The weekly telegraph. (Macon, Ga.) 1885-1899, March 23, 1886, Image 11

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KWS by telegraph. and done in IT WAS SAID 1 1 USGKES* YESTERDAY. it l nu «’ "' e tUm Z rrsudeatlal l'rerogatlya—The , the DayComlder- l„s lTIVAte llu.lncss. rlmrn presented,.memorial of tbe Leg- « of Kentucky urging the passage of . nrevent the retirement of Rear ril Jouelt, United State, navy. Be- resented a joint resolution of the A of Mankind reqnes ting Congress in'p priate money to make continuous from Cliineotagne Bay in Air- f to Delaware Buy at or near Lewes, m 1 ' lieferred. lirivute pension bills on the vere taken up and passed in or- THE MACON WEEKLY TELEGRAPHS TUESDAY, MARCH 23, 1886.-TWELVE PAGES. It J5?5fc* ta iS* of representatives of the to . ‘h® wWow of one of the bravest and most chivalrous soldiers of the war. On the question of passing the bill the vote stood 2o to 4—price, Zach Taylor, Johnston of Indiana and Winans " Price then raised the qnertion of no quo- im. I ho previous question was, however. Monday 011 ^ and “ 8°* B over until row** 8 ^° U8e tben “djonrned until to-mor- .) o'clock ike Chair liud before the ' oomraenication from the Secretary Treasury. Its reading was begun as ..fotiie President pro tempore of H',.. f loivn received the resolution rVjite, dated February 24, 188G, . 1 bv the Senate in executive session. ” l ia point sometbing seemed to have ft the clerk’s mouth, for, w ith a quick ation of breath, he stopped short, ,1 nn the paper and handed it hack to President pro tem., who announced the communication would be with. for executive session. incident created for a moment a buzz _ re , se .(l (excitement in the chamber, red by deep silence. (te »s the first to rccovor his voice. Iia ired of the chair whether the com ration vas marked “executive." ■sided pro tem Sherman replied that rd Senators endeavored to maintain int that, failing of its being marked Idential, it should be read in open aes but the chairman was obdurate, ooner then resumed his spoech, begnn rday, in support of the judiciary com- o resolutions. Spooner maintained Constitutionality of the tenure of office and cited the fact that the President aiarars stated to the Senate his reasons e removal of the director of the mint. President Cleveland had stated to the t his reasons for the removal of the irector of the mint. Jlshary said he was unwilling to con- himself with a silent vote on the ques- The President sought not a contro- witli the Senate. When the l’reai. was elected it was the object and in .n of til'- people that ho should adjust offices at least more nearly between two political parties than they been. The President had pro- 4 with caution and forbear- unparalleled in the history of ation. Republican Senators had said bad no desire to protect Republican ala. if that were true, was it not go that the President’s nominations 10 long been allowed to remain uuucted Was it nut strange that Republican lore were now making claims fora class iptri never claimed before? Wo. it triage that they wero claiming the to roperviso removals of the l’resi- asi that they were claiming le entitled to nee even e papers, in pursuit of object Sanisbnry maintained that enure otbifiice net was unconstitutional, contended that the constitution could l* orerriddsn by an act of Congress, liter could the l’rotddonl disassociate ottstitutional function from the Piesi- lal oll'ira. The constitution placed the er of removal Holely in his hands. De ns of the courts had been uniformly to effect Saulsbnry read at some length siotu of the courts to s ns tain this point. *'»o read from the proceedings of the Congress, in 1789, to show that remov- *>re left entirely to the discretion of the mb it. Commissions of naval officers, to this day, ho said, showed by the Is on their f aco that the office was hold p plcssuro of the President, ilqnitt olitaiued the Boor, bnt gave way « motion to adjourn. At 4:90 the Senate -tned till Monday. lions*. the absence of tho Speaker, Crisp, «f Pa was designated to preside over proceedings of tho Ilouse. Leave was t l to Hammond, of Georgia, to tile tho "of the minority of the committee on judiciary ou the bankruptcy bill. ” House spent tho greater part of the “'Posing of hills on the private calen- of no public intercui. . resolution was adopted setting apart “ f’l for the consideration of bills rc- 1 from the committee on commerce ortziug the construction of bridges, the ’“'“tnent of light houses and the bill r* n S to tho life saving service. It is 'Mood tlmt tho Arthur Kill bridge hill not bo brought up on that day. The ' toll is one giving tho Baltimore and o railroad admission to Staten Island aew York hurhor. [he House took a recess till 7:30—the mug se sion to bo devoted to the con- TlL l0U llf Prttrata pension bills. ' '“ e evening session the house passed : J pension bills. The last bill to be mured was teat granting a pension of aytar to the widow of Uen. W. 8. 1 f 1 ";- Bingham, of Pennsylvania, sup- era the bill and quoted as precedent the “5 the widows of Admiral Farrsgut ;btu. Thomas. ’‘I* of Wisconsin, opfiosed the bill and tliat it must he considered in the full , ■ He know the country had paid in „ i. mc0l 'k, hrilhant, brave, gener- : , “u bis proportions, the sum of $152, . curing the last twenty years. bin 'if , * av ® your coun ‘ r y-" ® n HK e6 ‘* "And there are hundreds of tbou- '' us goo,! ,0, [ 10 „.j,„ jjojpcj gave the miry who are starving." Continuing, »at j the practice of granting large pen- '“.widows of men who had been re- ‘. big salaries and who died poor was zr® Uv « "f American manhood. The hh wa * ,0 taake men live up to the ■ uoUir of their salaries in pomp and ' stance and champagne. It shook 3 pnaciple of jostice and create! '‘ class. , '.l*“J regretted the necessity of tak- • lull before the Ilouse in full sea- , . "" 'bought it would be such a grace- r, ' a generous act, to pass the t, VT *5** b ® ‘cl! 'hat the gentleman's uretitnonts would applaud him for t 10 **• He (Bingham) could ‘.'Ms question without losing his ^ r or tour years he had served on . * V.'.’tm. and that the pension of the 'but general should be died as M The bill introduced by General Washington News. Washington, March 19.-A determined effort was made to-day by the friends of the Blair educational hill, under the leader- ship of Representative Willis, to secure some action on that or a kindred measure at the hands of the Ilouse committee on education. Last Monday Wise introduced un education bill, which was referred to the committee. At the meeting to day the proceedings of the last meeting—when the consideration of the entire subject was postponed until the latter part of April— were considered and the subject reopened. McAdoo argued strongly in favor of the original bill, and Thomas, Goff and Buck supported the substitute. Without final action on the matter the committee ad journed. The House committee on post offices and post roads conducting the telegraph invea- THE CONTRACT SIGNED, AND PEACE RESTORED BETWEEN ALL PARTIES CONCERNED. I Extra M.rtiu* of the City Council Culled to Ratify tho Work of the Committee—air. Moahen*a l>e- parture for New York. The officers of the Covington and Macon railroad having aignified their acceptance of the contract between the city and the com panv, a meeting of the city council was held yesterday morning to ratify the docu ment. The meeting wns called to order at 10 :30 o’clock, Mayor Price presiding. Ibe aider- men preseut were Ware, Connor, Cox, Johnston, Hudgins. Smith, McCrary, O’Hara, Chapman aud Proudtit. Those ab sent were Davis and Nusshauin. City At torney Harris, and Messrs. Livingston, Fro- bel and Machcn were present by invitation. As chairman of the committeo to prepare the contract. Mayor Price stated that the object of the mooting was to consider the document, nnd to approve or disapprove it. n« also stated that he end tho committee had tried to make a good contract, and that The Great Rallroait Strike. St. Louis, March 19.—The situation in I this city this morning shows absolutely no change. Suburban passenger trains have resumed running nnd no further interfer ence from the Kflights in this branch of tho railway busines" i“ anticipated. No i attempt has been made for some days past I to move freight trains, and although the company's plans are not generally known, it is presumed that no attempt to resume freight traffic will be made until the trouble | is ended. LYONS & CLINE, J)7 CHERRY STREET. Gentle Sprintf is Here. Arbitration 8t. Louis, March 1 19.-Vice-President In <mtlc, l' l ' tio ? ° f ,‘ bs w, ' nta of tb « P M P ln . the Leaders and Controllers are pleased to Hoxie, of the Missouri Pacific railroad, has ‘ hattb< * ba r v ! “ nd ““ k .ed down to such figures that replied to Master Workman l'owderly, of “ ea “ 8 in th68e da y"; £<«'* and tel Uve. These are Umes, as the great majority of the Knights of Labor, declining to meet 10 tu “7 u awa ™* ‘ he < a , 1 “ i S bt >'. dol ' ar bel f f° ‘'B htl 7 ‘be Rrasp of Pnudorlv and n committee of the KmoMo l b° l>cople, that the glorious bird of liberty is often beard to aqueal before they are to a tulement of the uendiuuffif P arted w,tb - bnt aacb wiU nu ‘ be th » ««« ‘his Spring for LYONS i OLINE, at 97 Cherry fleffity 8 Hox,VsTe P Ty Is ver P v lo “g g and .^will throw such bargains to the trade thafwiU cause beams of delight to brighten frooftl PYliiinHlivnl v Ihu wlmln nnliiuol. nf’imut I COUllteQftllCtJH Ol tfUllerii. trouts exbaUHtively the whole subject of’past and present strikes. It says in the pres ent instance the strikers have no grievances | which it is in the power of the Missouri I Pacific to redress, their grievance being against another road, over which the Mis- , t souri Pacific has no control Hence the JVC Will Offer Hi'CSS FtlbriCS lit EndlCSSVCirK’Aif. finnFprptirs nntilif i.nno ulmnl. nn rnui'lt I ** T I-E I S W 15 35 I v conference could bring about no result Hoxie says it Powderly aud his associates have anj thing to suggest that will tend to In Summer Silka we will show yon one hundred and thirty-five pieces of new and bean- correct the evils of the existing state of tiful styles and at such prices as will astonish the olosest buyers, affairs, he will bo glad to meet them aa indi- ,35 piecea Summer Silka worth BOo. at 35o. per yard. 45 pieces Summer Silk worth 75c. at 5Uo. per yard. 30 pieces Summer Silks worth $1 at 75c. 25 pieces Summer Silks worth $1.25 at 874 nnd $1. Every body knows that LYONS A CLINE carry the best line of Black Silks in Georgia. vidnals, but declines to meet them as rep-1 resentatives of their orgsnization. Coi.UEBUs. O. March 19.—'The Stroot Rail way Company ran one cur over the line, under the requirements of the charter this ..... ... . ,, morning. The police assisted, aud on the I ritin 11 re/.' LI O-\.S <t" Cl. 1 ,Yi: will ttltotv (l Line Solid Colors fit retnrn trip men endeavored to take posses- „ Sion of the car but were clubbed off by the Summer Silkn (It BOr. per yard. police, and one man was badly bruised. | The mayor made a speech to the men, as suring them of his aymputh they indulge in no violence. Btrikers in good control, ready to obey his | SISK IN MOUKNING- GOODS, The Leaders and Controllers tigatinns unker tho Anderson resolution of ^ ^ satisfactory, it was not his inquiry bus to-day assigned next Tuesday, I Lult, the committee’s fault, or the city at- ‘2:id inst, for hearing any editors or pro- torncy’s fault. prietors of newspapers who desire to be On motion of Alderman Cox, Clerk Blue heard on the subject of alleged discrimina-1 rea< ^ contract. It was exactly us it ap- tion again« thorn by the Western Union P eare d in yesterday’s Telegraph. Company and attempts to coerce them into motion of Aldermun Johnson, sec making exclusive contracts, etc. On the on( *ed by Alderman Cox tho report of the 30th inst. the committee will hear argu- committee ns presented by Mayor Price wa* meats from counsel of the Western unanimously adopted. Union and the Baltimore and Ohio Com- following ordinance was then read, panic 8 concerning the legality of the con- an ^ a motion of Alderman Oox, the rules tract between the Western Union Com-1 ^ ere auspended, and it was read the second pany and the Pacific Central road. I time and unanimously passed: A party composed of Senators Ransom, 4 * An ordinance approving the contract Ingalls and wife, Salisbury and wife, Palmer 1 ^ Covington and Macon ^ ena J or Mrs. Bon- I I 1U luunuup uburuuiuHuuru aeep luotmuiuw i rivJ a 0 ^ n ^. ter ^ Represents- Be ° r ^“®d Vj” tU o 0 _? a A°f a P d c ® unci1 in order, and trains are moving without Will show the latest and newest goods in Convent, Melrose, Gypsy, Drap d’Alms and rJuilii ne ?i!i )Ut w n ^T W1 ^ , » Repre8e ? tat a l J e *2? lfc is he * r u b a y S!’ molestation since tho conference on Wed- Proistley’u sterling Heverietta’s Tamise, Canvass, Toilleand Gloria Cloths, and wo gnar- same, that the Qe gdfty, when a committee of the Knights antee our prices to be lower than the lowest. Our Black Goods are all gonuine Lupin’s ^ prMented to 0 f jLabor approved Governor Sheldon’s sug- and Preistley’s makes. Our experience hiw proven conclusively (hese are the best in tho to-morrow inorDin^ at II oclock iA l X?°n aad J :Ganci ! «6stion that the Hall grievance be submit- world. Our line of Combination Suitings are the newest and our prices are tho lowesL “il 1car ^ 8t -.? oh “ fo ; Jackson-1 Jf" 1 ® C1 ^ a “ d Covington and 1 ted to tho United SUtes Court, and that We have an elegant assortment; sold several parties the past week at $25 and $33 each, ville and Tampa. Florida, via the Atlantic f? ac ° n Railroad Company, concerting the the receivers would abide by the result. We have them at all prices, from $5 up to $35. Coast Line, en route to Havana, where they jjfy* pnvileges and franchises of “They will have to, being servants of the Our line of Canvass Cloth, Tasso Cloth and Abhratrosf, in all the new shades, has will ar nve noxt Tuesday afternoon. Thej J? a 1( : f r ‘i l - r ? • th . e Clty lm ‘ court and acting under iU o rdeis,” said been very much admired and our prices suit the times. will remain three or four days in Havana, ' ta aud jurisdiction, within the terms, con-1 Governor Sheldon, “and any employe hav- Our line of Tufted Velvet Trimmings are just as handsome and stylish as can bo. ami trill make several stops in Florida on ditious, imitations and covenants therein ing 0 grievance can appeal to the court, and 1 their retnrn. Tbejr expect to be absent stated, shall be and the same is horeby ap. the receivers will be compelled to abide by about ton days proved nnd confirmed. the result, whatever it may-he." Brigadier-General Howard was to*lay | J^fh^UoI toepnbhol^ on th.ron-1 s.Hon.CltUten of N.w York r.vrv-boaU. Nkw YonK, March 19.—The ferry-boat orders. The mayor is notinclin further interference. Nsw Ohlkans, Maroh 19.—The strikers] in the shops atGouldsboro keep the engines | Our Biggest Excitement The post week was in the sale of onr Foreign and Domestio Sateens. Our line of nominated as major-general in the army, dilions therein set forth, ore adopted nnd vice General Pope, retired. | affirmed, nnd tho mayor of thecityof Macon . I \ KVf ,' ,irr ?: u l oal I is hereby authorized nnd empowered to sign , „ 0 1 ^ 1 a f, a !*l 1 V' 0 .7, ira. French" Sateen at 371c., sohds32]o. sold right along, and the only tronble will be, and contraet in duplicate and have.the seal | „®“ B jnt:Vra bound for NewJeraev *115 I tbo8 “ thnt^wait too long^ before supplying their wants will miss ourhenntiful assortment. Cleveland and the Hrotlier In lllack. Ifl 4 ,1 1 •• I«IR VVHMODII JU UU11IIWIW nun IWYO tu« MW! 1. ' ...1 XT ... I lUOSB IUIU WUH IUU IUI1L' Dtuuro BUD HYIUIJ lUCir WttUIN Will UIIHS our IIOUUUIUl IMWUUU. AHiiiN »t n, March 19. A delegation I 0 f tho city attached; aud when signed by P^wengers bonud for New Jersey and I q uj . jj no sateens at 15c. are the cheapest goods in tho market and just what every Vhoini 1; vtafm,rth« e wwL°H^ ° r ra r n °{ said Moc,,n and Covington Railroad Corn- TZi wauta to atart tbo " eMon witb - ? \ irginiii\isitk.u the NNhite House to-ihij aud I pjmv, by tho proper authority, the saiue I ^ fho 1 enmijlvania rai road ferry-boat | u n t iha n*a&t avmtamant ot u7 nhan>» otmat iiit« wnaV will v%<» am* nam TTrulm'* tmsylvanii ferry-1 But the great excitement at 97 Cherry street this week will be our new Hosiery. Lot reaS an address to tho President, thanking Zfl be cVtarerVon 1 iho mtout^f \bls3; l^ltimoro. bound from the J"«r».y City I ^‘.np'^lyTs Umlt^dV' him for his expressions in regard to the fu- „ n ,j recorded in the proper office. > ferry to New York, also heavily loadod, ' ’ 1 ,w ***- ■*— “**■ 1 —-—:— At. _ i - * * 1 , -* a this afternoon. Tho Lncka I well forward | tore of tho colored race ond expressing the '““Second.™ Bo it" t'orTher ordained by the I lnt0 hope that under the Democratic admims- authority aforesaid, that all ordinances, "'“ r " trution tho luttr-r eontrnvnr»v heitrnnn I ... «_ai _ -n; a trationthe bitter controversy between the I ru ] e8 regulations in contlict with this I tho , ^tloman’s cabin, and was cut citizens of onr common country would be l ordinance bo, and tho same are hereby re- reinoved. 1 ho address is endorsed by Gov- nouled ” arnnw rtf Vivninia in Ilia fnllnntinn I a .. «. 2T5 DOZEN. Marked 25 Cents a Pair. Our CopngI Department Has received large additions tho paat week and wa now have all else* from 18 to 30 in I the best coraeta in the world for the following prices : Oar Corset at 60c. (L. ft 0. Leader) is as good as any Corset sold in Mooon for 75c. Our Cornet et 75c. ,L. ft C. Favorite, in ell ooTorej et 75c. la as good at any sold in Georgia for SI. Dr. Warner's Caroline la the beat Corset in the world for 51. The Bon Ton ettl.25 is 2,990 Yards Cheeked Nainsook et fto. 2,890 Yards Checked Nainsook at 7. 3,100 Ynrds Cheeked Nainsook at 7)e. 3,300 Yards Checked Nainsook at 10o. ToPfflion iiiifl MeilicGH Lnccm year. He acknowledges shooting the officer agreed that the firm of HU1 ft Harna would | t,.. womRU came from Ohio, two “‘^the tlcjwt, bnt denies the burglary and | j u 80> prorided thst the connection would | j^^o, houg*t a fine farm near Spring LINENS, NAPKINS AND TOWELS. safe-blowing. I i n no way interfere with his duties to the The excitement when the prisoner was city j t wus brought *-**•- “ “ “ 1 quired i through — .— — , police station An examination «howe<l w hene T er the interests of tho road should , u The hooks of the Champion com-1 — r- , . — that he had received a number of bird shot come j n contact with those of tho city ho nv # nnn ,i ...n-ted in her house at money. in his legs. Notwithatanding his denial of WM to represent the city alone, lie Lad L“L Stw She will he t ken to Ofito. Io ToweU we will show this week eome big dnvea. Our 2oc. Towel is jtut aa good aa tho burglary, the evidence against him is | tried to discharge his duty to the city hon-1 ’ ‘ ’ y ’ " ‘ **" -' very iwsitive. | eatly, and believed that he had succeeded. | “I have been amict».t with .n aftefiee of ih« “ ,a dt**'** “• I (Jitv and spent money luvishly. Sho was a rn \ t> • I,’ . ... ...... — distinctly underatood that I r -i„, in sn,I v.rv noniilar Jones I lABi 1. : to the city was intense, end it re- w hatcv«r services be rendered the road ( rt !,,K.iuv^GttodV r oa'hcr hulf brother. ' ‘tho^oals'Tn'thost^tatotoe ?V OU,J b «t.rendered undei'the limitationi of ^ B he llrtr^d of his arrest she left for i Cr °ta ramtarioTAow^ lie-“E Florida, hat wn decove.1 back by dace- No Trouble to Nwallow I Coi. Livingston requesUd permission <o Dr. Merrs's “Pellets- itbe orlitina) •little liver | make a alsaement. ll being grouted, I , nJ u,toir eowal to nroea'i Bronchial T.wcbae.— • ■ - — hat when he requested City Attorney n,, o. fl. K. uampton. Pik.lon, Ky. HoMiulyla others sell at 49c. 2lS) pieces of Cassimarn* sn.l Summer Jeans 10;. to 57.00 per yard. 2<K) piecea of Cottonailes from 19c. to 25c. per yard. through tho guards nearly to the bnll of the I bout. It is not known that anybody was | *™°, r Lce ’ of Vir 8 mia ' in tbe following I *' By direction of Mayor Price, Clerk Blue I i I '?B?‘rMl b nno R havhi e i| 1 hnih leSa’Jiu iMdlen' Lisle Hose In Black, Navy, Seal aud Garnet, which we hare n a: . >, . . v ... read tho contract between tho city and the “J 1011 "!-' lu 3" r 7'- ono haM.igboth leg* cut “ihts address having been sulmutted to Georgia Railroad and Banking Company, ?*• Tbe totnl ?. umb ® r °. f ‘ D J ured mnBt me, I desire to odd my cordisl indorsement relative to the right of way of the old Mai bav0 , bee ? . considerable, hut many were fav ^™ Q thrhou5 toa t t hC the D d«v n mav C ° n A1 d A T M '* a, .‘° wVo^andXra in mbokro wSbo'nl This is the cheapest lot of Hisierv ever offered in the South. In other word., it i. a growth of the Repnldio." The followinu resolution otTerod hr At-1 sinking. The collision was caused by the The address is also indorsed by Congress- jerman Cox, wli then read and nnanimoni P dota , of both . boa . ta “ ,lkln * ! i JP n \ t t ne0 '}" man Barbour. I I enorUtorun unaer the stern or tue 1 avonm I The President, in roply, said he was glad ’ • •Rosolicrt. That tbe contract between the f* rr ? boat Delaware, which was also craas- to know that matters partaking of tho na- Georgia Railroad and Banking Company in 8 *° tbe New Jersey aide of the river, lure of a problem were being adjusted by nQ (i (be mayor andeonncilof the city of I Wanted to 1>» Tough. the people themselves, and that while he Macon, cocerning tho right of way from CniCAuo, March 17.— In an interview here | VT earners Garonne la me oesi uonei in we 5ranta P h?WMwuTtou to ”°jj b y t.°!ll‘,. C >- |‘ nde ”°“' a b 7' k y a 7 i i" ,bo 0‘ty reaerva to to-night, DetacMve Matt, Pinkerton details the best for "that price to be had. Beaidoa these we have Dr. Warner's Health, M florae erirnuranement’^ B ‘ tha P 0 ** 11 °“ ‘ ba ,° ,d ,? Iac0 “ a ' ld Augusta the career of young Henry Estee, now un- F 0 y«. and three different stylos gonuino C. P. ala Sireue. All at as low prices as sold by way to extend enconragement. railroad near the junction with the Central der arrest for the murder of two policemen the leading Now York houses. Capture of m Crook. I railroad beyond tuo river, drawn by the city I in Geneva, 1U. Tho young man was well I RiciiMOtcD, March 19. -The man who has a *‘“ rn< >y °“ d tbe »'‘“rney of the Georgia connected, but ha* n strong ambition to ^ X* "TTTV ’ J ^ ^ ^ J „ been banted through Chesterfield county B* Banking Company, be aocept- become a highwayman and general dos- I nil* Swl HPlT A \\/ J ] TO ( "rOOf I Pi (across tho river from Richmond) for three •'b nnd * b *‘ •* *°°“ •• ‘he same is signed | pemdo. He is only twenty-six years of «ge, | V-/ LLi UhUUJY. 1 >V 1 1 L UV_y V-4WWY.LO days os the burglar who, last Wednesday in duplicate, that the same be entered on uml began his life of crime when only eigh- morning entered the grocery store of “rZ^ulhoti^ to to^i.f«lnd“^al^ nndt I^endhli'^uri .wnY 18 “ ncb »« are terapte.l to blow about it, but It would take the vim of a Reel Estate to. »f.?.Sd%ho a to TaSfm°oroY^X5 “sfficomraottoto^^ov" «d £eZ K2 tor’hurgC -d raMm£ take "."big HoXto'bKblStp'' <WU ‘ lt * nr '° n *° th * ,0U Pol“. CenrBroST. T the £p5t and IUU/oad Company, in accordance with the Neverthelesa, EsteeXerved a good rspu- Io " ln 8- (“ “ W0 ^^Vsto, B Strir^ Pi.rao at 4c. ) ' escaped, was captured thia evening, contract this day executed botween the | tatation at home. Ills lawless acta have I ’ ??wir2i u*in«#w«v tL About fifteen Richmond police, Chesterfield ma y° r and conn-11 and said Covington and been performed under the alios of Harry country constabulary aiui u number of vol-1 Macon Railroad Company. I Kmmeraon. At Gena^ Kstee’s residence. I nnteers joiued in the hunt, and on Wed- In answer to a formal qneetion put to him he, in company with two crooks nesday evening two Richmond officers came I by Mayor Price, Col. Livingston, os preai-1 named La-kin and Monahan, were I np with him at Coalfield etation, and fired dent of the Macon and Covington railroad, canght by a couple of policemen in tbc.act I . -. T at him with shot-guns, but ho again escap- announced that he would accept the con-1 of robbing a dwelling. The officers were | X I1GS0 .rLjXCiOT JT lOlTi l 1)10 \ cXlU.G« ed to the woods. From the prisoner’s atate- tract between tbe city and his company, nnd | shot dead in their tracks, and toe crime And we are snro no aneh Goods have ever bean offsred ot thorn nricea went it appears that in his efforts to get that he would accept the assignment of tbe would probablv have forever remained a And we aresnro no such Goods have evsr been offered ot these price*, south through Chesterfield county nnd at contract between too city and the Georgia mystery bnt.for Estee s desiro to attain Tinn /if Vintuwin Trill'll a the same time elude his pursuers he lost Railroad and Ranking Company. notoriety. In order to join a supposed | \flll JjViltitj I Ill'll III I.III! II: r\**i , |iri.Mtan irad’turned ^mcVto trvand I C ‘‘>1 Attorney llarris, at hi* request, was outitledto’fello'widdp by narrating I Areunequalcd In quality and finish, and are at least 20 per cent, lee* than onr eompetl- that direction and turned hackto try and accorded peronssion to make a personal gS^SkSwito toe GagaSyInChSevi tors aaklor them. Our first number la 60., our noxt 7jc, than 8c., 19o., 12) to 25c. «, ot , „„ }u! Htntement. He said that h • was not pres-1 Si" J‘,£ e ^'^eresinralyde-1 We gave an Import order for “Lion D. Indes" last September! Thero goods have Befle hie bridge,’but*aa soon as he landtl M«^ffld hii^Sn W xrito ^“'5* him, anisic sequel U Just arnrod, rod | to« aro fro'ii Mo. to 6e. a yard,.Cheapy than any ever raw. Yon will he was discovered and puraued by work- £“ 5 Covington and Macon railrosd As to Estra’s arrest for murder, | also find they^are at W ‘wo Inehee wider men in the Tredegar works, and jumped th e employment of associate counsel in tho tad, Arreted oa a Herlon. Charge, into a boat and attempted to recrosa the | preparation of the contract, lie himself had | .s„ i , vu . le ,Ti:nx., March 19.-A telegram I * ‘ importation and are particularly attractive in pattern and price. We carry the target stock of i inches wider toon those others rail, and wa will guarsntaa In the city. We will open this week a large lot ot German Torchon'from 20e. to 40c. a dozen. Onr GLOVES and UANDKERCUIEFS are only to be aeen to be purchased. 50 pieces of Turkey K-d Table Cloths, 35, 59, 09, 75, 51.00 and 51.25 per yard. 75 pieces of Bleached nnd Uubleaohed Table Linos, commencing at 2de. per yard, and for 5c. and 73c. per yard we wiU sho* you a line of Table Ltueus worth doable the »r. I lercw ■ a diets. |IU® urigiura . 1.111 I .1 .* . .,111V) and no |*io or grii.lcK. Caw lie* or tniioui ■ hoiu luat wueu «« ivijucnicu vhj Attvmuj ■ uwlubi. «oar •tom»eb. and ctaanM tb. «>»wm I Harris to become the attorney of the road, I Iioxm. .ml bowel., acrauiital. lit was distinctly understood that the cor-1 nection should l>e subject to the limitstio: s Tb* ltoek Island Kxprc. Robber,. MATTINGS MAOTINGS Kwallowed hi. YaUe Teeth- nection shoutd ue suoject to the UmttaUoi* Ch1caoo March 19. Six days since too Xksia, (>., March 17.—A atrange and and-1 of tba i 1 -,® ,in 1 4f“J!“* horrible murder and robbery on the Rock den death oecnrred at Medway, a little vil- ne J- Attorney Hams had stattd.tho [ B j aD( j railway, and vet no cine to the per- la fi“ Mr* CS ^TvorrSJSSd that he desired to do tL S**"" ° f ,he d ^ cU ™ n coouor hv trade was eating his justice both to himself and to City Attorney d une?’ Se wm t'kcu suddTuly s c^ X Harria. At the meeting of the council on d PirLhSi he wL in urent aaonv bnt Tuesday night last, he wm present witb couhl not swsk nor indicate what wLtoel»»°ns but Mndly feelings to everybody eon- '_ • panting a pension ennal to that of rein,. ’ , ' 1 Pr *! , i‘lents, wonld have been t■ —i.u lu,, wouia nave oern LlrX te ? Td w“ti hta tiding. With the 'Lincoln, he knew no man of I..,.,' , ( laB, .". bo hwA done more for h k, ^ ,or nviluatloo, humanity and Ul miUter’with*Mm n °V"doctor ira imm^i”-1 «m"ed in to. preparAiion of toVcontrac.. ately called in, hat his efforts were of no avail, and Mr. Btrong died in * few minnte*. The esse was a strange ouo and much mys tified toe family and tha doctor. It wra agreed that a post-mortem examination no man 1 hta WzF TIppuSaT 1 ai L ‘ tb * Rvntlsman from Wisconsin . a 0 . d **t to* question eome before u«nng to-nighu U l this eras go •'‘-a.cAseoof too. kind should go Should be hod, and several other physician* were called in. The examinaUon raveded the fact that Mr. Strong bad died from strangulation, and upon entting into toe throat, hta fata* teeth were found lodged there. He bad ewallowed them with hi* food, and was immediately in such agony that he could not make known what was toe matter. Mr. Strong wea about 68 yean of age and leaves a family. Mr. L B. ItataCatlettiw >S2:»!Lf!S lie announced at that meeting that he wtahtd to secure associate oonnsel with City Attorney Harris's consent. Home of the aldermen objected, bnt upon a vote he authorized to employ Mr. Washington Deaaau. There had been a general misun derstanding. He recognized fully City Attorney Harris's integrity w a lawyer and as a man, and believed that he hod the tn- t-reets of the city at heart. As for himself, he wu conscious of having faithfully dis charged hta duties to the city. Col Frol>«l was granted permission to make a vtateiuent. He said tost raUtive to City Attorney Harris's connection with the read, that gentleman had mads to him to* identical statement that be made to CoL Livingston. Alderman Cox said that be had no idea that anybody doubted City Attorney Hot- petntors. teemed to be centered upon the cap ture ot Miko Humphries aud a known aa “ Texas.” Last night it was found that Humphries had been working in the Grape Creek mine* five weeks, and eras there the night of the robbery. •'Texra’’ turned up at the Duly News office thia morning. He denied hav ing anything to do with toe robbery. The night of the robbery he was visiting friends on Twenty-second street until 1 o’clock, and then he went home, on Twenty-ninth street, and remained there till Monday. 40 Rolls of Mattings at 55 50, worth 57.90. 40 Rolls of Matting* at 57.50, worth 58-75. 40 Rolls of Mattings at 58.60. worth 510.00. 40 Rolls of Mattings at SUMS), worth 512.00. 40 Rolls of Mattings at 512.00, 514.00. 515.00 and 518,00. Lyons ft Cline, as everybody kuows, carry the largest beet line Scrim and Curtain Lace in Georgia. Our Shoe Stock A* They Unvrt Poftftlhly ft porttu p’jiter fearing ftnriMug like tfeo mftdlrtnaJ fMlitka of Bsatoft'i. the cftwp foUowtn of Um pkuaMcnBctl prof—Urn prtftwd tn« of wartlilrn pUMer*. ft»d giro thftftl M* M * fetes W- •—Mo to prist tUt of tho gemuio*. fti —!■—ty ipokts, loud ttka ' “ Ofeeffff J* ha dmgkti niUolff UriftO "Oftpainff,' iS kra;°^ P hL7oYeVeaUin7 •ft— "Bnhayor-BoitioV T• ronMfttJjcftO* I ttoa the pffhttc ftfftUutt tho «UU tribe of them. ’zzjziyxr* ris’e integrity. He morrf to adjenrn Tb* SSKTSiSSrJlKSrt ■"Jw®wraeecoBdsd and ananimousiy ear- raraam^aSiSi**ra »w*» 1*cam lied, and tha council adjourned. | ikscuns •(•.:ute(n>-...“ Is now complete. We will guarantee to ravo'you 25 per cent Ladies’ Grain Lace Shoes 3-8 at 51.00, worth $1.25. Ladies’ Grain Button Hhoca 3-0 at 51.20, worth 51.50. Ladies' Kill Bntton Shoe* (worked hulton hftlcl at $1.60. Ladies' Kid Button Shoe* (worked button-bole) 51.85, worth $2.59. ladies' Goat Bntton Shoe* (worked button-hole) 51.75, worth $2.5). Ladies' Kid Button Shoes (hand-rawed) $2.50, worth 53.25. Ladies’ Froncb Kid (band-sewed) at 53.50, worth 54.590. Ju.t opened a full lio* of Lufant’s Shoes from 25c. to onr French Kid at $1.00. — — , la child reel's school Shoes we can clow yon s line that cannot be equaled ft MMk op “• *'"* rSSraTi Ceorgta. Ws will dose out onr fine of Heavy Brogans at Cost. ■,*•■■ .r Prompt aed eourteous treatment to dl whether purvbsesrs or not We ' ' 1 - >d to tell all oar Goods a little l*a than the 1 v ir ua I ^ \ r O i l I S <& Ol ine, 1 N IllOI-l I'.It'