Tribune: Tbs cotton crop ho* been greatly benefited by the late rains. A cot ton man of experience yesterday said to us that, with a late fall, the crop would be cb« (of the largest ever made in this section of the Htate, and he thought It would bring good price. Fum> county will hare one of the lirgest criminal dockets at the next tens of dirt she hx* ever had. Hardy tbe Uomanitc* are retrograding. Rome etiil pants for the machlnp shops of the Ka« Tennessee, Virginia and Geor gia railroad. Tbe Courier: “As we un derstood it at present, the ehope Atlanta i* mutewdlBg for ore only way shops, as the general workshop# have never been taken op by the officials of the road. What we west ir the general workshop* tMs matter of Importance t* re Rome must have and will hare th any sod<" \v u Mid tkl “little Aleck" to still ntoewtug Me ecmpcigw wetq and answer- tag hie smwyiMnto October will be here before hto vcwli * dred shares thsngod hand*. There wn* mxrkrd timi Jity on the port of speculators about tnTutmu. ns. notuith-tanditi^ ttu emphatic assertion* mode a* to the result by tle.p-drstrbying noi-cv that ainnot be of the meeting of the director# on the Uth more mnsieai than the bowls of the ilamr.eJ, finch characters ought to be out lawed. The Gherokoe Adtance makes the fol io wit g remark about Dr. Felton'# Canton *f*cc!i, going to show that tha Indepen dent is still all right on the gubernatorial question, from the Jeffersonian standpoint: “Dr. Felton made a speech in tbe eonrt house to a large crowd last Friday. He eulogized Gertrell and Stephen*. Held he would vote for Mr. Stephen*. We were sick and did not hear all hi* speech. Dt. Felton is a zealous speaker." Cmeeoeex Adtance: Iron ie again be- mg shipped oo the Marietta and I~ North Georgia railroad, and tbe track ie being Kid. Tho watchword now, “eo to Joeper." Capt. Fhillipe U making things move. Uncle Frank Daniel, of Carttrsville, at tended Canton court lMt week. Unde Frank says this is tbe ninety-ninth court he ha* attended in Cherokee, not missing one. The Darien <lazette says : “Sen H. Hill, Jr., has been mentioned In connection with the vatoney occasioned by tbe death of his father. The appointment of young Hill to the Heoatori&l short term vacancy would be a graceful act on the pert of the Governor aad new Legislature. Hen atom Lam ao, cf Mi»*i*eippl; Butler, of South Carolina; l'eudkton, of Ohio; Beck, of Kentucky; Morgan, of Alabama; Johuston,of Vlrginia,and several of hetOou- srsesinen attended the funeral of Senator UiU, in Atlanta, oo Saturday.—Darien Ga zette. Yes; ana did yoa ever think bow strange it wm that tbe name cf none of them appears among the psl)-bearere> The burial may have been a political one—so far at least m one of the paU-besrere wm concerned. Tub following opinions are from tbe Dsrien Gazette. Brother Grubb thinks what he ptsasae and rajs what he thinks: .“there should not be any mercy shown a nun who deliberately kills another. We put the Democratic msj — - ueagrneeteimS district at . it too low.—-General A. B. Lawton toaro other gooi~ atorial race at < loot—Tbe prohibition movement fa north and middle Georgia it getting to be quite formidable. Ike people of Geor- gie should see to it that a “mutton-heed'* is aot elected to the UaiUd i young toffies' foot. the q« The Augusta Sews fat at Om. 1* .wtou aa Urn eaeeeeaer of the UU Senator UiU. We heitore that the General oonld beat “Mere AIL" Trsuuim in tto r.eetia will indome the follow tag from the Al bany AVer and Scarlet and Typhoid Fevers, IHphtlberio, Sail-, vatimi, Ulcerated SoroTlirout, Small l’ox, Mea*le". end alt Contagion* Disease*. Percom waiting on the Sic* should use it frseiy. Scarlet Fercr has never lw.n known to ipresd where the Fluid vs fair as a comet, wo i go. Iu that event it hM outlived its i miners. of Gen. Toombs. | The Rome Courier publishes the follow-! ing; “Hon. Jad.on Clemeuts arrived ini the city lust eveni. g, and was received with warm congratulation* aud hearty i good wishes by id* many friends. We an- derstand that he will not tariy in Rome this visit, bat will soon make an appoint ment for addruesiog the people here. He is much gratifiod by the roccptiou given to I him by the people of tho counties which he [has yet visited.” □ The Sarncnah Sews has waked up at last. Speaking of the pretent attitude of [the Macon TELKotAra with reference to Itho State campaign, it actually grows *a-n tirical. Hear u: r ‘lfonr contemporary de sires to snpport the Democratic ticket, it will have to swallow the do«o. If it docs not, it has the choice of two other alterna tives—either advocate General Gartreff’al claims, or hire a hall and a brass band nml start a little tarty of it* own.”—Albany [Sews an l Advertiser. Seriously now, olfl [boy, did the Sews ny that? Aa a-de- camp-kittle to Governor Colquitt's present and future ambitious, we should naturally expect old Rip, of the Sews, to abhor oar |auti-Colquitt, anti-Brown Democracy ; bnt we can hardly believe it was wide enough awake to make the remark attributed to it. Ths romark is Fharisaical and spiteful enough to bo genuine; bnt the disposition of tho Sews io bleep on its poet makes it hard tor u<* to believe that it remained awake long enough to make it. Tho a-de- camp kittle may just go swimming along with tho othor Joffcrsonlan apples. Tho I Democratic orchard doesn't know it. pJhnmhiin Signal: Emory Hpeer would no doubt run the Democratic nominee n tight raco if he had not made so many broroises to tho people of the ninth and ■ailed iu every instance to comply. Wo I oannot see how he om tinve tho assurance to come befoie the people, after failing to Mo, pr tryjng to do anything which ho bromiood; much lues after having every ~>gro appointed to office that he coaid. 1 Jm News report* a good deal of siekne vs in Pike county, ■Gen. Gabtrelt. will address the people| of Monroe county to-day, in Forsyth, ISTiib tax lxv)ks of Chatham county show I the whole value of taxable property to bo I I$20.001.?NL50. Tho nurnbor of poll* is not given. In ltol it was 7,225. In connection with tho statoaobt that Recorder English, of Atlanta, “mingles humor and kindness with ja*tire,” wo are gravely Informed that “Albert Duncan, Gua Vonzsnt, Bernard Callaway and Sea- sie Green are In the calaboose, charged with suspicion.'' We are inolined to the! opinion that tha latter statement in tbe above sentence opens a wide field for the play of humor. Indeed, we oeu almost see tbe genial English guffawing over the rare nmlonnuing spccUcJo of four childrrnr who not only had been guilty of “*u*ptl ciou,” but who had bees taken In the very set-sitting, m it were, on the actual body of the great transgression. “Great herwigs!” how fthe humorous man must have smiled l Bnt, really, is uotthehu-1 Imorou* recorder liable to tnkejn the whole Party Discord. . Editors Telegraph and Messenger:— by aojllieion with ucomot. Evening A ews. j Before tlie curtain to the piesont Demo- French astronomer* never are as wise aa I . . , .... . T , , . . they tliidt themfelvta to be. They kno» cr » t "’ ,arc » >* 11,tod > 1 <>« lre *° »<>* 11 *»» nothing whatever about tho ability of it I words to those who hare oharge of th) on- comet to hit a hard lick. The comet I tertainmeut. ebanuter to putlp 1 ' ^fhTn^tke j“J!S 1 *“> » l oot»te.p«IMIy to di«yow fight. K the earth is trifling enough to got J desire to croate any discord, as ths knocked out of time by . s nebulous an cf-1 canvass and nomination of Mr. Stephens fmcShfi d. 1 tfsi. 1 1 hM ’ 14 oooor * 40 ,no * ^ready developed a sufficiency of that tor all present needs. Atlanta ha* a chain gang numbering! What 1 wish to My, most respectfully, fifty-one, and it isn’t us well patronized m | is n few words of warning to our Demo- it should be, at that. I cra tic leaders andparty men, who, stratigo- n«fro gamblers were arrested near I | y enough, aro sleeping orer a mine of dis- the Atlanta cemetery on Sunday. We do I .. not hear that any white one* were arrested. ”P t,on wi J hoBl Apparently heoding tho Gambler* that handle the painted papers | danger to the party, in fine buildings, snrrounded by evidences | I he tKMition I occupy, is in the rank and of ill-gotten gains, are not molested. Ex-1 filo of the Democratic party, a voter who aftation in crime furnishes an almost oer-1 has never asked and does not desire pro- tain immunity agaisst punishment. It is I motion to olfije. a shame and an outrage on justice. Let | W hat I now say is in behalf of the thou- the upper ten gamblers ba dealt with jn.^i | «*nd* of men, good and true, who fearless- m the poor and ignorant ones are. Thi* 11/ wrested the State from the hands of the censure is not peculiarly and solekr appli-1 spoiler, and placed it in the keeping of the (cable to Atlanta. I intelligent of her sons and maintained it flimptotou, .» again In ftg* tfVSL °^*!..8» Wwftnlly ut Confedsrate bond*, and certain other I ^a. 4 simpletons will rofuse to sell in the hopo I “* 4 °* r- that the bonds will, somo day, be redeemed 1 4 ? 4 " .ttoir f'entu.. Thi.i. .,a H r world. ^ nomto.tod .^5* SAvannnh News reports a ease of I wuro true ami had worked for child abandonment by an unnatural I napremtcy of tho party organization nud mother, finch an event is a rare one in h ad helped tight the battles to place it this section. I there. All that the rank and file aemaml Du. J. T. McFarland, health officer of I tnl was Unit they should be given candi Savannah, emphatically denies the exia-1 date* io vote for whose fealty to the party tenoo of any caao of yellow fever in that I could not be questioned. As long as this city. I was done, a candidate desiring a nomina- A bard winter is predicted becanso the 11Jon could rest himself content that hi* worn husk* are heavy. Corn knows whan I election wrold rarely follow. Fence reign- to take on an overcoat. Americas Recorder: I within the Demooratio household, and Fatting ou an eror;oat io aoimner to moot I •[* Wft * wel *; That this is not the ca^o now a cold winter is a poor business. Wo sue- tk ® warixieat supporters of Mr. Stephen* poet it is a oass of lightnoas in tho oar I “S* 4 S 44, . , ... rather than of heaviness in the shuck. ai \ a4 th ®, P*J B P« otaol « ot the cnoo „ . , . ,| great orjjanizeil Democracy presenting to Tut Atlanta Herald, in a double-leaded I its members for their suffrages the head editorial, declares its preferences for Gen. I centre of tho Independents doe* not meet Garlrell for governor. We cannot join ths I the approval of tho patty voter, must also Herald in the support- of Iode;tendeotism. I be admitted. Tho gubernatorial campaign is a barren I Nut withstanding Mr. Stephens roeoived and profitless one, save a* it holds oat the I n majority of thu votes of tlie convention, hope that the folly which has so far char-1 it doe* net follow that he is the choice of a aoterized it in Democratic quarter* I me jori'y of tho Democratic voters. One may lead to tbe reorganization of the party I but heir versed in the politic* of the day an antl-bbM basis. It is an outrage for I kuow* how county meetlogi are curried in to be bosaod by an unscrupulous politi-1 thu interest ot the choiou of a few le.vlers. dan who, a few years ago, led a Grant del-1 Tho tnAuaguts Iwive committed a bluti- egstion from Georgia to tho Chicago eon-1 dor. To ictriuro U ere it bo too Uto U ventlon. f their duty. It is too late now to entertain of Atlanta “on sospioion,” ou some fine imorning?” It is no small matter to bo a Or the question of “prohibition, 1 'large seaport town, and to be constantly Cwumtng Clarion, se we think, very exposed to tbe influx of new ideas and| Gastbill, for governor, and Colquitt, I the proposition suggevted lately of with- for Henator, constitute* tbe singular tiokrt I drawing Mr. Stephens aud substituting nn of the sharp and lively Herald. It is I unquestioned party man in his stead. The [ a sort of mixed affair, bat mixed affairs are I convention should hsvo done tint, but fashionable now. Wo aru gratified at not I failed in its duty. What they eon do for being compelled to take cither wing or the I ns ns a partial remedy, is to foroe Mr. Ste- ticket. It is good to be a political orphan, I pheni, the present nominee, to redeem the just about now. I pledgee made for him by his friends bofore | Is it religious persecution to compare an I his nomination. osprlng politician to the bang-holo ot a) Let him visit the seventh and ninth d ia- prohibition barrel ? If eo, tho Griffin Sun I tricte and holp the duly nominated candi- i* a ricked, persecuting paper. We can I date* for Congress there by hie eloqnenoo. imagine tho horrified expression with which I There is where wo most need hia serviou*. Undo Tillman and J. Dorse Alexander the I and that is whnt would most prove Ids new Groat will contemplate the following from I devotion to the organization. If he it tho paper in question: “If the next Lsl'- physically unable to do this (and wo believe [Klsturo should attempt to fill Bun Hill's I him to be) then let him publish rtu open ■•tin the United States Senate with A. I letter, planting himselt equsroly upon the Colquitt, it would be about such a job I organized platform and in favor of th*l a* ono would make In making a barrel I nominees m put forth by tbe party. When with nothing but a bung hole to construct I be does this we will believe in hisrcpen-i “ of.” I tanoe and not before, and it will go far to I JThe following political Item 1* from the I satlsfr many now who have not yet detor- KJriffln Sun: “Glovernor Colquitt wo* in I mined to support him. 1 town yesterday, and was tho gneat of Mr. | If tue present statu o faff ah s Is nit owe J. A. iit-t.k*. The Governor wm on hi# I to remain, it l* my belief that wo will sue way to Ml Zion camp.meeting." ! An independent csudulato for Congress In Thr Tel no bath aro Mchsznoer lz inak-1 every Congrrs*ionnl district in the Hutej ing a stronn fight on Mr. btophoos. Well. I who onn justly claim to be m good a Dum] for our part, we prefer an aged, tick ana I oerst m our nominee for Governor, disabled Democrat to a stout, healthy In-1. Io behalf of Col. IltonuL in behalf jf dependent like partrell.—Mirror and Ail-1 Mr. UsmraonJ and Mr. Tamer, nod ail rertiser. It's ril ft matter of taste, Ed., end I the duly nominated oapdidate* who hare well not quarrtl about it. Somo good I Mweya been true to the party, we demand I Democrats profit Qartrell; others will vo-.e I this. Democoat, j for neither of them. We conaider GsrtrcU to be ns good a Demoorat a« 8tephen«. Wo shall support a better Democrat than either of then, or none at all. -Mirroran^ Advertiser. Gener^l Toomb* denies the genninenc** of so Interview pnblithcd :n thu Atlanta Herald, *r.d swears ho "diiln't my iL” Gsr.ersl Toombs l* tho molt brilliant m*.n ths world hr.* over produced, bal like thousxudi of others is not rmponsible for what he *»j* so^ic- ly say*; “The proportion to sell the State road is a move to saddle tho debt of Gtorgia on future generations, by squandering the only property the State lute with wbieh to psy It” rtm end to the point ie the following observation of the Atlanta Herald: “The Angost* Chronicle says ‘Mr. Stephens Is ta the habit of making hie campaign in hie own fashion.' The buses * evidently know this, and are not suggesting toy changes 'of fMbion or aid anu comfort to the old ■A warren In the Angutta Chronicle thus refers to Judge Jackson, in ronnoction with tbe United States oenatorehip: i“Ju Ige Jaokeou belongs to a race of meal which hM for a century honored their Htete. In civil life, pre-eminently strong and tuefal. wise in council, pure iu action land faithful to trust reposed In them. Judge Jackson hM all the qualities neces sary to moke a first-das* Senator, and al though the judiciary will loose itt ablest representative, yet Georgia will gain a useful Senator, and the country on abK statesman if tbe General Assembly will select him to represent the State m United State# Senate.” Boothe# Genoa thinks there will be fun at the Savannah Gongreedunal con vention. Jo Warren likes fun—at tbe ex-1 pens# of othor people; bet Grubb doesn't say which of the candidate* will foot the bill. Jo would make a good joker in Wash ington. The Recorder, in speaking of thie subject, says: “Wo would not be surprised it there was not some fan m between the three candidate*, Nichols, Black and War ren, there will be so much wrangling that! «n outsider will step in and secure the oov cted prize. The find will go into thel convention with eighteen votes, the second with sixteen and the last with twelve. If the major./ rule be adopted tbe first wi 1 be nominated if no trouble occurs, but if there should be any eteehing then an outsider will get it. Three ara the p will defeat him disastrously." . Amu Hrxruuc* stole the valise of a deaf mate in Savannah. Abe wm captured, tried before Judge Hardee, and sentenced to six months on the chain gang. The Moron Taumoara and a few other papers in title state are not aware that a convention hM been held by the Democrat* of this State and a ticket fairly pat in nom ination, or alee they are seeking to eo di vide the Democratic party a* to give the 1 State over into the band* of tha Republi can*. All thla talk about deposing M Stephens aad calling a new convention th# merest nooeense. riven if aneweot ventioo we* held, have there grumblers any assurance that they wo-id get the man of their choice, and would they not be ** core then aa they are now ?—Americas Re corder. Neither of the alternative# eng. party is not dindod now uwmmM divided. If U be divided now, the work weedooehy tbe convention, not by thi* paper. The “talk about depoting Mr. Bte- phoM and calling a new convention" may be“aonnneo,"in tteclf considered; hot ft is wisdom unspeakable simpered with the folly of notniaatingeneba man for gov ernor of Georgia. The Recorder aura pate ou too much erelein dealing with thie ques tion. Ifoppoeit oa topobtiee! outrage u grumbling it U about time grumbling wm [ recognized moos of the highest dnticer free and honorable citizenship, tbe ^gMMgfenmyoflbdi arft true Gcjrgian Any tree, would have suited m; fa fared to support an Ind * - —- JL Eradicates 1IAIABIA. lied Sore* prevent- |ed by bathing with I Darbyt Fluid. Impure Atr trade I hsrmicM and purified. For Sore Throat it ba Contagion destroyed. Fer Frosted Feet, ■ Chilblain*. Pile*. ChaUnpijM KM ALL-POX and PITTING ©f Su.ol! Poe PBEYENTED A nenber of my 5.Ti lly wm YaWen * Small po*. I used the Fluid; the patient wm sot delirious, was no: pitted, and w«* about the house ac*ln in three we«k«, and *o other* had U.-/. W. Paok. BheumatUiu cur-d. Hoft White Com plex- ian* tecured by iu use. Whip Fever'.-rerented. H , . can’t be turpuMd. Catarrh relieved aid Dysentery cured. Wound, heeled rapk! me Darbys rlusd . „ successfullr in the mu —. ‘P«Hy-, dent of Diphtheria. AnAii&dit.'! 1 A ’ ''vl, or V-putt. ' Srings, etc. 1 Tetter dried i-p. I uted the Fluid durittf Cholera prevert-.d. urpresentafKiction with Liver* purifi* Starlet Fever with d* l*»l«l. cided advant.iffe. It it c»»os of Death IndUpcns-dAe to the tick- ‘ - - * -* -Wt.. .. roao. Eyrie, Al-t- Sami*. SoarlstTever tell. The eminent l*liy. tlrliin, .1. MAICION SIMS, >L 1>., Mew I Rof Ilarbyi . ctic Fluid U a c dirinfecunt.’* Vanderbilt UnlvertUy, KathvUlc, Trim. 1 testify to the ntott ezetiient qutriitk* of Prof. I)»rl>y» Prophylactic Fluid. At * diiinfectant *n«l determent it U both theoreti-ally And prsctiolly (iiperior to nsy preparation with which I am ac- quaiittcd.—N. I. LtirroM, Prof. Chcmittry. Darby* Fluid I* ite- »m;n« ndrd by Hon. Alkxakocii H. hrrrue»t, of Georste; lo*. LsCoirra,Columbia. Prof .Unlv^-ir- S.C. Kev. A. J. I>A rri.e, ‘jjet., Merrer Ut>iv.-r*i:y: Rev. Gao. F. Puxca, bishop M. V.. Chutci;. XMDMPRNSAm.K. TO KVKItY HOME Perlixtly harmleea. Ute«i intemaliy or j « •?»r na ¥) r for Man or Brad. J The Fluid ho* licen thoroughly tettod, and via hnve abundant evidence that it nat4onccverythiii|]l h-re claimed. Far lulkr informarion get of you** Dn^gist a pamphlet or aend to the proprietor*, .1. If. ZKIUN A CO.. Manufacturing Chcnmu, PHILADELPHIA Five Music Books The Peerka JBfySfffflPBi % wny desirable bimk, with nbnndant material for the lnatructlon of aitifinz claasue, and for toclal sluglug. Hy \V. U. Perkins. witit universal upproval, in „ (chool*. large variety of wide-awake a **“ L. O. Emunou. Lijlil and Life, (Price too.) ■ exceptional!; __ which ha* born brforo tho pii/lo but , The Chora!Choir.ft" , Mentions. ||L) It 1* iWr’»>iniu!ilo;i lK*ok to the ir’M,” )a IsnrerfndhM a mucU vtvnwr or of piece* ter Ji »lr«. Tho alnilng clna* j i*thummea*ihatln tho smaller uouk. by W. o. Perkins. latr^ta.. . ... . •cUoo’a. Ily W. 8. Tlliion. Any book mailed, post-free, for the retail pienZ *• IBS* Ivison, Blakcman,Taylor & Co, N. Y. pro-1 pesly observea that “equally Important m | the fence question ie tlie anbjeot of the prohibition of the manafaetare and sale of apiritoone liquors. This question willl be pressed upon the next Lagiilatnre ofl Georgia by mtn of power and influence. This, too, like ell similar question* about whim the people feel sash an abiding in- terest should. If acted upon atoll, be left to them to decide for Umi&mIvm by their Macon rcia W. IflcKAY, Principal. ATint-Clui Inititnte for Practice Buiiaen Initraction, Booic- keeping. Etc; IU» beadiag Bdaw Mti Students P * Enter at »ny.TIm«, Bust in ootton le damaging the crop In Johnson county, and pickiug ia going on "O meetings. At tbe last meeting th bers made an exhibition of field which are reported splendid. Tun Chronicle is sighing for a rail road from Eatonton to Madison, on the Georgia rood. U la only twenty-one miles, and no streams to cross. Jidoe D. B. Hassell, of Americas, he* , ___ . .. taken the field M an Independent candi-1 •late for Congress in tbe Thi.d diatnot, ’ * ■ Mrcifctflar* tent i anO 4A9Tv University of Caorgla, r. it. not,».»., t.ue., ch.nrtii.r ■ajMlol UwfciiwnMnu Vi" .I.Y’u i I ‘.an** 1 again»Wudge tirlsp. He made hia open-1 Law Echo..) wUi open Wednrelay, 4th October ing speech at Montezams. I next Foil coufoM of 1 tut ruction in Liters tur*. EATonror gtekbi Ste * ... itobtor Chronicle: The TeleuEirn I Bctoire, Engtoreriag, Agriculture^mwlaw’ ardMemenou Um had several editorials f TwIUewla^>ree in Franklin and flute rot recently which created very favorable com-1 '7., »nfer»«tk»n. ad •uu 00 th. Ann of oor hut. at,. Xh. I < Hgt£Sagg ait ’ *' nrric!. on Uiutio fu to th. point. Th. I *;-*... articloon the new parliamentary code wo* I llolmoe’ Llalmwit a center thot at Mlf-a«aertion and arro-1 _ • oil ire gance. The article attaining the traeteea 1 MOTH ER’5^ FRIPNH of the aaiv*r*itf present* the case spjen-1 1 . , .f. n \ C,INLJ dldlr. We like the Motircnt. io th. ,0o,.. I - 0 ** ““.KJdta ari l shorten th*t tluration of ia ’•'I MS Moritz*’* Ututr." Try Dsncr all thu sue-1 wnat JU deaervcL A bleiilnr it u to fiuflerinff Female*, AM AUwo. mu cUim. to h.v. kiliol • I b.S.‘ ‘ .SSrK'.V snake with two tegf.—Baaarr- ITa/cAsias. I fuetrauaing a verr easy ami quick la»»»r. with Claims are aot always valid ic this world. I eowpanutv ly (tide pain, and (revre U>- m- .th Did be show the snake to any one after he I er In acnfidtibni to reenvur quickly—or in oth killed it? If not the case ia a bad “ might have had more than two oagbl by all moans to have pat it on exbt-1 Sb«d bcyon7i Vz^ . Thecoadltioawr which thie remedy UoC- Banner-Watchman: Mr. Speer left yes-1 ••.*! torw/atong terday morning for Habersham county, b&d o*e. It I * r b> have a pud ycuing up. Uniter iu va 1 — n# I w,n -ordinarily occupy much lr* teraay morning ror uaoerenam county. 1 SZVre^iSnSMlr dr' rSmul t a nil* JS where he wUl make# speech Cohmel SSfhiv?KdiL f to a, » hun<1 *’^* VH* TIOTHOKIklA tier Wblaze for Candler. I lag to be U. Sntr.mmr.Mlwl ktUoUoo mtamt,. loUlmM gS.jSgff ^fat *‘** c “. “ "Jf “fPp* • . rnlow Citizens— I pnduce a *afe end quick .lelivcry. I thank yoa for this welcome. (1 wm en-1 h. 1. uoutt, u. D., Atlanta. Go. “—* rxcccted bf me. aed Icier some-1 —.— ri 1t£m l4 hurt, or Ut™ I -AM, from «. of th, nmntta of mlllf . ,m, no. thU thi. d«ncm.lnition I 1 (TS “ “i** 1 "* •'» u.icMdto^r .rtUrjInif to n, in thnt 1» SuMnSSttSIuir lo?2n?iE'7hd7ii Uia.ithuuith. bnuu ot th. alt at 1 InSwirSimMtt- Atlanta tha old Democratic fires are still I tee been need iu eflbcu have been alt that burning, and m I expect to remaia in yoar | could oak. I oosamca n a ooeat bumbum.” city several days. I shall taka some raita-l . hie oopoftuoity. God wiiiinc. for atirrimzJ ^ gendeman write*: “My wifs need year wfieeaSX? • urrm * s 1 Motwrae RoAiErat herfowth cnnflncnmu. * . , ,. . I and her tMtlmoey la that »he through u Wa uottoud with sorrow more than a | with one-half of the eaftrring of either of her . oasand men in Walton oounty, last I former conflneteent*. and recovered fnm» it ia l W^mkU, wdyr tU Uflun-eof iW""'. SdfhSUTt ' It «• . tMribJ*, to U mn.-Om. -FuraTmt , m not fully convey the I wnw *o at ew case AEpeoLnmJiBcmuaa.' import of each a fact as that stated. So til.- the Weekly overeat imatea i. itiai ^ (Price fl.) This book, at* WES n^TETTCtt'a Stomach Bitten extir pates dyspepsia with greMer certainty and promptitude than any known rstuedy and U a inoat cental lnviporant, appelizc and al l to secretion. T1 -so r. • net empty ueettiooi, m thousand* of . > utary- taen end women who haffe fzpertonecd te effect* are aware, httt are tianced up by Irrefiragable pr» of(. Tl.e Bilere •).«» jive a healthful stimulus to tl* urinary organs. For sale by all druggists and dealer* cen trally. ' THEFREKCHLV.IEffPILL ror mingULtedtew Only. la cases of Irremdorfty tbe om eoriola reetedy la tiiet ea«<t la/VMr>, NAlston’a Favorite PUL Pries tl per box; fix base* *5by ■ail. AC. Jc*a Ve f.amt .D., ThEFP.CNCHLf . /.I., ForSingl 0 LoUUm Ouljr. B H.JBLI Hill’s Htpatin - iredbv W. H. BARRET T, AujftzU.Gca. ENTIRELY fr< s riKr.LT f: . have for A OEN i L’ ’ V 1 folly far tl.a r»:r . . SSSSM av n terrible sight, to bs WetUy. “Tembl*” is a soever thu 1 . "rt «b^r. ttonf ot bcr» « Le h*l by raUIng at my -SW. _ , ri , v , f I Bevtnatedjhcfutewflnfrwnedypjono, Tai; Conyers Weekly has the fuUewfng I Uto my pMnmsnT/umdwtDg torey, to tho creditor Rockdale: “Jadgo I I am pmalttcd a&> to refer to the following Stewart aaye there ie Ian criOM committed I of Atlanu: t: f. Kewten. in Ra-kdeie than in ear ether eoeatr ta IR 1 : 1 *?. 1 *; k T>- Jr -r w .- A - Urr *T d. hie circuit. We have# prohibition law." I m 10 *** Thb EnqmirrrJbtm reports tbe death of I Ivtre, |i jo p*r Rev. Y. F. Tlgner, in the sevnty-aeveoth I fovpared by J. BLADFIELf), f- UU being strkktei by | r nhmh . parolyrte wM reported a fowdaieejm He | ^ *****2. iOTODL JPeewfog Sews: the Hartford (Conn.) Camrant thne softly crttidwi oar Gov jgn b*Qov. CoMtit, of Goarola. ia • I a‘siren * aging a haltelajxh.' iu.d te isj - I-powd to h.». l .i s*r * -i. j MfwmIdtete affgtenennd lathe 6ew-1