The weekly telegraph. (Macon, Ga.) 1885-1899, January 05, 1886, Image 1

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ESTABLISHED 182(5. MACAON, GEORGIA, TUESDAY, JANUARY ft, 18M5.—TWELVE PAGES. VOL. LX, NO. i. INSIDE OF ATLANTA. COURT WHICH WILL TRY DR. ARMSTRONG. kta, Janaary 2.—I bad a talk with a man to- o is thoroughly up on flab. Ho says that tlio easily run off into tangents. The farm- ieorgia have an epidemic of carp culture. i0 poorer fish in nourishment and flavor ftarp. The only thing in its flavor is that irstes easily and innumerably. It will thrive ill pond, or even in a tub. In Germany oor people raise carp in a tub and feed it the r al that in this country is fed to hogs. The the swln* among Ash. It will fatten and i a tnh like a nig in a pen. Where food is as it is in Germany and the people so poor thoro. the carp is a wetoome dish; but in ntry. where food is plentiful and cheap and >rer well paid, to propagate carp is like culti* reeds. In Germany carp is a rotating crop. thrown up around a half acre, which. >odcd. is devoted to carp raisiug. The next water ia drained off and potatoes and cab- re raised where before carp swam, orgia there are so meuy better kind*; of fish carp that there is no good reason for pro- the carp. The general government could pend its money In propagation any oi other kinds of fish than this, rp has no spirit and it wallows in mud g. When it bites at a hook and takes it, it > resistance. That is an Important point, ih that have spunk, are game, pull hard and play with spirit at the end of it, i i hvor and very nutritious, ks here in Atlanta wish to raiso fish, let lira the artesian pump water to fill ponds, pagate speckled trout. Those are game they would die sooner than live in dirty ke that from the city waterworks, ty well to raise speckled trout, and with the water there Is no reason why there should dozen ponds in Atlanta very soon. KICH MANGANESE BEDS. trgrat Deposits of the llest (Junlity of MangHneito Are Ours. a, January A. r. McCutchcon, the of the State Agricultural Department, haa report of the manganese beds of Ucor- lie United States mlnerological report, angancse deposits of Georgia are confined rtbwest part of Georgia, where the quan- rge and tho quality of the best. It is mixed iren ore. The ma^Kaneso beds are apping tho hills, and ia easily mined, that from Georgia is shipped to England, is used for bleaching purposes and in pic rro-maugancse,which is used in tho inarm f steel. Manganese Is a cheap source of rhich is required in bleaching purposes. the manganese is used iu preparing iganese. i some of the most extensive hods of known right here in Georgia, the quality nganeso being really excellent, manganese has paloou the wholo better Vjlithcr mining. Tho most cxtecsivo de lft discovered in Ooorgia surround * Car- They are owned and worked by several companies and by a few individuals. 3atcbeon regards manganesoas oue of tho •ources of Georgia. ^ Dr. Armstrong's Trial. a, January 2.—Hov. J. G. Armstrong, pas- Thlllip’s church (Episcopal) wiD be tried | of five clergymen of this diocese on the barges formulated by an inrestiga- mlttee, for being intoxicated, and visiting teoumlng a clergyman. Dr. Armstrong took a list of all the diocese, and struck off names at a timo, until only five were fivo are the court. *e Reverends Reese, of Hunter, of Columbus, Fond, of Al ine. of Kavannah, and Lucas, of , , not been determined whether or not the be admitted to the trial, which will take chapel adjoining 8t. Philip’s Church Smith and Senator John W. Davidson, of are attorneys for Dr. Armstrong. Mr. »ut of town now; and it ia understood he up evidence and consulting high ebnrch of other dioceses as to the rnlea of evl* modes cf conducting inch Investigations, istroog’s friends really seem to look for- he trial as only a righteous vindication. Not Press Purdee’s Rule Nisi. a, January 1.—Judge McCay starts for Tuesday with his daughter who is at* bool there, obable the Judge will be away several Judgo Thompklns, of counsel for the ltionlsts. has informed the court that rt, granted by Judge Pardee, and which 'ay was to have heard January 4. would ised for the present, if. Indeed, it would late Tax Receipts for lftft.1. January 1—Tax receipts on the general Is levy are f 31,512 less for 188ft, up to De- . ul Oao, than they were for tho previous same levy. The recoipts for 1884 up to 31st, were $4101,003, and for 1885 only The receipts on the special levy of 1-2 illding the capitol, for the pa*t year $04,001. Pear la entertained that de ft will be very bard to pet this year for llnjor Cobb's Annual Raid. January 2.—Major Lamar Cobb, tress- i State University, made his auinal State Treasury to-day, and was success- iut $30,000; $8,000 annual appropri ate interest on fifty year bonds, and •tonother bond*. renshaw cats Offs Head. January 3.—Collector Crenabaw, jester- it notice, cut off the head of Lew Xlorrla neral storekeeper and ganger. In bis luted T. J. Waddell, transferred from lugs, where ue baa been ganger at Eagle iry at a salary of fifty-two dollars per new position pays one hundred a month Booth Crenshaw was in he dismissed | ook him hack in a few weeks, owing to f of the man who took Morris's place, npetent. faithful man, bnt he haa no Collector Crenshaw ia a derao- * that to the victor belongs the i Dark Cloud From Carolina. January 3.—Mr. R. A. Williams, of the l Little Bock route, got In from Char- his morning. He reports an encamp* |famlllee of negrots on Lucky Hill.near f waiting to gat transportation to Ar* • gave the above eminence the name pli” berauae colored emigrants flock to j t the Carolina Central railroad, erect j tents, floor (haa with straw, and j t the coming of the emigrant agent who j ‘ tniupoR, lb,u to T.iu, Ar ' djP*. PRINTING TS3 LAWd. A General Inquiry nil Around aa to Delay nnd Other Matters. Atlanta, January 4.—The law as to when the State printer shall ha\e completed and published the laws passed by tho legislature, is: “That the laws shall be completod and delivered in the office of tho Librarian of the State within 30 days from tho adjournment of oach session of tho Legislature. Tho journals shall be printed and de livered in the office of tho Librarian within 30 days from the adjournment of each session of the legis lature.” The penalty for non-fulfillment of the law, is forfeiture of tho contract to do the State printing. Knowing that the laws are not printed by the State printer within tbe timo required, but that the general laws are printed and published within thirty days after tho adjournment of the Leginla- rare, by au ouusidv |*u>, •uIuu.mcu by the (Legislature and subsedized by the State, I called on Secretary of State Barnett and inquired the reason for tho procedure. He and Comptroller Wright and Treasurer Henderson are a commute uudor the law who have supervision of the State printing. They give out the contract, Mr. Barnett said that the reason the terms of the law were not enforced, is that it is impracticable for the laws to bo printed within thirty days after the adjournment of the Legislature, but that it really mado little difference, as tho general laws were always published by another party Within the required time. * Why is it, Mr. Barnett, that Jas. P. Harrison k Co, as State printers, cauuot issue those general laws, then, within the required timo, when as pri vate printers and publishers they do issue them for this outsldo party; who in tbi ands several other instances of this kind, happens to he tho superin tendent of the printing and publishing department of Jas. P. Harrison k Col” “I did not know that to be tho case. We liavo understood that tho laws could not be gotten out within the time specified by law, and the Legisla ture has generally provided specially for tho publi cation of tho general laws, which, of course, took that from our supervision. The Legislature is re sponsible for that, and not our committee.” “Does not the State pay twice for the one setting np of tho type for printing the general laws}” “I don’t know that it does. If it does ills wrung Why do you ask?” “Becauso Mr. U. H. Cabanlss, who has tho print ing of tlio spocial edition of tho general laws, is su perintendent for James P. Harrison k Co., who are the State printers, and bccauso they published the general laws for Mr. Cabanlss. Now, as they wiU have to print those same general laws in the < pilation of all tho laws, they surely have business acumen sufficient not to distribute one hundred and sixty or more pages of type, when they will use the same matter a few weeks later, probably they may print their pages ready for tho book of all laitjs, at the tlmo.that they work off Mr. Caban is Vs paper back edition. In tbat case, it would not be fair to expect Messrs, Harrison k Co., not to charge for tbe setting of the type for the gen eral laws. That they get it cheap, or free, is due to their tact; and they are entitled to the reward of It.” ‘Well, 1 had not looked at it in that light before. I'll look into that hereafter.” After the talk with Mr. Barnett I met Mr. Jas. P. Harrison. This gentleman is one of the frankest men in the world, ne never has a secret because it might seem like concealing. Knowing this, I tackled him. m d.bts full mpunhanslTB asus warrant my estimation of his character. “Mr. Harrison, how soon will the laws be pub lished?" “It is Impossible to say.* The journals are nearly done. The laws will make a book of about seven or eight hundred pages. I believe tbe law says that the laws, and journals, too, nrast be ready within sixty days after the adjournment but of course, that is impossible? The compiler would require nearly that tiiuo for his work alone. The law, when it so limited the time was Intended for, and it contemplated,.short sessions of thirty or forty days.” Certainly there is noteing wrong in all this, but it does seem that tho Legislature haa boon very lax If Harrison k Co. can publish tho general laws for Mr. Cabanlss, they should print them tor the State, with the understanding that the pages for the book containing all the laws should be struck off at tbe same time when the special edition ia run off. This would save the State paying twice for one setting of the general laws. Hurrying up the journals and leaving the laws till last might suggest to the suspicions a possibility tbat the delay, however unintentional, mast re dound to the benefit of the publisher of tho special early edition of the general laws; for the practi tioners of law are always so anxious to see the gen eral laws that they prefer to spend a dollar for the special edition than to wa.t for the Issue containing all the laws. The longer the delay in publifhing all the laws, the greater must be the demand for the special copy of the general laws. « As to the propriety of a high clerk of the Legis lature's being given the job of printing ttys general laws, there can be no diversity of opinion. Mr. Cabanlss was reading clerk of the Senate. In that position he had opportunity of being of - valuable to senators. Besides, he la a brother of one of the senators. Of coarse, all who know Mr. Cabanlss know him to be not only an upright man, but a religious man; and no one could for a moment believe that he could barter favors as readiugderk of the 8enate; but there are proprieties Wirt* the Sen ate outraged when it forced tbe Job on ope of its officers. A Governor may appoint bis brother tq office, bnt U would violate propriety-^I cannot’ say precedent, for In these latter days, even Democrats have fallen into the way of nepotism, which civil service reform tends to reader perpetual. That Mr. Cabanlss should have been placed in the same embarrassing position in regard to general laws, several times, by by an inconaidetato Senate, ia only a stronger rea son for my calling the Senators' notice to the In. delicacy of their gratitude to a faithful officer. No member of the (■ «ltgf HI* to any post- tion created by the assembly of which be is a mem ber. The same principle should prevail in regard to the clerks especially aa to the higher clsffim. Mr. Cabanlss, it is understood, shared salaries with the secretary of the Senate; and that indicates tbat Mr, Cabaniss was an influential man amo ng the Sena tore. Mr. Cabaness'e relations with the State printers cast another tent in the background of tbe picture. Why he, net a printer or publisher, should have been pressed into service In a matter of speedy publication, when u was fair to presume that he could not have any better facilities for doing the work than the State printers, is suggestive to aa in. quiring mind. But aside from all this, In these days of lightning passes, to aoy tbat a book of *00 or 800 pages can not be gotten out in thirty days, is a confession of want of the facilities of aArat-clasa publishing house. That these facilities ere as a matter of feet wanting, may be true, for the printing of the Benato journal was done by tbe Constitution, and It is probable that the House Journal is also being print ed by the same office, that both Journals ipay have the same t> pographlcsl appearance. Tbe committee of three who have charge of the pnbUc~printing exercise a discretion in reffitn! to tbe law as U> the publinlilcg of tbe journals and laws within thirty days after adjournment of the Legislature, that the text cf the law does not seim to warrant. Ia exercising that diecretkm they are Indirectly responsible for the extra cost for publish ing tho general laws in special edition. The law allows Mr. Cabaniss $300 for six hun dred copies, paper back; of the general laws. He sells copies to thr- lawyers at $1.00 each; which, owing to the great number of lawyers in the State, must net him a nice stun. There is nothing wrong in the transactions re ferred to here, so for a* the parties named are con cerned. There is a carelessness In State affairs shown In and by them. Tbe blame is with the Legislature. A DESPERATE MOONSHINER. A First Cousin of the Murderer Reck Ar rested Wednesday Night. Atlanta, January 1.—Eugene Bock, first cousin of the murderer by tbe same name, was arrested last night in Rabun county, on the cherge of Illicit jUMtilng. An<ntat Riwk was hi snstnriy on the same charge, and be escaped from the officers. Ev er since there efforts had been made to rearrest him Beck is known as a dangerous man. II*. ran last week from two officers w ho chased him Into am bush where two other officers met him with cocked revolvers. Beck had a double-barrel gun with him. He had threatened to make it warm for any officer who attempted to arrest him. He was so ensnared that ho had no chance to use his gun. When he found himself facing two cock d revolvers, he threw up both hands and begged the officers uot to shoot him. When first discovered last night. Beck was at his old business of illicit work. Tbe still wr*s captured. Beck and two others also captured in Rabun county last night are ou tbelr way to Atlanta. THE PROHIBITION ELECTION CASE Atlanta, January 4.—The prohibitionists’ attor neys demurred this morning before Judge Marshal! J. Clarke to tbo prayer for mandamus to compel Crdlnary Calhoun to hear a contest by the votes. The demurrer was on the ground that the result having already been declared by the ordinary, a contest before him could amount to nothing, and tbat the complainant* bid ample remedy at law without such au irregular aud necccssarUUy mina tory proedure as tho prayer for contest. Judgo Clark said that he was disposed to sustain the demurrer unless the other sldo had some law to refer him to that would favor their prayer for mis demeanors. Tho petitioners reiq*onded that the merits of tho case had already been fully and comprehensively argued, that there coni- be little or no use In repeating the law and cases. Judgo Clark therefore sustains the domurrer. The case will now go to tbe Supreme Court on a bill of exceptions to Judge Clarke’s ruling in tho petition for in junction to restrain tho Ordinary from counting tbo voto and declaring the result Tho real status of the flght is this. An effort has been mado in the only openings presenting them selves to have tho courts decide the constitution ality of the prohibition act. Judge McCay doddged it end delivered a homily on elective franchise. Judge Clark shied and fol lowed Judge McCay. Tbe Supreme Court Is very likely to sustain the ruling of tho court below, and so avoid the only real question: Is tho prohibition act constitutional? If it does dodge, why, then, no decision on the question can be had until some ono whoso license has expired continues thereafter to soli liquor and make a test case on his violation. That will bo so late that the game will hardly ba worth the csmlle. ^ —>• .Slate Batrif’isge. Atlanta, January 4.—The following notAr Ire pub lie were commissioned to-day; Laurens county, Dennis McLendon, 343d district; N. 8. Dixon, 341st; S. T. Darxey, 344tk; J. I. C. Stanley, 391st; J. L. Jones, 86th, and John Wilkes, Jr., l,33Hth, and W. A. Jones, 1.316th district, Calhoun. There were two jnstlces of the peace appointed; n. A. Gould, 26th district, Glynn couuty, and E. H. Martin, G2Stb, Whitfield county. They Appreciate a Good Thing.' Atlanta, January 1.—Tbe railroad men here are right uneasy every morning until t* ey get hold of the Tklkubaph. They like the (taper and no mis- THE NEWS BY TELEGRAPH. Supreme Court of Georgia. Atlanta, Ga., January 4—No. A Augusta circuit (continued). Dismissed. No. 1. Augusta circuit Ramlle vs. Stone k Co. Argued. P. A. Johnson for plaintiff; N. Dutcher -ontra. No. 2. Augusta circuit Withdrawn. No. 3. Augusta circuit National Bank of Angusta vs. R. K. Cunningham. Argued. F. U. Miller for plaintiff; Foster k Lamar contra. No. 4. Augusta circuit Bugg vs. Russell. Argued. Harper k Bro„ F. U. Miller for plaintiff; Foster k Lone, Futt k Lockhart centra. No. 0. Augusta circuit Wilcox vs. McKenzie. Argued. Twiggs k Verdery for plaintiff; Foster A Lamar contra. Court then adjourned to 10 o’clock a. m. to-mor row. Hereafter the court'hours will be from 10 a. m. to 3 p. m. SHE HAS GOT HER DIVORCE. The Terribly Mantled Ilody of ■» Hen an the I-Oke hfirtre lull rood* 1. OlejeUnd (O.l Special, liie morning about 6 o'clock sever.'/ resi dents of OlenfBlF, which ie a tmbnrb of tho city, Walking ou the Lake Shore track when one of them ataniblcd upon an object lying on the tiee. Upon examination it woe found to be tbe terribly mangled remaiun of a man. ' The leg* and body were fright fully cut and bruised and the head won missing from tho trunk. Careful aeareh along the track for half a mils failed to diacoror the head. Pieces of the body, toes ayd lingers were found lying along the track, and pools of blood iu different places showed that the engine muet have. struck him several times. Sections of clothing ith pieces of flesh attached were indiscrimi nately scattered aronnd. Late in tho morn ing the skull, in several different sections, was found several hundred rods from where the body was discov- red. In one piece of hie vest was found a letter addressed to J. It, Nesl, which stated tbat ths writer had just applied for a divorce. The letter was written upon the back of on order blank of D. McConvilic, a grocer of Steubenville, 0. It was dated at that plant. This is the only riue to the identity of tbe body. Rebellion. Demeerate. Loweu.. Haas., January 4.—Tho Demo crat's of the common council to-day, with drew from tho council refuting to take part in its deliberations, at they claim tbat Enright, their candidate for presi dent, was not fairly defeated. Sawyer, tbo Republican candidate received twelve Republican vote*, while the count showed eleven votes for Enright, with one Democrat voting. An affidavit was read signed by twelve Democratic members that they had noted for Enright. The Demo crats urged a new election, but the Repub licans refused, os when the vote was an nounced, Enright made a motion, which was carried, to make the election unani mous. Tbe body ia nov without a quorum. AN INTERVIEW WITH PRESIDENT C evklAnd. Bis Views as to the Fate or His Rrroinincn <iat ion* About Silver aud tlie Tariff- Ill* Appointment*—Shuridau’* Indian I'rojectt-Xotes. New York, January 3.—Tho World will to-raorrow publish a Washington despatch giviug a report of mi interview of its cor- correapondent with tho preidont.. The correspondent inquired: '‘Doyon believe con grown will carry out your recommenda tion about fcilver? do you not think some compromise will be tbe acturai retralt ac compli* hod?” The President said he bnd no mean of knowing whnt would be done. 11 wom a snb- joct which had now passed beyond his con trol or direction. Ilo had not the slightest wish or desire to intluence in any way the conrideratiou of Cougrew* beyond the ueth- odH employed by him in directing their at tention to the Hubjucl through liis official message. The President was asked how he regarded Senator Beck’s speech upon tariff. He re- My own personal Me* about that is tbat tbe only r al way to pas* a bill would be to have House committee charged with work take up the subject in a bUMim-M* fashion and modify the present law in such a way as to help poor people who labor, aud to take away needless protection from the few who have grown enordinstely rich at the expense of many. There are many incongruities in tariff which could be remedied by looking at the wholo system from a business standpoint. Upon tho Hubject of the Senate and the consideration by thnt body of hi* appoint ments, the President *iiid: “I have made no hasty selec tion of officers, but on the contrary, have given very much time and investi gation to the subject, appreciating that very much depends on the pcnonuci of the government Pos sibly I may have erred in some instances; but I am sure they are few, and I have every evidence that the country in satisfied with it* new officials. I have no knowledge os to what course the Hcnato will pursue. Bui I have no ides it will assume to interfere with the prerogatives t f tie President I have my dutien; it han its duties. Oue thing I do not believe, and that in, that the United Staten Senate will spend its time in iinteniug to petty criti Chuns of appointee, which ooino from disappointed applicautn for office. THE HOUSE AND SENATE. . SHOT HER HUSBAND. Dldn'nt Know That he Had Changed Ills Mind. Paris (Tenn.) Special. On Saturday night, about aix o'clock, Charles Hitter, y arc! master ut the depot of this point, wm fatally shot by a douol-barrel ahotguu iu the bund* of his own wife. Mr. llittcr had been hunting, returned homo and proceeded to clean his gun and dre8B Ids captured game. HIb wife passed during the denning of tho gun aud stopped aud admired the beauty of the pride of her husbnnd, his gnn. Mrs. Ritter then paused from the presence of her husband, and he subsequently finiabed bin lobs, returning his gun house, sitting it on the fl.vor, and told his Organization of tho limit* Committees— Iluslnt'ss of tho Two Ilonsea. Washington, January 1.— A most inter esting nnd iropoftant feature of tho present week in the llouKe will be, of course, the announcement of tho membership of the IB committees, which will formulate vprk to be done by the Forty-ninth f 88. Throughout tho holiday recesa for Curlkle hurt been busily engaged in fofadug committees, and to-day he occu pied one of the rooms at tbe capital, deny ing himself to all callers, nnd devoted him self to tho completion of his task. Unless something unforeseen should happen, the rnuR of hi* labors will be announced fto-mdfrow Immediately after the reading. of the journal. Then, in obmlienco to the order of the House, the call of the States for the intro duction of bdli aud resolutions will be re sumed at the point which it was interrupted by adjournment for the holidays. The caII will probably not bo conploted until late Wednesday afternoon. The 1,001 bills in troduced the day before the recess were in troduced by eighty-nine members, an aver age of over eleven bills to each representa tive. Should the averago be kept up, nearly^ 3,000 additional measures will bo referred' on Tuesday and Wednesday to the newly appointed committees. Hoar's presidential succession bill remains upon the Speaker’s table. Though an attempt may be made to pass it by unanimous consent it will in all likelihood be referred to tue committee having jurisdiction over its subject matter. Should this he done, the House will find itself on Thursday without any business before it, and an adjournment until Mon day will probably bo taken to enable the committees to organize, and to consider and id report proposed legislation. Thu bill Co fix the salaries of judgea of tho district court*, and resolutions of in quiry with regard to tho action of the au thorities of Dakota constitute the unfinished business of the Senate, and the committees of that body are expected to begin work in earnest during the week, and it is expected that not mnch legislative work will be un dertaken in the Senate other than the con sideration of the two measures named. Probably a large part of the time of the Kenatu w ill be spent with closed doors in an endeuvor to dispose of the great number of accumulated nominations. The Number of Fourtfi-ClAM Poet masters Appointed. Washington, January 4.—The number of commissions issued to fourth-class post masters since tho 4th of March last, is 13,425. A LIVELY RAILROAD FIGHT. One lload Tunnels its Rival and Tears Up Us Track. Howell, Mich. January 4.—Thors is liable to be troublo here over a railroad war iietween the Toledo, Ann Arbor and North Michigan and Detroit, Lansing and North ern railroads. There has been a dispute about the right of the former road to cross the latter’s track in extending its line, and the casewa* brought into court and ap peals \ It is now pending, on an appeal to the Circuit (Mart. Yesterday morning a force of okie hundred and fifty Toledo and Ann Arbor and North Michigan employes were brought to the point of the projected crossing aiulbfgon work, digging under tbe Lansing road. They made a cut, braced t up the tracks of tho Lausing road and! constructed the line of tbe Toledo road under it. The workers were protected by an armed force which left when the work was completed. This morning about five hundred men were brought on the scene by the Lansing road people tor the purpose of filling np the cut. Tbe Toledo and Ann Arbor men however drove them away, and then cut the telegraph wires of tbe Detroit, Lamiing and Northern and tors np the track for half a mile on each tide of the ent Traffic on the road between Genoa and Fowltrville is now interrupted. The Louisville and Nashville's Karnlngn. New York, January 4.—The statement of the Louisville and Nashville road for No vember fhowa its gross earning* to have been $r. 123,022; operating expenses, $683,- 3Uo; net earnings, $445,626. There wa* husband, and he subsequently lobs, returning his gun to tho hall iu tho house, Milting it on the floor, and told his wife that he believed he wouldn't load the r for four of the children utuiperhig with Mrs. Ritter agaiu passed from the pres ence of her husband. After his wife had gone, Mr. Bitter found that he had only a shell or two in hi* pocket, nnd concluded to rid himself of them by just sticking them into his gun, which he did, *ot the gun down and pnased into an adjoining room to recruit the fire, when his wife naased into the hall, wholly unobserved and unawares of her hushaud, thought to amuse him by handling the pride of her husband, picked the gun to snap him, when, to her overwhelm ing surprise, that same unloaded gnu discharged itself, pouring its entire charge right into tho shoulder of her hus band, crushing, the doctors May, the entire head of the huinens, fracturing the scalpula aud tearing up the flesh in proportion. Mrs. Ritter is almost frantic from grief and anxiety for her husband. They have two small children and have lived together most amicably. Mr. Ritter is about 35 years‘of age and n most exemplary man; was form erly an engineer ou the Louisville and Nash ville road from this point to Bowling Green, but is at present yardmaster at the depot at this point. The doctors say his condition is very critical. DULY CONSIGNED. Kvfn at a Funeral There was no Time for False Modesty. A man who was selling washing machines drove up to a farm houHe in Rhode Island the other day to find several teams hitched nt the gate and a number of people within the houso, aud while ho was hitching his team tbo owner of tho farm came out and inquired: “Have you cor ie to the funeral?” “Why, no! L’ any one dead?” “My wife, Lucinda, lies stretched ir.death inside, sir. Died two days ago, sud we lure about to conskn her portal remain.) to silent tomb. What you got there?” “Washing machines. . But of oourso I didn’t dream of a funeral here.” “Of course not; hut maa cometh up liko a llower and is cat down. What's the Ag ger on tho machines?” “Six dollars each. Excuse my mistake and I'll drive qil" “No, you needn't. Jnst come right in and make yonfoetf at home, and ‘ the cwJepfrfr 1*0' AN ELECTRICAL SUPPER. EallmrkhqK llirn.d JicMoxviLLE, Fla.. JM>D»y3.— ATiinw- j jiaiii tot construction *22,474—luting ■ Union apwial Mfa: Uy * fire, nuppowd to | bnUne. of *423,162. Thc-e Uguren, com- hav. been ot incendiary origin, tbo ex tenure I pared with ttiok. of lh« aame month but •bop. of tho So nth Florida railway at Son- font, Fla., war. ileaUojed but night with three locomotive*. Lom 160,000; supposed fall; insured. year, ahov n decrease in grow receipt* of *70,774, an increase in operating expense* of <0,466 and a decrees, in it* rraarT* of $70,280. faqi - of n procession MI can, and would like to huvo your rig go to the graveyard. WiU yon tue half cuh and halt sheep pelta for a machine?" "Willingly; bnt I gneas I had better drive on to town sad come bock to-morrow.” "Stranger, thin is no time (nr false mod esty. Come in nnd view tho but remains, and help tu ting a hymn or two.” The agent entered, was introdnoed to aU prceont u "a gentleman selUng the boa* washing machine,” and tho ooremonies then went on. He was called upon to start the hymn, and, a* a reward, was selected aa one of the pallbearers. When tha proces sion was ready to start tbe farmer took his place in the rehiole of the agent, and a red wagon, loaded with bine washing machines, hauled the train. Very little was said on the way to the graveyonl, but as soon us tbe services were concluded tbe fsrroer mount ed the wsgon, wiped nwsy nteur and said: "That's the but of Lucinda, and will it make uny great difference to you if I put in a calfskin in place of one of those sheep S elts? Drive up sharp, now, for we can t o Lucinda any good, and I wont this trade off my mind.” SUICIDE OF A DltUQOIST. U.PnUslIullat Into Ilia Drain While Ly ing la Itel III, Boom, Oa., CjMclal. This community was terrible shocked this morning by tbe news that Robert T. Hoyt, a member of tbo wholesale drug firm of W. D. Hoyt A Co., had committed suicide by shooting himself in the right temple. Hr. Hoyt was a prominent cinaen, and no one stood higher then bit did. He hid been confined to bis room for tbe pest two we*ks,and of late was very mneh depressed. How he secured the piitol is not known. He committed tbe deed while his family was at breakfast, and tbe report of the weapon was not heard. The dlsoovery was made by hi* thirteen-year-old daughter, who went to hi* room to kiss her father good-bye before going to Sunday-school. Bnelnres trouble* are beliavad to have prompted the act ________ A Dog u Property. Anauita Chronicle. There have been a number of dog* stolen in tills community of late. There seems to be sn idea tbat a min has no right of property in hi* dog, and there ia no pun ishment for the perron who entire* one away. For the information of *11. and as a warning to kidnappers of dogs, we publish below from tbe code of Owugia, the law on this subject as follows: Code. Mellon MM. AU other damntu animal, which are flt for food, and ahw a dug, may be ,'ib- Jecto tif tanesy, and any person or persona who shall steal any s uch animal or animals shall be punished aa prescribed In section i310 of thin cods. flection 4310 provides for punishment by line not exceeding tl.OUO, imprisonment not exceeding six months, work on choin- gung or public works, not excMding 12 months, and any one or more of these S uniahment* may be ordered in the discre- on of the judge. Killed ou the Ball. Hoirrooifxur, January 4.—As tha south bound train of tbe Louisville and Nashville railway, was about four miles from this city to-nigbt. Dr. D. B. Hamilton, of New Orleans, fell from the platform of a car. The trein we* slowing np to cross the Ala bama river bridge. Hi* heftd struck the rail and canoed injuries from which be died in u short time. He war retaining with bis daughter from Nashville, and they had in charge and on the train th. body of bi* daughter’s son, who was accidentally shot ana killed near this city. Tbe doc tor's remains were cerri.d on to New Orleans on the same train. THE NEW YKAlt'S FEAST GIVEN IN A MAGICIAN'S DINING-ROOM. Mr. Edison's Chief Electrician Invites » Few Friends to Bpend an Evening at ■ Bis Home—Ills Guest* Believe Thor are Dining Below. New Tort World. Mr. William Hammer gu»e an e'oetria ■npper to u fsw old classmates on New Yew’s ere. It was like an evening in sheoi. Mr. Hammer has been associated with Edieon, the great electrician, for each a long time, and has become so steeped in electricity that it fairly ooxes out St kit finger tips. .He carries lightning about in bis pockets as carelessly as a boy would carry a toad. His pretty little home *t No. 21 Rowland street i* bnilt upon Leyden jars and batteries and qnear electrical in ventions, and everything mbont the pbteo from opening the front wit. to blacking shoes is done by eleatnaily. Yon can't walk across the threshold without ringing bells or sounding barglar alarms, or light ing the gas, or doing some odd thing that you never dresuned of doing. Thursday evening Mr. Hammer bnd all the hidden wires about his house connected so as to give bis twenty guests a lively time, A* far aa outward appearanoe. went, the parlor* and dining-room looked like any other well-furnished apartmenU. Bnt hid den beneath the carpet, end in the walla and ceilings were strange systems of wire, and buttobs and signals that mode the, place like one of the enchanted castles wo used to read about iu fairy.tale days. You enter the gate and the boose nppew* dark, but as your foot touche, the- lower stoop throe electric light* blase out and the number of the house appoArs in bright re lief. The next step set. s bell to jingling, and the third throws open the door and lights the gas in tbe hail by electricity, transmitted by the pressure of the foot. Inside the hall there is on odd-looking foot rest attuched to the bet reek, and by prov ing a button a pair of brashes oome oatand shine yonr shoes; npsUirs, where yon remove your wraps, then Is a bedroom that would be worth a fortune to n luy man. By touching your head to the pillow the gas fifteen toet away is extingui.' bed, end by pressing a knob at the foot of the bed it is lit again. Octside tbe door tbo clock-work attachment sounds a drum at the proper walringtime. anfl if the occupant does not get np aftor fifteen minute* grace, the bod rises on iu hind legs and dumps the sleeper out on the floor. In the parlors the guesU who had oome ewly stood about in little group*. Notw dy sat down, although Ottomans and sofa* and chairs were scattered through the roooiu. Every newoomer was oordiaiiy greeted aud a choir pushed towards • him. If ho wd. down—as he usually did—the chair eithur donbled up on him or otarted for tho door • with him, or disappeared or completely ex ploded. If hs sat on a » ‘ »t pat out the lights and —it figure., i safe, aitl movemenl „ queer phosphorescent No lenew when 'ue wss safe, although there were a few apparently safe *e*U. In one of these Hnmoriat Brown wss telling • very fuuny story. Hs had left electricity fur behind, ana just ss he reached the climax a pretty, funnel-shaped Japanese affair, like a big dnnce-cap, that ornamented the ceiling overhead, dropped quietly dowh end cov ered him up,silently extinguishing the story and the story-toiler. Homebody proposed music, and half of a selection went very nicely on the piano. But jnst a* every one breams into rented something seemed to give way, and instead of strings end drains and bells, and .very kind of noise-prodaeing implement. Bat tbe wont came in the (lining room. Aboai 11 o'clock the twenty guests sat down to a table loaded with the usual delicacies. At the head a figure of Jupiter preside I. At a signal the gnat god began to talk (unonographically), and made a welcome address. He wore eleotrio light* for shirt studs, a bibnloas red light for a nose, and hi* green eyre had the snap of lightning in them, while bine bolls blared from hi* poekefi Th. table seemed bewitched. Tonch a knife or fork and it put out the light, and introdaced queer sight*. Put yonr spoon into a dish of cream and it flared np in great columns of green or red flames many feet high, like s fountain of lire. Reach for on innocent-looking nandwieh and it rang a bell inaidr, where the meat ought to Be. Try to pick np sn onngs and a dram beat inside. Help yourself to padding, and tb. dish and all slid silently into the gnat un known. Aak for Mnlnga grapes and find that an electric light Hashed from each on* as yon palled the stem. Poor a glass of lemonade and it waa tnoindeecent and (nil of fire s* it touched your lip*. And y*l everything wo* good to eat and the coffee ss cooked by electricity. And when the little olook tinkled out 12, ushering in the new year, and tbe chi in is from the distant churches came reftiy into the room, pandemonium seemed to hsv* changed places with the modest dining room. Two big cannon unexpectedly went off with a suddenness that rolled every man back from the t*hle, tbe lights disappeared, gongs under each chair best a tattoo and two bricks dropped off tbo chimney. For a few minntes every malignant noise ever invented waa piled on top of one another, and then silence and the light* earns back, and anpper waa resumed a* calmly a* if such a uiing as a score had never here known. . , , After snpr m eleo'n'’ lira-works sn l pho nograph experiment* and a luminous chamber of horrors sent the guests home with a bewildered felling that somehow they bad been living half a century ahead of the new year. Th. Booth Carolina Prrahjtory Opposes Cqaslkstox, 8. 0., January 4.—At • spe cial meeting of the Charleston Presbytery to-nigbt, resolutions wev adopted declaring DrSas. Woodrow unfit to teach in the Theological Herainary oa account of hi* «vo- lntion theory, and directing th. theological students under the care of th# pre.bju>ry to withdraw from the seminary, ^s reso lutions were adopted by a Vote of 18 to 20. A strong protest was filed by Dr. Brackett and J. Adftor Smith. A Strike Kpreadlaf. Chicago, Janaary A—The strike at Mjus- well Bro*\ box factory is spreading. Tbi* morning twenty-fire man employed in tha planing mill refused to go to work. They bare no special gttevane* and •*“** “**°" ia based on sympathy wito Uro striking nailer*. Thirty-fir* non-union nailers went work in the factory this morning. They