The weekly telegraph. (Macon, Ga.) 1885-1899, April 13, 1886, Image 11

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batch forcemeat of Ike law. uim determined thot u,. •plritnon* refreihinento «h»U bo Hired to the I thlntj throughout the length end breedth of the .... vkWS FBOM TUB GATF I connt J of Fulton, It may prove to bee matter of Ui *" 11 I COmiderAhtn inmnMenne ft i. _i .... I [^SlDE OF-ATLANTA. j71E MACON WEEKLY TELEGRAPH: TUESDAY* APRIL 13, 188G.—TWELVE PAGES. 11 ALL OYER GEORGIA. I ship he will bat® many forcible tcmlndera if the I discreditable way In which he Rot out off the Senate I and Joe Brown got in. The recollection off it will I oullite him.—SparU Iahuaeltte. CITY. considerable importance, it it Riven out «,*♦ at. THE WORK OF THE SHE AR8 ON THE „ In presenting the name ef Walter T. AcArthur for Werner Amrfnrr I_ { WPWaT v I'YPTT AWfiifo I honors the Laetraan Journal aaya : erner, a partner In the Arm of Kenny & Werner. I WEEKLY EXCHANGES. If we are uot mistaken in the algna of the times the liquor dealers on Marietta street, has secured the rotera of theea»- *■ "* * *' * ‘ ‘ rroi—o *--2-“.. vszz? otma T ***>««*.. «><. „ f *«„. rr 0m ■.».. d taYKSus? i jftere 01 , • at, e (tf^t meeting* | — -o —■ - —n vut unr room on l . ■ toUto tart*»■»»•■* »*•*">*■»«* | the tarrocks Mumtlon ho will bo allowed the | £ of tbo oomiutealon on the ocbool | Thl« clrcamrtoaca tent the bottom of llio matter' 4, “Lr lob* held ntthomp'tolit 4 o'clock | and 1a giving rise to much dlecusalon. Iti» u- Several member* of tho cornra!.- .erted u n fact that while tho United Stale, gov lvit night and the full board wUt be | omment will not permit Sutler Werner to regular out and ont barroom Considerable impor-1 open Oplnton- ltrlght Kaylngi of the Editors —A Look Over the State. Appling county's court house la advertised for voters of the east side of Iho fillnt are tired of f ur- nmslc without participating somewhat not much talked here, but the people i i>a Cleveland’s civil service policy and ready to vote for bacon for Governor. 1 have seen but one man who thought Gordon wonld carry the county, ami none who thought Simmons could. From all I«an gather so far Bacon will have a walk ’ In AlitMit* Uourgia.—Sparta Correspondent Au gusta Chronicle*. THE FOLLY OF FASTING. FEEDING ON THE DRY HUSKS OF THE PAST. A Huston Prencher on “Tho Trne Law of Sacrifices**—Noma of the InconsUten- encles of the Modern Prac tice—Items for Lent. umL**' ichool i< .. the selection of tho city in privilege of sellini! wines and i,z>«- . ° W _ , , I Col. P. B. Wilcoxon will deliver tho memorial ad- The old soldiers who followed General J. B. Gor- I He said: This la the Lenten season, the m—the feitcu u J P"' llP Re or aemog wines and beer. As the United dross at Newnan. don through the reverses of the late war are panic- fm & daVH f *st ot tho devoat churchman, in imita- .to ho ool.hll.hed. The citlo. Slate, government hu already been ceded eadu- Many cltlwn. of Tbomaalon attended tbo Moody ul »rljr »“*>'"'» that ho .braid avoid the whirlpool “' ,n o'Uhrlaf. fart bithed«ert-thOH who Wink ,.vut interest in the school I hIva tnHaadircHnnn nwam *1.1.. _ ___ I . Auuiuamwu munoaea me f . «»- 1 themselves devout while they really sacrittce very _ . ... , i . * vu «o« wiiu- I jiianv ciijwnw oi . jernoet Intereat iu the school | Hive jurisdiction over this reservation by the State, I mee tiN8 In Atlanta. made bids for Its luoatjon, local or oven State legislation on tho subject of of gubernatorial pintles.' Ho has suffered enough Jtamaelvc. devrat while they really sacrifice very already lor his country's sake and to accent tho llt,lc - Thnraday la our New fcnglaud Fast Tbo jatl at SyWania has only two Inmates, one of | Governor's chair in hi? present lmpovorl.hod com d »y- Tho Fast day used to ent' r our hoi. es with diuon wonld bo an aot of msrtyr.lom uot at all * - - **"- stem face. It meant something then, when it v .■tej here .111 probably pres.the claim, prohibition can bo enforced thors; and whatever In tl,om h ' ,d <or mur,ll,r ' , IU. - , -■■■:- ,l “' lr rrr*z :::0 SSL"TV b m rorll ' laor ■ 1110Bntl ' r ta >- ■mmSTuSSSSSJS&* m be ln ,e "‘ on ’ ,inlredor ‘ ,c “ ri " i “ h ±^- w ""nf“«»-• S5SS5r^^^i2^^ l 2^3S5^ta!aL5lSSS L„.„. ion Of the commiMlon. Macon interest | nutted to hU, ho will soil not only to tho officers curt , s , lperior Collrl „ d , onlo Kdltorial Solee. I - that none la so poor to do it reverence, but In- ,e.mi to bo in good bauds. and soldiers, but to all persons who may gain ac-1 iurere7ting S are d^keted.’ Kdltorial Spice. v ., , , A . *. . • , I >tead turns it to Insult. Now, tho people do not I -1 > iL™ C -°a??.* S rer ^ **t n . 7 k. e ”I > °. U I fast on this day, but rather indulge more freely. A petition ta being circulated in 8umter county I inspection to have at lesst one button iu their I and baseball and other outdoor amusements 1 pockets.—Buena Vista Clippor. I claim tho day. It haa become the day for seeking While prohibition is rapidly going into effect by I summer boarding place®. Indeed, is it not a counties the State has gone wet by a majority sev- shadow of IU fo/.'u** self. 7 should like to be tho —* #-_a . . Governor of this SUto just for one year, so as to is sue a Fasl day nroclaiuadon setting tho day apart iUulrttmroissiuu-Tu*e. r — — a r .».. »h 0 .uun fc u man mjuoni, wines or oeer, and I i » ». . I a nice carpet in a church is unfit to be in a ‘civil. I * ar ** *^”7 !*• ° r 10 I’®* IJ^ould have VS3£ Macon .»• elected chairman nnd ov.n If tho .nll.r shonid b. allowed ,o sell J ” „ a thntiH was selected u iiu>m. I anS tuta*k> hiii e.i. u i, , . ... . . .. I * I I rank McCall* ]t lisrris. lnm*n, Hodgson, Heard and I cess to the grounds. wh o compti*® tha commiseion, met in the I On tho other hand, It la stoutly claimed by pro-1 to have an election oli prohibition, nf the Govern r>r »t 1 o’clock and effected an I hlbition advocates that the commander of the poet, I Four thousand bales of cotton have been shipped lse ® tion . All the gentlemen subscribed to the both in accordance with the policy of the govern- from McDonou 8 h « lnc ® 8®P l ® mb er 1st. . efjd fe#t ' de ep.“ Eastman Journal. ^ mtu ol |>®» atlminlaterod by tho Oovomor, ment and In courtrcy to local MlstlngUws, ,wiUnot c Ji°sd'aYnm^'lte .mn?o g TM ff'ZfAny mau who can corral norvo enough to .pit on I "» a Fait day proclmnaaon retting' the day ii’.irt svendff the dny iu Humphrie*' coicmissio” entered upon it. work. Hon. permit tbo .ntler to «ll ll,„orc, wine, or boor, and Thore .re Zv f -? f ? P ” “ a ntci carpet In “hSchl. uufft to bS In a clvl” f “ *,'«*»"W *'• " r ““e?* to bo. Ilwoufd b — " .... C0U3,U — — —j I n-.. .. - - - - * I There are only two barrooms in baker ennnhr. I ,„a '•immunity.—Newnan Advertiser. | people fact. If they wvaid, but I woulf have it the coninii^ion adjourned, subject to the I strong pressure will be brought to bear agaimithim I Th ® R^ound at Clarksville and other points adja-1 P hairman. It was determined to issue a to forbid the sale of any of the articles mentioned. be ® n cot ® Wm1 wUh ® now for »• [1«{ the cb simian. sirculsr giving the act b of any of the articles mentioned. I ran much of It as | and if this should not prove successful B ml Newton county owes <30 600 unon which she Is I 8e *»? un *^ mA<1 5* ek u°M enw*® thoy were mid to do so. The idea of Lont and ■»- • t. I ^A b “ cu o ““" “ 4 I ^ I ® | aa^ajj^aahiy aisxss _ _ means of religious benefit The idea of giving sacrifices to the gods haa beeu universal and it Is a part of all While Mr. Tom P. Holloway was out hunting a j religion. To understand this, we need to note the A negro girl on the Touchstone place near Amer-1 few days ago on Mr. W. L. Adams’ plantation, he | older manifestations, and then It will be seen as ws An Indian Burial Ground. , . mil (nformation tmtri.itwy I ♦« *,.-1.4.1 aw . . i ** «« nrnnwww pjsce near amer-1 row usys ago on sir. w. Aoams pianunmn, ne 1 oiuer msimeMsuons, ami men 11 win do seen as ws try. together with touching j to forbid the sutler furnishing them to any but I tens was fatally burned Friday by falling Into I found some old Indian pot ware in the bank of a I go along how the sacrifices have been ao perverted .rwied school possible. I those beleagtag to the post. It will probably be I tb ® flr ®* I gully that had waahod in an old field. It somewhat I that they have become perfunctory ceremonials. Lular 1-to bs sent to the mayor of each time enough to this question when it come. April tern of IUn»7 Superior Court wiU 2SS2125S^2iS5SSl *?"}??* Mr. Werner, it is said, has accepted the Important itl Washington "ZZJla the commission, and shall be in not I position as sutler to Vnited SUtes troops on two I The Athens Presbytery will meet in regular 1 1 _.v.„»lof October next. No bids or pro- j former occasions and wonld net bo alow to Uka ad-1 WednoadlTy^ay^itb* 11 charch * in Galne * Tllle * ’ vantage of all privilege! allowed him by the govern- g Una the nret of October next, j will be received after that date. _ aeB bere of the commission expressed them-1 ment perhaps 3.10 years since. While making __ a. .. -— - .1 *— ap p fMO the spirits of those who had _ before. Although they had ceased to on I while the graves were not exceeding three by four I Inhabit this world, it was th night they had j feet There ate aereral inure graves it the same I not ceased to exist, and had not changed in their Bev. Henry McDonald. D. D. of Atlanta will de. I P 1 *®® which were not disturbed.—Thomaston Times. I natures and characters, merely putting off the body liver the commencement aermon at K. E. Lee In- ■*”’ K ” - fW u greatly plcwea wnn cacn otuer, ana mere 1 me people off Atlanta have been very anxioua for I illlul ® 1U xnomaaton in June. 1 Killed by Prohibition Bitters. . * UdiTnnl S ,o doubt they will work out the purpose off the the establishment of the barracks here, and it would 1S2. di^d iuddtnf/awTwo'mife* 7 S SS? I Oiese old believwa^at Uefood waa untouched,for ”«» .Sid In thl. lection In .pit. of tl>. law agaio.t reU Tty portlo^ ttaanlmjS ^ dMlrcd “• ln« InloxlMtln* drink., and white th. Jure wa. **" bnrn ?*' un tnrteHU. .plrtte I .atlefted of that apoptexr. ot_whl.h h. dl.d. WM | | in birncnj ■ taken twyond what Is Just noted. It was | in the flesh. the committee proi-oses to faithfully and ClUifutly execute the law, and that tho school of | own manufacture last Monday. From all over the State come reports of strani birds being found. They were sprinkled over The new “Wide-Awake Band” of Amerlcus ven- slave owners end in order to pacify tlteso many In icrs returned to their homes to-night. The •*Telegraph" Appreciated, htusn. April 5.—A Western business man, who Ubwa drained here several days on account of Lntai.brrau.e enthused over yestenlay’s Trijc- i M d bid In a number of copies for Western | eni Circuit. Beck*V8. the State._ Argued. | ibtttitD. ” ’ — — - . . - H.wkln.»lU.,„„ I Gcnernl.'by F. S. Haralson, C.' And.rcon, 1 "*• Arril h ” " ol mnrh Attorncy-lloneral by J. a Lumpkin, Claud in this rorreapondencs of tho proposed Ai- j^ 8 j eg C( J n t ra> 1 and Hswklnsville railroad beyond careful I The court then ndiourneil to 0 o’clock n. ictallthatbav trnURpitcd of auy lutoreal in I m> to-morrow. rHRSs, April 10.—Speakers’ places In the Junior I thslr adoration allowed themselves to bo brauded i of the Uuiversity have been awarded by tho M * tokeu of humiliation. It was then a custom to es that n circular _ KaiW U) the different cities. Tho out of town bound passenger train. His right arm bolow the . 1 elbow waa mashed off. hla left leg mangled and ou ‘ f ®[timeThuradsy. For a aix- tho side of his head crushed. His condition' is ° ™ * countv # hss ftwentv Faculty of the Unirewlty. 8ome of their-selections | brand subj^ts like cattle', and so these "people do- critical. He has a wife and two children. Ave or thlrtv^des of on com l>° Hitl on and declamation met with general monatratod their humiliation. Circumcision and Sunr^Coun^eornm hU Si MrTYJW' 1 hupr m Lourt r « rgUj. CapUln Jim Hicka of WrightsvIUe. has In hla I Dublin, Oa.; K. C. Koutz. AUanto; It. L. Foreman, I the peJ»ple in those barbarens*times inflicted rain ATLANTA, Ga., April 5.—No fi Northeast- I possession a Iliad stone which is said to have been I Washington, Ga; John D. Moss, Athens, Ga.; W. A. I „i>on themselves In order to satisfy, as thoy n Circuit. Beck V8. the State. Argued. I fom,d in the c » rcM * of » deer mM *y y®*" ®8°» Hammond. ThomasvlUe. Ga.; J. C. Blount, Macon; I thought, tho gods they worshipped. So Abraham Henrv Jackson E K Luinnkin Pone Bar- I In R yKanla Friday Mr. Silas M. Edenfleld, a I 0* c * M ,®°® b ,®®» AtlauU; W. O. Peaco<;k. Thomas I WM ready to give up hla own son. That was the rnw fL ubinliff* *\V * 4 iVrin j prominent citizen of Screven county, dropped <lojMt j ,, ®: ; brnnswlck, Oa.; H. M. 1 way in which our forefathers offered up sacrifice* TOW for l>Iaintlll, \V. S. Lrwin, Solicitor- I bin gste. it h supposed he died of heart dlMcsse. I Walker and C. M. Walker, Monroe, Ga. I to God. N«»w we coiue to that form of sacrifice C 1 '• u iv—1— n 1 Hu inter HnMrior Court convenes Mondav the . 7 „ „ . which we call fasting. In days gone by. sometimes. IfffhTwt' 7KS&X& SKTUSte few „ A„ Kx.m P l. ■Wo«h Follo»ln«, | whw . f..n,;u.chl.f ffl-1. Ih.pypl. ffrelrcj.ff tees arc on the d«H’k«*t. it will bo cleared ouiuklv I Mowtooukht, Aia.. April 10.—To-day Judge J. I much food that they hail to fast because there v . * ' re, V tmr.l Jndlrl.l circuit, teudcr-1 nothing left to e.t FmfflnR llut exUcm. huawr An Angusto mau J® about <to establish a Urge b is re«ignaUon to Governor O’Noal. and announces I produced visions, then fasting came to I* looked branch furniture anil undertaking business In War- himself an out and out candidate for Governor. upon a- n way of obtaining revelation*, and so it ronton, and 1* negotiating with Mr. 1*. L, Howell to | j 0 j iri >[ Chilton of Opelika was *r«pointed Jadon I was adraucerl by the religious. But tho world has .le are no longer lout ii to come from. Since Atlanta’s failure |r*ttiy to i-ruro the Georgia Midland, bocaose the L Trippe, No. 5, Ciicrokeo Circuit. Withdrawn. No. 0, Cherokee Circuit. Hatfield vh. I Montoomeut, April 10.—There Is trouble at I People now know that they cannot compound for Tensas, on the Montgomery and Mobile railroad. | their sins or bribe God In any way, and we do not to-night. High waters floode interest of the Public Library will have a crowded w ,r,iu. S fg ,. .a/V* "I VU “ ,, ‘* D v, ‘ v 7 !«•«*«« I °TheEUaville Enterprise rovs Mr J M Murray I High watere'flowfed^and wbmtgadthe I thtnkthat Qodenjoys the sight ot pain. Then mrj *ab«criptlo» of *100,000 could sol be State. Argued. JftH. Hodge McLean, B. < „f 0 rni* us thai while Milt intina a eh ort ”time Imck. From to-night nnUl the watora fall, cannot think the insane ravinga of a man whose si hw, there has been somothlng of a damper T. Brock, for plaintiff; T. W. H. Harris, Mince that he killed a partridge. Its back nearly white I * transfer will bo made aud passengers carried by | brain Is out of gear for lack of food has anything nvrprixFt of ibis character. Atlanta will I solictor-general pro t*m., by R. B. Trippo, I and the othor part* natural color. A strange freak | ho * t ' w » lch wtn nin Tensas and Mobile, wt an , much Ureor iub* I ffffHtril. i Bllurfl. , . - 1 * 1 No. 7. Cherokee Circuit, Alubama Great I „ Th* ■“!! °! P»rUe« who were tuim.ff out ln th. WIIY HUB VISITED HIM. DUeloeure. Cancernlni; tlio isolation of Frank lluniplirleenml HU Wife. There were some interesting develop ments relating to Frank Humphries and his wife ypaterday morning. Ever since he waa lodged in the Bibb county jail, Hmnpliriea has wanted hia wife to viait him. For reaaoiia beat known to her, aha did not do ao until hia recent go vern attack of neuralgia of the heart. Even then aho waited two dayn before coming in response to hia telegram. It aeema that Ilia wife’a ajmarent indifference angered HumphrieB. He wrote to hia brother, J. P. Huntphriea, inviting him to viait him nnd telling him that ho had an important mat ter to communicate. When hia brother ar rived IIumphricH told him that he wished to will him all hia property, as he did not intend, in ease of Lia'death, that hia wifo ahould have even ao much aa five dollar, worth of it. Alra. Humphries waa informed of Humphriea'a intentions and she at onco came to aee him. Whether he has altered his mind or not ia not known. Mra. Humphriea ia still at the jail. She lends the day in Humphriea'a cell, where mi endless conversation is kept up. Sur rounding the couple are quite a number of iriaonera. whites and blocks. Thoy pay ont little attention to the conple, apparently too mnch wrapped np in their own con cerns to exhibit much curiosity about those of others. Mrs. Humphriea ia a small, thin, rather good looking woman. She has expressed no opinion as to Humphries’* guilt, but it can be plainly seen that the suspects him. She appear* not to have much affection for him, a thing under the circumatancea not at all unnatural. UongreMman I’ulftxer Ite.lgna. Nitw York, Apnl 10.—Joseph Pulitzer to day resigned hia seat res Representative ia Congress from the Ninth New York district. Nothing Like It, No medicine that has ever been known ln thw South so effectual ln the cure of all those diseasea arising from an Impure condition of the blood as Koeadalls, the Great Southern Remedy tot the cure off Scrofula, White Swellings, Rheumatism, Piru- plen, Blotches, KniptU n«, Venereal Bores and Dis eases, Consumption, Goitre, Cancera, and all kin dred diseases. Iloaadalia purifies the system, bring* color to the cheeka, and restores the aufferer to » normal condition of health and vigor. Uosadalis, tho Great Southern Remedy, cleansoa the blood and give* permanent beauty to Ibe skin. a than would have secured the Oeorgla d. It livery improbable icteeaabi penuaded to opon their purses so > - fcil’j. If there any money to be made ont off | u c I icRta# probably capitalist*! can be Induced to THE CHATHAM** CENTENNIAL. B f ,ro !4 C0 £P ft i? \V V L lki r n ^“^^°rff.«o,ru? &„?« .»u»..,a, I.,.,.;.- w..h captain J. C. on their nnnes ao Wife. Argued. W. IS. «J. P. Jaco-I tug 9133.U00. will be heard ln Dike Superior Court) Sliaw of Savannah. | some of these old customs long after the IcCamy, for plan tiff; Me- [ next Tnoeday, The fire companies tn Americne are practicing I Central nvliroad. waa in the city to recommend It, or that thin poor Irinh girl making < I.nI i;lad ItecauM aho aUrvca huraelf while •he Boea *b<mt her work. We ahould not Veep old things because they are old. or reverence them for l '* * ** cuatoma .* on with long after the original CaptJ. 0. Shaw, general tr»volln« offentot ,a. I f«ffln« ot them 1. forRotten. 4a**.u,„ popular .ub- "N ft U 0 naT Bank o( Ch. inoogm Wui,,! ,ho enterpri.e will fall of .uo Argneil. McCutchen & Shumate, W. 1L a aithfint in anV wav Itiintiillnn to i1i.nnnp.oo I «> ” . ■ • . • re * ww ... V lie raniu Cutchen A Shumate, contra. I Th. Are companlM tn America. »rc practlrtnit 1 Central railroad. wii.-lo the clljr jre,lerdair .... .. No H Cherokee Circuit. Maaaengalo va. <>»UFfor th. comlog toorn.m.nt. tlroat lutote.t to let Ih. public know throimh U.mlna poiter. tho ■ «tm of thorns... Tho c< no. o, yuerosee varouiv. oiawouguiu vn. u mOTU „ M , n .ppro^hln* conte.t sod th. slwsotlon. which th. Oh.lh.ra Artlllcrc'. cnlcn- tr->i«on !■ that th. wcrlffMof qT vUitlnff will h.vo to best tw.ntj flv. nlat eclebmilun would offer. He declared that from cro.. waa th. culmination, and that 11 1 ids to tea. the 1300 prix*. 1 I..-.--, — i withe-oi. . . . .. «*»«««. aitv-uwiiuu u. »umuuw, v.. Kcouuff w »>n wo pnw. i tuo tnuicationi ne Deiieveu tnai evei ntin any way intending to discourage | l> ft yno, for plaintiff; J. H. Anderson, 11. J. I Conyers Weekly: We understand that there Is a I gK would pour into Savannah upon •owrprlM, your correspondent feels constrained ) McCain v contm. I white uisn In this town that takes his mssla at a I ”R will be a grand gala week,” he nprww the opinion that work on tha Hawkina I Nn ft* Tbombon Cirrnit. Clmr-n ws I negro boarding honae. He is no cltlxan off the I cauae the occaaton wlU briug togetb< jnproM tb« ovinlon that work on tha Hawkina 6 rallroal will progreas for the present mostly I Mann. Fonche, J TlirNatiinah, Uubllnand Western. L, . I»U,T». AjHl (.-An important the indicationa he believed that everybody In Geor* that occanion. continued. The Lord's Supper in the Roman Catholic church I don of tho mass. Tho common Chris-1 Christ c thla ratbfled j the Lord. There remained no more noceaalty for I aacrlflcea to Ood. bnt Uie old church must keep on | In the old way, and at every maro the wafer ia | 41«» b-aliht ot tha Macon, Dublin and Savan h hllrwl talldcn. Th. party ron.I.u of P«.i- h ric.lmaaa of th, Davannah, atffx, Pi—idfat IliiehMi of the Macon and _ _ t John M. atuhbi, director of the latter, and Court then adjourned to 9 o'clock •. m., to-morrow. 1 together the srandeat I turned by the paator, aud ia auppoaed to enter Into | nthe South. At least I **»• divine nu" •*«*»» *** t..r.-»*r I U be present, coming | *»®®d® to be an Among them will be | cuatoma of om u, | some imqoui *u«» worm wver for their faultless I omafh a Atlanta Bureau. Mr. Niles ia a careful. | drilling. During the celebration tha monument to | out food to give. —— — . -■— , painstaking news gatherer. The whole prero of the | v»thaniel Greene of Revolutionary fame will I thinks Ood la pleased becauaa he la hnngry. There I ^Utel**lad ( te Jiav."Chick^ back In harnM. again. | SSSSW Si ] S-yg-g| fo.1 rochwi* for the completion of the road. 1 w M,otiatin| With Lowe k Englleh for a ^raaoterr.f convicts. Tbla wUl be aattefac- p tenplchd to-morrow. The official, .ay all n.lateofP«.i- “'rS”'?,*' K. f nVon orc A fann.r Hr In* not far from Wrl,htavtll. had aa I ■•Whmar.Th. drill rmulir OarPurttao f.iher.lh<,ughtr.ll*loa w-wmethlnv Dublin and fhe Bom* Cireult will taken ’JP J 0- lenUrall.ldofllnayoun* corn llteraUy tom up by “T*.y arc within tbo city llmlte, and arc e«y of "“ride, la tha ' u b ,I morrow and the Coweta Circuit, probebly, I th# roote and completely mined a f«w day. a*o by I acceM. Tb.r will be known a< Camp Washington.” I taw of all Uto. It la a common thin* with Ml pec- aeon and Dub-1 ou Haturdar. I adrova of hnnmy black birds. They had actually I ‘-When will tha celebraUon be«lnr' I P 1 -. for thla la a world In which nothin, aver laid tha whole field In waete before the farmer die-1 -It will b^tn on the 3d of May. A aalnte of ona I * or 5 oU * l “*l Till J!3. covered hla torn. hundred pin. wUl b. find at mnrtee. Dnrtn, tha *?•»,«»'“ J • At th. Method let panona.# tn Oraen.boro ta U»r “-"wtU»-»jwand parcd. tbroa*h tb. prln « vbooje ta. urcnfc wep^ foMUn^ba. mowln, a lar*e chlnatTrry tree. In the fork, of rtpal etrcete. Dorln. the week will occur the in- gre^trnth a^ .ope and Mppurcrc. w. mwa tha Owe. about fifteen feet from the pound, a I fanOy prlrc diJU cf rcmpante. entertn. for their | ffC. L i.oTv. .f* m. yonn. cedar haa apnn. u j and te xrowln. hardily, nialdan drill, the find prioe heln. five hundred I ..x. ui to Mtcrifire lust theee thlnn that stand b.e->«ta .honttwelve Inchrc hl*h. and rcem. ?»‘tarc «d tt. rccondon. hnndra dolten. Ate. n.r«y“of to taTd.XmUSrf™, JUh^ «d ou Haturday. Atlanta, Qa., Apnl 9, 1880.—No. S'. ficirinw Poll of both roads. They arc *tv-1 Cherokee. Argument concluded. No. 10. Cherokee. Argument continued. No. 11. Cherokee. Argument continued. Romk Circuit. No. 24 continued. Rome. Colqnitt, Gov. |- -alArrAfurnirnu arc .attefactorj. Honda arc 1 ernor va Smith et a). Argncd. C. Andomon, *ta boedon and work will *o rapidly for- Attorney-General, Hennr Jockaoo, Dabney n * 1-1/ Will remain In the city to morrow IA Fonche for plaintiff; Underwood A Rowell | contra. No. 7 continued. Rome. Davenport. Argued. Underwood A Rowell t u *■ A ‘ f ‘ 8 '~■ta* 1 nl*ht two freight train., | for " " la rt° W ’ vrorulnic east collided _ ^ | ' *' jr 8ia Pai-ific lined near tha elghty-eeventh I Fouche, assignee. Argued. Underwood A I around between hi. vet and .hirl. am the tm»tn««* 1. mm plated. A FreightTrainColll.ion. | to be In a thriving condition New railroad, a new eompraea an the thrce I the citizens of homier nner etande In tho way of I about the head and ibouldera, and F«J‘Utrti up In hU caboo.e. Hla enplueer. , . _ ■i“P. la lumping from hie engine, fell and wa. | Blanco A Noyea contra. “’•-J oil about the head and brutaed. lllafire- ” * try drill, the first prim being I court honM and .muon I ™ d”^rc.Amlf.^‘m5“l^*v.“Smte yoar higtortUta'ttaa rccrlficc It. I entsrprisee now on foot by I n, ^ xh# /rsud cavalry tournament I altoply for tha aake ot doing ao la nonaanaa, anil I , * county. All of them are JJJJJ iSIwat£Srfc£55s off the walk In this «»®»^ * no virtue In it. If pride la a fault with I ' arcond facte and tbelr contraction wUl be began Jb, nrcfSri?i^dU °ffthli™u°dr^doUar.aud lhe I r OI >. am-rlfirc that; If yon have a fretful temp—. 1 Timwn Ata] Tll I at an aarly day. Wort on the tea factory ta pro* | Hf .,. 0 nd ona hundred dcllani. There will bo Indi- I •trifle# that; tf jou like gossip too much, aaunflea . . , _, . J? I grceeln*. and anothwarteMan w.U te contemplated. I uSantrr drill, zouav. .xh’bltlon drtUe and I taM; tf you an clomfi.ted and aUngv. kmpln* ivenport Argued. Underwood A Itowell w 4 . Wi4 1252ii5III2Z.Januni*^roa on. I money not for iu tru* use. saertfle# that; if you r plaintiff; Ivey F Thompson eontre. ^5?SS2jgS?Sl~ e^ng'JSnUyT^ tml.avl. r ._.mrtfic. th., ; and» J ffi.rctemythlng No. 2 continued. Rome. Nevill va after reaching hlz .ton felt eomethlng movlngdal'y at»o'clock,a.m.The drUUwlll begin *t in , C onSiialon. r l.t nz note twTor three imlnte; ‘ ‘ 'Th An Inveetlga. red ta. hffigtae drcm pmodrc Oil H^S^ClTte Lta’ H' ^h^rate will tbi'Antral railroad odhrt” «>• tavtaric world I "Aa unual. the Central will offer a rate that will I *• not feed on the baaka oMhe^—et^Ood doer^not Momeftl—dime—whlehaffilrt mankind arc nrVln- allyeanaedbyadizordaradeondHlea<j<tli< LIVER. Fhr an com plaints of this kind, meb aa Ton, i.lity of the liver, BUtoaenem. N-vooa tW-l-ia. Indlgea. tkm.lrte*»lariu of the Bowels.Ccnztlpallcn. FUlo- Inucy. Brnetatlone and Burning of the P'omuh (Inmitlm— eaOed Uearthnrn), MIz—l, AlaUrla, III . dr Flui. Ohille and Ihrcr, Bnakhooa FWver. ».*■—«— befnrc nr after FWvera, Ohrcote DUr- rhme. tom ef Appetite, Uaadache, Fool Death. Irregnlant'ee lacktental te Fbmaloa lteaftog^own ^^STflPIGERlS AURAMJI teinintluabta. MiaaataBmmaaalwiBMmmh tmti-AgiZS? nil dleeneaeeftim LIVER, vfiVUKR STOMACH and BOW ELS. It change, tbo eempleztew from a wait, yellow to a raddy, healthy color. It emir.!/ ti—me loony iptrtta. It tz one of tho BEST AL TERATIVES nnd PURIFIERS OF THE BLOOD, nnd Ig A VALUABLE TONIC. STADICER’S AURANTI! FcgealikgenDrcgz' ' ■ -ti.oo i-' '-n> C. F. 8TADICER, Proprietor, MO 80. FRONT ST., Philadelphia, Pa. martldemhw fim f-t Th. engine, and several car. were I Rowell for plaintiff; Dabney ft Fonche ton .bowed that he had been carrying one of I J* 1 , °»»'l'>ctor McDougall of No. 51. wm contra. M?kn^w”ng“t waMh^rc. * ‘ ,U ' I ”''Ae na'tiai.'tbe Central will offer a rate that will 1 1 Ho- P 1 Th y m ‘ o' Yr^lTlntiff- “»• b 'tah Van OUrcn. a denUst of Bavanuk. Sr.^ru. 1 "^wa‘i W filcY. T S "lltSfttSS: «“ pSn U o^ri '. I ?); Argued. Ivey F. Thompson for plaintiff; | took a does of belladona and morphine Friday 35»JfiSn«aM«owi. FaSJiircrcwmucarried »•» “oolyonghej through in Intake. When ha diffcoTirad hla into- | | A Kataimaii g>n both retniKr * , m! fi^vlal traltn.** I that which kill* tha l taka ha hastened to I>r. E. O. Nichols’ office, but I ji e f® in Macon much lntorrat la iaken in thacele- I *" on *y ollowmbla when it leada tod ... waa verv much sxhanated whan ha got there, j bretjon Nearly everybody will attend, including J ? **® °* to th® higher Joy. Doty Is a godly angel, | Dm. Nichole and Stone applied th# elomach pump. compaoSS? 7 ®? d thing# that now am hareh will by *nd by ba and Dr. Van Gleaen waa afterwards taken to the I awuiaiywpaai | all sweet music, and It will suit the anthem to | hospital. That night ha was considered out of ' ** * ,l1wr ' colored, broke hi. right teg In to-morrow. Court then adjourned to 9 o'clock a. m. eaane. II. wm brought up to [ 'III today. Atlapta. April 10.—No. 1 Borne Circuit Argu- I, „ I No. 3 Home Circuit. Barber et al. va. Rhaffer et Ig ^T 1 *; '' ow, ‘ Rr ~ , “ r *p |jl ? » nJ ± w n p'icCUtehT h 0eo™e N ‘‘u.ter'Mntrlu I» Thoma. county a 1 Cutlo’i N w M comln * up ff™>» No. 3 Rome Circuit. Diaml-rd. I Rhtaht met wttk azwjoM - . . ShttaugaR knowing that be | No. « Home ClrcalL Blanche k Noye. va. Ltd-1 ‘ No. I Coweta Circuit Freeman v*. Oalther. Ar- r% a tisss a ‘ “• “• ,or ,,uu “ ur; T - %£ a5^<^S2de, ltl2f™Tnr^u , S£ No icSSrte^nlt. Cook et at vz. Wrcver, n-verthylm. It 1. tn... Mr. Knight la doing m w.U iscntor. Anjuroi. II. Buchanan. McLendon k M oou d P®®#tbly be expected. Inr^ , * ! * 1 V,ftc p**"®***®* doe here at 7:30 Lk t t* Dot * rrtr ® kBtO to-night about 7 r Vtffo d^uyed by the wreck. B Tr * ,n 'Vrvckera Captured. JprflUlbtiiflTI Bill Jones haa Jna Ty* Uortda* where he aucceaafully fin- I * “**" 1 l,v " profcaaloflal work. During imrcitatru.-t mawre placed on the track of L* 0 - 1 ' 4 IUilw ®y ®»*d Navigation Company. P ^.rair. wot, wrreked and robbed. Tho roll- 1..", * In the hands of Detective Uf arrival r‘ B J |JV f-'l «of»3 1 '1 .t'r.d 1 ] Freeman J. 11. S. Davie tor plaintiff; P. H. Brew- Dr. Charlc T. Illch. the Janitor ot the Medical aterawntra. I College In Augm»ta* died st hi* wsldenc# Friday Court then adjourned to 9 o’clock a. tn. Monday morning. Dr. Rich wa* an old and well known It i* probable that tbo Flint circuit will bo riUzsu of Augusta, and ba* held tbepo*ttlon of ian- rc.vhcd on Mon lay. Itor of the Medical Cfillege and proscription clerk at th# hospital for the |>**t eighteen year*. He wro v#ni nr*' Nothlnw Win eighty-two year* old. and ao well acquainted wash© Nothing \ c ut u re—Noth In g vv In. wUh ' th ,. coW* and each cf its departments that a A* a pharo of life tn tho < rrecent City. It will In- j rw y ,. 4ni *««> i,« panaff-il th© naiitinatlona and wa* struct many to know that certainly the l'Jnth Month-1 CO mpllmentoMl with a medical diploma from tho ly and tho Grand Quarterly Drawing of tho ttorii- 5r-E5S35fess?sS?ss^SaLaj3sK.^sasgttg I everywhere. The reenlt wUl Intcrc.t at tea.t the » 1 ,j„ tand-car waa in motion, knocking him IU© tr 1 ..... I ..... — I I it.. .1* If- THE STEAMER GODDARD. Heaven’s eUrnal life. CHICAGO CURIOSITIES. An Interesting Relic of Bygsne Days on th# Oemulgee. Tlie discovery cf th© remains of the steamer Goddard J»»*t below tho *lte cf tha old Georgia railroad bridge wa* an Interesting event. Since the river has fallen to It* usual height, th* relic of by- gone day a on the 0< ruiitgee may be plainly aeon an examination laat ’ of the ■teuuer'a ©ng Yesterday morn lug Captain formed of the dU«o*ery. He exprt toreat In it. bnt said that he did not think the aW-amer waa th© QodtUrd. That craft, li* tlurnght, . , w-u sunk aoue^liatance dowu th© river. II* rotd. I ac«iU UQtnnctt Of Sun >» lul. however, that It wa* not Improba* le that It wav th© Goddard. It might have been tied up at Macon for ths summer, and might have sunk at the ap«t i , , , . .. where tha remain* of the old ateamer were washed I »Rcht*H of tuo floor. Th# nrul# over her up by tbe recent great Hood. According to bis re-1 finery wore a gennino gealskin gae<|ne. Thn niembrance, theatesmer wassunkfn I*M. Jt was | company wer>s ivcoompnnied by Augusta's Chicago* April 8.—8uq Wah, a China- | J * w - BURKE & CO., . JTnratted In it. dilcuvery two The ceremony waa .‘"ite mShie.r7 to«n«d by the Rev. Oeonte B. Walker, a niug Captain a. O. Bu u waa lo- Baptist rniniritcr, who is also a practising •■srtiJHL’iBrr. 1 .? 1 rJ , .V n Jp|'y>'W»‘*.«»Abbott-. oa°^ N0.125 lark street Mr. Abbott is a friend and Tbe bride- OoUJatJ. but before It .ank lu nun. m changed Iota.Black Hawk. S|.e*ktng of navigation on the Oemulgee, Captain i, , ar * un, ter bond In iAkeLItjr, I t’lnclnnatL O ; ona (|15,(k0 waa held bjr Olaf An- R!™-_ MUvls, >akandone Jailed at Oalnee-j deraon. No. 4 to Cbctunt .trceL Ban Francteco. f *• TW m. n >r> .kite and black. Tho •'al.; another tenth wa» patdto Well*. Fargo AOo.a r I ' c ”*<»luvt i'„„, , . . . Bank. Kan Francteco. Cal.: tbe rcraiuder went to li..,,. 1< atruug. and the, will be r^ le , lD Omaha. Neb.: etc. etc. The ttecond kl«r ., DetecUve Jonea U modeatlr tJaplwl prize of »50.(WO waa won by ticket No. r ' hu »«rt. which wav onlr accomnllahed HAUCTand waz collected a« a whole for a party by r FH> ■lULcm.w r accomptunea [ W( ,, u Fargo and Co/a Bank. Ban Francteco. Caf. The Third Capital Prize *».««>) waa won by No. ■ i»M 1-waa wild in tenth. .al.jl.W_ each-ona to I.-JI. . 1 I JohnOrctrc. No. 4WLf*h .traet. Now Tortetty: I prtl wan atated to-day by a roll- I one to C. Enrtz, Cincinnati, 0-:oBe to C. I. Tojng hh— I.mdon Kv.. Paid tbroagh t int National Bank of huoforl Ky- cue to J. C. Martin. Ht Helena, Cal., another wa/depoolted a. In Canal Hank. New [1 ''-ul-.iilt/. Arn.tiier Candidate. i! ail ^ prll a.—lt .tatcil to-uaj 1 '7 » . - »• » D'lltl al certainty that Major lce«„. * n "’ “* i; «dartown will be a candidate BTO L H. U « popular man l>rl^..TiL.«^ etc. Tbe"i : onr"b~Two'c4pit^ f“ ta:Uon, and If he decldea to enler the race Prize. (110,000 each) won by Noe. M.Wt and 54,154 f ta AM. n, .1,.- uccme. to eator tne net ™ i. . jpeo-one to 1. E. Prcacotl. Iviiuu, i^* rr, " c * " OB " °* taa political gw Aotoeui. Teiaz: ona n> By opi-nhelmer. Co- - ' ta-n put up recently. v I pj^^FrMl^tojej^m^^grcon Uii'lereatlmaUul. I ' " ,1 ’ -4 W.-1I known centl-ma ItSJ'b'i.'bteMo.m-!'onYm ,:k John - ville Ind.- owe to Max Wsadt, I,wifi I^wvenworih L^JPdwTknown gentleman from ^^^“‘0^’,'! Al. b, o' ,T mh ' ln ta* city to-day. aaya tha May lltb.D*!«! of which M. A. Dauphin, N.w Or- r ,,2.7*** « Rome and other place, tn teana. La. on application will ©»• I M U_« 17. „i.i ttcnlarc. Nothing venture—nothing win. When tbe Loolavtlte and Na.hvllte built Into lirlrau*. uai 15 puiW'i.ui tm»—■ "-‘ -a* «r«tly nadanetlouted. Heaaid ' “v found to be greater than tha de* ^ de,, lUU4a UM J* * #f tarongh rtjotgia. ft hr to he “ ‘ U) * m * 1 “ *« aa ezaggantloa. IAppr.hvn.lve, k » >trU ta—The peoklhttioa eewlof At. - M »‘ta a e«w aad UM zparted die- taally a email matter. Vat tf the ' irujMHo . vigilant asd rigid «n- .trol of tha UetevtUa which collect* e lodgment of »». aw tot tqvadlag what te ao. An. teboza»orr U hteag^—weted at Tate OoQaga at nee© of UN. State Politic. One Bacon ta making grsUfying nrogrero foi gubernatorial nomination—Camming Clarion. Major Cbaa. R Armstrong of Eastman la a proba ble candidate for dark of Dodge Superior Court. Tha executive commute# of ths prohibition party f Macon county, ar* to meet in Oglethorpe on Monday. April l$th. Moms of ths friends of Mr. Jeff D. Peacock are ur gently soliciting him to become a candidate for the •flea of treasurer off Dodge county. Mr. D. M. Roberta of Dodge announces himself a candidate for Senator from the Fourteenth district. Col. John F. DcLacey la also a candidate for thla position. What haa beroma of Judge Simmon*’ nn Governor? Hia boom eewm* to have ••boated” after a few newspaper Bottom ot his candidacy Ilka tar babbles.-Coaysre Weakly. Wa bare token choke some flow ago. and will bs happy when ba Is elected. Judge T. J. Simmons la our choice, and wabeltore Ire will ba th# people’s choice.—SmUhvUto Koterprien. Our fiylvani# correspondent says It I# Bulloch county’s turn for Hsnatot from tha Msrewtoslh dis trict. How. J. F. Brown and GoL T. H. Fetter, ot that county, are spoken of as raadldats# There la no reason why the politics of Georgia should be enntfoUed by a few men. It has been d#wa so keg. bownrer. that tbe people have learned to quietly swbrotysjt to a matter ot ##w> amt of groom was attire<\ in American garment#, but worn n cuo reaching to within nix I in paiijr werw nccompantea by . man, Liz/ie Wing Lee, nee Miller, who | was married to Wing Leo on last Monday. Tbe cerenfonv waa witnesacd by oevend contlemen. who were invited from the ad joining ofttctH by Mr. Ablmtt. The Rot. Mr. Walker proceeded in the usual form, J, at the ohm of the ceremony, kissed PIONEER MUSIC HOUSE! No. 7 Colton Avenue, Macon, Ga. Write for Prize, im) Oatelugare. lewlf MONEY LOANED Oa iBpnvat Fxrau anff City Property, apply ta R. F. LAWTON, Bankor, wo. nAvluxMefrelghte te end from OwyiaahVoffM I the brille , nrt ths bridesmaid, bua Wah elujuV l.uu.U with oil tbe witne-H* and left •nmalhlnit in the miniater'a hand when he I claapcd it. The bridal party took a .trout ear and I .tn>UK for "tb.'old fliu enil'.u .pprcpri*Uon f '* may i went to han'i Uandry, in the baMment of I Ulgf.i infing lo Copt Butte, it te e .If M not Improbeble. Ferk.jw mom* pmtriotlr CoognMmma who goee ' tbe teek ot nnovtnf the texe from the river. Oood Iteealu tn Every Caw. nmrnt lo umleruke I r.77 lllnu Island avennu. Lizzie Miller hod Wing I Mr. Wi Leo were h]ko married by the Rev. A FUIEND IN NEED. D.A._Brcfif OTJ ..h r te T tepeprcV r cwte : rt^To | l)r. Sweet’s InfalHblo Liniment. aooga, Tenn , writes toai be wa# #erton»iy eraictea . . T / : ., with , MTm cold that -titel oa hi. luar>: lud Rirla came from Milwaukee1 about three you* oy remedies without Dr. King’s New duccd to try Dr. King’* >.-* Dkcovery for Con_ | | n % restaurant in this city. Winu I and I °® — tor more than 10 jean, and le the best sumption, did so and wa* entirely cured by nan of J,* wSkTULlI tbl mVto* known remedy for Rhenmattom. Neurelgla. Sprain^ a few bottles. Since which Urns ba has need It In " un . ^ 4 lhw .9 r ” ocquoinUnce BnDoro, Cwto. Buma, wound* and all sxteraal m, bis family for all Coughs and Colds with beat re- at the restaurant, which the Chinamen | J arise. BOLD BY ALL DBUGOlim—TRY IT. benefit. Being in- ago. Thoy have been working aa domes ties I of Connecticut, pu.-_ 0 ,rrrforCon Sn , n-ztannwt in thU city. Wing Lm and V«ourc»fur . the greet natural Bona S ' more than 50 yean, aad la tha beat u tli© I live* have been WM Trial Attica free ha exw-rienr# of thmirond* wbo*« I visited to i»t their meal#. Both girle am I the aniona. Hon Wah and Wing Lee both I Kara Jonwa's led VIwrda to Chicago. | do a prosperous bumne##, and are reported I Jn©t be fore Sam Jon©# quit Chicago n m- to be worth over $'i,0tXJ each. They ore I porter said to him: “How do you feci after member# of a Sunday-school here, but told JJISESSlSfL.. your work here, Mr. Jotice?" their fnend, Mr. Abbott, that they bail no I m ttthl tatonwUie# he tSSwa whila*! *T fed like I could be bought for a belief in the Christian rdigioo, but attended I who wtu faveet one b«*4rwd a iuroddcrc. nickel, and I believe I wonld cheat the man bamLv-school to learn the language. There I ® ® cfc | —*®. iadJcstod wVkh wiu i who bought me. I never fell lower down ora now in Chicago five Chinamen married 1 .H* -• • g[ ■ | to white women, and ail of U>. woman art MffilteSteffte to om | Gcrmana. | BkoSagfetnaf kjowS'&'T ^ ■-p-U-ta » .pvta* »«Bt te eaftaateetteally ItRTtfftNO BUREAU, w , ealteffa 'tknmfel I l«H ffip). Ni . V :A. thin I do right now.” At th* depot then was no ona Brother Jon<-» off bat Dr. Joohoa Smith and | thuaam. re porter.