Georgia weekly telegraph, journal & messenger. (Macon, Ga.) 1880-188?, September 15, 1882, Image 3

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    ©j* f&fcorgta ;S0**hlg nnfr Journal & JRcssjmgt*:.
to!" 1 ho Ml
Okl/ adopted
n.• Hiuj{ held
d-y. • n
y ;EFf)EN0Ki/.3l£if PILLJ
Cf Kentucky Ur.ivenuty,
VBln B.KNiTu,iw 4 LuiM>Ti<i;rr.
l'» yieterjay in lb*
f K. II. Wtlka r va. I. K. Hank#
i. C. H.>**. lterry Cooltj, lb*
i wl« liuUrn abttaiulng from Ml*
idk several week* «( hi* confine-
i out jail, wm relmeed on biv own
mk'o, Hals too weak, however,
jail. Revere) nrgrwM wtt« m-
loun.*ni Sutc Lottorr Comoan7.
iMWMfUl MUKIInyftWMl »>t t“-b*g'
lKUtoa's Fi
stnagth to i Imtoill,
ttrwftk to do i dij'i Ub«r *lft.
out phjrt'ctl pill., AUttiisnpn-
ItaU whit ll win!*), In th« often
httrd uproMlon, “Oil I with I
had to* ttna|thl H If jm u*
broken down, tiro not worn, or
fed u If lifi wm hirdfj worth tir-
In*, jroo cm te relinod tod r*>
Itorod to robutt health lad ibwigA
by taking BROWN'S IRON BIT
TERS, which ii a tru* tonic—*
nodkln* unit inally roconmonded
far all woatin* dltenot.
rIn .ud of hw rltfht. ,U. end time won,
.Im he. n.totlj eahalUW, and haa alw>).
aim a majorit, for Urn nominee, for-
'jeannen hae now In ha a rli taa.
Thera le an altra u *kUlet" in IMedUrUt.
The Iowa la fall of looede. and I hare not
2*2U55Z r,m “
r niaeteawd "itehwae
J. P. 8TEVEH8 & CO..
JTL.t.MA, (IA.
THE FmOHUBgg PILL l.iii..ieu|..
burr «,I,.J a atora oet the now road, ale.
oil .1. 1 OaUtf.
TheOmabe. AmarlaU-m of lha Prinel-
UwB.ptoH OhatS I. now In full Idauat
Himi ,U... >I»UI a tail# f.tua roearth.
Hoiao llu.o ,toc lli. ril/ enaaeil of Toe.
tftk pmlireod a Mnialnl Era .ilia-
a«'-l»f,.aad Hr. W. IL1I...I l.vo.I.itl,.
Produce Cnmmiteion MeicUnlo,
104 Warren St., New York.
IV# folkil CVC*l^tat!.*>I.k* of
onbrad an elaatlea, bar
MHO lli ,0 of pwowat r> a roe. u:
fl«. lha padEla ratUadihaaetm
lonur vrnirji ‘Jr a rated “,aj”
par" I* So Mr. Ifr.-l alii lo*. ool
hUpoi.tto.plrU in aiding tho dij
ch.-« Uiianuioa.
Obtrtaa U.oU, Ea*. a Mann
OM lw«« ruiiiUMr,, wl
tba sharp edge of a rcrtbe-btadel
Of all kind#. fhir Ion* experience enable*
as io hand!* h ll* lt»t adtenteg* all
grade*©! of dried I'rmr., Hra.
nu«. CnuouM. VtMUM. Kta. leUral ad
vance* made .,n cuno^mnsni*. Furr*,
spoudmer solicited. jun£1*«ai
58B!J* !***•*• Mimti
mi*iv «•».tort*upr.lfAirt.
Vur circulars, eddrvse with Mams*. Jab.
>'• lltti)A*»i, Milner, Pike ronnlf. G«-o*.
*U. awglcwJy
Bv«. 1 nfrrtdlearlbllyfr«i
k.4*gewi'*i, util (•« overt*-,
pian enald net cat eettd foil
and for a Urea portion of Ac
draa was uaaUe to r«dn ecru
b'iaid nonrialUMnCo 1 ofc*«
Brown’s lioa Httantad now
after taking two botdea f am
able Mgctibaadgoanmn.1
ttal am rapidly iiapiwving.
ArrsniiNttiMii nuiu.
lltoaUult JYM*« at tTW...
flit's. anountlt:« to t>*V<ua
lliatloti fur ram to • In*- »l.r.<iM iw
only to tbcuflU'e of Utr * oajjH.ny ltt K« *
further InfonaatlrKi write rkarly. t \ Inf
ldrtw* Krnd ••filer* try Klffv**. ttrei**
Utter or Monty «*»d*-r. otly to
M xiwiiuJL‘. X Lm
1,-orUfaiuMrvwHl to 2t«w tbrlaana will
r ftHintrl atlrtitlien.
? S50 tyirr (iru4 Urn fur «J> !2&
I I WO Sllli’ I 1 Haantifwfat p«nrasa.
“*L'i rV a»nt , y finure.H lUrf*
airfwca, T 1-3 MrUtr*. full |«fut rantaota
»<r»lTi-a. rettr ik-w taUtilavmtninav*lr, Nan
tiful owrti l Iwand l,»r. b.«ty *. i|wnti»je*tt.|
•*nfr fan*y mr.itirllii*. (nil Iron frame. Inm h
• rrati l iiun. «iratt.| lUmawr*. in fart. *?rtj
Imfer.ivr meni tolilrb ian In any way letMtlu
II l , ^ r, * cW, '° bt Umj bftraawut, b«*u«ti
. u q*r urlrr rurihjm iiimtrmurnt.
Wrr«# unit itrifi rii-it mn bmmrtt ear*
w.*w V'Si H*A «»' FT-«*> I *
following Item from tha Nnv na f
Uaar will earry sad naws to many
InUauHla: “Jadm L. P. War.
ondltion M not at all aneoaratfiatf.
s friaada think that bo eaanot ta*t
longar. Hs aaasas to rasliM bis eon-
to , and talka fraaly with his fain-
I r.l a- «-—* la *0
a complete nd turn remedy fee
Indigestion, Dvjpepils, MeUrfa,
Wesknru and nil diteuco TOjur-
bi(; i true, reliable, non- atcohoflc
tonic. It enrichei the Mood, gitoo
new life te tie muwloo ind tone
to the nntei.
l.VM—V. X,h, n..
eroiptl.,, iientni:
Tn* R»m H*llrt‘* fnrnUbra iba follow*
log: M A aaddodon Hn>sd straat ytslor*
day oaaaad con»Idrr»bla asciiatnant in
front of Afcr.k M.-!K»#aid’a ator#. Tba
feroaians brul« aavagsly at ackml ovary*
thing ia Ma i.alb. Ur.J. ii. Ult iaalt
him a aavara blow on th# bead wit. «* stick
which staanol and rhacktd bin n tuutorn:.
Aa offlesr of tba nollsa sooa after mmoo
farad aad disyatchml him with a ball from
hU rerolver. Portonataly no oca wm bit*
‘ *'kl< t .gtfW.fele rgtf «f«(|fWS>Mfhf f« fooorc
htm hr nut Ifni plttum Info mtumt.
hi* U b»*w. '•) f«r. th.- frrafpsf i nruuln
'If ••rte-;.«l Hr** tnualftol |eublto* l*iey.;««< 1« a..
-1 onrrre*! Tit-miiii|o«M'lctnati<l hr this »t>l«f
It... I inuo will U* #• nt on .*» dsye *r»t trial
;. .»«• »rt».t trfefrtjro. || youth. n*>t wild lin.iiCV
Hh r. J tmh #PNf rrltk mrtirr will
"* fr+iW*1 fAwrocn
HihibuMM h-t 1, irsy* 1/ Pin urn tt
mt Ju*t m» rrjireurntrit. f o ft ml •*».. r
|M* ial llanrslitR: 0l*n up. «*\ •»
•»* r*W #»Hf ifitmfbapri
mrrhmmrr. INu-K.iu. .1 fsai
«*»<•, nisih •! free*. alvln» the hUt.r *l t*»tln.i
1*1*.-rf uu*/•!•.! *nr luaiinU'ttmr. I v*ry
1*1.. fItaly- Har’.tuUil f«.r }**t«.
silt rt «r t rn 11 ■ , r.U’.oguc O
.ao'r J. •!.r l-leere ovnl (..f zr »Utnti.
I.SStlftA fr |> (O.,
.»...» . -; ,.-i- _ #ro.-r y»f.vv. *. i.
th« first
tn . oii.y
mat«n*ls , 'Mar«brto
kftrfa! toll# hair m4
k#^. Patkf.’a tfaw
not hava barn bcIccUnI for tha primary
ahotbm ywsterdajr. Tltasky WMomlnona
on Friday niaht, bat tba eandldftM wore
hopofal that tha morrow would ha graced
with the genial warmth of the ran and!-
Cot. Ifoauan Hiwlk. oi Kifia^hau*
eocaly.U in tba city. He looka with a
Itartialaywon tha way the convention is
endeavoring to nomtaate a candidate.—
.VrininiwiA lUnmtrr. Wall, why not t Isn't
Morgan a I Urn meant of tha M otd corn-
mooer t" 11 an ba not bean regular!)
commissioned t Why not Morgan m well
aa Josiah 7 Go to: Moreen is t» da*k
bone. Let hito enuil the breeze nnd paw
tha air. Tha victory may yet be his, with
Joel ah m hi# most earenst backer.
II asm rafts ta Rattan fu Ytaftfei Cater
and hv* f tray n f**l L 1 r.U #W»..«it'y pc r.
fiuntd *n-l io » .iirfetc.i I s nrv i«i!e.-'.!r.itr and
isahlac^f t'e«*cJ,s&p>uv*niftoD»; uddwlMlb
iC A. SHEPPARD A rO.Ba! imere.Md
An ! i • •?**».»
J. ObKMl. t.' fl.i-r-- f-tn >». V* M-’i d^
Tba rain wa« aimply Untailzlnc. In*
ataad of aomlng down in a steady shower
and stop, it referred its foroa and gave na
a dritrla during tba ealiteday, canting tha
mndto«pr>mt and investing everything
ool doors with a general and thorough
Nevertheless it threw no damper on tha
aaadhivt**, who stood ap manfully at lha
polls -nd corralled ttair friends. Hack*,
now ladiiwaatble to an eleetioa, ware on
thggo all day, and there were many poor
horse* in Maeoa yesterday who ware glad
when night came and pot a stop lo the free
transportation **f vote re.
There was not a dlsimbanro of any kind
at any of the polling jireeioots that we
oowld learn of, and yet there were over a
thousand peieons voting.
Tub following item l* an interrstinw one
as it will tend to awaken mruiorie# of Um*
long ago. Ibllcr Hoeiegs, Mvagn as hr
was, waa a man in bis day. lie foaght for
the right u* ba understood it, and this fact
»s a eonside’atiun that Georgians ongh*
not to forget. The Hem is from the Hr,try
f V.hmfi/ II rrkly: **Uoc Dorsey, or * ludim
IW aa he wa* more familiarly and gene
rally known, died in thU city on Saturday
tuortiidg last, al an advanced age. Hewa*
a eon of Hilly IkimUur. the cclebrafed
Seminole chief nf Florida, and had led a
checkered career.’*
.VhitJrrn'o ti rrl 'y*#
fWawffMg,«g Ttys.
' WAO.wicn ap: .*lcv
, Bsrfwsaff, chip*
ft taprbetiVt f?;si!*i tu'Ctm^h Rertwtr.
If yn. ax* nc V-k >f f ’-v*. •rrn* cut *rWk
Fob Choc’a Bilsan o) Shork'o Oil
fwallle*ly Re«i*»ree llie lleortng saS
ItolheOioly vio-o.iotte « wre ti.r
r tho npeaawt gewataMon. II ls ft>r »he
iff# w ild Oiseue and lu ait. ndauts.
BiuotTiftti. lit.-*
lUIIA tmu, in . that
ere made stirring epeactwe in ref
Clay ton’s rights and tho action of
veution. I in motion, ibe .nesting
d till Wednesday 13 o'clock, m
lath, IW. to ooovena at the ooort
Jonesboro U. K. Moa
IV. Jtf. oTaionr, €
Georgia Phniaticni (or Silo.
IHKE lice c tiiAii andgrnin pl*.nUtlo
llaluli ridge.
Hirmtia ft.~l.ast night I telegraphed
yon that John Wilnama had «eoap»d from
jail. A brief re.nino of the fact* may
prove interesting. These are tha partioo*
lira: U*t AugtMt be wne convicted of tha
mauler of Mr». Urockett and aaotencnl to
tha panikntlvry for life. Two others were
indicted with bim-hla brother, W. T.
Williams, and one Robert Durham. The
latter turned Male's evidence, and it wsa
on his and his wifs's testimony John H ill*
isms wm convicted. Tha cant wm taken
to the Hoprvma l curt, watch withhe.d Im
decision until this <ftept*mber) term.
W.T. Williams nnd Robert Durham ware
not to be pwt ia|«on trial until flu dccis.oii
of tha Huprcme Court wm Andvrad in
John’s crm*. In lb* meantime Judge War
ren a»««esed a bond in the aumuut r f t>\r
thooeand dollar* for W. T. William^ which
b icd wm imnodialrly given and Walter
turned loose. Now to the I *at act.
t Yesterday the news reached thecily that
th* Hupreiae Coort had affirmed the duct**
ion of tho cowrl Ih'Iow and there was noth
ing left but to forward the convict to IIh*
t rliin Hilary. There has l»ecn much ferl-
iug in tbs cJtmnumtr agaioat the defend
ants, aad lh-ri» ar* many ai|»rre*ior>a of
satisfaction nt tbs elect-Ion of theHnprcm-.
Court. Judge tbtn what must hive been
lha rage and disappointment of tlaa !«-!«•
genaratly when about si* o'clock yesterday
afternoon a negro tame nhoating through
tho atraeta that John Williams
Arm Mr. Htcphcn* sneaks In Mucon,
th* Macon [ttuuiixwn man will probcM)
wheal into (in* with tha organize J, and the
fatted calf Will lie killed for tho prodigal.
—/V*'-Appeal. The Tei.rouU’U aw* Mrs
BBjmr* is out oat of the Dfnucmt.c lluo,
and lias no wheeling iu to do. It is not an
Indci rodent piper, and do*s no*, oownten
ano*lodepvndautisui. It has Inh-u trying
to get Mr. Hteplieus to *Vliec| Into tine
With th* orgauixed" with but |hx>i sneotes.
No cimlidsla who nil not <t*clar* litmsi it
S tnst lndepcodTiuttm Is “in liuo with
orgeteiznd/* or Im* any right to c*|»ec«
"orgauirAd" latlnnu merit Wo tue m*:
clmosing twtaracn gutmuntoriul nrils Ihi.
iDcotem. ei
I/Vt.l (• p. e-.iM #..t paratt
pUntxIlrli- !, .
for fnrtningi mi *.- *.
W* will mMI in.* places rhe-ap on
car;, leiru*. Fur fmti • t pnrticaln.s apity
to r *»:iVN r»Klfl*..
aagllwtf Auguota. Ga.
Notice Leave to Bell Lt nd.
</N oSccjC S/fCc:
New Edition. 118.000 Wonto,
E * ’ ft.- .1.1 .try,)
Colorud Flat.., 3000
Tingt. U,M Um. Ih. n«n.'-r
icul Dlctlonarr L u
™>rili.w,r(IO no!.a p, -.on^
n^orifJK I• la-ruby glvrti of f . l*.f.
ii iugcia:igt'« iu »ectonpuwtim - »<I
Hinb rouni). iu. d» by ord#' of tho Hoard
of County ( oniO!I- lot>« is:
I. Kit'd ton prwcinct of Godfrey dbdrtal
disngtd from D*t>'a si re to the More of
Morgm (lark at ihw fork of tba old Hut
new Houston road«.
2. Klictioc preri . ot for tho lower city
district changed from city hall to the en*
gin-* house rf Fite Company No. 4. near
Findlay's Foundry.
W. O. 811 ITU*
Clerk llibb County Comm’ra.
sepTdlawlw *
W HKIIEAB ccttaiu petltionera have
mad* aiiplic .ti»ui to the !'• ard of
IlibbCownl) iknumi»sion«rs, playing tho
• sUblishmt nt of a public road thirty f. • t
wide, commencing at the fouttf Kh- it
street in the c ty of Macon, running thence
in nearly a paralUl direrliun with tie
Houtf.we tern railroad track# ml alxm*. in
yards from the same ti.'l It reochee tk* ra t.
road crossing nt tha bootees of U. M. Gann;
thane* in an tusterly dirw i <u to tl < M i
cun waterworks al lull'* spring; aa i t!ie«.ce
iti a sj ilhf'Wt. rly direction to hlru : m’s
and Kogvr’* bnak yards:ard w ht t • * > * tu -
miss km* re duly appub.ted fur tin. I \ ur*
pos* have reviewed and marked ouv -..t l
road and reportad Out tha aaitw wo.i.t. «
The add;*** of th* executive mmiaitb-e
producM th:< following impreeeione on a
thoroughly Ik mocratD mind. It was pre*
pan d will: arrat care, u.d tlw nuilmrs of it
asderslAud now what it t» to support a
weak ennsv wulth nu#ubs(antlal profMi. The
publication of enrh nu addree* at this
time is a confession of w**k/>*Ms t trd can*
not be otherwise roi.slrut^. It i« apparent
that the c.i nrmttee has* taken amnwl of
thair feme r.t n time wheu tha party they
represent is eiik unto death of cowardtc*.
when a party is innnifs«t y afraid of
troth perhaps it ought to die, and oe.-
tatnly uo #|«crion« aptwa'a will cure it,
net even ro-wba ti»a prtuv of di«acluiia».
lkaaddre#*lsonc.*indid ani unround in
ovary port llspuinlof itrp*rture x*sin*
to bathe aaauiopuoa that all man. not
members of tSa committee, are easily hood
winked, and that th* cotnmi'tools imperial
ly organised for that w rk.
Ptoceeding from thl# nhturl premise
they fainting’-* an e lirt of eacuramuairtt-
Hon against all Democrat* who think It
better aad wi« r to do nothing than to do
Errors in the bsiliwick of 1‘iiUger and Ik-
j <iaiv Urowu may be n-rtt in ttis fol.owtrt;
ilmr l*»fa*.r WmcKt nr rba«L itteaOrctotoV
let a* *c by * •lust** sMH'cauoa *'7 tbtsDva. It
imt sit a s nsti.rul cup.r. >n t s.-ts ta'.UiiL.asseity.
i < Ut * 61 ly rApnfc# ““ **®^Pt
Dfllfo, O'* Murray Street. New York.
rmr. ttrrm ne, •/ r«iwsea<*\
| infurmmttmm su4 I'xmfnt gruTyfl I
ftsdr oe mmitrn ran « w mmmtmmNfmW
clipping from th# l , >,%t.Ayiir*tl: “Georg*'
Nunaon, a negro lioy stxtw* years old,;
met a white b iy of altont the same og>-.
amrd John Wither*, on Callmnn itrout,
dsy U for* yesterday,and ran t gain*t him.
Withers demanded I t know what herr.o .ut.
Tr e rep y wa , “I mean businiss." which
was evidently th* fact, sine# th* d«< %y frn-
mrdiatcly dr*w a knife and Itcgnn caning
Utewhi e boy. 1111* morning Himpson
wm brought un before Judge ’t anner uuil
ojmmittcd to j*il on a charge of stabbing.”
I’jpnUr Monthly Drawing of 1.4
Cirftml MlrlMtimtat****
In the fitv or I. tti«ville* on
These drawing* ooonr m .» rya
excepted) nodes provision - f th*
General Assrmtxy of Kee •
Tha United HtatcsCuwnU 0' • • .ott.M .r-h
tl. rendered tbe following daHsion*:
Tut Cnthbert Jiamif fnrnishe* u« t!»e
following imioirtaat Hem: “Dr.(ludfry
handed m a sample of hie upland rice,
grown this year, which we wish every
farmer in th* oounty could see. U« says
WUt from a fa.r teet ha gives Um his opin
ion that the laud* of the county will pro
dc •* ten bu*heLo of rice to one of corn—
ibnt where ten bnshde of corn can be
raised to the acre, forty boshela of riru
may be reasonably counted on Tide rice
he shl|Mi 11 Savannah, where it net* him
anoat $1 «wr bushel. He oontemplate*
planting about forty aares next year. W o
are glad to ere him making the expert
menu, and will let tort rseulte.'*
11. rwodered tn* rotiowing deHstons:
1st —That the Commonwealth Dtatritn.
Uoti Com(<aay ia L'gah
3d—its drawing* lio fair.
N. B.—Th* OKUttan/ hae now 00 hand a
large reserve fued. Read carefully tho liat
of Prises for the
IPnro | .•n,«K0
I i*rizc 10/ tf
I «M»a. 6.W1
10 Frina 11.000 cad UU*»
»I'rixe# gOO each H .OuO
IU0 l’ri.-ce UO eaeh 1 ojk«
300 Frizes 10 each KUU)
Friroe 2U each 1:7 WO
tJOOO Frizw 10 each b'.N’O
• Prises JW> each, ap’rox prises ?,? 0
• Print* 30U cadi do do IjsO
»Prises 100 earh do do 100
didn't lead to a •i«xg , nir* ar* formally
read out of the party for heresy. Verily
the committee seems ta be at the lervina#
of ono of thcoo roads now. To go atilt
farther in a wrong diraetion will not Im
prove the Fitustion. The present lr. able*
result from cv.l umthode, such m promot
ing reoogad. * and trimmers, and pursuing
all mum r of shrewd policies Now, it
appears that the committee le of that
school of philootphers who teach that “.hi
hair r f Hie Joj (* grot f^r t*ebU«.” The
oommittye wHI do well to learn that all
half right n obey is an unmitigated nboiui*
nation. ifstr-Tigl t ia wbol r wrong with
this difference on y, that halbri .-ht is in ora
oowardlr. Uopauog.
Mr. U antin'* Arr*ytaari>.
B low will be fonad th* leroe and grace*
fal letter of Mr. Unrgs W. OweHo. nrcept-
ing tho ucmiaation of Rcnator from tba
twenty sseond Senatorial district. The
oorrespondent# speaks for itself 1
FoMvro* Ol. September 9.--Sir. (Uo.
IF. fhwfia, UoroH. Go.—Data Rta t The
Senatorial roeventkn wk'ch aaesmbled
hero toolsy tmitiim .oily elected yon ta the
candidate of the Dewoeratie party of this
district. Tbo nnanimity which marbwl
Twa Atlanta OuullMiom now -peak*
of tho “Democratic oppoeitiun to
Mr. Htephena.” ••Democratic*' is good to
this |iarticaUr connection, Imt the Omiti-
lutinrn paragrapher evidently used tt un-
(iHniPilA. * ItAWrDRD rvirSTY.-fUllhc
Ik* #uPl N-kf«’ lh«* roiori Iimum- itinr, In tl..-
P.enof Kltuxtlllv <}«.. wliklli tlio* l. rsl I.
•■f mb*.ou ili«- Rui iu**-tii) to uitiiNrncit.
It-"(••ilotoltiK •t«-M riN't -fty, lo toll.
line kuiHllnl e< rr««>( Uivl Xu. 044. lioHh ol
Btmesetrf rrerk. cut • • sri,-. n| Nine lot.
e>uthfgriil'ts«t*tB«ti r i r> a ek. tn the «»n.t
•I >tri t <•( •*l<t « ra«|..r| i..uuty. -amr t^-iuc
laudolrt»leo| Thoms* I'UIimui by Wtoohing
!• •• lkrliAla. on n* the
pi "petty .,1 Thoiii** bli ktoin. to
s* a a la l«Mir>l (run* th* sap»rl,.r
t Ml of oaM county, tn lav.* of ilnvnc Tltur
W -.ii i* Tlxilna* Pti-kMiu iVi'perly pointed oul
li. ^‘lslj'llir* sttnnn). Tenant In |n*mw»I<iii
Aha*. •« ih*- *sme tlM* an I place, lot nf land
Xo IW, In the llr»t «li»UM «.l 1 rawtoril •••iintr.
I e|r*| on «• the property of K. V. Iior.iicli *n
nl«/) *n»il I* \« tin i: I' Isin^ich
l< »y maite by John W. lUumtork, lomuM-',
sad returned lo me.
At*o at Ihe Mine lime and place, one two
li 'tM* eagoft. b'l letl on the pto|-erly of WHey
1. Pall* r*ott to mU*:> a mort/acc tl fa. ioued
f > iu the Hup, rbtr 14»urt ••! »ald rtninty In fa-
w of Platoler* Itn*. %«tt*c *ald Wiley T.
M. I*. IUVIRUP. HhorifT.
wu.tngly.—.Vnrs nhil AilrrrUfer. Ho wa*
probably aober wtien the ps:%graph w.i*
written. An hunvaf, sober white mnu la
owntwllcd to admit that there ar# wm* of
the freest and best Democrats la the f*brt<>
who ar* not satisfied with Mr. HteplubM -
principally because b* steadily and per-
eiateotly refoat * ad appeal* to him to do
llinoMnd* of mo-ira* fami'U-e through-
nut the Soi'ith are ictcmling t<* purctinee
I'intios nnd Grg*ne in th« fall, wt>«ueot
ton o: in* • in. Why writ! buy at once,
Mid eiiUvt tt tin- I ng, bot r unaii r tunntb*
with ui'-ieic, and ti>nk*the “Harvest Ilomo"
stilt mure joyful. The sumrxer find# os
with a trinn udous stork of Ir »truit.ents al
Navettnah, at our NIM: IIH AM II
Util NtUS. nt our ruunlless Auebris, und
wi'h as tunny more to arrive l**f» re 1 h*to-
I** r 1st, whir we are under rot.t'art to t*kr.
W* cannot earn tide itnmeti«« s'ork until
fail. It n.ust Ihi #o!d. It voill be. IVh
In-ycr* will want many Instrument*. In
-laHit-.i ii* buyers will woke more. Ami thtrro
who at liwuiibilw ytar«.on
vet ‘rntlv meet car lo*tsilu><iit | nymebte,
will gladly sumo in under our
1,900 Prize* f ll.'.t'C
Whole THhcl*, «2. HaffTDteta, $1.
S7 Tickets, $!ti. UT. Tickets, f HtJ.
RmuHMoueyor U.<nk l)mft (n lrit« , (
or scud by Exprr**. DON’THFND F 1
FIFE ORDER, f tedcra of $6 and npwar d
hr Esprese, can be sent at our espewsv
Address all orders to
Courier-Ju'.'ti lomlsvillc, lr,
or same tier .-on V" ttroadeav.N T.
and ordered him lo marak Into the cell
which ho did; they then looked the door,
eakl good-by aad left wlthowt leaving
word when they would return, took the
keys with them, leaving tho jailor locked
up eo that no food could U passed in lo
him. Tha jailor wm released this morn
ing by breaking open the door. There
rriunx to be no prospect of catching them.
W. T. William* hag abinaadxd, There
ThU I* la notify all prroona that on < >0.
lobe* & tietf al 10 o'ekek a. iu . 1 r. «.t
will be ftnally granted if aa good Wtu-e to
the ouctrary U ehowa.
My order of Btbb Fount* Comm:**« » era
eeyotdlawtw W.G.HMI i II. F • i».
Jones County 8hcrIfTa8aie
I’l KilktllA. JOXBS lOCRTT.-Will U n, 1
ftjl txbm the r.oirt house oo r n >b.-
tlmb-n. Juer* ruunty, Oeutyle. ti twwa the
boerd to ladependeutisin in Georg!*. I
failure to do *0, prove* that be L il syi
pithy with it
Tub following opinion from the —
Taa following opinion from the granger
local of the .Von ami AdrtriUrr will meet
with a heat ty swoond from thefartnet* in
many cuunUes la th* State. Much speak*
lag will undoubtedly interfere with th
at ring of th* ootton crop. Th# granger
very poioteily sayre: “To oamedaent i
th* cold fact of th* business, gentlemen -
y* oandldale* and Volunteer M*te*m#n-
w* don't earn about any speaking in
Dougherty county thia camiidgu. tlnr
people ar* at pcao* with each other, aii-l
are very little concerned about politic*.
falaese c
A none nnd eprcdr care for Sore
Ttimal.r«nali«i I'nlds. Diphtheria,
FtiilK IHnrr hcn.l>yeeatcry.« >a»i pa,
(Ticlrra, Hammer Contplnlnt, Kick
I Icodarltc.Xewralgla, Ithrumatlant.
id to insure all c’a*
Rtf, i r<:ra|K rvinpat
Libel forDIvorco#
H lllll st I’llKlolt’tVitKT. A I'1(11. TERM
I**2. Amanda How*«. John Kaoe. Itap
In snug to Ihe roMilt 111- the return of lbs »b. r-
IT that the •kfcitobuit, <ohn luee. !• no. lo »w
found in tht* eonnty and ll further aiiprarlii#
that lie diwtotHd noble In this Shite. 'w>'i*ffd.
ii,«t nrvbe l-c i^rft.-ti-d «ki Mild J*d»n Pc-.' ^
1 iMWwtlon In tb« Telntrsph and Re*etie*t
• fire a MHonth for four toMMiih*. • wiling mi mid
•Mm fiiwe tn be «ud appear at **id aiitorio
• ••«rt |n r«ou«)lj or by atbiniey on lh»* Uh JJmt
•’ay In «a twt«-r next to arower your Ubeilent'
• ••mpUiht. Ry tho-oourt.
I Jhellanrs Metirfnw,
? rtllao. T. J. MMMONit, J. B.
hi* June *1, may.
A true extra* t fruai the minutes of Hihb ia*
l<rl"t court. This « June. 1»«J.
Administrator's Sale.
•rn VAHtt no 11 .T «.% AX outi iXi
Ard th* balance Noumler 1st real, with*
out o*.c Cf ill of int. rctot. t»o inlerrst or
•dtrwnce iu Idio. If lalstcocan't lie paid
in the fslI.kMt .er Uttm will begivLn, «Hh
a reasonable iucrea*# of price. All main. -
treats« t every grsn*' nnd price b ciaded )u
this sab*. Tell your muoi. nl ftb*tids uf ll
WritoneforCHtalogi cm, I’rtn !/*(.. Fir
cnhirs and full pirtirhlAra. lid* u|#
odosew (h tobrr I, lAs, Ufij |iwreh«r*se«
ntrw awh prtr^* nrd t-..-y •vrr.s. Address
l.udJrn It lilies’ Sculhern Mot Ifeis?
TVCml Hitou40rpslV(«t glke 5##th
OrEoBk IRVINE A CO.. Macon. Ga.
Mattom political are evidently oat of
J dot whan the Home €W» irr give* Ihi fob
lowing Indirect and y et earned and f.- t-
lag indoraftment of an lodcf>cadent uandi-
dvte for State Senator ia the forty-second
district. W hen tho Democratic nominee
refuses t« declar# against Ind*: ettknlirin
tllv not strange that htv organ* should
look apes H w>th some allow vne*: “IV#
U. Junee. of Gartetstilie, i* in the fteld as
a randldal* for Mat* Henator for this dis-
hrfrrtty MfrtotM isfroie'-'x nr rrtww*»v/u»d
107 Third BLJItrOB. 0*.
cm AIN CiIADLk8,
cim.iwr, BELTING,
Mxonx, Ga, September A-Jhami. A.
D. Ilmmmoad, A. .1 M«t r hrj «wf C. K
ll—.mm . Vm..
i t f salary.
in Wilsinson C u.Hy,
Clcs« ic Ccition.
Lifter (old) act loo in atock-topsaap laat
of Angus.
.>■1 h iii**--. noil ti For
«*l ply »u Mr. Ring fUn-
Buffalo U. S. Standard Scales.
on the ft'tt Monday in
i country colort J echuois
kk —itahia bnwiMaad
rndanceof fort/ pupil*.
Mm. J. 11. H. W Aft'll I Si • It 'N.
water, am both *r»7icat«d «cd prevented
ky Urn om of Ilortriterte Stomx* b Ibttcra,
a purely v . • tab'.? elixir, hi i »rrod by
phvurians. and more wxt* nvlvely used m
a remedy f->r •’«- a’ . -..- ••’*•* . t ilitoiderx,
a* «rli m for many <>rti> i*. than any
medicine of tlx* aicn. For sale by all
droggiM* and dealer* gone: ally.
Nolice Le.'-vi «.c Sell Land.
I ll V ill! |
h. Hand ft
I Ha Care.''
f.,r t *iati» sr» 1 pr»- i
hi# liui, twfure baytug.
\V. W Ggawr. Froi-rtrtor,
lb* >4 FoiM&tr** Mb, Atlanta, Ge.