Georgia weekly telegraph, journal & messenger. (Macon, Ga.) 1880-188?, September 01, 1882, Image 6

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ItWhtw jcapb nttb Sxrntmi ^ Atlanta ring down to tbe court bouse and militia district rings in almost everj They will not look with favor upon tins singling out of Mr. Bacon, from all the j public men in Georgia, and tbls bolding W« are in receipt of the Talbotton New Era, a seven column Democrats weokly, published by Mr. 1*. J. Dewberry and edi ted by J. W. IIall, Esq. It ^ires promise of a vigorous and manly oourse in defense of true Democratic principle*, against tbe policy of.cowardly compromise and time serving expedients. We welcome tho New Era to ths list, and extend it the right band of fellowship. A TEimimiK epidemic of the natiuc of red thrush Is prevailing at Sfalmo, <n Sweden. During tbe past week out of til7 case*, forty-five resulted ismlly. Tbls shows *n increase of fifty per cent. In tbe number of deaths over tbe preceding week. There must be something peculiar In Hungarian women, or something very bad in Hungarian men, when ono hundred women arc under trial for poisoning their husbands, thirty-fire of whom have been convicted, and or if they did not know it, they were too of him up to public reprobation, for not stupid to represent the pu*y. Tbe ap- following up “his letter by somo good polutment of a committee on platform l works for the party nominee.” Has Mr. was altogether unnecessary. It was en- Barnes, of Augusta, done more than write tirely superfluous. It may liavo been in* a letter? Why Is the Chronicle silent tended for effect, but the fair thing over bis sin of omission? Is Mr. Stephens d Oirtt f? mrtimn tafia fit; t awivfi porxr* frvssastbscrthsrs Stflpm JcaUi. >1 so f.r Cin»* aaaUo. » for si) smCt, *t Ctijte; ivnprii na'.'.rlts fubvertbrx pestap rev. •: f j % jeer Led ft Itr six taaatha. lj*) (UwrCHnt'ja wHS be token stem p . • (•.«-« «t wiB « c? brssfofthr Hftlwrtm, ami fifty seats tsr saeb ■»»« taw* i« couuwctcm ptuy v,-t> astute eAre.-tircracd* waaW b; >aakly. ] owT'aarr-aDoaATn’tadd fav pQMIfirtsi! fvuC V* r-NJCir r-arM' 1 tv tho WTUOT'S DSJS* sot f of publlseiloi* but MM * UV»A«k *f jwl toiih. ■fjsJte' «->eu»sxWa*ri *rl3 not tv> re^VD** The Mississippi river people are now in a Jangle as tow tiers (be money for the im provement of the river shallJJrst be spent. The New Orleans people want tne work to b®. gin below their city, while the goverumeut en gineers think it shoubt beglu a long way above. Tradition says that beer was first made at Pclualum, on tho Nile, -tod D. C\; but nowadays only a crude kind of barley beer is made by the natives in Egypt. There is, how- over, a brewery in Cairo, owned by a Geneva I company, and worked on tho tiermau system, which can turn out 400 barrels a week. The wine business of California is no small item In tho resources of that Ptate. About 10,000,000 gallons of %* toe produced annual ly, and about 2.000,000 gallon* arc yearly sent eastward, where it L« domed with foreign la bels and sold as an Imported article. The quality is said to be good, and even some pro fessed connoisseurs are deceived when Callfur- would have been announcement that any more tbe candidate of Mr. Bacon than Mr. Stephens had been intrusted with of Mr. Barnes ? Why denounce tbe one ** *' * **“* "* * *”**“ as a “sutker,” aud cunningly seek to array tbe people against him, while silence is maintained with reference to tbe other, Th» a-de-kong bas doubtless gotten or- I den to bestir itself; and yet It has obeyed in a very indifferent manner. It beat the long-roll furiously for one sad minute, heaved a deep sigh over its sad rela tions to political life, took a strong pull at Rio's canteen, and struck out boldly again, after tlo manner of Gain, for the land ot Nod. The a-do-kong is evidently tbe "fat boy" of the Jeffersonian dispensation. John Watebum insinuates that a cargo of member* of the late Jefforaonian con vention baa reoeutly landed in New York, . , , 1 I •mi .. n ». w rt | nia wine Is offered under the guise of well- *nu wants somebody to bounce us be- J known foreign names, ceuso of it. We have a good mind to raiae General Simon Kenton, the famous the cry of “persecution.” It is frightful to I •cout, Indian hunter and pioneer, left several be thn* nltnek*<l b* n fnmltu- f.i an ,i I children In Ohio, and the other day his do- do tnu* attacked by a familiar friend in .cendanu, together with those of Exiklel Ar* whom one trusted. John Waterman will I rowsmlth, held a Joint family reunion at not repent; but he might lay, in ths lan- T *"‘ 4 •—»'*« «.v-i- guage of the committee on resolutions, in tho late Jeffersonian gathering: bray!” To this we would respond intrust it to him? The De party asked nothing at b.s hands. r flTlTr|-TltTr w fcuo mmi tboduty of the convention, mpreMntlng I who'7j" s mlly“o7'Ii,r«me omlMlon? the party, to have made a clear and strong whore I. Col. P. Walab, the dllver-tongutd enunciation of its position and principles. • ****** n, A .. , It should have met every question square- the party, to have made a clear and strong vv h ere la Col. P. WaUb, the .liver- antinot-tIran nf <1* n«ltlnn and n-lnalniaa I QratOr flt)m tl>0 banks Of tllO rOglll He Is as fUent at a whole bt ly and honestly. The temper of the rank I mummies, and file demanded tbls. It was eminent- the orator aud parliamen- .... were as profitable to ask the plain to every man of sense that Mr. 8te-1 wboreabouts of the boy that "stood on pheus could not take issue with the Iu- I tbe burniug deck." dependents. He was on record aa an In-i dependent himself. He therefore struck out this proper party resolution. The committee submitted to his dictation, I Is not the former and no amount of whining about sup-1 sad eyes upon tho Where is Morgan Rawls, the Demostbeucs of the lower half of tbe low grounds? Where Is weep- I lug Alfred and commercial Joseph. looking with sinners that serve the devil for naught, at Mt. Zion camp-meeting, with au occasional Senatorial “amen” thrown in to fill up a hiatus in the proceedings ? lias not Joey I B., tho Joey B. that is known to be “dev ilfish sly,” taken bis throat afar off into I the land of the Greasers, where the help- (lag even of Turner Is an Impossibility? I Is sny one of all the troop of Jeffersonian orators on duty? Not one of them. I They are neither preaching In public nor praying In secret for the access of Mr. I Stephens, and yet these two sore-eyed 1 organs come sideling to tho front like and half Republican and Independ- I ancient and mournful Pecksniffs, and de- ent for governor, and at his dictation ra- I ciaro with mock-pious grief that Mr. fused to say tbe evils that existed In tbe I Bacon “may not be serving his own best psrty should be corrected luslde the or- I In to rests by sulking in his tent.” The ganizstion,lt virtually lodorsod Independ-1 exhibition is contomplibly pitiful. It is We Itho saddest and the shallowest exhibition a fatherly tenderness. During tho be ginning of the Egyptian complications, | his attention was at once turuCdto it with a solicitude that was more maternal than paternal. * At tho first intimation of dan ger be flew to its side, and plauted him- solf firmly astride It. lie took a I position that was at once of- I tensive and defensive. In one day he iKH QUIUIf HD BESSE86B FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 1. 1862. i diipfttehea state the! tbe Apache, ere tegular jamboree. It was reported until boat containing hl» bighncM, habited as Lohengrin, on the blue and moonlit waters of the lake in the neighborhood of the royal cas tle of HohpnswanFgar.!. It is understood that Mr. Chandler is about to order a coop of swans for the American nary. Miss Alice Welsh, on beta* noml nated for county superintendent of scheola in , Fulton county, Illinois, by tho Pomonrsts. was escorted to the platform and made* a »p*cfh, | which was declared tho neatest effort «d the I who thought the nomination of a woman an | innovation on Democratic doctrine*, to declare . jhit they were captured and would -who for “Church fairs encourage grab big*, UW- terieaand various other gambling device*. At a church fair in this State not so long ago tho young ladies sold kltocs to the highest bidder I for cash, and that variety actors a»ii«t in iaak- I ing church festival* a success is geUin* to be a w W y.». W ,e l .euv.i a ^e Of til* lirgCT CU- Us. Under thes* circumstances may not the timo come when a soft glove matinee between two bruiser- will bo one of the chief attractlona of an entertainment to lift a mortgage off the church or for somo other such charitable per formance T” It need to ba that the boys “wanted to see man” or “had an engagement.” Now boy all want to “step out It is said that Benawr crown it very bit- ter epeinat J. O. C. Kick, ot Aneoete, on „„ , account of tbe speech which tho latter I Fulton county, Illinois, by tho Pr m&de eselnst hie election to tbo Mnator-1 'SeefiSSf'uie'M ~ ship. That speech evidanoed a oonrage I convention, and caused the end Ability on tho putof Mr. liLcknorth, of the admiration of Georgia Democrats. I that they It was a manly pro tret against Democratic | acceptance of the leadership of a return- 1 Ing renegade, aud the mistake of the de cade was made when the Legislature re- fased to heed it. T I very common Mannidal IIauldi is reported to have re-1 oently landed on the rock of Gibraltar. I Ilia appearance there caused no oomment j whatever. The stores were not closed, I minute guns were not fired, and the flags were not pnt at half-msat. The matter I will not be iuquired into. Hannibal Ham-1 lin ean be treated with impunity by any foreign power. Alas 1 when a man U old I and “colored,’' be need expeck no consid eration at the hands of the United States government. Ilannibal ought to return to Bpnln immediately. Gibraltar has treated him badly. While somo malcontents are abusing Gov-' ernov Colquitt, that gentleman is, during lion. Thomas Hardeman's sickness, filling appoint- meats, making speoches aud helping on tho Democratic cause generally.—Auautte Chron icle. We are not aware of the fact that any- body!« “jbaaing Gov. Colquitt.” It ia “all in the oye'* of ths nervous and be-blowed Ths free-thinkers seem to a groat deal of stuff! Just thinker la, and what he belie^^ know*. wfl Tms other day tbe New York^H P< irter Interviewed th* Sultan. By\ stand-off, the Sun has interviewed S; at Oanonobet. When Joey’s throat gives out, wo t\W ot there will be another “capital un\Jj landing.” to which the people of .Georgia rill not be direct parties. Ur. Stephens knew this. cnt'vsro. _ believe bo understood and intended thie I of.Pharbaiim that we have over yet wit- to be the result. If tbe psrty has been I nessed in Georgia politics—full as are Its inveigled into a surrender of Its organiza- records of the masterpioces of Joe Brown's tion and an indorsement J Independ-1 Ollygammooism. entiam, let the men who perpetrated the I Mr. Bacoa will, perhaps, be able to take folly bo held accounts for Us results. 1 care of his own future “interests,” what- -■ — I ©Ter they may bo. We aro not their a Part of the rrograinmu. keeper. Ho will be able to see to that The effort to create a boom outside of I wiidh he returns to Georgia. His future Georgia in favor of Gordon's return to the I is between himself and the people, who Senate, has very much the appearance of I will not be apt to Join In a hypocritical a patent medicine affair. The slmulta- 1 Two great evils—headache and consti pation, afflicting nearly ail humanity, aro side the party. The tried and tmo men, n who had fought its battles whan the con- tl sclousness of duty done was the only re- ti ward they could expect, had loo strong a 1 hold upon the gratitude and affections of s the people to allow him any chance what- p ever. U* understood the situation, v Position he was bound to have, and It 11 tliis could not be obtained by an appeal to the people It could and must be ob- I tained In some other way. ’ Tho resignation by General Gordon of i his seat in the United States Senate, and i the appointment of Governor Brown by ( Governor Colquitt to tbe same, is fresh Iu i the memory of every Georgian. Tho t storm of indignation that swopt over lira t State on that occasion has no parallel, oven In the eventful days that intervened i between the close of the war aud this ap- i pointrooDt,which,under theclrcumatancoa, \ was an outrage upon the living who ' had fought for the civil rehabilitation of i the State, aud the dead who had fallen in 1 defense of the lost cause. It was an iu- suit to the manhood of tbe oue and the memory of tbe other. If an election had been held uue week alter the nows of this transaction was £«.*V'd 07«r the State, and Colquitt had 1 been In the race, bo would bavo been do- ; feated by a hundred aud fifty thousand r majority. The convention that assembled the fol lowing summer to nomluata a candidate for governor was composed largely of j Colquitt delegates. How this ic#uU *ai * brought about Is too well remembers .l. , Tbe Indignant protests of tbo people against tbe reelgnat ion of Gen oral Gor don aud the appolutment of Governor * Brown to succeed him by Governor Col- 1 qultt were met with the cry if jx*rsccu- 1 tlon and appeals tog vindication. i That convention adopted tho two thirds rule, and It was announced by th* trlemSs of Colquitt that he would not accept auy * other nomination than one made under 0 this rnlo. They were coLlidenl that they * could bring tbe requisite number of votes ^ to his support to ari^mpiish this result. Tho ailenro of candlilnn* on aiiy i*rm !‘-a! r pertinent Jmuo should only intensify Mi- Jam w* Rtan and Thunaa Eads had n tlttlo Sullivan and Wilson affair in New York. Ryan knocked Rada out in ono ronnd. The funeral was one of tbe largest ever known. I crusade against him because, lu common neons appearance, in various papers all I with all the respectable Democratic lead- over the couutry, of the prediction of his I era in tho State, he has failed to join In a going back to the Senate, leaves no room hearty canvass for the still-born issuo of to doubt that there Is a deliberate con- tbe gubernatorial travail of the lato self. A ux the ontaide newspapers deadheading Gordon's Senatorial advertisement, or does its pay for it at so ranch a line ? In either event, il ia an attack on tbe Democratic party of Georgia. Oscas W'ildn leaves for Japan on Sep tember 4th. Tbedayooght to be pnt in the calendar, or made a tort of apodal day in some way or other. Why not put off Thanksgiving till then ? in our own laud. There is at once simi larity and striking contrast between the courso of M. de Lcssepe and our fellow- citizen, Governor Sprague. De Lesseps fought for abstract prindples; Sprague | fights for home and tbo right. Do Leseeps was open to argument and conviction; Sprague means victory or death. For years Sprague has been tbe victim Young, rich, socially taking up bis Insipid and ridiculous rec- j own; why do they not send then out to ord as a Senatorial Solon where be drop-1 proclaim the nlghneas of tbe great politi- pod it In the day of the “capital under-1 cal millennium? Are they, tow, sulking The object of this Is doubtless j In their tents, or snoring out on their Tie Ttow Dictionary. Exchant*. In political slung, “sympathy” means cam- >altn funds. Tharefera when sympathy is ax- 5 rested at Washington for an lndt-peude-it onfTMHonal l andluato at the Uouih, it means .hat ho Will get money. grows out of the fact that Mr. Bacon was I not nominated. Nothing could he more I unfounded; nothing could be more ridic-1 ulous. Tho convention was put on notice,before I it made Us first foolish step towards the nomination of Mr. Stephens, that there were in the State thousands of Democrats who have no confidence In bis physical ability to discharge the duties of the gu-1 bernatorial office, who have not forgotten his Indifferonco to tbe Confederate govern-1 meut, who have not forgiven him for being an idler lu the trying days of “re construction ,’* i standing.” 1— — —...» ~~~ .. toexcRoau interest In thle tune illrec- b «*‘ porcliee, or ••commg-to”ln their eo«l «on, on the part ot th. people of .M, ^ d “r. .honht’l™ k to *"- " ^ ^ veryooon. As it warms up to the work, 1 they will bo denounced a* “traitors.” Bot where did “the defender of the faith,” on tbe Chronicle, learn that Gov. Colquitt is “making speeches and helping on the Dem ocratic cause utueratlr ?” Ia that what tho Governor ia doing at Ml. Zion oamp-tnett- lo r ? Tbe Chronicle onirht to he ashamed to make such insinuations Again*t him. PERSONAL, —Gen. Wolseiey Is said to writo his own battle pictures. —Schuyler Colfax Is writing for a Chi- j cago religions weekly. - - ^ —Ex-Secretary Blalno Is said to appear stronger than he did two years ago. —tYe kindly but firmly nominate Mr. Charles A. Dana for governor of New York. State, by leading them to believe that the I for Uio performance of aomo of tbo labon whole world, otitaldo of Georgia, is wait-1 appertaining to a dead campaign, lug In breathless anxiety to see Jack I again decked ont in Senatorial array. I Whether these notices were inserted as I advertisements, at so much a llue, or | whether they constitute the mere floating I and yet cemcldeut vagaries of I widely scattered papers, matters but I little. Whether of accident or of I design, this incomparably Inefficient Senator, of tbo reeent past, will not be I apt to get an opportunity, by vote of the people's Representative*, to again illus trate tbo unhappy workings of sixth-class ability In a first-class station. The trick of outside announcement of a sort of hun gering and thirsting for Jack Gordon's re- turn to his graed Senatorial high-stepping Malnrlis on Onion Creek. Texat Sitting!. r are tho colored voter* coining on. ont >n creek t” ask*l an Auatiu candidate of with a load ot hay. * a h tap ob sickness* out dar among do. fatWa >' It is a little strange that only six dead mb* have been found on the field ot ionor. After reading the slowing oablo- ;rntns of the last few days, we thought here would be thousands dead. of circumstances. | powerful, he meets the cold, scheming, i but fascinating, Miss Chase. She calcu- I tales how far his name and money could be useful in elevating the fortunes of her own family, and married. Sbe goes with I ,Msr husband to Washington, and plots, stalled*/ and"who have I combines and conspires, a only a woman a feeling recollection of him as only a I ' * *"-*• -*• marplot, a chronic grumbler and an Inde-1 pendent in the party lines, since his re-1 turn to public life; and it was warned I that his nomination would be fatal to liar-1 rnony In the party—that he could not command tbe united support of Its mem-1 bers. And now that the effort to thrual 1 him upon the party has met with tho very I resistance, within tbe party, of which we I spoke, we are greeted with the whine that I “In case of Mr. Bacon’s nomination, Mr. I Stephens's frlsnds would not act as some I of Mr. Bacon's friends are doing ” | It Is an Insult to common sense, and I an outrage on fair play and Justice to Mr. I Bacon, to pretend to believe that the tin-1 willingness of thousands of Democrats to I support Mr. Stepheus grows out of the I failure of Mr. Bacon to receive the noml-1 nation, or of any disappointment connect-1 cd with U. It Is a deliberate attempt to deceive the people, by purpoeely misrep resenting the cause of the opposition to Mr. Stephens. The Chronicle knows very well that there are thousands of Democrats In Georgia who, uuUer uo cir cumstances, would vote for Mr. Stephens for any position, and U knows that the reason* for their not doing so have no connection whatever with Mr. Bacon's present or fJture prospects. Ills an In defensible outrage upon him that a Just and properly Irremovable oppositions Mr. Stepheus should be laid at the door ot friendship for him. I.etua De Grateful. To-day is Thanksgiving Day, by ap pointment of tho Governor. We do not j propose any discussion of tho propriety of these appointments by the civil rulers of a country, it may bo true that tho province of calling the people to thank*, giving or to humiliation, as the case may be, belongs to the church rather than tho State. It Is not our purpose to enter upon I that field of inquiry. I Men are not mere machines, though, in I these latter days, the tendency toma- I chine action In religion as wsll as In poll- I tics Is unmlstakablo. It la net seldom, I now, that Individuality has to struggle to , - - - I maintain Its existence amid the rush of will not decel.e tUe people of Georgte* II ffi odern tendencies to terre Code, well be return, to the Senate 1«-will there „ b onu|<]( , . as Joe Brown originally did—by jpcxcusa-1 ble and ontrefeoueexecutive appointment. I Hen ou*bt not to nMn from tend.r- After all, that rnxy ^ * be 1 ing thunk, unto tbe Qlr.r of life, belli,, Uoveraor Colquitt m.y be rolled on to do lnd p| (ol , until died to the duty anything to tho polRld fortune. by 0IMtlUro proel>mUloI> . 0 od'. m.r. oflho meet In.mdent SenAtor thu tl» C le, ,lw.y. .u,pu.oor.blllly re- State buererhut,orerer will havenntll I lurnlj whun 00r hehlm..lfgoca up, without bcalutlon or tud0 „, kls , wllh ln - tko “ orn . tremor, to occupy the aaat that w« dlgnl* J , nd tn)mbI „ ^ „ (ted by Georgia', gro.teat B.nMor, Beojv „ K fcIdt , rm ^ D „ d mlnU-J 111. TUa Lydia l-|ubb«u nue dlJ 0 „^ unlold blMllog , „ lt „ „„ will not decalra tbe people of Georgia. wandering footstep.. The .bower., tbe If G.neral Gordon imagine, that >U I .unablne, tbt Mad lime, tte h«T M t-.ll '.bat la required of hltn to secure the Sena-1 cll | n p 0n for llrM of conltant , nd tonblp which be recently .purned, la gr , uftll remombrwee. Th. man who .Imply to notify the people of Georgia „„ h, tb4nl[fal only onc , , „„ for tbatlwl. willing to go back, bo It rery I bleulngi of llfa—aud by proxy enn much mUtakoo. They bestowed the tben.wlU (lnd bit journey to tbe grare onto on him once, In a .Imple, open-1 0 . <rcloudad „ tb , luU A merry, thank- hearted way, and be treated It and them 1 ^ gynteflrl heart la the beat of guaran. In a moat cooWmptuou. manner. l>be|t wtof bappiooM her. an d# f «fet y bam- again returns to Senatorial fife, It will bo I by lha .ppoinlment of Colquitt or Stephen. u ' t u , h, tnlly gr(l4 ful to-d.y, and to. — sot by meaua of an election tt the j mo froW| . nd d4yj And ^ on Ll] fl hands of the Legislature. Wear, strong- . s d e f our Journey. We will be hippier “I roek&u dal’* de name o! de *lnlf. HU am lumQii what ha got from do druggerjr •hop.” ^ ''WhaUtnfTar*^^ talking about?” “Do Stull a whwPman out dar putslnhla walermllllon* to. keep d# colored folk* from t mlstakln’ 'em for dar ownVaUtmilUous.” To-DAT ha# been set apart by the Gov ernor a* tbankvgiving day. Right-think- li g people aro thankful, day in and day out, for Qod's goodneee. They do not wait for perfunctory proclamation*. W k. have seen several hend-Unee reading, “Tho rreaident’a Sunday” or “Arabi’* Sun- d*). ' I/ong time ago we got an Idea that •it* Sabbath wm» the property of a higher ower than either Arthur or ArabL engrossed ln politics can. Ulgb spirited and ambitious, she atrikea out boldly to captlvato tbo then leading spirit, and ere long Roscoe Is in chains. Spraguo wakes up at last, aud arms himself with a double barrel shot gun, and begins his warfare. Roecoo flees to tho sea coast, and tho popular cry Is, I “What U the wild Sprague saving ltuacue, tbo whole day long 7’ r I But tbe Iron has entered Sprague's soul. I Sprague bath murdered peace, and hence- I forth it la war to the death. Almost I damned in a loo fair wife, the tide of his I fortunes change. His riches tako unto *w.w*iiwi ui .'iw aura. Platform—No real for the wicked. —Charles Resde’s hair Is sospsrteai the top of hi* head that vary faw men would \ A J ■rwaeuNiAX got homo the other morn- V: a little early, and after trying to un- \ -I tk the window, and striking a match lo Ml the lamp, explained to his wifo that ^ ler-yee-er, be'd-er been down to help Cornell made aorae money outet JajrUonld. and that fact show* Cornell to be an able man. —Mr. Blalna, of the nodding plume, will march down to the Maine footlights and shy twelve glittering lance* full In the fare* «,f hi* foe* In that Htate. Doraoy ami t-eason will hide behind a log timing tbo perform ance. —A man of swell appesrance, who an nounced himself at the de*k of the Fifth Ave nue Hotel In New York to he the Duke of Rich tnond. was detected m a ewindler itacauso of hi* Isoot* being hopelstwly down at the heel do you want to lie registered ?” It*N Hr, Hawt New York Tribune. I One of the pleasant features of Watch Hill Is the children. They ar* all here, unless l am greatly mistaken, and their noma is legion. They usher in the day and drive away the night. After supper they take possession of the hotel*, and thru liter* la no pcac* for the wicked. “How your children have grown 1” ■aid a lady to a blushing mother. “Yc*,” re plied a bystander who had been occgpyingtho next room, “amt they've mad* me groaa.” | When the light* are turned down and the | tlma ha* come ftw peace and quiet to reign I over liia hone*, then the trouble begin*. The I following dialogue and concluding remarks I were one of the watnresof a reeent midnight I in one of the hotel* here:, 1 “Mar* | “What, dear?” I “fs that you. mar’ I "Ye*, dear.” I “rar | “What, dear r* only dined, but slept under hi* own roo,*. The Intel keeper* were angry at tho heron, per i a pi, but other traveler* had reason to euvy —A gentleman who recently traveled the *ame car with Hon. Denjamin flarrh ■water. Attorney (leneral o. the United itca, say* ha wa* much pawled by the fact it Mr.Itrewster carried *ix hat* with him. e on hi* head and five plied upon tho rest I hi* *!de.. One of them wa* a century old In rle, being of light brown fall, very high, and rry. For it Mr. Brewster manlfiwted a strong rtlality, alwav* wearing it wh«n h* left the i hod been repeated at interval* for two hour*, when an elderly [acrid room, who had fou try • > that time, rolled ont of bed wiih a thud, climbed up Into the transom, and. putUng his head out. shaureq at the top of hi* long* “Ye*. If* no maw. and U'» me paw; now go to sleep, yon little or I’ll come In there and chow you w»” five min ute* later a Indy ralm brooded over the bouse, and no sound wu heard savt th* Un #o'» of a wrary wav* telling iu story lotus smooih pob- , ble* of the beach. the smoker avow. Borne day, no doubt. I’ll marry; Home day have a little pet; But my darling sliait be nary Ulrl who smokes a cigarette. The fashion of tracing the veins with blue peste is gaining In favor in London. A drunken Denver bnrylar blundered A PoACltjr, Crcrentx Itomanee. “Over the Brink,*’ h Mm mi Beltleed. “Welcome home. Pansy.” Dapblevale wa* af tt* preulret this sweet Jane day a* It neatlad rosily among tha hill* that towered above U on every able. Down in the i shady glen where the Tillage chnrrh stood, a|. most hidden by the eyt*»* teres 2wh»*e great boughs of green were ewept caressingly again* tbe side* of the mods*! *troctare, Pansy Perk in* wustanding,eed as LtheiUrt PettlngUl ■poke the word* with which this cknnter opens her face lighted up with a radU/M xxl smile thAtwaabeeatiJfafiniteaad expoue of Uni- which la dependent on the election of Mr. | Stephens. Joey B. may be relied on to j resign at tbe proper time. As we have stated before, there is something, ! which does not appear on the surface, In the anxiety of tbe Into hi* own boose end robbed hlmaeU of e watch and ffo. “Fool* make feast* and wi«e men eat them.” kind whether It is the fool* or the fcaste that the wise men cat Tux number of Immigrants who have arrived In this country last month we* 65.0IU, against fBjun for th* saws monrh last year. Col. Setii STeldt, the Tall Butternut ot Hocking, has written a lengthy and vinegary card explaining why he wu nominated for tnded Colquitt“Yor The star of tbe Democracy iu this State ing went down with that convention. Tbe i of campaign that followed and th« result* cf al- that campaign art freah ln tbe memory of ■old every man who baa sufficient sensibility dar to keenly feel tbe pangs of political die- *** The same men who managed tbe whole business, from tbe resignation of Gordon 'en- and appointment of Brown to the re-elec- i in tion of Colquitt, have put Mr. Stephens tors upon the party, and brought it to what it nr * Is to-day. They reasoned, no doubt, that if the people of Georgia would submit to *** the acts to which we have alluded, and would furthermore give Colquitt a char acter in the shape of a formal vindication; Mies Ida Si’ENcsr, of Brooklyn, while I frolicking on Wedn?*Uy. fell and drove a I hairpin Into her aralp ao firmly that the *re-1 vlcaaof a surgeon were necsHerylo remove it. I CoL'XTT CnUMI, I ‘lnXER O'XEKII.L.aM at th* Chicago Brown picnic; “I am rejoiced I to *ay that lliav* seen to-day colored men and I white girts, ami white men and colored girl* I •lancing on this Boor.” Military critics express a doubt whether the English cavalry wilt be useful in Sir Garnet Woloricr • • ampaign. and liter* la e general belt J that their horse* wlU be killed off by tho aand flic* and the tun. White Thunder, chief of the Brule •Iaux. ha* written e letter to Chiof Red Cloud, ndvising him not to go lo war with the pair fam people. The letter begins frankly tkns: “My Mend. I hear some bad news about you that makes all your friends here ashamed of you.” I arva vagabundus Boptrpia perd'dit X-XSrrt. , Uimi. loci; BclluU. Mill. .'.MU; Ml pMcu. note ftilltaat,! ft ndwx. cau-U, i«rt mu Urf. —JrntJtM Cmm. About oo. tiDwtrart bIIm .Uetite T nllnudanaow laoiMnttim ft, Com^-aiia ■Mb BMC I* la fnwic oteoutnutkM. '* Tbe aTWWt* I.,'kLI ot lb. Hocm Frttu tB^aj." A. prti !«;;.> ' , ‘ Accortlm, to New York Ckmuctt ot Auftut 26tb, Um tout i—- ealpta ot cotton boo September lu, 1881, up to tart Friday oiglit* Acgnat S-’ib, wer. 4.88I.W3 balM, a(alu« S.8t4,i!0t bales In 1881, and again* 4,638,004 bale. In 1880, showing a falling off ot l,t.VJ,- 688 batec as compand with 1681, and a, compand with receipt, of 1880, of 473, lOMtly groan- If they would .met Got. Brown atmo* lordon Puha I unanimously to tb. United Stair, irren Bey, in ttenate, after alt that bad William Arp, been ,aid and don.. Urn U might be na- >f tbe atmane. peeled that they con Id ba forced by th. th. anriawnd- <n» man and thn same mHhoda to ratify -It U enough ^Mdr contract with Mr. Htepben,, by _ which, laying hU record aalde, tlie lirmo- i tr-*d and In. I cratre enter, of Georgia worn to be dclir- moocat,* and I end to him ilk. ao many sbeep or cmiK en It is inft I They treat with contempt exety prouu ot thorn who | of men—who an bone* and lincera— *a—who bar. I again* tb* policy of taking a man of Ur. Io'Ui«wifo»l-1 Stephen,', record and placing Uo uandard So ^*‘ I of tbe party la hi, fcando They aro ,o the draft of platform lo Mr. Stephen,. Why? Wa* Mr. bupbMa Um Democratic party? . . Wa, bo Um Democratic contention? Was bn tb. eemmittMoopUllorm? If not, why (ah um th. platform to him? Was tt n part of tb* agreement mad. by Um bom. tk* Ihe party aboutd net only nominate him, bntihoold nominate him on Jo* web a platform aa ha •hoaM dictate, or no platform at all, which erer suited him be*? U U reported, with- coo.—CmTimriM. I baa many ,lumpen, why doe. ilnota. d Yea, tbt Chronicle U troubled about n I lB ^ adip- «- great many thing, (including tb. mlulter-' J * Iei * " " alien of |Fnncb wine, and brandies) mom than it la about its own lim, and lb* tins of its gubernatorial barter and hit special snppofUta, and tbe Atlanta organ l» no tetter. Thb ,ptdal canaurc of Mr. _ Bacon b nncalted for, and U ontragwtuly I lh.t the Afrtean -Oetewayo ahonld b. utJjnw. II b a deliberate attack opoo|P*^( «> th.lrbhthroor."wn.intemlad Tte receipt, for tbe week ending Fri day night la*, am in rxco, of them of la* wmk, being 11,331 balm, again* balm In* waek, and again* um week of 1881 U^TiS balm, aud agate* ISttl UM date of 21.123 baba. IHocka ia interior town* on te* Friday night, were 14,327 telm, again* «l,4'rj baba in 1881. Tte Hack * Mama oo Friday nigfat was 806 balm, again* L>iff balm in 1881, at eorrmpond. biendarinw bis absence from " ■ o.n I m a nrateltowa Inmlt to Ite Irubpeotd.of for not doing wtet aeocm of mmfwte I oowab?* W. would«Hw tte coming. BM JImmIw ,.,nn iltilm i’ir ikn nnmln. ] Ot A DlPOttl tO MS I V(!l-MBipud lOQ Of ore direct if ret pou* i Die for tne dosusa- l ,,, . _ 1 hmul | Erin dmm off tb. bbckgmard whoin-ilu Uooof Mr 8u^tMte, amboa doing,though a in tte .id* of tte IcrW- Itey am la tte State, and am in retry I ontraffm width Engtend way mpnhb of doing-good work forth, .pattern. BmU mite work of nmn* Party nominee.- poiitimlmwm rat, and tte IrU,will mtttt Tb. pmpl. at Uwrgia Ilk. fair deaUng. I u to pam. not the plank that pledged tte party to correct the crib th* cabled In It laaid. the organisation. Why Mrike this not ? Wm It not pertinent and nrcmmry? Did Umt examinee, or did the ermrenuon, doubt that the mil. of riag-rnb, for in-