The weekly telegraph. (Macon, Ga.) 1885-1899, May 11, 1886, Image 12

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12 TKE MACON WEEKLY TELEGRAPH. TUESDAY MAY 11, 1886.—TWELVE PAGES. CINCINNATI ON GUARD. CATLING GUK3 IN READINESS FOR ANY ANARCHIST OUTBURST. Stale Mlittla Encamped Near Cincinnati— for Serious Alarm—Parsons Defiant in Ilia Hiding I’laco— Tho Anarchist in Court. Cdcinnati, May 8.—Ootirardly there ia very little apparent change in the strike in thia city. The employe* bate been voted ten houra pay. and eight hours work, and a number of individual manufac tories have made aetUementa with their men, but a great mass of the strikers remain idle. There ta but little indication of a etrtke on the atreeta. There are no crowd*, and bualneaa aeema to be progressing aa usual. Orderly proceaaiona of stiller* bare passed through the atreeta every day, and their very pronounced denunciations of violence and particularly of socialistic methods, baa given to the public a sense of freedom from danger of s riot. Tbe feeling has not been shared by the authorities. For several days the First Regiment of Ohio National guards ha* been on duty night aud day at ita armory near the court bouse. Several hundred special policemen have been appointed aud safety organ ization ■ have been made all over the city at the mayor’s request Four regiments of militia have been ordered here by the Governor. Explanation for all this precaution is made to-day for the first time. It is that the police commissioners have dis covered that HociaiUta to the number |uf six hundred are organized, and arrived with effec tive ritifs; that they control here a manufactory of dynamite bombs; that tbe one used in Chicago waa mads her*; and they have now on band for use a supply of thase internal machines. Ths commis sioners claim that they have found the nams of the manufacturer. Win. Hawkins of Covington, Ken tucky. The Seventh regiment arrived this afternoon and has gone into camp in the Hamilton county fair grounds, about six miles from the city. Other reg. imcaissrc expected at thia sane camp to-night Ths force will have two field pieces and nine gat- tliog guns. Col. Fred Moore of the First regiment has been placed in command. THE METHODIST CONFERENCE. A 1HO SHORTAGE. Warrants Issued for Embezzlement and Larceny After Trnat. For some time the Teleoraph has been in pos session of information concerning the financial af fairs of ths Central City Loan and Trust Associa tion. but refrained from making it public because of the family conuectlous of the party Involved. Yesterday the matter took such a serious turn as to require s publication of the facts. On Friday Major W. U. ltoss went before Justice Poe and swore out one warrant for embeczelment and one for larceny after trust against Jos., G. Wil burn, the cashier of the association. These war rants were not served, owing to an inability to find Mr. Wilburn, and, fearing that he might attempt to leave the city, the police were notified to look out for him. Yesterday morning the stockholders of the asso ciation held a meeting at tbe office of the pr« aldent aud Major ltoss submitted the following report, which embraces all the important facts: TO THE STOCKHOLDERS OT THS CENTRAL C1TT LOAN AND TUCST ASSOCIATION. Oentlemen: I havs thought beat to reduce to writing » short statement of the reasons which have induced the call of this meeting. Since your last regular meeting in March, certain facts have come to the knowledge of your directors concerning the finances of the association of so grave a nature that, in the opinion of the board, it became emi nently proper to ley them before you for your cou- Lively Debate on the Assignment of a Texas Preacher—Other Conference Uualne**. RicnwoND, V*., May A—In the Methodist Episco pal Conference to day Dr. D. C. Kelly from the committee on chnrch extension reported marked Huccess in combining local and parent boards, and n ged that it be not changed. Various memorials were presented and referred to the committee boundaries. Rev. L. L. Pickett of the North Texas Conference haring been located against his will, submitted an .appeal from the decision of his Conference, giving the following reasons for appeal: That no notifica tion had been served previous to proceedings; that provisions of discipline did not cover bis case; that all allegations were not proven; and that he auh- MNuiu Written statement of his purpose to duly administer discipline. * A lively debate ensued, daring which it appeared that he had been located without his consent, but without charges agaluat his moral character. The ground upon which he had been retired from Itin erancy, was his inability as a traveling preacher. The debate turned upon the question whether a preacher was allowed to appeal, when there had Ikxo no Imputation aguinst Lla moral character. He had been located becaufee of his refusal to ad minister baptism by Ummeraion, tbe Methodist Church allowing candidates for baptism, a choice wf Mafias. G. o. Andrews of Mississippi, was a parallel caeo that came before General Conference iu JUahville, jn 1H&T, in which an appeal was al- «a»wc<l. After dtvrne arguments, and many pdlttU of order, the previous quegliou wie called, and an appeal was allowed. A resolution was adopted that Bishop McTyerie’i manual of discipline be referred to a committee to ■aletermine what authority it hai In determination of the law of the ekUfoh, Bishop McTyerie appeared to be senslUva to fre quent dissent from his manual vf discipline ex pressed on the floor of the conference lie took occasion to make a statement as to the origin and authority of tha work alluded to. The Bishop said that the book, while expressing the views of hia colleagues In the bishopric had nojmore official au thority than any other nook. A motion was made to reoonslder the resolution by which the subject was referred to a committee. Col. E. W. Cole of Tennessee said that if this motion prevailed he would offer a resolution that lUfbcp MoTyerie be requested to write aa introduc tion t<> hi# manual. In which he should sxprree the views which he had just explained. Dr. Wcnfleld of Arkansas said In effect that Methodism has no Romlah hierarchy in Ita episco- pacy. that bishops were not law makers of the church; that they dare not go beyond the laws made by tbe general conference, that he himself would not be governed by the manual unless the confer ence resolved that it was authority In cases consid ered by it; that if the book should be decided authoritative he should certainly be guided by ita teachings. Dr. llaygood of Oaorgia, who was elected to the blahoptc at the last general conference, but declined ordination, aald be had never in all hia life heard that any one had ever considered the manual to be an authoritative exposition of the law. He acknowl edged ita excellence; it was aud/eei U parvo but not griepskwi. By permission of the conference the original lution was withdrawn, when that of Col. Cole was considered. After some debate the whole subject was laid on thft THE BAPTIST OOH9BBBHGF. An Effort to bo blade to Evangelize the Negro In the South. ^ifowTf<'»n aY, Ala . May A— 1 Wifi second day' amnion of the ttoutfaern ltapti.t Convention shows an tncreaesd attendance. Thia morning a report -was adopted providing for raising ten thousand dollars to be expended In evscgeUzing the colored race in the Booth. The discussion of mr*M tor better reaching the colored peonfe kit long Xhd In teresting. and consumed moat of the mnrulng ses sion. An event of the dtacfiwlon traa a ajieeck by a colored pastor of a Colored Baptist church in Chat tanooga. In the afternoon session, the report on the re sources of the home mission board was adopted. It recommends the raising of $65,0U) to carry oo the transfer of the Hunday school paper "Kind Words” from Macon to Atlanta. A missionary mass meeting for home mleaioua was held to-night Many fine addresses were made. Distinguished Baptist ministers will occupy most of the pulpits to-morrow. On Monday dtacuaaion of the foreign mission* report cornea up. BOYCOTTING NKGBOK& A Texas Town Undertakes to Iloycott Ne groes—lluatneas Bfen to the Rescue. Galveston, May 8.—A special to the News from Brovnwood nave: Notice* were found posted in various parts of the town to-day reeding as follows: ••All negroes are to leave here on short notice, or they will be anmmerUy dealt with. All negroes seen on the streets of Rrownwood Saturday evening will be roughly treated. We mean business. Signed) -ManxMen. The business men, without exception, denounce the threatened expulsion, and aay they will defend the negroc* in their rights ee long as they behave ihetneelrea. Railroad contractors here have received written notice* warning them not to employ any more Degrees. FOUR MORE DEATHS From That Terrible Chicago Anarchist llotnb-TbrowIng Riot Last Week. Chicago, May 9.—Tbe day has been one marked by quiet throughout the entire city, no procesriions occurring, and tbe police were not called upon to diaperue any large Maemblage*. The situation in tbe lumber district, which ha* her n the scene of many disorders during tbe week, was such aa not to require tbe dispatching of • single petrol wagon to quell a disturbance during the day. Tbe fourth death among tbe persons in< jnred in tbe Haymarket square riot, Tues day, occurred last night, officer Flavin giv ing way to injuries indicted by a bomb and weakne ss caused by amputation of one of bis injured legs. t Kriger, tbe Socialist shot by Officer Mad* den, died this morning. Tbe fifth of tbe wounded officers suc cumbed this afternoon, officer Michael Bhelhan dying at bis home. He wag one of those injured by a (dace of an exploding bomb. Tbe death of Frank Launis occurred dnr- tag the afternoon. He was recognized m neojlwr of tbe rioting Communists. No work Wax at'* mpted at any of tbe Mfi boqeee» but tbe companies will give Loti. , to-morrow of their ability to handle MMUty of freight offered, it - -feted thattb#etrikereon th n.n* CVnt rid. Mu-higan Central, arid Bel of directors by the csshler that he wan unable for some cause to obtain a proper balance sheet from his books. An examination was immediately or dered, and after bearing what explanations tbe cashier could give. It became evident to the board that there was a shortage in bla accounts to some considerable extent. Step* were immediately takeu to ascertain, if poeeible. the full amount of the de ficit, and to adopt auch measures as were necessary to make the same good to the association if possi ble. In order to complete the examination of tbe books, and to make an inventory of the assets, the directors thought best to select some third party, and for this purpose employed Mr. Geo. W. Burr to-aid them in tbe investigation. The well-known experience of Mr. Burr in the lmslneea of loan as sociations, together with his honesty and integrity, rendered him emiueully proper in the opinion of the board to undertake the work. Mr. Wilburn was suspended from office In the meantime. The method of keeping tbe books of such an as sociation being different from tbe ordinary method pursued, rendered this examination somewhat diffi cult, especially in view of the peculiar circum stances attending tho caae. It was found that the books were all apparently correct upon their race and balanced to a cent When the cash account, huweter, was looked into a wide discrepancy was apparent totween the amount of caah called for and the amount on band. After au examination of the assets of the nffioe and allowing tbe cashier all credit* to which it could be thought be was In any way justly enti tled, and applying to the deficiency the excess of certain property tendered by the ceabier, if tbe same should be received by tbe association on tbe term* proposed, it is believed that be real amouut due would be about eleven thousand dollars. Tbe bond of the caahlsr ia for seven thousand ft vo hundred dollars and is kuown to be abundant ly solvent Uls securities are his mother. Mr*. Francis I. Wilburn, T. J. Fletcher, Esq., of Monroe county and 8. U Hawkins, Eaq., of Sumter county. Several effort* have been made to obtain a settle ment from the cashier and hi* securities of the amouut due tho association, and to the fact that propositions looking to this end have been pending between the association and the securities is due the apparent delay in calling this meeting together. It was earnsetly hoped that some settlement could be reached that would be satisfactory to you under tha circumstances before calling your attention offi cially to the matter. This, however, the board has been unable aa yet to accomplish. Huit* therefore will be entered upon the bond for the purpose of realizing upon the tame, and everything ehall be *?nt necessary to eecure the monby at the earliest E radicate moutnl. Your president has felt that la duty did Wi\ l ***** D**» Institution of civil proceedings, Botn 7 0U * ud community he has remgulred the high r^Ugatlon which hia office devolved upon him. Ho felt C 1 ** •* • teen and a citizen he was called on to go furuTN 1 to repair the wrong both to yon and to himself, regaro.*l» 0 **ot r personal considerations. He felt that an at am pie ought to be made in the caae, and that the criminal law ebonld be vindicated in tbe punishment of the offender against lUt plain provisions. On yesterday, therefore, two warrants were Issued on the oath of the president charging Mr. Wilburn with embezzlement and larceny after trust. These warrants have been placed in tbe bands of tbe proper officers for execution, and tbe arrest* thereon will be made a* soon as practicable. The aMociatlon will underteand that the situa tion is nut inure morticing to thorn than to tha board of dlrectore. Mr Wilburn waa elected tobta office by tbe ansoclation. He had been most active in obtaining the subscription to the stock and In organ* ixln{ the association. Great confidence was appar ently reposed in him by all the members of tbe association, aud no words can express the astonish ment of .tour board when it was ascertained by them that he bad become a defaulter. In conclusion the president bugs to state that so long as be bold* hia present office he will neglect no duty at.d omit no sacrifice personal to LiincoK to aecnre tbe interests of tbe association and to compel tbe repair of the damage done to Its finances. Peepei tfulljr submitted. Wm. H. Howl President. Tbe report wee read and the president's action approved. Boon after tbe meeting Mr. Wilburn wee arrested si iiis borne by Bailiffs Kimbrew and Wilder. In the afternoon Mr. WUbnrn gave bond in tbe sum of tl.taJO in each case. Tbe bond was signed by his two brothers and Mr. E. C. Bcbofield. The ease is set for trial next Thursday. Ths shortage does pot in anf way affset the asso ciation. It Continue* business j* usual. Ills un derstood that the securities will resist the suit on the ground that the defalcation waa going on at tbe time of signing tbe bond. Mr. N. K. Harris rspreaent* tbe association and Mr. George W. Gustlq represent* Mr. Wilburn, CIVIL SERVICE FOLLY. A ZEALOUS PARTY WORK EBB FATE UNDER CIVIL SERVICE. An Open Tradacer or Cleveland and tlie Party Allowed to Mold a Lucrative OlOce—ItaiDidell's I)og—Graver'll Approaching Marriage. [.Special Correspondence of The Telegraph.) Wahhini>tos, May 6.—Here is a striking case ex hibiting tbe absurdity of civil service reform. We are about to enter upon a fierce and doubtful con test for the possession of the next House. Much of the work of the committee appointed by the Demo cratic members hse to be done by the secretary. The person named for that important position is Mr. Robertson, of Kentucky, who has no signal fit ness for the duty imposed upon him. He i* not an industrious man, and hi* habit* are not the beet for steady application. Besides, hi* own district la in jeopardy, aud he will have uo time to attend to the campaign technicalities assigned him. In this extremity, the party of BInnderer* M»k a sub stitute—«ome young fellow, alert, expert and un- JIJDGK SIMMONS WITHDRAWS. Complimentary Letter from the Mem- bet* o( the Macon liar. Yesterday afternoon CoL Buford M. Davis, In be half of tb* members of the Macon bar, presented Judge T. J. Htmmons with the following letter: Hon. T. J. Bimmoss, Macon, Ga.—Dear Hlr: Judg ing from the capacity and faithfulness with which you have discharged the most Important public trust in the past. your election to the highest office In the gift or the Commonwealth would redound equally to tha credit of the Htale aud tha honor of your friend*. Bnt from the universal Admitted honesty of purpose, fairness. Impartially and abil ity with which for the past seven year* you have discharged tbe onerous and respooaible du ties of judge, the people and bar o| the Macon circuit will regard aa a public calam ity any cause that constrains your retirement rom “ s bench. Besides, to lay off tha judicial ermine seek political preferment at this time will «m- barraas a host of your personal friends, especially of the Macon bar. to whom you have endeared yourself, not less by your kindly courtesy than by tbe unsurpassed firmness and ability which ba* characterised the discharge of your duty. Fur thee* reasons we, the undersigned members of the Macon bar, earnestly request you to sac rifice. for the time, your worthy and laudable ambition to seek the office of Governor, and #o retain your present important portion: tiring, who will perform the secretary’* work and. for a small sum, allow another man to get the cre dit of hie talent and labor. Chairman Henna, who la the right man in the right place, has asked Mr. Watson Boyle to assume the arduous dntlee pre sumed to be the special undertaking of Mr. Rob- ertMou. BOTLK’S PITNKKM. Boyle has done more of this ungracious business >r lose reward than any man on tho planet. He has bad tie experience of three tremendous cam paigns. He was Gorman's right arm at New York during the Presidential contest, eud the Maryland Senator has putiu writing a testimony to Boyle's merit such as few men ever get from prominent politicians. This young fellow, who did so much to help elect Cleveland, has the right to expect some substantial recognition from the Democratic administration. Powerfully backed, be asked to be Register of Wills for the district. This office Los bccu held fur the last five >*.•»*■* by A MAN NAMED RAMSDKLL, an ardent friend of Mr. Blelne, whose election he advocated m correspondent of the Philadelphia Press, In a most savage manner. In addition to this he is reported to have exhibited a trained dog whose antics were as insulting to Mr. Cleveland an to decency. This man has not been budged, and he defies all invitations to resign. The expulsion of such an official seems to lie contrary to tbe spirit of Mngwumpian rule. So. Ramsdell remain*, drawing a splendid salary, while Watson Bojle, who did so mnch for the Democratic party, has only hie zeal for reward. And now when the parly is in a desperate fix, because of it* President* policy and ita own folly, appeals are made to Boyle for aid and comfort. Anxious aa he may be to serve an ungrateful people and administration, Boyle i* in a curious perplexity. If, with hi* ap- E llcatton for the office of register of will* pending, e egret s to serve as Robertson’s executive autmtt- tuts, the President’s civil service reform rui .* him a* au "offensive partisan.” THE SWORD or THE PABTT he is to serve is used to slay hia aspiration. It he consent to assume this risk and shall be finally nominated for Ramsdell's place, tbe Republican Henate will take fierce delight in rejecting him as a capital offender against civil service and truly good reform! Waa there ever auch a complication for so deserving a Democrat, who because of so great service* to hia party, 1* baffled from employing hia talent* for another campaign lest be be caught by civil service, between the devil of mngwnmpery on one band* and the deep sea of Republican di plomacy on the other. CLEVELAND'* CHANCE. As I telegraphed you, the ovation to Mr. Davis, which might have appropriately cuded at Mont gomery. is the sweetest thing Cleveland has rolled undsr his tongue in many a day. lie 1* now pre pared for any bad news next November. I hope It will not com*, but rural districts. East and West whsre ignorance and prejudice prevail, may take on an extra amount of loyal enthusiasm against Dem ocratic candidates. Well Informed moo here In form m? that each will be the caee. If there ire enoW examples—about twenty-three, I believe, are lequffxd—the Republican* will control the House. Tbeif Cleveland will nib bU fat hands in glee, swearing that civil service was about to tri umph, when some men at the South lagged out Mr. Davis and induced him to talk "treason," at blind and misinformed partisans call it- What will oar denials amount to? 1 prefer, however, to believe that the North, st both ends, will have enough to do wat.-hlng that dreadful European riff-raff that has been dumped upon that section In "dir., dyna mite and damnation.'* Meanwhile, Henator Pngh's wager has not been taken, and t-Mlay the Republi cans reduce their estimate from 30 majority to only 3. We shall see what we shall see. KO MOURNINO POR THE BLAIR RILL. The practical extinction of ths Blair bill la not mourned much even by soma of Its recent support ers. Ths Bouihern aud Western Democrats who stubbornly and persistently opposed it, are flood ing their districts with Henator Plumb's speech, which is good Republican testimony of its insidious and dangerous dcsigus in ths way of pattrnslizing tbe government aad demoralizing ths people. In spite of all ths wordy warfare tt Is believed that nothing practical will come from the inter- Htate commerce bills. Home amusing atde-scenee have been witnessed when Senators, in a purely Pickwickian sense, accused each other of being in terested in corporations. CLEVELAND’S APPROACRINO MARRIAGE. Nobody hare donbte Cleveland’s intention to marry at an early day. Surmises are confined to the effect it will have upon him. Tbs young lady U said to desire a brilliant White House ceremony, while the middle-aged lover is reported to prater a a diet, old-fashioned tying of the knot st Buffalo, le may prevail In thia. bnt we shall see later who will be boM, or know the reason why. As Vance said in dsbats today, "a man and his wife are one, jnyt which one is ths nnestion.” Rev. T). M. OAkrftETEE. of ClymeP, Co., N., writes March 3,18*4: My boy. two years oliL t »'k a severe cold which sett'ed in hie throat and ludgs. Nothing afforded relief, and I thought he must die- Finally 1 pnt an Allcock’s Porous Piaster around the throat and oue on the chest In leaa than an hour his breathing became better, and be fell asleep. In twenty-four hours ths child was wall. IMAHGB AND COMMERCE. MACON MARKET REPORTS. 8took* and Honda. Lcoal market corrected doily by J. W. Lockett H, fie, 1883, Jan. and July coupon* ICC 4a. 7s, 1880, January and July oonpons, mort gage W. & A. R. R 108 ta. 7s, gold, quarterly coupons 113K 4a. 7s, 1800, Jan. and July coupons 134 CITY BONDS. faoon Ce. quarterly coupons 112X lavaonah 6a. quarterly I'"* lolnmbu* 6*. quarterly eoupms W5 Itlanta 0*. quarterly coupons ..107 iagaaia 0s 107 RAILROAD BONDS. Ingusta nd Knoxville 7 per cent 11J Joe in steamship 6 por cent bond*, guar*d by Central railroad .104X U1 antic nd Golf 1st mortgage, 1397, January and July ooupon*.. 118 Jsatral railroad consolidated mortgage 7s, 1893, January and July coupons 114K teorgla railroad 6s maturity 189/ to 1923, Jan ary and July coupons 100 foblle and Girard Indorsed 8 per cent 3d mortgage, due 1893 112 lontgomery and Kufanla, 1ml. 8*. 1st mort, due 1W9, January and Jnly coupons 108j{ feetem Alabama 8s, 1st mortgage, due 1888, April and October coupons 111K 7astern Alabama 8s, 3d mort, doe 1890, April aud October coupons ...USX forth eastern indorsed 7s, 1st mort, due 1893, May and November coupons 116 lolnmbn* and Rome, indorsed by 0. R. B....,102>£ RAILROAD STOCK*. SUanta and West Point railroad stock 101 Ulanta and West Point 0 per ct certificate*,ex- interest ,.104K 'bgnzia and Savumah 7s, guaranteed 134 Ooatral ex-dividend 77>; Jsntral certificates Wy, fouthwe«tem 7s, gnaranteed, ex-dividend..... 122 Halt—174 lb Ylrfflri* 86*! J b sronnd Liver pool 75 to *>r: Ltn^l Mo. Oar load lots are lee*. Huoaa— Market a little easier. Get loaf 8^c; XXXX fw>v**'tred &•*«.; grano ated TXs.| white extra C7to 7X#: ltM creams «\c; brown*6}<c. Strum— Fancy New Orleans open kettle 45 iu 480 per gal; other grades 73 to 40c per gat Grist— $ .>» per bbl. Hominy-.f3.30 per bht Miscellaneous Groceries. A&leGbxank— f 2.25 to |3.50 per case four dozen. Bar Lead—6\c. Duct—Horned oooked, 11 cans $1.75 per dox.; 2 Ibo JaorglA railroad er llvldend ....183X RANK STOCK*. lx change Bank...............................130 Japltal Bank 86 3sntral Georgia Bank 96 First Naiioual Bank 12S Caecn Savings Bank 100 MXSCRLLAintOtJS STOCKS. f aeon Ga* Light and Water stock 103) Mhb Manufacturing Go. 1st mortgage bonds, par and interest 7Mi*7an Female College bonds 104 Cloves—30c. Concentrated Lte—$2.75 to $3.25 per case. Crackers— Hermitage and Excelsior, 0>fe: milk ind wine, 7Kcto9Ke; X and XXX soda, oyster, butter and taplaco. 60 to 6)40; X and XXX ginger maps, 7)4 to 6){c; X and XXX lemon cmams, 7J* to Itfe; common mixed, cakes and jumbles, lltfe. Onroxn—13c. Macaroni—Domestic, 10c per lb; Imported, 11 Ho per per lb. Mace—6O0. Matches—Slide 60s. 85c; round wood $1.25; 800s, $3.60 to $3.76: 400«. $4.60 to $4.75; 500*, $5.60. Nctmeos—00c to 80c. OATMEAi^Per bbL $5.75: per half bbl. $3.00. Pepper—20c. Pepper Sauce—06c to $1.10 per dos. Picxlls—Pints $1.0*1; quarts $1.60; h barrel?, plain and mixed $6.00. Potafh—Ball, per case, 14 oz., $2.25 to $2.85; 16 oz., $2.69 to $2.76; Samson pure, $2.85; Sterling, Salt Rocx—Per ton. In lota, $15.00; leas quantity 80c per 100 lbs. Sardines—American $7.75; Imported $13.03. Bkamlkas Baob—Two bushel, 18c; 2)4 trash 22c; 8 bushel, 25c. Boap—Common to fancy, $2.00 to $7.50 pe box. Canned Good*. Apples—3 lb cans. $1 per doz. Blackberries—2 lb cans. $1 per dos. OsRRRSxa—2 lb cans. $> per dos. Ccrui—2 lb cans, $1.35 per doz. Corned Beep—$1.86 per doz for 1 lb, $2.50 per lea for 2 lb. Ooth Oysters— $2.20 per case of 2 doz lb cans, ind $3.75p^r case for 2 lb cans; 1 Jib_ light weight. twlss. $6.00, Diamond, half*. $3.75. Mackerel—1 Id cans 90o. per dos. Peachza—2 lbs, $1.15 to $1,26 per dos; 3 lbs, .80 to $1.85 per dos; pie, 3 lbs, $1.06 to $1.10. **ea*—Early June. 2 lb cads, $1.75 per dos. Pears—Bartlett’s 2 lb cans, $1.50 per doz. PtsxApPLRa—2 lb cans, $1.66 per dox; seconds, 1.36 per dos. Potted Ham—70o for *<8 and $1.36 for Raspberries—2 lb cans, $1.90 per dos. Salmon—1 lb cans, $1,40 to $1.60; 2 lb cans, $2.50. Btrawberrie*—2 lb cans. $1.50 per dos. Btrino Brans—2 lb cans $1.00 per doz. Tomatoes—2 lbs, per dox, 95c; 3 lbs, $1.15 per ioz. SX; middling 8strict low mldlling d; luwmiu tiling 7%\ strict good ordinary 7£; good ttd.' nwy IK- RECEIPTS, SHIPMENT* AND STOCK. deceived to-day, by rail 0 •’ by wagon 3 Kacelved previously 56,109 3to<* on hand September l, 1883. 608-56,780 Shipped to-day 6 Ihipped previously. £2,431 52,437 £&$£ os hand, 4.343 2 25. Blacking—No. 1, per gross. $2.70; No. 4, per (TOSS. *3.00. Brooms—$1.00 to $4.00 per dozen. Buckets—Painted, $1.46 to $1.65; paper, $8.00per losen. Candle/—Star, 11 tfc. Candt—Assorted, in boxes, 9 to ICo; In barrels steadier. Tho provincial bnji- T"" * fairly, lint a errat nnnj of f.'fttB to b» tmpma.d with »„ Ins the .itnatlon sbnmt and ar. o ll “ 1, »h Boon thUreat hu h< r„ tn Ui, prennti crop Mid outaidaYtrL '"^ new cop months. 0 ° n,,r togi The toUowing table shows u,. 0r#ri In* o muttons: ulB0 F«mq f> « c ® r n©N *rp»q.t. —. haw Tout. Stay 8,-Th. folio.,„„ ^ rUihlo ntijply of cotton fur the wortT** ‘ I Total visible supply I* Of which 1* American \ Iff Total visible supply la*; y^nr Of which w as American lift Beoeipts at all interior towns.. •* •••l.M Receipt* from plantation* Crop in sight m •law Von, May 8, anluy.'^ciooi,' aalca 161; npiMula 9 5-16; Orlaana datnd receipt, 4.019; eipurta to contleVureSl Oihvmntw. Slay H.^O ttm, mart,,'31 dllnc 9; n.t fecelpU CO, ifiee. .-V ' •took 91,958. — Xoaroix, Slay fi market « , dllnk» 9; net receipt, 903, gro., af," J? 1 liALTiatOBE. Slay 8.—Cotton market a,. J lUlnt;, 88,16; net reeelpta 486, urr,, IJjM —: atock 97.860; export, to roX.^; BOKTOK, Stay 8.—Cotton market . fS M " wl, ' k “• >•>»%! WiLan.Noros, May *.-0otton ma, iH . middling, 9: not receipt, in. > ——•.atock 4,603; export, eoaatwlaeJ14 ; * Prahioihriaa. Sl.y cotton rauta ** ! “ 6l “• I Havannah, May 8.—Cotton market j I filings 8M: net receipt* 284, gross Boda—Keg*. 4«c; boxes, 1 lb, 6M; K lb, 5Mi W * fiw3 - ’ • assorted. 0*c: V lb.packsges. 0. * Vrw Orlka BRICK—10c. I •*•>; tewff lR#s t»; net receipts en >*117. Btarcu—Boxes 4o per lb; 1 lb boxes 4K to 6c. I * O0 °; ■toe 1 ' 147,008; export* to contwei BNunrs—Lorrillard’s, Jars 50c; 1 lb glass Jars 50c: -,** 0 *®* 8-—Cotton market dJ? \i land2ounce tin* 65c. per lb; Weaeand’* Scotch net teoeipt* 26, gross 22 uLl 53c; Scotch large bladder* 51c; small bladders 63e. 25,066; export* coastwise 851. 1 Tea*—Imperial, good to choice, 20 to 65o; gun* Mxxrhis, .May 8. -Cotton market ateadr powder, good to choice, 30 to 75c; Young Hyaon. I Ty.ft.yW* *8®. shipment* 1,173. ui good to choice. 30 to 05c; English breakfast, good to I 4®°®^ 61,838. choice, 33 to 7tc; Oolong, good to choice, 90 to 70c; - Mmy **-<totton market siiuJ 8ouchontr, good to oholce, 26 to 70c; Japan, good to filings 8 11-10; receipt* 29; shipments —• »,%■ choice, 35 to 60c. ObaRUMOS, May 8.-Gotton market ostel Tobacco—Mailet duH; demasd moderate, W# I reoelpti 1,125,groes 1,121; quote: Smoking, 25c to $1.25; chewing, oommon, *4ock 27,949. 1 sound, 25 to 30c; medium, 40 to 66c; brioht, 60c to . 75c; fine fancy, 85c to 90c; extra fine, »oo to $1.10; ^ Orwin nml ProvlMtons. bright navies, 46o to 57c; dark navies, 40o to 50c. I Chioaoo, May 8.-Prices started In w*th 1 Tomato Gatsvn—Pints, 90c; quArt*. $1.25. “1* morning, owing to warlike news In eariva 1 Trite-Per nest, $2.60 to $2.75; No. 1, $7.25 per bnt ,on « before noon they had gone to pte». dozen: No. 2. $6.25 per dozen; No, , $5.23 per doz. I aDt l market became very flat /art* i Twine—Cotton, lbo to'ibctjnte, 15c; paper, 17c; *tertsd In at 79*4, which proveil thr top In hemp, 15 to 20c. | the day, after which it broke off under fire Vineoar—Apple, 30 to 25c; pur* double strength, 40 * H K »nd closed for the day at 7H)$. E»Ui. 35c* I to the visible supply made a decresM of .. 1,000,000 biuhel*. Coro. m Hardwares r 1 * * * —- Axes—$6.00 to $7.00doxen. Bar Lrad—7c. per pound. Buckets— Painted, $1.50 per doe; cedar 2 hoops, $3.25. Cards—Cotton $4.30. Chains—Trace $4.00 to $6.00 per doson. Hamkh -Iron -bound $3.60 to $4.00. Hues—Plow %u4Ko per lb. Powiieu—$3.60per keg. Blasting powder $2.75. Iron—Swede 5 to SKcper lb, refined 2Ko baste. I Caah $8.75a8.80, May $H.76a«.80. Junel'iTi £*ad-7o per lb. July $8.87>4aa i5. Lard quiet and mj- Mranurca—rer nest $10.00, I $6.87»Ja5.f v *'' M — •« »— -• Nails-$2.65, basis of lOd. 1 - Plowstoceh— Hal man’s $1.00 to $1.10. Bon—Manilla. 15o; Blsal, 10c.: cotton, 15c. Beors—Ilorre $4.60 per keg. Mule*boc* $3.90. Bhovrls—Ames $10.00 per doxen. 1,000,000 bushel*. Coro, al»o. ruled hmyl closed about *i lower. Oats ruled a «i»Mt «| Mere pork broke off sharply, touchicf tboNl lowest figures in year*. ■ Obicaoo, May 8.—Flour unchanged: vtnkrl a4.75. Wheat opened stronger* hot closed k v_ No. 2 May T6^a77K. June 7«He79«<. Jnly J Corn opened and dosed eaaier: Cash 31'., Mat J a35 Juue 35^a.*W' 4 , July 86^*37. 0sis«J and closed easy: No. 2 caah 29. May J 28>4a29. Mess pork opened weak sod dowdls It. L. Lanier. Jaa. T. Nisbet, C. L. Bartlett G. W. Go*tin. Tho*. Willingham. WsAhingtcn Dessau. W. M. Wimberly. Hugh V. Washington. Vf. A. Lofton. Jao. Rutherford. J. U. IU11. Jaa. A. Thoms*, Clem P. Isaac Ilardsman. U. M. Davta. A. C. Riley, J. V. VanVaUenbarg, Felix Camp. • J. L. Anderson, J. P. Dun P. J. M. Daly. J. O. Howland. 8am 11. Jemtaon, 8 A. Retd. Tboe. B. Or—ham. J. D. Blenat, L. D. Moore. V. K. Harris. J. W. Mtebet, C. C Uicharison, W. A. Poe. P. W. Edge. Alex. Preodfit, M. O. Bayne. Tracey Baxter, W. U. Feltm, It. W. Patteraon, 1L V. Btrohecker, W. H. WrUy. Olln J. Wimberly, Let June Itrlnj; Ita Fruit to You, With IU proverbial certainty, the 191st Grand Month’y Drawing of the world-renowned Louisiana Htate Lottery came off at noon on Tuesday, April 13th. IMS, at New Orleans. La., superintended by Oenerata G. T. Ueaureguard of Louisiana and Jnbal A. Early of Virginia, tbe Commisatoner* offlciaUy selected. The result Is briefly chronicled tbua: Ticket No 25.244 (sold la fifth* at one dollar each! drew the Pint Capital.Prize of $76.00 j; one fifth was held by Thro. Lcuta. aw»U known re*taurant keep* er. No. ft William*’ Court, the caterer for the Sher man Rouse, Boston. Mass., and paid to him by ex* press; another fifth waa held by ft. V. Bacon, a well known citizen of Portland. Me., for a small syndi cate of five friends; another waa sold to Ernest Ant/, a prominent engravar of No. $31 Baronn* street, and Thomas McMahon, grocer, corner of Baronne and Felicity street*; another by John Daate, a saloon keeper at the corner of Clara and Calliope street*— the last three named all live In New GrlrAns, La. No. u.546 drew the Second Capital Prize of $26,0UiA and was alio sold In fifths at on* dollar each—one- fifth to L. Q. French of Col—burg, Ky.; one to Henry Lots of Patterson. N. J.; one to John 11. Minoieg. Toledo, O.; one to a party in Gautomate. Central America; one to Jo*. Placet, 716 Case street, Davenport, Iowa; other fifth* to paxtto* in Detroit. Mich. No. 75.7*6 drew tha Third Capital Prize of tl*,000, also sold in fifth* at one dollar each—on* fifth to MU* Annie Barks of Washington City, D. C.. on* to Chris Haase of Washburn, III* ; other* to par* tie* in Galveston. Texas, and Spring City, Nevada. Noe. 8.688 ami 6X139 drew each one of the two Fcurth Prizes of $6,000. and were sold in fifths at one dollar each, went hither aad yoa all over the world—New York City, Brooklyn, I’lmxnryviiicand An nzvillr. Ill*., etc., etc., and so it went on til the whole $266,iiO was scattered. Tbe next drawing will be the 19Jd Grand Monthly and Extraordinary Quarterly Drawing on Jud* 15th, when $3JX600 will be dtatributod. For any information apply to M. A, Dauphin. New Oilcans, La. Country Prodace Irma—Dried 4Kc; evaporated So. Gasiuox—5 to 12c per need. Deikd Peaches—Strictly No* 1 peeled 6c per lb I via—11 to 14c. Fratbeb*—Choice gee— 55c to 00c; mixed 26c to mO. Gino**—'Yellow and red 13.60 to $4,00 per bbl, fmaa—White $1.16, field $1.20. PaAvrru—North Carolina and Va. 4)4 to 6, Ga. Potatoes—Irish, $2.50 to $2.00 per bbl; sweet,|60o to 76c* Poultst—From first hands, yonng chickens, 15c •0 5*5; h*™ 80 to 850 each; live turkeys $1.60 to ’3.00 pair, live geese 60c; docks 25c, Tongire—*3 no per bbl Hit-Oholce Timothy, $1.00 to $1.10. Draff*, Paint* and Oils. Drum aed DTxrrurxa— Indigo, best, 75o to 80c; fiAdder, UotolTc; salta. 2MetuSc; blue*tone, 6tfc 07e; alum, 3>ic to *c; cochineal, 88o to 40o; magne- tlaoarb, 30oto86c: flour sulphur. 4>*o to 8o; roll tRlphor, 8)40 to 4c; camphor, 28o to 85o; copperas, i« u 2M0t aS4afi<-tl>la. 25c to 80c. Medicine*—Opium, $4 to $4.25; quinine, 90o to II; elnchonldia. 35e to 4be; iodide potash. $3 to I1.5C; rhnbarb, 75c to $2; ipecac, $1.25 to $1.60; does, 80c to 81. calomel. 75c to f 1; blue mass. 46c <o 60o; morphine, $3.06 to $3.60; chloroform, 80o to caator oil, $1.76 to $2. Paints. Em—White lead, strictly pure, $8.60 to 47; furniture varnish. $1.60 to $; coach varnish, 10.60 to $3; cabinet glue, lOo to 40c; white glue, 90o to 86c. Oils -Linseed, raw, 68c; linseed, boiled, 61e; tw—toll. $1 to $2.60; turpentine, 48 Me; cylinder oil, Wc to 65c; Bignal, 60c to 60c; W—t Virginia black, 17c; lard oil. 60c to 65c; cottonseed. 60c; headlight, 17o; kerosene. 15c; neats foot. 78c; machinery, 21c 10 85c; mineral seal. 8ftc; cottonseed, refined, 05c; tensers, Newfoundland cod, 00c. Dry Goods Brown Bnnrmioe—WaynmanvlUe, Ji, 5c; Avon- ft. K* 4\c. Brown BHRErwoe—WaynmanvlUe, 4-4. 0c; Avon- da, ia, 5Vc. Bleached 8hibtix«*—Fruit of Loom, 7\c; Jabot, U, 6c. Bleached Heektinq*—Yard wide, FraU of Loom, le: Wamautta, 10Ho; Lonsdale. l%e: Cabot 6*0. OsNAbrnoH—Corinth and other standard brands, os, 7c; 1 ox, 8e; t ox. 8Sc. Corset Jean*—Androacogffin, 7K«: Rockport, kc; Laconia, 6kc;Naumkeag aatteen, 7Sc. Pr;mra—Pacific. 6c; Windsor, fie: Arnolds, 0c; Al lans, 6Sc; Americana, 5Sc; Hamilton, fi^c: Cones toga,; Lodi, 4Hc; Charter Oak, 4)$t; Berwick, • Kamapo, 8S'c* Bhirtim) Prints—Merrimac, 5c; American, 4)$e; inebor, 4 He- CuzcKa—Reecue, 6),'e; Auburn, 6Kc; Mux co te*, 6>%e. Tices—Conesta. extra, 14e; Conesta, extra. K. 12 Wc; bhetneket B, 8e; B F 8, 10c; Thorndike OO, to; Thorndike O O No. 120, fancy, ffc*; Ainoakeag VOA.180* Kentucky Jean*—23k to *0c per yard. Ball Thread—Eagle and Phenlx, 25c. Yarns—Flint River f*2Sc per bunch. tMHHttMJt, M»r |5.«7>;^:99X. J.M u, S.99ij. July | t 97),^.0U. Mbortrlli.MiT.ii4 Boixt nati ,IMdy: Dry MlM ahoiiUm iu 4.10,. rtiort dnr T8MM.00. gunra iie' n ijlr.HuUtod c;„ .tudud A l\. . 8t. Locta M«y It—Flour dull FAUtlly l:t.ll*»3 'i"; clioi,-*- I3.HIM3.90; lAOniU 8.40. tVlirttuotlre but; Bo. 3r*d<atL M.y 84VuUtX. Jun. MV. Com vrry 4,1 IrrrsuUr; N.w mtlodnuh 31«dn*,'. M.y My. 3314M-I3K. O.U .lmo.1 dmd dull: Xo.IbM: 99S, iU> 29!,. WUl.k, Orta M *1.10. tm, rery dull U!d wnk. l’orl cwy u 19 12.9 X 'j Shot—Drop J1.S0 por bim. Bu-ntM—$i.93 per doi. Snuu.—Plow 4Uo por lb. Tun.—Pointed $9.&0; rrdar $4.30 por docen. W»«UD01ED«— $1.23 to $1.30 orr docop. WuuBooutu—$4.00 por do»n. WtuB—Larbod wire 3tto per coiL Hldoe. Wool, Ktc. I lower »t $5,70. Bulkmmt. ebotunn* Hidxh—Orron Mdt, per pound. ; dry wilt, lot.. Ion, cl«r $3.95, .bore rtbe $3.33, per pound. Ho to 10c; dry Hint per poond. 9o to $880: boxed lot* nnrbenxed: Ion, dret L . 430. I rtb. $835. ibort dew $5 30. Becon .Mltr Ooat Rimm—Dry, per pound, 8c. ----- . .. ■ Dun Bum—Dry. per pound. 18c to 90c. Lkathrh jh IlocaH—Bidet, per pound 16 to 18et whole klpe, per pound. 18c to 90o. Buie. HitE^bry, per pUce, 9oo to 40c. BHkAELntoe—Per piece, 3c to lOo. Talxow—Per pound. 4o. „ . Biowtz-Pur. whit, end yellow, per pound, l$c $818 $4.87,H. Bulk •own, I .lde. $8.40, deer ifdee $5.83, atioddm «oob-\crj dull; FleecM Burry, per pound. 8c I Buw^ured hem. $O.Km10.00. Lud-okoktl to 19c; unwuhnl. per pound, 16o to 18o; wedted. T.w, prim, .teem $6,13. *- * ” “■ ** 1 lumou, M.y e.—Floor ouH u4 Htreat and Weetare eupartH $M t-- thrr l«tr» $3.93M.(». Iunity $435.1.1$ Ckj Oak sole, 36c to 42e; heml"i, 26c to Ifio; rreneb *5 oalf skin. $40 to $60 per dos; American, 123 to $36 Weaterwstead** K doz: kip. ISO to iW per do*; harness leather. 1 Wf * u,rn " l *** ,r - aalai ' Bonth.™ red wtai. to 45q; ikirUng, “ ‘ to $15; linings. $41 clear $5.75, short ribs $5.77)4*5.80, short ciarfl 1 Items quiet at $9.00*1X00. bomsviLLK. May 8.—Grain doll. 2 Loop berry 88; No. 2 red 86. Corn-X<xlk 39, new white 39. Oata-New No. 2 ■ I Previsions dull and unchanged. Urea j at 810.60. Baton quiet: dear rtbe $6.00, c Tbe following is Judge Simmons’ reply Messrs. Lanis* Bartlett. N is bet aad others— entiemen: l our letter of tb* 7th tost. requesting me not to seek the nomination for Governor at the approaching convention, has Joel been handed me. For reasons entirely personal to myself, and in which tha public is not interested. I bad already determined on that conree. 1 beg to assure yoa and the members of the bar that 1 am deeply grateful for thb complimentary manner in which yon refer to my service# as Juilg* of this circuit, and yoor assurance of the kindly relations that exist between ns. aad hope 1 may eo.. tin tie to merit your confidence and eetcem. To my many friends ia different parts of tbs Male who have pbJged me their support in tbe event ef my reaJVtore, t return my teacere thanks. Yours very respectfully. T. J. Simmons. The personal reasons referred to la the letter of Judge bimmons are known to be the commands of hie physician. Dr. W. T. Rett, to destetfremtbe excitement and labor* iorident to th* campaign. A Macon Negro In Italy* To-night Mr. Anthony Vaaanckl leave* for hi* old hon>» ia Italy to wind up hia father's estate. He will take with hia the negro boy, KJehard Ander son, who has heew is his employ for tbe past seven yearn. Ia that pert of Italy where* Mr. Yaaascki was bent a negro is seldom. If ever. Wo. and will be a cariosity. Richard teas Mach asltar, is a faith ful servant, aad when rtgptal set la hi$ dude clothse Uk hat. will cm a sw*U in the modes soft. Isa. Mr. Vaaanckl carrim i*U$ him lb* of hi* m%nj trteuds here ft? *;' •-**: : All of One Mind. DR. R. WILSON CARR of Baltimore says be has need BOBADAL1H in case* of Bcrofnte aad other with much MlUf.l L,.a. Dr. T. O. pm II of B*ltlmur« IweoBtBMttd. BOB A- DA Ms to .11 pmon. .utbrtuit with dlMMd blood, mjIor it U mporior to uj prrpuuttuu k« b»» ever Ulitr. DABFEY BALL of tb. BOtitton M. P.Con- now South, uj. b. b.. bM, m niu.b b.udt«f bj tb. a. of BOSADAU* tkub. tkMrful'j nc oinn.rod. It to .11 bn Mad. end ae^uictu A FDltHUiS' MOB. Thirty Strtb.r.of . Mob Woumtut by UB« 31nn In Lyon., Proifrr. Lnm, Uay 9. —In thin city a mob glow factory itiikni rocked th, bona* an artisan who bail nannwd work, unnlr bMt tb. man and bia Wife, and threw their fnrnHara into tho Rhino. Tha mob thon nudo ta attack upon the factory owner, who, armod with a fowling pine*, kept uj, a continnoas fire upon the striker, nnttl they wen forced to withdraw. Thirty wtnwoaodad. u » we. pernoE: »nuu .Muter, . USSt^J $4 to WgMW ftmt: We.tem {uMtirJ and EtMdy: kutluai] Lime, IMaNter and t'einrnt I 4I.4T; yellow 43*48, Cemzut—Lonlfltriu. end RosendElo $1.7$ to tl.JC *«* Voee. Uey I —Bmttb.m $ow« Portlend cement$2.23 to 13.60. Common to fair extra $89641.43. (ood Hue—40 to 30c. -itre $ Wl.Mt, .pot arm: ua<nk Lotx-AlaUaa lump $1.10 per tbl;0M,rU $1.00 Ub|tr»j«l wblu 99; No. 2 r.diM’ 1 9l.JlEy90X.91J4. Com, ^tot L.H lo.,r eifn 99HE44V1 No. 2 .pot 47*. Uey 4T‘,*47)(. . .. , 441$. Data, caah VaK W*her. No.$»StB.J Liquor. I UDcbEUfted. CoffM, «| ;t f«lr ri. Imdl Bye $MI$ta $8W. Banrboa $1.0$ to $4.00 R*. I Nuimrweak aad aomlnU: Porto Blrolt.64 dliUUod ry* and corn $1.10 to $1.30. din and rum [.lend. 4K.IK, Mumu.eUo lilt, Onirtteokl $M0to$3.10. ». C.core 41.4J to $1.60. | fElrto$oodn4lBiBg3a$Mi ndud doll; Clb*f Biusut—Trecb end apple $1.30 to $830; obarry I whit, extia ex, y.Uow 4’<e$ boeU 4 aad elUK«r bramlyltk:. to $; Freoch bnindy n.o. inl A 6\, .ut loaf and .nj.bMIS. rm-- $800 to $6.98 Domestic brandy $1.71 to $$.00. 7.14.7.',. UoUunrtdnUsndnncbEi’redidlt.b _ - - • -- ‘ ‘ “ t,,L ‘ Hire steady. Cotton EMd oil $>M 0 for crmlp, 7K.;»I for rtflnrd. HldM *'■, ! Orlren. 0>,.ln. Texa. 10.12. Pork .Mad!u4r Old meM $0.91«$.IO. family dm tll-U dull; lor, clear. $3.05 V Mrd ;J P«*» “ < $830 per bbL Wire—Catawba $3 to $1.00. Port and .berry $1.93 TELEGRAPHIC MARKETS. STOCKS AMU BOMDS. London. Uay H, noon.—Ounsols, money 100 U-16; I 3 -v d * account 10015 16. nsw York. May ft, noon.—Stock* dull and Monsy easy at IK to 2^. F.xchange, long Most Excellent. J. J. Atkins. Cl)taf of Police, KnoxvU>.' benefiriartevtfl .418,000. per cents. LOIR, state bonds neglected. BANE STATEMENT. Ths weei shows th* $ *39 (WO apecte. dscreaae Legal tenders, increa** 1,020,800 Deposit*, decree** 474.700 Circulation, decrease 27. Nm Reserve, decrease 91X816 Tbe banka now bold in exi qnlremente »ew Yore, May 8.—There was an irregular bnt Fruit* and Nul*. AmJta—$XW to V Bananas—Yellow $L50 jttr bunch; red $1.25 per nnch. OrraQN—30c. Ooooanct*— $4.00 per loot Oeanbkrrie*—Cape Cod $8i0Qk CrnaAXTa —7c. Dates—5 to lOo noa—Layer choice 16 to 20c. Lemons—$5.50 to $6.00 per box. Sere—Terregone almonds 18o per lb; Prince** pa- t*r shell 24c per lb; French walnuts 18 to If c per h; pecans 10c per lb; Brazils lOe per lb| rewsoenuu 185.00 to $40.00 per 1000. Oranoss—f X35 to 1X60 per hundred. Praha—California $4.00 per box. Prunes—9 to 12\c. !Ia»i*h— New layer* $3.00 per box; new I/mdon tyere $8.60 per box; loose muscatels $8.00 per box. Heavy Groceries Tb* following ere atrictly wholesale price#: Bacon—Sides 8^o par lb; »bcrallcrE fic per lb. Bulk Meat*—Market steady; Aides 6c per lb; ihouldm «Hoto4)hC por lb. Bcttse—Oleomaiyarlne 18 to 20o per lb; gilt >dge Goshen 80c per lb; country >c ,er tb; fennestee 20 to 25c per lb. Bran—$1.00 per hundred. Cheese—Full creem 18)4 per lb; other trades vO to 11 He per lb. OorvcE—Hteady. no chantf*. Choice H!o 11 to UKo per lb: good lo to 10!{e per lb; medium »rede# 9 to 9\c per lb:'oramon8X to 9c per lb. Corn—Whit* milling Me by ear tots; M to 60e by oaaU ots; mixed 55ebvrar lots; He by small lota. Tm-Last eateh. So 1. bilf bU* (W). $4.76; inarter bbl« (to). $1X0; kite No. L 7.v.bef bbls *0. 2 $B0j, $X7^; nnaiter bbl* (40), $1.76; kit* 66c; ulf bbls No. 8 (B9j, $160. quart«r b U (40), $L60; ttriltoffie. FLcm~Orn:m«n $4.90 he I*JO; extra famllf 15.01} to $8.15; faery Cam! y fiJ8 to $X8>. full patent $6.78 to $XfO; fanrv patent U.28 to SXTX Hams—14 lbs are ree- plain 10 to !•*« per lb; 1$ lb* avenue 11* per lb. Hat-No. 1 Timothy. flXfff he $2X00 per tog; prim* $1X80 *$• $ ’. • i*>; baled straw, $14 to $16. Larxa—Tierces family 7K* per lb; cane$K« P« r lb; 10 lb caa* 7\'e per lb; 6 lb can* 8o yer lb^ 8 lb »a«-.s f ^e per lb. Meal—l uIn M to 00c; bolted 63c. Oats Wfstrrt f^l 46c; faccy white 49c. No rut proof now in market. GoM «S u><\r;er lb; prime 61% to 6JKo per lb; fancy hoed i per lb. IRbS to $t”’;"V$VrlS$Yh9crSSSySB neglects). Government bonda duU but steady. it to heeTSl Evening.—Zxchznye $4.86^. Money l to 2tfnb 1 treasnnr balances: Colne 112? ►iO Oud, cjrrencv I r teimfor 1L desire to testify k’.iy,, .J 11.418009. OoTtntu»nt»curltt«a<luU. 4 p<rooU. WwJa to whom 1 tom laoamlM 14 ■ ^ Mn ^a 1 ^S«. b0nJ,DnU ' tKi - * , fiTut , ?rK5‘W«, frcomn _ 'Ely .tatMumt of th. amoclaud Unk. ««•» tSumtha, CuUa fullowlnu cluwr fittkmm Crnuo. and rtery aff«o™ “ S ’ * - ia»oi)0 •»'* Luu«>- Trial bottfcw tn. *} 2,057)KMi l ‘* tn biD X laiiixr’s Dru« Hlnrc. Urg* • Alfred Poole, a I>* nvtr purchaser of x exprre- and fr- i»ht ronsignieenta. re 1 three boxrs. i atU about t »-> feri *‘ l t_.* ^■constructed and very heavy. The p««Jl 11 113 323 I *1 0 venture, but on oiwnlng » T ^SftSsRyxHBrWnSanlrreguUr !,»:t Cl HMwhat fir a opening at th* Mock Ktchange to-1 eIXOOX The price paid »r I day. as has been usual of late. Trading was only I uorfsradft. except In Lackawanna dtaplaying erm ^ ■lderable flnnucea nnUl 11 o’clock. Butinas* th*n 1 DBOWN’H I BON BITTIM C16»| ta-'orna dull end prices -lowly ;«*!4sd until tbs W A. II. Culberson. Jr., Atlanta. lest hour, whan there was considerable strength I wrak aud dsbiliiated and U*d no H V <ul * . J display**! throughout the Itataud material advene** I cured by using three boUl«*.and b*a*>*<«^] were wade, th* market cloning strong. Among tb* H H usually iusctlve sto$*ks Iticmond eu<i Wm l’ulut was consplcnuuily wrek, showing a Thu active stuck* g«uer»Jl> geiTis. Svlr* 22J.00O shares. tu iowiiw sb.-s tnocif sing quo atl i Ala. Class A, a to 6 lOte |Nash, and CIms B,6e #...., 106 |N. O. Pacific, la.... 61 I newspapers and catenate# of ihecoetftvJ^H •.'* , s. \ -1.1*1 . . ! i . ri.8* ».lk# ri-#-r V»1 . ^ar.te ta. S| *1.1 •" . I Ga. Ta* mortgtee.. lQIMQKaffMk 4 W.wmL. MI Bilk tha iaformattewi Ba letRlwx TtJ N. Carolina 118 Northern Pec^com. 23,‘» who will invest one hundred tnMJ** -i iff. Carolina con. 4*. tel», •• pref 65advertising, a scheme la indicated i*actflcMaL 5$S I LU every requirement, ct can be it« »-r.t.^ Xi T . ellgbt chanpe# naslly arrived at by cor - ’ One hundmi and fifty Uirre edldeMk* rj ... . Jaued. Bent, post-pai l, to ar.y riWNg a <j| lOhee. andOhio... ftsjBtefi. aid W, P.,.. 28«^ i»s| 1 to Si ■7% 49'* DBOWN’H I HUN IllTrBIlfi 1 ,g JU.14.U... niuuiMt *J-, . the deurfhter cf Mr*. W. Woolf, 9*.^ of 7**, New Jersey Cenlral 4H*% I etrecL Atlanta. Ga.. who ured and Nash. 85.-. Missouri I’aciflo.. M 107H I ty. that she will conunne it* use. ™ — - — - — |W. 0. Talegraph... 62'« keep itoa head. Petswareaad Ia*k kite 24 (Texas Pactflo... U... IN Union Fartfle... Lake Shore. e “ i *— *—'*—* toatov.. _ Mer.nhfs and Ohat Mobile at J Ohio... 11 •Bid. COTTON. LrmrooXm May ft. noon.—Cotton market dull with price* generally In bnyen’ favor. guotaUnue for American cotton all Reclined 116. Middling upland* 6N; middling iMeaae ft Al^ealee 8,000; for epecalaMoa and expori, L®X receipt* U»j ; American 0.400. Fntrre* quiet I p. 8alee American 6.700, Fnmree rjf-eed dull. ply to OEO. P. ROW i.i.t. a w, VEBTLSINO DCHEAU 10 Bpruc* «• I Hooee 8q.l. New York, j 11 '.‘l S .BOa’3 compound o? .£ COD LlVDj !L AND Llg: I WILMHUH OOMJTIS OIL te'ii.i : Ivi' • . . . . ..vat popnlarity of tb!-* *afe a i r ; - . , ^ 441- 54» B 4-611 alien teweftrattrtbatabletottoi*2~* Inly-Angwet {ft M4 5 r.K4 I'.e c-;r« rf C.,\. •. « • 4*igwl fleptember... }6 acz-7U 6 744 | Wheowta/Oiugh, Hcrvfultra* He ] fieptemher October^..» 244— 344| ft Ite I swwpttvefctegfowte M he*** Ocn.ter Noveratwr....| 4 el 04 1 Let no one neglect the early fty* 3 |Sfovemfaer-I>eceaib*r..,4 8144 j.,.. ...!4 03*64 | eltea an * >:il I* at head v * pUint* of the Cheat, Lntgs. — e*y;*ud-l lire# cpl*£i> 9 1*18; mldditag Ortaane §N; eah r. *ntXte-1tet rsc*:t.ts IUO; gross 1,037. 7i dosed steady; sales 71.0u0. New Yore. May h.—Green A Ce. aay: • asttereeat