Georgia weekly telegraph, journal & messenger. (Macon, Ga.) 1880-188?, September 15, 1882, Image 2

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    ©jeargin IStechly 5W*0**P& 3ot*cnaA & Bfgifflggg'
TIM AMrw mi «Im> PiurwU* *‘«*
<*w England,
Th« iddm* oI
gpr=JLOTJ!!rsr |«.™«- ; , ;>;;
Ml 0*&r to totwwW V» *im t* On
iTMftMjMMi frw * n*m*r* ■ «»
■Mtt. mm to* uiw me*** •• t»»
ternmi nliti m»
made up ot
1 i liwi of whites; thus* who favor s
r.j-jallly w*«h iMgr*#*, Inrlndmg i
hue pfreenled to our 1 ruarrtog* between tlw races, and
.rn'ug. i. »a Mlreor-ll- wl,l,lltVlluiplw..|*ll4lliurowl» VUo*|whldim«f V » uMI
.lrw>,dinar) In IM Inn I .be negro *nllil*,l In im r ‘si.:* whetaver— ' the last* of the <«i
nrj lo Ueu* »u xiJl~ , >n pt X tin) South. TM t-imrr dim II WIN oat oo toll In*
g inm. Tbn fashion if Mi onr p«|
age* ta on thi InaeaM
boon rocaiali'e.1 1 un-a, "tb* people tbit 0**1 tpadr,
|> J.j Ibo daly which the I theio pnwnlM .tiortlf lo b« »mif
ibould hit* pcrfoitocd km* I linos shown In IM crawl* foe nuiluj It
wok* tint*. Ussl II l» »•* *ilts
nirr to <*Vr *nd MMttllil imnlctiUti. teaching it lb* Jlidkwl putf for jean,
•Ml A* tau-riaMtor of lb* | aod It It MOW bring MaMM|MM
chairman if lb*
Mo Boating I gen lo b* aprtebnuIJ from inch wall-1 Mwl by lb* ojuir*
intend to to* Raw Toth heritor. la a «sr | Uoo, they meb* not only the etinorilln*. I ^ llwy muster sboir application.
HrotoMrBMroro I riro lb* pteritoM of to. tow rooroattoa. I la which lb* lector of llUk.lints M.
."JT’-Sr'-w *ad <X lb* cbtlnatn of lb* -ma- Mrn cpMeatlc for ,«*n. Iadtta* no malatfca* of that on*I Bulb, -no* «■*» >** "a**"
ffV *•"* I «a*aalliB. Mid of on* of Iba girtrirt I Mppeoad lo alfik* Iba athto *r*wd |
J’iluH.iSPZ?.-’-. fUMai —to lm.ti.Mn. U»M**Mr*Uy *nnn* by Iro hta rotor, hi. anna*AfHcaa*,lM.Inn
i r ■*•.*•*-£• -row, \ tMnaa who wort tally aUsra la lb* lot btanroe,,rolator*oroortMbaltowof
»■■ — —— ItadthiUMy wtiwiiv.kltgtwy taflctt* I bl. tart. **aMa*OMO*ill atlMwcbif
K «Mnm — MteMlritoMtoafolltB lb* faro, and who Ml I tetoririka tri-Mil, nuMailolb* wall.
_ lllVili. i iM a “- 1 f??;|, laU |m r ,ma«alMliMPOb •» a. Th* wodlug of a “btodnoallta* toorr,"
-miiiwi'i !.■*■ n m «n«(ly at laagaagt woaM penak to «araaM think, woald M ngarM
1 " ■ H-MocmlttaUttlaatt*UtaDiaMCtalKl M»i.»Lba*nii tat high todlratloooffk-
M»' Aat•••*««» I )Hty. Lakoring karri**, aad under thr I pm lor "pranking at IM bar."
ok la lb. loUowua pt.m ] I weight el gnat and growing approbru. I TM pmgriph doM not M, that IM In.
| doo, H wt* tut oral that Ihrtt watk I ddrnt occurred In Datloo, bat Utai u
aiiwni. Nttii..ii>.Kt|htolM*Mb. Iibould Moften totb* ctttldba, tbn l‘I probibly lb*locilUy. It wa* Ibn*. w*
»*"b| IMfMbateb**aMil**|nitloftlbtr. BU Mltm.tbalaaulltwa.lugbl Ibal lb*
I It I. la tk* aula nod enough. iKuaf I.quality" which lb* JacoMu grata
. iwa*at*«f Iba aaalaaa | . in agb, bread aaaaah. Ueauw within | (buu . u KmM yalji la a •gwrailf* tun,
1 nal wnttna.. I*a*yr» tbaptalnnt und*mniidiiu I „„| tl)r polUlcal purpoon. Tim “youn«
OtoUtuala batag badly Mak*a*gla|and It carrlt* wllb II Ih*eanteM comic-1 M|ra i.v Mudaai'' Ikrcd a* wall at
M.--«cl -tfu.Mdw.ara Inly dad. I Uoo. of Ilmen who I-rcpastd is. I gaulls aad no won*. They will gel
— —r*—■ I Altar netting Um tact that IU Hum-1 ,b u «lu«w of .ymptiby when limy get
■' r “ 1 " “ “ I cratle pasty 1. fee Um 0r« lime conhoot-1 , ome 4 put of Sontbern hotel, nod ann-
de.t- ..«*io m s - a>* nnpv tsne- u U |poinu by at. “Ind*|wnd*iti coa-1 (umd adtnluanc* lo lb* bar It Southern
1111-0," and altar jMlolltig cut iba dau-1 ,ourt*. Ikuon will toll ug lu *y*a and
II* In tboir Imhalf I
lion, ib*y ^
hoi. a taw day* age- | ry hut tha ataaaadlng amMclon that the J - e)M ,|e lhatoo" they will and, u a
..11 OeuocraUc parly cf lieocyta I*In dangir 1 rrt i,, utai race gnludlc* ayalrat them l.
,, j3 rrt rfla Inti t-T l*rr -i-jof defeat. Front wbal» Frotn agilhy. I uro ufe r than at the South.
| That It mu In Iba Uadow of latprudintl Tbe John Bconn nesro ^ttlekeraareou
I disruption without the morteg cf a turn-1 |te , \ Mnutl howartr, and Ih. Ham whet.
FbucaaaaMd* gatat of«t*w^** badl c ]g OT |^ aDva df n g of a mice, that U I Small, and young negro law rtudenu will
^ ^oew-boad m 10 1 took, calmly upon mgs» rule and rttu i« | b* aset wl'h open Caucaalan anna-tobo
SMCtl tb* naan of uft-tmao. I no eftirt to avert It. And, thla too, when I ugten to .naky Caucariau Itawarn, may
halts'. BedotiU. are now arjoyiaa the-r 1 tb. echoe. of the Utcut. of a !<"t of mmc-l not M far dutaat. The t.rtro, who will
Iduuf liMakw}. They tab Idl Stay an I lace, unttilnkltig and 'iiuoacc nlng garti-1 no t M aihamed lo bo caught In any .uch
>, rad Ikon alaop In UmmUkS of plan-1 uaa, boel.wloaed and led by a few cun-1 ntu.ide, .bnuld go to Sew Kniland and
_ are not >«t Wttlcd In the »ls, I uldo ita cntnlna- It I. rematklhU that the
.. ... * . ■ ■■ I whentlmbcnmtlny and braggadocio of • Ioegrodoe. not lake to tha. I’ectoniMati,
■ J I few mlf<otmtltulcdortani ireyeten.lcat-1 p.,i m< i,, ? |^ Mellon. Tim eternal «•
LmbMAmL “the freedom of Um I Drln * 10 ntit mi»d tutt- lit 1 IKM ,4 thing. caH. for a h sgira of the tm-
I belief that all I* well. I gro population of loSewKi'g-
I If «e wen Making for a golai at which I lend. If the m.)t*ni*ol .'could ret In with
iui 1 w# ^ a c ^ lid ‘ m “P 00 tbit tol- proper eATOMtocto, ft tUU tbank tbe
folJcU it* tr> ^ I «irrM »od iu toibon, me ifcould U!t JuU I Lord and take courase. TUa race can-
•uca Ite net J enner ini um w-f. | Ingube why the eatuf.. I not hope lo gain I he .uipcmed price of *>•
the taaaona for thi* apathy In tha prc~ I equality in any idber ecctioti id the
Tna yetalloa. pruaarepfmr U dmelopfay I ence of -lang-r at* not *et forth? II hy I country, and their cry thauld he ‘mu to
a “gum bile" at iba root of hu upper left I colwlo people: Tan hare been I Saw England V
band taak that sonde tb* atteatioa of a bUW b; „ l8 , h „d Incompetent lead-
head *»t I en, who bare banked on yuur part ««• I talaaiir
■ ». 1 -— .u —sdidatM a I villty, and who hare hoped that you I Th« teadetr of lim Tai.wiaai tl asp
If aay ef the] would follow and support the matter 1 Mrpmatroaa will rrcall tlm fact that thl.
water rraa raiaad, fapfler PIotIiu warn.'! j ahat ofo.ncr. lonofprinciplaanil .elf-1 iountal »a» the Brat to the fact
respect tlm McrlOce and degradation I that the Uorertur of the State had left
, , mi-bt demand. That one of thoee grand Hi nmoe and had gmto to Washington lo
fT!! poUhical mistake, hm been mad. rrhieh open negotiation, with Mr. taeplmn. a.
Umddtrad.blrM.UolItcr. | V|UMH , (okl . Wi the gubernatorial .ncmmlon. When
, w erirn*. PMhap. shea, geutlem.,. Ike '*« **• publlahed Col.,,HU and In.
u ..rrosuao aocMT I appreciated ihcc facta *o fully I <dfas» aUampied aquari detail, laord.
tha eplrtu of Um outrage ] „ llt mutempla'.e | to throw oB the acent and to hurl, the
tocktewbialmaocaUm boad-UM, "Srg,o| tblt wlU( | u.-u. I rlnn? Indignation. Keen now Mr. s:e-
bony by a mob.- to mod «. and tad pi. • , > t u u h lu.lf carried I phent eahlblu a aoualtlecnm. npoi. tltlr
tkoJnr.ofahombmrase. _ 'u own eaplanmlnn -wo plain pol«'. _
U sbe Kurduh Cbiel: “(.o I that he obo runs may read." Be tbn a, I hut It I. a fact that Colquitt did make
a wboy from here. asMuon*trwleoaiow."lit may,they hsee placed beforef. Item. I rhia pllgrlinag 1 at tbo time specifted, and
Ksrdbb Chief to ihai'orte: "O, ebetie locratic putt “f sicorgl. the plain, prac. I for tbn purpcao Indicated. Thom wlur
It." And now peace,eigne. I rid and ‘mmcllaic iranca upon .hlrh I ,l 0 man and hit inelbodi need
^7 tlin . ^llUsmmpaltc . ,r taught ax all, u.,,.: be I scarcely he told, that he waa influenced
MM.b.j5^£XiSSStk^t X*I'JTim^^btanr^y P«in
lilt red tram bit I pity of word..
TaaumM eete.'ireiolU. 'tlmlr oon-1 If t'mre bid her n l.ld l.efom th
rm to deatrt tlmlr principle., ,m,|b«att’maolthtaJ,uinm furthe gml*”* I ^wertirl aad iudlgnant protata. There
oe led.,indeciiem. Lnt ibee are I monthr, they could not bnre 1 1 ^ ,, r „ dlraatmur. How far
1* Mr.
order and as work aeeontpHitmd tttc de
plaited rtault, not without great traeail
‘ 1 and trouble and In tlm face of a incut
; 1 Jett
realm, aad that la wry IM bam ear
Urn laber ertbar M UmasMleee or
atbarsaadika raaarda Ibal they
flat a reatlmsroa attbar la Ibamacbw
It brn Men mM tha, raaa le aatarally a
Mlflah animat, Tfr* eeldmme of oar
In oar daily inlnaoulM with tb*
gaogie, goat Ibr toward. Mmutolog iba
I ge.) tar as to adtmi that
tberala aoMcb thing ar dlalutfreeted-
mm, and that mltahnM. It IM lararUM*
amtleb power Ur human actio*. The
ebarg* la tea iwtcptog. ScIflabrwM run.
rial Ikruegk th* earth, aad dariwM many
heart and huaM! bat It it nrmpaakably
unlutt, under err* .weeping charge, lo
baulrh from the recordc of oMa and wo-
tlm deed, that lift tMlr Usn* aba*.
IM lasrtl of a cold and calculcUng Mltkb-
tVbatarer may Im tlm natural ton-
denciM of tbo human heart, nothing la
truer than that then am people In whoeu
dally Mragglea the 1 bought ofmlf rarely
crcr enter*—peopte whom IWm arc bound
up In the Una of ether*, and wbdM
dmerint aunahln* la that which
redertad from lace* of I hem*
whom limy bar* mad* Moiling and
happy. It la nothing to tb* pap
poc* tbit lb* Ittsdeery may h* ochecwlaa,
for she fact I. a. w* itatad lu Tlm cun*
of MifohoeM has not aetlled upon Ih*
Urea of all Use people. Thar* are men
and women who do not lira solely lor
Tbe lanon of tbeee people are not
without tlm certainly of a reward that li
a wills tbe’r demri. Wo do
uot mean lo My Hut the mctlr* that
mate, people to llrM of unMlflrii derotlon
lo the good of other*, la that they may
reap cliher a pmeent or a pnmpaeilre re
ward. That would M1 cynical, unwor
thy new of the sublimed ferliug*
which humanity I* capable, and It would
be dllhouorlnglohlm who enters allied lu
People may Bud actual and aenslble cn-
Joyment in cuotrihullnf to tlm well be.
lng act tha happlo*M uf other., nil In
thl. taellng they will reap the meat bleat
ert of all earthly reward*—that uf Ibe “Mlf.
approrirtg hour"—of which tlm poet
'One .elf-ipprorlng I«mr"Wbole yeerr out
0/ *tu|<i4 lUn-n upI U>u4 buuaa.'
It it literailjr trua that the further one
grU from aelf In all hit tltouft.ti and ac
tloiM, the m »re a»cureJy he plant! hlw«-lf
iu the n^touv of perpetual aunahln>*.
Have un conttdeuce ui any claim tu human
haj'plu^M that U no*, founded up *u abue-
(.atlou of relfp and that la not the rcauit of
•rtire MT uta in the behalf of o'.hera.
Tli" world would Ihi tuuch aunuler and
ita people would be much happhn if»Im?
•pirit of which *« hare been epeaklng
•hou!d pota* as more of lt« r r ”P‘‘*
would then be worth living to a gr**at
many pMiple who now aea only Ita van
atul lt> wrinkles, and who, iu tlMlr *un
meat daya, do not Quite emerge from the
•hadoK j. Tl.o thought la worth laorp*!
rating iu all our Uvea, nut for our take pim
ply, but (or for the take of others.
alt howart wwto whwtowetatott t»to towth.'
TM eifr'ieSaM ■ feat amdampMuria*.
PbllaJrlpbi* Times and Clarinnatl
rctal, are ■ not alngular. Th*
of Ur* boraM la wielded la Oaa*.
gtaqultam handily m In lWauylrula
and Ohio. Tb* praMM campaign km
tarnished capital IllualnUoa of Iba Iralh
ol data MMitlon. Old and konam Dmo-
mu, wka kart ryaat yean of labor la
th* remca of the party, wb* bar* fr»*ly
gtren their amlM lo tM mUbllihmeot of
•ound urtudgle* au<l to enable IM party
la triumph, are dally Mt upon by a par.
art of paany-a-llMnand are lubjectod to
Thu may M fraUlylng lo tM bo*ya
who pay fur it by tM line, hut It la ant
calculated lo (wall tha rota for Mr. Ota-
tool aiding lidettadacliwn, hot thejr ar*,
A rm with three taili wrt an exhibitor I *ia» Dar*v I 1 "“l 10 **^ * *° **J r *
VW. larrUw of thta tact, a# mu bat be I qCy bar. a. lealcn. a. eponent. of B ' frr *”" ** aU,ft
had to evolve I . lw \ ... I now merely to put to record 0>1«|u(tt •
conM.lm.UthUpsm.1. IiUnta.I.u..
day of boas rule !uu <Xftno to an end; that | ^ ^
nevenaore, II tbe Democratic juuty i«
The next tote a ourreepoadetot oonoiod— 1 two or three men hide behind a
Ivee o* of the caudal append* I
thi* puiti
In detail or full In particular*, but it U
quite (ulttdcnt u» override all previous
A few days linen Colquitt drllrcnd
to writ. ton.rm both .Idea oltbe paper, door |„ At!.,.!, to Mlcct leader, for the rew
wa .ball Im aoariottad II M wtU pat^Um L„, r , .lUirlbute It. Imnor. as.d I lllBMlfo( u0 Camilla, f-oui
a*. j preferment*; that thwe iball be no tawe j ww# thi* <|uotation J
enquitting with Indflfcnd-ntUm or BadU I j %at wht>re , ^,4 ^ , hrmig h tbv K-tbrex
will nuke ao more *peechee. I caliam; that the bonctl toon of tbe dr^au* 1 0 ( our cucml«, aad the peril* «>f thr Kuu.
Jt harrows kfcMtorttivo «usl too much to I izaticn shall not be again home down by I •*» • uvaniow effort i«rtwr by Ui
bar* ttrong mao aad hnr* women weep- >muaol , Kgr ,j foteB , purebued tar the I MP?blba* ro tarafo««r»s*
tag aw* Id. elequriM TM ill* rootal ^ I liy dm ram. mmboda cm|.p d rd In Mril.lm
locciawm. 1 *-a »ufh ttep* a* I thuuaht woald wive 1
lie, and I gin nut a ah kintal n| tu) coon*.
Tits new* from the Arkatoaaa «Mk» 1* I mlttre Lave raided the ahibbolrth of th-1 Mr. fuidren* aaw tbo .tauxt-r fr»ra
coofliotitg; hat from the way tha Bt. Looi* I party-dhe tuperior lutemgence, apart j I W**hia*wn. and he wa. «l*d xn help
it D fair to inftrlaod power of tbe white man. Tl^y I ,l T . . .
ir^jrs^r *•“ **«»*• ■»» x el
ftaU-l by lim Pemocrata. I tendered tar mrentMO '» •*»», " I rb* htah aaalnaUM garllm,
wmIMHy aad oeetwhelaiinf. I J*™'” tw V-** 1 *?**--. -- 1 ?!*-1 We .Uonld be glad t*M Informed what
lytmatlaasMb,* dwrorigblr repm-rnarlv. I practical, immediate Issue-, continuing I , c ,,
s.y u.. ts,j|.le. I one, one of btaod and cacc .M-r- *^*? A, * J? 8b
lahichalltru. BcnwcraUmuit itand ut» I ■*. _ _ .. .
nfolaaaiKwrtiaawblahMaaotMMtalut tb * FbVi.1 goeemmentand the B-r^! * .
tallied b, facta, semen and argament. | ^ Ulw p. n , .u,„ ceam to «»k IM po- 1 ,nT U ' Eocr “ ,h * t , ‘“ 1 #M
I llttcal dcatructlofc and enslavement of tlm I
s bead, ind could re id a newspaper
It o**M la b* palatal to Um adroeatr* a» I ' lllc *' ^,,"7! I was net tail, Informed of»
ptohlldtloa to kaow that aaak, John BMr-1 Mutb by forttaa lbe negr<i»ilop°llUcal|
man Is Mid to faroc It TbrnatcMMato ucenrUncy. ThagaoUmM.I WMblngton"’.*. tlmrc Uut could r«K
lookwitbMsgfotoaowhla.Iraaa.gofaaylmlttco B*'* d . r ” n V'"?™ .?!%, I hare bMtt met and artltad by tb. nomb
meuara ar beUaf. IU. Mty prayer, an I |md upon tha right .Ida of tu TMlr tori. 1 ^ ^ conMrietsl Ugm-
I waa utmeceeeary. Tbete laat have always
ocrat of the party In Georgia t
There were no more •‘scltem**,’* “per-
M dang«•^»* , threaianlng from Wash*
To hamkagjMMU la agate M If | Men oo tM sight .Ide of that Um. TMy
^ - tVIZ’Zl IhtgtooattkM than there hare Mm.
I M oagkt to M put no tM I'' “ , ' Thy “ I ^ wry hour tine. IM Im!
.trerta to itring a piak m to kaadla * I wm tmimr»ur*. I gun In tM warwa. Bred,
sbo-ri. I TM pasty bM a right to demand that I The Uepuklkau party was then, as it
I Ih* mm who ruajt In lead It shall auh- |) w dM«n,mltlt mill drdtiR, trying to Af-
A Bur FniuciMoairi ha. had tM aoaraga I scriM to tM aplrit, tM language, the potl. I ricu ,|„ tb , tm Ueteocrallc parly
to ni«i a rc.1 Hr. tort. TM tort had IM I tlorm of thla addrma. The, ^ m.„ , D .uied to lurcera-
Imt.ndenee to ark ahaat Mt hlM* ^hltaoMrrttoMr. Htapbena. Ho It to -s-1 full, reslri this attempt at each lucciwa-
^ to 1 4 "“ * °* Um * 1 * I , « Ma * u ,0 ; I In sled Ion. Indeed, no break In Ita an.
T: “ " Hf ^ I BlghU It b With his, if ton apathy *h»ll I nd „ r |*i until Colqnlt', a* » ,»*>
I and grow Wronger, or tM rank I backed and anpportrt by IM no-
Tea Angmta CVe.tefo imd IMmWhrliea. I and II* nf ftaorgla OimocraU .rimll rtat I ^ ^ 4 tM Btala, had tar a da-
ni u t r.l<r.toUm •topporitlaa"oMtdahmr-1 rmgearira to the ekrquam appeal •kl* I morallnd It.
nal to Ur. Unsiin "falling abcct." TM I cksaM lim addrre. of IM orramltlre- I Wat Im IM propar gcraon to la laying
mom d„.,tad tb. C. radix k.Mmuto A hard nammlty m.y carryhlm *» IM I OTl „ etlB palgn in aaertl for iMUcmo
IM sorb todtguml tt j gnMmatorial chair. Ilia V><xi>»»”»<>lcn l lkpittyaf OemgU, with . riewef
l ‘*«. I rrptrlrilmi may tall, wm* who dally and I Uainl , w u* ttanatonhipf
n. ■ ,-dnuhttohta capperi. tart If MdmliMto IIun0( u, nmddtacofM Inlmaisllrm
B ’ l "' rJ ° [ * * ‘° I MeoM* Um Chief Magtatnto cf 'teorgla, I d|T|d(d hog dlrtrmcted tbe party
all*MataImad. that laxoia* "I*? 1 U fnrMoatoidmlotalmtum,kbladepaadcat
tbu.k we bate prrlty nearly I pmea hlmsoM almgglda X ba. ra.ltI mngig^ assd kta Mlfob and unholy am-
a I Who ncotnlM, Indon* and uphold t^ Mum., II. hm rated with hi. "«Mme^"
principle, membodtad to IM addnm °rU uy .r."Msd"ptnb"wkld, Mb power-
>L. kbai. aw —.1- VmmMtltoto (l.m.l ■ "
gpottckl Umi B
»Mr. S-. pMnr lu I sscMi i»t«M if |tb* HtaM Democratic EaecuUrc bacto irnt down'
> Ikmuerstte£ i. mtiT. Oommlttao t If I nrlttaa. I «—
.to leii.K an “or. I - .era. I I rtalld I’meb Olher Ip.
».ejed" »raL If M door not, tl.rn To* rieay i*r IM. Imattmte I lb* Ilea of reward arstat* largely Into
doe. not ngMoart too lbwxT.Uc | »A reerwemreUe riwbat Mejem neee re-1 «bat maa da In tbta world. TMrawarda
,m,t, | tamdadmUrtto tokB H H^JjLT'^laf onab tabor* ar* ioMparabl* la Ih*
Is ‘W
VM’arggv. Thl* I* tha
fraud •ev.-t iMirj^futu
css isja^.fe ihs ii! su!‘
•h* Ornk that ahf. tea »•
tvMtmS an alligator.
n alliira*
s M bad written a I mind of the laborer from ll.e work which
| IrMi aMaillaq lama.' Tfr bit bind. Ian found to do. Very taw
TMmwo glTtum.y ii to tell Hm | iltlng. .redott* without inoUn of
i ». but it will hardly satisfy think'
AntvHra* riaakryhn
Thera 1stomfllilug Im-^stltlc to the
Am* nrmii mind about a title. There h
cdcsiia! ba.otbat hovers over 'lie lira*! of
ilw* pruud p**a*c%aor of on*. It Is a my**
tic tallswau that casts a spell upim
countryman, and makes tbun slaves,
iba’- bow* their beads In revervnee, low
**rt their eye# lu butnlllty and subdiK
tbrir voices in awe.
While tbn American U wot usually par
llciilar about the rank ol the object
worships, yet it limit bs. ailmittcil that
some titles pastet* a stirnger fascination
ethers. Tliere is notably tlie title
of a Duke. Wba*. natit tie man would
ci:durn almost any rturefo know
real live Dnok. The fact that
t>rora!iM*nt ex-Heualor from our State
lias been invited to partake of the Imspi*
tabty of a Dock, has caused more envy
logs and heartburns ^bau all tbe political
successes «*f bl* entire career. When
• turns bo can striko a kesner blow at hi*
enemy by rntmtionlnf what the Duke
said to mm, and wbat I said to tlie Duke,
Ilian by furmliiR a dozen political Irajfttes.
An uusuipoctlng Mvrquia strolled into
Chicago, rn route for Man Francisco, lie
was bunting flu* bomy-liandfd yeoman
tlie child of nature, who looks a kingdom
In the face as fearlessly as be would
cumpatiloti. lie doesn't find the horny*
banded yeoman. A Michigan colonel
bis np'Kirtuulty, and :*ot mote surely
does tbe falcon stlm open bis prey than
does tbo Michigan c* :. i.-l swoop dowi
ou tbo errant Markey. With all tbe
tary celerity which In former days
d'splayed In Mefclng tM tear, M harten.
to accim pany the Marine to a peaceful
city. UI«loua|oM culbcel! Not BUM
tar tbe buffeting, of direful war, Mw dint
thou .Mne Ml tint aora ardu .in Held,
ffunkejlam! How that thou lllutlralr
Democracy, IM rule uf tbo people and
tlie equality of awn I
Wlmu Jin. W. W. Artor an. tided
Nan port fi.a bant with lnwlitehi Arthnt
•be wm Imlpou to the top of g low, broad
tttno wall, After tM'Hbrnw off" Mr.
Arior and Mr aKort walked for wm* dl*.
unco along the top -ff Um wall totbclr
rartlage, Thl. I. tlm rtartlmg announoe-
amr.1 that hM appeared :« erety tnerget-
Ic Journal <f our eouncy- •».!!.*■
wopto l.«* fastened their «yt.
rapt attanUoa on toe commit,d-
In, flgnr* of nur Vmldtnt gracefully
leading a lady. Million, of people ban
watched with hated breath each preaj.
dtVtlal atop, tart It'wrmoraltp. TM
Preatdent.tolled, and mllHonaafpeople
(torn Maine to Taut fairiy gnftawed.
TM 1're.ldaat wm eery well plaaaed
with IM butt, and milllotiaofpoopto
were perfectly carried away.'
Hot why until Im Um pawl* wkhM
brief and uooaltafhctoty an accnuat of IM
PiMidcaUalaaloaP "Why art rtat* that,
advancing atowlp, h* placed hta Pnaden.
Ilal right foot la apaee, pat hit caccuUra
right hand o« Um rtoOM oftbawallind
Uaped tank, alighting OB hta chief tnigU
egg .Uid lug and Mr
Twn day aid
i of rttddonfnmdman 8.t.'
U to Joaufy t'c iiup'^.,.
m> r*»nrfjn‘tl In lbs ab>
—Paul Boynton figure, up that lm‘hu
him was a sUirv-plawd wasrti worth
—HrprtMOtaUva CstlMa* if Kotdotky,
-Or, nt*. C. Mlln. Cbkafn’i aposiia
Mfhir, MiiofiiMj Milf
rl|*kntufth«flft J
iMaittert, an-l with a bow and a *■ .
mlJlfwrnulii isIfiBjiiaffaSaiQw
iwvwl<i..t»n"-l6fii ho»l*p»gils4klMWi*d i »
Taat party erita *1*11 M Mr*. Mad wtlb-
IM part, U DemacraU. dortriu la
tleorgla, and It ill
paim* lo
Mftdldate, .hall tnbwr.k. totbadaatrla*.
TaajarylaIMriarreatotrialMema to
ptaylog Ita pari writ AalMmdM la
MpiaMd to tambMB mad* op month,
ago, It m kind in IM Jary lo gtm iatarimt
latM trial by holding bact a little. III.
trick ot IM orator drtltariag
r-Brurmoa. CBaanui aad tfce^Taltapao.
art .1.11 oo .ihibtUoo. TM Cool mo-
dorr. It ta .aid, M. learned IM difbnam
bslwcetf ao anchor aad a yardwrm. A
few mot* leaton* will eaabl* Mm to toll at
glance the difference between a eery
yard and a land battery.
Cor. P. Wall* wtd utter again, la °*r
Judgment, lend hta aid lo IM dtaorffinix.
tntt ot tM lmsocratlo party of Qaatgta h,
.commecdio* inatead of uomlnalUur*
candidate foe goeernor, TM aiffeU of
that mlrntep at* .UU waa la many of one
Nwuty and dUtrlel oonrantlone.
tVoiaab-.T all! not Mep hl.boa.tto Itaa
quel in London on Um IMh Inal, anlem M
deecrto hta eohltar. In Um flald to inakail
good. TM fuJanoUtei affllnrt boatUng oo
■lie part of IM man Jort potting cn hi. nr.
could bar* been obaerrad with prod!
by ttm Talngloriona old Britlebor.
Tut star rauto ptowootkm faro* ta In ita
TMearlain will toon be rung
down, and Brady. Dorwy A Co, wilt rc
colt, th* aoogratalaUorm of Um party of
high moral Ueu " Tbe whole affair will
be deeland to tm oo* of IM aaddwt chap-
tor* In IM "peretention of tM ealnta.'
Wr. bare no srsumrnt to make wllbUieae.
tiro trader, ol tbl. dlodfo ted party.—drt.ele
Thl. ta.t: ietly trnc. Tlm CtouffloHo*
ha. newer Indulged In *rgnm*ol during thta
campaign. IK stock tn trade bs. mainly
consisted of weak threat, end cnlgir para'
—President Arthur aad hta flag at* get-
tatalom.rwrijuemaadijm daejpgJS.
—JnatM U. tti‘h1>onr. Um ftttadtr of
__ s&s.HS
—Llawlaaant Patrick Mac Milton, Mar-
—Mm. Richard*, WM bM Man trm**l-
■ htt£i2f.»K;
■ — Otorga Alfred Tawnaaod reeritUy re-
m 'x-asTSciT.^'Eh^
—PswutHMUii J. Proctor Koott hM
w-d. «r«hsomp.
—A yoang Mtaalmlppl atudent, nomad
Jewel p. abm, for a hit, aammed aa ad
* , a«ss»7s»e?'aa , -iss
Imbrt w««c UJufi-I. but Ihv (AjrMrlaa IblaU
te has MtuiMd lalrrna) lajurte*.
—Uav. Hrory Ward IMdwr writ## lo
iko CliJracu TrUmmr Ihal liU am ot bar fever
U MnrtnMl. but notmdiraSwL lie haa with-
ah »rtk»»n»wrr."! ovsr two hnndrw) IM*
oti Ulf »u!.jrru lit M}a that for two
Kha in Um var Um man who lutaha? frver
„ t lotiKrf a br« will aerate bat an otajr.
•tflMhliia animal, with fefwtooa tctwUtiete
an l no.irtfinDUlJf. IUBmIa libo Stllluc hla
nolhft in*law, atol hl« rxoffrlrocw. Ukc Job's
wile. Irtapbi iilm to swear.
—A Washington special of Mnodaf last
rnibe riu* Inoat' OtttU saw: Tterw U*»w«l
■uilu-riijf to stair that Um Whte flutist will
bars a mUtrc* anl winter. lYrs iWwl Atthur
afloultMdlr rue***!. tn*l the marrlag* will
rarif in Um talk Tbs nam* of Um
u for lb* nrMMit a stats mm. Tb# rm
csamsnt was ma.l«- last »prtac. and the la.If
haa. thla aummrr. at •Uffbrrnt watrrlatr i-Un*.
I<f«u Um tvHplvut of Um rbotrwrt U#w«j*» UuWt
Um White llr~ “
whs I* Oeortfia I >* ma
tte folly of wo- j
to Indepetdsbt- Capl'- l hal tirgt.j
1 objected to In on accouol
id their color, race, or something
that enter. Into thalr make
te trwj ,iUmu ptrroa
rt, either good or bad. Tbo Inrr.lup
lary rtat*. ar* taw and nr*. IVo
with lo ta undented a. Intltnall,
the re.qlta of one*, labor, ar.d nruoim mw
always aurl, at I * Ita. purposed, or
Ibrlr eotmrqurucsa .re of hta orilrrlng.
Tbe ide* ws wlslt to convey la limply
thta: That peopto attire tn meet that rite,
do with mwnc dtaUnat end to view, front
which tM him of reward, lo roam oo* of
JlllllMia nf people want to fotlc
bin. Awni that wall U Ui bout,
perl 1(0 b* rnttlrd forever Um V
quertluti ol leaving ,ar Deg learli.g
png button ot th* vert hfifarietted.
tVbot.s.hll’" mesvfrW nf hta pal,la, lim
•hap* ufbU bat, a,"I tlm fashion of hit
liuftt r Who reoonlml Urn ward, that he
rimlt*. t
Mao, lo abort, la IM spirit of Buitkajr.
Tur New York A'tro declares llrat Kills I'J
It.ipps, th* ci-superibtrhdeot ol tM Phltff
add! bin almshooae, "is the meanest of I
ll.lcte." III. rohtrrie* of thetmncficisritel
ot 'Pal In.mmlon embraced every detail|
ot tlicit that ws. pomikle. It
ury to add that phtpp. i. a procuring Bed
[tubllr.n, ot "high moral iiSma"
Ilia. PrLTua. of Brooklyn, ha. Mt nil
1*1.110 elum to III* feet Ihal IllUeldtriel
Nr bleb nt fenud In auwerlohi. prayer..
DUjtul.neh clutalury aa Ibis more
Itlmn snttbing elm, Uut bring. Christian
ity Into coDttmpt with Iboaaanila of poo.1
pie. Peopl* do not romider that It ta not
Hair to judge it by tM ■torid eiblbtUoo«|
■ one of Ita cranky proteuon^H
ITi.a list of CobgreMlonal eandidalM ill
lucorata ha* tmen compleledby tMaoml-
n.lion in IM f.r.t district of the lion. J. o.
Ic. Nlchotls. AvUmojntenlloo.rtedaod.rl
lib. teo-lhlrda rata artortiag to Um drrtal
ration of Mr. Btfph«*>, Um nomine,
be a “Meek," thoegb Um twople of Um
8lat. ud and bi. con»mn«wythtokotbj
It,ta etool-plgeoa organa are angry tm-
tonure tbe Tn count tab
rdau that ltamocratie candidates riroaldl
openly declare thalr opportune to lnd*.
pendenttam. No tree Democrat coeU art I
anything Irvr. or would look ivnopll-1
anew m anything Mt n neomaaty aad koa-
lorabta count value, in Um IntanrtaMrwal
Tom. Itmtvm, 1 WMtho snhjsct ot
IlM .oriron of II,a for. Mr. McDonald, M
ben Rafael, Cal. While M wa. pneohiH
I It. thtsl .toe hta lay-rob* from hi. boggy]
In UmlioiMrtmd.” If Mr. McDtmald wm
I not CoovetleJ to lim doctrine of total d*.
p-avily by Um thief, M can JMI atop doanl
to Uwtrgla, apd wa ran InlrodacUmM
a brace of prarioM yoang men.who vrilllil
I v t-rial terlod remove "tM Inal doubt from]
tbe mind of IM akapUa.,'
(luv. CoutniTT will hardly noco
OarimS of bring a Uadicet H
MouddlMUm darky fit bit volt, Mr.BU-l
pMaatarogagrt la tMm.undlmvp*ubtol
bortrmsa. Both of tkme tmudUalM kaow I
I Ihal thi preiUou of |tm negro*, la ttaargtal
ta a rehmalrau oca, r dally m well u pa-
UUeeJty, aid they *111 da tur Irreparabtal
iojary lo IM Btata If Umlr apeerime rttoold
I arouse la Um negro** Um hope of My|
■mag* la rial teialtoo.
Ithous ta ha tasu* Ui Uaortta batOMol
"organtart" aad ladepaadwri Demomata
on the subject of r< iiir.dlaation. All Heat.
IbetoMn tb.wM to IM aaaMrity of mala-
Utaiug IM orgaalaatlon uf iba Democrat.
Ic party as agslatl Indepaadmlli.n, and
U.0 tropic desire to know on which .ui. ot
Um qatrtloa Mr. Btaph***rtaad., Hill
not aod.mocr.Ui lo »*k him lo dclln* H
position on Ikta qrmalloo, bat It U uqdem-
ooatlafartUmtarefDMtodoM. i
Tun Ortvmton New. Hist "Hctor*
war, tarn D.m«.c!io B'al. conrcatloM
rttolotiAn uflcrrd by that rotorl®. cUlor.
arnur Ubboek, Utai all Um luotuMr.
•l.o'.ld t Wee thewMlv*. to ropioitall '
norolut. s elUtttaal and, was voted
doen, will.the Implied nndor.lsnJIng tli
ite moral inllornco of nurniuvliotit tr*s
itet vu #»i<ctttai, and tfaall
wtroLct c lo purri ud«r Ihoir moral
OOBVteia&s wterv thsj Ud s|x«
for vUhboldinff n|i}wrl from a politioal
notnlntc. Of lnt# yi«:* the ort ‘boUingis
alwsys la ord#r' is heard about »* ofltD as
‘rappo^l Ite d*»H If te is otmiinal^.' To
Nnn Ite unite! support cf * p#rtf, good
mm uiMl te s«i#otod.
Xala*a Xoaft Isvrl.
itlaiBri oh Civil rtwrvlrw
awsra ta«rfta
whl. ’irsuas should t-ri s^lCtj
llsshould f.rifts l UN# Irani#
nv - T.rrrt latter si
trulnr* Would !•# wYW. rr»t» 111
rg>a H M«>n#iplrw|aia»ui*l (wrlMaad It •
lay f.r *-nirthtnc for a rainy dsy. lhaa l#f#»
upufsr cnsml lu Ilf# M* IMS will! b#w*>m#I
te •himrnlriatrid la a rvpublh*. jmM
Hi m. whosaliair it rt 11!
calf, ault.^ ^ #
raablwM rwlni#.
I Atpmrnt »h« nrrfcrstuo Ii luv |>Uln good*
lor nvw drt«MS. but tbrtr W.U te tnsi y teted
drvtes Uiat will he tartly tusf
suiprtl govds or largo flguMd fabrics. |
llorh of whtl Is railed llr«IU lac# I* inmi]
while >»|swil»h lar# rt»ioi#d l* tte «a**T»j
vt»d erra stedse Hist am tailed Bcelle eolort 1
Waitsi'i g.»eMrwssrs'I# great tovnr wllhl
5S f
ceughlnpbelowUmwrttato tonedrapeir. ■
TV new Ibmimdoer Use ta rtedtar to BrHoS
tame, with Umad-IIUoaol Oewen lovrllclur worked lu button Vie Hitch .
Hugta Bower b In euch point or H*lto|.orthc
Ixtert round basques ar* berunlng fashions-
tc. Iiwtred of the long rtilnwsrs Uiat *uro up
m ite edge# whew the mrmtm U anting, tte
Ur# la suusr* teuiemeou, «ir In Uwf
Lr slradev curves, aud »• edges mw heavily |
tatejllJteMteteiTv lu vogws® iwrh as bra<dlM
..,i jwlru. ar.d Ite re fof«‘ mil-
•ii-Hurt, wi-m high aroun-l
Ar^v35a»“ it l}.*w« w. •.» lari
C*m\ it ite laiH-h table. Wte* 1
l‘l»# • ■* irtYrirt, sirli tte rbom -t to
anywLt-rw. prrpsrcdhf a.rte/ wl
Ticrrt . t ttoF* M II • • tl.i t: ;! if*
lf«ro f.gtfuiM* rteag# ten la u a muld. ab
OM UMa biv Uk«# sh> Sad rwsMsat mmtr
Ite unlchrut way lo aeenmwlnfo vau* 4 ot w •
part with wealth. Otters ia.s*t itv« «* try *
th* lr lurk at tte rvuUtb tabtr, fell' tte
...t* l < u i- ecl^ t - Ismeiho-o wl.o ,
tKktkabUndapfijs Mil kdi J
woottl OVM the faro t ilde, iij cU^nm J
gtfcgf k#d M#f#p miuA KMMk IfM* T
fiagrgygyBiS l
make eeeeral tkoMtad BeUais d.Benue*
*°h«Vdv! lionday, Drirttad Dr. Duma 1 *
chnrih andl.-t. ctd to limtawetnr.llssl
di.lB* tspooad Um Nrripturee, and to hta
riartgatioa af oor UtrtVmlrariee, ektak
was hta .abject, M made IM beeettaeof
(rtth,which ere.a rioerty .IIW to IM
ptaatana oi ta pe, very gesimbto to have,
eag made it riser that nltMatfaukaw
C'.u .t tm good IVWI. I tall
better fa* I,wing beta tVre a, .1 Itatened
table .Mallwit I mold not toe.
S i hew inurh more amotive to* If.-mta
IM wicked cere to cermet..,* to toe
"Charak af to* .inma*'*, 1 "wiorii rmarta
M a tmaabtal temple to Oo t and a t,
amattoOmaUM Vanderbilt, ahj ercqrt
It fa* IU PMMlI castor.
IM Mtowing Monday 1 weal t- New
liana, apptopriataly celled Um 'v.' ty of
Dime? as it, Vsaufnl steoe,. and ,rt'-
t a>rt ttaaet* are nkeiy ehadtd eiu lima*
rlately tad amlmgeoa. trees, portuwly
-to sm Vale coin get tort atwv mitriaa
tltat WM * miner allracUcn. 1M anginal
fata Coil I*, or eollegto, eoartsto of .Vor
ylelbrtlutheu. ud Mw kata, with vrtvrt
eltl.rt.rvw *e te*
adapted tor Ueeooli
Wiibk lawyer* fall lo take i
And Jiir.ris n* ver dtegref:
Wlirn pfPlIUrlens ere cunlvnf.
Aud Isndlords don't mltet lh*lr rrn!:
When peitle* FWUrtb all Ih • n.m-hlini.
Ami IVMon loiteglr# uy U.clr tesna;
When uanghly rhUdrru ail tile yuting.
An.1 girl* sre U«ra a laagMl
Wt* si Va-lWrt don't take Hum to bop.
Aud udh wb*»l lor# never flop;
W ten i reacht rs ml their srraoas short,
Altai all folks to Ite rhurrh rcwui;
When f«a« k suteriters all hare |i*ld,
Altai edlb»rs ha** *oftito®a tnade;
**«rh happa-riiiu# wi.l »j.*v portend.
Thu world will «wn com# to on rod.
Tfll.Vrv York Times myu that
the nexi approprtatlmi l.lll should rootaln a
(lau*a: aaloite •>/ the siar«s#f Wtlliata
dahtute In i te Inu-ilor (or otheri dr|>artaieuu.
Tu* n*p* which a K»usM»ur-
drrrr ws* {tsngfl hMireen worm into book*
marks ar.d fltvu lu itiu courltling Jury m
klr.amffWcthling Mxrrh ittel-
dotu hcrtMal nuptial tt-renionlee n.rwa-dayr.
ite hr 14*1 Harm lu “tehrngria" katiug sue
vcntel It In popular eeteem.
Tun feel mvan ••min*Vp Alagka
re*' hed NVw Turk«« flundty Urt In srtrn
.biyrstid iwoiiour* from iJiict tirt.'Wn. U-iug
Italy five ml niter brhlud ter lost ana beiest
Ax Arizing man stop# paopl*
ighway slid erks item to rofitrih'iie l
h«a aayliiia. aud te l<tf»k«wtMad s'M«m U that
Jl the travelr i« ate I* out witboul oealng where
tbe asylum Is t>r l.uw much il n«v«la.
A lU'prAMV Census of white h#wn
ibows that there are -JO of them In thestabtes
if Ufkt tity. they Iwlng rturttderrd. • kaflhlu
b»ne expm «U-‘lMa» > ite geaUrrt
and must lateuigmit ••* Um horn new.
Owixo in ibe frrquenqr of Bitldif w
frum Um summit of the Vntdome Column,
parts, the authorities have th mat fit to ex-
• lude the poblte from ihal bonding. In tidily
ejswrSSsp^" •
I|rl« riorai
doaux rlutaer h
IA tiifrATra from lleienx, Montana,
says Um (V«aa I ad leas hare Bred ite proldc.
and tte whole ruaotry U ahleee. kllUug iteHi-
issAdi uf rattle. A diepatoh from podge«Uy.
Kaawa. says that the (teyetmea and Arapahoe
have hmkeo owtof thrtr menaUoM aad Uwi
the cattle mew or# arming.
VYiikat ahlpoMtita from Now Orleans I
In litri«M^ihU on MonBayJ
Taa wtlbknown condtttaa left on (llr-
> Wb.
Toil Item, fn m l!.« Vtattourg (M «•.)
■I"!,h“' *|w. hind,mmrotafe •«"
d dan Ot th.
MMIag. >
to car oaa M«
Lira is st.tfr yobk.
TO* Band lo Hades riuue me'Weve
Altvaefl.e by united l-alace* Ito.
IV Ue.nle airoctarea Murk Helix
New YoaaCm, RaptamMr t.—Silting
. mis of IV large, easy rtmlra which ate
arranged In front of UmHtnrteyaat H«»
for ih* eomfuctoflu gorou, a her eojoyisg
Jinaar arch ae ooly IV Irrtacita spree!,
and having noUtlag to da aad bring, Ilk.
to* bosy bee, willing ta Improve IM aton
ing hoar, which mtUooro from eight p. m.
until about Be* a. an, 1 era* Invited to "go
around" by a Maeon genttaman, wM had
been doiag CUoago, Saratoga, lama
Itranri. and SVeoabeed Bay, adjoint*.
Coney lrtuid, whan Um Bant rases on
ran oo tbe Burnt Hack to Am*.-!"'.
TMimallof hta Judgment hM been IV
taaraam of hta "rutt" vmei twenty Hum
Mnd dollars. Knowing Umt ht possessnJ
IM talisman'* power to ntaaa Motel el»r*
■Maas, tvtr hold rot doom wtoaharo doe-
ad to Umoeto.ti«>l,l aceeptod. THOM who
believe ail we Mr* ought to be ear*od by
Um sweat of toe brow may think tom ao
improper eomranioo lot a toorrit aeing
mimTltot htabaSw MK ta regdariy
foaad la M. pew at Christ CMrrh aad hta
perse string, are ale.y. looMtted wheu
charily ssss, aad none worthy ol alms
ar* peer lamed imty. Bretdro, Ita Mid
-Um sin of gambl'ag eoortru ouly to
ng," aad a* M hwvUr-uo, ertdnm
l.era, M ta aotgulty ol that ato. At to
••WV made the heart. 'U. M citato
nertd*d;y -v try or:
Ur Ives verb rtued -Its Tattoo, lot
Kerb -pri.a lu vsrtao. btaa
"Tbm at tV batanre tar. V mole.
Ws u«v«r ran atljurt It;
First wt went to Um btr room of JEd.
Stoke*. Um coward y murder, r of Jim
oatroaoM m Broodway abd Twentjr-
fogy Gothic, rharotilik# «•» r .
recent e-fistrcai'«,n, which an Um ,
only attmetive bnitdibga »»» Vwi cam- '
j go. Yak's triemifla seboo*, a »#ty k*ixi^[
some piece of r.rdutortar#, i# *
tone# away, to k the hail of tte Cat PlK J
A. A. K-’s and otter scare! t.»»*!'#•. btiich 1
taa prteun-like building witeotu <*n.i«wc,
f#ryaggff*etir#of accrcaip# eh * ••rar- *1
ale clzcctt from laefoer wlreh Ovum lam.
ThcaapUeca or# col tow kuiir.t.i uat
antil after you have beww -h .Wr» wteig
Jecnie Cramer lived, the drag rt»-e wUre
wbenul lianche Douglas* gui Umtr ate
-Wdic, Ite dying iemuee epoa which tUy
ro is ar.J tte a^ol where a atndi flag,
waving ruoamfu ly from a staff driven mi
the bench which the resile** tide seem*
trying to remove, mark* the place where
ttm fisherman Cocud her ntd said t
"Take her up b-ixlerty,
l.m her u'Ui car *.
Fa«hluurd so »li-iul-rlf.
Young and h* fair."
Uat death enumd her father and broke
iiuilly IhriMga perjured and suborned evi- 1
Or tew t yet ao xare are they ot hie guilt,
had te not left ten*, he wotiM have Uen
found come morutng ocrap) iug a higher
position lima be had cn tiuu-l, *1 tamed.
This M Uer, lhough p air, is a nephew of
Edward Mai Im. tte o>rrchaat prtnrn of
New Havre. Walter Mslky, his ruaefn
and oeeutopUcr, woe uoriii about lurty
Uumaand ooilar#, left him by his mother.
It it estimntei the lawiris' Uc* and f*
amoent expend-d tu sub-irt» will rs**» (.
proxlmatedsevucly-fivo tho sn d do tarml
UertJee ink, white tlm trul *." |•’ugrea
ipg, Umlr dry guojs aior, find aud i
eui.tetta enturljr Ue*in>.ved. ibo *—
anew companies bate oh.-ml hiia
th'WHscd do lata, lids be irlam, —
wid iu nnotter iaw»{iti. *hle l. _
hts lu*" of patrobage Hr* u*ad<i Ite tabingl
of |>u »r Jennie Cratnrr's life co*t him over
on* tundred ihoasaud dollar*.
Tbe o.ter ubj<-c* of altuoe*- n-Uar al in*
lm#l te JaruM (kuron as "Chip' ) Smith.
iHokupdrrsroteneeof d^ath. As U teanM .
n# with Uil* imtrunj role ha« er*rgt*m I
jp bi* Ilf* u** tte gallows, eiery eff.*rt U f
teing mode !•» save tut neck nnfl to pre
serve from this errat mtuiu li.u htnithcs-
catrtMoo, bal tteyr will plow (rc.ii.rn*.
Uovcraur Hig»Urw i« in K vr«*p* ami Usa* ~~
mn beftww tb* ali*r art-vieai tor itiaucfm
Dunglaae* which still remairs in the crll
*teooeur>l"d fur nearly a yrar. ,
“ « U tuuchspit* , y h to "aori r°ii(i-
is well aa in New V -rk, un.f, • wing
to the noenithing uf the I’ennu • aud rtAf
route f-nods auu Cornell'* himil pool, lim .
llecmldienaa cor.r both h a-.a- to thv
Democrats, If ttey |»’aea tlm right fc*n oo
vhmv gnUrunturiai und I'rtsidacUnl
When Arthur's term txrirtathe Uepnbtlw
can party will hare lira iu ountioanl
tkower for Ivtulf-ioar yenw. Ho if n Iko*
itic oaoceesor is not etorfid l ry will
•oeenpiadtitairter ha almost aa long aa
Autfrian sUtbico went unrleapeJ, and m
_ Hwteotea i o« t-tiid", »•> k'ower will be
•ver nffl# «o purify the rc. ubiic aukea the
Gotha and VandzN are duven trom ibe
new* made saervd by b lag ««
Dtnea of paUiulio and Ciumuu
®Kt yon OmucrnU of Georgia bxnd If
getter, enadag aslJ# y nur ioevl rrejudm 1 j
not in tivtduahy your chore#, and m
•ibly fn«eted oia>u te y^ Ur.»| ;.ei If t|
Democratic party n in t>|#rt *r. •< i.trrik
h» a majority nomiO"ivi V •*., yo
abide by Hard eitet item; »f /vu •
yonr etencea to get u.iu naiit vwi . ..
will, like an /nliiLi, c ifij ue tu
before yon ten out ot xoor grasp.
1 anil on the City of Ouiouwea, which/
will km Um on* buudrtd en t vuyane f
or two haedmi and twwiih tti^ ha \
made between Mew York and 8 .vonaah, a
tte tyewart Htramohip Company havn cob
her lo Nickerson A Oo., to p ytetwi
Her olront (sdse Krcclpto
yvkilna Cmvnitlts, IUn.
•per 1*1 Oor. Telegraph aud Htmtt
Axtuicva, Htptun'.rr U.—ll tee
raining without a minute'*
than twelve hours and'still It y
Ol* will eert.lnlf V known Id IV fa
the side entente*
After dinner, which is from five lo right
"w£r.mrtl Mni. " tw. ta tM (trovit.
receipt* are from three to ffrojaflaj
d T» f 5a*iriteH
Iff «Jj5
imTnrw lobe men te th^/lved. It njte
onfltaeMwloa- 1
of the room ten pteae of U( eetryr work
about twenty by.
i#yr Ar« Vnttetf.
..Ug thO !
_ rigxhgOPMt
to-autlfu'ly hJsadteh
tho peintette brush dl
shuuCs ll^rw. Ita Q4
« jui It-" and domes, I
Ui* wuvra of llie bl .c
lii« *h»cks ar- "«
' DmmIsJI had |-.-
ai<t*v la (!■« %err
Satyr, jot
Isra-'lif a,
la har t h» twlieve
m;'lrtc!"Vu'rotaro” “q'v'irtta Wto. ffriero ®v.v IV Vo. ».■• tob
i tli# hustend. 1 watioeptewo tea daecanded H>.
Of Georgia ai tli* wet year.
Amerfcte hte r-oeived stent 1JB0
of cut on. Ite imip a at three a
lead ing warrhoas # al neon tael Thui
fudge Slip la still in north 0
whitter te went tv rwnnptmte hte
Which, w* rvgrwt ajgr, hat urt Imow
for eome bm# Report* from him i
cworsftew and we hope for his •
tarn to hitltb and boa.#.
TK> Repablicans of the third C
on«0 diitriet met In ounvrotkm h
td«|-, nnd mfamd ^aomlpota a }
orsrd ttelolsicndcot o»*dH
•. UeUarrtU. i'ol. Jock H owi
a mndh'ate fer tte aomlaatton,
jSS^liU lut^rt 2 iS5a!
vee Uut "UUieAiefk" te 6 sprok
tte mb Inst, ihl*
mbokmary ground, for thrr
oar midst who deouua th »y
Wa or* sorry that any one (Mt i
al what w# wrote ion abate Ite
HarvwU troabte. Vvu etmpiy stated
article true wl
S&SSShS 4 .
curd tide bsppy
IU Uarclsi stieet, Naw Y
I iclr cataiugo*) and full pa
•rspook teroa
('lINMIT,' "A ItV Ml. l.l n.o'.OJ.a
upou the nmiktai. il> )bv«>«liDg is
teen ceots i:i crie, v*u c*in '*ut "vh
four doliaia-ito* io Ite |.ur >!m -»-r
bob# doctor and a drugstore"