The weekly telegraph. (Macon, Ga.) 1885-1899, April 27, 1886, Image 8

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[DA'I [’TV.f.-r ' K' * W3’A‘-n ; *g:)ak THE MACON WEEKLY TELEGRAPH: TUESDAY APRIL 27, 168C.—TWELVE PAGE?. ^ELEGRAPIT, irSST BAT (V XHE TKAS ABO WltKLT .‘f. X ! ■# r tirt • And. Me»*ajfer Publishing Co.. ‘ n Mtilbeny Stroot Macon. Oa. Tbe Dally (a dollrerod by carrier, In the city of yaatxg, (m U> ubicrlben. for |1 per •ooth^^fgyor |3 for >ii month., •vfilOnyaar. J 1 '* "Ti;v tJ*ynfr.T !* maltal k> irahiorlb.m, postage J/, for alx month.. ■i -ut^elmU advertisement* will bo taken for the Onlff it tv p4t of W tine, or tiwi for the tin poo*, for a .ill .Utjeeijnent tu rd. iwrttpwi end* for ibo WVkly .t U tor uch inwrtlou v Noti^ekjtf destitv. ftfnonU marn-oje. .ad birth a ttejected communication, will not hr returned, Oorreepondence containing tmport»nt new. and ■ dtteaiMoll *Mtytngr«pb*i.a>hi i»l. but mint bo ,pnmt and‘written upon,but oue aide of the paper to | ;• ‘' r-'\ > iBoatManfi* ahoald be made by eipreM, poeul £ bjhojiaTiney order nr tegtatwed letter. JV,!v>o»c't»tl*« «treet* p • v ail onmmii>kat!MU elioitid be addreesod to r TUB TELEOIUPH, v > i ** si Jlacon, Oa. Money order*. check., etc *, .hould be male paya* NfiibulM'J y >; i:;i .1 H* 0,ll«n>9»^ Manager, jit.... .'Light wn thntlulKirnatorlal Onvu* f .faeftlUBtn &VsVtalUn of Sunday last if - wayip-'ii V. ,.* ‘ "Look'ouf fyr imports-iC .political newi.' Mlila J 'tet(^»:itilrtrtA*rr-, the loth' of May. The un- tellinji of the lull atatue, with Mr. Dart.' presence, will dpyip ^yqaqu ijrfiu.l to Atlanta on the lit. The Chatham centennial will ahlft things to Savau. -Oh . u&..-txaaisral'turdmi writ bo in Atlanta, and may ^ ^rt/m^*;deft(le-*in hfa* cmtrae at that time. The ,, mod fenbwlitpi 'kittple^ in ffaiannali (luring the , •SjwHSl'miS' r»Wj!i la bringing oat Lswtcn qr 1*‘ f tAitcV'' I^ t.Ocr" 1 irc'j riewc tndfdate J.clarc l by . thaJOth-ot May wi'uiU'bare a uulet campaign. If. A *,. Ome iwmiptlhtcipgii ptoddfe u*. new men. none ’ •'! .ywiifewaflwwuda.1 i* >e: . i. r> . *..’ h..cW»liin« knofipenoRUu) ppfijifa of Gcor- a/ifty’fi'g/tg/jlipjfy'i Jitdiliu ceremonies of nnnsual interest. lu tlio Capital city of ‘*{ot hfctfe\lih - tiiHl'atHllifitieil ate ti receive ,,, cointjiltee a hronza Watuo, repre- aonting a moat illtinguisbeil Georgian. It fcrooiwid? jWith greater interest, the presence of Jefferson Davis, tiio friend of Bon Hill, has been in* 9 w ««er to be uu occasion where ai'ei'^w^p^.^tbp jti^ilinft politician should J' !J ;t»Atikh«d,!ie.-will lio o.inarally agreed that *■ ' .ftw ithppii.* : jgi j II the time has been citation fer tliegath ’ the wires •Imps well !if before, nowing gml ould^cor^te partici pate in Ihp undertaking. The younger son of Mr. Hill, who. in life 5 J tho^monjqrj - 1 f 0t kia fntiier.with mprii' than tUiol devotion. •** Jk<i^J4''ife‘JgiiifP!gitM In invoking the strong arm,nit the fair .hpi-.'arreet,. tho propeetjihga. Wo cannot believe that many good men of itf^dB'l^V yith favor npon the arig‘- >• » "^atioo''ck'arlr .ontliaed in the paragraph , , ■,./)liotoxl ah'ok’e. J ’ * ' 'i p k * ''-*ec«Ti*’'eyenni[baV0'Ttomonstrated that td-tcUhew iniii that eiy a high intelligence and lofty purpose ( that,hiWe hitherto been domi- . Dated and ailcncel) by methods as to wiiich ^Mp|tc«S^.W (ttlhdo further. I 1 • StvsSnalr. Uic . hief city of the State, is V'li'akWeltoMnfktrain goesta from every quarter of the Union while she celebrates a very .Yk-i*^wiille idia ^huniiredtli anniversary of a niilifKyj‘dfbiifataiti'od 'which has been bon- orocl'b^ Waslringtbn 4* o.‘l*biAt>><l, the dedt- W :! the Uiohu'ment to Wnshington's friMttf.’Wntrai ftteenti, will take place. Oi' fikuow^lcV^do^liiofVtavannahsufficiently OH', well to s ty for them tluid if they thought the J■occaaton could lie scired upon by a lot of <i ,t:i muMtabl* politiciaus, they w'>uld burn every decpratlon, deatroyi'.gvery preparation and ®^.j cancel evory iuvit.ttOili. There can be no pi .i goodfellbwahlp tlmt could induce Icester "*’ * or Ijn(tqtt t 0 . v.W^". ptoprintiw of the 0 *.' vorld-fiahtit biinpitaiity of riavutinah. The ii police of,both cities should be on the alert j, pickpockets uud politicians. ,4 J.' 'j^ a'.vecbfit.smt brought against Santnel li.o' vi jt I'tiilwn t»y ihc atwignae. of the estate of w. [ iljrjjT ttq mige of Oreyslone has this ‘ tdSiiJ'ahoftt Uini.elfvlhnve iiu affection ^ '..of tajj jtjrynx which impairs the elasticity of ‘ wiiat are called ths vocal chords so that they will'hdf! oomu togsther, aud air pn ■ • lUwugh .without .'th. ir helping to form » *■>.! loocmAt qni''4ei» redttcea me to a whisper. There is no soreness nor apparent disease, “^ftS iMlS'sJda of elisticity, eo that it tuques ‘‘ ‘ r uic talk with great difficulty and generally fa a whisper, eicept when I have a cold, .«£. tifjhrf*' Alraaidayasinqe, itgWai^uOg^n, duting mittee on the ic.vs. "Senator otentnt eutuoky exam-. *4 reply tol tfenator ' ^'MnaSit'-'lhai ‘‘tie ‘ uWitiant’t • rediment was ^ uostMujitnfvt 1 i*itty dayt imfew. TW,I »**, V to «* borne on arcouut of illneit*, where bo re mained rtntil inUHlert*»i out. He waa never in ftrtinn,Turret itr^he the one - bnt ori^ nt-Oen V oiUoeti pUowpd Jfj- •no,ite*ttt«J^ ABBBaafcttil}* ThPeleim wns ‘ ■ idtltt itUe.'ovhlepiie (••■eiireil ’seqnciii e^giiithatlon ‘ of the case i <*. u raw -r. 4®*, *>» *“*“ ^ fife ha’mWT&t tile kflfiiehf ttat in‘18511 he II •»lrtMa»ffiins'W»«»vrpfy-fr»»b.a« i qdfe and that L jt a:. l|^vhp fs^JJkom a house and injured him- “-^wrmaniintiy. vcThe ca^V w*> allowed (Mjg&dpi^r .Clatfc after th« present JV ®“- , tbocaii»»intop«ir«r and lli*“" arrears of pensions $H\ l'i5. The Iur t.onsfilerrO. Referring again to the picturesque term, “ saddle-colored coon,7. which the Tkijs- orapii applied to "Mr. Matthews of Albany,” whom President Cleveland sppointed to a *10,000 position in M’asbiDgton City over the heads of thousands of honest, capable and deserviDR white Democrat*, and to the brilliant defense of the term this journal re cently advanced, the .St. Louis Republican says: . , , Tbl. belli ia defrsee wbleh smonats to an de fence at all. we accept 1t seen epotpgjr eo fere. Mr. Matthews Is c'ohcerued ybd so' f*r lie we hste any thing to do with accepting it for him. Blit Air offence con in'.tied wo* not so much against bln, a. agslnst the KnglUli isngitsge. Tlio abbrevlatjou *'coon" Is uot.properly applicable to any animal of the human species. Jt lacks the elemoot of descrip, tloa involved tn am* words ay "negi»." • , ratllatte ,l and "ouadeoon" used tp' the t|R“t authorities, ft la what mulatto Is no longer—a term of reproach, but unlike mulatto, It ie never usod where a dne regard for the dceenclee of tlis language has a eoutmlllng indnence.' Now this is what uiayi be. called ji live find active issne lie tween the great and good Tutnoiuvn and the-BepnUioan acting as sponsor for the saddle-colored coop end as defender of, the administration. Two points ore! iyivolvqd in this contro versy, and wo sincerely trust that business may temporarily Ijie .susiiended until tliey can be set forth and expanded. Is the term "coon" applicable to nny an imsjof the human.s'peciM'f t. Hasanyboily the right to abbreviate raccoon into ><coon?" Let us approach the questions with esuttpn. The term "coon 1 ''is ; not tiri^itinl'-with ! the grest end good 'Tpijttia'ipii. It hte :omo bounding down to us through the corridors of time end is herd to stay; : • It Is applicable to h nujh that loves twr^im Us in. the dark', a busy, ciutniug race, that coon-tike, has fcy mueh dabbling ,iin ,tho water gotten tile jmlmfi of- Its lihnda white, nu industribus'race wdifit following Its Own fancies, and a race that trill light when treed by dogs or tlriven Into a yorner. A race, too, that is mt-ddlesbuie When pot watched uud curist'd’wiih ith'int-uriible klep- tomnnia. The .deaeriptive word coon ility the situation like ti No.. 7,kid glhve on a No. 71 band.' ^lorsbver.’it .iijnv be lidded I lint the public undi-rstfinds its lot-unihg, nhtl no better test eon be applied, .Li.,-, y. The abbreviation is proper.: iThiaii ah age of short cuts. . The .opossum has given plaoti to tlie ’fiossnm. - Men. are frequently called asses for' rasuta^g ‘positions w ich Shreds and Patches. ■ The uifto who never doee any harm might crawl into a cave and atay there tea yearn without being IntMCd.—Chicago Ledger. A enbecrttier aake for a cure tor cold feet. Try banking them up with eawduat: If they atilt remain cold, set the eawduat on fire.—Peck’s Sun. more tenable than (hat chosen ly Y-ur w :-sti ern contemporary and. nevpr quarrel over the absence 1 of the prefix. Thera l*S |ur- gliiig, sondfotis tohe 'abdut ^bon that lii ost‘ whim the. whole, wkd i&.fogged'lAVS .iU,j addressing dMtsImkJe t'Ms.: Jlatibowi's" sponsor and defender, ate do not mind dy ing that it bobsitfecaf.'that he has 1 et-n wronged in tlie abbi'etiatloVww shnlllic: ice-j forth know bine ooif.■» »[*otIultvqblt cad raccoon,; :W.e dignity of any antotatao of'this ndm: niu- tatioBv.. ; , ,, , lint there ls’^irrtttj ’Mshvqitestiofi nn* ooDsidetcdby tiia KtpihUoiao^ wiinefo. in ail- ditiou tom tiugassponsorffir “AriSratlli cwu of Albany," is posing also os wdefendero the fnith and the administration. If the ni o of tiic word coon is an insult to- the En| llah language, is sot the appointment ol a sai die- colored coon over the head* of ho odr- ublo, competent,. Assetsring gontlemei i an insult to the English ta-nyf the Democ ’atic pirsuasion? S"/• Why should' a ttM^r.’totm, an jtliom, vex the soul of the odttrlnTvtration'a organ and tbe 'viohiaonviiV^itPJ^j^j^ ^roi' no comment from it? Nothing is- sacrificed when “Mr, MitltheWwof Albans’is eklted -wnon,’’ but there iti;.* !traat wtsl^ficfe in volved In thB fehn RegbftCT.-its now applied Is Wa»hingtoJ«i ■> I :>i'' | , ( ■Aao-riuaTaourlniiAh. ljkk Wklrd hydro phobia. ,M. Cftisar/.s lYenab phyvi-isu, ssgr«: "Take: two laLUatsniiit its,nl frtsh chloiiilo ofl^e,:|1iilji'^ Wjtb' half A pfof of water, and with this wash k«rp the w jiuud constantly bathed hniJ ffcqileuMy renewed. Thla wifih «houl)I:bo apli)ied eaon as possi ble nfteir tba, intUntiou .of tbe, bite, j The chlorine gna ha* tits' jaowdk of. deooin | juuiog this tremendous iiolsoti, had reudenj mild nod haVit'dfss thc vcntlin^ete." • j ; Tiik fhiiailelph'la Record aayii: i“The Ttlair bdnekliontl hiU probahly lu* received iU quiuMs Xor the prosent Congress. ‘ Tlio country will not remain indifferent to the foot that the sofcdMca dfifAtllvaganco which have their origiu in (he "A-tilfte do noj meet with much e: Cuarrlest, Although It Is n I B a fact nevertheless that 1 President is guarded and protect! via oompletilyns tbon^Jii! wcjjm by soldiers. TV'tors ahitMS Wbi| do not know I to indicats, that tichlar lotwing t base." t quickest way for a rich old bachelor > a wife is to die. bead of theexooottv*br«nch:of Utygovern- uient. Rut if yon Win intok at the gentle tuanly. and' neklly 1 dr^Mi^l' ’.usburs who ■stantf at tbwentianco and -.fian he tomud at convenient- ptoews - all through the. White’ ITcau-, yon will notlco( that tlier aro all. nten . qf ilhrthi Tluu if -yon gw.a, wore carefully .you will see that they glano* sharply, et each stranger upon entenag.. end. that there is tardl v an inch in the buildiug which is not Jiud. r the eyeof some of-them. I These Ushers nre.reaUJ' detecti««h:>Ke.irly every line of them rhss eehieveipAstinction IU Mime sort of police work, And os a ennae- eUf'IP’o thq force qt the .White House is about as efficient os It well fan lie. Several of the emits', jft® (pellcemfW Uctollrd for tbe pun»oKe of noting in mums or nn ouicr* cepcy.' Outside of tliebnildiiMf,- both uight and c’h.y, A pollc'cnjilii; ffiuntfnrm jt, always ondutv. Another lieticl^ the gtonnaa to the South at the I'xetBlin' • AUunim end two inoWIu rifarOh'ti dress may;also be seen by th'oss who aro familiar with (hair Wik. ItA-ifiv' thW)Uou» iljtriptftinsiness hours there UfS always fitRy half a dozen meu on the low.-rltoen ^yigihingtod LMt*»i’ Kitenalon ht the Coluuibua sad tVevterm. . ajnnranrs, April 20.—It is state.! herb's* a positive faet that the 0«Btoql.kui!rdaif h*d' 1 li'Htia,l»/,V‘tb"axtfif4 l ’lhR Columbus and Wewfern W nMdffigBMn. Vrtd’fhfit'the'wAk will begin about the 1st of June. Sweet eider' is' the greatest remedy for goat and rheumatism. It la |ti, .tiouible wbetbsr or not abort-band writing has been ol benefit to the world. Without It half of the speecbca made might have been lost. —Picayune. Tbo captured Apacbo cut-throat* havo been rent to Florida to bo civilized. They should bo set to watch tbo alligators and keep them off tbe grass— Philadelphia Pries. A Washington correspondent says: "From this time on the President Is going. to take things eas ier.” now Is this? The other day tt was reported that he ia going to marry.—Chicago Times, it "Do yon believe this story told by tlio police that there are no gambling bouse* running tn Chicago?" “Vee. Why shonl.l they run? There’s nothing for them,hi be afraid of.”—Chlrago Neva "What evidence have you that yon are a Cbrla- tlan'/” said Mr, Spurgeon to a working-,irl sweep nnder tbe maw.” she replied. ■■That,'' said the great preacher, "ia auffleleiit."— Philadelphia llecord. it Is the duty of erery married man to get hfs life Insured. It Is net only protecting his wife, but if the latter has money when he is gone It wtU enconr age the stepfather to treat the children ktudly.— Pittsburg Chronicle. It only costs a dollar now to get a marriage 11 cerise la Maryland. This cheap style of marrying la a good deal Uke a char, h fair, where It uoaW tea cents to get in and everything you've got to get out. —Waehington Critic. Tull many an ode lo "Gentle Spring.” addressed . In the waste basket'* chaos finds lt« 'goal: Full many a sketch hero goes to its long rest, -.Or finds tte coffin tn a pigeon bole. . ’, . —Boston Ileconl. lie was a Dutch barber on a coroner's jury, and after sitting quietly for an hour during the Inquest, 'arose, peered into the face of the corpus, and then, turning, to tbe rest of the jury, said: "Mein (lott, dot man teh dead:"— Eirbang*. ( ;A Watoriiury genttejnan was surprised while out for a drivo on the Wolcott road recently by the con duct of a boy whom he asked to ride. Tha boy re futed obstinately, and when prevailed npon for a reason, said he expected a whipping when ho got home, sad was In no harry.—American. It Was Too Lato: Fred Iwho has just offered Jtiipsolf)—"Andyou won't mind,, will you, tf wo begin off a moderate scale, as I still have nr/ for tune to make?” She—"Of course no*. ‘ And I do wish we half known tiihi baton the Morgan tale, for 1 Should,lio perfectly satisfied. I,--,begin With second-hand tilings.”—Life. ■Is It a crime to be a- Democrat." sshv.Rsprenn- tlvo Bbnnett of North Carotin*. The answer to this eontinurtuu i, as follows: Ho. it is not exactly a cijiroe to lie a iVeinocret, hut it Is an'exhibition of bad teste almost as shocking ss that, made by a young lady i n a ciintemporaiT novel who; "arose from her conch, put on a 'Cheerful look And went gtownetaita"—Philadelphia Fraos, ' tlayeafter It will be harder for w usedle In grt lott lh's bwystack than for aihkb Ic gat a drink tn fkode Island.—Philadelphia Timas. Ikw odd how these typographical blunders odour. WUM tbe'Phtiadei- j,hfs Timas evldrntly fhtended'to-swy teas that lu is gasier *>r A needle to get k drink 'n a haystack tl-in for a tiian to get lost In ftho'dc L-firnd: Leavenworth (ftah.kTlhies. ^ ; j An. optatie of a noval (jliarecter jpiwsed through tba post ofikto yelteriay. The norsltr comrlsted lathe material upon which It was written,. which was u gentleman's llusw cliff. There waspothlng on usual In tbe content*, which ware- slmplf k dun, couched 10 the folluwing laaguage: "Plcese call around and jsky your v-a.rh bill- V.eir fksiindryrean." Tbs caff aqoraod with » rw.-r.-nt stamp .—Portland Ore- (uman. ' .- It was ratalng in tarrents,. and IvaagsUwe stood Bg bur window IooUimi out tnlu Ute-nighc. "Why de*» then writ there, Evangallae, my daaghter?” Inquired the niethar. "lam wilting for Mubrlel, my Mother," replied rt>* girl tenderly. “He will nor coma, my dear, In-aBthia ruin." .'*Yes, bewlti, mefber min". Oahriek does not feema little wet 1 fts-this. It# Isa Bapttat.” fa 10 mtautea Gabriel was- In the parfer ashing ter a drink - of water.—- IVc hlugtou Critic. ' ' Tbo Printer Not to Bhsmr: Wife-'Why, John. Just soo what ivsluphl ulundrr the uewspapar has mails In Ua servant of our atlrar wedding. Don't yon uamamliar I.wrotu it .outfor tbe reports* that we had spent together tisstity-five yearr of uiajrled Lapp lucre, and the stupid typw-aetter bragooe- and madoi it ‘twenty-five yean of marred happlaaM-' Isn't II iwfnl';” Husbessd—"Uh. well, dear, don't tie tco bard on the poor fellow. Maytw-hos boon taiarr.ed twenty-lve yean himself."—Typegratklcel News - : A Parallel of tbo Orogun M-weery. Tito hjatory <if tba lake marino furuinhes ait hu idont in singular accord with tba in- gcnloua theory ol tka cause of the Oregon ilisaatcr. In IHI12, oh Lake KU(>orior dunug a den so tog, the htesaiboat Illinois run into the uchooner Orii'lc, while both wc-a moring iu the uautu direction. Tito Oriole, which was,deeply laden with iroh ore, was atrnck on tha port quarter, clone to the stem, and ank. so suddenly that every soul on board, aaie oub, was lost Tbo cook wax in some ay, buried ovcrlioArd by the shook of the iUision, and infitinotivoly throwing out hia hands t aught bold of a Routing object, which proved to be tho Bchooner’gya*!, with the davit* hanipng to her. All that wan seen of tho schooner train the steamer was her main boom, which swung over when she was struck. In this instance the captain of tho steaimw, apprehending that she was seriously injured, headed her for shore, but upon ascertaining that the datuiqyi done was «ciiupnr«tivuly trivial jput tkljout in search of the schooner, not a vestige of which could tie fonuil When the fog lifted the cook .was rescued by a passing venue!, and his story served to clear, up whak might have remained another of the unsolved mysteries of tho deep. X Pathetic ltkctilont of the Cyctunr. A Kauk llupids apsci il to tbe St. l’anl Ulobf says: A peculiarly sad iucident oc curred this afternoon. Hut in the rubbish some rods from the depot, wandering about the stricken neighborhood, was a midrib*- aged man. Ho looked haggard, and took no notice of tho curious people who constantly passed him in their scureh among the ruins. It was Charles Shtdlgreen. Hia homo had been leveled- to the ground, and ho was wandering near the spot whore his home once stood. lie was a poor man and had nothing but hia home. One of thu visitors was the ltev. Mr. Pierce, of ,E*rgus Falls, who had otica preached at 8auk Rapid*, and not knowing low Mr, tiln-llgrecn. bad been nill!sled, he appro.keh"d Mm »t* I asked it be had lost anything beside id" bouse. The matti stopped, wiilkml up and shook hands with the man of Ood and said, "My baby," He could go no further,, hut sat on the ruins of bin home, and the tears rolled from his eyes as fcbv-veiee thickened. His oatiro fiihtily had been killed, ewife ami four chil dren. The wife and three of the cbitnren lay over in tho dead bouse awaiting , their Wnre, Imf tbo fourth, a girl baby of uome wi-e«:«; had not lieen found. • The miniattr could not say cheer up, and-be deft the inon ‘WiMlngdilims and desolate, with the Jtrafu streaming from his dazed eyes. Nature Is frank and will allow no man to abuse himself withou t giving him a hint of it. THE GREAT RAILROAD STRIKE. A Calm Review of Ileth Bides of the Con troversy. New York Jnilrnal of Commeree. The letter of Mr. Powderly, Grand Mas ter of the Knights of Labor, published in the papers yesterday, took tho pulilio by surprise, because it wss so unlike iu tem per- and spirit all that has hitherto appeared over bis signature. Let us go back to tbe beginning of the outbreak. A wan named Hall was discharged by the Texas aud Pa cific Railroad Company, as they claim for* proper cause, aud his comrades of the labor organiz ition insisted that be slmnld he re stored to his place. That road butt been in financial difficulties and was in tho hands of a receiver appointed under State author ity. A strike was ordered not only in that company, but on all connecting roads that did not refuse to deliver freight to it.. The Missouri Pacific, of which Mr. Gould is president, forms a part of a continuous line, and conneats with the Texas and Pacific rosd. If a merchant in New .York or Chicago or St. Lonis gave Mr. Gould's road a loud of freight to deliver on the line of tho Texas, of course the road would bo liable if it re fused to deliver it. Mr. Irons, president of a local assembly ot the Knights, ordered Mr. Hoxie, general superintendent of the Missouri Pacific, not tu take on any freight for the road that refused to employ Hull, and threatened if this was not dime to tin up hia road also. We.donbt if Mr. Hoxie had. any legal fight to bike such a stand, even if he hod been in Hearty sympathy with the strikers, llis raid isn ctnimon carrier, and if goods, for citrringo were tendered to it by n merchant, could Mr. Hoxie'lswfnlly re fuse to take it on the ground that the corpo- rufirm to whom the freight was to be dolir- X d decline^ to'employ a'mnn named Ifn i? insides all this, the re Usd been some ht- bor trohbb s betw'con this road anil its cm- plover, which bfid been happily' settled by a conferepej ef Mr. Gould and Mr, Powderly, and tbe latter bud given the former anna, aurancV .tlmt,there should be no strike on that road until nhy q.lo-tion raised between it and its- wotjtingmi n had heeir disctisgfsi between them, and dhe notice of n failure It ugieeha l hfelt given. Mr. Gould WfiSAway in'liis yuefif, and.' Sir.-Powtleriy was not OoiisKliuJ, and thp strike occurred not only iu the face.of this n'greemqnt, hut Without, any compimut <>[ ill treatment on the part of tho striketa. , f . It is projieT to say. that afte r live strike hud taken place, tbH.dire-i'tors of the movement, not finding Hiiliicient groiiud for their vin dication iu the discharge of Hall, who was. employed by a corporation over which Mr. Gould hud no authority whatever, dal lbnko out a list of grievance* against the cianilgc- raent of the Missouri Pacific, but the weak point in their case is t'unl no such list of o]ipressians or exactions, and no demand fortheir redress vow,presented before the strike, and there is sotbing to show that every , one of the wremgs thus .tabulated would not have been rulresscd on a proper representation to the offirials. and without ocaattton for any further difficulty. -The way tn which Mr. Powderly treated the matter, after it was brought to bis’no tice, gained him much credit with the peo ple at large throughout the countryj Ho declared timt the ..strike should not Have taken pAoce; that ,Aho alterant to'use; the, •MUsOiui Pacific to coerce fhe Texns roajl to take back the man of the naun* of Hull, when tlie htter corporation was in charge, of a receiver wind tile former hudnocoiitrol ovr* U, could nut bu jtistiotsi. ' *. ; ■ Tho naitjral solution of tire diffictllty,, liovyeVi-r, was beyond Jlr. I’ovdorlyti roheh. lt'ir- evident that 'the proper way w raid (invc beerv fmnkly To sicknowledgo the arror, to send tbe men back to their work, and then, to demand of Mr. GOuldthe wfomaof bis Adrrtbiifrtratixrn where it wasnoedud.'luaViug the question ol Hall to th« road in vvliiaii he had beeta dtaployetl. Wo l-av'.i Some rea son to believe that Mr. l’oVrc.ariB exiirti-d himself to bring this ressonahio srrungo- ment about, and failed because Mr. Ujirtiu. Irons anti thwlocal officials noting: with: him were not wilting to admit their error,: and were dotormJaed that their organization, should Ye reosgnized before they would net. tie tho contwyaMsy. Sir Gould'* position seems to haw* been that the men Mringstritck because has ooin-, pony were nut wilting to refuse tha offered freight 'should resume work..declaring the strike at on ami He would then moot any of Ms own employes who hod a grievance and do whntovei he could ho intisiy them, and if he- tailed would submit tho matter to utUtration. Mi. Powderly aswncos. and perhaps so- uUiteratood it, that Mr. Hoxie wuo to be instrwttisl to meet the Kiigbtg in arbitratiooins a condition of tlio order to re sume work. At any rata cn order by Mr. Powderly dir the strikers lo resume work woo not obeyed, and on the remonstrance of Irons and hie fellow officials was subse quently revoked. > An attempt wws then made to tiuoff/rat of eraliloynient a large force of miners in cut off the company's -sipply of cook. \l waff announced that this Was done and we believe the enter war issued by Hie leadrers, bat was not obeyed.. Re staled tbe other day that there would come a time whan such workingmen would refuse to leave thei-v deployment to nvunga an imag inary wrong. The minim did cot teel suf ficiently interested in tha man ni. the name of Hall to deprive themselves, and' tliciv families c< thetr weekly wages. We eom* now to tua mnnlfavtn against Gonhi publisbiHl over the signature of Mr. Powderly, in which ha declares War to the knife against the rail.- .ml magnate. It docs not sound to us like this gentleman's com position; we believe that it was written for flim during liis-illnerA, and we wonder that wih hia good sense and judgment he could havo been induced to sign it. There it or dinarily very little popular sympathy with Mr. Gould, and if his ant gonistwas like unto him and only the two were in the neg, the public wuttld doubtless enjoy tha fight, as the woman did when her husband. *n- sountered the bear, without much regard as to tbe issue of the contest. Uut Mr. Powderly cannot afford to gome down from hia high position to oDgcge in suoh a personal quarrel, and the Manifesto he has signed seta forth a spirit in vjhich it is to3>« wsgel that is wholly reprehensible. The Knights of Labor have stood, he claims, between Mr. Gould's property aual ruin. The assertion that if the strike XX to con tinue "ovary act of'violence, cverydrop cf blood that may be shed from this time forth” will be laid at Mr. Gould’s door, us almost on open avowal that the restraint imposed by air. Powderly and hit asso ciates in office on tbe possiun* of the strik ers will be removed, and they will lie. al lowed to bum down tho sliopa and depots, and to wreck the trains, at whatever leas to life and property. Wo an* not interested in Mr. Gould's personal biography. It, os the ntituifesto hints, there are scandalous chaplets in* it, our only regret at the exposure woo'.db ■ u due consideration for the public mura'a. ltut the threat that the uon enrolled iu this organization are to bo let loose to ctrry out the work of destroying the property whose nmefigemcnt they arc not permitted th con* trul, displays n spirit, of malevolence Unit will not find approval'm any hotid-t hm&W even among those who * sympathize fiqol deeply with thew nings of thebilion*. Such a-oonrse can only Sfefback 'fof.'fiiatri' years the refdhn Mr. Po^rhrty tsAfttdtig MOfTiYt, and if entered npon moat result in imposing freah burdens upon shoulders already weary of the heavy weight. * SUNDAY IN WASHINGTON. Methods by Which Diplomat* anil States men Drive Away Dull Core. Tho observance of the Sablath differs greatly in the upper circles, some august families observing it in the strictest old blue-low Conntclicut way. In one pdntiul home in the northwest end'of the city a •Sunday evening caller drops into a family Jiiblu class, with the head of the family reading and explaining the text in a run ning discourse. Secretary FrelingUuysen used to insist upon tlio strictest observance of tho SxbbatU in his family, and no Sun day callers were ev er received until the time whon lie came back us a member of Ar thur's Cabinet and had to see all of his l'rcsbyturian rules for the Sabbath ruth lessly broken into by his chief. Secretary FrelingUayaefi.always n»ks.a blessing at his tablu sad never omitted It in tho face of the most formal and largest dinner parties. Foreigners, who were new to tho custom, used to ppt themselves in disgrace by not heeding or appreciating the silent pause of the company after they were seated, and the custom was most productive of embar rassment. The diplomats, being nearly all Roman ists, observe the Hubbub after tliei own fashion, going dutifully to masses in the mprtiing and killing time for the rest of the long day by projuenadcs, calls, dinners and gatherings at one bouse or another in the evening. A few ot the nltra swell society women; havo Sunday as their reception day, claiming that all the other afternoon* are occupied and that there is no place to go on Snnday afternoons. Some very gay* and select couipuaioM are drawn together in this way and on account of the day the gatherings have uu air of informality to them that makes them the more enjoyable to the participants. In some coses distinct cards of invitation have been sent Out for regular teas in honor of some artist or liter ary lion, bat tlmt happens seldom. -Tbs promonade out the east aide of Con necticut avenue after vesper service has not fidlen off in immbera, but is a little out of fsohinn now. "Our best people,"as they term thempelveic who liiut mode that high way popular for Sunday afternoon conatita- tionuls, have withdrawn to an extent, now flint j **ths other peoplo" have taken to pa-, tromzing it ia oraer to see and be with tbe hunt ton. “Tho nice people" do not walk on this avenue Sunday afternoons, unless it is necessary in going from one point to an other,and then they slip quietly by on tbe deserted pavements of the west side. The tut tv, ot vonnie, are free to wander up and down an I inspect the crowds oi unsophisti cated' an ti the commonplace, but the women never. Among tho reasons given as con vincing trout for tbe latter declaring it had form Lor them to walk there was that a cer tain swell used continually to meet her maid, another met her milliner and a third the eateres’s head man, and he actually bowed Ho her. .: Faney thatl—St. Lonis Globe-Democrat. •i llfitish war ship* on the Chinese statical are to b«-pajiitoil gray, because that is tba most durable and least conspicuous color. SUFFERING ltivaili TYluit lJu) Grout iltctlioilist nivliio aii.'i' Kinlnciit Pliy- ; ohMi Says ot i/a-.'fAi*0TAd*'*k:»Xf^'.; i nn. j, isuadkikrivh Fhnalc Regulator ! ATLATTA, OA., February 34. 18rt4t I>r. X jBnuWulfle-Ivwnr 8lr: urtevn year* *30 I ..ytxmluctl tbo recipe oMVjimIo «uU yareff Dy HttidioU auihoritiCK in rr^mni U» It* cou- ttotfwfa, »nd then. *i»wrU m now, pronnunood it to 1>G tlwr Bim/tiwihhUflc and skUltul oonibiimtinn ot tbo d jHj foliii)>lo rawBdinl vvcvUbU known .to nci'Bve In act directly. on tbo womb and utorine otv»n 1, »nn tho orwn* and imrtft nyiiipathfxinir «ll* y ••ith M»d, tbor*»k’opfs providing . x.'A« tomndy for all dUeftAtui of thu womb, and of Utv urgaiut and i«rtM. Yount truly, >£S*SE llOlUXG, M. b„ U. D. OAXJTTOlsr. 4*n>untr>**lN *.ftoodi>d with liiaok nostrum* voutiu^ipa iltuN «Gwi otlii r iuJunouD* initmlientit whic’x yl»lm to cur*. *Trr>thing—even Fenmle Com plkini*. We **j to yon, tf you value your life, b* ware A all such. 1 Biwifteld's Female Roplatoc I W a oaxriy nsstaNa eoniponati. an 1 la .only taii'Ul for Uie FLliAU: SLX. For Uietr l-aculaal 'i.-i-je, it lean a'asoluts SPECXFICa 8>M by all driVKiat*. -Hcn<l fur trnatbM on Um U**^lib wi'.UIiijij ioitnrt uf wtuiuu moiled frvo, which tJtT m Alt partictUArt, l»X2A. ATLANTA. O A. 5 WILBOR’S GOMPOUKB OF |PURE COD LIVER, O IL AND LIME . J WIIqBaiUH COD-UVER OIL AND LIME.—Per* ■on* who bat« ncoa taking Cod-Liver Oil willin' pVaiied to luarti that Dr. WUItor hu Buoreeded. froto dtreettom of Bovtntl proftauioutl gentlemen. In cofAbliking tbo M»re Gil end Umo Mi ouch a man- ner t'joilt i* plraaont to tbe tABke. and it* ejects in Lnn^ complaint* are truly wonderful. Very many person* wuobc umm %wr« pnoiumueud hopeleea. And who. bud taken the ckwrUU for a loug time without markod.BllBct. hAVB been entirely cured by ii*-an thin preparation. Be »oM and get U»e genu- inn. Manufactured only by A. B. WlLtiOlt, Them- Ui, Bootoo. Bold by all dtuggtBUi. ap^ieodAwlw • lie on Yott Guard . Dcr*un'* .Gapeipe PloMtcn Are Widely Imitate*!. Diatutbe rnt. Now. are they Imitated'/ Be- cAiibu they are the only poroua pla*ter tn exIntencA that to nmXff truviworthy and ralnaLle. bonaon’* Plafiora art highly ami aeienttOpAliy. rueduaUd, a im \a a few bourt ailment* upon which no liAveanv etfoif whatever. Trie people arc or# caution lit'Agtta*t plaeteni bt-aring the natnm uf "CApalcIn." *'€wp*icuar." ••CaiwictuK' or “t^kpuiiui." which .-unmeant tupam tor "Otaln«*** ipkasB mite the <lUT/rauce) and alao against pBMicra lrt-afiug tli'e name* “BentonV' "Burton''*, M etc. When bnjlng ask ili*tinitly for Benaon'a, Planter Aild protect yuaneif by a u..»onal excsminotlou. Tb« geuuiue boa thu vronl "Cap* |uc cut or \*y* <1 in the body of (he planter and the Thrr* “ Art on the face doth. Opium and Morphine. OpiMtisnff motphinv-habit cared in two weeks. No coif, no pay. The cure j« safe 1 AuA’fiftsitiVs. So'fx't. m"w *ic*»t« f*s* where patients have been ti »l*t! by us. Address D.-. BBGAK, oi Dr. DEERS, on- perintendent, limy ran. Go. sp* a t. A Watch Fn We will msE a ;NlcktI.SUver Watert the .tyle reproeeuted lo tho cut bej Jttri M who will tend 01 a clnb of ten ... *a Tat WezKLT Tclkosaph at „ a . 4oH *"“« will enable each aubacriber to Metre tx the lowcrt club rat*, and at the mu, „ " * sale tbe club agent f*,r Mi trouble. Osly vrw sense Stax oa—:li,t j, - I names are not now and hare not nqmtha ptevtoua to the receipt ot tw^ books, WILL BI CODXTir. ''"V •Ilbuui sate be* are not, toy., but i servcsablc Ums-keepcrs. They , 1 ' a J ble xnd neat. Tbo caaoa always wear bri* 1 of thousands of them are carrt’ti by JjTj classH throughout tba ratted 8UIM, 1 “The Waterburj, FOR we will Bend Tur W*r«Lr TcucgAabr ot* I and one of the above described watches fo* drew. TUI* propostlon U oj,k*u to out • an well bb tho*** who are uot .Act PromptlJ I The above proposltiona will be kept op?| J limited timo only and parties who wUhtoh vanta^i of cither ahould do ho at on&v d^Ubloa* otherwise diroctod we wi] watches by mail, packed in* stout pantebo^l and our responsibility for them will end wfcul are deposited in the post-offlee. They roa b*J tered for ten cent* and partie* who wiahtlilil HhouW indoor this «an»nnt or we willwnjl by express, the charge* to Ij* paid wheAthfijl delivered. Addrviw THE TEI.BGiUBt| Morop, Gevjf Mxke money orvler«, cheek*. Me., pav*Wi.w | U. G. HANHGaY. MuJ lOKSTOVl always™ EIGHTEEN SIZES AND! ALL PURCHASERS CAN- BE SDH MANVPMmrKBP BT Isaac A.Sheppard & Co.,Balti®)riE ANDFO** -*' EDV Jones Sheriff Sale. /JEOKOIA, JOSES COrXTY.—WILL BK *0.^1 " * th* first Tuesday ■> May, lUtW, at thec^rtboi ilkor, ia i*ald county, between tho lepd tnr.r«| sale, to the highest bidder for• eoab. the !«U proiierty, to-wlt: 317 acres, more ot ie*. in the Eighth District of ssid county, snd lwaa north by lands of E. W. Finney snd John II. •> d"«. rs*t by John C. Green, south by Bot»t G don au*l Zach Gorduu, and west by H. B. Hold land levied on am the proiwrty of RlrhinlJ Gord«m to satisfy an execution lusaed fren Superior Court in favor of Willi* B. fit'orkstt.4 K. A. Gordon. Zach Gordon et. al. Tenant In n aeusion notified. This April Stb, 13**. * aprt>w<t B.JiPIULimHhfrj Stook Law Notice. by given that«iwtltlon of frrebeldsrt of D son's District. G. M., No. —, Jones cooity. * for sn election for stock law In said dUtrict U*J on file in thin office; and nnlsss some valid tr be shown to the contrary an order for add *1«< will be ursnted on Monday,, the Vth d»T J AutU, lisC, at hour of 11 o'clock, a. m. Tsk* cjtf WttncuH my hand t*fllrially. R. T. »>*■ L March 39. !H.ti;~apr»t |aw4w. 'liOHGU, JON El* COUNTY.-WHKHEAA I lioli, adiuluiatrator of estate Mn»* Harsh k* 1 lecesscd, auplb'M for dirmitslon. Theeaor* and admonish all i>«r«ous couoernel toshdw c at tbla office on or by the find Monday In July If any they have, why dismlsMiou slali ■*! granted. WitneMs my hood officially. L R. T. BOSH- March 'Jt\ 1EOB014, JONES COUNTV.-WHXaEAS. Dll I II. Htocumb applios lo me for <be guwilu* of the person of John L. Lowe, a penum 1 aound tuind, tn this county. These ar» peraoui. concerned to show cause .*1 thU c»rj any they have to tho contrary, on or by the^ Monday la May neri. Witneiu my hand otLM It. T. BO&i. OnliM/! | Apia , IWtf—appA l»w4w /1EOBGIA. JONHS COU NT V. - WHEKKBk J U too Ethridge, admluistratouon estate of min Beck, Jr., deceased, applies tor dunui These arc therefore to cite and admomfn »“ ■oka concerned jo show cause atthD 0,nc * J[ tbar have to tbs contrary, ah or by the A»t in July next. Witncm my hnsd officially. U. T. BOSH. Ordir^ l March 13, Dysi—qprfi law3m a'KOKitlA. A)NE8 COU.NTY.-WUftitUk J ,“E s f T. James as sdminiRtratnr of estate Job® of said county, deceased, applies tn »• for a rzl sion. Thera are therefore to dt# and a-lmonw**! persons concerned to show cause at th*» suy th. y have to the conUwry, on ar by »f,.a Mouday in Jaly uoxt WlthtHM March H, lwan-nprA lawfim 'EOltOU. JONES COL’N * Y.-WIir.KEtiv {' ) 5 wj Bradley, adratnistrator de Awvu, w annexed, of e«tou Dsunla. Bradley* , a. applied for dlsmlwton therefrom- T* 1 ®** fore to cite and admonish sll person" c0D ^f\TtJ show cause, If any they have lathe contrary* ^ dtflee omor by the first Monday In K. T. It0t**,‘ onfiDff J rSm. —- O RDINARY S omCE, JONffi April 3d. lt-^. Whereas, U. C, M#** for administration on the estate of p* 1 }*.?' dcvesMed. Theio are to cite and riJij sotirt concerned to abow canae n tn' 1 Iqr Urn first Jtor.o.y in MOV ««•*' * *y. 5 , toxve, whxtti. mu rtnll nut. be gx»o*»' BI? a mjr honit otUrtnllj. . ... . ... il'lCwit <«“*£• liU’RGlA, Co.Ii Administrator ot having filed bis pi felly ditefeaf] discharging . •oas at Interest are r before the May Term — - . tiwntd no, fe <l , S?f»£ESS January 30, ISM.