The weekly telegraph. (Macon, Ga.) 1885-1899, April 27, 1886, Image 9

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THE MACON WEEKLY TELEGRAPH: TUESDAY APRIL 27, 1886.-TWELVE PAGES. iuf 7» »iW a»,, WJto, >{ fy.i r^anK HOUSE BWDft , the JTutldMlt Wilt k, soft»f*JL* Ml** ro len, U. ™ ' inn! 17.— President Clove '-“""Sing marriage h now r. l»apf r * < ¥r' i n his friend* agrw *•>•» ►MC be® «‘T l™“P. t lod ‘ ! “y *or.!J ^' marriage, coming i» m l>os- | t or> of jn the last week or ton 7»f urB1 ."V n0 ,fQllvuuJe up hi# mind l. !: ;' h i IK has kept tbe secret very ike iW)*™ . . m ost intimate associates. Ifnf f ' t ^,i Lt the engagement Wok t^^JIiMFolsoin'* |fwt visit to f ilannk ", }[r Cleveland is married fi Ba , e in June, it will bo tho a Present dnring bis ,„j tnorr*' r , M WM niarried while *<*ftSdenii, but bis marriage took ‘ wrt 'been a number o£ marriages V‘tthiie House of members of the ’• tenilr. The last marriage was ■ : , ;v ;i' Grant and Mr. Sartoris. It is I- ‘ that the coming wedding will be l ,R • 1 ..OH if it takes place in June, p!J 'l” u 1 1 tir. Cleveland's family in rortweto to think it will. The lin- tl s “rv averse to personal parafleti, P ean'tcd that his clergyman, brother fit hrmtebt here to perform the mar- Vj£tl.v. and that It will be pnvate. STiwident should invite any of his j folates he would have, to Invite L. el .nd this would give hw wedding t a 'ia! character of a parade reception fef&U It cannot be cod that Wash- f* ietv is very much liu^ved ov^r the 1', uarriuKe. He bus very little gjy *itb the social people here, and Ibed*** itiOhaikep.iei ofher ! full lips, 1 hd» aaIa w - a a.. waiM ot clossio proportions: She has moulded hands and feet; notemull. bt in which all her color. ■ and finely .... , . ... *<*1. not Small, but well snited to her height. With one other pupil at Aurora she shared the pulm of being ••the beauty of tbs school,’' the other lioing Miss Katherine WiUarrl of Illinois, who was her intimate friend, though not n fellow senior and she is now in Germany cultivatin'’ her voice. Miss Folsom has been with her there dnr ing 'much of the past winter. Many of the young ladies have dowers pressed in their albums labelled, “From the White House," these being mementoes given by her from the boxes of flowers weekly sent her by the President from his conservatories here For her graduation last Juno he forwarded a particularly lavish supply. On that o» caslon she wore white satin, and, os one of her schoolmates describes her, ••looked more like a goddess than a woman." •Her student life haa been marked by seri ousness and deep religions feeling. She is a member of the First Presbyterian church of Buffalo. 8be vpti deoply loved by her teachers, mors for her solidity of chhiaotcr and amiability of disposition than for ex ceptionally brilliant intellectual traits, though her averngo scholarship was good. Ft Waco, April 17.—The talk here about President Clcveland'a engagement to Mias Frankie Folsom kmqo. up, and it is general ly thought to he true that the wedding will take place in June. Dr. Gregg, father of Ida Gregg, Miss FolSooi’s most iutiuiato friend, said to-day that the family was com . ,• polled nifst reluctantly to admit the truth ,„h 'be soc at people m-re ami {,( ^engagement. They have Iwcn shocked ..nitge e to wLat he at the aI,no ’"' c< 'incrit and cannot account , measure ndifferent to what he forits M given publicity, as it is thought Ut: ' lsl as« tr u .iw^v. ,deai" Miss Frankie wroro in the strictest confl- - aPrcJ dcnt ^n^ ll ™ce to her frieud Mrs. Worthingtoui for- ra*ill.. U^ PoUnmmerlyMisa Townsend, of Troy. The best kit*** h ! te £ 0 “wem.d " mn undoubtedly will be Wilscn S. Fissell, .^o^rwt'm^T the President's old law partner. He was in eontcrenee with the President two weeks ago in Washington, when it is thought the liiatfer was arranged. Jnuioiity of people who move in so- j. is probalilo that the President f for some time after his mar- "* jj t , '(ms a number of invitations to PtELstein watering-place*. It Is hardly JVy e tb;it lie will go to the Adirondack.. ItVi,stportrait of Miss Folsom iiow in 1 tfesea is a large one; which' bauga in Prtsiint's bedroom. Miss Folsom s rery Averse to gisiiig a sitting to the jtiwupiKT* when sl»' was hero and has a -Lftwri'T of publicity. When she wai Kfeblni'on last a number of.paragraphs brepruned about tor School' lltV,' which . traoel 10 one-.or two, c£ her school inti*, hie quarreled with them , for it. isMid that she went away to Europe, so [totr out of the range of possible gossip Unitlcism fining the engagement pe- liisSi.i t that Miss Folsoip expected irsnaagemeut would become known, ,.s ■ rtvat Itaown to theCb 1 vtfi ltd f .nlily r York soon after bei dr I.irttt.e t'rom Qs. from her last visit to tl.o White “I pew Oscar Folsom well," said Con- fssinan John K. Weber of Buffalo this sjic •'! met him first when Cleveland I were running for sheriff, lie waa . rUnil's constant companion then. Tncy .»so auch together that a great many ,11 dal not know which was .Cleveland win-h Folsom. They did look a great iir, tee, except that one was dark , tWottar light. Folsom was a little Ulie tiiuti Cleveland, but just such a itv nut At the time Cleveland ran for ilknjwere in partnership. The firm _i; vis Folsom and Cleveland. When Vi-licd vis elected tho purtnershiji was lial because under the la« r s of New run -ennot praoticddaw wfiilbsher- Ifttt they dissolved' the friendship matt tie two men continued. Appn- Inst; 11:.. Folsom must have been quite a ■Colegirl vien her futher died—perhaps I tithe or thirteen years of age. He was liilM while buggy riding some ten years l*S0. Then alter this Mrs. Folsom moved I don to the family residence, at Folsom- Irhlr, hoar t 'letown, on the Erie road, |»Wtt #a's rule front Buffalo.” ' "'is the lYilsotndale property of any pitotf "Mo not know. 1 do not think Oscnr I Id-uu whs the sort of man to accumulate l-nsseb torkllv wealth. He was too gener- [ ou; too open-handed. He was one of those Mppy-go-lncky men who waa everyone's I friend. I never knew a man who was more MoUr, who was bettor liked than Oscar f'ltliOlU,'' ".be the Folsoms wt 11 known iaBuffalo?" ■ "No, they have not lived there since Mr. | be,in: died. Miia Folsom went off to »' 11* College, w here my two daughters have wvn attending. They are visiting me now. boo of my daughters was with Miss Folsom j»t fear when she graduated. I s tw Miss tshom whtn I went down to the cotumence- **! tl ' exsreiaes. She is a fine-looking young •“J. id!, like her father, ami site looks as “"Itlh the inherited .all her father's good . julttifs. oho was a great favorite with all • ijf I'hjolinatcs. They all spoke of her peasant disposition." 1J"* 5 there any talk among the young “at. s of the college of any intimacy between sm.MIsom and Mr. Clovelnndy" ao, 1 thing cot. Np more than would 'moused by the circulation of the tew • MjTOtt patanraphs which might have the Rthool. ' Mia* Folsom visited ffyhjte House a year vgb; dhrih'g the Faster holidays, and then returned to her '.l 001 'a graduate." . TfbJCallcge is sitnate.1 an the. eastern ,T k C«5«g» Lake at Aurora. N. Y. The ,, '*K* haildtng, which wow erected in WU» •L he , U, “ Henr J r Wells, D on elevated . J”""'] "oath of 1 the*village and commands 1 n. pensive view of dcUdhtfal weasry. iT! n,B (! the inurin building D Morgan «!"• in 18711,"' the- gift of -ma "lute FHlwin b. ilorgan of -Aurora, e dThe *i«nniUug grounds are over- thirty acres imi 1| “ numbiv of .pupils is limited ““ the largest gi.Limiting class contained .‘"Jf seven merabera. FoUom's visit to .Washington-last ■Xn’ * r! “ “ ,cb< * 1 “ irl <D i°yi ,, lj ber va- hhe aucompininl dter mntbcr. iand *ere.gnesta at the White House •*“ or itwvtve day*. ,Xhny were hero 3*1“ ^'y •l ,1 «>'tly in the fall, just before dag?® ? r Europe. Neither visit oectSred. p 0l ‘8 !*“ ivg'Uar society season, and Mias kfv a" 1 “ 1 1>arl,< ''l'ation in Washington social ad/. 1,1 "{.'mp-like .outline's mid a certain coni; ^.'d'U’U'cssion of ihahner, Seemed, in* WiwtiblewtthHchtS.ld"" '*> l.artied tint WhiiJ , Mth 9 * S S- M ^oJoagb'es tSat bf Ysseef, in Vit 11, ‘ K * Folsom, though twenty-one wJtJds Wa f B,tt lo ih'« yonngeat in. a <da«a of aeveh. •“ During her *f*‘»J* h large portreit r.jon,* Ins N »t!* D £ , f** i ^ 0,1 *>* ra»efln lmx <1'<C i Bd ifi paasinghy the open familiar with tbs face of “tho rail i,1? Dr ’ •* hia ward was aoenstonrod to ‘»n evac after he becams PmaidenL a «h, 1 ''V* 0 "'* iDD is soft and brown, of " uiUi _'n ‘‘Rht' and dart. It ia «..l Wr from ber foil forehead eona J 1 ? W * T ® t^udrila fall away from their fer fX* D £W! Mt tk * lror T whiteness of '-■-uT' tiM violet Une eyes, a well- thin if*'•M month, and a full round warm pallor of her complexion FHO.MIAKKT 1’EOIT.F- Henry Irving is likely to ruin as a; Liberal candidate for Mafylel>one,^gB^|M^BH Sam Jones will open the flood gates of hia eloquence at Baltimore on May 1st. Misa Kate Field ia very fund of horseback exercise, and is a fearless and graceful rider. Iff.-hop Ncdy of Maine la one of tho most expert anglers at the New Brunswick thsh- gronndg. E. M. Haines, of deadlock fame id the Illinois Legislature, is looking ronnd at WnshingtoiijB^^pgH|^|^^|^^_ Senator WadetHampton is in canse of the death of bis eldest daughttr, Mrs. Haskett. Mr. McLnne, the American minuter at Faria,' ia to revisit the shores of hia bine Chesapeake this season. •‘'Catherine Cole" says that G. \V. Cable's manager, Mr. Fond, lost $500 in Philadel phia and PWO in-Baltimore. Professor Pickering, of Harvard, is hon ored with tbe gold medal of the British Royal Astronomical Society, Mr. and Mrs. James 6. Blaine and Gail Hamilton have left Augusta for Unr Harbor, accompanied by William Walter Phelps. Tho princess Ludwig of ISattenbnrg has been taught painting by her hnaband, and she ia said to paint signs like a professional. Mrs. Fnssett has sold her picture of “The Electoral Commission" to Congress . for $7,5*81. Her original priceaakod waa $15,000. No ministers has ever received more pairs of slippers than Phillips Brooks of Boston. He was once known us the elorical centipede. Ex-Presldont Arthur retains his cheerful spirita; and is already planning a salmon fishing excursion on the ltestigoncha for next summer, Mrs. George B. McClelltiD, who has been in poor health all winter, will go to Enrutie for a sojourn of two years, accompanied oy her son and daughter. Although Bonntcr Ingalls is charged with skepticism in religions matters, it is ob served that he hod all b ts children baptized in the Episcopal Church, The Archduke Charles Theodore of Bava ria, brother of the Empress of Austria, will study the inoccnlstlon system of M. Pas- tenrin the latter'e lalirutory at Paris, Mr. George W. Childs has given lo tho Historical Sooiety of Pennsylvania n copy of the death-mask of Lincoln, the original being in the National Museum, Washington. The Waabington correspondent of tho Louisville Times says: “Colonel Uughei East, private secretary to tbo late Vice-Presi dent Hendricks, will in all probability be appointed Hecretary of State for Dtah.' Miss Anthony, the landladies' rights wo man of Ireland, (not our Miss Susan B.), has been given tl.uOU by a Waterford grand jury, as recompense for injuries at the hands of a mob,- which pelted her with atones. In hia speeches while swinging ronnd tho circlo of British ' towns, Michsel Davitt avows hfAsett k ftce trtd’er’and pledges hia endcAVors to' prevent An Irish Parliament from passing tariff tows—in which t be D one* more at variance with Mr. ParnotL Henry Bergh Is the one judicial officer in New .York Who ia not dependent on the ca price of polities for retention of bis ofljoc, Bo la assistant iFistrict attorney for life and pormnocnt the attorney general. riiviLi positions were given him In 18W>, md arc limited to 'the enforcement of-laws fur tlie,prj)vejttton of cruelty to miimalir.' .. Dr. .McCosh U $sld te.liaye been pnt anon h^sd'lk-thrown idightty : forward and bis saaaaatirjatwai is of agtoeptsh tint, wilhontany acceasone*. ' Tiie memoirs of ltlclhsrd Wagner, to Which all tho world Jooka-fcrwafd witk u good desl blfmcrest,, will not be published, for cohie. h Thehr-eoiitenD are said to la* of such a personal Character a» to prevent thvir publication at praecnf. They aieltlreadr rn print; Indeed they were printad Eat the proofs are In the hands ot the demi » F Kfite-STSSaiC <***?•&( b,de i** 5, ^liiw foliiOiq ut her mother m a kBocAr op** ;EGltGfA. > Atuxta, April tb.-rHofc 14 and 15, Chat- tahoqpbee circuit. Fcrgagou vs. Columbus and Rome Railway Comnisy. Argued. Iionis F. Ganard for plaintiff, Peabody, llrannan and Rattle contra. band held was testamentary in Up character and not properly executed; tliut said defend ant then sold to a bona fide purchaser add now holds the money; tint the son, though b is acoo ant ntseturned to be No. IT, CJiattahoochce clrcnit. Bethuoe j barred by tho statuteof limitations, present- '?■. ' Argued. « . A. Little for j ei p (4 ( 0[ payment, and the lUlminDtrntorre- plmntitT, Goctchitis & Chappell, C. E Bat- f llse j payment; that defendant be de- tli\ J. M. Kussell contra.^ [creed to pay the money to ■ the said Court then adjourned lo t> o clock a. m. w ife, ono of conlplainanD; was with* tomorrow. - : - - • lout equity, and demurrer- thereto was Alum*, .April 20.—No. 1, t hutlahpo- ,,ropeily suatained. It waa not aided chee cimut Argument concluded.^ i by an amendment setting hp that the read No. 18Cli.ittahoochceci r cnlt. YVithdrawii. j co ntmct wns that the iron was to have an No. 1J Chattahoochee circuit. Marshall j estate in remainder, after a life estate in his ct al. vb. Lockett. * ■* w “ w -"— 1 A Son Smith, s. Lockett. Argned. IV. S. Wallace ] mo ther. • ’ P^k'uFiff; A. H. Carson, J. M.- j ", Tiie demand of coniplainuutB is t, J. Thornton, contra. stale. Code, tecs. 21121. ;»m, 3125.; No. 20 t hi-ttHhoochec circuit. Dozier vs. Wilke, son A Hatcher et al, Argned. C. J. Thom too, H- Persons for p! Bull contra. No. 2 Chattahoochee circuit. Hill vs, MouUoi}. Argued. C. J. Thornton, A. A, Carson, W. P. Edwards for plaintiff; O. M, Colbert, W. 8. Wallace, contra. psasst;;' writes thak-Hnw !««♦' OUrtk, made npqn, s'SKtaiahBM'HBaa like so many slaves, issj to toreigt "j»»w York Moyeotiers Indicted. M&3&&5Ss%'g Chalaca into mills who were arrested )«*J met es? swag nubed bafl'to *w«it trill. 8r» ottefl Py ties have been indicted bnt thus far they have eluded axwet , n.ujutn* cuii urr. No. 4. (continued) Pataula circuit. Hist vs. Ivey. Argued. IL H. Powell tor plain tiff; E..C. Bower, J. H. Lumpkin, contra. No. 4 Patau! 1 circuit Hudson v«. State. Argued. 11. II. Powell, W, l)., Butler, for plaintiff; J. H. GqerT, Solicitor General, by E. C, .Bower, C. Auilerspn, Attorney General, by J. H. Lumpkin, contra. No. 5 Pataula circuit. Honey- vx. State, Argned. It. H. Powell,’ W. O. llntler for plaintiff; J. II. Gnerry,' Solicitor General, by E. pi Bower, C. Anderson, ‘ Attbrney General, by J. n. Ltimpkin, contra. Conrt adjourned to 9 o'clock a. m. to morrow. Decisions Rendered April Soth ItMl, , SpecUl Iteport bjHenrj C. Peeples. Central Railroad and Blinking Company va. M, A. Thompson. Case, from Scrivcn. Judgment reVemcd. Jos.jFratur c t °1. ys. W. F. Scats admin istrator Equity, from Hall. Judgment , Jno. E. Porter vb.' the State. Larceny from tbo house, from Habershaiti.' Judg ment affirmed. Wm. Barber bt al. vs. Geo. W. Shaffer et al.' Ejectment, from Piihldiitg. Judgment affirmed. , Jim Lanier vs. IheStatV. Burglaiv. from Gordon. Judgment affirttfed: ' '■ Tl. HtimpliriesSs. TT40S. Ji Nix: Appeal, from Rockdale. Judgment affirmed. , F. M. Ison vs. T. W.'Mnnley. Certiorari, from Spalding. Judgment afftrnred. J. F. Glass vs. J. H. M’ynn, eixcontor. Alimony, from HoAry. Judgment affirmed. J. B, Lep vs. Emaline Hale. Illegality, from Pike. Jfid^mrnt'afflrnied, '■ A. J. Shnnhoh vs. O. C. Vincent. Certi orari, from Green. Judgment affirmed. S. E. A’uUghn va. Milltr * Bttssey ami vice versa. Complaint, from City Conrt of Richmond county. Judgment reversed in flyst case arid affirmed in second. * ’ C. At Fleimng vs. Fire Assbciation of Philadelphia at at' Sehibv’hl to United Stutes Court, from Richmond. Judgment reversed. • 1 : ■■• John L. Cruise, Sr., vs. Foster «V Eatos. Certiorari, from Forsl'th. Judgment at- tlrmed. ‘ 1 J ■ T. H. Baker vs. M. R. Akenfitm. Ille gality, from Bartow. Judgment affirmed with damages Henry Hatfield vs. the State. Burglary, from Dade. Judgment affirmed. lilunce AJNoycs vs. Liddell .V Chisolm. Claim, from Polk.' .IndgmenikArmod.' M. A. Nevin vs. R. T. Fouohe, assignee. Complaint, from Floyd: Jndgmebt affirmed. A. J. McWilliams vs. J. M. Windham. Ejectment, from Coweta.- Judgment *f- flnned. M. M.Alb'n, administratrix, vs.\V.A. F.ldcr A Son. Equity, froth Butts. Judgment reversed. 1 Sidney Graham re. Georgia Railroad and Bunking Company. Certiorari, from New ton; Judgment iiffirutod^ . . .. John W. Moiore vs. E. B. llopsot. Eject ment, front Roekdale. > Judgment affirmed. Eugene W. Bock vs. the State, klnrder, from ltolinn. ■ Judgment.afilrmod. Mury Lee vb. the SDb'- Murder, from Marion. Judgment reversed. Ed Johnsouvs. tho Shite. Larceuv, from Cobb. Jndgmcut atUnued. , . Colquitt, Governor, vs. J. , W. A W. I*- Smith. Claim, from Floyd.. Judgment re versed. Davis k Denson vs, the State. • Obstruct ing legal process, front Wilkinson. Judg ment reversed. Alabama Great Southern Railroad Com- pony vs. J. II. Wilkinson and . wife. Case, from Dade. Judgment affirmed. , Singer Hewing. Machine Company, vs. J. C. Barnett. Rule, from Whitfield. Judg ment reversed. ; .1 , Geo. Jackson v*..Georgia Railroad and Banking Company. Case, from Morgan. Judgment reversed.. Geo. W. McWilliams vs. flt J.Jjte. admin istrator. Motion to amend judgment from Henry. .Judgment affirmed, t 1L 1L-Metcalf vs. the.. State. Selling li quor with* tit license, from tbattplioo- euee. Judsmesi.sffifgsd.iy ;.. J. J. Hollis vari ffie State. ,Fornication and adultery, .from Chattahoochee. ■ Judg ment affinnad.. I’orter V. the.Smbf, ’ laujapy from the tejwrisSBtBiiSaja -. iliadfiusanors. L Rriainve. :. Ml J-txU tisUmoqy of^n accotvphce bf sufficient to cohriot ©Lrqisdtpieanorii,; I^OOe 37f->; *3 Th:-re ww»«tttc'is»tvrv«irofJbevenue ItSS'lSi C». m,, Cum A Jones b'r plaih^ftW S.Ekw“ifi. Solicitor General, by if, fc, IRtrjtaff^i-S* p- P“ nl “I' contras': * rt* ^tl vl-H , .loj, Prater et uE vlt:B<«*r*,a4nltiitstr*tor. -Equi- tv.fromHalh, Before Judge KsteS. Kqnitv, Contracts. lilffittMioM.«> State ilauaud. ■ Mistake: ■KtiAeitie-tDrfAnnum*, -u--. 'J*css,)!»,G. J.“fI#fA««lffi setting up that the inte-tnte-’of ‘ difhedanty cutap latoanD’ father ami UfteWBaln*. ladureo ewaptain-^ anu tolriofe- Jisbk frioaPTWriuc to Georgia, (b lake, care-rif TW'IaBtewand-mother in thcirrild W<-; oirtbe’JltbmUb MRf coOtraot ofthc rather 1 W- eottsMeralion' thereof -'bis - Oetfj one ' oli cotsplaia- hls’paorirtyp 'ttDt .xmiohurmnts Hr.Mt,' »“ff ber l,-"ffl»«'«Nl falhee and _ _ tnailb- 1 fo Ihrft IDnl'eampUinant, ijf .Hnuiidbratiqh--.oi HAIfaAeaa iaffeetion, s dcid or writing lo tbefsatM; that the real tprishlertMoh »« thb support, Am, men- fliHtedi emit it Vah-McMpMd i under the be lief fbef.-it'«'»» «■ khkomth-oonveyaniSe; t that tjie srm‘ Went'iuto- tttimMbte poasej. mother hi 187ft' tloitl this' poaseaaion Wka r. cognized tnr and silDfaetory to the par- cntaMhat the arid kffnAMMihr tkh matter, 3 If the conveyance was a voluntary one I a mistake In It wirahl not be corrected as ntiff: J. J. , against heirs, nor would a siieilflo per formance of it, when corrected, be decreed' 27 Ga. 30. 4. To have damages in lieu of specific performance, as ruled in U Ga. 5W!t, ills essential that a case for specific perform ance he made out. (<i) If the acconnt be out of date, which made tbe consideration of tbe promised deed, equity will not seize jurisdiction to pnt it in dale. 5. Besides the reasons stated, which are in the wav of complainants, la the fact Hint instead of caring for the old people in con sideration of the contract set up, the sop charged for all ho did, kept a regular ac count, and sought to get payment of it from tho administrator. • 71 Ga. SIS; Code 31S7. Besides complainants do not clearly show by the hill wbut.sort of contract it was of which they wish a.specific perform ance. 23 Ga. 131 arid 28 Ga. til cited and distinguished. 'Judgment affirmed. M. F. Findley, Dunlap &, Thompson for plaintiffs.. \Y, L, Smith, If.,H.ferry contra. Lanier vs State. Burglary,- from Gordon betnre Judge Fain. Criiiiinal law. Bur glary. Jackson, C, J.—I. To brcak.nnd enter a store-house with intent therefrom to steal the goods and chattels of the storekeeper or owner, ninkes burglary xrithimt adding “where vulnshlegnods, wares, etc, are con tained or stored." Nor u it necessary to describe the goods in the indictment, or al lege their value. Code 43St>. 2. If defendant broke and entered with intent to steal and WaH : prevented from stealing in the very act of trying to do so, he is guilty.of burglary. ,. 3. Section 4}17 of the Code refer* to other houses than those whercirt burglary ia the olTerise as described iu section 4386. 46 Ga. 216. Judgment affirmed. Dabney i lTincbe for plaintiff; J. W. Har ris, Solicitor-Genital, by H. B. Trippe contra. Hhmphrioa rs. Nix. Appeal, from Iloek- ilslo. Before Judge Stewart. Promissory notes. 8ealed instrument. Jacxson, C. J.: Apromissory note, which has at the dose of ft the words “signed and, scaled," followed by tho signature art the maker and tbo scroll for a seal, with L. H. writteu across it, is equivalent to the wolds' “Witness my hand and seal,” followed in flie same way/arid is a compliance with sec tion 2915 of trie Code, asasoaled instrument. 72 Ga; 898;6» Gm 761 Judgment affirmed. A. O,, McCalla for plaintiff, A, Ferry, by J. N. Glepii contra. A MARVELOUS CURE. A Par" .Platt, itie Onlr Cur* for rhiiAumptfuti. It has become the seiilrd practice of all physicians, of oil dispensing druggists, to administer pure, auadulterated whiskey for CoNHUMCTIoy, and Daffy’s Pure Malt Whiskey lots1 become the recognized and unquestioned Bjrcclle for tlie UDK8 of this dreaded disease. Tbe subjoined testi monials bear wltuess. to Iu undoubted efficacy not MadIwm Are.. Baltimore, Md. ••CaxTnrrtrNi-l bndsjistisittiu tbe lost fttffiires ot conMimptlon who, when fori or ncdiPlne waa flvra «rqul«l roratl It* I had *iren various remedies, but all were expelled, ainri sh*received nutriment only by onbm»jsitd imincUou of Cod Liver Oil* wLIch were ezreedinirijr dlsaKreeable lo Jier. ‘! had * botllA of Dairy's Pur* Mail WkWkur, I iMiroinietcred » .teaepoonful which not voralted. The Mrbnd dose, with » little meat JuW Wftft, r«fftln«d. Within a week she wasmIiIc toenMiftArtlly. All this hfter her family luul ft»netublftd to •eo her die. I am voQvimed tliftl it la not only free from fuerl olt, but nut in any way mtutUra^K^Bagrreja^.0. I -was suddenly stricken wllb ft Mftvure hrmorrliaue, lneiuc about one f b!ood at the Arsf Rttack, knd larce rsllon of t quantities frequently thereafter. My oft** waft cousnlcml bopeleKK my friends ar- ranged for my funeral. 1 wiur removed to Hebrew Hospital, ami was there or* »<f hr my phyficiim to nee Cod Llrer Oi wju»kry. On advice the whiskey 1 rsngml fi*r ray tbe Hebrew derod by my r ... BHHHj ■ aad Whiskey. On advice the whiskey I used was your Duffy's PUfe Ms ft Whiskey. Idihcunled the oH ualrur only the whiskey. X feel 1. owe my life to Its purity* and earnestty recommend It for pulmonary ro» J H.., 1 ..*rbr»orrfi,,,^ nNWnu 03 N. Ceotfid AVr;. Balthuore. Md. , . . .Inly -ift. 1883. **f7«NTr.KMt!<:^r hare been -Hh my ..frlaiuSa all JJwt'-tfclti L. would din. of cm*. eutnmlon. I whs m> sick and week that they had to hold me )iti to five me your. Duffy’s Pure Malt UJiiakey, Mr doctor told them to she If. and then 1 Uysn to fiapiwre. KW Master St.. X»hlla . Vd . Nov. a, 1SA5. key slid conkumt'tton cur# In hef ciw/ t w : rsrv - , Nov. ;l jaw. -wISSSHSns imRSBBlRSe^ ares* ittonJistATlM vattcM.-reie Mala It ; ‘C’lnn:iips'’ Wire /.Fvtlwr tu tfi« I ->is nt 'tli'e Kxpcnso of Sutlering lliiniijiiity. Tlie OliirinR Uatl Rxliibited by Non-Professlonftl Frutirls. Tbe country is flooiletl with bogus medi cine men, and iu a few cases a heavy capi tal is all they have to sustain their prestige. Numerous cleverly concocted certificates are forced ujion tbe unsuspecting, purport ing to bavc “snatched from the grave” some poor victim of blood poison or other disease, When to orir knowledge the identi cal persons lajy groaning in agony while tho pnblio were reading of.tboir remarkable re covery. , Another serious offense is the publica tion of erroneous statements concerning various drugs,' such aa fire daily prescribed by our bast physieians, declaring them to be deadly poisons. Iodide, of potasn, which seems io receive their greatest condemna tion, whbn prescribed by physic ans and in tbe propor eombiuktion with certain eom- pounda, it not only harmless hut forms one of the most powerful antagonist* to blood poison kno wn to tbe medical world; B. B. B. (Botanic Blood Balm) contains iodide of potash, Thia company bold hundreds of C uine certificates from persons who have a cured of various diseases arising from an impure stafe of the blood by tbe use of B. B. It: The question now I*, if iodide of potash is such a terrible enemy to health, why D it that the Blood Balm Co. hare made within two yours the most gigantic sales and cures evur before mode on Amer ican soil? ; Wherever introduced it takes tbe lead of oil Blood Remedies for |be cheap and speedy cure of all Blood, Hkin and Kidney Dis eases, Scrofula, Ulce.a, Rheumatism, tie. Old Knglautl Outdone. Bonny, Tkxn., Nov. 9, '84. I have bad a bad ulcer or running sore for twenty yenrs, which no doctor has eve) been able to boa). I was affilctod before leaving England, and tbe doctors over there could not cure me. . For some time I lmve been using B.B. B., and tho effects aston ish every one, and I enclose'several pieces of bone whftli it has worked out. My health la rapidly improving, ulcers nearly all healed, and I am far better than l have been iu twenty years I will send, you a certificate soon. Mbs. Jensik WimjaVs, * Near Chattanooga,iTenn. “Lone Stfir Stntc.” DjtXTta, Taxas, June 16, 1885, One of- our customers left his bed for thq first time .in six months, aftsr n ine only one bottle of B. B. B. lie lmd scrofula of a terrible form, that hnd resist ed all other treatment. B. 11. B now takes tbe lead it) thiaaection. • l.IEDTKE BUOS. Sim Is N(»t I>oad. It has been reported that I. was dead,— but 1 am not. .... For four years I have been afflicted with a severe case of BlOod Poison, Rheumatism and Neuralgia. My ilesb shrank away, my musclesseemH to dry upend form into little knots, joint* were swollen and pains ful and all concluded 1 must die. I baVo used five bottles of B. B. B. and I bare gained 66 pounds of flesh; and am now ns sound is any woman. Bruw Dusk away, Atlanta, Ga Send to Blood Balm Co., Atlanta, Ga, for their Book of-Woudere, free. : <9 t jan22*fri-KnnAw Oai3CCC'a)T~ZH0npS9S* First I’rJztt In 18*1 at ‘ Atlanta Exposition, • . And still maintains its Supremacy ias tbo Best Roasted Coffee. Tho Best way toTny IT prove that it is good { || | || . WM lOc. In BtamiM Ihr a mmplttoNrt of Urrrlqg'HN’ew tWOorlgli^l ilWfmcX ; E. Levering & Co* BALTIMORE, MD. w»r23 ttiar««aMw ~ , •riim.iviiR. Tin; kii)Ni;vh. •l lll.NTO'IACH T l ist; huw a.jlm. | AJr't’OBfTlUK CUiUI IUIL, 1 MatfE Y; Z O i NED , t * -Ion--- •■ »; ; zi r M 8 i Apply to ELLIOTT E8TKS, L lit tierowl street, Macon, Ga. feblHwif MOiN-EY LOADED - Ob Improved farm and City Proj *rty: For term* R F. LAWTON. Banker, tprldawly flinri •tr*ctf Xacot, Oft* <snU; that tho a bn eri>M*r«l in Ih* nhote this rt*nl«,- Ae., the itio ct for*tbe burial psiraatk; that tha son DXttJrif, BttClUlTl & Son then returned hi Texas, convoying in 1S77 to his wife for lore ami sffsition nil his right to the property; that tbe «ife, who is one ofc . *L, Eastman.geougu. mnttiur tl ri-iiiatQetliniK>*t*SKion drvils cf esRtftratss of was turnedcut under an an action 0 * MUl ffCrab Orchard | WATERa^gs .dyspepsia, fflggpJcHl aE«Kai««s«% anaKasK’fih . nirlMU^vavtrav-.i > I)o Not Do Deceived. SutSulffi iarttatftd by U04<mipBloaa f L.Bl Iwa vMSss msalTOH.InraratotglnifiwriWr ■6° Uhl. drake, w • U t-AimoiM. Iron and Hrross Voundrlog niul .Miuliinc Slitips. ' . Iron tutliese. psasklffiw Bjrup • KtMfiw. Stren. (JHMlrus *orkji. • ■. *• , , Tbo proprietor haa bad an experience of ov« forty-years in ike iron baataMA. ,- .v we gasisntss toseliyon Cans If IU* chaapar ban anybody, and that tbvy wlH firs perfsctiatia A, RETNOLDtL Proprietor. 1 } 0or. Fifth and Haotboms itnHi, Macon, Oa.. OSfiffWHt HR COUSHtSSc CRGUP USE TAYLOR’S ^ ‘ r »r> ^ REMEDY SWEET 6BM MULLEIN. TunM|dt;>>|ia>!MM«<l.lnUusnWA SISraMBft uu. M ran* ra Ifai> -siawVurwTrif r* MSli XlMtqr .1 aJ.*t fii* <re I •W*mHA.TAYfiOH,AlUalA.C«- , tx ns. nbataai »«»»r waaui., re., DR.BniOtms itWtKlWWM* COHWAL. t WiWKI.SA! oftbr-i isrti’rtftfledy fhrtbVJ*'iowM^' * Is oue of tb^kmuntp pltMant r nediee for all Huronirr complaluts. At a siftr n vrbed Vfotent uth^WA tff-Tiheffmwal^cr^aoo Gcprolti CMtUfmcM Chilli sea Aret4/ tikVe ‘fJr ribas jffAMed 'HJ* ■ends.sail wtU wMtwisrf" a“.«a«wUtthc.mrriisof Usll's Ocorvls fftitll Kuuiwly t.< rniu* lnosn. Thtk la no nsl. nt hnnoKox riratrtmi, U.ctlis inrallof tfc» hsd cessed to he»*,*lfl •««*.; W.' fattjojli A) 1 cascflof IftHH thaii su miintbt^ffUndiTi^wfuccrt tk permanent'enrs, lo’tUitr tihitsi a isoffenar would •pend doubts tike atnowlfor«l ulQiBftjtQd 11p.P> »' cured. I apix-ml A f * *41'OtililUrlt * * n Aiba(U i*d—tkcsn*,d»> cunld. ol?U^nt'd^f t i! :•*>! «t-*tft»;« •f r»*q Vi -e . ..i 4 fever by us u.oci i»i .ata rafa emu Senrety, ’) Msoon. 6... OJiober 8, juatri-nie tJcnVt.Ut irp* Mscon', Os.. lOratidsCkUl ',.1 .idy tfiti.U-Kt uWUVfsa»(!r I ct* T ' Mi'aebtgr kktiii rf*fe^on8s«rtV, b*hra,aoT<rknCT>att torfwi.'ai •> •'1 siI pnjisrstlbnlBjtLqwfuW, , ,f ; 4 j : • 'I'aMAB! mmUdi i LaMar, t satgf«i*% Sd ,'A .•, . V*a>u,Ow ( ' a ' Td * SBSflFaSS^-i ' AKA I'O.UL 1...‘ c^tolnswgwu^tM^ri^gkltllra .«L|p.vtH- n.»..[ t;o.-scuw3PlFki,<.’v,q' B AilChAubwlwhtihareiaiHIjywCIRm l\*,o s-fstbridlk r.lSrb t. —.ottljvutjbcog^tfy. OANT£f#OKEti <D GOi,b< ; ^ ‘" il ,r ’ k-yj# iHtdticPSKj'y.-T. ":--i -i . .niLml .iUUz *. ttiakHmSAtffra wto.3 bus 1i a ■ r. * n-ijAjoq t V :. ;.<sniT a* ovvwsaq < 1 1,,Yt ";.r",Mp£ICAir • MUSfANO r^jssntJiKK, ; or ittvitx : " ‘ 1 •*- • ’’V ' ■ MiimwIiiKt* narn.Vnd-.alS-. Kllnss and tlllC*. r«M ^pruli.b A KtlwWjS Conrrkct cd M imi- Siiil Julriri. Uarkacliv. U ^ pyptlpn*. . . , 2SSW LINIMENTS JHHh A'. ' M i.f ■: ■ ^ -- "ra. ■