The weekly telegraph. (Macon, Ga.) 1885-1899, May 11, 1886, Image 7

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DEAD and wounded. ■ O HIPSTER ROLL OF TUESDAY [THE CHICAGO RIOT. v „ Mr d»y "" ">« ArbelUr ZMfnr Looline Store, by the Mob- c i,ut» H*W for »*»• Mur ' of rullrriuen, Ete. I H* 1 ' 1 A»» r ' Mov 5.—The following is a re- ■ Caret 0 "- “jZ. c ted list of last night's I vised »»« ... t ij e policemen hurt with I casuolties: „ bomb .and bullets fired “joltt Ueigan and Nicho- I at theta, O&vniow rJ;h « {oUowinf! offl . I las Sha0 n0D , , f a t»Uy wounded, bit t't'r.le at 7 P Jacob Hansen, « tte6 “ U Han”S John Barrett, Georg. I JfeUon fo)lowing officers who sus- Mdler. the to^ , M fatal lnJune s, lt» J S mnnty hospital: Thomas Me ats* 1 *? “ Meinke, S. McMahon, B. F. HenfJ* “"“/jj' KiDg , John Doyle, Henrv Schodl, J M Hennessy, J. 8. Sah*. Brady, O. W. Whitney, Torman. ^ “®L Timothy Flavin, Law- B * ma Man Cl’e‘er Butterty Tim O'Sulli- t® c * M p^MoVulty,Michael Haran, August „ VL. Jameson, James Stanton, Pat Kellf> 'i Tames Barber and Wm. Bumes. HWWl S one of whom was a fourteen the others members of the ^'■““’uuder treatment at the county yfL. not comprise, it is believed, O ore'tbm oue-thirJ of the anarchists and P^P' e ,‘^“o’clock this afternoon Detectives „ anaa and Willey made another search Arbiter Zeftung premises. They 0 ..warded by the discovery of a great jSESSioS suitable for Winchester a . khotcuns and revolvers, several fuse* s^hs a dirk knife and huge Colt's re- wos fouDd under ““ ° ld sint UW1. BOWLKB ttiTKBVIEWED. ,cn,cre were nineteen of my company of . five shot,” said Lieut. Bowler, a two officer, who headed the squad which°the bombs were thrown. He (l|s sitting- surrounded by uninjured sur- • Ja nf his little band at Desplaines street S “1 ueier heard dynamite explode More'and x don’t want to deaf- S me and all the men who did not re- »he deadly wounds. There was one ooDPanj ahead of mine and four Sd ? it. We had just oome to a halt ready for the next order, which have been a flank movement, when rhomb came from close the speakers vacon. 1 saw and heard it coming, but it „VL]«l too quick for anybody to have Spiffing with it or get it out of the I was knocked down by tho explos ion'but not wounded. When I recovered mrielf. my sergeant fell into my arms badly hart it was a temblo Ume, I can tell you. They had everything cut and dried.' i VIOILiST* OOMMITTKK. Two evening paper* published the fol- *°Ho&qusrters of 49 Vigilante Committee, Bsy 5-Meet sharp at 1:40 A. B. 7th, oth instant, businesa of great importance. Spies, Parsons and Schwab and others of their kind, beware. The rope does its wotk quick. The massacre of onr bravo policemen must bo avenged, by order of the executive committee. (Signed.) . trvino -ro xsaissisiT*. her, hoping that she would mske some ap- pointment with her husband, so that the latter could be captured. Mayor Harrison has issued a proclama tion prohibiting all public mass meetings for the present. b k TERRIBLK PLOT. A secret plot among the Bohemians and Anarchists in the southwestern section of the city to start incendiary fires in the lum- her district to night, was revealed to the police by a man in the employ of detec tives, late thie afternoon. The plot included preparations to out the hose of the fire department and disable Wh . e ?,. th °y ^Ponded to alarm. The police at Hinmim street are on the alert, and every attempt on tho part of incendiaries will meet with summary death. THE MACON WEEKLY TELEGRAPH: TUESDAY MAY 11, 1886.-TWELVE PAGES. WASHINGTON NOTES. i Oc- THE TRUE INWARDNESS. Shortly after 6 o'clock to-night a pistol wu filed from a saloon on Desplaines ftreet, it two officers on guard near St. Paul freight yards. Offlocr Madden, who was near the saloon, ran into it and grappled with the man who fired the revolver. In the scuffle t}ie pressed the musle against Maddens breast and filed. Madden then ahot bisaaaailont in the aamc manner. Madden and his pris oner locked in each others arms, and reeled to the floor, just as officers Daly and Hart nett reached the saloon. A'companion of Hadden's assailant had vanished. Both Xladdeu and his prisoner were taken to the county hospital. The doctors ■y the man waa somewhat nnder the intlu- ance ol liquor, and the result of his injuries cannot yet be told A paper found in bis posKHMon shows that his name is John Loeffelhardt, of Englewood railroad station, just south of the city. Officer Madden a wound is mortal. COKONSB'h INQUEST. The inquest over the remains of Polico Officer Diegan, who waa wounded by the Anarchist mob last night, was begun this afternoon nnd ended at 8:40 to-night. The men arrested at the office of the Arbeiter kitting were present as prisoners and wit- nei«s. Chris. Spies and Michael Schwab, twaot the prisoners, made statements in their own behalf, which damaged rather than helped them. Schwab admitted that he did not believe in a personal God. Schwab was asked a great many questions, and aa they were plied to him he grew pale «d excited and perspiration stood on his forehead. Pielden made a statement that was uninteresting and unimportant. He •aid that he never carried any thing more dangorous than a pen knife. August Spies did not make a statement, and the jury Wired. The jury wrere out one-half an hour be fore agreeing upon a verdict They recom mended that all the prisoners be held for ®atd«. The prisoner* were held without had The jury also recommended that Earaonsbe apprehended and held. SOU* SENSATIONXL EVIDENCE summary death. X HANDSOME FUND. To-night the fund being raised for the policemen wounded by last night’s bomb- throwing amounts to $27,000. Of this sum about $1*2,000 was contributed by members of the Board of Trade, $10,750 by railroads centering in Chicago, *1,500 by firms in the hardware trade, and the remainder by pri vate individuals. Chicago, May 5.—The sheriff has not yet been called on, but the militia are iu their armories ready to turn out at a moment's notice. Between 300 and 400 of the police have been armed with Springfield rifles, and every man on the force is armed with forty-four calibre revolvers. Three thous and men employed in the great car shops at Pullman laid down their tools ond went out this morning, joining 1,000 who quit yester day. There are no men working in town to-day, except men employed in the truck chops, who do not number more than 500. COLLECTING EVIDENCE. Tho police are rapidly collecting evidence against the chief 'conspirators among the anarchists. They searched Spies'a office this morning, and found absolute proof that inflammatory circulations mentioned in these dispatches and headed ‘-Revenge, Workingmen, to Arms," and another headed “Attention, Workingmen," were found with the form in type. These were taken possession of and locked up in the central station as evidence that Spies and Schwab directly incited riot and bloodshed. Tho anarchist, Parsons, has not been captured as first reported. He is still hiding. Editor Schwab was mistaken for him when the first arrests were made at the office of tho Arbeiter Zeitung. Inspector Bonfield raided Zeipfs' Hall, corner of Lake and Desplaines streets, this morning. Here were fonnd a lot of mns- keta, red flags and German books, expound ing Socialistic doctrines. Nearly $10,000 has already been sub scribed on 'Change for the families of the wonnded and dead officers. A SUCCESSFUL RAID. Shortly after noon the polico made another raid on the office of the Arbeiter Zeitung. They arrested a man in the office who, on being searched, produced a large revolver and dirk knife. He was placed nnder ar rest. In the office was fonnd sevoral boxes of dynamite and a number of red flags and incendiary banners. They were all seized. Mayor Harrison with sevoral detectives visited the Arbeiter Zeitnng office to-day and held a consultation with Oscar Neib, who said he did not belong to the office, but was employed to get ont the paper. The mayor told him the paper wonld not be issued until inspected by Ur. Hand whom he would send for that purpose. Niebe promised tlmt nothing of an inflammatory nature should appear in the paper. RAIDING THE AUUKlTKil ZEITUNG. Before the paper was issued, however, another raid was made on tho printing of fice and twenty-five printers were arrested and arraigned before Justice Mcrchand, charged with murder. Their cases were continued until the 14th. Bail was refused. The dynamite found in the Arbeiter Zei tnng office was taken to the lake front and exploded. The effect waa terrible. A piece abont the size of a hen's egg waa placed In a eonpling link and exploded. The heavy Iron waa scattered in fine bits. A LOOTING MOD. A mob of 6,000 to 7,000 persons reassem bled near the corner of Eighteenth street and Center avenue at noon and raided ltosenfield’s drug store, carrying off every thing portoble in the store. They then raided a livnor store in tho vicinity, kept by a man named Weaiakopp, carrying away or drinking all the liqnor. Women and chil- i joined in this raid. The polioe re- turned to the scene and succeeded in dis persing the mob. The strikers at tho Deering Reaper Works rid an open-air near the factory, . . . mend eight boars' work for ten hoars’ pay, doable pty for over-time, and 20 per cent, advance for piece-work. NOBLE FREIGHT-HANDLERS. It is learned that Schwab, one of the men now under arrest, addressed these strikers last night, urging them to this course. The striking freight-handlers bad intended mak ing a parade to-day, bnt have issued orders countermanding it They also adopted resolutions condemning the Anarchists, and tendering their services, if needed, to pre serve the public peace. Some Interesting Observations by caslonal Correspondent, ■ . . Washington, May 4.— Aa was generally I RING’S DAVIS BLIND redieted, the new or amended rules of the I DISCOVERED AND EXPOSED, louse and consequent distribution or equal [ division of labor on the various appropria tion bills iB having a marked effect in the matter of facilitating and expediting work thereon. The indications now are that there will be an early adjournment of Con gress. Several important appropriation bills have been passed, and others in com mittee are in a satisfactory state of forward ness. the tariff question, which Mr. Morrison is determined, it pos- THE EIGHT-HOUR QUESTION. Melancholy Outlook for the Laboring of the Country* It is worth while to oak whether the de- [ maud for eight hour*, which now threatens to disturb labor in all parts of the country, A Washington Dispatch that Tell. Whole- j® made in * h ® city or in the country. There iomo Though Nauseous Truths- “ a considerable difference, whether tho Another Pension Bill itaisea workingmen themselves ju»t now realize it House Discussion. ° r not - Th ° °}““ “ “* de work ingmen need the two honrs dxily for tlioir improvement. Those who know the differ- Washinoton, May 5.—There are two an- I ent customs prevailing in cities and in tho dercurrenta of opinion here regarding the I fatal districts will readily understand what Davis affair. It is bclived on one hand R means, if those workmen who live in tho bias-1 country and in small villages mi demanded that the Atlanta reception, with the bias- country and in small villages manifest i( __ pheniy of one speaker, the ungenerous irn- anxiety for this change, nnd it is demanded sible, to bring b.fore the House for its con- prudence of another, and the general glori- almost exclusively by the workingmen sideration, may, in all probability, lead to Ucation of the lost cause, will defeat the whose modes of employing their time are an exciting and interminable discussion, in Democratic party in the fall elections and J" 08 ® wliioh prevail with the majority in which event, the session will doubtless be I injur® instead of helping Gordon. I ' ar 8® cities. prolonged far into the dog days. Tho do- Cleveland's luck is still uppermost. ■ If the No intelligent w.,rkingmnn will question mauds of the tariff reformers, especially P art J be defeated, he will unload the re- “a! there are many of his associates, espe- those of the West, are urgent and pressing, sponsihility on the South and Jeff. Davis, in the cities, to whom every day or and their exponents in Congress seem de- escaping from the consequences of his own hour of idleness is a enrse. These men do termined to enforce their demands “if it I civ11 service reform blandera. . not spend their time in seU-improvoment, takes all summer." In ease of disaster, Mr. Davis will be or >“ wholesome raoreatlon, or in the com- the Georgia DRi EGATiov personAlly satisfied and Atlanta boomed. panionshlp of their families. That there ti,. n J ; „ On the other hand, the optimists claim snch workiDgmen is perfectly welt “l Fork y: m ?. th Congress is a strong one, | , hat the whole thing will soon blow over, I known. The question is whether the mn- - • ' 11 and the shorter . . . n their homes, or in improvement, or spend it ARCHITECTURAL FANCIES. Old-Stylo Flro I'lucns unit Hard-Wood Fin ishing Again Coming Into Uso. Although the building trades are harassed by strikes and the agitation of tho labor i a -ti ci [.'I nor.illy, lln r.i arc many rin■ • cdi-. flees in the course of erection anil tb* builders report that work is lively. The greatest activity is shown iu the suburbs and the upper end of tbo island. The ro- modeling of old houses down town which are hereafter to be devotpd to business and the erection of tenement nnd fiat bouses on the East and West sides, however, justify the assertion of Superintendent d'Uonah, who claims the movement is not confined to any particnlar section of the city. Tho noise of tbo trowel and hammer may truth fully be aaid to be over present on nlmost any of the thoroughfares of the city, but tbs work going on in the region north of Sixty- fifth street between Eighth avenuo nnd the North river is enormous. Not only do tbo figures of the present year show n great in crease over those for a corresponding period of last year in point of numbers, but they show a handsome increase in tho estimated cost as well. The favorite style of architecture for pri vate dwellings seems to be theQneon Anne, Gothic and Moresque. Stone is beginning to supercede brick and tho once popular tile trimmings are making way for the loss expensive and in many particulars more or- embellishments of terra cotta. Some noiucs, or in improvement, or spend i harmfully to themselves, to their faniiliei- cud to tho community. For if it be true few of the buildings now under way will try. There are many able delegations from I Apprehension of future defeat is dominant I U’* 1 R* 08 ® w ho do not nss well and wisely have entire fronts of terracotta. Hard ivanous parts of the country, but the South I among the Democrats, while the ltepubli.! additional hours of leiiure are in tho cities 1 woods are again coming into favor for in is ncooraedthe palm. Tho present.delega-1 cang aro correspondingly elated. j the majority, then clearly the demand that, torior trimmings, cocobolo wood beingox- tion from Georgia stands deservedly high. The labor troubles uttheNuith may, how-! Nwir hours of leisure shonld be increased temively used. The old-style open lire- anu is reputed to have a higher average of eT6r> mo dif. the situation, bnt this is a I involves harm to labor as a whole. I Places are also being made a feature iu tho brain power, industry ond influence than I nebulous expectation, 1 The economic side of the question ia l buildings intended for private refddonco, any other delegation in the House. The Postponement of the Montgomery cole-1 much simpler than many suppose. If the while in the flat nnd toneinent houses a is-rel /T' Hammond of the Atlanta or bration would have been more sensible, no I workingmen as a whole can do aa much system of bot-air heating is to bo intrp- Fifth Congressional district la conceded to I ma t| tr what happened to Reese and Gordon, I w °rk in eight hours as in ten by reason of duced, not only in the lmlls, but in tho be by tar the ablest member of the delega- Tho vj e _ y or \ qj mca oI to-day publishes ! water freshness and energy, then the rooma. From tho plans now on file nt lha tl0 “- ., „ a letter from Savannah announcing that the obange would result in no decrease In the Ba f ®*u of Buildings it is estimated that the Donblltei tliew are many Georgians who Davis boom collapsed there, and Georgia products of labor, and therefore in no eco- work done in 1885 will be exceeded by that will near with regret and sorrow of the sod I mcn aro trying to retriovo the Montgomery I Domic losa to laborers or to the community. I of the present year by at least ton per cont. DEATH OF FAraBB MAoumiL and Atlanta blunders, but the Reuuuiicans 1 U at converse ta inevitable also; if de- ] aud will keep carpenters, ma n-, plumbum who was buried here last week with distin- c ) a i m that their majority in tho next House crease in production would inevitably re- and others in the building trades busy until |Mi«l (JothoHc honors. He was well and w ;u b e thirty. suit, then there would bo loss both to labor long after winter has set in.—N. Y. Mail, ■llrnrly known and beloved in this com- Senator Pugh laughs at this and offer* to I a °d to the community. T> , . „—;————— miimty. Prior to the late war he was bet two suits of clothes: one that the next I Let it be considered that in the cities nnd I Befnat, Me., Is agitating; tho public park President of Georgetown College, which at Honso wiU be Democratic, and another that ‘owns, where tho demand for eight hoars 'l oe8 ‘ ion - Som® of the citizens preposo to that bmp contained many of the Bons of it will be Democratic by an increased ma- M 8 mainly made, a large proportion 0 f P“' ch “® th® homestead of ex-Oov. Crosbjr the Empire State of the South. Since his j or ity 1 1 all labor is performed in connection with 1 an<l of** 11 ‘‘ aa a public park, to bo called retirement therefrom, in 1861, Father Ma- ' Colquitt said to-day he did not know machines. Hut machines, in scarcely one | ®ft«r the name of the oHginal ownor. guire has been connected with various whether Gordon wonld or wonld not be a of ‘heir countless uses, can be forced or n r n. o Cottar ^"ftbe mltlSof 0 oraZ Duri^ I C “ aAi<Ute ' __JL_ 1^°,^, ®<«ht hour. «in I Usmo! tlCK Second Atroot. the war he was in charge of St/ Aloysios SOUTHERN M. E. CONFERENCE. workera in to^and'clrieTdo^? work | SMTE chnrch Ini this city. Here his eloquent 1 ttnlnuW Meeting In Itlehmoml-1 ‘ Q connection with machinery, and in all "f U ? ct f d ■‘, ,n 5' d , etllb e "ttentimi oii I Forukct Em*vdeltas Northern lu-lcgaie. such Iabor ' a los ' t of production is inovitn- account of his decided leaning toward the ,, v .. . ] hie if the machinery is to bo run fewer I booth, and his strong denunciation of Fed- “‘"'" "^’Va., May 5.-Tho 0"®^®“- hours, it followHtlmtu great decrease iu eral otlicials whenever occasion prompted 5, . t Ilc 1 r ¥. c onferenco of the MLthodist ( j aggrecato of nroductioa must ineviU- “ropriarehoSjir 8 intCt - tC - W “ U ftP -''IW?“ P | lege he loved so I nessee, senior bishop. Four other bishops I . . *?! “I ,m UI uuiuou. rout ouier — . d “°V,°? th# P ro fO® Uo “ of , ® 1 of th° Chnrch were present, to-wit: Keener * ot }' d h® The votaries of the diamond field yester-1 of Nesr Orleans. Wilson of Maryland, Gran- K 11 8<H>d * simply nonsense, day enjoyed a most exciting and o 1 ® 8 ®^ berry of Jlissonri and Hargrore of Alabama. s ““®,h” < ?* t h* t *h®'' e J 8 contested game at tho National's grounds, Besides these, there are about 250 delegates, J? * „ g °,, near the capital, between Washington’s fa-1 clerical and lay, present sense. There aroneonlein this verv countrv vorito nine and the Bostons. The gome at one time looked blue for the Nationals, bnt in the lost inning the Nationals won b score of 11 to 10. Over Beven thousand thusiastlc peoplo witnessed the game. count pf themselves in the field daring the I Methodist summer. j eted the address tux turf. | the pecple Great preparations have been made for Tyere responded, and in the name of the S? ““ ^ JU to K““ W' the Nation J Jockey Club races here this conference returned hearty thank, for the Z, T “ ‘berefore a serions injury to aUl in- J. “*«!!*! A u sold that manufacturer, can run ^ p. grandest on record-for the "organization. I their hospitality, from the city so rich in I ,b,i, _t«n The arrangement end designation of the hlstorio association* of the chnrch, aa well I •> , h meeting of the races, made aa they are to l ae of the State. I u “W ™ “• * cover two weeks, is most acceptable. The bnt blood of all the stables in the country will participate, gnu and onr' to make the^n. ... tk.. —.11 hours’woti, and ‘extra wages when m*-| weetlTwi»x». BewaveofImitation*. chines are run two honrs more, tho demand EEI KAJKTI'O TA7C5I73 CCS2EII0 0L7CSK?3. jj in" I nml nrsnnM nn« t* f° r 1111 “dvance of at least 25 per cent in P—«l ®yawJtoiwl»ioAi.s«* tht ate,and the presence of Con- anaoccnpiedonehonrin reading. Therapidl whink m^an« . rl« n nf nil»i« n.r s..r th- skin onm i'i-» i"n. #— r Urge population will combine growth of the church in tho put hundred meansa rioo of at lMt^pcr t , w „.c l ,.p,,i nl .iimu ; Lr., si-oo. to make the spring meeting the crowning year., Mid the attractive simplicity of Moth- n^amntirau before h«^ one shih vtM!2n * ‘** event of onr jockey club and the most sue- odiem wu favorably commented upon. The “ be»w. Jo Irave one shift «“ SEVERAL KILLED AT MILWAUKEE, The Foreign Mob Holng Dastardly Work- Sacking a Gentleman's Home. Milwauksr, Wu., May 5. The report that two men were killed at Beeh's brewery is fonnd to be untrue. Several shots were fired, but no person killed. Three men were killed at Bay View and five or six wounded. Every one of these bean a Polish *•• given at the Inqnest. or Bohemian name. One boy of 14 years is JT made lurch of the Arbeiter Zeitnng also badly wounded. «8®e,"«ald Officer Martin Marks." On a *» in a recess of Spies's private room I Jjwid a bundle marked ‘Adams Express vomuny.' This bag contained a lot of •Avdut, sand and nitroglycerine. It looked ?*®tly the Berne as what we fonnd on “mplolnes street after the bomb exploded “JLptgbt, only it was not so hard.” .*Hta«u described the effect of the ex- Pkwon on some rocks nnder which it was P* 8 ®*®. Fragments of the bouldera were ®*nied away to immense distances. “Most °t the stuff," concluded the officer, “is ■tored in a vault, and one of onr men, who ■an expert, says there is enough in it to ‘low up this bnllding." The coroner moved uneasily in bis “at and witness signed his deposition. GIANT POWDER. The powder in the bomb fonnd to-day u ■ , ‘ ** known u "giant" powder. This 2.7* ominary form is brown paper mixed *>*h nitre glycerine, bnt in this case it *** mixed with rand. The effect of this is T. “**e wounds inflicted by it more ”“**v “id ugly than they would be If it JJjU n ®® a8 ®d by ail explosion in its original t EFtU'i BKOTHEB AN ANARCHIST. A titter of Angnst Spies came to the Cen- uui* - on t°-d*y, and after considerable ^•“g. UeoUnant ltyeley elicited from her confession that a third brother, who wu ill« f , ni $“t’» affair, wu lying dangeronah »t bU home. It is thought that he will thought R. Peraons, wife of the fugitive tl| f™®*» wu errated this atternoou and i.>.Zr”. ‘ n tb® Central station. .She was t ., ! ‘t tbia morning when the omccra g- .*7* raid on the Arbirter Zeitnng bnild- *jJ®ut the officers did not then wish to "'itiicr. They had ploaneJ to th vdow The story abont a boy with Bchool books nnder his arm being killed is not verified. The firing of the militia resulted in dis persing the mob in the greater part. The rioters, or those of Polish nationality, at lout, returned to the city sonthaide end proceeded to sack the residence of Cspt. Bor- chard of the Kosciuska Guard, yraterday’s firing having been done by that company. The residence is a complete wreck. The in furiated Polanders then assembled near the Polish Chnrch and it is rumored that they decided to arm themselves and mske an other raid on the military, but np to this hour they have not done so. BRAVE LANGUAGE. Wisconsin Governor*. Anaw.r to a Frotut Agmlnit SupprCMtnE AnarchUU. Milwaukee, May 6.-Alderman Rod sinski, with several other tesidents, called on Governor Rusk yesterday and protested against what he characterized as mar- Iter of his countrymen by soldier*. “Yon go bock and tell your countrymen, said the Governor, “that wo shall InaUt State into military service to do it. Later, Ru.lsinski was threatening loudly on the streets that the militia would suffer for live* they had taken, and the chief of polico m>tilled him he would arrest him on the charge of inciting riot if he did not go Bo***. Who have been t' boast** of t*< of gans, pisto aaitioa cooc« rand in i a large amount of in bedding. ami sense. There aro people in this very coantry who want all the things produced by labor I ;et snppnei * honrs instead of eight, present wages for eight | Fharmneeatteal product,but also wortur :h oommetMtsUoM it bu In all ti« world. It eontnins eutnoe of Beef* Quinine, Iron and CalUaTa, which nro dls- l in pure genuine Spanish Imperial Crown 8henT. w Invaluable to all who are Hun Down, N*tyous Dyspeptic, Bilious, Malario' “* weakhidnej _ WASHINGTON GOSSIP. Hitting at the Chicago SocInlUW—Anarchist I lation of manli Fareon'e Anccitrr. I T orce "> ot S?“bl guoraotced os the boat Sanxtpurtlialn Dopot 38 MURRAY STREET ]anl8taa-tlm*eat&wly vows Dy obtain of*n* n >lect | ormoa8l y> arn Waauingto'nTmsV gT—The hit of the day I wh.nffie'“pSp^.re ahU,' fo*"Sume Zr in the description of tho Socialists u being ertt. 1 " prosentsupples with somo difficulty. That composed of dirt, dynamite and damnation. would be economically fatal to industries. | Greatindignation is ezpresud at the Polo* J* ‘ et ^ 0Q T “ toM commlt " H.nco the practical result, as to all labor Bohemians and infidel Germans. Russia is Wn jifl.oISTin <k. conducted in connection with machinery, is at a premium, and the Chine*, are looked tluat a redaction in the hours of labor in- SSS U U.Sa2nSL°but 1t“'u hiX^ I | in the t unnlUies of eruLo, as the head devil in the West i8 Wde^con^re^ U°the cnlv natl^MexT ' v 'b»^ » pity 'lt U that snch dUordera Parsons, a New England Yankee, the lineal b®' , ' c ®“^c““‘ Is ‘bo °nly native Mexi-l hoald ^ timg Tha worklng aucceesor of John Brown, while the brave .**£.peoplo of thU country have for a long time 1 policemen were in a considerable degree Si, b®*® endnring eeriona depression in their rishmen. Nobody wonld regret the expul- ***• t , r0 . m . ^ Northern Church, »as ex- But oonsumDtion has recentlv /^bRE BHIoiiree*!: Sick llexlache li fcjrhourt. «~!l.1 ln.i»l,l.i. nn,lZhSm pocted, but has not yet arrived in the dty, I i.. P ,?• , r ® cc ? u > v© One doio relieves Ncuraiqla. They cuto and sion of tho social Anarehlita, and the bang I ^ no , known whether he will come. I b*8““ t® revive. Tho prevailing low prioce 1 prevent Chiiu -* Fever. Sour Storu-ch Bid ing of their nativo and imported leaden. | anowu wnerae* ae win come, i b aTe helped, sa ovary bnHiness man known. Breslh. Closr the svm. Tone tho N-rve., end nive Colquitt’s recent speech is regarded ss a nrinmijiiTaortr runt uivnen | There is not one who does not nnderatand 1U$rels Doss; WO»>f per cent to the quin- SUITU ^ the market, at a time UlYll 1 flU bile EANS CLUYERIUS WILL BE HANGED. that, had goods been squint at free trade, an attempt to catch a popular breeze, aad anything to differ with I tIio Virginia Court of Appeal. Overrate. I no ench recovery .Toe Brown. Tho present plan of the pro-' tectianista la debate. Tho pi to kill ^ , _ , generally. pro; I Every Ctcrptloo and Confirms Lower Court. | could have been vritnemed. The reviving price In slxnipi, poitp.ld, to any addreti. i.ij Try Ihom ones and you will no>er bo elllioul them, een held at higher pnccs, p r | C e, 26 cent* per boltlo. Sold by DrugqUta and of holiness aa has begun I Medicine Dealers generally. Sen! on receipt ol the tariff biU without BicHMOND, Va., Mav 8 —The SnDreme demand haa tended to renew production, . J. F. SMITH * CO., of Virginia to-day ren- im, t that has caused a larger demand for kanulidurers end Sole Prop*., ST. LOUIS, 120. - I ua tkat a la«M«MSiaaMAltal tkamaat I fab2v3l*w awly Feare are exprmeed of the Preeiaential mKt. 'jT^luw-1 ‘‘bor, so that alarge proportion of tho great I veto of a big river and harbor bill, b“t I i aa> convicted in the Huntings Court of this I "my of 300,000 men, which was nnem- Senator Ransom says it will become law. | c jJJ ot tbe mnr der on March 15th, * * J 1 * —“ * • > Fannie Lilian Madieon. llrltUh Pretii on the Chicago RIoU. .■~y.vri.-vv. n-r»vr I Z tonal saye: ‘ Th® De“ocracrof Amenra . . . J 'uined. 8 Etebt bills 1885 of pt®y®ti according to good authority not long I ago, bad foil employment whan theee labor oa the re- dUtnrbancee began. It U now reported by ] Bradstreet’a that the nnmbcr of men on | strike or threatening to etrike is about 200,- contend with all the difficaltiea which cap!- t ft b*t* jj E “™P« have had to battle with." | ~* ninfyn~^Rrtiit'ri* being"in I »U. the moat m'elancholy feature of the case I to,®'°o“ly be^beL‘SSSdffteS; I ? aTor ot » naw lri 4 C - luTeri ““ . wi “ I I r the Engl | in faror of suatalning jiulgment of the lower | wads in conscqnenco of strikes. And after | [intou dissenti r - ■,. hang, unless exeentive clemency Interposes. tb^B that could possibly happen for the Cmr or the Englieli Homo bccretary, but It qq,, t i me prst fired forhia exeentionhaving >»borers of tho coantry is that their de- ipossible to ensure that such wares | *, u _ r ,! a ^ I maml. .honld ha<w»nt£l ..ih tb. shall be k( NERVOUS DEBILITATED MEN. Too ire allowed a frtt trial thirty dayi of lire dm of Dp7dt#’i OelflirnlP'l Vultalo Bell wltn Electric HuniwmMjry ARmN, for the rpredg relief end permanent cure «f Neroova DrbUUnMm of VUaltty and Mnnkitfxt, and all kindred trouble* ^lq> for many other dUeaaea. Complete reetore* lion to Health. Vigor and Manhood (rueranteed. Ho rlak la Incurred, illuatmted pamphlet inaanled w*. ta-thn oat ivdm :—r .”T , 7, "77- i ionc ginco nassed by. ho will havo to bo —iw u« Krumou, vim uia cuuho- kept exclusively for foreign con- brought before the iftu'ings court for re- T aent decrease of production.—N. Y. Com- sumption, when riots break out. Chngrraa ao „^ c c t u “ oro ““ eoun mercial Bulletin, will probably hayo to depart from the • - I easy laitta falre system which | poUU THOUSAND HOUSES BURRED. ,, ABlitattakoklta. hart prevailed with regard to conspirators I . - I Mobile, Aul, May 6.—The freight han _ _ against the peace and safety of other com-1 The Hannah Rebels Destroy m Vaat Auoantl dlera in the Mobile and Ohio yards struck I naver d«c*lve the public, hot towareof ihaCtma^ munition. The rioters belong to a‘motley I of Yalanbla Property—Mandalay Taken. I for 25 cents per hoar after Op. m. t and I JohndrvggiMto who offer a ^u«t«r called ■ •Capet- crowd that have fled from prisons in their London, May5.—The news from Burmah # *®^W dirtcharged. Snlwtitntes were iub.*untiX C the. ° f ” C ‘ P * e ' “ 4 own eoontriea to find in America, pending j to-day is very Henaational, and shows that | I°and and freight is moving as usual, the construction of an Irish Par Dam ent, J the natives, with the assistance of Lacoits, a secure resting place.” have temporarily, at least, got the better u.—The Pall Midi Gazette, | the British army of occupation. One d __ t ntanjr Jttara' rip«rlfn«ut and hou<>r*t>le danllnga on Knnpectnble DragU 1 yoa U la aubaUntlally the lame m tha jenuinn» CtiiH in** Planter, or **mi Ix-ttrr. 'Mtmj M* leaa for tha lmlUtlon, for it coat Imi; bat aa a r*m$- f I Senator Palmer is the owner ot the large I dui a$rmt it u abaolutely worthieoa. Tha rrputn- L”* oil painting by Mr. Hilliard, the American of ®®“®»'® *® »h® only i-lMtar pomam m- tin^onthe anarchist riots at Chi-1 patch etatcethe’insmgcnta have got no*-1 the grave of John Howard Pejmo | many yaarV Fip«rl(n«nt and houorable danllnua on 1 Milwaukee, aaya thst Europe, bar- session of Mandalay, and have destroyed by “ “.™“ ited Ithe system of exporting pan-1 firo no leea *h»" 4,000 houses. Among the 1 10 t“ e P®®U® aiv 8*® London, May 6.—The Pall Mall Gazette, I the British army of occupation. One dis- MtamsfiBC **■ |m|A' eagoand MU ing adopted Ithe system of exporting f pera to the United States, ia primarily an-1 bnildinga burned were Chinese and Siamese swerable for the trouble; and eecondljr, bazaars. The hoetility of native, who re-1 .<OMriie*FIiot andTler iie'r"rJn'fs "’hu/lie/’n I P®""";*' wsmin.uou. *rn. s.n.ius -fa W t® tb® ffAmi King Ebew, U “ d “ ^ “ n ‘" ta receiving these panpere, end ie now reaping intense, because of China, openly avowed of theStyof Portland, Me., which takes — ring to make endorsements of Great Britain s seizure of n i„„ on Fourth of Jnlv that he will present it) thep&rtof tbo proprletoni; and 6.0C# phyweinna, art oalJ#ry nf Dotroit. | pharm*4-UU and drugKl«u andonio it aa tho l»wt - 1 - — — j everm»de. Protect youraolf a$(»inat by Mm. Abba Gould NVilaon, author of I *.?**“• 1 wxly,_and avoid ni> the reeulU of her folly in tiring to muse i enaoraemenu of oreat isnutin b teixare of l ,,1.00 oll Fourth of Jalv American citizens ont of the scum of Unrmah. The officer* commanding the I P rourm <kj uiy. Europe. The Oazetto qnotea, apropos of Hritish forces have telegraphed to Lord I The venerable Louis Kossuth its remarks, James Russell Lowell, “the Dnfferin, Viceroy, that they are powerless I Rome on his way to his chosen home in I Saver." I to prevent the rebellion* rioting of natives, I Turin, where, it is believed, or at all events The 6L James Gazette lauds the prompt- and have urgently asked for reinforcements, hoped, that his sons will maintain him in ★ If- -K A FRIEND IN NEED. Dr. Sweet’s Infallible Liniment. Mrs. Charlotte Smith, nroeident of tho I Latliett’ Labor Union, of Worthington, in a| b««n U«rd fur more than fit) yearn, and la tha boat the cron—loo, rf tomtAd the I w^Kt^Tl I ^-*7®^ ^ f-htooable 1 American llcpablic will now restrict free the City Hall to-night, for the purpose of | I ,r c“ nce »®d agreeable manners. of tho Americans in discussing prseti cal eociali'im at the point of the bayonet, I Umixing tbs Alabama River for Transport and with fllMoC musEetry, thus ignoring l atlon Parpooe*. the spborifim that force is no remedy. The | Montgomeby, Ala., May 5.—A large and trade in murderous explosives. I considering the best means of ntili/mg the i The Globe pronouoces the riots the latent | Alabama nrer as a means of trariK^yortutio ebullition of the & cently passed ov It thins* that the York authorities ■trike* and boy American* will trei exotic at Chicago *i ialUtic wave which re- London and Belgium. I ion of the Nt tion with th< tting is assurance that | igo: A stock company late stock of $1U porn tori ;hat oth* :n e-; igor. ny was formed with 1.000, and a board of cor* interi to file declarati( Util open books of sub-1 mpany is to be known as j f Trade Company." AI be put on Alabama river. Senator Ingalls, of Kansas, has the stu dent's habit of working far into the night, bnt hirt colleague. Senator Plumb, retires early and rises about Cam. Urul*«4, Cum, burnt, wonndt and all external La* Jane*. HOLD BY ALL DBUOOWTH—THY IT. 13-ant-tue* thuraAwl Of the thirty*five boycott*rs who were arrested in New York for interfering with the bakery basin*-«4 of Mr*. Gray not one wive American born. caitoiaairtmtter* iMca/, N.rvout ltebthiv. I Manhood s«., havtaa triad In vain tvtr; inowi rwn-Ui.hm4i*ou*arsdaaimpU■aif-avra,«hMh na ■ill •* , “1 k KKK, to hf Mluw-ttg,rwg. X2VI d. U. UEEV BA. U UhaOiam Si., Nvw fort I'm dasMtaa tho-ena-awl j