Georgia weekly telegraph, journal & messenger. (Macon, Ga.) 1880-188?, September 08, 1882, Image 3

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    (Gtawrcjut JU^chln Ctftcgsnpf* Saturn-* l &
Tati LITTLE lilllDGE.
They parted on the little bridge
And shc-Ure yeoman's daughter.
tirely overlooks and dominate a all avails, without feature. Bub troaxnrj balances; Coin,
ble petitions on land within gunshot; Ia | W®.*••1,000; currency SVn.oo).
tho time of Wolfe the fortifications were —
A few fond words-a stolen kiss,
A little golden trinket,
*Twas all—but that bln heart could change
the did net care to think.
lit louratytd to bright (Southern ltnd,
u h * ,n *“>'■'* ■ t, -“ o'er hint,
c till sbo cast
where tropic skies bent o'er hint,
far inferior to those of the present. Btill
he recognized the difficulty of carrying the
place hy storm, lie wm encamped on nn
bland three or four mile* below. Leaving
his o imp llrea burning, he stole paat the
city with his army in small boats and . _ „ ——
landed a mile or so Above, at a point still *** d J r -
called Wolfe’s Cave. Clambering np the I lL - -
heights the morning found hint in line of
battle upon the plain in rear of the dly.
Why Montcalm left his fortifications and
Tzlwhufu and Mk-henolb.
MACON. Bebtember 6.—Erenlne.
steady. Middling llKallH;
called Wolfe’a Cave. Clambering np the fiSSKl mu **
lislnhfa Urn tiinriiimf fAnml him in ling nf I ^ ))J IrtfUll' ""**"*" j(P 140
Then fame took up her trumpet, tuned
To sound his praise tn story,
For mu.»li that to his llfa belonged
Was what tbo world calls glory.
E ve his euemy battle in the open field, I L, . . , . statkiuuit.
ve never seen explained,as Wolfe’s army | SJj2lJSi*|5Jda5 eptember *• 1852
are enumerated a
Im was any sign
u galling fetters.
The maiden’s path lay towards the North ;
ou 8 toiled for dolly guerdon,
are enumerated among ila featares of in-
tereoi, but there ie little to note of them Shipped to-day....^ 253
exoept their age, as in mrchitectnro and ,r previously^ - 660
sue tolled for dally guerdon,
And meekly bore her low eatal
Nor felt her task a burden.
And thoughts Xt
Uadouly power t<
except their age,
decorations they are far inferior to thoee of . H ,_ v M . . ... .
Montreal. In the Dufferin Terrace, how- 0tookon hAnd this evening-.
ever. Qaebeo can boaat of an attraction Ojtton Markets by Telegraph.
which U superior to anything of its kind I LIVCKPOOL, September c — ttoon-c.
re seen anywhere. This is a promenade inmo&mxo Inquiry aujl freely supplied; mld-
the river front between fifty and
hundred feet wide and several hundred i2?2rLmertoan i0 <So and export l * CW| r * oolpU
It is simply a large platform, | KuturM-Uplarnis, low middling clause, 8ep-
the outer edge of which' rests on tEe top of I ember* Ofjl-^iafr.’At;’ w ,
city wall, two hundred and fifty foet M-64a52-64; October and November 6 40 6tav.>6i:
A poor old maid, with fading cheek,
Tolls on from early morning,
With ucanty tliauki and little praise,
Aud outlines heartless scorning.
i the bridge,
When memory lifts the shroud of years.
ember 6 61-6U62-64; September and Oo fiber's
ww, .ww imum vu « U n« *«»»* , fd-64a52-44; October and November fl40 6ta.'»-64:
above the river. The southern extremity November and December fl £164; December end
end, below the oiUulet,whioh it upon groand {{“""S*
« hundred feet hi B hrr. Immtdmtely he- I F.TJ.nAZS.r 1 “dJul,
low, .t th# foot of th, precipice util 5 r. u.— Cotton, ulre of American 7,4'fl; S«p-
jer. IS what I mmA S.U. ,... m >1 ml. SSlZaZZZL
I tember and Octo1*er delivery 6 54-61; October
The dead past calmly showing.
And sometimes he, in idle mood.
known as tha lower town. Across and November fi <l-6t
river is a village of several thousand **W YOKE. September 6. -Noon—Cotton
inhabitants, built upon an soollvity Uut “^Ung npiauds 11 18-lc;
riaea f rnm tha witter’* mdam. Tha haJhnr U ™«
’Mid silence all unbroken.
Where their liut words w
The little bridge still lightly spa
The rippling, running water,
But no bridge spans the gulf 'twl.. -
And her—the yeoman's daughter.
—Chamturn’ Journal.
a the gulf 'twixt hfm
rises from the water’s edge. The harbor is I “KuaS foaorMtabtambar 12 ao- Oetown «
filled with shipping not onlyat the wharves, November U 5*b«*mber 11.59, January ‘ll.Ge’
but anchored also ont in the stream and February 11.77.
plentifully dotting its broad surface. The I MBW YORK—Evening—Net receipts 218;
view from this terrace at night is snperb. 240 Futuresclooed steady; soles 42,000, as
From the city below, from the .hipping in gJS™ __ . _ . „
the river and from the town beyond, gleam SSEf" 1 "ff-Sf IT SftS* 7 —?}*
and sparkle myriad lights, t ioae upon the iSSSSberllliSSiui | April^*“iioii
vessels being mostly red or bine. In the December.^ K —!
nver the— lights, not only from the ahipe January 116*§ 1 June .12.2.1912 24
.1*0 from tho opposite town, are bean- YOKE, September fl.-Cotton quiet:
iy-reflected, while above all towers ** 1 *“ -
eitads), its battlemenU in the
clearly out lined against the sky. From the I ° OALV^TVN^Beptcmbcr A—Cotton stead’
latier s great gun is fired at 9:30 o’clock at I middling 12; low mlddllnr — J
night. The flash streams ont aorose the ‘
THE HOST FOREIGN OF CANA- night. The flash streams ont across the I nary lift; net receipu 217*l; gn^s § —;
river, while from the opposing heights the I wju stosk Wl^
Its Overttasglna; Citadel aud Ancient
Wall—The Mcene ofWolfe'a Victory
and or MoBtgomerj’a DraiU- v Pe
culiar Police Court, Etc.
Qukbio, Canada, August 20.—Editor*
Telegraph and Messenger: In its general
features, Qaebeo is to the stranger the
most interesting city ia Canada. It is
distinctively foreign than anyoityo
ointment north of Mexioo. \ way from the
immediate vicinity of the hotels, the
er-hy rarely hears any language e
French, unless a stranger be a party to the
conversation. The shop signs are almost
exclusively in French, and ia rambling all
over the oily I have failed to find a lawyer’s
offiso where the occupant styled himself on
his shingle anything else than avocaU The
city proper ia planted on a bold promon
tory, which rears its front of solid rock
mors than three hundred feet above the
6L Lawrence, which flows at its base, if e
highest point, three hundred and sixty
feet, is crowned by the fortress, or oitidel,
as it is tsrmed, which in.losss some eight
or ten ceres. The stmts of the city are
narrow, crooked, rocky andprecipitoas^nd
are much more pictaresqno in ap^earanos
than pleasant to either walk ti( on or ride
over. Tho origiual city is earronuded by
a huge granite wall, in some places pierced
for oannon, and in others arranged
bar Loire gam*. In former years the £
ways ware very narrow and flanked with
gans to gasrd the approashe*. These were
fonnd to serioesty inoommode the tide of
roar oomee back to the terrace in broken I bsptember 0.^Cotton quiet; mid
• • - ■ Tlw,UttortoQM-|?“ B !iSfc »* Miaawltrt,*
bee, however long may be his stay, will
need no other entertainment at night than
to ODjoy the beanty of this scene, and a« he
leaves the city his principal rsgret will be
his lose of the chsrmt of the wonderful
terrace. It is called the Dnfferin tcr-
raoe in honor of the former Governor-
General of Canada, the Earl pf Dufferin,
who ia at present the English ambassador
at Constantinople. To his efforts wire
mainly duo the erection and completion of
.—Cotton quiet:
n«ll 5-18 woaA
fOTON, September 6—Cotton dull;
11J6- low middling 11 7-1*; good or-
• stock 2/*' nwl r ® cclpt * 395 BT0 *' *”* “flw
the terrace, and it ia fortouate that ooe who I SrT
wm, ud li, M maoh beloved b, th. Out SSSSSnlSujSUfMjK*T!? 4 ? TI. olS
dian people ahonld have his name to pleas I Lies to sninneni —, stock 3697. ’ 0485
antly perpetuated, lie is the highest type I SAVANNAH. September
of an English nobleman, who his recog-1 mldJllng 11 11-lG. low mid
nized in hie wealth and station the oppor
tunity for the highest personal achieve- 1 'hew ori'Yams. *„n.
ment end the accomplishment of the m{ddllij{w4f£w^ttSSSffli’lSSdwdfilsi
greatest publio good. It is no extrava- |ry 11 >:; net reooipts 90 srrosa 2201-soj^a 2&o-
canoe to say that he ie a statesman, an I ivockT&si P '
orator and a man offlettsrs, and no man af-1 MOBILE.
ter years of rule over a foreign people^onld I a 4?. l 3 nf few «JddUng 12; good ordinal
leave behind him snob nuivereal praise 1 net rtceipti 18: Ftooj —; ealcs 25; stock
fH«»riHdMM..«ilu. to u. memphi,. sutemtor •
ebarMter something very mnch to be ad- m.ddltns I2»i; low middll
mlred^ His most earnest effort* were con- | niry Wiinet wiipu 16; grosi lsihlpmenta 'lS;
transfer to the I ACOClTA, Scp.eraber A—Cotton quiet; mid*
Turkish mission was a promotion in the I S!%,2«SiSIm?2S d JS!L ll ^ ; . *2^ v**** 7
* •* . I net r*ce*nti 14.K gromsales 203.
Lome, while entirely re-pocted, has failed I u*i: net reoelpte occ; ktom
in iMiiFt a r*mill? nlana in iha MinSrlfnna I 2659.
secure » eimtiar piao* ns the oonfldenoe
and affections of the pnbbo. The erecam-
etanoee are anfavorcUe U> Lb dsit.^ so,
—..w.- ..v w u«. , MACON MARKET
and it may be that tbs fact that his wife is I w %OTTm , oll i._Mar**t au*anain» .nu ,
‘ the royal family has interposed the bar- I Mvancing and i
• uy , poseaiM oar- i at quotations. Baoon-C. R. si.ies, l!
nar between him and the oonfldenoe of I o. k. sides 14«. Bacon-shouldMs i.~
the Canadian people that be baa failed to I shoulders 11. Hams 16>4. Bellies lr.;,.
breakdown. Ottawa is the seat of tho ILasd.—Market yenr arm. choice leaf, in
Canadian government, bat Qaebeo I i?**,Si** ®*da*d* in tierce,
* ■ - Ittmmir I tab., .1394- .
luoc.eru traffic, and they have beta in con*
ee<iu juce removed and wide archways have
bean satMlitvMd la their stead. The latter
are snrmoaated by battle monte aud tow
er*, prcA?artag a more modern end hand
some, bat lest war-like appear
ance. The city in its growth
side. Many of the buiulii^^Hwithoat the
wall* and on the weetern nVs are modern
aud handoomis white most vf taosi within
[if iUd o
n nVan
favorite place of summer U KaSSlM%^ w*r- a nM i m m.
residence vitb the Princess I fancy, i860; choice family. 6.25; oxtra/smily!
Lenise, and slmand the Marquis are now I H.oo; family, J5.W; buckwheat none. WLsi
here, domicUeuln the citidcl. A few after- I bran, per cwl 11.60.
noons sinoe we had a good face to faoa I Co»r**-Markct quiet with good demand:
view of her, while rbe was riding on bone-1 ordl-
back to th. ubarb. o t U» ettr. 8b. wu nAr.-Jurirefrere'enn. Whtl.
moanted on a very Urge, fine horse, while I eon,, ei.cs; mixed corn, nici-ln ear load
the aid-da e»mp, who wts her only attend- I lota 2 m a rents .<<m reed neta, 60. Western
•at, was on a very email horse. If the | timothy hay. 11.83; Eastern hay. tL25. Corn
a’srqnis had bsen along, it ie to be presum
ed be would have bestrode ooe of medium
size. The Prinoeas was riding at a walk.
the walls are old aud L
wiobed between the larger and more mod
ern structures of brick and alone. Tneee
dwelling hensrs are vety small andamoont
to lilt e more than cabins. Tier are -
wood, and qne story sad.» half high.
• flnbel va circas aorotaa could very ne^y
the («D<ti.'.aro >iry low. The moU are
/ronttd vitb cornier windows, and the sill
' ot one of these 1-trer l tone hod with the
street- This ono, however, wss below the
avenge size. Through the open doorwaje
may frequently beseeadeauiogtotheaUio,
the tUl« crooked stairway, very steep and
about the width of an ordiunry ladder. In
the days when Wolfe and Muutoalm
tough; lor tho rize, the city was doubtii
Urg«!y o»ra, o ed of ti.t»e immature
booKs, altheagh uow meet of tliem have
fallea he'ore in.*- neresiity lor more sub-
ojtons ■
atantial aud w muio.f'.oas s’.ruutaree. Upon
one of thepritu iptd»tre«Utlw*re still re
mains one of these diminutive houses,
which has probably survived it* fellows be-
cau»o in U Wae laid out the body of Gener-
al Montgomery, wh*i foil in his assault
upou iho uitadel in 177A It Is now o«en-
pied a* n shop for the ral» of Irdrnn trink
eta, while a f ign wttboat udverttaes tha hie
torto iauiwent which givts interest
to the ImiUiig, and which
adds Iirge’.y to tlie aula of
the onriosinoe within, lle’ow the cita
del a board u erectad upon wbieh ia re
corded, in large letters, easily read l orn
the deck of the pasting boat, the (set that
it is the spot on which Montgamer
Hie body tw removed to New York
ferment, and bis epitaph is graven on a
marb'.e slab let into the outride front wall
of the dural, immediately below the A*tor
lluu-c, within n few fust of Broadway,
where it oan be read by the passerby on
the greatest thoroughfare on the conti
nent. bo that, taken altogether, there te
no soldier tho record ot whose heroic
death re mere publicly and more frequent
ly etubltzooeu.
Sixteen years before the faltofMont-
ry, upon tho plains of Abraham
m very verge of the city, England
jee stood face to foot, aud Wolfs
iu*lm grappled tor the mastery,
am theft** •
upon the field in the supreme
f victory! end Ms body was car
gland; while Mootgalm, mortal*
was borne to the Ursntiue
• of the city, where
** the battle.
the wall,
t in the
i hpeiu,
bry ooe
will*remember the picture, in the bmorin
stuuit d at echool^xf the Jeath of Wolfr.
Beeido the dyieg eotdier, stretched upon
the field, ooe of the group cries ont,
**Tlu*y fly t” ’•VNhJliy r” arks be. ^The
ia the niuaus. “Then t die
enemy.” ii the rrepause. ‘•Ihen 1 dw»
happy r he ezdatma. Upon the spot
where oetnrred the tragic scene ii m«-
trakd hi the school history stand*
a monument some thirty feet high, wmch
marks the p!aqe of h * de «ch. It was erect
ed by oflloeia ia the ilriti-h army, and upon
it mentioD fa made that the present monu
ment was made to reptaoe a former maxtt
ment whlea luul been defaced by curiosity
hunters, and which is now boned beneath
the ire -cut monument. Is there in cxivt-
enee, or has there ever been tlsewhere,
monument that © an imrao rates another
mounmtut buried beneath it ?
The death of both these commanders in
the s me battle gaveopportoaity, boi
for that which ie rneouiereepecta the
remarkable mounment in the world.
•mall park in the city ta a monn
erected by George the 1 hird to ooten
rate the Uvea and deeds of both there
henx*. Upon ooe aide of the abaft
corded tire valor, the virtues ai
glorioxe death of Wulfe. i >n another *uue
of the came (bait those of Moutoalm
u* .goanimooety eet forth in equal
Two — ‘
in the name btUia, and the
victorious army erected
ire. U to perrttnale the me
of each. Can the preeent
landing general*
C-u Hi
another ►imilar
Wbtn i roperiy nmedH
bee t« oot, -I Acred to be one of the impn
nahl*. form -- hs of the world, and with
hngh granite wali,MtUrieoay protected
: ila featares of in-
660— 803
From the I
I'OhK. September 6.-
tntddllna'uplanas 12 1
IS*. Consolidated net
LTIMORE, September C.-Cotton quiet;
aet receipts 70; grow 76. suite hone; stock
from the best to the cheapest.
Grand Op,. u |„ K a„,i Removal ol the Old
Come to headquarters for your carpets. See the largest and finest assortment,
and buy at bottom prices.
Will h«va Momotldntr for your consideration on tUo dry {-oodn question In
a few days.
J. W. RICE & OO.,
In th<» Apex of Tvimiguln v Block.
i \xxl.tri.! pac'UiirrWB-
96 in nwlldv*. 1 tin found notblse to d»* .— OTI
- " i*f Norm:* rranUaHoa. l wtU D mm. Drspopsin ood b
p-Dkto.lnr»T fc**4a.rawl(*.mawaadarinlnm ton
iWtil ,
h- %it ■.
rt- »*ieUw be** rieldsd to tills pal sad lanuefsiWIs rwn(K
f«tv, £**+• *rnt bo/. F*e«I
Tivi»r.» am! I» nitosw,
>JonooCounty 8herIfTo8ale
1 VJt before the court house aoor in the town of
Clinton, Jones county, (icorsla, between the
I lexiil hours of sale, on the first Tuo*Uy InOc-
toiH-r next, one bey hone, one bsy bone mule
and ono Studebaker wsro.,. Levied on as the
property of R. T. Chrlstan to satisfy a n fa
1 UmiM from Jon-s Superior Court In favor of
Hamiiel M. IIo*lKe vs. George W. Watts, print:!
pal. B-T. Chrlstan and James F. Barron, se
curities. to satisfy said fl. fa Property pointed
out by plaintiff's attorney. September * *'— A
sep&wtd« H. j. l lllLI.U'H, g
.. . — r - i /• ’’wiiis, oviwnn
hour* of T*le, on the first Tuu»day In
next, ms the property of the estate of
Kennelly, late of said county deceased, ■
part of lot No. •, In square 4, of the city <
eon, lying next to brick store house
^ u j j ■ u i _ . O'Connell and on the wwt side thereof,
" * d.t .n order ol th. court »( ordlurr at.
county of Bibb, for distribution among the
Administrator’s Sal
^^ILL be sold before the court house
Bibb county, Georgia, between
tuiiHiuuwwn IIIUIU'JUUU 1U me I I(.r/■*..,
service. It was an unfortunate 1 1 UiARLwSjS^tembeTT’-CoucmSeadT-
I ralddllngll‘2; low' middling 11*£; good ordinary
cnown aa the ••Bill Dallas Knit I*root Wheat, 1
o unhesitatingly pronounce it the surext cropper
/et originated; having lost only one crop tn ten
years, and that from the fly or soma insect, not
rust. It appears to be a hybrid—a smooth-headed
wheat with a’jnost invariably some bearded heads
cropping ont amongst lL The crop Just harvested shows the largest yield of any va
riety in this section, the yields so far reported being from 21| to :i0 bushels per acre.
2 Bushels sacked, $5.00. - - - - - 20 Bushels sacked $50.00.
References—Col. Peters, planter and live slock raiser, Atlanta, Qa; Hon. J. T.
Henderson, State Commissioner or Agriculture, At ; into, Ga.; General U. Toombs,
Washington, Ga. Address all orders to
Mark W. Johnson & Co.,
97 Marietta Street, Atlanta, Ga.
Jun23wlv Send for circular of clover, grare and other seed*
; 11%; good ordinary
eos; sales 500: bom
r*ize. a no A'nncc.s* wo* ruling ai a wo.a. ■ ’ ,, ;
and oor carriage was also at the same gait, I i ca t j e u.-q.
i; bolted. 11.20.
x, none: If
1 Use. tlh
d: VA b«s-
fair opportunity for a I
i other circurnstanoes
would have been impertinent, bat which
Pnvlrioa Hsrkrts by Telegraph.
LOUlftVlLLK. September 6-Fleur quiet
1. Wheat, eerier, buyer* and
•h. raturud —ith fail Icier..!. Without I H?_?ijjetS! .^X^&ZTiifVS -V
to to, bMaUf.t .to to nr, toedam.,
~ woman whom one would tarn in any I 77: Mo.snlxod Oou quiet; No. 2
•- * * - - vbfdfis quist and lit fair demat *
u l'i;*
^ulet andjn fair demand; bulk’mieau
I weak. Mem pork decl'ned He. Other aril*
I dee nominally uncliauged. Boron In fair do-
| usnd and market firm and unchanged.
.September' « —There was nc
number of Coamcite today,
heirs and creditors of the relate of Mid Joseph
Kenneliy, deceased A. U. BOSS,
ssu6—la-*- i
Adm'r de bonis non.
8horlff Sales,
be sold tiefore tho court houM door, In the
town of Knoxville. Go., within the legal hour.
ofsnlo.on the first Tue*day In OctoW next,
the following described property, towth
_ One hundred scree of land, No. 241, north **
Sweetwater rrwk, and 75 ecrce of ja-rfiot.
■outh of aald Sweetwater creek. In second
district of sold Crawford cou-*r. bring
land Uenleil to Thomaa**-'“ on by Washing
ton Bee ham. -.f^*** 1 0 ," . u the
property of Thorny Dick von. to
■atix/y a • »* Issued from the Superior
Coor* -rlald county. In favor of Greene Thur
•«n va. Thomas Dickaon. Property pointed ont
notified Uira * ttorney ' Tcuant »“ possession
A1m>, at the >*03 time and place, lot of land
No I '-’, In the first district of Lnwlotd county.
Levied on ae the property of E. F. Dorough to
satisfy a tax fl fa. va. tho Mid K F. fionxigh.
Levy made by John \V. Hammock, constable,
time and place, one two-
I ioi*e wagon. Levied on the property of Wiley
crowd to look atovenif aha wer#unknown,
Jodgins by her appearance on h ireebaok,
I should say she was above medium heigh;
and of good figure. Her look is haughty
and Indicates that she doe* not loee con-1 oMhe VlSmbw
scioosnetsof the fact that she U the daogh-1 consequcntle no market report.
Ur of aqoeen. I MT. LOLIS. September • -Flour easier and
In a former letter I allnd*d to the poly- I fc- lower. Wheat opened higher but closed
wlott nroceedincs in the Canadian courts. I brerer aud slow; No. 2 rc*l fall sold down
tto). p F^h «d EnSuh «rTb3S Id MontrMl 1 ”™ ? • 1
ojurtfc On. of th in, n neordn'. ojort I ui., ft mt-u,
vu entirtly unique L.w,.n — —* *-
con.ld,rabl. ntunton, w.r. pn— — ...
.tthonqli (.« ol th. accnt.iT »v*'I-1
■ of th. .Id of 852?tad
— ensea were of th* same kind uswally I Bulk meats doll and anchamml: rib *t
seen in such ooorU in all oltise. They I Bscon higher shoublcre eli.r* * -
gooerally arise out of personal quar-1 rib • 15.u0al& 25; short clear
rein, and in eash thero is a pro—-1 Urd jgmat ^HfO.,
color and a prisoner. Whenever the I an L ‘i!inti| 0 ’ wttliS^iid 5SKtol!l2
p.rttM wm Franch all U» procMdin« I KtdSJd 1 ., * «|7.
«« tolh.t IMW.1PS Mdutontto,*.™ I Ifcr,tt»ben OctitWn Nn. 2 n-t -tnli'r’t/t 1 ..
tiulUlitpMkiD, 0.1, Ul.t tonzn. wm I wficuh .ud AptniliA; No. , ttil.Mo.prtn,
aud. Tin pro-ten tor 1. pinned to on. ton I wj auh: UiMator KK octotor.
Mid th. MTOUd to .ttoth.r, ud ,ft.r each I n*u opnud -ron, .ml hultrr. but ctou.1 at
totnv pnrt&ctckl, n.n.Tnto. ,«u. JflSSt
let quarrel of tha moat vahecnent style, I i\ m cosh: 12140 September. V>
which the Judge patiently listen* to until I October. Lard firm and In demand but lower
he ha* satisfied himself as to the merits of I *t lil.w cash; •U.t2'. October. Bulk meats
the controversy. Frequently he makes I "SS2unchmiged. Whisky steady and
aide her remarks to the lawyers ia the lan- I “ochangsd.
guage other than that of the parti— before I
him. In one ca— English-speaking oar-1 ifaval Iter-
tie* were concerned. l wo women bad bad I kU _ . . . _
I Steady at 40H Pl Kortn. firm M B*> tor
•JOHN M. PEVEY, Proprietor, Lowell, Mass.
137'R.rmnn: J.y.nANSON, Agi ntDIbb Manur.cturlng
Co T.&J£ on '
Indf/ I SAVANNAH, BeptemberS -Rosin quiet a
I um hsnge-1; Mies iw barrels. Bpirita torp
the bar and I Utto am *t 41 for regqtar; 40 lor olli.
nods a*id : I NKW YuUK. Bcptmtar S.-Rorin quirt 1
»rs Ivu^htd audibly th
the judieial opinion,
in 1 Deed undvr einoere oblige-1
American eon—1 at Quebec by I
hie kindnvsato me.. I am sore that aQ
visiting* Americans will find him prompt to I
render all oowrteai— in hie power. —
NKW YORK. September 6 -Wool firm and
sd; domestic fleece 32at7; Thus
i it.
‘ It —ved my wife from the grave or an I
asylum,” writ— a gentleman wboea wife I
had been a fearful cofferer from neuralgia. I
“ bad used Compound Oxygen for a |
weeks. All information about
agent of cure will be aewl free by I
Drs. Btarxki A Palcx, IKK) Girard |
street, Philadelphia.
LVIAL aval.7A
No. 10 Mulberry street, Macon. Gee I
2 f tlra hnert—* vm.tndp.rn. au«26lf |
aptS-2avly. Office—114 Bcoond st.
J. P.iff.B. HOLMES,
00——Opposite Lanier Iloaae.
^ lv2 Mulberry street, Macon, Ga.
Markets ay Te.’egrfPk.
corgis»p«eeat bonds, d—UMuMS mm
7 per rent, bonds, Coe is—. 1:
O otnd R. IL totat iawL 7 —f a
Georgia railroad 6 per cent. *—
T B K. erf Ala., 1st 1
1 ft. B. Of Ala.. U1
Mobile and V
Absolutely Pure,
TUa powder never vart—. A marvel of
R-of Ala. Mcu«^s*vlI2
•Hrard railr-iad. ,m^rt.) 112
npHf aad kwfania 1st mart-
cannot h. »U to wpOIttia with
BUltitoJ. Of low Uat, *hort w.itrht, IhB
or photpanto powdoni. Sold only in
Hoi.l n.iEia I'owrs- Oo-106 v\ all
N iO Vovk
__ tho power of modern
acre »id r. add j coorede the eor-
uf the Ntiuuls. At aay ret?.
Lh L,ri.js-’ M ,
^HeWccat. bonds—100
,bv be
be • tensed for
th.i tt» U.I m.v to nS It
..... . —1» t.r ih* citadsl on
; ju, mauds all
alee, bat ca-
Cobb Ac Oo.
prepared to tnsnre all etaceee a
a—rrfoe of oata, wheat ot
Kin aad dad— to fmM for
lofty pircu
NKW YuftK—Eyeama—-Kacaange HM*. I fetors pric*e,caa get advanc— on boom
L't£e*SmmSlle I Nl—gi aad Oom—lseir|
its /r Laoey . arete bunas seacrauyj ^g^fftwla No. Cff Poplar sir
i tlm Bupcrlur (>»nrt of Mid county In fa-
of Flanders Bros, vs the said Wiley T.
September 4th, 1882.
Waxelbanm &Eo. and blngfetoD, Hunt & Ca.
Wo will — heretofore lead In low prices and first class goods. Wo have bought
largely, before thejadvance, r.
Domestics, Jeans Casa!mores, Bootsand Shoes, Cloth-
. »>tflfcirfng. Hats, Caps
*nd everything kiy ji-y goods store, and wo aro going to our
reputation r„r Vail. Bond Tor r.niplc and prlco,.
-V- OQ. —
Stone Vases, Carriage Blocks,Flower Pots, Etc
From the cl*ap*st to the moat costly made.
Write for designs and prices.
Macon, Georgia,
Office and Warehouse, corner Second nndPoplar Sts.
Cy 3/rtlre adeanees on Cotton in Store at lowest Bank Jtates.^Q
sep 3-eod*w3rn
Bibb County Sheriffs Sales.
ILL bo sold before tha court bourn door In
the city of Macon, during ths legal hoars
Je, on the llrrt Tuesday In Octobtr next,
the following property, to wit:
Tire one uuillvl<l*«t one fifth lnte«Mi *# w »
wool folk tn part of lot »o. I la square is, for
merly known as Grier A KUsterwm's livery sta
ble, lylu* on the rorucr of Third and Mulberry
street* lu Macon. Bibb rountr. Us. This Mine
pro|*ny levied on Oi tober 4th, 1 MO; levy sus-
pemled by claim of Tbos J Wool folk, executor,
until April term, 1mJ. Levied on os the prop
erty of Tbm J Woolfolk to Mtisfy a fl ta Issued
from Bibb Superior fourt In favor of Daniel F
Gnnn.cuurdlan. vsTbos J Wimlfolk, Jsme* if
Woolfolk and Jobn W WoolfoUt. security.
Also at tbo Mm* time and place, that tract nr
parcel of laud known aa fractional lot No 3»,
situate in Moron reserve In Godfrey district, in
said county of Bibb, lying on the west side of
theUcmuUree river and bounded — follows:
oo the north by lot ho 87, on the east by lot
No S9, on the sooth by lot No W, and on th#
wool by the lands owned by the estate of the
Also, si the same time and place, thirty two
(to acres of badi with_ Improvements thereon,
situated in the VlnevUle district on the north
side of the Forsyth road, bounded — follows;
north ly lands of the eaaal company. Levied
svor of the chemical company of Can too vs.
JB Callaway. Property printed oat by ptala-
Also, st the same time and place, two aeres
pf land more or lem lying and brine oo the east
line of fractional tot No. 26, in raid county of
Bibb, th* mom lying on the north old* of ih*
rood leading from the city of Macoo to Kuos
villa, ooe acre froatin* oo Mid rood, running
beck two acres deep, and containing u»e dwell
ing in which John PraU lately resided, levied
on#* the property of J D Wadsworth, Mexecu
tor of John Pratt deceased, to Mtisfy a fi fa is
retnrucu to me by WUUa.a A
Bibb county.
O. H. Tt uddiuir.
tfi PonlnrKIreet,
Macon, v linear a.
Also, at the same time a;-d place, lot No. 9.
..poo a map of the Manmrity property of the
Steam Boilers. Grist Mills, Saw Mills,
gWawaaasf tree.*i&\
sausii& A . urs- rn
2M feet to Adams strwt, A leo,that part or parcel
of land kaowa according to map of A A Free
.KiffltSTSKOTSM' £U2
aad llaxtl streets, fronting lot tori, six Inches
oo Adams stmt, running 254 toot front corner
Adams street. Beth ri sald described lots be
ing tn lire soeth west cometuo nod all of sold
tou being tn the city ri Macoo, meaty of Bibb
asssi?iSiffi isissatr
Court Ie favor J W LwkcttCtntstee vsCubCtdge,
Uastohom A Cto, pointodoot la said
Alao, at tha aaaM tims aad place, ooa sere of
aad to Godfrey district, situated ootheCb-
tomb—road and known-lot No at. aad aloe
Schofield's Premium Presses for Packing Cotta.
Bj Il.nJ, nacM, W.t«r or Suua l'ow.r.
Premium Sorgho Mills and Tvcttlca
For circulars and prices addreaa or rail on
, rasa lot No at. aad a
utowu ss Use Hawkins Jttanr, bounded s(
tows On
dm sooth ends
otirevs. and oo
otirees. and oo the east by toads of
Levied oo — the pfopsety t *
satisfy all to Issued from B
favor of htulJooesvs UB
poleted out by plaintiff's attorney. Levy made
and returned to me by WlUUm A hw, bailiff
Bjbb County Court.
O S WE8TCOTT, Sheriff,
fieptember 4, lM2-wtd
of C U Caltoway to
TbbOooaty Court la
Cal away. Property
University cf Georgia,
J’.ff. Rett, B. •., LL.B., Chaneellar
THE eighty-second ■esston of the departments
atAthons. Ga, via: Fmaklla College, Mate
callage el Agriraltare and Marbaatc Arts and
Law e« henl wit) open Wedareday, *th October
«.e*t Full ceunes ef lnstroettoa ut Litersture.
m. Engineering, Agitcalisre and Law
;eo la ffree in .Franklin and MateCri
— For catalogues and information, ad
Ureas the (Titncrlltr, si Athens. Georgia.
Southern Female College
W ITH Pali fscnliy, Css bnildiags anu a
eompleU eotfii for Literary. Art ami
Marie DepartmtnU,epe— September 20th.
Advairtagee oasorpaased. laft attalec—
ttom—rs 145 pupils asd 111 ia marie. An-
nnal expesa— for beard aa J tuition, $2ti7
the same with mosic, K267. Far caUlega*
addre- L F. COX, “ “
•T. H. SCHOFIELD & SONS, Mncoii, On.
yltt eodAw^a
Chattanooga Saw
Warranted Unsurpaanod 1
$.I 0Q0
Crocort?s, Plantation
. Supplies, D^"f»lng,
Ties, Etc., Etc
I •"! BO- -Bgltog Z 1
Lurr-nus or Improved
nth,til I. th. tr.-t co
nnd «
sequent y it is roor
and will rpn longer
repairs thnn sirs
machinery:lint it eo
Hrvao, Lioaj Drai
risxc rr.x in greater tie;
»r gin. It will pa) j
before baying.
n , . .'v.i; r-.»'-r.>- lt. •« ceritoe J
teat Improvemeut oi'tliu Ay;
P. O. Sawyer’s Ootton Gin.
fw Vattan Gin* far Hate, of lledlteeil i’rlcee,
Pa — 72 —•“ —
elal Paper. 1 hare Hi*, iOa, 90s, arul tiro 79 *
tented JseelOtfc, 1873, Itoueed Deere, fth, 1174.
er gin made.
Ccndccrer* fnra’abed, if wan'ed. Tlii* gin will gin U -ter than any oth-
Fo*;r bnadn d and fifty pounds of Uot have to o gfamed on <rr« of these
gins ia 37 minutes, and cot on ginned on them will bring from cire nri-th to tliree-
»Uhtbs cents per poand more than the same evttoo would bring if gtm * «1 on any olLer
gin. The— gica take out all rand, nape, dost or trash. I will put my f«»t roll boi or
tnemriton cleaning arrangement to nny gin for ten dollar* each. UKl'AIRlVl A SPE
CIALTY. Send in yoor gina and ha»" them repaired at t nre. Pro i a> the f reukt.
P. C.HAWVi :i{, 31im?oii, tou.
Dfi. B. a Worris Kan in Bnanr Txxat-
■asr: a spectfie tor Hyetoeto,.pifriemi. Coa-
friat Infiici Ion GtuirautcctL
We make"» spsrialty oC rspefrfog >11 khA
of Haws. Wr.te for i rirea.
SSar a boo, ersU bases tor five doltom; scat
hy mall prepaid am sseriptef peter. We guar
W. McKAY, Principal.
AVint-CLu* liutitnU for Frutleal
Btutneu In,traction, Book
keeping, Etc;
Eadintd l; th Lcsdiix Basttei Mil
a lAf* TLA KG
Students Can Enter at any Time. 'It^OOVEPYn
•arctreohusssnl free. . ^ ^ « * *
e»H fdriv l M T MANS-; OJ_ RESTORED
II 7 Splendid lia;» . . ImIMi
1 !vi‘' i-'C-• A-r
* lVV|fcudl,UUi< tart,art I . ‘I • - * Bafucasvfc^
t hati— eu. N. K. -