The weekly telegraph. (Macon, Ga.) 1885-1899, June 01, 1886, Image 1

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■ ) ^BUSHED 1826. MACON, GEORGIA, TUESDAY, JUNE 1, 1886.—TWELVE PAGES. IBERNATOUIAL outlook. rT HBOIlBINGeFAGRBATPEO- pLfc’ri HEART.” C«S'“ A,on S • oI l.’. .'nrr.-n- llit) Telcsrapl.’. Correft- m IO <lrOt« »» d tlle St,,ry Each Ou« WtaUpert. M.v 29.—At . call of the Bacon were enrolled on toe Hat . 4e ioUo«lo9 “" the Montezuma dletrlctof • lUt'CD ClU n * *"‘ . _ *«f r» twaw. i *r i cvutiiy Tv. Gardner, W.D AveraJ.H. DwPree. E. O. Mi Evoy. It. O. Col- r i't.M 0 C. Cheven. J. W. MuKenne Ba- rn^Hano M. Happ. M. Cohen, J. W. k*S“j««S5n. H. Brown, E. B. Lowli. ll**'?. ' liou*e, Dr. B. O, Engrain, f P Uaxwell, Joe Winn. E. J. Wllaon. Iwiii 1 E“n McOlann. J. C. Elllngtou, W. m acOinnir. J. c. tuingtou, w. Bethertoi , pt c kard, George W. Smith, Jaa. e nohlnaon, Br. C II. Richardson, <1. to. * | m..m W. *. Monk. w. o. Hill, a ' Ioibwn. J- * Horn*, S. B. Morrie, M, . V. 1 ,. ...: i>r,,f,.„nr ly n. A. Walla. - .. >1. Patrick. Aon Brantly, 41* f®*n p Ward, Jamea Collin,, 8. L. Tnr* WfiL; J. H. BcOllng, Eugene Turner. fEhani a,.(’lung, Homer Adama, J. E. '*At,Ho.<r. £ «• Hathaway, P. B. JoiiSh H. McKanile, O. W. ft Joiiph H. McKanale, O. W. . a Bonkiaa, W. C. snnmate, W. W. Phil- K-Tr. Uartsdeld, T. E. Chambera. • E "JJj, o. Ellington waa made preeldent iriSea^^Aen^ia^appolnted to make B to for the reception of Hon. W. H. Fel* d’J?.? c II. Blchardaon and O. C. Chevaa ‘ Jn committee to get un and di.trib- “ t „i <u literature aa will be to the inter- AMERICUS TURNING. VOL. LX I, r<0. i). Tlie Evidence Shows That Gordon Lost by Ilia Own ttpeech There. aaw^ 1 ^ 1 ' May writ ® yoa from, as has been considered one of General Gordon’s rtrongholda, but now conceded by some of bis staunctost suu- portera as uncertain. Major Bacon la gaining strength here every day. General Gordon would ff*5 tbU connt >' ?'"y lf he had not visited na, but his famous speech and the comments on it °* r P®opl® to thinking, and the more they U inkUie stronger Bacon grows. His speech vu * U J} *\ ?8°tlam— full of I, the great Goudov. He did not satisfactorily explain his resignation. The people of Georgia honored him with this distinguished bust in consideration of hi. great military service, and when he voluntarily put It aside In the way he did, and made such an uaatisfactory explanation of hls action, accounts were about squared. Ho himself canc eled the wrong of 1868 by mak ing terms with the perpetrators of that outrage. 1 see he denies a anderiug Mr. Hill in his speech "® r ®’' Well, whilst 1 can’t give what he said about *h® f**)® , lease question verbatim, as my friend Hinkle can, yet the plain English of it was APPLING FOR BACON. The Situ»tIon Reviewed nnd the County Declared Two to One for Bacon. Baxley, Ga.. May ‘29.—Since writing you a fow days ago, I have become convinced, beyond a doubt, that bacon is the favorite candidate by odds “Mr. Hill did something in that connection that he could not persuade himself was light for him to do, and he tried h >iu, fur he needed the money u.a -—iglit to impress upon us that Major mkTuuil Profeasor Ly n, A. Wells, bad- -- - —~ — r »- ir.h.k. f strict aba Hrantlv. Bacon s letter defining his position en the Railroad Commission was a dodge, whilst hls was clear and unequivocal; and thla in the face of the fact that Major Bacon waa merely the attorney of a railroad and be the great owner and manipulator of rail roads.’ 1 Well, Bacon has uittrammeled himself, and tbe General has uot as jet. He sought to constitute himself the great apostle of nrimariee and make Major Bacon the great leader of rings and cliques, because he s«k*ri Bacru t»joiu him" In requesting the State Executive Committee to instruct the peo- ClS tonal* neat Monday evening. S* 1 * 1 0. C. i-iiivt*. HOSRhB for bacon. g,n Order I’nmarlea In Great Con- a Gordon's C«mvta Primaries. n k May 29 — t a meeting of the Mon- n-m.irrAtic Executive Committee held u-o, the following lesulution latu jet That tli*! Democratic voters of each Ljrtof M jnroe county, meet *t the court- 5tsdrr spcctive districts, on Saturda>, wii frvoi • t<» 6 o’clock p. m , for the pur- 'tletsuK tour di-legst'i to represent this <itb«m»t«-rlal couveutton; said elect- lay the couiiuitteemen of the U triend of each of the candidates The returns of said election to be ■tttoForoU on the i m-*day after the elect- tieonHilidiited by the County Executive „ assemble. 1 he four delegates ..--uiuukbvr of, votes to be de of the people to represent the rt.atorisl convention to be held IMUi. Tho delegates thus CriK.«d to be allowed to choose their own this country as a court house ring, it is for Gora< ■olid. Can’t yon got the Gordon people to send us Gov ernor Hmith; our people waut to see him? They have not f orgotteu him for letting Husan Kberhart, the white woman In Webster, be hung, when nearly the whole county asked that her sentence be coo mute 1 to life imprisonment. A cJoldier. UatrcB members of the executive com- ■ere bacon men aud seven Oordon. its, then, tho committee could have |7tA-« m'tinit or put the delrg tte system |bcounty. Cut they did not believe In Cow- Etrr, sad with Major Bacon were willing to i *np'.es chance. If the people will only and not their euihusiasm fra v iknetil-dlctate their vote, the catuli- _ liibb need have no fears of the result iht vlj nimiuent of the executive coin tbrgtnuuls'r of the mends ot Major Ba lia the mnrt bouse and organised a Bacou t'sptsso CslsaLM, in accepting the position in o! the oiri-ting. made a rousing speech ksbii. which was lustily applauded .ututirtUrgth. Captain C. F. Turner, dut.Tct,aboA 4 -' d ih-meeting in an ■ ipceh. J. 3. Lrxr\. E»q , was elected itailteciab.aatLp-A- H. Blood worth sev \ _ A6 each'oTthe sixteen mlliiia Tim vlco presldent will meet »Mhk&t, tad s working commutes of live h isrvEt svpointed. I were ah-/*-1 pledging the members l.-M to cm* all honorable mcaus to secure Vmuhu i r lion. A. O. Bacon, of Bibb, as hl’u.indie Goviruor of Georgia. i’tfr of els ten was appointed to select >ur hien to be veted tft as Bac«>n * *’ t*s p* to \»e held on July M, and ti!i.r, fur rstifl.-ation to the l aeon club i~urtiji^, to which time the club ad- ired and fourteen names were tnrollewl i!-n of the “IlaL-on Club," whereas on y > plaml on the list at the mectiug ■waed the (i.irdtin Club last Thursday. Tmtci (Inh’* will st once engage rooms for TNoi.sadimmedtatelv begin toput the real ■ : before the people of Monroe IA thr | WAHHEN COUNTY < Lr lUcon a« w Foil Has Shown Other Points, ^ Ok., May W.-You may put Warren lu favor of Bacoi |fc*»fourto ,., Mt w . u 1V , If. J* *• th« Atlanta ConAtltition Lwx 0r “ UD ‘ ,,ul you know ihe Con- RUidfvMoped a womtertul faculty In this Aiming that which does uot belung Early Mon for lSacon., May 24.—Having seen nothing iu your paper from this county, and having seen in the Constitution a report from here, giving tho namee of Borne citizens as being influential men of the towu, all l eiug for Gordon, I herewith send a list of Bacon men. Among them you will see men of with the people of this county (Appling.) Reports from ail ovtr the county are favorable to Bacon. Gordou Is too fresh from Wall street. Considering that he has becu and Is now engaged in railroad manipulations, we think It somewhat lingular that he should appear at this particular time; that is, when the disposition ot the State road aud con vict question were about to be made. Another thing we do not like, one would think from his gusto and general deportment that the State be longed to him, because he is General Gordon. This we aro not willing to admit. We don’t, or at least a majority of us don’t, feel disposed to turn the State over to any man in fee simple, because lie won some distinction in a war twenty years ago aud for which service he has been amply paid. Wo want honest government, and to get honest government we^nust give it an honest head. We publicity, trust and note. lion. H. 0. Sheffield, Hon. W. O. Sheffield, Hon. B.Cbancey, J. W. Alexander, Jr., clerk Superior Court: Thomas Henderson. Ordinary; L. E. Black, 8heriff; It. B. Taylor, tax receiver; Dr. B. L. McIn tosh, T. E. Hightower, 0. W.Blrmons, Justice of the Peace; J. T. Freeman. T. F. Jones, county school commissioner; W. H. Alexander, member school board; Julius Fudge, and a great many others. Also Col. Jordon, attorney, and W. D. Jamc.L have no doubt of Bacon’s honesty. We see, too, mauy inconsistencies in Gordon’s acts and words. No charge has over been preferred against Bacoo; hia escutcheon is chan aud nnaullicd, his record wilt bear any amount of criticism, Be W always been faithful to the people, in peace as well as in agent in Elbertou who sends the local news and takes subscriptions, and who la worthy and truth ful. Sfveral days ago he sent the Constitution a re port how Elbert county stood on the Bacon-Gordon matter. The report was an average of 150 Bacon conscientiously that he waa speaking the truth. Then wbv hesitato between the two, Gordon and Bacon? Does not stern policy and common sense pie to express their will through the primaries in the different counties, aud Major Bacou declined to do so. 'Upon what fdod has this our Ciesar fed that he has grown so great?” certainly not bacon. Major Ba con’s reply is full of wttdom and reflects honor on him. "The kood people of the £Veat Stato of Geor- e ia are sovereign, let them speak in such manner aa eat suits them, and I ns their servant, will bow cheerfully to their will.” The Constitution says tho General Is daily storm ing aud capturing Bacon strongholds. Well, It he continues his storming, the Bute will soon Ire solid for bacon. His violation of the agreement between Messrs. Walsh and Howell, aa evidenced by bis al lusion In bis speech at Hartwell, will not beuedt him. The people of Georgia are not the fools that General Gordon and the Constitution take them to be. They dotuand a manly, open contest, and he who wages any otner sort will fall at their hands. Ilinkles's little letter is doing its work, sud will prove a boomerang to besmirch Its author. Our executive committee meets to-day, aud every Bucon maa in Bumter wants a primary, and rull time. 1 ppose we will get it If there is such s thing In dictate that we take the man that we know to be honest to the one of whom we bsve doubts? I think so, and I believe I am not mistaken when I aay we thins so, meaning two-thirds of the people of this county. What ban Gordon told the people in the joint dltcuatlon? Nothing, absolutely nothing, lie did succeed in slandering Ben Hill’s memory at Amerl- cus; and he deqronatratod at one place where he aud 20 Gordon. The Constitution refused to pub lish it. Y**t when T. M. Swift, a merchant, who credits the famera and who canvassed them in hia store on a rainy uav, sends up the report that “30 Gordon, fi Bacon, 3 uncommitted, and 1 for Mr. Black,” it la spread quickly on thbir “neutral” sheet. Elbert will go for Bacon. Her yoomannr cannot be fouled by whoops, the echoes of which died away twenty years ago. Fitness for office is “ dictum of our people. • George C. Grooak, was aurrounded by his friends that he had no gen erosity, by leaving the house and causing the crowd to leave while Major Bacon was speaking: and at Augusta that he was wanting in courtesy, by saying In the presence of ladlos that he would not speak to people that brayed. as tor Gorduu’s reasons for resigning the Sena- torshlp, he ha* told *o many tales about it that no body knowe which to believe, if any. Ho tells now, I believe, that the strain upon bis puree by ex- Confederated was so great that his salary was in sufficient to meet it- That looks very much like a bid for the soldiers' vote. It was claimed, I be lieve, that these ex Confederates were all the time going to Wasb'ngton seeking office through Gordon, aud Gordon generally had to pay their ways back home. This sounds a little atraugn, when It is taken Into consideration that when Gordon was iu Congress the administration waa Republican, and that such a thing as a Democrat much lass an ex- Confederate, gcPiug office war almost unknown. That war wuoop Gordon tries to get up wherever he goes is simply disgusting. We don't want a man for Governor simply because be was a good soldier. A man may have been a good soldier and yet unfit for anything else. Hm Gordon been lit for much elte since the war? Ills record does not prove it A Georgia!!. HOUSTON’S BACON CLUB. A List of First-Clitss fileu Who are for Ilneon for Governor. Byron. May 29.—An enthusiastic meeting of the supix rters of Major A. O. Bacon for Governor wan held here this afternoon. The lntSrest nuulferted show* plainly that Major Bacon Is gainiug friends rapidly in thl* ■« liuu of old Hountun. A Bacon club was organized by sleeting Br. R. U. Baskin president and Dr. C. A. Warren secretary. The fol lowing ftMoliitiOa WAA UUAiiuUOUfdy 1-AffIed by those present and *11 signed their names thereto: Jiyron, Houston County, Ga., May 29.—We, the un derslgned citizens of Houston county, feeling a deep Independent of the Atlanta Ring. Wahhinoton, May 29.—The railroad committee, appelated to meet in Augusta on the 25th uit, rc turned yesterday and gave a very flattering account of the A. k O. railroad. They a e confident that it will touch Washington, if built A petty of gentlemen were standing on tho etreet yesterday, and the question wss asked, bow would the country go for Govornor. There were several opinions exprewed. Finally your correspondent suggested that the crowd be polled. The result was—Bacon 14, and Oordon 3—two of the throe pre ferring black to Gordon. Old Wilkes has, end will always be, independent of the Atlanta ring. Political Straw* In Washington County. Rani>kasville, May 29.—The Democratic cxeca live committee met iu bandursville to-dr y and de cided vnanlmouidy to have a mass meeting the flrst day of July to select delegates to Die guberna torial convention or fur said mass meeting to order primary e ectlon. Tho executive committee stood: Bacon 4-Neutral 1. V\ e are also holding an election here to-day for justice or the posdb. The managers ana clerks An Atnorlcus Man Draws a Contrast. Americvs. May 29.—Politicians sometimes best iuterist in the elnctiou of Hon. A. O. Bacou for Gov ernor of Georgia, have banded ourselves together for the purpose to mors effectually promote hi* in terest in the coming election, and obligate ourselves ‘ »use all honorable means to seeutc hia noiuinUtr-u. Governor? „ H. ll-i kin. C* H. Richardson, C.’ If. Jackson, Hr "Bacon for a n . Collier, Joe B. Harper. Joseph Barnes. J. T. Aultman, T. J. Lowe, 0. A. Warreu, A. J. Poddy, J. L. Holt, \V. P. Dupree, Hr, Heury lio«s, W. 11. Peavy, O. G. Mosby. U. J. Psavy. A.U. Jarkson, T. D. Warrdu, J. T. Llsenby, J. E/ Rushing. drams and blow herns to inspire confidence in weak candidate, or to make a snow of strength, or to control that large close who have such a hanker ing to get on the strong side without regard to the fttneseof tveir candidate. In a quarter race this besting of dniniM and blowiog of horns is oft*n successful, but In a full mile beat it generally breaks down. We are now in a slate of peace and not a state of war; we want prudence aud economy in the man agement ot the State’s Jlnances; we want <hc treas ury guarded at every point; ire wtnt the State’s property prolocUnl uuil pfAAAFVAd tut the bvstiuier- est of all the people of the Btato; we want reason ably low tsxss; we waut faithfulness and au evenly balanced judgment exercised in whatever appoint ment to office shall arise,! sud what we do ot t care for Is show and a flashy, oxpensive administration for the oxpense of that is paid by taxation. Of the two candidates, wnich wlU make tbe^bdat WARREN CALLS A CONVENTION. A Large Meeting of the Kxeoullvo Com mittee—Itscon in the Lead. Wauuenton, May 29 —The Democratic Executive Committee of this Warren connty met this morning at 10 a. tn- to decide when and in what manner dele gates to the gubernatorial convention should be elected. After calling the roll, the following reso lution was unauluiously adopted: That in obedience to the uubroken custom of the Dernocr. tic party of Warreu county, we call a mass | ot the first counties In the Stats jyaiiws loder hir test and she is now B_ wtraiaru to down the “Atlanta ring,” Cr* v ’k* torutitutiqn and Gordon. Polled three or four times, 6* f or u 4COD( ih f 0r Qonion. Tr tUu i ,, *l. It is claimed by some that |xU*"J**.®vso larger than this, but as 1 Krkuw* iccurmta possible, I give 'l.-ix m town thla mt ifcm Otucock •‘ u “»ty U absMutely solid for Ba- r -Lism* ounaty ot Jefferson is claimed t friends in town, after a four in holding a meeting Ust *r» ZSlr* P®«3h® present, and one of *Lo ha* not reached man’s es- ^Tixtkm adopted, I learn, was to make it IS*?*? 0 ® of **»• * [nXh in cxwpMgn- a if u* in th ® »®«ti»f who was in i *" *ld that he operated a musical to® n»*t thla Urns and roauner or sslsct- convention. The pTii!,*?by the committee: KLhlLr ob ®di®»ca to the nnalu Bom PXrty of Warren county, ^ party at the county . clock , a - 10 * toct b 7 0 t*> represent iybsrnatoftal convention to “ lin- Jnly ■ Wth * * n< * tf,r U»® P' 1 '* ^ f tk# PJ'lf I® Ibis county. * hiTEBXA©, Chairman. fell* yveterans. Four rfcur IU4:on M “ 4 on ® for Oordon. • nter «d the army meeting of the tarty at the connty. sed on June 19th, at 10 o’clock a. m.. 11 sleet by ballot two delo- r -H and two alternates to represent Warren county the gubernatorial convention, to assemble tn Atlanta July 28th. and forth# purpose of reorgan ising the party in this crtinty. A vote of the committee was taken, fourteen of whom were present, and the result was ten for Bacon, and four f r Gordon. Five of the o -Dimit ies are old army veterans, lour of whom are for Bacon. Among this four are men who sntersd the army before General Oordon. After numerous efforts a few men and boys of _ xr town succeeded In organising a Gordon cam paign club last night. The assembly was composed of two minors, tw * lawyers, one army veteran and about flva who had never been to the war. This clearly proves that Warren county wtUgo for Bacon by an overwhelming majority. f years wa* Bpesker of the h*. an oftjee nquiring more administrative »hilu. than any office tn the State. He Oiled it when a gi » st deal of the most Important legislation since the war has been pa»sed. and at times when it required manhood and ability to dis charge bis full duty, and bow did he coruo out? Ho far as I have heard ho cawwout without the smell of Are upon hi* garments. I do not remember tn ever have heard from any member of tbs Legisla ture who waa with Major Bacon during that long term of years wbeu he was 8peaker of the Uouie, the slightest word derogatory to him, but have heard mnch of high commendation of him. Is there auy wonder that ex-members of the Legislature who sat under his atulntstration are such warm supporters of him for Governor? I presume no man in the ntate is mors familiar with toe legislation of the State than Bacon; ho Is a floe lawyer and a man of high character, and to the best of my in forty a- tton has fine business qualifications. It seems to me that there is scarcely a man in Georgia more specially fitted for Governor than Major Bacou. I say nothing against Oen. Gordon's character. For a long wh Is during the war I was in the saute branch ot the army, and he commanded very high admiration of the soldiers aa a skillful and gallant gencraRbut can he manags tho finances o! the HUte, the property of the HUte, the business of the State, etc., in a business manner? (len. Gordon’s mind Is too meteoric He is here to day and there to morrow—can't be content with routine office work like that of Governor—can’t remain in ons pises long enough. ____ A * Lesley. Gordon's Mreltug st Forsyth Forsyth, May 29.—Tbs Constitution, In its Issue ot the 28tb, contained the following: •TO DECEIVE GENERAL OOEDOM. 'Forsyth, Oa., May 27 —(HpsciaLJ—On oue hour’s notice this afternoon, qntte a large crowd of our citizens assembled at Pys’s opera bouse and or ganized a Oordon Club, and made all necessary ar rangement* for tbs reception of General Gordon, who will address the citizens of this county at this place on the 5th of Jnne. r ‘ Now tbs truth is. the grand sanhedrim of the •Gordon spontanlety” hers, employed a couple of small, rusty negroes, who, with drams, paraded around the public square twico, bellowing. “Oor don,” “Gordon.” . . In response to this “one hour’s notice,” Instead of a “Urge w-rowd of onr citizens,” as reported by several g ntlemen of unquestionable veracity, who made an accurate count thirteen (13) wen and (2) ro boys assembled in Pyt’a opera noose, am — in 'zed a Gordon club. It is deemed proper and Just that this correction should bn made. It U niffMtMl tb»t if ,ny of U*Jor Ikenu ed berrnu at, by U. report. Mat oat in tba Cactuation, and wUh to aaptoilmiU. the tru. a JJ’ f-Roa in Calhoun, t” 1 ' apobo bora r •-•'■dbl u t £* 1 '-“iwioi- in. .pc-h wti^Vih *,-'a-tornr. wid powu, of lb J* >“•"? ‘ao-a- ly k* P«ld a glowing MW'dUm ,^d «lorof B 1 u ‘* war. cliciitag much 'ftou'm™ 1 t * orto » —re bU > a*ab2i. ,ul ?.“ 4 HcbYtUo mil. -ttb aulod ToUroad *’* >irw n .F* ** K>I ® fr **» the book i 0r d® to fcair* - ’ - ’ -Ut.UM of kU reUitom ‘“I««too.»ni '*«*££"** vet- --m!SStey-l 0r »trom far •utu. of tb. pcpl. on th. gnbCTctorUl law, will donbtlM. b. . Mf. nad comrt rat. to m- tntn tb, different!, in Cl, Ooctitntloo . report tba Pony tb meting, .ad tbo correction, whlch u. tb. real teef ind can b. ».rtB.r, Mid.pplylt to the different reports contained in Gordon s organ, from different Mellon, of tbo 8toU. nnd tbo remit obtained will bo found .t let npproiuctoly tru.. kVIlkr. County for Ilneon. Wtutc Cot-FTT. May « -I’trbnp. yon turn no iu earn nnd to wbnt extent the AtUnU Coed YotnforOcnernl Gordon? It mUrepre-nu M.jnr Bneon tn .nying bo In opponod to prtnurien, nnd in •wry other wny poMibln. .. . e, x7w°£« r grent'u^iiydonn M.]or Bneon.In UUi: Tb. c.m<tita ton t IU litu. ngvntn ht nr.rly every ,Kwt-offlc« in tb. country, tom. of d«..-irr.U ten eolnmc In any other bat tbwy Indneo mnor people to take the paper, nnd c. ce.|nenuy 1 1 1 ■m whit lh , con.titntlon M~ mo —r dont kr ow ry of U.nernl Oordon'. ^ huTmiS n loping nntare, nnd ue carried away nilh hie little ate nnd dmm oratory. n»^,n onl. They tail to bring anything bn reeigned hU ndJaUnry and that bnjn nrnllrond lawyer. In nil my Ute I bar. never “ bant put to It to ring to Uelrmm(.-r Menu It in almoet n dying •OW-“*" Unuring f»«. «tol supreme. If the masses soutonseu ms to their trick* nnd schemes ^ aad cnuh raged, and speak out In thunder tooesnnu cru.u tbs whole buetoeas.^^^^H ■As to this county. I have no to the contenti Bneon delegates to the con 1 The “Veti” Go f« Ameuxtcs. May 29.—The old ”7 for Cordon by any manna Bem day: “I am heartily Misdoftts have of parading * during the lau not tits only man wi did as l A Fair .Sample of their Mlsreprenentlon, Cartesmtilli., Ga., May 28.—I see by this mom log’s Comtitutlon that Gen. Gordon met with enthusiastic recaption at the depot tn this city the train passed through on yesterday. TbU causes me to wonder If thla Is n fair samplo made by the reporters of that journal from other localities * the State. The truth U, while the Constitution’s reporter says there ware at hast five hundred men at our depot, as Oordon psssed through there were not exceeding fifty; and Isu miss from what I know of the situation here, that there were not a dozen Oordon supporters among them. Bartow county can be put down with perfect safety in nr opin ion, as a Bacon county. If tho selection of dele gates te had by primary election iqstead of mass meeting, so mnch tbs deeper will Gordon be buried under defeat so far as this county U concerned. The larger the vote the greater the defeat for Gor- Three yueetlona Well Pot, Little Bow, May 26.—Has General Gordon plait, ed why bo voted for a Republican return board (in 1876) in p efersnve to leaving it in bands of a Democratic House of Representative* la the editorial of the weekly Constitution of h !8th the declaration is madf and IpsUted upon t the Bacon party oppose primary elections. Yet the lOih pegs of asms edition U a letter from Ms Bacon himself, decUriog emphatically bte peri wUltngnese to abide by the dedaion of the peo as expressed by primaries, if tbo people see fit adopt that plan. On the railioad question both General Oon and Major Bacon express themselves In favor tho Commission with unimpaired power. * question now U, would a man who has uot a do invested in railroads be mors likely to favor th than a man who has hU whole fortune and sols terest centered therein? The Situation of lion. Fhll Davis on i limp. Elreeton, May 27.—The gubernatorial and C greuloaol campaign. In tbi. e»nnt, are both p leg General Oordon being tb. bomb c paign candidate. Major Bacon, mho npreMntn Mild element of tho Semocrntle pnrtT. bne n lowing ot eolld men kern very mnch like him. nod a etnng, decidedly unchangeable majority Tntbe Oongreeeional race Hr. •trong advocate, and coma blttwr opponents t mg .a for it In realty doabtfnl Cow tb* eoc WHIM lion. Phil W. Darla oUkla (dace, at tba reqoai a lam number ot cttlrena ot Franklin coal meet. General Gordon atcanuavillo to day. Only One Oordon Vote In McVIUo. HcVinu. Hey 29.—Tb* Democratic party of Tel fair county will bare a m»e meeting at MrKae on tba gret Monday in July for the pareoM of Mleet- tng Aalego'M to tho gubernatorial and Congreve onai eonventione. Thin connty at I rend Beo.n del» gate, wltboat a doabt. Tb. connty te comparatively *oM4 for Mo*. There Is only oue vote In tbs towu of VcYiHe i for £*.*• Elbert Solid for Rsnon. ElbeUton, Oa., May M.—The OonaUtution has a by “hollering” primary election. It ia an acknowl edgment of defoat in them, to rnn from tlie peo ple. Bacon has nothing to fear In thla election be fore the people; but we would aay, keep an eye on the minions andslaves of the powers that be. The dying man grabs at a straw, so with the Gordon boom in thi* county. If all other sectlori of the State enjoy such seaaou* ot tnith, manhood and fairness as the majority of our beloved execu tive committee, we have a pitv for them. We have talked with many of the original Gordon men, but they shako hands aud aay, “we aro with you for Bacon now.” We have not talked with one fair minded Gordon man who does not censure the ac tion of that never-to-be-forgotten committee. That is the committee that refused a free American peo ple the right to come In by petition. Away with such actions to shades of babarlsm. We throw off Htioh manacles and ahall assert our rights and main tain them. See to it that such men sn are guilty and responsible for the actions of last Saturday, aro never again put iu any places ot trust or re sponsibility. _____ Gordon RouriNinan for Convict Lessees. Hartwell Sun: General Gordon is a bondsman for tbe convict leasees. It will be the business of the next Governor of Georgia to hold the bonds men to a strict accountability to tbe Siato and see that tho people's rights are protecteda Which can didats will be in a position to ouCorea the people** J1MIS0N L\ TliOUP. 8. HUNTER JEM ISON AT LAST : EX GOVERNOR SMITH. lie Fonrs flnt Shot Into the Ex-G »ver Quotes Gordon's Denunciation Smith's [Ce»lgiiatl<Mi From the Army—SmttU’e Evasions. LaGrakuk. May 29.—Tho chaos is ended. Ham Jetulson caught Governor Hmith on tbe (ly here to day. Why was not’Hwith at Thomaston as pnb- •Ushed. But H. Hunter Jemlson wa* aware oi hi« movements and cruelly got there. Of tho joint i at least , rights—Gen. Gordon, a former lessee and present surety on tho bond, or Msj. Bacon, who Is free from all entaug)lug alliances and whose garments are not stalnod with blood money? This may ac count for the fact that the •*Orand Cyclops” of tho convict system is hoping to boost Gordon Into the executive chair. But the people understand It Is the voice of Jacob but the baud of Esau. stand: Bacon A—Gordon 1. Huzza for A O Bacon! Washington connty has mauy old wounded veterans, who are strong for ~ con. Gordon »ml Judge L*at«r. CtmxiNo, Oa., May 28.—Judge George N. Lester and a few others are trying to create a boom here tor General Gordon. Mauy of Judge Lester's friends do not understand nor appreciate hlN attitnflo to Gordon in this campaign. Ho biases the band that •mote him In bis ra re for United State* attorney, as it id undent xmI here that General Gordon promised the judge his support, but instead supported young Pat Calhoun, who never saw the smoke of battle during the war. Oordon talking about rewarding the soliiers! Why didn't ho reward Judge Lester, Who lost an arm serving hls country in battle? debate to day, Ham Jetulson met t e enemy aud be Is ours.” Smith, in opening, declared he was here to dlHcuss the only living issue of this campaign, the Railroad Commission, only alluding once to typhoid, which he awkwardly slipped in. Ho declatrd there won a war between tho people aud railroads. He warned them atfainat Atectlno stockholders to the LegUlatnre. Ue spoke of Raoul's palace car, but nothing of Jon Brown’s. Hr- tie- cl-tred a tremendous effort was made in tho lobby Let the Constitution Answer. Hartwell Sun: Tbe Atlanta Constitution garbles sn extract from the Hun’s remarks on primary elec tions, with the remark that It is suggestive, coming from tho side it does. It is just tbis suggestive, the Hun will support the nomluee of the Democrat ic convention, even if he should be Genoral Oor don. Will the Constitution say the same for Ba con? Its refusal to answer this quest on might be considered quite suggestive. A Denmud for Honesty. Coweta Advertiser: Honesty and open-handed justice shall reign in Coweta politic*. Oue third of tbe voters of the county shall uot i mint more thau the remaining two-thirds. This la not honesty; it Ex-Gov. Smith Convict Leasee Attorney, Hartwell Run: It is very significant that ex-Gov- emor Hmith, attorney for tho convict and Hiate road lessees. Is making stump speeches for Gor don, the seenrity ou the convict lessees’ bond. Htraws show' which way the wind blows. A Itucon Club of 200. Coweta Advertiser: Tbe Bacon Club site with open doors, from the public nothing to hide. Men treated as men, and a free ex presslon allowed Tho club numbers about 2i»J bona flde citizens, coturoacd of the solid portion oi this town. No boy son the list. cf the Lcgl'lsture to change tbe railroad commia sion. He said the rdlroads did not sincerely want au appeal to the courts, for they by an amendment bad it struck out in tho House of Representatives. Ue never mentioned Gordon's name in hls opening speech. It was iudeed a cold, flat thing, not oub round of applause. Jetulson was introduced Amid a heavy round of applaute and perfect yells. Ue said: “The ex- Governor will nut ho more surprised at my re marks than 1 was *t bis. I will novf luring ou tho discussion that tbe people mot hero to he show Bacon is for the railroad commission with its powir* unimpaired, 1 will show by Smith’s own official report that he Is not sqnarely for It. Jeuiison well did that, for which tho Governor caught the dry grins. Jemizcn showed Smith up by bis own spevches and writings, aud disclaiming any disparagement of General Gordon's war record, argued that when we ask Gordon why be resigned from the Senate, he says: “Md not 1 fight at Seven iajL Fines?’’ Was not I si the Wiidernesu? When wo ask why did you not stay to the end of that session, Gordon says, • have 1 not a scar on my face/ aud if wo ask if you resigned to become attorney for i he Louisville and Nashville lailrosd, ho repine, ‘did I not surrender at Appomattox?’ Yet Smitl is advocating a railroad commission asiC, protec tion to the pcopte and Gordon U rather of the Georgia Paotflc. lie lately baa been counsellor for Neecomb at a salary of f !4,W», and now he hw Just finished a tm?:v- coutlueutal railroad from Florida; perhaps, to tne west Gordon, a railroad msguato, is yet the best mnn to control the railroads snd administer a railroad commission law to protect tho'people in tbis present war against monopolies. Jetulson spoke of Bscou's fine record, of the con- fldence ot the Macon people aud legislatures iu him sud that he tried to return to hls regiment but was totally physically nusble. Ue spoke of Governor Gordon Rebuked. Cummicg Clarlori: Ha* it come to this that each county ia not to be allowed to regulate its own po- A Report Denouncid, Marietta, May 27.—I hasten to denounce the re port In tills morning’s Constitution as a blatant sud unmitigated campaign lie, made out of whole cloth. There was between two and three hnndred people, all told, women, children, voter: and negroes, at tbe train yestsrd iv evening to witness the elephant ■how, and reliable Gordon aud Bacon men are willing to swear that not mote than seventy-five voters were present, and many ot them Bacou men. . Certainly the honost people ot Goorgla will not be carried away by such disgusting methods. W. J. Uut>*ov. ‘y~*~ ^GofiVon ut ioiiFiiyetUj. LarAYr.TTE, May 26. -General Oordon had an op portunity to *,>«»* at this place on yesterday. Tues day, 20th Inst. He nrnt circulars announcing his coming and his friend*^ trrulated them. Notwith standing the tffort that nad been made, there were not exceeding fifteen men from the couutry In town. There never has been such slim attendance ; any public gathering before. The General made a long speech to a fsw voters and some women. There is one thing that can lie •aid of biz effort It waa unfalteringly faithful to himself. An lip 1III1 Job. Balubridge Democrat: Tbe Constitution will havo an up hill job convincing anybody that there is no such thing m the Atlanta rlog; and don’t you Chickens Homs to Roost. Cummins Clarion: The boomeritss commenced a bnlldoziug process a* Eatoutou and now complain that they got boomersnged at Augusta. Smith’s' ' speech, nominating him, spleudld stylo. As to Smith and Gordon's boast of / their fighting, read Gordon's speech at Columbus six year* ago. that Smith resigned aud wcut to tbe Confed«ratc Congress, and that Gordou such a gobfi business man he forgot ha was on a i33,90 • bond of a penitentiary convict lease, yet Hmith would say he, as Governor, could seo to tho Does Not Reflect Public Sentiment, Savannah Times: Tba Sparta- IshmaeMte admit* that It does not reflect public sentiment. Eminent ly true, OI Klnj. It l* a Gordou papar. Major Itacon at Ktbrrton. Ei.bestow, Ga., May 29.—Major Bacou left Klber- lou this morning for Hartwell, escorted by a Urge delegation from Elbertou county. Us spoke to a crowd of 400 in the court house. His speech was E lemlldly received, and all that we*a In doubt de- tre I openly for him. Put Hart county in the solid Bacon column. Major Bacon also spoke at Msrtiu, in Franklin county, in the evening, and at Toccoa, tn Uabeisham county, at night. Prlmnrles Ordered In Hpnldlng?. , ORirnw, May 29.—At the meeting of tho Demo cratic executive committees, bold at tbe ordinary ’■ office this morning, it was decided to hold a primary election in tbs county on Saturday, June 12, to elect deli-gates to tbs county convention, which will Not »o redid for Gordon. Americus, May 29.—When Gen. Gord-.n spoke hers it was considered by some that Americus waa almost solid for the General. To-day I heard two prominsnt merchants of Americas counting the Bsccu men among the merchants, sod tbslr conelu- sWi a as f:at at least half of tbs msrenante wsrs for Bacou. Clayton Orders Primaries. Joxenboxo, May 29.—Tbe Democratic executive commutes of Claxton county met here to-day and Voice ok the puesh. Gordon Partisans Refuse to Allow n Fair and Full Expression of the People. Cowtte Advertiser. Gordon's clique attempted to put a fraud upon tho county. We *UaQ bars narra e the doings of our * ‘ i tbs only ona of remembered by that memorable ore of tbs < the Bacon folks presence, to a* before tbs con was asking for Wo asked that o send the doles- and locked the I of the begging, control, be leads its of a free poo ls# a disturbance I that any friend I infeitteo had no Dates to any coo- wed plain prece- tion the lion. A. i old committee, itrie committee,I Bg to elect a new •so t one) which This committee a— why not quit? Rash a tenacious rd of tbs righto day. Last tt*ht a j at. t:.c teft ti i-t and bad au en- ’ that they A* box. We are not bursting any MspeEwM^^hel county is overwhelmingly for Bacon, not can tri :ks, evasion, deceit, device nor fraud best the people. A majority of Un county shall be heard. Mo use talking about that The people have rights and they will be presented to the Bute convention in the shape of four delegates for Btcon. Tbs Oordon friends were afraid of a pop*Ur expression of the teopla the little report in the ComUtuticn to the contrary, which is false. The question. U bow lenmJ ere we to be overridden by the u »a»tef*o grasf for cfltee and for cthcrel The Jos Brown ring flood rervante. They work t ey do not hceitad consider anything tor the success of the tuasl Tbe-eld tho* relationship returns and the will of tbs tnteter !*heeded in all mpects. A few have! ■ted to tun He politics; hot we ahall see to It ... r , hurru. ” 1 Wy, If pubdc t Foray tn tor Itacon. Ctunmlng Clarion: Forsyth county Is undoubted ly for Bacon aud Gaudier. Fence reigns tn Warsaw THE LIBRARY FOURTH. Sonin of the Amtiseiiicuts Now Being Pro. pared tor tho Day. There are thousands of people awaiting the com lug of the Library’s Fourth. Already the boys arc beginning tn practice for the many prlres that are to be offered. Tbe special features are Wing shaped up and the programme U growing bettor and fuller every day. The entertainment committee are qwarn Pat they will have twentx thousand or more people to auiuso and pleane on that day. and judg ing by the successes of the two previous ogosslous there uiud be no fear but that they will au«.ceed enforcement of that bond! llow ridiculous! None of these things did Smith reply to. Smith bad ssld be would occupy iu bis. fl'ti-en mit ute*. only if it were nscsssary. When Jemiaou closed, it wa* indeed venr necetsary, absolutely. Smith ad mitted ho could noinsy a word agsluvt Bacon, that honion's resignation required explaimtlf n. that bo bad uot oue word of his nominating speech to ro> tr.- t li^voa was, and Is, w good znss, and highly competent, aud Gordon or Bav-t u bail no advantage ou the questj n of redgiiatton. Ho otten called for applame by th« cry of charging n battery, lie said nothing as to Gordon's c< ium« ute on Sml'b’s resignation and going to the Cour-d- erate Cotigre**. lie had to defend himself so mu< h in conclusion tend wSOll uvi» tim* at tli-tt . that ho - »1 1 fUE|el Mil* GW* Islusi Wiff^miKW'Ccr ,1 . After, speaking eight minute* over tin:*, Judge Fer ell tod him. a* his Ums had ex- ilrcd, Ur. Jamison coaid occupy *.» uc!» s he exceeded hi* quarter, and he said, '‘Ob. 1 will quit/’ which meant, “I don’t want 8aai Jeml- re to reply.” Here the people laugued heartily, e ha«l Ju-t raid be was here for Gordon. He had kept away from that in the flrst speech, when be »ald bo was for tbe people Versus monopoly aud the o presalve railroads. The Bae v, uieu sheered lustily when Gordon's chivalry was ailndi-d to. Hoitth acknowledged Colquitt's majority drives Probably one of the most Important Items on the programme is the barbecue. This will be so well carried out that every person wln> buys a Uckt t at the gate, will get a slice of bread and a slice of bar becue. The ticket* of admission will have a barbe cue coupon, and those who efaal tuetr way tut * the grounds need net expect to get dinner In th.* way The blcyclo, foot, hurdle and steer rocs, will be In charge of Mr. A1 red Mack. He Is now at work perfecting bis plans to make these features better •*»an ever before. The tournament Is in charge of Mr. L. O. Stevens, who kuows exactly wbat to do with It. Tbe swimming match, bateau race and tnt> will ba tn charge of Mr. John G. Ruan. This in sure# some flue sport, well manage 1. The fantastic# end roll rail, the pig and wheel barrow race wiU be in charge of Mr. W. 11. Beard en. and be will see that they furnish all tbs amuse ment possible. The tug of war, which created so ranch amuse ment lest year, will be iu chargaof Mr. F. 8. John J Mr. Charles Uerbet wllMook after the tea water. This insures plenhr of water for all. Tbe music and dam-ing will be cured for by VaJ.I T. O Chestnsy, and b* will see that there la plenty of It Another Important part ot the programme Is the reading of the declaration of Independence by Uon. Clifford Anderson. This, with the political speak ing. will have all tba elements of tba old time cele bration of the Fourth of July. The knights who are tn participate in the tourna- .lent on the Fourth of July will assemble at tbs corner of Mulberry and Second streets to-iuorruw (Monday) afternoon at ff:4S sharp. Each man Is ex pected to be mounted and provided with a sabre, they will then inarch to tho mils track and make prelimidary arrangements for practice. him over to that aids. This was a graud victorious da? for Da n A Bacon man t »-day Intiodnred toe motion for, atul a Bacon con tnlttea adapted, primary election*. To-d.ty, alt ce supper, ordon got lu from Hamil ton. He w«s called .for and spoke a fsw minute* of ’fit and '60, anil of primaries. JeiuUon being loudly called for. rams out and said it wss net for blu to speak there, as it was a weicome to Gordon. BACON IN HARTWELL. A Gr Uarbrctin tn tbe Sfatrxmau nnil Law-maker Yesterday. llattTWELt, May 29.-Today waa a grand day for Major Bacon. On tbs arrival of the Lain ho was met at the depot by a vast throng bf our clUzsus. 11* was then taken in charge by hia friend*, and in a carriage drawn by four white bores*, driven to the Bobo House, beaded by the Hartwell Brass Band, which Is Bacou to tbs core. Hia *,«uch *** delivered to a crowded bouse aud eulhaNi- antic audience; It wa* clear,calm and dGiuueiouxte, astie audience; it wav clear,calm ana dlquMMdouxte. It surpassed the txpcclatlou* of hls friends, and elicited th# admiration of bis oppontnte. Us tri- umpbautly met the petty charges made agal.-iat him by bis competitors, and then with au »bl« array of facts and argument, he di*cu*«cd hi* op ponent, touching hls rrelguation from tho Henate, the convict lease bond, the HUto nhtd, and ether Important qnestlona In the present canvs**. II.- declared against allowing convict labor to com pete with Ires labor, and deuranalrated that hls opponent's record 1* quite vulnerable on this point. There was not a law ap- pea ed to Ignorance and prejudice, but them ut terly argument of a statesman app«aling to the in- tehigsnes of Ms btaiere. Tbs ■pedch was continued amidst tretu'-ndoua cheering, and the s and was literally covered with flowers from the handa of our fair Udte*. Tho friends of Major Bacon are enthuxUatlc and con fident. Vive Fenton* Drowned. WourcnonocoK, N. 1L. May 29.-Yesterday after noon T. U. Jerome, pastor of tho Congregational church of this village; with hia two eons, a daugh ter. and a young man named Davis, went ont on the lake on a fishing excursion, and failed to return at 3 o’clock, as expected. The steamer wbf.rh arrived at 4 o'clock reported having seen an overturned boat near Jannlstown Island. Search was made, and late in tba evening the bodies of the whole party were recovered. Jemma waa a wealthy gen tleman. owning about 1200.000 worth of property. He cams from New York two years ago, Irene Jar- onis, artist and authoress, is a sister of the de- Returning Good for Evil. WasHiKOTOK, May Acting Secretary FairrfaUd to-day sent the following ulefhwphic instructions to Ihe collector of customs at Portland. «•., in re gard to the Canadian schooner “Sisters,” which was detained at that port for alleged violation of cus toms regulations: “On payment of the coot ot this telegram sud expenses, if any, arising from deten tion of the vasal, yen will not exact the fti.e in curred by the schooner •Sisters' under section 2.814 of tbs revised statutes.” The action of Fairchild was baaed on a that the muter of the “Sisters” had nu intention of evading tbs law to any respect. Lord KalUtjurjr on the Mtuatlon. Loxnon, May 29.—Lord Salisbury waa pittented with tba freedom of the grocers’ company at a »u perl* ?<anqn»t to-night. In replying to a toast to his health he said tbht these were days of tyranny of the one mao power in Parliuaoat. He would yield to those who wanted to govm by unscrupu lous intimidation Tba present heavy pressure of tbs caiuxt* screw was nnsqnallsd tn Parliamentary history, and h# v*'—"l*-* ***** * fcu »—■—■* •- A CHIN'S* OATH. Tho Proposal ot a Han Francisco Celestial to Alake Ills Oath More Binding, Tbo Chinaman always regards »b* Chrtenan mods of administeringt.atb* as a good dral of a humbug when hs !e involved tu aay way. In one < f the lo cal polio# courts ot Man Francisco, tho other day. TseDsnwaa on trial for attempting to cut Low Hin/, and the way tbe latrer and ht. aUne**e* **. r« agxiu*t tho former made Uts perspiration sund out on hls leathery foretoad. Atqcaltng to the court for delay tuat be might refute this testimony, Leo *Dsn secured a postpuasuentef the case until after dinner, and, on the rc-openlng of tho court, he ap peared with six chicken* in a sack, a small tub a ' big knife. A* the Judge ejsd the defendant and LU queer outfit, he a«ked him what hshad all those thing* in court for. to which Lee Dan re*; <mded: “Big H*m alie time tell heap lie. Bin. Melican *t)le. No care; talkee lie alia #«ni<i sxtgan tdara heap good Lira, lisp no talar H. „ plained that bis client be lieved that the wltneeses tor tbe prc*'-.;utiou wt-ru taking advantage ot him bccaune they were not under an oath which they deemed binding, and ha hail brought tho chicken into court to ewear them Cbihlee fMhlon. By this procres the witnee* would be compelled to lay the neck of a chicken ou tho edge of the tub and cut his head off, iaj lug at the same time: “May my nt V be re\« red aud my life d»; *rt m this rbkken’e if I fail to Ull the truth on this oo> The Judge asked if it was pi i « *rd to kill the chicken in rp-n court, to which Leo Dsn e- iponded: “Yon be*; thl* all wily. Like you in must do alls fight ” To thi* J ;iV- L*wl#r demurred emphatically, and on bis otite*one of th# bailiffs look, the . hi. k sas.ths tab, aau the knife and disappitrad vtHl 1 them, greatly to Lee Dan’s sorrow. liu Miraculous Escape. W. W. Beed, rtru«:iri*tof Winches » r. Ind .writes:. — ••One of my customers. Mrs. Lotrisa Fike. BartonU, I Bcnjemin li Randolph connty, led., was a taw • offerer with I ums was tv consumption, and wsskiren up to die by her pay-1 able to uke slrtan*. Hhahsardof Dr. Kln^slfow t>i- -'-ry for! dtoteL Mr Oonsnmptlon, and torso buying it of me. i n six the sMistaj id tn < hint* month’s rime she ltap« i supporters who I —