Georgia weekly telegraph, journal & messenger. (Macon, Ga.) 1880-188?, September 08, 1882, Image 5
f isaircjfa itl^hln ante Smmtsd & ®^2xenrgj&c* jne HTBPiiKX/ra h pi: ecu. in Augoata, no power of that convention, or any other, oould ever drive me ont of thA IWmoernfln I J I told The toliowinz lilwrnl .ilrr.ct from Mr. | r.V3 .WjfASijM - Stephen*', recent nt apgooh In Atlanta told tbemvUU the tUrtunahrin?™. embrace# all be aaid of oontomporary in- I from the moanta>ns to tiie sea, and the tmu tereet. Thoee of hi, remarki which we 2S th ? «“? “ et *“ >h° ™t. "nil h.v.> oiriUi tl w.Trt tit-vrt'eni * h ‘* a 41,0 in tarnal fires of earth burn, ao in I long Ioould never be driven from thoee “ Altai principle* la l lands, first not a nabi- tation in all this Reality. A gentleman from New Jersey, Dr. Oienworth, waawith me. I had set oat on my first oauv/»#s for Cougre## aud was going to CempbeUton to speak the neat day, ana I said to him ihat 1'wauted to take my lunch right there. He asked me “why ?" and l surveyed those magnificent forest# and said: “Because rignt here is to be the site of the jjrundaal city on the Booth Atlantic slope T" [Ap> reoeive it, and 1 did not. He MX plans*. ] 1 nad been in the vein before, and • _ roads were being Built to a point near the junction of White, hail; and 1 saw in the fntare what 1 thought would ba the great trade oenterof Georgia, and hence I made the remark. Atlauti be fore the war, before she was reduced to ashes, was amongst the tore- meet cities in Georgia. She has come. which Georgians of Uwlay can feel little great fundamental _ interest. Mr. Stephens said t which I was reared: which are now taught So rand, for that to my principles- !Sj t 1 S” lt *!?l!;r «• ?“““•*'» % rty °! Zl:nTnlrX^!ZS , T 0, ! bU ‘°' m - '“ r dl " lrlcl iff •MWMMd furlii. crar.u! wliidi if on?l.^rtaira mZ, JTi 11 V* did not convention# that ever assembled in Fhoeuix-lik* from her ashes, and from believo in organization. Now, all my life I the distriot. In the meantime the Potter amid those forests, and now is the first st7lrta. I t f mMn?L??^ n » e11 000 “ l °“ **» MMlnUons were abandoned by the party city in Georgia, ini. meSTri aKSe mS ft ull 1 0,11 , North lowing that I was Tight measure, and .lover did I bolt the nomina-1 in opitosing their uassaus. ” hi * 2^ •.i:, t ,L -nn3 1 have beau as- I Dr. Fatten in 187d. He had declared him- ?S?nnt l a7ii h of h f«l!!* ,1 a ,r * ti0 *«lf to be an independent Democrat He did ImffJi£anJIXf/tk* 0 Efi™* S y ee aotad th ® I>«moc«cy in the HUte, nil h nomln ? of ®y •“fpt locally in hisown district He acted - a, *. d r!' , » I S»»» Democra.i. part, in th. UoiWd Democrat, openly ud .TOwedly ra^ ttW.r Ttat w« V* w . d ri ,artn . r ?" M»d When I wrote the Dr. Felton's position thst letter. What is Dr. “-“■“W M, 0«.U,1 Ihcnghter ud Felton. t^iTSo 1^ X& l'n. , J’.r , dr.lUS‘^ n ,U ' r rl“,: city iu Georgia. In less tlnn twenty years, if peace continues, mark my prediction, Atlanta will ba the first city sooth of tit Louis 1 [Applause. I Thera is my record; trace iti In the Leg islature 1 was at the bead of the committee >n education. All my energies were di rected to the establishment of free schools. Ijadvocated laws by which taxes should be levied on the counties to educate children who could not oduoate themselves. Every thing I oould do to encourage intellectual and moral advancement and progress was - ...—uiuu b wcucvoim i vo uesiroy uxl it *°y more than I did, but they “wanted I ion-to destroy that organization, titate w *°ted to win, I and Federal, on which L hope. of^hU ^ w I anJ ti»® continent rest. Hi# avowrd Honosty, in my judgment, is the best pol-1 pnrpore now is to destroy this 8E- t i,t rh K*?A “i! DJr , POpP’o thought then grand old party throughout the entire na- S*, hl « but il 4ioh * Then hewa# for maintaining it; now JUS; i!Sl5f£fV w »P ? u Mjf Nomocracy 1 he is for destroying it. There is avast dif- oameont ami wars all in a line with me 11 feren *o between ti>e two positions. Bat *“ 41 * Jf. *»■ with alt other 1 never shall I knowingly countenance any- USSSL^Sf t d |} ffered Jf ,th * h ® m< It »o I body whose object and purpose is to de- bappens tiut I have often differed with 1 stroy and not build up this Brand old uartv. !r en ** JA 1 ? d,ffe, » d ®>th their nomina- I Never! Bat I mast ha den tions, but I have never bolted the party. 11 l have seen It etata' have eatd, and say now, that I believe in l didate of the bosses.’ ...... . mu nominations as the best war to secure ooc-1 say to yon, my fellow-dtizeas, those of yon cert of aotionjaod when a man goes into a I who know me, very well understand that I nominating convention^and remains in it, have bossed myself pretty well all my life: augment ho is bound in honor to I arrived now at a good old age. [Laughter.! abide by ivunlese some fraud or foal play If there has been any boMtng in this btui- ts discovered. I am fer a fair nomination. I ness, it was done by the people at tho pri ll free ballot and fair ooont. I Applause. J 11 marics. Kverything was said against- me ask you as true men, a# sensible men—men I that could be, yet, when the mountains f..lrazuinUmtiath«<»mmrae.iu^ia *«. h«nl from, nhtr. th. bom.? thy.tha w.7to, bj .taring W.r. th., .round th. oonotr, ? Wh»n out of tho port,? For ioitaooe, now, I th. loviui.i aod th. mldluid. heard to thi. grand Democratic itrttggK io I from, thn. hundred ud thirtr-ll.. bom. th. oaanirf, #• * mu «? Sh a|cam.npfromtb.m with torn than fifty Democrat outs'de of the ranks and fighting I against me, and they were the hoasftn who the party? Is that the way to build upDe- nominated ms! [Applause.] That is all moorney ? Think of it. I reason with yon. 11 have to aay upon that subject. [Ap- I cams > here to night calmly and dispas-1 please. | sionately to reason with yon. Is that the I It is said that I waa not fairly nominated way to build op the party and maintain its I —that “lbs time-honored two-thirds rule” principles? Is that the way Democrats did I was violated. The “time-honored!' in the days of Jefferson? If y in have pri-1 What B0I8 cf this world’s good#, very little more, i.-w than l hint then. When I wont to i ' _ , l n>-. : ■ r . rile, * -o'finn oovo neat with mjrulf aud ftiguMl it the day be fore I took the osthof office : “1 will ueTer make a dollar in this city except my pay." i iu-rvAil my r-'Fnilitiwmt* f#UhfnUyj | !>»*• oolleeied b’foTo the poat-c(Boe ilcpartnout# $&%0C0 at one time and sent it to tiie con tractor who rent it to me, nud he rent mo back fi per rent. 1 told him I could not DOMESTIC NEWS. iw York Central road, duo h:*roatlO and continue#: “The awakening of Kng- jeMcrday, atnick an omntbua a# it | innei prove# that f.nrope i# not reduced to :ig to another trnin. Albert 1*. j t!•*» leadership of one ;>ower —Germauy. THE YELLi iahed. All the other members of Congress nsaaliy did so. lie only forwarded it to aa a lawyer I'eforo the depaCjnsntiu for another, 1 suppose t'jDD.O.O and I never vronld take a cent. All 1 ever did then, I did in mv pabUo capacity, not even attend ing the ticereme Court when tiie House was in session. I hare attended there in vaestioo, bnt never would 1 make a dollar whsn Congress wa# in session. [App!auss.J I do not tliiuv, therefore, you need antici pate or apprehend anything that I oculd possibly do that woal-i be wrong upon that subject in the nature of a job. I only men tion this bscanss it has been alluded to. Well, there were other point# that I wanted to refer to. I with to say tiome- thlng to the colored people who are pres ent. I want their attention. Yon have as much interest in the pending contest as yoar white friend#—perhaps more. You „ know tint I have been your friend. I •lone. Tbs eight thousand dollars that may be indulged by those who do not goes to the State University I scoured after I kuow *:'• in stating how I have befriended, me olosest and hardest oontsst in that I and have felt towards your race. I was house tne whole time I was there, to build I for your edueation before the war. I up our titate University. It was finally I thought it wrong; I thought it was against fixed as a permanent fond. I the interests of bath raoea to deny tho ool- 1s that any small record? At the same I ored people education. I thought they session I entered in l&fiwas John ti. Lew-1 oould fill their places better with edaca- the bnlUaut young member from It ion. The Legislature of Georgia, under Troup, who introduced the bill to establish I my entreaty and Dr. Taira age’s published the first female oollege in ths world—the I communications, came within one vote of We aleyan Female College at Macon. Some allowing education to the colored people booted at It and laughed at it, bnt he and lithe year befur# ssoeMioa. After tne advocated it with all our seal. The oollegs I war 1 divided my plantation into — *“ sstabtished, the charter granted and I five tenancies, the heads of five families. l differed with I stray and not boild up thia grand old party. now to*daj it ia amongst tbs shining light# 11 dil not sell a horse, nor a mole, nor a «w.« 1 “sver! Bat I must haiten on. and insttiations, not only of Goorgia,bat| oow.n.'ra sheep, nor a pig. I divided. I have seen it stated that I am “the can- of the whole country, lappUuael and the I all my stock with the heads of * *" “ Well, now, 1 can drat in tho worll! Is that any small I *nd gave them provisions from record? Canltraoait? Why aimply ask I crib and smoke house to— • u * * “ ‘ * “* “ ‘makssthslnsx*. year they paid m e power, the horse power, the in the days of Jefferson? If y m have pri-1 What sacrilege! Now, I will give you a veto griovanct*, that is another matter. I brief history of the two-thirds rale. It But as a patriotic man, how can yon boild I never was heard of in the days of yur fath* np the party nuleae you organize and aet I era. In the days of Jefferson, Madison, in oonoert? No more ia peaoe than in I Monroe aud Crawford it was never beard , .... I ot— f° r thirty odd years after Jefferson Bnt they ask me “how about the letter I came into power. How did it oome about? yon wrote to Dr. Felton four years ago?" 11 will tell you. I begin l>y stating thia: If I did write a I In 1832 Mr. Calhoun and Gen. Jaekaon letter oonotenanciug opposition to the will I had quarreled. A Vice-President had to of t ie majority of the party I didtarroag, I be nominated to ran on the Jackson tiok- and I du right now in retracing my stsiw. I et. They called a national convention to That is all. tint I did so each thing iaton-1 n ominats'him —the first that ever araem- tioaally. [Applause.] Felton ran tor Con-1 bled on this oontinsnt Mow, 1 am giving areas in 1874;rsn against the party nominee. I yon history, and 1 want >on to understand 1 know eothing of the nature of the con- I it. as there ts more mistake oh the subject test. 1 was sick a-bed for most of the I of this two-thirds rule then on suy other time. I did aot know Dr. Felton then. I subject, except that Hanry Clay waa the I had mver met with him that I was aware I author of the Missouri restriction. I sup- of, aud tho first thing I knew he waa op I pose half af this audience thinks he was, there running as an Indspe-dent Demo- notwithstanding be openly disavowed ti in crat. He professed to be a Democrat, but I the United States Senate in I860, and the he had some oomplatnt to make about the I xeoord proved the correctness of nomination in his district. I knew noth-1 Us disavowal. This national coo ing about it and never said aught to en-1 vention was called, and all the State# courage him. In the next Congressional I sent up 4*le>alc*, and they met election he ran again against the nomina-1 at Baltimore. The first thing waa “How tion of hi> party. He got elected by a I ah til ws vote ?" It was the Democratic Ue- larce majority—upward# of 2^00.1 think, I publican, old Jeffersonian party. They and as 1 supposed, embracing a majority I said to preserve the symmetry of the gov- of the Democratic voter# In the district. 11 ernmeot, there shall be one delegate for had eer ted with him in Congress daring I each Senator and one for each member of hie secocd term. He stood np to the Deni-1 the House. In this way the oomposite na- oerecy there as true as the needle to the I ti re of the Federal system was thought to Wa Wi«lnt# n«»l miimm *rtji« not I l>s m#inUin#xl. That ns# ell right. The only for nominations, but for legislation. I next question was “How many voles eh#U There are/ \ ^*nd# oLoancnses. Whan a I bo necessary to decide ?“ because in this caucus nw \ > ka^Amiuation#, I think I syatsm it ia a nation of Btaisa aadgui a last all men wt \wd m Wnld abide by them. I resort the election may go tit to the House. Wheu a cauea*. fleets to dictate legislation I Now, Psnnsylvanis, New York, Kenmcky I should not feel bound to do any aueh I and a few other large titate# m*y combine thing. I and nominate a President against the Now, thayqoots me assaying, *• I would I oboios of a Urge majority of the titate#, rather ba ucog and bay the moon than | aodthat would not be right. Givens snob obey the diatatee of a eanras." That was I a count as will assure a majority of the said lu a canons in the House, when thsy I titate#. They thought that right, and under held a emeus to ear/y a mvuurs cf legU-1 the two-thirds rale you could not -make a latiou. 1 thought that msaaors most mis-1 count which would not give a majority of ohievou.#. Tht c tar n w&i hoi 1 I told I tbs titate*. That was the origin of the ra[s them 1 would never stead by that oaneus I and it was adhsrad to ia Fsdsral D;mo- and cjirrr ttieir menaur* rut, aod ossd that I cratie conventions sver since, because it exprr eion, “I would rather be adog aod I relates exetueiveiy to Federal*conventions, bay the n: n than be tbs oreatars of such I But never ha* U been adopted by State con- a eunru# dirtad >a " And l say it to-night, 1 vention# at the NBrtb, except New Jersey, a* tbs rsnrt-jvaUtivs of th* ■people, sworn I and 1 was ir formed she weald abandon to do m> da*y, I will *nevar come beck I it this year, bssaoie it hu nothing to do nnd •</ tcvjt«V c>o»t»to#n«s: “I did not I with titate measures. “Time-honored’* in liko it. btf' - Moan said I most do U!" I Georgia 1 When and where ? It may have [Ah ! ur did, end never will I been resorted to in a few nominations in do it ” • | tbs titate on particular occasions, bat it Take tbs cui of the Potter resolutions, hss certainly not beta uniformly adopted Dr. F«!t.m voted with the party. When 11 sine* 1 have been on the stage. Any cm- nske 1 the Hou«# to give ms thres miiMtss vi ution can adopt whatever rule it pleases, to speak, I thought in three minutes 11 but 1 never thoeght there wna any saertd- could show them th* mhehief thst was I ness about this particular rale. It is utterly fraught in it. Dr. Fslton stood with Uirl wrong to suppose it is tlme-hooored in any uuanimoos psrty, except myss.f, disal ow. I tiutr. North or tioath. Was it aver resorted ing it.* three minutes to speak, nnier the I to ia Georgia except onus or twice ? I do gsg of the previous question. 1 th- nght I not think when General Gordon was nomi- that I • LM ake hs wa* e pretty good or. I nsied in 1868 it waa adopted, nor in 1871 gRiii/ed Democrat. That i« U># way it | and 1872 when Governor timith was nomi- looke! th«u. Now, those Potter resold-1 nated, nor in the nomination of any of oar tions were to r«»pea the question of I Senators. The only time the two-thirds Hayes's tit's. It h*J been sdjnliestsd by I ml# was adopted in Georgia since the war a high Judicial tribunal coMtiAnted by I in a nomination of governor was ia 1&0, Congress. Uongtsea bed a ngi.TTi oonati-1 which reenlted In a Umei.tabie dissension tale annh a tribunal: it bad iba right ea I in the party. But if it la right in govero- much as it Haa lh* right to sstils a Cos-1 ors* norainatiQn# why r.ot in Senators' gre vonal contested elsoUoa. Ti;*y passed I nominations ? If it is right in upon th* title. I thought it wee a bed ds-1 u is right in all. Why “ume-b owl ju. No ooe felt worse about It than I I have warred against it for year did, but I am for law and order, peace an l I Federal convention#. It will burst up any the settlement of ngbU ami title# of ell I party in the world in twelve jreere, * kinds. 1 coaddered, therefore, the I under P *—“ * my own IBM* The what it is in everything that makes the I next year they paid me moderate nut. progress and hiatory of Georgia that I have I The mole power, the horse power, the not aided and advance!. Upon the subject I M wt, th* calves, the pigs, the sows and the of education—why, this institution bereu I sheep, to every one I nave five sheep apiece, tho ooiored institution, the eight thousand I That is the way I set them up. 'That shows lollara—true I was not in the Legislature I you how I felt toward# them, and the whole or in the convention—but all the I of these (amilise remain there to this day. power that I could tree by latter and word I They know their friend*. When there are was devoted to the enterprise, urging I abort crops I see that they do not want: members to put that institution upon the I when there are good crops tboy pay out. 1 ■am# footing with th* titate University— | patronized the nrrt ooiored school ever in and that annnal endowment now of eight I that oounty—boarded the teachers. * thousand dollars ps-r year derived much of I believed, as 1 s«id in my spec— iti RUpport from me. I will not say that I to the Legislature in 18G6, we ought I controlled in this matter. By no means. I to educate them, ws ou«ht to give But I do sty that my utmost effort# were I thorn all ci7il rights. 1 advocated it early, made with the members to oarry it, aa 1 it I all the civil rights they were entitled to. 1 was carried. , have defended the liveeof more I expect Now, then, let os have mors education. 11 than any otter man in Georgia—saved mean that every facility and every means I them from execution. I could detail many that can be raised to promote it should be I OUM of Una tori, but will not. This very 1 bad live colored persons at the _ ol* in Atlanta, some at the university barely here to.allndc. I have for years I and force at the ministers' school-the advocated what is known as the Goode I seminary—five in all, educating them for bill to distribute the pro ossd# of the sale I the ministry. 1 will say no more, my ool- of the publio lands amongst th* titate* I ored frisndj. All yon who wsnt to know upon th* basis of the illiteracy of the I whether 1 am your friend or not and have country. In that way, our colored popula- J been, whether X have stood by yon in your tioa being largely mors illiterate thau the 1 troubles, go down where l am koown. Ask «llnaurv«ut»arfccrt»—tollou I'rrlglit Kates -- Hal I mail A edges te— l*r I mes. I [By Telegraph. I Bbowmvoxk, September C.—There wero forty-six new cases of yellow fever and two deaths—both Mexican#—reported daring the past twsnty-four hour*. The fever is under the complete control of the phyaidans. Th* sanitary measures ar* as perfect as they can be, and plenty of contribution* to supply the want* of the ■iek and needy are flowing in from ail part* of Texas. At Matamoras there are about one hun dred eases of feier, all told, and there were two deaths within the lari twenty- four hoars. There are three new cases In Fort Brown. The weather ii fair. 1'xxaxnoLX, Ful, September fi.—One ease of yellow feTer was reported to-day and another to-night, but they will not b* of ficially annouuced UU to-morrow. There were no deaths to-day. Young Frank Mo- C’onn«uthy has the black vomit and will not probably live through th* night, tier- •ral auspicious oases are under observation aod will be reported when the character of tbs disease ia more clearly defined. This Is the ninth day ef the fever, and only on* caae has been reported io twenty.four hours. The slow proaroM the fever is making has restored the confidence even of the timid, whe were at the beginning alarmed. Treoantionary measure# are be Ing incessantly taken to restrict the pro- of the disease. The president of the of health. Dr. llarst*, declared this afternoon that in his opinion in ten days yellow fever in Penaaeole would be merely a matter of history. Relief committees have been organized. its*, the titate* at tii* South would get a I Bishop lurner, of this city; ask Bishop much larger proportion^ than the States at I Huxley, of Augusta; ask Mr. While, of the North, under that bill, if we could have I Augusta. They have all been at my boose, passed ti, and Mr. Clements, the gallant I and 1 have entertained them with all re- cpres-ntativo from the seventh I »port according to their condition. HliM introduced a similar bill thin I Well, now, in thin contest, from Indica- ^■t was not reached, but oar efforts— I tions that 1 have seen, it doss appear that imyownand 1 think Governor Brown's I it it the intention of most of them, that I likewise, have been to get Congress to do I gM ms to have been the watchword thst has this jostles to the State# and make this dis-1 gone out—to vote solidly agaieat the nomi. tribution, and 1 hoped, should :t pees, ws | D ee of the Democratic party—to vote would get at least a million dollars a year asainst roe. Well, now, I would urge yon to boild up our free school#. That is what I to consider this thing, the sensible men of j I have don* in behalf of education. I may I you before you take that atep. 1 would I be pardoned for saying that out of my I admonish you, bsoaossyoa must know that own limited msens 1 have aided in the I if you take step simply because of thsnom- education of more than one hundred young I loalion of the Democratic party, when yon men and women. I have no objection or can have none to the I come to another thing. I am charged I candidate, yon must know that ite tenders- by some of tbs people with entering into a I C j would be to solidify the opposition. It I combination, or a party, or a sort of trad* I i« tbs law of nature ? I# it wise for you to I lor something, 1 don’t know bow they I do it? 1 do not solicit or ask any man’s I cheroots: iz* it, soma ons way aud euui* I Yotasxospt so ferae his judgment tells him I Lnuother, jost acconling to (he fancy, wiih I it is hte best interest to aot, bnt when ■ Governor Colquitt about th* Henatership. I have done ail this tor your raos, and mauP Now. all 1 have got to say to that, ie that 11 other things, why should you vote for never said a word to Governor Colqniit I my oomi-etitor ? Bsoausslsoaa Democrat? upon th* subject of the United titrtce Ben-1 way, he says that he is an older and better i ate in my life, nor he to me. It was well I Domonrst than I am. [AppUase.]. T hut know* that I declared early that I did not I be was a Democrat when I was ferociously desire theHenate and would cot be a can- I a. sailing iu Is it ao? Why shoali you Ididate for it, that I had no inteation of I c boose him instead of me ? Can be pra- I running. Use tlm# I would have beeu I duo* soch a record for your raoea# I have ? willing to goto th* Senate, but tnis time 11 Take them and compare theusi I submit it OotoriMHHii killed. Join Gibl isrohant, aged forty-1 TI huodred ftet niul I nn , of llion, and Ha# Ionder#h p of < # cl re-instance will Itoucfit 'Ii a# Franc*, which i# tr»*» nat Horrible Death from llydropl -The Vert ctlo uilk t nfUld. ■on, driver oi tho ’l.u.; end hi ilightly hart. The two other occupants of the vehicle escaped unhurt. win ao aivrsuxa ltnciied. NaenviLLa, September C.—Mr#. Sarah Young, a respectable womtn forty-six years old, waa outraged near Union City on Baloraay by a negro named Winston Wad*. Last night tee negro wan taken fram the oourt honse at 11 o’clock, by a mob of one hundred, and hanged to the limb of tree. THI HOT XL FXBTT. Ciiicaoo, (teptembsr 6.—The MarqnU of Lorn* and the Prinoesa Louiee and party arrived h*r* to-day and want quietly to their hoteh No display or ceremony at* tended their visit. They go to S»#u vr#n- dsoo to-morrow. Bosrair, September 6.—Late return* from Vermont show the election of Po land in the second district to be somewhat doubtfeL There are siahtj-ono towns te bo beard from iu sa<d district, thirteen of wbieh are ia Oileaaa eouaty. the borne of Grant. UdIsm Poland develop# unexpect ed Rtrength In th* back towns, his election will be doaUfel. The retains from Ki3 towns give lUrstow, Rspablican, 18,90fi; Eaton, Democrat, fl.UM ; Martin and scat tering 776—Bentow’s majority over all 11,* 178. flix Dsmocratio town representatives are reported elected and ninety-seven Re publicans. Tbs Legislature trill show a decreased Republican majority. SOUTH CABO LIUS OBCXXOAC Columbia, September 7.—The Green* baek-Lebor-Rsform partyccnvcatlon made the following nominations: Secretary af state, Thomas B. Askln«, of Sumter; comptrollergensral, Bimcn Carley, of Lsxingtoasatterssy-gsaeral. C. B. Farmer, ef ColTston: trea*urer, W. H. Btanton, of Ocoaee: adjutant and lnspestor gsneral, J. F. Johns, of Darlington; sapsriate*ds«t of education. Rev. J. D. Durham, ef Aiken. J. B. Cawfbsll, of Charlr#ion, was nomi nated Tor Congress from the first district; T. H. Russell, of Anderson, from the ‘ D. U. Elkin, of Fsirfisid, from the foorth; T. 8. Mackey, fram the fifth; I>r. Bowen, of Marion, from the sixth. Th* conven tion adjourn#J, alter a collection had been taken np to defray expense*. Ftehtmrae, aeoatsmseioas, member wee forcibly ex pelled. A UOXBIULE PXATn. New Yobx,»er A—Rtferringto the death yesterday of Hon. Oeorge A. aesvss, Bpesksr of the Texas House of Representative*, a Dallas special to the 8u* says: “He waa' bitten by e mad dog several weeks ago. At the Unt hs tried to apply e plaster to th* wound, but It would not adhere. He did not suffer an aotaal attack or hydrophobia until a fswdsya ago, wnen.flndin* be wa# going mad, hs in structed his trisads to tash him to hte beJ, afford an opportunity tn< omnipotence cm only b« Anglo-French alllauce." Heptembt a the train . The nod i by ti tulegragh pcle.wl by litfliiumg nad tell n bhattei rack. A MtrVUUOAM BOLT. Sklua, Beptembir C.—A conference the Republicans di*#atufied with the non»^ nation of (Jeo. H. Craig for Congre smsn from tht* (tbs fourth) district, whioh has beea in ssnsion bare for two days, ad- journed to-dav. A convention U called /.t September gfil to meet at Gieeniboro. Donbtleai a colored candidate will bo nominated by the bolters. There i# great dif#ati#faction among the ooiored leaden of the distriot. axmt macs. Washimotom, September General Kkerman has a#k«d that Major-General John M. Be ho field be ordered to San Frnn- cteoo to relieve Major-General Irvin McDowell of the command of the military division of the l'acifio, and that General MoDowell be ordered to his home in New ter will not be acted upon until the r of Secretary Iiaooln. roancAsra at laobawcm. WAJUtntOTOX, September 6.—J. 0 wa# to-day appointed poetms LaOrange, Ga., vice F. Balfreeigl t, Beptembee* 1 addreceing the " day, expreawed I” who had bM-aA|^/pride lixve aJopi# ■rcoarno^^mh mu#t rcsalt insubor* and^Vobedience o inoet- ^X#dIkindJ^^wonld be imy * 4or *' Kovornment * jotherr .»f pealed to r A. H. HTBPHEA “Chicken# Come Rsi kotwei'.lmei Up to 18T>2, tin# ran aligned with j?An 1 £ijiwTii;r/(4 w stator' n;» to that time. r party of G lorgia matte and kept hit | Congre## a# it# repreesutative. In t year, hi# party in, National oonventt fairly and unnnimon#Iy nomioatedG^nerail " ‘ n * !,,1 ‘l Hcott a# it# candidate for Freei-| dent. Ho a.copied tt o u jrnination “with I the resolution# nnuexed,” which wa# all he I ought to have #nid, but thia did not anitT . htrpticiiH, who had been awaiting sal opp ul form ru nl! H# formuteted n i ho liad done. «m of all creudt support of law n 1'toinber :t —A dispatch to tho pted l>ubliu Kr.ndty afternoo l. thc-* strike 1# virtually ends ■itendent, in an intmiew wi pd men, advised iboin to drt.. up sWinfinorial asking that they be re s' -I.i'fd ami iu'kiiowlrilge mat they c untied n ti reach ut din-ij one. Thi'. in. rial will l*o Hulmiittcd to t aiithonlie, thi# evening, ami there ih ti donl.t hut tho men will be rein#t ;d, with the undmwtnnding that vance# mil bo investigated.robheric# 2 oands of i hi i nddroK# to his oonstiUx. I cu Wnn Mgntd by liunself, BJr. T tud J«me# John«on, all sent to I ->y the Whig party of Georg H reason why thty woald . <* nominee of their party, thst I not in hi# letter of neceittnoo I Wniu** “'!**’ ‘'WriMnl o/t accepts the nomina- I ^ t; '• ' '• olutions am tttd. That I d with whatever J . And for D,#t cause of complaint li*tin(u:«hed getpie.v.Mi fi.ipped over •onliueut'y into what was then known as I lie Democratic party, end supported Mr- f 1‘ierce. If he wh# •• ‘hwmhbnd,” he was' :ot an “a»»i'.tant Democrat,” for he wsnt I die whole hog. ! tu when tho Democratic party of f the United Htatt# nominated Horace I Greeley a« if- candidato for l'.en.dent, this I 'li-.ting ndied J«*fl«- inited ppor ■ agai Cm or Mexico, September 6.* tnio, th* ministerial urges, pad erado, r r tide# this mornieg strongly sdv] commercial trsaty with tbs Unite The government ha# commenced of ooustraetion on the Tehuante] road. raoic the ABtmo. Bam FsAMonoo, September fi.—By whah r ThmnA* l'ons. from tha Arctic, it i* I loase learned that the steam whaler North 'Star j snstalu i I—i^Tr pOtaM waa croaked in the ice near Feint Barrow I isaimoat o^rtaiofhe inini-iry will prop on July 8. Th* crew were saved and ahel. | to the powers to uppoint an international . aet from tho time of the Barren-1 Southern nrinirs showed the \ rienduhip tor our people, who 1 •mony un i good feeling restored | ecctiuu**. who, s# an evideno id faith, c J'ortr^*# Monroe and re- j rty than say other | ng on the eubjeot, f when the opportune moment | 1, going ou hi# oond for one hun- hoiHHod dollar# 1 He wonhl not go j |tli hi4 party in the support of this mao, •inl.l apologize for (hu. Grant when t hi# bayonet# to the throa*# of the oof JiOi.irtmua! Ho has never i been in no-ord with the Democratic I party of Georgia; hn# never done one j thing to promote it# suoce##, bnt on the j contrary ha.# done ail he oould to promote ization and di^miti#faction t . . , toraationnl | oouraging opposition to iu policy, by tered at the United State* signal station at I coinmisrion to aettio the claims, the doci-1 tongue, pen nnd action. Now,when chick- Polnt Barrow until the arrival of the whal-1 #ion# tkihe commission to be final. ou# come borne to roost, wh*u men who mrm lP»wKta«.l »n<l Iui*<<Um **«w I w iuklam). I have a! wey# been trie to their party, cither DubUX, September Acting upon in- j * < Whig# or Democrat#, refn#e to #npport strurtion# from the Ainerioau government, I thi# traitor to boih orgai.i/ition#, h**cuu#e, Htt-phou J. Mesny, the Amerioan newipa-1 forsooth, it suit# the purpose of a few tntti Hiw YoUi Itaptambyr6,-Th. Wlowln* | E£ I!■“.‘Si™ taut Re- m Hi — . matters tion with ti- nthera line#, to t#ko effect on I i’n^ceU# the resident magi*-tr#te at Ennis, nttlo what a subsidized the lfith instant (with lha privUac* to oar-1 that he surrendsrs hi# recognizance* to be I which lias castaaide principle aod d< rtorcJ oomp:e*rng). originating at the |C 00 * 1 behavior and to keep, the peace en-1 ed to low p<>ntnn«li' rates on unMmprraVcUTOttonlMTsbeeu reeted at Enni#, has taken a mo-t decisive of Democracy in Gc r^n. the, « MtabU.h.d br IMMot .ikoUt. ooramlt- coa*,. tor th.parpoM°<ta.tmz lh. U.-j'. I riindrd W■Vw.h-i.d." >«J ta.of th.»D,r*lfnb(btM..t.t.ranaw.I«J •»,!>» "U* 1 - “• b», bo«M tit. Mbtta.u” W.ll, m b, .t It riomt^iam^^toNaw York, he"rate# I toredinto on August 1L Inhia coamuni-1 cannot change a hair of our he#*!# te White named beinz her hundred pounds, ail radix I eation to Mr. Puroel*. Mr. M«ir. j says: or black. There are ninny trueDemr I Memphis, Tena., 73 eenU; tit. Looi# and I "I no longer consider myself bound by I in Georgia who caenot be dragfronec _ Hannibal, Mo., 04 cwnt#; East SL Louie I the condltoon* and obligation* cf thefeeoa*| hi* support by any such alanz. Whyd.n’t I and Kart Hannibal. llL.6i)eenta; Cairo. 6JI nixsnes*. I cannot, a# an Amsrieaa citi. | they quit “*heliing tin* woodV’ «ml rum# 1 cents; Evansville, fndl. 00 moU; Louisville, I MR« carry the stigma of a British bonds-1 down to a siinnro light !>y taking np hte 1 Ky.,C*oeota Jeffersonville, tod., fi8 orate; I »***# -«» d , " M * , ^ d *»d nncouvieted of I record and showing that he i# worthy of New Albany. Ind., W cents. Cincinnati, O., oflenase oootiuu* the oonfamioa of law- ear support? Himply J rJIcwiit#. [Note.—Th# rate# from Mem- I essusss that the continuance of the booda I hear etas# »c phUvis thelirer to !>e three cent# less than I wudJ involve. 1 tho* place myself io the I noid become -•—compressedoottoumch-1 P«iti«s l occupied at th# police l»arracks j Amtricaa people a true patri ,t ami a i*er- bg point# via river, under I ,Q Ennis prior to tho exeentten of iny I scented man. then wilt Mr. Stephen# be khToag^biltsof lading on steamers of I recognizances, bat I shall, for thirty-six I considered, like him, true t<» hi# pnriy nnd | lint* workipg nndsr agreed through rate»|Nonri, ^ho! J myself on paro s fur your | worthy of its sopport. [ , , Mcany’s raretir# haro likvwi#e notified 11U1WICU HM ... Ea#t tit l*nreell ihat at the instance of Msany they I .lain, III., 41 cent.; Cairo, 111., 41 cfnU; *»'«»# *“ ho ’ d 4l.ew.lTf. oblb|.t«! by Ktm.tUI^ InJ., 41 c-uU; Lo.i.Tilta, Ky., th. borJ,. ud mta toi t* M-olvfd froin II mu; J.- RTfonrillf. IoJ.,4t w:U; N, . «*■ roepowlbtlit, ra hi. reitjrJ All.u.y, Ind, 41 cent.; C.uciu.nti, ,, ...In- ,i norni.H Natter Dlspnte Over A Trivial »«rfully Uettle#!. ’rom our correspondent at Duboi*, nine within thirty-six hour a to rnrrcndcr him I niiles from Eastman, eo tun tax .ye ns. did not want it. If I rero#P**d j n Gongres# I u, your judgment. Onto/ his own mouth fOj* reports the cyetea* referred to yes- f .. clw , a .i T# ooaimittel/ I preferred to rem>ia whsr# I Awe. i wa# I ho dsols'mi roundly end repeatedly that be terdsy^aa now sooth of Cuba, moving in it | clu * mu "*** like th* eehooUbov who eomplaincd to bis[|| U older and better Democrat than 1 father when he naked him how be waa get I am. U bet la your complaint against me ? ting along; be eeid be hadn't got the hscg I U it simply to oooocntrate and go against of th* school-boose jrr* r *—‘ ^ *“ Well, I have got the baww t _ __ ^ _ b>m't tho ud do not mot to I tanduuy.'btntmTpoin'toFtrad raltuunt it loyt. vecl l.i,, aay of th.R). fii. "fft-ny, bi, an l ti< ftntliina I... | " .. cam. horribh-, ..U all (tiy ,f«trrJa>, la*t TT r t ,, '-l' .a- IUT1K Tnrin-riCKrr nlfMud.ototb.Umo of hi. dutb to-1 ituirt,ttaptambw6.—^Tb. Rtata ou-1,a..<-.h4~-.».-—^1 doobta nrardrr at Andfr,.,..mill., on. day. hi* -uff.riny, ud.fru*, nr. io- tnloouiinltUMortMtwovl|<g.oftUB» Muum*Vhi’^luf uo"th'.I mi:- fromDoboi,,ODTU-Uy dft-fibat.:., ud ho .ipindul a'olook tmbllou p»rty ml bu. to-diy ud h»r- Mr.< (Viorm 7c. i-i.tln ol tb. 1 Adolphul-ittaudAloo* F.tra.j.colond, thitoftarn ton. B. b-a Gmb for JMT. om mulud, MtariU_thnt«l.tIekM to th. I i nct J , drlrn. for AnJ.r.on'- -.t mil;., that of th. mo't orotm.fht mta in T.tu ud I follovlof: C. V. Foroythw. for Oonimm-11 Y*. uoblk ,“' Urt , ta ,„ m . oltht wet. onotioj lapni, aud qo.r- wm » for te-lMtton to repr*. mUtat.Uni.1 8. D. U*rn.ll, for .ttotuy-1 1 “ " j-, rd~! oafr whtob ahouhl triuc water, •ent <fcok .ml Onytoo oouuUea In the tv. A. Ftadgu, for Moratory of , _ . , .. rue d... . run into tlpd wor.l., and LogUtator.." .tata! Floyd 8. N.UOO. for oomptroilor. d ^i Coolly IMt. .truck Honey, who hegoa to croton Pi Ttnooor. uurel; w.r. ll-row, fotobdoltMeom. P* 1 * ,,u ™ hoodr.d rtrTB ,, llu , nthUrrtB ., ,,„ lh . Wa. mao TOO. (taptember 6.—Tb. eiglul A.E.lltok wia load, oluirmu of tb. “d “MW*“Jcar.not po.*ibly Aa a roo a. th. omo.r.^^ 1 ^.otral^ur.ud^.A.PUdg.r SJLSP& % | IP the provtncwor Alnntla tlierit we.s tnieu I . Thrvran nfurlnu nt.dfitid- hundred and aixty-eight deaths. I S : f a»*donu- hy “ume-benored ?“ it for yeara. even ia It will burnt up any a ooirecx u ax uie pons# oua tnero never wouia nave been any secesrioe, he peaceful iostruaentiltiira of I and th* good old ship of etata would have ituuou. Tho#* were the Potter I sailed on nnder th* gnklaae* of the cailaot as. Therefore #gainst <bes* res-1 and noble Douglas, for I will maintain hie a referred t Hayes wa* sworn in end this I leading public men who are the choice of was ab f .it or upward# of a year I the people will be beaten, and the tlsd-out afterwards whsn these rseolntlore were third-rate horras wtU be brought in. * And offered to reopen this question. If it had I that is what crippled the Democratic party Utn don* we would u«ve hsd civil war, I in th* beginn]eg. and burst It up in ism and pen apa a wort* on* than w* had tsv-1 at Charieatoo. If the majority rule had oral tears before. For mysslf, I wax set-1 been adopted, then there never would have tailed with civil wnr end thooght if thsrl I been adtarnptionof the Dsmocrstie party, was an error anywhere ia our institutions I there never would have been this war, we should cot root U et the poll#/ aud I there never would have been any seces#ioe, through the 1 — '! m * - TB ~ J — the eoustitn reeolntlone 1 olativ»ri* I did stand oat—solitary and aloos I naoor and state#m#nship now that be ta —on the Wmoorstio side of the Hoc#*. I dead, ae I did wfieu he was living. [Ap * *■—I to H e tetter io behalf of Dr. I Dlause.1 rvdto. Hawns nnulngfcr a I If the people cf Georgia had followed my Thi# wee io 1878. He bad a I opinion as I gave it at the city hall bare tu I* majority, a# state*, at I introducing Mr. Doaglas,joo never would J'fora, sudld;d think that the I have had any war. 1 give it again with * ought to let him alont, I some assurance that it ta worth something ite him. 1 wrote a 1st-1 now. Ae I stated, the first fruit of the 1 who asked my optu-1 two-thirds rule was the ruling out of Bar- very tatter teat 11 boar end D.ek Johnson and the putting in and orgtuization. I of Martin Yen Boren. Us wse a great ^nomination* and I man in some resperis, bit I do not think .ascertain the! the people of Georgia estimated him very man who wc.« tbs f?W popular f*» I highly. Th* leading men In those day* vorite; and bar* there hid been I were ruled oot; and then in 1M6 we were two election*, aid th* district had re- all at CinetanaU. There were Fierro, the turnei him twice, and by such a large me. I Frsridsnt. Boehanan and Doxgias—sUlro- jority at lha lari election, 1 thought if 11 men of high order—and there were lbs was in that district I would advise them not I sneaks or tired-oat bones thinking they totppw* him—just tat him mo; Ihat ho I would finally come in whsn neither ofthee* wm actio j with the Do- o retie pertr. Hs I eminent men could get two-third#. Docg- acted wi h the Dsmosretio organixitiun tn I les was in my room whe a Richardson th* State of Georgia, except in his dietret; | telegraphed him: “Br^hanaa ha# got be aoted thoroughly with it iu Washington. I a majority of the oonvcnl' “ lie c >nformel to it more than I did in I asked me whet ho ought „ obeying tlw ceucu# detatee in matters of I said: Telegraph Richardson: “Mr. lsgtah.uia. Aul under those cir.nm I Buchanan hiving a majority of the con- tan > #, 1 lull. 1 that he fijcf ssd bs eg-1 ratlsa. wlfh trew my name and let the ml. i**i. . .Mr. Hilt and General I majority prevail." Ha did so, and the To imb# did the acme thine. Did they | neat morning Mr. Boehanan wse nomi- think they war* tnoouracing JUorgaataa-1 nsted. 1 told him : “Buchanan, nor yon, tion, or sueonrsgiugIndepoedents? Did 1 mr Fierro aan ever gel two-thirds; the they b«c mo ladepradeUs by fivie| rweb otirirs, the tied-out hor«*e, will gat it. W< l.'iiuuuyi u«wry,i |wuihi nuu muktnu. 11 change the pteoe. I may be for patriots who have beea doing Wbeo I oonHmted to run for governor it I oil they can for yon to elevate yoar race was with no idea in th# world hot to serve I however reluctant they may coma to tho my country, oM on I was, ascing *ntm-1 concJa»km,tho tendency will be, and there peuding cloud and danger, that 1 might be Jt «m end, a race conflict. Is that wise? I serviceable, perhaps, to my people in the I ,„bu>lt ti to yon as estuiblc men, men that latter dews, saving tt* oountry from tb* I ought to eonsidtr well what U for your degradation tiut was thrsatening it end best interest*. If that ta made by yon. tb* loss of opr liberty. [AppUnro] Bat 11 >0 ur best friends, however reluctantly, will say that so fares tbs governorship is eon-1 ; ef i eonstrataod by a taw of nature to go earned, Iwrnt you to upderriand that the I solidly with thgir race on the opposit# side, maxim of my Ilf* in all suoh matura te I A rM# will bn - boa joined, and yon and will be to “tote my own skillet." m0 *i know that yon in the cod wiU bo tba [Langhtar and applause. I » a ff*rvrs from iti I, as yoar friend, would 1 believe Governor GolqulU, Mr. Hem I urge >ou not to present this issue, mond, Mr. Blount, Governor Smith, Judge I * Now. on* or two other things and Jaeksoo, Mr. Btaek, Major Barnes, of Ao-11 will close. All the great qnea- guste, General Lawton, and ail who** I tiune are now before you. The Draiocret- 1 have heard ooonseted with it—they lie platform bee been announced. Nobody quite m able to tote theta skillets as 11 has objsotad to itsxsept to call it geosrai carry mins. 1 do not interfere in these I glittering generalities. When I hear a men matters. By-tbe-bv, 1 perhaps just as well I speak of tb* fundaromtat principles of ear mightgiv#you thehUtitry of that matter of I guvarnment being glittering generalities, totirg mv own skillet. In 18fi% whan I was 11 look upon it ason# of tb* worri signs fighting Kcow Nothing*, and whsn they I of tho Ulna*. They do not ■Ppretasts were attempting very much to ombarrass I those great troth* which I set ont by local- m* in tbestacUon. like the men did in th* I eating upon you. It indicates a state of d#j# of Chriri- when they thought tboy I thing* that the people are not in a condi- would hedge llitn id, and they pot th* I tion to maintain theta rigMs. Our ptati question to Him, “Is it lawfal to pay tvib-1 form seta oot those essential principle# at* to C#ssar r you know how he answer-1 upon which the government rests. In my ed iti So they cams to ms with the qua#-1 opinion tba ehisl object of ail platforms tioo, “bow will you vri* for go*«rnor ?■* I sltoul i be to annooaoe great truths, star. K totd them 1 should tiluttrate my ease as I nal and everiisting principles, thit lie at Judge Dodge, of WiaoouTn, had ones re-1 the foondetion of government end not to Uted ao ineutent ir his Ufa. He totd me I offend anybody. Wo sbonld proclaim Do- during the war of Ilia, be was taken a I mocracy jest ae Christianity i “Ho ter- w— 1 - one that thirstoth, ' northwesterly direction into the Gulf. Vessels leaving Galf ports will encooater f daagerooa winds within the next two or three dsvs. Ket West, Fla., September A—A cyclone passed near here yesterday, and probably over Cuba from asat to vmt. The barom eter wna depressed and thnrs was consid erable high wind. No dism ter* are koown to have occurred as yet on th* reef. Lillie News from tho War—A a Amcrl can Ncwpepsr I'orrespoadeot In Ire- land—The C holera. [ By Telegraph. | Bowtom, Septa i brr A—A cab’s dtepetoh to the Itrrolii n Faria contahie aa in terview with M. HEY ATOM AL t.’OXVEXTiO V. | log tb I fired stul killed h ‘they wslki-il about to get i »a> they I rd th* for M# aterdsy and t This mnrdsr mnkf I iulhMige county in killed A HANK VAILUEE. Demtxs, September C. -A dispatoi. from I nrrivod thcis, eoucemlng affaira Cliff, Custer oounty, ssis: Th* Duster I lie says tb* Egyptian movement ta a na- Oooulr Bank eiost< tiv doors ysrierday. tional one. and that Arab! Fash\ hs# the MSXTSSu.' 0 -Si b«L uu uwoed by ZlarUsU Bros, an* was ran in present ta between £3,900 end KJXQ, and connection with the bank of Bolide, wbieh I | M oan get more when be needs them, lie S% !-«■»«« mn. M. de Uro^e dr- Solid*. The whercahoit* of the Uartzstl fended the Egyptian* from the eharg. of awa «. ^ Bros. Miunknown. The eaus# of the sos- i mntilating the dead, and eeid tb* Koglteh I ^ tm motion, H. U tiillinghrm wiusleotei pension ta a mystery. | riWin thsmsetvrokad tabtvxJ badly. H# | churtnau and A. A. Mur; hey #ocretary. s __ _ Hto hundred miles. Tb* Indians made all the I frsoiv T» [Applause, j Invite Inde- prisouera carry the cooking and I iundcnte, invite men of ail si asses, invite exmp utens is- The second night j Kcpublioens, invite everybody that love* bo got a little tired of it, and I th* troth and tb* right. Thia ta our plat- stopped and throw down his burden and I form. And w# have thus made wide the ■aid t “Ml Indian, from this time out I iuviution, and now let na do everything every man s got to tote bis own skillet. I w* oan by argument and by erosion to [Laughter and applause.] Here ie Gov-1 build cp the party, and to bring ia from ernor Johnson ranniug—etevtr, good man. I ail qua* tore—yea, Republican quarters— Judge Andrews running—cicver,good mao. I because R*f abiicuxs, when they tee th* Her* ta Mr. Overby running npun the I netare of the government and of its proper temperane* cense; very good man, snd 11 eJmlnlstratioo, many of them will oome intend to tat them alone If they wilt let me I in to the fold if w* go on as wo shell, sloo*. Now, each of these candidates for I True statesmanship cooetata of nuking governor may tote his own skillet sud 11 friends of eneatas, and not enemies of Will tote ml#*, t think they araal uiutantly I fric d#. able to do U,'* and so 1 think of the honor-1 u. r# able men who ere now candidates lor the I the Itanate of tho United titatss. I have not I #„ ... in its behalf bnt that my dais traded nor thought of a bargain with on* I tho Uginningof Uu time I entered upon of them. That je tho answer to tnati I nr# have been devoted with all mr energies, advice? Now, that is th* extent of th* let. ter that I wrote, and that so mnch is void aboax; and. as I nrd#rstand it. Dr. F/Utm reads that titter now in a way to nuke the people believe ti ta a reoent tatter 1 have writt.n in hi* behalf, and cUima me as an Ind^pendent because cf my having writ- Weil. #ome any “what about the Oseyl letter?" I will tell you. When I gave that vote against the Hotter revolution#, every paper except two in my district raised the hue end cry that I wa* wol n Democrat. And steps war* taken to get delegH::>iU* to go to the Congressional I pomiDUini* eoavtation end rule me ont of Dr. Catey was the chairman of 11m telegram went tba next morning LH Beehanan was noaintted, and Breekan I ridge was taken up and the convention aJ| j Mimed tn e jubilee. Aod that ta the htatol nr of the the two-thirds rale, end the only the du the to the II ^Hve committee an l called | utiou of the parti . dhtml lud no uli>c-i. ivention. I told him 1 tioo# and nominations were, for pnxtitheprwper^M HMHPHHHi I tofci him ^^H not o*i j «* to tbs time or place of tbs meet ing of the cjDTmuos. J told him I be-1 listed in lb* m-jorty rule, bnt I said, a- J this it th; »Qba’-jbe* of it: “as ihromro temp- - 1- i ^ f.. t > H n. « me oot * Dem «cratl* i irty bscaase of toy vo^B the Vo'.u r r**otu:io:.#, I give you no tice t .»t .1 they do it I Attall plead to the really under the majxity rule. titate 1 have always be*n, ae two teen ego end now, in favor of the maj:r- Ur rule. In my judgmet.t, the convention did right. I was perfectly indifferent, far ae I wro individually cones rued, ae friend* knew, lu aU soeh matters 1 e form to the txpraroed will of the majority of my party; just na Jefferson said: “The vital princtpie of Democracy ta * i acqui iiwenes in tie will of tho ■ He wrote to [Applae##.] at all Bet it to eeid by many that my record, apart from the two-thirde qroetkm, ta Ml good. WhUtamy record? It ta a pretty Dog one. 1 com ns so usd it ia the Legisla ture ia WE, when the great question npftomoel wse the dcveloptasnt of Geor- gto heredeeethmniendphnimlreeoerc —and I britave \ c'aim nothing not doe myself when I claim that bat tor me this grand road wuiei. connect* o# wna ‘ Weri would never have been *“ Atl % .ta would n«ver have hadexi I When I txuk my lunch under 1 The convention pr.-cdM nt i > to I nurface privies t ■uuii',ouiuwu. I Ji'taTUSSUT 4 . TbwmMlyU.hw | Mpt-oUrJ" igta, I o. >V. 0,..ln. ..lot ... Ira*e4 Bosi.Oorirlney nnl La# to rowthree I Alexamlrt* to the On»r,-rrr report# that { mtb for iha benst.-. lit* wassec^mieJ i>> Ma::i mUetJor $SLfiO) and the woridk eh**#- I Urn EngUeh eoidieva at Moke an goffer*I Hnirf WeUmr. te. 3 SaHnSSIlS Nfid ^wtary. oautei b> “JuWrn.rua MrT2hu;«r., having nceiv. .1, I •*? ^ water tn^efovta. I ^ e ry vote cash was declared duly nomi j;!,«river, th signing of the articles, two wseks toetapro I axjuamdsia, Beptember A—Tho E--1 -- •* L - bti.wa t«h r«n. OoalM mUau wtnasUw th«lr pgritioa I oa tnotiaa, Ucra. A* D. lUmmonil, sums issioutiox. with. Rbookta o» Aljiustrta, is cto» I a. a. M.rvUr ud U. F. Tors., .... Hi, Fmisciioo, H.,limbn 8.-1. th. I 7 1 * I nd.Ud .muiiUM to sottfy Mr. On- - au.oton.of th* .lltfat OklsoH ■»»-I S’jJJltTjIfllSliif'um. I<#,, , rbinu. .ha »rri,«l on th. •luwr SiUtSSj I Th*.'*#*' w “ jsthoriwd to ups at Cit, of Rio d. J.o.iro, from Puimit. ud I . ,or th* d ‘*'V c, V V coming from ^ P rt, * cl < USSf* 0Mkl# ^*° I FoftJbhl-^H. FhilUpe,Js*. U. Camp tho few rrautiaing Europeans, and threaten I . whoksale pleader. _ " I For Piko—A. A. Mnrphsy, J. a Pope. Naw You, teptembar 6.-A special dis- ALaxaecaiA, heptombroL-To-day throe I Tto convention tl*eVedjoorn#d. after sgfi&jzjsts. in *“ awirt *° diau hava broken ont of fthsir rerorvatitma Meks. Thrw shelta were fired at them, I 17 B. L. WmuSomaw, Chiirmra. and are attacking freighters, who have ta- and oao exenrskAiet and ons of tie crow 1 ken to flight. It la also stated that there is | were wouoded. The offtosre of Urn British Field, lo tie United Staton L has decided that merehanta > _ other eooatrise than China may land with-1 ont a certificate. think of the honor-i Mr reeord in the pest of my Ufa ta be- MUdhlm.for tb.| toSyrSSllmrrhin Mbocifart^ Hutu I h.n oot I to ■», in iu boholf bat that m, d«j» from | llfo b«vo boo. (kroUd withlU B Wioru i* gmhft 1 u* U farm ^ bo-1 S‘ilh“*lir HS nuiUWmm, wH‘ Ul mi gus bonds. VI hen did 1 ever have enjthing I •mbttion. with all my aspirations, first and to do W#ofui| fow,T«0UM«iVlh.propM. kind, or aajrthiug of fraudulent bonds ? I «. j tbs itaveloriceot of tho isaowrs Thr«muSlJo.%t tho SUU of £ 1 S 0 ^Sd‘S?3io„"firSd IS 1 **'* ,or V V* moovulth la whioh I mi born, [(mu Uut I .para tho ImpcuUou I xrmlxooo.1 Umt ( hinmrdoa. ujrthioi to nooff.j oru, iuprttor I ban Dothlac to up. Bin tho bofi* fraadamaltnuwckbrnufi.lHmiMordt.ihm; ■ia.iithm [i'oiat- . I proqMritr o* Oro.cla, rot. for know nothtag I Qat [r upon the comparison it it* bat one thine the Psouls of I .Kali iK*t m, W nni t a ' titate may rely upon, that if 11 kart as acceptable ae hta, why * JS!* t m * ak 2£j 1 heb# preferred? Uitbecauro lam aDun- do anything in regard to it, or eoon- ? ti hy he says, aa I have stated, that roumhiag except that I should »se- beta an older and e better Democrat than cute the judgment of tho courts of tils I i v» this really bo true, why should ***** Mthey-ttt a..d#th* i«v would I U not go with hta party aad acquiesce in have to be executed. If they afiidned it, I iu —VTi 0 f ib« majority ? t Inflame 1 nlloonldaro.if I were governor, Iwoeldl^hteitny to tiosewbo enUtlSmrolveB lv.wto the decirioa of the courts, wsat | Dvinoerata, and who say they will vute foe gratt^to^ Thta wserstartwglothe tanglh \ everwhstnmd. [Greet apptaase.] Let cm* HBMHH y^CuHimlhm^rum=|h.« mx- ■ ■ - ■ ' • ;, wo.^»ppUaw.-| Cl. W. OHilln .Vniulimltfl t’nanlmon#- »y ou the first llatlot. Forsttu, Bsptember C.—Th# oonvention of the twenty-second Senatorial distri t i h« a ln«t I »*t in ti»# oourt hon## in this piece nt 101 from E. 0. lismby at Debt :-, by Mr. lleo- « „ . o’clock n. in. The following delegates were I r y h- Davis, rsqnwtuig h in to tell John in Egypt. : Hudgins’* wife that her brother Alrck was From Bibb-B. L. VYRUagham, J. A. I killed. Mr. Dav ‘ '* ’ MoMann*. C. E. Damoar, hnai >Nvicli#cl I lladginsis. H# bsam. A. W. Gituon. | con, Judging fro Fr jm Monroe—A. D. llsmtnond, O. A. Catteuiss, C. F. Tarner, Job E. Tsylor. From like—A. A. Mnrphey (wl.o w*s ni«o proxy for T. E. Carson), Hoary Walker, n# proxy f&r 8. I>. Irvin, and Alvis Stafiord, proxy for J. 0. McMlebael. The Itonrri of llrellh. At a meeting held lift night, piiNted the I folkrvlog ordinance, whioh is of great im- j l>* to our citizens: Section 1. its it t'.-thunsil by the t»nxrd of health of M* all nks nr.d rdsr- •tnks anil sutface privii-. sr* r-r* r he ntxiled within three moeths fr-»• p«.«s#go of this ordinance. Sew 1 It 1# further ordained, thv tfrdiuance ahail apply t«» all t i-.k* «l. fare privits on suy lot bord-ru g within cro hnnJrt J nt .1 hfty fret >.l say t #. »c: 2en.bug lot .the named I ami drecribed in section 1 of thi* ordi- | >i'. 21. I he construction of any »i -urf.Ace privy witiiiu the above mral tir^itory i# hereby prohibited in foiu A. A. Mobtmbt, becretary. provisions of ttus or.!.• n/ic» same are hereby re; e* li-h nit. HTEvneXH. Indian Territorf witbeet pmiesioa, I camp on tiandsy evening from tie top of ra pcaeeablj encamped within fitly miles j Ooent / zz.nia’s hones. I Ills Arrival this Evening and Address I Five 1't: We, tiie ( "1 by CepL I nocratie I our.F /.'zz.uix # liouT. Jay from Mr. htephsns, annoauctmg it. it. luaicy, cfuurmm of the l>**mocraUd •* ■"•*»*» ‘W* «mIo* oa I mMtir, M4 la OUatoaaalH. .i.y, ISSluw ro I tk. (r«'° »«« AIU.U. H. 'b. t^t Tro. | um-. t. uuWwo^ a^.;,,o, « li.Mii . .IW rr.cfo k. Conmi., H.ptlaiber 5,-Tt. upod. bo., . n 1,2“hin» . ciL'p n«* «• »• H™-, I of lM 'LV.“ SKS^.mb.A-i*'tihr v " 0,,ro,n ' Ud * ll >' t.■ ssssssaarr^sjsii ■ ■ ■ _ s tcl ■ •’ i-c . i i .1,. ii / ... n, v-Uaiuml I . .1. I'.l.-nnl l’.iro. I Yoar,of th. MID..,, Intoimiou u. mrt 1 I Ut Hl.pb.0. will b« to. j-i. -i wf.'lt lu I nnuiinoaa aomiuittoo I ‘ . ■ - 1. . • 1 fn-nd, (’• 1. K K. brow;: I ; \rtj of Joom OKint, t | coo—'iu.Dc. o..... urowi ox * DIUT. ( eamlBO . IMIm UdnmW Io ialoaia F I lo. ib. Ow»k rou—l.r iml it Uo*l,. U .u,iog 1—... Fulo kw bMB irraU B. 0 .«mbtr*1.—Th.trixl wi bool l.Miou . iwri^n of in. ihu -V .. for li. kiltie, of L. M. IU IW) ui.a .1 AUiudriL Itr^rr. d.|wU of UiMobuxer, Uouiol U.nMOforMcl. of th. nfual. which iirthiw eoul, court to4x,. o« Mlh. froot withU-o. Wolnu, WiU iko .oauunoau! b.lorawlxt Abuadnx, ud . kind. JhlrO Tb. r--- I **°—# law™, awa will b. WasaiMOToi, beptember a—in umbo> I formed to rsotaee these ae ttav aro s..#*! crate o? the eighth Virginia district to day 1 : u |k itML to maze's Cussxltiw 'its ■ John 0. Bwbour. Th. R. ; “a^^SfbTuJ^ u th. ball t. Mound tho I P°'‘ 1 fiel will b. mod. kuiwo lu tho.o column.. [ lu,. pro. possible, i > the effect that I i Xerelv^d, I l.kely I if. and 1 m ike the -tato ll.© OLQllldtU iti ttliOM lutereet* ere| 1 b> the ro|i*>rt of IlMneis have Bendtreoo- The Greenbacks re rrs^JSssst^zsiL MfiTJSrAASSSS ssss\ r 1 ^ \ ¥vza*:-TL ^-^sa. oK, tZHTg’. K.~looxl strict Of Ul.aoU h.,. u»i- SST t. olrool . , . _ from th. >ouU>~ ta Ik. wUoo.J, lo a»UJ1*. d. Hxjik. Th. Onjakuton a, th. Iiahk liaw. tn mat. MM I wm bmmrpImH ud rwURwL with a | urn. lox-lh,r. l» uil. ud nil,. i>o©drt ud Dmmu ftmd ia Ik. ffu Ooa. I l]taM t. tk. tn, whtnaiuo • h.t- oukluwih. otlmf d.,iaaFldhaM- SHv.V.!u’dlblSd “.hl!iiiSS.. -<• Id.«.Ki of »lmhi,uudamai- EruASS. uJuTTM phi. mimc ihu ©lib. luma. I k.n mm, I | u . rodd philux ia thi. Md, xud mm o*i*i JaUu Bnumu, U. I u, mi. nattn: ttfii. 1 ."*’*. “** ■“thHoolma I Ml. I lh. HltU o/UMnia fiaox th. dMhwMuoa Bocun xxruwicw. I Uair ©MU hiliv Mm Io lh. Bnti<h *■»”!* -L#** ikMai UM. a* aa Mil mm. lit*. Dim a in if j. MM «_ Towx. Unte k—A dkewtea < ,JUi Tk. Mkr ia Ik. M.|| ktuki fromAlUi. x.mSTuuiL. to..xploMoa 1 [kroMhiMMm t»d©. ■■Jum.mJ. . F. Uuwi. i Ii... w-i-Hu.l I'.m.l. Mu.l 11,. went of « raphy, opoa which ttlx romi iniM ■-•xa Uci*ud I _ r I,»i».©or-, ha. prompt,d Hi. un. d-r-uu«i to ,’i-B . .chool iu vtti.h »h©l UUO^ht .11 th. lircrr., OU Mf-irj lo *' * •SSfl.Sf I 5 —Th. .'ouutjr ■du© ‘■lt1irll-. -l--tlt.lip. ud'w.rt. iu '.utlou „( iloa.tou m.t hero lo-0»,, practical n*« in telegraph officew. “ J. A I #a*ut to a call of the eiecuUv. commit ti>»r< u -t» knowlfnlge of traL- 1.1-: »i. nr.d f or the noui.nauou of legulatorx. tix ll.lliria M maMfm jad prw- • u , j hnrti. irninti tt*fTTnrftv 11 "• ° fay w - M <, jrJ n General >ai k’.l wed rvguLtad te!egra{ h ot*...i•. 4tit. I facliou w evprt^eeU. anowUdgi ‘ v -~ osr tesemug arrangement and con*iruc-1 .vuiTtl^n ' OuirtLSiCH^r* " Aku.., HMUmku ■■L-Hom X .1 lUoo will W. W. CiikMP, l'ryprieior, I Turner l*-w. been umkuunoariy nominal I than EngUad, | juyfiw'lcn .rT-q Feechtree &L, Atiaote,Ga. | by juxriameUoo. R. L. oj Si,