The weekly telegraph. (Macon, Ga.) 1885-1899, December 15, 1885, Image 2

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THF! MACON WEEKLY TELEGRAPH: TUESDAY, DECEMBER 15, 1885.-TWELVE PAGES. ni CHRISTMAS. Telegraph and Messenger Publishing Co., 07 Mulberry Street, Macon, Qa. The Daily ia delivered by carrlere In the city or matlo'l postage free in Rubacrihen, for $1 per mouth. ,'J.SI for throe months, $5 for aiz months, or tin a year. Hints for Home Mute llolltlay I’rcacnts. Baltimore Bun. •Wluit presents shall I make for Christ ina*?” This question comes to one from every side, and is a strong reminder of happy days long since past, when I, too, rushed about from friend to friend and store to store, trying to find a model for something I had not seen before. It is a troublesome question to solve, and yet a pleasant one, for wlmt mote delightful task The WksklyI* mailed to subscribers, Post*!?® can one be employed in than preparing free, at tl.Wayear and 75 cents for six months. B ome pretty surprise for those- we love. Transient advertisements will l>e taken for the j £()(it womcn prefer to make at least Daily at *1 per square of 10 lines or less for the ft £(W o£ £be ir Christmas gifts, and to thoso first insertion, and BO cents for each subsequent in- j 0 qVr some suggestions, sertion, and f.^tho Weekly at $1 for each insertion. I The hairpin cushion is made of a baby's Notices of deaths, funerals, msrrlsges and births, blue or piuk shoe, liny a pair of shoes nn 1 Jl. , use one for the hairpin cushion and the Dejected communications will not be returned. I other for a pincushion, the latter for gen- Correspondence containing important news and I eral use, and to save the large satin one, discussions of living topics 1b solicited, but must bo that is more for ornament. To inako the brief and written upon but one side of the psper to lop of the hairpin cushion knit a square of have attention. split zephyr and fasten it at the top, after Bemittanccs should be made by express, postal buttoning the shoe and rilling it wit i ■ote. money order or registered letter. curled hair. Then place a small how of rib- iinfMii itl: lVMi ht-to .trrot I 1>0D hi front, and to make it more ornn- in communications should be addressed to rnental, paint a little vine of dowers nrouu.l THE TELEGRAPH. *1 top of the shoe. The pincushion may „„„„ | be made in the same way, only cover the ' ' top with a hit of satin or cashmere. The Money orders, checks, etc., slmnld be made paya- . liucus j linn f orms tt pretty and amusing gift ^ H- c., Mansypr, I f Qr a bachelor. liuKii Raiuut's left hind foot in America A cheap and effective wall-pocket is made of a common pal in-leaf fun. Cover one side the situation. With audacious coolness he picked up a pair of spent voles thnt chanced to he lying on the table, and a big chain— the insignia of the judicial functions in Kussin—placed a huge bundle of papere under his arm, and walked noiselessly to tho door. The police standing at the door way let him pass, thinking him one of the secretaries of the court. This escape, which would he impossible in any other country, is explained by the fact that in Russia, in matters of this particular kind, tho accused is questioned by the judge alone, without the presence of witnesses or court officer. When the news of tho escape reached the cars of the Czar, his Majesty laughed heart ily, and, in consideration of the ludicrouR- ness of the affair and tho honorable stand ing and services of the Huron’s family, he quashed all further proceedings in tho mat- tor. A year afterwards General Trepoff— recollecting the presence of mind and calm authority of tho Baron on this occasion, concluded that be was just the man to en list in the Third section, or secret police. The Baron not only cepted the offer, but became General Tie-poll's private secretary. His peculiar talents were found invaluable in ferreting out Nihilistic nests. He was charged soon afterwards to go to Paris and worm himself into the confidence of the Nihilist murderer Netchnieff; and he succeeded so well that Nctchaietf was soon on hiB way to Moscow, A GEORGIA GIRL Essays the Hole of "Leak," ami is Severely Criticised. New York Times, Misn Lenore Gordon Hussey is described by her fond father as “a talented young Southern tragedienne.” Miss Hussey's father was so confident of the truth of this description that he brought her to this city, and hist night he exhibited her upon the vast stage at the Academy of Music in tho character of ‘-Leah," the Jewish maiden. Then it was recognized by all tho unpreju PROCEEDINGS OF CONGRESS. REPORT OF THE HOUSE COMMITTEE ON RULES. Tlio Houm Adjourns Without Considering the Iteport—Tho Correspondence on the Koiley Mutter—A. Mormon's JSentenro Confirmed* Etc. providing for n call of the StnteB to-di.y £o , the introduction of hills. , ... - ... - i Washington, December 14.—The chair diced persons present that, although Miss before the Senate a joint resolution of Hussey is indisputably young, she in the Legislature of Connecticut, urging Con- not yet ft tragedienne. Miss Hussey s ores* to pass without unnecessary delay a performance of tho difficult character in- jjm to provide for the presidential count trusted to her was not a lamentable failure, yj r Platt bridey called attention to the im- to hei sure. It was immature and ineffective,, portanee of the subject covered by the D. u ‘ \ ,cr efforts were marked by a sort of joint resolution, saying that the people of girlish simplicity, which awakened the I,;, .state felt much interested, and the Gov- sympathy and held it in spito of her lack of ernor o£ the state had requested him (Platt) strength and knowledge of the stage. The to briug the matter to the attention of the young lady had apparently formed her own Senate conception of the part, and acted it by self-1 Mr , ' Hoar wa8 ra ther of the opinion that Considerable antagonism wa« made to I this proposition, Messrs. Hammond, off Georgia and McMillan, of Tennessee’ as. I sorting thnt the introduction of hills hef 0 tho Honso had determined the jurisdicth of the various committees would lead great confusion. Mr. Springer, of Illinois, took the sam. view of the mutter, and pointed out various sections in tho proposed new code which would ha violated if the resolutions wer. ad opted. Sir. Weaver saw no weight in tho objec. J tions raised to his resolution, because it wa« ' proposed to refer hills to appropriate com mittees when appointed. Further discussion was cut short by t i motion made by Mr. Hatch, of Missouri, that the House do now adjourn, which at 'i 12 .‘23 was carried. TUB HUBERTS CASE. taught methods. Her redundant gestures jj r . piatt's State was responsible for the were surely not advised by any teacher of failure in tUe House o£ „ bill already three elocution, and tho continual monotone m times passed in the Senate, to meet the which she spoke further displayed herigno- difficulty. At least the distinguished ltep ranee of the simplest rules of dr amp tic art. renentative of that State had been chairman and his vertebra in France are relied upon £nn cretonne or any material for protection. | that you may like better, turn the edges Alas! Ala-" - n .»»i. I over on the other side and haste down. two weeks She had not adapted lier voice to tho largo ,,f the House confereuco committee on the auditorium of the Academy, and people 10 I in the last Congress and the conference „ , , ® e hack part of tlie house could scarcely report was not made to the Honso till so where he was immediately seized and I follow her; yet it was evident that she could I j n the session that in the pres- hanged with due dispatch. The Baron was speak louder without straining her voice. BU ro of other business noth- decorated and received promotion. He en- [ The quality of her voice, by the way, is by I j n g WB s C ] OI10 by the House. Tho tered the department of the ministry of the do means disagreeable. She is very young— Senate, Mr. Hoar said, had done everything interior, exercising important funotions in not more than eighteen—nnd she is (j m t was possible in the premises, and was the international police, and visited all tho Pietty. She has much to learn, however, uo j responsible for the failure of the hill to A Alas'! Alas!" Christmas is nearlv over lue olneI “ uu ““"“• the international police, and visited all tho pretty, one nas liincn to learn, however, uo t resnoiisibl Alas.. Alas... L/hnstmas is nearly Tnke a straight piece of the same, about I capitals of Europe at tho expense of the Wore she will be competent to attempt beemne a law. een m front of us and the Atlanta twenty-five inches long nnd wide enough Russian government. characters much loss exacting than "Leah.” pj a tt di did not think the facts stated prohibitionist frolic a little moro in the to reach three-quarters up the fan. Hein Puris, however, was the city after tho For an amateur, her performance last night ^j* r Hoar carried with them the infer- rear, and here is Colonel Avery publishing one side of this, ai'ul gather about one inch Baron’s own heart. He led a free and fes- was not remarkably had—and that is the Lncc ,j mW n by Mr. Hoar-namely, that ante this tiyo life there, gave costly dinners, and best we can say of it. The acting of the Connecticut was responsible for the failure receints for making punch. Well may it he from *?1' to f " rm a tnl8 «vo life there, gave costly dinners, and best we can say of it. The acting of the Connecticut was responsible I J -I , 1 acr0 * s tllc tun “ ni1 RSther the bottom so as I mingled with tlie most exclusive classes of other characters was not remarkably bad o£ tho bill referred to. asked if prohibition really does prohibit, to form a pocket. Let the raw edges turn doubtful society. But he fell into the habit either for what is known ns a “scratch" The chair also laid before the Senate a We are surprised, astonished, amazed, over on the wrong side and cover with the o£ gambling, and so neglected his business, company. In fact, there was nothing at memorial from the State executive com- elioeked. Wlint must the blue badgers and same material; turn in the edges and over- The Russian government dropped him from ail remarkable about the affair except one m ittee appointed by the constitutional con- tho drvelee club think? hand the two sides together. Ike handle i to li„t. Thrown on his own resources, he °f the scenes in the third act, which was an vent j on o£ the Territory of Dakota, praying • h should also be covered with the material, pr took advantage cf hiB past position in Paris mgenins combination of a drawing room {or t u e nAmis-inn 0 f Southern Dakota as a Tux Raleigh News thinks that the South wind ribbon about it, and place a small to borrow from all who were foolish enough with walls paneled in blue satin, a squalid state D f the union and transmitted a draft •would he better off if it had more savings b .™ 88 sc , rew m . thc J 0 P to “ a ?« ll to leml - and *» iM ‘be confidence game on interior with bare walls, and a sylvan grove o£ t h e constitution for the approval of Con- wouia i>e I.euer ou u, uaa I nbbon hows, in colors matching the mate-1 B colossal scale. Having exhausted this I with a sky made of purple nnd gold liaug-1 „ ress banks. "Our people, it says, ar, not rial, can he placed m effective positions to field hei returned to St. Petersburg, where he inRs. On one side was a hut with n door, Mr! Harrison said he had only awaited spendthrifts by any means. There ore make this wall-pocket very pretty, many in every Southern community who A fancy foot-stool is a very , , , . , I anu if the donor has ldenty ( put by regularly n certain proportion of | orU(l mental stool or foot-rest can be made'. | befoj» him. he suddenly "transferred tlie I plainly visible wire, their earnings. Habitual saving^.however, | Roys are selling^ plain wooden frames about scene of his operations to Vienna. The each: that is, exact amount of his borrowings and swin- “ not “ u 1 ” 1 XVitli Ills Little Hatchet, introduce such bill at an early opportunity, Mr. Hoar, from the committee on privi leges and elections, reported favorably on original bill providing for the performance _i not a nils with us as it is at the North, the streets for twenty cents each: that is, I exact amount of" his borrowings and much waste of inbatance is the cons©-1 foot-staoU. Y°u am either ^ blacken the I dies in this city in unknown, oamostofl Milwaukee Evening WUconsin. _ n( ,npp Wmw but wo do not do it as *«8® to , look or B 1 ”} them, then hie victims are unwilling to admit they A recent occurrence near Marsfleld, Wis., Q f the duties of President in case of the ^ . ' . ' / , „ " Stuff the top with hair covered with coarse I were bitten. Necessity at last drovo him to I will go to convince the unbelieving that! death, resignation or inability of botliPresi- «asily as thc Northerner Goes. muslin, having it smooth and even, and forgery. He telegraphed to the Bank of sanguinary American youth means business, dent and Vice-President. He said it was I {q'V rol “}y , f ° r y°°![ DDb** 1 !® covering. | s. Petersburg for 20,000 roubles, signing | A hoy of sixteen has killed two Indians in | substantially the same bill that had been ““ BBj " | ’ - ' ' " ' ‘ ‘‘ 3 v J .... ^ and gave to-morrow The Supreme Court Decides That lie Mu,t Go to Now York. New York, Deoember 14.—William S. Roberts, formerly piesident of the now de funct Bank of Augusta, Augusta, Ga., is under indictment by the grand jury of this county for alleged grand larceny, and the effort for his extradition to answer tho charge was successful to-day after months of de lay caused by appeals taken to various trib unals. Tho Bank of Augusta failed in January last, nnd it is charged that Roberts brought to tais city and hypothecated at the Mercantile Bank $146,000 worth of bonds which had been deposited in the hank by tho Bethlehem Iron Co. Tho in dictment was presented on April llltb, and when the necessary requisition papers had been secured n detective of this ity wont to Augusta to bring Roberts into the jurisdiction of New York State. He ’vus prevented from doing so by linbeaa corpus proceedings brought successive • in tlireo Southern States. appeal was made to tho Supremo Court of the United States. Here it was likely to he for three years, hut at tlie lersonal solicitation "< ibfnl till tho case wne advanced upon the calendar and was argued in Washington on tho 20th ult. To-day tho authorities here were notified thnt the Supreme Court had rendered n decision ordering the extradition process to be carried into effect. Roberts, who is now under $10,- 000 hail, recently attempted enicide by cut ting his throat. A detective will start South this week for him. flood, Sound Doctrine. •‘Gath,” who is afflicted spells of lunacy in regard Sooth, during which ho scribbles columns I fl °nie effective lace nppliqued upon it. A I ceived forthwith. Rut by a curious chuuce I followed the animal, anil found that two 1 Sir. Edmunds expressed the hope that its mns , o£ : 9 iioarinativo some. b ' a0 ' £ B *‘' n °° ver ma y D avo a pvotty little the morohant in question visited St. Pe- Indians had killed it while in a disabled consideration might be delayed for a day in 1 .. . ' ... . . .’ I spray painted upon one corner, or gold lace I tershurg on the very day that tho forged condition. He demanded his game, where* order that he might have the opportunity time, stumbles on a fact,which it is mipos- may be arranged around tho cushion, the telegram had been received, and he was upon the Indians advanced upon him, and to attach to it os an amendment a bill al- nih'e to distort. bow being omitted and gold cord and small surprised, on entering tho hanking estah- he shot nnd killed them both. He now says that late in 18C4 Booth wrote 8il‘ b alls in a dortrar substituted lor it. Ushmcnt, to learn that 20,000 roubles had this to his sister Mrs Clnrk - I S® r ® e ns are^ not^only ornouientahhut a | been dispatched to him that morning to | useful present, and some of the designs are Vienna. The police were notified, an in- l’EltSONAL. ready introduced by him regulating the count of the presidential vote. The hills he suiil, relivUM to one snbject, nnd if they could be combined would deal with the | subject as a whole. Mr. Hoar was willing that his bill may lie w hen 1 aided in the capture and execution o( very rich. One just finishrd is in block vestigation made, and just hs the affair was —King Alfonso left a. fortune of SO,000, John llroon, who wu > murderer ou our Western plush and ebony frame, painted with an about to ho abandoned on incident oc-1 OOOf. o I border end who wse fslrij tried end convicted be-1 exquisite design of water lilies and aquatic enrred that threw a sudden light on tho Mrs. Jennie June Crolv is ill with brain over for one day, when he shall to-morrow fore an impartial Judgo end Jury of treason, and I grasses, tlie background inlaid by u few mystery. A dispatch was received by the fover. " have submitted some remarks on the sub- who. by the way. has since been made Ood. I was strong touches,. giving a perspective• of Bank of St Petersburg from the great Tb.lmnnt lion turned his seventy- ject matter. This was satisfactory 'mysterious woodland with dim rays of light house of the Baring Brothers in L.., A "8“ 9t Belmont tnmoa ““ seTenty to Mr. Edmunds, and the bill wus placed R piercing through and illumining aomo sleep- London saying that a credit of several I ... . .. on tho calendar. oountrv to punish an act of injustice. But what ln <? watpr - A very effective screen for a thousand pounds was asked by the gentle- —Gladstones voice has recovered its The only addition of importance made waa a Crime in their opinion ia now conaldered (by drawing-room furnished in lighter tints has man whose name was forged to the dispatch “sual volume. to the Presidential succession bill is a pro- themi a. the maiastanii oniT virtue of tha whole afrarae °f w h‘t« woo “ folded, with panels already mentioned. This sum was to be —Mme. GreviUe-Dnmnd is to pass a month vision for the repeal of the sections num- Jtapublican party strania transmigraUon Vice ot P^ 0 Wu ® • atin psiDted with roses and transferred to Vieuna. The mechanism of in New York. bered from 147 ta 160, inclusive, of the re- | cupids. .. I the swindle was now nnderatood nnd a trap | —Sccretnrv Endicott reads French novels vised statutes. They provide for special Ladies who are clever with their pencils set. Tho London house telegraphed that £n the original, an draw flower designs on doilies and work | the sum would bo paid at tho house of Eph-1 -ru... a ■ . .. ...... I cwuuiww .lo-u. uvo.r.“= I iue sum wouiu uu pmu in me iiuumu oi Eph- ti,».. ... Un. Tn.lnwls Uisa.wllnnwi I ei A'resioeni ami t ice-i-resiuem. sue , lytraltora tatheUnd and that tha en-1 wi th ailver or tqlt thread. The aizes russi * Co., Vienna, and when the Baron Tftylor,in thonew,,OMO effect of their repeal is to conUnue the sue- , M- Pastkib has seventy-threo cases of deserved the aaiue fate aa poor John I aja* very small. To make apcrfumedsaeliet presented himself he found, the police I of s' Dtativcs. . cessora to the Presidency in office until the hydrophobia now. electioQH in case of a vacancy in the office* of President and Vice-Preiiident The to become a virtue, simply becaiuo more indulged in. I thought then, m now, that the nbolltioniata were the only tire party . ^ ^ ^ Urown - I cut two piece* of silk nine luche* long 'nnd I awaiting him. lie wu* promp/ly jura ted” I —Mmo. Patti is to be paid $18,000 for six I nMTgcneraTefcctFom There arc reasons to consider it correct four inches wide; sew the long aides to- and after spending a long lime (if jail wus I appearances in Madrid. Sir. Frye, from the committee on rules, re- Booth, then an actor in Richmond, Va., gether; turn them. In the centre place a brought to trial a few weeks ago anil con- —The late Michael Simpson of Boston left I ported favorably a joint resolution provid- . ■ . .. . . ~ ... I will nf iiaUavi villi da rf w lit sax i wiwiIaf avhI iiaa I 4 n m ssMsw*« isn«it4f.AMmMM4 nt iis.i I — w— n .. i.. t n ...Awti. ad i uiuk iuui I j ^ code of joint rules for iho two notifies Lieutenant vrhich was placed on the calondar. Mr. Frye gave notice that he would call up it | to-morrow. It is identical with the code I reported last session by Mr. Frye, except that the proposed joint rule 13, relating to „ ! cold I liquors is struck out. To make a handkerchief or jewel box take evening the jailer's curiosity was aroused on | waves on the nob of Beacon Hill, Boston. At 1:05 p. m., on motion of Mr. Hoar, The circumstance itself was calculated to I an onliunry paper box and cuver it with seeing that the prisoner had changed his lit- —Abbe Liszt's linnds aro shaky, hut he thc Senate went ijito executive session, make a strong itupreulou upon the mind of I Maek satin. Outlie lid paint a fiornl tie- titade since morning. Ho entered the cell still gets up at 3 a. m. and works all day. At 2:20 the Senate doors were reopened, aud young and impulsive man full of romance "*8“ > a water colors, having the principal ami touched the prisoner on the shoulder. _ clault gpreckles has sent $2,000 as a Christ- a “d a message was rend from the President, , . . . flowers in blue and crimson. Around tlio Tho latter did not stir. He then gave lnm loan Hawaiian house for loner transmitting the Kelley correspondence re- ud ambition. Aud m the extract we give siJes put antique lace, sav two rows, one L rudo shake anil waa astounded at seeing I Srem 1 I cently called for by Mr. Vest's fesidution It from “Gath" may be read the real motive at the upper edge, tho other at the lower. I the prisoner fall to pieces on the stone floor, I 1 ... . , , . . ... I was ordered printed and to lie on the table. at the bottom of the assassination of l’rexi- “i® points of the lace face each other. It was simply a staffed figure with the , aiiniJmit' Adjourned. 7.““ ’ „ assassination ot p iniHh ,fu tho edge, of the box with silk Baron's clothes on, while the Baron him- an(l h« U going not to Florida hut to South- A „j ong the bmH introiluecd in the - ,, cord mntching in colors tho embroidery, self had taken French leave. The Huron urn Europe. ... . to-ilny were the following: lbe deed was relievod of anything like The inside ot tho box should be lined with had won tho confidence of a prison official —General Lew Wallace is homo again, after By Mr. McPherson, to suspend the coin personal or private malice, and the quilted satin, and a quilling of ribbon used named Spitz, bad through his good offices a flying trip to the bedside of tho sick man age of standard silver dollars, verdict of hiatorv and the sentiment ‘° cover ‘ h ® unfinished edges. For the exchanged letters with his rela- of Europe. By Mr. Millions, to allow a drawback on of all good people will unite in feet nse 8 Ut which can he fonnd tivea, received a large sum of —Mr. Browning, the poet, has bought the imported materials used in the manufacture peop e will unite in 1 a t almost any upholsterer's. I money and induced Spitz to so I Palazzo Manzoni/ ono o'f the most beautiful I of tobacco and such as are ex ported. It Booth's e stimate of Brown and the snbse- A pretty chair iMilster can bo made of operate in his escape by a bribe of $li0t). I bouses in Italy. allows as a drawback such sum a* may l ave qui nt conduct of the Northern people to- quilted satin. When tho ends aro joined Spitz now occupies the lkron's cell, having —Professor Alexander Agassiz is to go to ' wn »« duty on imported material on ward him. Within a few months past a to K l . thtr “ u< ® th . e ““* *“ ° ne 8 1 ’!® mad « « confession of <he enrire plot. The F , ori()a next wcek top a !!= ,h e winter where ‘*‘•“8 int0 tb « manufacture of the exported .... 1 , muff, onlycloflcd, cover tho entire end* ureatent ebrnmn prevail* in Vienna over the __ *rticle. magazine article fiom a Kansas man has w j £ |, quilled ribbon placed ronnd anil fin- Boron's escape, os he had swindled hun- J 1 ' ' ...... , By Mr. Vance, to repeal certain provisions described Brown in h’s true colors. No (shed in the centre with a heavy cord and dreds of people, from members of the Im- . —Herr Honnentnal, Uie Austrian sclor, I o£ act of March 3d, 1875, relating to m " ‘ 'M ' ' I is trying to fix it so that he can come to I ^ purchase of arms for the use of States. matter how honestly he thought he should Two stripes of velvet, braided or perial Court and government down to even . ... mnr.lcr Southern tiaonle and steal neoroes embroidered, with edges finished with scol- his own sssocistes. America next season. | j t repeals so much of the army apprnprin- mur ler bomneru i eopie ana si «i negroes, i 0 p, 0r Ordered with lace, are placed around The next heanl of the Baron was that he —Peter Donahue, who died recently in tion bill for the year ended June, 187«, as thaw act* were unlawful, and »~oth was I the pillow a short distance tram each end, I was seen In a village of Bavaria in the guise San Francbico, was worth $10,OUO,OOG. He covered in the treasury that part of tho ap- not the only person who was shocked that I and a lerge silk cord with taa*cla ia fastened I of an Oberland peasant, but before the po- began life as a blacksmith. propriation made between 18(11 and 18%, the North should attempt to jua'tify his ae- a ‘ < ac h end, with which to hang it >ver the lice could get on nia track he vanished, only —Mr. Aldrich luu found time amid his under the set of 1808, as would have been tion and canonize Brown as a saint b * c ! t of th .® chair *° , that wi '! ® om « j“*J like a rabbi*, in a warren to appear some- anonymous labors to put his nnmo to a used for the purchase of arms to be diatrib- tion ana canoniz J roan as a ] a ' n *' I at the neck. 'Hie holster should be stuffed I where else. He finally reached Nice, in ahort story called "Two Bites ut a Cherry.’ uteil to the several SUtc™ that were in re- Uooth's act waa mad and foolish, and fell | with curled hair, very far short of accomplishing the ends he sought, bnt he waa a better man than John Brown, and thefaturewillsowiiteitdowu, despite the wild chorus of a Northern mob, and the repeated essays of “Gath” and his imitators. A BOLD TITLED ADVENTURER. France, where hs Is at present luxuriating. F , v ^ ••Hnnh Conwav" k hon- MHon, and provides that the Secre- A number of letter* from the Baron's „f a thro^min t .l oCs “>« Treasury shall pay «.»il. Rnil. Lav. Ul °™. IU " I 1 " 111 ! B . I 11 !® 11 !" 1 ™ W I. ' ll.,a... ,l.„ K— 1 family, addressed to Spitz, have been _ in , , i. stonhen’s Church Bristol 40 those States tlie respective Administration- seized bf the police and give promise of a p n „i an .i ’ ’ ’ balance due them which remained un- rimi Gu-tmly. | rich harvest of fresh scandal Tho Vien-| , v vl _ _ v _ | drawn, in consequence of which proviso of MrmWr of the ltUM*tiu> HU Daring lNcujir* from Cuatotijr. | ^ barveHt of frt*h Koumlul. Tho Vion-1 I drown, in continence of which proviso ui A Vienna letter to the World says: The nese authorities have telegraphed to the I v rrtraces Anne Kemme, who has | t£le appropriation hill of 1875, *'to the end Viennese authorities are at present oxer- Austrian consul at Nice to take measures 1 beenlmng in Eng.nnd, talks of rctunnng tlm t u, e credits lost to the States of Alu- cised over the recent escape and lmprobo- i for tho arrest of the Boron. But jjis doubt-1 j° ‘“1“ country to pass the remainder of I banm, Florida, North Carolina and South ble recapture of one of the most ingeiuons | ful if such measures will be successful, as | “® r day*. ^ | Carolina under the repeated proviso of said Poor. Joszru LcCoxtz, well known in adventnrera and successful swindlers of the the extradition law between France and —Albert Bierstadt, the artist, is engnged act of Starch 3, 1875, be returned to said -Georgia, has been on a tour through the I ®8 e - This is the Russian Raron Greffen. I Austria cannot transfer from one to the this winter in finishing some California States.” ... ’ . . . „ Baron Greffen must not be confounded other a Russian subject‘“The Austrian au- scenes and a canvas showing a storm on By Mr. Morgan, to grant to the Gulf and merras anu luus uniioss oi u popular *u- ,i.„ I .i,—-.:— : *. ... I *i... \r...I nu: n_,n • ,. . BU * with the other Russian adventurer, i’rincc tborities now uppeiU to aTaw of November the Matterhorn. I Chicago Air-Line railroad the right to con- “News- Bavine, who was tried hero a few months 13, 1855, by which tho extradition may he —George Gonld, the son and heir of the "‘met bridges across navigable streams. .. . AA.. I aim TKo 1al4n* t* will lu> *«i isxsssi 1 laxwaul I : * at.......... A, ..VI» I n .... ’ I ss •> .. .. . . ... popular pantition concerning Lake Tahoe: papers in San Francisco say there is some-1 ago. The latter, it will he remembered, I effected’ if the Russian government' a®- I mouse-trap iVlionairTh "to" enter Wali I By Mr. Brown, to provide for the settlement •thing peculiar in the water of this high swindled the wisest banker* in most of the I quiesce. Meantime the Raron continues H£ree t on January 1 os a general partner in °‘ account# with certain railroads, Itau- iiiniiriiitin latiA* it la an liohi iw.uv that “P 1 *® 1 * of Knrope, and borrowed largo to enjoy the aoft breezes of the Mediterra- tbe firm o£ s . y. White A Co. thorizea the Secretary of War and Attorney- mountain lake, it ia ao light, hey say that £rom ,,^6 miniaUrs ami amh^s- neau at the expense of hia wealthy dupes n *„ f , mwfrirf1 (ll „ v „ iu onrrMnnn . General to adjust ^counts between the log* of timber sink immediately, and bodic* dors, even taking in his ubiquitous net one' a ' of drowned animals never rise; that it is I or two distinguished members of the Pope's dent of the London News, ha* just died from I u anu J nl ?“ ™‘ ro “, c ®'‘‘|*nies . a M. i. a. T. Si do so, many good swimmera have been lhe Viennese authoritii* are now iuning ex- ^Ud little Mrs. Doll “Yes, so George —Donu Piatt, who has been In Washing- The hill introduced in the Senate to-day drowned. These facU are well attested by tradition papers. aaya,” responded Mr*. Spiteful, quietly, ^n lor several ilnys, say* he ha* nothing to U,y Senator McPherson to auapend the uewaimprr scientists, and therefore not The Baron's trial took place her* some I -Sometime* he indnlgea too mnch, doesn't complain of but Time, who is giving a tinge coinage of the standard silver dollar pro- doubted by newspaper reader*. Since leav- th "® 1 * e * k ; !¥?' “ *“. 1 “ n 8- sensational, he?" They no longer sneak to each other. ? f .8™y *» hia heart and a stiffness to hU ride, that ao mnch of tbe act of February ■ .A. . b.L Vu..jTnft, n nub, i i, v ihr V® a *x>““?® , l tlw incident* and revela- “Yea,” said a lady, when interviewed on J 0, nt* not specially desired. 28, 1878, enUtled “An act to authorize the uig Oakland I have been often asked, by the I non* peculiar to such cases. It proved tbe I the subject of servant-girls, “I find that —Mr. Spurgeon has completed the sev- coinage of the standard ailver dollar and rt- young men, the scientific explanation of ao Baron to he richly endowed with that fer- Swede* makes the most capable and trust- enth and laat volume of his "Treasury of store its legal tender character,” as antbor- stDguIar a fact. I have uniformly answered; 1 resources, surprising coolness and I worthy aervanti. I never had a Sweden- David.” Mr. Spurgeon’* happiness over izes and directs the Secretary of the Treau- ■We will trv scientific cxnerimenta when I "‘“‘ic impudence characteristic of the great I horgian that did not give perfect aatisfac- the conclusion of hia work baa found ex- ury to purchase from time to time of silver , heroes of causes< ctUbns. Tho Baron lua Uoo." I premsion in the wort “hallelujah," which he I bullion at the market prices thereof not Ickh we arrive there. The tune had come. I * checkered life. A few yean ngohel One of the cruelist retorts made by any I prints instead of "FinU” at the end of the than $2,000,000 worth per month and cause •Now, then, boys,' I cried, ‘for the scien-1 was a member of the Russian iwlministra- I musical audience ie reported from Califor- hook. the same to be coinetl into such dollar* tific experiment I promised yon.’ I imme- ‘‘®n. Alter about a year a service be com-1 nia. A vocalist was warbling to her own —Emma Nevada hail a regal entrance monthly ae fast aa ao purchased, shall be plunged in head-foremost, •"-» g*“*^.‘* **"??* ‘° J ® llcac y „ 8«»‘, aatisfaejon “Oh! would I were a into Virginia City ou the occasion of her suspended. , J .TJiT ... .. I jected to provuional detention, piveeteil j bml. A rough miner replied, “Oh! would recent concert there. Two thonsand peo- Mr. Evarts presented in the Senate struck out Isildly. Ithenthrawmyrolf on ,,f jj^uphe^mthii. meant that the Baron i were a gum 1 ^ | ,,lo assembled at the depot and crowds^ * petiUonof the New York Chamber of -my back, and by on the surface with my robbed right and left and was put in A woman is accused of attempting to | ot *d hers* she drove in an open carriage. Commerce, praying that Congress may pass limb* extended end motionle** for ten min-1 A prori*ion*l detention U pobon her hanbacd, who, however, re- ,iniwn by four nplendid black nor»«ti, to the * l*w providing for o *n*- ute«, breathing quietly the while. All the JSfxSLl? ceWed prompt medicalaaaUtance, and wa* residence of one of her schoolmate*. i»en*ion of the coinage of standard ailver easy to swim and float in this aa in any I charge of the affair summoned him one day tha judge addreeaing the prisoner. “I am . years chiefly on | inbhed 10 h “ “M”® 1 “3 Interrogated him in the innocent! I insist on a posf-morfrm.” other water. Lightneae from diminished tootoSto. s«to... i... -Mr sirs'i^toi'to lie keeps a hornless goat which I gives him nearly three quarts a day. An rrorenllugs <>r the IIoua., Mr. Morrison, of Illinois, from tbe com A Sam doses query. old woman i. hlrad to take the animsl out mRUe on roTaT submiUrt’ i ra^Tof tS 1.—Editor Repnb-1 ivgnlarly for a walk and to bnng it fresh | committee on the proposed reu-ion of the almost incompressible liquid tike water, the I srgument and manner as to quite confound] Sr. Lons, December 12.—Editor Repub- ' rrguiazivmra *m* auu u> imng it ircsn i committee on the protmsed revision of tlie toll., iroepectue of the onmra.«.Tl,'ir.7rS •diminished density produced by diminished the jndge. The latter, in his desire too ver-lican: Can yon furnish any reliable infor- graa*. II. St. Hilaire does not w«sr a great p,]^ ,,,,1 wta or jc re d printeil xn-l 1. 1 c<- •'- , . ,, preMure would he more than eounterlsd- wb ®*“ »*“> P rt *° n '* ^Ih proob. took u r his mation as to whether Hem Jonei.of Georgb, ®o*‘. howe.xr inclement Uie weather. He OTC ? until Pemorrow, ^rmbdon Wing c. r.L ,rf m ., nil , iLT./iV ' IMr pressure womaoemotw tnen ronnUthM- bull db of litea and papers, and while total- is any relation to "Oiveadsm” Jore* of the 1 B*U up every morning at 5 o'clock to work K w en to Mr. ibndall, of *Penna flvanW to bra! to • . n f ' i , ,1 ' f ly produced by | y .beorbed in rummaging them, with hb DeUoit Free Pram of a few yean •*>?- « hietransbtioo of Anstotlcof which be Submit. minority rijwrt. to • I ij U u", of SIT 10 ?* | ^^^back turned, th. Baron took advantage of I Anxious Inquirer. 1 J*» •«»•«» *<>>““«• “* 8*» ^‘““8^- Jlr. Wravsr, oflowa, offered a reaolntion' hrawb^pu 1 " uUt “ u ‘®« for MATTER OF FACT. A UOBAL. .cheat once Wu penny vis.. And would uot 11-end To advertise. After death. Upon bis tomb. A wag Inscribed Those words of gloom: “HU Ufe was but A long suspense, lie died woitb fonr And twenty cents." If yon would save. Economize; llut do not fall To advertise. Tor this you'll And Tbe world a field That wills glowing Harvest yield. Uncle Sam'* liquor hill last year was $553,000,000. Th* wort “mugwump” b in political use in England now. Some more sunshiny letters by Thomas Carlyle are forthcoming. Cocaine proves nn effective remedy for many cases of seasickness. In a single province of Russia 3,000 ope ratives aro employed making accordions. The Indians in Canon sink, Nevada, re cently ronnded up and killed 1,400 rabbits in one bunt. It b only tho female mosquito thnt at tacks man. The male remains in unobtru sive seclusion. The Kit-Kut b a New York sketch club, with a membership equal to that of Ali Baba's hand of thieves. Dzcdintte, or vanadate of lead oral zinc, has been discovered in Montana. Ore of thb nature b worth $10,000 a pound. In Portugal nowadays tho ballot takes place in the churches, and the hot generally stands between a pair of saietz.' The report of the English cholera com mission holds that Koch's comma bacillus is harmless, and that tho disease is dno to other agencies. The French journal Libertn draws atten tion to Thanksgiving Day in the United States as proof that religion does not injure even a republic. Revivalist Jones b shout to move upon Cbcinnati—the only town in America where small beer b ao small os to be had two glasses for a flip. Explobes Fobdes b going to attempt to reach tlio summit of Mount Owen Stanley, 13,205 feet high, and hitherto untrodden by tbe foot of man. De Bbazza, thc Congo explorer, b dis gusted. He waub tho French government to expend several millions to develop hi* colony, hut the million* ore not forthcom. ing. A chemist shows that steamed potatoes are more wholesome than boiled ones. Any one with a tongue in hi* head ought to ho nble to tell that without resorting to chem Utry. In Globe Vilbgo, Conn., John Goodison and bis wife had some trouble with a neighbor tlio other day and the effect of the exciteuu nt was such as to drive both insane. The mineral matter taken from thc soil by a five-pound fleece of wool isonlvl.5 onnees and 6 ounces of nitrog- n. Wool production cannot be exhaustive in its drains npon the land. Axieeican ctieesemakor* are not tho only snfferen from the low price of their pro duct. In France, Germany, Italy and llol- bnd prices range from 2U to 36 per cent, lower than they did last year. When diphtheria U prevalent avoid ail crowded gatherings; especially k« i> chil dren from such pbces. What Is apparently only common sore throats in adnlts wifi sometimes give rise to nn outbreak of diphtheria in children; therefore, in nil eases of sore throat pnzdenet would dictate ruution in naing dishes which others are to nm?. A kias to a child under these circum stance* may be tin- nucon-ions Signature of the little one'* death warrant. Tu* brewer* of wenterp Germany are junt now, like their Ijever.^#*, in a ferment. It b the founding of the "German Maltoae Ht/Uilr f'/imnenv" n4 i 'il.1 . Stock Company" nt Cologm- which H cited them to thb extent. Maltose i* the brand-new title of a new iugrodi- n t to be introdnerd larg-ly into .giufsctnre of beer. According