The weekly telegraph. (Macon, Ga.) 1885-1899, February 09, 1886, Image 2

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: T1IE TELEGRAPH, »CHLI; n KYEKY DAY IM THE YlUft AND WEEKLY MX TUB felejpwph and Messenger PubliihiHff Co., *T Mulberry Street, Maeob, Ox. Thi Dally Is delivered by aerrien. in the city or •ultad ( pwitfe free to. ■ubmriberM, for || per Bonui, 04- •* «#f tltfer mouth*, $3 fot six o>mh», •r $10* year. The \Vkku.y in mailed to inbarribetr, poetic- free, at 41.93 a year and 7® cent* for alx f. noth*. Traazlant pdverUaatueata will bo Uk*-i for -.he Dally at tl per wjnaio of 10 line* or le* ft'r tUe •flmt lurcrtion. and 5'* rente for oach anbuoqaent in- aertlon. aud for the WeeUy at |1 for each iiMertion. Notice* of deaths, tune rale, marriages and births, $1 Rejected communications will not be returned. Ooiidepondence containing important newt and Atacuselona of living topic* is solicited, but must be brief and written upon but oae aide of the paper to bare attention. Remittances should be made by expires, postal note, money order or registered letter. Atlanta Jlursau 17J* reach tree street All cyuununlcatlons should bo addrea«*d to THE TELEGRAPH, Macon, Oa. Money orders, checks, etc., should tie made paye* Mato H. C. Hanson, Manager. TBi: MACON WEEKLY TELEGRAPH: TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 1U1886.--TWELVE PAGES. iM* thtel To "IP or Hot to "By" | Shrrd. and Patctre*. Else,here we ;irtsent in tUte | A Uasmi bnactt, mia ban patented an from VB." p'n-itioil t'lkni by tho j ad linn machine' for bookkeepers. No sub- Teleor.uu rclauvu to the uctivo candidacy j trailing macliiao baa been invented. Not of judgea on tbe bench for higher cr other necessary.—Philadelphia Call. :rrrr offices. "11" ri'ers especially fo Judge Simmons, but we win not behove that Judge Hiin- tnona wits a petty to the effort of thla cpr- re.pouueul, fo. the reason Jhet one more ,1c tense of the same nature would not only deatruy in tha public mind whatever belief there may lie in hie fftneeeforgnberaatoriol rcs|K>n«ihilitiea, but might render bis seat npou the bench insecure. We reiterate, that as a general rule, a jndge upon the bench himself a candidate for office, is not as open to argument from a political enemy as from a friend. If he be a man of transeendant ability, capable of rapid mental analysis and having not only a thorough knowledge of himself and himself under the control of an indexible will; audit he be a mnn who can be just toward himself M the common run of men are lenient to themselves, then perhaps such a man might with safety to his own character and the public interests run for office whilo acting as judge upon the bench. But, unfortu nately, such men are infrequently met with. The judges of our Superior Court In Urqenland there arc no men over sirty years of age. When a man of that age fulls seriously ill he commit* suicide by throw- Wb regret to see that the New York Run •ml World seem inclined to the sentiment I are taken from everyday life, And are Just that an amused mnn is utility until proved | as human as other men. They feel the in- innoocut. "Tie a strange position for lead- j tluencc of friendship and resent opposition ing journals in the latter end of the 19th because they nro human, not because they century. | are candidates; and the Ysi.Eon.tril Objects A ciAeat deal of sympathy for the Florida 10 thei - dual attitudes before the people- orange growers has been expressed, but the for OD ® reason—beoause they are human public has pretty mucli overlooked the mis- and not because they are evil-minded, ortnne of the Texas politician* who have I This somewhat oxtended dissertation is As long as the government believes in eighty-cent dollurs it can not consistently blame workingmen for believing in eight- hour daya.- r Boston Becotd ' An eighty-cent silver dollsr is ns much n fraud as an eighteen-bnndred-ponnd ton of coal or a seven-quart peck of potatoes.— Providence Journal. A funnel-shaped cloud is pointing straight at tho headquarters of the weather bureau. —Washington Star. A grand poultry show is being held in this city and Rntherford B. Hayes is not heard of. Ue should at least be represented by an Ohio-bred Shanghai rooster.—New York World. Who will not admit that the world morel, and towards Immunity? The French crowd jewels are to be sold to found a poor fund. —Washington Star. “Who Owns the Baby?" is the subject of a now lccturo by Mrs. Lillie Dcvcrcnx Blake. Is it possible that a woman of Ur*. Blake’s strong mind has been holding the infant of some weaker sister while the latter jnat stepped out of the depot to purchase a new nursing bottle.—Springfield Union. Tho resso^givCn longsgo by Or. Arnold of llugby, for reading the ttnnday newspa per is just sa good to-day. Suid he: desire to know how God ruled the world since yesterday."—Boston lletald. Tho strong effort made to convict Qen. Hnlleok of having said that Gen. Grant was drank bss succeeded, and it will now be best for ail concerned to drop the matter hffd all their carp froicn just prior to the wh » l »“ compressed into the alleged whore it is. -St. Lonis UopubUoan. electioneering season. I "squib," and it is brought forth here bo- There is one compensation in the hnrd electioneering season. Since John I’. St John begnn his tem perance crusade in Connecticut there has liccn noted signs of an awakened public conscience. Folks In many sections have., __ __ , cessed to scrape wooden nutmegs Into their I * TO 1 . applejack, and in fntnr. will ship them ait tb ® n '* , u i r ■"»”*—> i I gubernatorial timber, and tho judge flying from circuit to circuit, from town I cause we have in some way imbibed tbe I idea that "B" is somewhat ohtuso in such | matters. The Telegraph's main point has been al- Soulli. ■ •—— right contemporary which ontshi: for solid sense andqiolitioal wisdom. The j Amateur Editor puts in Ins work very mneh like a professional. Of crjnrse, it is not known unUide the office who is responsible for this work, hut if we were to put on our guessing cap, and wero limited to one trial, we should say that it aounds very much like General Judge Gib Wright. Hot True. The Chicago Inter-Ocean says; "Gen. Sherman is perhaps the one man in the country permitted to say whatever he pleases and speak his mind on all occa sions without let or bindrunce, with public approval aud amiable indulgence." Every man in this country is allowed to speak his mind freely upon all subjects and on all occasions. Free speech is gun ran teed by tbe constitution. Sherman is the only man who, since war, has spent mneh of his time in telling lies snd publish ing them. He has been fortunato in escaping nil punishment except exposure and denunciation, but it is a slander to say that tbe decent people of the country either approve his conduct or lock upon it with amiable indulgence. The only exenso put forward for hint is that he was always partially deranged and is frequently drunk. The Kentucky Legislature is after the weather prophet*. This is the proposed bill: “Be it enacted, etc,. That any person or persons prophesying a mild winter, ciihet from tho appearance of the goose bone, the thickness of fur and corn husks, the habits of squirrels and other varmints, "GXeland’s silence is suggestive," says I (o , own> „ , gub «niatorial caudl- aa exchange. Of what? Garland has re- Jole ln Uot chaa , , lftor „ noIIli . plied to the only authority that, having a naUon< Th# ju ,, K# the bench may ■ right to question, has questioned him. If nut be ftUe to k , c ,, hilt frlcn(to ftom ^,,1. . the agents of the Bell Telephone company , w «n as Uio future Governor, and plan- want an answer from Garland, why nu t | among tliemscivca, anymore than he question him in a legal manner? \ cwl - ke#p ovorooI1 adout champion* from Kootheee Bember* of Congress make a rushing into print with one-legged argu- great mistake in trying to get rich too and- menu anel no crutch; but be can kocp off dcnly. Slow but sure should he the pro- tbe road and nt his own ta»V. And he can Look at John Urnua! Ho be-1 ka ep alienee as to the direction his hopes gan his Congressional Ufa a poor man, and I take, lest men seek to approach him from by csiefolly hoarding up bis salary saved that quarter. something like a million and, a half or dol- \v„ cannot consent to regard the Supe rior Court as the training school of guberna- A warrsn In the British Medical Journal torial aspirants, unless it is understood that adviaso paople to be oarsfal t;ot to slice up the judge who use* his time and office to a pineapple with the same knife jhsy us* in I lilt himself into tho Governor's ebair shall peeling it, *a the rind containi an'acrid oc-1 be forever dlakarted from the position he gan to substance which to likely to cause a I holds and the position be seek*, awollea, mouth and soro Up*. In Cuba salt I Ro much for B's argument. Now-one is used as an antidote for the poison of I other thought occurs to us. In addition to pineapple peel__ the objeetione wo have urged against the Tns latest curiosity is thus described by practice condemned, It may be said that a • New Totk Journal: "Krao, who is galled i®J8« "!•<•>' U«* Iwnch seeking help In a po- Darwiu's mlsainglUnk. is a little ten-vear. Utica! canvass may become indebted for the old Asiatic m^erC with big bteck lyen. «U«.e«ort. ^of men who me throatened black, ropy hair, a prodigious silken man- *Uh criminal trial In his own court. We pucka, and bangs that might make an sv- do not asy that justice would not nnd^r erage New York girl fool envious. Rbe has »««h eircumstanoea iw dona, but wo do say basidns bunchw of silken feathers on her that such s state of affairs should not be bask and spinal calami. In her cheeks I possible. are saisll osvities in which she aomelimt* rtriasTbelr Loyal Heart, stores nuts and bonbons. Hht is bright The Ht. Louis HepubUcan aays: and intelligent, and can speak English, “No bill has yet been introduced to pay German and French fln«n*lv | Confederate bonds or pension Confederate A Wasuihoton letter say< ‘ Ex-Fo.t- »«•"«». bnt «* *“*«" U , ia aentnd U-Hcn. who ha* been in I ,he designed to eompemmto the Washington (or a wsek, cam* Uok here to- *«»•" of captnrod dnnng the war. day and nnnotmeed himself for Logan as wb# “ ^ 1’“'°*’ ll “ •»«* w ® dk. lb publican Prmldential OandZT in .ball hmr of plans to pe nsion permuswho IHM The significant thing About thi. i» «»•'^ ' " ona » ttert Hatton and th. Arthur7rowd, up to a “*® unplnuantneim, without rrf.ronee week ago, wore quietly canvassiug Bob \* ““ «•« <»d«* ^ey (ougbL Lincoln'* atrength for that nomination. Thorw hnvo been no bdls introduced to Ibulon has found that Blalu. ,fo so strong P« b > Oo®^® «» *• that ho can only b. broken by dividing the !«* Confederatebonds. It has been the Blsino forces. Mid thinks itloan 1 best be l’"®Uce of the government while under done with Logan. When the Blaine mm ">«•. »® P«T olalmante for OfttiotuijiR altar hU ooiuiujUiou nt I wjfttlftg taken dnring tbe war. Chicago with Gaonre WUUam Curtis and Just after tho war, the South was over- othenas to howthetioket slioald bo com-1 ruu ^ “diUry sgenta, who plcteii, William Walter Phelps obj«t«l to U*. all ofth. eotbm they could U, thei, tho selection oI Logan oa tho ground that lmnJ » on - Y 1 **? permitted th. government it would make npEUektl of "Iwool the *® U» T ® ® ■“““ percentage of tiffs, and rowdy kind." Hatton', preference fo, Lo- »*.« Imca Uying for yam. fifteen mil- gan now r-™- to be based on tho idea so lion * of *“ ,hfc treaaury thus ao- widely expressed by the Now JuS^U- The Buprem. Court h« tlctan, that Blaino and Logan appeal alike d * c ' , l® d tb * t tho government has no <o the Republican masses, and that If Lo- right to this money, and bold* it ■an is poshed to the front Blaine's atrength ®» »tnnitce for th* proper owners. Beridee wdH be divided. HaUon ha. oontemd 3 thUrobbcry. an uneonstitutional tax wa, with ex-Praaident Arthur, and the Arthur u ®*® d ooUeeted upon the cotton crop phalanx is likely to follow Hatton.” |*rown at the Routh. ThU Urn in tho Sacramento" U holding. "CitrusFrn." J™""*- when are exhibited thTfritlto of northern h * tam - * UUll “ .^ tr0d '“^ J° wl-* - asalo — but also ohrea, grapes, fresh etraw- I th» the general government Rbe sens, pears from tbe third crop grown on | j on . t f aTnnL the same troe bet year, Japanero perrim- . rmuo.-. I.r.nti.. I. War. mooa, and bonghs of. th* orange, lemon, Edison’* invention, by which electrical and Japanese ptam. a'l loaded with Its- ^ th(reb . M^phlc eonnecUon may b. grant flowers. Tho 8m Francisco Chrooi-1 obulnM ^distant poinU without th. ctemya: “Th# tea pmnalo. ripeoUve^l^^ of connecUug wire ^ .nggetethe lioorioe, cotton snd other anntwl exUbte of ^ |b . t , n Ulu , of w „ tbc ^ 0 , OsUfomia prodocte can bo depends* upon ^ betwmn army corps with surprising regularity to WsMLgyiL he solved. droteririmA -^hy. I dSdn'tknowJteUfor- u two ^ twcnty . ftre mn « ap ^ nU gitw tbfttr UocitkR «xhibll4)r baa conmianksla with each other by n>e*n« of oUppod up sons • of th* roote for visitors to MSaltiT , vim MUnW .p.snl 3.UU0 feet ■ample, as then wro a Urge p«rceuUg.o( ^ wb , umJ ^ wWton who always asked Increduloialy, (oor awao o* Is la it real licorice?' The rip* oMre* an ( uad does communion between also surprise to visitors. Th* table olive is general and hi* corps often I victory. each a firm, bright gnen fruit that to n. . i ^ voaIa ^ ^ y^utof th. flttkg p#rplfi sou Mid Inuciotu-lookiog Ut^ I y*HaeAaa K..1 Pocter bad in>lan- tlefroit taU!ted CUT. tea communictekm with Pop« Orwt ^^V^cSlh^^te-^ ** °* ^ pneaen tor oit aml tboogn U>^ look tempt- c3aimttnicatio? . It b not unlikely that the ing, an likely to tam tha taster mor* near- dmervatory mmy Ullooo will pUy u im- ljiorid. out than «J*hing «Im he could in the Man militery b-Uwy put it hi. mouth." I of the world in two ways. JUMBLE. TIfE WED. Tb* incther with $n anEloox <*j« Was w atcbiDK bVr daiifibter fair Wlio wa* moved along, with the Joyous throng, . Tlie cuvjr of tbe many there. The mother strove, with skillful wiles, - Aud the daughter wove, with winning sinllti^^ An 1 thla thtlr Utile nlan— To gather in an eligible man. Above a gaudy picture frame. In hU web, a spider sat, Aud grimly grinn'd. as he saw the game. And Mid, "Hj study that! How oft I’ve failed to eatrb my fly— Of webs they know much more than I. From me they learned to try it; Where they’ve improved on mino I’ll profit by It. The latest bit of brie-n-brac is a pair of parlor scales with which to weigh the babj*. As academy of Oriental languages is to be found at Beilin this year. A whole company of Chinese soldiers re cently had their cars lopped off for steal- ling- ^■■ A curaon in Westfield, Mass., is giving chromos to induce attendance at its < ing services. Not s case of hydrophobia has occurred in Beilin for three years. Bnt every Berlin dog is muzzled, Mrs,Isaac Voutolset, of Meridian.MisR. wants a divorce because her husband did did not change his socks for six weeks after the wedding. ■ The Mississippi House of Representatives voted not to accept any railroad passes, and then, horrified at its own virtue, carried a motion to reconsider the vote. The minstrel company of Thatcher, Primrose and West is in the enjoymetit of great success at Niblo's Garden. The re ceipts there last week amounted to nearly *lu,000. As impccuuions New Yorker belonging to one of the first families, who has been a hanger-on nt the bouses of wealthy rela CAPITAL PRIZE, 8150,000. ••W, do hereby certify th»t we rapervlM the „■ reoKcmcntA for all th. Monthly ana quarterly bra, lnm of Tho Umlaiasa Btata Lottery Company, an, in pereon manner and control tbe Drnwinit, thrtn. aalrer. and that the aa*na are conducted with hop- ‘7, fatrams, ana in sued faith toward all partiM _ 1 wo authorize the Company to ua« thla rerllllcta withfaoalmllleaofoura^Knaturei attached, in it» advertlMmenta." freeze In Texas. It stiffened n breeding pond full of carp, and will put an end to the attempt to - add this dreadful fish to the other horrors of th* Texas tables.—Boston Herald. Tho Pan-Electric scandal, involving cer tain public men at Washington, is a small matter in compnnson with the Bell tele phone scandal, involving certain newspa per editors in the city of New York.—N. Y. Times. “You are not going to the theatre this evening, are you?" “Ob, yes! I am.” “What! you going to the theatre and your husband has only been dead a peek, and you in deep mourning.” “Yes, bnt it's all right I don't go to see anything ixcept the ■Blaok Hussar.' "—Texas Riftin ■ylveater Sauis of Jas| Georgia Scenes, from the pin of the great humorist, Judge Longstrect, contains chapter devoted to the sayings land do ings of a wonderful horsc-sWtpper, who dubbed himself with the title of ‘The Ynl- 1. r Bin - .mi of Jasper. Jsaperhas suddenly come into' promi nence again— not in an humorous way, bet rather seriously. Our telegraphie columns contain u> ac count of the' esse of Sylvester Rams, of Jasper. it appears that some months since Syl vester was bitten by a rattlesnake. He ap plied the usual remedy, the common bev erage of the country, whisky, nod was re lieved of oourae. But lately Sylvester lus been overtaken with a great trembling, aud a disposition to make queer sounds. Ue has also trailed the wife of his bosom, and committed assault and battery upin sun dry boon companions. The result bus been that Sylvester has been consigned by tho officers of tbe law to the calaboose. It is a very straight and simple story, bnt tbe corres|>ondent from Jasper desires to create tho impression that it is the snake which has done til this, and that Sylvester Sums is a cose for scieutifio study and in vestigation. i It is hardly probable that the Associated I'resa has a correspondent af Jasper, and the suspicion arises at once that the “spe cial correspondent" who manufactures and disseminates such remarkable dispatches from Atlanta may have worked off some of his stuff on the Associated This corporation would do well to give the "special correspondent" n very wide berth, if it proposes to retain its reputation for tho ilisseminstion of reliable news. Sylvester Barn's esse may be reasonably accounted for without a scientific or medical discussion. The continued use of the edy for snake bites will produce jerks and tremblings, and likewise visions of snakes. Tbs man so afflicted frequently beats his wife snd children, ana bae been known to nit bis intimgts friends. And these little idiosyncrscies not onfrequently land him in tha calaboose. Before entering this case on the .locket for discussion as to a new form of rallies, we would prefer to know if this correspon dent at Jasper is the same one who dis covered the opinm joint in Atlanta, into which the throe Chinaman took the good little boy on the Rahbath. or on uuy grounds whatever, shall be ! f or t.-u or n j.-ors, 1. .s rulucijy liange.1 by the neck nntil strangled, and 1 becoino rich by inventing a ist-tiap. shall pity a fine of $2,000. That any person White Cloud, the Cherokee chief, is in or persons prophesying as to the weather New York at present. He is a fine speci- immeilialely to follow the appearance of m . e ? of th ® .? ort L American half-breed. , ‘ , , , * 1 , “ with a smooth, reddish-brown complexion, tho ground hog shall be imprisoned for not i onp> cu ,iy hair, end large features. He less than five years. This act shall take ef- speaks English, French and German, and is feet from and after its passage, „ of one of the colleges of the In- As to a JiMlEe Itealsnlna. ilian Territory, with the title of doctor of Editor TKLEoiiAPn: I sec in this morn- medicine, ing's issue of yonr paper three pungent The youngest performer in the London squibs in reference to persons holding theatres is the infant that takes part in the office and ruuning for qflico at the same baby song in the last act of "My Sweet- time, these cuts referring especially to the heart." It is eighteen months old, and is office of judge of tho Superior Court and the fourteenth child of a working gun- tlie race for Governor. It seems reasonable maker in Edinburgh. It is put to bed ev- tlint any man qualified to be Governor of a cry afternoon nt -1, is brought to the then- great Rtatc, who bail taken the oath to ad- tru at 9 and is in bed again half an hour minister the laws justly and impartially, later, earning for this ditty, is is said, more would not so far forget his oath iihd him- than its father. self us to be influenced against a lawyer, ns Ixsccms that the Boston street cars are you say is a general rule, simply because infested with a lot of people who have con- •bc lawyer opposed him. tradictory theories as to the need of fresh rbe inference to be drawn from those air. One man will board a car and at once "squibs” is, that law or no law, a judge proceed to close all the ventilators, and who is a candidate is hard to bo convinced perhaps nnntbor will get on at the next by the argument of a lawyer who refuses to cor uer anil open them all. Then they will indorse him for Governor. It is not only glare at each other for the rest of the trip, reasonable, but true in principle, that any ,. a ch one looking as if ho owned the whole such jmlge is unfit for the high office of i ine . There nro some disadvantages in lir- Governor. It is argued that ajudge should j ng in a city where every ono has a theory roMRQ before , entering tho wee. If ho on every Htibjcct under heaven. should resign on account of such charges ,, , sa or under the belief that ho could Sot of his every ruling, then he admits by re- “®, Ll^fnd SSo £ ro fitted ot b L^ T *--°J' “J 1 1 duJmte. of wicker work clad in suitable CoimnlMloDsn. We. the nailenlsned Banke an>l Bankers, *m pa, >11 Prizes drawn ln The Louisiana State Lot- (erriee which nier be presented at our counters. II. 0ULK8J1Y, President Unixlana Cut „ II. KKNNKDV. President State Sitlonal Bank. A. BALDWIN, President 8.0. National Bank. | ^npi^cedented Attraction! L- Over llalf a Million Dhtrihatcd, Louisiana State Lottery Co. Incorporated ln IMS for 35 yean by the LcgliU. ture for Educational and Charitable purposes—with a capital of f—to which a reserve fund o| over $630,000 has ntnce been added. By mu overwhelming popular vote Its franchise wa* made a part of the preseut State conxtltutka adopted December 2d, A- D., lt>79. Its Grand Sim'l* Number Drawings will take place Monthly. It never Reals* or lV*t. iKines. book at the fallowing Distribution: moth lIllANIl MONTHLY AMD THE Extraordinary Quarterly Drawing In the Academy of Mnsic, New Orleans. Id, 1N8S, Under the perennal rnprrrlelon end management c< Gen. G. T. lSEAl’KEGARD. ol Louisiana, an! | Gen. JUIIAL A. EARLY, of Virginia. Capital Prize $150,000 W.Ncllce.—Tickets are Ten Delian only. Halits. L\ I PUths, 82. Tenths, $1. Liar t>r it.izfjl 1 CAPITAL PBIZEOF $180.000....|1!O.OM I auj judge who did resign from such mo- tlveJ, Such false idea mopriety, should °f ““ or ; E»qh„"aup* ln ttio not rocelvo the support of the honest voten cnrT, ® <l of tbe " e *8®*!®* ®}* of the country. A jndgo should not resign Uched *° a ."" rt of timework, ao that it on the ground of firing a candidate, only »!«“«* “ th !«® W8mor * ^ " , ® rchin « wk«m ik« ikfirtv kn »brea»t . An thin array marched punt demands^hla 5^ Effort J^ sure success for -the party 1 * n “ cotnpt,y deceived.^ and thi* can only be required when , >><" long ago a rich bachelor In Paris was such party has made him hts standard-1 found dead in his room, haring apparently bearer by nomination. He should remain I hanged himself with cords cat from his pic- on the bench and ahow his qualifications *® re » frame*. Later it was discovered that foi the higher office by his offioial rectitude ® ™»» ? cca l' 1 “ <1 adjoining lodgings in the lower office. It may as reasonably h»ri negotiated some securities known ib be- bc argmd that the Governor should resign >ouk to the deceased. It then came out before entering tbe race for election. He I Gist it was murder instead of a suicide, and has tho pardoning power in his grasp, and I * ®® w luveetigation developed the faet that the appointing |>ower in many instances !* *»» cltnrly imptiaslhle for the man to from which there is no appeal, while tbe have hanged himself In the way the corpse Judge of the Superior Court lure found. It was equally nUin that the the Supreme Court to review and knock pfficero ought to have ncen lhl* at a glance. Uie bottom out of any ruling they might Ihe affair is a.great scandal on the Inspect- oinks not biuetl on Uiw. Ainin biuv puli* I who held the iiujtu'ht. ties gotten to snch a low ebb that an non-1 A Mexican medical journal gives tho orable man cannot offer himself, or bU -tatisUc. of <87 suicides occurring in Mexl- frieuda offer him, for office only at a sacri- «° l® G*® l«*»‘ twentv-four years-all that flee of his official Integrity, if he happens to G»®™ ** any record of. Tie City of Mexico hold office? If this Is true. It i» I furnishes nearly half of th* whole number, now tho time for the press end this undue proportion leads naturally "to hasten and delay not” to to uio belief that the record.elsewhere i» use its Inflnence in pnnfying polities. Not I Incomplete. Forty-four of tbe victim. bV insinuating that honorable men lose IK® 1 * aoldiers and no other occupation far- all their honesty when they offer for office, jilted *o Urge a number. Another reason hnt by advocating every true principle that I suppoeing that the record 1* good only might tend to purify Instead of degrade, where tt i* most ess ly secured, as in the one of which is that an honorable, high- arrnyU would be easier to know the facte toned pure Judge can be a candidate in than tn the country at Urge. Georgia politics, without disgracing his of-1 , Ha**HAo*ti,the weslthy Germsn banker, ficl or swerving from his integrity- Basil change I , An Auirtear Kdltor. Tbe Albany New* and Adreatiser says that a gentleman of that vicinage wandered’ into its sanctum a few days since, and by chance seated himself by tbe editorial desk. In a moment of abstraction hi* hand fell upon a pencil, and idly penned the follow ing: “Onr mutual friend, Grover Cleveland, President of the United- States, b making huge mistake if he expect* to cany the solid Booth, or any great portion of it, for tha next Democratic candidate for tha high office he now occupies, by keeping th* enemy's officers in command over the rank and file of the Democracy. We can't whip the fight unless wo have offi that will order os to shoot and charge tho enemy instead of onr own frieadl; and any man who thinks ao Is incapable of being th. leader of a great party. Hi. enemies STdW'X will despiaa, and hb friend* re fust to follow * him. Old Hickory was no lunatic, and was successful. John Tyler waaa partisan, and nearly mined hb party." Wo have seen nothing of late in onr \jt fnrt,h*r information writs ckurljr. fWin* full *d(!r*M*. lltflAL K0TKS, Erpr*** Money Order* « New York ExchKOge tw ordinary loiter. Currency by exproee (all eumo o€ $4 eutl upfraMe at our •» petuKi). eddreaeod M. A. DAUFMIM, Mow OrlfEU, La. Or M. A. DAUriUN, Wwbl&gtQQ, I>. C. Make P. O. Money Order* Paya ble and address Registered Let ters to NEW ORLEANS NATIONAL RATOS. declA wedaetAw Now Or! mum, Lo. Macon, February H, IH8rt. Hie Swerthrarf* Name. Oh! would you know the eweeteet meld That e'er drank from the fountain, Tbe retreat one, the raiv-t one Is valley or on mountain! If I oboald trU the went now You than would know U well, otr; But ao iht'fi mine, by vowe divine. 1 thtnk I will not tail, etr. Her ejnearr blue. Of leader hue. And clear a* yonder well, eir. Tliontfh me you blame. Her pretty name I'll never, never tell, eir. She la a farmer'* daughter, dear. And trip* among the daUiee; She'e like a dovo, my little love. And I’ll einc her prai*ee; Though down the ruey. roeylane. To gwet me she advance*: With emtlee eo rare, ehe doth not care. To r Sam * * 1 (iUAND PRIZE OF 1 (IRANI) PRIZE OP 2 LA UOK PU1ZB40F 4 LA UOK Flttfl* OF 20 r&xzcs or 80.000.... 20,000,,,. 20,i Ao 10,000.;.. JIJ.0UQ 5.000.... 90,911 1.000. .. , fh.Mff 6**).... 23,<J0» 800.. .. 30,00) 900.. .. 40.UO) 100.. .. 80.000 APPOXTMATIOX PBIZGH. "" S °' <M 100 Approximation Prixea of $90i>..;. $20,000 100., 75... A Watcli Free We will moll a {Wicket-Silver Waterbary Welch of tbe etyle represented kn the ent below to any one who will *cnd ne a dab of ten EXW aubecribera to Tub Weeelx Telkouavh at one dollar each. This will en^blo each gnbecriber to tecum tho paper at the lowed club rate, and at the same time coupon* eate the club acpnt for hie trouble. Odty new ecMCBiiEM-thet la. thoee whom unee am not now and have not been within tlx month* provloue to the receipt of the order on oar book*, will nx coormu , ' , Them watches am not toys, but ocquiwU and oervfoeatde Ume-keepem. They ami dimple, dam ble and neat. Tbe eases always wear bright. Tem of thounamldof them am carried by people of all olaeeee throughout tha United Stataa. “The Warerbury.” Her >jtm inlblia or t*nd*r bu«. AmlctrerujimdOT nil air: Thatgh me y<ra Msma. Her pretty uae I'll sou. D.r.r tell, air. My tint. wtld-Coirrr MoomMb iwml Afar freu town or city: Bar ruattVo bcort te full or tor.; UonvI U pity: Th. aren't oM tsrm * U But b.arand oM turn alow, with th. charm she atre.. from S.U1 to 4.11. ilr. nt a. toa’s ml*., by vow. divIM, e I wlU not tell air. Her eyre are blue, or tender hoc. Her vote, h quite dirts., air. And wb.n tne bnvre Frit with lb. >krei.n ^ r h. r Bum. for ml —Anunymonv. frequently hud watebe* picked from his pocket. At first he had recourse to all kind* of safety chains; then one floe morn ing he took no precaution whatever, and quietly allowed himself to he robbed. At uight, on returning from bnsineas, he took up tbe evening paper, when he attend au exclamation of delight. A watch had ex ploded in a man's hand. The bunds of the victim were shattered and the left eye gone. Tbe crafty hanker hod filled the watch- case* with dynamite, which exploded during the operation of winding. There are about fifty patients in the hoe- pita! of the leper colony at Kalawao, Rand- wich Islands. The root, numbering about 750, are scattered over the island cultiva ting small garden patches on government Unite and occupying themselves as they choose. They have quite a liberal allow ance of food and necessariee from the gov ernment. It la claimed that leprosy U not a dangerously contagious disease— not eo much as cancer aud consumption, hut that the stringent measure* applied in it* treat ment are due rather to its repnlairenes* than to the danger of its rapid epread. A vert singular society exists in Ln* An geles county, California, the member* of which coll themselves Faithtet*. It claims to he founded on some kind of occult the ology. hut what they believe it b impossi ble to determine. What they do, or fail to <lo, is plain son ugh. They will not eat any kind of animal food; they will take no med icine; they will hold no intercourse with tbe world. Recently Alice Hinde, the .young daughter of a Faithtet, died, and an inquest on the body showed that she hod perished from tack of pro p»r nutriment and attention. She had been 10 for seven months, and In aU that lime had bad no Th* North**.' KM. HL Paul Pioneer Pnw. rjn . .. m .1 v , .. „ - . I mumua, -Ul| IU BU UU UHIC UIU UffiU DO No / u ‘®®® ,! How the band milk. egg*, broth or meat; no phvrieir.n, trembles that dar. touch* pen In her be- either, and no company save that3her pe- U*, lovino, divine? Kemper et per- FOR S3.SO we will send The Weekly Tiumufl on* and one of the above deeetibed watrhte to amJ drees. ThU proportion U open to omimbecribM aa w®“U ae those who are not -A-Ct Promptly* The sbov. proportHotifl will «p.n ,0 ' * limit"! time only snd pertte. who wUhtetet.** van tec. of .niter rtioulil do » atmia.. WUnlre. directed w. wUt «nJ lb wrtchre by umU, pnolnd tn s itoni pretebuwdtea nnd our rrei»artbUlty for them will cud wten tte» nredepaltedtnIh. portrthon. TtoyrnsterefW tered fortes imte sndpnrtte. who wtehbhd^ ■hoald IncloathU nmonnL nr w. mjl rend te - br nprere. m.chre«w lo to put* wlwn IteJ «• Add rare TUB TiXEOlurH. Mae on. beeko-eta, payable H. C. HASSON. Me Th r* lo Noihlxs Burprialac jtetju. Lik* onr whrto. to. te of the brat. ± “Time cannot chann« nnr tko I i _'.r’/JT 1 mte p^ene vorw can danm; toe can sing; her magnificent “Sib*,- "CHsreta- mid "Cnprtrta.- 553. honemanahip is provsrriWsl; her grace at tennb te a matter of history; her beauty£T.!d!hS&i£ hrmgs a world to her fret; bat her crown- wto^^toMtolSSSxMrtn tog grace, th. eonenmoute flown of *11 her hb drwcchteMlr.and;os canare b. d» virtwa, te that superb proof of her eelf- S£rt.2TX2Slh2jSPSi2!f rtbanco: a< The tnma her own music. M 1 ——- * ” cb " worJ "upciM m In a ■>-on £-& .1a iNlFUA iron 7686. jMl* •re . T~-V7 * EffiM flteflffiwii * Mr ■■ O. N. FERRY & CO.. Detroit, Mien *■»"• W iirmaBM-jwg Msit Irtpre Month m.t tiyros OJ rtnlns must sod pnrti -.tor. l **«• rIi s so BiLwawsaa Co, Bostea. Mate. | evil I lonhotm