The weekly telegraph. (Macon, Ga.) 1885-1899, April 06, 1886, Image 5

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Notes Concerning the Approachint Term— jjout a veur *a«> n "uim^iu wniw* »«***?* i The Grand Jury, ich he received in tlie fatal fair ground I The April term of the Superior court will t, began troubling him ana gradually begin on the 4th Monday in that month, eloped into eouiramption. Knowing his 1 The only important criminal case to bo « were numbered he longed to coine | tried is that of the State vs. Cicero \V. Dar- k to the scenes of his boyhood, and by, charged with the murder of James Kit- hat St. FrancisviUe furnished hnu I tonberry. The number of less important by which he could return and die 1 casts is small, tho City Court having dts- nlative? anil mends. But nis I p OS(M i Q f nearly all the prisoners confined tlth failed him, and his dreum of seting ln the county jail when tho March term of boihood home again was not realized. the latter court began. In all his letters he never^disclaimed the 1 ignite a number of important civil cases looting, hut thought his shot took effect I w jn be tried, among them being several in- DeitA who recovered, though he could 1 teresting divorce suits. A number of itn- ,ts*y positively, as several were shooting I portnnt civil cases will also be placed on the time. All the parties concerned in the dockets for trial at a future terra, tight were highly connected, and with I The following is a list of the grand jurors . dtath of ^ aiulevier all holies probably I drawn for service during the term: « of ever discovering who killed Pitts. | George W. Morgan, 8. S. Dunlap, John B. Giles, W. W. Parker, Samuel C. Hoge, John B. Cobb, R. F. Woolfork, J. J. Tinley, THE MACON WEEKLY TELEGRAPH: TUESDAY, APRIL 6,1886.-TWELVE PAGES. TO DIE. , Murderer Wl.o Klu.l.d All torr Por.a.«botD«th. rv comes from Evansville, rtl Dpe stoiy few days ago a There arr»vM ‘“ ^ hHg £ eou who, ia country eluding offi- risga^ n ‘^ r C a 0U r n ewerd of $10,000 • ■— He was in J t0 J S'consmmpSon, Mid died 1 uusafUrJas arrival, at thyvu- nistt-r. °i. vSevier, and his family is one » e ,'“eminent in l’osev county. “T'li VsndcviiVs lliglit and wan- story ot sensational order, and is 3 IS 01 t.. Cunfomhor 1K70. :«s»Bt. I».,^Ptember.JH70, ^ibe P ro t;ress of the county fair st l a ,, a rty of young men be- «in s dispute, all being more mvolvea . n < Dminr winch 1 the influence of liquor, which at s saloon in town late in the " when a general fight ensued, **• , D {stols living freely used. Dur- aml fiv | pistol shots were r-four or five pistol snots were Vaudevior being one of the 'doC^“ ““ooting. and War.en Pith', “ ..mured in the disturbance, re tflffKo. left breast, dydngalmost "J““tileanother named Delta was itlily tlv while aUUVUO* oswaaa^va •>«.«« " —■ fJj’wounded, but eventuaUy recov tT W cre arressted at the time, bat 16 «»iblc to convict them, because impossibility of securing direct oti- FROM A tAK COUNTRY. Two Amt* from Syria Vtalt Macon-Thelr Story. By the 3:20 train from Savannah vester- day morning two Arabs arrived in Macon. Police Officer Garfield found them wander- ing ainileshly about the Union passenger depot, and sent them to the station house. At the station house "the children of the desert” found it difficult to make themselves understood. One of them spoke English with many a halt and stammer, while the other know nothing but his native tongue. I here names were Uornnon Joseph and John Joseph, the fonner twenty years old atd the latter eighteen. They hod a num ber of letters, among them bein'? one each from the mayors of Wilmingt , N. C Charleston, 8. C ; , and Savannah. The let ters all bore testimony to the good charac ter of the bearers, snd commended them as worthy objects of charity. A Telegraph reporter who interviewed Cornnon Joseph obtained from him the following story: He ana John Joseph are brothers. Their home is in Decatur, Syria. A war in their country forced them to leave, but why Corn non Joseph could not tell. They propose to become dealers in beads and carved im ages and to become citizens of "the land of tho free.” Each of the wanderers hart'll prayer book panted in Syrian characters, which they read at intervals while the elder was being GUBERNATORIAL. fcJKt a )’ eftr »fl® r this trial the I interviewed. The younger bad a curious of Posey county again com-1 instrument made of two reeds, one long and id jury investigating the matter, aud be- the other short. The elder milled it a . indictment was returned young By request of the reporter the ow a Unto. '"indictment was returned young I By request of the reportef the owner of I*Tier left the State. A true bill for the Ante gave a concert. It consulted of , wiw subsequently found against one—there is no word to describe the B *t(> (MWI UMIg flllpPPil I nlllflft 11 Tf Pfianinltlinl flirt ilw.itiir,/. rtf a Iiai. •and 0 reward of $10,000 was offered "tune.” It resembled tho droning of a bag cal) tore. Several detectives followed pipe, and was na monotonous as the sound VtTAiwus times, but he was warned of a bore’s voice. When the playergot well Rocmded in eluding them. ^Finally | started hew anted to play all day, but the pursuit t was abandoned and the inci- rter, aided by several police officers, fin- Llncolnton Neva: Gun Baron Is. certain!/ the choice of the people in thia section for Governor, and unless the will of the people In again thwarted by political trickery, he will be the next Governor Georgia. Buena Viata Clipper: General Gordon will prob ably be a candidate for che next Governor of Geor gia- The people or tlila State have not no noon for gotten the bargain aud aale he made of his tenator- ahlp. The Waynesboro True Citizen cornea ont In a vig orous editorial presenting the name of Colonel Johu J. Jonva, of Burke, aa a candidate for Governor, and will warmly urge hia nomination. The True Citizen demands that Burke send a delegation to the vention pledged to hia support. Baxley Banner: Judge Riramona may be the strongest in Bibb county and be may not be. that la yet uutrle. If he la the strongest it goes to hta credit, but at ‘he same time it would not detract anything from Mr. Bacon. # Both aro good men. ' and high in their county and in the entire State. Marshallvilie Enterprise: ll la reported in Atlan ta that Ueneml Johu tf. Gordon has decided to enter the contest for gubernatorial honors. Before he gets too far in the Acid many of un Georgians would like to know who he will give the office to if elected. He certainly could not live on the salary when that of United States Senator would not suffice. Albany News: The gossip about Atlanta la that Gen. Gordon lathe man selected by the combina tion to be Georgia’s next Governor, and that Judge Himmone, who baa been traveling over the State gathering strength, will, at the proper time, with draw and carry his friends to Gordon, aud thus, if possible, defeat Bacon. It may bo hand to get Judge Simmons to be a party to the scheme. Washington Gazette: Governor McDaniel's retire ment will not endanger the State a particle. If he and all the other nocu in public life to-day swallowed by an earthquake to-morrow the world ruild still move on as usual and the State would K mse only a few hours to attend the funeisl. oreover, Go' • rnor Me auiel could not be elected to a t*' rd term, even if he wished it as much aa his friends tell him they wish it. To still hold him by the shoulders snd threaten to cstansult him into a third n* initiation is unjust to other sons whom Uoorgla wishes to honor. Leary Courier: The declinatiou of Oov. McDanie- to enter the race, put a new aspect upon political t veil uinb forgotten. But Vandevier ally induced him to stop, i nnttnv, his conscience troubled him, The wanderer* speut last night at the be trandcred all over the South, most I station-house They will probably be fur- he time being spent at St. Francisvillc, niehed with passes to some other city this uhtro he went under the name of morning. Geary. He kept up a desuitory pooJeuce with relatives and a few iu- l’ARAORAPUIC. pinurv TAB BLOOD. We’re now at the vernal equinox. For the suu Las entered Ariee, Aud eoon. to obtain apring bitters, folks Will seek the apothecaries. iuixklitjah ! Oh, Joyful th* heart! the season wakes. Whose aspect now is sable. When maple syrup and buckwheat cakes Aro served at the bieatfast table. PULPIT PEW AND PEOPLE. THE SUPERIOR COURT- lit/friend*, but was never betrayed, bnnt a year ago a woundjn tlie left lun;-. PASTEUR'S TREATMENT FAILS. W.lMlttten ltufl.lan Die. of Hydropho- John G. Delta, G. T. llobere, J. SI. John- hi. In l'arl.. I gton> .T. D , Connor, \V. A. Davis, T. H. matters in Georgia, but IbU act has been explained by Gordons appearance in the field. McDaniel has bceu put aside, and Gordon will nil the vacancy accasfoned by Gov. McDaniel’, refusal to mako the race iu obedience to the commands of his political] task-masters. Gov. McDaniel’s letter to Gen. Law- ton, before the probability of Gordon’s candidacy was known, appeared to be a manly and patriotic expression, but tho development or Gen. Gordon into a gubernatorial candidate, solves the mystery of McDaniel's refusal and makes tho reason as [plain as day. ■Lnropkln Independent: The Gubernatorial race has virtually settled down between Hon O. A. Ba-I icon snd Judge T, J. Simmons, of Macon. In the convention that nominated Governor McDaniel as a compromise candidate, Major Bacon had a majority of the delegates aud only failed to secure the norn-l [Inatlon on account of the adoption of the two-1 thirds rule by the convention. Major Bacon is a man fully qualified in every respect to make Geor gia a wise and good Oovernor. Hie record as Speaker of the House stamps him as a statesman of nerve I and ability aud the many friends he made then will again urge bis claims for the governorship. Minor candidates will spring up in different puts of the |the State aud the old trick of diverting attention from a leading aud popular candidate will again be resorted to but on this occasion it will not work.l We trust that the selection of a candidate may bo made without wrangling and that trickery and ded ception may not be resorted to. Katonton Messenger: There are considerable de-| velopments in the race for the Governorship, First, I McDaniel has withdrawn from tho race. This I means something, but just what it means no one I Is yet able to say with any degree of certainty. Ba con aud Himinons are etill in ttio field. We have I heard nothing of Bacon'e magnificent beard, but we may state that he can never hope to be Governor 1 as long as he refneea to let it flow. The public I awaits with anxiety any news on this poiut. As for [Simmon*, he continues to hold himself in readiness jto preside at any and all courts to which he may be invited, and the Mtnte Judiciary has an opportunity I to cal! him In and take a needed rest The latest iu 1 ha! ha l Then what care we though the snow-flakes fly? Tiouger the days ate growlug; There's 1io[k: iu tne heart, for April’s nigh When the winds of March are blowiug. At Los Angeles, Cal., sweet strawberries are plentiful at fiftoen cents a quart. One of London’s swell clubs, the Empire, has collapsed, with $10,000 in debts. La X is the way a busy man wrote La crosse, Wis., in the address of a letter. Though spring is here, both as to calendar and reality, the pink arbutus is but a bud. The English walnut is said to be the most profitable nut-bearing tree in Califor nia. The picturesque Mr. Sam Jones says that ill-gotten gains will eventually turn into brimstone. Mermaids are wearing many an imported spring suit, cut to fit fair Americans, but lost with the Oregon. Among the bronzes by Bnrye lately sold in Paris ii jaguar group brought as much 9400f. OtUer groups brought from 18UU. to 39001 Stone quarries on the estate of Mr. Par- n*Jl have been opened and material is be ing taken from them for paving streets in Dublin. Nearly $2,000,000,000 would be due were all insured Americans to die at once. Near ly $1,000,000,000 have already been paid on ({eath losses in America. The "peaches of tho future” in some Del aware orchards are being sold at the rate of $5 per 100 trees* ho certain are the growers that the slutt of Jack Frost hasqtruuk them (lead. As showing tho influence rf Lent noon fadiiou Able circles, it is said of the 1 uiies who lnnch at Delmonico s, in New York, about one-fourth carry dainty little prayer- books in their hands. The military telegraph wire from Fort Sully to Fort Yutcs, D. T., ha-* just been taken down and sold to farmers for use fence wire—which is merely a new form of beating swords inti ploughshares. A ba/ar was held in Dublin for the bene-1 foundaBn Items About the Church and Church People Kverywhere. Bishop Horatio Totter reached his eighty-fourth year last mouth. There are flve Chinese Funday-achoole in Chicago, witn GHJ teachers and 700 pupils. Mr. Banker has given a new building lot to the Methodht church in Newcastle, Pa. The Treehytorlan league have set «mt to raise $l0U,(Xf0 for cbuitli buildings ia Chicago. The Moody and Kankey meetings in New Orleans stirred up an euthnviaam iu that city greater than *y ever kuowu there bo/ure. The second of tho churches in Florida, under the auspices of the hoard of froedmen, waa organized last month at Gainesville. A recent revival at Drury College, Mo., resulted In every student hut one, every girl tu Fairbanks' hall and all the servant** becoming CbriatWuui. The Salvation Army la contemplating arrange ments for holding In London a monster Interna tional religious convention. An eight-day mission was recently conducted In Calvary P. K. Church, of Louisville, Ky„ by ltev. U. 8. Barrett, of liendersou. Ky. The Women’s Foreign Missionary of the presby tery of WoKhington has now twenty auxiliary socie ties in the churches and is supporting a missionary teacher ln India. There was a net gain of 24 Lutheran ministers last year, and thirty new churches erected. Forty others were rebuilt or renovated, the total expense being near*/ $300,000. A “Faith Core” convention has been held In the Carroll Park Methodist Episcopal Church ot Brook lyn. The services were held three times each day, and attended by hundreds of people. Bev. S. B. Preston flnds the combined care of the Presbyterian church and the Plumer Memorial College at Wytherille, Virginia, too much for his strength, and lion tendered his resignation of the pastorate. The will of Mrs. C. C. Cuyler, of Philadelphia, leaves to the home for widows and single women of Philadelphia, $3,000, aud to the Presbyterian hos pital. $S,000, to found a free bed ln the hospital to bear hor name. Tli« work of putting a new roof on the old Epis copal church of the ancient city of Williamsburg, Vs., has tieen suspended on accountof bad weather. A Watch Free Wo will mall a iNicksl-Sllver Waterbury Watch of style represented In the out below to any one who will send oa a club of ten hkw subscribers to Th* Wkekly Tkleohaph at one dollar each. Thia will enable esch subscriber to secure the paper at lowest club rate, and at the*same time compen sate tho club agent for his trouble. Only kkw snBacBiuzaa—that is, those whoso names are not now and have not been within six months previous to Uie receipt of the order on our books, will bk counted. These watches are not toys, but accurate and serviceable time-keepers. They are simple, dura* and neat. The cases always wear bright Tens of thousands of them are carried by people of all classes throughout the United States. fit of diatremud landladies. With qiniut I endowment indifference to llieir •oggeativeceHS, come-1 Mrg j„u* p. Jones, dies were performed entitled .“Withered | Concen , lrg Ul0 ' ut0 Mr., lulls pSlunoi. Mr. Leave*" and "Cut off with a Shilling.' A iJoNEHH in a Loudon menagerie lately i , *“ w —7/* if"’ ... . , death of one of your oldest citizens, Mrs. June hod two cube, ami one of them wae trims- I j on<Mlt formerly MImr Julia Parkman. She with 1 ferrert to a female dog and reared by her. brother Ilobert Turkman went out to Macon under Tho cub baa lo«t nil ilH mother'e f^reicity. I my care in the fall of 182li**not 1W. m you had it isooHi- We hod a vory hard time lu getting up the conutry 10 1 from Savannah. You will find it related in an ac- count I gave you of early Macon fifty year* past. We never met but that we had to talk over that ing at i-ftch other. ThoMayor „f I neuf lm juht been condemned to fift^trane* | wa'y at Mr. Jones's, forty julb-s from Savannah. Rev. Joseph A. Stephan, director of the “New Haven. Conn., March 26. lHHfl.” *t agony with all the symptoms of hy-1 A. A. Subers, a 8. Psrmelee, Robert A. iphobia. The Ilunsiaus were p'ofHii I Andfr*on, W'. C. Timberlake, Hardiu T. I rumor comet. ,omewh.t ro«Hl»ely to the effwt Uist Gstholie hoard of Indisu uiisaions. 1ms sent .drt Pasteur's care on March 15tb. They Johnson, N. R. Corbin, Robert L. Henry. rH 11 - 9^°“ ,h * C* 0 « n ?r»l ‘ sr.\luii1f4 And liinrti'i'n in ntitnht>r Ail I l? \ir- , »* « t’ in,.,.], I enter the race, the people will no doubt waul him GthujiM ami nineteen m number. All George V. Wing and II. 8. Edwards. to explain bis reelguaUon as United Stetea Senator, dbe-ii attacked by inua wolves ana werej Deputy Clerk D. H. Adams htui gotten [ Prior to that resignation ho was the most popular illy Ueemtcd. Pasteur willingly under-1 the papers and books of the Court in readi-1 ®wn In Georgia. HU popularly has ^iuce some- totnat them and at once placed them U w, with the exception of tho final record. the hospital. 'Hie man who died hud I He baa done the work without BHaintance, I tranced, aud he 1 !!!? probably be able to a carefully operated upon and regularly which is uunnual. The other officer** of tho j good case for himself. He will be a formidable gjcukud with virus twice in every Court are al H0 re^y, no that the term will . tliU .. . iDtj-iottr houra since ho iimved. His begin with eterything in order forth, rapid ,to.!Sl « ral cwd^«. for Oo,’raor mm: mbit death* with, all the Kymptoma of| trannactiou of buaineaa. | suitable to Joa Brown and Aif Colquitt and their jarophobia in ita wont form, has oiierateil | u . v _ _ railroad schtmt*. Gordon la the man who st on# • Kfiotis check to public confidence in Th. 8«n«ition»t Newspaper. Urn. .luod MsU In IU. mW.ih u4 Ueorgl., n » ,u.nrtw«*w I Hash villa Union. but alas! not today. Ha baa been tried snd found eOccUvencNa of 1 futtcur I discovery. | J n ^ ^tef tQ the reqnircments wanting. He la not the true man they said he was. * • * I U. rtrtnU •••>* H.» «« *ia non . -u. —*)d sold ont his down and out office. s tnrcuyenwia 01 i Mteur ■ uiscoyery. In j, ig e ff orts ^ t h« requirements wanUDg. He Is uot the true man they sal Ihe hrst positive indications that the pft- I - tnodern denravitv he dredcM evnrv sewer COM,d not l4,re OD • l0 .° u0 • <“>4 e« ■Dl'.iv.temwss resisting the irestment “ “Tg? I .tele to the Brown rl»« snd .&,.p.ddo. lomfMtnl thoinmd von nn Sniulnv after the I cetipOOl of slander, erery ^ betrayed the iiropl* who put bin in c ■owned uiemseivefl on Sunday, alter tne | lnpklnff nllu ^ Qr{m ^ f or information: his I is thm>«A HM t tnoi a t j«* u«,»n mn* th itlAV after the I '—"—j* * r . • , u«u«jn u>« iinijit* » un pui om in giur. up Klin,.. „ . i ... iTTf 1 ' .Tr.Tr «... I lnrking place of crime, for information; bis is th. pnrchK-d i™i at Jo. Brawn ud ih. nllrcad ojik bill lieen in the hqsplUlorerflTe m i 0 ^ haaDt th# polio, conrts. the tta«».Met Mon. ed more thsn a «i,h. di». hut w. uk him ran h. frankly hr. iwdiaud ii llmd been inocolsted more then 7SOA -11* Joifi! times. He soon afterward be- b I°, : l "'., * “«•* ob “°“ snd filthy mrat WM dl»aroortof JuMlratOf ooorai WardUlnprU... anorfctlm In the rnmil lerrtble snfferimr I °* ( n '<l ult y> greedily accumulating any offal I but we h*v. a .utoment fniui W.rd or bow thia Iv up to te “.rllill'tt' I Unproved hypothrara, ,k Tho D ’rll U, i. W .^ ** snaplclons of th. money, a email publish enort „ Under I wbentbe war waxes warm So trot oat your patched We | up candidate who resigned a $10,UQ0 office because tu. Tho has been removed to Pas- !*"* "* u ..‘""V to the ten «r. Ulwratory, where it will be made the “‘"’n^nTn^o. world ' f't' 1 . experiment by tho scientist. . (h nnathemaUze tliis freedom iu t'oto, ... 11 et cr is much annoyed by the unfa- l n ’ , ™"Zl‘rn .0 ietv requirei it; UmelhoTV^iT rH' h i“d 1W.: S athw debemS our periodicals to the level *11^ ' lUsiats tuat it eitablUhes of conit ur deny them th« nZK.. .privilege of unfettered exprceeion, which It I tbiSjriitu'Vim'd:raiwbi\mon'coBMmptiue| but JtertartS It is time weVoUowed'lhe'oxample 0 o^anra- 3 ■Sue IS? experimentally ^The^ othTr ot decent exhibi3on», xba announcement by Oov. luH-i tn -{ii °“ k I and label our daily paper "for men only,” I Md antel of his intention not to be a cemiuuu to, P ftllentH nn doing well. I ^ ^ virtuom* women and the better class 1 re-election to the office of Goveraor greatly almpli- It would not support him and bla elegaut family Wasbisgton Ufa, and now meekly asks for a $&&» office, and only Governor of a State at that. Oh. what a change! But. then, when the boeeea crack of.pollce oonrt register*, or deny them the | JSS.SJrUtto'jSfifS™ S3£ ny,utt “ ,r For some- Bosfeixn The Wouisu with tho Umbrella. . . Boston Globe, it w very clever for Mr. Howells to try ptove that to know what a women will do nut would be to rob life of its salt and raw.—ra. ,,■. u m aor greatly i of humanity ms, avoid th. contsminstiou * u ~ ^ fc^.y" of modern jouma ism. any number of “dark horses" who hoj^. by so Hnsplelon Attache, to Them. „ lo „„„(„„( „„ Ullfl , NowtleU.BUrtn.ra pcrally in In Uu toed rf SrttrhomST U?. BSU.1 .nd wmud for. 1. ■n. k.ra I f Tl . u u every hunUy bra bran found more nunounml cnndldnlra .re M...r., Iiwun ud Sim »mr, lint it is quite clear that Mr. flnwells than bain* powd.r. For lb. purpora uaUi T o both of them th. Boporur fraU kindly. htVer int-d to naas a woman and her UU- of underselling those powders of absolute purity Judge Simmons has made a good record • ‘ " *’chalons are safe for u»e In | m. ^.nch and Is. locally, a The imurovinucnU to the church, both inside and out. will be extensive. Bov. Mr. Burch is soliciting funds at tho North. By the will of Daniel A. Jones of Chicago the Old People a Uome in that city receives the Income of $250,000. and tho sum of $30,000 Is equally divided among the board of home missions of the Presby terian church, thu board of foreigu missions and the Presbyterian hospital. The 8npretne Court of Illinois has virtually de cided null and void the will of Ihsoo Foreman, bo- qiieatblng about $100,000 to various charitable and relluloui iuetituTlons, iuc'udlng $7fi.(X)0 *o the American Bible Society and the Methodist Publica tion Society. He died at O’Fallon. Ill., ln 1«7H. and the will left his widow almost destitute. The Methodist Kplsoopal church will establish another theolqilcal seminary on the Western coast. It is to t>e located at Han Fernando, twenty mllee North of Dm Angeles. California, and Is the gift of Bev. Charles Maclay. He gives a ten-sere plot, and the buildings, which are to be ot brick, with atouo and trimming*, and $150,000 for tho and has* developed thu affectionate dispoHi- tion of ite wet-nuree. The French and Germans are still peck- I **> ueT * r uict but that * fine and 100 franca damage* for coiling un I She was a lovely woman. Macon has lost one AjsatinonPrussian. The judge.held that fetSSKSSratpS-S?i’W’Sa'taSS the epithet waa une injure. | ber Yours reapectfolly, “Lawta Fitch,’* Mi “The Waierbury.” FOR S3.50 wa will send The Weekly Tklkoraph ■ no year and one of the above described watches to any ad- drees. This pro|>ostion la opeu to our subscriber* as well aa those who are not. A.ct Promptly. The above propositions will be kept open for a limited time only and parties who wish to take ad vantage of either should do ao at once. fyUnleat otherwise directed we will Bend the watches by mall, packed in a a tout pasteboard box* and our responsibility for them will end when they are deposited ln the post-office. They can be refla te red for ten cents and parties who wish this done should inclose this amount, or we will send them by express, the charges to be paid when they are delivered. Address TUB TELEOBAPH. Macon, Georgia. Make money orders, checks, etc., payable to 11. C. HANSON. Manager. u Emoiy College Engine” . . 11 rtu- ,1/11 c. j . „ „ . 1 111. d«n,»tiil In till. Vli lulljf for the New ............ dull useil by Chief Kill Eagle nt tuc Caster 1 H „p or ;i itl state, -r.d CanaS* and lMctorlal masraere. It is of Irani wood, covered with Map of th. World. On the fare 1, .bourn »line rail- buckskin, weighted at th. top aith a heavy I mail and county n.a|i „„ „ h ..„' 1 I »d». and the dt.ialon. of ■‘SUndnrd Hallrond Time egg-shnpe.l stone. I ^ ^|, Indicated. On th. pictorial .id. are Tim bock beer season has began in Gcr- ehotrn aeperate male of th. world, Kuroiw, Aala, many. Tbe Leipsic TageblatL of February 27, cuntnintd not less thnu 106 advertii* anoeat of "Uhraty KnllpMeulu* th. World." poy- uu nts of millions ulul restanranls aunoane- U lar .D*rariun. rnlnml diagrauia ud .latlat cal ing bock beer on tap, all cmlwllishwl with uhlra. lUud. McNally k Co.. “•'era. Tar. Willingham, N. C , St ir, speaking of K.wpovt Newa. issa. an entertainment at the theatre. «» 5 *: “1 be | Bnilt at EMORY COLLEGE SCHOOL OF TECHNOLOGY. Onr own Design. Neat, Compsct, High Speed, Few Farls Easy to get at. Joint* til Adjustable. KVEKY orchentra divided honors with the plajr, nnd I Yra^ni.y’.w.’p'tiwMo!peer forward and bark, tho ’between* wer. mod* so tn.ojable I ButB«v«aSlBner*i * -* — that the few panama left their seats when the enrtain went down after each act." 8aob an orchestra is deatraction to neighboring bar-rooms. __ sound of wer. A vulture ortwo In the heavens blue; A sweet town building. * boatman’s call; The far see song of e pleasure crew; d of hammers. Aud that la ell. The aound MAfWAcnuRETT!* ha* *xp*ndod $90,000 in the nn*t twanty year* in trying to gtook her | The see grew medi And the shore shot fleraei • • V * ... ’’ell II *’ I Vka ... u .l ... ninaaftSM .b.a nM tWl ItlllPB. the effort nrovM a complete failure, anil to ile far as trade reunite are oonoerned, the re- |Hirts are diaeonnging. 1‘ouds leased and protected by sporting clubs have been suo- ccwitally stocked, and that is about all. Ms. Ri'rca Fiuaiw, of Cranberry Plains, Conn., beiog troubled by hen thieves, set a The palm, and th. plu., .ud th. era m brown; Th. f.r ,e. ran*, of th. plauara craw.; Th. air Ilk. balm In thl. building towu— And that I. Ih. plctur. of Nawiiort Now.. • rln indof —Jow|ti!n kflUor In lndop.nd.ut FIBST - CLASS IN 1-AKTlCULAH. Adapted to gin, mill, and general farm work. Size at preaent made, 618 cylinder, developing 6 hone-power, and warranted to give V> per cent, more power than ordi nary Engine* so rated. Inspection and comparison invited. Orders solicited. For further particulars, address l R HOPKINS, President Emory College, marl2d2w wit Oiford, Georgb J Advice to Mothers. IV^Trap bXre'th? d^t'STjo j j^j^'ggsmssi M: boUKu, and ooverod it with ntraw. After | •ofmna the gums, allays afi pain, cure* wind colic, acvontl day* hnd juikmm! ami no thief hurt I and lath* beat remody for dlarrhum. 23c. a botlla, (!•! been cfti»nht, Mr. Fillow endeavored to arrange the atraw over the trap. It caught iyffiwiy popular UvtPa. If he hnd, it is doubtful if he would nihS* f vi, - w °( the subject. To walk -owd.ra with rhnp and adallerued cream of «sr- I with honor to blm.rlf and Uw Slats, w wnina a Woman OB uruiny day is to take [tar, which coutains lima, earth, ete., adding j fully conceding hU fltnesa for the place, our sense s life in oue’g ow n hand*. It i* more | strength by the fue nw ^ | of Justice inclines us to sappurt Mr., 0a on. Tbera value, habilitatlon; fought tt»e csrp^t-lMH.k’ers at every the house- „|, mh1 in pi^ hVr* a salamau<ler. and. by bogus, hb tLAtifiil conduct, by his fidelity aud ability as _ found [ m lrnUlator, by bis acorn of the BUI*’* a correapondintf maacruvre, and I to be entirely different from the sample shown. | memtoe and inceMant labors for lh*lr Jou are cut off loan (jheriah for a few teat a nowder la sampled from door to overthrow, contributed more, perhaps, than auy Wild luoiMU VSL KnMn nmrn door ■«fltefeafto condemn U. A flrsLcUasarticle u f hia conumjiorartea to tha re-torulon of good IMI moment* the hop© that you.can P**’* will sell on Its marits. No canufarturer whoaa local go venunaaL As Speakar of tha Uoim be has Jtob r her umbrella. Try it. By »ome I goods are of value can afford to give them away, or ne ce*mrily largely guided aud controlled *iw eoua- Oij ateriou* mill unfathomable movement of to teat them from door to door, aud none bat the M | ( of Huta. and thia power be bee need wisely, tta wrUit her umlir.dU liftu emir hut from I ^heapeat make and most Inferior or unmarketable tklllrully and f«»r tha bast ends. Ho nobla-tulnded VonrZ? wv“i 1U uJS?5 goodTreuulre to be distributed frea In enter to get and able a public servant surely should N» «mr Ilf r d ^ hlle you are fiMbing It out Of Uja pnb j^. to ^ lheBlt and thia method U adopted ad. To th«wa conslderalkma we may add that of nis puddle, the Woman and htr umbrfllla I only by partie« who have failed to dispose of their j eminent fitnesa fur the position, Hia knowledge of -'t aheait. You nliDreeiate Ih# distance. 1 ware. Ikronsh onlli>ai7 ra* IiriMsisH .k.nraj. Ntau aff.lre. of Ik. puMI/ m.n of Urargia. man-rial ear mirila ih. f -Inn,, with I Vkra ramptra nf anklra of left at Ik. honra rreovrui. of Hi. ,-niuuiunw.alth and th. mran. of h n.w’ Vl bopT^’ “ )0U “ 0n8 1 ibould b. re*ardwl with .a.pUton. 1^ ao their devilopmetit, ie a. accurate aud full ae that of .» . , , ,. .... , Dr. It. O. Cottar, him by the liaml. ami be was bald a prisoner lB kiacon, l»H Sraond idreai until neighbor* came to hi* aid. Dteeawe ot the eye. ear. throat and no*#. Former- At White Fine, Nrv., recently, a couple MeiaUnt fur four year* to Dr. A. W. Calhoun. At of I Lillian buy* were playing with a unn anU ’ which, BS Usual, was supposed tolienu- DKNTIKTTIV—PH. 6. B. BABtTKLD, loaded, wheu it was discharged and on. of No. «e« Msltrerry Mrral. Mraon. Orar*ri, - ’ ... I OOr. hours—* a. m. to S p. — »be boys was killed The father of the , oT . K . mackrf.«e. Thom«vltK Ow. for dead boy nearly beat the other one to death | La r«mt* and Kuffea pear treoa. nnd wu* with difficulty rwrtruinert by the ■ ■ ■ — white people from following thu Indiuu cos-1 JiOlsMiCH 9 & UJll'l (JUUK tom which ldw tho right to kill the slayer ot hi* uuu. Mouth 'Wash and Dentifrice! It U found that when pemffioc i* thoi- Curea Blaadlng Gnma. Ulcere. Bore Mouth. Bor* ougblv mixed with linseed oil, Civ-A into Threat, uleanaea ilia Teeth and Purtftes tha Breath; .raoUliliu-ks, ami cooled «.ran,-be nrad to make auy fabric, at* cloth, felt and leather, | Q% / 9Tm i 9 by all drurgUts and danttta. waterproof, by rubbing it with *ncb a block, ALL FIRST-CLASS Stareleepers novleep itfor Sale TO PARENTS. Waterproof, by rubbing It wmi sneu n bloc*, I and ironing afterward to rapuili/e tbs dis- lit' ,/ AT lilf cllft */ *ft SOU tribuij.mof the material in th. pore*. If I tV Mil too much i* not put on the inetciml may be KASTMAN, OBOBGIA. made to l>e ouly Ifoperviotn* to Water, but |n4 chronic dtaeaaea a atwrialUy. Han not to air, tire uutall grua*y porire repelling dreda of certificates of cures. Will vieU adMnlny water, but not air. I countksa. (tonsultatton frea. Mwllrinr by mail ot He who t »ku* the precaution to pour a lit- » j*n A>wiyr tie uweet oil iuto hia gU-n befoie pouring the liquor iu, can rtriuk hh much aa he pltithrg I and go to bed *(>ber, but he will get up I drunk. It'* the funni«*t thing iu the world when a man 1ih* the experience for the first Dp !2l t y ilull Dg younw lf, *he *top* | ^ onJjr ,^1, Vray ia to conatea alt such samples w ttk dignity for thte crowniug reward of nnmlrt-h time, lie ran t undtrufaud it at all, IitlUier 1 x-g still. ILi* time it irt your eye gluaae*, | lmmedlataly to tho a»h banal, and to turn a dtaf M>rvlcra to (ie.>n((a. Though a forml labia caudi c * your tye*. or. if von aro voune ami agile, car to tha statement# made by tbair vendara. It te «)ate before two or threaconvrnttou*. and UioumU fuaylie von can .l.wL,** and milv hav-P the not worth white to trtfia with Ufa and healtoto tha | almost within reach of Ui« honor more than one#-, I kin n *3 'V\ * y JA i? extentof tearing ovary doubtful baking powder that b# baa inatnntly, when another choka wae mad*. w„.,u i eD . Ihe aide of your face. It | come* along. Better to rely upon an old and rellar accepu d the arrdict of his fellow citizens and hcert- md. like tha BojaL wbteh ba# by a qaartar of j gy indorsed their action. He baa naver sulknl he- Veulil be a pity to say anvtbiDg wiekeil, so bl. brand. 1 Jen an nngentiemaniy nnd nn- _ desire to swear, and accept the have adcrurtl. on. hai Ubnrrd fur thereto. W. or. nil.token in our Judttm.ot f ib« people ol Or ,rid. If their wm of loir play kOffieuM. and elhcimcy. or Home other hraod that t hotdoe. hiut liiStiitu henor, he ha« eheerially ae^ PolitA ,.rv „ worthlee. and cheap that Its prapiMom .p.Uo,, | I ' ‘| J 1 . 1 beg pardon, nr, and the nccom- ^r or d to tdv. It away hr th« cart load or w«l« wouUt Ikying etnaperating little smile thst says it In maims innomrrahle te*t.. III. In It. favor vathm I'atoiy enouJh. ••Min are so nnkwnrd'” that the Bojal Bakin* Fowdw U never slvMtaway. ,(,he Then ..... « L.T i. ™ "uS ■ raid hy ae ana of loturie*. nor acrontpnnmd by d... not call for hia nomination. »lien go on and try it over again. Dorlge C ro.k.ty. er other gift., e.cpt ih. 1 I’2bl, dot!go left, try to crawl nndor or „:fi, „t atiolol. purtty,wholra.i«netiera. fullwel/ht. J 'top over. After voo have tried it long rad raperiottve fe.v.nlh* poa.r. Iu ownmyrits m»°i U fc b . rf, a " for your solace the saying inch was uttered long ago by the wiae _ bmg Solomon, or poseikly l^n Franklin; I of“iTother brain* powdin. •'ever try to press a woman, acoworahen." Powder I. rartHed by atttt.jov.1 -I— ? 1 a. hbralately pur. rad perfect. hav. been iu chief adverUrararat. and they hav. raenred for It th. eoratoot palntns*. of Ih. ■Irnv.,1 Parental Frown.. »_**% *?r«h 29. — (SpeciaL) — Miss A Really Onnd ktorr. Itt i, o-j. — (cpeciot. j — oiisa Cankllngtann. Utica OlMtvn. Here arc a few of Ur. Conklin*', pictnr- cnqoe phrases, nsed in bis recent address upon the Broadway affair; Ibe testimony of tb« witnesses, whose eloquent fleshes of silence. •friraalers of Uie sepnlebre of tbe State's DrrnniT, Mich , Msrch 26 —A queer ex-1 ^j Vaith. nee occarred to en eatimeble raiaple st | ••gov.reiguty's sleeping sword of repeal. ■" * 'cnooenof frauds. weight than t pebble at Uie bottom begunr’s grave." With these and aianiarp<dialled metaphors id epigram, did Cockling tickle tbe fancy __ Mid convince the rsaon uf bin Albany an- the port of Mrs. Watkina wra by no means ditnc , lt w „ . fltH tol ^ ra ,Scna- visionary, and when Mr. Wotkina | tor, and it will aeitm to remind the country nu "T n ±> March 29.—Tbe nevewst | in awakening her ’** r *^^ 1 | in general that nil of Utica's grant men ora ‘ 'Jet trains •• aeaicn so.—tne st‘vcrt.11 in awaarnteg on .oo . I U jrara prevail, in this section, broken one of her riba, train *** .? ,4*“»fro«s to railroads, and’s foot ara^Lfl!!i ,t * °* voada enuring here rariouslnjnriintootharport! ; I -m.n :.v., .. ,i dm. t^^lto-nlght ln cem.tquccc* ^ j I ^ SSS! can but wifu, who h<u* *u«n him go to bed Hober the ni^Ut befoie, and real b* |>«r- KUMled Lu ha* uot got tip during the t irly hour* to take ou thu load be gppnreutly haa with him. In sneient Rome one circa* could bold over ! 00,(100 pergoDB, when from oue te 400 lion* wur® let loo*« at a liras. An^uatug fillet! the arena with 3,600 wild aLimaD, and Probu* got on a free fight between l,0UO wild bo.ria, 1,000 1,000 r\in* and 1,000 OEtriche*, nod tho occupant* of the up|>er gnllerie*—tbe godi had tho right to shoot arrox* and javellni into the utelet-. Needn’t brag so. lie cau't bold • candle to those old fellowe who UAL fiSFOP. 1886. vn U imIW FKrlE 14 ftli SM4WM*#. m ik.n.*wn*f hHinr>WM«iw4*fUfii- [i raiuiM Oni IM »•«*•, •a»fiis*tmkke«, j'rtsw, w cfUf d-wnp4Lra.« vaI««J.i4 etmUMu S^sknUM oil s#4 k ijtiW. it Ivi:r:us, Mii «s,eL te Ml. te Mnriwt Cstintm. ten4 Ut U. d. M.rrnnY * CO.. Detroit, Mictiisnn. STHOHNS'IIheFLESH Tie Owe Sartteni Kentecv e 1mm ksm stew </<A» utanto HU»HAHi» MKi AiusylUx “-te* BEST IS CHEAPEST." hadloUof fun he didnt know anything KCIlIt* t llQCCHCRQ about. How tbe world ha* degenerated) if^p^n I lli.r-^nLllO toliUff wheu one come* to look at the facta! It i* announced thst Mretn. Appert of I >>r>T ** Olichy, Franc-*, have discovered a procesa CUierBiUer rUeter. aXBDMkl’mpe ATavtor**.. Cn-Mte^ the operation* «*f glem*-making, but to magmSTAg Stows■«mm,A»>rav«,.urif uunrerastry. Many ntteiupls have teen 1 " — --- naawinajpw inode to get rid of Ibis painlnl procc teun ; *4 ini SAM JONES 1 SERMONS. I IMM limp i A'JESTS WASTED. Many baking to health, and while every one nwnrtahla own, heabmld alra have a cam for the tender ones—tbe little children. SIM FOAM contains non. of tbe bed qtmlltlea of Mdmt powders—ooda or aslerataa. lt conUlna Do nurtfalln SCIENTIFIC. AH Chmnlats who have onalyrad Ben Foam eemnwad It, Uoueekecprrs whs b will have no other. Cooks, whoee have tin tl ii MREEPWEmi etforti other now dm, ore jubilant Saves flaw, saves labor, sane lt tv positively naeqtialed. Aboohitelyinrv. Urad by the Iradln* hotels and i—taeranti * iw York i-ttr awl t In New Tars city anti tin Far sale by all nrebchua throuxhaut the country. a ASM, JONES .C CO., 170 Dunne St., N. Y. mrarr-aatkwsia REYNOLDS’ lUOiN WORKS Iron mill limns Foundries and Mitfltlno Shops. Ilninc Cene Mills Ryrap Kelllee, Steam aw MU la Iron Fronts for beikli: of all -hlnery ot all klndr. Grist Mills. Ue- Iron itailln F-nnltr.. Saw kinds ma-Mnery pairin* .i.--a en*in<>ud macklnrry n specially. Iron nnd b • costless of .very dcecrlpoon. fa fsctsnyss. iv.rythle* that is mode or kept U ‘ clora Iron tiorka. The proprietor hoe bod on exp forty yrora in the Iron bnoiaera. »• (uorantoa te raUyoa Gone Milk chrapar BUHteHtete Ktrafae • t f ever ban anybody, and that they will five (erfocta A. Rl.~TNOI.D8, Proprietor, Car. rifth and Hawthorne .mate, Moron, Oa. octM-w-U ing by tbe month. Caraa have been known I in which men's ebeaks here bewo warn aa I thin that they hare nctaallr cracked, and it I ia a common sight in a bottle bo gMi to aca | • I Vi.rlr tntk tkd*» tkin ok.o.lfra I era at work with their thin diet j jmffod oat like Urn Angara of a glove. TO weak HEM - rara _ MrlMrrtmk .riif YASi L F. C- hAVLLU.Xwlte.Uaft.