The weekly telegraph. (Macon, Ga.) 1885-1899, June 01, 1886, Image 5

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THE MA(:0N W|.:i,K!,y TELEGRAPH: TUESDAY MORNING, JUNE 1,188G.—‘TWELVE PAGES. The Bln.tlo, Toutli nf the Lobby. Euitob T*hEoiurH-When Gemrul G„r. aou tola tho S|»jirta people lie could “have luaile uioury euongh by .taying in the Sen ate to toy lieorgiii, liy voting tbe way the money kings wanted him to rote," it was a pertinent mutter to goiuto the record to see where and how ha voted while he wax there When the letters of C. P. Huntingdon goi to the public eye, not by ltU own eonuiv. slice, l.ut in spite ot him, he having denied the claim of the widow Ooltoi, avowing he was tu t » partner of Colton, which etate- mentsbe showed to he false by reading these terrible letters in open court, a South Caro lina paper asked Gordon to explain, indi- eating the positive necessity for such ex planation on his part. Goaded by the drtadful exposure aud tha dread of future development*, he wrote a letter to Major •Ino C. Whttner of Atlanta, under date of January 14th, 1884, in which these wonts appear in toe midet of a mass of evasions and inconsistent statements that marked his guilt conclusively: Mr. Scott (Tom Kcotll was at the head of crest liDM of roan leading from Sow iork to 8t. Louis He wa. seeking to extend from St. Louis through Jiortheru Texas to the Ptciac Ocean. I opposed the fecutt bill ami favoyed tbe Huntingdon bUL^ This in ill a© nt*ed, numbly, bis admia- 8Jou that ho tiwored Huntingdon. His Hi-RumentH are not w.rfcU a baubee, rs Scott aud Huntingdon were rivul money kings, who were doing thtir utmost to get control of railroad lim-8 both North and South. Gordon followed Huntingdon by bis own a.iimshion. Let us see what Huntingdon saye about the way the “money king**" con- tiol ed youh in the Senate. He ban h.bown bow Senators and llewreseuhitms were esteemed by railroad kings, who treat them oh mer chan dine*. New York, November 11, IHTft.—Colton. I am doing con«i<icrabte hard work looking to out tbe South against Scott * bill ai d have got them already to dUcusalug it sharply. Yours, etc., C. P IIuntinoikjn. November IS, 1H78.—Friend Collon: If you ea aeud mo f I.OuO.kOO 1 shall have uo trouble in getting the balance bore. November 21. 137.1.-1 am getting papera from the South aluioat every day pltvhiug into Scott. More “eponUneous combustion,” paid for, like the urticles of “Ajax," tlmt appear ed in an A‘.intuit newspaper a few years la* ter. Who is paying for tbe “gush and glo ry” in tbe Couhtitutiou now? November 24.—I am getting the 8outh wall waked up t*> Scott*a Southern-Northern project. December 17.— X am getting Southern papers every day; see clippings enclosed. WaaiiiKtiiuN, December 20, lo7G.—Frt-nil Culttm. I am having the roughest fight with Hcott that I ever t ad. home of our people have cnnvi ced tLo .T-’.ii'niild also feel that he in ou auiaoe I P uhUl1 that the Southern Pacific la being buUt by Uwmrmlt btmsalf to lo* ulg. m per- u ‘" 1 , :“ tr f l'*<=l«o (lluut i, B don and Colton's rovl) tJmd.Cs Of hi. Mlow-oitUoui who m.y ‘hey have raised the cry of monopoly sg»tn.t ^djushim iiiju.tlc® [vpplause] For at least “*• It make. 1. very hard fotlu. niI1 , ttrb« b<>ue»t and well munitioned in even | C. P. Huxtixodom. Congress took a recess about that time .. . „ ,. . until the second week in January. 1877. On the 12th of January Johu 11. Gordon air«th«scale, oteuly between friend, introduced the famous “oinking fund bill,” , I which Huntingdon wrote Culton he thought ft,?,ill! l,‘qolr) m mf?r }» conld pirns with *200 (XX) Hon, A. II. .4 to? t>id General Gor- Stephens, when informed of the bill, was (ouig* to tmpii iea, eiuiyic and kindly I obliged to udmit it wus “atrocious.” He ■- that hta t lr.umi-unces I vriui ill at the time it was introduced, and I did not know of it until Hon. A. G. Thur- man was reported as saying be then and there bed lost faith in some Southern men rich reading. oVFBNOft SMITH ON GORDON'S l-U 07 ® 1 BtSIGSATILlN senate—Extract From a Speech ».• , llT ii.,n. J- M. smith at C», August, *t. t ° l ° t «u*-y, Etc. Mneopl« 0 *22!JLd upoU the public by tho an- S' **£ £utueral Gordon had resigned hi* Henale. All the clrcum- S,ltt I rite** 1 *"*. »ero calculated to excite I, .ttcuilios th 1 ?!;‘ ulr , m the public mlod 3i «S^hSm3. It lacked but. fow ,aacso« thc sonlou ot Congress. , .f the M >; l ™‘lXJon existed that GenendOor- £l«»l»‘*“y)rttb tbe vety high and honor- ■^V ^h lieha.lbec'U very lately re- “'“V^ulof the people of Georgia. Why ft? touted on resigning before tbe 5 b,l ^!Soo when that event was so near? J^roewho had so long been tho favorite *osU°“? w , people have con- * u .Sddenly to rellro from one of tha id “ S to Which a citizen cut aspire? I,pistol e® wMch nnturally arose in ,stre i; 1 . |, ou id be borne In mind just nHii- |, .p General Uordon hold be- In •‘•‘’“S,7, of Georgia, lie was but a k-TJSu t° r ,h " benem of bis Slate > iw 1 W t7,.v therefore, had the right with- Hffi'i.. SiemseHee J® » charge of lmiiertt- ° b! *i to call for tho reienne which •“ffir eerrant In this matter. It was uo him: it i“> tnmrton of any right ft lid to biro for hie people to seek to ll vi°te so suddenly and so secretly reached I'd. nvu which they bad conoded to him. »,,piy with equal force to tbe •"iXior Colquitt. Ho le but a trusloe eoTroehil iltb certain great powers, to Chief Magl-t lo-y "f H>e Sts.e, to l,« Kdht their beoeflt.rather than for hi). [»p- R' iachsrze of the duties of this high office Iftwoee honorable margin presented to tho ri'J®»'lM Incumbent, aud that la thatbo shall P J sell sud to the utmost of hla ability lu f \.iol!'«biieca'.iou devote nil his posiors to I® fJr.l his people. In view of this, tho pro. lerrk* 01 *! ,. 1 . . . 1 h. Inforuied of tho motives BACON IN AUGUSTA. recti-d th< ir attention to the business men of tho | DIGNIFIED AND MANLY OPENINO | OF THK CABIPAJGN. Mijor. Damn, In ResponNe to a Call, Ad dresses a Large and Knthuslastio Meeting of Augusta's Sub stantial Citizens, From the Augusta Chronicle of Wednesday. Fireside Chat. MOTHERS , - , , . . ,S . i Often neglect nnd delay in giving proper different from tbe business which tho syndicate .it,, n )i Qn ihrir children whnhavifIn-cnmw had lu view when It Industriously Importuned for “_ t0 l ?. c . lr ctLOren w nonave btcome I tho “si>out*neous" signstures To turns of these 1 unhealthy. Place your Richly daughter business matters of the State the publio attention Upon the use ot 13.13. 13. a* a toum aud gen- I has already been strongly called, while ot other. e ral regulator; give it to your wdk nnd fee Sm “hj"?iSIch ^ow”«rhe'.ay tho b »e children; prescribe it to your huaband public mind is the maintenance of the luilrosd and sons as a gei.eral tome and appe- c->mmission with no«em u»ie |uatc for the accom* tizer before hr* akfaat, aud they will never The gubernatorial campaign was opened state. My position on tifte queadon was fully stated lost nignt by Hon. A. O. 13acon in a strong In »letter which I recently addrered to Mr. Bain speech to the citizens of Augusta. apo . $ pa ihmen «of work for which it was designed, and have any use for wkinkv bitters which te made obligatory by the oonttuition of the | * Ior U * y moan, BEAUTIFUL COMPLEXION. ™“ r —,-TT" ° l ' lUB “*, I 1rW-SSS.*iy ,,, 5S ,, I I »«»«* of -Ingle and married ladies iieanng of bis preseuco in our city, should repeat what is said in that letter, even if 11 ftre H»ing various cosmetics, in order to im- whither he came on a hurried business trip, I had the time no« to do «o. 1 am gratified to be- prove their complexion, and to hide the large number of his admirers brash band and serenaded him Lions of tho face, HMEeSBSEBSS procured n U«. that aU unprejudiced mo . have accepted that m „ny faults and luiiierfeotit W( , „ . _ a? hU hotel. “ K5 if“th.i;u 7 inUuFto.b& neck^dhtnitU. Aevelocal application. AYhen .Major Bacon appeared in response I and sund by the views therein announced. are only temporary, and leave tho skin in a j the calb, he was greeted with cheers, 1 believe that the luilroad Commission ts one of worse condition. and it was suggested that he cross over to £• $*wd .^Wmatiwt toitltuUons of the state. An internal preparation is now being nsed, tbe platform in the centre of tho street, ?;^Vh^. h uiHo' 1U Ad U th. <10 n!ffi“ lu'^'w^. operatiug through the blood, which ren’- which had been used by the judges in the should not »><* in any manner impaired, it should I de*s the skin as smooth and soft as an in firemen’s contest, and address the people be able to protect tiie publio against any oppression font’s, and imparting a beautiful alabaster PA“ C ®- SmStA wi™ “i; l ft.m , J3‘A. t ‘oppA 0 Jir 1 ThS complexion so much admired by the elite, by Mayor May, Hon. Patrick Walsh, Hon. UuiiroadComiuiMion, animated by a sincoro desire rhe remedy casts off all impurities from M Y. Calvin, non. Claiborne Snead, and I to accomplish this important work, is the surest the blood, removes all bumps, blotches and Hon. 0. E. McGregor, of Warren, followed means for securing the harmonious reiationa which splotches from the face, neck and bands, the band to the platform, ^ the cheek with the roseate hues Despite the short notice given, and tho parity of the public is essential to that of the rail- o* nature, fact that it was almost an impromptu roads, and the people it this day canuot be proa-1 Tho article alluded to is B. B. B., a blood demonstration, a large crowd gathered about I P«*£ u,lf {' h *r Qn i Uitl 3 r treated by the railroads. p Ur ifl er and goDeral family tonic, which the platform in the street below, and some JJ JJ ^Sll^'owSffiSSto ttSbX mAni M’J e°«re. satiafaction. No of our most substantial citizens occupied I to prevent it. Baliroads improperly managed are I female should fail to u*e it To be beauti- * -fax- ‘±mmmcihily made engines of oppression, but properly I ful, you must be healthy, and tobeheslthy, directed they are among tbe chief factors In our I vou uhonld nne R R It olvUUatiou and developme nt. I y M “ OUAa U8e "• "• "• In this queition I have no greater interest than any other ettizen of the btate. I never owned a liar's worth of railroad atock in my life that 1 n now recall, and I have never been engaged in auy development of railroads or directly or lndl* On Your Table? nmnlrfe set of Lev Ming'S New Cards (GO original designs), kk LEVEiUNG A CO M UALTIMOUK. MIX mylB-tbnrasnnSwAw n ltcnVN'S IRON BITTERS CDItED M ILK R. Daniels. 100 m n 1 ‘ ♦ I Macon. of chills and fever, which so pleased t'n in tiut tiiey recommend it to all their friends. BDINABY'8 OFFICR BIBB C »UNTY, OA.. Mat 22. lHHfi.-Wherefts, Iloland T. Bose, im executor of estate of James M. Gr»jr, late of Jones county, deceased, applies to me for diHDiiiodon, these are to cite all p* rsous concerned, to show cauae. If any they have, to the contrary at this office on or by the first Monday In Soptomber next, the same will ho granted Witness my band officially. jnnl-w3roo* JOHN A. McMXKUA Ordinary. the stand with the speaker. Hon. Robert H. May said: “Fellow citizens. It gives me great pleasure to I Introduce to you lion. A. O. Bacon, the next Gov ernor of Cloorgla.*' [Cheers ] CON. A. O. DACon’s SPEECH. BOWK*8 IKON tUTTBRS CURF.I> MR. I inr\ r\ T l .in • ftir.l, IT I'.nily Atlanta, Oa., when aufiering from a dull headache, bilious- and lots of appetite. FTS be informed of the mol infneed the conduct of their Governor, it BXctioa. therefore, on him; no insult to ■V..i AHpitv for inquiry to be made by the motives which influenced bis official br. instead of treating such inquiry Ki, should take pleasure in gratifying the 0 jJJjb jofcity of his people in the presiaee. rtTsrious temperaments among men; thetr sic diffetrnt; they frequently differ irdmtn-. »“ d he,,r ® m “ en ,n 1 ui, T ifto I of officials Is made by tbe 1 not unreasonable to expect that there Hh. % diffcreuce of opinions among them, hk'li oosition of Governor should, there- S *— « I 1 , ,\||S.U sss)4 tax* sVuh . h.Vwll the Amid cheering Major Bacon advanced to I rectiy in any sneculetton connected therewith, o front of the etand and spoke as follows: »!! b4# P? nl : I WONDEUFUI. ULCEUS. Atlanta, Oa., June 5, 1885. In 1878 there came on my band what waa „ „ .TTv s “ . umtlarr oucstiou. It will »lw.,s b. .n impo'ruat thonght to bo a carbnncloT which ran ita renow Citizen, ot Btcttmmd _CMiBtei It Is cer- *ue la tin. g.„.i„u u a. _Bn tl,. uMiithtsM conrae several monthe. broke, and dnallv tainly a matter ofsinceiest graflflcatlou to me to I of convicts are held under valid and binding con- | i. 00 i 0 j rpi, _ S ou this very complimentary atten- I tracts with the Hiate, they cannot be annulled by | utai eu. ino next S] Icient to justify the prsde of auy mau I legislative eimctment. The constitution of the I came oil my arms, Wl course several months, broke, and finally ring knots or nodes ich were thought to grateful because I provision. About this time my left limb below the Governor Colquit' Ijjitenatter reterre t jmnqtODee to iliqul Mi-fl* of Georgia. tl> Mb'Jut lie could no ic Miu-iti of l'niu>d Mtates Henator 7 Bid be in- ftoi«Ly it wam that, aftir having sought a utioQtotUt high office two short years be ttdwttu bis f*uttiy expense was as great as I ftnt j at jj r# Stephens’ request your corre- Janiro “rum “h.^sltrom WhM h'i “Pondeut hunled up and found the bill that iwkuown who would be bis successor, why I linnt'UgduQ belluVvd he could ptutt With iron do i _ while this is a personal compliment it is one which I * 1 Uo nut hesitate to say. however, after a consld-1 knee commenced swelling at a fearful rnte has ita Inducement and chief significance in the I eration of this t(uestion for more thau ten years, 11 un j f, n „ii v Aa . ntt li/x»l* . ... . ... oliUtf>1 hmV( , eome to th » e flxM oplnlon frit convict labor and finiU, y to a head and broke. Both —. - - w _- -- .. t - w r ad e I should uot bo iua<ie the means of private specula-1 a ?ips were sore, and I could hardly bear my mouths paatln this State, but which has suddenly I ti<»ua or of private gain, and that convicta should I weight standing, and hardly know howl aaaumed an altogether new complexion. I uot be engaged in tho production of articles the mnneoed to live thromdi it nil Almiit tliin I came to Augusta on a flying trip and with no sale of which will naturally be in competition with J™“SwiiSh at aSuS? thought of making a speech. I waa told to-day, J similar article* produced by free labor. The ob- I • l ™ e we BlOYeu from Cuthbert to Atlanta, however, that it waa your intention to make this I ject of tbe peuitentiary system Is to punish crime 1 began to despair of ever getting well; the demand upon me, so that while what I shall say te- I and to protect society. It is not designed to put I sore on my liuib WttS a regular eating Ulcer, night is not entirely will certainly lie I money either in the public treasury or lu the prl- now about threat inchon in lonnth tvn that for which I have had very littie opportunity vat* puree. P 0 ? about three lncheg in length, two I For these reasons, so aoou as it can be done con-1 ihches 111 width, seeming to be down to tho slatently with the obligation of the contract rela- bone, and discharging about a cupful of J * 4 w “ ‘ l,k m — a. • • still running, __ I sometimoH kbor of" tbe* sun" shall be I thought I would lose my reason „ „ .if itermanent public roads I A friend called on me one da have at different time* been etugested. but almost 1 and other public works of like character. By tbia I VttDDuzee and recommended if 11 R and all of them bad taken occasion to inform the pub- mesns the labor of the convict wiU be equally ..a’^ « * lie that they would not 1j* parties to the contest. I beneficial to all the public, and honorable free la- 1 w “" ccruunil would cure me. There were but two avowed candidates in the field. I bor will beptotci n d from a rompetitlon which U I in a short tlino I got my ton to get two ... eafe to say that there was never in I not only ruinous, but humiliating and degrading. I bottles, and I saw the improvement from a canvass so absolutely devoid of excite- I When the law waa enacted authorizing the pree* I *hft v*-rv firaL 1 Bavo tin* iA« n A l n >it nr cent or fwllng. A. It progri.std, tli. rat losses, th. S-.I. Id th, new condltlniTof .ftslr. *'??7f' . eight or drift of popular preference seemed to act steadily I had neither the experience nor the means required I n *be bottles, and my arms are entirely well, in one direction, and tbe popular mind waa quietly I for the best disposition of the convicts. It was I and the large ulcer on my limb has healed, adjusting Itself to the conclusion aa to what the I difficult in tbe most earnest consideration to satis-I 1 now feel like a new person thanks to result would be and, so far as can be gathered from I factorlly solve the troublesome problem which was I vnn - ..ui. - _„,i v « t> »» ’ the expressions of the pres* and of individuals, prevented. In rntch doubt, the Legislature I * 0UT nouie rtmea y» "• "• suit thus anticipated. Gordon say to the people of Oeor- Vflu b-1 honored him so highly, that V.'ucr« beyond his control refjulred he pRiimstonce? If he had to leave the Sen- kdsy's delay there was a reason for U. | $200,000. Tho money king wanted Gordon to vote hit* way—and Gordon voted! February 2flth.—This fight will cost ua much I most unfortunate feature lu the same was the I I length of the term of Jesse. In this matter, ss in the matter of the railroad I Mrs. Fannie Hall, 100 West Baker St, Atlanta, Go. IfutlotrrMnn? It may have been a good I money, but I think it la worth it. C. P. II. IKtthspfcple to whom General Gordon be-1 Nr.M Youu. July 2C, 18T0 —Friend Colton: liblMthry t>ad a right to do. They com- | havo been working tor the last tsro months to {, Jm spot kis conduct. They bad conferred I a party of say, twenty-five Southern mt where L. |sad signal honor* upon him. They had a I Congress U» go out to California. I told Senator Ibkcosvbjit waa that, a ter accepting thoe I Gordon of Osorgia if he could get up a i.teionUdtnly resigned them, lie was in I party of the best men of the Bouth, Ictot tbtlrctemy et Washington. Why did J we would pay all their expenses, which I supposo ■ down 11$ i-tmmlneion and retire from tbe 1 would not he less than flo.ouo, and 1 think it will p B* ju»t before the battle clowedT Now. all I be mouey well expended. When would be t 1 ^ae*bonithei*ople had a right to ask, aud I best time to come7 Yours, C. P. IIi niimu (»n. —• -■* — “ ‘ P. 8.—I have had several talks with Gordon and Jto-dav sent him a le ter~see copy. 1 have just re- tt»re*-eptifin of General Gordon's resigns-I ceivtd a dispatch to com# to Washingtou to-night 'vUft'.i Kid clandestinely made, it becams I and shall go. 14 Oowtuor Colquitt to appoiut his auc-1 New Yoke, August 7, 1878.—Friend Colton: ■ S[ potntuil-nt what waa he I am making frleuds iu tbe South for the houthern I’od.■? A»U been already stated, ha too. 1 Pacific. 1 have teiegrapbsd t*>-d»y to have you get iutru»tr«, bowl In this matter to carry I some prominent men in ran Francisco to telegraph L ke ei.I .»f th<* v»>vle. Bid he make a single I to Gordon, with other Southern met to go. V>hiio befsty livij g being except Oenerrl I Uonlou and come others are not afraid to go, Uor-s ",'1 bi* »rp"iutee as to whom he should | don tells me soma or nta friends do not liks to i H»rat in lb* I'uitml Ktatew Senate? Now, I on tho invitatlou of a railroad company. If I n [MrrrLuni; $iitn«rity tor others, when any I get the right men to go from the Houth to Cali cor- a ia their administration comes | i.ta wo shall capture all tbe Gulf States for C i a»u*U\ institute some inquiry aa to I 8. Pacific. IS v must wiu this fight. Yours truly. AN ATLANTA DUUGOIST. Atlanta, Jane 12, 1845. Daring tbe past fow month* I Imvo given II. B. B. seven, tests in the care of Blood Diseases, and unhesitatingly pronounce . dirGlon, In the > emocntlc party In this State tliet Tbe thltd btulntM qneatlon to which I uk your I tt Bn fe snre harmless nnd sneedv Blood Pntiflcr folly meriting th. cLfi/ence of and with ihe nse of hianame to heal all divisions | and will roqnirt* the attention of the Htate govern- I the public. My customer* are delighted and unite all factions; and that this high and pa- I meut in the next few years. Tbe people cannot be I with it« effects, and ti e demand luw *0 “ 1 - -^n hlm .heavily that it was | too carefiil daring all of the next fpor years to se« | WO nih r(nlly increased that I have been comj>clU*d to imy by the groan, an it is the ALWAYS™!*! EIGHTEEN SIZES AHDKI8D3 ttl PURCHASERS CM BE SUITED MANDFACTUHRU BY Isaac A.Siieppard & Co. .Baltimore,Hi AND P4» M * 03 BY ]) itoWN's IRON RITTKItS PROVBD A. O most effectual remedy in the case of Mr. John A. Watts, 81 Oartrell street, Atlanta, Oa., when suffer ing from indigestion. It pleased him so that he roe f£R C0UGHS«&CR0UP USE TAYLOR’S Ktf trlotic duty rested w , imperslive that he should sacrifice his private In-1 that all of their public servants shall be mi teresta and for the time abandon hi* gigantic bus* I tried fidelity and integrity, familiar with anu u«-i r------ -- --j-j — — — — iness engagements to other Htatee and save the I voted to the public interests, and incapable of any I BEhT aelhng blood remwty I lmndlo. party from final rupture and rain. manner of sacrificing one lot or tittle of the same I W. A. G lull AM, DrngglRt. I say foreshadowed, because there was a distinct j for the personal advantage of themeolvea orotl mavQlfri aUP&wkylm vision and Mtterneea existed, end because, whllo I nlty for some General Gt rdon was still In New York 1 was told by occasion of the half a dozen gentlemen in LeOrange that he had able property will written a !• iter to a friend of his iu the latter city. I cunning and the cn] which they had seen and read, and in which he had | railroad gamblers stated that if hta candidacy would heal tha divia-1 '** gigantic- speculation presented i. 0 dtsie T tel* | zeess*"sk? 3S&S! u X,r* ,l " ck They wiU swarm around and through the Capitol Frances Holliday, 48 Pulliam street, Atlanta, (la„ an affect iou of tha liver. Hbt it* effect and recommerw'# 1, f-r'J b-*t (lUcharge such duty. Whom II o.M.-it? Wb.Hi4> advice Is moat reliable? pba'l >4 my irtnm? are questions which nata* G. P. Homtinodom. New Yore, August 18, 1878.—FrUnd Colton: left Waahtnton on Friday, the 11th. 1 think ■an i n-tf*-**uj arise in such cases. But Gov- I matters are safe for the session. I eaw Gordon Just TC<ji-|uuia»kr<i undo of these questions. Nu I before I left 11* bad received the dispatch frem ..»t: a iu ntrrMary to enlighten hia Judg I ban Francisco, and he said he thought they woild At-n*f. «hMi tbs resignation waa received, got up a party of tuirty prominent Houthern men *>i ii-oq Wiu K. Brown to receive the ap-1 and visit California this fall, starting from this city l,ai [Situation.| about the 1st of evptember. Yours truly, . iwthwv, !«nuit me to direct attention t»I 0. P. UoRTnuino*. I nf tk* history of Governor Brown. I Naw Yoke, August 23, 1878.—Fnend Colton: You -•I* afirr tht clone of the war, when we all must have had a lively time In getting eo many -»:«un Gn.rgun at least ought to be a I good uam»s signed and sent on so short notice. 1 h x •and aquarely with hte people lu I «aw Gordon and several others before Congres ad- P 1 * 41 '* ,n conaui t, where wee Governor I Journed and they said they would go, but 1 doubt J : L ,li# ,l *rk dsys, when the honor of thu I it, aa most of tho members of Congress are looking ■ yw trampled |q »),» dust, did this gentleman I after their re-electiou. Youre truly, 7*, who had honored him so fre-1 O. P. Huim*ox>o». tSfiSStSS Ka No* Mr. Editor. I hsv. R ivenyon the let- of tk# ConfsdereSr went down Jo*. I tei» in detail, to show you that Uonlou waa of tbe Democratic party I tbe dtcou-duck that was to lnre Southern Bra/gHggttNP “Jf n ff* men Into the toils of the lobby. FaiUnc to ModM—llf with the lutbon u_ ( L. ltl intnulnnul HnnUno. tJ'“'“honi’jddereat. Why did he leave lbtn nmt ^2, ilunUD K f'V 1 f hu ffi'-Qda? Why did he feel it neoee-1 don h bill o! January 12th 18i7. drooping fl*g which marked the I While even*body else wam interested in W KSi # hi^ 0># „ i y b0 J? 4 I electing Mr. tilden, tbU GeorgU Senator hg oppeSomt Conul^M* 5*W*B 8 1 "" “ d ."“W *• f*ksaaatsrs that hs submitted to them I South through Huntingdon! influence— J Uwm to UuiJ tr t—It and re- which he Raya waa effected through and by h. ?ot\T.^m.fned V Dem^S While CongrcM was trying to aet- to the^wi !>n»traction tie the rreaidential difflcnlty, Gordon wm r ^ ( .r4u did. without affecting to lov. •‘voting the way the money k : ng* wanted fTTr’^ “. ,l w ' lh 'ro< htaalng th, rodih.1 him to vote.’’ Who knows where the Pgiffi»l*'gBRsi»Ae money i. no* being r.U«d to moke nU1 thU ....■““tin th. noroiosiloQ ot iiMlr cut. | neket in Oeorgl*? Some “money king lrn ‘ l kta pow.m for th< I msy he in the nur of John B. Uordon to Wl of *h« pemocmiic party in | „ tt t j, e jjtats rood to complete a line to tbe SL iS o«t aeorgii.. now.™ of» ►riCfrww* L . SUUSBU UIM U * t ,i r * cov *red the government? r** wkjhs questions for the a.'T* f«*don* tor the pnrpoeeof Jfff ber *- t would not criticise the fS or Brown harshly. My sole t .”5^. roar attention to the iaqut- lobbyist in office! Plain Tale. they were repeated to me), and that it waa hta pa-1 to despoil the people of this valuable property. I trlotic dnty to sacrifice his private Interests and go I Whether th# road shall be sold or again leased le a | down to Georgia aud quiet the excitement and heal question upon which there are differences of opln- thr divisions ny himself taking the office of Uov- ion among our people. But whether sold or leased, trnor. the <U*position made of it should be determined Tbe retirement of Judge Slmmone relieved him with an eye single to the public geod. and with no of the obUgation of thus sacrificing his privsts in-1 thought of Individual interset. whether that inter- teresta to patriotic duty, and the Genera) could have I set be that of friend or of foe. It Was built with the returned to New York with the satisfaction of duty I money of all thapeopla, it Is their common property fully iterforroed, end be could have then resumed I and they should all share equsllj in ita bensflta. his evaryday occupation of making sudden fortunes I I recognize that it ie for the people to ety through for himself and of building transcontinental rail- their chosen representatives whether the road shall roads for tbs fwople. All again waa peace, but af-1 be sold or again leased, but in either avenl, the ter th* retirement of Judge Hlmmuna the General I Governor will, in all probability, be clothed with suddenly leaps iutothe arena as a candidate, with I Urge discretionary powers lu tho execution of the the dramatic accompaniments of blare of trumpet I law enacted for the one or the other purpose. The and beat of drum, or waving plumee and flaabing I great and Immediate responsibility will doubtless eras. Having made up his mind to take the office I rest upon him to protect the Htate from the subtle of Governor to restore peace, be still intended to I and crafty achemea of tha great stock gamblara and have it even if he had to destroy peace. railroad speculators accustomed to the thought and No one will dispute the right * f the distinguished I the experience of making millions in the skillful gentleman to offer himself aa a candidate for the I manipulation* of great railroad properties. Bleep high office of the Governor ot Georgia. But I de- lees Yigtlanoe and universal effort will be necessary •ire to say here on thia first opportunity which has I on his part to enable him to properly discharge presented itself, that if the situation had been re-1 this great responsibility. versed, if Gen. Gordou had been a candidate before I In the effort he should be aided by a provision I the Democratic party for this nomination—if hia I in the Uw which would make it imperative that the candidacy had progressed to a point where be wu I property, if leased, shall be bshi, not only nomi-1 eommitttd to it beyond possibility of retreat and I nslty, but lu deed and in fact by those who are I more especially if hi* success eeemsd to be assured I citizens of Georgia. Hpeaking for myself, I am fre* I if 1 did not interfere by an opposing candidacy, no I to say that I do not persontily favor the sale of the possible circumstance* or influences could have lu-1 rua t. but prefer that it should be again leased. It I dneed or compelled me to antagonize him as a I ia not pr».tic*bl* for me now to state all the I candidate and thus precipitate the unfortunate con-1 grounus upon which X Las* thia preference. 1 will, [ filet which is now before ua. For this conflict which I however, mention three, which are of tbemaelv** be thus forces upon the party 1 am in no wise re-1 sufficient to control my Judgment: I sponsible. I will do him the Justice to say that I 1st. There is no med by the Htate for the use of I believe he has been unduly Influenced by others for I the money which would arise from the cate of the I the gratification of their own feelings and for the I r>>ad. It could only be used in tbe payment of tbe I furtherance of their own designs, which will doubt-1 public dett of the Htate. That debt te email, and I 1*m bo fully developed in tho progress of the cam-1 the high credit of the State enables it to be easily I I handled without increasing the rata *f taxation. I I* Mre to take advantage of this opportunity to I and tbe paymont of tbe interest on the same is not I mt. farther, that while 1 kuow that thu campaign I onerous to the people. The amount of tbe debt must necessarily be (heated, 1 shall do all lu my I wiU not be increased; hot if it ehoald be entirely * *- AJ “ There I paid off. the absence of the need of any money t» Chit-Chat on Dross. - - A of j,»lo yellow straw is trim poblio uisil when ho wu me d with folds of lilso weltet and s group ' b » 'lov.rn... auus. Th— I of y t i\ nw B n:l purple iris. Th. colors aro s soft that tho effect is quite charming. Toile d'sraigoeo in the most <lolirate tints of pink, bins or white is employed for flebns. Qnuxe nbbons with fine penrl edge .re used for trimming these w.b-Uk. crwi- , 'lo.ornor .'nlqout l-T^h-orw«w.ueiq.toJ ■ V,.* ' ''l tt, .Ituktioh. T! F-uT.;, T 1 '? 0 ' cu«u.lly. It ... .kti-Ofi. a wu ti.oir r I.-,.“ - 0 ' 1 f,| f »L»t i.AMtt theta tnw- klhutconSonod th. pound Fa r , », ,’ f I'—nior Jo..|hF, Urown.HR-u, S' kuaT. 1 know -hr Oordon, I tj n ,, [f ^ r,, °uaced In the public prints by I . , - . r ^ itll a i tr V lort<> ***• bu I Among th* newest notions are bead bon PfecaStaiLJw* hl « h pewition ti> make netH strong ou wire «o that they can be fajSff! I.Slrgg.Jy. ^riw Wtto form wd which an quite bi.1 A rt«ht P w k“o. .u ihS; traDsjilrent. Many ue made in black jet wiroroiu. id raf.rwnc. to | and in bine oxidized, »nd also in garnet._ tut no right to object thereto. will be no -nind ellmtlni" hr me. Th. l^iUruM. taeue, ot th. twmpnlsn. both u to penon. And u to nunree I propoM to dtante. before lb. i«opta. Most of the diaeaea* which afllirt mankind are origin- ally caosmI by a disordered condition of the LIVER* For an complaints of thia kind, such aa Turpfiitr ul the Liver, Bfttoaeoeae, Nsvvuas Dywprpci*. lod.qi-e- tioa. Irregularity of the Bowels, CJ.>ortip*t Ion, FUtn- lency, Ernctations and Burning of the htom*- h (saoMKim*rs called iWrtborn). MUmna, MaUrta, Blood/ Flax, Chills and Fever, Breakb>me Fever. Kxhaoatkia before or after Fevers, Chrooio Diar- rheea. Lose of Appetite, Headache, Fool Breath, Irregnlant’ee InrisiooUl to Females, Bearing-down SS%5!aV STADIGER’S AURftHTII is Invaluable. It iv not a panacea for alldiiMsaaaa, ,,i ’ PIIDP «!l disease*, .f th.» LIVER, will VMnR STOMACH and BOWELS. It changes the eompleiion from a wax/, jelluw tings, to a redd/, health/ eolor. It entin*!/ removes low. gloom/spirits. It ts ono of the BEST AL TERATIVES nnd PURIFIERS OF THE BLOOD, and I* A VALUABLE TONIC. STADICER'S AURANTII For sale by all Druggixta. Price 81.00 per bottle. C.P.3TADICER, Proprlotor, Uo so. FRONT 8T, V PhllndelphlB, Pa. Mulldemhw 8m Dish an sver-recurring excuse for extravegetiM in I m uttrastra, . . the expenditure of the public revenues. White I I Personal acta I propose to criticise, but the unclean I do Dot consider a public debt auch a public bleealsg I Mtudal*. the mere suspicion of which have brought I aa to ju*tify ita being unneccessarlly Incurred, vet I disgrace to our politics, will find do m action from where it already exists It exerts a conservative tnflu- and if they are again dragged forth and ax-1 *nc« ever public ezicsditure. posed to the public gaze, I trust B will not b* by I fid. If the sate of the road vbould bo subsequent- I theakd of any friend of mint. I ly shown te be a mistake it would be a mistake I propose te discuss only tha legitimate issues final and be/ond recall. If, on the contrary, an nBovn IRnw mrmrnta rn H irn wm which wtU enable the party to Jud*« of the relative I error ehowbl be made in the teas* of tbe road, the Bai /miir rv i, *’ * 1 ,V 5/ fitness of tha aspirants to thtahigh office. My I evil resulting therefrom would b* temporary and ^ ^ record of twelve coneecutive year*' service in the I would terminate with the base. Th* Urns may I toT tw0 *ad LegUlature ot thta State will be ategiUmate subject I eome whe* it wlU appear to be to th* wndowblod | wa* gsnerany broke* 4*wn. of examination end criticism by my opponents. I interest of the State to sell the road. b*t th* dr- Of ezamtnSUOn anu cnucwin oy wy opiKiuntw. I mwtmvi w. ui«.¥jpru ut ”. ,uw ,. ' . . I mill'ilH JnVPfl mnXTV Wmvitvxa tiura General Gordon's record aa a United Mates Henator I cuautance* which would Justify aoch conclusion (j?? j£nM a* iKSSKrrf jiJIfS will aIso be legitimately open to examination and aa beyond question do not now exisL _ .. . I 'J REMEDY —1 OF — SWEET GUM AND MULLEIN. Th« iwmI (is, u filktrid from * trt. of ih. ,.a« uaa *rowlB| atoag tha amiD itmai U th. Srethtra 0iai«t —sflM a ■UmbUUsg «ipr*\*r*st prlMlpU that Uomss th« fbU/m yrteMtag Ih* awt/ morning c.ogh, no t ailmw l*w* lh« *hU4 U threw off th* fnla* msmbrin* la «rrep u4 wha*t>lif M.,h. WUr i*abla*4 with th* b**Ust bi*. Ujliw*i H«* ^1* la th* msU*la plaat of th* *IS Cslds, pr*. M*Ut* T»rio«'| Canwcss RSWIBT Of Rwi.T Ot-w 4WW Stum u.« liut known reread/ hr Co*shi. Crcwp, Cregh sad C*a*«aptl«a; asd re pnUuVI*. on/ •kU4 U to Uk* tl. Ask y**f -Irnitltt ter It Prtre, S5e. f 1. WALTER A. TAYLOR. Atlanta. Oa. aU 4/ A«(i«u. DR. DIGGERS HffOKLEVKRRT CORDIAL. FOB TIIE BOWELS AND CHILDREN TF.ETHINQ. It la the ffreatSouthern remedy for the bowels. It Is on* of the most pleasant and efficacious re madia* for all Sommer complaints. At a a The wearied mother, losing sleep in nunlng the little on* teethiug, should ua* this medlcln*. •Oc. a bottle. Bend 2c. stamp to Walter A. Tay lor. Atlanta. Ga., for Hiddle Book. m Park n»»y Wus much fstor in Paris, tnwcislly with Isige bunches of iaa. Thus is » new kind of straw, It and Rlirtening, cosraely plaited— Uke willow in f»et, than straw—snd this French women gxcauy affecL .U* 1 *!*" ‘ h « ( Tnatmi. M *y 25 -Th. East “ ‘■sdsy'u r “l2* d I more i ft PUrsuan^ Master Wm. ^ | at for A csss fl: Enroot. w«s fii|v“ bnl “1r company K;*i rk P 16 embroitlercd on one trtl P*. {5® ../ ‘J^ -ilh’s ‘f'a -ork ws. so exquisitely don. tlmt the L'-Mict road kuowT u ixTltewsh I P rett J cre.tnre. sremed^ . six Inclie. of U.ll. and rein storm pwrod oxer this (Hendries) conmy ynUrdsy aftsrnoon, doing gres* Mi dsmsgo." Many osttls horxra were ■Sij^^o-KsaK i SJk to 'lorrtli. Nnoxville, Jan. I j . ofsixinehn Jfisr honsrehadnll O M 0, ‘’re" Mud “w. t C Xt & Thegrratre* lJO * “ “* pro -> damage U to th.«owiogwhrate'\'P- Tbs new rtop is now To destroyed along the track of ths storm. No lires were lott, so far M known, bnv s* eral booict wer* blown dowiL f «T Ihe Central Trust Tl, t,i 1 Jf* 10 * 1 this resorration * ll T,250,000, made fori te*tl l 'V Uyde, and hoUW •» «m- •a J*»» who know how to cock „t<l to crown tarn, a, a rrwanj for U. di.Uosui.fa—11 on tb. .luoafit f.,r wbl< l> Ui. r. at can ho I **”* *«• ‘ma-W law*, nttlltary MrT 1cm, wtUi thu iuprtm» honor .hlrh Uryclr enwU th. ao oonfof ravens, tetrad hr ijlimrin UtoM HITTKItq MMJ WM th. bishwt o«e» within tha m of tb. Slate. I thwState from tb. aus.: hot thia simil would. w . u> Fo.tar, 1M Fourth itrrat. Him. and which he voluntarily pul aside when U suited I tftacted upon by Individual* in their private af. hia personal conventenc* fain, cause almost all real estate to be offered for >%liR MK — on. Oe^ web and strong after being tnmbted with malax ia. U» But gentlemen, there are other queetion* for I sale that th* proceeds might be devoted to the I —, maideretion In tb* choice of * candidate for Oov-1 waee of the money lender. . . . I 1)11 Y?L2 Instant relief. Final nor beside* thrw* which are purely personal to I 3d. A final reason with me against th* sal* of the I X lLLh< daye^&d never return Uon* of high honor, but U ia also on* of grave I strongest guarantee of a fond for th* maintenance I duties. It ia an office in which there are heavy I of the public schools of th* Htate. without resort-1 basins— responsibilities affecting th* material in- ing to direct taxation of th* property of th* citizen f ewre into • days.and never return*. No purge, ppoettory. Hufferera will Irens nf* remedy Free by addressing 0. J. MAHON. Tl ■Greet. N. Y. decMwly teresta of the pedpl*. for thta pwirom. DKOWITi I ROM IlITTKIIS CIIIKI) Jill Th, arsdirate-f won’t rto* f..r th.t te gffm- I rn-M thM tea qaraftow of Ih. rata "“‘•Jr*** li C. r. Dlio^ M tUodolph .lrw.1. Colwmbu. Ua.. sivetoeome, and syndicate sounds better when I of tb* roed ie on* of private judgment upon which I ^/ter suffering for nmtitr* with Ml lone tmrtr and ■read la «mnectiow with to ky | good me* differ. aadtU ttaJetermtoatam W-iy | fladtognotSSg to WrTflTbtm certain city, flooded the State with circular* which ware presented to thooaanda of people with ^^^^Mimportuufty that they would sign tbe beloegsto the people throogh their representattve* I — ■ - ■ ■ | ££*b. I CSir3i JS&T.ZS 5.^ I Notice-Stock Law for Jones Co. Gen. Oordo* to become * candidate fur O—-nor. I out retire to tbe same in no I MOItJ * °* Joa ” rouuty, Cia. on the first particular to direct that this | 1 toketbU^occaalonjo^saj that if S—Adti dirty | Wednesday In July, DH8, for ** fence" or "no fence*’ ‘ *“ £—the—raree**nty of Joaec. and each vot—f 1 militia dUtrlr W itttii ny bui dally. liOLtNB T. BOBS. Ordinary. kyiw IwiooftiinKy to .Items in raMotoMx^owWUMoo." I ».onld .Irrolra npoo mr. I pl'dt. mjMlf lo d.rote 1 ....... .. u tavit J»wld h. vnMBted for tesubuw I enrr • *“ •••““*. •“ I b, Isw nqwlrwd to rote In hte own k ehMtr. if sot ^lortaiter. to tb. hwtDM. WWW of I tbnroacUx port Is tki. BA ter th. [roblta tour- TU. sotkw Ihwwof Mrordln*ly. W u Ih. StMTO Um It orawmd to jew why on1 j bwat-1 Mt. without rrfamew t. th. ptnotel dwtew* of | MJ ri ,ij ; BOLASP T. ROT: h ROWM-s utojf niTTEits ritovri. a wundarfol to Mr. Frank T. ltj.ii. clrrk of Uw>Kuprrm. Court, Atlanta. O,. It ih. fraqc.tu-y of .tuck, of ..uniat. Mtd t—torM M. •transth. U. U now ran ly tnml.lrd with | .to. LIST OF DI-V_4SES ALWAYS CCRACUt BY CStJCO MEXICAN MUSTANG mmiENT. » of spoew’ative rfng<or syndic and each wishes wiU txdj be re— May« •hown to t* c*.L*Utert with j for the Htate. a ter, 1 mention the pub- 1 that she r op nrMix push. HhctimalU.n, Dorn* and Mines nnd Sites, Cutac.Md Hrul-. w, hprnlns tV Stitches, Contracted JIuil'a-v, SrlfT Joints, Backache, Eruption*, Frost Dltes, and a,’1 e z tcntal-1 tecaecv, a nd e' Fog general as* ia family, stable and stock yard Til 13 BUT OP ALL JUJLJ3 iA.'.LjC4A'tl A 0F AXIUiU. f*crslekw, Horcs and G&lta* spavin, Cracks, '■•re— Worm, (.'rub. Foot Rot, Hoof Ail, Lamoncaa, Swiss/, Founders, r-p.'Atne, Strains, [.4er« Feet, eryhurtoraccb.'snt.