The weekly telegraph. (Macon, Ga.) 1885-1899, March 23, 1886, Image 7

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The S« w ‘ ] OYKH the STATE. I From thn Paper* Condensed Into Paragraph*- Wilcoi superior Court convenes next M tword Superior Court Is in sessional K w'tiuion for ft prohibition election in ■ ii-, county is being circulated. Hrhe Dubbn Tost says a number of dogs ij,sheep are dying of cholera in Laurens . D to flvo hundred acres of land ; i, t C Bvron Vm be devoted to melons this committee soliciting subscriptions to hmild a new hotel in Home is meeting with I'biU llowlan, negro, died of epilepsy in Cobb county jail last week. He was in for Mealing. , I OT ), e & Williams bavo opened ft skating I rink at Americas and will give daily per- ItcrmaDces. Some miscreant lias stolen tlio door of I the Baptist cburcli at Snellville, in Gwin. | nett county. loople was married near Ailairsvtlle t | (1;l ys since, the groom being twenty and 1 the bride fifty. Daring the present season the freight I agent at the Monroe depot has received 10, y»i sacks of guano. The artesian well at Americas has at last t, een abandoned, and tlio tux-payers tire consequently happy. Robert L. Johnson, who lives two miles from Adairsville, killed four large wild turkey* at two shots. ■ yit" is the nnnie of a new post-otlice recently established in Wilcox county. 8. p. Wilson is postmnster. The measels njo reported from ull sec tions of the State. It is proving fatal in some portions of Worth county. The Sherwood Comedy Company gave a performance in Hawkinsville Tuesday night lor the benefit o£ the library of that place. Since Gainesviile hns gone wet, some Atlanta barkeepers say that they will re inovo to Gainesville to carry on their busi- There is a young gentleman living in I Cochran who has a wife and two children, | and he has never ridden on a railroad train >r a steamboat. The Marietta Journal says the town girl lean ride a horse with more grace than her | cotiutry cousin, hut the latter can stay in | the saddle longer. A community near Cavo Spring, in aoh I vertising for a teacher, says the applicant I “must he made of steel, and thut he will | neither lie, bend our break. In Snndersville, Saturday, while Mike | Samuel was engaged in cleaning a well, the I rope broke and a bucket tilled with dirt fell |cn him, breaking his collar hone. Josh Humphries, while passing too near laUi'O in Hightower’s stable in Jouesboro | last Wednesday, was kicked in the eye, which may result in the loss of it. Last year a child of a negro woman living I on J. B. Stinson’s place in Talbot county | was burned to death. Last week another J her children met the same fate. C. H. Everett, of Hawkinsville, has sold lout his interest in the grocery business to ■hi' partner, A. J3. Hamilton, who will re 1 move the business to near Vienna. A pair of gold bracelets were found in I the cemetery at Xowmiu recently. They Ivere evidently stolon some time ago, and |had been secreted under a tombstone. Tom Reeves, of Sliilen, has the foot of I 'cry large wildcat, which ho killed lost Sat I unlay night in his field. He says it was the I largest ho ever saw. and weighed at least 3T | pounds. The other day, near Mnystown a little I child was bitten in the face by n dog. This I is the second time this saute dog has bitten I the same child in the face, but ho will bite | no more. Mere guano will he used in Stewart eoun y tins year than over before. It is easy | fi t it since the railroad is finished and the I woods sre full of guano agents who ure aux | ions to sell. All the prisoners in tho Sylvania jail, cx^ I cept one, seven in number, escaped last I oniiday night, among them was Hums, who I was to have been tried for murder at tho I May trim of court, . Mr. L. F. Farley, of Pike county, says ho I supplied his table, to which eight per- I Jon* {{o regularly, and four labororn, und I ksiae* Hold 2u pound* of butter from one I Cv> * during la*t month. I sJP 1 ® P*pM* nnd friends of Byron High I school have organized a school library, and 1 ^ addition to a large number of hooka al- P«itly donated, will purchase about tw Hundred choice volumes. hr. W. \V, I.oo, of Gordon, committed JUt came near proving a noriouH mistake »n taking a deadly drug through mistake i ‘dhtr day. It made him violently nut prompt remedies saved him. The family of James Holloman, in the “i-ptr portion of Bibb, are down with pneumonia and roseola. A dny or ao since * adiwoman put the clothes too near the re wnl they were nil comanmed. I, ^ c 'inoaity in the shatm of a man with 1.1 Ur ,, s ’ J )AhHC d through Millen Wtdncs- \J He had two legs complete, and just I . * Qee * were two small legs and I 1 J projecting out about twelve inches. C« v ingt° a is very much in need of a good lairhi !°* w, * tt ‘ r *workH as a protection I at 1 '* * * k** 1 had property enough I droved by Are j n the past three or four I Cm ^ lw° or three good sys- — HE MACON WEEKLY TELEGRAPH: TUESDAY, MARCH 23,1S8G.-TWELVE PAGES. one dollar^"’ f ° r ‘ he •««- Two Hat ears, heavily loaded with iron rails for this end of the Dublin ami Wrights- vUla railroad, while being polled thrmi.h Mr. Jonlan Woods field in Lwrena co^ ty Saturday afternoon, gavo way to tho burden and were totally demolished. A ^in r °f the axle, waa the cause of Mr. It. E. Nichols, of Pulaski countv, had young man ploughing a good horse Inst eek and he drove the horse, not noticing, tv. U V ,ln P ? tu . m P bole, and the horse got both hind feet and legs i u t 0 the fire and before the suffering animal could ex tricate himself, all the hair and skin was destroyed and his hoofs will probably shed or grow off. He will not be lit for uso for many months. Atja recent meeting of the officers of the Americus lire Department it was deter mined to have tho annmd tournament and parade. Invitations will be issued in a few days to the various companies in the State to participate. The prizes aggregate $110, which will make the contest spirited and lively The boys are going to work at orce, and will make a gallant fight for the first day appointed is May Tho Lumpkin bound train on tho Ameri- ens, Preston and Lumpkin road was ob structed by brush, plank, etc., in a cow gap near Randall's crossing, with n view to ditching the train Monday afternoon. Tho obstructions were seen in time to prevent an accident, and the road was cleared. Tuesday morning the cow gap was filled up again with crossties, plank and brush, but the engineer was on tho lookout and found the obstructions before accident. The following prices are offered by tho Americus firemen: First test, first prize, $200; first test, second prize, $75; second test, first prize, $75 second test, second prize, $35; best time to engino, $25. The tests are the Bamo as were had last year, and will be published in a day or two. The first prize of $200 is the largo t prize over offered in tho State, nnd will bring all tho crack complies here to compete for it. The date was fixed for Thursday, May 13th Last Saturday Miss Aunio Thurmond, of Monroo county, daughter of Air. W. H. Thurmond, by mistake, took a dose of laudanum, instead of paregoric. She was troubled with severe headache, and after taking the laudanum took a walk. Dark came on and she Hot returning, tho family went to look for her and found her a short distance away in a comatose state. She was taken homo and the family physician obtained in time to counteract the influence ot the laudannm and save her life. Mr. Dan Smith, of Lanrens county nar rowly escaped a terrible death ono night last week. Ho had lighted tho lamp and placed it on the floor near tho head of bed neglecting to replace the chimney and fell asleep. Ho was awakened by the heat on his back and found his clothes, tho pillow und some of the covering in u blaze. lie instantly toro the burning garments from off his 'person, and threw them with the other burning articles into tho fire place, his prompt action thereby no doubt saving his life and perhaps Iris house. LATE SOUTHERN NEWS. Matters of Interest Gathered From Inst Night's Exchanges. The fishermen on the North Carolina coast appear to be doing well. One caught 8U<> white slnd at a haul in Albemarle sound, and another caught 15'J porpoises at a haul at Uatteras. Joseph'German baker of JJirm- riled on ,' sday, Mr. Joe Warwick, who lives |i . ttve wiles from Americus, was work- Ikiw 1 a 'l' 0 ™ of timber with o' draw I in t ■' * , 't slipped and cut a severe gash I, , right arm, making a very painful but f°t strums wound. Mtthanics No. 2, of Americus, in view of I r » tournament, havo ordered a Li. ““‘form. It will consist of white tlan- I „ w *th blue, with a monogram I cn i “ *>*•<* caps. It will be a jaunty I ‘M pretty uniform. I l,/‘!l en ? T0 reparations are being made Iciirni. jiteweu of ilawkinsville for the Ion ewe*** tournament in that place Liu. li>. ?*• Twenty aelect companies of have been invited. The prizes I amount,,, *250 m gold, mfu. Uon works finely in Lumpkin. | t <t., | ,otue of the regular drinkers send off |iitiot“nn“'v{" io ? al i, n K ofbl, 8 T 0 *"- ,‘ h . cre |tu- ‘ ,; ar the ilrunkenness and rowdyism I kw , heRfoex us there was when wbis llomlctit “ *“re. So writes our corrcs- lcoJfe,j* » fa "rily in Glasscock conntv I'lrtn ot a nian > W* wife and three chil- Itro xSy.WWj** weight is less than F‘XihM pounds. There is another |tkoa£„r at altogether weigh jnat two ‘ mor ® tban tbe ® r,t family V' n two young men, °? foot thro^h tic cot It l8°t»licenae to carry oi A CHRISTMAS TRAGEDY. Ac'ialttal of Air, Ilute Kitchens for Killing a Negro Seven Years Ago. By the acquittal of Air. Ditto Kitchens last Saturday in tbo Butts County Superior Court, of tho killing of a negro named Joe Mays, at Worthvilte daring tho Christmas holidays or 1S7'J, the memory of quite on exciting event is recalled. As some of our renders are unacquainted with the facts in the case, ft brief aummary of tho matter is given: One day during the period mentioned above, trie colored population of Worthvilte were celebrating the holidays. A number of the bucks tilled up on bad branch bisky, and from singing, dancing and laughing, they liy and by drifted toward that epoch in drunkenness known as drunk and disorderly. As the dry woro on, tho blacks hail several quarrels with the whites, and being in flammed with liquor soon be came L 1 isy und dangerous. They made many ugly threats'of massacreing ail tho whites—men, women and childteu. Air. John AlcCallum, then a resident of Wortlivillc, was sent for, as a gentleman haring some intluence witli the negroes, in tho hope that he could pacify them and get them to go homo or becomo less turbulent. He repaired to a large crowdof colored men who were exceedingly demonstrative and mouthing dire threats. Ho spoke to ihcui kiudiy telling them that they ought not to act so unruly, and advised them to disperse and go home, or at least bo more quiet. They listened to him attentively, and when he had concluded speaking, Wylie Aluys, a big, strapping darkey, threw up his arms and shouted: “I'd listen to you ns quick a9 any white man, Mr. McCallum, but we will listen to no d—n white men.” Mr. Ale- Cullum seeing that he was only wasting time talking to the mob of drnnken blacks, withdrew. Then Air. Dnte Kitchens attempted to say something soothing, os ho also was quite popular with the negroes. While he was apeuking Joe Alays rushed upon him, nud grasping him by the collar Legnn forcibly pushing Alr. Kitchcns backward. For fully a hundred yards was tho gontlemnn thus roughly jostled onward. At lost breaking loose, Air. Kitchlns entered his store anu secured ft double-barreled shotgun. It had two loads in it, bat had failed to explode, even after caps luul keen tried upon the nippies of tho weapon. Finally the gtm was fired off, and Mr. Kitchens loaded it with buckshot. By this time tho negroes were infuriated and hunting for him. Hu proceeded to the woods not far from Ilia store and concealed hiiuself behind a log. It was now night, but tho moon was up and objects wire plainly visible. In a very short time Kitchens discovered Joe Mays coming down a slight hill in his di rection, and carrying a gun slang across his shoulder. When a short distance from Kitchens the negro paused, and raising his ( ;im took aim. It was then that Duto ent oosc with his shotgun. His aim was trne, and Joe Aluys fell dead to tho ground, pierced with several buckBhot. In view of the fact that Joe Alays hail sev- oral influential white friends, Air. Kitchens thought it best to leave tho country, qml accordingly did so. Since 187!) ho has been in this Stato and Alabama. But at last bo grew tired of being from friends and home, and last week walked into the conrt bouse and gave himself np. Time, the healer of feelings of revenge, ns well as of blasted hopes and broken pledges, hud blunted the feeling against Air. Kitchens— if there had ever been any and his acquittal was prompt und most pleasing to tho people *“ a at conrt. So joyous man, that' him for clapping hi _ iv last by si ing himself through tho head. Ilia life was instiled for $5,000, and he leaves a wife and several children. A young woman living near Greenville, Tenn., recently emigrated to Utah to join the Alormons. She was tho daughter of a minister, and all his parental influence failed to change her deteiminntion. A Jacksonville (Fla,) paper states os a fact that before the recent cold snap sever al of the orange growers of Columbia conn, ty buried thousands of oranges in the sand and kept them there for a mouth, and that when they were dug up they were found to be in a perfect state of preservation. The large poplar tree near Captain Alex ander's, in A\ ushington, haH quite a history. It is about 27 feet in circumference, 3 feet in diameter. Und r tho shade of this ro mantic tree the first synod ever held in Georgia convened in 171)0, und Dr. Springe! the first Presbyterian minister ordained i the Slate, was set apart to his work of preaching tho gospel, In Florida, with ('0.798 children between tho ages of (j and 21 years, wfiich is the school ago in thut State, there are 02,327, or more that 93 per cent of the whole num ber, enrolled in the public schools, while in Alaine, ont ot 212,390 children between 4 and 21 years of years of age, only 145,438, or but 68 per cent., are enrolled. The Clinton (N. O.) Caucasian says: Den nis Alathis, colored, whilo out hunting last Saturday evening, accompanied by his son about ten years old, after having discharged his gun reloaded it and took the gun up and placed it nnder his nrm, with the muzzle in tho rear. His son wus standing eight or ten feet behind him. The gnn went off and killed the hoy instantly. A Birmingham special says: There is a iioom in the city real estate snob as was never before. Air. II. F. DeBardeleben, coal millionaire, is an especially eager buyer. He bought to-day over $25,000 worth of the highest-priced vacant ground in the city, paying nearly $250 a front foot for part of it. One lot, for which he paid $0,250, could have been bought for $5,500 a month ago. The hunters of Florida who supply with feathers the millinery firms of the North report that tho birds which usually pass the winter in that peninsular have crossed the golf for a warmer climate, owing to the unusually cold weather. Hunters in the everglades havo procured few specimens. The golden plovers have temporarily for saken the Gulf States and are wintering in tbs West Indies. * Thomas Houston, a highly esteemed gen tleman living near Washington, the county seat of lthea county, Tenn., committed suicide in a singular manner Alonduy night. For several days it was stated that his mind seemed unbalanced and ft close watch was kept on him, but he managed to elude his guards Monday. Tho scorchers found that lie bad endeavored to jump into an aban doned well but found tho water too shallow to drown biro. Ho then at tempted to kill himself by beating his brains ont. The hair nnd blood were found on the side of a bonso where ho made this terrible attempt. Failing in this, ho pro cured n jmir of buggy reins, made a tight nooHii about his neck, tied the reins to a high limb nnd jumped from thn treo. His neck was broken by tho fall, nnd when he was discovered- life wus extinct. He was 45 years of age and leaves a family. cno of the officials looked up quietly and said: “Take a seat, air, and we’ll attend to you in a moment." I made no move, but looked around the room in a stupid sort of way. I was looking out of the window oil to a roof when the same official said: “You may come forward and take this chair." I stood like a stone, and he rose up, came over to me, and led me to a chair at the ta ble. Wbeu I was seated one of the others remarked: “Write your name, age and lost place of residence on a slip of papei." That was paste, pencil and paper. Jones County Sheriff s Sale. •I'lSAi. ecuvick rums. A sun of red IS weather warm, A sun ot blue la geuerxl storm, A orescent red Is weather cold, A crescent bine Is fair foretold, A star of rod no change Implies, A blue alar local titormy akles, A square ot black on (lag of white, A enld wave coming in all its might. trick number three, and It failed, ns the others had done. By aud by the marshal wrote on a slip of paper: “Who are you and where from?" I wrote in reply: “I am Charles Jones, of Richmond.” “But you are a Union man," suggested one officer atond. I saw his lips move, but ho got no sign from me. Tho examination continued in this manner for a full hour, the men using every artifice to trap me, but they failed to Bcoro a single point. I knew they would reserve the sharpest trick for tho lost and was therefore nerved up for it. At longtli tho mnrshnl pushed back in his chair, pointed his finger at my breast anil angrily exclaimed: “Where did tint Confederate button come from?" It was another failure. Then he turned to his companions and said: "Gentlemen, it's no use. Tho man is certainly deaf and dumb, and a d—d fool besiilea.” “Wo bavo wasted our time,” replied n second. “Ho is not only that he claims to be, bat may be of grout service to us. I'd have the officer take him over to tho Secre tary of War." “I guess I will," said the officer, and ha rang a bell and I heard the door opon. Then lie turned to ine, careless os you please, and said: “Go with the officer.” It was their last shot. I never moved a muscle until tho officer approached aud placed his hand on me. I was taken back to the guard-house, kept a prisoner for an other week, nnd then the disgusted marshal turned me loose in the streets. THE AVIT OF WOA1EN. A REBEL SPY’S SCHEME. Bright Hayings That Kell from Pretty Fem inine Lips. Collected by Kate Sanborn. We shall be perfectly virtuous when there is no longer any flesh on our bones.—Alar- gurite de Valois. No! I ain't one to see the cat walking into tho duiry anil wonder what she's come after.—George Elliot. If steamers are named the Asia, the Rus sia nud tue Scotia, why not call ono the Nausea?—Lonsia Alcott. It the Venus de Alodiei could bo animated into life, women would only remark that her waist is large.—Oulda. Her neck and arms were as naked as if she had never eaten of tho tree of knowledge of good and evil.—Jane Carlyle. When yon wish to affirm anything, you always call God to witness because he never contradicts you.— Queen of Rouwuuia. A lady onco told mo she could alwnys know when she had taken too much wine at dinner—her husband’s jokes began to seem funny. "Have seen Airs. lately?"—a lady who did all the talking. “No, I had to give up her acquaintance. I tried for two years to tell her something in particular." Alarryin' a man ain't like settin’ olon; side of him nights and hearing him tall pretty; that's the fust prayer. There’s lots ■in' lots 'o mootin’ after that—Rose Terry Coolie. Judge no one by his relations, whatever criticisms you pass upon his companions. ~ ■ ”• fe ' Db. Ouvkr Wexdku. Holmes declares that- New Yirk invented the idea that Bos ton streets were made by building houses along tho oow paths. Washington abounds in fine carriages and horses, yet two-thirds of the llnuHC cf Representatives, half the Senate, and nearly ull the Supreme Court, patronize the street cars. TmiiTv expert Japanese ivory carvers are to be brought over to introduce the art in this country. The experiment is made by an American who nos lived a long time in Japan. Eewabo S. Jemison, nil anarchist, has sued the Chicago board of trade for $75,000 (or ignoring his design for its new building nnd failing to employ him to supervise its construction. A iiohsktiiikf was hanged by lynchers tho other day in Arizona, and the local editor, in describing tho event, remarked "Jim departed this life with his accns tomed lively snap." One plank nine feet wide and twenty feet long, without knot or blemish ot any kind, and another twelve feet wide are among the contributions of British Oolumbin to that Liverpool exhibition. Chalcedony coats and incloses the coys- tnlized cinnalinr of the lledington and other mines of California; and those crusts, if cut with tbo cinnabnr, form very pretty and interesting gem stones. Among tho latest inventions is that of a match which may be used over again an in. detinite number of times, the wood being, it is claimed, soaked with a peculiar chemi cal solution which makes Isuch reuse prac ticable. “Wk go to press at 2 instead of 4 to-day," said a Tennessee paper, “in order to attend to some business of importance in the country." At precisely live minutes of 4 two high-toned-looking men with ahot-guns called, end wanted to know where the editor was. AmiLLERV is monarchic, cavalry aristo cratic, and infantry democratic. Armor and horse brought tbo rnlo of tho few ovor many; cannon helped make ono man ralcr over all, while the musket is tho agent of tho popular will and the pioneer of univer sal suffrage. A mTT-KtoBT pounder twenty-five years ago was the most powerful piece of nrltllery known, nnd It threw a projectile 1,570 feet per Becodd. Now the weight of guns lias ncrcnsed from 5 to 100 tons, tho velocities from 1,600 to ii,000 feet, and tho energies from 1,100 foot-tons to 52,000 foot-tons. Arrr.n n diet of six weeks upon hot water aud beefsteak, a corpulent gentleman an nounces a remarkable change in mental and bodily condition. Ho is six inches less in girth, indigestion hns vanished; ho wenrs gloves aud shoes a size smaller; lio lias lost the tondenoy to tako cold, and his muscles are daily hardening. AIaohalen Mii.leu, of Greenville, Pa., is 90 years old, is in vigorous health, and hns chewed tobacco for seventy yenrs. The lesson conveyed by tbo record ot this fine old lady is marred by the fact that so many peoplo who have cliowcd tobacco have not lived to the age of DO. 1'hero seems to be no moral to the case at nil. Will 6e until before the court bonso door, la the town of Clinton, GeoreU, on the first Tuesday in April lira, during the legal bourn 'of sale, the fol lowing property, to-wtt: One thousand acrea of land In Jones county, lu Hawkins and Roberta district, adjoining lands nf James Newsome, Jack- son Roberts and Win. Joliusou, and the Macon and Clinton road. Levied on as the property of K, H. Broach, by virtue of and to satisfy a mortgage ft. fa. issued from Jones Superior Court lu favor of D- Flanders A Hon vs. A. II. Broocb, the same being tbo property pointed ont lu said mortgage ft. fa. March S, lSHd. H. J. PHILLIPS, Hhcriff. who country in attendance was one gentle- a 325 fine on hands. The lino was reduced to *15, $10 of which was made up by friends and a note Uken by the county for the balance, and ao everybody went out of the court room happy, Date Kitch lns, the happiest of all. Id justice to Joe Slays, it might be well to state, he was a good enough negro when sober. He had went throughthe war with . carry on the 'Air. Sam Maya, of BroohitiUe, Florida* a »ad ring business. The Post says: It | brother of the “Decs, and wa» greatly ^ “ I “‘* r ‘ lo ? a hUfof the mayor of i civil liked by the former Uc *““ tor gambling, pre-ed dtwp regret st Jo. s kUlin*.-Jack- [ M E r *at license for any othir kind ion New*. Flaying Deaf amt Dumb to Trick Ills Guards. Kx-Rchct in Detroit Free Press. When Gen. Early made his great raid on Washington, I was scouting between his advance and tho city, aud was captured within the city limits twenty-fonr hours fit fore liis battle-tings appeared in sight. I was dressed iu citizen's clothes, pretended to be deaf and dumb, and claimed to have bceh driven out of Richmond becauso I had written threatening letters to Jefferson Davis. I hail been inside the fortifications for half a dny, and wus slowly working ont, when a couple of young men, both of whom were considerably tho worse for liqaor, halted me und wanted to fight. I hud a pencil and a block of paper with me, and I wrote: “I urn deaf and dumb." That mode no difference with them. In deed, they declared that it would be qnito a novel idea to Uek a deaf and dumb man, and one of them gave mo a cuff on the ear. In those days 1 weighed 160 pounds and hud tho muscle of a prize fighter. I tried to get uwuy from them without further trouble, but when they seemed determined to have a row, |[j gave them all they want ed, and wasn't many minutes about it. A crowd of soldiers and civilians collected, the provost guard eamo up aud the result wus os I bad anticipated. I was arrested and carried off to a guard house. One of the young men, alio afterward turned ont to be related to a member of the cabinet, followed me to the office of the provost marshal and charged mo with being a spy. No one seemed to entertain a doubt that I was ileaf and dumb, as I claimed, and my ex' amination was carried on in writing. I was asked my name, age, where born, nnd a hundred other questions, anil thin searched. They found nothing on me of a criminating nature, and I reasoned that f would be detained until after the excite ment had passed and then turned loose. After being detained three days ah officer entered my quarters one morning and said to me: “Well, dummy, you can pack up aud get out." The minute I heard bis step outside I was on my guard, but he spoke in such a nat ural tone that I came near giving myself away. On three different occasions during tho war I played the part of adeaf and damn man, and I tell you it takes all the nerve and presence of mind a man can call op. I sat facing the door, and, while I heard his words, I made no movement. He catuo closer to me and said: •■Come, pack up your traps; you are to be turned loose.” I looked him straight in the eyes without winking, and alter a bit a look ot chagrin stole over his face und he motioned for me to follow him. Ho took me to the provost marshal's office, and I was ushered into a a private room, where the marshal and three or four other officiate were seated. On the way to the office, as we crossed a wide street, the officer suddenly exclaimed: “There’s a runaway hone—look out!" If I hadn't been expecting some such thing on bia part I might have betrn\ cd myself. I gave no sign, continuing on with my bead down, I heard him growling: “They think they've got n sneker, but they'll find out their miatake!" [entered the office knowing that every trick would be resorted to to break me down, and my nerves were braced as if to a battery of artillery. I waa left by the door for a moment, when Also at same time sml place will bo sold one bay nxre male “Mary," one sorrel borso inulo named ‘ 'Hal.*' Levied on ss tbo property of Tbos. J. Wool- folk to satisfy a mortgage 11. fa., from Jonea Supe rior Court In favor of W, li. Hparka vs. Tkoe. J. Woottolk, said property polbted In said mortgage * ' 8. J. PHILLIPS, Sheriff. tnestt . Jones County Sherift’s Sale. Will bo sold before tho Court House door in Clin ton. Jones county, between the loRal bourn of aide, on tbo tint Tuesday in April next, eighty-seven acrefl of land, as the property of Lovin K. Moore, Mid property being situated in Jones county, where on tho Mid Levin E. Moore now roHidee, end ad joining tbo landfl of Lafayette Bolkcom, W. H. J. Wood and Frank Boikcoiu. Levied on and will b« Hold toHntiHfy a ft fa from the County Court of laid county in favor of X. A. Hardee’* Son* v*. Levin E. Moore. Property pointed out by defendant and written notice perved upon him. March 8,1 sad. 8. J. PHILLIPS, niart-tuestt Sheriff Jone* County. Georgia. HOLMES* SURE CURE Mouth AVusli niul Dentifrice ! Cure* Bleeding Oum*. Ulcer*, Sore Mouth, Bore Throat, CUeausoa the Teeth and Puriflea the Breath; need nnd recommended by leading dentint*. Pre- areil by Dro. J. p. k W. It. Hoiiuo-4. dontlnt*. Macon. Ga. For *aio by all druguint* and dentint*. J. G. McCrary - v*. Michael Hinchey. In equity in Bibb Superior Court. I T appearing to the court that the defendant, Michael Hinchey, i*a non-resident and cannot bo served by the ordinary process of the conrt, it is ordered by tho court that sorvice be perfected upon him by publication in accordance with law, and that he be required to answer said bill by the next \pril tenu of tbi* conrt. T. J. SIMMONS, J. 8. O. A true extract from the minute*. « JaniHamlm P. H. ADAMB, Deputy Cleric. THE FAIR! I havo just returned from New York, and will open next week an entirely new line of goods at bottom prices. It, F. 8NITII, Proprietor. do31wtf Relations, like features, are thrust upon us companions, like clothes, are more or less onr own selection.—Kate Field. A friend said to tho sister of President Cleveland, ns she was leaving Buffalo for Washington: “I hope you will hail from Buffalo." "Oh, you expect mo to huil from Buffalo and reign iu Washington.” "Whnt would yon do in tho tiuio of war if yon hod tho suffrage?" asked Borneo Greeley of Mrs. Stanton, “Jlist what you have done, Air. Greeley; stay at home uiul urge tho others to go unit fight,” replied the lady. “Pray," said an army officer, wto had been on guard duty in Washington seven teen years, to Aliss Cleveland, “what do la dies find to think about besides dresses and parties?" * ‘The heroic dcoda of our mo Jem army officers," replied Aliss Cleveland. One loves to talk of ono’s se'fso much that ono never tires of tete-a-tete with a lover for years. That is the reason why a devotee likes to ho with her confessor. It is for tho pleasure of talking of one’s self —even though speaking evil.—Mine, de Sevigne. Aldile. Alars, a favorite of tho Theatre Francois, hail offended the Gardes dn Corps nnd they went to tho theatre to hiss her down. She came to the edge of the stage, and, referring to the fact that they never went to war, said: “What has Alars to do with the Gardes da Corps:" BEGINNING EARLY. HOW TO SPECULATE! Lloi'TtE'V". . J. EDWARD GOVE & Co., Bp PEERS and BROltERS, No, 1331 f STREET, N. W„ .'Washington, DC. Stocks, Grain, Provisions & Petroleum A Young Indiana Man to Kducute and Marry a Pretty Girl, A Wahasli, Ind., special says: Two weeks ago Albert McDonald, tho son of a once prosperous merchant of Warsaw, Ind., whose death occurred a year ago, eainc to this city and stopped at a hotel. In the dining room, during the dinner hoar, AlcDonald was captivated with the pretty face of Aliss Josio Grey, the daughter of Mrs. Rose Gray, who, four years ago, becatno viole ntly insano and was placed in the State hospital fur the in sane at Indianapolis. The girl, who i* just pastil, is petite in figure, has an abundance of dark hair, lustrous black eyes and a line complexion. She is quite intelligent, and is u favorite with the guests of the house. Be coming acquainted with tho gill, AlcDon ald, following the example of lovesick swains in general, wrote her foolish notes daily, which she as promptly und foolishly answered. The climax of the affair was reached when AleDonaM formally proposed to remove her from the hotel ’ and put her in charge of his mother at Warsaw. He also promised to hear the expense of odo- cating her, and, at the end of the four years, make her his wife. Ho also stated that, on his 21st birthday, two mouths btnee, he would come into possession of property valned at $10,001), which Lad been left him by his father. This estate he promised to bequeath to Josic, making his will as soon as he is of sge. The yonng lady at oiicede- termined to accompany .McDonald, despite the attempt of Air. Newman to dissuade her, and yesterday the pair went to War saw, where she was duly installed in the honse of AlcDonald She will bext full at tend a fashionable boarding school. A Good Itlddaueo Though II Cost a Wife. XorTfitowsi IBrxM. A woman in Lansinbnrg has eloped with | M boarded with hr r and snipectvd that :retly aided'and abetted the runaways, in order to gat rid of tbs comet- player. Some men bars no music in their •onto, and an opposed to murder—sven when it to justifiable. Tun Gaulois, of Paris, informs its read ers that “Gen. Crook, at tlio bead ot G.UUU men, nno-fitth of the entire army of the United States, has been pursuing for the past two weeks ten Apocbea, who have lieen giving him n breakneck run through the immense territory of Arizona." In Disappointment valley, near the Gila river, Arizonn, n spring liroku out a couple uf years ago in a place where there had pre viously been no signs of water. The spring continued to grow in size, until it now forms a stream a font in depth and throe feet in width, and it to still growing. It to supposed that tho water comes from a sub terranean river. A tblei’Ronb invented in Germnny was attached to a telegraph wire at Wheeling, W. Va., tho other day, by electricians of the Baltimore and Ohio Telegraph Company. Others were placed at Baltimore, Chicago, and Newark, <)., and live persons conversed with much ease. The diaphragm to a cone of very fine aluminum wire connected with n horseshoe iragnet, through which a cur rent constantly passea from a battery. A iioskm'd was taken home by William Bowling, s young man employed ina Jersey City, N. J. 'planing mill, when he went to supper on Alonday evening, and, seeing bia mother sitting in a chair by tho table, her head resting on her hand, he atepped lightly up to her and placed the flower in her hair. Not observing any movement on her part, he thought alio waa asleep, tint soon found he hail used tho rosebud to deck his moth er's corpse. It wus found that she had died of heart diseaso. Tub French have n way of making a tough fowl tender in the roasting which is worth folloning. It should he seasoned and tied up securely in two thicknesses of soft white or pale brown paper and put into the oven half an hour earlier than tbo time one would choose to assure its being done. It will steam slowly in this way, and, if delicately dredged with flour when the pnper is taken ot! st the end of the half hour in a hot oven, it will como out brown and easily carved. It requires a snow storm of extraordinary proportions to depress tho spirits of the people in a Maine village. The town of Dixmont awoke the other morning to find that one of the principal streets was filled for a distance of 180 feet with a drift fifteen feet in height, aud packed so solid that horses could he driven over it. The oppor tunity, however, to cany ont a novel idea was too good to he lost. So the young men of the village sunk a shaft at the middle point on the huge drift, and, l>y working two days, tunneled a roadway in either di- n ction 175 feet long, seven feet high ami eight feet wide. The completion ot the task was celebrated in gsls style. A AIus. Hauitox, living in Victoria, Aus tralia, and her four drughlere were reduced to such a state cf mind by reading the l’all Mall Gazette disclosures that they deter mined to commit suicide together. In ac cordance with a divine revelation which one of the girls claimed to have received received froar God, the youngest child, aged 9 years, was held down on a bed while ber mother nearly severed her head from her body. The others then inode an at tempt to ki'l themselves by catting the veins in their arms. Finally they all t.ii ed from the loss of blood, and were found in this condition the next morning. Xono of them were fatally injured. C00KJT0YES ATiW AYR SATISFACTORY EIGHTEEN SIZES AUD KINDS ILL PURCHASERS CM BE SUITED If AMUf ACTUKKD BT Isaac ISheppard & Co. .Baltlmore.Mi AMIFtM' — MtllY “-MB BIST IB CHCAPCST." lleruhtKn Threshers BG.llTtr—>nTb*AoiUa&n*Turior f " • mh FOR win um*n-1 r i* nr. ^ *n »rru.-**u, uii umt< Uat tMf wi houi w4«rii| II- II raUtM it«jt ISO mu, SuO lllnHfati .es, prtr«B, a*-«nu 4**criptU«« m4 tiIuMi SlnetUM hr (.ImiIm p|| *srVfks *f YEUKTAMLR ud FI.OWKH SKLl>H, UULltll* •««. ImiiiuMi to *U. to Hvktl Qir4nrn, hvtyi be It. O. M. FERRY A CO., Detroit, Michigan. a -woman in LAnmnwirK nr a comet-player, who boarded her buslie nd. It to atrongly a the husband secretly aided an STHORNSHFLESH Th« Grest tfc tut hern .'vuikrm wUw of <JU IT.r il* rants «m<4 rwrmtla, Aomin-A Iboh Cr- roue/’ find "I'ntU TWfi OilU.*’ It eooUin* /art* tKU*4»U*H4th»S>mtk. <«B»*it#wVr7 N. J. ilofd.t r/Fjvn of Gcu .1. B. oursuUn to HUHI1AUU HkOtt.. AtlaX A t LAST ». G*. PtKK'S BEjIBD fciJXIR mm IU ilEM MEHSZSiS :n*tiri> •><!. rte. I toil! mo<I yuu « »bIu*1.U irefitL* ur>>* lilt* a Lore diBeSM'fi.sIno direv-t ions f»rr <w»lf-<nirr, frw. of X . / l .r«r*. i'r-jf. F O.«WB- B/IOCMftSOWS 8EHT to. te> any uiiiin-A. wn«j luts • r/thlu/fo.'LtoilbV. CT Utrtttb* t-t liviait'.*' *edr Uhl G hxIb, at brlt w Awr Utsn of Mi/ L Lou Hr iu (fie L'tufvi BtSU ft. (csiylrts EickUmfst In Texas. Great excitement hx* been eaossd in the »trinity of Fsris, Ttux by the retu*rlabte rwowry uf Mr. J. £, Corley, who w*s so b*l|4e*a bt could not turn in bod. or nth* hi* bond; everybody sold bo wo* dy ing of consumption. A ttUi botfle of Dr. King'* New Discovery wm sent bia. Finding relief, be bonghtnlnrge bottle nnd n box of Dr. King's Vow Life PUl*; by tbo tlose ho bed token two boxes of pOl* nnd two bottle* of the Discovery, bo wot well nnd bed coined in ionb thirty-six pound*. Trtnl bottle* of this Or ent Ptecovorr Urn Consumption free it Lnutf, Konkin * Lnairs. wiwII.H K HMiHit it t ‘'sVT 1 w.-y.v.gA. %S7S A lilf* rtl’ITU. To introduce them, wo wit nxvc AWAY 1.00U Keif-operating Washing Mardinc*. If yon want ono, send « row tixnie. P. O. and oxproon often ad one*. THK SATiQXAL CO,, n I>y stmoi. 3f. B. REWARD t tion of school vacnaciee i expense. Bend stamp I BCHOOL AGEXCT. iMBonth Clark s HL N.jq W« wsai aU Mads of tiacb