Georgia weekly telegraph, journal & messenger. (Macon, Ga.) 1880-188?, September 08, 1882, Image 8

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    X[i}Z Q)C0cql2t lOcclUu ll dcCiCiph a no JjJttfcTOl & 3Tle;33Um0*£«
. 3 *&£~--"''
B weaving the
altfsA »
Wr 'refth theweftmrf
Till thtir Ahodowa uncertain
Keeled round on the curtain.
WMl..r the trellis w# drank In the Jui
- .ak«~t ” jugh with the midnight thoTC:»r'
*1 toiTr^aiowy^treasca outlined In tho hrlii
Crystal, moon smitten mUta, wh >ro the foun
tt'forervbunrhfull with delight;
And It* lisp on my spirit
the second degroo, and recommended im
prisonment in the penitentiary for life.
C :■ ;.irriblo indignation was aroused by
- cement of defendants' ooansel
of a motion for a new trial for some of
a stranger's eye in o
streets nnd homes
which would suggest another thought than
thin in a quiet, pleasant, peaoeful oommn-
Forever, 1
>e prioonera. Mr. Turner, of Atlanta, is
:re to take the prisoner* at onoe to the
raitentiary. Five more of the rioters
«<7c to trial to-day, Robert Pariah, Jim
‘Md, Stafford Foster, George Frink
nrr Carmichael—8ymines, Ilsy-
fiBishop, attorneys for defendant*;
«olicitor-goneral, Stubbs.
■ that noer It
i a braezo of Ca-
L the roitt. at your throat wa* a hest of
•pilled kissest
nd the raudel—In fsner I hear U to-day,
An I sit hero, confessing
Our secret, and blessing
rival who found us, and waltzed roe away.
-J. fV.Mey.
V, U11 It EH r ON DEB TS.
itcoentiy two nn*ucoefcafol attem*jtahave
boon made to rob the atoro of t nller A
Maxwell. Though we have no police, each
occurrences are rare. .. .
This seelion of Georgia is unusually in
terested in the Sunday-school cause. In
3 the cape provided
sand. Wireeattod
for tho cartridges communicated with nn
electric battery a hundred and fifty yards
distant. Ths battery put in motion pro
duced the explosion of eartridgoa. Only
eight cartridges dislodged oxer ten oar
loads of rock.
Mr. Lanier will deer the river sufficient
ly to allow the boat which they are build
ing, capable of freightin* twenty or thirty
bales of ootton to the mills, to pass.
Many improvements are going on around
gwn, ruiiciior-gonerai, ovuuus,
vVimith, DeMcy and llerrman
“ Judge M. 8. Morahon, of
rcuit, is presiding in his
r. Judge Pato will
go to V.wW adjourn that court.
The hi?WJ5®l// < }%^Is, wo believe, In
without^l^ tQ// (y’Jioial history of
dsr in
time irrprisoni
aomcttiing to'
written while
the people.
irers, merchants, doctors, lawyers and
even common folks* can laugh all around
this fall over genuine ante helium prosper-
Ity. It looks as if such .will be tho case,
from tho signs of the times. There arc
quite a number of balea of now cotton in
town to-day.
uresiou S mu ouuu«»,-»«.«/«. v—™. — , The authorities of our college are begin-
July wreral county 8anday-fchoolconTen: I Dinzto arruge for the oc.«oin, ofth.
tton. united and formed tho VtajoroM ncrtlemioii.thi. month. They «ip«t a
District Hnnday-ochoot ConrcnUon. Ho- very much tow aUendanco than la«t
merarille, Clinch ounnly, i» bnildln« a i year. And notnlthatandina tha fart that
Banday^chool tabernacto. Col. H'tinea, there ia no proaldonl yet, Tt won t make
of tb. Savannah, I'iorida and Woatom any difference with the regular oponing of
Railway, gave them a lot and liberal per- the college. Pro,.Nealy,
S n ra^,°.V«.^;^S?K turned or.r S th. authorttie. of that
October. They purpose making Homers- presidency, has uotaooepted tFet-itis
ville a little Chautauqua. This work isuu- supposed b**™*® JJ® lqXi£j<5£.
der the State Himday-school convention. board at At fieusto •S®*®,**}®
Tho citizens of Were oounty, especially He has expressed hfmself M being greatly
Wayerc**, are unusually exercisedin the ! pleased with the oollege ae he has seen it,
' U1 elections, as “prohibition" is the iisne, and there ia no doubt that if he Accepts
Tohibitionis “salvation” to material in- the presidency the oollege will be greatly
to rests on the one side, while the other 1 more benefitted.
pronounce it “ruin.” Tbo Republicans of . Most of oar citizens wlm have bees ao-
■ oounty, reoently in convention here, Mourning at various watering placet, (in-
i very pronounced in their opposition eluding the branch spring of the country
The thief who broke open Frank Lav
nier’a store has been caught. Ha seems to
have been an adept at the business, lie
had many stolen goods in his possession,
stolen from Opelika firms. He was
HztTZMBKB I.—DublJ^ifethodlft Dis
trict Coufer.nco was LGCh -Ubi* plsoo ol
Inst Sunday night. Several v wdstinguished
were verjr proaotmoed
3 Next , 8undsjr a°colored excursion leaves I pomebsck bomerand nearly all of them
here to attend a district meeting in Val-1 look better. That Is sayingloU for them. I
<ln*tn Tho train. I believe, is hired by a I The theatrical season will open next
colored man: * Tiu*hiVmt. | Wednesday night with Morton's fig Four
ArotsTSl.—The court Is dragging its
slow lenrth along. Seven more of the
riolcre are on trial. Tho cam boa been bo-
fore tbo coor five days. Yesterday the
guim-nt o< mmencod. J. F. Del . yo; >.
for the State, followed by
Jr., nnd J. W. Haygood 1
Col. Roberta followed
Gourllandj Bymnnds,
eluded for the dofei
tHabb j , for tbo State,
meat. The Jury will
them sometime to-day.
have beqp very indual
found over twonty-flvp true
pc use is heavy. Twiggs oonrt wi
Journed on ooconnt of this apaolal
plo t rom the tntrnundinf country brought
■i, ^ ^ v in xne grove nssr the
house In town won
i guests, and
bountifully cared
manifested in the
tioos were made to
ftf the now croDwas broouhtin town to-day I Miller Grieve, the manager, a gallery has
by Mr. J D. Chambers, Ving two weeks !>®en, built, «d excellent accommodations
Inter than thb first bale of last season. It I will be provided for all, hereafter, from
was classed good ordinary, and woe bought I th ® footlights to the peannt gallery,
by Mr. W. L. Highfor cents. t |
The boy who did the killing has been
lodged in jail at Tuskaaes, Ala.
Mrs. Lae Lanier and Miss Lizzie Hugu-
ley returned from pleasant visits to Mari
etta and Qrifllu last Thursday.
All the boys have retnrned from the
Public school will begin Monday.
Prof. W. R. Thigpen has returned from
Foravth much improved, and is quite
equal to the task of the school room. He
’ a fine teacher.
The protracted meeting at the Preebyto*
rlan church cloeed Thursday night. Sev
eral new members were added.
We have had the most healthy town this
year in the limits of the State.
Sore eyes are epidemic. NTktobxk.
W. R. M.
'After a short iUneas Mrs. E.~G. Atkinson I Know Nprlnc
died on tho morning cf the iTJth of August. | Sememccb 1.—The boiler at the saw-
Atruo Christian and faithful wife has! mill of Messrs. Wilson it Ward at this
passed “over tbd river to home beyond the I piaco exploded to-day, making a complete
skies^ »»/»*». . . . . ... . ~ »
Acocst 81.—We had tl»e largest-meeting I is fearfully scalded and will probably
ere to-day siuoe the discussion of tho | die. The boiler and engine were thrown in
'vll rights bill. One delegate from each j every direction, one piece falling through
Llitia district in the oounty was sent to I the roof and floor, nnd into the ground nn-
k ; > Senatorial convention, in McDonald, j der the residence of Mr. T. W. Sheffield.
,Zd also to the Congressional convention. I The immediate caose of the Accident was
ll recointion was adopted reoognizisg the I probably an insufficient quantity of water
L?cht of Coluaitt county to tlie atnte Sena-1 in the boiler. * « •»
* .n.1 tn.InMlrtr. Hat. II A Tim..,*. I
| wreck and instantly killing Drew Laurens
aud Minor Forehand, colored, and severe-
| ly wounding four other men.; Albert Tokes
Thomas county is to have a Stock Breed-
_ ;’s fair. The premiums aro nil purchased
and there will be no promise that will not
be redeemed. Thomas has always been
one of the foremost counties in progres
sive messofos, and this pne indicates her
old timo wisdom.
Cciisidebabi,b complaint is manifest all
through Southwest Georgia about the cot
ton crop. The Thomasville Enterprise
says: About the first or second week in
July the cotton crop of this const/ would
UgJ.or, and indorsing lion. U. G. Turner’s
J. s. n.
Acouit 28.—As I seo nothing In
valuable paper from this section of ]
oounty, I concluded to drop yon a ___
lines. The ooplee of your papor that bavo
lately beensusebribed for at this offloe are
anxtondy looked for and highly appre
ciated. I Ibiak yon may look for a large
addition to your subscription Ret as soon
as money gots ripe, aid Tom Barney can
meander around this way again, for what
he oan’t talk into one about a newspaper.
it ie no nse for any a
S t a newspaper,
w to try, sal
the old Atlanta
. _jt els
heard him talk for the
Herald la days of yore, with all of that
persoszlva eloqnenoa, which is ao chsract
teristio of a newspaper man, wbioh bears
Qar crops aro very good, larger than we
have hsd einoe the war. Mr. w. O. Nor
man, near this plsoe, will make between
fifty acd aevsnty-five bushels from one
course and recommending him for rvnotn-1 Ifo»ie«uni».
instion to Congress. I Hztt. 2.—Bineo mailing yon the reporto
For the nomination of candidates for I the explosion of Wilson & Ward’s engine
the Legislature the majority rule wm I at ttnow Spring, the inkn, Albert Tolcas.
adopted, but the highest vote was only a I has died. The Mr. Lawrence, mentioned
plurality. About four-fifths of the people I in the report, was a white man and the
suddenly come to a close, and he is in du-
ranoe rile for six months. Two fine schools
t>egan their exercises Ia«r Monday—tho
female, under the Instruction of Mrs. Un
dine Iisne, wito of the faithful pastor of
I vice.
the Baptist chnreh and tho male school,
ter. Both .
Hon. J. 0. Clements addressed the citi-
zens of this plaee a few days ago. His
them back to have another ballot, it
decided to submit the nomination to
primary election to be held at all the pro-
ctoc*. ia tho ooontyoa (tatardo,. tgptom.. Htrrnn>n 2> _ Tb , nomin ,t.
* ' I lag convention for this district met here
M*r*liAlIv!llCo | vesterdsy. After protracted bnlloting,
G. Parks, of Da arson, received tr.o
marks wore well timed and received
with enthusiasm by the peoplo.
]■ high spirits, confident
re-election. As lie has declined to go hand
in hand with Parson Felton in their stump
ing campaign, the Intter worthy will in a
too wta for bottoms generally. The ootton
crop is mnoh Wttcr tb*a it was thought it
would be. while soioe think differently.
Unci*. Heller has ths UUest ootton ia
Henry tad it is beginning to bloom, bat h«
says it ain’t worth ”a dang.” Uncle Henry
Lewis says, ‘The great forever 1” he never
saw such crops, and he believes the good
Lord has decided to take the
fanner oat of bondage oaoo more, to
see if they will do any better. Bore eyes,
eandidtte* and rad bugs, are ss thick ss
hops; there are a good many candidates
out and spoken of for the different oounty
officer, among whom are five for Legisla
tive honors* two of which are on the pro
hibition platform; butstnettyspooking,
the other three are opposed to the liquor
traffic, ifseme planrible plan *»•»» be sug
gested for Legislative action that can be
o&rried oat when made a lew. Anyhow,
1 thick either of the five would give sstts-
faction, ss I haver knew that many s*pir-
lug to tho asms position without there
being some “black sheep in ths flock," bat
it is not the oese this time, as I think any
citizen of Henry would be found to vote
for either of them. Stephens stock is not
very booyaot In our oounty. The people
think he needs reel, yet 1 think be will
have a very ooropUmeutnmvote, bat front
nil I can gather I think (jffi. ajl will carry
the oounty. 4.
short time wake the echoes o’er hill ar.d
dais in this pretty little village.
To-morrow will bs observed ns A day of
thanksgiving by the peoplo. They have
agreed to meet at tho churches to retnrn
thanks to the God of harvests for the abun
dant supply he has given the workingman.
The fleecy staple U still in the background;
vno* on the market ss yet. The cool rains
for a week m»ko ns think of getting things
in readinoM tot an early fail sad severe
winter, as predictedT>y m*oy old folks
Several familloe from Poasacola strived
here yesterday, running from the yellow
Fruit is now a thing of the past—the
melon a joy long fled.
The remains of Mrs. 0. U. Ford, a form
er resident of this place, were brought up
from Talladega and interred by the side
at her hasband, Joseph n. Ford, who war
ons of the pioneer far mere of this ojunty.
The death angel called suddenly at her
chamber door, but found her ready aud
anxious to go.
Hit.—Young tamed out I IhHiHHiHViHHHHIHHH
yesterday afternoon tj witness the mar-1 nomination—thus doing away with the
ffi lof J. D. Msssie to Miss Anna Gam-1 rotation system in this district, it having
inaKv. ot tho Methodist Chnreh. The I been Clay’s tars to be represented. ■
friends of th« happy pair had decorated I The convention to nominate a candi-
Itha church handson»«ly. Rev. W. M. Hsye | d a io for the lower Hoasomeets nextSntur-
oiliciated. The groom wu attended by his I day. ^
four next beet friends, Willi* Rice, A. H. I *|
Lee, M. Crocker nnd Joe Carson. The I Indian Hprlng,
1^4tertStSEl smam l.-TU. ,tU,i. piaco
■ l*,? n . i “ c , h to
Ltk Gmngo.
Acacvr 8L—The voice of the candidate
ii heard in the land—Isas plaintive and
tender than the turtle, yet se constant in
his affection. bev»n eameei, sirongbaek
fellows have worked up this eosaty from
"Dsn to Beersheba.” JCaeh osudidateuu-
der the present law is entitled to n patient
hearing, and leet a thing or two has been
omitted a rehearing Is always in order.
Yon oannot evade them. I tak
that they had no elections to _
Ioc.-idsiur#, like we hare, when
Job’s three friends sat In hit presence
seven days and nights witliout speaking,
oth.-rsiee be wonld have been "broken in
piccee with words.® They have wrestled
with me with a wresilu akin to good old
J.«rob*e tnsele, and I in turn have promieed.
If 1 could, to bee tow the bleeelay, and now
each of the seven demand# that I shall be a
delegate to the convention on Tuesday
next. I cannot support the seven, since
Troop gets trot two. The thing is np
proachlug a crisis. If I have been too
unanimous let it be attributed to weakness
Of tho lltfh.
Our Judge F. object* to that part of Gen
eral Uartrell’e platform In whieh be in
sist* on a "free balht and a fair coast."
Ti c jr;,!ge thinks such a doctrine will not
do in G< .agio, and suggests in lien thereof
a “fair ballot and a free eount." I confess
th. 11# my mind there is but little differ
ence between the two; the Utter i.laok
a. . ht he more congenial In this section.
The first new bale vf ootton made its ep-
iwaranw Uet week. It was the product ot
John W’. Abrabsts.
cch rain has f..!!cn here fo ths lost
crop looks promising but mny
1 artaer. UU qa*esly prize, fhs ao-
Mnph.ib«dand beantifnl Miss MilUr, of
ictun aid eounlff, has met a warm reoop-
on in LsGrange. ••Barney’* Uolere^ and
ir, and deferred to do well. HU
•t r - . iiae fiends, however, are sur-
i-ed at thU eihibitlon of splendid jodg-
mt and good look. But the Frost family
# good traders. Tsocr.
he adjoarnmant of court, the streets I
ABed with people from the country—
rhoms—tome on horseback,
i, etc. Among thore
-•..V''**. etc. among tbc-re on horseback
one Charlie Darby,ayoneg man aboet
-vcoty-one years old, who has always
:*>rnc a good lepetatM. Bat on yeetcr-
iay >•« wm qciu dresk, and on leaving
wequifsfsst and before he got
»n fell l'ren hi* horse and re-
SsrrsMsn 1.—Our ootton crop is not so
good ss was flret thought. The caterpillar
in some sections and rust in others have cut
U abort at least ose-third from the esti
mate three weeks ago. And there is an
other thing that has been overlooked ex
cept by close observers and experienced
farmers, and that is the scarcity of fruit
on the stalks. A person riding along the
road would naturally coaclude that the
crop was magnificent, when a dose exam-
inator will reveal the fact that it is mostly
weed and the fruit ia absent However,
with all these disadvantage*, the orop will
far exoeed last year’s, and has been made
with less money then any crop einoe the
war. Every year I become more convinc
ed of (be foot that there are two things
that the good Lord can't foretell, and they
are the result of a ootton crop and the
verdict of a petty jury.
On Saturday last we raeeived 2fl0 bales
and an average of one hundred and twenty-
five a day this week, whieh ia very light
receipt* compand to previous years, dun
entirely to th* eontinusd rain*, scarcity of
labor and eieknese among the bands in Uta
country- Still labor has not advanced;
farmers only offer a oertain figure per KU,
aud get all they can at the price. Grain
cron* of all klnda are good. Albany Is
rapidly Improving and is coming into no-
have been reported ss much better than
usnsl. Now, ths genaral report is that il
will fall very considerably short of lost
year’* crop. The rust, scnld, or whatever
it is, has ruined many fields, the boll worm
has done some damage, and altogether the
crop does not look promising at alL Many
farmers say that their crop will be very
tb. Kiri. »ud keewnu thorn Boro, hot i ,| tlon wllh J„ 1U k * Johnwn^of .oorclty:
do “*, M* *2“° b ? , ‘ ,r ?.P “.dl.t-neo, MJ Whit Collier bu tnkon do hi. ofd
e«i«et»llj Macon l>o,», ‘'bobbin* errand." „omtiou n. one of tho •*!>. <5. aV’of Mb-
u * I con. Paul Collier leaves to-dny for Albany,
„ . ’ , „ \ whore he hit* *c«:ur*d a good situation.
SMTSMJiitB 1.—Ihe marnago of M r. J. | The rattle of the fa» mere’ wagon is heard
R. Bishop, a four necks widower, is the | on the street, and oor merchants are busily
latest eensation at Ihi* plsoo. Hi* sncccre eugsged in arranging on their shelve#
in the matrimonial line seems to encour-1 largo atocks of fall goods. Everything
age the bachelor* to persevere in their ef-1 points to a fine trade here this winter.
Many improvements are in progress
foeta to become benedicts. ....... HPPHH
Her..,ore epidemic tn tMi eoctlon, I tba'clepotT'iidci^MS.Vtore"houte.”"ootl
ml mnpn *m innn • th l .... I. * . ' . . .. ’ .
enterprising citizens have engaged
in the lumber business, and besides, t
J Newt: Mr. W. H. Tarver, 1
who has been eagsgnd in taking the school
icengos of Ilawkinsvillv, famtohe* ue with
the following report: White males be
tween U and 18 years, W: females, 00. To-
tics ban d.gMlth.D otherwise.
The Baptists are holding a serie* gf ... w .„ UL „ lllt ,.. , tUL1 VTri1J —
liitioa. tneetiott* .1 ehnrch I’.re, hot I Krecmno boy. nr. ootUott tboeudd. ..
ire not .coomplUhiDR uy iro*t rojolb. o, , Mt ot , amtwr „ t their now «w mill uir
only those who are alrendy in tho fold l the enrimr.
seem to take any tmerest»the meoungs. j HudbOift of nn excursion from Atlanta
rb. hardened .Inner bold, .tool. H.lord.y wer. h.ndod .round to-d*y.
On next Tnr«l«y t tho «h in.tnnt, the | IrK , crow d i. oipected.
Democrat, of Campbell connty will n»- Detootlr. Jonw, of Atlanta, hw boon
..mtl. in convention »t hairbnru to non.- | n town for .ovor.l dajmon thTlookoat for
mite a oandtdato tor Keprevoatalivo. W o tbo party wbo attempted to rob tbo eiprcw
havo already one Inde;>endeDt in the field, I ofllco a le~ ^—Sm
and some of those prognosticators found in I
every community, wbo know much nnd I Wrlstitnvllte.
»<¥,AT 00“io*Uonw.wtll have nnotlutr. I that over cam. baron tho poopto of John
I hero i* a consiucreblo spriskliog ot I non. was committed last Sunday niuhr
Repnblimn votes in the oounty, and the j AUngi two month* ago, Romanos F. i*er-
Independents are nnmerons, hat we intend I n >. w t* A ; e f» . m »na iom/lit .v,«n«p nnrinp
••“Urn I her f » ther =’ (Warren Priced, roof. Perry WU# alwsye keeps up with the mueio in the
ttc, i” 1 ?. r‘ 4„,„. ’ .„ . I h-'•« hlm. and .nt.rod .olt
and eelect their foremost man for otir 1 rnlTTnitice coart'accordinfflv I
o^K^tKre pjfest!* SJJwSJdSStBES9S*iS£5°;
, wo shall place oor colors in the bands of I threat* wore so no morons that Perry had
’in’bwottlTb ^’.bS corner o? ta ,E
as in everything el*o, r sir burn ie not to be l Warren Price, with a einale-bnrrei
^hnrtntf np U» WI ,nd of Dm pvo- 'SSJSWtnSl *£££?£%
***** ** ilcher I down and patting sis shot in Tharpe.
w will onw -wi I off for fear of being killed and
HCommissioner Orr will addreseonr clti- told Perry’s father of the circumaUnoe,
-At.- nnTh. ^MvH n# .3n,.Han n.. I MIO CirCUmaUWCe,
Uu * on «*• of edaoation next Sat- W h« n he sent after him and had him car-
■"* ried home. His father then summoned
phjsicisns, who, after A careful examinn-
- ... . . „ . tsun, found that thirty-seven UB shot and
- ^IS* fW b y« ln ^f“ d M?* • Iwge »»**> penetrated ins right side,
for the season arrived to-day. Milner is arm and thigh. The soff*rer lingered
warm, doll and inactive.. 1110 season uutil 2 o’clock on the morning
Single too, Hunt A Co., will, in a few days,
open a wholesale and retail oboe bouse
here. Mr. Paul Jones win open a whole-
solo liquvt house, and »t is currently re
ported that Messrs. 8. T. Coleman A Co.,
are seriously thinking of opening abranoh
bones soon. We now have one wholesale
drug store, Lamar, Raskin A Lamar,
Merer*. Lewie Bros., wholesale grocers,
also Masers. 8, Mayes A Glauber, who
carry an immense stock groceries and
whisky* strictly wholesale.
ur>N Vi.KxncmuN, of Americas, has in
vented a “sextuple spring mattrws.” which
he thinks beats tho “quadruple’
There will be no trouble about the elec
tion of Stephens to the governorship of
finl •
He thinks there ia n fortuno in
Sumter Republican: We learn from some
of our farming friends that cotton has been
sorionsly damaged by rust. Many of them
say that there will not be as much made
this year, with all of the glorious promise,
ss was made in 1881. We know of parties
who will wager one hnnJred dollars that
the crop of iw. In this section, will not
Georgia- Colonel Johnritubba, of Laurens
county, says he will be elected by two hun
dred thousand majority. Tbo Colonel is
jnst bubbling over with enthusiasm.' H
Bmao along your jug*. W. F. Tannor
equal that of 18§1.
Ausaious, up to threo o’clock
Tuesday, hi d received 313 bales of the new
Walton County \ VidetU :*3 Th# Middle
Georgia,Times says “Mr. Stephens's ma
jority is now pat down by knowing politi
cians at GO,COO, and the calculation is that
Gartrell will not carry six counties in the
State." If Htephens'a friends lie still and
believe any such gush as the above, Oar-
trell will be Georgia’s next governor.
will fill them cheap for caah«— Worth Star,
Fill ’em with what? Not with liquor,
surely. A jag cannot be filled with liquor
“cheap for cash." It is a “dear” basins.*,
iv*b when the jag is filled gratis- Men
should fill their jugs with water, und save
t: nr im.ney t-« b-:; '
tl.'ir wive* ami their little om-*. A,.-’,
loaded with liquor, is an enemy even to
are not prepared to exy he will not be, with
all the work that can be done to prevent it
The following
Fosx Valley Mirror.
change has been made in the star roots
schedules: York to Welborn’a Mills
. lull MJ nctUUIUB .Ullis ,
leave Welborn’a Mills Wednesdays anal
Satardaya at 7 a. m^, arrive at Perry at II
the GEomatA press.
Wtint tbo People Think and Oo.
otuuiunjR « t a. m., urnre w retry at il
a. m.: leave Ferry Wednesday nnd Satur
days 1 p. m., arrive at Welborn’s Mills at
Walton County VidetU comes up with the
following. “Mrs. Hhods White has hatch*
od a fine brood ot chickens by placing tbs
eggs in a basket of wool under heroooking
stove.—Mr. John M. Miebael has a tur
key gobbler that has raised a large flock
of little tnrksys—taking them from the
mother whon very small, and hovering
them at night under his wings. A hen
^ Mr. John R. 1 Thompson’s place laid two
eggs in a partridge neat. The partridge
set on the eggs, together with several of
her own eggs, hatched two chickens and
raised them. When last seen, the chicken*
were still following the partridge in tb j
woods, and wore as wild as books/*
Dubl» Post: A gentleman told ns that
a negro on. Clint Walker’s place -woald
make three hundred bushels of corn and
eightoen bale# of cotton on forty acres
with a mulo, and bo challenges the connty
4 *»best it.
Tni Butler sohoola opened with sixty-
five students.
short, and that unless the pieklng reason
is very favorable they will get no erop to
speak of. We have always beard experi
enced farmers ray "a dry summer for a
good cotton crop" and truly this one haa
been anything but dry. We do not believe
the cotton crop will he a big one in this
oounty, but we think it will be about equal
to last year's, and if the prioo holds up to
prerent figures, with plenty of provisions
made and saved, we can all manage to keep
off starvation for one year longer.
Hknbt McClebdbs. of Thomas connty,
said to a friend. “If I don’t got forty
bushels of corn to the aere, I’ll give you all
I do make." That is big corn talk, bnt it
Is true.
Poor. J. IL Alsxasdbs haa been elected
to tho presidency of the South Georgia Ag
ricultural College at Thomasville, vieeO.
D. Scott, who doclinod a re-election.
Mini Jabs Gadboll, of Thomas connty,
is dead. Aged 7G.
Rome has twenty-three criminals in her
jail, and the numbs* is daily increasing.
Rosa is on a boom as to prognostica
tions. The Bulletin says that next season
they will ruoeivo 140,000 boles ot ootton.
Jcpos Undeswood, who has been at
home tor several days in Rome, has re
turned to Long Brsneh end to bie duties on
the Tariff Commirsion.
The Dormlney Mill correspondent of
the Berrien County News says: Mr. J.A.
Hanley, an aged gentleman living ten
miles from here in wiloozoonoty, and who
has raised a family of oleven children, has
never had the headache, toothache or back
ache ia his life. He is in qood health and
is able to do as much work ss a young
aggreyatoo f«u«>ui,,(n f tut iubiomd um
1881 of *3,274,510. This Is a capital show
ing for oar seaport.
MsaiwsTBKa and Taylor campmeetings
art in full play.
TuANKsomao Dat was very generally ob
served in Atlanta.
Hawkirsvills had received 2G0 balea of
new ootton np to lost Thursday.
Mil Bss West, one of the best citizens
of Habersham county, is dead.
Lksc and Ed Allen are in trouble in At
lanta about a man’s watermelon pitch.
bwvau ii iuu to .v, ibuumsh, ini, 4 v
tsl whites, IDG. Colored male# between
and iH rears, DG; females, GD, Total col
ored, 14.V. Grand total of white and color
ed between the agt* of G and 18 years, 340.
HAWsomvxLLB is to have an artesian
well. We kn*’’* aha wonld ns soon m Alba
ny had made a anocess of one. Hawkins-
matter of progress.
■Ths first term of Pulaski Saperlor Court I
was held in 1800, Judge Peter Early pre-
■iillng M
■A riivsiciAi ot tlie Georgia Insane Asy
lum told the Rev. R P. Kerr that of the
nine hundred patients in that institution
folly foor-flftb were insame from the ef
fects of liqnor drank by themselves or
neot Democrat remarked to-day, when
speaking about Mr. Htephcns’ presence In
the city, and the impending meetiog of
rnruj. uuu sw luncuvv. wwwn UDIH Z O CIOCK on tUe momill
iroral«.lo b» aiuo.ll> bMknrd «nd ,h« Slat, wli.n h. dlod. An
bol llul. ouUoa U «port*d to b. or-nlnk'. I nairt WM h«ld trMtnda, «>«tnz. and
wbll. th. tumlappMunu nod tho r»- Uttar witamiaz * put morUm tumln*.
M" o( th* hou worm wdthrMUiiinz. tiaa >ad btuiaz th. tutlmoay, ths jtu,
Nrtlma 0. Mum Km., ot Muon, >1.. roadorod a t.rdTct thrt Romuu V. Vmj
Rod hor. ruurd.t in tbo loUrut of John- 0.100 to hi. d.oth b, nuhol wonnd. fnnn
■on A Hwrta, on# of tho Contril fit, « iho hud. of tV.rron Price. Afl*r tho T.r- hulnoo. bourn. Mr. Maori, ii diet wu rud tho coraoor iuud * warrant
n uood butnMo mu ud cleror zutluann. I for tVuran 1‘rtco, who wu nrrutod hut
MS? El.‘ h u , L3 na u now tawl •»
thoowb not s poUUoiu, I. pouuood of . Tbo dolontM moot hor. to-morrow to
wand jadzmut ud to iiaicb tn dKidInz|nomlo.tonttonu>rfortho.ixtomUiHon«-
rb.rutor, wo lo.rn thu tho oootost l>o-1 tonal dl.trtot- •
. twou Foltoo nnd CtoaMatowlllho.Torrl Uon.U.J.Hlchtower.od Jodn M. M.
Wo jnra yuterda, .hown throozh tho bitUrouud tho mil nnurUln. Mjr I Muon torn dSuwd ttenuolTM u oudi-
“bou olothin* hoouof KothwMtItoorgU, loformut tou nut mutot hl.tlm.ih I datoafu toztototira honon-botb ubjut
— Cbrttoozj, WMkar ud M hltd.ld oonnUu, I to n Demoer.tle nominnUor,
ud hunt th. raont .lwnh of Dr. P.lton WrlghUrlll. root!rod her flrnt halo of
u i 11 » w £. h Btophon. in w- ootton on lut Wodncrtaj, tho aoth nil.,
verelv enticireil—the DorPir clmiuinj thu I whin). Knnnkt m. i v m..k
'Morris Mayer, wbo earriee a stock of $iu,.
UU), and can furnish von with a soil from
$3.00 to $50.00, Merchants ia the sor-
ronnding country need go no farther to
And a wholesale market for anything at
masnfactnrere' prices. Oor artesian well
continues to draw crowds from abroad,
to reap the benefits of it* healing quatitieo.
ill la a sore euro for dyspepsia, disordered
liver, etc.
Politics Is completely played ont. Some
of tho anti-Stephens men say they will
vote for him, bnt don’t care anything
•bout it, and if they have other basin*** I
that day will not trouble tbcmrelvre to go I
to the pctle, while a majority won't vote for I
him at ail, nor for Mr. Gartrell; and there
are others who wiU do anything to dafeat
him, and wiM take GsrtreU in pref*reoce;|
and. in our humble opinion, if the same
feeling -risH proportionately ia every I
connty as dose in tina rectiou, 2/r. Ste-
nktona'a Man.l. h. .1 lu-in tn nuun
odvid eeriona, if net fatal injuria# about
the head. It t« thought that the horsed
foot struck his head. He has also a very
od on tb* hip, made by the break-
lug of his wbi*y fcuic, which he carried
in * Up pockrt. Tie is ae yet ineessible.
He is the eon of a widow, and her main
stay for a re;,port.
Several visiting lawyers have been In ei-
tenJ -nce npou oar oonrt, among them we
nation Colonel Joel A. Billups, of Ma-
mention Colonel Joel A. Billups, of Ma-
ooo; W. W. Clark, of Covington; W. 8.
MrUenry, and others.
It i# said that a motion to dissolve the
tejonction against th* Athens Banner.
»• - • - aiil be heard here, before
J adye Erwin, on Retards/. The oonrt has
dispatched bneinem rapidly. Das.
AT- rft si.—Th* following eonvemticn
took plaee between a wall-known caadi-
d«t* and s voter t
Cendidsto—“.Stop neighbor, I want to
tali- to yoa a little. Yoo know 1 am s can-
didatf for tlie U .Hslaturc. Now I want
» ■ t > come to th* meeting and vote for
pbens's frisode had better begin to organ-
iae and oorameooe a vigorous campaign.
The number ot good Democrat* that are
indifferent and will donbtleea stay away
from the polls, combined with those who
won’t vote, and those who wiU sor Gartrell,
aud tb* whole Radical party well organ
ized, will be quit* a stumbling block in tb*
way of the old m,w
We believe a majority of the people of
this judicial circuit favor Judge W. T.
Jones, now judge of the County Coart of
Doagherty, ae Judge Warren’* successor.
Hie name wiU be before the next Legisla
Tb* baseball fever ht* broken out down
here, bnt if yos east it reported write oat
oor discharge and seleot another man
baseball correspondent.
Oor medicine* completely resurrected ns
and we are again ourself and oo the look
out for an iUm.
The doctor* are b**y amputating tho
usual number of hands, mutilated from
■ticking them in the saws of a gin white
being propelled by s ten-horse engine.
Com or two daily. C. J.
Candidate agrpriied "Why,how*s that?
I cg.'t .i. i. t'ifue eiptaia."
v r "lurt roe resiember fbateev.
eral n, on the ago I asked you to stand my
bond 1- - h\ i t»o hen--id dull-.-seed
that yoo woeld be gladi
bo Lut o>ul i i. write your naan
. or gmsg to eehool .Nu mu, I c .l\ ? •« f it %n illiU.-ste
hill caXid.JAt
1.— 1!.
Acocst XL—The weather, ae we have
neeally found it in the low country in
Angnet, has been pleeaent, but SepUmUr
is uniformly hot.
We are having floe rains, and doubtless
“ WVMiSC — -
| planted, will be h
isanis m
com erope are fine. If futsre valoee conld I
be estimated by the local outlook, theta
artiefea woeld be cheap, for mtnaialy there
wiU be an aboiufcn*.'. I
A gentleman, reccatly retnrned to Way-
crose from bis future home, Chicago, says
Georgia grata crops ue better than those
of IUinute. Let this enroonge as to “go I
on to perflsetioa"ta makiagonr aoti fertile
and fruitful.
Ihe health of enr village ie excellent.
Fevers and “fevers and ages," so much
dreadwdby op-country folks, are|
have held no ratifl^siioa meetiage; ion
have not raised money for the campaign;
there is no es'hasissin among yoo; I have
waited patiently, and yon have don* noth-
thing; now 1 shall take my eanvaes in my (
own heads and ’tote my own skillet.' I re-
nuuoeo yon, end stand for governor be tor*
thfc people. What the f’oel-Appro! said
about yon, and that yon desired me to
ojoeentto a zomination by the party only
verely criticised—the Doctor claiming th# I which was bought by Mr. 4. E. Clark.
Independents forced hU nominatioo on | One thousand and three hundred pounds of
*nd he was Ukeo up by ths seed ootton yielded 586 pounds oflint.
... II Th* iMMltion of ih* tinrtv I i i n
J. AP.
Th* position of the p*rty was
forcibly illostraied by the Doctors famous
etorv and, other anecdotes. Th* eon-1 Bzrnaiuza 2.-Tho cold hand of death
l»nn to Mr. Rtopbana. raeo; W. oandiun-1 a. Robert.-on.ot our ola«,t unlmoat ra-
/r.‘*ofo^. , rS*s a .,°i , iu w « %iS2C!« jst^
way here. U t*oomnumtotwav a man eey I # w * areideo pained to learn of the death
be will vote for him, lees common to hear I 0 f iji^ Porter, eon of Mr. and Mrs. David
smsneaybe willnotvote s tall.ocdmortt I w. Carmichael He was taken violently
t be wiU vote for I with croup on the night of the 30th, and
1 die*’ in n few houra. Ilo wai n bright boy,
ami everybody loved him.
The Macfemith ehop of R. M. Harper,
and now I defy yoo. I am ta the hand of
the people. If they want me to be Gover
nor, I will be governor: and It they want
me to: Senator, I will be Senator.' ”
Atlasta Post.Appeal: Tbe population
of the State is 1,54:1, IHO; number of whites,
HlG.JWG; colored, 735,274; majority of whites,
D1.632. Number of families, 903,000; nam-
ber of dwellings, 2K>,474; pereons to the
eqaare rails, 31.15; familie* to thesqaare
mile, 514; acre* to a family, 124.41; area,
square miles, 58/ik); number of voters,
921,438; voters in 1880,153.G51, only 53 per
cent, voting; white and native born voters,
172,043; foreign, 5.W3; total white vote,
177.967; eolored vole, 143,481; actual ma
jority of white vote, M.414.
A MBSTtao was held in Atlanta, Wednea
day night, to erect a monument to tbe
' •- HUL
Acocst 31.—Ihe ease of the State | about eight mils* w<w
against P. M. Turner, charged with thelbaraedon the night of Friday, the 25th
reenter of Captain J. K. Shuttle* last Jane, instant. Tbe firewss dieeorered about
Aspedaltarmto try said ease htabeea undoubtedly thTWmk ofsS i^dh^
ordered to coavetteon the Aral Monday in | bnt there U no due to th* perpetrator ol
teest. The jury trying th* care I tb* crime. Lorn about $2U0 j no insurance,
of Joe Wortham, ehar^d with murder, af-1 We have had so much ram ta the last
terepradiog a wlwl* night in their room, few days that the farmer* are apprehensive
brought in a verdict of “Voluntary man-1 loat it should injnre tbe cotton crop.
slaughter." aud said Wortham was ten-1 Quit* a painful accident happened to
ttnred to five yaare. Court adjournedyee- foliow’iown*man, W. F.Swan. While as-
terday evening. I aietiiig at the funeral ot Mr. Roberta bie
Campneeeting near Warm Sprinp. in foot supped aud be fell, and to attempting
this connty, cow me ace* to~n*ght. Gov-1 to catch broke hie arm,
ernor Colqiutt U.xpccted tboru next Rotor-1 Ourlown ni nU>Kwl lut 8.tnrJir
mMU d..r n rt d.Jsai2dr T ^d
death of Mia Leila Sim*, the charming l with Iseaay, and white going around with
daughter of Judge John T. Sims, of this I him trying to get boo* on* to go oo his
county. Mies Lcils, after a lingering iU- bond, the negro broke for th* woods with
oeeeot several month*, was relieved by the sheriff at his heel*. Th* chase waa long
death on the eveetffb of tb* 24th instant, I and exciting and for a while waa “nip and
sad was buried taetde her mether at An- tock.” But Go* wav running f or liberty
tioeh Chnreh. Mies Leila wm about 18 which did to bte “speed add wing*" and
year* of age—joe* tdooming into loveW the last seen of him he was making tracks
yoeng womanhood. She attached herself across the railroad with the sheriff faria
to the Baptist Church when quite a child, I the rear.
and her religion* character shone brighter Mr. Bconio Watkins reesived eight bates
and brighter to the last moment of ber I of ootton at his new warehouse last Toe*,
life, and she a* quietly kissed a hcartbro.) day. B.
ken and weeing father and dear tittle |
brother gr,cd-uy>. a* if she waa only retir-1 wm r oint.
tag torThe tight. To die aa she did re-1 SavrsKsan 2o-Weet Point present* quite
Rerw d*A*h of It* ti ^cr*. Jack- a coutrut with what she was a week ago.
£1 IMedgevIll*. I Heap* of goods aro continually eomtacin,
Bimvsxi 2.-The Tbxolosaps asn| «■!eroryetoropreeeoteaetriaimgly
, nc»1»—*hu tK-.uu 1 a eholeaale and retaif < I.e»tiita!| l ta
moming. It la rarely that »c*h is the ease, j the grocery tine, at Hcgniey’a old stand.
ths devil ie to blame for this, ae 1 W. IL Hug uteyi Co. now " “
be is for most irregularities.
.. . r oecopy J. R.
,’n former bezinese place. Askew A
i WrUtbt.illopmndrazjZor.u tt,.oath
To^w, look, uofo I k. Ioihh ‘l" «tf ,K Ol—r .but. Tho .torthoMar. ol
«, d>, bu ZM Much. Tho .lit. «n th. Hut Fuat Muufutarinc Uompu, •
(aU o* pwplo . from th. uastij, nnd f»» • **«u rtuta Mr. V- V. 1—m.r,
joc «. mil In th. ttuo^hu. u odor |
U ruotfniud u t-inz '
«t, Daniel tirjsnt and i'i rioUrr, cLsrgfd '
r-tu i %«ru»ctcf gLiliy
Another family from 8svsnnsh have en
gaged board among ee for the ttuemer.
4ch*., Libert il reienota mere pteanant retreat ta
ink Ad»\a^,thc "Wiregrese Georgia.' We are soon to
_ j have a bUUsrd room, taivolaUy
»^pfaf*!MU>ita^wear* to4d, a
,a * m thu there i« sb#-,. .u.:y noth.-.’
the many ndvantige _
Kunth, if properly uiili/. d. Heenja •
fifty acre* of land, planted in
.. till far leea money, than if Uta land waa
planted in oottou end the nr up sold at 36
cento per pound. He toys that the Inrgeat
.•roflt# with the Northern farmers
email crope, that the Houth entirely ig^
norre, althonaL our soil
tho unborn. For the sake of all that is
hopefol, fill your jugs with water.
Baonien Haslon, of the lively Worth
Star, continued to examine Iris political
geography oiasaet in tolling style. The
l<*«.«on on “political trickery," is as folios*:
“Flrst-clasa in political trickery, *tand
ip. What is a politician’s friendship
bounded on tte north by?" "Self-interest/'
“On tho south ?" “Self-interest." “Un tho
east?” “Self-interest." "On the west?"
“Belf-interest/’ "Correct. Sit down and
congratulate each other on your ‘amart-
Enquirer-Sun: Tho funeral ot Mr. Johh
Quinn took place from the Catholic chnreh
j eeterday morning at 10 o’clock. The aer-
vices were attended by a large number of
the friends of the docc&»e<L Thus has an
other old landmark been removed forever
from human sight. Mr. Quinn was a re
markable man In many respect*. In auto
betiem days there vim scarcely a tnoro in
fluential man in Muscogee county politics
than he, acd he alwayn took nn active part
in all elections. There Hi nt Amt aepte
left who namo to this city as early as Mr.
OoLrmoBPz Echo: On laet Sunday night
a negro stole a mule from the stable of Mr.
; . v. I-.t n*..i! \»hih li<* \»1« i-rmi-limg a
Crawford. Being informed of it Mr. John-
aou it&vo pursuit. Stopping at Lexington
ho was infjrmed that the negro pa**od
through Lexington about D o’clock, and.
beinc joined by Meest*. It. J. Witiingham
W. H. Deadwyler aud F. R. Smith, trackcc
him to Taliaferro county where the male
was recovered, the negro making hie es
cape. He will, in all probability, be caught,
however, and spend a few year* in the
Gaxtt’h immense stories about the bear
and door hunting around Tallulah Hotel,
much’ bettor adapted to them than tho
Tn* Savannah Netrs continue* to devot*
large space to “champion games," a eort
of desd-beat variety of enjoyment.
Tn* rumor that W. A. Iluff, ex-m"ynr of
Macon, wonld run aa an Independent can
didate for Contrera in the cixth district,
against J.H. Blount, the regular nominee
carry ns back to the days of Daniel Boone
nnd Simon Kenton.—Jackson Herald. Yea,
that will carry a him far back into primi
tive days. Gantt is a genius, beyond
Mms Leila 8nca. a lovely yonog woman,
died recently at Greenville. Death plucks
onr fairest flowers.
Bbothsi Haibz, of the Oglethorpe Echo,
has bees ravelling in the barbecue—so to
Tnz Montezuma Weekly wisely concludes
that intervlawing Gen. Toombs is a profit
less business.
Ms. B. O. Reed, a high respected citizen
of nail count/, died reeontly in tbo eighty-
fourth year of his age.
The NVhm says: "There aro very few, if
any, conntry counties in this Utate that are
growing wealthy as rapidly as DeKaib.”
Mas. David Ansorn, of Oglethorpe ooun-
ty, is dead. Her fasti!/ lives in Butte
county. We extend oer sympathise to tbe
bereaved ones.
Bsonrzs Hanlon belllvr* "the Demo
cratic party is being sold out." Incur
judgment the sale should bs spoken ef in
the past tons* ratker than in the present
Tbs Ssndersville Herald announce# the
denim* at Mr*. Maaan Nhurllng, iiiw Mat-
tie Hilton and Mrs. Inaao Tanner. The
flret two died of typhoid fever, near Tea-
Tuns Is a little dog In Lexington that
will chew tobacoo.—Oglethorpe Echo.
Kvovni Evening News: As tbs Georgia
railroad train wm ooming down from At
lanta lost night, and when near Stone
Mountain, the train band, Ned, belonging
to Mr. Harry Hill’s train, accidentally fell
from the steps while the train was rapidly
moving, end sustained soversl severe
broieea about the head nnd shoulders. Hut
for the faet of his having struck on hia
head, It is probable the damages wouli
have been more seriont.
Thb following deserved compliment.
Judge Branham will be appreciated by bie
many friends in this seotion. We clip from
the La Fayette Messenger: “One of ihe
leading members ot the North Georgia
bad fa
Tnsss is a considerable amount ot sick.
ms in Washington county. In fact, there
is no exception, so far n* we are able to
seo, to the general prevalenooof
all over the State.
Mostzzcma Weekly: A Dooly oounty
man claims to have cleared $1,UC0 in two
years fanning with only one male. If
this be true there it no nse for despond
ency ta this conntry,
Somb wicked person has s*nt Uncle Till
man, of the Wn/crossyteporter, s copy of
the Atlanta IleraUl, of Angnet 2Gth, and
ths old gentleman is mad. Uncle Tillman
‘ a dangerous man when angry.
Is speaking of tbe potato crop, the Echo
i*e ; **TH« rran. likn nurlf nil nth.r* thin
bar was naked his opinion of the new
enmbent, Judge Branham. “Why, sir,
•aid he, "thin circuit ts fortunate; it hai
the best judge in the State."
La Fatbtts mourns the death of Miss
Kate Russell—a rarely lovely and aoeotn-
pushed young lady. Nothing coaid be
is disputed by Air. Huff, who hs/h he has
no •uchnotioDB.—f't, Gaines Rribune. Mr.
fluff knows a wall wh«n he neee it. Ho
knows something about the uncertainties
and the expenaiveness of political content*.
Tbe Independent opponent of Mr. B’cunt,
if there bo one, will probably be n man
from Putonm. It has boon so Mated.
What is Senator Brosu doing for the
Democratic ticket? It ie evident that Gov.
Colquitt, although elected by aid of the
Republican* anti negroes two years ago,
cannot control them now, aud the admirers
of tho Senator claim that his political in
fluence is Georgia approximates omnipo
tence- Isn’t it about timo for him to roll
ont his traditional "bar’l," and begin to
move things, ns it were?—McDuffie Jour*
nal. The organ* that have been abusing
Mr. Bacon for “sulking in his tent" ought
to answer th* question as to what Brown is
doing. Ws learn he is going west. So far
as the "barrel” bash'.ess in conccrnsd, wo
hope it will be condemned by all good oit-
izeuB. It is a felony to offer or taka a
bribe, and wo trust every man v. ho ie de
tected either in buying or in felling n vob
will be indicted, convicted and xml
chalngang— even were it Lerator Browu.
Tub war over the rotation evrtnr s r:ill
curried on in number# of tl.o Enatgrlil
districts of tho State. Of courro tlie . *-
ictn was nsver anything more than : f.
litical convenience and a barrier against a
number ot Democratic candidates from
the name district. If thsrs bo general op
position to it, of ooorso the e/fti :n will
have to go.
Mms M. A. Epwahwi, of Randolph coun
ty. was rccentli married to Mr. Wm. P.
Farris, of Texas.
Ths following anske stor/ Is from tho
Cuthbert Enterprise: “One day la*t •.;-*k
Mr. John H. Rice and wife started oil from
home ou a grape hunt through th- w<
near the line between the ptontatioi ..f
Mr. A. J. Moye sort Dr. Godfrey. They
didn’t find many grape#, but t • > found
instead a den of ntUlMnnkea, with rhlch
they engaged in lively combat, fx tho
end of the battle they cuuo'cd -..’•cubci
dead rattlesnakes nn the proof «.f th r
valor and prowpM. Tho mother euakJ wn*
foar and a half feet lung.'
Tatar is trouble in Qnltmau oj’ii.ty
among Democrats over tho refusal of u.o
incentive committee to cell a eonvcutii u
to nominate a candidate f* r tho
ture, A number ot Democrat* of tho
county have iNsned n card, appealing to the
•people from the declfion of the cuur nhttee,
amt celling a convention.
Jcdob W. M. Snaopasias says he and
hi# partner ean best ti c world at w Lift
This is not givtn as a challenge, hat we
feel arenred that parties demurring from
the proposition acd desiring to test II, will
t* aceommodsled.—Home liutletin. lias
the Judge ever taekled Mr. Stephens and
his partner? If not, he ie crowing before
he got# out of the. woods. Mr* otephei.«
claims to hav? no ar;wrior.
sadder thus a death like this.
Thb following items and opinion* are
from tlie Henry County Weekly: "Georgia
has one ealoon to every six hundred aud
fifty Id habitants. Governor Colquitt
livcred his famous Sunday school lecture
at ML Zion last Sunday afternoon, to a
iarge crowd. it is rumored that W. G.
Ctrnnuarr Appeal: Tbe rust has struck
tb* oottoa in many aecticne, which will ef
fectually kill tbe top crop. Too mcch rain
for a good ootton crop. A negro man
os WedAsday last was caught'in weaver's
•roam gin, near the depot, and badly cut
up ho tuaid hs relieved «ruui hi*
perilous condition.
ins following account ot tno iaii ox iim
little daughter of friend Bnr*h, of tbe Kast
man Times, into a well twenty-six feet
Inoano Asylum says that of the nine hun-
That’s not strango. VTs know a number of d£fid patients in that institution, fu ly
big do^a that are troubled with the seme foar-flfthe are insane from the effects of
says: “The orop, liko nearly all others thu
year, is mors promising than It has been in
year*. It La little later than s«ual,but
the yield ie good and ths potatoes large."
Cakdidatm are thick as knats.—Clark*.
rille. Advertiser. Brother Church changes
are not tb* candidates worse than th*
Thomas Ham, of Atlanta, has been ar
rested on the charge of "suspicion." Be
ing a seaport town. Atlanta seems die-
posed to adopt English customs and laws.
She thinks it the proper thing to have
“suepeels," sad so aha has invsnted tbe
new crime of “•uapiclon/*
Mb. W. O. Lewis died at Turkey Creek
i get me out of the way. a* a possible
ndidate for the Senate, ha# eotae true.
J* on Friday, with yellow tever. Us wm an
estimable gentleman and brother of our
townsman, Mr. J. M. Lewis.—Montesuma
Weekly. It wasn’t gctulne yellow fever,
w* suppose. Malarial fever, probably, is
what it was. But we doctors don’t know
It would seem from tbo following from
the Ogiethorpe Echo that the farmers in
that soetioo are troubled with aroundless
fears: "If* hear a good many of oor
fannffs express fear* that they will make
more cotton than they can g^tner. 'Ao
. ) ! \y A l A’-;* ' • r!. •
times as much ae they now tbiuk toey ean.
HAwmssVRXB Dispatch i Major E. n.
Wunberly, told ns oo Saturday last that
new oorn was selling at llayneville for fifty
cost* per bushel, and it ts selling in IIsw-
kinsville at G5 to 75 cent* per buz he I. Yet
merchant* continue to sell meal at $1.30 to
$1.25 per bushel. It may be that they get
their meal tn Atlanta where price* ore still
Atlasta is gpdeavorlng to stop Sunday
beer drinking. A saloon keeper in West
Knd was fined fifty dollars this week.
Albast. News and Advertiser i Young
ChUles Walker, whose troubles
counted in yesterday’s paper, came into
the city ycaterday and surrendered him
self to Sheriff Edwards. He was carried
immediately before Jcdge Warren on a
motion for bond, wh ^ heard tho case and
fixed the bond at $IJM0. Judge Wright
instantly given, and the young
man set at liberty.
Oss farmer tn Dougherty oounty has
tent thirty bales of new cottoa to Albany,
and Neil Willingham wants to know why
Chan Jones didn’t tell onr readers about iL
Al*a*t Is jolly over her telephones.
Tssssistob* a Republican Congres
sional convention tn Albany on the 12th
proximo, to nominate a candidate in the
second district to run against CspLU. G.
Albast News and Advertiser: A oo a* try-
man fell out with a merchant yesterday
about a pair of snoes, and mad* tb* air
very blue with oaths on Broad street.
Louise were peering too. He was carried
before the mayor, and Saturday was the
day fixed fortnaL
A moms trader tn Dalton the other day
did a heavy business. He arrived in the
city with n bone he had stolen and com
"H'poeti trading operations. continued
hia speculations until be had changed six
different animals before tt was discovered
that he was operating upon stolen capital.
He waa arretted end ie now in jati.
Ms. form Bags, near Dallas, had both
tyrs ttowm out while blasting rock.
TiujU. ta some food for solid reflection
in the following Lom the Hartford Timet:
“Senate* Bui Util died comparatively
made life at Waehingtosi *p*f^ they
millionaires, and they aren't dead y*L 1
Bnt, between men of the Georgia Senator’s
stamp of sterling hoeeety nnd potitie.ans
of the Sherman and Bobesoo sahoot, there
»crepe yet to sees s ta,u
It Is hoped that far-
■ l H.zTMtcrtf ttrad."
Htiteiu bags rocks' from Aonm -Yews; Mr. Sidney Lewis bee
Ihe bottom of the river between Uri* point moved hie family to Mpoon. Mr. Lewie ie
end tbe BriO*, tror mBeedtetanL lt wee I the founder of the J MM
liquor drank by tbcmeelves or their pa
Womas Is the idol that man worships.—
Exchange. And the mors idle she is the
more be worships her.—A’m-.i and Adrer-
User. How do you make that out t "The
more idle she U." the Ism time he has to
worship her. There ia nothing in Idleness
that ts calculated to appeal to a m»a*s
bump of adoration. An Idle, thriftimr
woman Is a snare and a delation.
It Is now too late for the caterpillar to
do much dnmnge to ootton. HaL a* inf or.
mition on this line is ot interest to far
men, we pnbtisb the following from »h*
News and Advertiser, ot Albany: “ti*
learn from farming friends that the cater
pillar bss in tone localities mods his sp-
licnrauce in tertiary stage, and commeaced
hie depredations in catomL Jndgs Wright,
whose farm ie near the city, trite an that
the comiog of the pest wm quits •mitten,
as he bss watched tho progreve very atten
tively. They have covered his ootton since
last HULday. Mr. John Walter's ootton ta
suffering ll
Mow that Hon. Seaborn Reese hit becu
nominated, let all politieal and personal
prejudice* be buried, aud the Demoeroey
of the district rally to hi* support.—Even
ing Newt. Right, Brother Moors. n*ab.
Rmm is a good Democrat, sad should re
ceive the united support of the Demoorati
of the eighth district. If a disorgaeizer
and an Independent bad been th* nomite*
of the convention, the reason of the ce»
would bo different. Let C'oL Reece meet
an enthusiastic indorsement, and let hi*
friends rapport J. C. 0. Black, one of tin
Ts* TsLsasATB asd Usmksoss wants
to find an enthusiastic Stephens man. We
hope the Democrats aro just enthusiastic
cepltn self-dafetue. If the Jeffersonians
want peace, let then "bands off."
abeeL We clip from tbe Free
But don’t send'em around to the editor."
Sows of tbe papers doubt Governor
ColqniU’e sincerity on tb# Ilqscr question.
Tbe Worth Star says: "If Governor Col
quitt had taken hold cf tbe prohibition
question three or four years aro, when it
woe v«ry unpopular to be a prohtoitiosUt,
we awuid be more ready to appltod hie
recent nut-ranees agsleet tbe mannfactme
and sate of whisky m Georgia. r
Ms. *rsss will drive two bones in bie
campaign Ut tbe mountains. AlLa Can
tiler will drive
ma»y place* ae his opponent, but be wtiTl
pom under the siring first at the finish.—I
\Uainesville Eagle. W# shall be glad if tt
be eo, bat w# don't believe tt. It ie bad
policy to undervalue the immense ad vs si
tagre that Speer baa in tb* campaign. Th#
election will eoun decide the qoestioe. i
A sroona temperance following Uee
partly hidden in every nook and eorncrl
of Georgia. In several years more tt will I
break out in its vigor and sound tbo death
knell of tbe whisky traffic ia our grand old I
State.-Montemma Weekly. WeU, we
don't object for onr parti but it should be
settled by each county for iteelf aa asocial,
end not aa a political, question. It is worse
than foolish to split the Democratic party
permanently on that rock. That question
shoo Id be settled without regard to party*
■PnoTL* should not permit friendship for
friend* support J. u. u. Bloch, oneortt *
puteet, beet and able#* iueu ia tho State,
for the Uiiltol State Ben&tc. It is timo to
bring the young men to th* frorti
RzpBMr.vr.invr. Groans R. Black, or
eomo friend of his, is publishing medical
certificates to show thru he will be oompo
teut to dueharge th* datlse ot aC< agrew.
deep, and tbe littlo one’s fiiirAcnloose
will be specially interesting to the mothers
Kho read one "newt notee." Wooongrat-
Lto Mr. ^^Mri». Burch on the i : r^po of
thsir little gR Sa/e tho Times: “Nettie,
about eight years of age, a little daughter
* * v * editor of thie paper, while attempt-
fo re mot I to the bottom of the well.
thinks, however, that iust before reaching
the bottom she aucoeeded in turning, as the
is of tho opinion that her feci struck the
water first; though of this she ia uot eer-
Uin. The well Is twenty-rix feet deep, and
baa only about one foot of water. No ono
■cream, ran to tlie well _ __
ing at the bottom, thoroughly rata rated
with water and bedaubed with clay sad
and. A« soon of the little girl could brush
the sand and water from her face to tint
•he conld see, she looked imploringly and
•aid: “Aunt Mary, please get me ou **
Mary told her to stand In ths backet, h
on to the rope and she would d
The child obeyed, and Mary s
with all her might, when Mrs. IL, mo
of the child, wbo was wittinT In her r_ _
et tho time the alarm waa given, reaches
the well. Horrified with grief oud anxie
ty, realizing only the faet that Iter child
in tbe well, and without even looking
Jewn to see her condition, she tt •/. d tho
rope, and within lees time than tt tehee to
tell it, the little girl was again on terra
firma and clasped in her mother's em
brace-unharmed and unhurt, save a few
•light scratches acd brute • aud a terrible
frignti This Is really a wundc. fsl rocape,
•nd Mrs. B. earnestly wish** that do other
mother will eve? hav* to p»v a throsgh sooh
vehocklugand terrible ordea!."
Thw Eastman Times reports tbfi death
of Mias Maggie M. Sspp,siUr a Iona ilte
by tho time Cengrroa meet*, \- unl<
ttlrihitariNtalDr a re — taskua
by the flret dtetrlct rosven'ion. Tbe spec
tsele is a painful ose. Home men bold on
to office with a doth crip, while the same
spirit characterizes* ia seeking it
Tsiarv-rous marriags liseasee were ir-
•ued by tboOrdiaary of Chsthsm oounty,
daring ths month of Asgusti
Thb total vain# of Savannah's sxporte,
for the year ending flsgrut 81st, 18*2, i»
$1'.»,7«R!^I4. This ie a creditable ehowieg.
it place* our seaport city next la import-*
WkV to New Orleans, and far in advance
of the seaport town of Atlanta.
Ths Savannah Retarder publishes the
following extract from a letter, written by
an extensive planter of Barks oounty,
tbe New York cemmissionen of emigi
lion. It will likely prove of interest
some of oar agric iltnr*! aoteeribers: “1
have a few BoheminR* is the sooth«re*to
portion of this State, nod we ar« well
pleas'd with them at laborers, and desire
to get more. We watt lsbor «ua meet
have tt. If we confine j to farm. Tbe ne
gro bee virtually quit tb* field and taken to
politics and preechicg. and onr fields ere
growing with weed* and bashes, acd if yo.:
will inform ne bow to get the Bohemian*
yoa wilt confer a very great favor oa the
planting interest of Bark* county. Frotu
what I can leant from tbe newepapvrs and
other sources, tbe entire State i* in the
■sin* bad condition fot labor.
Tnavs children in LouLville, Gv, hare
been bit by a ratio Spits dog.
Baonres Boro criee “aloud for light"
to wbo will be nominated in Jefferson oa
Tuesday next.
Thb people are saying wilb startling em
phasis "no mere whiszey shop* and bag
natior. W# regret to eeo tho spread of In-
depaadcntUai I* tfw State, but it U tl» uua*
voidable contsquenee of tl* action of the
Atlanta State convention. We hope fo see
Ike party thoroughly ro-nrg.tnizsi on an
anti.ring bests before R' !. Then there ,
will be a return of Jnii*pca.h i to tt-: \
Tns following from th# Kolo-'n
will interest tbugiri*: “Mirrird.
residence of Mr. B. H. Harrell, in
county, on Hnmlay August SOth,
5. J. Mitchell, of bodge county. •
l./.!iar. Milter, of l’uti •. ..
J. P., officiating.
Tint Fort Valley Mimw and |
rfery pointedly save i
iho recent ri^o in Ci
attributable to the
Gen. Alexander n • ►
ley. We cannot «ct
iho o?ec.:tive abilil;
• ■ tr.-U-cn : u. • •,
that .-f *?'i tr.ia '
' 11 '■ "r\i
■P f
patents '
ler then
('than whotr there
'for; Among the
United States PAtent
agrstatute <
ic^ iand i .« he m«y
l team this UayoxxvA
Beautiful skin and fair
robust health un<l powers |
follow tho use cf JUrt
it really woe’ti—.Vrire and Parmer. May
be tte reverse proposition woulds't “hold
water," friend B-)>d; but that isn’t the
point* Would It bold whisky ? That's the
Allis Caudles, th* Democratic nrml
nee against "our Emory" In th* r.iuth„
rose cne eye oa the race. Tbe other was
soot out.
Atlaxta Is to have a new opera bouse.
Two men of means and spirit have taken
bold of the matter.
Thb AuguU make* the fo.lowing
points on Atlanta i The value of sba
NxtioSLsl and State banks in Auguj
SUv.V.'ri. Is Atlanta tt is but $2023
Atlanta muse bank cn cheek fael
money. Ihe per centage in Inert
I j j in Augusta has ‘
• LI fo ;r*.A.^i :
i by tbe orfi:cary.of,;Mai
daring m mth.
Drown'* IrotiDUteie.
were ie*
Beer tea i** o.iUijarily made is a w
Ices nourishment, it la simply the flavor o(
meat. Scott Jc Bowne’s Soluble lkf f 1s
tbe substance dissolved In addition m the
flavor, mdiis splendid food tor tbe sick.
For sale by druggist* and grocers* U
To supply oourishli
valid* U a great d •
IJownc’s Soluble Ik« I
as it contain* the aubt
flavor of tbe im-*l In
sxlc by dm;. - * i
"While It exhi
rad’s Uodwi' W|
■ ' r
• is $1,448,
i AU-ia
tt is $729,70.
TfeS Augusta News has a lengthy at wall I Y>,; sale 1
able article on the rabjeet of "A Fit* |
aside th* ohliga- ss an able article on the rabjeet of "A Fit*!
* to social/. He ; nog ASooumeut ts Senator Hill," whieh | —D^onL
Is manforeJtee, rw^mmende the b..fidiug of an art Ui] kocu . k i
■ I'JsiTenttyrompwcaelmr * * ‘ ^
t laced in deep drills nnd packed
> Mr
end a patriot. Friendship is a »aered
relation, bss it
Uone which* titan owes
w bo votoe for an ioeepahh
from eoosideratiooe of porsonal fr
ship, wrongs Iris friend and floes videuce long, thirty feet wide, end eight*
to UM Stale. f floor to re.lit ., to be l.vl.c I -.f... r
In foUooing from onr oxoeilent ex-1 tho Ulnetriou* dead,
change, tho Hawkinavtil* IhspaU A, ought Atsim Banner-Watchman:C.Xr. II. A.
toe&eetc«llynukt any spire - -a-to. M a< y, a:: intelligent gcLttertan
the Ui: at of llr. M.jr.cL- D ••cur pr- j Uh.o, orofptd in tores u* je^u-rdaj, a:..l
tore to give beta cf the ,4**tion:jm tne oocrre o! coc»rr>.xu-ju he ^io*e ot