The weekly telegraph. (Macon, Ga.) 1885-1899, March 23, 1886, Image 6

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THE MACON WEEKLY TELEGRAPH: TUESDAY, MARCH 2?, 1880.—TWELVE PAGES. THE TELEGRAPH, Our Atlanta Department. The interest and impetus ^iven to the M7BLIIHKO smt DAT 1» THE TEAB AKD WEEKLY I TeLEOPAPII by* tllO Conduct Of OUr Atlanta a r the felegnpli and ll«*enger Pablishing Co., j department lias already outgrown our moat 97 Mulberry Street, Macon, Ga. Tbo Dally 1« delivered by carriers In tbe city or sanguine expectation. The increase of our subscription lists from Atlantaand other por- ailed poiUge free to aubacriber*, for |l per 1 tions of the State in order to receive full for tliree mouths, $5 for six month., ^ reli#bl# neWB {rom tll0 state capital wJ a year. I . Th* Weekly ia mailed to aubacribera, postage and the demands upon our advertising col- free. at f 1.26 ayear and 75 cent* for .lx months. umng# have compelled us to reinforce our Transient advertisement* will be taken for the 4 . DaEj at $1 per square of 10 lines or less for the I staff at that point with another experienced first insertion, and 50 cents for each subsequent in- , . . __ n icrtion, and for tbe Weekly »t 91 for Mch luscrtion. J a ** ,£ competent member m C. A. N.les, Notices of deaths, funerals, marriages and births, j Ks<p\ Parties having business with the Tele I Rejected communications will not be returned. , . . . . Correspondence containing Important new. »nd GRAPH, or desiring correct information an to discussions of living topics is solicited, but must bo *h e political, social or industrial agencies of brief aud written upon but one side of the paper to . . here attention. the State will be politely and promptly at- Remittances should bo made by express, postal j tended to ftt tho “TELEOJlArn Bureau,” No, dote, money order or registered letter. Atlanta Bureau 17% Peachtree street. to have been held sacred for the actual set-1 Strobach, rejectedby a Republican Senate, 1 vote where it will do the moat good to the «-• . '• "> >-» Mss* * “Congress is not a business firm to do or this contest have had the best of the argu- not to do these things in their discretion, ment. Senator Beck seems to have struck Congress is composed of delegates, our rep- a mine of facts, that must contribute to a resentatives sent there to do our will as final and complete victor}', mode known to them in the constitution. shred, and Patches, And because a Republican administration The Chinese have 5G3 books on etiquette, has assumed authority to do what they and yet tbcse heathens eat rice with their ought not, is no justification or precedent fi ngcrSi iia d appear in society wUh their for a Democratic administration. It ought Bh irt Asps hanging outwardly.—Picayune, rather to ho a warning not to follow in their Lady (to husband)—Why did you bow so footsteps.” politely to that very common looking man “.Joe Sampson" is tho namesigned to this j ast now , Husband (a cnpitalist)-He ho- communication, and we sincerely trust Sir. longB t0 tbe Knights of Labor, my dear.— Sampson will open a night school for tho jj ew york Sun. benefit of Democrats who have become confused in their principles. 17.j Marietta street, from which prompt communication is constantly kept up with tho main office, by mail and wire. Our reports from the courts, the govern mental departments and tho business and Senator Colquitt’s coming speech upon I social circles of Atlauta, are tho most com- All communications nhould be addreased to THE TELEGRAPH, Macon, Ga. Money order*, checks, efc should be made paya ble to H. C. Hanson, Manager. 1 f the proposition to consider nominations in open sessions is understood to be like the flowers that bloom iu the spring, tra la! It has nothing to do with the case. plete and reliable ever offered to tho people of tho State; and the Telegraph presents to the reading public advantages possessed by no other journal published in tho State. Vo* Dot Ho? CblCRgc No** these men could make themselves felt ini A high-art New Yorker insists that the that way in places here and there where tho crockery sold at the Morgan auction must old parties were nearly tied. But that be spoken of ns ‘ piwses." When earthen, which has happened a hundred times before ware reaches $18,000 a jug a few scollops will happen ugain. 'Iho rank and tile of | are permissible. the Knights will be sold out by tlieir com- "«■ -a. 1 ! 1 ■■ nmnders. The simple-minded men who are -pv i "ITT Tf A "\T T\ Cl now liberally paying out their hard-earned | |\ /I V/V I 'l IV I I V money to support the officers of that asso ciation will then discover that there are . other uses to which their blind subserviency *«««* Wa * e J,f “““ can be put. They will find themselves J tlic l* ingcr T ips to W tint traded off at tho polls, and they will never Cured by Cuticura. see the color of the money that bought I in tbe Spring of 1884 »u eruption appeared c_ them. For it will go into the pockets of backs of gy band*. I nupposed I wa* poinoned'by those Who exact ttieir allegiance and ox- gj. erciso the power of directing their acts as a I D1Q j r r ^ la eiUo« to no purpose, insteai of getting body. better they rapidly grew worse, being a mesa 0 f . ■ It the terms of the transfer involve not watery, festering, raw flesh, veryOffensive and in- The great men of thia country are dying hard ca(jb but fat officeBj tbe practica i effect Yuhm/La l"" 14 off very rapidly, but the insurance compa- j s the same. There is a delivery and there uut worso than before. R Litt o nun niea haven’t as yet raised tho rates on the is a payment, and the transaction cousti- Upota then appe—a ™■ , t welt amt I iu a short time entirely cured. JOHN D. VAUGHTIER. Pier 37, 8. Wharves, Philadelphia. A Complete Cure. I have suffered all my life with skiti diseases of In New York last year fourteen men killed and three hundred and seventy J ft word, the Telegraph intelligently and injured in coupling cars. Something like comprehensively covers the entire territory 2,000 cm couplers have been patented but 0 f Georgia, and thus appeals to the support none have yet been found to answer all the ^ people requirements. Florida has had a tough time of it this I A Negro on Democratic Principle, year. First came the great freeze, then tbe A correspondent of the Jacksonville great exposure of land swindlers, and now Times-Union writes to that paper eoneern- slie has tho New York aldermen. Nothing is ing its endorsement of the Blair educational needed to complete the general misery but bill as follows; an extra session of the Legislature. I am a colored man, and would like to see my race educated, lmt not by breaking Tom Browne, member of Congress from down ^ b#nieni-taU u tad by tho peopl, Indiana, an honest ltepublicnn, says if “both great parties do hot purify themselves this republic will not last fltty years longer." It will not last one-half tho period men tioned if tho Republican party should get into power again. in the constitution to guard tho rights of the people and the States; not at tho expense of our plan of government would I see my race educated. ‘I was originally n Republican until I read up and clearly understood our plan of government and tho great fundamental dif- About tho prohibition craze tho Fhiladel phia Record says ; 4 ‘Maine has had a pro-1 ferences between tho two parties (and I Libitory law in operation for more than a must admit that y ou helped to instruct generation, and y et iu tho matter of tem- in these principles), and when I understood perance Maine has no reason to boast its that the Democratic party Was opposed to superiority to other States. But tho failure centralization of power in tho Federal gov- of this attempt to nmkc people sober by eminent, and in favor of local sclf-govern- pr hU itory liquor laws has not prevented nn nt and of jealously guarding the rights Georgia from repeating the experiment.” | of tho States; and that the Republican ... . _ _ my finder joint*, ami faster- wnat smnx me uregon.' I “ 4VO v “ * *. atT* "TT* $ I tntts a complete sale. Before the Knh'lits I in« would aprVad over a lar^e mu-face. In thin con- The mystery surrounding the sinking of “ e “ * ho tb “ r Ulur m the mid<U °’ of Labor awake from tlieir beautiful dream tbe Cnnanl steamship Oregon has not been »****“* krtdd ’ , , , of. third party, destined to rule the land, ,n “““- y b “ d! W " re ‘ lm °“ * clL “ 4 cleared np, and as our dispatches state, the A LaDslD 8 bu '« wo ”3 re “?‘ 1, ' l ?ml realise all ‘»e wUd and foo isb schemes . . . . , . ... with ft cornet-player. There should bo a in tlieir programme, they will be bound shipping circles are indisposed to accept the “ *!, * ., f . band and foot and turned over to tbe D emo- explanation involving a collision with a a " I . ^ } . cruts or Republicans.. Such is the inevitable schooner. None of tho officers or employes man to cn ‘ lco f , r0 “ her holno nn msune process of absorption to which every labor d - of tho vessel saw any such craft before or womau.-New lork Graphic. party ever organized in the United States of a Ulj . r i *1 i*i* It is said a conspiracy has been discovered I has succumbed. There is no virtue among yourv *iu»Me cuticura Kemedieu. I gave them » after tho disaster and the only testi- l the leaders of the Knights that can save that thorough trui, u*ing eix bottles of the cutienm mony upon which the explanation ; B m Japan to overthrow the Mikado s govern- brotherhood from such a fate. All tbe BMotvent. two bo.e.d^..ilcim based comes trom a passenger. Tbe jadg- Ulent ’ I£ lt 8 ““ eeda t,iere 18 a 800,1 opc ' n ' words and deeds of those who speak and act wmiw'be—J complete care. lij.LLi. wllil" . , ,, ... , ing for the Mikado to come to America and for lt show that they are Iho same class ot Hrtunond, Va. ment of the average passenger at 6ll0 “ B „„ „„ , be road —Chicaco News demagogues which the veteran politicians of lieference, «. tv. Inttmer. ilruggiit, soow.Mm. time is not to be relied upon. The pilot 8 . ,.... both the great parties know so well how to shill st., Blchmond, \ a. near by and the rescuing schooner bad 0 e ' ‘ 1 win over and manage. Tbe latter may be I ... . . r neither seen such a boat in the neighbor- on “ barrcn 1 s'b n<J 10,000 leagues from any trusted to clip tbe wings and the spurs of \ ;>•‘c »>.c B t other human being he could put his hand the most boastful of labor unions which My wife used tue Cutkma from I L * — I -•» •!» nnlillftAl Arena a. third oartics. I .. .1.0 .a* a *orc- leu of loug standing by the aaoie treat- 4 0 .ment. JO .. If the Southern Legislatures and veterans tempts to use them as pawns on the politi- OreeuBeid. IU. uwuuiuj "T ra ‘ “ I don’t soon quit passing resolutions enlogis- cal chessboard. Theso are the men who try ., ing that, upon a clear night, the officers cienernl Hancock thero won’t be even to mitigate tho despotism which the high ClltU lira Remedies and watch of a ship belonging to a line . officers of their order strive to Are .old everywhere. Cuticura. the preat Skin _ ... „„„1,1 a hole left of that tattered garment, the lh „ and i. ndicB Cure, so cte; Cuticura Soap, »n exqui.UeSkln llc» a . noted for its care and discipline, could maintain over me souis ana doouh (( L ,„, ic „ra lt f »olvc,it. the new m uo ,i allow a larce schooner to come uo and bloody ^'rt—Philadelphia Times. of their followers. The presence Hlrl ucr, |1. Prepared by the Potter Drug mj /?. 8 , f The able Mugwumpian Boston Heraldde- of such men make it sometimes pos- chemical Company, Boston, stnko their vessel amidships and get off un- tbat Mr Cleveland “has the Demo- sib ' e for employers to come to terms with Sell( i f ov “How to Cure Skill Diseases," seen. Nor is it reasonable to suppose that , ... , strikers by a compromise which dees not Irrn .riva scab-. Plmnlv rut OUr Skin beaut!- the smaller vessel would have sunk in . | erotic party a! im hack’-and wo believe ho ] invo lv 0 the loss of self respect or the .nr-1ITC1TSS stoutly. However great the damage done ba8 ’ Tbo 1,oruocrntic P«'ty “PPeara to have render of their business into the hands of ' ... . . ., , 8 . . its hoot raised, too.—Philadelphia Press. a conscieneelesi and irresponsible union, somo little timo would have passed be- sheriff Davidson of New York who Bat tbis better element 18 generally fore it went down, and during that time, . hA-ahentt Davidson, °t«ew lorn, wti° in th# minority . It is out-talked while officers were rushing in all direc- ‘ s w ^ aDtea m connection with the Broadway and out-voted by the disciples business, lias been found in Havana. Ho and admirers of leaders Who are only think-. _ tions sea Dgfo he o tb di(Ul ' t r „ n aW uy-not at all. Merely >»K tow they can make the most profit out A W t i|nll Uiiaa shock, somo one of them must have seen .. , . ,. I of their dupes. If the latter show anv signs /\ VV al>ll ill I* 1 l*,i^ - I stepped out to get a cigar.-Philadelphia I 0I f J iBt " in a g P tor eM 0 n add yielding to better I XL TT Cllljil ULl f‘ tes8 - impulses they are immediately tired up The arrest of Dr. Mary Walker the other with red-hot circulars or speeches, or if* affects faith so sublime as still to claim tho Georgia Midland route. This is equal to the old woman at the lottery draw ing. As each prize was announced she cheered wildly. A bystander remarked, “Why do yon take such interest in a matter paity was founded on tho principle of centralization and still stands on that doctrine, I became a Democrat because I believed, and believe yet, that the tea dt-ncy to centralization of power in the Federal government and the disposition to that cannot affcot yon; you have uo ticket. e 1 ncroaob u ' ,on th# , r ‘ 8b ‘f of tbo Beo P lu ‘ n and cannot draw a prize?" “Ah," replied ,bo htate8 10 t08 ’ llttto their domca . ,iu . lUv in Rhoilo Islntid Reams tn havn hfi«n n I still obdurate they are excluded from the tho style represented in the cut hclow to any o first of which is that the Oregon struck a * * ,. ’ , , j body. It is the policy of the trade union who will send us a club of ton mew subscribed to snnkpn wreck that hnd drifted from its I v outrft 8°* 110 0L J ottfcGS0 c ftr ^ cli generals to keep their men on the attack. The Weekly Telxok-i*h at ono dollar each. Tba 'wnuni luuiumw u , wu tuulh gainst her was that sho was a woman—and I They find that the little army is more com- will enable each subscriber to secure the parent i>wnuivu *“ V “'"*7' V4 “t v ’“ / r \“ I that isn’t indictable even in Rhode Island. I pact and resolute in an offevsivo than a do- n, e lovrestclub rate, and at the «atue time comren- Other u the hcoiy of explosion. The I 1>biladeI bla preg(| tensive attitude. Therefore we often see a „ ta clnb for bu trouble, damago was done in the department con- M .... . T . labor disturbance arising without the slight- 0sLY kkw .ciucamims-Uu,l t«, Him who. taining tho coal huDkcrs. Those who be- A 1 ^ \ ’ " gl , cst apparent cause, at a time of profound namcs Bre not now B , ul hiuc ,,A,. n wit Uiii .ti iiov/ in the active labors of the uiarry a 3 '°" D8 , nmn o£ htr rnce at ““ early not many months or weeks aftor the Ill0Illlw pnjvlou . * o.. receipt of tl,o enter an on Nihilists mav imagine that in taking date ’ “ slounded tbc tfcl ''' t ‘vcs l>y eloping I most hberiil conccsMons liiul been made by j b o„k., , V!LI . 0( „:Nr,:o. . .. .. , , .. . , I with a Dortugucao aeronaut. Sho wanted a lbo tniplojo™ to thnr handsandoveryhodj I ^ wntehc. ar. not toys, but accurate u4 on coal the Oregon had gotten on board “ , . . I was supposed to be satistied. It is in the , ..... au explosive designed for an’ English «ct.stomed tomovmg in the high- illing umca ef peace that the Inden tiinti n* WAV Tf tbcin pDinrmrimnnia WPPf t^t circles.—Indianapolis Journal. lose their gnp on tlieir men. They can bl ° and n ‘ at - The cases alwayi wear bright Tew iuan-0-war. If the.® compartments were V iait 0 r (in penitentiary)-“Whatbrought only re-estehliahit during the excitement U t, , o, , ..n.t.of «rri.d by peopl.old really air tight there may have been an ac-1 _ .. .. f-iendo" vi t of strikes, l’.y their passionate utterances cImscb lUrouttioTit tlio Cuttod Bute. ’ ° and their rapid movements from place to Sneezing? Con- pi a( . B \, Hilo strikes are in progress they I It woko the gintleman seem to be earning their large salaries. But the old woman, “there’s nothing bnposzl- blo to God." affairs is a standing menace to tho liberties of the people. And I recognized the fact that slavery is not only dead beyond resur It is estimated by insurance companies rcction, huh that it never was tho real issue that in tho United States last year dwelling j b polities, hut only a side issue—tho out houses were burned at tho rate of one growth, I will admit, of tho doctrine of every hour, with an average loss of fl,39>>. -State rights.’ Barn* and stables, fifty per week. Country “Rut because some States maintained stores, three per day, with a loss of $110,- slavery iu tho exercise of their sovereignity OOOporwoek. Ten hotel, hum weekly, no argument to me that tho Statos ought •with a loss per year of $1,000,000. Every no t to he sovereign. They were blinded othor day a lumber yard goes up in smoke, just as you are now, by self-interest. Tboy each representing $20,000. Forty-four cot- Laid; ‘IVe are sovereign, atnl in tho oxer- ton factories, tho loss in each case being ,-ise ef our sovereignty, wo will do a great $28,010; forty-three woollen mills at $25,Oiki L roiig—bold meu in bouiliigo—hecauso it each, and forty-two chemical works at $27,- in to our interest to do so.’ Ho you wink 000 each, were destroyed by firo lost year. Forty-two hoot and shoe factories were consumed, tho loss being $17,000 each. Theatres were lapped np by tho flames at tho rate of five per month, average loss $19,000. Only about half as many court houses were destroyed, the cost of each be ing about $20,000. Captain Stcki.s, of Boston has talked with a reporter about the crew of the Dolphin. The tlireo men composing it, Capt. O. W. Brown, of New York; John Hang, of l’hiladelphio, and himself, be says were selected with regard to their supposed qualification in tho behavior of a vessel at sea. They received no instructions from Secretary White ey except to report on board the Dolphin, and no member knew who the others were to be until they met on the ship at Newport. Furthermore, while in New York previous to going to Newport he asked Engineer Archibald, of the present advisory hoard, if a partisan xeport was wanted, telling him if so he should decline to serve, and the engineer replied. “No, you are simply to go thero and tell the truth according to your knowledge." “It was upon these terms,” says Capt. Steele, “that I consented to serve, and afterward, when I had become acquainted with my colleagues, I found that they bad the same understanding with re- gard to the matter as I had.” Of tho trial he says; “The Dolphin started on her trip, leaving Newport December 29, and for the first twenty-four hours, in smooth water, made fourteen knots per hour, the best speed developed during the trial. The con tract, os yon will remember, called for fif teen knots per hour. This speed of four teen knots won obtained uuder the most favorable circumstances, and with a forced* draft, As in her previous trials, she was continually troubled with hot bearings, and her engines were never run a moment without a stream of water being kept on them to cool them down. In reference to the heavy gale of wind, which the papers say was encountered, I desire to contradict that statement in toto.” He quotes from the log to sustain his state ment, and adds that throughout the trip exceptionally fine weather for the season of the year wan encountered. He also says that no inquiry was made of any member of the board s* to what his nolitiea were. ‘Tf Secretary Whitney had asked snch a question,” he said, “he would have been promptly informed that every one of us was a Be publican." hood, nor has anyone been able to get th the certainly is queer beyond all understand- or heard the cries of tho crew, or seen | reckage afterwards. There are more plausihlo theories, the I HACK ACHE, WEAKNESS, UIEKIKK PaiUH, Sorent*** ami Lium-m n wiH'ftliljr [cured l»y that now, otl^iual, elegant and infallible antidote to j>Rln and intUm- mat ion, tho Cuticura AntMain Planter. HAtdruggtata. We will mall a .Nickel-Silver Waterbnry Wxtch of cumulation of gas and an explosion from * u natural causes. During tbo toyago upon isPor b which tho Oregon was lost, it will bo re- • ' lct ~ lM » 8or^ • membered, thero was n crazy man aboard who finally jumped into the sen and was drowned. It is possible that thero may have been somo connection between this man and tho disaster. up, an’ he nabbed mo. Have yo got a bit of ultimate object of this artful manage- t ,baccy about yo, ,orr?’’-New York Sun. ' mtut ia t0 ,nake tbe labor utll0,1 look mt ’ ro > “The Waterbury; !J . formidable to the older parties aud prepare Georgo \\ illiam Curtis is satisfied with 1 the way for coming into tho field us a third the administration. Wo infer from this I party, with all tho glorious opportunities that if Mr. Curtis went into a restaurant] »'»1 money which attach 1’ersonB on bourd the Oregon dcclaro that I “ d orde f ed a ‘i uail OB tofl8t aml B ot 0 P late If tho Knights of Labor have not arrived the vessel merely shivered when tho crasb of stewed veal insU iul of it lie would be at that stage of their career it is merely a 'Tbr.e.xx „.a. .Uoat f rt ii/>* u coutent \ consoling himself with the thought I question of timo when they will do so. came. There was no such shock as follows I the waiter mount all rlcht -Phlladel- And «•« accomplished will be only a a collision. People were not thrown from tbat 100 waUcr meunt al ‘ r ' 8ht ’ 1 blladel prelude to their disintegration and downfall. their feet, nor movables shifted; and, fur- P a ' lS f' . , 1 .Mr. C. has a little voice, weak, feminine. | ABOUT SOME PEOPLE. ‘There is n dime for you, my bravo sol- ther, there was hut one crash. It is stated positively that tliero woro three holes in the at this infraction of the great doctrine of St.tte rights because it is money in the pocket of tho State this time to do so. “But suppose this hill proposed to lovy and collect from the people of Florida $999, •VIS to edneate the people of somo other State, would you say, ‘Lot the hill pass: Or, suppose tho Federal government wonld say, if we are'going to educate the people, let us make the peoplo who are educated pay for it, let us lovy a tax of $993,018 on the people of Florida, and so on with the people of other States in proportion to their illiteracy. Would you say, ’let the hill pass, would you say to the Federal government this is unconstitutional; yon have no right to meddle with our local affairs. You see there is uo stopping place when unwarrantable authority is assumed by the Federal government and quietly acquiesced in by tbe State ami the peoplo. There is uo better place to draw tile line than where the constitntion draws it.” Shade of Thomas Jefferson, to what are we coming! Here is a negro lecturing a Southern Democr&tia organ upon its de parture from the principles of its party! And the queerest feature of the case is, the colored citizen presents an unbroken line of argument and a lino of reasoning so sound that his article is published without comment. The journals that run after the liesbpots of this administration need to he told just these things: “You know tbat every Democrut in the country has always maintained that the Federal government has only certain limi ted delegated powers, and that all other powers not expressly delegated are reserved to the States und to the people. And yon know that among these few delegated powers, yon do not find the power to main, tain schools to educate the people. Tbe regulation of schools, the manner of col- lecting debts, the rules of inheritance and the regulation of all domestic affairs is, beyond all question, left to the States. “The danger of biul precedent is forcibly illustrated in your argument. Your argil ment is that because the Republican party granted two hundred and twenty million acres of Und to railroad companies tbat tbis establishes a precedent for a stretch of au. thorite and makes it lawful to do so. I d.f- fer with yon. I bold that the Federal gov ernment had no authority to take tbis land (which was bought and paid for Ly the peo ple and intended by them for tii) away from us and grant it to railroads. It ought .............. | ,, . — Jay Gould,” says the Hour, “is worth ship’s side. If tho alleged schooner had dier ’ l‘° 8 *i>'. >‘ 8 he tossed h.s coin intoThe t ».day fuily $100,000,««.” rebounded and struck tlio Oregon several cal ’ o£ “ 1,oor £e ‘ ow wbo " as bbnd ’ —Mrs. Parnell's illness takes tho form of limns, tho blows would have been fait. I " Tbank >' 0 "’ " raa tbe response, heart palpitation and sleeplessness. I’m not a woman,” was tho indignant re- —United Staton Senator Jones, tho love- ply. “Thank you, miss,” was the prompt lo ™ Floridian, is a carpenter by trade, retort.—Boston Journal. —Senator Logan will write a serios of An officer of the United States Court iu wur “ k ? lcbo ; £or a Washington journal. «-* “>;■»»«* * *^!SSS«ri4ffS»t o! a. ill,at li-t.ll.n be _ 8l[ . U(UDd ., StaW(Ul) prolul>to[ foro that court cun write thoir names. But I Transpacific cable scheme, has reached New limes, the blows would havo heeu fait. Possibly the investigation which will take place in Liverpool w lion tho officers return to that placo may throw more light upon | the subject. At presont these persons re, fuse to talk. MlierniSh's Latest. Here for once is a letter from Gen. fiber-1 a man that knows how to make his own I York, man to which no objections can ho raised, whisky is possessed of knowledge that ren-1 —Mme. Patti nssurea the Parisians that It was written in response to an invitation dtrs his happiness and welfaro altogether I in America they believed every fib she told, to a reception at the residence in Washing- independent of hook learning.—Chicago and ■’ aUl bar , we " <or J* 111 , 1 * 8 ,b ®“'’ ton of Congressman Wheeler,” Bays tho News. ^ 16 Maharajah Dhnleep Singh, poor “ I man, says that he cannot live in Loudon on Chicago Times. Now here is something which is really $l,ooo a year, and is going back to India, “A simple retrospect of twenty-two years worth making a note of. If apiece of cliar- - Queen Victoria has paid the hills for reveals Joseph Wheeler, a general of Con- coal is laid on a burn tho pain will subsido Princess Beatrice's wedding, $25,000, and federate cavalry, hanging around me whilo immediately, and if left upon the wound "'U not ask Parliament to give anything The above propnuttions enjoying a trip through tho South for the for an hour will cure it.. Thisseem.ialmost I t0 "''L ‘L,, , good of the country. Now ho is a member incredible, hut as n piece of charcoal is road- 0 f a^e!“ 8he°i* thin^and du!rp U fea'turecl of Congress in a reunited country, with a ily procurable it should he kept in every Her face has an angular character, though i—i a ‘ ■’ * ‘— *- house for immediate use and its efficacy I not all uniuuiahle one. tested.—Evening Star. —Senator Sawyer, at the age of seven- First Synicuso Socialist (in a whisper)— { ccn ’, P“ r J ll “ se< l f ro ™ W* father for one 1 ’ hundred dollars the freedom then generally “Be sure and come to the Arheitermassen- K i vt . n young men of twenty-one. vereamlung to-night.” Second Syracuse So- —The Duke of Portland, the head of the cialist—“Have I not sworn to do the hid- Cavondish-Bentick family, anil the richest ding of our honorable ordci? I suppose we I nobleman in Great Britain, has a million havo beer and red flags as usual.” Kirit »nd a quarter from Loudon ground rents. Syracuse Socialist—“No, only red flags.” ~P' £ f’ koeke (Nasby) has nuule so ‘’ _r ,, much money and has such a liking for real Second Syracuse Socielist-“Tlien blank the e -tate that he owns buildings in Boston, Arlieitermassenversamiung. I’ve got to stay Washington, New York, Chicago uul at home and lick tho children to-night.”— I Toledo. Tidbits I —Emperor William’s chest, once so Fancy halls are not always soothing to the vanity of the participatora. The chaste hear,” says Edmund Yates, ‘That any day Diana at a recent “bal costume,” with a the candlo may go out.” quiver full of arrows slung across her shoul-1 —The wife of Johann Strauss has a fan ders, which were half concealed by a leop- ornamented with the autographs of the aril’s skin, and a wieath of roses on ker ^^CJy fair brow, was, oddly enongh, mistaken for a miniature sketch of hia picture, “The Cupid! and a lady, glowing with enthusi-1 Last Day of Alozart.” asm, applauded raptnomdy her friend's cos- , —Pierre Lorillard has a new steam yacht tutue. “How magnificent you are as the h)ii 11 expressly for use in Florida waters. , , _ It is built with a double keel upon anew Queen of Sneh.t. Queen of Sheba, ex- model, with a draught of only four feet, claimed the friend with alarm and indigna- 111) feet long, and fitted np with every con lion. “I am a vestal virgin.”—Tho Hour, eeivable comfort and convenience. Mr. Lorillard will remain in Florida into May. loving wife and tw'o grown daughters, in viting his old enemy to share in the festiv ities of his happy home. I am glad of it. May ho and his enjoy tho honor and happi ness of a long life, hut since tho creation of governments among men the like never appeared before." When Sherman took the trip through the South which he testifies now was enjoyable, he was unopposed for most of the way. He left behind him a plundered people sitting in the ruins of their homes—women, chil dren and old men. Dwellings, barns, gran aries, fences ail lay in ruins, live stock and cattle were carried off or wantonly butch ered, and the personal jewels of women and children tom from their persons. This is undisputed history. Not as representing tho plundered section, but us Americans we deny that this descent of Alaric was for tbc good of the country. Sherman’s name will bo execrated by pos terity, and his record stains the png.-a of onr history. No act that demonstrates a product of this people to he worse than barbarian, could have been “for the good of tho country.” Wo deny that the letter is unobjectionable. The lluskln Case, In (he hand* of Senator Beck, who, when he fights, uses a broad axe,is making the Re publican* unhappy. They have been put upon the defensive, and Conger’s amend ment to Mr. Reek's resolution of inquiry is plainly meant to delay the publication of the truth. This case presents an argument in favor of open sessions, that cannot be answered In the cose of this man Doskin, there are paper* showing that he is unfit, end ought to have been removed long cincc, even nnder a Republican administration. Tba simple fact, aa charged by Senator Beck, that he wee connected with the infamous Another “Lahar" Party. Sew York Journal of Commerce. As might have heeu expected the little I Georgia Patents. w 'Mr. H. N. Jenkins, solicitor of patents, success of the Knights of Lal>or in some Washington, D. C., officially reports to the parts of tho country where they have taken Teijmuuib the following complete list ot employer! by surprise have turned the patents “ranted Georgia inventors for the heads of their leaders. It is now announced week ending March 9 188U: by authority that the Knights intend to John M. Iturkert, Atlanta, sash-fastening form a new political party. This end was I device; P. C, Close, Augusta, pitman; sure to come, and the sooner it comes the James McK. Johns, Glenmore, automatic better for fill those substantial interests | f- an ! K. H. Morrison, Oakdale, brick kiln, which the Knights are disturbing by threats and deeds of violence. For tbe monunt that one of these s walled “labor" organiza tions sets itself up to he counted everybody is surprised to see how weak it is numeri cally. As voter* the Knights are insignifi cant in comparison with the two great existing parties which nothing can drive out of the field. Uut it may be said that the Knights will hold the balance of power and he reedy to throw their solid What Can ba luma. Hy trytn* again an t kseplnf np courage many rains* icriutngly Impossible iuay Wstutact. liar.- 'to-d* ot bopetw roses of Ktdaey sn.t Liver Com- t-lalnt have been coreil by Electric Bitters, alter everythin* else bad been tried In vain. Ho, don't think then is nn car* foe you, bat try Electric Bit ters. There Is no medicine so snfe, so pure, and so I«<ect sBlood PurUler. Electric Bitters will core care Dyspepsia, Diabetes sad all diseases of lbs kidneys. Invaluable tn nOtettona uioaisrb tad Liver, and overcome all nrtnary dittcmlitos. Uryt bottles only Lamar, llsntin a lairs.'s. FOR S3.50 we will uond The Weekly Teleor-ipu one J**i and one of tlio abovo dencribcd watches to an? dreaa. Thin i>roj>oi»tlou U op«n to our iiuUcrltrt aa well a* those who arc not .A.ct Promptly. The above proposition* will h« kept o|>«-n fori limited timo only aud partlon who wfcph to vantage of either should do ho at once. 4a)~Ulile*M otherwise ilirt-cted wo will send d watcheg by mall, l acked in a Ptout pasteboard W and our responplblUty for them will cud wk«nti«! are deposited in tb© post-oUlue, They can be ftp tered for ten cent* aud partle* who wish thia d** should Undone thin amount, or wo will *end U- fl by express, the charge* to bo paid whin tbfj** delivered. Addrrao THE TELEGRAPH. Macon. Georg!* Make money order*, checks, etc., payable to II. O. HANbON. Man***- BE8T/%A? WORLD BisiaessEdaeaki & COMMERCIAL COLLEGE of S»tt7iSa!S , JssaT‘3 K*rk k«t Ifif »fi t Huslterea rttetres*. Im«tu lloc Tsllt*$, > »■- \%c\ Hk$ft ll»n4ulTiH' M rtUM ' ’ f>.*HruUeour*«. tetecraphy UujM. !t« VlMtiM- Or$4u$t*« fu«r$nuwai »tan^.«. wriu for rirrnlin w JJ* r IT t . km WILBUR R. bMITH. LKXUMW.* 1 *' feblM-lot wit Crawford County Sherill' SaW OEOKOIA—CUAWFORD COrNTY.-WlU^'J before the court house door, in tho to» 01 |»Ills*, (i*., on the first Tuesday in April nett, n the legal hours of rale : One lot of Und tn the Third dial rich noinWJ known; known a* the Warren Iflrkol* i'l*"’! led on as tho property of Flander* Bro*-. to a tax A fa va. tho said Flander* Bros. UtJ ^ by J. Z. Mu it If, ronstaide, and hand* d t‘> aut iu iHiswesstou notified. Mar..). I 1 mu! • * p - Kiy &\ \ PRIZE. /-I giKMl* whbdi will help all, of ‘j more money H«bt away than an j tBinrf , ^ thi* world. Fortune* await tho worker* . lure. Term* mailed free. Tree k Co- | lnovlwlj\* ANTED - KITCATIOS AS DBCG ” a young m tn with two year’* j ti I»I I Ti'Si 1 a-taut relief. Finst ‘"’J •» A I(Uy*,and n*\*rreturn*- • bo reive, no surpoelttry. sufferer* simple remedy Free by addrerein^ C. J- r^fl Nassau atreert. X. Y. __ ' ’ ^ HP! |> wasi ui>. •AOAweesjri fteDi-s raid. Valuable outfit pen*e*. Canvass tug outfll _» D “J