The weekly telegraph. (Macon, Ga.) 1885-1899, April 27, 1886, Image 3

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THE MACON WEEKLY TELEGRAPH: TUES1 CLEVELAND ON LABOR. pgfSlDEKT Rt COMMBJSDS A ! “ uU COMMISSION. CONGRESSIONAL NEWS, Tho Senate Take, a Hand In Railroad Ro- celverablp Matters. Washington, April 21.—In the Senate, Mr. Call offered a resolution which, on his ■notion, was referred to the judiciary com- m ttee to iuqoire whether any legislation iy necessary, it so what, to require Unitafl States when they tuko possession qyjH road property in any Statu to r.ttinii ['I'.intcil liy : i ■ ■' ! o: i ; ( ■. i i-, , and oilicera thereof, ' •‘•"l -T1.;iul appropriation tion of two more oommission- ftQ d thna, by supplementing the duties now imposed on it by snch other powers and functions, would permit the commissioners to not ns arbitrators when necessary between lnbor and capital, under ant£ on such occasions as Should be deemed proper and useful. Power should also be distinctly conferred on this bureau to investigate the cause of all dis putes fts they occur, whether submitted for aibltrution or not, that information may always be at band to aid legislation on the subject when peeessary and desirable. [Signed] Grover Ci.evei.and. „ A, ril 22.—The President SCconprcs.. a message calling ‘ to the gravity of tle «i»t;n* «ta*- u I labor question throughout the ' C atrv expressing tho opiu- T&'« proper theory on nl t proceed is .,1,itiation, as a means ot settling described, ami suggesting freb»crettt*d•commission of labor, f twee members who shall be “fficeni of the government, charged, .w duties, with the consideration o^ nt when possible, of all con- U ! M«en la! ' or a,l<i ca P itaL The ‘k the full tclt o£ 1116 oommnni- i , our form of government tho i Ubor as an element of national Ivibottld he distinctly recognized JJfireof the liisoring man should Vkd ss especially entitled to legisla- ? In this country, which offers to 'Surens tho highest attainment of Soolitical distinction, its working “ t rolly or safely be considered as odened to limits of class, cnti- Klattentioo and allowed no protest r “ JL : . Theilsboring man, bearing U Ssa Indispensable contribution Enrnvtbsiyl progress, may well insist & COMWB and as a, rignt on the CSatoairom those who make our Khaccodelto any other citizen hav- Ciuble interest in charge, and hiarcaa- la demsad liculd ho met in suoh a I d appreciation and harness as to lu-l |" Jjlel and patriolio co-opcraUon l gbieTeimct of our grand national | ‘ .0 rrsnsts advantages. ■ill the real interests of labor ■ not promoted by resort to L, jud violent manifestations, and Ifli3.e «bo, under the pretext of an Knot declaims of labor, wantonly Ci tie rights of capital, and for selfish ■tea or lore of disorder, sow seeds of Ce sod disconten I,' should neither be Kilted nor conciliated, nil legislation Kiibisd should bo calmly and de- ■fclj undertaken, with no purpose of ■*; ^-reasonable demands or gaining Kl nlvocacy. | emt or ms discontent. | present condition of relations be ll liboruid capital arc far from satis fy Discontent of the employed ia Hi i blips degree lo tho grasping and ! “ « tractions of employers and al- diacriniication in favor of capi- i in object of governmental on. It must also bo con that the laboring men are not al and receipts of* such in the interests of indi' offering the resolution Mr. Cub his recent spehcli on Florida lari pecially in connection with Railroad Company, in which J commented on the course pni United States Coart to the cM receiver appointed by the M Call now read a letter rccei^| a receiver which suited thalH (n which soino of Call's fM founded was falso and iuiaJHI h< bad no reason to W! i not an honor,iblo ho (full) liiul i, ■■■ was equally honoral tho acta were < mittee should j sideration. The Senate private penaioi prising all st tho excepticd A large nij ucter wero ing the ci of gronndi tion in tlf street; ■ m WM ■ Mm sent i^Sj •• .nut., isi gHi ai me tiro tho flames broke out on the Broadway front Getting IhiB goo-1 draft the fire licked up everything before it and the flames rose higher and higher, and grow brighter each minute. Firemen battered in the roof and walla, succeeded in directing a stream of water on tho blazing mass. The open- ng once made, a score of steamers began to play upon the roaring flames. In lost than an hour the firemen had gained the npper hand of the flames. The buildiog is 200 feet in extent, running from Broadway to Crosby street, and ia practically a double building. The ground floor of tho south side is occupied by A. Laufer * Co., importers and dealers in hats; Plonsky & Simons manufacturers of nook wear, occupy the first floor, and August Bros., manufactur ers of boys' clothing, occupy the -remainder of this end of the buildiog. The front and back north end of the bwtlding accommo date^ only two firms. J.' \V. Goddard A fleas and unjust pdiatnrbance. Though the it ihbettcr cccrd between bipar.'ni, it m.nt JMI come (orize ti -HkH his op: M >1 over a gpissary, tl Bl; that u-.iL pi of the bill l ■ attention thj I early part of |:hs Uiub. Telt |» him at tkei poo. “I thorn iwontne," laid ■ ••uuiuc, h.iKivg k—t .1 tW tho I M h»d said I ' itti> I bj tluthis (Hmnil ■regarded. •H do tay thing ah J mntnal rcHnectl »Vitntsa denied t!i ^own about the Tid * M been ascribed •kidgiven, undth k effect that the l infringenic loremenU on telen P'lJ Wlcntable, a p, Wbllo a atockh r*t in attendim P'£■*,U>«Place j Wsduated and f*" 1 . when witness Puts Although w pejiMny, yet Yd fnflly drew up the lev Ws-r.. V ■T»tre referred tj alteration oh seel *f t 'l'ap*n had baenl ^riate jndidaf so tut stake to say d held ini * iitiafied that he ltd foraing hU uttentiol Memphis suit, si Washington EJ “*« fntire mot tnSJi . 0,>o<, « cf August ' ‘sippoil JU »itneass 1.q-i/l tec «r* Orleans Demod “ ring newspaper r*x inoVdering Ho "i st -ach suit, h! WIm “ ? lK>nt Octal [ ? tae papers w \ hL er '. n P on h taa<: ontra- a»PP«/ .. }** had even declfi alnttu lh. ,3 I-iraaFa det t ? r . on old eoITegi